Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 22 Outposts
- 2 years ago
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Eating Out
by Splyf
?? ?But mom, honestly, can?t we just buy someof the other meat?? Trine whimpered as she followed her mother out into thekitchen. Trine had just celebrated her 18th birthday the day before and had notbeen overjoyed by the present her parents had bought her: A voucher forbecoming the main course at the local ?Bring your Meat? restaurant downtown,together with her closest friend, Christina.
?? ?Now, Trine, dinner won?t be the same ifit?s some one else!? Mrs. Brettson explained lovingly and caressed herdaughters arm, ?Besides, we already reported you sold to the government, sothere?s no turning back now!?
?? ?Guess not!? Trine sighed and looked up ather mother, ?Do I get a choice as to how I am going to be cooked??
?? ?If it agrees with what the cook suggests!?mom said and pointed at the phone.? ?Doyou mind calling Christina and ask what time Mrs. Johnson brings her overhere.? We have to get you two ready fortonight.?
?? ?How did you persuade Christina?s mom tosell her to you, anyway?? asked Trine as she picked up the phone to call herfellow meat.
?? ?We paid a good price for her, and Mrs.Johnson weren?t going to make use of her meat anyway since she herself hasvolunteered as roast for the annual charity-dinner at City Hall next Saturday!?
?? ?She has???? Trine asked in disbelief, ?Ithought she were happy to draw a free number in the drafting last year!?
?? ?She was, but then she changed hermind!? She was actually going to bringChristina as well an make a mother/daughter team for the spits, but then shelet us have her so she could be done together with you!?
?? ?Nice of her, I guess!? Trine concluded andmade the call to her friend. She made the arrangements that Mrs. Johnson wouldbring over Christina an hour later to close the deal with Mrs. Brettson.? In the meantime, Trine was told to take along bath and rinse her body well all over.?Trine only just appeared from the bathroom wrapped in a long towel whenher father and brother entered the kitchen.?Mrs. Brettson held Trine on the shoulders from behind and asked her toremove the towel.
?? ? front of...?? Trine whispered andlooked at her older brother, Lou, and her dad who both smiled innocently ather.? She let her mother take the toweland exposed her young, slender body and ample C-cupped breasts for the family.
?? ?Yummy, you are going to be a true delight!?commented Mr. Brettson and his son agreed with a nod.
?? ?And here?s the rest of the dinner!? saidLou and pointed out the window towards the driveway and Mrs. Johnson?scar.? ?Lets see if she?s as appetizing asyou, sis!?
?? ?Right!? Trine mumbled sarcastically whiletrying to hide her body with her arms from the others hungry looking eyes.? Mrs. Johnson entered with her daughter andthe deal was made rather quickly as the price had already been settledupon.? Christina was only wearing a braand panties, but as soon as she entered the kitchen she got as naked as Trineby her mother?s sharp order.
?? ?Bye, honey!? Mrs. Johnson said embracingher naked daughter,? ?Be good now and tryto have fun at the grill!?
?? ?Very funny!? Christina said in a wryfashion and let her mother kiss her goodbye.?Christina was apparently even more dissatisfied with her situation thanTrine, even though both girls cheered up a bit about being together inthis.? Lou went straight over to the twogirls and greeted Christina by feeling her very large, firm breasts with bothhands:? ?I can?t wait to get my share ofthese!?
?? ?Now, Lou, don?t play with out food!? Mrs.Brettson said sharply and her son let go of Christina?s appetizing bosom.? ?You two get up on the kitchen table and liedown so I can shave your cunt-filets before we leave!?
?? ?Is this necessary in front of...?? mumbledTrine, but soon she laid next to her friend while mom carefully removed allpubic hair on the girls delicious looking prime-cuts.
?? ?All right, meat, let?s get to therestaurant!? Trine?s father said briskly as he inspected the two shaved girls,apparently enjoying calling his daughter ?meat? instead of her name.? Trine and Christina were told to climb intothe trunk of the car, completely naked, while the rest of the family occupiedthe seats inside the car.? On theparking-lot in front of ?Charlie?s BYM? downtown, they met the rest of theguests for tonight?s party, among which were all Trines cousins and most of herparents friends and her father?s colleagues.?Everybody admired the bodies of the two shy girls, whom a waiter fromthe restaurant had come out to collect for the kitchen.
