Aw Fuck Me!Chapter 15: Origins free porn video

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Captain Noah was sitting in his comfortable command chair observing his watch perform their duties, not that much needed to be done. While not precisely a milk run, it didn’t require the same sort operations that a warship would require. Still, the Captain had his crew keep a watchful eye out for potential dangers. There had been that communiqué that pirates had attacked a colony ship just weeks before they left port.

They were more than a year out, with another still to go. Just an indication of just how far out this new world would be. The drives folded time and space, but travel was still not instantaneous. The world they were heading for was on the far edge of surveyed space. He had read the reports on it, not the sort of world he would have chosen, being on the low end of the habitable scale.

He was just as glad he wouldn’t be staying there merely dropping off the Colonists to form their new world. He wished them the best of luck, they would need it.

Ten million souls were on board, most in Stasis chambers, easing the load on the life support systems. A few of those had chosen not to make the trip in that way. Whether they thought it might be an exciting trip, had quickly lost its luster within the first few weeks as the boredom set in. Many now wished they could enter a status chamber. However, the number of those had been established by those that had requested them. Only a very few were left for anyone that might become critically injured and would have to be returned to one of the core-worlds for the necessary treatments.

Medical was very good at what they did, but even some conditions were beyond their capabilities on such a trip. This was to be a colony, not a developed world with all the amenities.

A typical colony ship, the ‘Ark,’ wasn’t much different than a bulk container ship. Hundreds of Thousands of self-contained modules would be released upon their arrival. Containing everything a new colony would need within the limits that the colonist could afford. Again, one of the reasons Captain Noah was glad he wouldn’t be staying, as they hadn’t been able to afford much.

It wasn’t a warship; more the pity, in his youth, it had been his dream to serve on one and even become its Captain. Now he was just happy to be in space and not on some overcrowded and polluted world or equally crowded warship. Being the Captain of any starship had its perks, and an uncrowded living quarters were one of them. No rationing for him. It was the same for all the senior officers. Not so for the cadets. For he had a cadre of training cadets that were now part of his bridge crew and were rotated so that they learned everything they could about a starship operation, from bridgework to engineering. It was valuable basic training for future offices of the fleet.

The civilians found life onboard to not be kind, there was much overcrowding, water, and food, day to day necessities, to be sure it was no pleasure cruise. They had no one to blame for their lack of foresight. Captain Noah judged them to become of the first casualties of the new colony.

The Imperium’s warships were no place for young cadets to start, the Imperium’s ships could ill afford the time it would take to train someone in the basic needs of a starship. Imperium ships needed experienced personnel that could quickly learn their more defined duties. As good as Imperium’s Officer training program was, the limited space on training ships were reserved for the well connected. Others would receive their training on other starships.

He couldn’t complain. He had gone through the same system and hadn’t done poorly for it. After all, a command was a command. While the Colonists may have been bored to tears, a Captain’s life was fairly luxurious. What was that saying again? ... Ahh, hell, he’d never been the scholarly one for the arts. Yes, being a ship’s Captain of a colony ship was about as good as it got for those not well connected. With that communiqué, maybe it wasn’t the best of times to be in command of a warship ... or worse luck, a luxury cruise liner.

Captain Noah was about to request the watch report as it was nearly the end of that current cycle when proximity warning claxons went off, and the navigation officer reported that several objects had suddenly appeared, that those objects were far too close.

The ship shuddered as the hyperdrive was forced offline. This was the result of two hyperdrive fields colliding. His vessel entered normal space. Almost immediately, the ship shook again, somewhat differently.

‘That was a weapon hit,’ Captain Noah thought.

Pirates, or worse, were attacking them, several more hits shook the ship. His watch crew was reporting that the engines were being targeted, they wouldn’t be soon reentering Hyperspace.

There would be a surprise for these attackers! The Imperium had seen fit to arm this colony ship, as such attacks had become more numerous, and even warships had been hit. “God, this is Captain Noah! Weapons released, protect the ship ‘Omega Prime!’.”

