Film For A Few FriendsChapter 3 free porn video

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"Gosh, it's good to be home!" Matt exclaimed contentedly as he relaxed in the big comfortable chair by the fire, sipping his favorite drink, a tall glass of cold milk. "Mind you, there's nothing I like better than covering a sports event, but day after day of living out of suitcases can get a fellow down after awhile "

"How was the game, dear?" Lynn inquired politely, privately wishing that they had some liquor in the house so that she could mix herself a strong drink. Sometimes Matt's anti-booze morality got on her nerves, and if she was going to have to listen to an evening of talk about sports-- about which Lynn cared little or nothing--a shot would certainly be useful. But there was no stopping him once he got started, and the dutiful young wife put her chin on her hands and forced a bright interested smile onto her pretty face.

"The game was good, but to me winning or losing isn't the important thing," explained Matt seriously. "What impresses me is the scope of the sports program they have going for those kids out on the coast. All the students in this one school participate in some athletic activity whether they want to or not, and it's an excellent way of keeping them off the streets and out of trouble. Besides, athletics teaches a young person about the really important things in life: a sense of fair-play, honesty, team work and cleanliness in mind and body! Why one of the coaches told me that before the school system started this intensive program, they were having real programs with pre-marital sex among the high school students, incredible as it may seem. The teachers naturally did their best to explain that sex before marriage was unholy and immoral, but it was a losing game. But now, with everybody working their heads off after school on one of the school teams, they feel that the kids are too exhausted to have much energy left for these terrible sexual things. It's been a real triumph!"

Lynn tried to smile enthusiastically at the thought of healthy boys and girls expending their sexual energies by playing football or running cross-country track, but somehow this whole conversation was depressing her. How naive could you be? Did Matt really think that they were going to be able to stamp out sex with a sports program? The result would more likely be that the kids would get so healthy as a result of all this physical education that they would want sex more than ever!

But she knew better than to argue the point with her husband. Matt was a man of the old school, a tough, bible-quoting, church attending moralist, who sincerely believed that sexual relations should wait until after the marriage ceremony, and that adultery was the worst sin in the book. And Lynn had to agree with him intellectually, but emotionally somehow she sensed that there ought to be more to life than tiring yourself out with a baseball to avoid temptations of the flesh. A shudder of horror ran through her temptingly lithe body as she imagined what would have happened had Matt ever gotten wind of Phil Agard's little after hours activity. Agard would not have to fire him because Matt would certainly quit on the spot, which would be a shame because jobs were he hard to find these days and WRT-TV gave him the opportunity to do just what he liked doing best.

"Do you like my new nightie, darling?" she inquired, hoping to get his mind off athletics and onto sex. After all, they were married now, and even Matt's stern sense of right and wrong did not exclude love-making between married people. To give him the opportunity of becoming aroused, she jumped off the couch and pirouetted in front of him, letting the hem of the nightie whirl temptingly through the air and exposing for a split second the rich brown softness of her pubic hair and the glowing, velvet- textured flesh of her thighs. Matt had come home the day after that wildly degenerate evening at the television studio, but he had been too tired himself to do much more than go straight to sleep. He was scheduled to leave again on another trip in a few more days, and Lynn was determined that she was going to get the physical satisfaction she needed or die in the attempt.

"Yeah, it's real pretty," Matt conceded without displaying any real interest. "I'll be headed down to Saint Louis for the pro game in a couple of days, and 1 can pick up some clothes for you if you'll give me a list of what you want"

I could tell you what I want, thought the girl darkly, but you can't give it to me in Saint Louis! However, she kept her thoughts to herself and tried to get the conversation going again.

"Why are you on the road so much these days, lover?" Lynn inquired, this time with genuine interest. "At first you used to go away a couple of times a month at the most, and now you've got a whole schedule of trips lined up for you."

"Dunno," admitted Matt in honest puzzlement. "When I got back from the coast Mr. Agard told me that he was very enthusiastic about my stuff and he wanted me to cover every important sporting event West of the Mississippi from now on, and with an unlimited travel budget. I guess he figures that interest in sports is really big in this area and my stuff will keep everybody tuned to WRT-TV. But I'm not complaining."

"I am," asserted Lynn stubbornly. "You'll be away from home more often than you're here. What am I supposed to do in the meantime?"

"I thought maybe you could join the women's auxiliary organization down at the church?" Matt proposed with simple sincerity. "They do charity work and have teas once a week and a lot of interesting things like that."

Oh God, that's just what I need, the dissatisfied young wife groaned internally, but she vowed to herself that she was going to make this marriage work one way or another, and she firmly resolved that she would call the chairwoman of the charity group in the morning and offer her services.

"There's even a bible study group you could join..." continued Matt seriously, "and..." Mercifully, the phone rang.

"Why don't you get it, hon?" suggested Matt tiredly. "My legs are tuckered out."

Lynn nodded and ambled into the bedroom where the phone was located, thinking that it was probably one of her friends proposing a bridge game or something equally boring.


"Lynn, this is Phil," came the voice.

"Oh, hi Phil," she replied, caught a little off-guard, and not sure whether her husband could hear her or not. "Just a minute and I'll call..."

