- 3 years ago
- 23
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Devlin peeled one eye open and looked across the pillow at her window. She could hear her mother downstairs. Through the partially opened window she could hear kids playing outside. She sighed. She knew it was Saturday, and right now she wanted no part of it. She felt tired, bone weary tired, the kind of tired where you sprawl back in bed and don't move for several hours. And she'd promised to go shopping with her mother.
She reached for the covers and discovered she had pushed them off during the night. She felt around. Her long nightgown was twisted up around her waist, and she was bare to the world. "So what else is new?" she muttered to herself. Ignoring it, she swung her legs out of bed and sat on the edge, trying to clear her thoughts. Her mouth tasted like something had died in it. She tried to remember--oh, yeah, she'd licked Tim's cock dry after he'd cum. That would explain the taste. She should have rinsed her mouth out when she'd gotten home, but she'd been so tired she'd gone straight to bed.
That reminded her--she stripped off her nightgown and stood in front of the mirror, examining herself carefully. No, no bite marks on her breasts. And none on her thighs, either. One Saturday morning the year before she'd found little bite marks on her thighs. Until they'd gone away she'd had to stay away from shorts and swimming suits. That had taken some explaining. She still wasn't sure her mother had bought the explanation.
She gave herself the once over one more time. Her hair looked like a rats nest, going in all directions and tangled in on itself. Her sloping shoulders--whatever she bought today was going to be with shoulderpads. Her breasts--which continued to grow... She got out her cloth tape and measured again. 29" around the ribs, 38 1/2", maybe 39" over the fullest part of the breast. Damn, D cup for sure, and probably more. She studied one of her boobs--was it a trick of the light that it seemed a little fuller? She shook her head. DD cup here I come, she thought. Wonderful. Manufacturers charged an extra $5 for that extra D. She measured her waist: 23 1/2", she'd lost a little there. Her hips: 34". Size Small panties might actually hang on her. She wondered if she was getting too skinny. Her hip bones didn't stand out, but when she saw the doctor next week she should probably bring that up. But the overall effect--she definitely had an hourglass figure. And finding clothes she could wear was going to be a problem.
She looked at the dark little patch covering her sex. How would she look with it shaved off? She tried to remember what she looked like when she was 10. She tried to superimpose that on her reflection, but it didn't work. Then she had an idea. She went rummaging through her closet until she found her Polaroid camera. She still had four shots left in it. Sabrina had a home computer with an art program on it. She could scan the picture and then erase her pubic hair and see what it looked like. She took the picture, then took another with her legs a little apart. She'd save the other two pictures for Sabrina if she wanted to try this, too.
She spent a few minutes trying on bras, trying to see if there was one that fit without really digging at her. Jeff had made the point that her favorite one was leaving marks on her, and if a guy was noticing something like that it had to be pretty bad. She had her sports bra and a dozen regular ones--of those, two fit. The rest were so tight her breasts bulged over the cups, or cut into her hard enough to pinch. How had she gotten by with these? She looked at the dresser drawer and realized she'd been wearing these two for most of the last month. She sighed. It was definitely time to go shopping.
She tried on her sports bra. It fit, but it felt like it was squeezing her to death. She couldn't really draw a deep breath. She took it off and dropped it with the others. She had a tube top she sometimes wore when she was exercising. She pulled that on. It fit better than the rest, it should, she'd bought it only a month before. She hadn't realized how much support it gave her. If a tube top gave her more lift and support than something designed for the job it was past time to go shopping
She took her place in front of the mirror, her hand resting on the bar her mother had installed for her when she was 8. She hadn't had a dance class in nearly three years, but she had never given up the ritual of morning exercise. She stretched, she twisted, she jumped, she kicked. All the while she could hear her dance instructor, "Higher, Devlin. Think Longer. Point your toes. Reach, girl, Reach!"
Afterwards she took a quick shower to wash off the sweat, then skinned into the rest of her clothes, fought her hair into some semblance of order, and headed downstairs. Her mother was making breakfast, and right now it smelled marvelous. Her stomach rumbled sympathetically. She laughed at its low growl.
"Somebody's in a good mood this morning," her mother said.
"Just feeling good," Devlin said. And she did feel good. She always slept well after a lot of sex, and the night before had been no exception. "What's the plan for today?"
