Devlin's StoryChapter 9 free porn video

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"What does the rest of your day look like?" Danny asked as Devlin got off the bed and started collecting her clothes. The rain was drumming against the window of the hotel room and Devlin could hear the hissing sound of tires on the street below. Danny was lying on the bed, still nude.

Devlin paused, watching the raindrops run down the window. "I have class in an hour," she said. She could feel the coolness radiating from the window and it made her shiver slightly. "English composition followed by math, advanced algebra. What about you? Another business meeting?" That was his excuse for getting out of the office today.

"No, just more of what I've been doing for the last two weeks," Danny said. "I've got several loan applications to review." He studied her profile. "Is something bothering you?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Want to talk about it?"

Devlin put down her underwear and sat on the chair next to the window, still staring at the rain. From time to time she could see bits of snow hitting the window. The forecast tonight was for falling temperatures with the possibility of snow. Even if it didn't snow there were going to be plenty of icy roads in the morning.

"This last weekend Jeff and I were going to go to the football game with some friends of his from his engineering classes. I was looking forward to it, just a couple of hours where we could be together with friends."

"But... ?"

"His Church called, said they needed him to help run a Youth Camp that weekend. They called him Friday morning." She looked at Danny helplessly. "No advanced warning, no notice, just bam, out of the blue. They do this every weekend, Danny, and it's always something different: Youth Camp, Prayer Meetings, Missionary Calls, the list is endless. He's gone from Friday afternoon to late Sunday evening. He's so busy with Church activities that he never has time to study on the weekends."

"He never has time on the weekend for the two of you, does he," Danny said quietly. "They don't let him."

"No." Devlin started crying, wiping furiously at her tears. "Its like they don't want us to be together."

Danny got off the bed and gathered her into his arms, holding her as she cried. "Why?" she whispered. "We're great together, and I don't mean in bed, either. Can't they see it? Why don't they want us to be together?"

"They probably don't want him seeing anyone outside of the Church," Danny said after a bit. "Some religious sects are like that. For them the Church is the center of social life, not just the center of religious life."

"I met with a couple of the elders," Devlin said. She pushed Danny away and stared at her clothes. "I met with them a couple of weeks ago, just before Halloween. I'm not wild about the idea of joining that Church, but I will if I have to."

"Are you sure about that, Devlin? Are you sure you want to throw away your life like that?"

She looked at him in surprise. "What do you mean throw away my life?"

"In the last 10 years the Bank has loaned that Church a lot of money, mostly construction loans so they can build a new church and do some serious remodeling. They've repaid the loans, too, every penny. But because I'm a senior officer in the loan department I've had a chance to study them. Most of the women in that Church, with the exception of a few elders, stay home and raise kids. Most girls in that Church get married soon after graduating from high school and have their first babies nine months later. They have another one a year later, and so on. The average family has 5 or 6 kids. Tell me, how many sisters does Jeff have?"

"Four." Devlin snuffled her nose, then reached for a tissue. "Jeff has four sisters; three of them are married, and the other is engaged."

"How many nieces and nephews does he have?"

"Three... oh." She seemed to slump as she saw where he was going. "His oldest sister, Sarah, has two kids. Miriam has one, and Ruth is expecting. She's due in March, which will be ten months after she got married. I think Sarah or Miriam has another one on the way."

"My point exactly. Now this is just my observations, but personally? I don't like that Church one bit. It goes beyond that. I don't trust them, either. The elders are into some sort of power thing. They control everyone's lives, and I think they like doing that. They have some scriptural verse that supposedly justifies it, but that's a lot of hogwash. You can find justification for anything if you look hard enough in the Bible and twist the verses in the right way."


"My honest opinion, Devlin," he said, holding up his hand. "My honest opinion is that if you join that Church, everything you've wanted to do, everything you've hoped and dreamed for, will fly right out the window. You'll stay at home and make babies. That's all they'll let you do."

"Ruth went to a business school for a year after high school."

"Yeah, right, big deal. Imagine yourself as her. They might let you go to a business school, but they might not. Suppose they do? You'll end up as a secretary or a file clerk or something, if that. Oh, and you'd be pregnant nearly all of the time. You'd be so busy raising kids you wouldn't have time for yourself."

Devlin glanced at the clock and started dressing. "I want to have a few years before I start having kids," she said in a low voice. "At the very least I want to be out of college."

