TimeChapter 11 free porn video

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After class I dawdled and waited for everyone to leave. Natalie caressed me with her hand and said that she really loved her gift.

"I am glad you like it. But you have to know that you are bringing attention to yourself. The boys in the room are eating you up with their eyes, and I have not been able to get much other work done, either. You are a very distracting influence."

"I think I can be much more than simply distracting."

"I know you can."

During lunch the reporter from the Toronto Star was actually still around. He asked me for a few minutes. My meal was finished anyway, and I excused myself and sat at an empty table with him. He said that he just wanted to get a little more background on the story and how I felt about some of the other ways that a school treated the students. I just finished when the bell rang and we shook hands and went our own ways.

After school there were no distractions. Rita came over and got her kiss. She was acting more like a lady now, but still showed her youth at the same time. To me it looked like a great compromise. She would still fit in with her friends and lead them into adulthood.

Helen was down, though, and it wasn't till we were away from the school that she said, "I am getting my period soon, and I was hoping to be with you tonight."

I stopped and gave her a kiss that showed my deep feelings for her. "You will be with me no matter what. Your period will only limit some of things we will do."

At the intersection, while waiting for Aron, we started on our kissing. There was no real place to hide, and we just sat on the grass. I used my fingers to tease her nipples and play with her clit. When a car went by, we just acted innocent till they couldn't see us even in their mirror. Aron was the only one walking up the road this time, and Helen managed to have an orgasm just before he got to us.

He looked at his flushed sister and asked, "You doing that stuff again?"

"Of course we were," I said as Helen blushed. "It is good for the heart to get the exercise and good for the soul to know that you have made someone you love feel so good. You will understand better when you get a bit older."

At home I made some coffee and started to make supper. Helen went upstairs and later came down after having a bath. "I don't quite have my period yet, Alex," she said in a coy voice.

I moved some food off the hot parts of the stove and we ran upstairs. In the background we heard, "Not again!"

When we came down later, we found Aron doing the cooking. I went up behind him and gave him a hug. "Thank you, little brother. You are doing a great job."

He said, "I have to. You two are always doing it, and I want to eat." The smile on his face let me know that he was not really angry.

I made a few phone calls to get pricing on various articles I could use for my building projects. The cast iron wood stove had not been installed yet, although the double-walled, stainless steel chimney had. The flooring could be linoleum, but I liked tiles, if they were not slippery.

Helen played 'Susie Homemaker', and I was glad of the attention. It was easy to see that even Aron got lots of attention and enjoyed the benefits of a happy family.

The phone, unaccustomedly, rang. This would be the first call I had got. For a split second I looked for the call display, and then just picked up the receiver. "Hello," I said cheerfully.

"Hi, Alex. I got your party in Chicago." I recorded the particulars and thanked Derrick for his help.

"No problem. I was able to sweet-talk a long distance operator."

I thought for a few minutes after hanging up how I was going to pursue this matter. Mr. Silva Cranz was a respected accountant with a penchant for the thin wire frame glasses that marked many of his trade. He was presently climbing the Chicago social ladder. He was well thought of and fairly brilliant in his field.

I met him in 1973 after he took the reigns of his families manufacturing business. We had some mutual business and continued to see one another. He liked old cars, planes, and women, the same as I did. On a few occasions we even traded among ourselves. We met many times at auctions, and both of us even donated cars so the proceeds could go to one worthy cause or another.

As time went on, I found many shady types in his inner circle of friends. It didn't take me long to see he was involved with the mob. I was no saint myself, but I tried to keep clean. I had even employed some of those shady types when the same types were sicced on me. Sometimes they found information that was not available otherwise. Screwing the taxman was a favourite hobby of most businessmen, and I was no exception here, either.

Mr. Silva Cranz was similar to me in many ways, with one exception. He craved excitement, and had been the person to introduce me to skydiving and many other dangerous sports. Since we were both not over the hill yet, we enjoyed many of these pursuits. One, though, he never mentioned.

On the night of April 22, 1949, a bank in Chicago was robbed. This was done with finesse and care. Nobody was even threatened, for the crime happened at night. Four other robberies happened in the next five years. Every one was the same. The last time they were found, and a guard was beaten with fists but not shot or knifed. His body was duct taped and put safely to one side. His capturers even used a water bottle to give him a drink and insured that he was as comfortable as possible.

After the robbery and the thieves safely away, one even called the police to inform them of the guard's location.

In every one of the robberies, gold seemed to be the main commodity taken. Other things of opportunity were not left behind, though. The robbers were not found until 1989, when the wife of the leader found herself at odds with her husband and told the police. I had watched this from start to the conviction a year and a half later.

Mr. Silva Cranz was 64 when convicted of the thefts. Some of his gang had died in the intervening years, and he alone went to jail for fifteen years. He never lived to see the outside again.

His wife got a divorce and his empire came crashing down about him. He had pleaded with me to take it over, and my lawyers told me that I might not be able to keep it. I did purchase some things that could be considered safe. One was the large motor home that I used at the original mine site.

I now had a lot of gold to sell and needed a way of disposing of it. It came out at the trial that Silva had sold, to some rich foreign and un-named buyers, all the gold and other things that he had stolen. Perhaps his connections could be used to help me dispose of my much more legitimate gold.

I dialled the number and a familiar, young woman's voice answered. I knew the voice very well and remembered how much I liked Silva's wife. "Hello, is this Millie?"

"Yes, it is. I don't recognize your voice."

"You wouldn't, Millie, because we have never met, yet, but I hope to, soon. I actually phoned to talk to your husband on a business matter. Is he available?"

"No, he went out already. May I take a message?"

"If you would, please, but would you write it down on a piece of paper?" I knew how forgetful she was, and if this wasn't recorded, the message might never get to its intended destination.

