Danville BitchesChapter 3 free porn video

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This is a complete fantasy of my own creation. Since it is my own world, there are no STD’s or unwanted pregnancies. All characters practice good hygiene which means showers are only mentioned when a part of the sexual activities. This series is a continuation of The Danville Divorced Bitches Club. It can be read on its own but you may want to read the previous series in order to understand the background as well as the power of the bugs. Please enjoy.

Laying on my back, I put my arms straight out so they could cuddle up to me. The two mothers were gently caressing my chest and tummy, making sure to stay away from my cock. I was so relaxed I was almost asleep. Indhira said something to Mom in a very low volume. I wasn’t one hundred percent sure but it certainly sounded like she was telling Mom that she and I should move in here and share the house.

The following morning saw the families in a turmoil. Since last night’s sleepover hadn’t been planned, Rick needed to get home in order to change into clean clothes for school. Not wanting to be distracted by Indhira, his little Indian love goddess, deciding to shower with him, Rick decided to postpone that for home as well.

Finally arriving at school, Rick found himself unable to concentrate on his studies. His mind, his annoyance, was brewing up. Rick couldn’t get the activities of the previous evening out of his mind. Not the sexual part, it was his interrogation of Sasha.

Rick had it firmly planted in his mind that the pastor’s young admin assistant, was being held back by her mother. Not sure if it was just what she said to him about her mother but the facial expressions, the hidden nuances in her speech he thought he detected, led him to believe she and her mother shared a semi abusive relationship.

Initially, Rick had been annoyed with Sasha but he needed to acknowledge that the young woman was only doing her job. One of her duties included limiting access to the pastor when needed. She had not known at the time that this did not include Rick. At that time, she didn’t even know who Rick was and the new role he played in the pastor’s life.

Now, she knew she was never to thwart Rick’s needs to speak to her or, even, to see her. It had been Rick’s intention to punish Sasha for her insolence the previous afternoon. He was pleased with himself that he had reconsidered his decision before forcing any amount of humiliation on Sasha.

That decision, however, left him with another direction to go in with regards to the pastor’s young admin. On his lunch break, he phoned the pastor’s office leaving instructions with Sasha for her and the Pastor to clear her schedule right after school, about four o’clock. He also told Sasha that he wanted her mother available to him at that time as well.

Rick spent the rest of the school day physically present in his classes while occupied elsewhere mentally. Indhira was waiting for him, as requested, after the final bell of the day rang. Ravi would be spending the next few hours with Diana, celebrating their alone time in their own special way. Before separating from the mothers, Ravi had slipped a small container with air holes punched in it to Rick. The container held a selection of the bugs.

Rick and Indhira entered the pastor’s building to find his two conquests awaiting their arrival. He gathered up all three women, leaving one sitting in the waiting room, and entered the pastor’s office. Once inside each woman, including Indhira, received a deep, passionate kiss from the teenager.

Once their affectionate welcomes were concluded, Rick took a seat in the chair facing the Pastor’s desk. The women were all taken slightly aback since they naturally assumed Rick would take the seat of authority behind the desk. Fortunately it was a swivel chair which still allowed Rick to take charge of his harem.

With Indhira sitting on his knee, Rick launched into the reason for his abrupt visit.

“Sasha, you are the reason we are all gathered here today,” he began. A troubled look came across the young woman’s face. Before she could say anything, Rick continued speaking.

“I sensed when we met last night that you are a very troubled young lady. I feel that your mother has inserted you into her own lifestyle as a vent for her need to dominate and humiliate others. Pastor, do you think I might be on the right track here?”

Sasha was quite bewildered by the direction of this conversation. Her gaze kept flitting from person to person before stopping on the Pastor.

The Pastor took a moment to consider her response.

“I think you are right, Rick. Sasha’s mother Eva is a deacon here in my ministry. She often runs roughshod over others in my congregation enforcing her own viewpoints while ignoring anyone else’s.”

“And, with Sasha specifically?” asked Rick.

“Yes, I would have to agree. Eva is very domineering when it comes to her dealings with her daughter. I have tried to speak to Eva about this but I feel I have not been forceful enough myself since she has not made any changes in her own behaviour. Truth be told, I have even considered banishing Eva from the congregation.”

“Banishment may be too severe at this point. I would like to involve myself in this matter and see how we can resolve it,” said Rick.

