KinksChapter 10 free porn video

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There was a strange smell and I felt really odd. I tried to lift my hand to my head. The headache was unbearable, but for some reason my hand, my arm, wouldn’t move.

“This one’s awake,” came a rough voice.

I opened my eyes and realised I was lying, bound and blindfolded, on a hard surface. I wasn’t gagged though. “What’s going on,” I muttered. My throat felt on fire. I was ignored.

I listened. There must have been a least two people, just from the movements I could hear, but no one was speaking.

“Hello?” I called again.

I heard a muffled grunt coming from close beside me and turned my head in that direction. “Hello?”

There was a faint noise, then a whisper. “Toby?” It was Sandra.

“Sandra? You okay?” I whispered back, realising almost as soon as I’d asked the question that it was a silly question.

“No,” she whispered back, tears in her voice. “I think I’ve been,” she paused, “I might,” once more she stopped and I could hear her starting to sob.

I tried to move towards her, but found I was not only tied, I was tied to something as well.

There were footsteps coming towards us and I tried to listen. At least two, no three people.

My foot was kicked. Not hard, more to gain my attention. “What’s your name?” It was a different voice from the first one.

“Toby,” I whispered. “Who are you?”

“Not Steven?”


“Or Adam?”

“No. I told you. My name’s Toby.”

There was a pause then the first voice spoke. “She called him Toby.”

“Hm,” said the second voice. “And you girl. You are Sandra?”

“Yes,” she whispered,

“Why were you together at the bus stop?”

“I was going home,” Sandra whispered.

“She’d been to see me,” I said. “It was cold and dark so I walked her to the bus stop. Her parents will be getting very worried.”

“Her parents?” came a third voice, scoffing. “Her parents are away with the fairies.”

“What?” I asked, confused.

“Her parents, like yours, have been kidnapped by these so called aliens.”

“What?” cried Sandra. “When?”

“Don’t try and be clever girl,” came the second voice again. “We know about that so called collection. What we’re trying to work out...” He was interrupted by Sandra.

“But my parents haven’t been collected! They were at home this morning.”

There was a pause. “You’re parents weren’t in the same collection as this boys traitorous parents?”

“No,” we both said.

There was another brief pause, then the second voice spoke again, but not to us. “Well?” he demanded of someone.

“She’s still a virgin.” This was yet another voice. So there were at least four people in the room.

I gasped and Sandra started to sob again.

“Shut up girl,” came the second voice. The one I now assumed was the leader of the group. “You haven’t been hurt.” He obviously turned his head away again. “You sure?”

“I’m a doctor and a gynaecologist. I know what an intact hymen looks like. Hers is still intact.”

In my head I named the four voices as Leader, Doctor, Whiny and Coarse.

“This doesn’t make sense,” came the third voice, Whiny.

“Shut up,” came the second, Leader.


“Go find out if her parents really are at home you knob ‘ead,” growled Coarse angrily.

“How?” asked Whiny.

“Use your head,” came Doctor’s voice tiredly. “We have her phone. It’s got her home numbers in it I would imagine. Use it to ring home. See who answers and see what they say.”

“But what do I say when they answer?”

“You don’t say anything. Just listen. Maybe make a funny sound that may or may not be her. Let them talk first.”


Leader spoke again. “These are the two hanging around with the bosses kid?”

“I’m sure they are,” replied Coarse. “Seen ‘em a few times.”

“But neither have a card, and she’s still a virgin,” came back Doctor. “That doesn’t make sense. If they were planning to kidnap her and go off with the aliens,” the voices were slowly moving away now, and Leader and Doctor were talking in low voices so I lost what they were saying.

I was about to say something to Sandra when I realised we were not alone.

“Fuck,” came Whiny’s voice. “Your phone’s locked. What’s the password?”

“I have to touch my finger to the sensor, it reads my finger print.”

“Here. You’d better open it up then, hadn’t you.”

I heard movement, then a gasp followed almost immediately by a screech from Sandra. There was more movement, hurried this time, then what sounded like a hard slap and a cry of pain.

“Leave her alone,” said Coarse.

“I only wanted to see what a real virgin feels like,” muttered Whiny in an even more whiny voice than I’d heard so far. “I’ve never had one before.”

“And you’re not gonna have one now. Maybe this one’s for the boss, maybe not, but you touch her again and you’ll be talkin’ in a high voice for the rest of your very short and pain filled life.”

“What happened,” I whispered to Sandra.

“Shut up!” snapped Coarse, giving me a kick in the ribs. “No talking unless spoken to.”

I gasped in pain and shut up.

“Make sure it’s on speaker phone,” Coarse growled, presumably at Whiny. Then, “What are your parent’s names girl?”

“Brian and Monica,” Sandra said softly.

I heard a phone auto-dialling, then silence for a few moments, then a click and the sound of a ringing tone. The phone at the other end rang about four times then there was another click and a woman’s voice.

“Sandra? Where are you love? It’s very late and we were worried.”

“MUM?” Shouted Sandra.

“Sandra? Darling? Where are you?”

“I’m in,” there was a noise and Sandra’s voice went muffled.

“Sandra? Sandra? Where are you love? What’s happening?” I could hear worry, even terror in the woman’s voice.

“Mrs Walmsley?” asked Whiny in a very smarmy voice.

There was a brief moment of silence.

“Who are you? Where’s my daughter?”

“You are Mrs Walmsley?” asked Whiny.

“Yes. Who are you,” demanded Mrs Walmsley.

“My name is of no consequence. Is your husband there?”

“Yes.” Now I could hear her calling to someone. She had obviously lowered the phone from her mouth. “Brian? Something’s happened to...” there was a click and the phone cut off.

“That’s enough,” said Coarse. His voice was puzzled.

“Your parents went boy, but yours didn’t girl. Is that right?”

“Yes,” we both whispered.

“Why didn’t yours?”

“My parents don’t know hers,” I said.

“So... “ he went silent. “Here, girl,” he suddenly said. Lift your hands, I’m going to put something in them.”

Sandra made a funny sound then a gasp. “Oh. Can I... ?” she trailed off.


“But ... Oh.”

