Devlin's StoryChapter 4A free porn video

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They were going to be late for the party.

Danny fretted through the traffic on I-39, but some sort of accident up ahead had left only one lane open. While Danny kept drumming the steering wheel, Devlin kept running her hand down her leg. It was hot in the car, the early evening sun made it seem like being inside an oven and she could feel the sweat trickling down her back. She hoped it didn't stain the dress.

It seemed like the whole afternoon things had been just a few minutes late. School had let out a few minutes late. They'd had a new driver for their bus, and the woman had taken her own sweet time getting everyone home. By the time Devlin walked in the front door it was almost time for her mother to leave for work.

"I have something for you in the microwave," her mother said. She was busy trying to make a sandwich and clip on her earrings at the same time.

Devlin finally pushed her out of the way. "Go finish getting dressed," she said. "I'll fix your sandwich."

"You use too much mayo," her mother said.

"I didn't make the tuna salad," Devlin said, "you did. Now go. Or you'll be late."

Her mother gave her a quick hug and ran back upstairs. Devlin looked after her with a smile. Some days her mother was more disorganized than others. And this was Friday, and payday, which didn't help. She quickly finished the sandwich. What else would her mother like? She put some carrot sticks and a couple of cookies in the sack. The coffee pot had just finished perking, so she filled her mother's thermos. She cleaned up and went upstairs and changed out of her school clothes.

Her mother was wearing just her bra and panties and tossing clothes on the bed as she looked for something. "My dark red turtleneck sweater," she said when Devlin asked her.

"It's downstairs in the laundry," Devlin said. "I'll get it." When she returned with the sweater a few moments later, her mother was standing in front of her mirror, inspecting herself critically.

"I've got to lose a few pounds," she said. She sucked in her tummy. "Maybe get this down a bit, too."

"You're pretty good looking to me," Devlin said. She knew her mother would disagree, she was always talking about "those few pounds" she wanted to lose. She looked at her mother critically. Like her she was just over 5'6" but she had short black hair cut in a page-boy, moderate sized breasts set high on her chest, a waist that pinched in a little, nicely rounded hips and butt, and legs that were attractive enough she wore short skirts to show them off.

"You're a dear to say so," her mother said, "but I know I'd look better with just a few pounds off." She pulled on her black slacks and red sweater. Combing her hair back she took a second look at herself. "This will have to do. I need some new clothes." She glanced at her daughter. "So do you, young lady. You have college next year, and you'll want to dress better than you do right now."

"I like the clothes I wear," Devlin said. "And I think they'll fit in."

"Hah. I should take you down to Bloomington and let you see what the girls there are really wearing."

Devlin had already seen what most college girls wore and didn't say anything. If her mother was going to buy her new clothes, she wasn't going to argue. These last few years she'd had to buy almost all of her own clothes.

Her mother glanced at her watch. "Well, I'm going to be late again unless I hurry." She kissed Devlin on the cheek. "I'll see you when I get home. Do Sue and Dan have plans for tonight?"

"It's Friday," Devlin said. "So I'll be babysitting tonight."

"Have fun," her mother said. She ran down the stairs. Devlin waved as her mother pulled out of the driveway. She glanced at the clock. If her mother broke a few laws she should make it to work on time.

When she got over to Sue and Danny's she found Danny was running late. He worked in Bloomington, and had been held up in some sort of meeting. Devlin went upstairs, thinking about what she wanted to wear tonight. Did she want to wear the black lace chemise? Or how about the short leather skirt and low-cut blouse? That made her look a little cheap, but the chemise would make her look naked, which was the point of the whole thing. Well, there was always one way to find out. She skinned out of her clothes and into the chemise.

She liked the effect. As a dress it was a flirty little thing. The top barely held her breasts, and the hem was short enough she could flash a little of her sex. She spun briefly, and could see her bare bottom in the reflection. This would be great at the party.

She tried on the blouse and skirt outfit. This was nice, too, but it wasn't quite like the chemise. The skirt came down as far as the middle of her thigh, and the slit in back came almost all the way up to her bottom. She tried bending over and wiggling-she could just make out where her legs came together. As for the top, she'd wear her half-bra, the one with the cups that supported but didn't cover a thing. She rubbed her nipples so they stood out against the tight white fabric. That was better, but her initial impression was right. This made her look cheap, and right now she didn't want cheap. Reluctantly she put it back and considered what else was on the rack.

"What about that black dress?" Sue asked from behind her.

"Hmmm?" Devlin turned around. She hadn't heard the woman enter the room behind her.

"That black dress. You haven't worn that in a while, what about it?"

Devlin pulled the dress out of the closet and held it up against her while she checked things out in the mirror. "Okay, I guess," she said. She pulled it on. She had to tug and pull her breasts to get them to settle in place, she'd grown since buying it. She smoothed the rest of the dress down and stepped back to get a look at herself.

The dress was almost too short. She'd worn blouses longer than this. She had maybe an inch, maybe two between the top of her thighs and the hem. She only had to bend over a little for everything to show. And the top-the material was thin on top, almost a gauze. You could see the circles of her areola, and you could see the nubs of her nipples, but you couldn't quite make out the details. As a Friday night party-dress this was first rate.

"This looks pretty good," she said, nodding.

"Wear a longer skirt in the car in case you get stopped or something," Sue said. "That way you'll look covered."

"I'd better carry a sweater, too," Devlin said. She gave herself another quick look and then tried on her black high heels. This made it even better. God, she was getting turned on just looking at herself in the mirror. This was hot.

Danny still wasn't home yet so all she could do was wait. Eventually he pulled in to the driveway. He showered and changed, and after a quick snack they got in the car. As it was dusk, Devlin wore the sweater as well. She tied a scarf around her hair like Sue did. To the casual observer Danny and Sue were going out for the evening, just like people thought they did every Friday night.

