Devlin's StoryChapter 3 free porn video

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"Where did you and Jeff sneak off to last night," Sabrina said as they waited for the school bus the next morning. "I didn't see either of you out on the dance floor."

She was a thin girl of medium height with natural strawberry blonde hair. She had practically grown up in the nudist resort her parents owned and operated. Some of the kids at school thought that made Sabrina a slut or something. A lot of the girls in school had learned otherwise. Devlin was the only one who knew that a lot of Sabrina's reputation was deserved, but that was something she didn't share with other people.

"The nurse's room," Devlin said. She brushed her hair back out of her eyes--today was windy and her hair was blowing everywhere.

"And did you... ?

"When we were dancing I could feel his thing growing," Devlin said, smiling at the memory. "You know how that is."

"Yeah. Sometimes I like to push myself against the guy and see how big I can make it."

Devlin laughed. "You're a hopeless tease. This one felt like a leg. It kept growing and growing, and after a while I was afraid it would rip his pants or something."

"I've noticed that happens a lot to you, Devlin. You know some of them aren't dancing with you, but with your boobs."

"Yeah, I've noticed. But Jeff doesn't seem to be that way. Anyway, after a while I just had to find out how big it really was." She laughed. "Besides, he was looking uncomfortable. I guess it must be pretty hard walking around with something like that."

"That's what guys say. So, what did you find out?"

Devlin put down her book bag and put her hands on her leg about 10" apart. "I measured it. And it was thick enough I couldn't get my hand all the way around it, either."

"Oh, you poor girl. That sounds fabulous." Sabrina's eyes grew dreamy. "And as long as you had it out you had to find out how well it worked. What was he like?"

"Well, he was a virgin, but he learned fast. And he recovered fast, too." She waited, knowing Sabrina was going to ask. "Four times."

"Four times? Oh, man. You must be really sore down there!"

"Um, I was a little sore down there afterwards, but not that much," Devlin admitted. "Now I know what they mean by the phrase 'loose'. I've taken more, though, you know that. I've just never taken one that big."

"Four." Sabrina shook her head in awe. "Girl, by the time you got home you must have been floating on a cloud."

"That's not all of it. Danny got home from his trip yesterday."

"No! And did you... have you two had a chance to... ?"

"Yesterday before my date." Devlin giggled. "We were still in bed when Jeff showed up."

Sabrina laughed, holding her hand over her mouth. "Oh, lordy, I can see it now. Jeff's downstairs, waiting, and you're upstairs frantically trying to put your clothes on."

"It was about like that." Devlin stiffened slightly. "Here comes Sue Ellen."

Sabrina saw the girl and waved. Sue Ellen was the other girl of high school age in Toluca. She had long straight brown hair that framed her oval face and glasses. Today she was dressed in a blue and white checked skirt, a white blouse and white knee-high stockings.

"You two seem happy about something," Sue Ellen said as she sat beside Devlin. "Nice dress. Is that new?"

"My mother and I made a shopping run to Peru a couple of weeks ago," Devlin said. She was wearing a knee-length light blue sleeveless dress over a white blouse. "I couldn't believe something that fit me so well was on sale. Because of my bust I always have to have things tailored for me."

"She always finds nice things to wear," Sabrina said. She plucked at her dark red slacks. "Not like me."

"You don't take that much interest in clothes," Sue Ellen said. "If you did you'd know how much fun it is to go shopping."

"I like shopping," Sabrina said, "but I've never been that interested in clothes or dressing up." She laughed softly. "I guess that's because most of the time I don't wear them."

"Even at home?" Sue Ellen asked.

"Mother insists we wear clothes when we're at home," Sabrina said, "but we're not home all that much, especially with the weather warming up like it is right now. You know, last weekend I was reading this magazine, and this scientist said women love to shop because it's part of her genetic make-up."

Sue Ellen and Devlin both broke up. "He said what?" Devlin asked. "Our genes? Sounds like something a man would say."

"It was a woman who said that," Sabrina said. She didn't join in the laughter, but her face grew serious. "And think about it. Back in hunter-gatherer societies women were the ones who did the gathering. They would be out trying things, looking at food, berries, leaves, all those sorts of thing. They'd do this in groups, and they'd try all of these different things. I've seen documentaries on TV; that still goes on in those Amazon tribes and things like that. If that doesn't sound like shopping, I don't know what does."

"Um, well, if a woman said it, maybe," Sue Ellen said. "If a man said it I'd think he was being patronizing or something." She shrugged. "Maybe. Yeah I guess that sort of makes sense when you describe it that way."