"There's a discount mall that just opened up in Cedar Point. It's mostly outlet stores, so we might be able to find some real bargains."
Devlin looked at the food on the stove and set the table. "I was looking through my clothes a few minutes ago," she said as she worked. "And, yeah, I need some new things."
"Well, as soon as we finish eating we'll go," her mother said. She filled their plates with scrambled eggs. "They open at 10, and if we get there early we might be able to beat the crowds."
They pulled into the nearly empty parking lot at the discount mall just before 10. Her mother sighed happily. "Where to first? I need a couple of blouses, a black skirt, and a new pair of slacks. What did you say you needed?"
"A couple of outfits," Devlin said, "a couple of skirts and sweaters I can mix and match, and some new bras."
"You've been growing again," her mother said with a glance at her chest. "We'll get the other things first and then we can take our time with the lingerie."
Three hours later Devlin stood in front of a mirror and turned, looking critically at the skirt she was trying on. It was black, short and tight. She had already picked one skirt that was calf-length, one that came to just above the knee and a blue jumper that came down to her knees. This would give her a short one. With two sweaters and a pair of slacks she was about done here.
"Not bad," her mother said from behind her.
"It goes with that white turtleneck sweater I bought a little while ago."
Her mother nodded and looked at the price tag. "How much do you have left?"
"About $30 or $40 in my wallet," Devlin said.
"Your bras usually cost twice as much as mine," her mother said. "I think you'll only be able to get two of them."
"That'll give me four," Devlin said. "They'll just have to last for a while."
"If you stop growing."
Devlin spread her hands. "Hey, don't look at me, I don't seem to have any say in the matter."
Her mother looked down at her own much smaller chest. "Apparently neither do I. Hurry up and get changed, I'll be waiting for you at the cash register."
When they walked into the lingerie shop Devlin got her first shock of the day. Standing behind the counter was Emma. At first the woman didn't see her as she was helping another woman. But when she turned at the tinkling of the bell, she stopped with a start. Her face quickly smoothed out.
"May I help you?"
"We wanted to look at some bras," her mother said. "I need one, and my daughter needs a couple."
"Certainly," Emma said. She did a quick judge by eye. "You might be interested in these," she said, leading her mother to a display along one wall. "All Bali and Olga bras are on sale today and the newest styles might be what you're after." She eyed Devlin. "For you we can do custom-made bras, but they take longer and cost more."
"I hope we don't have to go that far," her mother said. "I can usually find something to fit me in just a couple of minutes. But I think my daughter will need some help, she's been growing quite a bit this last year."
"Certainly," Emma said. She looked at Devlin when they moved away. "That's your mother?" Devlin nodded. Emma stood there in silence looking at her. "Just how old are you?" she asked finally.
Devlin had known this was going to happen the moment she'd seen Emma, and she couldn't think of any way around it. This could be the end of her worries about swinging--and Danny. "I'll be 18 next Wednesday."
"You're 17?" Emma seemed stunned. "But I thought... I understood... Didn't you tell me you were older?"
Devlin shook her head. "I never told you how old I was. Danny may have lied, but I never did. Nobody ever asked me how old I was. Ever."
Emma thought about that in silence. "You've been coming to my parties since you were... since you were, what, 15?"
Devlin looked at the floor and nodded. "I was 15 the first time I came to your parties."
"But you seemed older," Emma said. "You had to be."
"I wasn't."
Emma stared at the wall for nearly a minute. "I'm going to have to think about this," she said at last. "I--I'm not comfortable with the thought of a 15 year old swinger. There's-I don't know, there's something that's just not right about it."
"Well I'm not 15 any more," Devlin said.
"That isn't the point."
"If you mean what am I going to be like years from now?" Devlin asked. "I don't know. I've thought about that. The legal stuff?" She nodded her head. "There are some legal things that could be a problem, if they got out. But not after I turn 18, of course. Then I'm legal. If you mean questions about Danny, well, I thought them through. From a legal viewpoint..." She shrugged. "Well, I went in to it knowing exactly what was going on. Nobody pressured me, I knew exactly what was happening, and I made most of the decisions."
"But... 15."
Devlin glanced over her shoulder at her mother, who had selected one bra and was considering another. "I'm nearly 18, now. She doesn't know, and I'd like to keep it that way. And right now I need a new bra." She paused. "Can we talk about this later?"
