Maxine Stone s New LifeChapter 391
- 2 years ago
- 49
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August 8, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written August 9, 13]
“Mistress, please wake up.”
I was groggy, but something about that sentence cleared some of that grogginess. Cleared enough of it, that I realized the import of the first word. I opened my eyes. Yes, Mom was ... Supplicant was there, her head mere inches from mine.
I thought, “How is she on that side of the bed? The bed’s against my outside wall.”
I thought further, then realized where I was.
“Shit! I hope nobody heard her but me,” I thought frantically.
I slowly disentangled myself from Rhee, looking over the panoply of bedmates. That provided a calming effect, particularly seeing Heather snuggled so tightly into Dad’s left side, her arm on his chest.
I looked back at Supplicant, then slowly rose from the mattress, and headed upstairs. Supplicant followed. Once in my room, I turned to her and indicated that she should talk.
“Mistress, I apologize for waking you, but I did not know when else we might meet.”
I nodded my acceptance of her words; she continued.
“Mistress, I am ... Sandy is distraught. She made a huge error and is afraid that her life will crumble to ruins. She is willing to make nearly any concession to return the family to some approximation of the state of life before her error.”
“The Go5 wish to get over this hump, also, and had planned for a wide-ranging discussion about the family tonight. Would it be possible that Sandy and Carol can get the day, or, at least, the afternoon off? We can wait until this evening, but I think everyone’s minds will be happier the sooner that we can get this settled.”
“Sandy can almost certainly arrange that. I think that Carol can. I will discuss it with both.”
“That would be excellent, Supplicant. Be aware that I may have need of discussion with you after the family discussion.”
“Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.”
I then put my arms around her and said, “I love you, Mom. We’ll get through this.”
Mom broke down, sobbing on my shoulder. Amongst the sobs the got out, “I’m so sorry, Beth. I’ve been putting my interests above those of the rest of the family. I’ll do almost anything to fix it.”
“You didn’t sleep, did you?”
“I couldn’t. I was so worried. Charlie never returned. I heard everyone cumming, even Charlie. I was so worried that I’d lost all.”
“Put your mind at ease about all of that. We want most of what you want. We just want some of it on our terms, and not all that much of it. If you and Carol can accept our very few requests, everything will go back nearly to the way it was. Why don’t you call or send a text or whatever you have to do to get the morning off, then go get some sleep. You’ll be better for it. We can all meet sometime after lunch in the living room. I think that finding agreement will not take long.” I paused, then said, “It would probably be best if you and Dad could talk and come to some agreement before the whole family meets.”
Mom nodded her head against me, then looked up. “Thanks, Beth. I will take your suggestion.” She kissed my cheek, disengaged, then headed back downstairs.
I looked at the time. Fuck! It was only 5:30, and I was wide awake. I dithered for a bit, then decided that I may as well start writing up yesterday, as that was going to take quite a while. I was interrupted a little after 7:00 when Heather came in.
“Where’d you go? Well, I see that it was here? Why’d you go?”
“Mom woke me, needing to talk. If Carol can get the morning off, we’ll all meet after lunch in the living room.”
“Okay. Thanks, Beth, for being our guardian angel. This is why we usually let you lead. You’re so good at it.”
I rolled my eyes at her, and she hugged me.
“I’ve had some wonderful nights with you and Rhee but falling asleep and then waking up in Dad’s arms, well, arm, was ... wonderful. You know, I need to find more superlatives. I find myself using and reusing the same ones. My speech is getting a bit boring, with all this wonderfulness in my life.”
I laughed with her. Her presence here, while I was writing suggested that I needed to make another crucial decision.
“I’m off to the shower. For some odd reason, I smell like sex. Would you know why that would be?”
I snorted. “Off with you, little girl!”
I got to a good stopping point and closed the file. Yeah, I needed to make another decision.
“There you are,” Rhee said as she saw me come out of the stairwell.
I nodded at her, then, seeing that there was copious empty space around her on the mattress, I ran and tossed myself into the air, landing with an “oompf” next to her. Before she could get out the expected tongue-in-cheek complaint, I introduced the subject, myself.
“I’m sorry that you woke up alone, Rhee. Mom woke me before 5:30. We had a chat upstairs and then I decided to do some writing.” The last bit I said almost inaudibly.
I turned to Gracey and Liya at the other side of the extensive stretch of mattress, then log rolled over to them.
“What’d you think about waking up curled into Dad, Gracey?”
“Oh, that was spectacular. I woke before Heather’s alarm and just lay here reveling in just being here, my right arm on Dad’s belly, snuggled into his right side and with Liya snuggled into me at my back, her right hand on my breast. I went for full decadent by lightly holding Dad’s cock. I would pay good money to be able to wake in that situation, again.”
“I don’t think that you’ll have to pay, but I think that we might be able to arrange that every once in a while.”
I looked at Liya. “I hope you had a good night, too.”
“I did. Thanks for specifically inviting me to join you. I might not have without that invitation.”
“Like I told you last night, it’s almost always better with all of us. I need to eat and shower, not necessarily in that order. The four of us then need to get together to make a proposal for the Moms ... and Dad, I suppose. It’s come to me that he’s got a side in this of his own. The two Moms want mostly the same thing. We five also mostly want the same thing or things. Dad ... I think he’s conflicted. I think that he’d like to have it all, but then, who wouldn’t? I think that he’d like to have freer access to us but is worried that such will alienate his wives. I do think that he’ll come down on our side a bit more than on their side, though the ‘sides’ do not differ much at all in what they want, only in how the Moms get what they want. And, Liya, I think that you should present our proposal.”
