The Setup
- 2 years ago
- 24
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After class I dawdled and waited for everyone to leave. Natalie caressed me with her hand and said that she really loved her gift.
"I am glad you like it. But you have to know that you are bringing attention to yourself. The boys in the room are eating you up with their eyes, and I have not been able to get much other work done, either. You are a very distracting influence."
"I think I can be much more than simply distracting."
"I know you can."
During lunch the reporter from the Toronto Star was actually still around. He asked me for a few minutes. My meal was finished anyway, and I excused myself and sat at an empty table with him. He said that he just wanted to get a little more background on the story and how I felt about some of the other ways that a school treated the students. I just finished when the bell rang and we shook hands and went our own ways.
After school there were no distractions. Rita came over and got her kiss. She was acting more like a lady now, but still showed her youth at the same time. To me it looked like a great compromise. She would still fit in with her friends and lead them into adulthood.
Helen was down, though, and it wasn't till we were away from the school that she said, "I am getting my period soon, and I was hoping to be with you tonight."
I stopped and gave her a kiss that showed my deep feelings for her. "You will be with me no matter what. Your period will only limit some of things we will do."
At the intersection, while waiting for Aron, we started on our kissing. There was no real place to hide, and we just sat on the grass. I used my fingers to tease her nipples and play with her clit. When a car went by, we just acted innocent till they couldn't see us even in their mirror. Aron was the only one walking up the road this time, and Helen managed to have an orgasm just before he got to us.
He looked at his flushed sister and asked, "You doing that stuff again?"
"Of course we were," I said as Helen blushed. "It is good for the heart to get the exercise and good for the soul to know that you have made someone you love feel so good. You will understand better when you get a bit older."
At home I made some coffee and started to make supper. Helen went upstairs and later came down after having a bath. "I don't quite have my period yet, Alex," she said in a coy voice.
I moved some food off the hot parts of the stove and we ran upstairs. In the background we heard, "Not again!"
When we came down later, we found Aron doing the cooking. I went up behind him and gave him a hug. "Thank you, little brother. You are doing a great job."
He said, "I have to. You two are always doing it, and I want to eat." The smile on his face let me know that he was not really angry.
I made a few phone calls to get pricing on various articles I could use for my building projects. The cast iron wood stove had not been installed yet, although the double-walled, stainless steel chimney had. The flooring could be linoleum, but I liked tiles, if they were not slippery.
Helen played 'Susie Homemaker', and I was glad of the attention. It was easy to see that even Aron got lots of attention and enjoyed the benefits of a happy family.
The phone, unaccustomedly, rang. This would be the first call I had got. For a split second I looked for the call display, and then just picked up the receiver. "Hello," I said cheerfully.
"Hi, Alex. I got your party in Chicago." I recorded the particulars and thanked Derrick for his help.
"No problem. I was able to sweet-talk a long distance operator."
I thought for a few minutes after hanging up how I was going to pursue this matter. Mr. Silva Cranz was a respected accountant with a penchant for the thin wire frame glasses that marked many of his trade. He was presently climbing the Chicago social ladder. He was well thought of and fairly brilliant in his field.
I met him in 1973 after he took the reigns of his families manufacturing business. We had some mutual business and continued to see one another. He liked old cars, planes, and women, the same as I did. On a few occasions we even traded among ourselves. We met many times at auctions, and both of us even donated cars so the proceeds could go to one worthy cause or another.
As time went on, I found many shady types in his inner circle of friends. It didn't take me long to see he was involved with the mob. I was no saint myself, but I tried to keep clean. I had even employed some of those shady types when the same types were sicced on me. Sometimes they found information that was not available otherwise. Screwing the taxman was a favourite hobby of most businessmen, and I was no exception here, either.
Mr. Silva Cranz was similar to me in many ways, with one exception. He craved excitement, and had been the person to introduce me to skydiving and many other dangerous sports. Since we were both not over the hill yet, we enjoyed many of these pursuits. One, though, he never mentioned.
On the night of April 22, 1949, a bank in Chicago was robbed. This was done with finesse and care. Nobody was even threatened, for the crime happened at night. Four other robberies happened in the next five years. Every one was the same. The last time they were found, and a guard was beaten with fists but not shot or knifed. His body was duct taped and put safely to one side. His capturers even used a water bottle to give him a drink and insured that he was as comfortable as possible.
After the robbery and the thieves safely away, one even called the police to inform them of the guard's location.
In every one of the robberies, gold seemed to be the main commodity taken. Other things of opportunity were not left behind, though. The robbers were not found until 1989, when the wife of the leader found herself at odds with her husband and told the police. I had watched this from start to the conviction a year and a half later.
Mr. Silva Cranz was 64 when convicted of the thefts. Some of his gang had died in the intervening years, and he alone went to jail for fifteen years. He never lived to see the outside again.
His wife got a divorce and his empire came crashing down about him. He had pleaded with me to take it over, and my lawyers told me that I might not be able to keep it. I did purchase some things that could be considered safe. One was the large motor home that I used at the original mine site.
I now had a lot of gold to sell and needed a way of disposing of it. It came out at the trial that Silva had sold, to some rich foreign and un-named buyers, all the gold and other things that he had stolen. Perhaps his connections could be used to help me dispose of my much more legitimate gold.
I dialled the number and a familiar, young woman's voice answered. I knew the voice very well and remembered how much I liked Silva's wife. "Hello, is this Millie?"
"Yes, it is. I don't recognize your voice."
