An Unlikely HeroChapter 6 free porn video

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It was a fine day as they assembled what would be their army. All the tribal leaders from the area had gathered. A meeting was held and pledges of loyalty were sworn to Lord Tom and Lord Paul. The leaders had brought their tribes with them, they weren't going to risk having their women and children stolen whilst they were off fighting, and now a great host were assembled in the Badger People's village. Tom took all the bowmen off to see how good they were, and Paul took the rest to work on their swordsmanship. It fell to the old men and the women to construct huts for all the newcomers.

Tom was pleased at how good they were: not surprising really, they were, after all, hunters. Paul on the other hand was dismayed. They had very little idea. It was soon apparent that any kind of swordplay would be out until Tom pointed out that he was approaching it from the wrong angle.

"You are thinking sword fighting. These are hunters, not warriors. Get them shields and spears. They know how to use spears, just get them something to protect themselves from arrows and swords. Think Greek hedgehog, not Roman legion. It's much quicker to teach, and much easier to make. Come here, I'll show you my ideas." Tom told him "Look, when we make our stand I want a line of infantry standing in front of the archers giving them protection; a shield wall with archers behind. If they have horses, then I want the men in the front rank to have sharpened spears, eight feet long. They will be lying at their feet, and at the last minute they will kneel down and pick them up and allow the horses to skewer themselves on them. The men behind will then kill the riders as they fall off. It's how Robert the Bruce defeated the English at Bannockburn. Archers will pepper them as they charge, and hopefully very few will get through. Think Agincourt. We will have to choose our battlefield carefully, and prepare it as they did. If a man has just fallen at your feet from a horse, you don't need to be a fabulous swordsman to kill him, a simple hand axe in the back of the head or a spear thrust through the middle of him will do the job. Remember the maxim KISS Keep it simple, stupid!"

Paul stood back in amazement. "When did you become a general? That's brilliant. I would never have thought of that. Okay from now on, you're in charge of the army, and I'm your second in command." with that he threw him a theatrical salute.

Others had seen Paul doing this, and they started to copy. Soon all the people were saluting Lord Tom.

"You've bloody well started something now haven't you" Tom told him at mealtime. "Every time one of them wants to talk to me he salutes. I now spend half my time saluting instead of getting on and planning the defences. Tell me how are things going?"

"Very good," replied Paul. "They have started building shields, and they took to spear work like a duck to water."

"Yes I thought they might. It's what they're used to, being hunters, just make sure they hold onto their spears and not chuck them. In fact," he said thoughtfully, "might be a good idea to give them a couple of spears; then if one does chuck it, he has a spare. Okay, I need to see the lay of the land. I need to decide where the best place to fight will be. I'll get Ganlan and use his knowledge of the area to decide."

Tom found Ganlan training with the archers "I see you're hard at it" Tom said to him.

"What example would I be if I did not train and fight along side my people?" he replied.

"Quite right. I need you to ride with me and show me the land. We need to chose out battlefield." He knelt down and drew a map in the dirt. "I want a valley with woods each side, getting narrower towards the top, with the ground rising towards a ridge, upon we will be standing. Do you know of such a place?"

"Not quite, but I know of a place where the river runs along one side, and then the woods runs up one side, and the land slopes down to the river from the ridge, would that do?" Ganlan answered.

"Show me" said Tom.

They rode out to the place that Ganlan spoke of. "How's this?" he asked.

"Perfect!" said Tom. "Now all we have to do is make sure that this is the only place they can get to us. We need to flood areas all along the river and sow the area with caltrops to dissuade them from crossing anywhere else. Come on, we've got work to do"

"What are caltrops?" asked Ganlan

"They are devices made to stick into horses' hooves. It makes them rear up and, hopefully, throw their rider."

They went back to the village and explained what he wanted. Some grumbled at this amount of work, saying they thought it unnecessary. "Well its up to you, Lord Paul and myself can just up and leave you to your fate. Freedom sometimes comes with cost. This is one of those times. It's your choice; don't work now and live as slaves. Or work, fight, and yes maybe die so that your children and their children and their children's children may live in peace and freedom. In my land my father and his father before him had to fight, and some had to die so that I and my children may enjoy peace and freedom. Every now and then men must choose, slavery or freedom. This is one such time. So choose."

Sheep faced they picked up their tools and followed him. They dammed the river and flooded the fields after digging potholes to discourage the enemy from riding through them. That took most of the day. The next day they prepared the battlefield digging potholes and covering them with brush. Next they built a barricade at the top of the ridge and drove sharpened stakes facing down the slope.

