The Kennedys 1 2 Kennedy in Charge
- 4 years ago
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As Kennedy was finishing up with her racing scull, she heard a funny, startled sound from Deb and turned to see what it was. A man was standing a few feet inside the door of the boat house, watching the two of them. At least, Kennedy thought, it wasn't Agent Larkin.
"Uncle Ferinc!" Deb said, obviously upset.
"Niece, please go busy yourself elsewhere for a time. I will talk to you after lunch."
Kennedy wasn't sure how old he was. He looked at times to be older than her father, other times as young as Mr. Glastonbury. Except Kennedy was sure that Mr. Glastonbury was older than he looked, because several times her tutor had spoken in the past tense as if he'd been at events long before.
Ferinc was dressed well, although Kennedy thought the undone trench coat was a little melodramatic. His nose was huge, his skin was dusky, his eyes brown and piercing.
"So, Miss Kennedy. I talked with your Watcher yesterday. He seemed in a hurry to return to his doxie -- not the sort of behavior I've heard of Watchers engaging in before."
"Perhaps he was as horny as the girls in this camp," Kennedy said. She blinked then, aware that those words weren't her own volition. Her eyes flamed with anger.
He held up a hand like a traffic policeman. "Yes, it's true. I laid a geas on you to tell me the truth. Please note that you sensed it at once, and right now, that part of my magic is ... feeling a painful pinch. I promise I won't do it again."
"I don't have any magic," she told him.
He smiled. "No ... and yes. Please, there isn't much time and young or old, sparring with the likes of you will leave lumps and sore spots on my aging body. Miss Kennedy, the Roma owe people like you a debt of gratitude that knows no bounds. I am fully aware of what passed yesterday. There was no way you'd have left my niece while there was still breath left in your body."
"That you have right!"
"Then be assured of this as well: that is how we pay our debts, we Roma. Unto the last breath in our bodies. Melodramatic, but true. We will do everything in our power to keep you out of this. As the saying goes, the fix is in." He grinned at her.
"Okay," Kennedy said, not knowing what else to say.
"One little favor, before I take my leave, day after tomorrow. You and I should spend a few moments together with our blades. Practice, you know. Spectators limited to you and the Roma. A half dozen. It will be a salutatory lesson to all."
"Why is that?" Kennedy asked, curious.
"Because they think I'm a genius with a blade. Perhaps, in the regular world, I am. But you and I, Miss Kennedy, don't belong to the regular world."
"Why should I believe you?"
He grinned. "If I was dark, my family would sense it, almost at once. Deb, of course, first. Then Steffie, then Lauren. All of them try to deny their ability when it comes to Second Sight." He tapped the side of his head. "But you can't hide from another with it. Our King is more short-sighted than most -- but that is our politics, and of no interest to such as you.
"Besides, every time I come to visit Lauren I am reduced to laughter. Do you have any idea how hard it is to scam our king? That my baby sister does it by telling the truth is the most wonderful joke! After this is over, people will be telling this story a thousand years from now. And maybe, just maybe, we might get a king whose claim to fame isn't who his mother slept with."
Kennedy's mind was running in a thousand different directions. It quickly realized the conundrum in the last sentence. "I thought kings..." she paused, unsure how to say it.
"True, Miss Kennedy, very true. However, like your people, we ignore such things in polite company. Now you know far too much about the politics of the Roma. Please, you reflected the geas back on me. Have a heart!"
"I didn't do anything!"
He smiled as if he knew she was lying through her teeth instead of just confused.
Mr. Waterman appeared at Kennedy's elbow. "Roma, do you know seaweed?"
Ferinc grinned. "Not as intimately as I'm about to, am I?"
"No. Now go."
Ferinc turned to go and abruptly sprawled forward, going face down, hard. Only at the last second did he catch himself before his face splatted on the ground.
He rose and bowed to Mr. Waterman, waving the piece of sea weed that had brought him low. "Don't trust hospitality too far, Waterman," Ferinc told the demon.
Mr. Waterman sniffed in derision and Ferinc turned and, this time, managed to escape with his dignity.
"Why did you do that?" Kennedy asked, mystified.
"He and I once loved the same woman. As is the way of the world, she chose someone else entirely. But that hasn't stopped the hard feelings."
"I'm not even going to ask how long ago that was, but I bet it wasn't yesterday."
"Forty-three years," Mr. Waterman said, nodding.
"Yeah, well that was before my parents were alive. Maybe it's time for you guys to give it a rest."
He smiled. "A hundred or so years ago, the Roma caught Angelus, one of the worst of the vampires. They cursed him terribly. One of their nastiest spells. Angelus had been killing gypsies for a couple of hundred years by then. They gave him a soul, so that he would know the depths of evil he'd plumbed.
