An Unlikely HeroChapter 7 free porn video

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It was raining when they all gathered following Talbath and Selena's wedding. Tom and Paul announced that they were going to attempt to free the slaves captured by Orleck and his men. Immediately most of the men stepped forward to accompany them.

"We will only take unmarried men with us." Tom told them. "We don't know how long it will take, and we need to ensure that the folk here are taken care of. I know that this will upset some of you, but I have made my decision. Those who wish accompany us, gather your things, we leave in one hour."

With that he made to walk away. He was immediately surrounded by the married men who wished to go. "Why can't we come?" they all asked "Haven't we proved our bravery?"

"Yes" answered Tom, "time and again you all have. Now I need you to protect these people here. I don't know how long we will be away; it may be months. Fields need planting, houses need maintaining, animals need tending, hunters need to hunt to provide meat and furs. If I take all of you with me who will do these things? Who will provide meat for your wives and children if you don't? Who will gather the harvest if you don't? Who would wish to come with me, only to return and find their families starving? Don't worry; I'll still expect you all to continue your training. I have no intention of our people being taken slaves again. If ever slavers return I will want them to return home with a bloody nose."

With that they grudgingly accepted the he was right. They ended up with fifteen men and boys assembled for the off. It was an emotional send off with handshakes from fathers and tears from mothers and sweethearts. Chelista came up to Tom and threw her arms around him and kissed him.

"Thank you so much for everything. Talbath and Selena are so happy. It's all thanks to you. And thank you for not taking the married men. I know they would be off like a shot, but you seemed to have thought of everything as usual." She kissed him again, and then they set off.

As they left they were met by a small group of five women. Their leader was Rolof's sister Celistina. They were dressed in travelling clothes and carrying short bows.

"We're coming with you," she told them. "We know what its like to be captured by these animals. How do you think they're going to react to men coming down to release them? Do you think they'll understand? Anyway, who's going to cook for you? I've seen his cooking" she said pointing at Rolof, "And had to eat it on occasion. I wouldn't wish that on anybody. We've all been studying with Lord Paul and are good nurses and healers. You need us."

As much as he hated to admit it, this was something that had been bothering Tom and Paul.

"Very well, get your gear and follow us," said Tom.

The women immediately loaded their things and the party left.

The weather had turned, whereas it had been warm and sunny most of the time, now it was wet and miserable. They traveled as quickly as they could. They had one of the slavers with them. He had agreed to help in exchange for his freedom. Tom told him that if he betrayed them, he would be the first to die. It took them six days to reach the outskirts of the big town. They had been keeping to the forest trails and had seen very few people. Now, as they approached the town, they saw a group of determined looking men in peasant garb walking in the same direction. These men were not well armed, carrying a motley collection of weapons.

"Hey there." called out Tom as they approached.

"What do you want?" said a man in his early forties.

"I was wondering if we shared a common purpose," said Tom. "Are you missing some women and children?"

"What do know about that?" said the man holding his weapon, a kind of long sickle with a sharpened blade.

"I know that a group of slavers came through our lands and captured some of our women. We tracked them, found them and killed them. Their leader collected most of his men together, over a hundred"

"One hundred and twelve Lord Tom." said Rolof.

"I stand corrected, one hundred and twelve, and he decided to come and get 'his' property back. We gave him what he truly deserved, a nice hole in the ground, along with most of his men. We are now on our way to free the rest of the people they captured. I take it you're after the same thing, your wives and daughters."

"Yes, we are" said a puzzled looking man. "He called you Lord Tom? Who are you Lord of? And why are you here if you've already saved your women?"

"I am Lord of the Hunter peoples. We are here because we cannot abide the idea of slavery. We intend to free the women and return them home to their families. We would be delighted to join forces with you if we share the same objectives." Tom told him.

"Hm. Well, alright, my name is Valith. We are the Medethi. We live in the lands north of the Hunter people. I didn't know the hunter people bowed their knee to anyone. I thought they were a free folk."

"We are!" said Rolof. "We chose him because he kept us free. One hundred and twelve killed to only ten of ours. Okay four more have died since. But thanks to Lord Paul, all the others have survived. It was they who freed the girls in the first place. It was Lord Tom who planned the battle and brought us victory, and it was Lord Paul who set up the hospital and made sure that so many survived it."

"And it was us women who helped nurse and heal those who were wounded." said Celistina.

"I see," said Valith "Very well, we'll join you to help get our women back. We'll pay no ransom though."

"The only ransom we'll wish to be paid is the smiles on your peoples faces when we free them." said Paul.

As they made their way towards the town Tom rode beside Valith. "Do you know what this town is called?" he asked him.

"Yes, it's called Bridgetown. It's got the biggest bridge across the river Slath. In fact it's probably the only bridge across this river, certainly the only one I know of." Valith told him.

"So which member of your family have they taken?" Tom asked him

Valith looked at him. "My daughter, how did you know?"

"It has to be someone special to risk all to free them. I know if one of mine were taken I wouldn't stop until they were free, no matter what the cost. I take it most of the others have family taken by these slavers as well?" Tom asked.

"Yes, most have a wife or sister, or even a brother. What kind of men could think of their fellow humans as a commodity to be bought and sold?" he asked.

"The worst kind. That's why we intend to put a stop to it right now. We will send a message to anyone who tries it here that they will pay a terrible price. We will just not allow it." Tom told him

"Do you know how many men he has here?" asked Valith

"About twenty five. If their leader had not come to attack us there would have been near one hundred and fifty for you to face. But by now you would have been too late, they would have gone. Sailed down the river to who knows where? It was only his arrogance and greed that was his undoing. If he had just set sail with those he had already then we would never have caught him."

He saw Valith's face pale. "One hundred and fifty? Where would he get so many men? How many captives did he take?"

