Semester Break With Mom Day 3
- 2 years ago
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"Ah... I have something. Stop what you are doing and help me get over your ropes."
"Yes, my mistress." She held my shoulder and the headboard as she stepped onto the bed and over the top of Laura's head. I continued to hold her as she sat down. Laura reached up and was licking Natalie with the tip of her tongue.
"Continue with the torture."
"Certainly my mistress."
The dildo had been expelled and I just put the tube of KY to Laura's anus and squeezed a good amount inside her. The dildo went back to work, and I used some of the KY on myself.
"I am ready mistress."
I positioned myself better, held one of Laura's thighs in one hand and my immature dick in the other. When the dildo came out, one of equal size went in. I could hear Laura groan with a live intruder, which, I think, had not happened since her brother died.
Holding Laura's other leg now I pumped rapidly into her bottom. Laura must have been waiting for me and just wailed loudly enough to bring the whole town to her door. Luckily Natalie sat on her just in time. The sensation must have been too much for Natalie as well, for she also succumbed to her feelings and collapsed onto Laura's body.
I continued to pump for a few minutes and shivered in my own release. When I opened my eyes, I saw Natalie looking up to me with her face just over Laura's mons. I reached down and pulled her face to my lips and kissed her as tenderly as I could. I was kissing her neck when she started to respond and shivered again.
Later that night I took Natalie, while Laura rode her tongue. When we were finally exhausted I cleaned, first Laura and then Natalie, by hand as if they were babies. Natalie was going to go home, but I convinced her to stay. The bed was too small, and I tucked my girls in and gave them a kiss before going into the other room and making my bed on the couch.
Laura's alarm clock got us up early and I made breakfast in the nude while the girls got ready. After a few tender moments Natalie left for work in her car. I said to Laura, as I handed her some money, "I want you to buy us the biggest bed that will fit in the room and come in the doors. I like to sleep with you, if possible, and to tell the truth, I would like to sleep with Natalie too. Buy bigger sheets to fit the mattress, and you'll need blankets, too. Buy good quality, because, eventually, we will be living together."
I got a good kiss for that, and Laura even had a tear in her eye. I wiped it away and gave her another kiss.
At school, the second half of the bunkhouse was starting to look good. The man that had been at the meeting when I described the buildings I wanted was nearby. He still had a cigar in his mouth and a coffee in his other. The cigar came out to help him emphasize a point to one of his men. I had never been introduced and walked up to him. "Hello, I remember you from the meeting. We were never introduced. My name is Alex Kramer."
"Hello, Alex. I'm Izzy Thompson."
I put out my hand and we shook. "Glad to meet you. What I wanted to ask was that the halves have to be transported to our mine. There is some prep work needed: the water supply put in, and the leaching pit made. I don't want the winter to freeze the pipes. The two sections of the building have to be connected, then someone must do the other things needed to complete this. Are you interested in doing this work?"
Before we could get too far, the school bell rang. "Figure out the man hours. We have a dozer and front end loader that can be used on site."
"I'll look into it."
I raced to class and just barely made it.
The only thing memorable was that Natalie avoided my eyes, but I noticed that her nipples were erect. She had a special smell that I detected, because I was looking for it.
After school I raced out and found Derrick in the schoolyard waiting for me. "Hello, Alex, you got a minute?"
"I would be foolish not to listen to my solicitor."
He smiled at that and said, "We have a court date, now. We have a problem, though. The court case will require you to attend at some time. You may find that the school board will say that you are not at school for that time. It will take only a few appearances before you cannot graduate, no matter what your marks are."
"We might argue that this is a conflict of interest."
"The school board will reply that it is a provincial ruling and they have no say in the matter."
"We drag in the provincial government, too?"
"Might work, but now we get some better opposition."
"Maybe we can get it stalled. I hear you lawyers have made that into an art form."
"We can try that, too. Next year you have a lot of time you can spend in court without jeopardizing grade 10."
"I also want more than costs and a dollar, along with the rule changes."
"What are you after now?"
"The option of writing the grade ten finals a month into school, then moving to grade eleven with the same option. I want to get all four years into one school year."
"I have never heard of that happening. Even skipping one year is odd, and you have done two already."
"The carrot and the stick may work. The mine site will be cleaned up and we can sell soon. The taxes paid can be mitigated if I give the money away to charity. A school is a good way of helping the local economy and the residents."
"Money usually works."
"What are the laws about me having my principal residence at the mine and the proceeds from the sale being sheltered?"
"There may be a clause about time spent in the home but I don't know for sure."
"I need a very good patent attorney with some experience in filing internationally. Do you have any suggestions? I have to start a new business to suck up the money from the sale of the mine, or the taxes will be too high."
"I will have to look into that, too." Helen came to us and held my arm. Derrick looked, but said nothing about that. "Hello, Helen. Nice to see you."
"Thank you, Mr. MacNeil. Nice to see you, too."
Just then Rita came over and held my other arm. I made introductions and Rita shook his hand like her mother would. Rita was beginning to become a very classy dame. We parted soon after, and I just walked the bike home with Helen. She asked, "Why do you bring the bike? When we are together, you never ride it."
"It is a status symbol for a male my age. Sometimes it is useful, when I have to pick up groceries after school. And now it gives the boys something to concentrate on, rather than me. When I get a bit more speed and muscle, I will do something about it."
At our spot to get Aron, Helen continued on instead. The family was coming home, and she wanted to have a meal made for them. Aron and I now had a chance to have a 'man to man talk' now about procreation that would make him the envy of his classmates.