"Irony, Miss Kennedy, is that they thought in a week, perhaps two at most, he'd kill himself, going mad with grief and guilt. Instead, here it is today and they have a vampire on their hands who goes around saving people and doing good, trying to redeem himself as contrition for his past sins. They created him and now they can't unmake him. Ironic, yes?"
Kennedy could only shrug. How do you make heads or tails of a war that was thousands of years old, and that involved practically everyone, even if practically no one knew about it? But it was clear what Mr. Waterman's point was: Angelus had killed for centuries and had never been forgotten or forgiven. They'd done what they did, and now a century later they talked about it as Mr. Glastonbury talked about current events.
She went to lunch with the others in her cabin, then Debbie went to see her uncle while Kennedy went to the hiking group.
"Today," Steffie told the group, "we're not quite so many as we were yesterday. Does anyone not understand why that happened?"
There was no sound, several of the girls were looking at the ground. "Good!" Steffie said with false cheerfulness. "Then we'll never talk about it again, and no one will ever be that brain-dead again."
She waved at the camp. "Yesterday we hiked more or less cross country. Today we'll do something more difficult. It's a mile and a third to town, the same amount back. We'll hike along the road.
"I'll not kid you; this is dangerous. All it takes is one clueless driver to mow us all down. We will be walking on the wrong side of the road, so we can see them coming. Anytime there is a vehicle of any sort coming at us from any direction, you'll pay attention to it and be ready to get out of its way if it becomes necessary. Odds are, it won't be a problem -- but it only takes one clueless idiot to spoil the rest of your life.
"Oh, and one other thing: you will find that walking on asphalt isn't nearly as nice as walking on dirt and forest litter."
She set off at brisk pace, everyone keeping up this time. Still, Kennedy hung back and walked just in front of Cindy. Cindy didn't say anything; she just walked along without expression, her oversize pack jutting up over her head.
They'd gone halfway when Ruby pulled up. She sat down on a rock near the road and started to take off her boot. Cindy came up and stood next to her. "What's the problem?"
Ruby sounded exasperated and angry. "I didn't want to stop; I swear, I didn't want to stop. But I have a rock in my boot and..." Kennedy saw the other girl close her eyes and start leaking tears. "I'm not a wuss. I can do this!"
She opened her eyes and looked at Cindy. "I can do this! I can! I'll just be a second."
Bravado was gone; threats were gone. Kennedy waved at the leg Ruby had been favoring. "Let's see what you did."
"I'm fine, really."
Cindy had been around the block as well. "Ruby, girl, you can do one of two things. Take off your boot and show me, or join Kennedy and I as we run to catch up."
Ruby closed her eyes, squinching them shut with frustration. There were even more tears, Kennedy saw.
Without a word, Ruby unlaced her boot, then pulled off her sock. Kennedy saw the brown stains and so did Cindy. Both of them stared stonily at the ruin that was Ruby's foot.
"Girl, I'm not going to bother to ask how you could walk on that." Cindy turned to Kennedy. "Steffie said to treat you like another junior counselor. I don't know about that. The two of you go back to camp. It's not that far."
She spoke to Ruby. "You need to keep your weight off that foot. Not just some of the time, but all of the time. Lean on Kennedy; use her as a crutch. Hop."
Ruby looked at Kennedy then at Cindy. "She's too tall. I could do it with you."
"And I can't leave Steffie out here with that many campers without an assistant."
"I can carry her, it's not a problem," Kennedy told her.
Cindy nodded. "Yeah, that'll work. A fireman's carry works best. She hangs on your back. Not hard at all."
Kennedy shook her head. "No, I'll just carry her in my arms."
"It's half a mile girl, and Ruby isn't dainty fluff like me."
Kennedy smiled. "Maybe not to you, but to me, she's like a dandelion puff."
Cindy frowned. "Pick her up then," she waved at Ruby.
Kennedy promptly scooped up Ruby, holding her easily.
"Well, try it. If nothing else she can lean on you until we get back. Someone can spell you then."
Kennedy nodded and Cindy started after the rest, while Kennedy looked both ways, then crossed the two lanes of asphalt and started walking back to camp.
"It would be easier," Kennedy said after a second, "if you put your arm around my neck."
Ruby sniffed. "I'm not stupid! I'm not like that, okay? I was, but I gave it up!"
"Whatever, easy or hard makes no difference to me," Kennedy said and continued along.
They'd been going for ten minutes and the camp gate was in sight, when Ruby said something Kennedy couldn't understand. "What was that?"
"I hate you, do you understand? You can help me, you can do whatever you want, but I still hate you."
Kennedy chuckled. "That hate and five bucks will buy you a cup of coffee at any Starbuck's. It's nothing to me."
"You said you wanted to make friends! I'm your enemy!"