"They'd make you drop out of college." Danny crossed the room and collected his clothes from where he had dropped them. "My opinion, again, but that would be a terrible waste."

"But what can I do?" She resettled her bra and stared at the traffic on the street below. "I want to be with Jeff, but if his Church won't let me..."

"That's it, isn't it. They're forcing the situation, and you'll have to make a choice, either Jeff and the Church, or no Jeff."

"That can't be it."

"No? That's what it looks like to me."

"But Jeff doesn't go along with a lot of what they believe."

Danny started to reply, and saw her face. "You need to talk this out," he said at last. "Eventually things are going to come to a head and if you haven't come to a decision, if you haven't talked it out with someone, you'll burst."

"I suppose."

"Don't give me that tone, young lady." Danny put a finger under chin and raised her face. "Listen. You can always ask me for advice. And Sue is there for you, too. We owe you, and we're here to help. If you need help we'll give it to you. If you need advice, we'll offer it, and it will be honest and unvarnished and what we think will be in your best interests. You know that.

"Now, other than that, how's the rest of life treating you? You haven't said much these last few weeks. How are you doing in school? Didn't you just have mid-terms?"

"I think I'm doing all right." Devlin buttoned up her blouse and pulled on a sweater. "I did all right on my tests, but other than that it's hard to tell. I'm so busy I hardly have any time to myself."

"Oh?" He grinned. "I remember my freshman year. I take it things are stacking up."

Devlin rolled her eyes. "Tell me about it. Between studying and classes, my sales presentations, and you and Jeff I barely have time for laundry and food and all of the other things I have to do."

"I thought you looked a little thinner. Have you been eating properly?"

"I'm on the famous 'no time for anything diet," she said. She pulled on her thick wool socks and then slipped into her black dress slacks. "I may have lost one or two pounds, but..."

"One or two pounds?" Danny shook his head. "I think you've lost more than that. Your boobs look bigger, and I don't think it's because you're still growing there. Your tummy and butt are flatter and-"

"What?" Devlin jumped up and stood in front of the mirror, inspecting herself. "I don't have much of a butt to lose and..." She turned, looking at her bottom. "My God, I'm almost flat back there."

"And you're certainly not flat up on top." Danny paused to run his hands down her front, stopping to lift her breasts slightly. "It wasn't the light, they do look bigger."

"Of course they'll look bigger if you do that."

"Devlin," he said in a quiet voice. "You have to make time for yourself. You need to find time to eat better and relax a little; you need to learn to pace yourself. College can be very busy, but you have to watch your health, too."

"I watch what I eat. I'm exercising regularly in my dance class and I'm-"

"Have you weighed yourself? Your cheekbones really stand out, and I don't think your pale complexion is entirely from make-up."

Devlin pushed her hands against her face. Now that he mentioned it she did look thin, and pale, too. Right now her cheeks were flushed, but that was from the two hard climaxes she'd just had, not any make-up. Was she really neglecting herself that much?

"I don't know," she said at last. "There's never enough time to do everything."

"Then you'll have to cut something out, or budget your time better."

"How? I'm not sure I have any time to spare."

"Do you have a couple of minutes? I don't have to be back just yet."

Devlin glanced at her watch. "A few. What did you have in mind?"

"Let's draw out your schedule. Let's do it in graph form. I think that'll help."

Devlin nodded. Jeff had drawn out his schedule using engineering paper. She kept a few sheets with her because the small blue squares were kind of cool looking, and they did seem to make her math homework easier to follow.

Danny finished dressing while she drew. "That's just your class schedule," he said when she showed it to him. "Now put in things like when you get up, your morning dance class, your study sessions, and everything else that takes time."

"Including these little get-togethers?"

"Including these get-togethers." When she was finished he shook his head. "That's a pretty full schedule. That's almost too much. Look, one of the secrets to college is leaving yourself enough time during the day for other things. One of the things I learned was to leave time during the day to do my homework. It looks like the only day you do that is on Tuesdays."

"Yeah, that is pretty light, well, except for the study group I have that night."

"Freshmen always crowd their schedule. By the time you're a sophomore you know better. The only time I see you have for yourself is Wednesday and Friday nights."

"And the dorm always tries to have something on Friday nights."

"Have you started looking at what you'll be taking next term?"

"A little, well, some. The next semester doesn't start until January, and I have a few weeks left before registration."