"Hold on, please."

In a moment she was back, and I gave her my name and address. I doubt if her family knew anybody this far north. I added, "I have recently been in the Toronto papers for taking a school board to court. It mentions that I found a gold deposit. That is the reason for this call. I want to sell some very large gold nuggets, and I hoped your husband could facilitate this for me. Please tell him that I went prospecting April 22 in 49 and June 15 in 50, but wasn't as lucky some were."

"Why do you want me to say that?" Millie asked.

"It is important to me, Millie. Your husband is under no obligation. Please tell him that very emphatically. I just want him to call me back after 4:30, any weekday. It would be preferable if the call was before ten."

"I will tell Silva."

"Thank you, Millie. I hope to meet you in a few months."

Millie was a very vivacious woman. By the time I met her, though, she was one of the few who had contracted poliomyelitis after the vaccine had been around for years. She had not been permanently paralysed, but it had effected how she was able to get around. Silva told me wistfully how much Millie loved to dance. She still managed to take me a few times onto the dance floor. Three years after my meeting Silva she passed away from, what I considered, complications arising from her condition.

Salk's vaccine was not even made public till March of 1953, almost two years from now. Millie's problem, though, still bothered me. Perhaps I could get the vaccine first and save many more people. In the US alone, three thousand children died and sixty thousand were paralysed annually. Worldwide, the number was even worse per capita, because of diet and hygiene. Sometimes death would be preferable to living a life trapped within an unresponsive body. Millie would not suffer as she did, if I could get her to take some of the vaccine when it came out.

That night I finished lots of my small writing projects. There were other games and puzzles out there that could make me a lot of money. Some I hoped to buy the rights to and reap the profits. It was not assured that just because a game worked in my time that it would work sooner now. The original people would have been able to spent more time on it, and perhaps do something that I was not familiar with. I might turn a prospective silk purse into an expensive sow's ear.

Helen and I spent the night snuggled up, and soon Aron came in wanting a place, too. He crawled in on my other side and we slept together till the morning.

School the next day was the same till a few minutes after the opening announcements. Mike was back with a small bandage on his head. His picture was in the local paper and in the Toronto paper as well. The article had to do with his younger brother's problems. I didn't get to read the article, though, but I heard that it talked of a resourceful young man who saved the young boy and disappeared. A search for the rescuer was fruitless and no name could be found. Apparently, nobody had asked Mike.

The class sort of just stared at me when Mike began to explain. I felt out of place. In the back of my mind I heard Mike talking about me running with his brother to the police car to get to the hospital.

Everybody seemed to start asking me questions at once. It started like an avalanche, with only one voice till it encompassed the entire room. Mr. Ross used his size and voice to get the rest to remain quiet.

"Is this true, Alex?"

"I haven't read the articles. I had no idea that it was even in the papers. There seems to be too much of a fuss made, and it was no big job to pull the plastic out. The only thing that helped was the proximity of some useful equipment. Speaking of tools, the mechanic helped just as much by holding the child still, and later by protecting me when the child's mother came to some wrong conclusions. The police did a great job; they let me continue the artificial respiration and got us to the hospital in time. Mike helped, too, or the woman would have come completely undone. There were five of us without even counting the people at the hospital."

Nobody talked for a minute and this was getting eerie. Rita spoke up and asked, "Why didn't you tell me Friday or this morning?"

"What is there to tell? I might have saved a youngster's life, but it is nothing to brag about. A doctor would save many lives per shift in an emergency ward. He gets his pay and the satisfaction of knowing that he did a good job. At other times he cries himself to sleep, or gets drunk, thinking of the young lives that somehow slipped through his fingers. He never makes it into the papers."

"But they're doctors."

"What is the difference, Rita? We are all human. I may have more knowledge than the usual person walking the street, and I was just in the right place at the right time to use it."

The class was getting nowhere. I didn't usually listen much, but then again Mr. Ross was not teaching me anything new. Mr. Ross was soon on the inter-school phone and in a minute he said, "Alex, I think you better go see Mr. Corfu."

"Alright, sir." I picked up my notebooks, and when I left I turned and said, "I am sorry for disrupting your class, sir."

I walked the deserted halls to the office. After pulling the door open I saw the same thing here. Mrs. Cranston and the two young secretaries just stared at me like I was a freak. Mr. Corfu came out and quickly hustled me into his office.

"Tell me what happened, Alex."

Since he was an adult, I gave him the unedited version. I told him about what I really saw and, more importantly, felt. I was surprised to see that it took ten minutes to get all of this out.

"Alex, this story hit the large newspapers all over the country. The CBC had got the story in time for the 9 o'clock news. I think it was the two reporters who were here to see you. They played it as a mysterious boy who simply vanished after rescuing the child. Ever since there have been updates of the search mentioned on the noon, 6 and 11 o'clock news. I am very proud of you, Alex. The entire school is proud of you."

"Thank you, sir, but all I did was to pull a small piece of plastic out of an infant's throat and to breathe into his lungs till the doctors could take over."

"You are much too modest. You handled your other opposition well, and this should not be a problem."

"I am not shy now, sir. I seriously think there is too much fuss made about this. The boy's family would be happy that I did this small task, but it is of no concern to anybody else."

"No matter what you think, this incident will not just blow over. I think the best way to face it is head on. You should tell the school what happened, or each and everyone will be asking you the same questions and you will have to say the same thing 300 times."

"Perhaps you are right, sir. If I do talk at an assembly I would like a favour from you."

"What is it, Alex?"

"I want Helen, my foster sister in the front row. Someone also has to drive her to my foster brother's school and bring him here. He will be nervous with all the strangers, and I would like Mademoiselle Bouchard and Miss Vachon to be with him. He has met them before, and this will give him some comfort. Rita Leone is my girlfriend, and I would like her with my sister and brother."