"I can see it," Devlin admitted. She saw the bus turn the corner and got to her feet, brushing at her dress. "It sounds a little crackpot, but I guess it makes sense."

The bus was crowded and most of the kids were talking about the dance the night before. Devlin settled back in her seat, listening, smiling occasionally as some of the comments came her way. Except for Sabrina nobody seemed to have noticed that she and Jeff had snuck off. That was just the way she wanted it.

She and Jeff had lunch together. Jeff seemed a little nervous, at least at first. When they had a few moments to be alone she ran her toe up the inside of his leg. He jumped, his wide eyes fastened on her in surprise.

"Mum's the word," Devlin said softly. Jeff nodded just as several other kids sat down at their table.

Jeff remained quiet and didn't really look at her, at least not at first. But as the other kids chatted about this and that he seemed to unbend a little. He wasn't laughing and joking with them, but he didn't seem to jerk in surprise every time he heard his name or someone mentioned the dance.

"He's a quiet one," Annalee said as they changed for P.E. "But you probably like that."

"He doesn't grab me when we're dancing," Devlin said. "Most guys do, and we both know why. He's a pretty good dancer, too. I like that."

"I suppose," Annalee said. She started to say something else, and hesitated. "He gets good grades, is he going to college?"

"He's been accepted at Illinois State," Devlin said. "So have I."

"Cool. Then you can see each other there, too."

"I know. I'm kind of looking forward to that."

P.E. was the only class she didn't really care for. It wasn't the idea of physical exercise that bothered her, she did her dance exercises every morning without fail and P.E. was mild compared to those exercises. It was the kind of physical exercise that she didn't like. She loved to swim and she loved dancing, but in P.E. class they ran, they played soccer and basketball and did other things like that. Their P.E. instructor seemed to think exercise was always running and jumping, and that's what she hated. When she ran her boobs bounced all over the place, sometimes hard enough that they felt sore afterwards. Some days she found herself tucking her arm up under her boobs to support them. A sports bra was supposed to support her boobs, but they didn't seem to work for girls as big as she was.

She went through sports bras about as fast as she went through her regular ones. She hated wearing them--they always felt like they were squeezing her in half. The ones that gave her the best support were so tight she couldn't draw a deep breath. She decided this must have been the way it felt to wear a corset. The one she had now also pinched her, which was another reason she liked to get out of it as soon as she could. She thought it was funny that the only thing she could wear that gave her enough support but didn't bind or hurt her in some way was a tube top. And those never gave her enough support even if they did squeeze her rather tightly. That was the problem with a big bust.

After P.E. she had study hall. She got a pass to go to the library, where she found a desk and chair in the corner and settled down. She wasn't a bookworm, not like Sue Ellen, but she liked to read, and at home she was working her way through a rather long bodice ripper that her mother had just finished. The real reason she liked the library was that the librarian enforced silence, something that the teachers never seemed to do in the study halls. This let her get a lot of her homework done from her morning classes. She would only have homework from her afternoon classes to take home with her tonight, which meant she could spend more time with Danny.

Sabrina and Sue Ellen were chatting about something while they rode the bus back home. Devlin sat next to them, occasionally adding a word or a comment. She'd like to have time to talk with Sabrina some more. They usually found time during the day, but today it seemed like it had been one thing after another that prevented it. It wasn't like she had questions, either. In nearly four years of evenings with Danny and the parties they went to there were very few things she felt she didn't know. No, it was just a chance to get someone else's perspective, someone she trusted. She missed that.

"... and he was getting a stiffy," Sabrina was telling the other girls when Devlin finally tuned in. She held her hand out, palm down, and slowly extended her index finger. "I don't think he noticed, either."

"I would think guys would, like, you know, be able to feel something like that," Merilee said, giggling. "I mean, well, wouldn't it be obvious?"

"I don't know," Sabrina admitted. "Guys don't say, and I've never figured out how to ask them. Certainly Brian's mind was on something else." She giggled. "Well, actually, I don't think it was his big head that was doing the thinking." The other girls all giggled along with her. "Just the little head."

"So what happened?" Annalee asked, her eyes shining as she tried to picture the scene.

"After a bit his wife said something to him. He put his hands over it and ran off. We didn't see him for a while."

"Was it..." Merilee licked her lips. "How big was it?"