"I don't want to talk to hubby," Agard laughed mysteriously. "I've got another job for you baby."

"I don't want another job," she hissed into the phone. "You tricked me the other night, but that was the last time. I don't ever want to have anything more to do with your dirty business."

"Oh, really?" drawled Agard self-confidently. "Wouldn't you even like to see the video-tape we did the night you were with us?"

"No!!!!" she retorted vehemently. "Never."

"That's a pity because the shots of you came out particularly well," commented the television executive evilly. "But perhaps Matt would enjoy seeing it? We're having a preview tonight for some friends, and once he hears that his little wife is an actress..."

"Phil, you can't tell Matt," she gasped in horror, knowing full well that her husband would divorce her on the spot if he learned that she had been involved in something like this.

"Sure I can, baby?" sneered Agard. "Just pass me to Matt and I'll explain how you helped us out when Millie got sick. I'm sure he'd enjoy seeing you in that cute little costume you wore, even if it was a little bit revealing..."

Lynn felt a sickening feeling sweeping over her as she listened to her former boyfriend hint what he was prepared to do to enforce her continued cooperation. This was blackmail.

"Please..." she begged him piteously, hating to humble herself in front of this man, but knowing that she had no other choice. "Please don't tell Matt!"

"Well, baby, we'll have to think about that," Agard laughed. "Meanwhile, let's talk about this new role. The distributor saw the finished version of Kelly's film and you caught his eye. He wants us to experiment with a video-tape sequel with you as the lead, and I think that it's worth a try."

"But Phil," she pleaded, desperately worried that Matt could be overhearing enough of this conversation to make him suspicious. "You know I've had no acting experience not to mention the sex part which I just couldn't do, even if I wanted to..."

"Listen, sweetheart, leave the worrying to me. We've got a plot worked out where your inexperience as an actress won't make any difference."

"Phil, I cannot and will not do it!" she told him? trying to make her voice sound as firm and unyielding as possible.

"Okay, sweetie, then pass me to Matt, won't you? I want to invite him to that screening."

Lynn felt a sinking defeated feeling in her bones that told her clearly that Agard had her over a barrel. Her only chance to save her marriage now was to make some kind of agreement with him.

"Look, can't we at least talk about it?" she offered, hoping for some kind of compromise.

"Sure honey, we can talk all you want," Agard agreed in a friendly fashion. "Your hubby's going out of town the day after tomorrow. On your way back from the airport stop in and see me."

"Goddamn you to hell, Agard!" she swore at him furiously. "I hate you for this!"

"Ciao, beautiful," he laughed at her contemptuously, not particularly caring whether she hated him or not. "See you the day after tomorrow."

"Fuck you!" she cursed into the telephone as he hung up, wishing she could think of something stronger.

"Who was that, darling?" called Matt from the living room. Obviously, he had overheard nothing.

"One of the ladies from that charity organization," she lied, thinking fast. "They want me to do some work for them while you're out of town."

"Good idea," approved her husband. "Keep you out of mischief."

"I think we're gonna have trouble," grumbled the director morosely as he glanced across the room at Lynn, who was chatting nervously with Kelly and sipping her third drink of the evening. "That broad ain't never gonna buy this screwing business."

Phil Agard smiled patronizingly at the short squat cigar smoking director, shaking his head in disagreement.

"Lenny, you've got to use your head in this business," he lectured. "First, I've told Lynn that as a special favor to her all the hard sex is going to be simulated for this film, so she thinks she is just going to have to pretend to fuck and not do the real thing."

"You're outa your mind!" exploded the director angrily. "How am I supposed to do a decent tape if I can't go in with camera for a close-up every now and then? You might get away with something like that on regular film, but video-tape is too damn precise!"

"Cool it, Lenny, I'm way ahead of you," replied the television producer soothingly. "Of course it won't really be simulated, but by the time that dumb broad finds out what the score is, it'll be too late for her to do anything about it. Okay, now let's review the scene. How do you see it shaping up?"

The director still seemed to have his doubts? but Agard was the boss, so he controlled his irritation and outlined the scene as he envisioned it.

"Okay, we decided this was gonna be a sequel to the last film, right? Kelly and her slave boy have just finished fucking, but the queen really wants to humiliate Rick, so she decides to have his little slave girlfriend raped right in front of him, and if he protests, she'll have his balls chopped off, so he has to stand there and take it. She calls two other slaves, and they come in and work Lynn over and that's it."

"Good, now as you see, Lynn's role in this film is that of an unwilling victim who doesn't want all this to happen to her. So her natural reaction when she discovers that she's going to be raped will be perfect for the scene we're trying to create. The more she screams and protests, the more realistic it'll seem on tape. Get it?"

A look of grudging admiration came into the director's eyes as he realized the cleverness of Agard's scheme.

"Boss, sometimes I gotta hand it to you," he admitted reluctantly. "What did you tell the broad, just so we can keep our stories straight?"

"I just explained that we were going to pick up where the other scene leaves off," answered Phil easily. "And when the queen orders the other two slaves to go to work on her, they're going to climb on top and pretend to rape her."

"She didn't object to appearing naked?" wondered Lenny.

"She probably would, but she doesn't know that's going to be involved," Agard laughed cruelly. "She thinks she's going to be able to keep her little slave girl costume on for the whole bit."