"All that is easy. Mrs. Cranston can take Helen to get your brother."

Mrs. Cranston was called in. She was to find out what class Helen was in, and then ask her teacher to send her to the office.

A few minutes later Helen came running into the office. She saw me and started to run again but stopped in time. "I thought you were hurt or in trouble."

"In trouble this time, but good trouble."

"Good trouble?"

"Yes. Friday after school I helped a young boy with breathing problems. Somehow or other, it made it into the newspapers and it got blown out of proportion. Mr. Corfu suggested that we have an assembly to tell everybody at once and not 300 times. I want you up front. I also want Rita and Aron. Aron is too shy, and I wanted him to be with Mademoiselle Bouchard and our school nurse. He has met them and will not be as intimidated. Mrs. Cranston was going to drive you to Aron's school to pick him up."

Helen got out an, "Oh," and remained quiet. Mr. Corfu did not see the wink I gave Helen.

The Principal said, "It looks like this is going to disrupt most of the day. If you keep quiet about this, I will phone your teacher and get him to talk to his class. Perhaps period three or four could be for the assembly. Alex, will you be quiet too?"

"Me quiet? If it was up to me, none of you would have heard of it."

I went back to class, and Mr. Ross was still on the phone when I got in. After a few "Yes, sirs," he turned to the class and told them to keep quiet. So far, only we knew that there was going to be a surprise assembly, and if word leaked out too soon, somebody would have hundreds of hours of work to do, or fail math. I don't think he meant it, but somebody would sure be in for a time of grief.

The next class was with Mr. Armstrong and his rote teaching of geography. Four times during class he had to get people to pay attention to him, instead of looking in my direction. He couldn't see that I was disrupting the class and wondered what was up.

I expected the announcement of the assembly at any moment, but instead I found myself in electricity with Mr. Smith. Here, at least, was a good chance to have the boys from the other classes learn from ours.

This was a double and at the end of the first period the call had not yet come. It was half way through the third period and close to lunch when the speakers came alive and asked everybody to go to the auditorium for a surprise announcement.

Mr. Smith dismissed us and we all trooped off. I hurried myself and made it into the front seats on the left side facing the stage. Laura and Natalie came up at a quick pace, with a questioning look on their faces.

Natalie asked, "What's up, Alex? We were told to go to the front with you."

"Before all else I say, I tell you that I lied to the Principal. I said that my foster brother knows both of you. He would only be comfortable in a group of strangers if you were both here with him. My sister and brother will be arriving soon. Rita is coming, too; to keep up the charade, but she actually deserves to be here."

Laura asked, "But why are we here?"

I looked around and nobody was real close. "Because I want you two with me through both good times and bad." I left out till death do us part. "This just happens to be one of the good times."

Helen didn't worry about running and did just that. Aron just ran behind her so he wouldn't get lost. Aron ran to me and hugged me as high as he could get. I bent down and said in a whisper. "I got two girlfriends for you to have for today. Remember, they are mine. Pretend that you've known the new one all your life. Will you do that for your big brother?"

"Yea, I need a girlfriend, and you are giving me two. Where are they?"

I introduced him to Natalie and reintroduced him to Laura. "Now, hold their hands; they need someone to hold on to."

"I can do that, Alex."

Cooking class was at the other end of the school, and Rita was late. She ran up and asked, "I was told to go to see you, Alex. What's wrong?"

"I want family and friends together at a time like this. A girl who tried to domesticate the boys with me deserves to be at my side. Besides, we slept together."

Rita turned red and the girls around us listened very attentively. "We did not. We were in different rooms!"


"Alex, I am going to get you for that. Everybody here will think that we did things."

"We did." I paused for a moment then said, "We ate at your family's table and talked of decorating your family restaurant."

The people were all getting seated and things got silent all of a sudden. Laura and Natalie sat with Aron attached to their hands. Helen and Rita sat on each side of me and I noticed that the entire front row of seats were vacant. From the main aisle, three of the reporters whom I'd met on Friday were present, along with Mr. Caversham. I had not read his article yet to know how he treated me. Now could be a good time to pay back his good will or his attack.

I turned to Rita. "Did you read in the local paper where it used my name?"

"Ah, yes I did."

"Was it honestly written, or did the reporter seem to have a grudge against me?"

"It wasn't nice, but it was that man's opinion."

"That man in the back is the man that wrote it."

"Oh, I hate him already."

Mike came running up to me and said, "Mr. Corfu wanted me to sit up here with you guys."

"Well, grab a seat. The one beside Miss Vachon is a very good choice, if I were you."

His eyes bugged out a bit and he was very circumspect about sitting beside the most beautiful woman in the school. Laura looked at me and patted the seat beside her to get Mike to sit. He was just in time, for the reporters started taking seats right next to him.

The bell rang for lunch but nobody left or went to other classes. Mr. Corfu came on stage and picked up a microphone that provided a surge of sound as feedback went through the system.

"Hello students, faculty and guests." He went on to talk about the newspaper articles and the radio news reports then he dropped his bomb. "Michael Stoner was hurt at the same time as his little brother. He did not know of the quest for the name of the unknown boy that saved his young brother. Early this morning he read the articles brought it into class for him to see. He knew the person very well, and told the rest of us. This heroic person is none other than our own Alex Kramer."

Rita started to clap first and then the rest of the audience did to. After a few seconds I had to get up and made a small bow of thanks. Rita's eyes were glowing, as if I were her husband who had done some miraculous feat just for her pleasure.

Mr. Corfu went on for another minute, and then called me up to the stage. I squeezed Helen and Rita's hands and got up. I gave a small smile to all my girls, Aron, and even Mike.