Danny tried to make up for lost time on the freeway, but everyone else seemed to have the same idea. Traffic, already heavy, was slowed by the accident, and soon it was stop and go. When they finally got up to the accident, Devlin took a good look. "It's a semi on it's side," she told Danny. She glanced out the front. The truck had left a swath of corn piled across the road as it had tipped over. "I wonder if anybody was hurt?"

"Doesn't look like it," Danny said. He pointed to a guy in jeans, work shirt, cowboy boots, and a baseball cap standing next to a cop and talking. "I think he's the driver."

"I wonder what happened?"

"We'll find out in the paper tomorrow." Danny eased around the corn, and a small Ford pick-up that was nearly buried in it. "That ought to make an interesting story."

The accident was lost to view as they speeded up. In just a few minutes they came up to their exit. "I hope we're not too late," he said.

"Maybe not," she replied. "Anybody coming from Peoria would have run into the same accident." He nodded. "Now slow down, don't attract too much attention," she added as he turned left onto the State Route and accelerated. "We're running late enough as it is." She knew Danny had a lead foot and took speed limits as suggestions.

Danny glanced at what she was wearing, and his eyebrows went up. "We really don't want to get stopped now," he said. "Why'd you wear a sweater? It's boiling out here."

"To cover my chest," Devlin replied, tapping her breasts.

"I'll be careful," Danny said, laughing. He took his foot off the gas, and shortly they passed a cop car set up in a speed trap. The officer ignored them as they cruised past just below the speed limit. Danny looked at her and grinned.

Emma and Tim lived just around the corner from the parking lot for the grange. That gave plenty of room for everyone who came to their parties. Danny found an empty slot, and they almost ran through the twilight to the house.

The front porch was at an angle to the street and screened by bushes. Devlin slipped off her skirt and sweater. Right away she felt better. When she rang the bell she saw the peephole grow dark as someone looked through it. She stepped back, showing off. With that the door opened. Emma, standing behind the door, and wearing a blue half-bra that supported her breasts without covering them, a blue garter belt, blue stockings and blue spiked heels, greeted them. "C'mon in," she said. "I was beginning to wonder."

"Traffic," Danny said. "Somebody spilled a load of corn out on I-39. Anyone else coming up the freeway will be late."

"Well, make yourself at home," Emma said. She was a tall woman in her late 30's, with brown hair, a long face with a dimple on the end of her chin, full breasts, and lively brown eyes. "We're just getting started."

"I was afraid you'd start without us," Devlin said.

"No fear," Emma said. "You know where everything is, I've got to see to the food."

"Well," Danny said, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek. "Have fun."

"See you about 11:00," Devlin said.

Danny headed towards the hot tub. Devlin looked around. A few people wearing skimpy clothes were still standing around in the living room, talking about this and that. That meant most of the people had already started to pair up.

Ted and Tom Rogers saw her and came over. They were as alike as two peas in a pod, and all of their actions, including the most intimate ones, were alike, too. "Feel like having some fun?" Ted asked.

"Whatever did you have in mind?" Devlin asked. She checked their nude bodies. They'd been gymnasts in college and were in great shape. The last time the three of them had gotten together she'd taken them in turn for what seemed like hours. It was one of her special memories.

"How about a double blow-job," Tom said.

"A double-blow job? How do we do a double-blow job? I've only got one mouth."

"I think you could suck both of us," Ted said. Tom nodded.

"That's all right for you guys," Devlin said. "But what about me?"

The twins looked at each other. "Well, we could make it up to you a bit later," Tom asked. "We figured a blow job would take some of the pressure off."

"That's probably true," Devlin said. "Wait for me, I've got to get undressed." She peeled out of her dress and hung it up in the closet in the bedroom set aside as the women's dressing room. She draped the rest of her clothes under her dress. "Where to?" she asked as she rejoined them in the living room.

Ted stepped back and admired her body. "Lord love it," he said. "But you sure are sexy."

She ran her fingers lightly across his chest. "You're pretty good looking yourself." Even compared to other men Ted was firm. His chest had that compact musculature that a lot of men lacked, however.

"Unless you want to go upstairs, how about right here?" Tom asked.

"Here's fine," she said. She knelt and began playing with their cocks. It was amazing how their cocks looked alike, the same folds of skin, the same look to the glans, the same way their balls hung down. And they felt the same, too, heavy, thick, pendulous; it was amazing how alike they were.

She pulled the men in closer, until their hips were touching. Which one to start on first? She pulled both cocks up and studied them. Finally she licked the one in her right hand, then turned and repeated the motion for the one in her left hand. Both cocks thickened immediately. She smiled up at the men, then did it again, her hands sliding back and forth on them at the same time.

When they were hard, she pulled them close enough she could get both of them partly in her mouth. She sucked fiercely, and at the same time she started fondling their balls. The two men twitched slightly, instinctively pushing forward.

She caressed their legs, feeling the strength in them. Her hands trailed lightly up across their tummies to their chests. She could feel their muscles move as she sucked each cock in turn. They felt so strong, so solid, so very male. And for the moment they were hers.

She teased the sensitive skin under the head of the cock of each man, slowly jacking them until she saw the first drops of cum appear. She smiled and sucked even harder, rolling the taste of each around in her mouth. They even tasted alike.

"God, can you suck," the one in her right hand said.

Devlin smiled at the praise. She looked up at them as she rubbed their cocks against her nipples. This felt so sexy, so naughty and sexy at the same time. These men were hard, and they were hard for her. They were hard because they desired her. They were hard because she was sexy and pretty and all the other things. The girls she saw every day in school would be shocked speechless if they could see her right now. They wouldn't realize how good it felt to rub the pre-cum drop of fluid from each cock against her tightening nipples. They felt so masculine, so heavy and manly right now, and she was rubbing them against her feminine softness. The tight little friction seemed to shoot right through her, opening her up and wanting these men.

"Which one first," she asked finally. "The trouble is, I want you both."

"I don't suppose you could get both of us in there at once," Ted said.

"As tight as she is?" his brother asked. "She can barely get one of us in there."

