NikkiChapter 22 free porn video

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Dan's turn:

I came home to find my Nikki and her whole group sitting round the dining room table. Here "Hey, Baby!" was intermingled with "Hi, Mister Dan" from the rest of the group.

"Don't try to tell me you all are studying," I smiled.

Kellen spoke up. "It's almost like a habit, being here, but no, we're just hangin' out! I guess there are a lot of ways that kids can cope with high school and family and stuff. I really like this one!"

I saw Nikki smile. Nikki's previous year at school had been a subject of much conversation and I knew that her last year had not been pleasant. This year, she'd said, was so much better.

"Yessir," Bret added. "Has been. Hate to see Nikki moving on, but we'll figure out how to do this next year." I noted the way that Bret glanced sideways at Holly. He was reassuring himself.

Nikki kept me up to date on the latest in the 'Holly-Bret' thing and as time went on, it was indeed a 'thing'. "She stopped mooing over every one of those 'all full of himself' guys at school, you know, like the one that used 'er. Bret treats her like a princess and she treats him like a prince and they both recognize each other's MINDS."

"That's unusual for a couple of high school juniors," I said.

"Apparently. I don't know if it'll last. You know how high schoolers can be. But they sure do fit together. One of the few of those things where it doesn't seem like one's using the other." Her eyes connected with mine. "Of course, you and me, we define that idea, don't we."

"But only one of us is a high schooler."

"Uh-huh," she said. "And as the girl from a disadvantaged background, I COULD be using you. And YOU, as a middle-aged guy from a failed marriage, YOU could be taking advantage of me." She folded her arms for a second to emphasize the point, then unfolded them and half-climbed over me, wrapping her arms around me as best she could. "But I totally, irrevocably love you..."

"And I incontrovertibly adore you," I said.

"So all those presuppositions (I loved her expanding vocabulary) about relationships are fine as long as you realize that those are RANGES of activity and there's room for outliers on the curve." Nikki knew me and she knew that I found her discussions interesting. She planted a kiss on my lips and pulled back, smiling, gave her cute head a shake to move a stray strand of hair from her cheek. "You and me ... You and I, we're outliers. Waaay off from that big bump on the bell curve."

I untrapped my arms to complicate our hug. Kissed her back. "I'm so glad I have you, Nikki. You're remarkable."

"And so are you, my love," she said. "But Holly and Bret ... who knows?"

"Exactly," I said. "I know of some high-school romances that went on to be long, happy marriages. Outliers."

"Uh-huh. If I was going into sociology or psychology, it would be interesting to study that whole high school romance thing." She smiled softly. "It's a whole lot easier to do that when I can come home at the end of the day KNOWING that I'm not a participant, no matter how often I get asked..."

"Still getting asked?" I questioned. Another conversation we'd had pretty regularly. At first I was apprehensive. Now? A lot less so. My Nikki was upper-tier cute, especially now that she could dress well, and she CARED that her appearance was neat and her demeanor had gone from that of a somewhat worried outsider to a confident, happy teen. Naturally I find her attractive now, but if I was a typical high school boy, I would have found her attractive also.

"Yep! The presence of my wedding band and the fact that everybody with half a brain knows I'm married, that doesn't stop some guys." She giggled. "One of 'em actually hit on me while I was talking with Slade and his girlfriend of the week."

"Oh, yeah? How'd that go?"

Giggle. "Slade just listened at first when I said 'No, thank you, I'm married' but when the guy got a bit persistent, Slade just put his arm around my shoulder and told 'im, 'Nikki's, like, one of my best friends and I know her husband, and if he leaves enough of you after HE kicks your ass, I am going to take care of the rest... ' and the guy's eyes got real big and he said, 'Dude ... Cain't blame me for tryin' ... Sorrrrryyyyy!'"

"Slade did that in front of his own girlfriend?"

"Everybody knows about Slade and me and the rest of the gang. He invited his girlfriend to come to the study group, but apparently she's not the academic type. Poor Slade. He does have that problem. Being a jock, he has 'em lined up..."

"I dunno," I said. "When I was in high school, I only dreamed about having that problem."

She got her smile going. "I'm glad you didn't. Makes you all the much better for ME. But it's been a while since anybody tried. And now, with that academic thing, it's almost like I got IQ cooties or something. Guys afraid that if they stand too close, they'll start reading books without pictures or something."