This time we were ahead of the family, and we started to help Helen with the preparations. The telephone crew had brought wire to the house, but the wire was not strung inside yet.
We had been holding off dinner as long as possible, and the family had not arrived yet.
"Aron, will you watch the food?"
"Sure, Alex."
I put my arm around Helen and said, "There is a term called 'afternoon delight'. Come upstairs, and I will give you some." To Aron I said, "If you hear a car, call very loudly to us."
"Are you two going to do it again?"
Helen turned red and I replied, "Sure. Helen is my woman now, and we are interested in each other's bodies. Wait till you get older. Your tongue will hang out, and your pants will get tight in the front. Your mind gets some odd thoughts, and you think that your parents are stupid. Of course, when you get older still, you will see that they were smart all along."
Helen pulled my arm, and I just said, "Remember, call us loudly."
By the time we were at the top of the stairs Helen had half her clothes off. I even tripped in my haste. I made sure we had all the loose clothing before getting onto Helen's bed. My kisses didn't do much for her and she pushed me around so we were 69 again. We each had a few orgasms before Aron warned us. I just took Helen's hand and dragged her naked to the bath. I washed my face and told her to take a quick bath.
I was dressed and downstairs when the car pulled up. Aron and I walked outside to greet the family. With a few hugs and kisses we started to talk about how much we missed each other. Dad, though, looked back along our long drive and could see the new, black wire hanging below that of the hydro.
By the time we got into the house, Helen came running down the stairs and seemed to be very happy and exuberant. To my eyes she just looked like a woman in love.
While Mom had her bath, I talked to dad and my grandparents. "Our house is good, but we need more bathrooms. Showers would be nice, and they use less water. What do you think of the idea of building a bigger home that will be easier to heat and have some of the nice things that will make the home more comfortable."
Dad said, "I don't know about any of that. Everything works pretty good to me."
"Now, all of you would like to get clean, but you have to wait. If you had a small bath off your bedroom, you wouldn't scare anybody at night." Dad chuckled at that. "The basement could be made more waterproof, and we could use the downstairs as a real part of the house. Now it is just an area to collect things and grow mildew. My company needs office space. As it grows, I will need even more. I am getting a patent attorney soon. One of the companies will be handling an invention that should give us as much money as the mine will."
"What is this invention?"
"Only a toy puzzle. You turn it around, and the pieces get out of position. The fun is getting them back without putting more out of position. It should be worth three or four million in profits at a minimum. Another product will sell well, but has to be marketed. A person already has the patent, and I want to send someone to see if we can buy it. This is good for three or four million, too."
"Is this a puzzle, too?"
"No, just a disk that people throw around. Kids will just love it, and young adults, too. Another product is going to be a Helen doll."
"A what?" Came from Helen.
"I'll make a doll that looks like you. It is made of plastic, and the joints allow it to move a bit like a person. The trick is to make lots of different kinds of clothes and accessories for the doll. I will have to open a very large building with people sewing tiny doll clothes. They can make millions of outfits, and they would still not be enough. This should bring in 6 to 10 million, but the costs will be higher, too."
Dad said, "You talk of millions as if it is small change. A million dollars is a lot of money."
"A million is small change. In a few years we will be giving millions away to schools and hospitals. We even have to have a special company set up to give away money."
"You can't do that. We need that money."
"Dad, that is true: we need money to make more money. The government wants its share though. If we don't give the money away, then the government will just tax it away from us, anyway. Wouldn't you rather have the Lowca Medical Clinic than a very happy tax man?"
"Well, it does sound like a good name."
"On another subject, dad. Goldilocks is worth a lot of money. I explained how it is worth far more to collectors. We do not have the largest nugget ever found, but ours all come from the same area, in fact within a few yards of each other. The trick is to sell these to people who want to buy them. There are quite a few rich Canadians who could buy them, but there are many more rich Americans who would like them, too. I would love to tell everybody about our mine and about Goldilocks, but I think it has to remain a secret."
"You can't tell yet, Alex. We aren't ready."
"We would never be ready till the mine was played out, and I will have to make the information known, too, but so that nobody will know it is us who have the gold. We have to hire more people, too. Then you and the rest of our family can manage, instead of working yourselves to death."
"I like to work, Alex, and so does Tata."
"I know you do. But grandpa is getting older and needs to start a job that will let him use his mind more. We Poles may not be the smartest, but we are in it for the long run. I want you and grandpa to be around for a long time. One day, I want my children to sit on both of your laps and wet your pants. That can't happen if you died too soon."
Dad reached out and hugged me to him. This made me think of all the other times he did this and I felt no different. "What do I have to do, Alex?"
"Hire lots more help. I want all of us to go to the States to sell the gold, and that means leaving the mine. We need a vacation, and the mine can be shut down or people you trust will continue for us."
Dad thought for a moment and said he would think on it. "The gold is not coming as fast as it was, and it is harder to get."
"That I saw happening, and I mentioned it to you. You may just have to go through all the tailings with a finer screen, soon. You will still miss the majority of the gold. In six months, you will have to truck the tailings, one more time, to a refinery. There will be very little gold left, then."
After the next day's school I found a reporter from the local paper. He wanted to see me just after classes let out. Mr. Caversham, the reporter, said, "You want to take two million dollars from the school board and the local rate payers?"
"You are still under a misapprehension. I am threatening to take the money from them unless the school board makes some fundamental changes in the way it treats the disadvantaged."
"How are you disadvantaged? I hear you are one of the richest people around."
