Forced To Become A CD Slut
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Day Forty-two - Sunday
Sue was murmuring, making sounds as if she were talking in her sleep. She was also holding me to her, clutching me tight enough that a nipple was jammed against one of the big arteries, I think they're called the carotid arteries, in my neck making me get light-headed.
When I pulled back a little to let blood flow, Sue said, "No, no, don't go, no." Pulling her back into me, holding her so her womanly form wouldn't restrict my breathing or blood flow, I kissed her neck and cheek to reassure her I wasn't leaving. That must have penetrated her dream as her eyes opened with her dark brown eyes peering into mine.
At first, there was fear in her eyes then, as she became more aware in her awakened state, her body became less tense and she began to relax. Sue kissed me on the cheek, "That was a horrible dream. I don't usually have bad dreams, but that one was terrible. We fought over something, I don't remember what it was, but you were stuffing things in your duffel bag, saying you were going back to the platforms. I was holding you, trying to keep you from leaving."
There were actually tears in her eyes with one running down her cheek. I hugged her to me, moving up so I could kiss her eyes, "I love you, Sue, I know everything has been fast and loose, but I love you dearly. We are partners, friends, and lovers."
Sue told me a little tearfully, "When we got together, Steve, you unlocked something in me. I had hidden away, especially from men; I was ashamed of my looks, being fat, my oversized breasts, my scarred leg and face. But you somehow appeared at the exact right time. I had lost weight, I was confidant that my business was going to support me, and it seemed like the scars on my face just disappeared. Then when we got together, it was so special, so sexy, so erotic, I thought I would burst. When we were at Ruth's that first day, I got jealous thinking she was going to take you and I wouldn't be able to have you, but I stole you away and I've enjoyed you as I've never enjoyed a man." "Then the night we were in the hot tub with Charlie and Shawna, I realized how much I loved you and how much you really loved me. You trusted me to enjoy myself with another man. When he pushed inside me I was looking at you with Shawna and knew I loved you so very much. That's when I first really realized how much, and that's when I told you I loved you, remember?"
I kissed her on the forehead again, "I remember well and have even laughed, thinking of how funny it was for me to be feeling so close to you, while thumping the guy's wife who was inside you. I was looking at you enjoying your pleasure and watched, with a soaring heart, when you mouthed "I love you" to me."
"This has been fast, hasn't it? You have been on vacation now only six weeks and look what all you've done. When I walk around this place, our new home, then go out on our new patio, I feel like a queen in my domain. That's the only way I can describe it. I just wonder what we could possibly do for an encore."
"I like all of the space and the patio too. Most of all, I love all of our friends enjoying it with us. When I add the pool table, we're going to have a very complete game room."
All of a sudden, I had an idea. I sat up in bed and said it, "What do you think about us picking up a couple of video games, and maybe a pinball machine? We could even find one of those pong coffee table games. I think we should get rid of some of the lawn furniture and get a couple of couches and chairs with end tables and coffee tables, so that part of the patio would feel like a family room. We could still have the patio furniture, but it wouldn't be the center of activity. What do you think?"
"The games sound neat but I don't know about the couches," Sue contemplated. "Everybody seems to like to sit at the tables. Maybe even more tables, small tables like nightclubs have, with four chairs around them. If we had four of those, they could still be close together so there wouldn't be anyone left out of a general conversation."
"Let's watch and see how people use the big table and the little tables. I think if we make changes now, it should be gradual, to keep the place comfortable."
"I agree honey," Sue said giving me a kiss. "I have to pee, let's take a shower. It's almost time for coffee."
The shower was soothing, playful, and degenerated into some really good fooling around. Sue complained that even with the shower, stuff was going to run down her legs for an hour.
We both dressed in shorts and T-shirts, knowing we were going down to show off the shop this morning to everyone. With coffee made, I walked out onto the patio and turned on the lights over the patio furniture and the end of the long table.
Tiny and Ruth were first this morning, dressed to go to the shop. Glenda and Martin came over, already dressed as well. I said I was going down to the Seven-Eleven to get some donuts real quick, and jumped in my pickup to get them. I was back in less than five minutes, but that's all the time it took for the other four couples to get there, dressed and ready to see the shop. Abe and Alice were pulling up as I put the donuts on the table.