Emma shook her head slightly. "Okay," she agreed. "Later." She touched Devlin's shoulder, turning her slightly. "Have you measured yourself lately?"
"This morning."
"I'm 29" just under the bust, and 38 1/2" or 39" across the fullest part."
"Well, we'll measure again anyway," Emma said. She got her cloth tape measure out of the drawer. "Arms up, please." She measured the teenager. "I think you had it pretty close. At the very least you need a D cup, and you have a small back." She smiled. "I would recommend a DD cup. I only have a few in stock, especially in your size. Your small back makes you really hard to fit."
"I'm afraid I'm still growing, too," Devlin added.
"I've got some over here that might work," Emma said as she walked towards a display on the back wall.
Devlin looked at them, finally selecting three to try on. "I'll let you know," she said.
"Find anything?" her mother asked, coming over.
"These, so far," Devlin said. "I'm going to try them on."
Her mother nodded. "I'm going to run down the mall to that store that had dinnerware," she said. "There was something there I want to get. I'll be back in a bit."
"I'll probably still be here trying things on," Devlin said.
She overflowed the first bra and the second one sagged a bit. The third just hung on her without giving her any support. Emma brought a rack full of bras back and placed it just outside the dressing room. "This way you don't have to keep walking back and forth."
Finally, after an hour, Devlin had found one that fit and seemed to leave a little room for growth, and one that felt comfortable and supported her. She pushed the rack back out into the main part of the store.
"That's it?" Emma asked.
"These are the only ones that fit," Devlin said.
Emma pursed her lips. "Tell you what," she said. "I've got something in back that might work for you."
"It's something new. It was designed for those women who can't find any bras in the standard sizes."
"Like me."
"Like you." She rubbed her chin. "I've never actually used it, but I've seen the training video and I've taken a class on how to use it."
"What is it?" Devlin was intrigued. "A bra fitting machine?"
"More or less. It uses lasers, and a computer. It measures you, then translates it into instructions for a sewing machine to make you a custom bra. We can give it a try."
"How long does it take?"
"The measuring and so on takes about 10 minutes. It takes a few days for the bra to arrive after I send everything in. And it costs $25."
"It's not going to give me some dorky looking bra, is it? You know, an iron maiden bra?"
Emma unlocked a drawer and pulled out a binder. "Here are the styles that are available," she said. "Look through it, see what you think, and we can try it if you want." She glanced at a woman who'd just entered the store. "I'll take care of her and be back in a few minutes.
Devlin made herself comfortable and started reading. The binder showed the entire process, starting with a woman with an ill-fitting bra. It showed her as the machine measured her breasts and body. It had pictures of styles, colors, and samples of fabrics. And it showed the same woman with the machine made bra. She smiled at a point repeated over and over: no pictures were actually taken. Instead the measurements were translated into computer code. That didn't bother her, but it would reassure a lot of women.
By the time Emma got back to her she had made up her mind. "I'll try it," she said. "I assume that if it fits I can get more."
"That's the whole idea," Emma said. "The original idea was from a company that makes personalized bathing suits. They just extended their idea into lingerie."
Devlin spent a few minutes standing in front of a camera lens. In a monitor she could see the upper half of her body covered with a fine grid of lines drawn in red. At the instructions of the computer she lifted her arms, turned, stretched, leaned over, and so on. When it was finally done she used a touch screen to answer a series of questions on fabric, cup style, strap size, and so on. Finally the computer printed out a small sheet of paper covered with a list of numbers and a small square of some grayish tint.
"That's it?" she asked when she showed it to Emma.
"That's it," Emma said. "I can translate the numbers, but the computer uses this gray rectangle. Apparently all the information is contained in it."
Devlin was impressed. "So what happens now?"
"Well, the computer has already dialed the main computer and logged your order and measurements. You keep this as a reference and bring it in if you want to order any more."
"And I'll get to try them on before I buy?"
"Always," Emma said. "But I think you'll be happy with the result." When Devlin opened her purse, she added, "You pay for it when it gets here, you don't have to pay for it now."
"That's fine by me," Devlin nodded. "I'm going to need a sports bra, too. The one I have now is worn out." She rolled her eyes. "I can't imagine how that happened."