After three weeks of fevered activity one of the scouts came riding into the camp.

"Lord Tom, Lord Tom," he shouted as he galloped up

"Yes?" said Tom, helping the man down from his horse

"Sir, they're coming. Hundreds of them." he told him excitedly.

"Okay, slow down. Come inside and have a drink and then you can tell me exactly what happened." he told him

The man nodded and followed him inside. "We followed them as you said, and when they got to the big town they loaded the slaves onto a big ship. They waited for about a week, and then a group of them started to backtrack to where we killed the slavers. Once they reached the battle site, they saw what we had done and they rode back to the town and gathered most of the men. Once they started out I rode here as fast as I could to warn you."

Tom looked at him and smiled patting him on the shoulder. "Well done, you have done exactly as I asked. Now go and eat and rest. You've done well young man."

The man beamed as he went to get some food. Ganlan looked up at Tom and said, "You have just made that young man feel like the most important man in the world. He would follow you anywhere now. In your land you must be a great Lord, with many followers."

"No, not me. At home it's the simple life for me, just my wife, children and an ordinary job. Nothing fancy for me." he said laughing. "Here though, I have a war to fight. We need to make sure all the men are as ready as they can be. I reckon we've got a few days at most, perhaps not even that."

"How do you think that?" asked Ganlan.

"Well, he knew the way, they will be back-tracking the slavers route, they will have to go through each village, and finding no one there move on to the next. Hopefully they will get frustrated and get careless. We have to have more men tracking them. Provided they don't get caught we will get more news before they get here." Tom told him.

He strode out into the village and assembled the people.

"The slavers are coming." He told them. "In a few days we will be fighting for our very lives. I ask you now to redouble your efforts as its now we lay the seeds of our victory. Every hole we dig, every fence we build, every spear and shield we make will ensure our victory. Train hard, work hard and we will win. We will drive this curse from our land and soak the fields in their blood."

A cheer went up from the assembled crowd. "We will fight! We will win! Lord Tom! Lord Paul!"

They chanted.

"Well that went well," said Ganlan. "You have done something no other man has ever done. You have united all the people of the hunter tribes, the Badger People, the Fox People, the Hare People. This has never happened before. We have never been united; we've always fought each other. I have dreamed of this day all my life. Thank you. What ever happens now I'll die a happy man."

"Don't talk like that. Remember, the first duty of a soldier is not to die for his people; it's to make the other guy die for his people. Said Tom.

Ganlan laughed. "I'll try to remember that"

"Do that, I intend to." said Tom

Tom went to find Paul. "I need you to run the hospital," he told him

"Why? I'm one of the best swordsmen here. I want to be on the front line, not sitting back in the sickbay."

"You are the best doctor in this area, probably on this planet. I need you to gather the best healers together and prepare a hospital. No one will know about infection like you. Teach these people what you know. Prepare sterile bandages, sterile instruments, and clean areas. Train stretcher-bearers. Only you can do this. Without you many more will die needlessly. You know this. It's your calling. You know only too well what will happen here without antibiotics. Only someone who truly understands this can help prevent It.," he told him.

"Very well, I'll do it." Paul said.

The preparations continued relentlessly. Training was stepped up; defences were built, improved and improved again. Then late one evening the last two scouts came riding into the camp. They rode up to Tom and said. "They're here."

"All right, come and make your report, then get something to eat." Tom told them.

"They are coming along the river. They tried to cross earlier, but the river was flooded, also when they tried to enter the water, some horses fell into holes, and others went lame with bits of stick in their hooves. They should cross the river by morning."

Ganlan looked at Tom in amazement. "You knew your plan would work didn't you. I'm sure the rest of your plan will work just as well."

Tom looked at the young scouts. "You have done well, now go and get something to eat and get some rest, you're going to need it." Turning to Ganlan he said, "Yes, I had a pretty good idea that it would work. We have denied them any other crossing place, now its just a question of whether they fall for the rest of it, or whether they just cut their losses and go home."

He went outside to take a last look at the defences. He had done all he could think of. All the preparation was done. Tomorrow would be the final test. Here they would win or die. All they could do now was wait for dawn.

The sun rose slowly over the horizon revealing the enemy horsemen below. Tom addressed his men.