The ship’s AI fought back! This was a struggle to the death. The ship was taking hits from multiple vectors. Had it only have been just one attacker, they might have made it out ok. Layers of the vessel’s loaded containers were being burned away, having provided some protection. But it was as if the attackers didn’t care about taking the ‘Ark’ as a prize. Ship system after system went down, but they were scoring hits as well, the bridge crew reported two of the attackers down. Two? There had been more than two?

Captain Noah thought they just might make it.

Then there was a wrenching hit near the command deck, an opening into space was forming, and Captain Noah barely had time to think, ‘Aww! Fuck me,’ before he and the rest of the bridge watch were sucked into space. GOD noted the loss but kept on defending the ship. It had received an ‘Omega Prime’ directive. Nothing short of its complete destruction would prevent it from doing so. Ten hyperdrive homing torpedos had already been launched with the ship’s logs and details of the attack. One was surely going to make it back to the core-worlds, and report. Not that it was likely to do any good.

With the Ark now heavily damaged, the AI GOD finally manage to score a hit and kill the last attacker. It was unfortunate that the attacker was so close that its destruction delivered the mortal blow to the ‘Ark.’ GOD confirmed the enemies’ destruction and took count of the losses. As an AI, ‘GOD’ was without emotion, as it went over the list of surviving crew and prepared its report. The crux being, it recognized that there was no chance to repair itself and to continue its mission. It began a search of near space, for a possible viable planet. Statistically speaking, there was bound to be a planet, but then again, that didn’t mean it would be viable to carbon-based lifeforms.

The ‘Omega Prime!’ directive was to protect the ship, which also meant to preserve the life it carried. That was given the utmost priory of its remaining resources. Running multiple scenarios, it soon realized that while its primary mission was no longer possible, it found it was coasting to a nearby star system. Probabilities were low that any of the planets would be able to support life. However, the expectations of surviving on the ship were even more depressed. There were no other options open for those onboard. GOD then made his report to the ranking survivor of the attack.

Adam thought to himself, it been a hard-fought battle man to ... whatever they were. They had been boarded and nearly overcome.

The last of the boarders had been dealt with. Their lifeless bodies were fully examined then ejected into space, it was more than they deserved. They hadn’t been quite human. What they were was not in any known database. It was assumed that they were the same that had been hitting Imperium’s shipping and warships over the course of the last few hundred years. It was a pity that they wouldn’t be able to forward this information back to the Imperium’s core worlds. While they still had a few homing torpedos, they had no means to launch them, and more importantly, in which direction to send them.

The now acting captain thought to himself, ‘Aw fuck me... ‘ The ship was dead, or soon would be. A battle won, barely, but at a significant cost. It just didn’t seem right to have won, only to end up dying because the ship was mortally wounded and had nowhere to go. It had come as a shock that he, a fourth-year cadet, was now the acting ... not acting, but the Captain. He hadn’t even been fully commissioned yet. Taking stock, he gathered those he could of the thirteen remaining Section heads, to get their reports. It was, as he expected, nearly all bad news, with the only exception that they were still alive if just barely, and with the possibility of an uncharted system with perhaps a habitable planet ahead. There were no sure bets about that, after all the frozen hell they been traveling to had been called habitable. There was no telling if this might be even worse. There were none taking bets that it would be better.

It was just possible that if the ship could only hold out till it reached that system, and if just one of the planets could support life. Then the mission might not end as a complete failure. Whatever the case, he wasn’t looking forward to dying out here.

The ship had suffered heavily, more than seventy percent fatalities, most of those had been in stasis and would never know what had happened. They were he felt the lucky ones. Of the near ten million that had started out on this mission, less than three million survived, with a large proportion of those not in stasis critically wounded not expected to make it. Many critical ship functions had been wholly lost, including most of the medical. The acting captain, no not acting, but now ‘the’ captain. Adam sighed, there was no help for it. Adam had fully expected to make captain after years of hard work and learned experience, not have it thrust upon him only to watch his ship die around him. Well, he was the captain now, that meant he better damn well get his shit together and get these people landed, hopefully on a world that could support them.