"We'll have to work on it and see if we can make life a little easier for you." He looked at his watch. "Now if you want to get to your class you'd better hurry."

Devlin gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran for the lobby. This hotel was only three blocks from campus and her English class was in the first building she'd come to. She slid into her seat in English just as the bell rang.

The dorm held a mixer every Friday night in the dorm. Devlin didn't feel like meeting new guys that she'd ignore, and Connie was visiting her folks this weekend so she had plenty of time to sit in her room alone and think. Danny was right, her life was a lot more crowded than she had expected, and she needed to do something about it before things got completely out of control. She was doing so many things, was there anything she could change?

There wasn't much she could do about her class schedule. She was stuck with that for the rest of the term, but what about the other things in her life? She couldn't give up her sales meetings, she needed the income, and she needed the study sessions with the other business majors. She sat there tapping her pencil against the copy of her schedule. As far as she could tell there wasn't anything she could change about the way things were going.

Well, as Jeff had told her when he was working on his engineering homework, if the problem looked insoluble, that only meant you were approaching it from the wrong direction. All problems had solutions - though he had also told her that you had to learn when the costs of a solution were unacceptable.

What she needed was a brand new approach. She needed to wipe the slate and start over. What did she have to absolutely have to have on her schedule? She took out a fresh piece of paper and started a new list.

First, the sleepovers with Jeff, though on Sunday night all they did was study and sleep. Thursday nights were different, his Church hadn't intervened to take those away from them, not yet. But they spent most of Thursday night studying. It was only later, after they went to bed that they made love. She wished it was more often, but there just wasn't the time.

Second, her times with Danny; that was for Sue, but, she had to admit, it was for herself as well. There was nothing like it, even when she was with Jeff. Of course Danny knew her so much better than Jeff. He knew what turned her on, what didn't, and how to bring her to that absolute mind-blowing moment of total release that she'd only had a couple of times with Jeff.

Third, classes, of course, and she had to do a better job of finding time to study. That meant that next term she needed to pick and choose her classes a little better.

Fourth... She looked at the list and realized it was leading her right back to where she was at the moment. She'd have to start over and reassess everything.

One of the girls on her floor had said that the first two years of college were for experimenting. A girl should try different things, things she would never do in high school, things that she would or wouldn't do when she was older; after all, a girl had to find out what she liked and didn't like. Her first two years of college was when she could really learn about herself.

Devlin looked at her reflection in the mirror, wondering if there were things she could try out. She wasn't that interested in alcohol; she'd already tasted wine and beer and didn't care for the way beer tasted. Wine was all right, but she wasn't sure she liked the idea of getting drunk and losing control, especially around guys. She'd lost control a couple of times at Emma's - she'd never had a drink there, but it amounted to the same thing, and it just didn't fit the image she had of herself. Other things, though...

Remembering a discussion she'd had with Sabrina she got a small bowl of warm water. After finding her razor and scissors she undressed and looked at her sex. She'd always trimmed her pubic hair, more just to keep it trimmed back from her bikini line than anything else. She'd never done more because she'd worried about what the other girls would say. But in P.E. she'd seen girls who'd trimmed their deltas down to almost nothing, and nobody had said anything about it. Of course she only saw most of those girls during P.E. It wasn't like in high school where you knew everybody and everybody knew you and you were around them all of the time.

She took most of the hair off with her scissors, and then got busy with her razor. Most of the stubble came off easily, but she had to use a mirror and go slowly when she shaved around her labia - the last thing she wanted to do was cut herself. Fortunately most of her hair grew on her tummy, not down on her sex lips. She kept going over the stubble from one direction after another. Eventually she could run a nylon stocking over her sex and not feel it catch on anything.

She looked herself over in the mirror. It wasn't quite what she'd expected. She did look like Barbie; her boobs were certainly as big as the doll's. She didn't feel any different down there. Right now it felt a little cool, and she was certainly more aware of her sex than she normally was - she remembered having a discussion with Butch when she had just turned 14.

They were in his room recovering from their first time of the afternoon. She'd looked at his cock as it shrank back to normal size and asked what it was like walking around with one.

"You don't really notice it," he said. He touched her sex. "I don't suppose you really notice your pussy."

She shrugged. "No, not really. It's just a place on my body where my legs come together."

"Not even when we're, you know, when we're doing it?"