"Boy, has she got some surprises ahead of her," chuckled Lenny sadistically. "Sure hope she doesn't run to the police afterwards."

"Not a chance," the producer assured him. "I've got her blackmailed about six ways by now. Let's get going!"

"Honestly, honey, there's nothing to it!" Kelly Agard was explaining to the nervous young woman as the two of them entered their dressing room where Jon awaited them in his usual nasty mood. "Here, let me freshen your drink."

Lynn nodded dumbly and decided that getting a little bit tight was probably the best strategy for getting through this terrible experience in one piece.

"After all," Kelly continued, a convincing soothing tone in her voice. "You don't have to do what I did, and you won't even be asked to take off your clothing. It's practically no different from appearing in a regular film."

"As soon as you've finished with your pep talk, can we get this make- up on?" wondered Jon acidly, impatient as always. "You, get your clothes off!"

"I thought I didn't have to!" protested Lynn already fearing that she had been deceived.

"You don't baby," explained the technician with irritation in his voice. "You wear the same costume you had the last time. But the camera's going to be on you this time, and it's important that we get the body make-up on you right. Come on, get naked, will ya? We ain't got all night!"

Deciding that it was useless to argue anymore, Lynn shyly turned her back on the make-up man and began nervously getting undressed throwing her garments one by one over the back of a chair while Kelly Agard watched her with an amused smile. She stopped when she was clad merely in a pair of white nylon panties and her brassiere, glancing furtively at Jon to see if this would satisfy him.

"Come on, baby, this isn't a girl scout camp," objected the impatient make-up man. "Do you plan on cooperating or not?"

Numbly nodding, the unhappy girl reached behind her and removed her brassiere, freeing the ripely sensuous mounds of her breasts from their confinement If the sight of her lust-inciting brown nipples swollen a little from the excitement of the occasion, made any impression on Jon, he gave no sign of it; instead, he went busily to work with a tube of body make-up which he expertly began spreading over her smooth white skin. First, he worked it into her back and thighs, yanking down her nylon panties with the impatience of a doctor while he ran his hands lightly over the soft twin globes of her warm, nakedly quivering buttocks. At last, the make-up man rose again to his feet and stepped around in front of her to apply the ointment to her lush young breasts and stomach.

"I can't see why you bother putting it on places which won't show!" she protested a little petulantly, but Jon merely grunted non-committally in response and Kelly giggled. Lynn jerked a little as he took each gently swelling breast in his hard hand and briskly covered the soft yielding Mesh with make-up before darkening each tiny tingling nipple with a special pencil. Lynn knew that her face was burning with embarrassment, but every time she opened her mouth in the presence of this man, he snapped at her, so this time she wisely decided to remain silent.

Her stomach jerked in and out nervously as he dropped once m ore to his knees and began spreading the make-up cream on to the surface of her stomach.

"A little too hairy down here," he commented suddenly. "Kelly, pass me those scissors, will you?"

Lynn thought for a moment that this was one of his crude jokes but when the older woman obediently passed him a pair of scissors, she realized with a shock that he fully intended to trim away some of her pubic hair.

"No... listen," she began.

"Shut up and hold still," he retorted. "One wiggle too many and I might cut off something serious!"

Deciding that never in her entire life had she been quite so humiliated, Lynn did as she was told, staring straight ahead of her and listening to the clip-clip of the scissors as Jon trimmed away a few offending locks of curly brown pubic hair.

"0kay, now get into your monkey suit," he commanded as soon as he finished, rising once again to his feet and looking at her critically. "Lenny wants the two of you on set as soon as possible."

A few minutes later dressed in her skimpy slave girl costume, Lynn walked timidly out to where the technicians were busily setting up their television cameras. Before leaving the sanctuary of their dressing room, Lynn had considered wrapping herself up in a bath towel as she had done for her first appearance on the set, but for some reason tonight she felt less embarrassed about being so lightly dressed in front of all these people.

"Have you met Rich and Jay?" Kelly asked suddenly, catching her by the elbow. Lynn looked up to find herself confronted with two tall burly men who looked like professional wrestlers, both of them dressed in the same kind of slave costume which Rick wore. They were both mean looking customers, but they grinned at her agreeably enough while introductions were being made and hands were being shaken.

"How do you do?" quivered Lynn nervously, feeling herself dwarfed by these two monsters and wondering if she was expected to 'simulate' a love scene with one of them.

"Man, this is gonna be a treat!" proclaimed the man named Rich boldly studying the smoothly-rounded contours of her ripe well developed body without even taking the trouble to hide his lustful gaze. "Where's Phil been hiding you, baby?"

"Well, I normally don't do this kind of... of thing?" she began to explain with an unhappy stammer, but the other man, Jay cut her off with a harsh laugh.

"Why does every skin-flick actress have to say the same damn thing?" he wondered sarcastically. "Sure, honey, we'll believe you were a virgin until the day before yesterday if you want us to! Just make sure you put some life into those screwing scenes. Anything I can't stand is a cold fish while I'm working in front of the camera."