They had a few weapons systems left, but no power to operate them. Fortunately, there was no enemy left to require their use. It was the same all over the ship, just not enough power for anything. If it hadn’t been for the massive number of casualties, Life Support would have been one of the first systems to fail, of those few systems that had managed to survive as it was, they were barely hanging on. Medical had its hands full and was bemoaning the fact that it wouldn’t be able to save the more critically injured. Care was now being rationed to those that could be saved, and for those, it was deemed too essential to lose.

Full Repair of Medical or the rest of the ship was out of the question. There were only a few repair bots left, and those were doing all they could just to keep what was left of the ship together, and with power reserves failing, they too would soon stop functioning.

Now what? They had looked at the grave issues, they needed to see what was left that was hopeful. The ship’s AI, due to being in the center of the ship, had survived. But, due to the general lack of power, it had been forced to scale down many of its functions. Those scanners which were still functional reported that the enemy ships had been destroyed, but as they were not in the database couldn’t verify who they had belonged to. How they had followed them was disturbing. Knowing more might be of help, but then again, it just might be a nightmare. The best hope was that they, too, had been unable to send out their position before they were all destroyed.

The good news, if it could be indeed considered that, was that the ship was coasting into a system containing eight planets plus two rouges. The four larger ones were two gas giants. The two others seemed to be frozen hells. No help there. What was left were the four smaller inner worlds, and perhaps a broken-up world, or what was left of one, as an asteroid belt. Not that it mattered, there was no hope there. The one nearest its sun was utterly unfit. The next one out was still considered too hostile to be inhabitable.

Of the dirtballs that remained, the only one that looked to be able to support life was the third. An oddly lovely blue world (How had it been missed in the Imperial survey? The AI had no record of it. But then it had been unable to identify their current location, either.). It indeed looked to be their best chance. The fourth might have been, had the ship still been fully functional. It seemed warmer, without a covering of ice; it was ruled out, as the atmosphere was judged too thin, yet possibly still breathable with mechanical aid. Only the third world seemed that it could support life without more than necessary life support, but it seemed to be mostly water-covered estimated at sixty percent, and what land there was, ice-covered. Just a relatively small strip of temporal land was bare of ice on a lower continent. It would have to do, there was no help for it, nothing else was in range.

There was the remote possibility that one of the gas giants might have a moon suitable, but they were still too far out to get accurate readings on them.

The ship was now out of hyperspace, and would not be able to reenter it, meaning their original destination was now out of reach. The vessel was left with only maneuvering engines that were, for the most part, only used for low-speed maneuvering. The ship could, just barely, alter its course at the speed they were now traveling. And slowing to the degree that they could enter a planetary orbit would be impossible. So, they made what adjustments they could for the ship to pass by the most likely candidate, the water and ice-covered blue planet.

Nearly all the outer hull had been burned away, with only a small number of cargo hatches still able to function. Most of the ship’s landing shuttles had been destroyed. While there were the spare parts, the personnel needed to do the repairs were mostly gone. Meaning they would only be of limited use till they became too unsafe to handle.

The acting captain had to snort. ‘Safe’ had taken on a whole new meaning. There didn’t seem to be much that anyone could call safe now. Was there good news? He asked just what was left. Well, the core science and medical labs were, but unfortunately, they would have to remain with the Ark, as they were a part of it. A significant percentage of the biosamples they had brought with them had survived, having been shielded to prevent mutations. Of the stasis pods, it seemed many of them would not make it, as power was failing, and while they remained a priority, it was questionable, they would still have power when they finally reached landfall.

They were still too far out to get readings of life. There was agreeable news if you could call it that, was that there was an atmosphere that may be breathable. The medical labs should be able to tell better once the ship got closer if breathing it would kill you with whatever we could not detect at this range. For the most part, it was looking good unless there was a biohazard in the atmosphere that was yet undetectable.

Barring that, like it or not, it seemed this would be their new home. Preparations would be made to get as many of the people left, and as much of what was still functional, onto the ground. Here was perhaps the one bit of mixed good news. Due to the massive loss of life, there were more than enough escape-pods. Those not needed for human use could be packed with whatever was thought to be necessary to survive.