Liya opened her mouth, I think, to object, but she closed it. She obviously thought furiously for a bit, then responded.
“You’re thinking that the Moms need to know that any one of us can lead, that it’s not you leading us into the various things into which we get ourselves. They need to see that they have to treat all of us as they treat you. We are as capable, in many respects, as you are. If that’s your reasoning, I see it and agree with it. I also see that you’re whacking two heads with one slap, as I was the one that was wronged, precipitating the crisis. If I was the one wronged, then I should propose the not-very-punitive solution.
“There is one point about which I believe we all agree, but I will not agree to any proposal that does not include that point. We must be allowed to initiate sex with Dad, at least occasionally, and he must be allowed to initiate sex with us. I will not go back to having it all handed to us by the Moms.”
There was certainly unanimity in the room. Heather would not worry all that much about it, but she would certainly agree with being able to jump Dad’s bones occasionally. We broke for a simple breakfast of cold cereal and bananas. Rhee and I showered together; Liya and Gracey showered after us. Afterward, we got together to hash over the high points of what would be our proposal. We decided not to put parameters on the term “occasionally’ when it came to us or Dad initiating sex. We agreed that there were simply times that were just “right,” and it would be annoying to have to forego them solely because we had used up our “allotment” of initiations in whatever given time period. We agreed that we’d have to be careful with those, as we could see “right” getting more-and-more inclusive.
Carol had gone to work for the morning, promising to be back sometime not long after noon. Mom took the whole day, though she’d have to cover some of her second’s time in exchange. Liya decided, after some dithering, to go with us to practice.
After stretching and warmup, we had a longer-than-typical bout of shooting practice. Heather began it by again going over outside-foot shooting, but that became a session in which she explained and demonstrated the usefulness of outside-foot passing. Coach let the session evolve with little input from her. She had Civia pull her roulette-class students out of shooting/passing practice and gave us 30 minutes rather than the usual 15.
Civia remarked about Rhee’s developing skill with the move.
“Pieces of that move are things that I already do, so it was probably a little easier for me.”
“Don’t let her fool you, Civia. She picks up dribbling skills more rapidly than anyone else, already. In fact, I want you two to get together – oh, and take Lissa, too – and compare moves and skills to see if there are other things that you, Civia can teach each other. In fact, why don’t you two start doing that, now, but please go elsewhere so that we aren’t distracted from our efforts to get our bodies to do what we’re trying to get them to do.”
It was a short practice and when Coach called a halt, she called for us to gather.
“The first order of business is attagirls from our late game on Saturday. First off, every single one of you did a great job on GV. We destroyed that team. Every one of you got into the game and every one of you made a contribution to our win. While some of those, many of those contributions were not visible in the box score, or what little details appeared in the paper, they were still important.
Our offense seems able, at least in this league, to score nearly at will. That may well change in the state tournament, but I don’t expect it to change all that dramatically. Our offense may run into better defenses; we’ll just have to see. Regardless, attagirls go to the entire backup offense. It scored only one goal, but it was given only a short time on the field. Despite that single goal, that offense still managed to monopolize possession time. That offense had more possession time than GV’s did in the same time period. That means that our backup offense played their starter offense to a draw. I want everyone to take a minute or two and think about that.”
She gave us that time.
“There are, of course, extenuating circumstances in that comparison that I just made. What are they?”
A few hands rose; she called on Dakota.
“Fresher legs.”
“Our backup offense had way fresher legs than their starter offense, as theirs played the entire game, except for their left wing. Also, with our frequent subs in the midfield, our legs were fresher, so we could more easily dominate that area of the field, the one that you keep telling us is the most critical part of the field.”
“Does anyone want to argue with Professor Dakota?” Coach paused. “Seeing no hands, I will say only this: Correct in all aspects, Dakota. You should be careful. If you keep learning and gaining confidence, you might have to wrestle with Zala or Emma for a starting position next year.”
While there was much chuckling, in my brief scan of the team, I could see some hard thinking taking place.
“Let that be a word of warning to this year’s starters. Our backups, all of our backups have gotten extensive game time in the second half of the season and you can all see the impact that that has had on not only our team’s running away with the league championship, but also in the rapid ... very rapid ... improvement in their knowledge, skill, and experience. I have done so multiple times in recent weeks and I do so again, here. Attagirls to Haven, Kanda, and Dakota for a job incredibly well done. Our backup midfielders have not only handled first-string midfields of other teams, they have dominated first-string midfields of other teams. I particularly want to point out that two of them are only 13 years old, and they manhandled ... excuse me, girlhandled quite a number of 15-year-olds. So, who wants to explain what that means for the future of this team?”
As we have been doing for quite a few weeks, the most experienced of us left this question to the younger girls.
“Civia, your hand is up. Do you want to take a stab at it?”
“Yes, Coach. However, Coach, I would like to say one thing not related to your question, if I may.”
“Go ahead.”
Civia took a couple steps forward and turned to face the team. Though her face was red, she held her head high and spoke.
“I want to say thank you to the whole team, every member, for making a little girl so welcome among you. You didn’t have to do it, but you did, and I’ve had the most instructive and enjoyable week-and-a-half of my life and have learned so much. Thank you. This team rocks.”
A few of those closest reached out and patted her shoulders, most others shouted out, “You’re welcome.”
“Settle!” Coach waited for a few seconds. “In case you might have forgotten, Civia was on the spot for an answer about our quite-youthful backup midfield. Civia, you have the floor, or, in this case, the ground.”