"You wouldn't, Millie, because we have never met, yet, but I hope to, soon. I actually phoned to talk to your husband on a business matter. Is he available?"
"No, he went out already. May I take a message?"
"If you would, please, but would you write it down on a piece of paper?" I knew how forgetful she was, and if this wasn't recorded, the message might never get to its intended destination.
"Hold on, please."
In a moment she was back, and I gave her my name and address. I doubt if her family knew anybody this far north. I added, "I have recently been in the Toronto papers for taking a school board to court. It mentions that I found a gold deposit. That is the reason for this call. I want to sell some very large gold nuggets, and I hoped your husband could facilitate this for me. Please tell him that I went prospecting April 22 in 49 and June 15 in 50, but wasn't as lucky some were."
"Why do you want me to say that?" Millie asked.
"It is important to me, Millie. Your husband is under no obligation. Please tell him that very emphatically. I just want him to call me back after 4:30, any weekday. It would be preferable if the call was before ten."
"I will tell Silva."
"Thank you, Millie. I hope to meet you in a few months."
Millie was a very vivacious woman. By the time I met her, though, she was one of the few who had contracted poliomyelitis after the vaccine had been around for years. She had not been permanently paralysed, but it had effected how she was able to get around. Silva told me wistfully how much Millie loved to dance. She still managed to take me a few times onto the dance floor. Three years after my meeting Silva she passed away from, what I considered, complications arising from her condition.
Salk's vaccine was not even made public till March of 1953, almost two years from now. Millie's problem, though, still bothered me. Perhaps I could get the vaccine first and save many more people. In the US alone, three thousand children died and sixty thousand were paralysed annually. Worldwide, the number was even worse per capita, because of diet and hygiene. Sometimes death would be preferable to living a life trapped within an unresponsive body. Millie would not suffer as she did, if I could get her to take some of the vaccine when it came out.
That night I finished lots of my small writing projects. There were other games and puzzles out there that could make me a lot of money. Some I hoped to buy the rights to and reap the profits. It was not assured that just because a game worked in my time that it would work sooner now. The original people would have been able to spent more time on it, and perhaps do something that I was not familiar with. I might turn a prospective silk purse into an expensive sow's ear.
Helen and I spent the night snuggled up, and soon Aron came in wanting a place, too. He crawled in on my other side and we slept together till the morning.
School the next day was the same till a few minutes after the opening announcements. Mike was back with a small bandage on his head. His picture was in the local paper and in the Toronto paper as well. The article had to do with his younger brother's problems. I didn't get to read the article, though, but I heard that it talked of a resourceful young man who saved the young boy and disappeared. A search for the rescuer was fruitless and no name could be found. Apparently, nobody had asked Mike.
The class sort of just stared at me when Mike began to explain. I felt out of place. In the back of my mind I heard Mike talking about me running with his brother to the police car to get to the hospital.
Everybody seemed to start asking me questions at once. It started like an avalanche, with only one voice till it encompassed the entire room. Mr. Ross used his size and voice to get the rest to remain quiet.
"Is this true, Alex?"
"I haven't read the articles. I had no idea that it was even in the papers. There seems to be too much of a fuss made, and it was no big job to pull the plastic out. The only thing that helped was the proximity of some useful equipment. Speaking of tools, the mechanic helped just as much by holding the child still, and later by protecting me when the child's mother came to some wrong conclusions. The police did a great job; they let me continue the artificial respiration and got us to the hospital in time. Mike helped, too, or the woman would have come completely undone. There were five of us without even counting the people at the hospital."
Nobody talked for a minute and this was getting eerie. Rita spoke up and asked, "Why didn't you tell me Friday or this morning?"
"What is there to tell? I might have saved a youngster's life, but it is nothing to brag about. A doctor would save many lives per shift in an emergency ward. He gets his pay and the satisfaction of knowing that he did a good job. At other times he cries himself to sleep, or gets drunk, thinking of the young lives that somehow slipped through his fingers. He never makes it into the papers."
"But they're doctors."
"What is the difference, Rita? We are all human. I may have more knowledge than the usual person walking the street, and I was just in the right place at the right time to use it."
The class was getting nowhere. I didn't usually listen much, but then again Mr. Ross was not teaching me anything new. Mr. Ross was soon on the inter-school phone and in a minute he said, "Alex, I think you better go see Mr. Corfu."
"Alright, sir." I picked up my notebooks, and when I left I turned and said, "I am sorry for disrupting your class, sir."
I walked the deserted halls to the office. After pulling the door open I saw the same thing here. Mrs. Cranston and the two young secretaries just stared at me like I was a freak. Mr. Corfu came out and quickly hustled me into his office.
"Tell me what happened, Alex."
Since he was an adult, I gave him the unedited version. I told him about what I really saw and, more importantly, felt. I was surprised to see that it took ten minutes to get all of this out.
"Alex, this story hit the large newspapers all over the country. The CBC had got the story in time for the 9 o'clock news. I think it was the two reporters who were here to see you. They played it as a mysterious boy who simply vanished after rescuing the child. Ever since there have been updates of the search mentioned on the noon, 6 and 11 o'clock news. I am very proud of you, Alex. The entire school is proud of you."
"Thank you, sir, but all I did was to pull a small piece of plastic out of an infant's throat and to breathe into his lungs till the doctors could take over."
"You are much too modest. You handled your other opposition well, and this should not be a problem."
"I am not shy now, sir. I seriously think there is too much fuss made about this. The boy's family would be happy that I did this small task, but it is of no concern to anybody else."
