A Fresh StartChapter 120: Mister Perfect free porn video

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I couldn’t remember for the life of me exactly what had happened on my first go-around, but I knew it had been bad, with Newt and Bill shutting down the government for a chunk of the winter. It was the same now. From November 14 through December 22, for 39 days, they wrangled and snarled at each other. It unfolded along the lines I had predicted, with both sides losing respect from the public, but the Republican House losing more than the President. Then it got ugly.

It came out by the end of November that Gingrich and Clinton had gotten into a pissing match when they both flew to Israel for Yitzhak Rabin’s funeral at the beginning of the month. Gingrich complained, to a reporter no less, about how he had to exit Air Force One from the back of the plane.

When the President flies somewhere in Air Force One, the cameras focus on him coming out the front door, waving to everybody, and meeting the dignitaries. Everybody else - and I do mean everybody! - wife, kids, friends, reporters, staffers - they all go out the back door, and nobody sees them on television. Newt decided that he deserved to go out the front door with the President! He was shut down and sent packing to the rear. New York’s Daily News ran a cartoon on the front page showing a crying Newt in a diaper, which made national headlines. It only made Newt more difficult to work with.

I avoided the man as much as possible. He had been heard to mention my ‘disloyalty’ for disagreeing with him, even though I had voted with him. I heard about that from John Boehner and Jim Nussle. I shrugged, and they did, too. They were smart men and could see the damage being done even if Newt couldn’t. There was even some grumbling from a few people about whether making Gingrich the Speaker of the House had been such a wise thing after all.

Three days before Christmas, Gingrich caved and severed the link between the continuing resolution and the debt ceiling. Clinton promptly proposed a smattering of budget cuts and tax increases so we could pass a budget in January. It wouldn’t balance the budget, but it would cut the deficit.

In some ways, I didn’t care. I had bigger fish to fry than Newton Leroy Gingrich. The Democrats were feeling frisky, and with the populace starting to reconsider their decision two years ago to throw out the Democratic rascals, a new crop of Democrats was pushing to throw out the Republican rascals. My last two re-elections had been easy. In ‘92 I faced the stunned and half-beaten survivor of a nasty primary fight. In ‘94 I had been gifted with an opponent who spent more time insulting the Democrats than coming after me. The Democratic Party was hoping that the third time was the charm, and I was very much afraid it would be!

My opponent was to be Steve Rymark, an Assistant State’s Attorney for Baltimore County. He was thirty-six, four years younger than me. He was tall, lean, and trim. He ran marathons. He had a full head of thick blond hair. His wife Donna was a runner-up Miss Maryland, tall, blonde, and leggy. Between the two of them they had about a million perfectly capped and blindingly white teeth, which they both showed in their incessant smiles. They had two adorable children, both blonde and with dimples. Donna was two months pregnant when Steve announced he was running against me. They lived in Cockeysville, just inside the district line. They were the most beautiful and adorable family on the planet!

It just kept getting better. He had made a name for himself in a case putting away a couple of Republican county commissioners last year for bribery, and then followed it up with the successful prosecution of a cop killer in the fall. (There went the law-and-order vote!) She had just written and illustrated a children’s book about a family of happy dragons, which had been reviewed by the New York Times. (And goodbye to the family values vote, too!)

If I wasn’t running for office, I would have voted for him!

Marilyn looked at their picture in the paper and pronounced, “He’s cute!”

“Nothing like a little support there, honey!” I told her, earning a raspberry in response.

Charlie looked at the picture of Steve and his wife standing next to him, and pronounced, “Wow! She’s hot!” I might have to put up with Marilyn, but not Charlie. I smacked him with the newspaper, and he took off, laughing.

I was using John Thomas as my campaign manager, and we ran a preliminary poll two weeks after Rymark announced he was running. The results were dispiriting, to say the least. So far, I had won three elections by margins of fifteen to twenty-five points. Right now, I was down in the single digits. John and I looked at each other and called a meeting of everybody we could think of for the following Friday. I got on the phone, called Brewster McRiley, and told him to shag ass to Westminster; we were going to need all the big guns this time around. We brought Marty up and called in the various heads of the Republican Committees in the three counties I represented. For some extra flavor, we had Marilyn and Cheryl Dedrick, my Field Representative present. If anybody had a feel for the pulse of the Maryland Ninth, it was the person who spent her time sorting out the problems of the locals. Theoretically she was to keep her time separate from the campaign, as was Marty, as government employees. On the other hand, if I lost and Steve Rymark took over, they wouldn’t be government employees for long. They had a stake in this, too.