“As you have said on multiple occasions, the midfield is the make-or-break part of the field. If we control it, we have a good chance to win. So, with such young backup wing midfielders with extensive game experience and strong skills, this team can look forward to the strong possibility of retaining control of the midfield for years to come. That control makes it easier on a defense that will be missing excellent veterans in the two most-important positions next year and, once this amazing offense graduates to the next level after next year, that midfield control will give the new offense a chance to learn and improve.”
“Thank you, Civia, that was excellent and correct. In that vein, I want to give a special attagirl to our midfield’s rock. Rathi makes the whole thing work, despite that with a sweeper-supported front line she gets much less chance to work offensively than she’d like. Her skill and experience provide the example for teaching new midfielders like our suddenly acclaimed Kanda and Dakota. As in the previous GV game, Rathi was key to keeping Sanderson under wraps and throttling their offense.
“Rathi’s cohorts in Sanderson-throttling, Ann and Gracey, also have my thanks and attagirls for their efforts. I particularly want to thank Gracey for her early stop of Sanderson after she had pulled some magic on Ann and Rathi early in the game. Gracey’s solid plugging of that hole may well have been the first critical point in the game, as with an early goal, GV’s play might have been more effective. I also note that this is the second time in three GV games that Gracey has made a critical stop of Sanderson. Gracey, I think Sanderson might be having nightmares about you.
There was much laughter, and a blushing Gracey.
“Attagirls go to the starting and backup wing fullbacks for helping to take GV’s offense off the board until it was far too late for it to make any difference. GV’s front line and sweeper did not manage a goal until the 85th minute. I particularly want to thank Abby who, with some help from Gracey, smothered their left wing, making it easier for Ann to focus her efforts on Sanderson.
“Now, on to our weak, pathetic offense.”
There was much laughter.
“First off, I want to drive the point home to that offense that without our midfield, they wouldn’t be quite the flamboyant group of prima donnas that they are. However, that offense might very well be able, already, to start in the next level up from this one. That offense frequently goes after it with little or no support after our midfield and/or defense turns away the other team’s most-recent sally. The blazing speed of Rhee and Heather makes it difficult for opposing fullbacks to support a strong offensive sally, as they know that if their offense loses control of the ball, one of those two is liable to make them pay if they go too much on offense.
“That was certainly the case on Saturday evening when Heather, Rhee, and Beth, with no midfield support, created our first goal and a lead that we never relinquished. I want to point out that our defense, in the person of Ann, who had stripped the mighty Sanderson of the ball, created that opportunity for that goal by punching the ball deep. If it were in my power, I would have given her an assist on that goal, because without Ann, that goal would not have happened. Of course, I would also have given an assist to Rhee on that goal, as that was one of the better examples that I’ve seen in person of making a critical play without touching the ball.
“An attagirl goes to Beth for a brilliantly run offense that she had playing possum at the start to encourage their D into ganging up on poor Rhee.”
There was much chuckling.
“Beth also picked the right time to jettison the façade that she had created, loosed our wings – the blazing, slashing speed of Heather and the sneaky, you-don’t-see-me abilities of Mia – to teach their D that if you take away our main threat, we’ve got lots of others. That foursome scored eight of our nine goals and gathered eight of our nine assists. Even for this offense, that is an atypical accomplishment. Recall, however, that we had most of the midfield and all of the fullbacks tied up in other tasks, so those four usually had, at most, the assistance of only Zala.
“This offense kicks some serious ass!” Coach overrode the various exclamatory responses to that sentence, saying, “It kicks ass even when it’s outnumbered, as it often was on Saturday. All three strikers are very difficult to cover effectively one-on-one, and that was highly apparent Saturday. Rhee is too strong and too skilled for a single-person coverage. At one point, Rhee had all three fullbacks on her, yet still managed to find the pass that netted Mia’s first goal. Heather is too quick, too fast, and too smart for single-person coverage. And Mia? Mia is a ghost, a sneaky ghost. A fullback thinks that she’s got Mia covered and Mia is suddenly somewhere else wreaking havoc.
“Then, there’s Beth, who organizes the whole thing. Does anyone other than me and, perhaps, some of her offense cohorts, realize that she had a goal and three assists on Saturday evening; that despite playing not even 20 minutes in the first Saturday game, she had three assists? How many of you are aware that Beth won the league’s assists crown as of the last regular-season game? And how many are aware that she won it by 11 assists? And how many are aware that only nine other players in the league managed to tally even 11 assists this season? And how many are aware that her league-leading gob of assists was handed out to eight different scorers?
“Does anyone want to take a stab at who she beat by 11 assists?”
“Sanderson’s keeper ... I mean sweeper,” Rathi said to much chuckling.
“Correct. Rathi, care to take a stab at how many scorers she fed?”
“I don’t know, but I’ll guess Sanderson, Dowdell, and ... one other.”
“Correct. Would you care to go for three, Rathi? How many other members of our team had at least 11 assists?”
“Oooh. Umm ... Rhee, Lissa, and ... Heather.”
“Bing, bing, bing. Rathi is correct
“All of that goes to show us two important aspects of this team. One, it has a powerful and, more importantly, deep offense, a fact also illustrated by ours being the only team with four players with more than ten goals each, no other team having even two, and our four players with at least 11 assists was three more than any other team. If you look at the league stats, they are available to all on the league website, we dominate every offensive category.
“The second aspect that all of the above points out, is that we have the best offensive quarterback in the league, by any assessment that one might create using the final stats. And that competition is nowhere near close. A very big and very appreciative attagirl to Beth for both Saturday evening and for the season as a whole.”
There was much redness on my face at the loud acclamation, then even more when I heard Liya’s voice ring out, “Beth Belinda Williams. Stop that! Head up! Shoulders back! Be proud!”