"Part of what makes you my perfect little Nikki," I said.

But back to the group sitting around my table. There was Maddie, the first to join the study group. Maddie is the same age as my Nikki and similarly intelligent. "A lot of this is Nikki's fault, anyway," she said, smiling.

Nikki feigned an exasperated gasp. "How's it MY fault?"

Kellen picked up the pleasant banter. "Because poor little Maddie would've taken 'er 3.9 and played 'I'm working soooo hard... ' in class and spent another two years in high school. Instead, she got tied in with the 'Nikki's Gang' academic express and everybody started watching her. Next thing you know, she's graduating with YOU!" Kellen smiled smugly. "Of course, so am I!"

Slade was smiling. "Mister Dan, I hope that some day I can look at a bunch of people in my life that I've helped as much as you an' Nikki do. I mean, really!"

"I'm sure you will, son. And it'll be some magical way that's particular to Mister Slade Carruthers."

"Gosh, thank you, Mister Dan," he said. "Yaknow, you an' Nikki taught me more than algebra and chemistry and stuff. I've..." he glanced around the table, Nikki, Bret, Kellen, Holly, me, and he took a breath. "I think I'm giving up on ... uh ... bimbos..."

Kellen gasped along with Holly. Nikki was unusually smug, indicating to me that she knew more of this revelation than the others knew. Bret said, "Dude..."

"No, seriously," he said. "Bret, you ... Mister Dan, y'all know what I'm sayin'. Click. When you meet a girl, it's supposed to click. How's it gonna click if the most important thing in her life is 'my mom is sooooo unreal! She won't let me even get my nose pierced!"

Kellen laughed out loud, then tried to stifle herself. Her hand reached over and touched Slade's forearm. "I know who you're talking about, buddy. I wondered what you saw in her..."

Bret smirked and interjected, "You don't have to look too awfully hard..."

"That's just it," Slade said. "Fake versus genuine. She ... the one you're talking about, it was all about the outside. Yeah, she's cute. Pretty. But not any prettier than you, Kellen, except in a different way. Or you, Holly."

Holly's face lit up in direct proportion to Bret's face darkening. Slade saw both. "No, don't even think it, you two. Y'all belong together! But yaknow, it's ... like, there comes a time when you just, you know, want to TALK to somebody and there she is, all about..." he took a breath, "STUPID stuff!"

I was inwardly amused at seeing this revelation being espoused by a just turned seventeen year old boy. I didn't let the amusement show. Instead, I said, "Some guys never learn that, Slade. And there are plenty of girls out there to feed the sentiment if that's what you want to do."

Holly slapped Bret lightly on the back of his head. "YOU don't want to do THAT, do you, darlin'!"

Bret grinned. Boy knew what side HIS bread was buttered on. Nikki had explained to me some biographical details about Bret, not athletic, socially awkward, shy, and basically hopeless until Holly saw something in him. And now I kept seeing them making puppy-dog eyes at each other. Cute. I hoped they would stay good for each other.

Slade continued, "It's just not worth it. I mean, if I keep this sort of thing up, a decent girl won't ... I mean, TALK! You can't walk around showin' each other off to your friends all day. And you can't ... makin' out ... sex ... At the end of the day, who is it you're gonna TALK with?"

Nikki started giggling. "Slade Carruthers! Have you been followin' me around eavesdropping and taking notes?"

Slade looked quizzically at her. "W-wha?"

"I've been asked about this whole relationship thing all year, ever since poor little Nikki turned up at school wearing a wedding band. And yes, I've been asked about the 'sex thing', and about the 'showing your friends thing' and I always come back to the 'who can you talk with' thing." She smiled. "It's interesting that you made this discovery. I know people who didn't figure that out when they were thirty-something." She smirked and looked at me.

I added to her comment. "I know guys in their sixties that haven't figured that out. Seems to me that women are more likely to figure it out, though."

Nikki smiled. "I figured it out when I was fifteen. Fortunately MY guy is pleasant to look at, as well..." She glanced at Holly, who blushed and turned away slightly.

Kellen was little bit brazen, though, wading right in on Slade. "So tell me, Slade, my friend, is this epiphany a result of the departure of Miss Daley from your life, until, like the next honors graduate from the cheer academy?" Slade and cheerleaders was a common theme. She tossed her head, settled and stared at Slade.