We agreed that we had to do the usual things, opposition research and extensive polling, as well as research into what the voters were thinking about me. In this regard Cheryl had a few comments, though, which were unpleasant but not unexpected. “The letters we are getting here at the office are relatively content with how we handle the routine stuff, but they aren’t too happy with some of your policy stands. You are being linked closely to Newt Gingrich and that is not playing well here. We got a lot of letters and calls about the monuments down on the Mall being shut down. We’ve had some calls from veterans complaining that they can’t get any response out of the VA, Johns Hopkins oncology department is complaining about the shutdown at the National Institutes of Health ... the list is endless.” She laid out a spreadsheet with a summary of complaints and shutdown departments on it. “For all that people complain about hating big government and wanting to shut it down, when it actually happens, they don’t really like it.”

Marty nodded and tossed a stack of phone logs on the table. “We’re seeing the same thing in Washington. Everybody wants to shut down government, just not the pieces they like, which turns out to be the whole damn thing anyway. You and the rest of the Gang of Eight and Gingrich are considered by many to be the reason for the mess.”

I sighed and nodded. “The Gang of Eight is no more. We were just a group of guys who liked each other and could work with Newt to topple the Democrats and ram through the Contract with America. We’re not even eight now; Rick Santorum is a Senator and above this pettiness. Besides, Newt isn’t talking to me at the moment.”

There were a few snorts and chuckles around the room. Jack Nerstein summed it up nicely. “Even worse than being wrong is being right, when being right means you disagree with the other guy.” I gave him a wry smile, pointed a finger at him, and nodded.

“So, we can’t expect any help from him?” Millie Destrier commented.

“You don’t want any help from Gingrich,” interjected Brewster, who had been listening up until now. It had been a bit over six years now since I had met McRiley, and he was no longer the brash kid. He had managed or overseen seven Congressional and Senatorial elections by now and won a total of six of them. The one loser was caught in bed with a hooker and his wife divorced him, serving him with the papers at a campaign rally designed to put his problems behind him. That one gave the late-night comedians a lot of fun!

“Yeah,” I agreed sourly.

He continued, “He doesn’t forgive or forget, and if you aren’t an ally, you’re an enemy.” I opened my mouth to protest, but he waved me quiet. “I know, I know, you’re not an enemy, I know that. Newt is incredibly shortsighted at times, and he doesn’t look past the immediate tactical victory to the long-term strategic loss. Right now, all he sees is that he just lost to a man he despises. Newt’s natural instinct is going to be to double down and attack again. That is not going to be in your interest.”

“I am going to have to distance myself from him, which I am sure he will be happy to help with.” I could just see running ads saying I wasn’t really a key ally in the Contract with America. Unbelievable!

There wasn’t much we could come up with. This was going to come down to plain old-fashioned campaigning. We came up with two major thrusts.

First, just like an old time smash-mouth football game, we were going to have to keep running the ball, going for two or three yards at a time, and not give up too many yards to the other team. There would be no Hail Mary passes or glorious 99-yard kick returns. The legendary Vince Lombardi, longtime coach of the Green Bay Packers, would start each season by holding up a football and saying, “This is a football!” We were going to go back to the basics.

In campaign terms, this meant doing the basics. I needed to contact everybody who had ever donated or helped or worked on a campaign and ask them to do it all over again. Nobody could come up with any dirt on either of the Rymarks. (When discussing Donna Rymark, John Thomas had shaken his head in disgust and commented, ’What are we going to say? Her tits are too big, and her legs are too long?’ Millie and Cheryl countered by pointing to a picture of Steve Rymark in running shorts, with what looked like a roll of socks stuffed down his pants, and said, ’Some of us like other things, too.’; Marilyn simply giggled. Great! American democracy was being determined by penis length and bra size! How the hell did I ever get in this mess?) We were going to have to buy a lot of ads and push all the wonderful stuff we were doing for everybody, and not dwell on any of the big policy debates in Washington. It was going to be expensive.