Rick watched Alexis very closely for her reaction. He could see a variety of emotions flit across her face. He could sense the struggle within Alexis as he recognized she was extremely reluctant to surrender control of her ministry to Rick in any shape, way, or form.

Very low toned, Rick said to her, “Alexis, I want this.”

“Of course, Rick,” she responded. “How can I help?”

“I want you and Sasha to send Eva in and wait to be called back as well. Indhira, you will, naturally, stay with me.”

Nodding their acceptance of his wishes, the two women left the office to send Eva to meet Rick and Indhira. While the older woman was entering the room, Rick slipped a few bugs out of their portable home, into his hand. Standing before her, he put his arm around her back ushering her to a chair. Of course that was when he introduced the bugs to his newest conquest. He sat back down in his original chair, next to Eva’s, to allow time for the bug bites to work. In the meantime, Rick invited his little Indian love goddess to regain her seat on this lap. Seeing this, Eva’s face mounted a look of pure incredulity.

Not bothering to restrain himself, he pulled Indhira’s lips to him. Needing no further cue, the golden woman of Rick’s desire began to give him passionate kisses, deep kisses, soul kisses. Rick tightened his embrace of her, leaving a hand to caress her itty bitty titties.

Once he felt sufficient time had passed for the bugs to do their magic, Rick broke away from Indhira’s beautifully soft lips. He adjusted her position so he could see Sasha’s mother clearly while still continuing to caress Indhira’s tits.

Rick eyed the mother and was very underwhelmed. The woman had a very stern cast to her looks with her pointy noise, sharp chin, and slash of a month. The woman did not appear to make any efforts in her appearance, she did nothing to soften her look, no makeup or other cosmetic enhancements.

Her clothing could best be described as frumpish. As had Alexis and Sasha the previous night, the mother wore a similar granny gown type of sack over her body. The bag like dress was loose fitting, completely hiding her form.

Rick did nothing to hide his appraisal from the woman. She plastered a haughty, sneering look on to her face.

“Eva, that’s your name, right?”


“Eva, stand up when you’re talking to me.”

Rick and Indhira could see the woman struggling within herself to not comply. This made Indhira snicker at the woman. Eventually, the mean mother conceded the first battle to Rick.

Once, she was standing before him, Rick said, “I don’t believe you to be a very nice woman, Eva. Take off your dress. I want to see what you’re hiding under it.”

“Why would you think that? I’m a very nice person,” said Eva still with the haughty look and tone of voice.

“I will not undress for you, young man. Why would you think I would?”

“You will, Eva, simply because I said so. Lose the dress now.”

Unable to resist the spoken commands any longer, Eva started to undo the buttons of her dress, all the while saying, “I can’t imagine why you think I would undress for you anyway, young man.”

“You can refer to me as “sir”, Eva.” With the dress crumpled at her feet, Rick ran his gaze over her once again. To his surprise, the new mother didn’t have too bad of a figure. She was sort of “middle” of everything. Medium height, middle sized breasts, middling attractive legs. Nothing special, just middle-ish.

Rick was somewhat surprised at her choice of undergarments though. Although she maintained a dour outer presence, she liked soft, soothing, and sexy satin close to her body. And, quite surprisingly, she also wore stilettoes on her feet.

“Eva, it has been explained to me that you have been very rude to your colleagues here at the ministry as well as to your own daughter. Lose your bra.”

“I am not rude in any way to the people...”

“Jump up and down,”

With the bra in the piled up dress tossed carelessly and Eva jumping up and down forcing her tits to bounce haphazardly, Eva continued her thought seamlessly.

“That I work with. And especially not to my daughter. I love my daughter.” ended a defiant looking Eva.

“Did you not coerce Sasha into eating your old pussy, woman?” demanded Rick.

“Well ... I ... uh ... um...”

“Haven’t you forced her to eat your pussy, you old hag?”

Still bouncing, boobs swinging, Eva responded, “Sasha wanted to.”

“Did she now? Do you think she will agree with that statement?”

Still bouncing and swinging, the woman was beginning to gasp for breath, “Of course, she would.”

“We’ll just ask her then,” said Rick. “Indhira, mommy, will you ask Sasha and Alexis to step in here, please?”

The older woman, the hag, must have thought this was permission for her to stop bouncing and get dresses. Rick quickly corrected her understanding.

“Keep bouncing, hag, and leave your clothes where they are,” Rick commanded her.

“They can’t see me like this,” Sasha’s mother objected.