Again Kennedy laughed. "Ruby, you have no idea who my enemies are. If you did, you'd hide under your bed, with your teeth chattering. Yeah, I want to make friends. But there are hundreds of girls at the camp, and I'm not going to meet most of them, much less make friends with them. I'm spending my time with those I know."
"Ruby, I'm sorry your first year wasn't what you expected or wanted. But you have to understand that was your experience. Not mine, not that of most of the other girls who come here. Why not just be quiet and let us have a good time? If you want to have a bad time, that's your choice. Leave the rest of us alone."
"Yeah, and if you didn't want to fuck me, tell me why you want me to put my arm around your neck?"
"Because if your arm was around my neck, I could run back to camp and we'd have been there ten minutes ago. I might be younger than you, but that doesn't stop me from taking even the smallest responsibility seriously. I will get you back to camp, safe and sound."
They walked a little further and Kennedy finally broke the silence. "How come no threats this time? No spells, no geases, none of that?"
Ruby laughed. "It's one thing to play around on the bus. My mother would totally freak if she found that gypsies run the camp. A couple of years ago she had a gypsy palm reader read my future. The old woman mumbled for a very long time, I mean, more than an hour; nothing she said made sense. My mother yelled at her to sober up, and either say something sensible or give us our money back.
"That old gypsy woman laughed at her. 'Your daughter will be a great hero. Or a great evil. Either is in her heart. You though, you have a small heart. Go away. I don't want your money.'"
My mother started yelling at her, screaming at her, awful words. Words like I hear at school. You know what the old lady did?"
"Not a clue," Kennedy told Ruby.
"She said, 'Begone the begonias!' and then waved her hands. When we got home Mom's prize begonia bed was dead. I mean, not just a little wilted, but stone cold dead. Nothing she has been able to do in the last two years will get anything to grow there, not even weeds."
She looked at Kennedy. "I want to be a witch. I do. I figured, where there's gypsies, there's magic. So I came back, even though I hate it."
"Why do you hate it, Ruby?" Kennedy thought it was a simple question. She had a lot to learn, she found, about what a simple question truly was.
"Go fuck yourself! You want to fuck me! You are all alike!"
"Ruby, I wish I had a tape recorder so I could play back your words," Kennedy said patiently. "No one wants to sleep with you because you're like a porcupine. All spines and hate. I'm sorry about whatever happened before, Ruby, but I'm not going to fuck you; I'm not even going to try. I like sweet and cuddly friends!"
"What happened before? A girl made love to me. It was different; it was nice, wonderful and beautiful. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before. Then she told me she was a butterfly and I had to understand that it was time for her to find another flower.
"I cried, do you understand? The bitch fucked me and then went to someone else! A slut! Do you understand? She was a slut! And then this other girl was sympathetic, she listened to me and assured me that she was something else. And we made love and it was even better than before."
She was silent then as Kennedy steadily carried her. "Then what happened?"
"Then camp came to an end. She lived a long ways away. We talked a few times on the phone; we exchanged emails. Then she said she'd found a friend who went to her school and hoped I understood."
Kennedy was silent after Ruby had her say. Finally Kennedy stopped for a second. "Well, you'll never like me then, not at all. They call the first kind of girl a butterfly. The second a nester. Me, I'm a Carnival girl."
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Ruby demanded.
"Butterflies change partners a little less often than you change socks, Ruby. Nesters don't change partners, not here -- and I understand, maybe not later, but I understand how it could be hard to be faithful to someone one far away that you rarely or never see."
"Not if you love them!"
Kennedy sighed. "Ruby, if you know what love is, let me know, because I haven't a clue about it. I feel urges in my body towards people. Some more than others, and none at all towards some. Love? I have no idea about love whatsoever. I like my friend, Harriet. She was my first ever friend. We kissed goodnight once, for about a second. I kissed her on the cheek yesterday. I don't think that counts. We don't live close together, but we talk on the phone, we send letters and emails. I don't think anything will ever shake our friendship.
"You didn't say what a Carnival girl is," Ruby returned to her theme.
"Someone who doesn't even think about tomorrow," Kennedy said. "Love today, no heed for tomorrow, much less the day after."
"Put me down!" Ruby demanded.
Kennedy obliged. Ruby was furious, Kennedy saw. "You're not trying to seduce me?"
"No," Kennedy said. No matter what Deb said, she wasn't.
"And all you're doing is carrying me back to camp because my foot's messed up?"
"That's right."
"And you don't secretly have the hots for my body?"
Kennedy shrugged. Not!
She realized Ruby had a funny look on her face. "What are you thinking, Ruby?"
"I'm thinking maybe it should be me fucking you, you know, eh?"
Kennedy laughed. "Ruby, a gypsy laid a geas on me earlier today; I was supposed to tell him the truth. I did once, then blew it back at him. I have no idea how I did that, or even, for that matter if I did it, because I have only his word for it.