"Well, he had seven teams out with orders to take a minimum of thirty slaves each. We captured one, that left six, so if each team has between thirty and forty captives, we could be looking at between one hundred and eighty and two hundred and forty." said Tom.

Valith's jaw dropped. "We didn't stop to think about that. Am I glad you were here! Without you we would have had no chance of ever seeing our loved ones again."

"I'm warning you now," Tom told him. "These slavers may have done terrible things to your women. They will be traumatized and need time to come to terms with what has happened to them."

It was getting dark as the approached the town. They decided to find an inn or tavern to spend the night. They made a conspicuous group as they entered the town, thirty-five strong.

"I think we may need to split up, I don't know if anywhere will be able to house us all. We'll try a couple of taverns and see. I'd like to stay together, but if not we'll try to stay close." Tom told Valith.

The townsfolk were looking at them with open distrust and hostility.

"I don't like this. It feels wrong, keep your weapons close, there maybe trouble brewing." said Paul.

"I know what you mean," said Tom. "These folk look like they want to slit our throats just for breathing."

They made their way to the largest tavern they could find. It looked rough, but large enough to accommodate the entire party. As they entered they knew they had made a mistake. The place went silent and every head turned towards them. A couple of toughs got up and made as if to swagger over to them, until they saw the size of the party and had second thoughts. They quickly sat down again.

"Excuse me barkeep, would you have any rooms available?" asked Tom.

The bartender looked at him in puzzlement, normally any one in charge of a group that large would demand rooms, at sword point if necessary.

"Well sir, I'll just get the owner." He went out the back. Soon a large belligerent looking woman came striding out to see them.

"Yes, what do you want?" she said with her chin shoved forward.

"We were wondering if you had enough rooms for all of us, we are a rather large party," said Tom.

"And hungry" chirped up Rolof. "And thirsty" he added for good measure.

She smiled at him. "Sit yourselves down, we'll see about some food, don't know about rooms, some of you will have to share. Might just have enough if you all squeeze in."

"Thank you, very kind of you," said Tom

The woman looked at him strangely and went to get their food. Rolof went to the bar to get some ale; he brought it back and declared it good. Soon a steady stream of customers made their way to the bar. Tom noticed that quite a few of Valith's men did not get any ale.

Tom went over to Valith. "Are your men not thirsty tonight?" he asked

"They haven't got much money, they're not rich like some." he replied.

"Well, I would hate for my allies to be ineffective because of illness or thirst. Tell your men not to drink the water. It might not be safe. I'll get the beer. They can pay me back from the loot we get from the slavers." Tom told him.

He went to the bar and got several large pitchers of ale for the men. He ordered food for all as well. The trouble came when Celistina went out to the latrines to relive herself. As she went out Tom noticed out of the corner of his eye one of the toughs nod to another. He followed the man out side. As he did he heard a scream.

One on the toughs then said, "Now then my dear, lets have a look at what your hiding under those pretty clothes shall we?"

"Get off me you filthy bastard" Celistina cried.

Tom drew his knife, and went to step forward. As he did so a club went whistling passed his head. He ducked and stabbed the man in the gut. The man screamed and cursed. Tom then stepped forward and plunged his knife in the other man's side. He then grabbed him and turned him towards his accomplice. The sounds brought others out, Paul was one of the first, and drawing his sword, he ran the would-be rapist through. They dragged the two dying men into the tavern, ignoring their screams.

"These men just tried to rape my friend and companion," Tom told the assembled customers. "This is what I do to rapists." He then took his knife and slit open the man's trousers, grabbed his testicles and sliced them off. Paul then did the same to the man he was holding.

The room went quiet as they all looked at Tom and Paul. Celistina ran shaking to her brother.

"That was Jorik and his brother Bavid," said the barman. "Nasty pieces of work both. Won't be missed or mourned by many."

Rolof came up to Tom. "It seems yet again I have you to thank for saving my sister. I am your man, body and soul. The debt I owe you I can never repay. Thank you my Lord." And with that he dropped down onto one knee and kissed Tom's hand.

They went through the would-be rapists' clothes and found several pinches and a couple of conches. Tom gave them to the barman.

"I think that will pay for most of the food and drink my men will need tonight. If it's any more, just let me know." He said

Later that night Tom spoke to Paul "You know mate, it worries me: we killed those men tonight without a second thought. I know it's accepted here on Chaos: they tried to rob us, so they paid the price. What are we turning into? When we return will we just kill without compunction? Just what are we turning into?"

"I know what you mean. Before we came here, the only thing I'd ever killed was a fly. Now we come here and kill men without a second thought. When we go back it'll be okay. You just have to take a day or so to re-adjust. We are the same people we were when we arrived." he told him.

The following morning they made their way to the docks. They soon spotted the ship; it was guarded by several men. They approached the ship.

"Ahoy the ship" called Tom.

"What do you want?" said a large man in a sailor's outfit.

"I wish to speak to the captain" Said Tom

"What about?" the man asked.

"That's between the captain and myself, so unless you are the captain I suggest you get him now." replied Tom.

His men had spread out along the wharf; each had drawn their bow, each with an arrow notched. The man eyed them suspiciously and went below. Shortly, an older man came up on deck.

"Are you the captain of this vessel?" Tom asked.

"What's it to you if I am?" He replied, by now some of the slavers had come up on deck

"Was the former owner of this vessel called Orleck? And are you carrying slaves?" asked Tom

"What do you mean former? And what's it to you what are cargo is?" said the captain.

"Well he's dead and I killed him. Therefore I claim the ship and its cargo. If you would be kind enough to bring them up on deck so I may inspect them." Tom told him.

"I'll do no such thing! You get away from here or I'll send these men out to get you." he said.

His men reached for their weapons and started for the gangplank.

Tom raised his bow. "Stay where you are and drop your weapons. I'll kill the first one who tries anything," he told them. He noticed one man creeping round from the back of the cabin. "Paul" he called "to your left."

