- 3 years ago
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"Why does it look like I'm hurting you when we make love?" Jeff asked a couple of days later.
"Because you are," Devlin said. She looked around carefully. They were on the school bus on their way home. Nobody was sitting near them, so nobody else had heard his question.
"What? Am I really?" She could hear the concern in his voice. Making love was supposed to be a time of pleasure, not pain.
Devlin looked around one more time. They were approaching the small town where Jeff lived. He was the last guy on the bus, and when he got off she was going to go join the girls in the back. She could hear the occasional giggle, and she wanted to know what was going on.
She stuck out her little finger. "This is about how wide my vagina is most of the time. Even when I'm aroused it doesn't get any bigger, it just gets hot and wet. Okay?"
Jeff nodded. "How do you know it's that size? You told me you can't see it."
"Because a girl feels herself out down there, okay? It's something you do when you're growing up." He nodded again. She made a circle with her thumb and middle finger, with more than an inch gap between the tip of the finger and her thumb. "Okay, this is how big around you are." She pushed her little finger into the circle. "Can you see the problem?"
She could see the light come on. "Oh. So that's why it looks like I'm hurting you the first time I put it in."
"The muscles down there have to relax to let you in," she said, "and that's why its better if I cum at least once before you put it in. It relaxes all the muscles down there, and makes sure I'm wet."
"Okay. But does it really hurt that much?"
"A little," she said. "It's sort of a combination of pain and pleasure at the same time. After you get the first couple of inches in it feels good. It's just that initial push that hurts." She shrugged. "A vagina can expand enough to get a baby out, so a girl can handle all sorts of sizes. But it takes time to get the muscles to open that wide. It's just one of those things about being a girl."
The bus bounced over the railroad tracks and into town. Jeff dropped his hand to her bare knee. Today she was wearing a brown corduroy jumper and knee-high socks. He slipped his hand under her hem, stopping when he got to the top of her legs.
"See, I am wearing panties," she said quietly. She opened her legs slightly and could feel him trace the outline of her sex through the fabric.
He smiled at her as he withdrew his hand, and she tugged the hem of the jumper lower. "I know we shouldn't do anything in public," he said. "But I was curious. I don't see how girls can wear something like that."
"Like what?"
"That dress. Don't you feel exposed?"
"Why should I? What's wrong with dressing like this?"
"There's only a couple of inches of fabric between..."
She suddenly understood what he was getting at. "Let's see. I'm wearing a dress, a tee-shirt, a bra, panties, shoes and socks. And if I slipped and fell with my legs apart everyone could see my panties. Or if I pulled them up like this," she pulled her hem part way up her thighs for a moment before pushing it back down, "they could see my panties that way, too. Right?"
His face had turned red and he was blushing. "Uh, right."
"And my legs are bare all the way up, aren't they." He nodded. "All my life society has told me that I'm properly dressed when I'm dressed this way. That's why I can wear a short dress and not feel like I'm exposing myself." She looked out the window. "Isn't this your stop coming up?"
He glanced ahead. "Uh, yes it is." He paused as if searching for words. "Do you want to go to the dance tomorrow night?" The bus swayed to a stop and the driver opened the door.
"The dance?" She acted as if she were thinking this over very carefully. "I'd love to go to the dance with you." She grinned up at him impishly as he stood up. "Why we might even get some dancing in."
"Same time as before?"
"6:30." She thought of Danny. "Maybe we can make it earlier and get a bite to eat, too. Say 5:30."
"Uh, okay. Sounds good." He edged down the aisle. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
She nodded. "Bye, Jeff."
"Bye, Devlin."
"So what did you get out of him?" Tammi Johnson asked when Devlin joined the girls in the back of the bus.
"Date tomorrow night, even if it's just the school dance."
"I don't think my boyfriend has the courage to ask me out," Tammi said wistfully. "Not without my twisting his arm a lot."
"So what's going on back here?" Devlin asked. They had at least 20 minutes before her stop, plenty of time to find out what all the giggling was about.
"We're teaching Lindsay a few things," Sabrina said.
Devlin looked at the young brunette sitting in the corner. She didn't know anything about Lindsay except that she was a freshman and she was from the South somewhere. Then she saw the broom handle on the seat next to Sabrina.
"Oh. I see."