There was a very strange response to Donna Rymark, one that I hadn’t expected. I came home one evening to find my wife chatting on the telephone in the kitchen. She tilted her cheek towards me, so I leaned down and kissed her. I glanced at her and noticed that something seemed different, but she was yapping away, so I dumped my briefcase in my office and went to the bedroom and changed out of my suit. When I got back to the kitchen Marilyn was hanging up the phone. “How was work?” she asked.

“Every day it is a privilege and honor to represent the Maryland Ninth and protect the citizens thereof from the godless hordes bent on their utter destruction.”

“You’re a selfless hero.”

“And in need of a drink.” I pulled a bottle of Louis Jadot Burgundy from the wine rack. I looked at Marilyn again. “Is that a new outfit?”

She lit up. “You noticed!”

“I always notice what you’re wearing.”

“No, you don’t!”

I had to smile at that. “Guys always notice what women are wearing, so they can figure out how to get it off of them.”

That earned me a squawk of protest. “You are an awful person! If I told the citizens of the Maryland Ninth what you said, you’d lose the women’s vote, for sure!”

“But I’d gain the men’s vote,” I said, shrugging. “So, that’s new?” Marilyn had on a tight black skirt that ended about an inch above her knees but had an interesting slit up the back a few inches higher. Up top she was wearing a tight fitted red tunic-shirt that overlaid the skirt, unbuttoned down to a point you could see a touch of cleavage, with a gold sash tied asymmetrically at the waist. She also had on some nice sheer hosiery, and some pointy-toed high heels.

“You like it?”

“Yeah. Very nice.” She looked both cute and sexy. “Are those pantyhose or stockings?”

“None of your business,” she replied primly.

“I think it is precisely my business!” I moved closer and managed to back my wife against the kitchen island. Even as she laughed and protested, I reached down and begin tugging the hem of her skirt northward. Marilyn’s propriety was saved, however, when the back door slammed, and the twins roared in.

“You can behave!” she told me, grinning.

“Huh! So, this is how you spend your day, while I am off serving the populace? You go shopping?”

“Precisely. Some of our friends decided to do an intervention.”


“That’s what I said,” she admitted. “It was decided that we needed to fight fire with fire, so to speak. I needed to dress better to match Donna Rymark, so Taylor, Cheryl, and Missy decided we needed to update my wardrobe.”

I rolled my eyes. “Just how much did all this cost me? And by the way, Missy Talmadge is a Democrat. Isn’t she rooting for Steve Rymark?”

“Yeah, but she wanted to go shopping, so she went with us anyway.”

“Good Lord!” I muttered. “So, you bought some new outfits?”

She smiled and nodded. Then I took an even close look at her. “There’s something else.” Marilyn had a mysterious smile on her face, and it took me a few seconds. “Did you do something with your hair?”

She put a hand up to her head and said, “Do you like it? I got it trimmed a bit.”

“Very cute.” Still something seemed a touch different. I looked at her from different angles, and then it hit me. I grinned and said, “You colored your hair!” Marilyn had been starting to get a few gray strands, and they were now gone.

Marilyn’s eyes opened wide! “No, no, I didn’t!”

She looked way too guilty! “You did! I can tell! You did!” I started laughing, and it only got worse when she slugged me in the shoulder. That made me keep going. “Does the rug match the drapes? Do the collars match the cuffs?”

Marilyn shrieked at me loud enough to get the girls to come into the kitchen, and she tried to punch me a second time, so I wrapped her up in my arms as I kept laughing. Holly looked at her sister and said, “They’re crazy!”

“They’re weird!” replied Molly.

That made Marilyn start laughing, too. At that time, I was informed that I wouldn’t be seeing any collars, cuffs, rugs, or drapes for the rest of my life, which just kept me laughing. I just had to keep going, though. “Did you guys go shopping for new glasses?” Marilyn is nearsighted. It hit me when I was eighteen, but before I ever met her. She had never known me when I didn’t wear glasses. For my wife, however, it had started in her early thirties, and was now to the point where she needed glasses to be able to watch television or see a movie. Since she refused to admit to her vision problems, and refused to wear her glasses, she was constantly squinting or trying to fake it.

“NO!” She smacked me again and started me laughing some more.

