Vennoa the Half elf SorcererChapter 3
- 3 years ago
- 47
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The convention was huge. Vennoa and the two rangers had no idea how to start looking for the secret VIP entrance, so they wandered around somewhat randomly. Tempest was still nowhere to be seen. He was either still floating in the air, or probably landed face-first at another part of the convention. Vennoa hoped that he had better luck finding the VIP entrance.
A familiar voice called out. Vennoa turned, and spotted Tempest in the distance. He looked extremely happy, so his return to the ground must not have hurt much. He was carrying a number of items in his arms, and he hurried over to the party.
“I’m glad I found you,” he said.
“Looks like you’ve been pretty busy,” Vennoa said dryly.
“There’s a lot of stuff for sale here,” Tempest said. “Also, the shopkeepers are much more willing to chat after I’ve bought something from them.”
Tempest fumbled around, and pulled out a candle. “This,” he started. “This is no ordinary candle.”
Gaerril snatched it away from Tempest’s hand and looked at it intently. He put it near his nose and sniffed.
“Ah,” the ranger said. “Let me guess, explosive?”
“You got it!” Tempest said excitedly.
“Now why would anyone buy that over an actual explosive?” Gaerril asked sarcastically.
The sarcasm flew past Tempest, and he said, “Because it looks like a candle, but it’s not!”
Vennoa shook her head. “So,” she asked. “Did you find out anything useful about the VIP entrance?”
“Not really,” Tempest said. “But! I found that Beholder that Magolyn was talking to. He probably knows where the entrance is.”
“Finally,” Barkas said. “A lead.”
Tempest led the group to the Beholder staff captain. The Beholder was seated at a bar looking exhausted. It was drinking mug after mug of ale. Tempest headed towards the Beholder, but some armed guards blocked his path. Vennoa looked closely at the armed guards. They appeared to be full plate armor, but without anyone inside. So they must be magic somehow.
Tempest called out, “Hey! Staff Captain!”
The Beholder looked up slowly from his drink. The big eye and all the little eyes turned and looked at the party. It sighed, and said, “Oh, it’s you lot. What do you want now? I’ve already given the VIP pass to Magolyn.”
Vennoa replied, “Magolyn wants to know where the secret VIP lounge entrance is. We figured that you should know where it is, since you are the staff captain and all.”
The Beholder put down its drink and floated over past the guards. The guards automatically withdrew their weapons to let him pass.
“Look,” the Beholder said. “Just leave me alone will you? I’ve had enough to do with Magolyn today as it is.”
“We don’t want to bother you either,” Vennoa said. “But if we don’t find this entrance for Magolyn, you know he’s just going to come and bother you. No one wants that!”
The Beholder sighed. “You’re right. But there isn’t any secret VIP entrance. The lounge is that way,” it continued, and pointed with some of its tendrils. “His VIP pass should give him access.”
“What about through here?” Tempest asked, pointing towards the passageway and bar that the Beholder had come from.
“That’s a staff resting area,” the Beholder said. “But obviously we should have put it somewhere else to actually get some rest.”
“And there’s no other way to the VIP lounge?” Vennoa asked.
“Well, the staff area has a backdoor to the VIP lounge, but it’s hardly a secret or anything. It’s just down that way,” the Beholder answered, pointing towards the bar.
“Can you let us in that way?”
“Of course not,” the Beholder said. “That’s a staff area.”
The Beholder kept silent for a while, and then continued, “How about this? If you beat me in drinking, I’ll let you into the VIP area. If not, you leave me alone, and get Magolyn to leave me alone!”
“Sounds like a plan!” Tempest replied excitedly, before anyone else had a chance to think about it.
“Good, follow me,” the Beholder said. It approached the armed guards, who automatically withdrew their weapons. The Beholder floated in between the guards, and said, “Go to the bar.”
The party walked through the opening, and the guards did not react to them. As they walked to the bar, Vennoa noticed that the staff entrance to the VIP lounge also had two guards protecting it.