We drank a few pots of coffee and ate up the three dozen donuts. We cleaned up the crumbs and prepared to go. Sue and I would take Charlie and Shawna, Tiny was taking Glenda, Martin, Jim, and Hanna in his big Suburban, and Tom, Betty, Al, and Joan were riding together. Abe and Alice followed.
The convoy left the park, and after the short drive, pulled into the parking lot of the freshly painted building. The big S&S sign really stood out. Charlie laughed and said, "Good thing you have enterprises underneath or the other S&S we know and love might have a problem with your name."
I agreed, "I thought of that, but there are other companies with the same name, but none with enterprises."
I opened the big front doors. Everyone walked into the showroom. Since it was two floors high, it felt very expansive. The first thing you saw though, was the S&S embedded in the floor. I said I thought we would display a race car frame hanging from the ceiling tilted to give everyone a look at the cage to see how it is formed. Underneath it I wanted to put a frame with painted sheet metal and wheels and tires. The car would be the S&S special. We would number it "13" or something like that.
On the other side, I'd like to hang a bike frame from the ceiling, with a drag bike underneath it, and then put one of the smaller mobile generators in the center to highlight our rebuilding ability.
I showed everyone the two offices in the rear of the showroom and how they had big windows that looked out into the shops. We went through the big swinging double doors into the shop area. I turned on the shop lights and you were almost blinded by the bright white walls, ceilings, and floors. There was a blue and black stripe running completely around the room at the height of the area between the first and second floor of the offices. There were two distinct work areas that had giant S&S logos embedded in their floors as well. The place looked and smelled brand new.
I explained that one side would be for welding, and the other devoted to sheet metal at this point. If the sheet metal idea I had didn't work out, we would find something else that did. I told them to picture all our equipment and supplies stored along the walls.
Next was for Abe. I had everyone wait a second while I led Abe into his area and turned on the light. I thought he was going to cry. The place was beautiful, all white except the tops of the workbenches. I pointed out how I thought he might arrange his parts washer and bead blaster. He couldn't get over that on the far end there was a place already set up for parts, complete with various sizes of bins and drawers. This was a technician's dream.
When everyone else came in, Charlie, Shawna, Jim and, Martin all went nuts, saying they wanted to work for me too. I told them that the one who might eventually do a lot here would be Shawna. I showed everyone the extra large door opposite the one we had come in to the shop, and described what was going to be out that door in a few days. As soon as I said dual paint booths, Jim and Charlie looked at each other and Jim said, "That does it, we're coming to work here." Charlie said, "We met at a body shop school. We were both Harley junkies so we ended up going to MMI in Orlando. Jim landed the job at the dealership, while I liked working in a small shop like Jan and Dell's.
I told them the paint booths were for Abe's big mobile equipment and for the sheet metal. We would do the basic painting for the customer before delivery and they would do all the fancy painting.
I looked at Shawna then said, "But, I want to go take a bunch of pictures of one of Gene's cars and have Shawna do her thing with the air brush. I'm going to have her do it on our showroom car to practice."
Shawna's blue eyes were shining and she showed a lot of teeth while smiling big at the coming opportunity.
Pointing up toward the second floor of the office area, I told them to note that not only did the first floor offices have a view of the shop so did the second floor.
We took the shop stairs to the second floor office area. The room we entered was the lunchroom, complete with a view out into the shop. It had a sink, a place for a stove and a refrigerator, plus a big area for tables and chairs. I made a mental note to get what was needed right away so the guys would have a place to eat lunch.
When you left the lunchroom, directly across the hall was a large room with a conference table and chairs remaining from the former owner. The room had windows on the two outside walls and a big window looking out onto the showroom. I said I planned on leaving this to be a conference room, as I'm sure we would have a need for it over time.
The hallway was really a balcony over the showroom. You could look down onto the showroom floor and out the front windows while walking back and forth.
There were four good-sized offices off the balcony. Each had a big window that looked out into the showroom area and each had a window to the shop. If you were at a desk you wouldn't be able to see the showroom floor but the window would give you daylight and make the office less claustrophobic.