I retaliated by wrapping her up again in my arms, and this time I managed to pull her skirt high enough that I could feel the tops of her stockings. “Want me to find out if you’re going commando?”

She laughed. “Later, and if you don’t start behaving yourself, never!”

“Since when did you want me to behave myself?” I pinched her ass and then let her go and poured the wine. Marilyn blushed at that. “Any chance you guys did some shopping at Victoria’s Secret or Frederick’s of Hollywood?” That got an even bigger blush as a response.

With Marilyn trying to match Donna Rymark in the style department (although she would never be able to match her in height) our other big thrust was going to be somehow publicly distancing myself from Newt Gingrich. We had to paint him as an out of touch demagogue who had lured me astray, but now I was back on the path of goodness and righteousness. This left a sour taste in my mouth. I had known full well what I was doing when I helped to oust the Democrats, and I firmly believed that the elements of the Contract with America were for the good of all of us.

The one thing I agreed with, though, was that Newt was nowhere near done with his feud with Bill Clinton. I knew he was going after Slick Willie on every front he could, and in the most over the top fashion possible. For one thing, Monica Lewinsky was already working at the White House as an intern. I had seen her in passing once, and almost did a double take when I realized who she was. Pretty girl, I suppose, though more than a bit chunky for my taste. On the other hand, I like curvy brunettes, and if she had lost about twenty or thirty pounds around the midsection even I might have been tempted. Maybe she just gave great head! Clinton couldn’t keep his dick in his pants if you sewed the zipper shut, and no matter what I did in the here and now, Newt was going to hammer him on it.

In other areas, Clinton was equally vulnerable. On the personal side, Ken Starr was already investigating the Clintons about their Whitewater Development investment, and this was just going to dive deeper and deeper into their messy and complicated financial affairs. On the public side, there was the controversy about the White House Travel Office, improper access to various FBI files, and already some glimmerings of various espionage scandals involving Chinese businessmen with ties to Beijing. I told Marilyn that he was a great politician, but I wouldn’t let him in the front door of the house, and I wouldn’t leave her or the kids alone with him. I’d make him come in through the utility room, and then wash my hands after shaking his.

All this meant that Gingrich had plenty of fuel to build a fire under the man, and he had no intention of not lighting the match.

What did it mean for me? No matter what my personal thoughts, I couldn’t be seen being petty. If Newt started pushing on Clinton’s marital infidelities or his pot smoking or draft dodging, I couldn’t allow myself to be drawn into it. I had to stand back and maintain a statesmanlike attitude. Some of it I didn’t care about (smoking marijuana) and some didn’t apply to me (my zipper was firmly closed, thank you very much, but Newt was a well-known womanizer; the pot was calling the kettle black) and some I just didn’t want to touch (I served, but nothing good would come of me going after Clinton; better to just behave myself when asked about it.)

There was one way to differentiate myself from Rymark, though, and that was to push myself as a leader. Every politician worth his salt tells the voters he is going to be a leader, but damn few ever really are. In my case, I could point to legislation I had sponsored or co-sponsored, and the Contract with America, and say, ‘Like it or not, you have elected a leader of Congress. Do you want a leader, or not?’ I was going to have to run on my record, such as it was.

More than a few moments for this occurred during the election season. The President had signed the updated version of the Defending the Second Amendment Act into law in November. Almost all laws have some form of waiting period, typically ninety days or more, before the law kicks in. This period allows the states to take measures to put the law into effect. For instance, if we passed a law requiring the states to inspect school cafeterias (just for example; they do it already anyhow) the delay allows the states to write the rules, hire a few inspectors, print up inspection forms, and so forth. In the case of D2A, the law went into effect on February 20, 1996, the day after President’s Day.

The new law was, to put it mildly, controversial in Maryland. It proved popular with large portions of the public, but not with the higher ups in the State Attorneys’ offices or the Maryland Attorney General, or with upper ranks of the State Police. It was surprisingly popular in Baltimore itself, which is very black and very Democratic, but when you thought about it, you realized most violence in the black community is from other blacks. Regardless, Rymark was publicly against the law, and the Attorney General for Maryland had vowed to sue, all the way up to the Supreme Court, to have it overturned.