Paul looked and saw a man carrying a crossbow. He drew and fired, piercing the man through the heart. "Got him," said Paul.

"Now the rest of you, drop your weapons. I'm going to count to three, any man carrying or wearing a weapon by then I'll shoot. Make no mistake, this is your one and only chance." Tom told them.

Some stopped, two charged for the gangplank. Tom shot the first and Rolof the second. "ONE". Called out Tom, notching another arrow in his bow. He looked round at them. "TWO." he called out again. All the other of his men notched their bows. The slavers looked at on another, and then one of them lost his nerve and threw his sword onto the floor. "Good man" said Tom, "you'll now live. What about the rest of you?" he said drawing his bow.

The others then followed suit and threw their weapons down.

"Tie them up, we'll decide what to do with them later. Paul: with me. Let's go and free those captives," said Tom. They went up to the captain. "Your keys if you please, and if you'll be so kind as to show us the way to where the captives are held."

"And if I don't?" he said in a surly tone.

"Then I'll gut you where you stand and feed you to the fishes." Tom replied smiling.

"Huh, as you put it like that then, follow me." he answered.

As they went below, they were assaulted by the acrid stench. Tom and Paul coughed and their eyes watered. The slaves were in a shocking condition. They had been there since Orleck had brought them on board and chained them up. Celistina and the rest of the women released the captives and brought them up on deck, and Paul checked each of them over. There were scenes of great jubilation as fathers were reunited with daughters, husbands with wives, and brother with sisters. There were in fact nearer three hundred captives. It took several hours to check them all over and then get some food on the go. Some of the ships crew were pressed into service. The surviving slavers were taken below and chained to the shackles so recently vacated.

"Well, as far as I can see, there's nothing much wrong than a good meal, bath and clean clothes won't cure." said Paul.

Valith approached them, his arm around a young woman, with tears in his eyes. "I, we, cannot thank you enough. The conditions down there were appalling. But now my daughter is safe. I can see that without you we would never have been able to free them. We would have been killed or simply enslaved along with them. Tell me, what are your plans now?"

"We don't know. Somehow we have to get all these people back to their families. We have to find out where they live, and when they return, ensure they will be welcome. Right now we need to search this ship to find out what else it contains. We also need to find out where this ship was headed and who is behind this." Tom told him.

"We will do what ever we can to help, you have done more than we can ever repay." Said Valith.

"Well, the people who border on your lands, could you take them back with you and send word to their people that they are safe and waiting to be collected?" asked Tom

"But of course, that is the least we can do." answered Valith.

"Now I need to talk to the captain. I need to find out what's going on." said Tom.

The captain was taken to his cabin. "Now tell me what's going on here. If I find you lying to me I'll carry out my threat to gut you and feed you to the fishes. Now what was your destination? Who was behind this? And how did Orleck get hold of this ship?" Tom asked him.

"We were to head for a place called Small Cove. We were to meet someone called Peitri. He has some more slaves for us to pick up, and then we were to head for the mainland. We were to meet up with someone from something called the Brotherhood. He was going to buy the slaves from Orleck. Didn't tell me where we were going to meet him, said he'd tell me that when we left Small Cove. As to how he got ownership of it, well the old owner was playing cards, and, well, there was an argument on how many ace of diamonds should be in one pack of cards. At the end of the discussion Orleck owned the ship, and Captain Jack owned a hole in the ground. I was first mate at the time. He told me to do as he said or I could join the captain. I chose to do as he said," said the captain.

"Very well captain?" Tom asked

"Peters sir, Captain Peters sir."

"Very well Captain Peters, I can tell you that Peitri won't be selling you or anyone else slaves. Not after he met us. He didn't even get a hole in the ground. I will need you to take us to Small Cove. I'll decide what to do with the ship after that. Now show me where Orleck kept his strongbox."

Captain Peters thought for about five seconds before removing a panel to show a hidden compartment. "It's in there sir," he said. Tom reached in and tried to lift it.

"Damn this is heavy, give me a hand would you Paul," he said. Together they lifted the strongbox from its hiding place. It was a solid oak chest about four feet by three and. secured by a large padlock. Taking the large bunch of keys that they had found on Orleck's body he tried each one until he found the one that fitted. They opened it and found it full of gold coins.

"There's a kings ransom in here." said Paul. "Just how long has he been doing this? How many poor souls have been sold to amass this kind of wealth?"

"I don't know, but at least we have ensured that his part in the trade is over. At least now we can give those captured something to make a new start. They wont go home penniless," said Tom. "I think two golden conch for each captive should go some way to help."

The captain's mouth gaped open "Two golden conches? That's a fortune. Why a man could live for years on that without having to work! You truly are a generous man."

"Captain, what other cargo do you carry? I cannot believe that you would sail an empty ship all the way here." Paul asked.

"Well we brought some grain, salt, and wine. You can usually get good prices for that. This year we also brought some iron. It's not the best stuff, but its not bad." said Captain Peters.

"Have you still got any left?" asked Tom

"Well yes, seems we got here just after harvest, they didn't need that much grain, we traded most of the salt though, and the wine. The iron we've still got. Orleck couldn't get what he wanted for it."

"Very well, we'll have a trip into town and see what we can do." said Tom.

They spent a cramped and uncomfortable night on board the ship. The following morning Tom arranged for a trip into town. Several of the women insisted on accompanying him. When he asked why they just shook their heads and told him that he'd be useless haggling, and not to bother arguing as they were coming.

Tom looked at Paul and Valith. "Shopping" the three men said together, and laughed.

They set out and toured the town. They got some funny looks from some of the locals, being such a large group going around together. There were stalls selling all sorts of goods; spices, furs, jewellery and weapons. As they wandered around Tom saw a blacksmith. He asked him about the supply of iron.

"I can't get regular supply, I have to buy what I can when I can. I always need more," he told them. "Why? have you got any?"