The Beholder floated back to its seat on the bar, and the guards closed the entrance with their weapons again. It glanced at the party. “So, how many mugs of ale do you want to challenge me with?”
“Five!” Tempest declared.
The bartender poured five mugs of ale and set them on the counter. Tempest picked them up, and downed them all quickly.
“Good!” the Beholder said. It nodded at the bartender, who poured six mugs. The Beholder drank all six mugs in a gulp. It then looked expectantly at Tempest.
“Five more,” Tempest said. He seemed a little wobbly but persevered.
The party made their way quickly to the Temple of Selune, and were warmly greeted by Priestess Seireri, whom an acolyte had rushed off to inform when he had seen the party approaching the temple entrance. “Welcome back, adventurers,” Seireri said. “Were you successful in finding a diamond?” Vennoa retrieved the diamond from her pack, and held it out to Seireri. “Great, this will do,” Seireri said. “Come, have a good rest, and we will cast the spell in the morning.” “Why not do it right...
There was excitement in the air. Vennoa could see children happily running around, as if this was a circus or fair of some sort. Were they adventurers? Or children of adventurers? Some of the children seemed to be ... floating? Vennoa peered a little more closely. The children appeared to be drinking some sort of potion, and then start floating. Well, not all of them. Some of the children started bouncing, at a higher frequency and greater height than a regular child’s bouncing. And yet...
“And that’s how we got that Beholder to let us in,” Tempest boasted. Vennoa rolled her eyes. Her memory of the event involved both the Beholder and Tempest knocked out cold from the alcohol. She was seated in a tavern with Tempest. The two rangers had gone off separately after the convention, while she and Tempest had decided to stick together, at least for a while more. As much as she wouldn’t admit it, Tempest had a simplicity to his personality that Vennoa appreciated. And it didn’t hurt...
Hearing the chanting from the kobolds, Agate stopped the donkey pulling the cart. Tempest continued walking down the road, with his arms out, clearly showing that he was unarmed at the moment. The goblin, who had walked back to the edge of the road, pulled out a javelin that had been strapped to its back, and threw the javelin at Tempest. Tempest tried to dodge the javelin, but failed. The javelin hit him square in the chest, and Tempest fell to the ground. Rage filled Vennoa. She jumped up...
Vennoa and Tempest traveled towards Tensia in a caravan, and their trip was mostly uneventful. The caravan encountered some bandits along the way, but before Vennoa and Tempest could get off the caravan to help fend off the bandits, some armored riders had arrived, and the bandits scrambled off as quickly as they could. From the rags that the bandits had been wearing, Vennoa figured that they were likely poor and hungry. She almost felt sorry for them. The armored people had identified...
Pua had heard the noise too, and quickly signaled for Fender to rejoin the party. The party cautiously walked towards the tunnel where they had heard the sound from. It was a short tunnel, and they didn’t hear any other sounds. They poured into the next cavern quickly, hoping to surprise whatever was in there. There was a group of about ten kobold adults, huddling in the corner. The kobold adults seemed smaller than the ones they had fought before, and they were clutching smaller-sized...
The party of five — Agate, Fender, Pua, Tempest, and Vennoa — headed towards the North gate of Tensia. Priestess Seireri had told them to head to the nearest farm, which was about half a day’s walk North outsideTensia. As they walked along the streets of Tensia, Vennoa could feel the air of wetness and depression settle back down onto her and the rest of the party. The temple had provided a brief respite, but now they were back in the thick of it. It was morning, and the sight was similar to...
They kept moving along the trail until again, it became blended in with the surroundings and they weren’t sure if they were on the trail. Pua, as always, insisted that they were heading the right way. Over time, the trees started becoming less dense, and the sunlight began to pour through gaps in the canopy. “See? I told you I knew the way,” Pua said proudly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Agate said. “The trees. There’s less of them now,” Pua said slowly. “Yes, I noticed...