"So your paper only sees money as its only point of reference?" I waited for a reply and when it looked like I was going to get only more questions and no answer I picked up my pack.
The man put his hand on my pack and said, "Wait."
"Sir, remove your hand from me now." His hand came away and he continued with his barrage of questions, as if my words had no real impact on him. I got two feet from him and again his hand came out to grab my pack and restrain me. There were no adults around and only some students, and even they were quite far away. It would be an easy thing to cause him a lot of pain but then he would put in the paper that I was indeed the bully and hurt my cause.
"Let's talk in the school. It is too noisy out here."
He asked a few more questions but decided to follow instead. Once in the office I bypassed the secretaries and knocked on Mr. Corfu's door. I was happy to hear him bid me enter.
The Principal said, "Hello Alex. What can I do for you?"
"Hello sir, the litigation I instigated had to deal with the weaker members of our society needing protection. I feel that when they are on school property, it is up to the schools to see to the safety of those individuals."
"Yes, you said that before."
"Mr. Caversham is from the local newspaper. He is being very energetic in his quest for a story. He twice held my pack and in doing so held me immobile. I warned him off, but he did it again. I feared for my safety, and have got my assailant to follow me. I am asking you to protect me while on the grounds of this school."
Caversham said, "All I did was hold him for a second to get a reply to my question."
Mr. Corfu said, "I have been looking into things I thought clear one time, and I think you are in the wrong. I am not a lawyer, but I believe you have assaulted one of my students.'
"I only held his pack, for God's sake."
I said, "I am not one of your children, Mr. Caversham. I do not take kindly to that treatment. How would you feel if an adult did what you did to your children when they were alone on the school grounds?"
"I only held your pack."
"Twice. I asked you questions, and the last one I especially want to hear the answer to. Will you answer me now?"
"What, are you some lawyer? I am only trying to do my job and earn a living."
"How would you feel," I repeated, "if an adult did what you did, to your children when they were alone on the school grounds?"
"I don't need to answer any of your questions."
I turned to Mr. Corfu, "Would this adult male have to answer to the police and to the courts if you called to police now?"
Mr. Corfu looked like he was caught in a vice. "I think he might, to the judge. Do you want to press charges?"
"That depends. This man, in my opinion, has a very poor grasp of right and wrong, only in respects to how those attributes effect him. He refuses to say how he would feel if his children were molested."
"Alright," Caversham said, "I wouldn't like it if my children were held, even if it was an innocent touch."
"Thank you for that bit of honesty. Now, I do not want to answer any more of your questions. I want to go home to my family. You will print what I believe to be an article derogatory to my objectives. That is your right. If you attack me directly in your articles, I will have you charged with assault. I can take criticism, but if you lay it on so thick that it distorts the truth, I will fight you in the courts and in other newspapers."
I turned to Mr. Corfu and said, "Thank you for being here when I needed you. I was concerned with the prospects of defending myself on school property. Would it be possible to avoid this in the future by you being present during some of my interviews?"
"I am going to be fighting for my job in court against you."
"All the more reason to hear what I have to say. If I say something wrong, you are free to use it against me. I don't see you as an enemy but hopefully a friend that got caught up in, what I think, is a transition from the old way to what the future should be."
Helen was waiting for me by my bike. She was very relieved to see me. "What kept you?"
"A pushy reporter. If you are ever questioned, make sure there are lots of sympathetic witnesses around. One caught me alone and kept using his hand to hold me still till I answered his questions."
"Did he hurt you?"
"No, but he was not taking no for an answer. I might have fought and won, but I would probably have lost when you look at his size. Many adults figure it is their right to beat children. I don't mean a swat on the ass, either."
The tire was flat again, but I was walking anyway. We talked as we walked, then stopped at the intersection where Aron would come from. We just sat on the grass and looked at the open country around us. In the future this intersection boasted a filling station, a Burger King, a McDonald's and a Donut Diner. Those franchises had already begun, but I was not interested in pandering to a future overweight generation that included my own.
Aron came running to us and I asked the breathless boy, "What was your hurry, Aron?"
He didn't say, and I just pulled him into a hug. "I wanted to see you, too. I need my little brother." I got a hug in return and we walked home learning about Aron's day at school.
On the wall in the kitchen was our flat, black phone. It, of course, had a rotary dial, because push buttons had not been invented yet for it. The cord was four feet long and straight. The handset was heavy enough to be used as a club. You had to pull a chair close if you wanted to sit. At least, this way I could keep the parents off the phone for a while. Perhaps we would have to instigate a five or ten minute maximum for a conversation.
The womenfolk were just looking at the phone when we came in as if its presence was not really wanted. Dad and grandpa were back at the mine pandering to their gold fever.
I had a dial tone and looked for the phone book. It was pretty thin with very few advertisements. The entire area had a code name, then only five digits for any local call. "Mom, this is how you use this device. You never learned English well enough, and now you need to learn a bit. The people you want to call once in a while can be written in a small book along with their phone numbers. Now I am going to call our lawyer and see what has changed."
I dialled slowly to show Mom and grandma how to use the device. When Clarice came on, I introduced myself and asked her to record our number. It was conveniently typed on a small circle of cardboard and under a clear plastic in the middle of our dial.
Derrick came on and he told me the name and phone number of a good lawyer in Toronto. "Thanks, Derrick. I have another small detective job that you may have to farm out."
"What is that? Unfaithful wife?"
"No, just a person that I once met. I want to locate one Mr. Silva Cranz in Chicago. I believe he is an accountant and works for his father in a large company. I never heard the name, but it may even have his surname in it. I think if you looked through the social registry you could find him."