They would be alone. The Imperial core worlds wouldn’t even know they had not made it for another four or five years, if at all. And when the Imperial Census sent a scout ship in two hundred years to see how the colony and colonists were doing and inform them that they were still a part of the Empire with the inevitable taxes. Only then would they realize the colony ship hadn’t made it. The emergency beacon and message had been sent. But the attack had occurred too suddenly no one, including the AI GOD, knew if they had managed to escape. There were severe penalties for ships sending out premature calls for help. The Imperial government took a dim view of high mucky-muck Toadies demanding help for a hangnail. It was perhaps fortunate that none of those types were awake right now. To be sure there would be no help coming anytime soon from the Imperial core worlds even if they had been.

The Colony Starship ‘Ark’ would die here, but at least some of its people just might survive. It’s original Captain, Captain Noah would be remembered fondly. It had not been his fault that disaster had struck. But it was his foresight that insured the Ark had weapons to repel such an attack. A nearly defenseless colony ship would have been a most tempting prize to the many pirate raiders, corporate or otherwise.

You just couldn’t keep such a ship’s departure and destination a secret for long, and perhaps there had been traitors aboard that had given away such vital information. There was more than enough incentive for a down and out colonist who may have been in prison before given a choice to leave. There had been some inexplicable occurrences just before the attack. Their destination had been a minimally habitable world as it was. But those that had chosen to make the journey had known the risks.

Its location is known only to the Captain and the Navigator, as given by the Galactic Survey. On a scale of 1 – 10, it might have rated at the lower end of that range, but it was the best these colonists could afford, and they were lucky to get it. They all felt it would be better to face the hardships of a new world, than the overcrowded, and possibly dying world, where only the very wealthy lived well, it was a world the impoverished were trying to escape. With just a very few of the ultra-affluent looking for a new world to obtain.

But that planet was now a forlorn dream as the ship, as it was now, would never reach it. What it might achieve was ... well, it was really an unknown. Most of the ship’s sensors were not functioning.

The acting Captain Adam turned to his second, Eve, “Make all due preparations to get us to the third planet.”

The second, named Eve, replied, “Aye aye, Sir.”

The AI, generation God, would give all the assistance it could before it was forced to shut down. It gave a similar reply, “Affirmative, Captain.”

Nearly a two hundred ship cycles later, they came to within shuttle range. Those that had been injured either lived or died, there wasn’t any middle ground. Any Pregnancies had been aborted. There was just the slimmest chance as it was to make a landing. An infant would be a liability not only onboard the ship but after landing, as care of the infant would be a liability to the survival of the group in the first few weeks of landfall. Those were the harsh realities they were now facing. Nobody liked it, just how had they managed to circumvent the birth control implants, wasn’t something worth wasting time determining for now.

Captain Adam watched as preparations were being made for landfall. It would be a disaster no matter how you looked at it. There was just no way that everything could be landed in time that would help them survive in this new world. There would just barely time for all the survivors to get down. Food water and shelter were the primary needs. With the need to house nearly three million souls, it seemed a dauntless task. Good news, maybe, was that most of those three million were still in Stasis chambers, blissfully unaware of what had happened to them. At some point, those would have to awaken and then learn the bad news.

Then where to begin once they were there? Like all the officers aboard a Colony Ship, they had received detailed instructions on what needed to be done. With each officer given their own division of labor.

That, however, was with a fully functioning a Colony Ship and crew with a population of colonists that had known their role to play to ensure everything went according to plan. A worst-case scenario had been included, though few believed such was likely to happen.

Adam being a new and conscientious cadet officer, took all his instructions seriously. He, like many others, felt it wouldn’t be needed but realized such instructions wouldn’t be included if such a possibility didn’t exist. Now he thought that maybe they hadn’t emphasized the impossible enough. Or that the responsibilities that had been meant to be spread over several shoulders should now fall on just a few, or even just the one, his own. Command had been thrust on to him. He had accepted it, what choice was there? Those others still alive were even less qualified than he was. He at least had command training, the others were mostly those in support positions.