"Of course," Lynn found herself replying, making a timid attempt to appear sophisticated, but wanting to remind everyone that the scenes they were going to do were supposed to be pretending, not the real thing. "But I've never had to simulate a love scene before, and nobody's yet told me what I'm supposed to do."

Rich and Jay exchanged an amused grin as they heard the unsuspecting woman use the word 'simulate, ' but before either of them could offer some lewd comment, the director began shouting for attention.

"Okay, everyone," Lenny ordered brusquely. "Same positions as last time."

Out of the corner of her eye, Lynn spotted Rick moving into his position next to the queen's throne, and she watched Kelly regally seat herself on the throne, again draped in the massive shoulder-to-floor robe she had worn during the first sequence. Rich and Jay whispering excitedly to one another, both remained off-camera for the moment while Lynn took her designated place.

"Right actors, you've been told what to do," growled the rotund director, waving his half-smoked cigar in the direction of the throne. "Let's get it right the first time! Roll 'em."

The young wife had not the foggiest notion of what she was supposed to do, but she imagined that this scene was one in which she simply stood still and watched, assuming that someone would surely have given her explicit directions otherwise. The television cameras lighted up.

"I am bored," announced the queen imperiously as she glanced at her favorite male slave

"Your majesty has only to command," replied Rick obediently, bowing slightly as he answered.

"I think it's time that your little friend entertained us," announced the queen, jerking her head in Lynn's direction. "What do you say to that slave?"

A worried look crossed the slave's face, and Lynn saw him glance nervously back and forth between the two women, acting his part beautifully. The handsome slave had a fairly good idea of what his queen had in mind, and he was thinking feverishly of some way to avoid a situation in which he would have to choose between the royal lady and the slave girl. Also he realized clearly that the queen was jealous of this younger and more beautiful woman. It was a difficult moment for a helpless slave, but the queen gave him no time to think of a suitable answer.

"Let us experiment! Let us see exactly how loyal she is to you," suggested the queen with a lewd grin. "Guards!"

Immediately the two actors Lynn had met earlier entered, both carrying spears. They presented themselves respectfully in front of Kelly. Both men had jet black hair and smooth muscular bodies which glistened slightly under the set lights. Rick's face was open and honest, but Rich and Jay seemed a little sinister and cruel. They were both in their late thirties and looked tough and ready for anything, on or off a movie set. Lynn felt a tremor of fear run through her near-naked young body.

"Your queen has decided to reward you for your royal services," Kelly announced, raising her arm to point to Lynn. "You may take this slave girl and do with her as you desire... but do it here so I can observe."

It took the young blonde woman a moment to realize exactly what was happening and by the time she understood, it was too late for action. The guards galvanized into action, dropping their spears and sprinting across the set to where she stood helplessly waiting. Lynn expected that one of them would sweep her into his arms in some typical Hollywood embrace, but it was not that kind of film. Grinning like the devil himself, Rich hit her like a football player, knocking her completely off her feet and wrestling her to the ground as his greedy hands roamed over her body.

Suddenly Lynn knew that this had all been a terrible mistake. She could not go through with it! Phil would have to understand, and she was sorry that they had wasted all that tape, but she absolutely would not take part in a scene like this.

"Let me go!" she gasped as the man's heavy body crushed into her. "I don't wan..." but the breath was knocked from her frantically squirming body as the other guard, Jay jumped on top of the pile. For a moment Lynn lay stunned under the combined weight of the two big men.

The guards wasted no time, going to work on her like a pair of professionals, each one rolling off of her vainly resisting body as a television camera angled in from above to catch every minute of action.

"We're gonna fuck you till you can't stand up, beautiful!" Rich whispered viciously in her ear, keeping his voice too low to be picked up by the microphone over their heads. Both of the two guards were hardened professionals at making this kind of film and they worked more for pleasure than for the money involved.

Lynn's cringing young body froze with terror as Rich reached carefully down between her two firmly heaving breasts and brutally ripped away the flimsy covering which had shielded her tiny ripe nipples from the public. Jay cooperated by thrusting his hand cruelly down along the smooth skin of her stomach and yanking loose the frail material protecting her soft fleecy pubic hair. She was suddenly stark naked, and with a shock she clearly understood why Jon had insisted upon applying make-up to all parts of her body. They had planned this from the very beginning, she realized with horror, and who knew what other lies they had told her as well?

But the two rough professionals gave the violently writhing girl no time to contemplate the difficulties of her situation. Rich's cruel hands swarmed over the warmly fleshed globes of her naked breasts, twisting and pinching her little brown nipples and forcing her to cry out with the sudden pain. Jay amused himself at the same time by pulling her long blonde hair with one hand the other tried to force its way up between her tightly clasped thighs. Lynn's eyes flew open with alarm, and she saw the two men on their hands and knees over her like avenging angels preparing to punish her for her sins. Their eyes seemed to glow with lewd lusty anticipation as they tormented her, and fear rushed through her naked body as she realized that there was going to be nothing 'simulated' or make believe about this scene. They were going to ravish her for the benefit of the cameras and enjoy every minute of it. She had been tricked, and she understood at last the cunning cruelty of Phil Agard's plan. The more she screamed and protested, the better the film would be. She was playing the role of a woman being raped by two brutal men, and all her reactions would be perfectly natural.