"No matter what you think, this incident will not just blow over. I think the best way to face it is head on. You should tell the school what happened, or each and everyone will be asking you the same questions and you will have to say the same thing 300 times."
"Perhaps you are right, sir. If I do talk at an assembly I would like a favour from you."
"What is it, Alex?"
"I want Helen, my foster sister in the front row. Someone also has to drive her to my foster brother's school and bring him here. He will be nervous with all the strangers, and I would like Mademoiselle Bouchard and Miss Vachon to be with him. He has met them before, and this will give him some comfort. Rita Leone is my girlfriend, and I would like her with my sister and brother."
"All that is easy. Mrs. Cranston can take Helen to get your brother."
Mrs. Cranston was called in. She was to find out what class Helen was in, and then ask her teacher to send her to the office.
A few minutes later Helen came running into the office. She saw me and started to run again but stopped in time. "I thought you were hurt or in trouble."
"In trouble this time, but good trouble."
"Good trouble?"
"Yes. Friday after school I helped a young boy with breathing problems. Somehow or other, it made it into the newspapers and it got blown out of proportion. Mr. Corfu suggested that we have an assembly to tell everybody at once and not 300 times. I want you up front. I also want Rita and Aron. Aron is too shy, and I wanted him to be with Mademoiselle Bouchard and our school nurse. He has met them and will not be as intimidated. Mrs. Cranston was going to drive you to Aron's school to pick him up."
Helen got out an, "Oh," and remained quiet. Mr. Corfu did not see the wink I gave Helen.
The Principal said, "It looks like this is going to disrupt most of the day. If you keep quiet about this, I will phone your teacher and get him to talk to his class. Perhaps period three or four could be for the assembly. Alex, will you be quiet too?"
"Me quiet? If it was up to me, none of you would have heard of it."
I went back to class, and Mr. Ross was still on the phone when I got in. After a few "Yes, sirs," he turned to the class and told them to keep quiet. So far, only we knew that there was going to be a surprise assembly, and if word leaked out too soon, somebody would have hundreds of hours of work to do, or fail math. I don't think he meant it, but somebody would sure be in for a time of grief.
The next class was with Mr. Armstrong and his rote teaching of geography. Four times during class he had to get people to pay attention to him, instead of looking in my direction. He couldn't see that I was disrupting the class and wondered what was up.
I expected the announcement of the assembly at any moment, but instead I found myself in electricity with Mr. Smith. Here, at least, was a good chance to have the boys from the other classes learn from ours.
This was a double and at the end of the first period the call had not yet come. It was half way through the third period and close to lunch when the speakers came alive and asked everybody to go to the auditorium for a surprise announcement.
Mr. Smith dismissed us and we all trooped off. I hurried myself and made it into the front seats on the left side facing the stage. Laura and Natalie came up at a quick pace, with a questioning look on their faces.
Natalie asked, "What's up, Alex? We were told to go to the front with you."
"Before all else I say, I tell you that I lied to the Principal. I said that my foster brother knows both of you. He would only be comfortable in a group of strangers if you were both here with him. My sister and brother will be arriving soon. Rita is coming, too; to keep up the charade, but she actually deserves to be here."
Laura asked, "But why are we here?"
I looked around and nobody was real close. "Because I want you two with me through both good times and bad." I left out till death do us part. "This just happens to be one of the good times."
Helen didn't worry about running and did just that. Aron just ran behind her so he wouldn't get lost. Aron ran to me and hugged me as high as he could get. I bent down and said in a whisper. "I got two girlfriends for you to have for today. Remember, they are mine. Pretend that you've known the new one all your life. Will you do that for your big brother?"
"Yea, I need a girlfriend, and you are giving me two. Where are they?"
I introduced him to Natalie and reintroduced him to Laura. "Now, hold their hands; they need someone to hold on to."
"I can do that, Alex."
Cooking class was at the other end of the school, and Rita was late. She ran up and asked, "I was told to go to see you, Alex. What's wrong?"
"I want family and friends together at a time like this. A girl who tried to domesticate the boys with me deserves to be at my side. Besides, we slept together."
Rita turned red and the girls around us listened very attentively. "We did not. We were in different rooms!"
"Alex, I am going to get you for that. Everybody here will think that we did things."
"We did." I paused for a moment then said, "We ate at your family's table and talked of decorating your family restaurant."
The people were all getting seated and things got silent all of a sudden. Laura and Natalie sat with Aron attached to their hands. Helen and Rita sat on each side of me and I noticed that the entire front row of seats were vacant. From the main aisle, three of the reporters whom I'd met on Friday were present, along with Mr. Caversham. I had not read his article yet to know how he treated me. Now could be a good time to pay back his good will or his attack.
I turned to Rita. "Did you read in the local paper where it used my name?"
"Ah, yes I did."
"Was it honestly written, or did the reporter seem to have a grudge against me?"
"It wasn't nice, but it was that man's opinion."
"That man in the back is the man that wrote it."
"Oh, I hate him already."
Mike came running up to me and said, "Mr. Corfu wanted me to sit up here with you guys."
"Well, grab a seat. The one beside Miss Vachon is a very good choice, if I were you."
His eyes bugged out a bit and he was very circumspect about sitting beside the most beautiful woman in the school. Laura looked at me and patted the seat beside her to get Mike to sit. He was just in time, for the reporters started taking seats right next to him.
The bell rang for lunch but nobody left or went to other classes. Mr. Corfu came on stage and picked up a microphone that provided a surge of sound as feedback went through the system.