"I've got a few," Emma said with a smile. She looked around the store, pursing her lips. "Maybe you should try a sporting goods store, though."
"I did last week," Devlin said. "Most of their stock didn't fit, and the ones that did felt like they were squeezing me till I couldn't breathe. They don't make them for gals my size."
Emma browsed through her rack, finally selecting two. "I think either of these might work for you."
Devlin came back from the dressing room a minute later. "This one," she said, holding one up. "The other doesn't support me."
Emma nodded. "It happens. Anything else?"
Devlin glanced around the store. "Yeah, just a minute." She selected two sets of plain panties, and one really sexy one. She looked through the stockings, finally choosing three pair. "That'll do it, I think."
Emma rang up the purchases. "$86.83 with tax."
Devlin handed Emma her debit card. "There are times, like now, when I wish I was smaller. There's a girl who sits next to me in English who can spend $40 and buy four bras and two sets of panties."
Emma smiled. "But small ones are not as much fun as big ones," she said quietly. "It's like a kid in a candy store. I still don't know what to think about your age," she went on. "I'm going to have to talk this one over with Tim. It bothers me. I've always thought you were an adult, which means you were old enough to make your own decisions. But this is a shock."
"Now you know why I never went in the video room," Devlin said.
"Huh. That's right. I never saw you in there."
"Old enough to do it, not old enough to watch others doing it on television." She scowled. "It's a funny world."
"It is," Emma said. "But Tim and I will talk this over."
"You'll have to tell Danny," Devlin said. "I won't."
"That's fair," Emma said. Then she got a better look at the teenager's face. "Is there something wrong?"
"No... well..." Her voice trailed off. "Maybe I'm just a little tired of what's going on," she said. "I mean, I have sex with Danny every day, Emma, every day, right after my Mom leaves for work. If I have a date, I come home from it and Danny and I have sex. It's fun, he's a great guy to screw, but, well, I mean it's every single day. I love sex, but sometimes it's... well, it's a chore."
"I didn't realize you two were together every day," Emma said. "And here I thought I had a busy sex life with two parties a month. I guess we learn something every day."
"And you know what's worse?" Devlin went on. "The night I had my first date with Jeff, we went to a dance, I was upstairs in bed with Danny when Jeff showed up. And there I am, out on the dance floor with Jeff, and I can feel Danny's cum on my legs. And some nights I don't get a chance to get any homework done, I'm rolling around naked on the bed with Danny."
"Sometimes you just have to say no," Emma said.
"I want to, and I don't want to," Devlin said. "I mean I like having sex with him. I like sex anyway, I like the way it makes me feel, I like the closeness, the intimacy, everything. Call me weird, but I do."
Emma smiled. "I know what you mean," she said softly, "and I like sex, too, otherwise I wouldn't be throwing those parties. It's a shame most women are taught to not like sex." She thought a moment. "To get back to Danny, does he have sex with his wife?"
"Quite a bit," Devlin said. "When he came back from his trip he had sex with her twice in the morning, then had sex with me in the evening. I thought I was over-sexed, but he has it bad." The bell at the door tinkled. She looked up to see her mother walking in. "We'll have to continue this some other time."
Emma nodded. "I may call you," she said. "I think you just need someone to talk to. You've been holding this in too long."
"Holding what in too long?" Devlin's mother asked.
"Her chest," Emma said. "I think she found something that fits, but we're special ordering a couple of bras for her."
Her mother smiled. "Seems like just yesterday she was 10 years old."
"They grow up fast," Emma said. "Especially at her age. It seems like just yesterday my daughter was making mud pies, and now she's a senior in high school."
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Guy orders a couple from a masseuse serviceI am a 27-year-old bisexual Indian guy living in Canada. This story is about an adventure I had a few months ago and involves both straight and gay experiences. I hope you enjoy it :)I am an engineer, and I started a technology company in Canada a year or two ago. Things had been going really well, and after the money started flowing in I decided to take a vacation and I booked myself for a 3 week stay at a resort in Bangkok Thailand. I planned to stay...
The new slave did not yet fully know her purpose. She sat on the floor writingto her diary while her master was watching his football game. She wasn't interestedin football, but she liked to keep him company. She was glad he never madeher watch the games or try to get into them, and she did realize that he foundhis pleasure in her so much more interesting in other ways. She felt his eyes on her, even though she did not lift hers to meet his gaze.He was studying her as she tried to concentrate,...