Devlin just smiled and resumed sucking. She smeared the next drop of cum across the head of his cock with her fingers while she dug a drop out of the cock of his brother. Then she took both of them in her mouth again. One filled her mouth. Together they were almost too much. But she could get the heads of their cocks in her, and she added to their excitement, licking with her tongue while she rubbed them against each other. Then she began sucking them both at the same time. It was awkward and she had to stretch her mouth, but she could do it. She reached down and began rubbing herself as she did so. She felt so hot and open, and the boys were making her wet. She really did need one of them.

The one on her left made a noise deep in his throat. She concentrated on him, sucking and jacking at him as hard as she could. He made another noise, his hand came to her head, holding her while his hips pumped his cock into her mouth, cumming with a low groan.

His warm white cum filled her mouth and dribbled off her chin down onto her breasts. Devlin swallowed as fast as she could. She squeezed his balls, milking him for all she was worth. After a half dozen spurts he sagged back, spent. She smiled and turned her attention to his brother. That was the fun part of sex with the twins. One would finish, and the other would be ready. If you got them alone you could keep going back and forth for hours.

No longer distracted by a second cock, she could give him her full attention. She sucked as hard as she could, her tongue playing wildly around the head of his cock. She squeezed and teased his balls with one hand while the other stroked back and forth on his length. She could feel him stirring. His balls tightened and his cock seemed to swell. With a noise reminiscent of his brother he came, shoving his cock deep into her mouth and filling her with his salty cum.

Devlin swallowed some of it. She pulled back, letting his last few spurts leave long white streaks across her breasts and face. She wanted a man right now, and in the worst way. But both of the cocks she held were out of it for a few minutes, hanging wet and limp in front of her. She sighed and began working their juices into her skin. She hadn't cum, but there was something sensual about the feel of their warm cum on her.

"It makes your skin glow," Tom said, watching her. He was still breathing hard. He took several deep breaths, then bent over and sniffed where she'd rubbed. "Ah, Eau de Cock."

"I don't think it'll replace the perfume I was wearing," Devlin said. "White Russian," she explained when they looked at her. She massaged her breasts a bit more. "Can one of you finish me?" she asked. She really wanted a man so bad she could taste it.

"Can we take a rain check for later tonight?" Ted said.

Devlin pulled her breast up to her mouth and licked up a little of his cum. "I'll hold you to that," she said. "And if it isn't tonight, it'll be next time."

"You have our marker," Tom said. "Right, bro?"

Devlin fondled both their balls. "Just don't drain these completely," she said. "Save some for me."

She headed back to the kitchen to get a drink of water. The window was open and she could hear kids yelling, dogs barking at cars, and the sounds of a party from the house behind Emma and Tim's. While she was sipping the water a man walked up and put his hand on her bottom.

"You interested?" he asked.

"Would I be here if I wasn't?" she replied, smiling back at him

"Just checking." He took her hand and led her to the living room. He kissed her roughly, his hands squeezing her breasts. "God, these are real," he said after carefully feeling them.

"They're all me."

"Ummm, I love natural tits." He sank his face between them, kissing back and forth. He brought his hands up, pushing her boobs against his face, rubbing his whisker roughened skin against her. His mouth gravitated to her nipples, and he rubbed them together, sucking them both at the same time.

It was like a sharp tingle went directly from her nipples to her womb, and Devlin could feel her sex clutching at emptiness. She reached for his cock, feeling how he was already hard. He had a short cock, but his balls felt like baseballs. She squeezed them gently. He stiffened and groaned.

"I've just got to do this, baby," he said. He squeezed her breasts together and slid his cock between them.

As he thrust between her boobs Devlin bent her head and licked the head of his cock as it emerged. She could taste the salty drop of pre-cum as it glistened in the light. She clutched his ass; the feel of the power in a man's muscles as he moved was always a turn on for her. As he moved she could see the contrast between them, the soft white of her breasts, the dark pink of his cock. The feel of his hardness against her softness lit a warm fire deep within her. She stroked and touched him, encouraging his thrusting.

He suddenly shifted to short sharp strokes. She watched as his cum erupted, smearing all across her breasts. He groaned repeatedly until he sighed and settled back on the couch, his cock deflating rapidly.

"Thanks, sugar," he said thickly. "That was good." He smiled tiredly, his eyelids already starting to droop.

"Too quick if you ask me," she muttered to herself.

As she got off the couch Devlin saw Emma standing in the dining room, watching. Emma was naked, had one leg up on a chair, and was idly rubbing her sex as she watched the action in the living room.

"What is it about having large boobs that makes guys want to cum all over them?" Devlin asked the older woman.

Emma reached out and scooped up some of the cum from Devlin's breasts just before it dripped to the floor. "It happens to you a lot, doesn't it." She licked her finger. "May I?" she asked.

"I'm not really bi-," Devlin warned. Ordinarily she would just say no, but she liked Emma, and she knew Emma wasn't much interested in girls-she only got with a girl to get some guy turned on.

Emma laughed. "Dear, much as I'd love to ravage your fair body, I just want to clean you up a bit." With that she bent over and began licking the cum off of Devlin's breasts, tracking down every drop she could find. Devlin closed her eyes in pleasure. Wherever Emma licked her breasts were first cool from the saliva, then warm from the reaction. She felt her nipples growing taut; she really needed someone to suck them. Her hand came up to the back of the woman's head, and she arched her chest, trying to force her breasts deeper into Emma's mouth.

Emma stopped suddenly. "Different taste," she said, and resumed her licking. When she began licking the streaks of come off of Devlin's tummy she paused again. "That's three guys," she said. "Or maybe two."

"It was the twins," Devlin said. Her breathing was coming a little harder. She was getting so warm from this. She tried to remind herself she liked guys, but Emma's kisses and licks were turning her on.

"That would explain it," Emma said. She straightened up when she was done. "There's nothing like the taste of a man."

"I thought I was going to get some in my mouth," Devlin said. "He's the second one tonight who's done that. First the twins-they wanted a double blow-job and they came all over my face. And then some guy I met in the kitchen wanted to screw my boobs. I haven't gotten properly laid tonight."