"You do it like this," Sabrina said. She reached into her purse and pulled out a condom in its little foil packet. Carefully she tore it open. "See, you place it around the tip like this," she said, placing the condom on the broom handle. "You pinch the tip to leave a little room at the end. Then you just unroll it, just like you're unrolling a pair of nylons." She quickly unrolled the condom to its full length, leaving only the little bulb at the tip loose.
"Won't it be too tight on him?" Lindsay asked.
Several girls giggled. "That's the idea," Sabrina said. "You want to make sure it's on nice and tight. You don't want it coming loose, do you? And you leave some room in the tip for his stuff because you don't want any of it leaking out."
"Uh, no." Lindsay stared at the broom handle, her eyes wide. Hesitantly she reached out and touched it. "It feels so slick."
"It's supposed to."
"Will it burst?"
"That's what this part at the end is for," Sabrina said. "When you start to put it on, do it just like I told you, squeeze the tip. That way it won't burst."
"But Les said it's like taking a shower in a rain coat."
"Who's Les?" Devlin asked.
"Her cousin," another girl said. "He's a sophomore, and they had sex the other day."
"Oh, okay, I understand."
"He could always not have sex with you," Sabrina said. "Otherwise, if you don't use a condom, you're going to get pregnant."
"Do you? Use one, I mean."
"Yes," Sabrina said.
Devlin knew Sabrina didn't, but she wasn't going to explain how Sabrina was on the pill just now. If the girl was going to have sex, even with her cousin, she needed protection. Certainly the boy wasn't going to think of it--well, Jeff was an exception, but most boys didn't think of things like that when their cocks were hard. Come to think of it, most boys didn't think of anything when their cocks were hard.
"What about... how do we get it off?"
"After you're done his thing goes down," Sabrina said. "And when it shrinks back to its normal size then it's very easy to take off." She pulled the condom off and held it up. "Wrap it up in tissue paper or something and throw it away." She wadded it up in tissue. "There, all done."
"I don't know," Lindsay said. "I'm not sure he'll want to use one."
"If he doesn't," Sabrina said, "tell me. I'll persuade him."
Lindsay blushed and shrank back a little in her seat. "Uh, okay." She glanced out the window. "My stop is coming up," she said hastily. She grabbed her books and almost ran to the front of the bus.
"Anybody taking any bets that she'll be pregnant before the year is over?" Tammi asked.
"Or who the father is," another girl said.
"I may just have to ball her cousin's brains out till he forgets all about her." Sabrina scowled. "That guy's a jerk. But if I have to, I will. I like Lindsay too much to let her get into trouble like this if I can do something about it."
"Why is she staying with her cousin?" Devlin asked. "Don't her folks live down south somewhere?"
"Her Mom sent her up here from some small town in eastern Kentucky," Sue Ellen said. "The story I heard was that her father and older brother were sniffing around her. They start young in Kentucky, her mother was only 15 when she had Lindsay."
"You know what they call a virgin in Kentucky," Tammi said. "A virgin is a girl who can out run her brother."
Devlin glanced out the window. "Our stop's coming up," she said. She, Sabrina and Sue Ellen walked to the front of the bus.
"You'd really have sex with Lindsay's cousin?" Sue Ellen asked Sabrina after they'd gotten off the bus. They each had a few blocks to walk before they were home.
"How could you? Don't you have any self-respect?"
"I do," Sabrina said. "I really like myself." She sighed. "I don't have sex because of some traumatic thing with my parents, if that's what you mean. If it was my parents' fault my older sister would be interested in guys, too. But all she's interested in right now is school. She's the closest thing to a nun I can think of, only we're not Catholic. No, I like sex. I like the way it makes me feel. And I like boys."
"But I'm not dumb enough to have unprotected sex," Sabrina said. "I may like to screw, but I don't intend to have any kids until I'm 24 or 25." She studied Sue Ellen's face. "Now just because I like to have sex is no need for you to rush off and spread your legs for anybody. So just keep your legs together and wait until you're older. Okay?"
"Uh, sure," Sue Ellen said. She came to her street and turned down it, thinking.
"So are you and Jeff doing it?" Sabrina asked quietly.
Devlin thought of the promise she'd extracted from Jeff. But Sabrina was the one girl she knew who would keep a secret. And anyway, she knew all about Devlin. She nodded. "Yeah."
"So how is he?"