I wasn’t sure what I was hearing, but I heard Sandra moving. “Um,” she began.

“Here,” responded Coarse.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

Once again I could hear strange noises, then there was the sound of a zip and it all began to fall into place. Sandra had been naked. At very least from the waist down. I’d just heard her doing up her jeans.

There was a small grunt of pain from, I assumed, Sandra. “Sorry, but you need to be fully tied up.”

“Oh,” whispered Sandra, once again tears showing in her voice.

It finally became clear to me that Sandra had been scared she’d been raped. Well, she had been sexually assaulted, but fortunately not raped. I suspect that from Sandra’s point of view, right at that moment the difference was only minor.

We lay there for what seemed like a very long time. I could hear Coarse and Whiny moving about occasionally, but nothing was said. Each time I tried to whisper something to Sandra I got a kick in the ribs. Each time it was harder than the previous time. After the third kick I didn’t make a fourth attempt.

Finally, after what felt like hours, we heard footsteps approaching again. “Well?” demanded Leader.

Whiny spoke. “A woman answered. Seemed to be her mother. She called for her husband; and the girl said it was the right name for her father.”

“Well of course she would,” replied Leader.

“No,” said Whiny. “I mean we asked her their names first. Brian and something. Then we rang them and the woman called for Brian.”


“So why didn’t your parents go with his?”

“They didn’t know them,” Sandra replied.

“Your parents didn’t know his?”


“Why were you left behind?” It took me a moment to realise I was the one being addressed.

“I didn’t want to go,” I said.


“Well, I just didn’t.”

“I need a better reason than that. Do you even have a card?”

“None of us do,” interrupted Sandra.

“Shut up,” snapped Leader. “One more sound out of you and you’ll regret it.”

“Well boy?”

I followed Sandra’s lead. “No.”

“Why not?”

“Just never have. Never got the chance.”

“Did you ever want one?”

“Never really thought about it.”

“Liar. You must have thought about it when your parents left.”

“Not really. I didn’t want to go then.”

“So you want to go some other time?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it. Maybe.”

“So which slave girls would you take?”


“You do know,” he said heavily, “that the girls go as sex slaves. They’re not real people.”

“Well, some go as sponsors.”

“How do you know?”

“Because there was one in the group that went when my parents went.”

There was a brief pause. “So you’re telling me, you’ve actually seen a woman go as a sponsor?”


“Hmm. I knew it was supposed to be true, but I’ve never heard of it actually happening.”

I was about to say something when I realised he wasn’t talking to me.

“I’ve heard of it,” said Doctor. “Or at least, I knew that’s what they say.”

“So who was the woman? Did she take a male slave?”

“She took a bloke with her, yes.”

“Who? What was her name?”

I paused, pretending to try and remember. I did remember Pauline Lipp, she had some nice knickers. “I can’t remember,” I said after a pause. “I only knew a few of the people there, and not very well.”

“Why not?”

“They were mostly friends of Mum or Dad.”

“Hm. So. Who would you take? If you went.”

“I’d want to go with Sandra.”

“You’d want to take this tart here?”

“Hey, she’s not a tart!”

“But you’d still want her as your slave?”

“No. I’d be just as happy as her concubine.”

“You’re in love with her,” came Whiny’s voice in a sneering tone.

I didn’t answer. It was true, but so what.

There was a pause and then I heard noises outside the room.

“What’s that?” Asked Coarse.

“This building’s supposed to be empty,” muttered Doctor. At least, I think it was him.

“You two, go investigate,” ordered Leader. Two sets of footsteps left. Then, “Have you got a weapon on you?”

“Only my knife,” replied Coarse.

“Guard these two.”

At that moment there was a shout from elsewhere in the building, and a cry of alarm.

“What the fuck?” muttered Leader. I could hear softly running feet; I guessed it was Leader. He was back moments later. “Shit, there’s dozens of ‘em.”

“Who?” asked Coarse.”

“The bleedin’ fuzz.”

“Are they looking for us?”

“Don’t see how, but we gotta get outta here.”

“What about the kids?”

“Gag ‘em and leave em.”

Sandra chose that moment to let out an ear-piercing scream.

I practically crapped myself because I wasn’t expecting it. The two men were equally startled. “Fuck,” yelled Coarse. “What’s...”

“Jeez,” cried Leader. “Shut her the fuck up.”

I heard rapid movement and decided I had to get in on the act too.

“HEEEEEEEEELLP!” I yelled. “WE’RE IN...” something covered my mouth and I realised Sandra’s scream had also been stopped. I felt something quickly stuffed into my mouth, then heard feet running. It took me a couple of minutes, but I managed to spit it out, and resumed my yelling.

Only moments later I heard another set of feet. More than one. Lot’s actually, and voices.

“Up here.”

“In here.”

“Behind there some where.”

Then another voice, more ‘official’ than the rest. “This is the police. Who is that?”

“I’m Toby Simpson,” I called. “Sandra Walmsley’s here too, but I think she’s been gagged. We’re blindfolded and tied up.”

“Anyone else there?”

“Not that I can hear.”

“All right, bear with us a sec.”

I heard another spitting sound next to me, where I think Sandra was, then she too called out. “I’m okay. I’ve spat my gag out.”

“Darling?” came a voice.


Then I heard another voice, much closer. “They’re here.” Moments later I felt my blindfold being removed. I turned my head towards Sandra to see that she too was trussed up much as I was. It was a young policeman, didn’t look much more than eighteen or nineteen himself, who had found us first. The room, what I could see of it, was very dark, the only light was torches. Sandra and I were lying on wooden pallets and surrounded by chests and boxes of all sorts. The young constable carefully got out a knife and, well away from the knots, cut the cord tying my hands down and together, then did the same for Sandra. I reached over and took her hand just as three more people appeared. Two were policemen; the third was a woman.

“Darling,” she called and ran towards Sandra. One of the policemen caught her before she could reach us.

“Please ma’am. We need to process them to try and find any evidence. Don’t touch them just yet.”

After that it became a whirlwind. Sandra and I were told not to talk, and we were fairly quickly whisked off to ambulances and taken to hospital where a doctor diagnosed me with a case of mild concussion from a severe blow to the head. Because of that, I was formally admitted for the night. It was now after two o’clock in the morning, but before I could relax, I needed to know how Sandra was. I continually asked after Sandra, only to be told each time not to worry.