"Easy enough to do, Alex. Say hello to the family for me."
I got the number and said my goodbyes. Next I dialled a '0' and got the operator, who had to connect me long distance to Toronto. There was no direct dialling, and all long distance calls were expensive. The price of local calls was actually supported by long distance revenues.
A nice sounding woman picked up the phone when it rang. The law firm was one of those with six names in the title. Each of the partners had to have their little bit of glory.
"Hello, my name is Alex Kramer. Derrick MacNeil suggested I speak to Mr. Ciesla." The man was not in the firm name as a partner and must have been just on staff.
A man with a baritone voice answered when my call was transferred. I said in Polish, "Hello, are you able to speak your mother tongue?"
There was a moment of silence and the reply came, "Not as good as I should. It has been too many years."
"Hello then in English. My name is Alex Kramer. I asked Derrick MacNeil for a competent patent attorney. Would you take a moment and tell me a little of your qualifications." The man seemed to be taken back by my request. Probably he felt that all I had to do was look at his wall and see his diplomas. The trouble was that I could not see his wall, and there were a lot of people who passed tests and still were almost useless after many years learning on the job.
The man did have some experience, but I did not remember his name from my future. I would have to go by feel this time and see what he could do. My puzzle was described only in broad terms. I would send him a registered package with my drawings. I had made enough inventions that I could word the documents well enough for the lawyer to have little or no work to do.
I got his company address as well as his home. He seemed to be a bit eager to get my business. I liked this in a person and maybe we could do a lot more business together.
We had our meal, but it was not the same without dad and the irascible grandpa. I collected my drawings and checked if there were any features missing. The description took up a few pages, and I had redone the work a few times to insure that it was accurate. I knew that I would have to go to court quite a few times to protect my rights. This could be bypassed, if I didn't put the cube on the market until I had millions of the cubes made and able to fill the demand. If I didn't do that, an enterprising individual would do it for me.
At home I showed Aron the medical bag and explained what each thing was for. I checked his blood pressure at the kitchen table and got him to check mine. The simple procedure required the stethoscope and the point where the blood started to flow through the pressurized cuff. The kitchen clock had to do to find the heart rate. Grandma shook us off as just playing, but I persisted and ran some simple tests on her. Aron was happy to repeat the tests with similar results.
Mom was busy, but promised to let us use her as a patient after she completed the meal. I showed Aron how to put on a triangular bandage in a variety of forms for different forms of trauma. It was surprising what could be done with the simple piece of cloth.
That night I got Mom to take a walk with me. I am not really that much of a subtle person. I meet a challenge head on most times. Sometimes, after hurting my head enough times, I will go for the subtle approach. "Mom, you must have noticed that Helen is acting different."
"Yes, I did. I was wondering if it would ever happen," she said as we walked down a lane to one of our fields.
"I have loved all of you even before my parents passed away. My love has changed since I was brought into your family."
"How is that, Alex?"
"I think of Aron as my real brother that I never had, and sometimes even a son. He is bright, and I have no real reason to feel that way, but I do."
"It just means that you love him. That is one of the main things that holds a family together. Are you going to tell me about Helen? You started, but then changed what you were talking about."
"Helen is a delicate matter. I want to stay within our family, but I want Helen to be my mate. Normally, I would have talked to her, if my parents had lived and she was not already dating. She may have seen me as a boy pretending to be a man. If she looked deep enough, she will see a man in a boy's body."
"I think she always saw you differently. She might not have waited, though. A boy can change his mind at any time, and a girl cannot just wait on hope."
"That is what I thought, too. I have committed myself to her. I told her that when we are old enough I want her to have my children."
"I had hoped for that to happen. What is your problem?"
"When I am older, I will be very good in business. I will be much more dominant than dad. I have started to follow those ideas already."
"What do you mean?"
"I am dominant in making business decisions and dominant with a woman. Helen will do as I ask. I have not entered puberty yet, but I have the feelings starting now. I want to enjoy my body now, and enjoy Helen's too."
"Did you... ?"
"I have kissed her, Mom, but I have done this all over her body. I cannot make her pregnant, but soon the possibility will come. I want children, even though I am young. I also know that I have to wait so that Helen and I can grow first. I want to travel and see the world before being tied down by children, even if I know it is inevitable."
"I do not want a grandchild too soon, Alex, but I do want them. Are you telling me this because of your father?"
"That is the main reason. I do not like to lie, and I do not like to sneak around. What I am saying is that I want to live with Helen as husband and wife. Our religion frowns on this. The neighbours would call it a scandal and dad would get angry and kick me out when I need the family the most."
"Yes, you are right about your father... and your grandfather too. They are men and can't help the way they think. Your father is not stupid, though. He will see the way Helen looks at you and know that something serious is happening. At first he will worry about ruining Helen's life by having a baby too soon. He would also think of his standing in the community and fear the scandal. I do not know what to say to you."
"What will grandma think?"
"She already suspects that the two of you have been doing things. She fears that you can produce seed soon, and Helen's life will change irrevocably."
"Should I talk to her, or will you?"
"I will talk to her tonight."
"Then Helen and I will be frustrated tonight."
Mom laughed very hard at this and had to hold my shoulder for stability.
Before leaving for school, I told the family that I had to send off a package and would be late coming home. It was raining, and we all got our rain suits on. People in my other life had gotten spoiled in the later years and managed to stay dry most of the time and were afraid of a little water.