"He's learning," Devlin said. "He tries real hard, and it's all new to him."
"And you were teaching him last week at the dance, weren't you."
"His first time," Devlin said. She smiled at the memory. "He was both eager and hesitant at the same time."
"That must have been something," Sabrina said. "The nurse's room?" Devlin nodded. "Did he wonder that you knew what you were doing?"
"A little, but I've put off most of his questions."
"You know he's pretty religious. So is his mother. I don't know about his Dad."
"I knew he went to Church on Sundays, but that's all."
"It could be a problem, you know how some of these religious nuts get." Sabrina paused at the corner where she turned for her house. "Are you going to tell him about the other things you do?"
"You mean Danny and the Friday night parties?" Sabrina nodded. "I haven't figured out how. It's difficult."
Sabrina sighed. "I'd suggest something, but I don't know what. All I can say is to hold off telling him for a bit."
"In the hope that things will change?" Devlin asked. "I don't see that they will, unless I give up Friday nights. And that may happen. The couple who host those parties just found out I was only 15 when I started."
"Does Danny know she knows?"
"I'm pretty sure he doesn't. Of course half the time he's just thinking with his dick, and that thing doesn't have any brain cells in it."
Sabrina shook her head. "I don't know what to say. Let me know if you get any ideas and we'll talk it over." She glanced at her watch. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow. I think I'll go home and play with my vibrator."
"Does it really make you feel better when you're having your period?"
"I don't get cramps any more," Sabrina said. "I don't recommend it, at least not without a bath or something first to get you relaxed."
"Maybe I'll want to try it again the next time I have cramps," Devlin said. She waved. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Her mother was already dressed for work when Devlin got home. "I have to go in early for some mandatory training," she said. "Diversity class, to teach us to get along with everybody. Sue knows you're coming over."
"Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow," Devlin said. She was disappointed. She'd wanted to just sit and talk with her mother. Oh, not about boys and sex, but about other things. Just talk.
Devlin walked over to Sue and Danny's right after her mother drove off. Sue was nursing her youngest child, a smile on her face. "I can actually feel this," she said when Devlin had asked her once. "It's one of the few things I can feel."
"Mom had to leave early," Devlin said.
"I know. Danny's already home. He was wondering what happened to you yesterday."
"Did you tell him I had a dinner date?"
"No. I'm not sure his male ego would like the idea that you're seeing someone else."
Devlin nodded. "Do you want me to start dinner?"
"No thanks. I've got Italian coming in a couple of hours."
"Okay. I guess I'll go take care of Danny."
"You make it sound like a duty."
"Some days it is."
"Funny." Sue shook her head. "There were times when I thought that way, too. I never told him, of course. As far as he knew I was hot and ready for sex every time." She waved her hand. "I'll see you in a while, dear."
Devlin headed upstairs carrying her books with her. Danny must have heard her, he met her at the top of the stairs. Without saying a word he swept his arm under her knees and picked her up. Depositing her on the bed he reached under her jumper and pulled off her panties, then buried his face against her sex.
It was so sudden she didn't know what to do, then as his tongue burrowed and wiggled through her intimate folds she decided to just lie there and enjoy it.
"Where were you last night?" Danny said. "I missed you."
Your cock missed me, Devlin thought. But out loud she said, "A bunch of us went out for dinner and a movie."
He pushed her jumper up above her waist and resumed his oral attack on her center. "Well I guess I'll just have to make it up to you."
He kept licking and rubbing against her. She clutched her breasts through the fabric of her jumper. She hadn't had sex while dressed all that many times, and it was kind of fun. It was like he desired her so much even when she wasn't naked.
Eventually, after she'd cum against his mouth, he slipped up behind her. Parting her legs slightly, he entered her. With no one to hold except herself, Devlin rubbed one hand against her breasts, and slipped the other down to rub her clit. She came twice more before Danny groaned and emptied himself in her.
She glanced at the time, then got off the bed and finished undressing. She eyed his cock hungrily. His initial edge was worn off, and dinner wasn't here yet. She could feel his juices oozing out of her. Danny had never been shy about eating a freshly used vagina, especially if he'd been the one using it. She lowered herself on his face, then settled down to suck him until he was hard again.