"Today our destiny is decided. Today we decide if we live and die as free men or as slaves. Those men below us want to put us in chains. They want to sell our women and children just to make a profit. Are we going to let them?"

"NO!" the crowd roared back at him

"Then let us show these slavers that we are hunters, not slaves. We know how to kill. We will show them how to die. Today they DIE!"

"KILL! KILL! KILL!" The cry went up among the men.

"To your places men. Its Time!"

Tom had placed men in amongst the trees, they had orders to remain hidden until the main force upon the ridge opened fire. The infantry formed up behind the barricades. He ordered his archers to remain out of sight.

The leader of the slavers came forward. He was an imposing figure. Well over six and half feet tall and all dressed in black, he dwarfed the horse he rode. Tom mounted is horse and rode out to meet him.

"My name is Orleck. I am here today to take back what was taken from me. Give me fifty women and fifty children and I will let you live. Resist and those left alive I will take as slaves." Orleck called out

"My name is Lord Tom. These are free people. The things you say were taken were my people. The men that took them are dead. I give you this opportunity to surrender so that your men may live. You will be marked as slavers and serve twenty five years as indentured servants. You will have more rights than the people you enslaved, but not much. We are free people. We bow our knee to no man, especially one such as you! You have ten minutes to decide. Lay down your weapons and surrender or die. It makes no difference to me."

Orleck growled and went as if to reach for his sword. Tom had his bow with an arrow already notched.

"Ha" said Orleck "I can see your pathetic warriors on the ridge. What chance do you think they will have against my men? You will all be killed, and those that aren't will be made to watch as we rape your women. We will rape your children too. No one will be spared. You have brought this down upon yourselves with your stupid pride. Run back to your women, for today you die."

"Fine words from a coward such as you. You fight well against women and children. Lets see how well you do against men."

Orleck glared at him, turned his horse and rode back towards his men.

Tom rode back to his lines. "Steady men" he called. "They'll be coming now."

Almost at once they saw the slavers start up the hill. The thundering of the hooves rang out as they advanced. As they passed one of the marker posts that Tom had set up he called out "Archers. Now!"

With that the hidden archers leapt up and loosed a volley of arrows at the slavers. At once the archers hidden in the woods at the side joined in firing volley after volley from the flank. On charged the slavers, taking losses all the time. Suddenly they were at the barricade.

"Steady men" called Tom to his spearmen as the horsemen closed. "Now!" he called and the spearmen lifted the long spears that they had hidden in the grass and impaled the horses. Horses screamed and riders fell. Those behind the first rank of spearmen thrust spears, axes, and swords into the fallen. Those with shields held against the crash of impact. Archers continued to fire into the massed horsemen. Some slavers got through, but were so out numbered that they were soon overpowered. In the heat of the battle Tom saw Orleck riding down on a young spearmen. The lad could not have been more than sixteen or seventeen, but Tom saw him standing bravely with his shield and spear ready. As Orleck raised his sword to cut this young man down Tom shot him in the side. He saw a complete look of surprise as the arrow penetrated his armour and pain radiated throughout his body. The lad parried Orleck's blow with his shield and thrust his spear into the dying man. With Orleck's death the slavers lost heart. Some tried to run, others surrendered. It was all over. They had won.

They gathered up their wounded and took them to Paul. He was already hard at work bandaging up wounds and stitching others.

"Remember to keep it clean, otherwise I may have to amputate." he told one young man.

He looked over to another and sadly shook his head. Just then another man was rushed in bleeding from a nasty head wound. He set his nurses to care for him. "Get the hair shaved and the wound stitched" he called to one of the women.

He then called out to Leila who was his head nurse "Leila I need more hot water and more bandages." It was then he saw Tom.

"Tom, you're not hurt are you?" he called anxiously, bandaging up another young man's leg

"No, I'm fine, just come to tell you its over. We've won!" Tom said joyfully.

A cheer rang out around the hospital. Tom looked around him. "So what's the butcher's bill then?" he asked.

"Ten of ours dead, twenty four wounded, six of those might not make morning and another five probably won't ever hunt again. Of the enemy, I don't know. We are just getting them in off the battlefield now. I will be able to let you know in a couple of hours." He told him.

"Very well, do what you can" Tom said

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Chapter 13 Nathan did not realize he had fallen asleep. It took a moment to register that he was still on Charlie’s bed since it was almost pitch black in the room. The closed curtains were keeping out the sun. There were a few rays escaping through the bottom and sides of the curtain, however, they had dimmed since it was early evening light. He was completely stretched out on the bed, pillow under his head, and he couldn’t move his left arm. As he did a slight tug, he heard a moan. Shit!...