Speeches were an easy thing for me after doing many each year, in front of notables in most cases. "Thank you for the applause. It is nice to see that I have so many friends who wish me well. I cannot just accept these good wishes without talking about a few others. First is Mike Stoner. He helped by running for assistance. He had the misfortune to stumble in his quest, and he was knocked unconscious. He later stepped in to assist the child's mother and me."

"The second is the mechanic who provided the tools to remove the blockage from the infant's small throat. He also assisted me in holding the child in a position so I could extract the small piece of plastic, and then he risked his life to protect me from a distraught and frantic mother who did not understand what we were doing. He suffered many abrasions, lacerations and other types of trauma to keep me safe. He suffered this pain while trying not to hurt the frantic woman while she fought him."

"The child was suffering from respiratory paralysis. Two members of our police force assisted in this situation. They appraised the situation very quickly and then professionally facilitated getting the child and me to the hospital in time. I only did my part, and the four others are the ones who should get the real applause.

Rita started again and I did as well to show how I felt about the people who helped. I would gladly have stepped down now, but a reporter stood up and said, "Where did you learn to be a doctor?"

I looked at him till he flinched, even if I had to make a scene. "I learned first aid. Do you write your articles with the same inaccuracy you ask your questions?"


"First aid is not something that is mandatory in schools. Perhaps that is due to the fact that we have as good a nursing staff as we do here with Miss Vachon." I paused a while to get the plug in. "Work sites and other places of business, such as a farm, can be very dangerous. I happen to live on a working farm with my foster family. Helen Lowca, her brother Aron, and their family took me in when my parents died. To keep my new family safe I learned many things from medical books, including what to do in an emergency."

Another reporter stood up and asked, "What happened to you after going to the hospital?"

"I am not large and imposing. Adults pushed me around till I found a corner to hide in and not get crushed. After I heard that the child had started to breathe on his own, I simply called a cab and left."

Another reporter got up and asked, "Are you going to become a doctor now?"

"Probably, but I want to be an engineer, inventor and even a politician before I will try my hand at medicine. We don't have a good heart lung machine yet. Our defibrillators are large and can't be taken to a patient to get their heart going again. There are many diseases that have no cures, yet."

"So you are going to cure the world?" he said sarcastically.

"The same way you are going to get a Pulitzer for your innuendo, or have you given up hope of ever attaining that goal, sir. I am young, and I have not lost my zeal as some adults have done."

The Le Devoir correspondent from the French language newspaper in Montréal asked, "What can you suggest that your fellow students might do to get ahead, as you have done?"

I replied in Québécois, "Students all over have to have their rights spelled out to them. Then they will know how to act. It is not quite what you asked, but it is what I would recommend all students do." I repeated the same thing in English and saw the reporters writing now. Perhaps I had given them a small thing so they could blow it up to unimaginable proportions and use it to show that I wanted to fight the school system.

"I notice that you reporters snapped up that last statement. You had best not misquote me. I did not infer that there are major problems with our school system, or our school board. There are only some small changes that will bring the board and the students into a safer environment."

Another asked, "What about your court case?"

"I am speaking on school property. Mr. Corfu our Principal introduced me. Our taxes go to pay for all the teachers and students here. This is no time to talk about other matters, even if I did wander into those murky waters with my last reply."

The Le Devoir correspondent asked, "What do your fellow students think of you?"

"I could ask your friends what they think of you, and then ask you the same question. The answers would not be the same, I am afraid. Ask them yourself. I warn you: if you talk to Rita Leone you may get an earful of what you didn't want to hear."

"Who is she? Your girlfriend?"

"I guess she is, but she is also my wild animal trainer. Talk to her about that subject. Count your fingers after, though." Rita turned red and hung her head and must have turned redder after the second comment.

The questions came now with little substance till I said, "Gentlemen, my newfound friendship with the other students will have disappeared unless they are allowed to eat. I, too, am getting hungry, and I invite each of you gentlemen of the press and radio to partake in the delicious cuisine served at our world famous cafeteria."

Mr. Corfu looked at his watch and said his thanks for the reporters coming and again to me for what I had done for the community and one family in particular. "The remainder of this period, and the next, are the official lunch periods for all students."

He got a rousing cheer, and the students started to file out. Those in our group stayed, and the reporters came in like barracuda. "What are your plans after you finish school?"

"Let's talk as we eat. If I have to put up with your questions, you will have to put up with our food. No eat; no talk. By the way, this young lady is Rita. Her parents own Mario's, the best restaurant around." I went through the other ones present and made sure the reporter from Le Devoir got a chance to talk to Natalie. Aron was like a stallion defending his mares and tried to get in between the reporters and the two beautiful women. Polish boys are sometimes very much like Polish men.

The line up for food was very long and then we had to go outside to eat. We watched the buildings being put up. I introduced my guests to Izzy and just let him take care of them for a moment as I gulped some of my food.

Natalie and Laura sat on a plank supported by a stack of prefab wall units. Aron wiggled in between them and ate his meal. Helen sat beside Laura and Rita on the other side of me. Mike felt left out, but stayed on the other side of Rita.

I explained to all of them exactly what happened on Friday night. I encouraged Mike to fill in most of the information I didn't know about. Rita again acted like her mother and encouraged Mike to continue.

We got our pictures taken, and I insisted that everyone should be in all the pictures if I was in it. Helen and Aron had a few pictures taken, and Laura with Natalie had a lot. They insisted that their boyfriend join them, and Aron was there like a shot. The reporters wanted pictures of Mike's brother and mother taken with me. I suggested that we meet at Mario's for a meal and some photos later tonight.

Laura looked at her watch then told Natalie. Natalie excused both of them and they left for their duties. They flirted a bit with poor Aron before they left, and he looked like his ego would explode.

The reporters left well before lunch ended. We had to carry their plates and trays back into the cafeteria. Perhaps they thought that their mothers would soon be here to pick up after them.