?? ?Follow me, meat!? he smiled as he completedthe last knot on the rope that tied Trine?s and Christina?s hands behind theirbacks.? The girls reluctantly went withthe white-clad waiter and soon disappeared behind the building to enter throughthe kitchen-entrance.
?? ?Well, let?s go inside!? Mrs. Brettson saidto her guests, who had now nearly all showed up.? Other people were coming as well, manybringing their own girls.? All meat wasnaked and as far as Mrs. Brettson could decide many were daughters of theguests and some also had mom/daughter menus with them.
?? ?Wow, this is quite a place you havepicked!? said Mr. Brettson?s sister, Trines Aunt Anne, as they were shown totheir table inside the establishment by a completely nude and very nice lookingyoung waitress. In one end of the restaurant, the open kitchen faced thecostumers with several large grills, a few big pots with soup and a largefrying pan-like device.? Two blond girlsoccupied one of the soup pots, sweat on their foreheads and breathing heavilyin the steam rising from the hot soup.?One on one of the four grills a very young girl, she couldn?t have beenmore than eighteen, was roasting. She lay all still and judging from the browncolor of her skin, she was almost done. Next to the grills, some twenty girlsand women in all ages from eighteen and up waited for their turn; all withtheir hands cuffed to a ring in the wall behind their backs.
?? ?Welcome to Charlie?s BYM!? said the youngwaitress, addressing herself to Mr. Brettson as he was head of the party.? ?I see from my papers that you have deliveredtwo girls, both 18 of age, to the kitchen!?
?? ?That?s right!? answered Mrs. Brettsonproudly.? ?My daughter and her friend!?
?? ?Very well!? continued the waitress and noddedtowards the tied-up girls and women by the wall.? ?The girls will be presented with the rest oftonight?s menu in a few minutes, and then you will be able to select among themas you wish!?
?? ?So we could also choose to have some othergirls served than the ones we brought?? asked Mr. Brettson, just to be sure.
?? ?Yes, that is entirely up to you!? thewaitress informed and smiled ?In fact, you can even ask to have me or one ofthe other waitresses, should you wish so!?
?? ?I see!? said Mrs. Brettson andinadvertently looked up and down the waitress?s naked body a few times.? Suddenly, some other guests from the partypointed her attention towards the kitchen door from where Trine and Christinaand two other girls their age were lead by a large, male cook wearing a whitehat.? As the party watched, they were allfour tied up against the wall, shoulder to shoulder with the other meat.? Trine sent a brief smile back to her motherand family as they waved at her, but the girls? attention quickly concentratedon the meat on the grill and in the soup pot.?The two blondes in the pot had bought it by now, necks resting on theedge of the pot and their bodies bobbing slowly up and down in the furiouslyboiling liquid.
?? ?My god, that?s us in a few moments!? Trinesaid silently to Christina as they watched the grilled girl being carved on atable right in front of them.
?? ?Hmm, we could always hope to get snuffedfirst!? Christina said to cheer herself up, but as they were speaking thewaiters suddenly brought out two girls in their twenties; both spitted alivefrom cunt to mouth and clearly very much alive when they were hung over thebeds of glowing coals.
?? ?OK, so we get to live through it!? sighedTrine while the two spitters were basted by the nude, female waitress.? Their muffled screams were clearly audible tothe other girls, while being too low for the people at the tables topercept.? Wriggling as much as the spitswould allow, they slowly roasted into oblivion, taking at least twenty minutesto pass out.
?? ?Hi, sweetie.? You look good enough to eat!? Trine suddenlyheard her mom?s voice and looked up to see the entire family stand before herand Christina.
?? ?Hmm, I guess we are!? Trine said bravely asshe half watched the cook slice meat off the rump of one of the spitted girls.
?? ?How would you like us prepared?? askedChristina suddenly, trying to ignore Trines aunt Anne?s hands feeling herbreasts for meatiness.? ?I would like toboil, you know!?