Deciding to fight back in the only way she could, Lynn tried to lay absolutely still, making it as undramatic as possible and looking straight up at the television camera which was peering obscenely down at her. Rich rose up on his knees beside her, his hands busily undoing the fastenings on his loin cloth, and the frightened girl got her eyes closed just in time to avoid seeing the burly man strip himself completely. Let them do what they want, she was telling herself unhappily, as she lay unresistingly naked between them. There's no use in struggling anymore. They win this round. There's no point in prolonging the misery. Let them do their dirty business to her helpless vulnerable body and get it over with.

Then she felt Rich's hard hands coursing over her stomach and the girl shivered involuntarily. It was not the pain she feared particularly, although she knew that this was going to hurt but the thought that after they were finished with her she would never be the same again. This experience was going to soil and dirty her forever, and she would never again be able to look her young husband in the eye.

"Hey, beautiful," commanded Rich. "Open those lovely brown eyes and take a look at the present the queen is giving you."

Lynn shut her eyes even more tightly, refusing to cooperate in the slightest, but she felt Jay's hands tighten their grip on her hair and start to pull, torturing her into obeying their orders. Her eyes popped open and Rich rose nakedly up off his buttocks to give her (and the camera) a good look at the instrument of torment he was planning to use on her.

As her eyes focused on his lust-thickened penis, the girl's face suddenly contorted in horror and she could hear chuckles from off-camera as the technicians laughed at her innocence. His cock was monstrous by any standards, thick and blunt like cudgel, and she could see in a glance that the actor had worked himself into a real state of arousal while they had been abusing her. A look at his face informed her clearly that there was no point in asking for mercy. He had every intention of brutally ramming that long hard shaft up into her frantically trembling vagina, and there was nothing to stop him from doing anything he wanted!

By this time, Jay had stripped himself as naked as his partner and occupied himself With holding her arms tightly to prevent any attempt at an escape. At some pre-arranged signal, both men suddenly rolled her over onto her stomach and Rich cruelly spread her long tapered legs apart as she struggled to keep her balance. As she felt her tender young breasts crushing into the unyielding floor, Rich moved quickly and deftly into position behind her, his legs mercilessly working to force her knees farther and farther apart despite her desperate efforts to clamp her thighs together and protect the defenseless little opening to her femaledom. His hands kneaded and tormented the helpless half-moons of her buttocks, forcing a painful groan from her lips. The miserably unhappy young woman ground her teeth together, not wanting to give them the satisfaction of hearing her cry out in agony.

"Up on your knees," Jay whispered to her suddenly, his voice as impersonal as a stage manager giving instructions to a forgetful actor. Lynn had no intention whatsoever of obeying and she stayed where she was, trying to cover her face with her hands in the vain hopes of somehow managing to spoil the scene for them. Then she felt the manes hand slipping beneath her shoulders, and his fingers found the tender swollen nipple of her left breast.

He squeezed, hard, and Lynn immediately forgot about her resolution to remain silent and motionless. Instead she screamed as Jay squeezed again, even harder, digging his sharp fingernails into the softly yielding flesh of her breast until she thought she could bear it no longer. Hastily, she tucked her knees under her, willing to do anything to alleviate that torture, and the next thing she knew, her full smoothly rounded backside was thrust obscenely into the air.

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The Chelmsford Stalker By Michele Nylons The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer...

2 years ago
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Film At Eleven

Film At Eleven By Cal Y. Pygia I'm a shemale. I'm also an exhibitionist. And a news hound. These interests, as I've learned, don't always go together--or maybe they do. Let me explain. Since becoming a woman in every detail but my genitals (which remain, as they always shall, defiantly masculine), I've delighted in "accidentally" exposing myself to men and women alike. It's much easier for a shemale to expose herself than it is for a guy, because society tolerates a great deal more...

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The Stepford Children

Once upon a time.... All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Introduction: Jessaica and her father take a road trip to the small california town Stepford to try a special kind of exotic meat, Bassed on a fictional town (Stepford) in the game SecondLife. Stepford Meat Swap Story: #47 Copyright 2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the...

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The Chelmsford Stalker

The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer flesh-toned hose. He thought he could make out a subtle seam...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...

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TwinsChapter 8 The Quest for Clifford

Clifford sat up in bed feeling the warm body lying next to him. He looked down at the shape in the near darkness. Janet. Christ, why did it have to be this way? He had loved Tracy, he still did. So why was he in Janet's bed? Why did he have sex with her? Four times? Not one of them was anything like the times he had been with Tracy, and yet... He got out of bed and made his way to the window, padding in his bare feet across the carpet. He slowly pulled open the curtains and looked out at...

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The Real Stepford Wives

The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmeceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I...

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The Stepford Children

All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't feel fear anymore, just...

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Film The Next Scene

Holly stood on the fringe of the film set eagerly awaiting the next scene, her favourite erotic screen actors were due to arrive on location at any minute. Excitement fizzled deep inside her. Just about everyone at the studio had been raving on about Venus and The Volcano for weeks now. This was the last day of filming, after which the reel would go into full production. On set, the crew prepared to film the next sequence. Holly glanced around, they seemed a little nervy. Brett Faulkner eyed...