In a flash, Pua appeared. Vennoa had lost track of him in the first moments of battle, but now she could make out his familiar shell again. He had engaged the armored kobold, ostensibly from behind, and the two were duking it out. The flying kobolds had ascended and retreated, probably looking for more rocks. Agate took the moment to rush over to Tempest. He reached and took Tempest’s potion of healing, and poured it into Tempest’s mouth. Tempest looked immediately better again. Agate also...
The cart was small. Much smaller than they had thought. So small, in fact, that only two people could conceivably fit in it. The couple had also loaned them their donkey, after Pua steadfastly refused to pull the cart. However, the donkey looked rather old and hungry, so all it could do was to pull the cart. There was no way anyone could ride on it. Fender had jumped onto the cart and plopped herself down. The rest of them hesitated, not sure if they should also get on the cart. Vennoa took...
“Spread out!” Pua yelled, darting in one direction. The rest of them followed suit in other directions. Vennoa shot a firebolt at one of the flying kobolds, but it went too far to the side and hit nothing. Fender had quickly loaded her crossbow and fired, and gave a whoop as she hit the other flying kobold. However, even with the bolt sticking out of its leg, it continued flying towards them. Vennoa steadied her aim to fire again, but was pushed to the side by Agate. She harshly turned to...
From the far side of the cavern, a kobold face appeared. It peered into the cavern for a second, and then withdrew out of sight. Loud chattering could be heard from that direction, and Vennoa understood that the kobold was yelling to other kobolds about the party’s location. Pua took a deep breath, drew his swords, and walked calmly towards the tunnel where the kobold had disappeared into. Pua looked a little better now after being out of the sun for some time. Agate also took out his dagger...
Of the twenty or so kobolds surrounding them, most were clustered near the far tunnel, blocking their progress. There were five or so kobolds behind them, and another five standing with crossbows at the side of the party, on the other wall of the cavern. “You two handle the ones with crossbows,” Pua instructed Fender and Vennoa, as he headed towards the far tunnel. Fender raised her crossbow and took aim, as did the kobolds. Crossbow bolts flew across the room. While the kobolds were...
The party — Agate, Fender, Pua, and Vennoa — started on their next quest. They had left Tempest’s body in the care of Priestess Seireri, who had promised to take good care of him in the meantime. “You must hurry,” Seireri had said. “We can only return his spirit to his body in the first ten days. After which, you would need much stronger magic that we don’t have.” They left the Temple of Selune as quickly as they could, and headed towards the city gates. Everyone felt somewhat responsible...
The party searched the bodies of the kobolds and goblin, and mostly found mundane items, like daggers and shovels. The goblin’s chainmail armor looked to be of reasonable quality, but no one in the party could fit in it, and no one wanted to strip the dead goblin of its armor. So, they moved the corpses out of the way, and continued along the road. Vennoa and Fender went back to the cart, and the old donkey resumed trudging along. Pua walked slightly in front of the party again, and this...
The party headed into the other tunnel. It was also a short tunnel, and led to yet another cavern. This time, instead of women and children, the cavern had a raised platform of sorts carved into the stone. On the platform, there was an older-looking kobold seated on a throne-like chair made of rock. He was not wearing leather armor like the other kobolds they had fought. Instead, he was wearing clothes made of colorful cloth. A long staff rested against the throne. Beside the old kobold were...
The next thing Vennoa knew, Agate was kneeling beside her, holding an empty potion flask in his hand. He must have poured some into Vennoa’s mouth when she was out. “Can you fight?” Agate asked urgently. Vennoa nodded. “Tempest?” Agate looked sad. “He’s down. He broke free of the spell and charged at the orc, but the orc dispatched him. He managed to take the orc down with him though.” Vennoa wailed. Then, she asked, “Can you give him a potion of healing, like you did for me?” Agate...