"Ruby, you couldn't force me to list my little finger on your best day, on my worst."
Ruby spun and started running into the forest, away from the road. She got a dozen steps, and ended up leaning against a tree, her face twisted in pain, balancing on one foot. Kennedy took her time, deliberately walking up to her. "What was that about?"
"I want to die. I want to run and run and run and never stop. Except my foot hurts too fucking much." Ruby slowly slid down the tree until she was sitting on the ground.
Kennedy smiled at her. "You know what, Ruby?"
Kennedy reached down her hand and took Ruby's wrist and hauled her upright. Kennedy put her hands on the other girl's waist and lifted, then leaned her against a tree. Kennedy waved at the tree. "Think of it as a support structure."
Ruby said something that didn't sound very nice.
"You know what I think?" Kennedy finally said, looking at Ruby.
"Who the fuck cares what you think?" Ruby replied.
"You do. You know what your problem is? You want someone, anyone, to love you. But you don't dare even try to be loveable, in case someone actually tries, because you have no confidence in your judgment or theirs; you're afraid they'll leave you again."
Kennedy leaned close and brushed her lips over Ruby's. Ruby stared at Kennedy, her eyes wild.
"I'm a Carnival girl, Ruby. But for you, I offer a blue light special: say the word and I'll stick with you forever. A true nester. I'll swear I'll never take another lover until you tell me to get lost. How's that for a vote of confidence?"
"Where do you live?"
"Near White Plains, but I can, if I need to, be driven anywhere in New York state, if I want, any time I want."
Kennedy laughed. "Because it's the right thing to do. You don't trust anyone, do you? Me, I've learned to rely on the people around me. I need to talk to my teacher to hear what he says about if it's possible. But he's a resourceful fellow and I suspect it is."
"You'll tell everyone about us!"
Kennedy smiled to herself when Ruby said that. Girl, Kennedy thought, you just gave away the farm.
"No, I'm going to ask my teacher which is right: relying on those I know or others."
Ruby looked confused. "I don't understand."
"With luck," Kennedy told her, dragging her lips over Ruby's again, "you'll never find out. It's not something you ever want to know."
Ruby lifted her lips and kissed back. In a few seconds, tongues were entwined. Kennedy was the first to go past kissing, popping the snap on Ruby's jeans, then sliding her hand inside the other girl's panties. Ruby moaned and Kennedy slid her finger inside Ruby, stroking the walls of her vagina. Ruby moaned again, then sighed loudly.
Kennedy was surprised. Ruby had come with a fraction of the effort of any other girl she'd met.
Ruby confirmed that a second later, when she stopped Kennedy's hand from pursuing a second orgasm.
"Now you know my secret."
Kennedy shook her head. "Now, I have no clue."
"How easy it is to make me come. Rub my breasts, rub my pussy and a few seconds later, I come. I cry sometimes, scared that a boy will find out. Kennedy, I don't know how to say no!"
"Well," Kennedy said with a laugh, "you don't have to say no to me. But we'll see if there's something we can do about it."
"You'll tell on me!"
"Ruby, if you want to do this again with me, people will notice. I won't have to tell anyone, you don't have to say anything -- they'll see."
Ruby started crying. "I don't deserve a nice person like you, do I?"
"Ruby, it's not a question of deserve, okay? It's about people who care about each other. Tonight, Ruby, I don't know what's on the schedule, but I'll be a step behind you, okay?"
"You will?" It seemed like the idea was a stunning surprise to Ruby.
"I will. Look, there's this other girl. Tonight, I swear, I'll kiss her and that's all. One kiss; not terribly long. I just can't leave without something, you understand?"
"You'd do that for me?"
"Ruby, if we become lovers, we'll be partners, do you understand? I'm not going to dominate you and you're not going to dominate me. Together, do you understand? Equals."
Ruby nodded her head as if Kennedy was talking the highest treason, but one she wanted to have a part in.
In the distance, Kennedy heard voices. With a start she looked at her watch! It had been a half hour!
"The others are coming, Ruby, and we're going to have to appear."
"I had to pee," Ruby said with sudden assurance.
Kennedy shook her head. "You wanted to talk, okay?"
Ruby looked at her and shook her head. "Someone will guess!"
"Ruby, people may or may not. Who cares? I don't. You shouldn't. This is our business, between you and me. I swear to you the girl I've been with is okay with my leaving."
"And I wasn't with anyone," Ruby mused.
"That's right. Ruby, I don't lie, okay? Not ever, not even about the smallest thing. I may not tell people all I know, but I don't lie."
"That's stupid."
"It's who I am, Ruby. You have to take the good with the bad."
Ruby snapped her jeans together, zipped them up and Kennedy went out to the road.