"Well, that's different. It feels..." She paused, thinking. "I'm aware of an, I don't know, an emptiness. It's hard to explain. Normally it's just..." She shrugged again. "It feels different when we're doing it, I can definitely feel that, but normally I don't... Look, I'm more aware of my boobs than I am of my sex."

"I can see where you would be." He caressed her breasts. "I see what you mean. I'm not aware of my chest, but my chest is flat. Yours isn't. You can't feel what you don't have, especially if you've never had it."

"That's it." She nodded. "That's it exactly. I can remember not having breasts; it wasn't that long ago after all."

"And wearing a bra probably helps."

"Some." She laughed. "The first time you try to run without a bra you are very aware of your breasts. It can actually hurt."

"Yeah, I bet. I can run without a jock strap or even shorts, but it feels a little sore down there afterwards. It's certainly not something guys would do very often." He ran his fingers over her sex. "A girl doesn't have anything to support down there, so I bet she'd never feel the difference."

Devlin smiled at the memory of Butch's touch. What would have happened if he hadn't moved away when she was 14? Well, she and Danny wouldn't have gotten together, and there wouldn't have been any parties at Emma's. It was too bad she and Butch had only liked the sex with each other, she hadn't been interested in him other than that.

She looked at the bare lips of her sex. She wondered if she'd notice any difference in the next few days.

Jeff didn't notice, but he was so tired when he got home Sunday evening that after some studying he went to sleep right away. Danny, of course, did notice.

"So you thought you'd try being a smoothie," he said as he gazed at her sex. "How do you like it?"

"It's... different," she said slowly. "There was this one gal at Emma's who said that if I tried it I should shave it every day. I have, every morning in the shower, but I'm not sure if I want to keep it up. It seems like a lot of bother."

Danny rested his chin on her tummy, smiling at her. She had her legs draped over his shoulders - they'd done this often enough she was comfortable with it, though she wasn't sure she would be if it was any guy other than Danny.

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Sex Dares and cheating

I was at a party with a big group of guy friends and girl friends. My girl friend came with me. I am a shy guy, but We ended up all playing a game of dares with one rule. The dares had to be done, no backing out. I didn't like the idea but after an hour of funny and daft things, drinking games and stuff things became a little spicy.Firstly the guys were dared to reduce themselves to boxer shorts only which the girls loved. I kept catching my GF staring at this other guys cock bulge which was...

4 years ago
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College Ski Trip TRUE STORY

well this all started when i went on a college skiing trip, and the best thing about the trip was that the sexy P.E teacher was coming with us... every lad in my year wanted to fuck the living daylights out of her, and she knew it! she would flirt with everyone. the trip started well a good first day skiing but then i broke my leg and arm i was fucked! haha anyway the hospital got me patched up and i was on the road to recorvery, but me stuck in the hotel for the rest of the week ment that a...

4 years ago
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A Platonic Relationship

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 284

A gynecologist had become fed up with malpractice insurance and HMO paperwork and was burned out. Hoping to try another career where skillful hands would be beneficial, he decided to become a mechanic. He went to the local technical college, signed up for evening classes, attended diligently and learned all he could. When the time of the practical exam approached, the gynecologist prepared carefully for weeks and was able to complete the exam with tremendous skill. When the results came...

1 year ago
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NaughtyMag Cecelia Taylor Stunning teenager Cecelia is skinny horny and keeps her hairless slit ready 247

Job: Art student; Age: 19; Birthday: May 9; Height: 5’3″; Weight: 100 pounds; Bra Size: 32B; Panties: Thongs or crotchless; Anal: Rarely; BJs: Sometimes swallow; Masturbate: Absolutely; Lives: Las Vegas, Nevada. Cecelia originally hails from Wisconsin, but she felt stifled there, so she packed up her bags and moved to Sin City. In Las Vegas, she enjoys skateboarding, watching hockey, creating art and going to concerts. That’s all pretty normal fare for a 19-year-old...

2 years ago
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Nowhere Man Book TwoChapter 20

Cramona asked to take a turn, but he refused, as he considered the tree cuts were too near the final break and could be dangerous. John got Cramona to go through the set of preparatory questions before starting to fell a tree, and when she did that satisfactorily, he made his first undercut wedge before moving to the opposite side for the full attack on the thick trunk. This required several cuts from different points of the compass, as the trunk was thicker that the guide bar length. The...