Same as Time
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When D woke up the following morning she knew that a new corner had been turned...but had she wanted it to be this way? The previous evening she had allowed her 19 year old son, Mark, to seduce her and they had ended up fucking on his bed after she had enjoyed a few drinks of champagne and changed into a seductive, sexy outfit.But what was worse, if she recalled correctly, was that she had been screaming encouragement to her well-built son as he slammed his wonderful cock deep into her eager...

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The Great Shift Summers End Part 5

The Great Shift - Summer's End (Part 5) by Limbo's Mistress It took me a few moments to get over my initial surprise. Then I turned around and went back to the bed while Kara stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. I sat down on the edge, pulling the comforter over my lower body. The urge to retreat back under the blankets was still present, thought I knew I wouldn't, couldn't, do that to Kara. Not when it was so obvious that she intended to talk to me. Even though we...

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Seduction Of Priya The Staff Nurse

A big help to the ISS fraternity. Like most of you, I have been a silent reader of this site for over a decade now. There is a need that these stories fulfill, and I respect each authors contribution towards the common cause. This is my first story submission to ISS. I hope the response is encouraging. My name is R and I am forty. I am single and live in Secunderabad. I work as a senior HR professional in a mid tier firm and live my single happy life. From a very early age, I have been a bit of...

4 years ago
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Family Raiders

THE HUNT: The vehicle they had just stolen fit perfectly into the suburb neighborhood of Carsonville, A old nonde*********** gray four -door Ford which matched dozens of others in this middle income community. Don't need to stand out now thought Cutter as he drove slowly down one road after another looking carefully at each well kept home they passed. Not sure what he was looking for but knowing that his safety and that of the three men with him depended on finding a place to hide and finding...

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Campus recruitment in Cochin turns into steamy sex

Hey guys! This is Amal here, back with a recent experience that happened seven months ago. This story is a bit long because I have explained every little bit. I was working as an HR executive for a reputed firm. However, my life had been quite dry for the past year, and the moment came to spice it up when I went to a well-known college in Cochin for a campus-recruitment. Thus, I, along with one of my managers, went there and gave a presentation on the job profile and the salary package being...

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I fucked again

I am Aarti wife of Sunil we narrated our real incident which was happened in shimla in which I fucked by room boy in front of Sunil. Now this is my second incident which I written in Hindi. Shimla se aane ke baad mughe to jese sex ka khumar chad gayaa tha mugh lagta tha ke koi handsome larka ughe fuck kare mene sunil ko bhi batayato unhone kaha arti apni city me thoda risky hai phir bhi me try karunga. Sunil ek school me teacher hai uske pass bahut se boys tution ko aate hai usme ek larka imran...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Emily Blacc G183

It’s a wonderful fall Friday, and it’s time to watch the lovely Emily Blacc get her first REAL GangBang! Emily is on the bench, big ol’ smile on her face, she’s surrounded by guys who have no reservations about getting her out of her clothes, she leans back and they get the dress down, and lucky Mr. Rey gets to use his teeth to unsnap that purple body suit. From there the guys get down to eating out that tiny pussy that looks like the Virgin Mary. After munching for a...

3 years ago
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Walking the DogChapter 11

Angela woke me sometime later, sliding into the bed beside me and assuming her usual position, head on my chest, one leg thrown over me. She nuzzled my neck and whispered that she was very happy. Her father was alive and not a criminal: she'd never believed that he could be. I grunted some sleepy reply and lapsed back into unconsciousness. She wasn't having any of this and proceeded to wake me again by the simple expedient of grabbing my cock and starting to pump it lightly while lightly...

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Singapore GirlChapter 3

It so happened that we didn't fuck for about three days after that. On the average, we fucked about every eight hours, so this was quite a long time. And it was just as well, in a way: "My asshole is sore." "I - I'm not surprised," I said. "I wish it wasn't - but I liked the way it got sore." I thought about my next words. "And so did you." Her eyes blazed at me. I saw the anger beginning in her face - and then it collapsed. "I know - but that's what the gay boys do, isn't...

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Manya Forbidden Lust

The shrill morning alarm sent unruly bolts and waves into Manya’s body as she stirred, opened her deep eyes and cast a sleepy glance towards the place next to her. Her eyes met with the not so inspiring sight of her still snoring husband Desh, cuddled up like an insecure child, his breath carrying the odor of liquor and his chest heaving in monotonous regularity. The 36 year old housewife sighed and shifted her full frame slowly out of the bed to begin another day. Clad in a thin white blouse...

1 year ago
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IsThisReal Emma Starletto Hiding it from Mom

Nathan Bronson is eating breakfast when his step-sister Emma Starletto walks in. They greet each other and make small talk as she rummages around the kitchen, looking for something for breakfast. As they chat, they tease each other and it quickly becomes clear that they have a bit of an adversarial relationship – he seems to always be teasing or pranking her all the time and she is constantly getting annoyed with him, but it seems like deep down she likes it. As they talk, Nathan pretends...

4 years ago
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A WhatsApp Seduction 8211 Fucked My Friend

“Hi Priya” “Hey, Varun wassup?” That’s how it started. Let me introduce myself guys. My name is Varun. And I’m gonna tell you the story of how I seduced a girl through WhatsApp and then made love with her. We barely talked to each other during college. But after talking to her for 2 days straight, we became friends. Friends who were there for each other at all times. Morning and night. Becoming friends with her wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to fuck her. I continued chatting with her for a...

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Dont Say Goodbye

It was Monday, September 20th, and as usual, it was a school day. Rebecca and I walked to school together, with Kenny trailing behind us. The Twins had remained behind to smoke a cigarette and God only knew where Nicole was. By eight o’clock, nearly all students had arrived at school. The guys were fooling around and someone bumped Kenny into me, knocking us both into a big mud puddle! I screamed when the water hit me. Laughter roared around us. Kenny lifted himself up on his hands and looked...