?? ?Oh no, we have other plans for you!? smiledMrs. Brettson and also felt Christina?s ample bosom, weighing her tits in thehands.? ?We shall have these grilled inpepper and served while still a part of your body, dear!?
?? ?Shit!!!? sniffed Christina, but she didhave a premonition that her large tits would become center of focus thisevening.? Mrs. Brettson called over awaitress and soon after Christina was dragged off to the large grill notoccupied by any meat.? There, as thefamily and Trine watched, her tits were rubbed in oil and peppered by the malecook, before she was told to wait by the grill for some other girls goingthrough the same procedure.
?? ?And you, daughter, shall have the honor ofgetting ultimately filled!? smiled Mr. Brettson and asked a waitress to prepareTrine for the spit.? She was taken intothe kitchen at once and all the guests sat down again to wait for the firstcourse.
?? ?Wow, look at that!? laughed Mrs. Brettson?ssister.? By the grill, Christina wasbeing forced to stand close to the hot metal and lean over so her great breastshung down and touched the glowing metal over the coals.? It sizzled in an appetizing way whileChristina?s breasts were turned on all sides on the grill by the cook, using alarge roasting fork to poke the soft meat around.? Next to Christina stood three other girls,all with large bosoms, and had their tits roasted in the same way.? Only silent tears came from the obedientmeat, while their softest parts were blackened in stripes by the grill.
?? ?And there comes Trine!? shouted Lou andpointed out his little sister as she got carried in on a long spit and laidover the bed of coals next to the tit-roasters.
?? ?Hi Trine, good luck!? Christina said aloudthrough her tears as she got taken off the grill and sat down on a large salad-coveredtray.
?? Hhhmmbbfff!!!? Trine tried and winked withone eye at her best friend while feeling the first wave of heat hit her nakedbody.? The prickling sensation quicklyturned into sheer pain and she felt as if being skinned alive.? After some ten minutes of furiously wrigglingher body on the steel shaft, Trines skin started to feel more numb and soon thepain was gone.? Now, while stillcompletely conscious but no longer in pain, she started to pay attention to thespicy smell of roasted meat. ??My ownmeat? she thought!? Through the haze ofheat waves from the hot coals, se noticed her best friend, Christina, beingcarried right past her sitting on a tray with salad on it and hands tied behindher back.? Her tits, so often envied byTrine, looked even more delicious now: charred in stripes and golden brown allaround the full globes.? As Trinewatched, her mom started carving slices of Christina?s breasts and dealing themout to the rest of her family.
?? ?I wonder if they have appetite for me later!?Trine thought as a waitress basted her rump and cunt with grill sauce onceagain.? After further half an hour, shedrifted away in the odd and warm sensation of feeling more like roasted meatthan a teenage girl.
?? Meanwhile, Christina had the last slice ofher tits cut close to the ribs by the waitress.
?? ?How do you feel?? asked Mrs. Brettson whilechewing on the nicely peppered breast meat.
?? ?OK, I guess!? Christina said, in a numbfashion.? ?I don?t feel much from thecutting, though the grilling itself was rather painful to begin with!?
?? ?Good, because you?re going over the coalsagain, but in parts this time!? Mrs. Brettson smiled and signaled thewaitresses to carry the remains of Christina back into the kitchen forbutchering.
?? ?You?ve been a great starter. Look forwardto your cunt steak!? Lou shouted after her, as she was carried past hissister?s body, turning a nice, brown color on the spit.? After a little while, Trine was prepared on alarge tray and served whole, carved by the table by one of the chefs.? The restaurant was really busy now, fourgirls aged eighteen through 22 were all sharing one soup pot, and all fivegrills had meat rotating over the coals.?A mother/daughter team were having their tits grilled like Christina hadhad hers done, and afterwards the daughter, aged nineteen or so, had her rumpand cunt grilled by sitting on the grill for twenty minutes.? This was very entertaining for all the gueststo watch, and soon other tables ordered their meat that way, resulting in up tofour girls sitting there at once, next to each other on the glowing metal.
?? ?Mmmhh, both had great cunt filets!? Mr.Brettson commented as he tasted his daughter?s soft labia and compared them tothe filet of Christina which had been grilled separately following herbutchering and partitioning in the kitchen an hour ago.