1 year ago
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PornHub Fetish

Today's Top Rated Fetish Porn Videos - On your mark, get set, go! Welcome to the Fetish section of Pornhub! You know Pornhub and Pornhub knows you! That's why you get so many special and awesome things on the pages of this porn tube. Cause Pornhub knows very well what you want, when you want it and how to satisfy the needs of a porn fan! So, as I was saying, this is the place where you need to come if you want BDSM, bondage, slapping, leather shit, gagging, rough sex and so on. Another...

Fetish Porn Sites
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NubileFilms Baby Nicols Bathed In Love

Baby Nicols is ready for a romantic night in as she slips out of her sheer bra and panties beside a bathtub that she has filled with warm water. She takes her time, caressing her small breasts and thumbing her dusky nipples to hard peaks. Slipping into her bath, she enjoys the feather touch of rose petals against her sensitive skin before slipping her fingers between her thighs to work her clit in a languorous masturbation session. Baby is just getting to the good part when Kristof Cale joins...

2 years ago
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From Friend to Friend

Walks down to the store seemed to be an occasional thing. I'd get dressed up and all pretty for the men that just might pass by. It was an ordinary walk, but one thing was different. I was extremely horny, wet, almost like I was a cat seeking for a mate. I decided to wear my tight dress with a red thong that was covered with black lace. The dress was short enough to let my ass show and my tits were squeezed together and popping out the top of my dress just enough to invite one of those...

4 years ago
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Juries Judges and Jinn RevisedChapter 2

“So, what are we having for supper, anyway?” Mom asked, “I’m rather hungry now.” “Well, you certainly burned up your share of calories, didn’t you, Mom? Anyway, I’m all for plenty of hot, steamy food to fill us all up and get us ready for another round. Though I reserve the right to add the delivery guy or gal to the harem on the spot,” I chuckled at that thought. “She’s not alone there, either,” Roni said while nibbling on my right ear. “That’s for certain,” Amy chimed in now. “Pizza,...

2 years ago
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Picnic and Pictures

Picnic and pictures I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened in the park yesterday, how she felt, tasted, andsounded as she came. I could still smell her as I feel asleep last night. I woke up with her on my mind. As I laid there trying to wake up I heard my alert on my phone, letting me know I had an email. I reluctantly got up and checked it. It was she. She said that I was all she could think about and wanted to see me today. I couldn’t stop the smile on my face. I replied and asked...

4 years ago
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Demons SlainChapter 4

It was late September before I got back to Tavistock. The colours had changed now with a predominance of rust and gold in the foliage. The Corn and Barley had been harvested and the soil ploughed and harrowed, revealing the rich red earth of Devon before planting with winter Wheat. Along with the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness I found a mellow Mrs. Winton on my arrival. "Hello Mr. Hammond. It's good to see you again." She handed me the key to room nine. "Your usual room." She...

2 years ago
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Sorority hazing drinking party

Sorority Hazing Drinking Party        The infamous drinking initiation had been a legend about the Suk Cum But sorority for years.  It was also, with good reason, the favorite tradition of not just Suk Cum But’s brother fraternity but the entire college campus.  And it was already well underway.        The 16 terrified freshmen pledges to Suk Cum But had already surrendered their dignity to an unpardonable, mentally traumatizing degree, and it was going to get four hundred times worse.  They...

3 years ago
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Sinto os feixes de raio de sol invadirem as janelas fechadas de madeira e tocarem minha pele lisa e macia. Estava tendo um sonho tão bom. "Não dormia bem fazia tempo, não posso deixar de agradecer a vovô por aquela massagem. Desde que comecei a trabalhar nos estábulos para ajudar meu avós, sinto-me exausta. Eu sei que estamos passando por um tempo difíceis, os impostos só aumentam mas entendo o por quê, o custo para manter o reino seguro e investir em armamentos deve ser caro e por isso nos...

2 years ago
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Rich Man

Chapter One Hello. I'm a rich man. VERY Rich. Last time I checked my worth was close to 3.7 million dollars. But that was yesterday. It's probably grown since then. You might think I'm arrogant and bragging. No, I'm just telling you the facts. You need to understand that much about me before hearing my story. I have been searching for nearly all of my twenty-seven years for someone who will love me, not my money. It should not be a difficult task, but I was married once and almost a...