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Sisterhood Part Two

The SecretKurt hadn't heard from Nicole for several weeks after their torrid night together. That was a good news, bad news situation. Although he hadn't gotten a message from her, apparently Nicole wasn't pregnant. He had been anxious about that possibility during the whole time he hadn't heard from her.Like most people in that town, Kurt was at the high school stadium to watch the Fourth of July fireworks. Everyone was there including Nicole. She spotted him and waved. He walked toward her...

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Getting Lucky in Kentucky Ch 06

Everything had been going just so well with David, but I was just plain scared shitless of this picnic on Saturday. My daughter’s father had abandoned all responsibilities, never acknowledged that he had a daughter, never paid a penny of child support, and has never even seen his daughter, and yet David not only hasn’t been scared away from a woman with a child, he even suggested a picnic in the park so that he could meet her. After I got home on Friday, I sat Lucy down and tried to explain...

1 year ago
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Craig HillChapter 49

Serena had gone by the time Mark and Victoria came down for breakfast. Elspeth was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee reading the paper. "Hello, my dears," she said rising to kiss them. "Good morning. What would you like for breakfast?" "Don't worry," said Victoria. "I'll do it." "Not on your last morning in my house you won't," said Elspeth fiercely. Victoria flinched and Elspeth with a peal of laughter enfolded her in a hug. "I thought we were family,"...

1 year ago
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The Operative FIle 01 An Easy Case

‘Good Evening my stud Agent captive.’ I said into the mic of my little booth. I could see him visibly shudder at my words. It’s not surprising. My voice is a weapon, honed to perfection, just the right mix of breathlessness and husk, mingled with the dominating tones of a confident Queen. One of my subjects said that hearing it was like having a pair of soaked silken panties wrapped around his dick. I like to tease my victims with this first. ‘We’re going to play 20 questions. If you want this...

2 years ago
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Meri Kahani

Hi I am Raj. Yeh meri jindgi ki real story hai, jab me apne ghar puna se bhagkar delhi pahucha tha, mere pass koi job nahi thi or nahi itne pase ki me business kar saku, me naukri talashne laga mere age karib 17 ki thi , ek din mujhe ek aadmi mila use kisi naukar ki talash thi, mene uske yaha naukri kar li jab me uske ghar pahucha to dekha uska bhoot bada ghar tha aur uski wife or wo dono hi rahte the Usne mujhe bataya ki uska canada me bada buiness hai or delhi me uski wife business dekhti hai...

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The Caretaker Takes Care Of A young Man

The Caretaker Takes Care of A Young Man My mother and I constantly moved from place to place. I was in my mid-teens when we rented an upstairs flat at the rear of a two-storey block of four flats. The caretaker Vera, a pleasant happy English lady, occupied the front flat downstairs. Soon Mum was able to get a rent reduction of five shillings a week if I did a range of work to help Vera. As I received a shilling of this from Mum I was fairly happy with the arrangements. I pushed a mower around...

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Suma La Kanyapore Harididdu

Friends … I am sharing my story with you … I’m a fan of ISS … I am writing story in kannada language . Hope you guys like my story and give me feedback on … Guys who don’t understand kannada please don’t read… Let’s begin the sex story in kannada… Nan hesru surya from raichur karnataka. Nanu school alli fda agi kelsa madtidini. Nam schoolalli 3 jana lady teachers idare nodoke obriginta obru beautifulagidare. Avra hesru suma, rekha,kavitha antha. Nan story suma la bagge. Avlu recentagi nam...

2 years ago
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Jaimes Way Part 3

As Jeff closed the door he grabbed me by the hand and spun me around, pulling my nude body close to his, breathing in my perfume before locking his lips over mine. My fingers found the button on his jeans and opened them with urgency, more than a little pleased when his huge cock sprung out. “Damn, I want you so badly, Jaime,” Jeff moaned when he broke the kiss. “I'm yours to do with as you please,” I answered and wondered where THAT cheesy line had had come from. Pulling his jeans and shorts...

1 year ago
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A Toy of my Own

Going back home and seeing Gail was an inspiration. But it also made me realize how much I missed getting boned by my old male partner Hank. Or how much I wanted Gail to shove one of her toys up my own ass. Once I discovered that they really weren’t metal spikes that is. After returning to New England I knew what I had to do. The Adult Bookstore was way outside of town in a fuckin’ Industrial Park. What the hell it was doing out there I have no clue. Maybe they’re putting fork lift motors in...

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OpportunitiesChapter 5

Sunday breakfast was fun. Kenny plus several of the first five and the bench were there, plus a bunch of cheerleaders came with Misty, Cherry, and Susie. There were so many we had three tables pushed together end to end. We talked about early basketball practice and who wanted to go to the library later. If we kept this up, the library would have to open a conference room for us. There were going to be about fifteen there as a group. Misty, Cherry, Susie, Kenny, and I walked to the campus...

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Dusty 1 Cops LifeChapter 24

I hugged Justin and asked him what Lora had said. He chuckled and said, “That she can make a guy’s cock go up without even using magic.” I had to chuckle, “I find it’s far more fun to touch and feel the effect.” I then demonstrated. Justin groaned, and I found myself being stripped, and my bare arse being sat on the table were Justin proceeded to show me how he liked to reverse the effect. I must say that I do like his procedure. My fascination for Justin hadn’t waned one iota. It didn’t...