The end office, nearest the stairway was pretty fancy. The first thing you realized was that it was considerably deeper than the other offices. I figured out that this office was over the old tool room where the welding supplies had been. The room had a lot of built-in bookshelves, a private wet bar area that had folding doors, and a cabinet area, also with folding doors, that was built for a TV. The woodwork was very expensive. The contractor had painted what walls he could and he had taken time to polish all the woodwork. It looked really nice, complete with huge corner windows that gave a panoramic view of the entire shop, as well as a side window to the outside.
Tiny asked, "Is this going to be your office?"
"I don't think so," I said undecided as the room was really nice. "I think I would rather be on the first floor, close to everything that's going on."
"I was thinking that office was probably going to occupied by some guy I'll hire as CFO in the future. It won't be long until I'll need a person to just handle the finance part of the business. As it is, I'm going to have to have a bookkeeper to help with the payroll and stuff. I would rather focus on building the business, and training people to train more people, instead of messing with the books."
Tiny and Ruth were looking at each other funny. Ruth said, "I was a bookkeeper when I met Tiny. I can do that kind of work. Hire Tiny to set up your books and I'll do the paperwork. You probably only need me a couple days a week at first. Get real big, then hire Tiny to sit in that big office."
"That might be a great idea, Ruth. I'll think on that a little and talk to both of you later."
We walked back downstairs on the showroom staircase and looked around again to picture the place with product being shown and people milling around.
Shawna asked, "How soon are you building the paint booths?"
"Monday," I said getting an even bigger smile from her.
Shawna looked at Charlie before saying to me, "You know you have room on the other side of the building to have another shop like Abe's. I'll bet you could probably find a guy to build motorcycles in there for you. Or with your welding business, you could have some kind of body shop."
"Shawna, don't be saying stuff like that. I have a good place to work, and so does Jim. We don't need to complicate our lives," Charlie said trying to rein in Shawna's daydreams.
"I might build on something like that so it could be used part time by a little redheaded motorcycle mechanic. If you produced bikes like mine, you would be busy."
"I'll do it." Shawna jumped on my comment. "Jan and Dell don't like us working together all the time anyway. They only pay me for part time even though I'm usually there every day. You make me a work area and I'll bet we can get the work."
Charlie said, "There goes my ace motor and tranny builder. I'll probably have to sub out work to another shop. Jan and Dell will have to start paying to have a whole job done instead of just pocketing the extra for the heavy work."
Jim added, "We need another shop to do some of our extra work. We've been too busy to do everything ourselves so we have been looking for a good motor and transmission rebuild shop. Get Shawna to head up a shop like that and I'll get you plenty of work."
"Something to think about, that's for sure," I said thinking these guys were all pushing me even faster than I pushed myself.
"Oh yeah, let's go out the back, I want to show Abe what I bought yesterday."
We walked through the shop. I pushed the button for the big overhead door to lift before leading everyone to the forklifts. Abe had big eyes while looking at them.
"My thinking is that we would keep the big one to lift the big mobile units around, as well as the other fork lifts. We probably will want to keep one of the others for running around in the shops. What do you think Abe, want to rebuild some fork lifts?"
"Damn right. I know every nut, bolt, and circuit in those things. Shoot, you have more than I can do now, I'll never get caught up," Abe said thinking of the work ahead.
"Not to worry, like I asked you before, we're going to look for some more people to help rebuild stuff. Come look at the generators and compressors I bought."
Abe just stared, "With the stuff I have to do at the storage place and all this, there's more than a year's work here, a lot more."
"Not with four or five helpers under your direction. I think we could probably turn out eight to ten units a month," I said giving Abe my optimistic appraisal of what we could do.
"That would be big business, Steve. Somebody would have to be on the road full time, buying used equipment and selling it to dealers. That is probably at least two more people."
"You could be right, Abe. We'll see where it leads us," I said turning to point at the new big truck. "How do you like that thing to haul your equipment around on? It has a hydraulic bed that slides down like the tow trucks, only this one's is bigger and heavier duty."
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Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-103”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I have two best friends....
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I see this long-wooded meadowland, surrounded by tall trees on either side for as far as the eye can see, and lush green grass beneath my feet, tickling my lower legs. As I walk further into the wooded area, I feel at peace with myself, listening to all the bird song, and seeing the butterflies fluttering by.My hand brushes the different flowers I pass by, so many different flowers, so many different colours. Boulders, large ones which are covered in moss, small ones with the heads of new...