"Nothing to write home about," Sabrina said casually. She held her hands up so they were less than 6" apart. "I suppose he thought it was big, and they have a couple of kids so it must be long enough to do the job, but I've seen bigger. What I really think is funny are some of the guys who work out with weights. There's this one guy, he has huge shoulders and muscles on muscles, just like the body builders you see on TV. But his thing is so small you almost can't see it."

"He's probably over-compensating for it or something," Annalee said. She looked outside. "Whoops, this is our stop. See you guys later." She and her sister grabbed their things and hurried to the front of the bus.

"It just means you can never tell until they take their clothes off," Sabrina said. "One of the women at the resort said she used to believe all of that nonsense about big hands or big feet. But after six years of going to nudist resorts she could honestly say she couldn't see any way to relate hands and feet to a guy's thing."

"It isn't how big it is when it's relaxed," Devlin said quietly so only Sabrina could hear her. "It's how big it is when it's up."

"There's still now way to tell," Sabrina said. She was quiet until they got off the bus a few minutes later. "Have you ever taken that good a look at the guys at those parties?"

"I'd have thought you'd be the one who'd know," Devlin said, smiling to take any sting out of her words.

Sabrina shook her head. "I don't see them when they're up all that often, Devlin, at least out at the resort. You know that. I thought you'd know from seeing them at those Friday night parties you go to."

Devlin shrugged. "Guys don't walk around with hard-on's," she said. "They might get a little hard, but not very much. It's only later, when you're getting some serious mattress time that you find out what they've got."

"What about, you know, those piles on the floor?"

"Okay, there you know." Devlin laughed. "But you usually don't have a chance to see the guy's face when you see his dick. Usually all you see of a guy is his dick, and sometimes not even that."

Sabrina slowed, staring off into the distance. "You know, sometimes I've wondered what that's like, getting screwed by a guy anonymously."

"Usually you're so excited you don't think about it," Devlin said. "You're busy sucking some guy, and somebody just puts it in you. You don't ask questions, you just let things happen as they will. He's not looking for a pretty face, either. He sees an unoccupied pussy and just slides it in. That's okay, but I prefer to see the guy I'm doing it with."

Sabrina sighed. "Well, maybe I'll get to try it sometime." They were at the corner and Sabrina turned towards her house. "We're not going out to the resort this weekend. Dad has things he has to do in town, so if you want to come over we'll be home."

"We'll see," Devlin said. "Mom was making noises about shopping this weekend, and Jeff was saying something about Sunday afternoon."

Sabrina nodded and waved. "Well, let me know. See you tomorrow."

Devlin nodded and continued walking. She liked the group fun, a room full of naked people all having sex with each other. There was nothing quite like it anywhere. Your skin was on fire and everything you touched excited someone. It was a great communal feeling that made you closer to those people than you could explain. She liked it, but she much preferred just herself and a guy, one on one. Then you could take your time, explore each other, and satisfy whatever needs that had brought the two of you together.

"How was school?" her mother called as Devlin came through the front door.

"Okay," Devlin said. She put her books down and followed her mother into the kitchen. Her mother had just gotten up, her hair was still a mess and she was wearing her robe. She fixed herself a cup of instant coffee while Devlin got a small orange juice out of the refrigerator.

"How was work last night?"

"Same-old same-old. Not much changes. I'm training someone new tonight, so I'll be staying a bit late."

"Want me to fix anything for you before I go to bed, a snack, dinner, anything?"

Her mother shook her head. "No, I'll skip it tonight. It's Sandra's turn to bring in snacks so there'll be plenty to eat."

Devlin nodded. When her mother headed for the bathroom and the shower she went upstairs to change, nothing fancy, just jeans and a shirt. She was well enmeshed in her homework when her mother finally rejoined her in the kitchen.

"What is it?" her mother asked, looking at one of the pages Devlin had written out in longhand.

"English composition," Devlin said. "We have to write an essay on something we like to do."

"Let me guess, dancing."

Devlin looked up, smiling. "What else?"

"I wish you could have kept up your dancing."

Devlin put her pen down. "With this bust the only dancing somebody does is in a bar, and I just couldn't see myself doing that. I'd probably die from terminal embarrassment or something."

"Probably. I know I would. I just can't see how they do that."

"I'm told they make good money at it. I read that strippers in a bar take home $400-$500 a week in tips."

"That's not that much, when you think about it."

"It is for just taking off your clothes." Devlin picked up her pen. "No, being naked in a room full of strangers just doesn't appeal to me."

Her mother nodded. "We'll skip over how I'd feel if you were doing something like that." She headed upstairs to get dressed, and Devlin returned to her essay. She was thinking of another essay, one she planned to write tonight about what else she liked to do. After all, nothing was said about turning in just one essay.