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Film Runner

This is it your chance to crack into film production, albeit in a minor role as a runner who gets people tea or coffee and does all this shit stuff, but you knew it would lead to a brighter future. You excelled in school and college to get an excellent grade in film production, you applied for loads of jobs but alas nothing, this certainly was the business to work your way up in. This isn't helped that you don't really socialise with people, you find it hard to talk to people and to make...

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The Real Stepford WivesBrown Sugar

The Real Stepford Wives Brown Sugar by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmaceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I visited 'the...

2 years ago
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Film porno 2iegraveme seacuteance

Comme promis, j'avais invité Nadia, la copine de ma nièce pour une séance film porno chez moi . Elle avait accepté sans soucis. J'avais également convié mon pote Bruno, mon voisin du 4ième. En le voyant arriver elle s'exclama j'espère qu'il est bien monté ton ami. T'inquiète il est membré comme un cheval, tu vas l'adorer. Hmm cool on va bien se marrer. Elle s'installa en soutif et petite culotte entre nous deux dans le divan. Nous on est déjà en caleçon. Je démarre le film tranquillement. Même...

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My friend Tina had given me two tickets to a movie premier on Friday night, and I was dying to go. The only problem I didn't have a date.My bastard husband had to go out of town, probably with his secretary. So I asked my friend Sally, but she had told me that she couldn't go either.As I was driving back home from my Pilates class, I thought about who to ask and then it hit me, my son.He would go with me if I asked him. I smiled thinking about my boy something had happened over the last year...

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Erin Ashford

Reddit Erin Ashford, aka r/ErinAshford! Erin Ashford is not a pornstar from a bygone age, nor is she a famous modern-day pornstar. She’s also not a semi-famous Twitch streamer gone nude, not an Instagram model that promotes flat tummy tea, and definitely not a XXX cam model. So who is she exactly, and why should you care about her? Truth be told, she isn’t really known outside of Reddit - she made her XXX debut on /r/GoneWild after posting a large selection of XXX pictures (and some videos) on...

Reddit NSFW List
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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 05

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

3 years ago
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Stepford Brothers Change to Sisters

Stepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...

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Forrest Part 2 Chapter 3

The next morning Forrest woke up at about 10 and woke me with a kiss on the lips. I surprised him by throwing my arms around him and deepening the kiss. I reached down under the covers and grabbed his balls. I played with them as I felt his dick start to harden. He did the same to me, squeezing my balls and moving them around in my loose sack, causing my dick to harden. Without a word, I grabbed my cloths and beckoned for him to do the same. After checking that his sister was still...

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Film nightrlm

You me and dad were in the lounge and it was movie night. Horrayyy - - Not.Dad had rented a silly "one of dads films" and you didn't seem to interested. You were sat on the couch wearing a modest skirt and a nicely fitting white blouse. You looked up at me and smiled a sweet yet naughty smile that made my dick instantly twitch.I sat at the other end of the couch and we all started to watch the film... about 15 mins went by and I was bored. I looked at you. We held a long, loving stare. You...

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We waved bye to Forrest’s and my parents as they drove off. It was summer break and they would be gone for several days. My friend Forrest and his 9 year old sister, Scout, were staying at my house for the time they were gone. None of our parents wanted us to be home alone, but they were fine if we were together. I was 15 and Forrest was 14, but he looks 10 or 11. I live in the middle of nowhere, but we found plenty of things to do during the day, but my favorite time was at night. My...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 12

Peggy Sanford stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby of the Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel. As she walked across the lobby she noticed several males obviously checking her out. She smiled to herself as she walked across the long spacious lobby. It always pleased Peggy that she could still attract such attention. Not that she should be surprised, for a married mother of two in her late forties, Peggy was still a very beautiful woman. Her long brown hair framed a face that belied her age,...

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Mrs Sanford

It was the summer before my second year of high school when I got a call from Darci Smith asking me to meet her at the high school the next day to help her clean out the costume room. Now Darci is the drama club teacher and the art teacher. Every guy in the school wants to fuck her and masterbates to her. Darci is in her early thirties, married, and looks like she is still twenty one. She has nice mid size tits, a fine ass, big blue eyes and blonde hair. She has a pert little hard body and...

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Mr Forrester

"There's a man here to see you, Mr. Forrester; he says he's a detective from the Denver Police Force." Oh-oh, thought John. "Ok, send him in, Angela." "Hello, Mr Forrester; my name is Paul Donohue, I'm a detective from the Denver Police Force." "What can I do for you, Detective Donohue?" as I pressed the intercom so Angela could listen in discreetly out at her desk. "Well, Mr. Forrester, sometime last year I was handed a case in Denver that has us all baffled. It seems that two...

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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 13

Chapter 1 Stephen sighed as he watched the world go by. "I still don't see why we have to move," he told his wife as he turned to look at her. "Because honey, the company is opening a new store in Stepford and they asked me to run it," Emily replied, not taking her eyes off the road. "Besides, the offer was too good to turn down and the house came as part of the job," Emily continued. "I'd thought that you'd be proud of me," she added. "And I am. Really," Stephen added as his wife...