OutdoorEven though Babs had promised to tell Katie all about our little ‘Adventure,’ in the end it had seemed to come to nought. I’d been both distracted and busy and it had been a week or so since I’d been back to my usual Café haunt and when I did so it had been to find that Katie had also moved on.My gentle inquiry was met by the information that she had moved in with her new boyfriend and they were now living in an apartment in a town close by. Such is life and it appeared that Katie was gone and...
Straight SexAs a boarded the plane I wasnt looking at where in the hell I was going and my cock erect from hot girls back at the boarding dock, I bumped into one of them hot girls, who my cock wounded up going straight in her ass. =WHAP= I didn't know what happened but the next thing I knew security was already on the plane. "Whats goin on here" the officer asked She pointed at me and said "That perv is trying to rape me take him away". I denied the situation of course; one thing I've learned...
Hi ladies and gentlemen. I am Vignesh. I am 25 years of age. I am currently staying in Chennai. Now coming to the story. This story is about my mom. Her name is Shalini. She is a normal middle-aged woman with extra flesh at the right places and with fair complexion. My father died 5 years back when I was studying engineering 3rd year. My family consists of me, my younger sister and my mother. After my father’s death, we faced a big financial crisis. We actually didn’t have enough savings to run...
IncestHarry was forty when Salli and he met and married. She was twenty five, newly out of uni and struggling to make a living in the business world. Harry hadn't achieved a higher education; he hadn't had the time, the patience or the need. He had been orphaned at twelve and his inheritance from his parents was a house and a very large cash sum including two very large life insurance policies due to mature when he turned eighteen. The relatives from both sides all thought they knew best, and...
************************************ This is part 3 of the Unto the Gates of Poazach trilogy. I haven’t yet received a lot of feedback on much of my work, so I once again make this plea. Everyone who can spare the time, vote and comment to reflect your like/dislike of my work, it will really help me out as a writer. Thanks, I really appreciate it. ************************************ UNTO THE GATES OF POAZACH Part III: The Siege of Poazach So did the Heiress continue at her former pace,...
Mum and dad and Sarah left for Margaret River around ten. I walked around making certain there was no mess. Rachel rang the doorbell just after eleven. "Hi." "Hi," I responded. She was wearing a tee shirt, tiny shorts and running shoes. I took her gym bag. "You look lovely." "Thank you." We were both nervous. I gave her a little kiss. "Thanks. Is there any of the white wine in the fridge?" "Let's look." I put the bag at the foot of the stairs and took her hand. It was a bit...
“Leonius … Leonius” … his name rolls so easily off my tongue but even now, I dare not speak it. Instead, when my lips form the words, all that comes forth is “Master”. I’ve spent the last two years trying to drive the haunting, yet comforting image of him from my mind and heart and thought I was doing pretty well. In the few times I have been at his feet since his return, I have been painfully reminded that I have failed in this endeavor. His existence as the driving force in my life still...
A woman Sherry I met online in a chat room owned a small business selling sex toys. She and I really hit it off and she told me she thought it would be awesome to have a demonstration model to show off how things worked to the participants at her ‘parties’. I asked what did she mean by ‘model’ She told me that it was always women that came to these parties, with the exception of a stripper, men just don’t come to these parties, and wondered if I would be willing to come and be her test dummy....
We rode the bus home later that day to his house, and as usual, his parents wouldn't be home until later that that night. On the bus ride home we sat together (which is normal) and talked casually about how are days were and what we would do when we got to his house, which would inevitably consist of playing Call of Duty and and swimming. Upon arriving at his house, we immediately went upstairs to put away our things and changed for the pool. Seeing him shirtless always...ALWAYS got my...
Hello Jenny ClarkJack was forced to take a break from seeing Charlie and H10 ... due to a couple of business trips. A 4-day trip to Los Angeles ... followed by a 5-day trip to Las Vegas. By the time he got back home ... Jack had no energy for either. Jack was never one to turn down a chance at care-free sex ... but he was human, despite the claims of some women! He let a few week go by ... intentionally staying away from H10 ... taking a break from the high-paced expectations! He felt he owed...