When Devlin got over to Sue's the woman was busy loading the washing machine. One thing about babies, they needed an endless supply of clean diapers. Devlin took over the loading while Sue sorted through the ones fresh out of the dryer.

She knew Sue and Danny had sex, they'd had two kids since Sue was paralyzed in the accident. But she knew Sue couldn't feel anything from just above her waist on down. That meant she got no real enjoyment out of the act. Danny was hornier than any two guys, so nobody should be surprised that Danny had sex with both of them. Sue wanted Danny to be happy, hence their 'arrangement'.

While Devlin continued with the wash Sue started dinner. When Danny got home he played with the kids. After dinner Devlin took her homework upstairs. As was customary, Danny joined her a few minutes later.

"What's your homework for tonight?" Danny asked as they got undressed.

"I have to complete an essay, and I have business math and accounting," Devlin said. She folded up her bra and panties and laid them neatly on top of her jeans. She ran her hands under her breasts; it felt good to get out of that particular bra. As she got on the bed she made a mental note: it was time to shop for a replacement. The elastic on that one was about shot.

Danny lay next to her, his hand cupping the soft flesh of her breast. He kissed her along the neck, just a teasing kiss, a brushing of his lips against the super sensitive skin just below her ear. She purred at the feeling.

"Big or not, I think you have pretty breasts," he whispered, kissing his way down to them. He flicked his tongue across her nipples, making her buds tighten and stand up.

"I bet you say that to all the girls carrying a pair of jugs around like this," she teased.

"Um, not every one, just the ones with really sensitive nipples." Her chuckle turned to a gasp as his lips closed on her bud, sucking it deep into his mouth. "And quite frankly, I can't think of many women I've met who have a pair like this. I know a couple of gals with large chests, but I think they got them from surgery." He hefted her breast and kissed them. "I know these are real."

Danny continued to kiss and suck her breasts, and then slowly kissed his way down her body. Devlin sighed happily when he parted her legs and buried his face against her sex. She'd read a lot about oral sex, and in some of the novels she read the girls absolutely loved it. Butch hadn't really ever gone down on her. He was more interested in looking and touching her sex. Danny, on the other hand, had believed that oral sex was a necessity. And after the first time he had taken his wonderful tongue to her she had agreed.

Now she just lay back, her mind blank, trying to guide him a little as he licked and probed all of her most sensitive places. He was really quite good at it, as the warm feelings that filled her proved. She came every time he went down on her, and tonight was no exception. She came in a gentle rush of heat, her whole body lifting and straining as everything just sort of flowed.

Her climax always meant one thing, and as Danny kissed his way back up her body she could feel his hardness brushing her legs. She was fully open for him and smiled when she felt the first nudge of his manhood against her sex. When his face was level with hers he reached between them, guiding it to the right place, barely parting the lips of her sex with his blunt head.


She anchored her heels on his thighs, running her hands up his sides and grabbing his back. "What are you waiting for, you big stud, put it in."

He smiled and pushed, opening her, lodging the first inch of his manhood inside her. Another thrust, and he slid nearly half of his hardness into her.

"Umm, I like that," she murmured. Before he could move again she squeezed. She felt blocked up down there, and when she squeezed he felt so big.

"You'll like this even more," Danny said, and thrust again when she relaxed, sliding all the way home.

"Yeah, I do." She squeezed again, and then drew him down for a kiss. Their tongues slipped and slid around each other for a few seconds before they parted.

"And how about this?" He drew back until just his tip was in her, and then slid in again in one heated rush.

After a few thrusts like that Devlin began to push back against him, timing it so their thrusts coincided. In seconds they found their rhythm, a rhythm she had learned from Butch and perfected with Danny. He slid into her deep, hard, fast, filling her each time. She grinned up at him, matching him stroke for stroke.

They kissed, a fevered kiss of lips and tongues mauling each other. They broke for air, gasping as their bodies moved. She was on fire, taking everything he had to give her, taking it and wanting more. She could feel her body, alive now like it had not been all day. She loved this. She lived for these moments in a man's arms, his body and hers entwined, giving, receiving, striving upward, propelled by the his body joining hers.

She could feel it now, the rising, and the desire to pull him deep within her. She arched up into him, seeking a deeper touch, trying to pull him all of the way inside her. Her body wasn't hers to control now. It was on autopilot, rising upward, higher, farther, opening up to finally burst in a million pieces of white heat.