The Night Before: Jason Gold was just a little drunk, broke (although he did not know it yet) and still savored the sweet taste of victory. His left eye had begun to swell and discolor and his fly was open. He lost his shirt, had it ripped off his back, in a fight against two of the Venice locals who mistakenly thought the pale skinned, mild looking stranger would be easy pickings. It was their last mistake of the evening. Full of beer courage, they followed Jase out on the beach where he left...
Athena Valentine awoke suddenly in the darkened playroom. The dream she just experienced had been terrifying, and she was still not over its effects. It was the night of her graduation form City College, and her entire family had gotten together and reserved a room in the fanciest restaurant in town to celebrate. They were all dressed to the Nines. Even her younger sister had been wearing real clothes for a change. Things were just fine until she felt a light tickling on her feet. She...
It’s amazing how hard it is to think logically when you’re horny. I had the house to myself for the entire morning, a rarity anymore, and I was finally able to spend plenty of time in front of the computer searching my favorite porn sites. On a day like this, when I know my wife will be gone for hours and there is no chance of being disturbed, I like to take my time with things. I grab my lube, strip down and watch video after video, browse through stories, look at pictures, and try to make my...
The smog hung low over the city that weekend. It was so thick that it had a smell and a life of its own. Charlie paid absolutely no attention to it but the others were less stoical and made low-key snide remarks about how the pollution was a curse aimed at them because of the sins of Hollywood. It was uncertain if "Hollywood" was the city or the industry or just the sign that was always in a state of disrepair no matter how many times they sent work crews out to refurbish it to its former...
Christine was a thirty-eight-year-old mother going through a rough patch in her life. Over the past few months, she had separated from her husband and seen her son leave out of state for college. She was alone and didn’t know what was next for her. One side of her missed the life she used to have and the other side was excited at the possibilities of a fresh start.Her life as a married mother had distanced her from all the social circles, but she wasn’t one to go out much anyways. Her work life...
IncestFifteen minutes later and Reynolds' team were ready to go. A feed of all four monitors was being fed to monitors set up in the interrogation room, the techs were already on the case of tracking the source of the videos and Reynolds had managed to get a begrudging go ahead to take the lead in the case and the interrogation due to emergency circumstances. With still a full three and three quarter hours still on the clock, Reynolds was ready to play whatever sick game the bitch had in...
I came home from college all tired and rang my door bell expecting my mom to answer. But she didn't. I opened it with the spare key I had. I came in and saw a stranger bending down. Couldn't recognise him so decided to enter slowly not to startle him and find out what he's up to. What I saw startled me instead. There laid on the sofa was my 41 yr old mom half naked. She was in her saree, her blouse completely unbuttoned, her right breast exposed as the bra strap was held by the stranger right...
As wild as she was for her son’s cock, Debra found it a little uncomfortable going around the house naked. She wore a bra and panties, but still felt uncomfortable. She had never walked through the house in panties and bra, or naked before. It felt somewhat wicked to do so, deliciously wicked, though. Jerry had no problem with being naked,, she noticed. He took to it very well, without embarrassment at all. Debra loved being naked in bed, in her bedroom, where she could be herself. But...
100% fiction! Ok so this is a story of a son full of sexual frustration and his mum. I was a quiet boy, no girls were ever interested in me, partly down to the fact I was a chubby boy, and the other there was one person who I couldn't stop thinking about. My mum was a single mum she had a few boyfriends but most of the time it was me and her, she is about 5 foot tall strawberry blonde, slim build but her breasts were so pert about a c cup. One night me and mum was watching tv, and she said her...
IncestThere she was, a 5’4” red-headed goddess standing on the other side of the strawberries and I was completely captivated. She had her eyes closed after she had popped the top of the plastic container and I watched as she leaned in closer to the fruit and as she took a deep inhale, I noticed my own intake of air match her own as if I were smelling them as well.It was as if the whole world went into slow motion as she slowly opened her eyes and I could take in the pair of the brightest and most...
