Devlin's StoryChapter 9 free porn video

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"What does the rest of your day look like?" Danny asked as Devlin got off the bed and started collecting her clothes. The rain was drumming against the window of the hotel room and Devlin could hear the hissing sound of tires on the street below. Danny was lying on the bed, still nude.

Devlin paused, watching the raindrops run down the window. "I have class in an hour," she said. She could feel the coolness radiating from the window and it made her shiver slightly. "English composition followed by math, advanced algebra. What about you? Another business meeting?" That was his excuse for getting out of the office today.

"No, just more of what I've been doing for the last two weeks," Danny said. "I've got several loan applications to review." He studied her profile. "Is something bothering you?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Want to talk about it?"

Devlin put down her underwear and sat on the chair next to the window, still staring at the rain. From time to time she could see bits of snow hitting the window. The forecast tonight was for falling temperatures with the possibility of snow. Even if it didn't snow there were going to be plenty of icy roads in the morning.

"This last weekend Jeff and I were going to go to the football game with some friends of his from his engineering classes. I was looking forward to it, just a couple of hours where we could be together with friends."

"But... ?"

"His Church called, said they needed him to help run a Youth Camp that weekend. They called him Friday morning." She looked at Danny helplessly. "No advanced warning, no notice, just bam, out of the blue. They do this every weekend, Danny, and it's always something different: Youth Camp, Prayer Meetings, Missionary Calls, the list is endless. He's gone from Friday afternoon to late Sunday evening. He's so busy with Church activities that he never has time to study on the weekends."

"He never has time on the weekend for the two of you, does he," Danny said quietly. "They don't let him."

"No." Devlin started crying, wiping furiously at her tears. "Its like they don't want us to be together."

Danny got off the bed and gathered her into his arms, holding her as she cried. "Why?" she whispered. "We're great together, and I don't mean in bed, either. Can't they see it? Why don't they want us to be together?"

"They probably don't want him seeing anyone outside of the Church," Danny said after a bit. "Some religious sects are like that. For them the Church is the center of social life, not just the center of religious life."

"I met with a couple of the elders," Devlin said. She pushed Danny away and stared at her clothes. "I met with them a couple of weeks ago, just before Halloween. I'm not wild about the idea of joining that Church, but I will if I have to."

"Are you sure about that, Devlin? Are you sure you want to throw away your life like that?"

She looked at him in surprise. "What do you mean throw away my life?"

"In the last 10 years the Bank has loaned that Church a lot of money, mostly construction loans so they can build a new church and do some serious remodeling. They've repaid the loans, too, every penny. But because I'm a senior officer in the loan department I've had a chance to study them. Most of the women in that Church, with the exception of a few elders, stay home and raise kids. Most girls in that Church get married soon after graduating from high school and have their first babies nine months later. They have another one a year later, and so on. The average family has 5 or 6 kids. Tell me, how many sisters does Jeff have?"

"Four." Devlin snuffled her nose, then reached for a tissue. "Jeff has four sisters; three of them are married, and the other is engaged."

"How many nieces and nephews does he have?"

"Three... oh." She seemed to slump as she saw where he was going. "His oldest sister, Sarah, has two kids. Miriam has one, and Ruth is expecting. She's due in March, which will be ten months after she got married. I think Sarah or Miriam has another one on the way."

"My point exactly. Now this is just my observations, but personally? I don't like that Church one bit. It goes beyond that. I don't trust them, either. The elders are into some sort of power thing. They control everyone's lives, and I think they like doing that. They have some scriptural verse that supposedly justifies it, but that's a lot of hogwash. You can find justification for anything if you look hard enough in the Bible and twist the verses in the right way."


"My honest opinion, Devlin," he said, holding up his hand. "My honest opinion is that if you join that Church, everything you've wanted to do, everything you've hoped and dreamed for, will fly right out the window. You'll stay at home and make babies. That's all they'll let you do."

"Ruth went to a business school for a year after high school."

"Yeah, right, big deal. Imagine yourself as her. They might let you go to a business school, but they might not. Suppose they do? You'll end up as a secretary or a file clerk or something, if that. Oh, and you'd be pregnant nearly all of the time. You'd be so busy raising kids you wouldn't have time for yourself."

Devlin glanced at the clock and started dressing. "I want to have a few years before I start having kids," she said in a low voice. "At the very least I want to be out of college."