As they approached closer, the scans that they had been able to make showed that the planet was not as inhospitable as first feared. To be sure, there was no chance to start this world with any of the comforts of their homeworld. Sort of a joke as seeing how they had left that world because those amenities were becoming ever more meager for those that had chosen to stay behind. An ancient saying went, ‘between a rock and a hard place.’

The colony ship had been designed to be eventually taken apart to its basic support frame for the new colony. Now that would be impossible. The colonists would be forced to endure a world with a bare minimum of technology. Most of their support provisions were either destroyed or unable to land on the planet’s surface. The stone age of history that had been a myth of a long-lost past was now being thrust upon them as their new reality.

Privately, Adam had the AI ‘GOD’ run test models of the probable chances of the people making it. None of them predicted high probabilities of success. It was likely that many would suicide when confronted with unexpected hardships. Of those, the ones most likely to live were those with children, as they would fight the hardest to ensure their survival. Then on the other side, there were the cases where whole families would just give up not wanting their children to suffer any longer.

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PAMELA I THE WEEKEND She was nervous. And, yes, frightened. But the fright only added to thelittle worm of excitement that was wriggling inside her, making her nipples hardand keeping her pussy damp. She was dressed, according to his instructions, in atight blouse and a very short miniskirt. That was all she had on, except for hershoes. No underwear, he had stipulated. Nothing else on her body. No jewelry, norings, no wristwatch. Just...

4 years ago
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FaceFuck CuckSucker Gay

Ever since I became interested in guys, I've wanted their cock in my mouth. And I've fantasized about not just sucking a cock, but letting a guy use my mouth. A completely submissive facefuck. Since my divorce, I'd sucked three guys and I found two things: letting a guy suck me was a turn off and having a guy work my face, moving his cock back and forth in my mouth, was a major turn on.So for guy number four, I hit up a guy on a male hook-up site who was a total top who only wanted oral with no...

2 years ago
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Fucky Friday

--- Fucky Friday (F-solo, MF, mf, Mf, mF, con, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Prologue -------- Lindsay moaned, slipping two fingers into the folds of her pussy. Umm! She arched her back off the bed to get greater penetration from her wet digits. Her other hand massaged her teenage breasts, squeezing the medium-size mounds and tweaking the nipples. She was so close... Jamie moaned, slipping two fingers into the folds of her vagina. Hmm! She arched her back off...

5 years ago
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My wife Elaine is 19, petite with long black hair, small but very firm tits and keeps her pussy shaved. She likes to have sex with strangers in strange places and in public. She gets her excitement from being used, abused and humiliated in front of people The more people who see her, the more she likes it.We had been married for a little under a year before I found out about her eccentricities. We where very happy (or so I thought) and I had no reason to suspect her of any infidelities. That is...

3 years ago
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MotherFucking Friends

In Motherfucking Friend I told you of Elanee 69 and her 49 year old son Chester. Being Chester's best friend of 40 years, he is like a brother of mine and Elanee is a second mother for me. Seeing I have not found the right words to get my own mother to let me eat her pussy and suck on her tits, I thought my friend and his mother would love to fuck. Well, it's not like I asked them before I tied them both their chair, stripped them naked and pumped Chester full of viagra. Then watched what came...

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Lets be honest, a large majority of men have imagined fucking their own mother. Very few of these guys allow this secret desire to be known by anybody else. And even less number of sons can concoct a scheme that replaces his right hand with moms mouth.Speaking honestly, ladies if you have a son and he has hair on his balls, his dick will gets hard if he thinks of fucking you. If he sees you naked enough times, masturbation will not fulfill his lust for you and he will spend a life time dreaming...

2 years ago
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Fucky Friday

I was awake, but I didn't want to get up yet. I didn't want to even open my eyes yet. I just remembered last night... huge fight... the failed date... getting drunk... screaming, shouting... sleeping in separate beds. Lately all we had been doing was shouting at each other in between not talking to each other. I wonder why we got married sometimes. I sit up and try to think back on why. We had a reason, although my head aches even more as I try to remember. The sex was great, I remember that,...