Aron, Helen and I had our boots on, and large waterproof hats to keep the majority of the water off of us. Aron still walked through the puddles, and I got Helen to do it with me too. It was fun to be a kid sometimes.
Rita was there, waiting for me with an umbrella similar to Helen's. I saw that she must have felt more for me than I figured, since she was braving the weather. Helen got a kiss that made Rita look closely. She forgot all about it when I gave her a much better one where she was bent over backwards.
She got up breathlessly and said, "Why?"
"For simply being you, and coming out into the storm to greet me. Now, let's get inside and changed." After detouring to the area for the bikes we went inside. I helped the girls off with their coats and shook them out and handed them back. Helen got to me first and did the same thing.
I had not seen anyone working on my projects. They had plastic over them, though, and that would keep out most of the rain. Some hammering was faintly heard from the automotive section.
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Papa dekhibaku pura hatta katttha hele tike hunda. Halua body aau masta 7inchia banda aau motei bi kichi kam nunhe. Hele bou bia bhitare pureiki bhala kari genhiparantini. Bou sahi tukanka sahit majhire majhire nare nare huanti. Mu sabu dekhe. Dine papa gote babanku gharaku anile. Bou kemiti sahit tukanka sahit heiparibani taa bandabosta karibaku kahile. Biju ghare gote masta bada bhuta achi aau taku baharakala pare jaiki stree thik heba. Sedina baba papanku dikhya dele ashrama ku jaiki puja...
So it begins: It started with an innocent remark to my girlfriend Sarah's best friend Tracey. She was wearing a white bra under a translucent white top and we were all about to go out. Tracey shared a flat with Sarah and I wished I could too. I was a bit jealous of Tracey in that regard. I said, "Tracey, you can see your bra through that top." Sarah said, "Adam, you should never tell a lady you can see her bra through her top even if you can, it's humiliating." "Oh, I'm sorry...
The sun was by now peeking above the roofs of the buildings that comprised RCAF Station Willow Lake. The ranks of airmen of No. 468 Squadron "City of Ajax" and infantry of the First Squad of the Second Platoon, Third Company, RCAF Regiment stood in At Ease formation on the comparatively tiny main parade square, Captain Buckler acting as Parade Commanding Officer. The airmen were struggling to keep straight faces, whilst their ground-pounder counterparts were conflicted between embarrassment...
I got bored with the missionary position real fast. Many of you probably know, once you’ve worked your way through the Kama Sutra, well, then things get really interesting. Being both imaginative and possessed of a somewhat disreputable character I had enjoyed sexual adventures, some of which are best not described, even here.I’d made a filthy amount of money in nanotechnology right out of college having discovered a manner of using molecular chemistry to build atomic level structures for use...
BDSMThese compliments of Smokeyjoe from the Land Down Under Things to do on an Elevator 1) CRACK open your briefcase or handbag, peer Inside and ask “Got enough air in there?” 2) STAND silent and motionless in the corner facing the wall without getting off. 3) WHEN arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to yank the doors open, then act as if you’re embarrassed when they open themselves. 4) GREET everyone with a warm handshake and ask him or her to call you Admiral. 5) MEOW...
Hey Friends. I’m Arun. I’m 19 years old. I’m here to share with you another encounter of mine with my school Teacher, Maya Iyer. She is 34 years old. She is super fair and looks so beautiful and charming. She has a regular body type with plump arms and no visible belly fat. She is the mother of a 7-year-old girl. We have been in an affair since August 2022. I also shared our first encounter with you through my story Since then, sex has been quite a regular affair between my teacher and...
Introduction: This is the continuing story of Rose, her husband Ron and the babysitter Jenny. Rose had just recently found the opportunity to dominate another and to even punish and be sadistic. She found it a rush and it was changing her life. Jenny lived with so much guilt because of an over religious mother. Their story continues. Rose woke up first and realized it hadnt been a dream. Here she was in the bed with the 16 year old babysitter Jenny and her husband. She could hardly believe the...
Synopsis of Story to This Point (story continues further down the page). Elsa Conner and billionaire Mark Worthington meet at a party, only he hides his true worth and identity from her in fear this nice girl might be another gold digger trying to get into his wealth. They date, but when the truth is discovered Elsa breaks up with him in anger over his lack of trust in her. In love, he grovels his way back into her good graces only she sets a condition of reestablishing the relationship as...
We all arrive at the lake, and head for our favorite camp site. Right on the lake, some of the b o y s are already busy unloading the gear, and setting up tents. Mrs. Abernathy comments at how organized they all seem to be. “Oh yes ma'mm—every b o y has his assigned duties—if they ain't riden, there's lots of other stuff. Some go swimming, fishing, hiking, and we got cards, darts, and some just sit around enjoying the woods”. If ya'll let Johnny hang out with us this week—tomorrow will be...
Introduction: A wealthy girl gets fucked for a ransom I woke up, not sure where I am. At first, I wasnt even sure who I was. But that came back to me before long, I was Jessica Thorton-Pierce, 19-year-old heiress to the Thorton-Pierce family, and the last thing I remember was… sipping that drink while looking into that Russian exchange students eyes. The realization that I was drugged comes with the realization that I couldnt move, tied hand and foot to a chair but otherwise naked. I wasnt...
Punishment 2 Saturday. No clients. No office. No responsibilities. I may be in my mid-thirties, but I still know how to party. Or at least I still know how to sleep in as if I'd partied the night before. I woke up a little before noon and came to the realization that my apartment, while fine for me, was in no condition to host the basketball game on Sunday. So, my first move was to find all my dirty clothes and cram them wherever they would fit. In the hamper would have been ideal, but...