?? ?Indeed, they had!? smiled his wife and alsogave a secret wink to the severed heads of her daughter and Christina, mountedon two poles next to the table and watching their meat devoured with theirpeacefully, half-closed eyes.
Eating Out
by Splyf
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=== Travel Agency: Scouts === by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial website or mailing list. The Travel Agency setting is used with Morpheus' permission; thanks to Morpheus for beta-reading the first draft. "Travel Agency: Scouts" first appeared on the morpheuscabinet mailing list in January 2013; a slightly different version appeared on...
RoundaboutInhaling deeply and sharply, I could feel you behind me before you even touched me, like you were giving off some sort of electrical charge. I held that breath in anticipation of your touch, my whole body tingling, blood rushing straight to my nipples and pussy. As I turn to look at you, you gently but firmly put one hand to the back of my head to hold it straight, and one to the small of my back. Slowly you run your fingers down my long, wavy hair till you reach my waist. A shiver of...
Quickie SexIt had been almost two years since my first experience with Dave. That was the first time a man had sucked my cock. It was the first time I had touched another cock and the first time I had sucked a cock. That day was the birth of a new me. I no longer was a homophobe. Although, I did not look at men the same way I looked at women. I did not lust after them. What I did lust for was for a cock in my mouth, loads of cocks. My god, I had become a cock-craving freak!I did not have any guilt....
CrossdressingI got there around 10:00 A.M. and had everything set up in 15 minutes. The show didn't start until noon so I had some time to kill. The show was set up at one of the local schools. But it was one I had never been to, so I decided to walk around and check it out. It was rather boring really, all of the doors were locked except for a few that led to old class rooms. I was about to give up and go back to the go back to the gym when I saw someone at the end of the hall. It was a girl about...
I turned and slowly struck a pose in profile while Dede panned around my long hard on. ‘Have any of you seen Hammer Man?’ ‘Nope!’ answered Cessa. ‘Oh well,’ I sighed. ‘Do you suppose while we wait one of you could, (dramatic pause) Fuck me up my ass?’ ******************************************************************** It was hard to believe that this was the same place I was in several weeks ago. Gone was all the casual joking, and the laid back atmosphere. It was replaced with all kinds...
I am pretty new at writing tales of erotic adventures, So, I ask that you please leave a comment, if you can, or at least a vote. this will help me to know how to better write a story that YOU, the reader will enjoy. Thank You, in advance for your help. You have to love the internet, one can find anything, actually everything you could ever imagine, and even some not thought of, yet, anyway. I had signed up for a web site to find some models for a new portfolio I had planned, and not had a...
"Ok mom, I'll put it away if that's what you really want." I challenged. "It is, now put it away. You shouldn't be doing that in front of me." "Prove it." "Prove what?" Mom asked getting flustered. "I said I wanted you to put it away." "So prove it." I repeated. "Let me touch your pussy. If it's not wet I'll leave right now and never bother you about this again." "No! You can't touch me there. It's wrong." I continued to stroke my cock, working it faster now as it approached full size again....
I met cheatingslutwife about a year ago. We were both on the chat side of a swinger's site, she looking for a master, and I looking for another sub slut to entertain me. We had a good chat and some fun and as always you really figure that is as far as it goes. The stars and moon aligned again a few days later and we got to chat again.I knew she was special by the second time and put forth the effort to insure we spoke again. Now, a year later, we speak daily or almost daily and I have had...
It had been almost two years since my first experience with Dave. That was the first time a man had sucked my cock. It was the first time I had touched another cock and the first time I had sucked a cock. That day was the birth of a new me. I no longer was a homophobe. Although, I did not look at men the same way I looked at women. I did not lust after them. What I did lust for was for a cock in my mouth, loads of cocks. My god, I had become a cock-craving freak! I did not have any guilt....
I slowly took off my dress leaving me in nothing but my high heels and a thong. Red. You sat on a chair and watched me as I slowly danced for you. I came closer to you, straddled your knee and ground my pussy into your leg. That's when you grabbed me and kissed me hard and stood up. I started to stand with you but you put your hands on my shoulders and pushed me to my knees.I know what you want, and I reached out and unzipped your pants, reaching inside and pulled out your cock. It's huge! It's...