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"It tastes like crap," Ruby blurted out smugly as she scarfed down a slice of lemon meringue with an exaggerated wince on her face. She still held onto that ch!ldlike honesty but mixed it with teenage sarcasm. I expected to hear that from her as she munched on the homecoming cake I purchased last minute for her. Had I known Ruby was coming back home today, I would have had time to fix her up something better rather than buy one at a gas station along the way to the airport. "It's...
precursor/tangent story can be read here:"So how does it taste?""It tastes like crap," Ruby blurted out smugly as she scarfed down a slice of lemon meringue with an exaggerated wince on her face.She still held onto that ch!ldlike honesty but mixed it with teenage sarcasm. I expected to hear that from her as she munched on the homecoming cake I purchased last minute for her. Had I known Ruby was coming back home today, I would have had time to...
The big night finally arrived. I was holding hands with my sexy, slutty girlfriend Ruby, riding up the elevator to a high floor suite to meet up with Ruby's college lover Dmitri and his boyfriend Andy. I had butterflies in my stomach and a buttplug in my ass. Tonight was going to be my first time getting fucked by real cocks. Ruby had prepared me thoroughly. I was nervous, excited, scared, turned on... The anticipation had become almost painful and I needed for this night to happen. For the...
BisexualDear ISS Readers,This is Rajiv again, Rajiv Dogra. I am here with my second story of fucking a beautiful neighborhood damsel Ruby, a mere 18 years young eye candy who was still studying. Friends first take a look at my and don’t miss the feedback I got there from friend readers. I am tempted to make a feast to all you fuck-story-lovers with my second story and hope to gather many more friends… Girlfriends …… only. Please…Here we go.. Her name was Ruby Jha. She lived just next door to me where...
It was about three years ago when Ruby and I(Roja) first met. We were working together in an office, sharing a desk. Our boss spent most of his time out of the office usually on business meetings. He never said exactly where he went but he told us that he knew he could trust us to get on with the work. Ruby and I didn’t mind this at all, so we never asked where he was going. Since Ruby and I were the only employees, with the boss out of the picture we could relax. The work was fairly mundane,...
It was about three years ago when Ruby and I(Roja) first met. We were working together in an office, sharing a desk. Our boss spent most of his time out of the office usually on business meetings. He never said exactly where he went but he told us that he knew he could trust us to get on with the work. Ruby and I didn’t mind this at all, so we never asked where he was going. Since Ruby and I were the only employees, with the boss out of the picture we could relax.The work was fairly mundane,...
Note:I realize this story is based off of "The Princess Bride" torture scene. I've always had this fantasy and needed to put it in print. I claim no copyright of "The Princess Bride" dialogue, setting, or other aspects. This is simply for entertainment.?Also, I am always looking for stories like this, if you are an author and would like to write a similar one/continuation, please do so! I would love some help getting this concept in print more, and maybe one day in an actual porno (minus the...
Ruby slipped her arm around Jimmy's waist as they went out front to see her new car. "Oh Jimmy, I seem to get stronger just leaning on you." He hugged her tighter against him. "Darlin', we give each other strength and I wouldn't have it any other way." They stopped beside the new canary yellow Olds eighty-eight convertible with all the bells and whistles. "Jimmy, what took you so long to get around to getting me my own car?" "Well in the first place you don't need a car, you got...
I had just been out on a date with Ruby and, to be honest, it had not gone well. Even at the start of the evening Ruby seemed uninterested in what I had to say and got more bored over the course of a couple of hours. The only time she showed enthusiasm was when I asked about her music. She talked quite a lot about the band she was in and their up coming gigs but I didn't know enough about music to engage with her. It's not my type of thing. I'm more into sports but that wasn't Ruby's type...
Ruby looked up from her desk and stared forward at the board. She stared upon her gorgeous professor. She looked back down at her notebook which she had scribbled all over trying to escape the many fantasies floating around in her head about the college professor Mr Farlane who had taken over the college class barely weeks before after the other teacher had retired. He was barely thirty years old with short dirty blond hair cut in a military type style. He was well muscled without being too...
One month passed and Ruby had not begun to show her pregnancy yet, except for the imperceptible inch she gained in her waist. Even that tiny inch was probably due to her improved diet. Although she figured she was in her sixth week, perhaps a little over six weeks pregnant, she felt no hint of tiny life growing inside her. She was afraid of what Jimmy might say or think if he found out, she was pregnant. She had heard the guys back in Perkins go on about how "no man wanted to raise another...
Ruby cleaned the office and then headed for Phil's house for what promised to be a night of passion for both of them.Although he had fucked her in the office, withdrawing before he came, and also fucked her in the arse what twenty-eight-year-old Phil Cooper really wanted to do was to make love to the gorgeous fifty-four-year-old West Indian lady. She had phoned to invite herself to his house but she had not yet told him what had changed for her to have made that call.Ruby arrived and Phil was...