4 years ago
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Night Brings the HunterChapter 8

“Well, I met a girl in West Hollywood, I ain’t namin’ names. She really worked me over good, she was just like Jesse James. She really worked me over good, she was a credit to her gender. She put me through some changes, Lord, sort of like a Waring blender.” -Warren Zevon, “Poor Poor Pitiful Me” An old woman dressed entirely in black sat at an outdoor cafe in the San Finzione Marketplace, drinking her vino and watching the world go by; as she had for as long as anyone could remember. Some...

1 year ago
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Melissas RiteChapter 9

Richie was halfway to the classroom door before Cassie realized he was on his way out. She dashed away, her heart thumping in fear that she was about to be caught spying on him. She shoved her way through the crowd to escape, her cheeks glowing faintly pink. She flung her gaze behind her even as she continued to plow forward. She half-expected to see an angry Richie on her heels. So when she came to a sudden stop after bumping into someone in front of her, she nearly shrieked. Instead, it...

2 years ago
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An unforgettable experience

Welcome to an unforgettable experience! Where we offer an experience she'll never forget. You heard it right, the "service" isn't offered to you. More like you tailoring the service that we'll offer her. Confused yet? Let me explain. The premise is simple. We kidnap her, keep her in captivity for 7 days, and you swept in, either as a knight in shining armor to save her from us baddies, or as a fellow baddie, here to collect your merchandise. We'll have to go through these few steps to...

4 years ago
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Going to WarChapter 10

We had been on Chaos for quite a while and I was a mess from the point of needing to shave off the beard. Janice wasn't there to cut my hair, and it took me a longtime to scrub out the dirt that was almost embedded into my skin. Slowly, I started to look and feel better about my appearance. I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed into the bedroom. Alice was on the bed in a red teddy that left nothing to the imagination. She didn't want to wait and my biological response was exactly...

3 years ago
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Love Finds a Way

Love Finds a Way By Durin In six years of marriage we had always wanted to achieve it. It, however, had eluded us. Oh, we came close several times. A few seconds one way or the other perhaps, which some might consider simultaneous, but we truly wanted to start that climb to the mountain together, understanding my wife's would last longer. Unfortunately, on our seventh anniversary, we achieved just that. It is not my intention here to write any kind of graphic porno or other...

3 years ago
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Snuffing my BBW

My child hood friend named Shelia was a dark haired girl a little on the chubby side but cute. She only wore long skirts to hide her modesty but her ass was big. She would come to my house with our parents permission any time she wanted so much so that since she didn't have a washer at her house she washed her clothes at ours. Her panties were always left in the basket and I would smell them. I was a pervert who loved scat and unwashed girls so I would spend hours smelling them. One day...

1 year ago
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Heavenly hours of Sex

This is Izmar from Oklahoma. This story just happened with a friend we met on the Internet. He name is Danyana and she is from Europe. Danyana is married to an Engineer in the Navy known as Ron. Ron works more than 120 hours a week and has no time to be with Danyana My wife Adgama and I have a good and trustful relationship since we married 25 years ago. She is a very open minded, hot and sexy woman. I have never been with another woman alone since I got married. Last week while we were...

4 years ago
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The Reserve Part 61

By all accounts it seemed like a normal day, if not a lazy one. I was up on the balcony with Enko and Helasia enjoying good times and conversation. The park was doing well, Helasia was off, and even Enko had found some time to take a break. Thinking back, it was a damn near perfect afternoon.At some point, Helasia wandered to the back side of the balcony facing away from the reserve leaving Enko and I staring out over the trees and the river in the distance.“I think we should take another trip...

Monster Sex
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Fucking Experience In Vizag

Hi guys I am Rahul, I am from Vizag and presently in am pursing, my B-tech. I am 20 years old. I am a fair guy with 5’8 height and a toned body. Today I want to discuss an incident which happened when I was studying inter the second year. There used to live an aunty near my home her name was Suma, her age was 22 and had a lean body with big tits. She was milky fair and had fat at correct places. She had an hourglass structure. By looking at her figure any guy can’t stop getting a hard-on. She...