I turned and slowly struck a pose in profile while Dede panned around my long hard on. "Have any of you seen Hammer Man?""Nope!" answered Cessa."Oh well," I sighed. "Do you suppose while we wait one of you could, (dramatic pause) Fuck me up my ass?"********************************************************************It was hard to believe that this was the same place I was in several weeks ago. Gone was all the casual joking, and the laid back atmosphere. It was replaced with all kinds of...
I am pretty new at writing tales of erotic adventures, So, I ask that you please leave a comment, if you can, or at least a vote. this will help me to know how to better write a story that YOU, the reader will enjoy. Thank You, in advance for your help. You have to love the internet, one can find anything, actually everythingyou could ever imagine, and even some not thought of, yet, anyway. I had signed up for a web site to find some models for a new portfolio I had planned, and not had a...
Straight Sex==================================== This is a work of fiction based off real a situation that has been embellished to make it more arousing to others. This contains some taboos and worse in many places and is not for everyone. PLEASE leave your comments and let me know what you think. Thanks ===================================== Background: I am in my mid 50's, fairly non de***********, 5'10" 210 lbs, single, bisexual, white guy that works construction with a dad bod. So in other words...
====================================================== Shortly after Jeff pulled out and went to see what was causing the dogs to act up I must have dozed off. I was still kneeling and sprawled across the footstool cushion when I was magically awoken by a tongue licking my asshole that was slowly weeping Jeff's spent load while another tongue (say what??) was licking my legs clean of what cum had run down it. As I was coming back to reality I lifted my head so I could turn to see what/who...
It had only been a week since the last time I'd closed Lori's office door and fucked her sexy tight cunt with my thick cock. When I got to my office that Thursday morning, I had a voice mail from Lori asking me to meet her in the joint conference room at 8:30 that morning. I could hardly wait and I felt my cock grow fully hard as I sat listening to Lori's sexy female voice. We'd been lovers now for several months since the first time Lori and I had fucked there on the desk beside her work...
Donna put down the magazine article about taking control of your own life. After more than 25 years as a stay-at-home housewife, she was overdue. Plus, she needed to take charge of her sex life since she hadn’t had one for several years. Her husband Ron refused to follow doctor’s orders to control his diabetes and congestive heart failure. He was still working so she was home alone except for some part-time volunteer work. On weekends he was worn out so wasn’t much of a companion either. After...
Emily's Mum is ever so hospitable. The young girl's face was scant inches from Rod's own face in the crowded subway car. At first, she was relaxed and lost in some unknown place, thinking some random thought of love or a past pleasure. Rod was surprised to see it change rapidly from sereneness to outraged helplessness. Nothing was apparent on the surface, but he was sure exploring hands were playing a nasty tune on the poor girl's ass. She parted her lips in nervous little trembles of...
The knock on my door had me searching for my bathrobe. I was enjoying my 1st cup of coffee and hadn’t gotten in the shower yet so was just the way I got out of bed, naked. I wasn’t expecting UPS or anything else. I opened the door to discover the young woman from two apartments down who had recently moved in with a man I assumed was her husband. I’d heard that they were newlyweds. She introduced herself as Sarah and asked if she might come in, even though appraising how I was dressed. She saw...
Everybody’s got stories about how they met their future wife. Besides the usual routine, there are some that are pretty nonstandard, like clicking with your friend’s date on a double and taking up with them, or possibly being offered a piece of your buddy’s girlfriend and you fall in love with her. A bit wilder is being one of many when she is being gangbanged and going back for more and ending up dating the slut. Well, my story is even different than that. It was my first spring break and I...
I can't remember now how I actually came to meet Joe and Lori. Joe was a young Army captain going through some training in the Newport News, Virginia area in the late 1980s. If you're out there reading this, Joe, yeah, you just about to find out that I was fucking your sexy young wife Lori on the side during the day while you were off being trained. You bet. Your sexy wife Lori was not only laying out beside the apartment complex pool in that fucking sexy two-piece swimsuit but she was also...