She drifted back, a patch of eiderdown adrift on a sea of pure feeling. She could feel Danny's arms cradling her, she could feel the urgency in his body as his own will crumbled and he filled her with his cum. She moved, adjusting slightly as he relaxed, joining her in that drifting world of pleasure.

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Mera ek dost Rashid hai jisne apna ek asli wakiya sunaya tha. Yeh uski kahani uski apni juban se hai. Mera naam Rashid hai aur yeh us samay ka wakiya hai jab mai 21 saal ka tha. Hum Jaunpur ke rehne wale hain aur mere ghar mein mere Abbu aur Ammi ke alava ek choti behan Salma hai jiski umar 18 saal hai. Hum dono bhai behan Lucknow mein padhte hain. Main University mein BA mein padhta hoon aur Salma Lamartinaire mein padhti hai. Who school ke boarding mein rehti hai aur maine University ke paas...

2 years ago
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La Chatte Heureuse The Happy Pussy Ch 1

Chapter 1: A Step into the UnknownHow does a twenty-two-year-old woman with negligible previous sexual experience end up working at a place of debauchery like La Chatte Heureuse? My urgent need for a well-paid job is a good excuse for my initial fall into the dark but alluring world which La Chatte Heureuse offers its members. But that doesn’t explain my decision to stay, nor my willing participation in the additional duties Monique has ‘invited’ me to perform. Can I ever return to what most...

3 years ago
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Local Adult Theatre

So, last night, being bored out of my wits and not in the mood for dealing with drunks, I decided to drive to my local Adult Theatre. Mind you, I am not shy, but cannot afford to get in trouble. So, I walked in and there were five or six males jacking off in both screening rooms. I sat down just to observe the dynamic, while a huge cock tight ass movie is playing. Men started spurting and mouths and holes fed. Bodies started tucking away their meat and leaving the theatre. I got up and stood...

4 years ago
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Alex to Alina Chapter 6 Surprise

Chapter 6: Surprise I set the package on the bed and retreated to my computer. Sure enough, my card had been charged the night of the drunken incident. I had done quite a number on myself while blacked out apparently. I turned to the package. What had I gotten myself? I had a feeling it wasn't going to be manly. My hands reached out and scooped up the package. I laid it in my lap and gently unsealed it. I cooed unnaturally as I slid out the contents. I read the receipt, it was...

4 years ago
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Daughters Dream 2

If you haven't read Daughter's Dream, then I would like to state that all characters are over the age of 16. Enjoy.I woke up the next morning in my bed. I licked my lips tasting a little bit of Daddy's cum on them. Hmm, so it had happened. Wonderful. I looked over at my clock, it was 9:00 am, Daddy should still be asleep. I'll just slip into his bed... I miss the feel of him, the feel of his warm hairy body against mine. I slowly got up only in a short shirt, and eased my way down the hall to...

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TangentChapter 24 Lions

Ensign Legios of the Sixth Mounted Rifles tried not to rubberneck like a country bumpkin seeing his first town market as he stood waiting in Captain-General Harmakros' field headquarters. The headquarters was in the common room of an inn commandeered for the purpose. Legios had seen better inns in his day. But it wasn't the building that riveted his attention, it was the man sitting at a trestle table, listening to a logistos report. The Captain-General was waving a roasted leg of some...

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Muslim Men

My name is jenny Carter,42 im a married mother with one daughter who is 17, my husband Brian is an independent  engineer who works all over the country, and this takes him away from home  most of the time so my daughter and I are mostly alone, this is fine by me as we have a beautiful home and are financially secure, our sex life is routine id say but nothing kinky or out of the ordinary, whilst  my husband is away I take care of the home and the usual mother things so all is good in our house,...

2 years ago
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Rebecca Pees at Peter and Stacy 2

REBECCA STATES HER FANCY FOR 'P' -- AND BI-SEXUAL ABUSIVE SEXRebecca discloses it in a comment at a FFM trio SEX VIDEO -- with PEEHer hot hopes for foxy fornication with a 'switch' man 'n slave domineeRebecca is discrete. She demands the same of her sex partners in realHer fantasies are less strict as she has a vivid dominating imagination!Rebecca is turning on our dear readers by promising to show a videoHer lookalike has her way with slave-girl Stacy and 'hubby' Poet-Pee!Rebecca is trusting...