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The Foremans Foreskin

I had been working in the construction industry a week when the foreman called me to his office. As I made my way over I wondered what I could have done wrong. As it had gone clocking off time I was annoyed that the meeting would be eating in to my free time. 'Aah, come in.' he said as I stepped through the door. 'Have a seat.' His office was much neater than I thought it would be. As I looked around the room I noticed that there were no girlie pictures like I had seen plastered up everywhere...

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Film Script Porn Noir Work in progress needs f

Hey guys, just received this script from a young & talented lady film maker. Can you help me and her out by reviewing this script? You'll get early access to the film. Thanks,Cathy x EXT GENTLEMENS CLUB - NIGHTEstablishing shots.INT GENTLEMENS CLUB – NIGHTA gentlemen’s club in the heart of the town is litlow key with an ambiance of blue and white spotlightson the stage.It’s ISOBEL’S night, as the music begins to play‘SWEET DREAMS ARE MADE OF THESE’, she appears on stagefrom out of the...

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Meeting at Bedford Mills

Meeting at Bedford MillsI had often thought about my friend Simone in the years since we had been at school together. After I graduated, I had moved to New York to pursue my career and with a husband and children, I had lost touch with Simone, but I knew that she had married a rich man whom she had met at college, and that they lived in Greenwich, Connecticut, but they had no children. I had also heard from other former classmates who had met her, that she had a glamorous lifestyle, with...

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The CollectorChapter 2 Welcome to Chelmsford Hall

Mary Pilson knew that her ‘uncle’ Walter was grooming her. ‘Uncle’ was a silly term that Mary’s mother used to describe the men who moved into their home to take advantage. Mary had no time for her uncles; she saw them for what they were, parasites and users. Mary’s mother could hardly make ends meet working as an usherette at the local cinema. Her good looks, curvy body and long legs ensured that she was well tipped by the male customers but she also attracted the sharks. Mary mostly...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e18 Sylvia Distin 55 from Chelmsford

We’re cruising along a wide and quiet suburban street. Green lawns stretch back from the pavement to the nice semi-detached homes. There’s a slim woman walking a large dog along the side of the road, and we pan around to look at her as we pass – it’s no-one we know, but we kind of wish we did! Then we’re looking forward again – seeing an intersection infront of us ... Then pulling up, looking out of the side window right at a single story, flat-roofed building. A sign outside reads,...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 9 A Trip to Milford Part I

September 1981, Milford, Ohio Friday was routine until lunchtime. Afternoon classes had been canceled for both Elyse and me because of the Labor Day weekend, so I drove back to the apartment instead of having lunch on campus. Elyse and I packed our overnight bags and waited for Kathy and Bethany, who arrived as planned, and we left Chicago just before 4:00pm. It was my goal to make the trip to Milford in just under five and a half hours, which I could do if we grabbed fast food on the way...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 13

It was the electronic chirp of a cellphone text message that first stirred Peggy Sanford from a state of excessive alcohol and strenuous sexual activity induced sleep to a state of semi-conscious awareness. The first thing she recognized was that she was not the only one lying in the bed. She felt the warm embrace of a delicate arm draped across her chest, a set of soft full breasts pressing up against her back, a smooth hairless pelvis nuzzled up against her buttocks and a tone fit leg...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 01

Author’s Note: These stories are a continuation of member/author Walterio’s excellent 12 part series, Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman and his extra story Peggy Sanford and the Secret Society. After I read his stories all I could think was ‘That was hot! I wish I was her.’ Walterio wrote these in response to member/author Peggy46’s invitation to anyone to continue or add to the stories that she wrote about herself and her wild sex life. I tried to fill in enough background information to make this...

4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 36 Formations

“Thank you ... Zax”. A middle aged woman with a combed black hair and a bit of weight around her waist walked toward him with hands down and holding one another. “You shouldn’t, Mrs. Inoki “. Zax shook his head. The woman was the mother of his childhood friends, Weysey Inoki. Mrs. Inoki came to stand beside him, but her view was on the large group of children having the time of their life fighting the living snowmen. “Our home is at the periphery of us, newcomers’ huts. The hut next to us...

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The Bradford Family Saga Part 1

Through her wide open legs she watched the last drops of her morning piss cling to her silky blonde pussy-hair, then drop into the bowl. She stretched and yawned, willing her reluctant body awake. "Mike?" she called. "Yeah?" her husband answered, pushing the bathroom door open. "Well, aren't you a pretty sight?" he said. "Look, who's talking. You look as bad as I feel," she said with a smile. Her husband was naked except for a towel around his mid-section, his flaccid...

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CynthiaChapter 15 Bradford

Sarah and I communicated well when she had time for conversation, often after her shift was over. She made it clear that she liked me as more than just a patient, and in addition to liking her, I found myself lusting for her constantly. It wasn't so bad in the mountains when there were no distractions, but to see it around me every day flamed my desire. She caught up with me while I was in physical therapy. After a couple of cheers, she said, "I got her cell phone. I'll see you...

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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 27 Forbidden Forrest

Lamax system was only 61 lightyears distant to Faysummit system. Meaning the superfast Colt reached Faysummit only 136 minutes. Roy was getting more anxious by the moment. The closer he got the more he felt convinced that his mother was close and that she was in great peril. The Colt was brand-new and by law, it was his ship. The Phantasian who piloted the ride was an employee or more precise a contractor. Tanya was right, this passenger cabin was not big enough for Partner, but then this...