"They'd make you drop out of college." Danny crossed the room and collected his clothes from where he had dropped them. "My opinion, again, but that would be a terrible waste."

"But what can I do?" She resettled her bra and stared at the traffic on the street below. "I want to be with Jeff, but if his Church won't let me..."

"That's it, isn't it. They're forcing the situation, and you'll have to make a choice, either Jeff and the Church, or no Jeff."

"That can't be it."

"No? That's what it looks like to me."

"But Jeff doesn't go along with a lot of what they believe."

Danny started to reply, and saw her face. "You need to talk this out," he said at last. "Eventually things are going to come to a head and if you haven't come to a decision, if you haven't talked it out with someone, you'll burst."

"I suppose."

"Don't give me that tone, young lady." Danny put a finger under chin and raised her face. "Listen. You can always ask me for advice. And Sue is there for you, too. We owe you, and we're here to help. If you need help we'll give it to you. If you need advice, we'll offer it, and it will be honest and unvarnished and what we think will be in your best interests. You know that.

"Now, other than that, how's the rest of life treating you? You haven't said much these last few weeks. How are you doing in school? Didn't you just have mid-terms?"

"I think I'm doing all right." Devlin buttoned up her blouse and pulled on a sweater. "I did all right on my tests, but other than that it's hard to tell. I'm so busy I hardly have any time to myself."

"Oh?" He grinned. "I remember my freshman year. I take it things are stacking up."

Devlin rolled her eyes. "Tell me about it. Between studying and classes, my sales presentations, and you and Jeff I barely have time for laundry and food and all of the other things I have to do."

"I thought you looked a little thinner. Have you been eating properly?"

"I'm on the famous 'no time for anything diet," she said. She pulled on her thick wool socks and then slipped into her black dress slacks. "I may have lost one or two pounds, but..."

"One or two pounds?" Danny shook his head. "I think you've lost more than that. Your boobs look bigger, and I don't think it's because you're still growing there. Your tummy and butt are flatter and-"

"What?" Devlin jumped up and stood in front of the mirror, inspecting herself. "I don't have much of a butt to lose and..." She turned, looking at her bottom. "My God, I'm almost flat back there."

"And you're certainly not flat up on top." Danny paused to run his hands down her front, stopping to lift her breasts slightly. "It wasn't the light, they do look bigger."

"Of course they'll look bigger if you do that."

"Devlin," he said in a quiet voice. "You have to make time for yourself. You need to find time to eat better and relax a little; you need to learn to pace yourself. College can be very busy, but you have to watch your health, too."

"I watch what I eat. I'm exercising regularly in my dance class and I'm-"

"Have you weighed yourself? Your cheekbones really stand out, and I don't think your pale complexion is entirely from make-up."

Devlin pushed her hands against her face. Now that he mentioned it she did look thin, and pale, too. Right now her cheeks were flushed, but that was from the two hard climaxes she'd just had, not any make-up. Was she really neglecting herself that much?

"I don't know," she said at last. "There's never enough time to do everything."

"Then you'll have to cut something out, or budget your time better."

"How? I'm not sure I have any time to spare."

"Do you have a couple of minutes? I don't have to be back just yet."

Devlin glanced at her watch. "A few. What did you have in mind?"

"Let's draw out your schedule. Let's do it in graph form. I think that'll help."

Devlin nodded. Jeff had drawn out his schedule using engineering paper. She kept a few sheets with her because the small blue squares were kind of cool looking, and they did seem to make her math homework easier to follow.

Danny finished dressing while she drew. "That's just your class schedule," he said when she showed it to him. "Now put in things like when you get up, your morning dance class, your study sessions, and everything else that takes time."

"Including these little get-togethers?"

"Including these get-togethers." When she was finished he shook his head. "That's a pretty full schedule. That's almost too much. Look, one of the secrets to college is leaving yourself enough time during the day for other things. One of the things I learned was to leave time during the day to do my homework. It looks like the only day you do that is on Tuesdays."

"Yeah, that is pretty light, well, except for the study group I have that night."

"Freshmen always crowd their schedule. By the time you're a sophomore you know better. The only time I see you have for yourself is Wednesday and Friday nights."

"And the dorm always tries to have something on Friday nights."

"Have you started looking at what you'll be taking next term?"

"A little, well, some. The next semester doesn't start until January, and I have a few weeks left before registration."