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Nobless Oblige

Yes, I sent you the contract and a diskette.  I think this is the version you bought.  Go ahead and cut as you suggested.                                Noblesse Oblige                                                                         by Abe        Old Shedeur, my father's trusted advisor, reminded me:        "My Lord Harald, tonight you must exercise your droit de seigneur; you must deflower a bride."        I was aware that lords do that, but I had been serving my uncle, Sir Einar, as...

1 year ago
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Me My Wife and Men Party over

As my wife was getting a close-up of me, I noticed all the men started to get dressed. After my wife got a good close-up of me Rod told me to get dress but do not wipe any cum off of you. He also told me to clean the room up. As everyone walked out of the room I looked in the mirror and I seen myself with cum all over my face, hair, neck, on my fake breast, and in my panties. I turned around and looked at the back and read I love cock from my panties, and could see the cum draining from my ass....

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Sex With My Exgf

Hello, indian sex stories reader, this story is about 2 years ago. My name is Prince(name changed), and I am 23 years old from Bangalore, I am basically from new Delhi, I have done my studies and I work in Bangalore. And I stay in the prime location of Bangalore where there are many north Indians. I love to enjoy with bhabhi, aunty, and mature girls. Let me come to the story, as I have said u my name and my GF name is Tina (name changed), we both studied in a very good college in Bangalore, and...

2 years ago
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Little extra help

My wife has a pretty wild past...dated alot of guys and slept with them, been with women, group sex, drunken sex and partied on extacy and liquid E...So one weekend we were out and ran into one of her old suppliers and hook up...after a few drinks he asked if she still played around with "E" anymore...she said no...hard to come by. He said he would give us some if he could play around with her...I said up to her but I was game. So we went to his apartment and he poured a few shots and put the...

3 years ago
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Brand New World of Prostate Play

I come home from work and see that the package I ordered has arrived. It is in an nice case that could easily be slipped on a bookcase and look normal.I open the box and examine my new prostate device. The Aneros Vice.I put the batteries in the vibe and experiment with the nine different settings. The device itself is made of silicon and feels very nice.It looks large at first glance. However, I am very intrigued. I take a hot shower and prepare myself. I lay a towel on the bed and lube up the...

3 years ago
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A Restless Night

It was the middle of a cold night. Casey lay staring up at the ceiling. Sleep was hopeless and she turned over to see her husband sleeping soundly beside her. She looked at him with a twitch of annoyance and amusement. How come he got to sleep while she was so restless? She stared at him thinking of the night before. She blushed a little. Jason was a great lover and her thighs were still aching from the vicious love making session. Heat flushed her face as she recalled exactly what he had done....

4 years ago
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Groomed by our horny father

Both our parents were crackheads, and us being two beautiful girls, were the delight and joy of our perverted father's fascination with all thing to do with sex.Both my sister and I would be woken up late at night and ushered into the living room, where our mother, drunk out of her head, would be getting fucked by some guy they had brought back from a visit to the pub.Dad would explain to him we needed sex education, so a show of fucking was put on by the stranger as dad would explain what he...

4 years ago
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Bottoms Up

Jay had the girl bent over the end of the couch with her heavy tits hanging down and her ass in the air as he rammed his thick cock in and out of her young tight ass. He loved fucking a girls ass the best of any thing. He was long and thick and loved to see that tight hole stretched to the max as he rammed in and out not caring if it was painful for the bitch he had bent over. He had even tied many girls if they tried to stop his big cock entering the tight assholes. This bitch had huge tits...

4 years ago
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A Portrait From Life

The Mission District is my home. San Francisco has been where my family has lived for generations. We were here long before the Anglos came to California. I live and work in my loft studio. It's located just a few blocks form the Mission San Francisco de Asís, established in 1776. My work is my life. It's also how I make a living. She came to me for a portrait. I did such work, but usually for Hispanic neighbors, or those who admired my ethnic paintings, both murals and more intimate works....

4 years ago
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Santas GiftChapter 5

I pulled out the sack of Ed's gift for Janet. Oohh, jewelry! Ed had spent serious money; nothing from that store would be cheap. We are not talking chain store jewelry. This is a very high-class local store. The sight of a label from this store confirms that this is a very special lady. It is doubtful if there is anything in the store that costs less than four figures, no $3-500 tennis bracelets, etc. I opened the back door and stepped into Janet and Ed's kitchen. As I crossed the kitchen,...