A few minutes later, as Danny entered her a second time, as she moved to meet his thrusts again, as she felt the pleasure well up from her middle, she thought of Jeff. She remembered the feel of him opening her and sliding in, the way he filled her to the bursting point, the way she felt when he nudged her deepest point, his cock head pressing firmly against her cervix, his balls rubbing against her bottom. His chest hairs had scratched her nipples until her nubs had stood out hard and straight. And his kisses had driven all thoughts from her mind as he seemed to touch the very essence of her.
Danny was getting close to cumming. Devlin forgot about Jeff and rode the insistent needs of her own body, rode them over the top in a sharp climax. Through the storm of pleasure she could feel Danny cumming, too, the short little jerks as his cock spewed its load deep inside her.
Sue opened the door to the bedroom just as Danny relaxed on top of her. "Dinner's here, you two. Come get something to eat."
Devlin found her panties and tee-shirt and pulled them on. Sue had the table mostly set, and Devlin got Cindy, their oldest child, to the table. Danny showed up a couple of minutes later wearing sweatpants and a tank-top. He'd even managed to comb his hair and wash his face.
"Ah, spaghetti," he said. He began dishing up food. "Sue? How much do you want?"
She eyed what he'd put on her plate so far. "A little more," she said. She nodded as Danny added a second scoop of meat sauce.
"Devlin? Have to keep up your strength."
"My strength's just fine," she said. "You need to keep up your strength. I'll take just a little less than what you gave Sue."
Cindy required some attention, and Devlin took time to help the little girl. She was cutting a meatball when Cindy grabbed her right breast in both hands and tried to find her nipple through her shirt.
Devlin laughed. "I'm not your mama," she said. She had to disengage Cindy's fingers from her tee-shirt.
"I think she wants dinner a different way," Sue said.
"You're the one nursing," Devlin said, "not me. She won't get what she wants out of me."
Cindy was persistent enough Devlin's tee-shirt was a mess by the time dinner was over. And the few times she'd found a nipple she'd sucked almighty hard, for all the good it did her. Devlin finally peeled off her tee-shirt and tossed it on a pile of laundry to be done. She loaded the washer while Sue nursed Cindy. Danny came up behind her, running his hands over her body. She could feel his half-hard cock pressing against her bottom. His hands slid up her front to cup her breasts while he kissed the back of her neck.
"As soon as you're finished, come back upstairs," he whispered.
She looked at him as he walked away. His cock was pushing out the front of his sweatpants. She waited until he heard him climb the stairs, then turned and faced Sue. "How can you take this?" she asked.
Sue looked at the teenager, at the flush on her cheek, at her nipples standing out, at the dark triangle of hair visible through the thinness of her panties, at the narrow waist and the perfect legs. Devlin was everything she wasn't. Even before the accident she hadn't been a sexy beauty queen. Small breasted, thick-waisted and with a plain face. She wished she had the teenager's looks. She wished... she wished she could walk again, that she could enjoy sex again, she wished she had all of that so this wasn't necessary. But she loved Danny, and she understood the needs that pushed him.
"I don't mind," she said. "I know you don't love him. And I appreciate what you're doing for both of us." She glanced once more at the teenager's lush body. "Now go upstairs and have fun because I want you to, okay? You're doing this for me and for my marriage, and I can't tell you how much it means to me."
"I..." Devlin shook her head. She walked over and kissed Sue on the cheek. "Forgive me for asking, and I know you tell me you don't mind, but, well, I just need to keep hearing it from you."
"I understand, dear," Sue said. She turned the girl around and gave her a playful swat on the bottom. "Now go. He's waiting for you."
Danny was waiting for her. It was like the dinner had given him extra energy and he lasted and lasted. But finally he groaned and came, collapsing slowly on top of her. They kissed, and for a few minutes he cuddled her against his warm strength. But finally she heard him snore slightly.
She slipped out of his arms. She sat on the edge of the bed, trying to focus. She felt that sense of inner happiness that a good climax always gave her. Everything was always better after a climax. She wanted to snuggle back in his arms, but... but she had homework to do. She sighed, pushed her hair back, and headed for the bathroom.
Danny and Sue liked a warm bedroom, warm enough she didn't feel cold even when naked. After a quick pee, Devlin took a hand towel back to the bedroom with her. There was a desk and chair beneath the window. She laid the towel on the chair--one time she hadn't and it had taken several vigorous cleanings before the semen stains had come out. Arranging her books, she took out her assignment list and started in.