"We'll have to work on it and see if we can make life a little easier for you." He looked at his watch. "Now if you want to get to your class you'd better hurry."

Devlin gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran for the lobby. This hotel was only three blocks from campus and her English class was in the first building she'd come to. She slid into her seat in English just as the bell rang.

The dorm held a mixer every Friday night in the dorm. Devlin didn't feel like meeting new guys that she'd ignore, and Connie was visiting her folks this weekend so she had plenty of time to sit in her room alone and think. Danny was right, her life was a lot more crowded than she had expected, and she needed to do something about it before things got completely out of control. She was doing so many things, was there anything she could change?

There wasn't much she could do about her class schedule. She was stuck with that for the rest of the term, but what about the other things in her life? She couldn't give up her sales meetings, she needed the income, and she needed the study sessions with the other business majors. She sat there tapping her pencil against the copy of her schedule. As far as she could tell there wasn't anything she could change about the way things were going.

Well, as Jeff had told her when he was working on his engineering homework, if the problem looked insoluble, that only meant you were approaching it from the wrong direction. All problems had solutions - though he had also told her that you had to learn when the costs of a solution were unacceptable.

What she needed was a brand new approach. She needed to wipe the slate and start over. What did she have to absolutely have to have on her schedule? She took out a fresh piece of paper and started a new list.

First, the sleepovers with Jeff, though on Sunday night all they did was study and sleep. Thursday nights were different, his Church hadn't intervened to take those away from them, not yet. But they spent most of Thursday night studying. It was only later, after they went to bed that they made love. She wished it was more often, but there just wasn't the time.

Second, her times with Danny; that was for Sue, but, she had to admit, it was for herself as well. There was nothing like it, even when she was with Jeff. Of course Danny knew her so much better than Jeff. He knew what turned her on, what didn't, and how to bring her to that absolute mind-blowing moment of total release that she'd only had a couple of times with Jeff.

Third, classes, of course, and she had to do a better job of finding time to study. That meant that next term she needed to pick and choose her classes a little better.

Fourth... She looked at the list and realized it was leading her right back to where she was at the moment. She'd have to start over and reassess everything.

One of the girls on her floor had said that the first two years of college were for experimenting. A girl should try different things, things she would never do in high school, things that she would or wouldn't do when she was older; after all, a girl had to find out what she liked and didn't like. Her first two years of college was when she could really learn about herself.

Devlin looked at her reflection in the mirror, wondering if there were things she could try out. She wasn't that interested in alcohol; she'd already tasted wine and beer and didn't care for the way beer tasted. Wine was all right, but she wasn't sure she liked the idea of getting drunk and losing control, especially around guys. She'd lost control a couple of times at Emma's - she'd never had a drink there, but it amounted to the same thing, and it just didn't fit the image she had of herself. Other things, though...

Remembering a discussion she'd had with Sabrina she got a small bowl of warm water. After finding her razor and scissors she undressed and looked at her sex. She'd always trimmed her pubic hair, more just to keep it trimmed back from her bikini line than anything else. She'd never done more because she'd worried about what the other girls would say. But in P.E. she'd seen girls who'd trimmed their deltas down to almost nothing, and nobody had said anything about it. Of course she only saw most of those girls during P.E. It wasn't like in high school where you knew everybody and everybody knew you and you were around them all of the time.

She took most of the hair off with her scissors, and then got busy with her razor. Most of the stubble came off easily, but she had to use a mirror and go slowly when she shaved around her labia - the last thing she wanted to do was cut herself. Fortunately most of her hair grew on her tummy, not down on her sex lips. She kept going over the stubble from one direction after another. Eventually she could run a nylon stocking over her sex and not feel it catch on anything.

She looked herself over in the mirror. It wasn't quite what she'd expected. She did look like Barbie; her boobs were certainly as big as the doll's. She didn't feel any different down there. Right now it felt a little cool, and she was certainly more aware of her sex than she normally was - she remembered having a discussion with Butch when she had just turned 14.

They were in his room recovering from their first time of the afternoon. She'd looked at his cock as it shrank back to normal size and asked what it was like walking around with one.

"You don't really notice it," he said. He touched her sex. "I don't suppose you really notice your pussy."

She shrugged. "No, not really. It's just a place on my body where my legs come together."

"Not even when we're, you know, when we're doing it?"