After Mass, on the Sunday after the Homecoming dance, I had a message from Amanda on my cell phone to call her. When I returned her call she told me I was invited to dinner at her house that night. I got permission to go from my dad then accepted the invitation. Amanda offered to come pick me up but I declined and rode my bike over instead; I hoped the trip would be the swan song of having to use a mountain bike as my primary mode of transportation. I pedaled the two miles to Amanda's. She...
1. Sightings ‘Good heavens, there she is.’ Bob caught a glimpse of her shoulder length blond hair as she walked past his office window. He stood up out of his chair and drank in the sight of her as she made her way from her car to the front of the office building. This is why he came to work early. This is why he arranged his morning so he could be near his window. Just to watch this unnamed beauty walk from her SUV to the front of the building. He had barely gotten to his desk before the...
Pour commencer, choisissez votre rôle dans l'histoire. Le Maître mène la danse. Il parle plus avec les yeux qu'avec les lèvres. La première esclave est dévouée entièrement au Maître. Elle ferait tout pour lui. Ensemble ils vont chercher de la compagnie pour étendre les plaisirs dans leur relation de dominant/dominé. La nouvelle esclave (garçon travesti) était un garçon, avant de se trouver une passion pour le travestissement et l'exhibitionnisme via son blog et sa webcam. La nouvelle esclave...
BDSMmy moms friend are all sexy. either one has huge tits or huge ass. i love when they come over the house they always give me a huge hug and kiss. one day they were all playing cards, my mom and her 4 friends. they were drinking and let me drink as well. when these girls drink they piss every 10 mins lol..but my downstairs bathroom was being redone so i went and took a shower and left the door cracked so they could go when i shower. i wasnt in there 5 mins and my moms friend donna came in. she...
The next two weeks were a blur. Tommy and his friends made nine trips to the mine site that Monday, getting us all there. The first order of business on the north side of the river, was to get the gold mine in operation so that sand and gravel would be available for future building. Six men took over this activity and had it up and working within a half hour of our arrival. The rest of the men and the wives built a tent city on the south side of the river, below and east of were Art wanted to...
Alex walked down the hall of his school, 17 and feeling alive. He had been texting a hot girl last night, and he had made a bunch of jokes about her giving him head in the bathroom. He knew that she was drunk, and he was joking, but inside he felt that he wouldn's say no to some good head. He went to his first period class, and there she was, sitting there with her big ass, DD's and definetly not a tight pussy. She was known as a whore, but Alex didn't care, he would do almost anything...
Quickie SexI tossed my vibrator on the bed and fell back. Staring at the ceiling and wondering how I let this happen. ”Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I shouted.I sat back up and tied the belt of my robe. This was serious. I could be fired, or worse, I could go to jail. Thinking it through, I realized that after I closed the page, there would be no proof. But, who needs proof, all they have to do is accuse you of something like this and you're guilty. Should I call him? Should I drive over to his house? That would...
TabooValerie carefully slid her fingers across the bumps that protruded from the pages on her book, ocassionally stopping to pick up the micro cassette recorder to make some notes for tomorrow's world history class!!! Every so often she would also reach down and scruff Sparky's ears just to reassure herself that he was still there by her side, because having been blind from birth, Valerie's life line to the outside world had at first been her parents and siblings, but as she became older and more...
EroticI woke up early as the rising sun glistened off the lake. I wanted to let you sleep in undisturbed, so I headed out for a quick run. The brisk morning air and the sweet scent of the vineyards had me refreshed and ready for a full day. By the time I returned you were up and about, and curious to what our day would bring. After our light breakfast, we had a little time to lounge around. I took you for a walk through the vineyards. Just a walk, holding hands, getting to talk, was totally what we...
The machined road stretched into the distance until disappearing at the bend. Jake's perspective reduced the post and wire fences on either verge, to a vanishing point, reflective of the last ten months of his life. It was as if he had vanished, faded from notice. Army life had taken his individuality from him until he became nothing more than a bit part in a greater machine. The hay fields were just turning brown. June was flitting away. What green was left, would soon be uniform yellow...
My uncle, aunt, and their family were going on a vacation for a little more than two weeks. My uncle had asked me if I could stay at their house and watch it while they were gone. I was home from college for the summer. He offered to pay me and as a college student I was also looking for ways to make some money. I worked during the day, but agreed I could be there nights and weekends. My uncle had also asked me to mow the grass every Saturday, for which I would be paid extra. STORY On the...
Angie arrived later that night than she was supposed to due to the storm delays with her flights. There she was, lost in the big's storming and rain is coming down in sheets. The taxi drops her off because she's out of money and it's in the worst part of town. She shivers as the wind cut through her. Cold, wet and afraid she hurries over to get under an awning of one of the abandoned buildings that lined the street. She gathers herself and notices a group of men just down the alley...
Straight SexRoad trip! I was finally fulfilling a dream I had held for months now. I was a member of the Lush Stories site and had written many stories for it. I had also made many friends. Many of whom I had cybered with. You know, where you have online sex with another person in real time. You may never really know who they are or what they really look like. But some of them were trusting enough to give out their real names. And even the towns they lived in. It was a dream of mine to actually meet some...
Greta and I left the Bulls to their own devices. I had a couple of meetings I had promised to attend, and the last town forum was being run that afternoon. It was the candidates’ last chance to convince the locals to vote for them. Things had been going well for the first half hour then a few people started asking strange questions of the clerks’ that were running for election and Anna and Nat. They wanted to know things like what spells I had put on them and how often they had to fuck...