That gave us an opportunity for some showmanship. The current Attorney General was Joe Curren, a longtime political powerhouse with a history of supporting gun control laws. He was so anti-D2A that he had ignored the 90-day requirement to prepare for ‘shall issue’ concealed weapon carry permits. He simply said that Maryland was going to ignore the law and deny all permits and refuse to accept out of state permits, just like before. I got together with John Thomas and Brewster McRiley, and we decided to fight fire with fire. We announced publicly that I would be traveling to Baltimore on February 20 and would apply in person for my federally approved gun permit. Curren took the bait and responded on the evening news that he would be on hand to personally deny the permit, and if I were to have a concealed weapon on my person, he would order me arrested on the spot!

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Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue 2 Taking the Bull by the Balls

Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue #2: Taking the Bull by the Balls Chapter One: A Bug in Cheap Clothing “What the heck are you wearing, Squirt?” I did my best to keep my voice level as I looked her up and down, not even bothering to hide the stern frown creasing my face. At least she had the good manners to blush before she started playing with her zipper. I made a mental note to take her shopping as soon as possible. Apparently, the girl (not that I would ever call her that to her face unless...

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Mister Muscle and Love Bug Issue 1 Of Bugs and Brawn

Mister Muscle and Love Bug Issue #1: Of Bugs and Brawn Chapter One: A Bug in the House She spent a lot of time playing with her zipper. It was either a nervous tic or (and this is the explanation I preferred) an attempt to draw my attention to the fact that she was all woman. Oh, and what a woman. I’d known, even before she walked through the door that she was in heat. Her presence had been announced by what I can only describe as pheromones. Not at all subtle either. I could feel the blood...

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No More Mister Nice Guy

I’m a nice guy. Everyone knows me as such, which is why it hurts that I’ve cheated.And I’ve definitely cheated: there’s a tick in the ‘taken orgasms off someone other than my wife’ category. After being married for ten years, that’s a big change. I admit that I’ve looked at other women but I’ve never acted on anything… so long as you don’t count what goes on in my head during my private time every morning after the wife has gone to work.Work is where it happened.My previous boss left under a...

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My First Mister

My name is Patrick, I like men, older men always have. Not real frilly, girly gay men either. Big strong men with hair on their chest and balls. I like have sex with real men not boys who want to be girls. Get it? Good. My story is about the first older man who I ever had sex with. I was fifteen years old never been with a girl always was attracted to cock. Any way I had however been with three guys my own age at this point and was open about everything. I was in my Emo phase, with jet...

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Bikini Beach Old Mister Nelson

Copyright by the author of story. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced without the permission of the author. Bikini Beach: Old Mister Nelson By Elrod W The radio playing in the ticket booth was helping Anya relieve some of the boredom. It was late afternoon, and there were few new customers, just enough that she had to keep the ticket window open. Like the two fraternity guys who had intended to pick up some girls for their fraternity's party that night. Anya...

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mister cockenballs

Fridays can tend to be slow in my business, and sometimes I try to find an opportunity to escape the office early. Sometimes the opportunity to escape finds me...It was mid-morning on Friday when I answered the phone, and was slightly stunned and amused when I thought I heard a woman with an unfamiliar accent ask for "Mister Cockenballs". Thinking that my twisted mind obviously misunderstood her accent, I recovered my composure and replied, "Excuse me ma'am, would you please repeat that name?"...

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Mister Wonderful

Jane Weston impatiently tapped her Gucci clad toe on the marble foyer floor, as the liveried Global Freight workers slowly wheeled in the large crate. Jesus, they were typical men: moving like molasses, devoid of any sense of urgency. Jane had a low opinion of men in general since she had booted her philandering bastard of a husband out two years ago. A good private detective and an even better lawyer had helped her exact her revenge to the tune of forty million dollars. She had used half the...

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Throw Me Something Mister

Copyright© 2003 Sparkling like jewels, they came toward her, ten doubloons of various colors, thrown by the masked man riding on the huge Mardi Gras float. Turning end over end and reflecting light, most were snatched out of the air by practiced hands. However, several slipped though eager fingers to hit the pavement bouncing and rolling. One golden doubloon bounced and started rolling toward her. On her knees, Joanna reached for the treasure. She felt it under her finger tips. "OUCH,"...

