The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 17
- 3 years ago
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Jessica was waiting for Veronica when she returned. “We need to talk.”
“It can wait.” With her bag slung over the left shoulder, Veronica took the stairs two at a time. Shower was first, that bigoted bitch after.
Feeling human again, the athletic blonde sought out her shorter forced roommate.
“So, talk.”
“Your interference and taking the subject out of observation is unacceptable.”
“Aw. Did you want to watch us running through the woods?”
“I don’t see the point of that anyway. You know how this will end up.”
“With your way, he will be in Russia. Or Norway or Spain. Isn’t that the goal of the Agency, to ‘remove the threat of all supers in this country’?” Lieutenant Lake attacked.
“Not true. We want them to be good citizens and not endanger the others.”
“Under the Agency’s thumb, you mean. Good little soldiers. Or should I say ‘Obedient’ instead of good. What do you think will happen when that Recruiter dangles ten million in front of Nate’s face?”
“He won’t be allowed to leave the country.”
“And if he goes with Ambassador Stavros in the diplomatic plane, like Lucy Green and Josh Murry?”
Agent Dubois had no answer for that. But she did know that this Lieutenant Lake had way too much inside information about her Agency’s affairs.
“As I thought. You would let us lose one of the five Class V’s out there, just for a few million dollars and a pretty smile to a rival country. Your paranoia makes me sick.”
“And if he Rampages and kills millions, what will you say then?” She shot back.
“That we fucked up and let everything go to shit. If that were to happen, the first place he would go is Warren. Then Bingham. Wait, aren’t those the main headquarters of the Powers Regulatory Agency? The only ones you could blame then, are your own, which will never happen. Bigots are never wrong, just ask them.”
“He’d never get that far,” called out the brunette agent to Veronica’s retreating back.
Hearing the threat, Veronica stopping on the carpeted stairs landing, “Agent Dubois, the second you touch Lu Tang, Nathan will kill you and Rampage, costing the lives of all too many to count. That HAS reached President Johnson, I’m told.” She coldly related without turning. Veronica had a report to file. President Johnson needed to be informed and she hoped that her superiors could make the idiot-in-charge see reason.
What the politician and her ultimate boss would do or say, was up to the polls to direct his voice and choice. As always, no politician or President could ever be trusted to act in good conscience for the nation or its people. They would just do whatever would make them look good. Especially first term Presidents. AND next year was an election year.
The next morning, Ronnie came over in not the best of moods. Thinking that she held yesterday’s over the top antics against me. I apologized before she could even say hi.
Of course, I got smacked upside the head for my ‘sorry’.
“We are extending our run today. You haven’t even been sweating the last couple days.”
Something was different today. She looked a little different. Felt that way too.
“It was raining. How would you tell the difference?”
“I’d know.”
“Don’t give me that look. Lengthen your stride a little. We still will start out slow.”
Our fifty-minute start of the day on easy mode, became ninety on hell mode ... Walk five minutes, jog five minutes, sprint five minutes, jog five then restart the cycle. My legs were on fire and my side had major stitches, Plural! Thank God for healing, which I waited until we were home before activating, at her order.
“You did well. Have a big breakfast today. You burned a lot of calories.”
“Thanks,” I panted, lying on my back and wishing I was dead.
“See you at 1:30.”
Afraid to ask, but did anyway. “What’s at 1:30?”
“Another session, but easier, like yesterday morning.”
Groaning, I gave up and tried to sleep on the front lawn. The kick on the bottom of my foot got me moving, Ronnie standing there towering over my prone form in those tight shorts was a great motivator. Remembering yesterday vividly, I blushed and rolled over to hide my growing member from her. Not that I believed for a second that she didn’t catch my face reddening or the reason behind it.
Right up until Wednesday evening on the way to pick up Lu at his office, Ronnie acted normal around me. Exactly the same as she had before. There was something though. I didn’t know what, but something was different about her I couldn’t put my finger on. To me it was if she had become prettier, shinier and sparklier, but I thought that was me projecting.
Wearing my new dress-up outfit for the first time, the three of us entered the elevator, I said no to the tie and Ronnie didn’t insist, but she did insist on an ivory undershirt and emerald short sleeved button down, accompanied by black slacks. That wasn’t bad. I kinda liked it.
Ronnie even dressed up a bit with navy slacks and a white blouse. And gun. She moved naturally wearing it, it was me that was uncomfortable. Lu didn’t give it a second glance when we met up.