It worked. I reacted to that commanding voice: I lifted my chin, squared my shoulders, and looked Coach in the eyes. I couldn’t get the flush off my face, but...
“Despite all of the above, Beth did not win the game ball. Is there any doubt who did? GV was double- and triple-teaming her for much of the game, so all she managed was three goals and four assists. I sure wish that we could find a competent center forward.”
There was much jocularity.
“Settle!” After the usual pause, Coach continued. “Rhee put on a demonstration of why she is the most dangerous striker in the league, perhaps the state. You can bet that any team in the state tournament that didn’t have somebody watching us on Saturday is going to make the same mistake. They’re going to overload on her, and the rest of the offense will point out the error of their ways. I don’t know what those teams will do that did watch our games.
“I don’t know how I would construct a defense to slow our offense down. Well, maybe I do. I don’t know that anyone has noticed, but the defense that has done the best job against our offense is our own defense. Look at our last full-team scrimmage. Our D shut out Rhee, using the Sanderson Plan. However, that opened things up for our wings. I note, however, that our offense scored only three goals, a third of those given up Saturday evening by GV.
“Oh, I almost forgot ... game ball to Rhee Devlin!”
There was much laughter and Coach let us go. I made a beeline for Liya.
“Thanks for reminding me ... though you embarrassed me further. And when did my middle name get changed from Winifred?”
She gave me the low-wattage version of her electric smile and replied, “About a half-second before ‘Belinda’ came out of my mouth.”
I looked around quickly, then asked, “Are we ready to ... beard the lionesses? Although, come to think of it, that phrase doesn’t really work.”
She smiled, again, then said, “Yeah, I spent a bit of time here organizing my thoughts, explanations, and arguments. Changing the subject, when are you going to have Civia join us for a day, again? Although, I’m now a bit hesitant to give up naked time at the house, I think that we’re going to need ... excuses like that to keep from getting sucked into playing with Dad constantly. We really need to guard against that.”
I nodded emphatically at her. “It’ll help when school starts. We could make our own rule about no divesting of clothes until our homework is done. That would help.”
“That’s a good idea. No, that’s a great idea. That way, we could delay getting naked until Dad gets home.”
The full-power Liya smile came out for that one.
“Why don’t you broach it, both with the Go5 and with the ... adults.”
Before we left, I hunted down Civia.
“Hey, we want to have you over again soon. Our family schedule is up in the air right now, but we can work it around whichever day is best for you between tomorrow and Thursday.”
She wrinkled her forehead, then said, “I don’t know. I can call you. Thanks for the invitation.”
“No prob. We’ve got to go meet our parents for something but let me know and we can plan. By the way, Heather will be with us all week, so she’ll be there, whichever day you can come over.”
The five of us talked about our proposal on the way home, refining a few, a very few, of Liya’s thoughts.
When we burst in the front door, Dad was in the living room. He said, “Ah, just the delectable young ladies for whom I was waiting.”
“Hey, stay away from my friends, you pervert.” Heather waited the requisite pregnant-pause amount of time, then said, “I want you for myself!”
Liya jumped right in. “No. I’m the arbiter of the Go5 agreement about Dad. There is to be no monopolization of his sexual favors. They are to be doled out fairly, which is two for me, one for each of you. Or, was it three for me ... Aaaaahh. No tickling! Save me, Dad.”
I stopped tickling Liya when I noticed that Dad was looking at us oddly. “What, Dad?”
“You ... you girls ... You all really want me, and to have me, you are willing to share, straight up. You five really love each other.”
“Yes, Dad,” Liya said, “we really want you, and, yes, we really love each other.”
“I am the luckiest man in the world.”
“Yes, you are, because you match us, the luckiest girls in the world.”
He shook his head with a goofy smile on his face.
“I love seeing you together. You are all so smart, so witty. You get each other. You ... really understand each other. I wish that I had had such good friends when I was your age. The only friend I ever had that was remotely like you are with each other was ... Beth. And I have bemoaned whatever it was that drove her away from me after we did ... sex.”
“Ohh, Dad.” I hugged him, while the rest of the gang hugged both of us. “I didn’t know. Umm...”
“No, Beth, I do not want you because you were named for her. I want you for yourself, your beautiful, lovely, dynamic, wonderful self.”
He pushed me out to arms’ length, then looked around at each of us.
“You five ... You each could lose your most attractive feature and each of you would still be amazingly alluring. I really am the world’s luckiest man. It’s probably good that I’ve already found, found and married, the love of my life, because if I had to choose among you five, I couldn’t do it. I’d have to marry all of you.”
Heather dropped to one knee, grabbed his hands with hers, and said, “Dad, would you marry us?”
Dad’s eyes nearly rolled up into the back of his head. His head tipped back, and his mouth released a long, tremulous, “ohhh-hhh-hhhhhh.” After nearly a half-minute, he recovered and looked down at Heather, still on bended knee.
“That was amazingly witty, but you actually meant that. Didn’t you?”
“Yes, Dad. I did. We did. You’re the only man that any of us has ever met that interests us at all. I’m not saying that we might not meet another such, but, so far, we haven’t. Well, except for Mr. Jacobsen. We love you. We are in love with you. We love being your girlfriends. We would love being your wives, although going to the courthouse and applying for a marriage license today is probably contraindicated.”
Dad chuckled. “Ya think?” He pulled her to her feet, hugged her, and released her. “While that action might be contraindicated, an action that is indicated by your attire is that of me stripping you all down to your very lovely birthday suits. I suppose that I need start with my daughter-girlfriend, Beth, then proceed through the rest of my daughter-girlfriends. Is that right?”