Just at that moment, Indhira ushered the two newest members of the harem to the inner room. Both sets of eyes shot out of their respective eye sockets, awed by the sight of the middle aged, topless woman jumping up and down, making her tits bounce. A moment later, Sasha was fighting back a smirk and losing the battle.

“Sasha,” began Rick, “this hag says you wanted to engage in oral sex with her. Is that true?”

Sasha looked wildly around the room before whispering, “No.”

“Did she force you to eat her pussy?”

Sasha nodded wordlessly.

“Did you ask this hag to eat your pussy, Sasha?”

Another wordless shake of her head.

“Hag, are you going to call your daughter a liar?”

This time, it was the hag who was wordless. Although she knew she needed to keep bouncing. Her swinging tits were beginning to pain her.

“Sasha, I believe your mother needs to be punished for treating everyone around her, including you, so horribly. Would you like to punish her for me, Sasha?”

A gleeful nod accompanied by a hissed yes was all he needed to know.

“Good, girl, now sit on that chair, please,” said Rick pointing to the appropriate chair.

When Sasha had made herself comfortable, Rick gave the hag a new set of instructions.

“Stop jumping, hag. Crawl over to your daughter on your hands and knees.”

Everyone in the room could see the hag was trying to find a way to reject Rick’s directive. Eventually, she was on her hands and knees in front of her own daughter.

“Take off her shoes, hag. I want you to lick and kiss her feet from the soles to the ankles. Get your tongue between her toes and around her nails. Do a good job.”

Sasha was smiling like a Cheshire Cat as she watched her mother comply with Rick’s command. Leaving the mother and daughter to their enjoyment, or lack thereof, Rick led the pastor and his Indian mommy to the couch on the opposite wall.

He asked if they would share some kisses while he re-familiarized himself with their bodies.

“As if,” Rick chortled to himself.

By twisting his head, he could look around his two harem members to see Sasha’s mother laving her daughter’s feet with her tongue. Deciding they could do without his active participation, he turned his attention to Indhira and Alexis.

While the two women made out with each other, Rick ran his hands over their bodies. He was fascinated by the differences in the two of them. Just feeling them up over their clothes was turning him on. Trying to ignore his chubby, he kept feeling them and watching them.

Back to Sasha and his mother, Rick asked, “Sasha, do you think your mother deserves a spanking for treating you and the others the way she has been?”

“Oh yes, Rick, she certainly does!” exclaimed the daughter.

“Would you like to do the spanking?”

A delighted squeal was heard from the daughter.

“Can I, Rick, please?”

“Hag, lie across your daughter’s lap in the spanking position.”

Meekly, the older woman complied with her latest directive.

Once she was laying across her daughter’s lap, Rick instructed her to pull her panties down. The hag struggled within herself to fight the need to obey Rick’s instructions as well as to get herself shed of her form fitting, French cut panties. Seeing her mother’s discomfiture with the situation, Sasha was grinning gleefully at the entire situation wondering how she was lucky enough to be able to pay her mother back for a lifetime of ill treatment.

Rick was not very interested in observing the hag’s humiliation. In fact, he was not interested at all. His interest lay more in Sasha and the emotional, physical, and sexual abuse at her mother’s hands that she had endured. Rick wanted her to achieve her comeuppance and was pleased he could be the vehicle that delivered it.

Delegating the entire chore to his tiny, caramel skinned goddess, Rick asked her to make sure Sasha enjoyed the experience but didn’t overdo things. Rick didn’t want the physical indignities to be heaped on the hag to leave permanent damage. He felt the emotional toll on the young woman’s mother would be sufficient. After all, mere spanking would do nothing more than leave bruises. And those he would want to see for himself later.

In the meantime, Pastor Alexis was present and more than willing to help Rick pass his time waiting for the episode across the room to finish. Rick tugged the pastor close to him on the couch. Immediately, his hand went to her magnificent mammaries. Loving his touch, the pastor pushed her bounteous breasts hard up against Rick’s exploring hands.

Entirely focused on the Pastor, it barely registered on Rick that he could hear the hag crying, almost screaming, at the punishment being inflicted on her matronly ass. The Pastor was garbed in her traditional granny gown and another battle ensued. In this case, Rick and Alexis were struggling to release the pastor from her dress.