"That happens as we get later into the evening," Emma said

"But it's not even 7:00," Devlin said.

"They're men," Emma said. "Who can explain them?" She studied Devlin's face for a minute. "Is there something going on between you and Danny?" Emma asked. She knew the girl's arrangement with Danny and Sue, and thoroughly approved. Danny was the oversexed kind of guy who would be out spending money on hookers or picking up women in bars. Devlin, and swinging, gave him an outlet for his sex drive. The one thing Emma didn't know was Devlin's age.

"No," Devlin said. She wondered how much to tell Emma. A little bit, she decided, and hoped it wouldn't lead to too many questions she couldn't answer. "I've got a new boyfriend," she said. "His name's Jeff."

"Ah," Emma said. "Let me guess, he doesn't know about Danny." She gestured at the three couples in the living room licking, screwing and sucking on each other. "And he doesn't know you're a swinger, either."

"No he doesn't, and I don't know what to tell him."

"Do you want to give it up?"

"The swinging?" She thought a moment. "I suppose I could give up swinging, but then I'd have to give up coming here, too." The rule was couples only, and Emma and Tim firmly enforced it.

Emma shook her head. "No, I don't think you want to give up swinging."

Devlin thought a moment. "I might give up Danny if I could still swing."

Emma watched the couple on the couch, idly rubbing her nipples as she did so. "Under the right circumstances, who knows? Something might be worked out." She smiled at the girl. "No, you really don't want to give this up, do you?"

Devlin shook her head. "I've thought about that," she said. "And I don't think so. I've been coming here for three years and I wouldn't give it up for the world."

"You've really been coming here three years?"

"I think so. The first time I came here it was October of 1995. It was Halloween."

"I think I remember that," Emma said. "Everybody wore costumes. I dyed my pussy hair orange for the occasion. It itched like mad for a week after that, too."

"I've been going with Jeff for less than a week, and it seems like we've been together for years."

"Have you had sex with him? Maybe you're just horny."

Devlin sat on one of the dining room chairs, ignoring the couple making the dining room table shake only a few feet away. "Jeff and I had sex last night for the first time. Danny was away on a trip, so he and I haven't had sex for over a week, but last night we did." She smiled at a memory. "Jeff's better."

"Now now, girl, you're not supposed to compare them."

"It's hard not to. And there was the party here two weeks ago. No Emma," she concluded with a laugh, "I don't think I'm not getting enough sex. Though last night I think I almost got too much."

"It's impossible to have too much sex," Emma said. "I read something the other day that the average American woman has sex about 3 to 5 times a month." She gestured at the living room, and by connection, the whole party. "If you add in us, there are a lot of women out there who aren't getting any."

Devlin had to laugh. "And how much do you get, Emma?"

"I don't even want to guess," she said. "You figure between this, my husband, and some friends we see from time to time, I'm busy a lot. I'm probably as active as you are. And I always thought you were the one of the busiest gals at these parties."

"I'm sure there's someone who gets it more than I do," Devlin said. She stared at the couple on the table. The woman's legs were right next to her, and the man was standing on the floor going at her like a pile driver. Devlin had the best possible view of the most intimate parts of the action. Watching them stirred something deep inside her.

"Are you going to have your period soon?" Emma asked. "Is that it?"

"No, that was last weekend, fortunately while Danny was gone."

Emma stood there looking at her friend. Clearly something was bothering the young woman. "Have you thought of telling Jeff about this and Danny?"

Devlin looked startled. "He'd probably never want to see me again," she said in a worried voice. "He'd think I was a slut, or worse."

"Ah hah!" Emma said. "Okay girl, I know what it is. Don't worry, it's perfectly natural."

"Well what is it?"

"Girl, if you don't know what it is by now..." She paused, and then shook her head. Clearly Devlin was completely at sea with this. Her eyes strayed lower, to Devlin's nipples, to her little round tummy, to the delicious looking nest of black hair that was just visible where her legs joined.

"Dear," Emma said. "As sweet as you are, and as good as you look right now, I think I need a man, and I think you do, too."

Devlin laughed. "Yeah, a couple of blow jobs aren't really that satisfying. Lead on."

"I know just the guy," Emma said. "He's nice and long lasting."

Emma spotted him as he was heading for the basement. "Jules," she called, "wait a minute. He usually holds off in the first part of the night," she said in an aside to Devlin. "He likes to be the stud near the end of the evening when all the other guys are spent."

Jules was an older man about her height, with a receding hairline and a small paunch. He had silver in his hair, silver on his chest, and some silver at the base of his tummy. He paused as Emma called his name again.

"You with anyone at the moment?" she asked.

"No, I was just watching what was going on." He looked back and forth between Devlin and Emma. "Both of you? Or one at a time?"

"Devlin first," Emma said, turning to go. "She can't stay all night. You and I can do it afterwards as many times as we like."

"I'm Jules," he said, holding out his hand by way of introduction.

"Devlin," she replied, shaking it. She ran her fingers through the silver hairs on his chest. It looked wiry, but felt so smooth. Playfully she scratched his nipples, feeling him flinch a little.

He began fondling her breasts, rolling them back and forth in his hands. "Um, all natural. I like that."

"How can you tell?" Devlin asked as he bent over and kissed them.

"It's my job," he said. "I'm a plastic surgeon, and making small boobs into big ones is one of the things I do. And I can tell if there's been some additions to the landscape."

"All this naked flesh must be pretty boring to you."

"No, not really." He began tracing the blue line of a vein with his tongue. "For one thing, I don't get to do this." He took her nipple in his mouth and sucked gently.

Devlin hooked a knee over his hip, thrusting forward until her sex pressed against his cock. Slowly she rubbed against him. He wasn't hard, but she could feel him getting bigger.

"You're forward and direct." His hands dropped to her bottom, squeezing the flesh there.

"Why pretend?"