“Yes, Dad,” Liya replied as she stepped up to him. “You will probably want to expedite the stripping of my sister-friend-lovers, as they all stink and need showers. I, however, have kept myself fresh as a daisy for you, and you may take all the time you want in disrobing me. I will even allow my sister-friend-lover, Rhee, to take my place fourth in line, so that she can more quickly return to Our Man in a less-odorous state.”
I was watching her say all that and I could see her struggle not to lose herself to laughter until she had gotten it all out. When she had, that blazing, electric smile came out of hiding and she produced something very nearly a giggle, though she would be aghast at the thought that she would giggle. Dad pulled her to him and kissed her most thoroughly, all the while fondling her ass.
When he relaxed his clinch with her and ended the kiss, he said, “God, I love that smile. I wish that I could see it every day, but I would not wish to become inured to it, as I love the rush that travels through me when you break it out.”
Liya melted back into him, but not before I noticed that Dad was now fully hard; he had been only half-hard prior to that. He encircled her with his arms and laid the right side of his face on the top of her head. After a few moments, he kissed her crown and gently released her.
“It’s time I was about stripping these malodorous girls so they can shower and rejoin polite society.”
I took two steps and leaned into Dad. He wrapped me in his arms and kissed me on the forehead. I then felt his hands reaching under my shirt and running his palms upward, taking the hem of my shirt with them. His hands reached my sport bra-covered breast and continued slowly up and over them, not that I have a lot of “up.” As his hands reached my shoulders, they moved inward and continued their upward travel on the sides of my neck, then my head. I raised my arms to enable Dad to draw my shirt off me.
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"The Scandalous Stewardess"Chapter 4 When Davie didn't appear in the dining room at lunch time, Peter Knight was seized with a strange feeling of apprehension, although hetold himself it was probably unwarranted. The sexy blonde stewardesswas also conspicuously absent, however, and a casual inquiry to Benny,his maitre d', informed him that Miss Byers had requested a picnic lunchfor two. He decided to go in search of Davie. He just didn't feelright about his guileless daughter spending too much...
Kat runs to Josh, the man she loves. This is a story full of Characters, with two lovers at its centre. As in life nothing is sure, and I have not yet written the end, so if you have suggestions on what should happen to the people in my story, please let me know and I will try to incorporate some of your suggestions. * Josh watched as the daytime relief walked towards him across the large expanse of the Industrial Area he was working at as a Security Guard. It was six o’clock in the morning...
(Hey everyone! I thought I’d try a short series in which each entry is from the perspective of the two people involved. This one is from her perspective,(note it’s not the same encounter…that’s too easy!) my first attempt at writing such. Enjoy!) Layton’s Perspective: I took a moment to myself. It was crazy, I know, considering this, but I knew it was the only way I was going to get finished with school. My feelings for Chris had ebbed of late, to say the least, and his father was, if...
I was sitting in the pub having a pint. I often stopped in the pub for a pint on the way home, sometimes staying until closing time, eating just a cheese roll and a couple of bags of crisps. Tuesday was different. Mum and dad went out with friends to the local social club. I would stop at the chippy on the way home and get fish and chips for my dinner, arriving home about 7.30 p.m. It was Tuesday. As I finished my pint my mind cast back to Sunday evening.I was lying in my bed. My mother had...
Incest“Where do you think you are going with that food, Pathios?” Amenthia asked, with an irritated tone. “Well, there are only two chairs and I figured I could sit on the bed to eat; that way it wouldn’t be a problem.” I was surprised when Enti got up from her chair and dragged me by the arm to the table. She pushed me down into the chair, then sat down onto my lap and continued eating. Amenthia looked at me with a smug expression and said, “See, problem solved, and you didn’t even need to sit...
Please note: the only sex, such as it is, is found only in the first chapter. There may or not be more in the next installments. The Munsters 1-4: The Mary Mix-up Created by Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher; Parodied by Ron Dow75 1) Transformers The smoke from the cauldron that filled the lab was clearing. "Grandpa!! What have you done to me this time!!" Gloria Munster tried to bellow, as she held onto large mortared stones as she came down the stairs awkwardly in pumps. At...
I gave Gina another night of unbridled sex just to keep her quiet, during the lull while she tried to regain her breath and composure, she asked me about my virginity and how I lost it, she didn’t think it was with Maria and I had to agree, I told her about Mrs Harris, our neighbour when I lived at home with my parents, she was a friend to my mother and father, she was in her early thirties, my mother was quite a bit older but they got on well, she had three c***dren, two girls and a boy, she...
Author's Note- Hello! This is my first story, so I hope that you all like it! I am open to constructive criticism, and would greatly appreciate any chapters that you all write! It's a normal day at the staging grounds of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, when Master Hand summons Crazy Hand. "Hey Crazy, can you take this to the incinerator for me? I have other work to do right now." Master Hand says giving Crazy a number of boxes. "I found these boxes in a back room, and none of them seem to be all...
Jason caught up with me as the elevator doors were closing. We weren't alone. An older couple rode the elevator with us. The old codger liked my legs and imagined them wrapped around his neck while he lapped my pussy. The gray-haired lady wanted to fondle Jason's crotch until she gave him a hard-on, something she could no longer achieve fondling the old man's nearly useless (her word) cock. She needed to suck on it to get it half-hard, and it usually lost its stiffness before he could...
‘…Rose here is spending so much time out of the house this summer I’m left to wonder what she’s up to half the time.’ Rose snapped out of her daydream and turned her attention to her mother and the other three ladies sitting around the patio table. ‘What?’ Rose asked innocently as she looked to each of the faces turned towards her. ‘Well, what are you doing?’ one of the larger women asked as she took another cookie from the tray in the middle of the table. Rose narrowed her eyes and...