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Fuckbuddys flat mate

I had to pick something up from my fuckbuddy's flat this morning, she was at work I ring the buzzer to be let in her flat answered. I said can you let me in, ok she said the door clicked open I went up to the flat she had the door open for me, She was standing there in a towel just covering her tits & cunt, I've fucked her before she got a very hairy cunt & loves cock, a lot of men have been to the flat & fucked her, well she said hello have you come to pick that thing up, yes I...

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Fuckbuddy 3 Slutty BBW Mom

Kathy was always one of my best fuckbuddies, because she had tried everything before I showed up, and was willing to do anything again on my command. She was quite a few years older than me and I was out of her league in the looks department, but those are always my favorites, since they will go above and beyond to please an adonis.We met on the internet and I was at her house in no time. She was a BBW, which I never had a problem with, and about 20 years older than me. It was clear that she...

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"I told you, just give me 50 bucks and I'll call the whole thing off." Not a chance. I had him right where I wanted him. For weeks, I'd daydreamed about the moment when I'd be able to peel off his briefs and devour his cock, to lovingly thrust it into my mouth until his hot, delicious liquid was deposited in my throat. "I told you bro, I'm broke." "Well.. I guess you better put up or shut up." Without another word, I dropped to my knees. We were lucky, his parents...

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‘Do I really have to go through with this?’ I asked, feigning disinterest. In reality, my cock was growing steadily more erect by the minute. ‘I told you, just give me 50 bucks and I’ll call the whole thing off.’ Not a chance. I had him right where I wanted him. For weeks, I’d daydreamed about the moment when I’d be able to peel off his briefs and devour his cock, to lovingly thrust it into my mouth until his hot, delicious liquid was deposited in my throat. ‘I told you bro, I’m broke.’ ...

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I sat in the padded chair my Mother handed down to me waiting for the buzzer to go off. That moment when the performance begins, my heart starts racing, and my panties get wet. The sound of fresh meat.I'm excited and nervous at the same. I fidget with my mini skirt. A black and pink tutu like skirt that was chosen to cover my strap-on, only I decided not to wear the strap-on after all. I also chose to wear my leather studded heels instead of my vinyl boots because I will be face sitting and...

4 years ago
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Assfucked by Ex Son in Law

This "mother in law Fantasy" ex mother in law actually is more an ex son in law story and differs from most you'll read in two ways. One it's coming from the Mother in Law, two, it's actually true.First, quick background. I was a fairly young mom and my ex son in law was a few years older than my daughter so the age diff is only 15, I am now 58 he is 43. She left him for another and nothing other than some flirting ever happened when they were together.I always thought he was attractive and in...

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Fuck Quest The Game

After jumping through some financial hoops, I finally got myself that new adult virtual reality game that a lot of people was talking about. With a title like 'Fuck Quest' and the promise of some very good times in a VR world, one would expect the game to be quite popular. It is a slim looking piece of headwear with a closed visor that covered the eyes, fancy and futuristic looking, extremely light and head size adjustable with a strap. From my research, the technology that was put into such a...

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Shapefuckers Part 1 The Cat

Sunbathing by the pool. Want to join? My smile widened even further. Though it was my birthday—my eighteenth birthday—I had nothing planned. Well, nothing but a relaxing day spent lying around the house. Joining Candi by the pool sounded like a nice change of pace. Plus, my sister and I had not hung out in nearly a month. I had a serious craving that could only be filled with Candi. As promised I found my sister by the pool. Her barely concealed frame was stretched out across one of the...

2 years ago
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" not much honey just checkin you out." as he smiled back he replied,"oh thats right youre a biter. I like that!" She laughed a bit and pulled him on the bed with her "yea I'm a biter but you love it! Want to come curl up with me?" she said with a twinkle in her eye. "yea, let's cuddle babe." he said opening his arms to her. "Mmm." he smiled slyly as he already knew what was gonna happen next. She curled into his arms facing him. She kissed his neck, then traced down his chest...