"Hello students, faculty and guests." He went on to talk about the newspaper articles and the radio news reports then he dropped his bomb. "Michael Stoner was hurt at the same time as his little brother. He did not know of the quest for the name of the unknown boy that saved his young brother. Early this morning he read the articles brought it into class for him to see. He knew the person very well, and told the rest of us. This heroic person is none other than our own Alex Kramer."
Rita started to clap first and then the rest of the audience did to. After a few seconds I had to get up and made a small bow of thanks. Rita's eyes were glowing, as if I were her husband who had done some miraculous feat just for her pleasure.
Mr. Corfu went on for another minute, and then called me up to the stage. I squeezed Helen and Rita's hands and got up. I gave a small smile to all my girls, Aron, and even Mike.
Speeches were an easy thing for me after doing many each year, in front of notables in most cases. "Thank you for the applause. It is nice to see that I have so many friends who wish me well. I cannot just accept these good wishes without talking about a few others. First is Mike Stoner. He helped by running for assistance. He had the misfortune to stumble in his quest, and he was knocked unconscious. He later stepped in to assist the child's mother and me."
"The second is the mechanic who provided the tools to remove the blockage from the infant's small throat. He also assisted me in holding the child in a position so I could extract the small piece of plastic, and then he risked his life to protect me from a distraught and frantic mother who did not understand what we were doing. He suffered many abrasions, lacerations and other types of trauma to keep me safe. He suffered this pain while trying not to hurt the frantic woman while she fought him."
"The child was suffering from respiratory paralysis. Two members of our police force assisted in this situation. They appraised the situation very quickly and then professionally facilitated getting the child and me to the hospital in time. I only did my part, and the four others are the ones who should get the real applause.
Rita started again and I did as well to show how I felt about the people who helped. I would gladly have stepped down now, but a reporter stood up and said, "Where did you learn to be a doctor?"
I looked at him till he flinched, even if I had to make a scene. "I learned first aid. Do you write your articles with the same inaccuracy you ask your questions?"
"First aid is not something that is mandatory in schools. Perhaps that is due to the fact that we have as good a nursing staff as we do here with Miss Vachon." I paused a while to get the plug in. "Work sites and other places of business, such as a farm, can be very dangerous. I happen to live on a working farm with my foster family. Helen Lowca, her brother Aron, and their family took me in when my parents died. To keep my new family safe I learned many things from medical books, including what to do in an emergency."
Another reporter stood up and asked, "What happened to you after going to the hospital?"
"I am not large and imposing. Adults pushed me around till I found a corner to hide in and not get crushed. After I heard that the child had started to breathe on his own, I simply called a cab and left."
Another reporter got up and asked, "Are you going to become a doctor now?"
"Probably, but I want to be an engineer, inventor and even a politician before I will try my hand at medicine. We don't have a good heart lung machine yet. Our defibrillators are large and can't be taken to a patient to get their heart going again. There are many diseases that have no cures, yet."
"So you are going to cure the world?" he said sarcastically.
"The same way you are going to get a Pulitzer for your innuendo, or have you given up hope of ever attaining that goal, sir. I am young, and I have not lost my zeal as some adults have done."
The Le Devoir correspondent from the French language newspaper in Montréal asked, "What can you suggest that your fellow students might do to get ahead, as you have done?"
I replied in Québécois, "Students all over have to have their rights spelled out to them. Then they will know how to act. It is not quite what you asked, but it is what I would recommend all students do." I repeated the same thing in English and saw the reporters writing now. Perhaps I had given them a small thing so they could blow it up to unimaginable proportions and use it to show that I wanted to fight the school system.
"I notice that you reporters snapped up that last statement. You had best not misquote me. I did not infer that there are major problems with our school system, or our school board. There are only some small changes that will bring the board and the students into a safer environment."
Another asked, "What about your court case?"
"I am speaking on school property. Mr. Corfu our Principal introduced me. Our taxes go to pay for all the teachers and students here. This is no time to talk about other matters, even if I did wander into those murky waters with my last reply."
The Le Devoir correspondent asked, "What do your fellow students think of you?"
"I could ask your friends what they think of you, and then ask you the same question. The answers would not be the same, I am afraid. Ask them yourself. I warn you: if you talk to Rita Leone you may get an earful of what you didn't want to hear."
"Who is she? Your girlfriend?"
"I guess she is, but she is also my wild animal trainer. Talk to her about that subject. Count your fingers after, though." Rita turned red and hung her head and must have turned redder after the second comment.
The questions came now with little substance till I said, "Gentlemen, my newfound friendship with the other students will have disappeared unless they are allowed to eat. I, too, am getting hungry, and I invite each of you gentlemen of the press and radio to partake in the delicious cuisine served at our world famous cafeteria."
Mr. Corfu looked at his watch and said his thanks for the reporters coming and again to me for what I had done for the community and one family in particular. "The remainder of this period, and the next, are the official lunch periods for all students."
He got a rousing cheer, and the students started to file out. Those in our group stayed, and the reporters came in like barracuda. "What are your plans after you finish school?"
"Let's talk as we eat. If I have to put up with your questions, you will have to put up with our food. No eat; no talk. By the way, this young lady is Rita. Her parents own Mario's, the best restaurant around." I went through the other ones present and made sure the reporter from Le Devoir got a chance to talk to Natalie. Aron was like a stallion defending his mares and tried to get in between the reporters and the two beautiful women. Polish boys are sometimes very much like Polish men.