"As a matter of fact yes." Tom told him. "I have some things I want made. If I get you the iron, would you be able to make them?"

"I might be able to if you tell me what they are." he replied.

"Arrow heads, lots of them, spear heads as well. I'll have the iron sent over, then we'll talk some more." Tom said.

He sent a runner back to the ship to tell Captain Stephens to send all the iron to the smith. They spent some time talking to him, getting a feel for what life was like here. The smith told them that life was pretty good, business was brisk, and there weren't too many thieves and pickpockets about. His wife felt safe enough going out and about on her own, and the children didn't get into too many fights.

"What about healers?" asked Paul "Have you a local guild, or is there someone you go to when you get sick?"

"Well, there is old ma Garfrah, but she's getting on; she gets a little forgetful now and again. There's her pupil, Melseld, she's quite good." he told them "Why do you ask, have you got someone who's sick?"

"No" said Paul, "I'm a healer myself, and I always like to meet other healers, never know what you might learn. Could you tell me where I can find them, I'd like to talk to them if I may."

The women were by now tapping their feet eager to continue with their shopping. Tom asked Valith and some of his men to accompany the women, and gave him a small purse of gold. The man's eyes lit up at the site of it.

"Don't let the women spend all of it. I want you all to trade for a cargo to ship to Small Cove. I've no idea what would be suitable. Let the women decide, you know what's on the ship, let them trade for what ever they want, if you need the gold, then spend it, just not all of it." Tom told him.

"Yes I will, come on girls, the shops await," said Valith

"Hold on, I want Celistina with me. She is my head nurse here. I want her to gather as much knowledge as possible." Said Paul.

Leila said, "I'm coming too, there's things I need to know as well."

Celistina made a face but agreed to go. The smith gave them directions and the three of them set off.

"We'll meet back at the ship this afternoon. That should give the women time to shop and you three time enough to talk to the healers," said Tom.

They all nodded and set off on their separate ways. Tom and the smith, whose name was Balik, talked about trade, who bought his goods, who was honest, and who to avoid. Soon the young man Tom had sent returned with two packhorses loaded with the iron. Balik inspected the iron and noted that whist not of the best quality, it was reasonably good. Certainly good enough for what Tom required. He told his apprentice to unload the animals, and then they got to trading. They agreed that Balik would do the work for one third of the iron. He would make three hundred arrowheads and two hundred spear points. It was arranged that Rolof would collect them when they were ready.

Tom decided to go and see a leather worker that Balik had recommend. Rolof was with him as his faithful shadow. They found the place without difficulty. The shop had a good selection of hardened jackets, knife holders, scabbards and a beautiful moleskin cloak, with a deep hood that looked warm and waterproof. It was held in place with a solid silver clasp. As soon as he saw it, he knew he had to have it. He also had the softest leather boots. The boots he had were okay, but after constant wearing, they were beginning to show signs of wear. Rolof also found some new boots, a cloak for himself, and a set of holders for his throwing knives. Tom had a problem with his bow, until the owner showed him the ties that allowed it to be carried within the cloak. He also found the most beautiful quivers; these were worn not on the back but at one's side, allowing much easier access to the arrows. They were inlaid with ivory and silver, and had a cover to keep the flights dry. By the time they left the shop he really looked the part of a rich and powerful leader. They made their way back towards the main market area to meet up with the rest of the party.

Paul and his party made their way towards where Balik told them the healers lived. They found the place, a rather poor looking dwelling in need some repair. They called out a welcome and went to enter when a voice called out "Who's there? Go away. Leave us alone!"

Paul called back "We're fellow healers, we have been sent by Balik, he said we could find you here, we wish to talk to you."

"Oh, you'd better come in then." said a very worried voice

As they entered they smelt the unmistakable smell of sickness. On the bed was an old woman obviously feverish and in a bad way.

"What happened here?" asked Tom as he made his way over to her.

"She cut her hand a few weeks ago, it went all red and angry and now the fever's set in. She's dying and I can't save her," cried the younger woman.

Paul looked at the wound. It had a poultice on it covered with a bandage. Paul stripped off the bandage and smelt the wound. "What did you use for the poultice?"

"What she always uses, a mix of river clay and pigs blood." The woman answered.

Paul shook his head. "Boil up water and get that fire nice and hot. I'm going to have to try and drain the poison out, but she might be too far gone. Also make up some willow bark tea, and crush some garlic. We must try and get the fever down." He looked around "Is there any soap around?"

"Why yes, there's some over there" she said pointing to a slab sitting on the shelf. "Why do you want that?"

"To wash my hands and hers. We must try and stop the infection from spreading." Paul told her.

They waited until the water had boiled, Paul poured some into a bowl and rinsed it out. He then threw it away and refilled with fresh.

"Boil up more" he told them.

He tied a cord to his knife and placed it into the boiling water. He also placed clean bandages in there as well. These he left for ten minutes, in the meantime the other water had cooled enough for him to wash his hands and the old woman's. The woman cried out when he washed her hand.

"What are you doing to me?" she cried out."

"I'm going to have to cut your hand to remove the swelling. We're brewing up some willow bark tea, it's not much but it's all I have. It will hurt, I'll not lie, but if I don't do this then you will die."

"Very well, you seem to know what your doing, but I don't think I'm long for this world." The old woman told him. "By the way, what's your name, I'm Adrienne, and this is my daughter Eviaria.

"Hello Adrienne, I'm Paul. I'll do all I can. I promise. Eviaria, have you any honey?" He asked

"Why yes, what do you need it for?" she wanted to know.

"It'll help eat the poison, and help keep the wound clean." Tom told her.

He drew his knife from the water. He made the women all wash their hands with the soap.

"Hold her hand for me please. Hold it tight." he asked Celistina. The woman cried out as Paul drew his knife across the infected wound. Blood and puss poured out. He squeezed the wound to get as much infection out as possible. She screamed out as he poured hot honey into the wound and bound it with fresh clean bandages. He gave her some tea to drink. The tea tasted foul, it was a mix of willow bark and crushed garlic.