After the fourth or fifth repetition of this, I snapped back. “But just telling me not to worry is what’s making me worry!” The nurse looked at me reproachfully. “Sorry,” I muttered.

“Just calm down and I’ll make enquiries.”

“All right, thank you.”

“Now please relax Mr Simpson.”

She came back about an hour later. I was still awake, and worrying. “Miss Walmsley is absolutely fine,” I was told. “She’s on the paed’s ward.”

“But she’s not hurt?”

“No. Now please Mr Simpson, try and get some rest.”

It turned out I was on the Surgical Assessment Unit, SAU, because I’d had quite a serious bang on the head, and they needed to monitor me. It meant that every two hours I had my blood pressure taken and my eyes and vision checked. It was frustrating in one sense, but I couldn’t get to sleep anyway because the ward was permanently active, with admissions and discharges going on throughout the night.

About ten the following morning, just after I’d had a visit from the doctor and my blood pressure taken yet again, I was moved into a side room.

A few minutes later Sandra was wheeled in, in a hospital wheelchair. With her was a couple who she introduced as her parents. We weren’t allowed to talk for long as the police had told the hospital staff that we were not allowed to talk without someone else being there. Apparently Sandra had driven her parents mad with her concerns for me, but they hadn’t been able to find out even as much as I had found out.

They left after about ten minutes; Sandra had already been officially discharged. It’s odd. In an NHS hospital, all patients, until they’ve actually left the building, are required to be in wheelchairs if they are no longer on the ward. And often even if they are. I’m sure it must be some stupid Health and Safety rule. Either that or over litigious lawyers trying to screw every penny out of the NHS that they can. Just seeing Sandra had reduced my tensions and worries, and, knowing she at least was on her way home, I think I finally relaxed. I was told later that having seen me, Sandra too had finally calmed down.

Shortly after that a couple of plain-clothes policemen came in to see me. They asked me a few questions, then left. Not long after they had gone, a nurse came in. She was in a slightly different colour uniform, which I later found out meant that she was a Nursing Assistant rather than a nurse.

“Toby? You’re ready to be discharged, but after your head injuries you can’t be discharged on your own. We can’t seem to contact your parents, the numbers we have for them are coming back unknown. Do you know where they are? Or what their numbers are?”

“Oh. Er.” I had a frantic panic. “Um. My mum’s in Bradford, visiting friends.”

“Your father?”

“I don’t know. We haven’t seen him in months.”

“Do you mean to say you’re on your own at the moment?”

“For a couple of days, yes. I’ve got more than enough food and stuff in the house, and I know not to drink any alcohol, and,”

She interrupted me. “How old are you?”

“Almost eighteen,” I told her.

“Oh no. We’ve got you down as eighteen. You shouldn’t have been on this ward. You’re a child. Legally.” She sighed. “You’ll have to stay in the side ward until we can sort something out.”

She left and another woman came in almost immediately. “Can I have a number for your mother please?”

I picked up my phone. “Shall I ring her?”


I began to go through my phone. I know I had Mrs Clarke’s number in here, what I couldn’t remember was whether it was a mobile number or a landline. I breathed a silent sigh of relief when I saw the number started with 07. I quickly edited the entry so that it read ‘Mums mobile’ instead of Mrs Clarke, and then rang it.

Mrs Clarke answered a few moments later.

“Hello?” she answered cautiously.

“Hi Mum it’s Toby I’m in hospital there was an accident and the nurse needs to talk to you,” I quickly rushed out, hoping that she would catch on. I wasn’t going to tell her that I had been kidnapped, not over the phone anyway. I didn’t know if the nurse knew, but if she did I hoped she would realise what I had said.

“Er what?” came the confused response. “Toby?”

I quickly passed the phone to the nurse.

“Hello? Mrs Simpson?”

There was a short pause before I heard Mrs Clarke say slowly, “Who is this please?”

“Hello Mrs Simpson, my name is Sophie Hutchens. I’m the ward clerk for the SAU at the hospital. Your son was involved in a minor accident last night and ended up in hospital with a bang on the head. Unfortunately,” I tuned out at this point, wondering what Mrs Clarke was doing, and whether she had caught on to what I had done. The clerk left the room still talking on the phone, coming back a few minutes later with my phone.

It was half an hour before I heard what was happening. The Nursing Assistant came back in. “Right Toby. Unfortunately you’re going to have to stay with us for another night. Legally you are still a child, but the paeds ward only has one bed free. In any case, putting you there with children as young as four and five is just silly, so I’m afraid you’ll have to stay in this room until your mother can collect you.”

I nodded. “I’ve got no wash stuff or anything.”

“I’ll get you a towel, some soap and a bowl of warm water. It’s the best we can do for now.”

“Thank you,” I said with real gratitude. “That would be ace.”

She smiled. “I’m afraid there’s not much to read, and there’s no TV in the side rooms, but I’ll see if I can find you a book or two. Might not be very exciting I’m afraid. Is that okay?”

“Yes please,” I said fervently. I was bored.

“Give me a little while and I’ll see what I can sort out.”

About twenty minutes later she came back with the towel and warm water. “You okay with this love?” she asked me in a friendly voice.

“Thank you, it’ll be lovely.”

She waddled out again. She was a middle aged woman, about the same age and height as my own mother, but probably three times the weight. When I’d put on the hospital gown I’d sneaked the knickers I was wearing off and hid them in my trouser pocket. This was the first chance I’d had since then to be on my own, so I quickly slipped them back on again. It felt more comfortable to be wearing underwear, even lacy knickers, than to be wearing the horrible, open backed, hospital gowns. After just a moments thought, I got completely dressed.

I sat down in the chair and waited. It felt like hours before the NA came back to retrieve the bowl and towel. She saw that I’d dressed, but said nothing, so I said nothing.

“Would you like a drink love? Tea? Or squash?”

“A cup of tea would be lovely,” I answered. “Thank you.”