The line up for food was very long and then we had to go outside to eat. We watched the buildings being put up. I introduced my guests to Izzy and just let him take care of them for a moment as I gulped some of my food.
Natalie and Laura sat on a plank supported by a stack of prefab wall units. Aron wiggled in between them and ate his meal. Helen sat beside Laura and Rita on the other side of me. Mike felt left out, but stayed on the other side of Rita.
I explained to all of them exactly what happened on Friday night. I encouraged Mike to fill in most of the information I didn't know about. Rita again acted like her mother and encouraged Mike to continue.
We got our pictures taken, and I insisted that everyone should be in all the pictures if I was in it. Helen and Aron had a few pictures taken, and Laura with Natalie had a lot. They insisted that their boyfriend join them, and Aron was there like a shot. The reporters wanted pictures of Mike's brother and mother taken with me. I suggested that we meet at Mario's for a meal and some photos later tonight.
Laura looked at her watch then told Natalie. Natalie excused both of them and they left for their duties. They flirted a bit with poor Aron before they left, and he looked like his ego would explode.
The reporters left well before lunch ended. We had to carry their plates and trays back into the cafeteria. Perhaps they thought that their mothers would soon be here to pick up after them.
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Chapter 1.My name is Heather, which if you are a child of the eighties is about as cliché as you can get. I am not your blonde bimbo type though. I am a business owner who has done fairly well for myself. I guess if appearances are all that important I would describe myself as average. I am not really athletic nor am I particularly big. I have a bit of a belly that I have had since my pregnancy with William. I am in no way interested in becoming a gym junky to try and lose it either. I consider...
Incest“How do you like being a governess?” Jill asked. She and Faith were both naked and lying on the bed with the covers pushed to the foot of the bed. Faith was on her back and Jill was snuggled up against her with her head propped on her hand. Jill alternated between kissing her daughter’s lips and the closest nipple as she slowly slid a finger into the swampy, warm tunnel between Faith’s legs. “Ha!” retorted Faith. “It’s sure different than I expected.” Jill giggled and nipped at Faith’s...
I leaned over and kissed her forehead and then buried my nose in the crook of her neck. Inhaling her scent and wanting her so much. She moaned and turned onto her back. I leaned down and flicked my tongue over her nipple. Even through her tank, it hardened and she moaned again. I flicked my tongue over her other nipple and watched it harden as well. Then I kissed her throat and started feathering kisses over her face. Slowly, she woke up and blinked. As her eyes focused, she looked at me and...
IncestI am an old guy (76) who takes an age to even get semi hard, one of the few sexual pleasures I have left is snogging/kissing and fingering old ladies’ hairy cunts and shit holes.As it happens this is something old ladies really like as it translates to romance and memories of their youth. Although retired, I am a part time volunteer in a charity shop working and interacting with a lot of nice old ladies, some still being interested in things sexual. This is my story of two such ladies.ElsieShe...
After Chip had cooked dinner and waited on Hans, and had his own meal in the kitchen, cleaning up quickly, he got busy polishing Hans's shoes and boots. But in the middle of polishing Master Hans's last set of boots, Hans interrupted Chip. "Chip. How many times I must tell you? You have not?written down?your Stuhlgang, your poo-poo!." Hans, who was a strict hygienist, required that his submissive weigh and record his bowel movements, using little plastic gloves and a small digital kitchen...
I have been married for seven years and never once even considered cheating on my husband. I can’t say that anymore. I have now not only thought about cheating, but I have cheated. I love my husband, but I guess my excuse is I got bored.My name is Amanda, but everyone calls me Mandy. Steve and I got married right out of high school. We dated through our senior year. Steve was always very careful to have plenty of condoms available when we needed them. We needed them often. Our carefulness...
Wife Lovers“Mmmmm, I promised them no,” Matty tells me groggily. “Who did you promise no,” I ask putting my full body against hers. “Your parents, I said I wanted to sleep here tonight and they said I could but no sex. Your Mom was very specific and made me swear or I can’t come over here for a month,” Matty tells me starting to wake up a little. No sex, my parents knew I’d try to and Mom of all people shot me down. I lay there thinking about ways around it but knowing Mom she will take...
Around 8:30pm, after a light dinner and some good red wine, I changed into my pink, silky, short nightie. This is the one that loves to slip off my shoulder, clinging with its weight squarely on my nipple, revealing lots of tit when I'm not careful. Anyway, no panties but I did put on a pair of silver high heels, which I will occasionally wear to bed during sex. I laid out my array of sex toys....I crawled into bed with my laptop, read a few stories here, watch some videos there.... pulling my...
The next day, Garry and I were going into town; we both had some final Christmas shopping to do, and he wanted to look through Palings, the large music store with me. He arrived at my place on his bike just after breakfast, and together we walked down to the main bus stop. We had waited till the morning peak hour had passed, that way we would get a seat all the way into town. Standing all the way on a one hour bus trip isn’t much fun! Our bus was a double-decker, and we made our way...
The Yellow Sundress © Titania Midsummer - 2016 Chapter 2 - Orientation Judy slept fitfully that night, but by morning had made some decisions. She drove to the town where few people knew her. There she bought some condoms, 'Be prepared, like a boy scout,' she thought. She also shopped for some attractive, and rather expensive, underwear and nightwear. Returning to the village she went back to the boutique and bought that summer...
Being a little drunk and alot horny I did something I probably shouldn't have. I went on Craigslist and posted a message with my motel room. I don't know what made me do it. I knew I shouldn't but I was looking through the ads and got so horny. I was rubbing my cock through my panties and sucking on my dildo cock and I just wanted the real thing. It's been a over an hour and I haven't gotten any answer to my ad yet so I am probably safe. I probably shouldn't have posted it and I...