As if in reply he kissed her. She worked her tongue against his, her lips trying to take in all of his mouth. She ran her hands through his hair. She'd always thought gray or silver hair should be stiff, and she didn't know why. But his hair was soft and curled around her fingers.

They broke the kiss, both breathing hard. Without a word Jules pulled her down on the mattress. Parting her legs, he kissed the sensitive skin on the inside of her knee. His finger brushed her skin before settling on a brief exploration of her sex.

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Greed was in the heart of one, relief in that of another, a nameless foreboding in that of poor Mr Bottomley - and joy unconfined in that of the infatuated Dorothy as the purchase was agreed. "We'd like to complete the transaction as soon as possible" said that long-suffering tycoon, Mr Fred Bottomley, as his wife scurried off on her continuing tour of inspection, uttering frenzied whoops of amazed delight at all-too frequent intervals. "As you can see, the little woman's really taken...

4 years ago
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A Hard Road to Happiness Ch 2

I originally did not write this chapter with a sexual scene but I felt like people would complain and I didn't want to hear it. If you'd like to see the original version ask and I'll send it to you. If enough people ask I'll post it.By some miracle I managed to graduate high school. My mother went all out with graduation announcements and somehow got my family to come to the commencement ceremony to watch me graduate.After I graduated I packed my things and told my mother that I was moving out...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Loren Minardi Hardcore Fuck With Brunette Vamp

Loren Minardi is a dark haired siren in this hot Hands on Hardcore scene where she works all of her charms as a gorgeous vampire with one thing on her mind – the blood and cock of her lover Sabby. Watch as she prepares a jacuzzi full of rose petals to entice her man, covering him in sensual kisses before she sinks her fangs into his neck. A blowjob from the captivating vamp distracts him from the pain and soon they are fucking in the moonlight, their bodies covered with a soft sheen of...

1 year ago
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Trouble in Paradise

The station AI was being pressured by James to make a medical dummy for me to practice on. I swear he is absolutely paranoid that some or all of our systems will fail. I suppose he has a point. Being able to practice first aid may be a good idea and with barely 18 adults in our community it isn't a good idea for us to not know each others' jobs. In fact one of the first orders James gave was that we should be retested at least annually to determine our CAP score. I don't like that of course,...

2 years ago
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The Meeting Pilot

Susie grinned, checking her reflection in the mirror. Okay she was no model, but her sea coloured eyes and her freckles made her seem like she was as sweet and as innocent as she sometimes wished she was. She tilted her head from side to side and tested the way her hair fell, her teeth closing on her lower lip as she tried to practice a seductive look. She humphed and frowned as she just seemed to look more and more like a clumsy fool trying to be sultry and sexy. She shrugged at her...

4 years ago
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pleasurable stranger

“Okay hunny but what about your homework?” “I don’t have any mom, good night.” I walked up the stairs tiredly. I had a long day at school. A lot of class work, high school drama. Fights. And to top it off I didn’t get very much sleep last night. I don’t know why but I had the strangest dream last night. A dream I never thought id have at this age. The first wet dream I ever had. A dream about a man coming into my room and rubbing my legs and groping my breasts. It felt so good and...

3 years ago
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First Time

Introduction: The Making of a Domme First Time Prologue I make my way up the long flight of steps from the dock toward the house where Cija waits for me. I speak into the entry phone, feeling a thrill at the sound of her voice telling me to come on up, the door swinging open for me. I adjust my collar, run my fingers through my hair and reflect for a moment. When we first met, she was gauche and awkward although pretty. I can already see the change in her since we started accidentally meeting...

1 year ago
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Reddit Femboys, aka r/Femboys! Welcome back to all my subreddit lovers. We are here to talk about yet another subreddit that I find incredibly addictive, and it is called r/FemBoys/. Now, if you are not really into that theme of feminine boys, then you might want to browse through other subreddits instead. Here you will only have the lovely boys who enjoy dressing feminine and doing all kinds of other shit.I think that one cannot get confused with a subreddit like this one. You will either love...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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My Little Indian

A Little Indian….I was working for a large firm in the late 1990s and I was working on a project in Belgium where we had folks from India working with us. One business analyst that we had on our team was fresh out of college and was seeking to move away from India. She was a small petite girl, weighing not much more that 80-90lbs, small barely b-cup titties, a very girlish round face. We were working together and I asked her out for dinner. I was struck by her beauty, those brown eyes and...

2 years ago
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A Mothers Helping Hand Ch 5

Jason's Nightmare Saturday afternoon Mrs Jackson had popped out to do a little shopping. As usual the television had been left on for Jason. There was a cricket match on, but the pace was slow with the batting team holding out for a dull draw. He reflected on the previous evening, a strange mix of sweet-and-sour. Why had he been so awful to his mother, begrudging her a night out and then coming home late? She had been right, though. He had to admit that much. She did deserve a break,...

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Aidra Fox 2500 387000

Aidra Fox is one foxy brunette. This slender slut was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on September 25th, 1995. Her sexy and unique look comes from a mixture of Polish, German, and Czech heritage. Aidra has three older and one younger sister, who are all sexy. It must run in the family. Unfortunately, they don't do porn, but if they did, I would definitely watch that incest scene.From Woods to WoodAidra grew up out in the woods as a country girl. She loves to fish, hike, and party around a...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Wife fucked by three in one night

We had several friends over for a cook out and swimming. My wife and I do this a lot every summer and most of the friends are single. I'll use their real names , Mike and Eric came over together in Eric's new truck. They are young good looking guys in their early twenties and best friends. My wife and I had only met them once before at Jim's house. As the day went on I noticed my wife was paying a lot of attention to both of them. She was looking very sexy in her bright orange bikini. The...

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It was well after 9:00PM when I finally returned from work. I was exhausted mentally, which was definitely affecting me physically. But I had much preferred to stay rather late on a Friday evening than go to work for a few hours on a Saturday morning. Still, I felt less than human when I walked in the front door. Clearly, I had missed dinner, and the snacks I had bought from a vending machine at work would not last me much longer. If my fiancée had cooked dinner, she had already put away...