On the seventh floor of the Hilton, not the luxury accommodation that I expected someone like Irene to stay at, the three of us walked down the short hall to room 701. I had looked it up earlier and the corner suite had two adjoining rooms, one on each side. But both her Class III guards were in the closer room to the elevator and stairs leaning forward across from each other. Playing chess or a different board game?
Answering the door herself, there was one other woman in the room. Irene welcomed us each with a brief kiss on the cheek while lightly holding our hands. No lipstick marks for Lu this time. Nor me. I killed hard the thought of Ronnie getting one before it took hold.
Silk ivory camisole and a skin tight pair of silken knit bellbottoms seemed to be all that our hostess wore. No lines anywhere. I Looked. So did Lu, but he was less obvious than me. A single gold clasp held her hair bunched down her back reaching mid shoulder blade.
“Do come in and be welcome. Anya, drinks please for our guests.” Lu took the offered chair and Ronnie and I shared the couch.
Anya was a pretty eighteen year old Class III with black eyes and long braided black hair, wearing a short black skirt and half shirt with long sleeves. All silk. Irene liked silken clothes it seemed.
Noticing my attention and where it was, “Nate, dear, once you start wearing silk, you won’t want to stop. Even the inexpensive crushed shirt you have on now is a start, but pales to the genuine article.”
Unconsciously, I rubbed the material of my new shirt. The best piece of clothes I owned. “I don’t know. I like my jeans.”
“Who says you can’t wear silk under?” She smiled mischievously at me.
I swallowed my blush.
Wordlessly, from a single glass pitcher, Anya poured four drinks and placed them on the coffee table between us. She retreated to stand behind Irene.
Letting us choose?
Lu reached out first, then me, Ronnie reluctantly placed one by her side without tasting. Irene, uncaring at our wariness accepted the last and drank unconcerned.
“Irene, I’d like to know who you are and what you want with us.” Lu in lawyer mode, opened up the business discussions.
I sipped my delicious half-frozen punch with more than a hint of alcohol. Not that I knew what kind was added or how much, but it didn’t seem to be a lot. If 7-11 sold these they’d make a killing.
“Anya.” Giving an unspecified command we waited for whatever she had in store.
Smoothly, maybe even more graceful in her heels than her boss, her assistant brought over a black box and set it on the table. Flicking the red toggle, an electric field passed through me and spread out to coat the walls.
I heard and felt the humming from the field, Sensed it too.
“What’s that?” I asked breaking Lu’s restriction on me.
“Ask your friend beside you,” came Irene’s mysterious reply.
Turning to the, up to now, silent Ronnie, I waited.
“Nathan, it’s called a Wave Breaker. It soundproofs a room.”
“Cool,” I couldn’t help my reaction. Even Lu looked intrigued.
“A very industrious young girl in Norway makes these and a few other interesting toys and sells them at a reasonable price,” explained our hostess.
“Nate, I’d like to hire you.”
Point blank Irene came out and said it.
“Twenty-five million dollars a year.
My jaw hit the floor. My brain, still numb from the other day, blanked.
Seeing my reaction, she smiled, genuinely. Very real and very intimidating. For some reason, I thought of the last Bond film and the thought of why Bond never stayed with the Heroines for long. I thought I knew a little more of why now.
“And what would you have Nathan be doing for this sum, Miss Irene...” Lu broke the spell.
“Petrovski. Spend two or three days a week at the local hospital. One in the children’s ward and one doing whatever he and the chief of staff deemed best.”
I was still stunned at the twenty-five million. I might have missed part of their conversation.
“ ... the house would be in his name.”
“Wait, where I live?”
“Anapa, Russia. It’s located on the coast of the Black sea. Anya would you bring the folder please?”
“Da.” The teen in black replied from her place behind her boss. Both Lu and I were handed a folder while Ronnie’s was placed on the table before her. In deference to her bodyguard position and not having things in her hands, I guessed.
The first page was an aerial map of the area. The southern tip of Russia near the Georgia border and 1400 kilometers south of Moscow, according to the legend.
“Conversely, you could live in Rostov-on-Don, a much large city bordering the south edge of the Lenin forest, still a port town but more of a true city instead of a resort town. There is also an Eurail station there.”
“Nate, you have never been to Europe, have you?” At my headshake, “Think of working your two days and spending the next five or ten traveling to Athens, Florence, Paris, Berlin, Istanbul or any of the other stops. Spend a few days touring and playing then return home, work a bit, bank up some time and off you go again.”