"It's not about looks, Kellen. It's about the whole package, and looks're a part of it, for sure, but a bit of intelligence and a sense of humor, those are important, maybe more than looks."

Kellen wouldn't let him go, to the amusement of the rest of us. "So if you found, like, a poet-laureate that was ugly as a home-made booger, she'd be acceptable?" She made a show of puffing up. "Exactly what makes you think that a lady of intelligence and humor is gonna wanna mess with your big jock ass in the first place?"

Nikki made a pretty decent effort at suppressing a giggle. Bret's jaw dropped a little. Holly's giggle squeaked out.

Slade turned to me. "Mister Dan, you know what I mean, don't you?"

"Let 'is butt swing in the breeze, Mister Dan," Kellen said.

"No, Kellen. I think you skewered 'im pretty good. Slade, son, I understand what you're saying, but your choice of words was not particularly good for the venue in which you used them."

"I..." he started.

"You made it sound like you're the only one who had a say in the transaction. Like you're shopping for a commodity."

Kellen dove back in. "Yeah, bud ... Did you ever give a thought that your 'commodity' might be doing the same assessment of you?"

"Yeah," Holly jumped in. "I learned ... I get a say. Up to and including a veto!" She put her hand on Bret's shoulder. "And the right to initiate!" Her hand stroked his ear. He shook visibly.

Slade sighed. "Oh, so that's how it's gonna be. I come here, pour my very soul out before you, my friends, and you stab me in the heart and start picking apart the carcass."

"It's okay, Slade," Kellen said. "We actually understand what you said when we put it in the context of the gruntings of one of the school's star athletes." She smirked in emphasis. She turned to me. "See, Mister Dan? No study. Purely social."

"Except for Slade's bleeding carcass," Bret laughed. He looked at Holly and said to her, "Wanna get a coke on the way home?"

"Sure," she smiled.

The two of them left in Bret's little pickup truck. Kellen and Slade followed them up the road, each in a separate vehicle, as Nikki and I stood in the door, watching.

"Last time you'll see that," she said.

"See what?" I asked.

"Kellen and Slade in separate vehicles."

"You don't..." I started.

"You don't read things very well, love. That whole speech of Slade's, we all participated, but a ball was tossed to Miss Kellen. And her cutting him off at the knees, that was her acceptance. So don't be surprised if they show up in one car on Thursday."

"You think so?"

She leaned back against my chest, knowing I'd be there. I wrapped my arms around her, kissing the top of her head. "You have the nerve to doubt the foremost authority on relationships in our group? Maybe the whole school?"

"Ooooo-kayyyy," I said. "Where's OUR relationship going, then little one?"

"Soup and a sandwich for dinner, a little email time, then an early shower for both of us, followed by the requisite pleasurable coupling indicative of a healthy physical aspect to total love."

I love it when she sounds clinical.

We executed her routine handily. Email? Wasn't enough. I heard voices and understood that a Skype session with the sisterhood was underway. As was the usual case with these things, I paid little more attention than to note that the voices sounded happy, as was fitting. Four girls were within two or three weeks of graduating high school. While it was going on, I got to pet the cat.

The Skype session was short, a concession to three husbands and a fiance'. We retired to the shower. Together. Me and this beauty with the big blue eyes. All soapy, gropey, happy in the shower. I loved these things. I gladly traded shampooing that rich brown head of hair in return for a great back scrubbing. Well, it was a matter of mutual access. After the shower we had a routine that ended with the pair of us in bed, displacing the cat who knew that there was going to be (to him) an inconvenient amount of activity, after which he could find a place to nestle down for the night.

Might've been inconvenient for the cat but for me and my amazing young lady, it was bliss to a spiritual level. Started when she crawled onto the bed, completely nude, and I captured her, my hands on her hips. She reacted by rolling sideways onto her back, legs spread. I crawled in between them. She captured me, wrapping her legs around me, wiggling to put my dick tight between the lips of her pussy, rubbing, but dodging penetration as we kissed and caressed and loved each other.