2 years ago
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Morning Wood

Her eyes flutter open, adjusting for a moment as she looks out into the dark room. She lies there for a minute to get her bearings, aware of faint light from outside just beginning to brighten up the windows. She cranes her neck to look at the clock – yeah, it's early. Dawn must just be breaking.She's in bed with her lover behind her, but turned away from him, feeling his skin on her back and butt. She replays the events of last night, which culminated in not just sex, but quite the adventurous...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Antheas Baby Part V

They drove home a short while later. Anthea listened in silence to Jack’s account of his conversation with her mum as she drove. She was quite shocked as well as stunned by the way things were unravelling in her parents' lives. “Maybe we should never have told them about Ben and the baby,” she mused at the end.Jack shrugged his shoulders. “It’s a bit late for that now, isn’t it?” he responded. “Anyway, from what your mum was saying, we may have done them a favour.”“A favour?”He nodded. “It’s...

3 years ago
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I hadn’t heard Daddy leave, so I awoke with a start when I heard his ringtone. ‘Daddy?’ I croaked into the phone. ‘Good Morning, Goofgirl!’ He sang back at me. My heart felt a little lighter at the sound of his voice, but my body felt like it was weighed down with sand bags. ‘Still tired from yesterday, my Slut?’ He asked me cheerfully. ‘MMMhmmmm,’ I moaned, remembering. Daddy hadn’t been pleased with the job I had done on the kitchen floor and so he had me do it again-on my hands and knees...

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My Friends Neighbor Radhika

By : Sunil25 I have been visiting this site and reading the stories for quite some months. I enjoy reading the wonderful stories submitted by the readers. So I thought of submitting my experience as well that happened 2 months ago. I am Sunil, 27, from Bangalore working in the IT Industry. The other day a friend of mine had invited me to his Birthday Party at his house. He had invited a small group of his friends. I reached there on time, wished him Birthday wishes and made myself...

4 years ago
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Now Is Your Chance Boy

Now Is Your Chance Boy Our family is quite close and we always have company on weekends. Dad is a vice-president in a manufacturing company here in town, Mom is an executive secretary at another manufacturing company in town, and I’m fourteen years old and I’ll be going into high school in the fall. The ninth grade is kind of scary for me. Being a computer nerd, a virgin, and having a big house in the best part of town will certainly set me up as a target for the jocks. I’m not looking...

4 years ago
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Once Upon a Trans Cinderella

Once Upon a Trans: Cinderella Once upon a time in a faraway land there lived a wealthy lord in blissful happiness with his wife and young son. One day, however, the wife grew sick and died shortly afterwards. The lord married again and soon they were a whole family once more with the young boy gaining a stepmother and two stepsisters. Everything was fine and all seemed happy until, after around a year of marriage, the father sickened too and soon he died as well, leaving all his wealth...

3 years ago
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Beginning Of A New Chapter V

Hello readers, I am Varun, again sharing series of my life incidents with you all. This is my fifth story in the series. So friends, as I have narrated in my last story how Gaurav and Ankita had foreplay from the view of Gaurav and how he seduce her by planning and making her read a sex story on his mobile. Now continuing the story form Gaurav’s perspective. After last night, we both became open to each other and I started teasing her by brushing my hands on her ass while crossing her in the...

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Sharons Treasure

Part 1 Sharon arranged to go to an expensive club with her friend and neighbor, Maya, tonight. Maya just bought a brand new Beamer and was dying to be seen driving the luxurious automobile. Sharon accepted gleefully, knowing she wouldn’t have to drive. She rubbed her palms together as she planned on letting her hair down for once. At times, she wasn’t quite sure why she and Maya had become fast friends. For all intents and purposes, they were complete opposites. Maya was very well off. Sharon...

4 years ago
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My Roommates Ch1

My name is Leigh, I am 24 about 5'4, long dark hair that lead you to a plump ass. My favorite assets are my boobs, a firm C cup with tight little pink buds. I am an off campus college student and share a small apartment with two great guys named Will and Mark. They are two of the biggest flirts you'll ever meet. We hang out a lot, studying, going to bars and on Friday nights we have friends over to watch UFC fights. After 2 years of living together we have done a lot and I have had the...

Group Sex
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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 28

Samantha Peterson had been a Federal prosecutor, the U.S. Attorney for Cleveland, to be specific. She had been a U.S. District Court judge. She had served as Assistant to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. After his election, the new President had nominated her as the Secretary of Homeland Security, and her appointment sailed through the Senate. She was fifty-two years old. She had kept the country safe through all kinds of threats, both publicly disclosed and undisclosed,...