DAMN. That sounded awesome.
“Bank?” I asked. I was way over my head here. WAYYYY over.
“I ask that you work and live nine months out of the year in Russia. Where, is mostly irrelevant to me. If you want to travel to, Moscow say, and spend a month there touring and learning about the country, I would expect that you work in the hospitals there your two days a week. It’s completely up to you which ones and why.”
“What would you expect Nathan to be doing in your hospitals, Miss Petrovski?” Ronnie interjected on my behalf.
Shocking me really. I didn’t expect her to say anything.
Relaxing into her chair, “All this is contingent on whether or not Nate here can and will Heal as I expect he can.”
“Why would he want to move to Russia?” Lu redirected the conversation. Which was good, my acting skills were mostly nonexistent. Probably completely nonexistent in front of Irene.
“Nate, has your country shown any indication that they want you? If you stay, will the PRA give up on their pursuit of you? Their repression? How many times have you filed discovery suits against them only to have them ignore both you and the courts, saying that your father was in custody for national security reasons, yet you knew all along that he was dead. They knew it too. Yet refused to be the least bit humane about it.”
I grunted. But remembered my admonishment not to answer. That was Lu’s job.
“Nathan’s father’s status has been clarified.” Lu interjected.
“Yet, you filed a hundred million dollar lawsuit against the PRA. ‘Intentional pain and suffering by withholding the status of his deceased father from his minor child’, I believe is how you put it, did you not? Do you believe that they will allow Nathan to roam free? Staying put in your sleepy little town is one thing. Imagine if he wanted to travel to New York or LA. Or live there. Will they allow that?
“Nate, did you know that America is the 91st ranked nation for Supers’ livability?”
“No, I didn’t,” I admitted. I didn’t even know there was a list.
“Even Iran is higher up the list at 90 for non-Muslims and 30 for Muslims. America, who once welcomed all, now doesn’t welcome you. Very specifically you.”
I sighed. I couldn’t help it.
“Nate. England, is cold and damp, it rains a cold rain all year. Their food is terrible and you will be followed everywhere you go. Their special forces are among the best in the world but they will still do it, even if you never notice them. ‘For your protection’. They won’t be hostile, just careful.
“France won’t appreciate you for the very simple reason you were not born there and do not speak the language better than a native Parisian. They are rude, demanding and impolite to their own countrymen. To outsiders, they are worse. Vacationing there has always been a disappointment for me for those reasons. I love the country, yet dislike the people.”
“Norway is cold. You think it’s cold in Moscow. Try Oslo. They are the nicest people in the world, absolutely the best. But they live in snow and ice eight months of the year.” Leaning forward and mock whispering confidentially, “And all the girls are built like Veronica there.” She smiled a sly smile, “But do you want to spend your life in snow?”
“No,” I answered unconsciously at her enticement.
“Germany is fine, but they have two major American military bases located there. Bumping into your fellow Americans might be good, at first, but the ‘69%’ voter turnout against Supers includes over 90% among the active voting military...”
Ronnie didn’t like or agree with that. But now was not the time to argue.
“Spain and Greece are dead broke and in such massive debt that they will drop the Euro soon or face serious sanctions for lying about their finances and debt when joining. They don’t have two wooden nickels to rub together. Some businessmen do. But do you think they do business at home or go abroad to make and spend their money? Again, great places to visit. But do you want to live in a country that makes Mexico look rich?
“Mexico is openly ruled by the cartels,” Irene shrugged, “If you wanted to embrace your dark side, go there, anywhere in Africa or in Portugal, which is overrun by expats.”
“The Baltics are a mess. Canada would be your best option if ... IF they would not extradite you if and when the President demanded it. If he doesn’t, you would be doing the same things there as I want you to have doing for me for less money and freedom. They too will have you followed everywhere. Again, Canada is much further north than Missouri. You will have to get accustomed to the cold.”
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new and improved version up
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I was sitting on a bench in the outdoor patio area of the Taitano Apartments which apartments my wife and I were now calling home. Lower middle class it was, but it did have a few of the luxuries that Henrietta and I appreciated. One of which, again, was our small but nice and tree shaded front porch mini patio. It was new, well it looked, new the Cadillac Coup Deville that pulled up to the curb across from me. A teenager got out, noticed me, and came across the twenty yards of grassy sward...