Hi dostho mera naam mathin hai aur ghar mein sab loog muje mannu bulathe hai mere aunty ka naam rehana. Wo ek dum sexy hogayi hai ab uske boobs size 32 bra par dekha tha. Is kahani mere aur mere mom ke behan jise mein aunty bulatha hu, hum dono ke bech hua hai. Mera mom aur dad accident pe Margaye us wakt mein 1st class pad raha tha. Tabise my mere nana ke ghar mein rehane laga. Is ghar mein purey 4 members rehate hai aunty mama nana aur my. Kuch saal baad Mere aunty ki marriage ho gayi aur...
For dinner, the two men wore simple black tie, dinner jackets and the two women wore western evening dress, though to be daring, neither of them wore knickers. This was, of course, not something of which either man was aware at the time. Alima's incipient pregnancy meant that her dress was a tight fit, but it would be a while yet before it would really show. During the meal, held in the Throne Room and served by more staff than the Earl had imagined possible, conversation varied from horses...
100% fiction! 18 year old Billy DiMato had just gotten home from school. After changing into a pair of grey sweats and a Chicago Bears tee shirt he was sitting in the living room listening to his music when the front door crashed open. In streaked his twin sister Carrie. She slammed the door, kicked off her shoes and scampered up the stairs pulling her shorts down as she ran. What the hell, Billy thought; he got up and followed her. At the top of the stairs Carrie was trying to kick off her...
Incest"Cindy I need a shoulder to cry on" "I know Peter. I'm so sorry. Marion called us as soon as you left down there. Where are you?" "I'm about an hour from home." "Peter drive carefully, don't do anything stupid. People love you and need you. When you get home, park your car and walk over to my place. Roz is there with me and we'll take care of you. We'll work something out." "OK, thanks Cindy. You both are great friends. See you in about an hour." When I pulled into my...
I'd been seeing Josie for almost a year and she decided it was time i met her oldest friend Carole so she organised a little dinner party, just her, me, Carole and her husband Max. She told me that her ex didn't particularly like Max and Carole and used to refer to them as "the swingers" due to the way they behaved around other couples. In fact Josie said that the last time they had got together even she thought that they were angling for a foursome but put it to the back of her mind passing it...
My name is John and it all started for me the same as most CDs; I was 13 and had stumbled upon my mother's underwear draw and for some reason I decided to try on my mum's pantyhose. The feeling was divine and I was immediately hooked. Over the next few days I experimented more and more with panties, bras, shoes, clothes and make-up. Ever since then I have had several unsuccessful attempts to quit my habits. I am now a 24 year old closet CD who lives in London with my flatmate Katy. She did not...
It was on a warm summer’s eve that we finally met, we lived miles apart, and in different countries, but met because of fate, and a shared interest in writing. She looking stunning, she worn nothing fancy nothing to sexy but in my eyes she was the most beautiful creature I had ever laid my eyes on. We finally agreed to meet sometime after we promised to be the ones we’ve been searching for our entire lives. We I read that in her letter my heart skipped a beat and butterflies fluttered in my...
Philip was having a great morning. He had slept like a baby, visited his barber for a hot shave and had a wonderful breakfast at his favorite cafe in New York. He looked at his reflection in the window of the limo as it stopped to pick him up. He was in very good shape for being in his late 30's. He had always taken pride in his classic good looks. His suit was expensive and his watch cost more than most people's homes. The limo driver opened the door for him and he climbed in. He could...
The sweltering sun at noon baked the cobblestone pavement a dirty grey. Little beads of sweat trickled down my forehead, causing my hairline to stick. I pulled out my vintage uchiwa and gently fanned myself. I tilted my head back a little and let out a small sigh of relief. The cool air whirling around my body felt great. It was an absolutely beautiful day in Normandy, and I was standing outside of the villa waiting for my dad. I watched as the front door slowly opened before my 6' 3" tall dad...
Incest"Hi. No, don't get up." I smiled and whispered and it was easy for me. "Sit down ... down..." There were two guards, big security men with uniforms and guns and radios. There were cameras too, recording us, and we didn't worry about them so much, not yet. I had something to do finally, because I was so good at this sort of thing and getting better all the time. I'd just walked in, through the metal detector and behind the desk as if joining them. The two men had only stared at me and...
RUNNING by Rebecca Author's Note: There is one graphic sex scene near the end of this story that might be somewhat offensive to the heterosexual Crossdresser. I do not write from experience -- I just wanted to see if I could write such a scene and, also, it seemed to fit the story better than anything else I could come up with. Chapter 1 Jim pulled his coat up tightly around his neck and looked nervously from side to...
I was sitting in my hotel room watching TV when I realized I was out of ice and needed to run down to the ice machine before the game started. It was about 5:30 PM and with the hallway empty and the ice machine one room away I slipped out into the hallway in my boxers and quickly filled up the ice bucket and ran back towards my room. As I approached thevdoor, the adjacent door opened and a pretty lady stood there staring at me with a smile on her face. “I assume you’re not headed out for...
FetishJournal Entry 5/16 Summer with dad will be awkward at best this year. mom and dad divorced shortly after I started my courses in August at UNH. It didn't come as a surprise to anyone. It was never a happy marriage. They didn't hate each other. In fact, we were quite happy overall. They just didn't love each other anymore. Mom and dad were always very careful to make me feel loved when I was younger. The last couple of years, though, were strained. Anyway, I spent Christmas break with mom in...