When young petite Sera Ryder runs away from home the whole neighborhood is on the lookout cause her mom is calling everyone. That includes Mr. Slayher. His daughter happens to be friends with Sera so he is of course alerted and asked to be on the look out for the runaway teen. It’s a quiet weekend with his wife and daughter out of town so Mr. Slayher assures the upset mother he would let her know if he found out anything. Coming back from the store Mr. Slayher happens to find Sera walking...
xmoviesforyouHi dosto. Mera naam Rahul hai. Main Rajkot se hu. Me ISS ko regular padh raha hu. Aur isi se muje apni pehli story aap sab ke liye likhne ka mann kiya. Aap logo ko meri story kaisi lagi, jaroor batana. Mera e-mail id hai : Aap logo ko jyada bore na karte huve me apni story ki shuruaat karta hu. Ye baat aaj se 5 saal purani hai. Maine abhi abhi college khatam kiya tha. Aur meri nokri ek achchi company me lag gayi thi. Ab mere parents mere liye ek sunder ladki dekh rahe the. Muje jyada intezar...
Introduction: A brief look into one of Tony Starks many sexual encounters. This is my first story here, so please be considerate, yeah? FUCK! The woman moaned, biting her bottom lip with such a grip that she could begin to taste the metallic flavor of her own blood in her mouth. She squirmed blissfully on the king sized bed, her body rubbing against the black silk sheets as she moved onto her knees and the palms of her hands, her movements weak and shaky from the waves of ecstasy she was...
In 1993 I got employment as a clerk in an automobile manufacturing firm and after two month’s training in their Chennai Office I was posted in their area office in Tanjore, Tamilnadu, India I went there and my lodging was arranged with one of my relative. In his house one portion of ground floor was occupied by him and another portion was let out to his brother-in-law. In upstairs there was a portion let out to a malayalle family and a small room was occupied by me. I would have my food outside...
"... in my case, to be tempted, however slightly, was to fall." Friday night, though... my resolve could not hold. When Sherry re-emerged, she had big plans. I remained as her for the whole weekend - and a very busy, and expensive, weekend it was. The first thing she did was take a taxi ride back to the store, paying in her customary fashion, and open the safe. (Like many small business owners, I kept a moderately substantial supply of cash readily available for an unexpected crisis.) The...
I was married at 19 years of age and little did we know that at the wedding my father in law had already developed skin cancer and was dying.Within the year we had buried him, leaving my mother in law, Joan, alone in her large house.My wife had just given birth to our first c***d and this gave us the opprtunityto invite Joan over to help out giving her something to occupy her mind and I found myself doing all the household chores for her to keep the her house ship shape. This included taking...
"Katrina, Brom, I'd like you to meet Ichabod Crane," Baltus said. "At your service, my lady," said the tall, almost gaunt looking gentleman, as he took her hand in his and kissed it. The feeling of his lips on her was almost electric.Katrina lowered her eyes, demurely, her gaze settling on the rather large bulge in the stranger's britches. 'I wonder just how large he really is?' she thought, feeling herself dampen."Mr. Crane is our new school teacher. I've just hired him," said Baltus. "The...
HistoricalMy marriage was finally getting back to normal. It had been over a month, and there was no sign of Ron, Carl, or Mike, and other than the humiliating glances from Andy, everything was getting back to normal. I truly love my wife, and I had to accept that she only had sex with those men because she thought that I had wanted her to do it. I convinced myself that she really didn't want to do it, and surely she didn't actually enjoy it. I thought we were finally going to put everything behind...
Introduction: She found out about my cheating I arrived home from a business trip on Thursday night at about 9pm. I was not expected back until about 6pm the following day. The house was empty! Where was Rachel, my wife of 15 years? I was tired and so went to bed alone. Next morning there was still no Rachel. I showered, dressed, had breakfast, unpacked my suitcase, and went off to work, still mystified by Rachels absence. I left work early that afternoon and was home by 4pm. Still no...
My wife Sarah and I were enjoying a small golfing and spa break which we had been enjoying immensely, until i managed to twist an ankle when fishing a wayward ball out of the rough. Luckily we were talking to a lady in the bar that evening who was actually by her self on a spa break and enjoyed golf and happened to have her clubs with her so arranged to play with Sarah the next day.They met at breakfast the next morning and off they went. I took myself off to the spa for a little bit of...
Hi all…This is vinesha again about my experience on the next day of my earlier story..”Encounter with sweet Swathi”. Thanks all for your wonderful feedback. After such a beautiful/strange/weird thing that happened in the night, I was thinking about it only in the office also. Moreover, since I did not have proper sleep, my eyes also turned red. Some of my colleagues asked my reason why they are red, I told, was not feeling well and some crap. After my lunch, I was not able to control my...
Driving in to work the next morning, Kathy felt wonderful. Reflecting on her life with Ken it seemed that each night was better than the one before. Last night had been the very best. Gently, she ran her fingers up her sore crotch and softly moaned, remembering. Ginger had certainly been right: The more she worked to increase Ken's enjoyment, the greater was her own pleasure. Going up in the elevator she realized she was a little late: It was already eight-fifteen. Entering the office, she...