Same as Nikki
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Keywords     Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity  HumiliationCategories    Bondage  Femdom  Forced  CrossdressingSynopsis       Ralph thought he he entered seventh heaven when he  married  the wealthy Janet                       Milhouse but little did he know?.RetributionBy Janet BakerMet and Married  It took forever to find the right man for my companion -- my husband. I wanted a man who would be easy to live with, not too demanding, attractive of course, about my age, and virile.  I...

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BackcountryChapter 4

That evening, I stalked through the reeds and shot a goose. I had feared that I might miss and lose the arrow, or that the big bird might take flight if I only winged it, perhaps taking my arrow with it, but we had to eat. Luckily, it was a clean kill and I waded forward, wet to the waist, to claim my prize. It made a welcome change from eating rats and chewing spruce-heart and all the other marvelous things Mataoka could prepare from that versatile tree. I returned to the clearing at the...

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Saving Caitlin Ch 02

Part II The examination ‘I want you to make sure she isn’t pregnant. I don’t want her to have to live with that. He was such a bastard to her.’ ‘I’ve already had her give my nurse a urine sample and we should know the results in just a few minutes. I’m going in now to give her a complete exam.’ ‘I’m going with you.’ ‘Now, Jon, why don’t you just relax here in the waiting room? She’ll probably be more comfortable with you out here.’ ‘No, I’m going in. I think she’ll be more secure with me....

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GirlsWay Charlotte Stokely Eliza Ibarra My Boyfriends Porn

Eliza Ibarra visits her best friend, Charlotte Stokely, and is stoked to see her. Even though they’re best friends, they haven’t had the chance to hang out much lately since Charlotte got a new boyfriend. But speaking of Charlotte’s boyfriend, he’s kind of why Charlotte invited Eliza over today… Eliza is curious as Charlotte takes out a laptop, explaining that it’s her boyfriend’s and that she was just borrowing it when she discovered something...

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First secret p1

Our first trip to the music festival was one ill always remember. We had a blast me more than anyone knew. This was a adults only trip, drinking, partying, live music, and sex lots of sex. Me (Courtney), Adam my husband and my girlfriend Dorothy went together. We've all been together for awhile but this was time for us you let loose and have fun.. We'd met some cool people and partied all night. I got really drunk just before dinner. Hubby had talked me and Dorothy into wearing a little sun...

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Deutsche Prominente lesbisch

Einige bekannte deutsche Prominente haben sich bereit erklärt an einem Turnier mit Sexfights teilzunehmen, das besondere ist das die Gewinnerin danach die Verliererin sexuell benutzen darf wie sie es will. Siegt eine Kämpferin überlegen, kann sie auch Unterstützung aus dem Publikum anfordern. Gekämpft wird in 3 Gruppen zu je 6 Teilnehmerinnen. Die jeweils ersten Beiden kämpfen dann im Modus A1- B2, B1-C2 und C1-A2 die 3 Teilnehmerinnen des Finalturniers aus.

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Cruise Ship Cuckold Ch 07

Eve continued to tease and chide me as I watched my sweet bride being groped and felt up by the captain as they danced at the Boathouse Lounge. I could hear other people laugh and make crude remarks, as Angel and Adam publically humiliated me with their show of intimacy. Eve said, ‘Look how beautifully they move together, I’ll bet you wish you could dance like that.’ I ignored her remarks and just sat there and watched them cavorting on the floor for three dances, listening to Eve’s verbal...

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Meine Stiefschwesrter

Meine Schwester ist schon immer sehr attraktiv gewesen. Nicht nur das sie eine außerordentliche Ausstrahlung hatte, sondern auch ihr Körper war einfach phantastisch. Für mich zumindest. Sie ist 180 groß, schöne hellblonde Haare, die ihr bis zur Schulter gehen, blaue strahlende Augen, einen schlanken Körper mit Beinen, die ihr bis zu den Schultern gehen. Ihre Brüste sind wohlgeformt, knackig und fest und nicht zu groß und sie hatte sogar hellblonde Schamhaare. Also einfach nur attraktiv! Auch...

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Country Boy City GirlChapter 22

About two months later I asked dad if I could borrow the car one weekend and he shook his head. I was a bit surprised, as he had said nothing about having to work that weekend. He looked right into my eye, and said “Well, it’s not work. I actually got a date this weekend.” I gave him a big hug, and could tell he wasn’t sure how I would take that. “ I’m glad for you dad. Anything serious?” “Nope, just going to go have dinner and see a movie. Maybe a drink or two afterwards.” “Well good for...