She smiled and left with the wash stuff. Then it was the ward clerk who came in. She had a newspaper, three gossip magazines and a Mills and Boon romance novel. “It’s all I can find for the moment,” she said apologetically.

Shortly after the tea had arrived, and I’d flicked my way through one of the magazines, my phone rang. I looked at it. “Mum’s mobile” Mrs Clarke.

“Hi,” I said. “Sorry about that earlier, but I didn’t know what else to do.”

“No Toby, that’s absolutely fine. You did exactly the right thing. Okay, you’re obviously on your own at the moment, yes?”

“Yeah. I’ve been put in a side room because I’m under eighteen and should really be on a paediatric ward. The nurse said that’s silly ‘cos of how old I am, so they’ve left me here for the moment.”

“Okay, okay, that’s fine. If someone comes in, just say the word ‘Mum’ and I’ll stop. Okay?”


“Good. Now. Tell me what happened.”

I told her, carefully editing out the bit about Sandra and me on the bed. I told her everything I could remember, right up to when we had been rescued, even briefly mentioning that Sandra had been examined by someone who claimed to be a doctor, checking to see whether she was still a virgin. Throughout the entire thing, Mrs Clarke said nothing, not even to ask questions.

There was silence when I had finished.

“So Miss Walmsley knows you are alone?”


She quizzed me on a couple of points, but otherwise didn’t say much. After a pause, she sighed. “You, me and Miss Walmsley are going to have to have a chat as soon as practically possible. In the mean time I think it might be best if you do move in with me”

“Yes Miss,” I muttered.

She chuckled. “I really don’t understand you. I know you want me. I know you have a crush on me. Yet you don’t want to come and live with me.”

I thought for a moment. “It’s down to what you said. About the wrong relationship. About how it mustn’t change yet.”

“Mmm. All right. I’ll think about it some more and we’ll have a talk when I get you home.”

“Yes Miss.”

“I’ll be leaving Yorkshire first thing in the morning. I’m sorry but I can’t leave now. I’ll come straight to the hospital. What ward are you on?”


“Okay. I’ll find it. I’ll see you tomorrow as soon as I can.”

“Yes Miss, thank you. And sorry.”

She gave a little chuckle and hung up.

The police came to see me a bit later, and this time they went through my statement in much finer detail. They questioned me for well over an hour, before grudgingly leaving when a nurse came in to find out what was going on. She forcefully shooed them out when she realised just how long they had been there.

“You’re not supposed to be having any stress at the moment,” she told me a little crossly. Though I don’t think she was actually cross with me.

“It’s okay nurse, they weren’t stressing me.”

“So you might think,” she told me a little severely, then gave me a smile. “I can’t really imagine you would like that,” she nodded at the book. “I know where there are a few hidden away. Shall I see if I can find you something better?”

“Yes please.”

She frowned. “Did you get any lunch?”


Her mouth closed and this time she looked really annoyed. She nodded and left. She was back two minutes later with a pack of sandwiches. “Sorry, this is all that’s left. This okay?”

It was sausage and tomato sauce. I nodded. “Fine.” I didn’t particularly like tomato sauce, but I didn’t dislike it either. It would do. She came back with a murder mystery book about five minutes later. “Not the most exciting,” she said with a soft laugh, “but it’ll be more interesting than a romance.”

“Thank you.”

I was given a hot meal about two hours or so later, went to bed in knickers and tee-shirt, and when I finally managed to get to sleep I slept, really slept, until I was woken up about six am.

“‘Ello love,” said the night nurse. The nurses on this ward worked a twelve and a half hour shift with the half hour for handover. Seven until seven thirty each day and worked three shifts a week. Most nurses worked days only or nights only, but one or two did both. We had sat and chatted for a little while the previous evening when she had brought me a late night cup of tea. She had noticed I was still awake and had come in to check I was okay. I had slept soundly after that and half wondered whether she had given me a sleeping pill. I didn’t ask though.

“Hello,” I said.

“Sleep well?”

“Very well in the end.”

She nodded. “I think it’s just ‘cos you were so tired from not sleeping the previous night.”

I nodded. “Could be. You off shortly?”

She looked at her watch. “Hour and a bit.”

“Good. Thank you. And tell everyone else as well.”

She smiled. “I will love. You’re leaving today?”

“Yeah. Not sure what time though. Mum’s driving down from Yorkshire.”

“Oh dear. Well it’ll be a long and boring drive down the M1, hope she takes suitable breaks.”

“I’m sure she will. She’s not daft. Can’t be, she’s an A-level maths teacher.”

The nurse laughed gently. “I’ll come and say goodbye before I leave.”

Mrs Clarke turned up almost dot on eleven o’clock. It had taken her just four hours, including a brief stop half way. While we were in the hospital, she treated me at all times as if I was a difficult son. Somehow she had managed to look different. Older. More haggard almost.

Once we were in the car however, she smiled at me, took a face wipe from her bag, and began to wash off what turned out to be makeup. “I do amateur dramatics,” she told me, “so I can make myself up to look a little older than I really am. They know you have a twenty-three year old sister and if I’d turned up looking my normal self, they would not have believed I was your mother. I’m barely old enough to have an eighteen, seventeen-year-old son. I’m certainly not old enough to have had a twenty-three-year-old daughter.”

“No Miss.” I said, fascinated by her transformation.

She gave me one of her lovely smiles and took me straight home.

“Get a shower. You stink,” she told me with a wry smile.


I showered, and this time I had to wear my own underwear. Because of Sandra’s visit I had removed all the knickers from my own room and there was no way Mrs Clarke would understand why I went into Mum’s or Jo’s room to get clothes to get dressed.

She had made us both mugs of tea, having checked that the milk was still okay, and was waiting for me when I finally got down, feeling so much better.

“All right, tell me what happened.”

I started to tell her all about the kidnap again, but she shook her head. “How did Sandra find out? What did you tell her?” The questions were quiet and relaxed. She didn’t sound at all cross or annoyed with me.

I frowned and tried to think back. Why had I told her? When had I told her.

Okay, I’d told her Friday afternoon in town. Why? I eventually remembered Sandra asking what I’d be doing for Christmas. I explained all this to Mrs Clarke.