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Udaas Naziya Ki Chudai

Hi indian sex stories dot net  readers ye mere life ka teesra incident hai jo mai iss par share kar raha hoon. Jaise ki aap log jaante hain mera naam Faiz hai aur meri do behene hain Naziya aur Shaziya. Apne pehle do stories me maine aap ko bataya kaise maine Shaziya ki chudai ki aur maze loote. New readers can check out my previous stories. Jaisa ki aap logon ko pata hai Naziya ki shaadi ho chuki hai. Uska husband yaani mere jijaji Dubai me ek construction company me kaam karte hain. Shadi ke...

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First time touching another boys cock

Around 40 years ago when I was a young teenager with a constant hardon and need to wank around 6 to 12 times a day every day. I would spend Friday nights with my best friend from school at his nans house reading books, magazines etc and listening to music.One of the Friday nights my friend David explained that he had a new magazine for us to read once his nan had settled in bed. He went on to explain that it was a porno magazine called Fiesta. Well time couldn't go fast enough as I wished and...

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The Holiday part 2

The Holiday – part 2 “How far are we going to take this?” I asked. The girls looked at each other, at me and then in unison sank to their knees. Gilly placed my cock before Channy’s mouth. Channy looked up at me at gently licked the tip of the shaft. “I would have thought, David, that we are going to take it to the limit.” She took as much of the length as she could deep into her mouth, withdrew and offered it to Gilly. Channy stood looking at me, "This sort of thing happens more than you would...

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Dark Desires

Dark DesiresThe boy was spreadeagled against the wall. Padded metal cuffs at his wrists, and upper arms, screwed directly into the white tiled wall, held them tightly above his head. More cuffs at his ankles, held him flat, stretched against the cold white ceramic. His head hung limply, tilted slightly to one side, chin resting on his chest. His youthfully handsome face looked almost angelic as he appeared to sleep peacefully, his defined chest and taut flat stomach expanding and contracting...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 43 Participation Trophies

April 17, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “You missed an interesting Rap Session today!” I said to Samantha as we sat in my study just before dinner. “They’ve been pretty boring. That’s why I’ve been flying on Sunday afternoons.” “I know. I talked about it with Jess, Kara, and Elyse at lunch. May 8th, which is when the next one is, will be in the sauna. Naked.” Samantha laughed, “I KNEW you’d get back to that somehow!” “It came about because of the attitude we’re seeing from the Freshmen and...

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Nirvana on FireChapter 13

Mandy's car stopped just down the street from Jefferson's office building. The street was deserted. Mandy looked at her watch. It said eleven fifty. It's been a long night already, she sighed. Quietly she slipped out of her car and crept over to the building. The parking garage gate was down, but not completely. There was almost two feet below the bottom of the gate. Raven peered through the gate carefully. A security camera panned across the chain gate. Raven timed the camera. When it...

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sexting my son

I gave birth to my son Daniel when I was 16, I know what that makes you think of me, it’s not true, at all. I was a horribly shy girl, still am. My son has been a bright light in my life but that is getting ahead of myself. This just explains how I ended up sexting with my son.I was an extremely shy introverted girl in school, my parents were very strict and overly religious. They did not make me shy, but they didn’t help much either. My looks didn’t help me much either. My hair is snow white...

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2 Virgin Fucked At The Same Time 8211 Part II

Hey readers, this is Atul once again from Mumbai and today, I am going to narrate the second part of the incident, where I fucked 2 virgin sisters during my tour in Madhya Pradesh and I am sure that you must have read the first part of the story. Hence, I will start the second part without any delay. At 7:00 am in the morning, suddenly I saw my watch and then got up immediately from the bed both Aisha and Avanti were playing with my pubic parts. I told them that I have to leave at 9:00 am and...

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My first time with 2 guys

I stopped at this gas station, my friend worked there. The reason I stopped there was because my friend liked to party and I asked him, What are you doing later? He said, I am going home after work, you're more than welcome to stop over. I said okay. so I was hanging out at this gas station and it was one hour before he closed up shop. He then said, "If you play your cards right you just might get lucky." Heck I thought, I wonder what he means by that. Well the hour went by quick, he closed up...

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New hypno

!Imagine your self dressed in your Faggot latex outfit. Standing on the street in a bad neighborhood. Mast Imagine er made you wear your lockable baletheels so you can only take little steps. You wear your face open Hood with the rubber pony tail. Held in place with your Masters collar. According to your Master it is important that your ugly Faggot face is always recognisable in public! Your clit is locked in the Tiny chastity Cage and you have a Thick steel ring around your balls. Attached to...

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Punished By My Teacher

Hi to all ISS readers and this is Muthu from Chennai. I am studying plus two now in a college. I am vivid fan of this website and read so many stories that erect my 6 inches penis and I do masturbate every day 4 to 5 times and I would like to share my experience happened in my school when I was studying 8th class to 10th class. If you like this please sends your feed back to me at We belong to a rich family. Dad is a business man and he is always on tours. Mom’s name is Nirmala and she is a...

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blackmailed wife part 2

She spring up and look at me irritated and disgusted but before she can put voice her thoughts i calmly say''Only absolute and unconditional obedience will keep this photo form your parent and friends''she sits down,eyes fixing the floor,her confidence and strength are gone,unable to come to terms with what she is facing.A very loud silence is filling the room.After ten seconds with a harsh voice i say''Do it''she start to quickly undo the shirts buttons so i add''Slowly slut''... she lift the...

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Lucindas Betrayal

Lucinda's Betrayal By: Malissa Madison This is the story of Lucinda Regent, the Half-blood Ancient also known as Janet Riggs, Betrayer of the Ancients. We know it skips around and is a bit disjointed, but then it was taken from her memories while still trying to understand that she was no longer a Loki Prisoner. It also helps to set up the next few chapters. In the unexplored wastes of the southern continent, Lucinda Regent lay trapped in Stasis....