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Runaway TrainChapter 110

Denny and I resumed our seats and he reintroduced Regina Hart to the crowd. She gave a little wave and headed our way. We stood as gentlemen are supposed to when a lady enters the room. I extended my hand to her but she slipped inside and gave me a kiss too close to my lips for my liking. It immediately became obvious that she planned to sit next to me on the small couch. It soon became clear that she planned to sit as close to me as humanly possible on the small couch. She took a seat and...

3 years ago
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Maths Teacher Coaches Then Rewards Me

I am narrating this story when I was about 20 yrs and studying in college. I am a good looking, fair, handsome guy, I was well mannered and well behaved and liked by most of my teachers. Ms. Nancy and her special way teaching, I not only got high marks in the math final, I also got lucky in screwing her. She had long black hair, nice big tits, and a fine ass. I never realized a woman of forty-six could be so damn sexy! I used to go to her home for studies and most of the times her husband was...

1 year ago
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Stellas friend Eva

On my second visit to Stella on my own she had a visitor in the flat when I arrived. Stella introduced me to Eva, introducing me as 'her friend'. Eva was another resident of the complex who was rather older than Stella but also aparently in good health and quite fun. I was really waiting for Eva to leave so we could have our fun. After a while Stella said - 'Eva is in the same boat as me - she lost her husband 2 years ago and hasn't had a man since, I've been talking to Eva about our little...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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USA Part Time Job Sex Experience With Desi Girl

Hi all! My name is Swarup (name changed) I am a great follower of iss. Here I am going to explain about my first sex experience. Her name is Preethi (name changed) set assets are 34-26-36 nice and big boobs. Her height is 5’9 she is from Hyderabad. I came to USA for masters and parallel started to work in subway by my work and skills I became manager to the subway in short time it was summer time most students from different universities where part time jobs were less used to try for part time...

3 years ago
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Im getting some Oh Im getting some

I am sick and tired of this, I can't take it anymore. I'm going damn near insane. How could this have happened? And to me of all people. Well it's not like I am super special or that I'm better than everyone else. But shit! This is just pathetic and something has to be done. What sickens me the most is that I have actually become complacent with the situation. Where have my standards, motivation and drive gone? Maybe it was the move, yea... that's it! Makes perfect sense. That's around...

1 year ago
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The Princess and the HoundChapter 6

Taking the dog to a veterinarian was out of the question. Besides, Katharina comes from a line of healers, so she figured that she could take care of it. Besides, the dog, which is considerably large, seemed to have only suffered damage to his forepaw. With her limited skill as a healer, Kat fixed him right up. Now she sits with the big dog’s head on her lap, almost mindlessly stroking the top of its head. “Now what should we call you?” she asks absently, her mind a flurry with names. “How...

3 years ago
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Main Or Cab Driver

Hi friends mera naam asmita hai or age 32 main last 2-3 saal se yaha stories pad rahi hu . Aaj main aapko meri life ki real story batane ja rahi hu. Stoy kafi badi hai … Main asmita from navi mumbai age 32 ek shadishuda mahila hu muje 2 bachhe bhi hai . Main or mere pati pvt company main job karte hai . Main humesha office jane ke liye share auto / cab se jati hu aaj kal yahi option jada use hota hai. Baat august month ki hai jab main hamesha ki tarah morning ko office jane ke liye share cab ka...

2 years ago
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The Hidden UncleChapter 7

“Oh my god, you’re a fucking perverted slut.” Her first words spoken aloud the next morning are to herself. Last night changed everything. Sure, it was a little crazy for Uncle Ryan to show her that movie, but parents something do that to provide guidance to their kids about life and stuff. No, what was crazy was her. God, what must he think of her ... masturbating right in front of him? No, of course, he didn’t think there was anything wrong with that. No judgement, just choices. But given...

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My Life Part 19 The Impregnation of Priya

As she hugged and kissed me goodbye, Mounika admonished her... "Hey go shower and get to bed. You have a test tomorrow, don't you." Priya rolled her eyes at her sisters uncharacteristic bossiness. But she headed to the shower just the same. Mounika caught me at the door. "Have a good night, I will text you when she is in bed, oh and lock the door when you come back in.". She kissed me and then said with her bright smile, "Oh, and come get a kiss from me before you leave on the...

3 years ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 11 77 Denmark Hill

WE SAID our farewells to Petersen and headed down to catch the bus back up to Chiswick, where we would use the Underground from there. “Are you alright, Edgar?” Mary was concerned. I suppose I had gone rather quiet while Petersen discussed the different operations carried out on his leg, before the doctors finally decided to take it off. “Yes. I hadn’t had the same problems as Petersen, Mary. You know, the series of operations, the hopes first raised and then dashed each time. I was dragged...