"Well, that's different. It feels..." She paused, thinking. "I'm aware of an, I don't know, an emptiness. It's hard to explain. Normally it's just..." She shrugged again. "It feels different when we're doing it, I can definitely feel that, but normally I don't... Look, I'm more aware of my boobs than I am of my sex."

"I can see where you would be." He caressed her breasts. "I see what you mean. I'm not aware of my chest, but my chest is flat. Yours isn't. You can't feel what you don't have, especially if you've never had it."

"That's it." She nodded. "That's it exactly. I can remember not having breasts; it wasn't that long ago after all."

"And wearing a bra probably helps."

"Some." She laughed. "The first time you try to run without a bra you are very aware of your breasts. It can actually hurt."

"Yeah, I bet. I can run without a jock strap or even shorts, but it feels a little sore down there afterwards. It's certainly not something guys would do very often." He ran his fingers over her sex. "A girl doesn't have anything to support down there, so I bet she'd never feel the difference."

Devlin smiled at the memory of Butch's touch. What would have happened if he hadn't moved away when she was 14? Well, she and Danny wouldn't have gotten together, and there wouldn't have been any parties at Emma's. It was too bad she and Butch had only liked the sex with each other, she hadn't been interested in him other than that.

She looked at the bare lips of her sex. She wondered if she'd notice any difference in the next few days.

Jeff didn't notice, but he was so tired when he got home Sunday evening that after some studying he went to sleep right away. Danny, of course, did notice.

"So you thought you'd try being a smoothie," he said as he gazed at her sex. "How do you like it?"

"It's... different," she said slowly. "There was this one gal at Emma's who said that if I tried it I should shave it every day. I have, every morning in the shower, but I'm not sure if I want to keep it up. It seems like a lot of bother."

Danny rested his chin on her tummy, smiling at her. She had her legs draped over his shoulders - they'd done this often enough she was comfortable with it, though she wasn't sure she would be if it was any guy other than Danny.

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"Mr. And Mrs. Kleinhammer, can you hear me?" "Yes." "Yes." "You have been given a drug called hypno-juice and are now under my control. You will not remember anything that happens while you are under its influence. Do you understand that?" "Yes." "Yes." "Mrs. Kleinhammer, did you know that your husband was fucking your daughter?" "Yes." "Why didn't you do anything about it?" "He was finally leaving me alone. Until he started using her hot tight little pussy he...

1 year ago
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Innocent Mom

Hi I'm Ian, 18 years old and always gagging for it. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 14 and had me soon after. Michael, my father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my Grandmother’s gone and my mom’s a successful lawyer, having educated herself whilst bringing me up. Mom and I have always been close and have always been touchy feely and full of physical love for each other. I got hugged to school, hugs when she returned...

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A Visitor In The Night

She entered the room where Dylan lay sleeping. She was a vision of beauty with her long blonde hair, bright green eyes, and smooth light-brown skin. She spoke his name just loud enough to wake him. Then she slipped off her white nightgown exposing her large, supple breasts along with the rest of her slender, yet curvy, body. Although he had never seen this woman before he was not afraid. He was very much at peace and, not to mention, very aroused at the sight filling his eyes. He sat up and...

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My Hot Mother In Law

I'd been married for 3 years to my wife and we were very happy with each other as far as sex and love but when we was around her good looking mother she would always manage to get close to me or rub against me when I was close to her either at my house or her house. I was 23 yrs old at the time and she was around 36 and I never thought much about it except when she would wear loose clothes and she would make sure she would lean over so I could get a good look at her huge tits. I would get one...

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Oscar MeyersChapter 19

The Reverend Leroy Jones sat on a heavy duty camp chair drinking a cup of Arabian coffee. The thick sweet liquid was strong, but the cup was tiny. The bottom of the cup was filled with finely ground particles of coffee bean. In all, there were about four sips of coffee in the cup. Shaking his head, he wished that he had a cup of American coffee. Sighing, he said, “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this coffee.” “I have never gotten used to the weak swill that you Americans call coffee,”...

4 years ago
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Private EyefulChapter 5

Tina and I sit at the breakfast table, drinking coffee. Tina is wearing a thin robe that barely covers her ample tits. I can't keep my eyes off her great cleavage, and her brunette hair is wild from sleeping on it. She looks great She looks over at me with those fantastic blue eyes and sighs. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I just worry you're going to get tired of me," she says. "I mean, look at all the women around you." I try to look normal. This chick is hot right out of the oven:...