She'd finished the essay she had to write for English, and a second one she thought would be interesting, her Social Studies, and was working on her business math when he woke up.
"What is it about this picture that I find intensely appealing?" he asked.
"You find every picture of a naked woman appealing," she said, not looking up from her books.
"True," he admitted, "but this is even more appealing than normal. There you sit, a textbook open in your lap, your legs crossed, your breasts swaying gently as you move, your hair a tangled sweaty black mass hanging across your shoulders. The lamplight gleams off your skin, and I can see the tip of a pencil sticking out from over your ear. I think it's the combination of beauty, sexiness, and intelligence. They all come together in a perfect picture."
"It sounds like you want some more."
"Not right away. What are you studying?"
"Business math."
He got off the bed and came over to the desk. Picking up the book, he flipped through it for a moment. "Having problems?"
"Some. This isn't that easy."
"Actually, it is. I just bet someone told you girls aren't good at it."
"Well..." She hesitated. She'd read that very thing in the newspaper. Girls weren't supposed to be good at math, something about the wrong side of the brain or something.
He drew up a chair and settled in next to her. "Look, it's really quite simple. This isn't brain surgery." He pointed to an equation. "You're figuring compound interest, you can do this real fast with a calculator."
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“I love you too,” Jane said, embracing Lech in front of the ticket counter. They’d been together every night since their first time together, always at Eddie’s studio since she’d work with Eddie in the morning. Lech was amazed and thoroughly impressed by Eddie’s set up. Eddie showed him how to work it, including things new to Lech. Eddie let him record the rehearsal, the first song Jane had been involved with and a couple of new ones. Eddie was impressed. Enough to hire him to work the board...
Hi friends, I am Rajiv again with my another real story. Apana mane mora prathama story “Mo Paribara ra Katha: Bou Bia Re Mausa Banda” aau 2nd story “Mo Paribara ra Katha: Bhai Bhauni” pasand karithibaru dhanyabad. Mo prathama story re mu kemiti mo bou ku pura langala abasta re dekhuthili aau mo mausa kemiti mo bou ra bia aau gandi gehi thile lekhithili aau mo 2nd story re mu mo nija bhauni aau mausa jhia bhauni ku enjoy kariba katha lekhithhili ebe mu mora sex experience ra next story...
"Here with a Load of Bread beneath the Bough A Flask of Wine, a Book of Verse - and Thou Beside me singing in the Wilderness - And Wilderness is Paradise enow." THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM "Mr, (JP) Morgan buys his partners; I grow my own." ANDREW CARNEGIE The limousine pulled into the long, looping driveway and stopped in front of the house. The driver stepped out and opened the rear passenger door. A man in a tuxedo got out and offered his hand to a younger woman wearing a...
On the night that Steve and I graduated from the Special Forces Qualification course, we took our women out to celebrate. Roxanne was in charge of the evening, and insisted that we dress up. So I put on my all purpose, wedding, funeral and baptismal JC Penney suit. Megan, however, broke out a brand new little black dress that showed a hint of delicious cleavage and ended just above her knees. She also wore smoky silk hose and a pair of three inch patent leather pumps. She had her hair in a...
We drove into the center of town and parked on Main Street in front of the tailor’s shop. “The tailor here is a friend of Ms. Connor,” Debbie said and opened her car door. I was still wearing the baseball cap and boy shorts with no top. I hesitated a moment, since there were people walking up and down the sidewalk. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. It was a short walk from the car to the shop door and I made it without anyone noticing that I wasn’t really a shirtless boy. Debbie...
Forty-five minutes later, Ramone was waiting by the SUV. He was sweaty and disheveled, but ready. One of the goons carried Monica in his arms, as if she were made of glass. Monica was sleeping soundly in her light green pajamas. The other goon walked out with his gun drawn, as if he was expecting an assassin to jump out of the bushes. "Oh, for crying out loud!" said Alice, walking out the front door, carrying a tote bag. "When Kay told you to guard her with your life, she did not tell...
I'm a total and complete cum slut...a cocksucker. No shame, no manly pride. Just a hungry mouth and dripping wet face. I only feel complete when I'm on my knees feeling a stiff throbbing cock in my mouth. I don't mind being used at all and also like hearing a guy calling me a cocksucker because that's what I am.By the time the fourth cock slid through the hole in the wall, I'd already been there long enough to burn through more money than I was accustomed to spending in the video booths but I...