CheatingWell i must be the luckiest guy in the world ,my wife earns all the money so I stay at home to do all the house work and cooking .Now I've always wondered what it would be like to be a girl because women to me are so powerful when they are hot and sexy ,a women can get what she wants when she wants without even speaking as long as she has a sexy pair of platform heels on with a tight micro mini and a great set of tits that's enough to get anything from anyone ,if that isn't power what is ?So...
Husband's fantasies about sleeping with his sister-in-law and his fantasies about his wife sleeping with another man are filled when his in-laws come to visit.***My wife Diane and I were having her sister and her husband visit us for the week. Mary was Di's older sister but the two of them were fairly close to each other. Mary's husband Jerry was about as easy going as you could get. The two of them made a good pair as neither one seemed to get to riled up about anything. Diane and I were...
Redcap and me had been dogging twice before, the first time was with me in stockings and sitting in the front with the window closed and men looking at me and wanking. The second time was with me sat in the back of the car with the window down and about half a dozen men touching me.So onto the third time, I m dressed in a pair of dark tan suspender tights, ankle bracelet and not a lot else. I was heavly madeup and had a chocker with the word “Slut”, Black platforn shoes with ankle straps and...
Chapter 1 You just never know where things can lead, even when they start out so innocently. That's what happened to Trent Vogel, all he wanted was a little pleasure, a little relief. He got home about eleven on a Friday night, tired, out with friends looking for girls with no luck at all, so, like many guys will, he stripped off his clothes and got his trusty bottle of hand lotion and began pretending he'd hooked-up with that little blond that he liked who didn't give him the time of...
**If you haven’t read the original story arc, I suggest you read it first to understand what happens in this story. If you want to buy it: or if you just want to read it online: Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! Also, I highly encourage you to add new chapters to help me flesh out this story. **We now begin our story at the beginning of issue...
Tuesday came and Peter found himself pacing his office. It was 3:30 in the afternoon and he was waiting for a client to get back to him about a new contract. He moved to the window, tapping his pen on the windowsill. He hated waiting. He was trying not to think of Maria moving around his home, doing all the domestic things that he loathed to do. He pictured her in his bedroom, changing the sheets, vacuuming under the bed, kneeling on the floor to fetch a stray sock from under the bench at the...
September is a lovely time of the year in Sydney. The winter chills have given way to a blissful warm sun, but the full blaze of the summer heat has not yet arrived. It is about this time each year that my body clock decides it needs some rays to shake off the winter blues. Luckily, I have a wonderful little beach within decent walking distance of my home. It was a lovely September Saturday that I set out for Cobblers Beach, a little nudist beach nestled away from the crowds in Sydney Harbour....
It’s Mother’s Day and Alexis Fawx is sitting on a bed, dressed in sexy lingerie and holding a fresh bouquet of flowers. She’s impatiently waiting for her wife, Serene Siren, to come out of the bathroom already, so that they can celebrate their special night! Despite her protests, Serene insists that it’ll be worth the wait, although Alexis will be the judge of that. When Serene steps out of the bathroom, wearing sexy lingerie that makes her look like a gift ready to be...
xmoviesforyou"Where are the photos?" Dorothy was standing outside the shower stall, looking in at me through the open door as I stood there, completely nude, shivering with cold and embarrassment. Over her shoulder, I saw Ronnie, the obviously gay Producer/Director. He was in on the secret of my true sex, and his eyes positively glowed as he watched me,holding his portable video camera. "Oh please don't make me do this, Mistress," I whispered in my high- pitched voice. "No one's making you do...
Hello Luis. I much prefer to use that name. It conjures images of golden-brown skin and thick, silky hair. So much more appropriate than the other you use, I think. I don't believe I want to know what your real name is. In my fantasy it must be a Continental name, something French or Italian. As I sat at my desk today, I found my mind wondering to the erotic thoughts that pervaded me last night. Thoughts that my co-workers would have been shocked to hear. My gaze began to roam about the office,...
BDSMHello everybody my name is imran khan age 22 from hyderabad. If any girls and lonely aunties wants good time can contact me on your privacy is my first concern. Yeah ek real experience hai jo my kabhi nhi bhul saktha,agar kuch ghalti howi toh maf karna my pehli bar likh raha houn Yeh story meri padosi aunty ki hai jinka naam sana hai figure toh poucho mat bohat khubsurat hai unkey boobs aur gand ekdum mast hai,jab wo chalti hai toh unki gand uchal ti hai,aunty ki age 30 hai,unhey 1 beta aur 1...