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My Sister Makes her Escape story 5

A couple of days after I packed my stuff and left my apartment, my friend found me a stock broker who was looking for a girl. I was a little nervous when I first met him. He was 36, dark and attractive. He had a beautiful four bedroom house in the centre of London just a few minute walk from the nearest tube station and a twenty minute commute to University. I got on well with him and I was attracted to him on a physical level and so I moved in two days later. He fucked me the very first night....

3 years ago
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International fucking

International fuckingIntroduction: This milf was full of surprises, on a trip to Oslo, Norway.Every word of the following story is true, the woman I shared this experience with was absolutely wonderful, both in and outside the bedroom.I was, 24at the time this happened, black man on a trip with his friends in Oslo. She's Lori, 48, around 5'8 a bit on the chubby side but beautiful with it and looks to kill. Caurasian, a beautiful round ass, gorgeous smile and what I would later find out to be...

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Tied Down

His heart pounded as he stood in the doorway, watching as she moved about, enticing with her wiggling hips whenever she bent to retrieve something. He wanted to move farther in, to take her in his arms and kiss her passionately, but she had commanded that he stay where he was. Wanting to appease his saucy minx, he had stayed where she wanted, watching in agony as she stripped in front of him before covering herself in a simple silk lingerie. He hungered for her, much like his hot, hard cock...

1 year ago
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Mauke Pe Chauka

Friends main Gurgaon ki ek society mein rehta hun aur humare pados mein ek mast bhabhi rehti hai. Humare unse kafi acche family relations hai. Bhabhi kafi hot hai. Par unse kabhi baat aage badhane ki himmat hi nahi hui. Fir ek din woh mauka aaya jab bhabhi ko maine jee bhar ke choda. Ghar pe main aur meri mummy hi the baaki sab bahar gaye hue the. Mummy ki tabiyat kharab thi to woh andar so rahi thi. Main bahar baith ke cricket match dekh raha tha. Dopahar ke kareeb 2 baje the aur lunch karke...

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Friend8217s Hot MILF Mom 8211 The Accidental Whore

My name is Batsy, I am 25 years old and I live in Mumbai. I work in a multinational company for a living. I am not married as well as not in any relationship. Well, I don’t want to love or marry someone. I just want to have sex with no relationships. My hobby is having sex with random ladies. I am good at attracting ladies because I am well-built and handsome and also good at flirting. I don’t just have sex with young ladies but I do fuck milfs too. Well, I prefer milfs to younger women because...

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SHORT PIECES Lesbian Tales vol9 catfights

SHORT PIECES (Lesbian Tales)- vol. 9 - catfightsNote: the last pieces (vol.8) contained stories with watersports as the connecting theme. These pieces will contain stories which involve at different degrees …catfighting which is common amongst lesbians. Many men also like to watch. If that is not your thing, I suggest you skip this volume and stay tune for vol. 10 which should be regular lesbian...

2 years ago
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Tomb Raider The Obsessed Geek

Lara walked out onto the airport parking lot dressed in brown, short shorts with a thick utility belt that rested on her curvaceous hips, and a brown, plunging vest that exposes a vast amount of cleavage from her ample, large breasts. She hopped into her Jeep. She started the vehicle and sped out onto the highway. "Finally, some time for myself. That last trip was my most exhausting yet." Lara said as she let out a air of relief. Lara drove down her driveway, and as she did, she did not notice...

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Extreme femdom torture

I did not write this. What is given below is a first hand account of one slaves extreme punishment at the hands of a Mistress who shows no was fortunate enough to spend three days with Madame Celeste de Monial, at the house of Madame Carah, at Germany's infamous Chalet of Pain...

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Thank You Daddy

There was always a once room in the house that me and my s****r were never allowed into. It ways always locked. We heard our mother screaming from behind the close door with Daddy. Well one day I found out was behind that closed door when my mother was gone away with my s****r on a trip. I wasn’t even legal at the time when I came home from a friends place and my Daddy ment me at the door and grabbed my hand. He lead me to the door which was unlocked, and took me down there. I was very nervous...

1 year ago
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Weekend cottage with friends Pt 5 Guess Who

Despite the energetic exploits of the previous night, the men went for a round of golf. When we came back we were grabbed by our partners and dragged to our bedrooms.Julie told me that while we’d been out they’d decided on a game for the evening but we needed to be shaved – down there.“Why? You mean just my cock or my balls as well?”“Everything. All I can say is that it’s so that you don’t know whose pussy is whose and we don't know whose cock is whose”. I was still none the wiser but I...

Group Sex
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interesting walk

true story just happenedi was out for a my usual morning walk. I had taken care to dress in the my short black and white dress. the one with the diamond heart on the front. i had on my sheer leggings over blue bikini panties. shortly after talking with some of the others gurls in the area, i was approached by a black man saying he loved my slim build and long legs. we chatted a bit and i continued my walk with him pressing me to spend some time with him. he told me how big his cock was and...

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Sex With Girlfriend At Chhattisgarh

Hi friends this is me Sonal all the way from Chhattisgarh friends mey iss site ka bahud bada fan hoo hope so app sabhi bhi ho gay this is the story from the Chhattisgarh as i am from Bilaspur city & will B available to all the city of our state so koi bhi aunty ya ladkiya kisi bhi type ka fun chahti to so do mail me i will give you further contacts of mine.Bcoz yah jawani ka dard mey bhi samjhta hoo & yah relations will be secret in our friends here all are invited to have fun & jo...

3 years ago
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The Brawl that lead to sex

Thought `d share what happen tonight, I was out, not in a great mood to b out, was sore from a week of training, grumpy from lack of sleep and sleepy since we headed nandos before and stupid me ate too much.Anyway I met 2 friends and we headed to one of my fav Cocktail bar, was going to be a quiet night and head home early.I wasnt even dress to impress, jeans, tshirt, And1 boots, not even shared, i was going to chill and go home sleep.Got there around 10ish, was not very busy but packed with...