Seth barged into her stepmom’s bathroom when she was getting ready to take the sun, of course, she got outraged, kicked him out and lectured him for not doing anything in the house while his father was out, so Jaclyn his stepmom assigned him some chores to do, while she was sunbathed. Jaclyn could not reach her back to apply lotion so she called Seth to help her out, reluctantly he applied the lotion, but Jaclyn didn’t want tan lines so she asked him to remove her top, Seth got hard...
xmoviesforyou(I'm gonna be adding to this story over time, so it has a lot of dead ends in it right now. i'm not a professional writer by far, but hopefully it's to your liking.) It started on Friday night. you where doing your usual porn searches as you usually do and forgot about the time. "fuck, it's 3am!" You exclaim quietly and decide to end the secession angry at not being able to release your load. You close the laptop and turn off the lights but you notice something outside your window is making it...
FantasyCraig was bored. He sat staring at his books. His mum seemed to be constantly repeating the phrase “Your Highers are only a couple of months away. You need to get upstairs and do some studying.”He slumped back in his chair, turning his head to stare out the bedroom window. His room looked out onto the back green. His eyes swept over the black windows of the tenement flats on the other side of the grass. This part of Edinburgh was home to a mixture of students and professionals and most of the...
MasturbationAfter life had settled down with the two brothels, the New House of Joy straight for the fuddy-duddies, and Jacqui's Place kinky for the youngsters, as the forty-year-olds thought of themselves, Martha more or less retired from 'active service', only performing as a professional on either side of the switch for certain very favoured clients and, of course, free of charge whenever the fancy took Hugo and he appeared or sent for her, but he often seemed to prefer Kim. She never lost her...
As time went on, Barbara began talking about her lack of sex and boring Puritanical sex at that. Jim did not satisfy her fantasies or even allow her to attempt any kind of sexual dominance. Jim didn‘t even want to hear talk about fantasies. There was no oral or female dominance in her sex world; God forbid even the mention of anything anal or other perverted fantasies. When Jim was ready for sex, which wasn’t too often lately, Jim was strictly straight missionary man as it had been all though...
Cass giggled as she ran across the wet sand, dropping her bra and panties behind her onto the deserted beach. Her feet made little splashes as she ran into the chilly surf. Once the water deepened, she began to swim with strong, confident strokes. After swimming a couple dozen yards, Cass tested the depth with pointed toes and was satisfied that she could still touch sand. She turned in the shoulder-deep water to face the squeals and gleeful shouts on the shore behind her, barely making out...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHi this is Rahul this is story about my experience with my friends girlfriend first let me tell you details about myself. I’m 6 feet and strong built boy with fair complexion and Diya the name of my friends girlfriend is around 5 ft 6 inches whitish complexion with figure to die for 34 32 36 and mostly she has the features of girl whose even horniest expression can make you cum, To my story began with our Shimla trip we all were going to shimla in pair you can say this was fuck trip...
Vero's Secret Desire By billy69boyMy name is Vero, short for Veronica. I am a 19 year old university student, in my second year. I have always liked boys, and I have already had many steady boyfriends, as well as several fuck buddies. They are easy to come by at all the dorm parties that seem to go on constantly. I don't consider myself to be a slut or a nympho, but I do like a stiff cock on a Friday night, after drinking and dancing with my school mates. Living on campus means you can get...
Where Darkness Ends Delana Soulstar [email protected] Chapter 4 The bus stopped and Tanya, Sharon and Ms. Myers stepped in. There were not that many people waiting for the bus this afternoon, so it wasn't a problem to find some spare seats. While the two girlfriends sat down next to each other, Ms. Myers took a seat directly in front of them and turned around so she could better talk to them. She smoothed her skirt a bit and made sure her legs remained closed. "You can...
here are the usual disclaimers this story is for adults only if you are viewing this andare not 18 years of age or older please close this page immediatly. there is no cross dressing in the story but this is how I began my transformation fromregular boy into cock suckking teenage crossdresser. we were having a really hot heat wave here in philadelphia; my mom wanted me to get outof the house and off the computer so she suggested a movie. I felt wierd going to the movies by myself but I...
"Frumpy! I am so God damned sick of that term!" Brittany sat down at the dining room table in a bit of a huff. "Brittany," Mother stated, "Ladies don't use language like that. So, how does the bra look on Jamie? Is it cute?" "Sorry about the language, Miss C. I'm just so tired of being that way. 'Frumpy' describes me to a tee. I just don' know how to change. Oh, the bra fit perfectly. Jamie's absolutely adorable in just her delicates." "What do you say to Brittany,...
To the women's surprise, the President had ordered out one of the presidential aircraft to pick up Colleen in Chicago. Since the cabin was set up in a VIP configuration, the two older women were sitting side by side on a sofa talking while Maureen slept. Vangie looked at her friend and said, "Colly, you never told me anything about your husband and I was always too selfish ever to think to ask. When did you meet?" "Twenty-three years ago this June," she replied. "I met him in Dublin....
I hope that this chapter will answer a few questions that some of you have been asking me, but not all of them. And as always my gratitude to MaaddMaaxx for his patience, insight and abilities. Thanks for helping my express my work in a manner that everyone else will at least be able to read. * Laysea began to lift out of a black fog. She was sitting between Ty and Jason. She turned toward Jason groggily saying, ‘Jas, I had the strangest dream. It was so life like that I. . .’ Jason had...
I dealt with the fallout from Miss Laura’s text and called my young fuck partner when I crawled out of bed and made some coffee. From the texts she sent the previous night, Kristie was pissed, feeling taunted, mistreated, and cheated on.“I didn’t know you were into old women,” Kristie started out.“Firstly, she’s just older than you,” I said, “second, how do you know who she is?”“She’s a regular. Jacky saw you two. Remember her bartending last night?”Jacky was a close friend of Kristie’s. They...