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Far into the heart of corporate gonglomorate Globotech, the CEO Mrs. Keegel sets foot in the office of two lead toy makers to talk about the direction of the next line of Heartland Playsystems products. During the meeting, one of the toy developers shows off his prototype for the Commando Elite, a boys' toy like no other. They move, talk, and above all, can learn with the help of the technology that Globotech gives its employees access to. He activates it during the meeting and Chip Hazard...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 76 Throwing It All Away

October 31, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “There was no race yesterday?” Kara asked while I was showering after my run with Jacquelyn. “No. There’s one next week. We didn’t watch last week’s race because I was so preoccupied. I saw the results in the paper. Rusty Wallace won again, but Bill finished fourth and Earnhardt fifth. Bill has a 79 point lead on Wallace and a 198 point lead on Earnhardt. With two races to go, Labonte is out of it because he’s 508 points back. They race in Phoenix next...

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The Dorm Room

Brie had graduated Valedictorian of her class and had earned a number of scholarships. Her acceptance into the University of South Carolina made her parents proud. Majoring in Paleontology with a secondary of Biology her schedule was going to be filled with some heady classes. She had wandered the campus getting familiar with it and eventually came to her dorm. She only had a small bag with her as her parents would bring her other stuff later. As she approached the door she stopped a...

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Conversations with Amy All

(Editor’s note: this is an edited version of a multi-chaptered work that was previously on Literotica under this author’s name.) * Chapter 1 Amy needs a shoulder Amy is a neighbor and one of my favorite people. She’s in her mid-twenties, dark red hair, slim–even after two kids, cute, great sense of humor, and generally a joy to be around. My name is Robert, Rob for short. I’m 20 years older, and live one house away from adorable Amy. Currently I am unemployed, by choice. I left my last...

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My Brother Took My Virginity 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS readers. I am Niharika. I have been reading the stories here for a long time. Some of the stories are very erotic and exciting. So I wanted to post an experience of my own which I had with my own elder brother. This is the first time I’m writing a story here. Please don’t mind if there are any mistakes. My name is Niharika. I’m 20 years old. 5’4 feet height and wheatish complexion. I don’t know how to explain it to me. My brother told me my body is somewhere between skinny and chubby. My...

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Help from sister in Law Ch 3

"I didn't know what I was supposed to do," he tells her."Jesus Christ, Tim!" Rhonda admonishes him. "Can't you see she's reaching out to you? Don't make her grab your dick before you're willing to respond!""I just wasn't in the mood," he says, turning onto his side. "I was thinking about today and being with you..." Rhonda jumps to her feet and glares down at him."Oh no!" she yells, pointing her finger at him. "That's not what this is about! I am not your girlfriend or your mistress or...

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Naughty Hot NurseChapter 8

Sarah slid onto the bar stool and ordered a Scotch and water. Lighting a cigarette, she glanced around the bar, but her eyes weren't yet accustomed to the subdued light and she gave up. When her drink arrived, she drank it quickly and ordered another. She was sure she was drinking too much, but it tasted so good and she enjoyed the feeling it gave her. It lowered any inhibitions she had left and made her feel sexy. She liked feeling sexy, but that cast serious doubts upon her moral...

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An innocent gets tortured

THE INNOCENTChapter oneNow I thought to myself, ?This has now gone past the point of no return?.  I wonder if I’ll survive the next couple of hours with my sanity intact. Can I possibly bear the torture that is in store for me? After all, a cock is not really the biggest part of the body and how bad can it get?I first contacted Helmut on a BDSM site. I’d posted all of my deepest wishes as though they were something I do regularly. This site is amazing. They encourage you to tell all, even the...

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Jacqueline Fernandez and her Adventures Pt 01

Now Jacqueline with her amazing smile and sexiest dick rising figure went straight up in bollywood very fast. She took many awards and became a nationwide dick-throbbing masturbation queen. Now, Like every other actress, She also started to think big and so, She asked around on how to get in hollywood film. Her source said that In secret bidding takes place between actresses for a good director's film and it reaches upto 250 million dollars. She became sad and went to her father for...

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Hired Gun From Santa FeChapter 15

They saw the lump of discarded clothing off to the side of the trail right by the scattered ashes of a recent fire that was used for something other than cooking or getting warm. It was the Indian scout that was as silent as a grave that gave Sam the sign of a “dead female” with the slight movement of his arms and hand. The others looked without really trying to see because they had seen it all before and had no stomach for it so early in the morning. They didn’t have the cook’s wagon with...

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Milking Kim

Gary hooked his thumb vaguely in the direction of the room that he and Kimberly had converted to a nursery. "Kim's feeding the li'l one," he said. "She'll be out in a few minutes." He often referred to his new baby as "the li'l one." In fact her name was Emily, but at six months, I suppose "the li'l one" is as good a tag as any. Then with his other hand he hooked a thumb toward the hallway that lead to his music studio. "Sheila, I wanted to show you the folio of Bach etudes I just got."My wife...

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Genderwave First Reports

GENDERWAVE: FIRST REPORTS By BobH (c) 2004 It started on June 21st - the summer solstice - shortly after noon local time. That was when the shimmering wall appeared along a line stretching from the top of the world down through the middle of the Bering Strait all the way to the middle of Antarctica. Running from one pole to the other and stretching from the top of the atmosphere to the ocean bottom and through the deepest caverns known to man, it seemed impossibly huge yet was only a...

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Lost My Virginity With My Mami

Hello, guys. This is Hardik .. I am a big fan of ISS and this is my first sex story here. This story is about my Maami and me. Her name is Ritika. She is a housewife and mother of a 2-year-old kid. She is 36 years old but looks like 28 years old and her measurements are 36-28-34. Now coming to the sex story. This incident happened when I was in 11th standard. My Maami and my mama have been married for 6 years now. She is a housewife and usually stays at home. Initially, I didn’t have any bad...


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