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fuckins small sis

Metric pass kar ke mujhe aage ki padhai doosre shahar jana pada. Is beech jab main chhutiyoon mein ghar aata Mogli ki jawani mein din-ba-din nikhar pata.Do saal beette-beette Mogli ki jawani madmast ho gayi-goora jism ,rasile hoonth, patlikamar , sodol chuchiyan, mano khuda ne apne haathon se use nikhara hai.Jawan hote hi who parde mein rahne lagi ,pakki namazi aur parhezgaar ladki bangayi. Mein bhi poora jawan ho chukatha. Ghar mein is chanchal machalti madhoosh husn ko dekh kar mere lund...

2 years ago
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Fuckbuddys flat mate

I had to pick something up from my fuckbuddy’s flat this morning, she was at work I ring the buzzer to be let in her flat answered. I said can you let me in, ok she said the door clicked open I went up to the flat she had the door open for me, She was standing there in a towel just covering her tits & cunt, I’ve fucked her before she got a very hairy cunt & loves cock, a lot of men have been to the flat & fucked her, well she said hello have you come to pick that thing up, yes I said she said...

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“I’m close, Lou!” Drew gasped and raised his head briefly before dropping it again and continuing to pummel his wife. He sawed into her with the same determination he did every Sunday night and the occasional Friday or Saturday, if she was really lucky. She dug her nails into his shoulders, raised her knees as high as she could and pressed her heels into his buttocks, digging them in and feeling the satisfaction as his cock began to graze her g-spot, barely. His belly bumped against hers,...

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Inspired by Mazza’s “Perfucktory” and written as a companion story. ‘Almost there,’ he thought. He could feel it building.   Andrew went into his signature move, his closer. He knew it was time after he saw her signs. He felt the nails, waited for her to pull her knees up and jam her heels into his butt. Of course he already had her near the edge, and when he’d told her he was close, he knew it would push her closer. Sure enough, just as he started his closing move which consisted of sawing his...

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Fucktoys for Futanari

Join the CHYOA Fan Server and discuss this story and many more with the community: If you want to support me and my work, please check out my Patreon: Reality has changed, and the third sex: Futanari (Or Futa) are considered the most respected members of society. Futas can do almost anything they want to, without questioning by the public. Futas also have incredibly high sex drives and very low refractory periods. As such, many...

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Vorwort: Kommen sie zu Starfucks und wählen sie einen unserer einzigartigen services: 1) Eine exakte (eins zu eins) Kopie ihres Stars Wählen sie ihren Star aus unserem großen Arsenal menschenähnlicher Androiden, die allesamt menschlichen Berühmtheiten - Celebrities - nachempfunden wurden und vergnügen sie sich mit ihm hier bei uns im Cafe. Alle Modelle wurden so konfiguriert, dass sie eine mindestens 18 Jahre alte, erwachsene Version der von ihnen gewählten Berühmtheit darstellen." Kleidung,...

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«Hi! Sorry to keep you waiting! You are finally at the age qualification to fuck!... Not that you already didn't, anyways! My names if Woods, but some people call me the 'Fucking' Professor. In this world of ours, it is widely inhabited by creatures known as Deviants. We humans live alongside Deviants since the time we've understood it. At times we coexist as friendly relationship, cooperative workmates, and most of the tumes, we've banded together and fucked other like us. But despite our...

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Mindfuck Paradise

60 years ago, a strange phenomenon swept over Earth, sparking its transformation into a world of free sexual use. The phenomenon turned humankind into a sexually-focused society, and a wide array of mutations have created new groups of humans with features and capabilities far outside the previous norm. All humans are essentially immortal; their aging slows to a near stop around 30, only progressing if they want to become older, and they'll regenerate from any injury - even total destruction -...

Mind Control
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Agent Johnson rubbed his eyes. It had been a long day, and was about to be an even longer night. He downed his third cup of coffee as he opened the door to his and Agent Heffner’s office. “Find anything new, Janet?” He asked, closing the door behind him. Agent Heffner sighed as she dropped the papers she was reading. “Nothing but this disc.” She presented the DVD to Agent Johnson, the words ‘Fuckland: Commercial’ written in sharpie across it. “Well, let’s see what kind of hell we’re dealing...