Still on the hunt for the best babysitter, we invited cutie Kenzie Reeves to try out for the job. The number one thing we look for in a babysitter is being prepared, so we needed to make sure that Kenzie was geared up for any possibility, INCLUDING a massive heat wave. After all, this IS the west coast, and who would take care of the baby if Kenzie died of heat exhaustion?! So we quizzed Kenzie, asking her what she’d do if a heat wave suddenly hit. She wasn’t too sure, so we gave...
xmoviesforyouHelena took a sip of cognac and continued where she had left off. “I could spend hours telling you about my ‘training’ and all sorts of stories about my work for Agence Internationale. However, we can save that for other evenings. I have a feeling that your little friend” - and she rubbed my crotch with her toes for emphasis - “would get overly excited if we went down that part of Memory Lane. “So, I worked for Agence Internationale for many years. While I was not nearly as beautiful as some of...
MatureOn a other-wise average day on planet Earth, a strange force of energy passed through the planet. This force was The Great Shift, A supernatural that shifted the minds of 90% of the worlds population into different, random bodies. Say, an 80 year old man is shifted into the hot college co-ed down the street and his old body now has the mind of a twelve year boy from Japan. That is just an example of the kind of chaos the world was thrown into. Luckily, the chaos didn't last long. After a couple...
FantasyIt was seven months since my strange experience. I do not regret what I have done. If my fundie parents knew, they would tell me I am damned to Dante's ninth hell. But they will not know, they cannot know, that I have secretly slept with a woman. I am very young in fact. Eighteen years to be precise. Every evening I walk through the slummier parts of town neglecting my studies, taking in the raw suburbian sunset, trying to discern just what it is that makes this world tick. I wanted to uncover...
First TimeNow that Tommy had finally graduated and was out of high school, his next step would be heading off to college that fall. He had mixed emotions about this next life step. On one hand, he could hardly wait to get to college and find out what college life was all about. He had heard from his mother and from others how much fun college life could be, and he was slated to go to a good school, which would definitely give him an advantage in finding a good paying job once he got out. He was planning...
NovelsThe following characters return from the previous Magic Ink stories: Brian Chief Druid, older man, tall, somewhat thin with a long white beard and hair Etain Sorcerers and priestess, older woman, tall, still with a nice shape, not too thin, long brown hair with silver highlights We transferred to the O’Connell Realm arriving there at noon on Thursday, the 9th of June. We had quite a lot of baggage with us. The Twins had their wedding dresses, and I had brought a conservative suit to be...
Note: The MORFS universe is now open for submissions. Please send any stories or questions to Britney at [email protected] for approval. Yin Yang By Britney McMaster Chapter 2 I awoke to the banging on the ceiling as Mikey and Joannah ran around the main floor of the house. Sleepily, I rolled out of my bed and staggered towards the bathroom. Walking across the bare concrete of my bathroom floor woke me up enough...
Valerie carefully slid her fingers across the bumps that protruded from the pages on her book, ocassionally stopping to pick up the micro cassette recorder to make some notes for tomorrow's world history class!!! Every so often she would also reach down and scruff Sparky's ears just to reassure herself that he was still there by her side, because having been blind from birth, Valerie's life line to the outside world had at first been her parents and siblings, but as she became older and more...
EroticANA When George finally ejected the DVD, Don started talking, "George, what does it cost to burn a recording of that?" "Well for a high-quality DVD, about a dollar. For an el-cheapo, around fifty cents." Don asked Sherry, "I don't know if you've ever gotten an explicit Bob Seal of Approval, but if you had, what might you be willing to pay for a high-quality video of that dance?" Sherry replied, "I've never really gone as Bob's date, but he's danced with me many times over the...
Busty beauties Chloé and Sofia Lee are about to make you bust a big nut, so get yourself ready. You may be in agreeance with us that Chloé is one of the hottest babes to come out of Slovakia while Sofia is without a doubt one of Czech’s finest eXXXports, and today they cum together in a masterful premium porn scene with Lutro that is sure to give you a healthy hard-on. Join the threesome in this DDFBusty massage parlor premiere and enjoy oggling their giant jugs while they take turns...
xmoviesforyou01.01 The Secret Court: The secret court had met frequently since it was formed four years ago. Their goal is to dispense justice toward those that could not be prosecuted under the legal system. This would happen when witnesses refused to testify, were afraid to testify or law enforcement official(s) looked the other way. The court has a large, silent following which donates funds to maintain a complex where some of the retributions take place. Eric and Lena are co-owners of an underground...
-- SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- "Elyse Laughton is dead." I blinked twice before arching both eyebrows, hearing her words and yet absolutely certain of the identity of the young woman standing on the porch in front of me. "Dead? Uh ... You're going to have to explain that one." She sighed, "It's a long story." "I'm willing to hear it." "Oh, for God's sake, Ben," Sasha grumped as she pushed past me and stepped out onto the porch. "Let the girl inside!" With a...
We were all around 18 at the time. 5 guys crashing in the basement of a parents home one summer evening. After watching some Cable TV movies, and eating pizza….most of the guys had passed out….except for 2. Me and His name was John. He was an handsome boy and one all the girls giggled for during school. Both He and I were always getting the girls to giggle for us at school and we loved the attention. John lived around the block and just like me was as straight as it comes (no pun intended). It...
Yren had re-sheathed his swords into the scabbard hung diagonally across his back and was staring at the ground, his dark blue eyes watery and pained. He’d killed. Twice. The first was from a trap he devised. The second directly from his sword. It gnawed at him. He was having trouble focusing and when he closed his eyes he kept seeing the cold, dead faces of the two people he’d killed staring back at him in accusation. He couldn’t help going over and over the two deaths. He couldn’t help but...
Jemma was an average teenager who loved teacher, Miss Thompson who was sexually frustrated to the max. She wanted her so badly that she used to go out on a saturday night looking for her. One day, when it was coming up to the exams, Miss Thompson asked Jemma to go to her place. Jemma agreed and said she would go home after school and change. She told her teacher she would see her at her house whih was only a couple of hundred yards away. Jemma went in and changed straight away. She wore her...
LesbianHello all gay lovers, Welcome to my real story. Myself: hi. I am Sameer, 23 yrs old guy from Ahmadabad lives with my family. I am 5’8” height with 58 kg weight with slim figure. I have a 7” long monster black cock having red forehead with virgin tight black ass. I have beard face with little hairy and trimmed skin on chest and above my cock. Let’s start journey: once upon, I had to go Delhi to enjoy my friend’s marriage. I could not register train ticket because it was no availability for a...
Gay MaleI grew up on the outskirts of Indianapolis and attended a catholic school until I turned a freshman. At that point I had to go to a public school which was completely different. The northeast side of Indy has a pretty dense population of black people in the town of Lawrence where I lived. During my time in public high school I interacted more with blacks than I ever had in my life. To be honest, I never associated with blacks because I pretty much felt that they were more rough than I cared to...
So after the limo ride and saying goodbye to Ian, Karyn and I checked into our rooms, not saying very much to each other on the elevator ride or when waiting for the porter to deliver our luggage. I was still feeling a sexual buzz from watching such a lustful and pleasuring romp what could I say?As we settled in to our separate quarters and like always kept the adjoining door open so we could talk freely, there was nothing but the sound of hangers clicking in the closet and drawers opening and...
Not every society is like our own, but some are more different than others.... AN UNACCOMPANIED MALE by BobH (c) 2014 "Tell me your story again, in your own words." "Do I have to?" "Yes, you do, but don't worry - no one will judge you. The notes I'm taking are just for your case file. There's no need for you to be nervous." "Well okay, I...I guess." "Now, you say the police arrested you immediately?" "Yes. No sooner had I materialized on Main Street than two...
Nous sommes un couple tout juste la trentaine. Elle est belle, une belle chevelure brune, de beaux yeux noirs en amande, une taille toujours aussi fine malgré 2 grossesses. Elle est sexy, terriblement sexy : une petite paire de fesses, de beaux seins aux tetons qui pointent et surtout une vraie femme, de caractère, forte et courageuse dans un corps de jeune femme. Ce soir nous sortons, on fait garder les enfants. Elle se fait belle elle met sa plus belle robe. Une robe noire qui lui va à ravir....