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Being the social butterfly that I can be at times, I was checking a website that listed my area to see of there were any 'cruising' areas I could check out in hopes to share my fetish for crossdressing and pleasure. There were several areas, too many to choose from, so I opted for a forested state park. Since much of the funding for the parks in Ohio have been suspended or cut, the chances of being targeted by a park ranger or law enforcement for public indecency can be pretty low. I've heard...

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HannahChapter 14 Fear and Friends

Friday, July 5th, 1996 We stayed near the cars for some minutes after Freddie left, trying to calm down and get our shit together. Charli was still crying off and on, and my wet crotch was irritating the hell out of me. The other partygoers gradually filtered back into the area and asked a ton of questions, none of which we were able to answer. Who could say for sure why the maniac had been pestering us, except for his obsession with Charli? Evan suggested he drive back to my house, and...

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The onslaught from the opening barrage of bloody great buggering and frantic fucking was starting to subside!!! Sue was sprawled out on an extremely crumpled and soaking bed with thick man-cream spewing from ALL her well filled fuck-holes!!!! The temptation of this fucking sight was all to much for both Jim and myself to bloody well resist!!!!! I knelt above the voluptuously sexy babe and dangled my bulging bollocks over her moist lips, this hopefully would stir the hot bitch into action for...

3 years ago
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Mom with son

I am a sportsmen, i play volleyball.. So like others i don like to describe about my mom that she is 36,28,36 and all. Bcoz i love my mom. This incident happened to me bcoz of the love i had towards my mom, i was very much attached to her emtionally. So my dad is a working men in a govt office, one day in the evening he came home suddenly and said that he had got a transfer order to mumbai. But i was in the mid of my 1st year sem, so i asked him how is it possible for me to discountinue my...

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Gail a Hot Mom

Gail was a mom in her early 30’s she had two small kids (3&6) her husband Ralph worked in a warehouse as an assistant manager. He was constantly working the late shift. They lived in a two-bedroom condo but were constantly talking about buying a home. Her neighbor was a lady named Sasha who would frequently be over having coffee or drinks. Gail wasn’t a large woman 5’1” but did have big tits (44GG) her and Sasha were constantly complaining about not getting fucked often enough but both...

4 years ago
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The Snow

The snow was falling heavier now, it hadn’t taken long for it to settle. ‘Amazing what a difference a couple of hours had made’, she thought. When she’d left it was cold but had given no indication of what was to come. She quietly cursed her independent streak and for not the first time that afternoon, she wished she’d simply stayed in. But no, foolish as she was, she’d thought a quiet walk in the countryside in the middle of winter would be a good idea. She realized she was at least half...

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Fantasy becomes reality

Julie had left work early so she would have plenty of time to get home and ready herself before Matt got home from his business trip later tonight. Sitting on the train, her mind racing as she ran through everything in her head. Her heart pounding at the thoughts she was having. Her face flushed as she realised she was getting aroused at her thoughts. She looked around making sure no one was looking at her. She arrived home and went straight into the bedroom where she stripped off to her...

4 years ago
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First Time with Mom

It was yet another discussion I had with my mother soon after I had turned eighteen about the constant source of my youthful distress. Young women, that is, and their apparent lack of affection for me."That Jenna seemed like a nice girl, didn't she," mom started. I knew what she was doing, she wanted to see me with a girlfriend as much as I did. But how could I explain it to her that once again, it was not my opinion which had lead to Jenna choosing the dashing football player instead?"Ah- we,...

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PornWorld Texas Patti Bored Horny MILF DPd by Stepson and Driver with BBC

Nikki Nuttz comes home to find that her husband is gone and he’s left the entire place a mess. Not happy about the situation, she begins to clean up, before she heads into her stepson’s room to find him jerking off to a porno magazine. Being the bored, horny, slut of a housewife that she is, she takes the opportunity to finish what her stepson started, sucking him off and letting him fuck her in the ass. As he’s balls deep in her asshole, the two are interrupted by her driver, who happens to...

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Sugar and Spice this girl is really nice

I could feel his eyes on me, 'Fuck I must be getting desperate', went through my mind. Here am I shopping in the local supermarket, looking for something they dont sell, I'm horny as hell and thinking about having a quickie, with anyone who is up for it.Now before you get carried away wondering who I am, I am not a middle-aged woman in a loveless relationship, a nymphomaniac, or something like that, no I am a girl, under the age of consent, but in the body of a woman, desperate to fuck a man, I...