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Swinging wife next door Part 2

Three months had passed since I took my neighbors wife to a local swinging club when one evening the door bell went and there she was at the door. I invited her in and as always marveled at her sexy body. She said hubby was out for a couple of hours but wanted my help next week. He was going to Switzerland on a training fortnight and she wondered if I would help with another swinging experience. She said that an old friend of hers living in London had asked her to come and stay and her hubby...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Lea Lexis Lea8217s Oily Interracial Sodomy

Athletic, all-natural Lea Lexis wears stockings with green garters. The raven-haired MILF shares passionate kisses with black stud Mickey Mod and sloppily stuffs his ebony snake deep into her throat. Lea’s sweet cunt creams during a tempestuous pussy fuck. Mickey douses her derriere in oil, and his lengthy long-bone lunges deeply up her ass. The horny interracial fuckers spit on each other’s faces, sharing animalistic sodomy and extensive ass-to-mouth cocksucking. A creamy cum load...

4 years ago
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A Teacher and Her Student a Forbidden LoveChapter 7 Camping the first night

After hiking through the forest for four hours, with only taking small breaks, they finally reached the pond John had pointed out on the map. Due to the terrain they had to take several small detours, but overall they had made excellent progress, for a first day. Alice looked at her watch and saw that it was already seven p.m., The sun would go down in about two, maybe two and a half hours, so they still had some time. "I think we better set up camp here, I'll set up the tent, maybe you...

2 years ago
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family Time

My name is Chris, I am now 23 but the story starts when I was 18 years of age, I was your typical average teen lad in every way apart from the fact that I had still never been close to a girl, I was desperate and having what I believe the two best looking girls living in my own home didn't help things, they are my twin sisters Tiffany and Katrina, both were petite blond innocent looking babes.My story starts when I was they were both 20 and I was 18, my mom, Carol, was also attractive, she was...

3 years ago
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My Step Daughter Alexis Part 3

Lexi lay on a recliner by the pool. She was on her stomach wearing a bright pink bikini, but the top was untied so as not to leave tan lines on her back. She loved the summer. This was a lazy afternoon with a blue sky and a perfect temperature. Her step father was mowing the lawn, and the smell of fresh cut grass, along with the sound of the mower in the distance, somehow added to the tranquility.She had a great childhood. Her step father had always been there for her, back to her earliest...

2 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 25 Dealing With the Military

After lunch, I show Gran around my operations and explain what I need in a shop/office. Building it will take every penny I have, but I am not worried. I have money rolling in now, and with every patent I write, there is more on the way. I am also getting tired of always doing kid stuff like bikes and kayaks. It is time to break out into aerospace and space. It is when I am showing Gran around that I remember about the F-18 wings. I haven’t had time to watch the news lately, or I would have...

4 years ago
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Her Dirty Little Secret

Justin was twenty eight years old when he returned to the States after two tours in Iraq. Now discharged, he tried to find work but the economy was still pretty tight and it proved to be much more difficult than he anticipated. Right about the time he was ready to give up and move back in with his parents, he received an offer for some part-time auto repair work. It was more or less on an as-needed basis, but it was enough to keep his few bills paid. Even better though was that the owner, Mr....

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OnlyBlowJob Susy Gala Spanish Dick Devouring Goddess

Susy Gala is one fine piece of ass and a dick devouring goddess. She and her man Emilio Ardana have just checked into a creepily kinky hotel and the first thing on her agenda for this naughty weekend getaway is giving her man some fantastic fellatio. She rocks all of our worlds as we watch the curvy assed big tittied Spanish babe work her magic with her mouth on her man’s thick cock. This Only Blow Job premium porn video is a must. Susy’s athletic body is covered in tattoos, and...

1 year ago
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A Perfect Whore

Stanley was at the strip club and upset over a break up. A Hispanic stripper with alluring eyes and a square jaw came over and spun around. Her ass jiggled in the g-string. It was so fat it was folded square over her legs. He slipped her a $20 and she sat on his lap and ground into his crotch and pressed her warm, perky breasts in his face. She kept going, and he needed to fuck her. She knew it and whispered in his ear, "Want to go to a private room? It's just a hundred." "Take it. Let's go."...

Erotic Fiction
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Life Change for sister and I pt4

Saturday morning, Clare and I had another quicky like we usually did when we woke up, then rushed out to do our usual peeing, then breakfast, then did some packing so we wouldn't have all of it to do after dinner, then we decided to just sit around camp and did some talking, and walk over to the lake and talked some more, and when we would just be talking, Clare would sit on my lap and put my dick in her pussy, since she kept me hard most of the time, due to her being so sexy looking, and even...

4 years ago
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Down on the farm0

It was a nice spring day and everyone was out doing their chores around our very large family farm. I was going to run some errands into town and I was looking for our dad to see if he needed me to pick up anything. I didn't know where he was so I asked one of my brothers; he said that he thought our dad was out in one of the fields, the one farthest away from the house. I drove out there to see if I could find him. I drove around for a bit and couldn't find him. Then I figured he...

3 years ago
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Mind control karke Chudhai ki Mazza lelo

Hi! Raj I.S.S. readers Bhaabhi / Aunty / Vidhava / Diversee / Bhua / Kakki ko bhi jaipur se 23 years, 5’ 8” height 8” Lavuda ke maalik ka pyar bhara pranaam sweekaar keejiyeaga == (E-mail no.09783522734). Thabhi mera ummar 18 saal ka tha, +2 kartha tha, hamara ghar aur Mummy’s ghar 5 minutes chalne ki te; raath par hamara padaayi udher hoathe te, udher Mummy ki yek bhehan teacher te, unki saadhi hu yi thi, hus. Military me te; school naghdhik karkke Yidhar reakhte. Hamara padaayi mei bhahuth...

1 year ago
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Exploited John

John O’Connor looked up from his position in left field and noticed for the first time an older man talking to his coach beside the dugout. He could see the two laughing as they talked and wondered who he was, knowing that if the coach liked him he must be a good guy. A load crack of a wooden bat smashing into a ball rolled across the field drawing his attention back to the game. Quickly scanning the sky, he spotted the ball arcing high into the bright blue sky and heading right towards him. He...