This story is for ‘YOU’…….’YOU’ know who you are…….. Nicole and I have been friends for about the last 16 years, growing up across the street from one another. We practically did everything together since then. I’m not a lesbian but, I really started to notice my crush for Nicole when I was about 17, seeing how curvy her body was and how her breasts were shaped like perfect globes. She’s blonde, slightly taller than me at about 5’6 or so with long legs that lead you to a firm ass. I have to...
My computer was already on, as it had to be. It ran the media center which powered our television, so it stayed on pretty much 24/7. Having not seen my baby in three months, however, it took me a second to realize how big it was. I'd spent extra to get a full tower case, and now I realized I had no hope of even lifting the thing now. I sat in my chair, and immediately realized I was going to have to make some adjustments. I wasn't comfortable with the keyboard tray anymore. I...
“OK Aunt May, I’m heading off to the Bugle.” Sticking her head out of the washroom doorway May smiled and called back. “Alright Peter, you have a safe trip.” May Parker looked at herself in the mirror again, tracing a finger through her grey hair all while shifting her chin back and forth to see the lines and crow’s feet over her face. Time wasn’t kind to her, not even in her 60’s and she already looked ‘elderly’. Looking over to the bottle she ordered last week she remembered the commercial on...
Hi I’m Marcus and want to tell you about a thing that happened a few years ago.Many years ago my mum died due to illness I was 5 at the time and dad worked to keep things fairly normal in the house, I could talk to him about anything, if I had a problem he was always there, I was now 16 now and dad met a lady called Mag’s, I didn’t like her that much very slutty in her ways, always on her mobile but dad was happy so that’s all that counted.Mag’s was around 10 years younger than dad but as I say...
Nine It was time to turn the tables on him, somewhat. Being dominated, being controlled in an erotic fashion felt great, but now she wanted to do it to him. She wanted to control, wanted him to feel the wonderful frustration and ultimate release. He should enjoy it, and she definitely would enjoy doing it. She adjusts the position of the chair in the room. She had found it on sale at a trendy furniture shop, and immediately thought of possibilities. It had taken some effort to get it onto the...
Blaine just shook his head as we stepped into the first airlock chamber. We said nothing as the series of doors opened and closed allowing us to step through. When we finally emerged Blaine immediately raced off for the teleport pad. I stood waiting for the airlock door to close. “AI, Corsica is ready for repair. Am I correct that I have to be the first one to board when leaves are over?” “Correct,” the AI said. “Just confirming,” I said. I turned to follow the route Blaine had taken. I...
Chapter 5: If the Shoe Fits Sue recovered quicker than she might have expected. She didn’t even notice the earbud wire was dangling loose and the headphone jack tentacle was gone. Unfortunately, she was sure it took at least 3 minutes for her to get it together. She continued further into the geology wing in a bit of a just fucked mental haze. With all the added modes, she was stressing about her predicament. The squid had ridiculous technology she would have never suspected was available. She...
Chapter 1 Barb had been raised in a church going household. As she entered her teen years, she heard the stories from some of the kids she went to school with about sex. Cock, oral sex, std’s, and of course babies. She didn’t think about it much. She was from a religious family and of course, she would never have sex before marriage. Through her teen years, she noticed the increase in her senses when it came to looking at and being around boys and men. Her sexuality was awakening. She...
Now you may be asking yourself, is this this going to be a sick, perverted fantasy that I'm writing, or is it really an expression of my deep, devoted worship of the female form? Perhaps a little of both, but I prefer the latter.What do I want to do to a women? Anything she asks me to. Now I do make a few rules when I make these kinds of offers, such as never break the skin or leave a permanent mark. Sure, I can lick her till she screams, as I've done hundreds of times before and always...
“Dan, will you go help your father gather wood?” I heard my mom yell from the kitchen. We had a backhoe and I was most skilled with it, considering I was the one who dug the seven acre pond that was 20 feet deep. “Sure thing!” I yelled coming out of my room and into the kitchen. ”Need me to bring anything with?” “You could take Miriam. You know how she loves the field.” It was true, she loved them ever since she could walk, but she always had one of us with her to keep her safe At this...
CHAPTER 27: A RELAXING WEEKEND?Joe came home that night ending the workweek to a very quiet house. There was no van in the drive belonging to the video company. The two women who were the sole owners and employees of a small local video company had just spent two days at their property first filming Nikki for an instructional video for K9 sex and then after seeing what Nikki’s day really is like came back the next day to do a ‘day in the life of’ documentary type filming. Both had Nikki very...
A faint sprinkle of magic? Where did that come from? It wasn’t strong enough to outright force me to do anything, but I was definitely the target and it attempted to influence me to do what Anna said. I had enough power to resist, which I did, but I couldn’t tell from whom the spell originated. Unless someone cast the spell from far, far away, someone in this room was using. I looked at Rawlings, who seemed to want to avoid the current situation. I didn’t want to believe for a second that...
Susie Brock knew that part of her would always be sad that she couldn't work it out with Governor Bruce Calahan. She also knew that the Governor was right about them needing some time apart, after being lovers for the whole semester. She had missed him that summer, as she worked in the area, to ensure that she already had a job when the other students came into town. She missed him even more by now, but the past had to be left to history, and the future embraced, so she went ahead and started...
LesbianThis is my entry into the 2013 Halloween Story Contest. — Carlie Plum * Brandt carefully drew a diagonal line across the square marked 25 on his October calendar. True, the day wasn’t over yet, but he had his messenger bag across his shoulder and he was headed out the door. Chris Tickman, another quant asked, ‘Another day, another dollar, Brandt? Or are you counting up the number of days you’ve been Brandt the Quant?’ Brandt the Ant had been an annoying nickname, but his name actually rhymed...