"I'm really sorry. There really isn't much more I can do." he told her.

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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 19 A Day at Jade Academy

The day starts out much the same as the previous day had. Breakfast, cleaning up, seeing Auntie June off, and accompanying Min Joon to the Academy. Once they get there, they part ways. Min Joon is heading off to pay off his debt, while Ki Jung goes to the administration building to discuss what options they have available. She is still willing to instruct to reduce the cost of her lessons, but it is no longer such a big issue for her, since she has plenty of gold, for the moment. She is...

3 years ago
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Wife finally joins the fun Part 2

I woke up the next morning around 9am. My sexy wife was still sleeping so I slipped out of bed and headed to the shower. Once the water was to temperature i hopped in and started to soap up my body. The shower curtain opened and my wife slid in behind me. She kissed the back of my neck and whispered " good morning lover, last night was amazing". She then slid her hand around my body and started to stroke my soapy cock. I immediately got hard as a rock. She worked my cock with one hand...

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Die Puppe Teil 1

Die Puppe (Teil 1) Prolog November 1957 Wir sitzen in einem kleinen Caf? in M?nchen. ?ber ein halbes Jahr wohne ich nun schon bei meiner Tante Vivienne. So lange schon? Vertr?umt blicke ich in den gro?en Spiegel auf der anderen Seite des Raumes. Das Spiegelbild zeigt mir zwei Damen in den Enddrei?igern, eine junge Dame Anfang zwanzig und ein h?bsches M?dchen gerade achtzehn Jahre alt geworden. Das bin ich. Zumindest sehe ich aus wie ein h?bsches M?dchen: Eng anliegendes dunkelblaues C...

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Lovers Cabin

Snow was falling heavily outside the cabin. The log fire burning brightly, giving the only light inside, shadows flickering on the walls. It was the only cabin for miles around, and was their little hide-a-way from the rest of the world, in the middle of a deep forest. There was even a lake nearby where they would go skinny-dipping in the warmer, summer months. They had made it their love-nest. They would sometimes fuck like beasts, at their cabin and lake, at other times, enjoy sensual...

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Hot News Anchor

She bent over to pick up her phone, I could see her pussy mound, small and puffy, I could even make out the slit of her perfect little cunt through her shorts. She stood up inquiring if the house was still up for rent. I asked if she wanted to tour the house and that it was still for rent. We entered the house our bodies accidently rubbing aganist each other. I pushed her aganist the wall pressing my body hard aganist her. Our lips locked, we both tongued each other's mouth as I slipped her...

4 years ago
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Caught by my pissed off Girlfriend

Hi I wont say my real name for obvious reasons but lets just call me Quailman. This story is about how I got caught jerking off by my girlfriend and she turned it into sex. Well, for starters Im a real pervert in the sense I love porn and am always thinking about sex with women I know or some chick I find attractive and so on. Although I have a girlfriend and love her dearly I still think about fucking other girls although I would never cheat on her. Anyway on a normal day I'd wake up watch...

2 years ago
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A Neighborhood Full of Surprises

New single guy to the neighborhood has all he can handle.MEETING MARYI just moved into the neighborhood when I learned that I was in a predominantly Jewish community. Even though I had been raised Catholic, I was very used to cultural diversity from growing up in New York City and I even enjoyed the Jewish humor. I had purchased this three-bedroom ranch home in New Jersey, which had a rough finished basement and a fenced in yard with a swimming pool. I was still single and a very fit 27 years...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Britney Light 23871

Bam just got home from a three-year prison term, and when he bumps into his sister’s friend Brittney Light in the morning, she tells him she spent to night to help prepare for his welcome home party. Gruff and hardened from the pen, Bam isn’t looking forward to having to be social with people, but he is looking forward to getting laid, as he wasn’t even able to jerk off much during his time. Brittney’s down for a fuck, especially when she sees how big his dick is! Brittney somehow manages to...

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Thomas And His Pregnant Mom

Chapter 1 Mom stood at the sink washing the dishes, waiting for the repairman to get here to fix the dishwasher. She's six months pregnant with her fourth child and would much rather be relaxing in front of the television than washing the dishes. My dad is a lieutenant in the United States Marines and travels all over the world. Dad has life figured out. He travels around the world fighting the people who don't like us then comes home just long enough to get mom pregnant again. This is the...

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Lost Empire 49

0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment) Looking at the charge on the holo/micro shield projector Derrick sighed as he leaned over the man he'd snapped the neck of. Pressing all three buttons twice a beam shot out scanning up and down the dead...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 10 Feeling The Pain

Around midday they drove through a fast food restaurant right off the highway taking lunch to go. Once back on the road Joseph was able to get Sammi talking about dance recitals and gymnastics competitions she did when she was younger. He got her smiling and laughing sharing stories and that made him feel good. As the afternoon grew later the conversation slowed as he focussed on traffic and trying to make the delivery on time. The hours and then minutes ticked down as he got closer and...

4 years ago
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Camping with Rachel and Meghan Contd from A New Town and a New Girl

We're in our room at a cottage beach house in the countryside that we rented for a week along with Allan, a bunch of our friends and Meghan. I gently roll her off to the side, trying the best I can not to disturb her sleep. I give her another kiss on the forehead and get up. Once I'm off the bed, she rolls onto her back. I walk out to the common room and see Meghan eating breakfast. "Good morning," I greeted her. She smiles and gives me a "good morning, how did you sleep?" ...

2 years ago
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Sex with Amisha

This is one of real my story. Now let me tell u about myself I am 26 male from Hyderabad (India) good looking, 5.9 ” Height, 67 Kgs Weight, 7 ” rod. My name is Gold Guy (Name Changer) Hi guys I thought of sharing a experience I did 2 years ago. One sunny Sunday morning, I woke up with a raging hard on as usual. I lay awake contemplating what to do about it and suddenly the idea hit me in the stomach. I was alone in the house with my parents gone for the Sunday mass and out of my way until 12...