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Consolation Prize

Copyright© 2003 Leticia Humphrey wasn't the world's richest woman. She wasn't even close. All the same, two and a half billion was nothing to sneeze at. Ruthlessness -- that was what had brought her this far -- utter and completely cold-blooded ruthlessness. (Her birth name had, in fact, been Ruth, but she had purged herself of that in a hurry, you betcha.) She always got what she wanted, no matter what the price. Always. And everything had a price. Lonely. She was terribly lonely....

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Nude In Public

Passing by our local photoshop I was called in by the owner. Karen asked me if I would have my wife give her a call. Sally and Karen have known each other for a while and have a slightly complicated relationship. Sally called her that evening and after an hour-long call filled me in on Karen's reason for the request.Karen, a professional photographer, had shown her work in several local galleries and saw her fashion work published in women's magazines. She proposed a photoshoot that would be...

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BackroomCastingCouch Lyla 09242018

At just 18 years old, nerdy hair, and with those big glasses that make her look like a semi-retarded Harry Potter, you’d think Lyla accidentally picked the wrong door, confusing the casting office with a comic book store or a Lenscrafters or something. But the joke’s on us when we see a big “Daddy’s Girl” tattoo on the back of her thighs and we find out this seemingly innocent geek is a BDSM fan who will let Vince use her mouth and throat as his pleasure playground...

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The Truth About Female Masturbation

In a society where sex, nudity and desire have grown to be discussed and displayed, masturbation, and specifically, feminine masturbation, stands while a taboo still.Is it just the topic that is taboo, or will it concern the practice itself also? Let’s check out what surveys reveal.YES, women masturbate!The subject of female masturbation may be a taboo in daily media and conversations, nonetheless it is not for researchers! Let’s travel around the world with this selection of statistics for...

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New GirlChapter 2

The day was pleasantly warm with a light breeze coming off the ocean. The sun shone down on a disused picnic/scenic view area on a long-since bypassed state highway. Two beautiful, breathless, sweaty girls in their late teens lay at opposite ends of an antique redwood picnic table that had survived several vandals with pocketknives looking to immortalize themselves by carving their initials into its top. Connecting the busty, bare duo at the groin was over two feet of plastic dildo in the...

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Kidnap"You  know  that when you kidnap for ransom, youhave to be prepared, if they don't pay.  It's nodifferent when it's a political kidnaping.  If theydon't release the prisoners, bad things happen.  Somake the bad things happen, and video tape thehappenings, so they know they have to respond toour demands.  Do it, now."Z  went into the room where the girl was.  She lay,crying, on the concrete floor, her hands and feetbound, her school uniform soiled, for it had beentwo days since she had...

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The beast in her hut

She smiled unwillingly as she walked onto the settlement. She smiled unknowingly even. But she smiled. Her whole face smiled. It was in her eyes, they were brighter then ever. It was in her cheeks and their rosy color. It was in her mouth of course, as her lips curled up slightly. It was even in her hair, which seemed to dance around her face. She was feeling happy, content, satisfied even. For the last months, ever since her husband died last winter, she'd been struggling to get by. Working...

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Weekend Away

Tony returned my serve with a good hard smash, sending me scrambling to catch it. To my surprise and delight, my tennis racket connected and sent the ball hurtling back low over the net. It hit the ground just inside the line and just out of his reach, giving me match point. “Fuck you, Alex!” he cursed in his lovely English accent. He always reminded of Paul McCartney when he spoke. “I do have to win one every now and then. It’s only fair, Tony,” I responded cheerfully. My friend’s usual...

Gay Male
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Landladys DogChapter 5

Sunshine brightened her bedroom. Carol opened her eyes to it, looking vacantly around until she saw Sultan's big, stretched-out form on the floor beside her. As always, his presence gave her a warm, protected feeling, but then as she lay there open-eyed for a short moment, an unpleasantness began to spread through her. Her head throbbed. She remembered it was Saturday... and then, she began to recall much more. Abruptly, the blonde-haired girl sat nakedly upright in her bed and glanced over...