Rick heaved a sigh of relief? Excitement? Sexual desire? When the pastor presented her nipple hardened, bra enclosed breasts for his inspection, inspect he did. Rick used his senses of touch and taste on the pastor’s tits. Pulling the pastor even tighter against his own body, he craned his neck towards hers. Rick licked the pastor from the tops of her tits upwards to her throat and neck, alternating licks with kisses on the smooth skin.

Alexis took Rick’s face in her hands in order to bring their lips together. Expressing her enamor for her new man, Alexis kisses were long. They were passionate but not sexual as yet. They were flush with deep meaning. Rick returned the kisses with the same feelings they had been delivered with.

From the other side of the room, Rick was able to hear the progress being made as gauged by the wailing and crying from over there. Not too say the chuckles from Indhira and the gales of laughter from her protégé were quite revealing as well.

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Orville showed up early on Saturday morning. He apologized for missing our Friday workout, saying that he had skipped work because of the rain. I told him about Mr. Sterling's visit, and he was very impressed that the school would send a coach to visit players during the summer. We went to the local high school field and practiced teaming up to stop the run. I told him that I was looking forward to playing behind Russell again. Josh listened to us talk, nodding his head like he understood...

4 years ago
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The amazing life of toothpick part 3 midnight party part 2 the ending of the old and the beginning of the new

“Looks like you can take that as a yes Sara.” Amber said while sucking on my sister 34e tits. “That’s what I’m talking about little bro fuck the shit out my tight ass.” I could not stop it was as if I was hypnotize, it was the first thing today that truly felt like it was made for my dick and my dick alone. “Damn brother you’re really having fun with my tight ass. Then I wonder how would you take to this?” With all her Might she clamp every last muscle around my dick and started to grind...

1 year ago
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A Golfers Dream Book I The Dream BeginsChapter 19 Roadtrip

Dave and Jennifer's father Ron were headed for Charlestown where Dave had a golf date with Ann's father. Neither were saying much. Dave stared at the hypnotizing wipers moving back and forth across Ron's windshield. Dave hoped the rain would stop before they reached Charlestown. They had been driving for thirty minutes and were nearing the bridge. The six o'clock start was slightly earlier than Dave was used to so he was slightly tired even without the wipers making him more drowsy. For...

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Sakamoto Realties Part 4 Haruka

Haruka paid the taxi driver and he reached down and pulled a lever, opening the left side door automatically for Haruka. She got out and the driver pushed the lever back down, closing the door. He pulled away leaving Haruka in the strange neighborhood. He had to have made a mistake Haruka thought. There's no way her aunt Natsuki lived in this neighborhood. She looked around at all of the signs for the various hostess bars and izakaiyas. A pair of gals walked past Haruka. They were dressed...

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StepSiblingsCaught Maya Bijou Taking Things Too Far

Maya Bijou has a real love/hate relationship with her brother Lucas Frost. When Maya discovers that Lucas is adopted, she can’t wait to tell him. Lucas thinks it’s a prank, but his mom, Dava Foxx, winds up confirming it even though she’s distracted by the phone. That gives Lucas an idea. He’s had a crush on Maya for ages and thinks she’s super hot. Now he has the ability to act on his fantasies. Lucas waits until Maya is in the middle of changing before he walks in...

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Beyond the Sea part one

My name is Allysa, but I go by Aly, and I was born and raised on The Island. most people dont know we exist. most people dont really want to. But we do exist, and I am so deeply ingrained in this life style that i find it hard to live without it. You see, The Island is a complex, a settlment started by some of the vangaurds of hippies in the late fifties, and it has only grown since then. it was settled by 8 families, but since it's inceptiom, 5 have left and 3 remain. of the remaining...

2 years ago
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Broken WindowChapter 4

"Shades," Ransom said as soon as we were inside the condo he shared with his girlfriend. The ceiling became transparent then, like it was wide open under that bright blue sky and I looked around. It was an average place, I guessed, and typical for a citizen even though I didn't have a lot of experience with those people. Mostly all I knew was what I heard and saw on the H.V. from time to time. There was always a sitcom or a soap opera playing at the missions. People would rather watch...

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Finishing School

I was bored. You might not think that working at an adult boutique would be dull, but Tuesday evenings at Suggestions was always slow. I had been employed by Monique for just a few months, off the books. Monique didn't want any official record of me working there, just in case the shit ever hit the fan. It was a pretty unusual arrangement. Most of the other senior high girls worked at the mall or in fast-food. I was an "erotic fashion consultant" - at least that's what we jokingly called...