InterracialTo Ruby, the early Sunday morning sunshine seemed brighter than usual. She stretched hard and rolled over to look at Jimmy. He was awake. "I like to look at you, Ruby." His soft voice sent shivers through her stomach. Ruby kissed his bared chest and burrowed her face hard against his nipple. "Jimmy," she whispered. She rubbed her naked body against his. They began to make slow and gentle love, never in a hurry. She felt him tense, hug her tight and pour himself inside her. "I love you...
They had a month of peace. At last, Ruby became aware of the changes within her own body. She felt a tightening in her belly and knew the baby inside her was growing. One of her secret worries was the baby might resemble one of the uglier men she had been rented out to. In her mind she shied away from the name "whore." In her heart of hearts, she was never a whore. The part of her life where she became abased and used was locked off. Only at times like this did she think of those dark...
"Oh god," Ruby moaned to herself. "How in hell did mama have more than one baby? I'm only a few months along and I feel like..." she could not finish one complaint before the next one poured from her lips. "It's so hot and I feel like I want to die. I feel cranky and miserable. I feel like shit." She carried the baby low and had at last begun to show she was pregnant. "Sweet Jesus, won't this damned heat ever let up?" On hot humid days in late spring and early summer the old swamp...
Hello, people, this is Raj again with a new and a true story which happened between me and my cousin sister in law. To describe her. Her name is Ruby (name changed). She is 26 in age with a height of 6’feet and sexy figure to die for. She is a divorcee. She was into a love marriage however that did not work well and she got separated. Ruby got divorced six months ago and she stays with her parents now, my wife’s uncle and aunty. Our family was not in talking terms for a while with...
IncestIn order to get ready to play with Dmitri and Andy, Ruby insisted that I be trained first. She wanted my throat and ass to be ready for the boys to use me roughly. Our regiment began right away. In the morning when I awoke with the sun streaming through the blinds, Ruby was spooning me and gently stroking her middle finger over my asshole. I moaned and roused to the stimulation. She pushed her finger deep inside me, causing me to gasp. She pulled out and then told me to head to the bathroom....
BisexualGreta had already delivered her baby son right on time. She became a constant visitor to the Haggard household. "You know, Ruby, this little wooly booger looks just like his daddy," she told her friend and laughed. "He's got this mop of black hair, he's wrinkled all over and he's ugly as sin." Ruby laughed, "I bet Stanley is a real proud daddy, isn't he?" "I'll say. Man, when we go to temple that ugly little Jew is so proud he almost has the rabbi convinced you Christians made a...
I was asleep when Ruby buzzed to come up. It was 1:18am on Thursday night. She had mentioned she was having drinks with an old friend after work, so I didn't expect to see her, but I was happy for the company. I'd been feeling a bit pent up that night and I assumed the late visit was to scratch an itch.Ruby and I had been dating for about six months. I had met her at a friend's house party. She was clever and flirty and had a ripeness about her sexuality that bordered on obscene. She was...
BisexualNote : This story is completely fictional! Fifteen year old Ruby was doing her homework when the phone rang. It was Mrs. Jackson. She wanted her to baby sit. Tommy was a ten year old brat and she hated the boy. She said yes because she needed the money. When Ruby was inside Mrs. Johnson's house she ask her how long she would be gone."I'm going to a and I won't be home until early morning""That long" sighed Ruby.Mrs Jonson could see the girl was upset and said.""I'll give you forty dollars"Ruby...
First TimeI overslept which is something I rarely do and slipping on my tatty old boxers I went down for my morning caffeine fix and while it was brewing I made a fresh batch of juice, it’s always good to have some on hand as you never know when it will be needed. I looked out the back and saw Rachel hanging out her washing which mainly consisted of shorts and underwear and when she saw me at my door she smiled, “Hi Frank, how are you?” she asked which sparked up a quick conversation.She told me the...
Her foot throbbed; pain shot up from her ankle and ended in the pit of her stomach. She whimpered as she made her way into the living room. Somehow, she had gotten the cast wet while rinsing the clothes in the washing machine. It was soaked all the way through and became a sodden mess. She switched on the big late model Philco radio and sat back in the kitchen chair next to it to listen to "Stella Dallas" as Stella, the star of the soap opera, comforted Ruby as her raspy man's voice gave...
Once in the car and on their way to the Pagoda, Su Li's restaurant, Ruby let out a raucous laugh. "Oh Jimmy!" She began to laugh hard. Neither Ruby nor Jimmy was aware of the extent they had both outwardly changed. Some of the changes ran deep. Many of Ruby's were caused by fear she would be found out. With the love she had for the man who filled her life, she would do anything to keep the past buried. Jimmy had changed because Ruby had awakened him. "Yahoo!" he shouted as he steered...