Vennoa marched on ahead, and the rest of the party followed along, hoping that they would somehow stumble upon the Dwarven Fort. “Hey!” Fender called out. Everyone stopped for a second and looked at her. She had a few sheets of paper in her hands, and a few hastily stuffed sheets were sticking halfway out of her pack. “There’s a map of the area here,” Fender continued. “And there are three marked entrances.” Fender laid a paper on the ground, and everyone gathered around. Pua looked at...
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Early in the year, i happily retired from job, of thirty odd years.I had worked hard, provided a good home for my family, and now i was of pension age, i decided it was time for me to enjoy it too.I soon relaxed into a casual life style of lazy mornings. pottering around the garden, and taking my loving wife out when ever she wanted to.Then around the end of November, Mary, my wife, spotted an advert in the local paper, apparently the local shopping mall was looking for someone to play Santa...
Have you been good? Well then, I'll tell you what happened on Christmas Eve!As i said before i recently retired this year, having spent many years working hard and taking care of my family.And when the local mall advertised for a Santa, for their grotto, my wife persuaded me to apply, and i got the job.That's when i met the young Lizzy, my helper Elf, a twenty something hot brunette, with black and red pigtails, a slim hot body, and great little hot bald pussy, as i found out, because for the...
Have you been good? Well then, I'll tell you what happened on Christmas Eve!As i said before i recently retired this year, having spent many years working hard and taking care of my family.And when the local mall advertised for a Santa, for their grotto, my wife persuaded me to apply, and i got the job.That's when i met the young Lizzy, my helper Elf, a twenty something hot brunette, with black and red pigtails, a slim hot body, and great little hot bald pussy, as i found out, because for the...
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FantasyOk, I know that it has literally been about 5 years since i last did Lara and the Elf 4. One thing has led to another and I've not had a chance until now to actually sit down and write the 5th part of my sex epic adventure. I even had to go back and reread it so I could remember what I wrote. Luckily I had save the copy in my email. Really came in handy so that I could finish it. Enjoy the long awaited part 5. Hope it makes many pussies and cocks alike drip as they read. Email me at...
EroticTime moved on; the elves aged slower; Caroline was content to age at the correct rate for her baby, unaware that she was expecting triplets; Angela grew apace, her young body blooming with the baby inside. Krill wondered how this would end, but he knew he would not desert his lovely girls, or the child in Angela’s belly. Demelza was still trying to conceive at every possible opportunity; which was pleasant enough for Krill, and certainly for Demelza. Angela was content to let her sister take...
The orc encampment was a shambles – like any structure associated with the greenskin races. Most of the so-called tents were just pieces of material held up by sticks. Narfath’s tent was different. Though consisting of multi-colored and badly cut material the whole structure did at least resemble a tent. It into this place Brienne was carried. Narfath ordered some goblins to clear away evidence of quite a boozy feast and to light some candles. Brienne was tossed groundwards. She landed on...
We were putting up the tree and talking about what to get our friends. I joked about how the guys we had kinky weekends with always would pick her prim little pussy. I had been joking, but after a few giggles she thought about it and said that she could see doing that. We got horny talking about whether to do it or not, and once we agreed to go for it she asked who I had in mind. I said either Doug and Ray or Bob and Kurt, and to my surprise she ask in a coy voice "Why couldn't we invite them...
Eshenesra’s long ears twitched as she grew close to the village, she could hear the sounds of merriment coming from the center of town. The faint sound of raucous laughter and a bawdy tune. As she drew closer to the sounds, she began to discern more of the song being played and felt a blush rise to her cheeks, humans certainly did have interesting imaginations, this particular song being a tale of a foolish warlock apprentice who summoned a succubus without taking the proper care to guard...