"?Best Mate?" Still no response. Danny had been trying to get Nick's attention in class for a number of minutes now, and having grown bored with essentially chanting Nick's name, had gone on to basically exhaust all other terms he could use to describe his friend. Realizing he was amusing no one but himself - the few people who could actually hear him clearly irritated by his incessant whispers - he picked up his ruler and jabbed Nick between the shoulder blades. At this, Nick finally...
Two weeks passed with alarming speed. There wasn’t much for either boy to do to get ready to go. Each would have a suitcase, with some clothes in it, but that was about it. The gold coins would be carried in their pockets. Bernadette stayed away from Curtis Lee, primarily because she couldn’t stand to be around him and not be able to touch him. This time of the month was a very bad time to let him touch her. The other kids were willing, after their overdose of dangerous sex, to stay apart,...
You should read the previous chapters to better understand what has been happening. A big thank you to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. Chapter 5, The Conclusion Everyone was checking into the motel for Bill and Shauna’s wedding. So far everything was going good. Bill and his younger brother went to check in a few of the relatives. Jen told me later that Bill’s brother was something of a flirt. She told me that he and Bill came in, and he introduced her as...
Becoming Their Diaper Slave Part 2 By Deewet The next morning, Sandy undressed me, taking off my diaper. She helped me into a warm bubble bath and washed me completely. After that, she handed me my clean clothes for work at the coffee shop. I really hated having to go back into those clothes, but I needed to get to work and also go home. "Are you sure you don't want to wear a disposable diaper in case you have an accident." "No," I told her. "I don't need one." Plus, I...
“In this world, I lock out all my worries and my fears In my room, in my room” “The Beach Boys” The next morning. After a scrumptious breakfast of French toast and crispy bacon, we loaded up the Plymouth and headed north for mama’s house plus a night of dancing and billiards at Tommy’s joint. Well, it belonged to his mother. “Tommy.” She started right in. “What sweetheart?” “Now, no hanky panky up in your room, okay?” “Of course, but you’re going to play Toss and Tickle with me,...
Remy LaCroix finishes off in the kitchen. Right after washing the dishes, she heads up to the room where she knew the noise is coming from. And damn she is right. As she reaches the top of the stairs, she walks into Steven St. Croix and Kalina Ryu fucking in missionary. Remy gets angry at the sight. Steven stands up and approaches while Kalina puts a beige spaghetti-strapped top on and stays on the sheets. Remy is not having it. He cheated and she wants revenge. Steven stands naked near the...
xmoviesforyouIt's Saturday afternoon and I decide I need a little R&R, get out and get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and Rick my boyfriend, he has issues today and I'm just not ready to deal with them right now.I'm just gonna hop on my motorbike and see where the highway takes me first ride of the season. If I go 2 hours out and 2 hours back home, I should still have time to get ready for Rick's bash tonight.Riding along, the countryside slipping by, soon I start to relax and can feel the...
Quickie SexThe following is … right now!!! I’d love for some dominatrix to read this and to play out the following scene with one of her clients/slaves. This fantasy of mine has been so vivid to me for so many years that the details are very specific. So specific, it will be a two part story; each long, each hot!!Please comment!!!! I love to hear if I have hit the nail on the head. There is Lesbianism in this, anal play, BDSM and just about EVERY fetish I have ever had!! So read it, enjoy it,...
"Paw-paw, from a guys perspective, how important is it for a woman to swallow?" my granddaughter asked, shocking me more than I thought possible. Ellie is the oldest child of my daughter and her Baptist minister husband. He's a good man, provides well for his family but we've never seen eye to eye on child rearing. He's a stereotypical domineering father who made her wash off make up, wouldn't let her go on car dates and thinks every guy is going to knock her up. If you saw Ellie, you...
Hi dosto mera naam yogesh hai mae pichle 2 saal se regular sex story padh rha hu toh maine b socha ki mae b apni ek sachi khani ap sub dosto k sath share krui dosto mujhe bachpan se nangi ladki dekhne ka bhot sokh tha,mae hmesha sochta tha ki ladki bina kapdo k kaise dikhti hogi baat unh dino ki hai jb mae 18 saal ka tha mere ek dost parveen ne mujhe batya ki mooth marana kya hota hai bus fir mae hr roj mooth marne Lga jis se meri sex iccha aur badh gyi ab bus mae kisi ladki ko bina kapdo k...