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Dukes Sex SlaveChapter 5 Duke Daze Continued

As previously mentioned, The Duke led me into a world of sex not seen in too many books. And I loved it! Which, over time, made me very good at giving sexual pleasure. I found that the more of a "giver" I became, the more I enjoyed it myself. To hear someone, man or woman, moan in appreciation as they unloaded because of my manipulations was beyond heaven to me. And it was way more real. The Duke once had me suck off an elderly black cab driver when we didn't have quite enough money for...

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Cheryl Christine Together

My sister-in-law, Cheryl, is the sexiest woman I have ever known. At the time this happened, she was about 35 years old and I was 32 or so and had known her for about ten years. She stands 5’9” tall and has long, dark hair, a gorgeous face with full, pouty lips and a creamy complexion. Cheryl is on the slender side with long, beautiful legs and a perfect ass. As I have described before, though, I am totally a breast man and it is her tits that are world-class. She has perfect 38DD...

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My Fucking family 2

My sister had just come out of the closet with a handful of clothes and told me to take off the swimsuit. She laid out a pair of white cotton panties with cherries on them and a matching bra. A short pleated plaid skirt and a white button down shirt. She also laid out some white thigh high stockings and some black Mary Jane platform shoes. She said this one was mine.She laid out a nearly identical one except that her plaid skirt was green whereas mine was red. She told me to get dressed but...

4 years ago
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A Christmas Surprise

As the 24th of December came about like it does every year, the gifts under the tree began to pile up. There was just my girlfriend and I, but the amount of presents under the tree this year was unbelievable. Although I'm not one to shake and guess what they were, the excitement was really getting to me. I was like a kid again, hardly able to contain my excitement and urge to just rip apart the wrapping. Although Trish had been acting a little strange up until that point I just thought...

2 years ago
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Second ChancesChapter 7 Changes

When we got back home I summoned Horatio and he showed right up. "Horatio, you didn't tell me that I could walk through locked doors." "Sorry about that but everybody makes mistakes." "What else haven't you told me?" "You will have other powers as you need them. Just remember that you are not invincible and can get hurt just like anyone else." "Thanks, I'll be careful." Jean piped up, "You better because I plan on having you around for a very long time buster." I looked...

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Fireside Fantasy

With an almost silent grunt of release, her back arched fully, her hips ground into the lounge, her soft thighs and stomach straining, she shuddered under her hands as she came. Breathing raggedly, she shivered with the aftershocks of her pleasure, one hand resting gently over her throbbing clit, feeling the warmth and moisture from her lips. Her other hand slipped one more time beneath the fabric of her panties, dipping between her lips, wetting her finger. With a smile she raised the finger...

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BlacksOnCougars India Summer Third Appearance

The last time Dr. India Summer made an appearance here, she was helping a young lady named Kira Noir deal with her complicated sexuality. Today, Dr. Summer’s task isn’t much easier: she’s got a small-group therapy session on tap, and the three young men (almost half her age!) have a common problem: all three feel women just use them for their over-sized dicks. Laugh as you may, but it gets discouraging when all a lady wants you for is one thing…and that thing ain’t...

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Small Town Wish Chapter One

This is my first attempt at writing. Feedback is much appreciated. It was getting late, but we didn’t want to leave each other. We had been going out for a while and it was the first time we’d really got to be alone. You see we both went to different schools in different towns. Lame. It’s like that out in the country, everything’s at least a hour drive from everywhere. Michelle was a varsity basketball player. I was the cool guy from Seattle. She had the tightest body. I had a good build...

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Aunt Anna

When she opens the door, I am surprised to see how much Aunt Anna has changed. ”Come in” she cries,” and hang your coats up over here”My girlfriend enters the apartment first and the two women exchange a cordial hug and greetings. They have never met before and I am amused to see how they surreptitiously study each other. Aunt Anna turns to me and compliments me upon the beauty of my companion, chiding me for never having introduced her before. I protest that this would have been difficult as...

2 years ago
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Loving My Aunt

Loving My AuntThe constant buzzing of my cell phone woke me up. I picked up the cell phone. It was my friend Abhishek calling me. I had to pick up the phone. He is my best friend."Dude you gotta see this. Man this chick rocks."he yelled on phone as soon as I received his call. No hi no hello. Just straight to chicks."You dumbass. Its midnight. And you are talking about chicks. Now fuck off I need to sleep." I replied to him as rudely as I can. But it had no effect on him.He was babbling about...