Chapter 2 "Welcome everyone to the channel 5 morning talk show!" said the talk show host "First off, we're sitting down with a botanist about the strange Pink and Blue plants that have been growing all over town. Welcome Dr. Rex Greene" A middle aged man wearing a turtle neck and khakis walks in shakes the newscasters hand and sits down. "Welcome Doctor" "Thank you" "Now I hear you are studying the plants that are growing all over the county I believe?" "Yes it's the...
Damn... look at that one, Julia. He is FINE," my friend Gena said as she pointed to a picture on my computer monitor.I looked at it. It was a picture of a naked boy, about 18 or 19 years of age. His penis was hard, he had a little smile on his face and he was, indeed, really, really cute."He's pretty hot," I said.Gena was my best friend, even though she was 21, a year older than me. We'd been friends for quite some time. Right now I was over at her house and we were, as we often did,...
Hi, this is Surya and Srishti again with our second part of our sex adventure. After the first part, we became very bold and we started talking about sex and other things openly. The very next weekend I asked her if she can come and stay over in my place. She nagged a little but agreed after so much pleading. I know in my mind that this is the day in which I will enter her hole and extract the juices out. I went to a medical shop. I did some walking to and fro just to make sure no customer is...
It wasn’t that easy being gay and living in a place like Omaha. I was attracted to a lot of guys in my high school, but there was no way I was going to approach any of them. I had visions of them ganging up on me in the gym and beating the shit out of me. I knew the answer would be in hooking up with older, maybe married guys. Besides, they were safer … they were just looking to get off, not looking for a relationship. I figured it would be the perfect way to satisfy my curiosity about cock...
I went to my room and gathered up some clothes. Mom had done my laundry and my clothes were tucked neatly away in their drawers. My bed was made too. I smiled to myself standing there in my bedroom. My bedroom. The walls seemed close. The room seemed small. I looked up at the ceiling. It was a little more than an arm's length above my head. I took at little hop and touched it with my fingertips. This had been my bedroom for over half my life, and I'd never noticed how small it was. My...
It's sort of SF, but mostly sex. Jenny is a horny human female. She is also a figment of Marni's dreams. Marni is a female trying to get pregnant. But for her it requires the ultimate in female delight, getting DP'd by two men, one of each type. The story is about both women, and more about the girl telling the story than about Jenny. -------------------- Sometimes I'm Jenny Kemish enters the lobby and asks for me. There are two girls seated there who...
Here I am – fifty-five years of age and living a comfortable, but rather dull life. Married thirty years ago to a nice girl: Caroline – now a woman of forty-eight. She was an attractive woman in her twenties and thirties – a plain face, but lovely dark hair and long shapely legs. We weren’t able to have children, though we tried. Unfortunately, after tests, we discovered that my sperm was infertile. Luckily, Caroline didn’t show any resentment and we managed to come to terms with a childless...
FemdomMy name is Missy. I’m a blonde seventeen-year-old with a full figure. I’m an only child and my parents decided we should take a family vacation for Spring Break to Mexico. I really wanted to go to Cancun, but they decided on an all inclusive resort a ways away in Playa Del Carmen. We’ve been here a few days and I quickly made friends with a few other teens. The resort has a club, called a disco here, and my parents left the resort last night to go on a night diving excursion, so my new friends...
Laura Masturbates At WorkOK, before I can tell you the main tale, I have to give you a bit of history. Since I was quite young I have enjoyed the taste of my own body. I don't remember how young I was when I first started, 12 or 13 maybe, I just recall thinking that I smelled good and wondering how it tasted. Naturally curious I just did it, sticking a finger in and taking a lick. Been hooked ever since.Are there other gals who enjoy the taste of their own pussies? I mean really like it? I...
"Good morning, darling. Today, I'm your breakfast. How would you like me?" Cathy had woken up before me and there was no sign of Helen. "Sunny side up," I said after having studied Cathy's marvelous body for a while. She immediately understood my allusion and draped herself across my lap to make her bottom easily accessible to my hand. I had watched Cathy being spanked by my four friends the previous evening, but had refrained from joining in because I thought that four rounds of...
Scott was drunk. He’d had a terrible day, and just wanted to loose himself in a funk of alcohol. He was sick at heart, and felt that he just couldn’t take it any more. He knew that he was one of the most success- ful business men in the world, but sometimes everything just seemed to overwhelm him and he just had to go away and drown himself in sorrow for a day or two. It never made him feel better, but he just couldn’t help him- self. He guessed it was his one serious...