Ruby sat in the livingroom of their backwoods home listening to her father and 5 uncles talk. They were all White Supremacist and hearing them talk was strange at best.Ruby had been educated in the public schools and knew that these relatives of hers were full of crap but she was also raised to respect them if not fear them and therefore said nothing against their philosophies.“It has taken a long time to build up to the point we are at now with the blacks and Jews running everything.” Says her...
Ruby could not believe her eyes when Jimmy parked his Oldsmobile in front of a well maintained cottage just outside the city limits. Her breath caught in her throat and she stared all amazed. To Ruby, it looked like Heaven on Earth, all painted in white with Dutch blue trim. She stared at the flowers in the front yard. Then she thought back to the broken down machine parts and wind blown litter she grew up with. There were no bits of trash scattered about like back home in Perkins. The grass...
Once they left the small café, Ruby urged Jimmy to walk a little faster toward their car. "Honey, I want to do some dastardly deeds on you and make you too weak to walk. I love you, man of mine." Jimmy was deep in thought and didn't hear her. "Ruby honey, you got to stop making me hard in public. It's embarrassing." "Jimmy, the crack of dawn or a knot hole in a tree makes you horny. You are so much man it takes an extra big body to hold it all." Jimmy snorted and grinned in spite...
We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...
Laura may have had a premonition that something was up. She certainly gave me the impression that she was uneasy. I wondered if she had spoken to one of the girls at the brothel. Why hadn't I warned them that she was not to know of the plan to retaliate against Ollie? If she knew I had skipped one of my classes that day and was planning to miss school the following day, she did not let on. With the answering machine light no longer blinking she did not resist when I pushed her toward the...
Kiki was laying out the plans for our housewarming party, when she got to that part, I thought it was an excellent idea. I'd been the entertainment at a few of Kiki's parties, back to her bachelorette party before we got married, it was always fun. This party was going to be for the girls in the office, but it was purely social, not something I'd get paid for, unlike that bachelorette party, I didn't mind either way. So the day of the party rolled around, I'm naked, except for the...
Hello friends this is preet..Sorry late ho gya.As you knew my dick is 6 and mein old writer hu iss parmeri story rimpy bhabhi ki chudai.And sweety bhabhi ki chudai…And mein business man hu Chandigarh se yeh story ek sales bhabhi jo airtel mein kam karti hai jiska naam ruby hai… This is my first incident with ruby when I was of 21 and I lost my first virginity as she works for airtel and her figure is 36.32.36 she is so sexy cant tell you she works for airtel and call me for connection fir...
As our sexual and friends relationship continued to grow through the years, Ruby and Betty shared many ideas on how to keep the spice growing.It started with oils and creams followed by experimenting in bed with positions. Both ladies knew how much I loved them naked and shaven but they wanted to feel the silky things most women enjoyed. I got a bonus at work and when I went home to them, I gave each $200 to do with what they wanted to excite them as well as me in bed. My thank you for that was...
This event took place five years into my twelve year love affair with Ruby, which placed her at being 75. We met at the senior center and started a weekly affair that took us to all sorts of sexual adventures. She was one VERY arousing and open-minded woman!I left work for the afternoon and picked Ruby up at her home and we made for our favorite eatery. We enjoyed a wonderful seafood lunch and a bottle of wine, which was what we usually had week week. But we also knew that we wanted to be home...
Jimmy felt out of place as he sat beside Ruby in the Haven Of Rest Baptist Church. He sat straight and fidgeted. He wanted it to all be over with. From the podium, he looked out over the sea of faces, all strangers. Ruby seemed more at ease as they waited for Reverend Friend to give the bible lesson to the Sunday night congregation. Because of the incident with Leech that afternoon and the radio coverage of the affair, the church was full to overflowing. People stood in the aisles while...
She quietly sobbed “I will do anything for you”. “So will any girl I buy,” I correctly answered, and she sobbed harder, knowing it was true. A girl in this world could only be as valuable as the body she was born with, no matter how hard she worked to be appealing. Ruby was a medium-height girl with curly frizzy dark brown hair and a high-cheekboned but slightly pointed ostrich-like face that I found cute and girlish but not exactly pretty or beautiful. She was cute to play with, control...
This is the first part of what I plan to be a long story line. If you have questions, comments or even complaints please email me at [email protected] This work is intended for a mature audience, it will contain big words, strong sexual themes, exploits and well, it will get rather explicit basically. If you are one to be offended by transgender themed erotica, don't read this basically. Gavin Mason looked around the bar. It wasn't a very good bar, it was a Casino Bar. The...