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Mister Thorntons Dilemma

It all started with a simple Scotch and water on the rocks in a moment of careless relaxation. The big man with the black-framed glasses was unsure about it but the look in the cabin hostess eyes looked at him as if expecting him to order "Ginger Ale" or some such candy-ass drink and he wanted desperately to disappoint her for his own satisfaction. James "Jimmy" Thornton hadn't had a Scotch and water since the old days back in Southeast Asia and the Scotch was mostly the Japanese shit and...

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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 8 Get Your Clothes Off Mister

As soon as Tess, the young girl that was masturbating herself, heard Keith ask ‘what do I do now?’ she paused mid stroke and said to Keith with a hungry look in her eyes, “You get all you clothes off mister so we can get a good look at your ding-a-ling before someone screws your balls off!” Young Tess gave a little giggle at that point then went back to stroking her smooth clit and pussy lips but with both eyes still firmly fixed on Keith’s loins. Gemma laughed too and said, “Yep! That just...

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Timewalker pt 4 long 120 pgs

I didn’t divide it into 2 sections like I did the other parts, since nobody appreciated the extra efforts I took to shorten it anyway. The people who like my stories don’t care how long they are, as they simply download them and read them at their own leisure. In fact, the webmaster of this site once e-mailed me and told me that I was free to write stories of ANY file size (I could put the entire book into ONE file if I wanted). So stop your wimpy whining about the length, and just enjoy it!...

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Mistis Adventures Part 120

Cathy's words had fallen on receptive ears. It WAS getting late, and, with the festivities planned for the morrow, they would all need the rest, AS IT WERE. Each was fully aware that sleep would be long coming, with new and exciting bedfellows. Granny had been telling about her early days. She had disclosed that her REAL name was Pearl. She preferred to be called Granny, but, among so many other Grandmothers, it was unrealistic. Her friends back home called her Pearl. Abe had told her that HE...

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Episode 120 Rachael Mollys Dirty Wee

Saturday MorningRachael and Molly have been at sixth-form college for a week now, when Molly’s mum Justine gets the call to spend the weekend on her knees submitting to Sam, her new Dom.Rachael and Molly are mostly studying different subjects now, so have swapped touching each other up in class for sending nude selfies and planning their next sexual encounters.Rachael arrived early on Saturday morning, Justine opened the front door in just a bathrobe: “Hi love - Molly’s just getting dressed -...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 120 Potpourri of Events

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 20 Potpourri of Events Having settled things with Ron Beth was ready to move on with her life, especially her relationship with Aaron. She wanted to freeze her every moment of time, but life seemed to be speeding by with so many things. --------- Thanksgiving Although it was almost a month between Halloween and Thanksgiving, to Beth it seemed like it had just been hours. Before she knew it, Thanksgiving had arrived. Normally...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 120 Reverse

It was towards the end of February, and Jessie was lonely, depressed, and bored. She'd been doing better this semester. She'd made an attempt to make friends. She had found out that her roommate was really cool, and they were getting along very well. But, now, her roommate had gone away for the weekend. She didn't have anything to do. She missed Warren and Sophie. Hell, she missed Jason. So, she decided to call him. "Hello?" he answered. "Hey, Jay. It's Jess." "Jess? How are you...

1 year ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 120

Phil spent the rest of the day with Marc Edmonds. Edmonds’ grandfather had been one of the initial investors in Lambswool back in the 1950s and Edmonds held an abiding love of the man and, although the family had long divested itself of the stock, Lambswool Studios. “My grandmother worked here,” Edmonds explained as the pair ate in the canteen. “Grandpa was 30 years old when he moved out here. He made his money in oil after World War II. Grandma was an aspiring actress and, as she tells it,...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 120

Britney turned to Jess, then glanced back at me. ‘Her?’ she mouthed. I nodded. Britney tapped Jess on the shoulder. Jess jumped, momentarily startled. “Yes?” “Sorry, Miss, but that gentleman is your husband, he said?” she asked. Jess’ eyes widened in surprise, probably because it was supposed to be kept on the down-low, but she nodded. “Would you mind if I took him to one of the lap dance areas?” She pointed toward a partition off to the side of the room that blocked a series of chairs...