Chapter XX Inside the cabin on the king size bed, her knees drawn up and her heels resting on the edge of the bed Terri watched as Ed stepped closer. Her body overflowing with passion as she stared at the thick black cock standing hard and thick from his hairy crotch. Her whole body trembling with anticipation at the thought of experiencing her first black cock. When Ed finally stood between her smooth white thighs, Terri saw him looking...
InterracialKid brothers are OK most of the time, but sometimes they're just pests. Ernie was like that too. He was just a teenager whose hormones had taken possession of his brain. I never told him that I knew he and Ryan next door had been jerking off with the stuff in my underwear drawer. Of course, when I had told Ryan that I knew, that was what finally got him, Ryan, inside my pants. Boy, can that kid fuck! Ernie, though, he's not like Ryan. Oh, he's pretty good looking, but he doesn't have...
Put blonde stunner Anny Aurora together with all-American good looks stud Nathan Bronson, and whether you’re a man or woman you’re bound to get horny as fuck when you see the gorgeous couple get it on. Every XXX thing they do is as good as it can get to pure ecstatic perfection, from the way the Penthouse Pet devours his cock for a fantastic blowjob, to the way he takes his time pussy licking, and her orgasmic moans of pleasure as the sex goddess takes a deep drilling with his...
xmoviesforyouJames had always had a secret bi side, he had a girlfriend but had never been with a man before.He always fantasised about being used and abused by a real older man, someone that would use him as the sissy he was. He'd had lots of offers online but never had the courage to actually arrange a meet. James LOVED to secretly dress in women's underwear, he would wear his girlfriends panties almost everyday under his work trousers , he loved the thrill of knowing he was wearing them while in a room...
Callie: two months ago. Today was awful! It was my first day at the community college aka Loser University. Why do I call it Loser U? I mean since I go there doesn't that make me a loser by extension? Yep it does. The school is attended by all of the people who a) didn't have the grades to get into a real school. And b) didn't have the money to get into a real school, c) didn't have the desire to get into a real school or d) were too lazy to get into a real school. I really hoped that it...
Lia’s Graduation Day (Part 2) “What have I gotten myself into this time?” Lia muttered to herself as she exited the theatre. Seconds ago, Sam had run out of the theatre about to burst into tears. The two of them had just witnessed Sam’s father getting a secretive handjob from Lia’s mother Mandy. At first, Lia was filled with excitement. Seeing a penis for the first time was a big deal for her, even if her mother was stroking it. Also, she was excited for her mother. It was, to her knowledge,...
IncestGenie Wishes By Morpheus Peter was my best friend and had been since we'd first met back in high school. We were both 24, but he was 6 foot even, nearly two inches taller than me and somewhat more athletic. He was also the more outgoing of the two of us and something of a ladies man. At least he never seemed to have a problem finding a girlfriend, just keeping them. As for me, I was Larry Collins, 5 foot 10, average build and with a mop of dark blonde hair on top of my head. There's...
First of all this is only my 6th story but all the same I am back for round 2. But just as they inspired me to start they have drawn me back from my extreme writers block... Thank you Morpheus, Bill Hart, The Professor, Jenny Adams and Ellie Dauber. *** 0600 - Camp Pendleton Ca, Satellite Control Division. John Wolfe Stepped out of His Personal Vehicle and kissed his wife good Bye. "It's only a weekend Op honey you'll be fine." He smiled as he strapped on his flak...
Elaine was 5ft 4" slim build always superbly dressed in high heels and stockings with knee length pencil skirt and white blouses and today she was slightly annoyed as she left for work Steve her husband had promised that he had arranged cover while they had the plumbers in and now from out of nowhere had a meeting. So yet again she had to change her plans to sort his mess out. Actually now she thought about it she was bloody annoyed. “It’s just one afternoon.” He had said the night before. But...
Quickie SexAn hour and a half later Jack was driving away from Kristi's parents house feeling more conflicted than before. He knew it was quite late, and that there was probably no chance she would respond, but there was only one person he wanted to talk to about what had just happened. Jack pulled over and sent a brief text message to Taylor, fully expecting no reply. To his surprise she responded within two minutes. She told him that everyone at her house was definitely asleep, and that if he wanted...
Part 1 I was slowly driving in the center of town — the traffic was always dense at this time of the day. All of a sudden my passenger door was opened, all the news reports of car jacking came into my mind as a bullet in the shape of a young girl entered the car and crouched down, closing the door behind her. “Don’t stop!” She hissed at me. “Look I’m the one driving, and I can’t go any faster.” I retorted wondering why I did not demand that she get out of my car? Looking in my mirror I...
He had fallen out of Amber but she had continued sleeping on top of him, neither of them apparently aware of the lack of his presence inside her. His hands instinctively ran his hands over her back and down to her firm butt, rubbing more than massaging her cheeks. At his young age, David started to get hard again and felt himself come in contact with her pelvis as he grew to full size. David felt her firm breasts and hot nipples pushing into his chest while her head rested on his bare...
We have been at it for awhile now and the sun is now beginning to peak the edges of the horizon. I don't consider this morning since I never slept... My cock is still hard from my little blue friend. My dirty whore says she needs to use the bathroom as she heads that way and closes the door. My hard-on will not be ignored. I wait a minute and head to the door opening it to find her chopping up something on the counter. She looks at me eyes wide and says, "This is my version of your blue pill......