“It’s funny,” she said. “I don’t know Sandra all that well. I’ve spoken to her on numerous occasions about Talulah, I was her form teacher in year nine, but still, she never really came to my attention. Yet the more I find out about her, the more I wonder about her. The more I realise she would be a wonderful asset and concubine to anyone. I even think that maybe, just maybe, she should actually be a sponsor. I’ve never actually seen her card, only what she’s told me. I wonder.”

She looked at me. “I really think you should come back with me. At least until the start of term. I’ll drop you about a mile away from the school and you can get a bus from there.”

I shook my head. “No Miss. Thank you an’ all, but it won’t work.”

She nodded. “Maybe not. But ... It’s New Years Eve tomorrow. Are you sure you want to be at home, alone, for that?”

Not really, I thought, but I nodded.

“Okay. When’s Sandra visiting again?”

“We’ve nothing arranged.”

“Um. See if you can arrange something. Monday. New years day would be best because we’re all back at school on Tuesday.”

Same as Kinks
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Sissygirl stood, shaking a little as the tall and well-built males crowded about her soft and vulnerable body, the scent of their glistening cocks making the poor t-girl delirious; she knew she had no choice but to strip. The men stroked their cocks as the pretty sissy meekly began to remove her clothes, her top off; they all ogled her soft white hairless arms and pretty neck. She blushed sweetly as her little bra came off, revealing her exquisite firm little round breasts, her little pink...

3 years ago
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Cuckolded By A Couple

My wife and I had been playing cuckold games for a while and we had down a nice routine. One of our problems however was that we were having a hard time finding nice guys who had cocks really bigger than my 7 inches. It seemed like a lot of guys lied about their size. Some were thicker, some were maybe a little longer, but a lot weren’t bigger than me at all. Maria had fun meeting some of the guys, and I loved it when she went out, but we were still looking for a good match.We had been planning...

2 years ago
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The Stable Ride

Jon parked his car next to the stables as he had done so often with Carrie by his side, but this time it was different. She had left him for a co-worker and moved to France. He had been gutted by her decision, but realized that things had been bad for quite some time. Although Jon was not an avid rider, he had paid for Carrie's horse Benji to be stabled. Jon got out of the car and walked to the stall Benji was in. He stroked his soft nose gently and talked to him. A neighbour had mentioned he...

Straight Sex
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The God Son

I’m a woman in my early thirties and, in my teenage years, I was honoured with being asked to be the god mother to the forthcoming child of a good friend. My godson Matt, now sixteen, was born and then my friends moved away to take over a farm on a remote island off the west coast of Scotland.Over the years I tried to fulfil my commitment to Matt and had many holidays on the farm but also kept in touch with the family, especially on birthdays and Christmas, etc. I watched as every time I...

First Time
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Playground Tales Chapter Two

I'm very fortunate to work with a great bunch of people, and I'm never more so reminded of this then when we all get together for a staff party. Now I know what you're thinking, speeches and handshakes and pats on the back, what a great year its been for the business and how we're all going to strive to make the next year even better, blah blah blah. Fuck that, that's not how we do it. Some people dress up, others are in jeans and their old hoodie, we have a great meal and then avail...

1 year ago
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Black RepublicChapter 6

By eliminating the large profits on those services the government of Dixie could furnish them cheaper. No person in the new republic would be forced to use any of them. Billy Bob told everyone that copies of the constitution were on the table at the door. On the last page were the proposed prices and rates for the services to be offered. He asked that they note that interest rates were fixed at four percent at the Banks for the next ten years. Power and phone rates were about half the...

4 years ago
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A Very Bad Date

So, I wanted to tell you about the night where I finally got it together with the guy who had been the object of my affections for quite some time… I must have been about 20 years-old back then and I was holding down a couple of jobs. One of them was working in a grotty 'old man's' pub, a real spit-and-sawdust type of establishment. You know the sort of place I mean? The other job was in a nightclub, it was the kind of place where students went to get pissed and hook up for drunken sex. The...

Straight Sex
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Our naughty city break day 1

Our little city break started of with the usual wandering around, holding hands and full of laughter. Wifey wore leggings and a short dress that just made her boobs prominent.We decided we would head for a museum and so was wondering around and went to the furthest point. There wasn't many people around so I started touching the wifes bum and rubbing it softly. She seem to enjoy it as her walking was slower so my hand was on her arse for longer. Her sexy arse was nice to see under her leggings...

2 years ago
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Chapter One It was a typical December afternoon in Minnesota. The sky was overcast and the gloomy clouds threatened to add to the foot of snow already on the ground. A chill wind whistled through the birch and fir trees outside my window. I looked out from my study onto the frozen surface of Loon Lake. I'd bought the house a dozen years ago with the proceeds from my first novel, and I owned all of the property around the rest of the tiny lake as well. It was a good location, far enough off...

3 years ago
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Older woman enjoys the single life

Maggie dried herself after the shower. She looked for her robe but had forgotten it somewhere. As she exited the bathroom she saw herself in the full length mirror. “Not bad for 55 and 2 kids,” she thought. Realizing that it was warm and no one else was home, she decided to be adventurous and just forget about the robe. Just yesterday she had read the poem “When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple”. Catching up on reading was her main activity for the first month...

3 years ago
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Caught In The Act

I had just been sitting down to play a board game with Jenny when her father walked in the front door. I looked up, surprised. I hadn’t expected him home for another couple of hours. Not that I minded—he had aged very nicely. He had some gray in his hair, but it was just enough to give him that sexy, older man appeal. He still was fairly built, no doubt making trips to the gym every week to stay in peak shape for the court room ladies. ‘Daddy!’ Jenny jumped up and ran over. Oh, to be young...

1 year ago
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First time being Dom for Frank

This story begins on Friday night when my boyfriend returns from work. He has been asking me for years to be his dom. Over the corse of what happen the month before between us i made a discussion to try the dom role to bring us closer. I planned the weekend out over the past week to make sure it was exciting , passionate and unforgettable. As soon as he got home I told him to go shower. Giving me time to hide all clothing for weekend. After showering i told him to lay down legs spread eagle. I...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Dillion Harper Tabloids

He may be a legendary photographer, but Hairy Richardson has landed himself in hot water ever since the tabloids put him on blast for fucking around with his models. But when Hairy sets his eyes on gorgeous Dillion Harper, he doesn’t care what the gossip columns say. He lays it all out for the sexy teen in plain language: if she wants to be successful in the modeling biz, then she’s going to have to please Hairy’s big cock. Dillion gives him a worshipping rimjob and then moans like an animal...