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My failed attempt to stop it all part 8

She had hated the man he called master when he had rung her like that, she hated the intrusion to her privacy as much as anything and she hated her husband for being the sissy he obviously was and the fact that he was talking to a man in this way. She could only believe that he was gay because he was talking to men and had actually told her he had a master. After much begging from him she decided to give him another chance but things would be different, she would watch him closely and...

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Nude beach with mum and pops

Kath and Stan Mathers were the heads of a fairly average bunch. Kath was 49, and stand 51. She taught and he just said "he worked in IT" after becoming bored of trying to explain what he really did in IT procurement.The rest consisted of Earl, Chloe, Alice, Johnathan and Hannah, from youngest to oldest. Johnathan and Hannah had long left home, while Chloe and Alice had become far too "cool" to be holidaying with Kath and Stan. They did however enjoy living rent free at home and having all the...

1 year ago
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Dressing room encounter

"Babe, can you come here and help me with this?" I walk back into the dressing room as your open the door. I'm greeted by your long bare legs as my eyes begin to travel up your body. As you giggle you say, "here sweetie...my eyes are here." My eyes finally meet yours and you can't help but notice that wickedness that you've seen before. After a brief moment, you lightly grasp my cock through my shorts and give it a quick squeeze. "Behave," you lightly whisper so the other customers don't hear...

Love Stories
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This story continues from my previous story “Breakdown”. It had been a few weeks since I had experienced being with a shemale. Alison was a beautiful big breasted, black-haired shemale. My wife, Sally, had found her underwear, hidden beneath the armchair on which we'd fucked each others brains out. Now she wanted to arrange a time for Alison to come over and spend some time, showing me how I betrayed her and that I would be punished for what I did. We were simply sitting in the lounge,...

2 years ago
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“Keep your voice down,” Zach hissed forcefully. “You’ll wake her up…if you haven’t already.” He was fighting a losing battle to calm down the naked blonde. Everything had been going perfectly until she started in on Jamey again. He wished he could turn the clock back about twenty minutes, when they were still chest deep in his swimming pool, her lithe legs encircling him while he lifted and plunged her onto his rigid cock, guiding her slight weight with broad hands over her petite round ass....

Straight Sex
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Gay Excon Gang Bang

Gay Ex-con Gang BangBy billy69boyI was leaving the local adult book store, feeling pretty good after getting an unbelievably intense blowjob from someone I didn't know and never saw. I had been coming here more and more, ever since that first time when I finally let some anonymous voice talk me into putting my stiff cock through the glory hole in the booth next to me. I had always hesitated before, because I didn't want to even think of the idea that I might be gay. I knew I wasn't gay: I...

3 years ago
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A Werewolf A Heir A Rulebreaker

This is a concept that I toyed around with, and as such I’m not sure how serious I am about it. All characters that will be in erotic situations will follow the guidelines (I.E. Main character is nineteen years of age). Should story progress to need more characters, story will be edited to accomodate, ___________________________________________[Line Break]_______________________________________ Your name is John Doe, and your a werewolf. No, not some mangy mutt who hides out in a secret pack in...

3 years ago
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Stolen Days Ch 04

A Few Stolen Days Chapter 4: The Deck The day of travel to the cabin had been glorious. The sky bright and sunny but the mountain temperatures moderate and the scenery was outstanding. And Travis mused to himself that the Great Smoky Mountains were pretty too. He hardly had time to look, his eyes had been fixed on Brandi through the day. The flowery dress she still wore was flattering to her and enhanced by the fact that she had gone braless through the day. It wasn’t a sun dress, but it was...

1 year ago
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WillieForever Mine

by Scarlett O'MaraAfter a ten-year friendship, and with intense interest in boys, Karen and Willie, two 18-year old high school girlfriends, surprisingly, drift into a torrid love affair, exploring and enjoying all the possibilities of fem love. Meanwhile, their interest in boys only intensifies, culminating in frequent foursomes with Tommy and Frankie, their occasional boyfriends. Readers will enjoy the author’s use of graphic images and the stimulating detail in which the story is told. The...

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The Devils Pact Slave ChroniclesChapter 11 Sally The Gift

"Are you nervous?" Cardinal Jessie asked me. "I am, Mistress," I promptly answered, smiling up at the beautiful, blonde woman. "You're going to knock their socks off," she grinned, rubbing my hair. Her husband, Cardinal Kevin, walked in and gave his wife a quick kiss. "There are some important people out there, slaves," he sternly said to me and my class. We were the tenth class to graduate from Belleramine Academy, the premier school for transforming young women into submissive...