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I think Id never look back

Never Look Back Author's note: This is based on I think I'd have a heart attack, which you can find a version of here: I always had my defences up never could admit who I was because if I ever did that I know I could never look back Always knew that I had to hide Always had to try to be a guy Never talk about what I want Even though it made life so tough Pretended I didn't care that they took my girl doll and cut my hair though...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Theodora Day March 2023 Fantasy Of The Month

When Chad Alva is getting ready to go in to work, his wife Theodora Day dolls herself up so she’s locked and loaded for a good time. She’s decked out in sheer green lingerie so she can indulge in some St Patrick’s fantasies. Sneaking up behind Chad, she covers his eyes and then claims she wants to give him a good luck charm before he leaves for the office. Chad claims he’s running late, but Theodora isn’t taking no for an answer and they both know that Chad...

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Twilight Voyeur part 9

When Bonnie called before dinner, I told her about the fun with Ellen on the deck, the visit from Gary, and his interest in getting involved. She was excited to hear about it and asked what Jen had said."I haven't talked to her yet, but obviously he has no idea about her visits to our place." Jen and Bonnie had hooked up one night after an evening of wine and girl talk. This had led to a few encounters between them before Bonnie had included me in the mix."I'll talk to her," Bonnie advised....

3 years ago
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Rebecca in trouble part 5

Rebecca began to scream again from the fresh pain. The Judge changed the angle of his cock each time he drove into her asshole, maximizing the pain that Rebecca would feel from the anal ****. He thrust in and out, forcing her to accept his cock deep into her. He fucked her ass for over 10 minutes, forcing groans and screams of pain from Rebecca as her asshole clung to his cock. He finally thrust deep into her ass and shot his hot cum into her, to mix with the Commander's.The other guards jumped...

2 years ago
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Never Again

The house was dark and quiet when I got home. It had been a very long day at work, with both lunch and dinner eaten on the fly. As I shed my jacket, my ears pricked up at the sound of music from upstairs. Soft jazz was drifting down through the house. Smiling, I headed up to the bathroom where I was pretty sure I would find my lover Dee. Dee had been living with me temporarily while her apartment was being painted. It was a bit of a trial for us as a couple, too. My wife Angie, who was Dee’s...

Straight Sex
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The Condo SwappersChapter 8

Laurie Simmons pranced into the apartment building and stepped into the open elevator. She was feeling good in her tight jeans and blouse, proud of her youthful body. A young couple walked in behind her. "Hello, Laurie," the woman said. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Hartley," said Laurie. "I'm glad we ran into you. We need someone to baby-sit little Michael for us tonight. Would you be interested?" "Sure, I'll do it," said Laurie. "I could use the money." "Fine," said Mrs. Hartley,...

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My BDSM Foursome Experience

Hello everyone, my name is Ajay Kumar and I am based in Visakhapatnam. A little introduction about me, I became bi-sexual under different circumstances and was later diagnosed with erectile dysfunction which made me more drawn towards the bisexual world. The following story is a work of fiction. The story is a bit long so bear with me till the end. In my previous story (link given at the end), I mentioned that if any females or Shemales or couples looking for a bottom slave, message me...

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Read It Feel It And Cherish It

Hi, folks, this is a real experience which has helped me evolve as a better person and made me learn several things in life. Live is short live it the way you want to live, you don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Nothing is wrong in fulfilling our needs, fantasies, and expectations in life unless we personally don’t feel guilty for it. Every problem open up better opportunities in life. Read this story completely, of you like it recommend it to others, if you comment I will be more obliged...

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Late Evening Jog Part One Revised

Officer Lori Hunt had just gotten off working a long shift in a small mid-west town where few things of note ever happens and everyone knows your name or at least your face. It was a hot June evening just after dusk. She was tense and wanted to unwind so she thought she would go for a jog then take a long bath to celebrate her week vacation starting tomorrow and she may even sleep in she thought to herself. She turned on the radio to listen to some country while she changed but instead...

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Sue Storms Cliche Life

Sue Storm was annoyed. Reed was, as usual, so busy with this science stuff that he barely knew she was there. Ben and Johnny were, she was pretty sure, turning into Itchy and Scratchy. So she was stuck taking care of her kids and waiting for the next villain to attack. She had to blow off some steam and quick. Luckily for her, she new the exact person to get into contact with. First thing was first, she had to make sure Franklin and Valeria were going to be in good hands. She went through the...

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The Neighbors Chapter Thirteen1

I rolled off her held her close to me passionately kissing her it was two thirty Sunday morning today they would all leave . I hate to see them go but they have finals and well summers just around the corner and who knows what's next ? Chapter Thirteen Buying Aprils Moms home Sex with Two new Cheerleaders at Camp A few week's have passed it’s the middle of may June is just around the corner sue is rounding out nicely I'm think it's a girl . She is Carrying the baby low I am...

1 year ago
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Son Impregnates Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was married by the time I was seventeen and was probably the most naïve girl on earth. I don’t know that I was even sure of what exactly was going to take place on my honeymoon night. Oh I had dated many many boys, but my first love was dancing with them and the last thing on my mind was getting in the back seat of a Ford and letting some boy put a disgusting penis inside my body. When I got into bed with my new husband and he began kissing me then f...

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Onenight stands more useful than you thought

Many surveys have suggested that the quality of a relationship is better for individuals who wait for things to get serious before having sex, in comparison to the those who become sexually involved right at the start. However, this new study found that a woman who is involved with a friend is 44 % more likely to stay committed and as for the men, the likelihood increases by 25%. If the same people were to get involved with a stranger or acquaintance, the odds increase by 30% for women and 43%...