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Sharing Kim

Kim and I had discussed almost everything since we started dating. We hadn't discussed Dave yet. Dave was my best friend, my very best friend. He always had been; he always would be. I expected Kim to be faithful to me. Except for Dave. I expected her to fuck Dave anytime he asked. I don't mean lie there. I mean happily and enthusiastically fuck his eyes out. That wouldn't be easy for Kim, but it was very important to me. Now that we'd agreed to marry, we had to discuss it. Fortunately,...

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The Awesome Morning

Hello everyone! My name is Abhay aged 25 reside in Mumbai and I am a big fan of ISS. I regularly read many stories and also rate them according to the erotic of the story. This inspired me to post a story on this site. I hope you’ll like this story and rate it accordingly. Let’s start the story. This incidence happened couple of years back. One fine day I was going to my office on bike. Suddenly my mobile rang. I picked the call and was shocked after hearing my ex-girlfriend’s voice. Her name...

2 years ago
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Mom sis son 1

Sunita was 40 years old. She belonged to a middle class family. Her husband passed away few years back. She had an early marriage and had two children from her marriage, 24 year old daughter Mala and 15 year old son Suresh. They lived in a small 1 br flat in Mumbai. Sunita was not very educated. She came from a very modest background. After her husbands death, Sunita did not find it difficult to get on with life as her husband had made the house in her named and had left some money in her name....

3 years ago
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The Magic WandChapter 22

Melissa waited until her brother and Miss Middlesex were ready to leave, and then said, “Hey, since you’re going out and all, can I get a ride to the Mall? Some of us girls are supposed to meet up there this morning.” “You just got back from being out all night,” said Jane. “I know, but I’m not tired. We went to bed early so we wouldn’t keep Melody’s parents up,” she lied. “There’s a new store opening at the mall and we all want to go check it out together.” It was all bullshit, but her...

4 years ago
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Equal Shares Ch 22

Chapter 22 Denise and Elizabeth were out shopping. Elizabeth was enjoying herself. She could no longer wear the provocative outfits that she’d enjoyed as a young woman, but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t get a vicarious thrill out of persuading others to do so. She’d had to rein her daughter Kelly back, she’d willingly have gone too outrageous even for Elizabeth, but Denise was inclined to baulk. So Elizabeth was cajoling, encouraging, persuading Denise to try some flimsier, sexier...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 365

Thursday was another slow day a KCC. It was not slow with the EIT team. Robert had another folder on the KRAA - small bits and pieces were deciphered today. Individually they did not say much but when connected with what we already knew, it added another pixel to the picture. I still did not think I had enough concrete evidence to go to Victor and present a convincing story. I was going to give it a few more days and see what developed. Burt, on the other hand, brought disappointing...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 126

I walked across the street with Wilson in tow. "So guys, I'm back to see how you are doing without me?" I asked. "Hi Sylvia, want to help us pack a few knock up kits?" the oldest of them asked. "Sure Wilson here will help too," I said. I began assembling the boxes and Wilson packed the kits and put them into the packing. When we had all 14 kits in the boxes, I glued the shipping labels onto the boxes. The postman would be by for them the next day. "So since you aren't talking...

1 year ago
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Mother married to son

Hi friends, I am Mahesh age 21. This story is about having fun with my mom when dad was away with his business and how i married my mom.i am always interested in incest or having sex with the people of the family, this is my real story and i wanted to share it with you all we are a happy family of three people mom dad and me. My dad is a business man and he stays away from home most of the time, mom is a house wife and loves me and my elder brother very much. My mom is a very beautiful lady i...

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The Switch aka Turned into Sue

The Switch aka (Turned into Sue) by Karen Elizabeth L. (KarenTV720) My fiancee Susan and I were do to get married in six months when she suggested we go for pre-marital counseling. I didn't really see any need for it, we hadn't had many arguments and I had no complaints about our relationship but she insisted. Somehow she even persuaded our friends Ed and Mary who were to be best man and maid of honor to come along. I couldn't see any harm in it or good for that matter so...

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The Houston Flea Market Encounter

Authors note: This story is different than any of my other stories or series. Although almost all of my stories contain some element(s) of an actual event in my earlier life, this story is completely true except for the names of the characters. As they used to say on the old TV series, Dragnet, the names have been changed to protect the innocent. These events took place in the early 1970s. It all started on an unseasonably hot Saturday morning in June at the Houston Flea Market. I traveled...

Straight Sex
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Sex confessions

*When I was very little I discovered that pressing my cock against my thigh felt good and would do it, apparently while others were there. I was rebuffed for that so did it in private, but Mom could hear from the other room. She would yell out, "Peter! Stop grunting!"*When I was much older, but had not yet discovered masturbation, I was home sick for about a week. I was all alone. My cock would get hard and I had always been intrigued by that. During this alone time I tied string around...

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Cant Get Enough of You

GET IN THE CAR,” Jen demanded when she pulled up right in front of my work’s main office doors. It was quarter to six in the evening. I stayed an extra forty-five minutes late at work to finish off some stuff that I didn’t want to clutter my desk when I come back Monday morning. “Jen?” I was in shock to find her picking me up after work. Since the night she came over to my place and we fucked each other until the wee hours of dawn, we haven’t seen each other. The odd times we caught each other...

2 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 49

Chuck (Monday) When it rains it pours. That's the saying on the salt box, but it sure is true sometimes. Everything is happening at once. Personally, the girls are all nuts about the new house being ready to move into this week. At least Lisa was able to get her momma and sisters moved into their new cottage quickly. She's so concerned that her momma is happy and getting along here, that she's totally distracted. Things should settle down for her soon. The freaky five have gone over the...