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Film night

This is my idea.This is Emma, she is the wife of a friend. I have persuaded her to help me host an event.I have her dressed up in a costume that disguises her indentity (face mask, basque, stockings, heels, red lips and nails). She is to serve as a waitress at a private dinner night for the '' male actors, 15 of them. I explain to her that as part of her duties, she must behave provocatively through out the evening. The whole event will be captured on film by multiple cameras.Unknown...

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Being a slut Thetford forest

This is a true story and happened recently. I am bi and enjoy sucking and being sucked by guys occasionally. But on the odd occasion I het so horny that I need fucking. A couple of weeks ago it was early evening and I found myself heading to a cruising spot where I have met guys before. I parked up in a layby. it was stil light, and it was quiet. Eventually a white van came slowly driving by, as he passed I flashed my indicators a few times. He pessed his break lights a few times and we had an...

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Near the center of the city park, there was a small, rundown bathroom far from any of the main walking paths.  It had originally been intended as a park employee bathroom, but as other facilities were built over the years it fell out of use.  Nowadays it received very little foot traffic, but thanks to a lax cleaning staff, managed to be as filthy as any heavily used gas station bathroom.  The usual graffiti adorned the walls, most of the floor was covered with tracked-in dirt and leaves, and...

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A white rich bitch falls for a well endowed black forklift operator who works at one of her husband8217s warehouses

Hello, my name is Charlotte. I know you won’t believe this and normally I wouldn’t admit to it, but I am Otis’ cock slave. There really isn’t any other way to put it. And the really strange part, the really, really strange part, is that I come from a straight-laced New England family and Otis is barely educated and was just a worker in one of my husband’s warehouses. This is a strange tale, one that I find hard to believe even though I am living it. I first met...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11 E02 Chelsea Ferguson 34 from Chelmsford

This week, we start the show with establishing shots of the most boring suburban estate you could ever hope to see. Lots of ‘nice’ double story semi-detached homes, each with their own little square of grass and concrete driveway out front, separated from the public footpath by low brick walls. We can see a chunky, out of breath looking man walking along the street toward us, perky, elegant and mean-looking Doberman by his side ... This week’s host – the love-him-or-hate-him Cockney geezer –...

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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 07

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 01

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and you can see Peggy’s profile and photo under...

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Businessman is Forcibily Transformed Into a Sissy

Businessman Is Forcibly Transformed Into A Sissy By Sissycuckold It was a warm summer's day when it all began; I was a successful 34 year old, businessman man, with a large house, flash car, and a beautiful wife. As it was a Sunday I was out for any early morning walk, having just finished making love to my 27 year old wife Lorna, when suddenly a large black car screeched to a halt just before me. In a flash 4 burly men jumped out and I was unceremoniously...

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The Bradford Family Saga Part 2

and shorts; his cock and balls swaying in front of him. Mary smiled, leaned forward again and nuzzled Carol's silky cunt-hair, flattening it out to the sides and exposing her sensuous pink slit to their view. Then she stuck her tongue up inside it. Carol groaned happily and bucked her hips. John was standing over them now, stroking his thick cock while he gazed dreamily down at his sister's inviting pussy. Pushing a finger back up inside Carol's dewy cunt, Mary explored its...

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The Bradford Family Saga Part 3

"My parents are celebrating their anniversary this weekend, and they're planning a family party. I'd like to take tomorrow off and fly down - if it's alright with you, of course." Lucy Parsons came around the desk and stood close to him. He caught a flash of tanned thigh as her skirt flap parted. "This must be a first. A new lawyer showing consideration for the firm." "Isn't that the way it's done?" "Not usually. Young lawyers are a fairly arrogant lot, and favors...

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It8217s Not Just Love Making 8211 The Foremost Foreplays

Hello Everyone This is pradeep back again with the continuation of my first submission(IT’s NOT JUST LOVE MAKING),And people who does not read my first story please I request you to read my previous submission which was the first part,so that you can have a great brief introduction of the my story which im gonna share you all. So to say about me,I am Pradeep (Name Changed),From (Vadapalani) Chennai.Iam 21 years old and i am living in a private home.I am 5.9 with athlete body and average in...

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Sheriffs Forester

I was young for my post but I had been doing it as a deputy it for several years with the old sheriff's forester. My father was a baron but I was only a younger son so I was not going to inherit. I carried the heavy stag into kitchen and ignored the quiet that fell. I shifted it off my shoulder and onto the large butcher table, "I took this from a poacher Anna." She wiped her hands as she crossed the kitchen, "how long..." I snorted as headed into the Keep, "a half day." When I...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 10 A Trip to Milford Part II

September 1981, Milford, Ohio Kara came into the living room when the dishes were done and took my hand and led me to the den. We sat in our chairs, as her father insisted. “Did you put your mom up to that ice cream date?” I asked. “No! I was just as surprised as you were. I could tell that dad was really upset at her. And when you stepped in, I thought he was going to blow a gasket. You agreed with him and made him look bad at the same time. And then, when mom did that thing with the...

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