“Please fuck me. Please fuck me. Please fuck me…”Ruby would repeat it, over and over again, her lily-white skin clammy and sweating as her breaths billowed up her bare breasts in rapid, shallow, panicked breaths. Tattoo had rescued her. He had not spoken, not directly, showing images of the gigantic jellyfish in the sea, its tendrils insert in a thousand different girls constantly convulsing with orgasm after orgasm. My roommate had been attached for months, pussy, anus and mouth still dripping...
Monster SexSitting in my house staring at the phone. My ass took 2 days to recover the brutal Ruby. But ever since then I been riding anything that was smooth enough to slide in my ass. I never had anal sex before Ruby. The closest thing I found to replicate her size was a cucumber. It’s like I need it, to be filled, I crave it. I picked up the phone and called Ruby. Oh hey Chris, hows it going she chuckled.Well I still need a new house and I want you to be my realtor. One sec. I hear a car door close.Oh...
Ruby didn’t have a judgmental bone in her body. Every suggestion of his, every “ask” was greeted with enthusiasm, a little giggle and a smile.“I want you to suck my cock?”“Yummy.”“Put the green dress on.”“You want me naked underneath?”They met at a coffee shop, the kind that is hard to find these days. No chain, no marketing, just a funky little spot on the corner of his street. Every day he stopped by for his morning cup. She served it up, hot with a smile. Just twenty-four, her English still...
Strap-On Sex"When we get to Woodward I'll take you to the hospital and have a doctor look at you. We need to get you checked out, Martha. I'm quite worried about you." Jake West turned his head to look in the back seat. Martha lay curled on her side. Her eyes were closed. Her face was contorted with pain. Beads of sweat stood out on her forehead. He flinched when her faint moans reached his ears. "Oh Jakey, I hurt bad. "I'm scared, Mister West," Reba told him, "real scared." He did not...
Of course, Kiki has lots of pictures, and videos of herself, they were all over the internet, and her website. I never wanted to be on that side of the camera, but now I knew that Kiki wanted it, I thought about it. Then we talked about it, I had lots of reservations about the idea, but Kiki came up with a plan I could live with. I never liked the idea of being naked (or fucking) in front of men, but women are no problem for me (now). Kiki said we could have Tina and Dana, the videographers,...
This is the finish of a set of stories I started once before. If you have questions, comments or even complaints please email me at [email protected] This work is intended for a mature audience, it will contain big words, strong sexual themes, exploits and well, it will get rather explicit basically. If you are one to be offended by transgender themed erotica, don't read this. = -=- = Gavin Mason looked the casino's poor excuse for a bar, full of people who had come to Vegas...
Ruby is a woman -- gorgeous to every syllable. She is 31 years old, tall, about 5' 6", 124 lbs, with a perfect and god-envying figure of 38C-29-38. She is fair in complexion and beautiful but there is something in her appearance that acts like a magnet to attract both sexes. Really, her large, bright and eloquent eyes, finely trimmed eyebrows, small forehead, a dense mass of jet-black hair on her head -- pruned carefully up to her mid back -- sharp nose and a pair of slightly protruded lips...
Incesti remember a girl i dated when i was a junior in high school and she was a 8th grader. we had been dating since the middle of summer and been having sex every single day it seemed. she had been with a few guys her age. she was about 5'3" black curly hair and a little on heavy side. i told her that i wanted her to fuck my friend, but she said no. i would always bring it up and especially when i was fucking her. i would ask her if she would like a huge dick in her or if she knew what...
Hi friends m a regular reader of ISS n yaha mein ne kafi stories padhi h jiski wajha se mujhe gutts mille h yeh apni story yaha batane ke liye. Any aunties or girls wanna get satisfy who r not satisfied from their bfs or husbands can msg me on Pehle mein apne baare may bata ta hu mein 20 yrs ka hu m student hu n mera naam h rajan mera cock 7″ long n 3″ wide h n mein ek average looking guy hu from hyderabad. Yeh meri pehli story h toh zyada tym na barbad karte hu story pe aata hu Meri ek...
This is the first part of what I plan to be a long story line. If you have questions, comments or even complaints please email me at [email protected] This work is intended for a mature audience, it will contain big words, strong sexual themes, exploits and well, it will get rather explicit basically. If you are one to be offended by transgender themed erotica, don't read this basically. Gavin Mason looked around the bar. It wasn't a very good bar, it was a Casino Bar. And...
Hi, Friends… My name is Hrishi I am an ISS fan for long. I enjoy reading the experiences. Today I thought let me try to share my experience with you all. Let me tell you about myself I am 26 years old, medium built and decent looking man. I am working in a MNC bank as a manager back in Kolkata. The story is my real experience which happened 6 months ego I chat a lot in yahoo and got some good friends from there one of them was Ruby. Our chatting started casually no sex of that sort of thing was...