I am dreaming. I am looking down at my pink 'All-Stars' as they float over wet paving slabs. I stand at the curbside then step out into the road. BANG. I wake with a jolt, chest heaving, my body glistening in cold icy sweat. 'Fricking stress dream.' I tell myself. Beth hasn't stirred. Her forehead pressed against my neck, lips touching my shoulder, breathing across my collarbone. On my back her knee is across mine, her hand resting down the front of my panties, fingers in my soft curls. The...
LesbianThey escorted her to the castle. It was something between an escort and a guard; she didn’t make a fuss. The princess called for the woman to be brought to her. She had seen her first, so she got to play with her. The horse was put in the stables and found the surroundings to his liking; the grass was sweet and good smelling, but the horse beside him smelled sweeter. He could tell this was a special animal, though, having his senses dulled by the lack of magic in the human world, he could...
Caroline was starting to appreciate the place she was in rather than looking to be somewhere else. She remembered her friends, family, parents; and she worried that they would be sad or grieve; but as An-Krill, and An’n-Krill had explained, and the augra they had consulted had confirmed, there was little to be done at present. They had to locate Krill. Time rushed and slowed, rushed and slowed. How was that possible? She aged, chronologically, 3 years; but she aged, physically, only a day or...
It was just before Christmas and we had gone away, "Up North", shall we say, for a couple of nights getaway.In one of the local pubs, close to where we were staying, we spotted a flyer advertising a "Christmas dress up" themed party in a nightclub the following night. Zoe always likes to dress up, so decided on trying to source an outfit the following morning in the town.It wasn't mandatory to wear fancy dress so it was only her that got an outfit. She opted for the Naughty Elf look: a...
Wife LoversIt was a busy week. The mages showed up the day after I had opened the secret passages. It was early in the morning and I had climbed out of my crowded bed and started making rounds of the injured from the day before. As I was leaving the bunkhouse slash stables I saw them enter the gate. There were four of them and they walked as if they owned the world. As they came up to me they were abrupt, “boy, where is this entrance to the Keep passages?” I looked them up and down slowly which...
Caroline could feel herself not ageing. It was the weirdest feeling. Humans just accept from day one that they age; it is like sound or smells that are always there, they get filtered out of everyday life; and so did aging for people normally. But here, she had slowed and stopped. She liked being twenty five, her body had opted to stay there for a while in this new world. Her body still functioned, she still had monthly periods. It was one of the ways she kept track of time now, though there...
Samlock walked out of the larder. He hadn’t expected to step through into a food cave, but the arrangements left some details a little vague; this kind of thing had not been done for a while. At the same instant, Angela was in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet as it happened ... and then she wasn’t. She was found in some bushes luckily; appearing in the kings chamber, which had been the intention, with her arse uncovered, squeezing a poo out would have been devastating. She had had time to...
As she walked by the mirror in the employee lunchroom, the elf stopped and looked deeply into the reflection she cast. In order to see herself completely, she found herself standing on her tip-toes and looking down into the edge of the mirror until her green shoes came into view, silver bells jingling as she hopped from foot to foot. She was dressed from head to knee in fine green velvet trimmed with silver, the epitome of a Christmas elf, with some notable differences. The costume she wore was...
I am an elf. My name is Willmar Snowflake, but almost everyone calls me Willie. Those who know me well call me Wicked Willie. I am 111 years old, which is just at the beginning of elf adulthood. I am tall for an elf, almost 5 feet in height. I have bright red hair and a ruddy complexion. I'm fit and trim, no cookie belly for me! Those who have come to know me well have come to realize that my most outstanding feature can be found inside my pants; my cock is a thing of beauty – almost 10-inches...
An Elf and a Young Man By Cheryl Lynn This is my first sweet/sentimental story and probably my last. It is also my shortest but I hope you like it. Sorry for not posting at FM but my house and majority of contents lost to a major flood. Good news I'm almost back to normal. I've been blessed in many ways so I decided to do a sweet/sentimental story. I hope you enjoy it. This is a work of fiction and may be downloaded for personal use only. All standard disclaimers apply and...