4 years ago
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The Master DecidesChapter 11

It’s been two fairly quiet weeks since we celebrated Jeremy’s engagement. Everyone just went about their lives. One interesting thing is that I had a work trip coming up. Jessica had arranged for my project to be prioritized, and now we were meeting some of the people funding this project. It was just two nights away so I asked Kristen if she wanted to come with me. After thinking about it for a bit, she decided to stay home as she had something she wanted to work on. She suggested I bring...

1 year ago
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Every Inch A NymphChapter 7

Tony Patton sat on the grass on the edge of the hot springs, his legs dangling in the water. The sun lay hot on his burnished back and reflected off the gently shifting surface of the springs, almost blinding him. He didn't mind that Slim and some of the other guys who were visiting the spa had gone off shortly after the morning exercises and swim. He was tired and needed the extra time to himself to sit in the sun and relax. Now the hangover was gone, the handsome young attorney allowed...

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The Replacement Maid Ch03

.I woke the next morning feeling just a little jaded but was pleasantly surprised by the sound of activity from the kitchen. Looking at the clock told me there were ten minutes before my morning tea was due so I snuggled back under the covers. Beside me Sophia grunted and moulded herself into me. It wasn’t long before I detected movement by the bed and looked up to see jasmine holding my customary tray. Thoughtfully this time she had included extra cups. I gently sat up trying not to disturb...

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Mature University! If you’re reading my articles, I’m going to assume that you watch a lot of porn. This isn’t a site that newbies stumble upon and spend their day exploring. This shit is for hardcore porn heads who can’t get enough naked sluts. You type that needs a steady supply of ever-changing porn sites to keep you involved and invigorated.The Pearly Necklace GatesI’m the perfect resource for such people. I strive to keep my readers dicks in their hands and eyes on the screen. It’s my...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Dare into Lesbian Fun

Fiction! "We were both young when I first kissed you" me and my friends were at a sleep over, and i hav a 'Truth or Dare' iPod app that u get to choose G, PG, PG-13, and R rated. We experimented with ONLY Rated R and this pops up as my dare. We did exactly this one by one as everyone watched and someone told us the steps, we both LOVED it! Here it is: both of you take off all your clothes except underwear, sit on her lap, wrap your legs around her waist, wrap your arms around her body, hav her...

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GirlsWay Maddy O8217Reilly Darcie Dolce Basking In The Afterglow

Darcie Dolce is smitten with Maddy O’Reilly and misses her lover very much. Basking in the afterglow of a passionate night, she lounges in bed and begins to stroke her pussy. She pulls off her bra and fantasizes about their explicit encounter, filled to the brim with longing. The girls have just arrived home from their date and they are ravenous for each other. Maddy pulls down the top of Darcie’s dress and exposes her huge natural breasts. Then Darcie pulls up the bottom of...

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Rina Didi My Only Crush

By : Achcha.Bachcha Doston ye baat ki Shuruaat hui jab me 18 saal ka tha adult movies dekh ke man me sex ki bahut chahat hoti thi aur uski wajah se har ladki ki body ki taraf ek alag hi attraction hota tha. Aur kisi ladki ka nangi body sabse aasani se dikh sakti hai apke apne hi ghar me me apni vacations ke liye generally bua ke ghar jaya karta tha, bua ki do betiyan aur ek beta hai beta us samay engineering student tha aur hostel me rehta tha, unki chhoti beti us samay 3rd class me thi. Ab...

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A story about one black family’s bid to conquer Boston’s EliteA Fantasy created by Ted Guy based on an idea by Julie Van.(Please read previous chapters to get maximum enjoyment).Chapter 8 - Double delightcontinued from Chap 7…….Michelle Jackson was sitting on her terrace enjoying the weather and some tea contemplating taking a dip in the hot tub to ease away the aches of the day. Although she didn’t actually do very much “hands on” treatment anymore, in the private physiotherapy practice she...

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My Mom Is A Cheater Part 4

This is the continuation of my incident narration “MY MOM IS A CHEATER – Part I , II & III…” So all new readers please go back and read the first three parts for better understanding of the incident and my MOM. To easy access to my narration just type the name of the story in “search stories” box in your screen. The response I recieved for my earlier two posts were too good and was really encouraging me to move on with my narration. Then in the first three parts I have told about how my mom...

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SueSue was 25 now, but she was playing with chains since she was about 20 years old She started playing with them at that time and found that she liked the sound and the feeling,? At first she wore little ones in her ears,? had some more holes pierced in her lobes and liked the feeling of the little chains? tickling her neck and the sound they made One day she saw a picture of a woman with a clit piercing and she immediately decided to have one of herself, the idea of having a chain dangling...

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All tied up

Thanks to the positive feedback on my first story- here is another true story about my girlfriend and I. Read my last story Helping my girlfriend get some release for some background and a description of my girlfriend Claire. Anyway, this was about two years ago, after we had been dating for about two years already. Even from the beginning of our fooling around, I most enjoyed playing with and exploring her gorgeous body, and I always came the hardest after a few hours of getting her pussy nice...

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The Young and The WildChapter 11

Dianne had heard their lewd chuckling between them as they left the apartment. She still lay on the bed, obscenely sprawled in her wanton nakedness, her lust-hungered belly a pool brimming with the liquid heat of their thick, viscid sperm. She thought of crying and couldn't. Mark's semblance fought to penetrate the barrier she'd mentally erected against him, but it could not. She stretched out her long legs and lay on her back, letting her small, slender hands wander down over the curves...

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Wonders of Sex

Strem Wonder: Wonders of Sex Chapter 1: "Nudity in the Stables" Note: This is a completely fictitious story. "Is your mom really that hot?" Roy asked Travis nodded, "She sure is. Right now, she'll probably be masturbating in her room, with her bra on and bottomless, rubbing her pussy." Roy's eyes widened. Travis opened the door and both 19-year-old entered the house silently, the two headed towards Travis' room. "The master bedroom is just next to mine. The wall is thin and I was able to put...

4 years ago
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Engagement to Kathy

Engagement to Kathy By [email protected] met this very wonderful woman called Kathy. We have been dating for about nine months and it seems like we agree on a lot of things and we like to do the same activities. I met Kathy through a friend at work, and she has changed my life.Recently, when I took Kathy out on a date to a restaurant, I got down on my knee and asked her to marry me. To my surprise, she didn't say "Yes", but she said that she would think about it.A few days later she...