FemdomThis story is a sequel to my first story, “Dream Girl Heather”. I suggest reading that story before continuing with the post below. I was disappointed when I hadn’t heard from Heather after a few days. She was friendly at work, but made no mention of my visit to her home, or what had happened. I was worried that my premature ejaculation problem had ruined any chance of another encounter. I had decided that if another opportunity presented itself that I would jack off several times before...
Directly ,coming to the story ,this happened around two years ago friend pavan he was very close to me , we were childhood friends, Coming to pavans mom she was a ,a bomb she doesn’t look like 36….. with big milky white boobs . While..coming to the story I had no bad intentions about Chaya aunty ,I used to go pavans house every day,she used to treat me as their family member…but I got attracted when I and pavan saw huge no.of. porn movies in our inter holidays …my sexual feelings increased...
She was a transient. That’s what they called kids like Abby—nobody, trouble, a misfit. She had been labelled many things by a society that did not really know how to deal with children in care. And that’s what she was. Social Services had taken her from her mother—a mother who sought refuge in drugs rather than parenting—when she was young and she had bounced around from foster home to care home for the majority of her young life. She rebelled because it was all she knew how to do. She fought...
I was a young man in my early thirties and had recently travelled over to Sivota, Greece and bought my own Greek villa as my late father had left me all his money in his will before he died. So, here I am in glorious, hot Greece. I opened the balcony doors and stepped out onto the balcony sighing happily, raising my head to the hot morning sunshine. I was about to return back inside when I caught sight of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen before walk down the road below. ‘Morning,’ I...
It started my senior year in college. My girlfriend Deb was a junior and she was perfect. No she wasn’t a cheerleader blonde. She was perfect because she loved sex, enjoyed porn, and when she sucked me off, she swallowed. Girls I’d been with to that point always pulled my cock out of their mouths and jacked me off on their tits or neck, the classic pearl necklace. Deb simply loved cum. She would tell me that what I ate earlier in the day affected the taste. Some foods sweetened it up, others...
Introduction: Erika spends the rent money her mom left her and becomes a sex slave =================================== ERIKA THE SEX SLAVE, CHAPTER ONE =================================== KEYWORDS: M/f, teen female, sex slave, rough, blowjob, BJ, anal, humiliation, humil Comments? E-mail: [email protected] Erika was a bombshell. She was the type of girl that when walking down the street turned heads. And, she knew it. She had an amazing body, full pouty lips, great set of tits for her age,...
With that, we grabbed the food off the grill, and went inside. We found Jess and Sharon all put back together after their little show - clothing and make-up exactly as we were introduced, the table set, the wine ready to pour.We sat two across from each other, Bill and Jess on one side, and Sharon and I on the other. This gave us the opportunity to get to know the other partner a little better during dinner, and hopefully a lot better before dessert (Wink! Wink). Sharon sat very close to me...
“So what’s your thing, Pete, I mean what really turns you on, what do you like to see your woman wear ?” Jas always does this, after a few drinks her inhibitions fade away and she starts asking questions like this. Last week it was sex positions, the week before it was do you prefer a hairy , shaven or somewhere between pussy.Every Thursday we have a staff team bonding exercise, which generally involves us getting off our faces in the local pub. Jas has worked on my department for just over...
Straight SexI was chatting one evening on an adult site when my wife Susan happened to peek over my shoulder. “What are you doing? Who are you talking to?” “I’m just chatting with a few people online.” She watched for a while as the chat became progressively more sexual in nature. I was surprised when she pulled up a chair and joined me. One of the male chatters was asking some very personal questions to a female chatter. “Wow. That guy is getting pretty personal.” Susan said as she leaned closer to...
VoyeurI came home from work after a successful morning meeting where we finalized a big project. I decided to celebrate by going out to buy a new dress. I changed out of my business suit and grabbed a quick shower to shave smooth. I put on my make-up, choosing to go with a conservative look for the day with a pink lipstick. I got dressed with black panties and bra, and pulled on the silky nylons and attached them to my black lacy garter belt. I then slipped into a long navy skirt with matching...
Dantes passed through all the stages of torture natural to prisoners in suspense. He was sustained at first by that pride of conscious innocence which is the sequence to hope; then he began to doubt his own innocence, which justified in some measure the governor's belief in his mental alienation; and then, relaxing his sentiment of pride, he addressed his supplications, not to God, but to man. God is always the last resource. Unfortunates, who ought to begin with God, do not have any hope in...
Hello All, this is Sameer Patel from Mumbai. This is my first story on ISS. Hope you will enjoy reading the story. I am big fan of ISS and finally decided to write my first experience which happened with my neighbour lady. First about myself, my age is 24 years and I live with my mom and dad. And my dick size is almost 7 inch. Yeh ghatna 2 years pehle ki hai jab mai newly join hua tha ek MNC mein jaha meri night shift hai. Aur meri neighbour married lady hai uska naam Gazala hai. Uski age hogi...
Since returning from our business trip, Mei had been promoted and was moved on to another department, which meant I no longer saw her. For some reason, she had never exposed me to my coworkers, despite the numerous threats of distributing the pictures she had taken of me dressed like a girl.I had thought back to that week a few times in my mind. The images of Mei's beautiful slim body, her perky breasts, slender legs and tight round ass. I remembered how sexy she looked, like a goddess, made...