3 years ago
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Toyland A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 10 Going Home

I'd started out wanting to experience some fantasies that I never believed could happen - and have done exactly that. I started out believing I would return home afterwards. Who, after all, gives up their home? But along the way I've changed. I wasn't the person who had arrived here weeks - or is it months ago now? Here I now have a family, job, friends, and new roots. I guess somehow those Zansasi know even more than we give them credit for. My map back home remained blank long enough...

1 year ago
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Chained and Spanked SisterChapter 4

Peggy lay in bed, the rubber cock buried up her cunt, held in place by the straps. She thought of removing it, but was afraid she would never have the nerve to put it back in when she woke up in the morning. She considered taking the dildo out and defying her brothers, but they might do worse to her. The pain of the switch was gone, and her body was again clean. That helped some, but not much. She felt so dirty, so violated. When she woke up, she was glad it was Sunday. There was no...

1 year ago
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Q in the Toddling Town

Q in the Toddling Town It had been a great trip to Chicago. Museums, restaurants, clubs and bars.   We were mature friends visiting the “White City” for the first time. The day had been the architecture cruise on the river and a light lunch at Morton’s Steak House.   Back to our near north side hotel we had soaked in the hotel Jacuzzi and partaken of what ever we thought we could get away with beneath the bubbles of the tub. That was followed was a short nap and other bedroom adventures.   ...

4 years ago
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Sex with step Mom

Hi this is enthil,This is a real experience, which i underwent few year ago, My father got married second time her age was 42, and i was 26, she was homely and looked decent too, thou i did not approve this marriage my father still went ahead, Her name was shanthi, after she came home i never use to speak to my dad and her, she tried being good but i could not take it, everytime she come to serve me food or arrange my clothes i never liked it, within one weeks time she and dad had big fight, my...

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I want to take you in my arms & give you a deep soft passionate kiss. I want to feel your body against me. I want to feel the heat from your pussy through our cloths, against my groin, as you push yourself into me when we kiss. I want to feel you rub yourself against me, your juices showing through your pants, as I return the emotion thrust for thrust. I want to take your shirt off, kissing your neck, shoulders, breasts as you continue to rub against me. I want to lay with you on the floor,...

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The Black Dog The Next Day

So what happened after that impassioned cry of...'Sam... please...' I was asked by a friend to 'complete' the story. I thought I had, sort of. For those that have not read the first two, this will mean nothing. For those that read the first and thought the 'Reprise' superfluous. This will mean nothing. For those few who thought... what happened next? Well, this is for you. It was not intended to be seen by more than a few, but... So I'm an over emotional fool. What else is new. This...

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Exposed To Strangers! I’m often approached by fans on the street who ask, “Hello, Mr. PornDude. I’m a huge fan of yours. Would you be willing to sign my fleshlight? … Aww, thanks a lot. You’re the man. Hey, I have a question for you. You review so many porn websites, but what’s your favorite genre?” Well, that’s a tricky fucking question. One I can’t answer within the time restraints placed by a polite conversation on the street. So instead, I think it would be best to approach the question in...

Voyeur Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Twisted and Torn Part 6

Twisted and Torn Part 6 After watching a guy get fucked and jerked over, Chris’ cock was more than ready to empty in some man pussy as well, and he had a pliant cock sucker waiting to accept his hot married load. Chris could feel the cum dripping down his leg and told his new friend he wanted to go shower quickly and walked away, avoiding hands touching him as he passed. His semi hard cock under the towel was ready to ram a tight man hole and shoot its hot daddy juice soon. Rinsing his body...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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He sat waiting

He sat, waiting. Nervously, he glanced around the room. Another hotel, chosen for its vagueness, and its un-remarkability. It was cheap, and yet sufficient, A bed, a desk, a small room with a shower. The carpet was a faded blue, the walls an old cream. Sitting on the edge of the bed, his fingers rested on the stale fabric of the quilt. Silence, and yet more silence. His heart hammered. His head full of doubts and fears. What if she didn’t come? What if it had all been a mistake? Over and...

2 years ago
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Adult Arcade Leads to Motel

I was at a conference in Columbus some years back, staying overnight for a couple of nights at a motel. Unfortunately, the motel’s wireless internet was not working, so I was left with no means of private “entertainment.” I had passed an adult bookstore a ways up the street, so I decided to stop by to watch some videos in the arcade. I had not done so in some time, and I approached the prospect with trepidation. Thoughts went through my mind … what if someone saw me, what if my car broke down...

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