The strobes flashed, and the fans churned up a make-believe ocean breeze. It even smelled like the beach in the studio, from the ton and a half of sand they hauled in for the shoot. The center of attention was a lithe, fair-skinned model with long hair that flowed like black water in the wind. As the cameras clicked and hummed, she posed expertly, every move perfect, every look to die for. Two lighting technicians enjoyed the show. Their equipment was in place and required no...
By : Singham Hey reader’s mera naam Shashank hai aur mai varanasi me rahta hoon.mera age 21 saal hai aur ab mai graduation kar chuka hu waese to mai sex ke bare me jada to nahi sochta ye incident aaj se karib 4 saal phele ki hai jab mai 11th standard me mere jivan ke real story hai tab mere bade bhai ki sadi nahi hui thi mere bagal me ek didi rahti thee unka naam pinki thaa wooh dekhne me bahut hi soondar hai wooh muhjse 2 saal badi hai unka figure bahut hi maintain hia. Unki...
What is your purpose in life? That’s a very important question most men and women spend a lifetime trying to answer. Not me. I’ve always known what my purpose in life was. I was destined to be a mover and shaker. A force of balance between the ordinary men and women of this world. In all things, there must be balance. Black and white. Up and down. Right and left. Male and female. Straight and gay. Light and dark. Good and Evil. Rich and poor. It’s all about balance. Just call me the living...
Cien stayed at her side until Tilda brought Maggie up to the chamber to bathe her. ‘Cien, she is a maiden. Surely you would not disgrace her so.’ Cien shook his head without speaking, and slowly stood up. He still held her limp hand in his, clutching it like a last life line. Maggie was silent as she watched him. ‘Does she know ye care so greatly for her, Cien?’ He shook his head slowly after a moment, never taking his eyes off of her. Maggie smiled a gentle smile. ‘Then I shall have to make...
well here we are again... a few weeks ago my wife and I went for a trip to celebrate our aniversery..after a night all about her the night before we started out our evening at the hotel watching some porn, that I slowly hinted at getting the strap on out,started out pleasuring her to some hot girl on girl strap on porn.To a short vid of a girl giving it right to a guy this got her hot!!(to my pleasure!) she went out of the room and came back wearing her sweet strap on and carrying lube in one...
Athena Faris knew just what she was doing when she picked Codey Steele to fuck for her Cherry of the Month. Codey works his magic kissing all up and down her body making sure to take her sweet time once he gets that pussy of hers bare. She tastes so sweet as his tongue works all around that sensitive clit. Athena can only take so much before she needs that hard cock of his deep down her throat! She takes him all down enjoying the feeling of every inch being within her mouth. Athena really wants...
xmoviesforyouWe didn't play any golf on Sunday. Mama was up and eating by the time Dad and I came home on Saturday. I quickly made myself scarce, making sure they had some privacy, so they could repair the latest tear in the fabric of their relationship. I went into town, driving around, looking for something to do to kill a part of a chilly afternoon. I wound up over at the high school, watching a bunch of boys my own age playing basketball on the court set up outside. I'd never played any basketball,...
One of my clients is a thirty-something brunette who has a bad heroin addiction. A few months ago she came in to have her computer “upgraded”, but couldn’t afford to pay for all the upgrades she wanted. She’s pretty attractive and has what appears to be a nice set of double D tits. I suggested a compromise. I’d take whatever cash she has on her, and she can pay off the rest by helping me in the back. I instructed her to come back at closing time to get her computer. That evening she arrived...
Kyle Mason is being tutored by busty babe Mona Azar. He can’t help but check Mona’s big boobs out, which just gets Mona nice and hot for him. She goes on the offensive flirting, taking off her jacket so Kyle can see more of her body and then going over to allegedly help him while shoving her considerable cleavage into his face. After accidentally on purpose dropping a book so Kyle can get a look up her skirt, Mona tells him that she’s going to get changed for later. She changes into sheer...
xmoviesforyouAs Liam lay on the soft white sheets arms wide, I lean up on one elbow looking down at his face, into his eyes. I had better be careful, this one has me tied up in knots, and I am not talking about the red silky ones. I smile and ask him when he’s going to be ready again, and he grimaces and says, ‘feed me, food this time’ I jump up obviously, having more energy than the man, and tell him to order room service while I grab a shower. I laugh at myself as I look into the mirror and see that...