GayA Force descended down to Earth. Some would have called it evil because of all the havoc it produced. But there wasn't any malice in it. It was just ambivalent to the consequences of its actions. Besides for some, on rare occasions, the consequences were an improvement over what had gone before. The Force didn't care, it just did what it wanted to see what would happen. It thought of what it did as experiments, but that really wasn't true since regardless of how things turned...
Good morning, folks. Brother Samuel here. Your friendly neighborhood big and tall, openly bisexual erotic fiction writer. I have some very interesting news. My parents are finally dead. And I couldn’t be happier. Oh, and I had nothing to do with it. Seriously. They’ve both been a thorn in my side my entire life. My father died of complications from diabetes. He was a skirt-chasing and loud-mouthed bastard who thought he was better than everybody. He always had at least three girlfriends stashed...
Hello ISS readers.This is Shardule. I am new to this site which my friend recommended, but truly friends this site is off the hook! It is an amazing site where people can share their most intimate encounters just like the one i am gona narrate. But firstly let me tell you something about myself, I am good looking 21 years old and a final year IT engineering student from a reputed college in mumbai. I stay in mumbai, i am 6 foot tall have a average build and a long and strong dick.. but in spite...
Hi I am Jyotika. 26yrs young girl. This is my first story. Majhire majhire dad & mom karakari helabele mu dekhe. Mo sana hbai bi dekhe. Atibesire dekhisari ame dijana gada gadi hei soijau. Mo doodha ku chipilabele mote bahut garam lage. Mu ta banda ku dhari muthimare & seia mo sadhi tely bia ku dekhi anguli mare. Bahu request kare genhi baku hele mu diani. Muthimari bahara kari dele se soijai. Dine ratire mo nida bhangila belaku dekhili Raju nanhi. Kichi samaya apekhya kala parebi asilanahi. Mu...
Jun 6, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Three Technicalities Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on March 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...
“Ouch!” Allie yelped. “That really hurt." Allie began frantically rubbing her ass after receiving the full velocity of a squash ball right on her butt cheek. Dave rushed over to apologize and to assist her in any way he could. “I’m so sorry. I hope you’re OK," he said apologetically. “This is going to leave a mark on my ass for sure. I did not realize that the competition was so fierce in this squash tournament," Allie said with a smile as she continued to rub her ass to relieve the sting....
Group Sex“I would love to be sexually pleasured by two women while my man watches, even better if he masturbated while he watched. A favourite fantasy of mine is being pleasured by two lipstick lesbians, both younger than me, perhaps one barely twenty, a blond baby doll. “Lu Xi has arranged two lipstick lesbians, both younger than me, for my pleasure next Sunday. I want you to watch and enjoy, my pleasure is your pleasure. And I want you to masturbate for me, are you fine with that honey?” I asked my...
A warning to readers of DG Hears stories. Every now and then I get crazy and write a story with lots of sex. This is one of those stories. If you're not into a lot of sex, you might want to pass on this one. This is a story about the age differences in loving, or at least sexual, relationships. As always a big thank you goes out to my editor Techsan for making my story a much better read. This story could have been put in a number of different categories. "Harder, Ted, harder, faster,...
So there I was, roaming the Irish countryside searching for an abandoned church I heard about online, when lo-and-behold I got myself lost. This particular church was noteworthy because it still had intact stained glass windows, despite being several hundred years old. The exact name of the church eludes me but I heard it was haunted by some sort of wailing spirit that drove everyone away. The village surrounding the church relocated and time wore it down to nothing. Only the church and its...
CHAPTER 2 – THE CLEANER Atlas is a person with a very dark story. He has seen things most people would be scarred for life if they saw. And he has done even worse. In order to survive in such conditions, one must be able to keep his temple, his body, trained hard to withstand the harshness. But there’s one thing that can never be withstandable no matter how hard one has trained. “Goddamit!” “What? Are you ok?” “What did you feel these bags with? Rocks and bricks?” “Hey, it’s...
By: Vipulverma01 Hi everyone I’m Vipul and I am going to tell you a real incident of my life which happened four months ago. I am an engineering student and I am an average personality boy. I am 18 years old with a cock of 7 inches. I have a family of four members me, my hot elder sis my mom and my father. My sis is divorced from her hubby and living with us from last two years. She is having a very sexy figure with her large sized boobs and ass. She is of average height and is 25 years old...
IncestHe checked to make sure Ariel was alright, then removed her from the table, laying her gently on her bear-skin rug in front of the fireplace. "Ohhh Jack, take me, my love! Take me now! I want to feel you inside me, filling me with your hard cock!" she whispered urgently. He kissed her deeply then quickly shed his underwear and knelt between her legs on the rug. He teasingly rubbed the head of his throbbing shaft up and down the lips of her wet mound. He pressed the head into her then...
The week seemed to drag on much longer than normal, but Friday finally arrived. Mike Drake, the drama or stagecraft teacher, observed that all his students were just as restless as he was. He attributed it to the arrival of Spring weather and the upcoming Spring break. As the students broke into groups to plan the pantomime exercise they were to present in a few minutes, he ran through his short checklist. He had no homework to grade and his lesson plan for the final quarter had been filed. So...
TabooScene Three I love denim skirts. I didn’t realize how much I liked them until the day I picked up Kerri to take her to a big family picnic that she had talked be into. Actually, she didn’t “talk” me into it. She “blew” me into it the night before in the parking lot of the bar we had just left. That mouth had amazing power. The side door of her house opened directly into her kitchen and at the far end were short staircases that led up to the bedrooms and down to the family room. It was so hot...