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The Deed

It was a cold, wet night in November when I met him. There was not a cloud in the sky, even after all the rainfall the day prior. I can remember looking up at all the tiny, candle-like stars and the crescent moon as I walked home. I usually worked late and with the store being close to home, I walked back regardless of the time or weather. The road was quiet, not a car was in sight as I got closer to the alley I cut through. Each step I took, I began to think about the nice warm drink I was...

Straight Sex
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Mindcontrolled into submission

Her own arms betrayed her she followed his instruction and shrugged the robe off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. The slave master cast a critical eye over his latest acquisition as she stood naked and paralysed before him. A downward flick of the index finger sent her involuntarily to her knees, her face inches away from his crotch, unable to look away. Unbidden by its owner, the woman’s mouth began to open in anticipation even as the man’s fingers slid down the zipper to his...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 14

Friday Chuck Oh, my goodness, I felt so good, so warm, surrounded by so many ladies. When I opened my eyes, I was face to face with Lisa, who was staring at me. I was alarmed at first, as I thought she might be dead with her eyes open, but the smile that came to her face told me there was no problem. She kissed me gently and said, "Good morning, Lover. Do you remember what I told you last night?" I smiled in return, "The same as I feel toward you this morning. Yes, Lisa, I love you too....

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Shy chubby girl at work

Imagine a boring day sat at work pretending to be busy, well that was me when I got an email from hazel who worked in my team. Now hazel was a great girl with lovely personality but I had alway thought she was pretty boring. She had been with her boyfriend since she was about 16 and was probably the only girl in the office I hadn't asked out. Looks wise hazel wasn't a stunner, she was 5'4 and a few pounds over weight, pretty chubby really. She did have huge boobs and a big juicy arse, her...

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Jeremys Women

Jeremy's Women And it's pretty amazing" Jeremy was saying to Sheila and Simone as theyrelaxed in the Cooper's sunny living room, "Heather, who I'd always beenkind of in awe of—she has a wicked sense of humor!" Heather smiled.She was a little heavy, butt-wise, but had nice boobs and gorgeous amber hairand twinkling eyes. Sheila noticed sort of a tough look about Heather-though…Jeremyseemed so sensitive, very unlike Roger,Sheila's Congressman husband, who wasbeing trained to be her slave at...

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At the hotel

As we got ready for a night at the theatre she had no idea what I had planned for later that night, the show ended at 10.30 and I suggested a late night drink, we went to a local hotel where un-benown to her I had booked a room, we sat at the bar and ordered a few drinks the barman was a tall Mediterranean guy about 25 years old, Jade was getting drunk and was flirting with him outrageously, she said she was going to the loo and walked off, I spoke to the barman whose name was Carlo and asked...

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Middle eastern wife 1st time in glory hole

We are a middle eastern couple. I am 45 years old and she is 37 years old. We have a very good life style, our sex life is also so good as we both are liberal .When it comes to sex between both of us. We tried role play with so many fantasies, we tried toys and dildos, specially I wanted her to feel a massive cock size without involving any one. our dildo is 8 inch long and 2.5 inch wide.We are typical middle eastern couple. She is shy apart when we are together in sexual intimacy.After saving...

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Beds Are Made To Be Broken

It was the first time we'd managed to get a room. So many secret office corners, dark alleys, back seats and parking garages, hasty sessions, all grabbing and needing, a rush to the finish.It was late, you'd flown out the night before and spent the entire day conferencing but called me on your way back to your hotel room after dinner. You'd told me you'd leave a key at the desk in case I could get away, I could hear the longing in your voice and it mirrored my own. It had been weeks since I'd...

Straight Sex
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Hes Home

It was a chilly night. Megan had just arrived home from work, and slipped into a silky red nighty and lit a fire in the fireplace. She had planned on a quiet night, snuggled in a blanket on her couch watching sappy chick flicks by the light of the fire. Her boyfriend, Matt, was out of town on business, and she didn’t expect to get a call from him till later that night. The doorbell rang. Megan wasn’t expecting anyone. She hesitantly got up from the couch and looked thru the peephole on the...

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Quarantined with Mom and My Sisters Chapter 5 Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters

Chapter Five: Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Yeah,” I agreed to Mom. “I'll give you dick whenever you want it. So don't worry.” Mom smiled as she was stroking my cock having woken me up with the usual fashion: sucking on my dick. Sleeping on either side of me were my sisters Jamie and Auburn. I had my little sister and her little titties rubbing into my right side and my big sister and her big boobies rubbing...

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