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Deputy PorterChapter 120

"You know you shouldn't have said that. I'm going home I'm not in the mood now." I said it with my hand in my pocket in case he wanted to take a swing at me. Most guys won't hit a girl with a closed fist, but some will. I was willing to take a slap now and then, but I drew the line at a closed fist. He was good at reading that look I shot him, because he said, "Okay, I will write you off as just another stuck up puta," "Okay. You got the last word, now move out of my way. I had to...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 120

Valentine's Day was coming. I figured a weekend in Florida would be nice, so I surprised the boys with another trip. Everywhere in Florida in February is overcrowded and overpriced, which is why when I went, I stayed at Gloria's vacation house. Gloria never used it because it was where Gray usually stored his mistress. When he was alive, I went down about twice a year to partly to tell Gray what his whore was up to and partly to tell Gloria what Gray's whore was up to. Since Gloria was...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 120 The First Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki

Soujirou: Which do you think will win? Shishio: Hard to say... They're perfectly matched. Houji: Logically, they should destroy each other. That would save us some trouble. Soujirou: I want Mr. Himura to win. Then, we could settle what we started on the Rengoku. But, if Mr. Shinomori wins, what are you going to do, Mr. Shishio? Shishio (smiling): Then, if I killed Shinomori Aoshi, I'd be the strongest. (In the library, Aoshi and Kenshin square off for the attack.) Sanosuke (thinking):...

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BethChapter 120

January 3, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written January 4-5] Ah, the resumption of school after a winter break. One good thing: most diary days should require much less writing. Mom dropped Civia at her school and Meka drove the Sprinter to Central for what would be Lana’s first day in classes here. I wondered if she would be in any of my classes; I knew she would be in the same homeroom with Heather, Brit, and me. My answer arrived about five minutes into our 1st Bell class, as Lana was...

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My Little VentrueChapter 120

~~Jack~~ “Consider a glass cage, my love, and within, a glowing sphere bounces up and down. The cage holds the sphere perfectly still on the horizontal plane, forcing the sphere to remain locked on its vertical path. It bounces at the speed of light, which, as you know, is the limit matter may travel. No faster. 299,792,458 meters per second.” Jack nodded, eyes wide and engaged as he watched Antoinette. Understanding the world in terms of special relativity was always a troubling mental...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 120 First Mass Lunch

Monday, April 25, 2005 I woke after the usual four and a bit hours. I didn't have to turn on any of the room lights to get out of bed, as a dim yellow blob did the job perfectly. I climbed over Carol and went to do some studying via the kitchen. The hallway's main lights were off now. Instead there were those small lights that plug into an outlet to provide a little illumination at floor level. That was useful, as I didn't want to use light blobs walking around the house. The risk...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 120

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT STATEMENT ALL ABOUT," Jenny yelled. It was the first time she had ever raised her voice to any of us. There was shock on all the faces around the table at her reaction. "We have done a lot of advertising that we were a ladies-exclusive gym. It was only a matter of time until someone decided to challenge that. It's that just now is the time. Marcy also commented just the other day that the manufacture of the Marathoners was pressuring us to allow a broader test...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 120 Midnight Visitors

The whole day Sunday was spent trying to show people we were still alive and not one bit intimidated by the Atwoods. We switch up our pairings so we didn't get into a routine. Routines of any kind while operational can be deadly. Even though Martin and I agreed that the Atwoods weren't likely to do much recon work. I figured they would find out where we lived, get high on something and just show up at our door. Since the clubs were open on Sunday, Mike and I went back to the scene of my...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 120

Have you ever wondered where and how yodeling began? Many years ago a man was traveling through the mountains of Switzerland. Nightfall was rapidly approaching and he had nowhere to sleep. He went up to a farmhouse and asked the farmer if he could spend the night. The farmer told him that he could sleep in the barn. As the story goes, the farmer's daughter asked her father, "Who is that man going into the barn?" "That fellow traveling through," said the farmer. "needs a...

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Family LettersChapter 120

Dear Willow and Family Hello sister-in-law, how are you. I suppose I did get a bit deep into the bushes (as it were) with regard to space travel. I'll try not to do that too much. I miss your brother. You talking about wanting to be spit-roasted in your last letter got my engine going enough that I was more than a bit tempted to find another man to help me out with that myself. I think I would have too if I didn't think that it would have reduced Ron's respect for me. But as he thinks...