1 year ago
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Burning DesiresChapter 10

Ponkert's temper had cooled to cold determination during the two weeks it had taken to plod along on foot to arrive within the fortified walls of the city-state Lindakar. While the city rivalled Hort in size, its streets were littered with trash and the people didn't display the joviality of Hortians. However, they were friendly enough to explain to an ignorant stranger with certain pride that their ruler, Rololf, had managed to capture the daughter of their most feared enemy--Tomar. That...

4 years ago
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Friday Night Maid Part 2

Friday Night Maid Part II – by Diane Leonard As I finished folding his socks, he stood up and looked down on me. ‘Diane, remove my pants now, but do not get up after you do, just fold them and lay them on the edge of the bed.’ I reached up, removed his belt, and lay it on the bed. I opened his trousers and as they slid down his legs, I notice that he was wearing boxer shorts and that his manhood was semi erect and poking through the slit in the front. Embarrassed, I looked down and folded...

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Nisha bhabhi kay mummay

Mein 35 ka hun. Ider body fit rahe, uder ladki khush rahe yeh tamanna shuru se hi raha hei. Aankhey band hon ya khuli, kareeb 18 saal ki umar se aur aaj bhi mein mummon ke size aur vazan measure karne men masroof hun. “Sambhog se poorav rati-krida anivarya hei. Rati-krida na ho to manush aur pashu ke sambhog men antar hi kaya hei.” Rishte men meri badi saali ki badi beti Bangalore men hi rahati hei. Uska naam , umar abh 24 saal , married,mother of 2/m kids, hubby a businessman. Mein aksar uske...

1 year ago
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ReGenesis Inc A Loose End Tied

ReGenesis, Inc.: A Loose End Tied By Bill Hart As one of her many household chores, Becky was vacuuming the living room when her mother arrived home from work. She didn't enjoy doing it, but keeping the house clean was one of her responsibilities. On the other hand, she knew her mother, who generally worked the morning shift at the diner, appreciated her helping out. Even with getting up at 3am every workday morning, Phyllis was more or less satisfied with her working arrangements,...

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Ya Never Knowdo YaChapter 5

Well, I didn't die. I did prove the efficacy of the new life suit for ocean racers but that's a whole new story ... I was only in the water 2 days. Daddy was going to have to look elsewhere to enact the "Spare" clause. Over the years I grew ... life is like that. Taller, stronger, better looking. My acne cleared up. I learned how to dress myself in a manner that college girls found acceptable. "What Frat?" I heard that often. "Sorry, actor." "Oh really?" I detected an...

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Shutter ReleaseChapter 10 Alizarin and Cobalt

“Welcome to darkroom class,” I announced as Muireann followed me into the darkroom the following evening. She eyed me. “Are you going to lie on the bed again?” I grinned broadly. “I think I might, and let you do the work. Hands-on is the best way to learn, right?” “You’re going to give Tommy a run for the title of laziest boy.” “Am I winning yet?” Muireann just smirked and started blacking out the windows. “I have to admit something,” she said. “What’s that?” “I didn’t realize the...

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Samantha Grandmas GiftChapter 4 Cleaning up a bigger mess or making the biggest mess of all

"Let me get this straight. You want me to shower with your daughter?" I couldn't really believe that Mandy had suggested that. "Well, it's not like Samantha could see any more of you, and you should be safe now. You've cum three times in twenty minutes now. Not that you're even going to want to do anything with Samantha right now, but if somehow you did manage to do something, you've cum so much that I don't see how you could have anything left to pose any sort of pregnancy hazard...

1 year ago
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My First Taste of TexasChapter 4

I was sitting in her bedroom, loading the pics on a disc when she walked in with her towel in her hand. I looked up, and she smiled as she leaned over to see the pics on the screen. “Get a shower, Julie. You’re naked, and you look too good to be standing this close to me like that.” “But you told me that you wanted me to feel free to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.” “I did, didn’t I? Okay, look at these pics I took after I oiled your back and butt. Tell me - is this a sexy young...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 53

Before I had a chance to react, Steve stepped between me and the Speaker. When they locked eyes, I saw the Speaker reach into his coat and pull something free. Steve's hand lashed out, even as his subordinates sprang into action. The Speaker found his arm held tightly by the Director of the Secret Service, as other agents placed themselves in position to defend me. The Speaker removed his hand from his coat and was relieved of a snub-nosed revolver. He stared at me with utter hatred in his...

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Eating Of My Pussy

You have me lying down flat on my back, my legs open for you, and I’m unable to hide anything at this point. I can feel my heart pounding hard, I want to beg you to touch me. I’m told not to move a muscle, and I want to obey. My body screams to squirm towards you, almost offering myself to you, but you know this already. I can feel your fingers brush along my inner thigh, running from my sex towards my knee. Your eyes locked on mine, and mine on yours. A cheeky grin set upon your perfect...

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Crystal ridge 4

Feeling satisfied that everything was cleaned up Laura and I developed our story. The biggest problem was that Laura was married to the man out on the road. This could present motive if the cops found out that he and she were in a bad marriage. It would also present a problem with Eddies associates when they found out that he was tracking down his cheating wife. “We’ve got a problem.” I said, after being in deep thought for a while. “I think I know what you’re thinking,” she said. “But,...

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Pleasure ServantChapter 2 Nicki

As an excellent private detective, Nicki Smith could get information from Fortune 500 boardrooms to drug dens in the most despairing slums. Nothing had prepared her for trying to get information during an orgy. All she wanted to find out was where Casi Reikert was in this spa or bordello or whatever this place was. The main problem was that most people she tried to ask in the great hall were too busy getting laid to answer. Those who weren't busy getting laid were busy trying to get laid....