"You know we have spent a lot of time discussing my fantasies but no time at all talking about yours...." She waited for a reply with raised eyebrows.I cleared my throat and rubbed my chin stalling for time because I was debating just how honest I should be."Honey, stop spacing out and talk to me." She pleasantly implored. "What would you like to know?" I finally replied. "Well for starters what's your fantasy?" She asked."I have fantasies like a lot of guys, you know." I answered evasively. "I...
When summer means water guns, water guns means bombs, meaning big tits bouncing in bikinis! Speaking of, Ashly Anderson’s bombs are jiggling around in her thong swimsuit as she’s battling her friend’s brother Kyle in a water gun fight. But when his shooter goes bone dry, Ashly’s got him cornered…until he sees a bottle of oil in plain view, grabs it and squirts it all over her. But now that Ashly feels her bikini’s ruined, she’s got no choice but to take it off, exposing her big fat juicy tits,...
xmoviesforyouThis story took place when I was 22 years, well built…6’2″tall…with 125lbs…very handsome and graduated from the University and now doing teaching skill in one of the college in Karachi….my name is DANIYAL KHAN..I was very brilliant student in my studies…for this reason I got several jobs…but I prefer to take this Job…because this has the residence for foreign and local student…and the Principal of this college also gave a offer for Warden…to look after the boys in the Hostel. I was very happy...
Gay MaleI had been out of town on business during the week, and, returning, home, I had one goal: relieve the urgency in my balls. All week I had been reading "Penthouse Letters" stories, but I had not allowed myself to cum. My wife, Hayley, likes to either see a large load shoot, or feel it within her, so I wanted to save up for my return. As I was driving home, I was trying to decide how I wanted the evening to progress. My wife hadn't indicated she was particularly amorous during our evening...
"Just one question before I sign." Andrea had an inventory of everything that had been on the boat. It took two days of poking and prodding to find everything. It was all there ... even the shell cases from the expended rounds. The rear bulkhead was gone, they had to remove it to get the bomb out ... it was as close to together as they could make it. Everything worked ... All the chests, all the boxes, Alles ist in Ordnung!. A place for everything and everything in its place. "What?"...
Introduction: You may want to read the others in the series to fully enjoy what is offered here. **Again I would like to thank everyone who has PMs me and taken the time to comment on my writing. I was feeling kind of low and a PM from a site member in Ireland really improved my mood. I really hope you enjoy this. Kisses. ** All for Mr Redman Chapter 6 In the morning Amanda and I got up and got ready for another killer week. Finals were coming up, papers and labs were due, and it was simply a...
When Abby finished, Brad gave her good applause. “You have a fantastic voice, Abby! I bet you’d have a great singing career.” “You think so?” “I’d be your number one fan,” he said, giving her another good kiss. “Britney and Amber say I should try out for Canadian Idol when I turn sixteen.” “Count me in. You’ll always have my support. I’ll always be your number one fan no matter what you do for a living. Your talent is matched by your incredible beauty,” They looked into the other’s eyes...
The unveiling continued with Tripp providing relevant statistics on each new future companion. To the right of the mother was a twenty one year old girl from New Delhi. Normally I'm not attracted to Indian woman, but this chick was sweet! Her hair was long and wavy, draping over her C-cup breasts and dark areolas. She was thin with wide hips and a perfect shape to her ass. And her eyes were dark and expressive; expressing fear at the moment. Next in line was a mystery girl! With the sheet...
2002 was the first time. I became an oral enthusiast when I met a couple at the Power Exchange in San Francisco. Thursday night couples night turned into a trip back to their hotel. My girlfriend and I swapped and fucked the couple for about an hour and a half. I noticed his cock was 9 inches, strong and beautiful. I kept it in my sight all night. As we were ready to leave, he asked if I would like to play with them again. I noticed he asked out of range of my girlfriend. That was a hmmm...
Waking up on Sunday morning was interesting. I was on a fold out couch in the living room. I had three girls on the bed with me, two more in on Kate's king size. I got up to go pee and everyone was still asleep. I decided to climb into bed with Kate and Penny. Both were naked and cuddling so there was plenty of room. I fell asleep quickly. I awoke a couple of hours later. But I couldn't see and I mostly couldn't move. Some one was sucking my cock. I moaned and tried to move but it was futile....
She was house sitting for me. The concept of the plan had actually materialized several years earlier. I am a computer consultant and travel around making the big bucks. This is great, except as I neared retirement I had no way to start preparing for it, being out of state most of the year. I had tried to get local work, but I was too specialized and there was no market for my skills locally. I had watched as both of my parents took on a mortgage at retirement and I was bound and...