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The following evening was: 6th stop Oakland, California Oakland Raiders RingCentral Colloseum 56,057 (Expandable to 63,132) Embassy Suites by Hilton We got there an hour early, as usual, and got the usual help to set us up on the fifty-yard line, on a stage only four feet above the field itself, with no dressing rooms in sight. No problem, I didn’t think everyone would be as helpful as the first five places had been. Dad was pissed, but I told him not to worry. We’re professional, so I...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 120

HOSPITAL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA The HAZMAT team was on the scene. The patients along the hallway were being moved to other areas in the hospital. The assassin's body was gone. Finally Whatley thought it safe to move Hanes. The nurses, red-faced and streaming tears, maneuvered the gurney bearing Agent Hanes' 'body' out of the suite and into the hallway. The city police and the agents in the hallway came to attention and solemnly watched as the gurney was pushed toward the freight...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 120

Ekaterina and her translator were gone by the time Adam finished showering. He had taken his time because he knew he had to head straight to Daystar for another scene with, well, someone. He couldn't remember her name, only that she was a famous gymnast before turning to porn. Shelly and Melody were waiting for him though. "Pulled another one out of the fire for me," Melody remarked. "Thanks for coming over. This girl is pretty far down on the pecking order. Today is the only day...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 120

Laura ran into Barbara at work the next week and got shocking news. "I'm moving to L.A.," Barbara said, glumly. "What?" "Next week," she nodded. "They told me, if I want a job, that's where it is from now on. At least, I've still got one." "But... I'll miss you." Laura meant it. Barbara was a hot whirlwind of lust in bed. There was also a bond of deep affection between them. Barbara's eyes misted up briefly. "I'm having a going away party. Promise me you won't react...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 120 Dearly Beloved

Dawn had come and gone leaving nothing remarkable in its wake. Discounting of course that during the previous night The Emperor of the most powerful Dynasty in known space had made planet fall. And at some point, just before the approaching noon, the closest male friend of one Kiyone Makibi would be married and thus recognized as It's crown prince. So, Key had wisely allowed additional sleep time for both Mihoshi and herself. Certain that calling what was to come 'hectic' would be the...

1 year ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 2120 World Disorder

That’s how it happened that on Tuesday morning, I was in the kitchen and had decided I’d turn on the television to watch the new hostess on The Homemakers’ Hour at nine o’clock. What I saw instead were images of the Twin Towers in New York City. Smoke was pouring out of one of the buildings and I couldn’t figure out exactly what was happening. Then an airplane came straight at the other tower and crashed into it. The World Trade Center. The brokerage where Heaven was waiting for the market...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 120

The snow was wet and dirty in the street lights, piled along the street curbs, not like the clean, pure, fresh snow of Spearfish Lake at all. There were crews out picking it up with loaders, piling it into dump trucks to be dumped in the river. Unlike Spearfish Lake, this town wasn't used to snow. It had been a real snowstorm, and it brought the town to a near halt. It was getting cleaned up now, but it had held attendance down at the meeting. There had been more reporters there than...

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MagicianChapter 120

The Drow leapt gracefully as one into an attacking stance, only for two to go down into dust as my Glock opened up on them. The other three found themselves hanging motionlessly in mid-air as Morgana held them in place while she studied them, despite their frantic efforts to free themselves from her mental domination of their physical bodies. She also sent five clicks on a hand-held radio which was the signal for our forces to uncloak and summon Mage Henry’s command into the Caitiff...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 120 Nine lives

Fleet Admiral Lynette Devereux walked along the bustling corridor, her security detachment clearing a path so that she could proceed uninterrupted. Despite the early hour, this area of Olympus shipyard was teeming with personnel, with many thousands of navy crewmen recalled from leave and ready to muster out to their ships. The officers amongst the men and women waiting in lines saluted respectfully, but Lynette walked by without acknowledging them. She didn’t intend it to be a slight,...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 120

These are compliments of fmwarmac A blonde was so upset about everyone always making fun of her being blonde that she decided to hang herself. A little while later, a couple of guys walk by and see her hanging by her wrists. “What are you doing?” They ask her. “I’m hanging myself.” She said. The men were confused. Then one of them said, “If you’re trying to hang yourself, you’re supposed to put the rope around your neck. “Duh,” she said. “I tried that and I couldn’t breath.” One day...

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