3 years ago
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I was seduced by my hair dresser Part 3

Not sure how long passed since my encounter at Phillippe and Jim's house before arranged for our next get together. I must have still looked nervous as Phillippe ushered me into the house and sat my in one of their high bar chairs. He started massaging my upper body from my hips up to my neck. As he slowly and sensually caressed me I felt that I was starting to loosen up. He then put his hands under my shirt and started massaging my skin up and down fron neck to waist. When he ran his hands...

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Walking In

I was staying at my Aunts house with my Aunt and cousin for a few days while I was in town for business. On my arrival to their home I was shown to my room just down the hall from both my Aunts room and my cousins room. Then they showed me the restroom that was positioned in the middle of the hallway. Then once I got my bags unpacked we all went out to eat. After dinner and drinks we headed back to the house and we sat and talked a little more about the family. We all retired to our rooms for...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 3 Chapter 5 The Orcs Wife

Book Three: Barbaric Splendor Chapter Five: The Barbarian's Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Thrak – Red Eye Tribal Lands, Larg Federation “Which woman is it?” I asked my dead wife. “I do not know,” Serisia answered as she slipped to the ground before me. “But one of them will rescue your grieving heart.” “Never,” I answered as I stared down at her pale face framed by light-brown hair. The bone piercings adorning her ears,...

4 years ago
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the lady who creamed me at the beach today

as usual i went to my favorite cafe down the beach this morning :) yep lucky i was i had to ask a your lady if i can borrow 1 of her chairs as there was none at the table i wanted to sit at , yes she replied :) Cool i said so i sat at my table she had some loose legged shorts on me well i could not help my self i had to bend over in the chair and have a look up her shorts :) any how she caught me looking , i dont mind , my coffee came i sipped on it she went and bought another for her self and...

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Cursed Board Game

It was Carl's birthday party, and he had invited the five out to one of his parent's time shares to hangout for the weekend. However it soon became clear that there wasn't much to do around the actual house. So all five of the friends, plus Carl began to explore the old home to see what they could find. All seemed lost before Adam, the one jock friend, no one liked. But no one could actually come up with a reason to kick him out of the group, announced the he had found a board game up in the...

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Michaels Weekend of Destiny Part Two

Michael stood at the front door of Aarons house and closed the door behind him, as he stood still for a few seconds he contemplated his future and the implications of what had just happened in there. He saw Yusuf in the car and gave a small half hearted wave as he started to walk towards the car. He felt the discomfort from the chastity device as he walked, he looked back at the house as he opened the car door. "I am really sorry Yusuf, I am still a bit confused and in shock at what has...

3 years ago
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maried woman black man

One night in one of my favorite clubs I was approached by one of the most handsome men I had ever seen. He was way over 6’5 tall, he had an athletic build, he had amazing dark skin and he was charming. I was wearing my favorite tight red faux leather dress, black heels and I wasn’t alone, I was with my husband.he was an acquaintance of my husband, a young black man.I am a blonde woman of 38 years and the man is 45 years old we are married and have 1 c***d, he sat next to us and we met his name...

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My Wifes Study Group Weekend Get Away

My wife Debbie and I were spending the weekend at an old cabin with her college study group for the after exam get away. About fifteen of us shared the small two-bedroom cabin. At night everyone laid their sleeping bags out on the floor of the main room. It was the middle of winter and with only a small fireplace to heat the cabin the shared warmth of everyone sleeping close together was welcomed. Over the past few days I noticed one of the other guys on the trip, Kevin, had been pay a lot of...

1 year ago
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My sister inlaw Part TWO

The situation is set in the earlier story "My sister in Law First Time" This is the continuation.Since our first time I have fantasized about a second time but was too scared to do anything about it. I did take every opportunity to feel her tits against my chest when we were doing the mandatory greeting. Now though, I made a point of kissing her on both cheeks so I could feel both tits against my chest. June never made any complaint, so when we were alone i would make the greeting last longer...

1 year ago
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the lesson

He ordered her into the corner and into a kneeling position. She complied totally, placing herself into that posture, symbolic of her compliance and subservience to him. He was not in any hurry, as he realized the necessity for this to be progressive. He wanted her to be in the proper headspace, the proper level of submission prior to the physical act of punishment. He wanted her to experience and to anticipate both the excitement and fear of the coming discipline. Viewing her in this position...

4 years ago
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Part III Pattie meets Robert

I approached the front of my house and climbed the steps up to the front porch.  I said to myself, "Ok, Pattie girl, just keep going.  Don't look left or right, just straight ahead."  Everything around me was deathly quiet.  The only sound that I could hear were my footsteps on the wooden porch.  I walked to the front door, unlocked it, and stepped into the house.  After closing the door behind me, I relocked it securely.  Since I had showered less than an hour before, I simply undressed,...

3 years ago
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First Time Sex Stories 6 Basic Instinct

By Missy Younglove Author's Note: This work is based on a true experience that was related to me via email. I grew up in India, the son of two doctors. We were quite wealthy by Indian standards and had a big house with a lot of servants. My aunt and uncle would often come over on weekends and holidays, bringing my cousin with them. We'd known each other since infancy and were quite close. She was very cute, with big brown eyes and fine features. Her skin was a very light...

2 years ago
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My sister used me

My introduction to sex was at the hands of my older sister. We were about 12 &15. Mum and dad both worked so my sister and I were home alone after school until they came home. Sometimes after school Pam would bring a boy home and they would go up to her bedroom. I could here giggling and moaning going on but at that age didn't really know what was happening. One day I asked her what she was doing with the boys after school. She laughed and said 'I'll show you. I'm going to my bedroom. When...

2 years ago
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Sibling MagusChapter 14

Tanner and I returned to my apartment. Faith hadn’t returned and Jordan had left. With no one there, I wouldn’t be distracted. Tanner followed me inside and looked around. “You ready?” I walked through the living room and realized that this was going to be different from casting the spell on a chalk outline. With the outline, I could see the entire border, but in the apartment, the internal walls blocked my view. I told Tanner about my concerns. “Why do you think I made you practice both...

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