4 years ago
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Sex Adventures 2 The Sister Effect

Since that night, my interest in Women had shot up. Before I had noticed them and maybe fancied one or two but now every single one was a potential fuck. and I would fantasize what they would be like in bed no matter what they looked like but then one day came the most unexpected fantazy. My 13 year old Sister, Kelly. The day started off like any other, I got up, showered (wanked in shower) got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Kelly and I exchanged the typical brother/sister...

4 years ago
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Beach House Sleepover

It was summer time; the sun was hot, the grass was green, everyone was tanned and walking around in as little as possible. That is why I love summer. My friend Alex had invited me down to his beach house which was quite a long drive down South, but I like going South... Before I get into this, I'll give you a little background about Alex and myself. We are now both 17 in our last year at an all-boys' school and have been at school together since we were 11 but only became good friends...

1 year ago
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How i came to be the man whore that i am today

Alright so, if you have read my stories your aware of the facts that one I am a funny African-american man, and also umm i have sex, alotand with many womensometime, scracth that, most of the time while i have a girlfriend.Now this pattern had to have started somewhere, Right?Well, here is my story.So I,m 17 and basically just figuring out what is what with my sizable penis. I mean, i was good, until that point in my life, i would only be freaky with my significant others and would only sex...

2 years ago
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My Neighbour was Fucking my Daughter

I moved into my apartment three years back and almost immediately was befriended by the widower downstairs, a man some thirty years my senior, and because of his age, saw no immediate threat to me or my daughter, who was eight.Over the years I remained celibate, and at 27 never sought the high life or fun times, just remained at home and had the occasional drink with Peter downstairs, a sort of convivial arrangement, as he like myself kept much to ourselves, and over time became a substitute...

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My friends sister and his cock

My brother told me that nearly every time they walked up their long driveway top the house, they could see Megan in her room on the first floor. She would almost always be there changing her clothes. The vantage point would let them see only the top part of her body. They saw her breasts loads of time they told me. It was obvious that she knew they were coming and was waiting in her room to flash them and pretend she was oblivious to their eyes on her. She was a girl after my own heart as I...

4 years ago
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Family Home

Family Home By Morpheus ([email protected]) The four college students looked around the dusty living room of their new house, with mixed emotions. Bill Walters, the tall, slender, English major snorted. "It looks like a pig sty." He ran his hand through his dark blonde hair, then wiped a finger alongside the table next to the door, picking up a thick layer of dust on his finger. He shook his head in disgust. Carl Sutton laughed. "You ought to feel right at home...

1 year ago
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50PlusMilfs Trixie Dicksin Bigtitted Trixie Dicksin8217s ass is your playground

In a scene that’s shot mostly (but not entirely) from your point of view, 54-year-old cougar Trixie Dicksin sucks cock and takes it up the ass. Trixie getting ass-fucked comes as no surprise to us because when we asked her if she likes anal, she said, “Yes! On my back, legs up, taking a cock in my ass is so satisfying, but, of course, my body is your playground, so I would take your cock in my ass in any position you’d like.” This playground consists of big tits, a tight...

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Erika the gymnast

I sat and watched the girls practice out on the gymnastics floor while I was waiting for my girlfriend Erika. I enjoyed seeing how the girls, clad only in their form-fitting leotards, moved and contorted their athletic bodies. I was discretely watching two slim girls, Jill and Hannah, that were stretching out near me at the edge of the floor while they talked. Jill was a good friend of Erika's and was sitting on the floor facing toward me while Hannah was standing and facing away from me. Jill...

First Time
2 years ago
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MousetrapChapter 3

It was quite a fiery debate and Tiff found herself increasingly confused as it went on. Partly it was the fact that they were even considering an offer from the bloody Confed, for gods sake, partly that it was Rajata herself who was, increasingly firmly, arguing for the idea and ... partly ... it was the realisation that Tiff herself was coming round to accepting it. She tried to rationalise this rather starling concept and couldn't ... OK, she acknowledged, guiltily, she had a personal...

3 years ago
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office lovers

Owen is a man who works in my office. We have known each other for quite a while and there has always been a little spark. Anyway, we had been put together on a assignment at work to my pleasure, (it’s always nice to work with tall, handsome men). We spent most of our days flirting and he made me very horny. We had arranged for him to come round to my place after work one day to work on the assignment. As I left work I rushed home to clean my house before Owen came round, wanting to make a...

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