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 31 Paula felt bad about putting off Kelly again. She too wanted to make passionate love but felt that it needed to be the right time. She came to think that Kelly's impatience was down to the fact that her father was still against her being gay and would never give them consent. Her mother on the other hand was now likely to give them consent, but until both her parents did so, Kelly believed the only way was behind everyone's back. She was spending...
I decided not to check out. When I'd checked in my name had been Joe Schmoe for all anybody cared, no flags on it. But now it was all over the airways and probably in the morning 'paper too; I didn't need to call any attention to that telltale credit card. Of course not checking out might serve the same purpose; the desk clerk might look a little harder. But that would be later, after I was long gone. As a precaution I took a little while to wipe down everything in the room that I'd...
For example, sometimes she'd discreetly start rubbing my knee at lunch, with all our friends seated around us. She would bring her hand higher and higher until she was excruciatingly close to my cock, just barely grazing it with her fingertips. I'd be the last one to leave the lunch table on the days she did this, not wanting any of our friends to see the lump in my pants she had caused. Other times she wasn't so discreet, and she would make a big show out of her teasing in front of...
My sister, Jayne, is a natural Erosceror. She's gotten training, and told me enough about it to understand how power flows through the chakras of the human body Chakras are little centers of anima within the body of all living creatures. Humans have seven primary ones, and several smaller ones. The primary ones run from the base of the spine all the way to the top of the head. Like her, my strongest chakra is the second one, centered on the womb in women and with the power of sex, feelings,...
As I sit at work, monitoring the incoming customers looking to indulge their fantasies one lap dance at a time, I am constantly reminded of my current status to my Mistress. She has me wearing a cock and ball contraption that keeps my cock aroused but without allowing it to gain any girth or length because my cock is completely encased in a clear plastic prison. It all started earlier in the day, as I was showering to get ready for work, when my Mistress texted me. She was short but very...
Swap Week: Chapter 4 By RogerGirl The next morning Nicole woke up much earlier than usual. She went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth, then peed, and took a shower. She took extra time to wash everywhere, as she wanted to look and smell good for her first day. After her shower she took extra time making sure the seams of her breasts blended perfectly and took extra time on drying her hair. She put on a new deodorant she had bought then went to her dresser and took out a black...
I walked into the meeting with a number of consultants helping us to better use analytics in our company. I sat down for the initial kickoff meeting and there was one consultant, that caught my eye. He was obviously the leader and was dressed nicer than everyone else. I soon learned that his name was Bill and he was a Vice President in his company. After the meeting Bill caught a few of us in the hall and made sure we knew that we could reach out to him with any information or concerns about...
My night with Laci was amazing, It was like I could tell what she wanted and when she wanted it by instinct and she could do the same for me. All that weekend it was all I could think about as I continued on with a normal weekend. Nothing to special really just washing my normal and my Missy clothes as well as taking care of chores around the house. I went off with some friends at times to because even though I do have my Missy life I also like to keep my normal life as well.Eventually my...
LesbianI was putting in long hours at the Guelph operation, as well as flying to Moncton every two weeks to make sure they were staying on schedule. Liz was doing well and all I could do was say "thanks" as she continued to show she could do the job. I wondered if she wasn't the answer for a manager. She certainly knew what was going on in the Moncton operation. I also sensed that the staff were with her. She was making my job easier because I didn't have to worry about her dropping the...
Buddy’s turn: Damned near a week in a hospital. Home now, slices healing in my calf. Went with Mimi so she could salvage things from her apartment. She didn’t get much – some clothes, a couple of pots and utensils from the kitchen, a couple of photo albums. We got back home. I showed her some things I’d learned about salvaging flooded documents, got her precious photos laid out in the garage, drying. She started washing and drying her grandma’s cast iron pots, carefully cleaning, then...
His friendship with Vickie was over. Hellfire, he fumed, he hadn't ever asked that crazy female woman to fall in love with him. Due to his association with her, a good woman he might have learned in time to really care for wouldn't even give him the time of day. The one good thing he'd done in the last month was to kill that damned Silas Hawkins, if you could call his having killed another mother's son a good thing. Any other time Jim would have been proud of having been the long,...
We arrived at the restaurant early but the dinner rush had not started yet so we were seated right away. The table was in a dimly lit corner where we would not be noticed by many people. There was a candle on the table which made it very romantic. Jen looked lovely. She was wearing her lavender "Sunday go to meeting" dress. It was dressy but not formal and was attractive but not too sexy. Just right for our date. I had on my sport coat and slacks with a white shirt and tie. When the...
Tyrone Jones was a 35 year old 5 ft. 9 in, 160 lb. Black IT employee for an internet porn site called Pro Porn. He was an IT wizard and there wasn’t anything he couldn’t do with computers. However, his racist white bosses didn’t properly reward his skills. He did OK but believed his superior skills deserved more. After all, he kept the web site working! He did understand that the porn industry was in a depression. It used to be that people had to pay money to watch porn and men and boys...
Linda has asked me to be home by 7, she even sent me a picture of her in a new t-shirt with the word SLUT emblazened across the front. It is short and she is also wearing some opaque white knickers. The material is so small you can see the tuft of hair above her pussy and a shaved gap down to the top of the material. Linda is wearing a new pair of white platform heels and her text message says, I couldn;t buy the t-shirt and not be a complete slut for you.But as usual I am running late. It is...
I don’t know why I asked. I knew perfectly well who he was. Ian Somerhalder. The hottest guy on campus. Every girl was after him, including my best friend. What I should have asked was “why are you here”; at least I wouldn’t have sounded like some uneducated freak then. I didn’t need to know who he was, but why he was there, sat in my apartment, on my desk, half naked, when I don’t even know him, I did need to know. I had been drooling over this guy in the distance since starting at this...