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a night out with a difference

We had decided to have some different fun tonight we would go out with our own friends and at the end of the night would go to the same club and act like strangers and see how the night went, we got dressed at friends houses so we had no idea what we were wearing and went out for a good night of sexy fun with our own mates.The night went well for me having a few women show interest in me through the night as we wondered from pub to pub. I looked out for her in case we bumped in to each other...

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Youngsville Part 1 Moving

Life in the city had never been great. I had always been a little bit of an outcast in school. I never made it into the social life there and most of the k**s avoided me. I had good grades and was usually the best in my class in all subjects. Could that have been the case? Jealousy? I was smart and a bit of a know it all. My name is Eric and I'm a jack of all trades. I spend most of my spare time tinkering with things in my life. I have also worked as a craftsman in my uncle's workshop and...

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Watching my wife seduce my bosstrue story

My wife and I had been playing around in the swinger lifestyle for just a couple of years with most of it( but not all of it ) being tame with just soft swap and occasionaly we would pick up a single male once in a blue . The was this one time she went way outside her confort zone and It is something I will always treasure about our experiances together. Well for a first few years of our marriage I worked as a construction worker flipping stores into chainstores and one of our biggest clients...

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Angel The PA

Knock knock“Come in!” he calls from his office.Angel walks in heels clicking on the floor as she does, he knows it’s her so doesn’t even both to look up to greet her.“Boss, you're going to be late. You have your ten o’clock meeting in five minutes. I have your pad, pen and notes for the meeting,” she informs Paul, her manager of five years.Angel is his PA and she takes her job very seriously. Angel has always enjoyed being a personal assistant, it fits with her submissive side but also to her...

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SexAndSubmission Alexa Nova Blue Collar Justice

Mr Pete gets lured into Alexa Nova’s flirtatious little web in this week’s SAS update: Blue Collar Justice. Hot and sweaty Mr Pete is doing yard work just minding his own business when sexy little minx Alexa Nova saunters out onto the porch in her panties. With her hard nipples protruding through her top she gives him a flirtatious but sassy glare and walks away showing off her cute round ass. Well if that isn’t an invitation I don’t know what is. But this girl has some...

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The Devils Pact the Cult of the GhostChapter 6 The Ritual

Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Thursday, July 17th, 2014 – Deidre Cheshire – Caissa County, ID The shield rippled as another barrage of artillery slammed into it. Shells burst against it, sending shockwaves rippling through the green. It was eerie. I could see the fireballs lighting up the night sky, illuminating the farm, but the sound never reached us. "Why does the shield let through light but not sound?" I asked Carla. She shrugged. "You're the expert, Deidre." I...

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Summer ProjectChapter 19

With each forkful of the Denver omelet, Michelle kept hearing the word 'punishment' echoing through her head. This was the first time she had transgressed what was expected of her during her weekend stay. She vaguely remembered something about being punished for cumming without permission on the recording, but given what Stephanie's tongue was doing at the time, it was hard to recall anything past her orgasm. A small fruit cocktail followed the omelet, filling her mouth with juicy bursts...

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GirlsWay Abigail Mac Georgia Jones Alexis Fawx Wastelands Episode 1

‘Every storm starts with a single drop.’ It felt like it all happened so quickly, yet our storm was years in the making. Humankind created androids to make life easier, but the androids became more and more like their creators with each upgrade. GirlsWay Corporation’s ‘pleasure bots’ became the first androids to be indistinguishable from humans. Beings that started off as tools soon became toys of the rich — and ultimately weapons. The corporation began...

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She Came She Saw And I Conquered

Hi, to begin with I am a 20 yr old guy from Mumbai ,average built and always looking for some no string attached action, this is my 1st story on the site so would be looking forward for your feedback. Without wasting too much time I would like to narrate my 1st sexual encounter. I come from a well to do family and this happened when I was 18 yr old, I was a regular student went to class, and came back home & was single. I knew this girl from my locality she is 3 yrs elder to me and...