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Stupid Bet Blacken

My name is Zack, and this is a true story about how I lost my ex-girlfriend to my ex-best friend. It all started when I got in a bar room conversation with my, at the time best friend, James. James was a tall athletic black guy, I roomed with in college. He's a big talker about his exploits with women, especially white women. He claimed they were all hot for him and would do whatever he wanted by the time he got done seducing them. Blah, blah, blah, yea I heard it all before. How the Black...

2 years ago
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Bath Tub Sex With Aunt

Hey guys this is Akash and this is my contact info and do send in your feedback. Here’s a story on how I fucked my aunt (uncle’s wife) . She’s 33 years old, fair in complexion, size is probably 34b and a beautiful beautiful ass. It was 12 in the noon and I had been to my uncle’s house because I was bored at home. I took the lift and went to their flat and the door was open and I walked in casually. I called out for my aunt but no one replied. I went into the kitchen, I found no one in the...

3 years ago
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A New Friend

It was a moment he had thought about since the first time she caught his eye. The thought of her laying there, the duvet hugging her curves, storing the heat from from her voluptuous body. Him grasping the soft white fabric and slowly pulling it towards him to expose her large soft breast and her mocha skin. The light from the candle danced across her body, the shadows leaving much to explore. He had brought himself to the point of ecstasy numerous times with his eyes closed imagining the...

2 years ago
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ive never been a big fan of the first time stories , im very much the type that seeks reading pleasure if its teetering or fully submerged in the more advanced side of crossdressing not really that interested in how it was for me 25 years ago when i first sucked a guys cock whilst wearing stolen nylons and panties.. im interested in reading about what desires and milestones an experienced crossdresser has accumulated over a similar length of time..its the extreme that quenches my...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Kaylynn Keys MILF Fulfills The Fantasy

Johnny thinks hes alone so he does his usual routine, jerking off to some sexy MILF porn. His stepmom comes home early from work and catches him. After Johnny freaks out, he quickly learns that not only is she cool with it, she’s actually willing to help him out. Of course, Johnny is nervous at first but when she grabs his hard cock and softly strokes it, he can’t help but sit there and enjoy it. She starts to jerk him off and then she gets on top of him and takes him for a ride....

1 year ago
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Mylfed Adrian Hush Sofie Marie Shopping Spree Pussy

Adrian Hush and her step mom Sofie Marie have a very special relationship. They are extremely close, to the point where they even like shopping for underwear together. Today, when they get back from their latest shopping spree, Sofie Marie tries her sexy black panty hose on in front of her young step daughter. She strips bare and then rolls her stockings up slowly, driving the horny girl crazy. After Adrian slips her pantyhose on, Sofie cannot contain herself anymore. She rips open the girls...

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My New Family

This is a fictional story. All similarities with actual persons or events are coincidental!Well, how should I introduce myself? My name is Pazzo. I don’t consider myself unattractive, but I was always a bit unconfident in a company of the girls. When the puberty started to drive my schoolmates crazy, I stayed behind. When everybody in our class had a girlfriend, I did not.But sooner or later my time came too. I fell in love. First time was unhappy, second was better, etc. Soon after I graduated...

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Lush Stories

LushStories! One of the glorious things about porno is that it lets us see our fantasies played out in lurid, living color. Sometimes, though, your fantasies get ruined by bad acting, unenthusiastic humping or fucked-up breast implants. I know some of you perverts are into stuff too kinky for video, too. These are just a couple of the reasons erotic story sites like will always stick around, even in a futuristic world of live webcam boobs and VR sex helmets.Written porn...

Sex Stories Sites
3 years ago
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Glimpses of Consequences

GLIMPSES OF CONSEQUENCES By DrBill "HOWA we going to start?" The ritual joke having been followed by the ritual groans, the Housewives of Worthington Acres came to order. The group had evolved from informal visits for coffee and complaining to a neighborhood organization of sorts. While the meetings still tended to be primarily boast and bitch sessions, they also traded useful information and occasionally took on neighborhood improvement projects and the like. But they did not try...

1 year ago
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I said No Panties

I have no idea how long I’ve been here. It could be minutes, it could be hours. I long ago stopped worrying about the aches and pains? and long ago stopped listening for you to come back. All I can do it lay here, strapped to the kitchen table and ponder how I got here. It seems like another lifetime since we were sitting on the couch watching tv. You started caressing my hip and slid your hand into my waistband. I tried to squirm away, but it was too late. You turned me around by my shoulders...

1 year ago
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Sabrina Nichole

Reddit Sabrina Nichole, aka r/Sabrina_Nicole! We’ve gone over so many different subreddits on the platform and I don’t think that we’ve seen any that have been solely about one girl. Well, it’s time that we venture into /r/Sabrina_Nichole, a sub that is literally just about the girl that the subreddit is named as. Nobody else, just her. And oh, sometimes there are also girls who are at a photoshoot together with her. Actually, these pictures are also quite frequent, so I think that...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Getting ByChapter 29

The party from Silicon Valley had come into the valley along much the same route Crystal and I had followed when we first headed for the desert, following the old I-580 over the Altamont pass before heading south. Going back, we headed west by northwest and hit old state route 198 just west of what was left of Coalinga. We camped in the valley outside Coalinga and got an early start the next morning. The roads we were using, unlike the old freeways, didn't have many hulks of cars on them....

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BlackLoads Harlow Harrison The name of the website is Blackloadsdotcom

I swear to god bro, there’s something in the water that just makes the girls who come in here to audition dumber than a jar of mayonnaise. Black-loads-dot-com. The name of the website is black-loads-dot-com. How hard is that to remember? You clearly remember because you’re here reading this but these white girls….I just don’t know bro. At least this chick knew how to handle some black dick. Took direction well too. She even learned the name of the website after I made her say it a bunch...


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