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 18 The Unsuspecting Student And Pedro Martinez

Sophia got up for school on Monday morning, actually looking forward to it. She was amazed. She was looking forward to her second period of the day, which was English. Today was the day they took a quiz and started discussion on their latest assignment-Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare. This was the first time Sophia could ever remember that she had actually already read an English assignment. She had even seen a production of the play-Warren had gotten a copy of a video from his...

3 years ago
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Intruder fantasy

Joanne was feeling tired after a long week and decided that she would get an early night and as she hadn't been sleeping too well lately, decided to take a sleeping tablet. It wasn't long before Joanne fell into a deep sleep.Unbeknownst to Joanne, as she lay soundly sleeping, an intruder breaks into her flat. He makes his way to her bedroom. He climbs onto the bed next to her and slowly, peels back the duvet, exposing her naked, slim figure. He gently rolls her onto her back and using some rope...

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Identify Chapter 7 of 10 A New Home

Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Don't read if you are younger than 18 years old or not legally allowed to read adult material and all the usual disclaimers. A huge thank you to Oklaliz for the editing help. If you enjoy this, it is largely thanks to Oklaliz making it much more readable. Identify - Chapter 7 of 10 - A New Home Her eyelids fluttered to the full half-opened position her bedroom eyes allowed. Defused sunlight streamed into and...

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A Boy at a Strict Girls School

Choose a boy's name as first name Choose a girl's name as last name (Head Girl) ..................................................... It is the first day of term. Your name is John. You've just arrived at Skyviews school. It has been a girls boarding school up until now. This is the first year that they have decided to allow boys to attend the school. This will be your home for most of the next 2 years. You know that you will be one of only a few boys surrounded by about 300 girls. This will be...

3 years ago
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Men Are Just Testicles in PrisonChapter 5

In some respects, Bill was a one-exhibit zoo. Teachers brought classes of girls of all different ages. Most had him pull down his pants to display his male anatomy and had the girls file by to see it up close. But unlike that first teacher, none of the others had him achieve an erection, much less give a sample. None gave a lengthy talk about what a disgusting and barely tolerated specimen of humanity he was. Adult women came by in groups for a brief look. He glanced at the faces of everyone...

1 year ago
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The Ceremony Chapter II The Naming

(Note: if you haven't read "The Ceremony" yet, it is suggested you do so, as this is a sequel, of sorts. Carry on. KML) "The bowl and the spade are one," intoned the elder, her eyes closed as she repeated the old childhood rhyme, her voice low and soft. She was a handsome woman, tall and gracefully built, the purple robe (identifying her as a full Dagas priestess) enfolding her form nicely. Long waves of crimson hair fell down her shoulders like a cascade of flame, catching the...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Evelyn Claire Alexis Tae Book Club Of One

Alexis Tae is VERY excited as she opens her front door for Evelyn Claire, who is an esteemed author. Evelyn has arrived to read parts of her book for a book club and Alexis can hardly contain her excitement since she’s Evelyn’s biggest fan! But once Evelyn is led inside, she’s surprised to see that nobody else is in the room. Sheepishly, Alexis explains that she is the book club’s only member. She read online that there weren’t any restrictions about the size limit...

2 years ago
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Lisa Pays Daddys Debt

Lisa leaned back in the car's worn leather seat and closed her eyes. The slim 14-year old girl adjusted the earphones that ran from her ears to the CD player on the seat next to her. This was just typical of her father, Lisa sighed. She might have known this would happen. It wasn't the first time. Lisa was the daughter of Karl and Cathy Adams, a couple whose marriage had dissolved because of Karl's problem with gambling. He got so bad he was losing his paycheck before he got home on...

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Fun Games for Sex Parties

1. Guess The Cock: half of the guests volunteer to kneel and wear a blindfold. The other half stand in front of them and place their genitals right in the kneeling players face. Both kneelers and standers must not touch each other other than with their lips and tongue and not a single word should be uttered. Sighs and moans are welcome. The kneeler who guesses the owner of the cock in his/her mouth is the winner. This is a hard game for new members of the group; however, it gets easier as...

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Tom and his Twin Sisters Part 3

A policeman called Jed turned up just after Kate and myself returned from school the next day. Dad was working late and Mum had taken Sophie to see an aunt of ours that we are all close to in the hope that Sophie would open up to her. We let Jed in and he asked if my mother was home and explained that he had called round at her request. Kate said that mum and Sophie would be out for a few hours but she could shed some light on what had been happening. Jed explained that this was just an...

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Two friends are caught in a web of sex, love, and supernatural lust.A starting point guard on a college basketball team discovers there’s an even better hoop to shoot.Brandon and Jody were best buddies from the moment Jody arrived at the college dorm, although aside from their love of basketball, both boys had very little in common. Jody grew up in the upper-middle-class neighborhood, his father a successful second generation, German venture capitalist, while his mother an equally successful...

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Melba and Wanda Part 2

Melba and Wanda – Part 2  After Melba and Wanda had spent most of the day Saturday with me at the flea market pavilion they left, much to my disappointment. I had enjoyed the moments we all spent together inside my camper with both of them fondling and admiring my cock and balls, and I had certainly enjoyed smooching with them, playing with their tits and sucking on their delicious nipples. When darkness descended and most of the customers had left I bought a plate of barbecued chicken that...

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Das Tor 8

Als das kleine M?dchen in seinen H?nden schlaff wurde und nicht mehr strampelte bekam er einen riesigen Schreck. Er schaute zur?ck. Niemand verfolgte ihn. Anscheinend hatte noch niemand etwas gemerkt. Er blieb kurz stehen und schaute nach dem Kind. Sie atmete. Ein Stein fiel ihm vom Herzen. Eigentlich nicht sehr zart besaitet, sonst w?rde er das nicht machen, war er sehr besorgt um dieses unglaublich s??e M?dchen. Er hatte vorgehabt sie in den Laderaum zu legen, eingerollt in eine Deck...

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