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Twin Sisters That Have Sex Together

Our story is about two sisters who are identical twins. Our names are Lucy and Linda. We're eighteen years old. The only way you can tell us apart, is my sister Linda has a birthmark on her back. It's just a small little mark, but that is the only way you can tell which twin you're looking at. We've had so much fun messing with our friends. We've even shared boyfriends. We're very sexual and have been enjoying each other since we were seventeen. My parents have always had us in the same...

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Sex With my Moms FriendsChapter 4

After seeing Brenda and my mother eat each other's pussies, I sped over to Jeri's house. I needed answers and I needed them now. If Jeri didn't come clean with me about everything I couldn't begin to guess what my next move would be. Once I arrived I began beating frantically on her front door. Jeri answered it and I nearly knocked her down as I bolted inside. "What's going on, Jeri?" I asked, in a tone that wasn't very friendly. "I just came back from my Mom's house. I walked in to see Mom...

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Genius FloridusChapter 8

We were sitting on the couch a couple of nights later with the chessboard on the coffee table. I was studying mom’s last move to try to trap my Bishop when she asked, “Honey can we practice the positions again?” Not thinking too much about it, I said, “Sure, anyone in particular?” I moved my Rook to block. “Cowgirl. I need to get better at that one.” She moved her Knight and threatened my King, “Check.” Damn, I waited too long to castle. “Okay, I need to think about my next move anyway....

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Uma Auntyrsquos Valentinersquos Day Fuck

Hi all I am back with my another encounter with my darling love who does anything for me this lovers day was so special for us I just loved it. She had bought some gifts for me and so did I for her and we were making out and slept after making out and I was woken up by my Uma darling with a gentle kiss and hug and she wished me for valentines day and I too wished her valentines day for her.She gave me my gift and I opened it and I saw to my surprise she had kept my favorite stud for me and she...

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Magical LabyrinthChapter 2

Rebecca awoke slowly feeling dizzy and miserable. Her head was spinning, she felt freezing cold, and her stomach has heaving. She blinked in bewilderment into the bright white light around her, trying to understand where she was while resisting an urge to vomit. She tried to make sense of her environment and failed. Her memory was an absolute blank as to how she got here. Where was here? As her mind began to clear, she realized she was lying flat on her back in a large empty room without...

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Show me yours

It was the summer break of my second year at college. Most of my friends had left for sunny beaches to party it up, but I had stayed behind, looking for digs. I came out of a relationship with a boyfriend who had cheated on me, though he repeatedly told me that it had been a drunken fling and that I should get over it.Well, I didn't and I packed my bags.Problem was that I had given up my room to shack up with him, so now I needed a roof over my head. Not my favourite way of spending a holiday,...

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What Happened Under the MoonlightChapter 2

I knew that he must have seen the card by now. The writing, simple and direct, below a photo of me lying on a bed without a stitch of clothing on my body, except a nice red silk bow over my pussy ... waiting ... not the first photo I'd sent him. After the night at the beach, We hadn't seen each other which left ... other forms of communication. Emails and texting ... he didn't write much about his work, for security reasons. My life was pretty dull what with sorting plants on Ilves all...

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Best Birthday present to office colleague

Hi, I am anil from hyderabad , with new story of mine with a girl named Rani. She is working my office and she from other city. She lives in there alone and working as Executive in my company. I always stare her boobs, butt when she comes to me to goes away from me. She is having her birthday on 22 Feb. On that day, She had dressed for the occasion. She was wearing a red saree with a sleeveless blouse that had a halter neck that showed off her shapely arms. Red lipstick, red nailpolish and red...

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Must Read

The Sheriff in a small town walks out in the street and sees a blonde cowboy coming down the walk with nothing on but his cowboy hat, gun, and his boots, so he arrests him for indecent exposure.As he is locking him up, he asks "Why in the world are you dressed like this?The Cowboy says, "Well it's like this Sheriff .. I was in the bar down the road and this pretty little red head asks me to go out to her motor home with her. So I did.We go inside and she pulls off her top and asks me to pull...

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White Wedding

It was only a couple of weeks before our wedding. We were talking about the arrangements for the big day. Of course, the groom is not supposed to see or even know details about the bride's wedding dress until he turns to see her as she arrives next to him at the chancel steps in the church. But I did ask one question. "Will you be wearing stockings and suspenders?" It was, in fact, the first time that I had asked her about wearing stockings, even though the thought of them always...

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