It was a normal saturday morning. I woke up quite late and was lazing about when suddenly the phone rang. My mom picked it up. After a short convo, she hung the phone and told me that the landlord had called and he wanted some contract urgently and my dad had to sign it. So she told me to go to dad’s office and get it signed and bring it back. She then tried calling my dad several times but his phone remained unanswered. So I got ready and left. I reached the office building and I know since it...
Marianne quietly awakened Joe when she arrived home, making sure not to wake up Marta or Margie. They used the bath shared by her and Mary's rooms. Soaping led to loving. They sat at the bottom of the tub, the water shut off, Marianne in Joe's lap, slowly rocking his erection inside her. Several minutes they kissed and cooed and fondled until libidos controlled everything. He nibbled one teat and squeezed the other as she lifted and fell rapidly, creating deep penetration whispering at her...
I didn’t have much money, even by 1991 standards. I rode the Greyhound bus from Grand Forks to Minneapolis and arrived about eight at night. Not the best planning. I needed shelter quickly and found a sleazy hotel a block away from the bus station by the simple expedient of having followed a crowd of people that direction. The people I followed wisely kept walking. Thirty-five bucks for a room and they actually asked me if I wanted it all night. The good thing was that there was a White...
this story between me and my aunty, she is married and has 2 k**s, 39yrs old, good looking nice big breast and butt, she is living in same street where I live, I go to her home all the time talk with her & her husband for hour just regular things. When I m in her home I watch her ass and breast all the time, make me feel so great watching her, when she talk with meI love to watch her lips, make feel so great. Her husband is my uncle (not a close) most of the time when I am with her hubby we...
When stepfather Tommy Pistol disturbs black stepdaughter Kira Noir’s meditation practice with his anxious scolding for not doing her chores, she decides to unblock his chakras with a ball-sucking blowjob and an afternoon of interracial fucking. The stud gets the ebony beauty soaking wet and moaning with his expert fingering and pussy licking skills and then bangs her with his monster cock until he blasts his load on top of her dark trimmed snatch for a must-see interracial taboo Penthouse...
xmoviesforyouI was working at a stip club and had been there almost 7 months. I had gotten the hang of things and even made some pretty good friends. We were in the back getting ready for the evening and discussing my upcoming birthday party. "You guys better come. Since my birthday is so close to Memorial day, I always plan this huge party and no one ends up showing up!" I tell them as I finish curling my hair. Gwenn, one of my best friends, leans over and kisses me lightly on the cheek. "Sweetie, this is...
Group SexI got new neighbors. They bought the old Henderson place, on the next road over. They were rumored to be Yankees, and no one knew much about them. Apparently they were pretty well off, the Henderson place was a two story farmhouse, barn, outbuildings, and two hundred twelve acres. It was a going farm until Mr. Henderson got too old. His daughters had moved away, and there was no one else to run it, so he put it up for sale and moved even farther south. This pissed the girls off no end, they...
As Marie lay back on the poolside lounger with the towel wrapped around her waist, she saw Jane and Hiroshi returning from the clubhouse. Jane was holding Hiroshi’s hand just as when the pair had left Brad and Marie alone a short while before. From the smile on Jane’s face, Marie knew that she was satisfied with whatever had happened in the clubhouse. Marie wanted to ask her daughter what she and Hiroshi had done, but she was also half-ashamed and half-embarrassed to show the others that she...
The following day at work, I found that I could hardly sit at my desk without remembering what had happened last evening. My legs were still weak, and my pussy felt like it had the first time I had sex - sore and raw - but a wonderful, satisfied feeling! That young man had one of the biggest hardest cocks that I had ever had. I knew that it would not be long before I had to have another taste and get my fill of it again. A little of a good thing is never enough! My girlfriend, Betty, called me...
My wife is petite, beautiful in the manner of Audrey Hepburn, and looks ten years younger than her actual age. She is sweet and innocent, as if she just walked out of a Doris Day movie. You would never suspect that a mere two weeks ago she spent a warm, breezy Sunday afternoon fucking a strong Black man bareback and letting him cum in her mouth, while I fucked his lovely wife in another room. I have often been asked by members at another site how my wife and I began swinging some seven years...