2 years ago
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Journey Bliss Before Exam 8211 Part 2

This is a continuation of my previous sex story, for those few who missed it, above is the link for the first part. After a long haul by train, we finally arrived at our destination and we were now dragging our bags along the rugged floors of railway station, then in a while we hopped into a cab and were on our way to our hotel. We called our homes and let them know about our safe arrival. We reached our hotel, went upstairs, checked into our ac rooms, mine was on fourth floor and hers was on...

3 years ago
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The Cabin

Sweat trickled down my forehead as I stood beside the truck with my suitcase. It was incredibly hot, and my eyes were now stinging from the harsh rays of sunlight. We had travelled across country in a small pick up truck where the leather seats felt as though they were burning your skin off, the air conditioner was broken forcing you into a predicament of winding the windows down, causing unwanted bugs to fly in or leaving the windows up and suffocating in the heat, and where the old engine...

2 years ago
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The ArrangementChapter 12 Freshman Frustrations

The first year of Riley's college career was a difficult adjustment -- for her, for me, for us. When it was time for her to move to campus, she and her mom flew into Boston and spent one night at my condo, while Steve and Jim drove a cargo van from Orlando to Amherst. I'd offered to drive the two of them to Amherst, but Riley asked me not to, and her mom rented a car for the two of them. "It'll be weird enough having to say goodbye to mom and dad and Steve -- if you're there too, I'll...

4 years ago
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My Semale Girlfriend part 2

Andrea finished her smoke and too me by the hand and led me downsatirs to her "Fuck room" mirrors everywhere, big T.V. couch, chair, bed and a closet full of toys, everything a sexy shemale or bisexual guy could ever want. We stood in the middle of the room kissing and exploring each others bodies "sit on the couch, put your legs up....." She told me in a very commanding voice. I layed back sprad and lifted my legs, Andrea knelt down and stroked my cock licked sucked my balls. her tounge run up...

3 years ago
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Bachpan Ki Kutai Ka Badla Teacher Se 8211 Part 6

Hello dosto main Yuvan ek bar fir hajir hu aapke samne. To dosto aap log jante hai main ab tak Priti bhabhi aur Shweta bhabhi ko alag alag aur eksath (samuhik) chod chuka hu. Mujhe bahot accha laga ki yaha tak aapko meri pichli kahani bahot pasand aai. Ab aage badhate hai. Us din main bahot thak gaya tha do do tagde mal chodke main ghar jake so gaya. Subeh 9 baj gaye the main fir bhi nahi utha. Fir achanak room ka darwaza kisine khat khataya. Maine nind mein darwaza khola. Mere to hosh hi ud...

4 years ago
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My daughters turn me on Part VII

Sam, her sister Susan, and her nephew Josh had just pulled into the shopping center. Josh decided to tag along with his aunt and mother to a local boutique fashion store, mostly because he wanted to be near his aunt Sam. It was pretty obvious to all in the car on the way there, that he was there for her. He relegated his mother Susan to the back seat so that he could sit in the front next to her. Sam was in athletic casual wear. She had on tight yoga pants and a tight tank top over her...

4 years ago
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Bookstore Surprise

I hadn’t planned on hooking up on my day off, but sometimes thinks just work out perfectly. I had planned to go to the gym in the morning and afterwards spend an hour or so with a cup of coffee and a magazine at my favorite bookstore. Everything was going according to plan, until I got out of the shower at the gym and realized I hadn’t packed any clean clothes for the rest of the day. All I had was an extra pair of shorts and an old (though at least clean) t-shirt. There was nothing else to do...

2 years ago
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Mending a Cable

Ted had been thinking recently how bored he was with his job as a computer mechanic. Upon reflection he decided it was not so much the job, it was the workshop environment. The work was still interesting, reasonably well paid, he got on with his boss, the female clerk in the office and his one co-worker at the bench. It was an informal environment, a four person, owner-managed business and that side of it Ted liked very well. But the nature of the work had changed over time. Instead of moving...

3 years ago
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Secret Lives Chapter 21

We walked in and every head turned; those on necks and otherwise. There were quite a few people in the shop front at this particular time and it felt momentarily awkward until Jess walked around the counter. She had changed clothes since this morning and the effect was breath taking. Her lovely breasts were being contained, barely, by a low cut sports bra that would most likely be completely useless as an actual sports bra. It was, however, exceptionally good at showing off her ample cleavage,...


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