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Fuckout Nude Vegas

My first story based on the Fallout: New Vegas. Looking to make this very interactive with many options to reach the conclusion. Current and future themes include Male/Female, Female/Female, Male/Male, Solo Female, Solo Male, Human/Robot, Human/Super Mutant, trans content, and more. You can only see pitch black with spots of light coming through the sack covering your face. Your mouth is covered and your hands are bound. You can hear muffled talking, as you try to wriggle free from your bonds,...

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Cuntfuck mouth and butt

Our universe has many great things. Past and future, known and unknown, possible and the very im of possible. The following contains stories of people from origins as mundane as a naughty babysitter living in America, Earth to a thrice crowned blue demon with a laser gun pointed to some girls cunt forcing her to pull her own hair out, crying, while he forces his tentacle like hand deep in her throat...... Sorry got ahead of myself. Have fun reading or writing

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You'd never thought of yourself as extraordinary or anything. Just an ordinary 19 year old boy. Average height, a little bit scrawny, and with short brown hair. Of course, you never really cared. As it always was during English, your sole focus was the breasts of your gorgeous teacher, Ms Pinatori. Until a few weeks ago, it had been Mrs Davidson. Her husband of 12 months had bailed as soon as she got knocked up. You didn't understand how any man could give up such a woman; she was perfect. A...

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This story is meant for everybody to use it freely. Make it funny, or tragic, make it epic or silly, open your own arcs or help me completing mine. Just have fun telling the story of a girl fucking her way through time. Amy is a history student with an odd genetic disorder. When she falls asleep during her studies, she travels through time and space. Only by fucking the right people and changing history can she hope to return. The problem is she never knows who to fuck and needs to find out.

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Typical New York City Friday afternoon back in the day: a dark Alphabet City shithole of a bar stinking of stale beer and cigarettes, the requisite old man sitting at the bar watching TV, two coked-out businessmen huddled in a booth in the corner, this goth girl dancing by herself over by the jukebox, some dilettante bridge-and-tunnel poet playing wannabe bad boy.  The poet is currently trying to buy a drink by reciting a spontaneous poem to the hot bartender in payment (good luck with that). ...

Straight Sex
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I looked at the clock. It was about 2:00. I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling. I couldn't get the image out of my head. I was cleaning some stuff up earlier that day and went into the upstairs bathroom to wash my hands and apparently John didn't lock the door and had just stepped out of the shower. She was drying off her very large breasts and I walked right in almost bumping into her. I stopped and stared at her for a second and she froze. We just stood there for a second not sure of what...

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The year is 2021. Chicago has been sealed off from the rest of the Illinois to contain the outbreak of a deadly virus. Man-made, the virus was designed to target females and killed 99% of those who were infected. The women who survived were bathed in the plague and began to change. Some of those women developed superhuman abilities, incredible strength, mental control of others, supernatural control of the elements, and more. In the aftermath, two groups of gifted women banded together. One...

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Sunday, I had a few friends over for drinks and some football. Unfortunately, the football game was pretty lame, so we probably drank a little more than usual. My wife Amy was playing waitress, as usual, while chatting with her sister on the kitchen phone. No doubt she was having a glass or two of wine as well. That's the only way to make talking to her sister tolerable.At half time, Amy came in to see how we were doing. She brought more chips and salsa, took drink orders, and exchanged lewd...

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This is a sequel to Playtime & Perfect Timing. My sex life with Kate had gone from great to spectacular. We officially became a couple after our last encounter. Kate had been a virgin but that didn't last long at all. Kate treated sex like the sports she loved to play, and as always she was very keen to excel at it. Like her dedication to sports she knew it was all about practice, practice practice. After finding penetrative sex a little uncomfortable at first, she was constantly getting me...

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It was October 1st, I just turned 19. Another winter bearing down on me. All my friends from high school have gone off to college. But not me, I stayed home to figure out what I wanted to be before I go off to college and grow up. My life is pretty simple right now, get up, eat, play video games, eat, go to bed. Today I am going to my neighbors house. Terry, my best buds mom invited me over for some beer and eats. She is like a mom to me, I have known her forever. We can talk about anything. ...

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