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Paradise By Deputy Duffy The hair salon that my mom went to was aptly named ?Paradise?. The place wasalways beset with sexy women looking their best. It was females only, so (beingborn with a penis) I had to be a little sneaky. I would always try and comeup with some sort of excuse to borrow her car (I had my own) on the day ofher appointment. Then I would act disappointed when she said that she had ahair appointment, before offering to drop her off and pick her back up. Sometimesit worked,...

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Ass filled fantasy

My body is draped, stomach down, over the cold metal counter, my feet and legs hang down, my well lubed ass is exposed, waiting. My dick is by no means flaccid at the thought of what may happen, then the curtain by my face is drawn, a cock, dripping precum is pressed to my lips, I extend my tongue, passing over the slick head and curling under, flicking a few times, this throbbing cock waits for me. I slowly slide the head into my mouth, curling and swirling my tongue, then withdraw this...

1 year ago
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Training a slave part two

And so it was the following morning that I awoke late, yawned lazily and swung my legs out of bed and onto the plush carpet of my bedroom. Brushing my teeth in the en-suite bathroom I contemplated my days work ahead, the further training of my new slave. Years of anticipation seemed to have allowed me to slip in to the role of a master with great ease, and rather than allowing myself to become over excited about things, I realized that I must keep calm and focused if I was to have any success...

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Chapter 5SurpriseHe opened his eyes as the sunlight started to fall across his face. The net curtains danced gently as the cool breeze wafted through the window. He was aware of the weight of her head on his chest, her hair tumbling across his skin. Her arm was across him, her hand resting on his shoulder. He listened to her breathing and found his own falling into the same rhythm. He stroked her back, loving the silky feel of her skin. He cast his mind back to the previous evening, finding...

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Mostly Ghostly The Summarised Ending

I've written myself into a corner with this story and can't seem to find a way out so here's the plot in a nutshell. Jack and Regan continue to grow closer and eventually fall in love. Regan wants so desperately to be with Jack that she attempts suicide by overdose. Jack sees what he's doing to Regan and decides to leave so she can move on. Two years later Regan is now Engaged to a man she met at work named Kyle. Jack is a wandering spirit who suddenly finds himself drawn back to town. It turns...

2 years ago
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Magan Sunniyai Suvaithen

Vanakam nanbargale, ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai therivithu kolugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. En peyar Sasikala, vayathu 42 aagugirathu, en kanavnaai naan siru vayathile izhanthu viten. En kanavan irantha naal muthal indru varai veru entha aan thunaiyaiyum nadamal irukiren. Aanal en sontha maganaiye kaamam seiya enathu kaama unarchi ennai thundiyathu. Magan eppozhuthum en arugil thaan paduthu uranguvaan. Avan vayathu 19 aagugirathu, siru vayathil aangal sunniyai kai adikum...

2 years ago
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(© Copyright by the author, 1997) I'd actually known Inez in a casual way for about a year before that last afternoon. I first bumped into her - literally - at a farmers' market in Union Square on a mid-October Saturday morning. I was carrying a sizable pumpkin destined to give its all for the furtherance of merriment and atmosphere at a Halloween party. She was crouched low to examine some unusual apples from Upstate. She backed into my path and stood abruptly, nearly knocking the...

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How to shame a husband

May be you can be discreet having an affair with another man? May be. But it wasn't like that for me. I shamed Robert and exalted Saul. It was unbelievably cruel, unbelievably dirty. The intimate dynamics of my sex life are well...a little complex. First, I am married to Robert, a sweet and intelligent man. Robert is a manager in public services. He earns a decent salary but he's hardly wealthy. I am a personal assistant in a logistics and transport company. My salary is even less, but then...

3 years ago
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Copyright © 2001 Norm Deploom. All Rights Reserved The first thing I did when the shaking stopped was to look around my apartment to determine the extent of the damage. The second thing I did was to go across the street and check on Tillie. Her real name was Matilda, and despite my overwhelming love and devotion, she had ignored me for two years and now I had an opportunity to prove myself to her. I figured if I rescued her from certain death in an earthquake-damaged building she really...

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Misfit Hours

Misfit Hours I slow to a stop to allow Rita to gain some distance. It's a pleasure just watching her walk plus I want to see her reaction to the kind of attention she draws now. She's still learning how to handle it and needs the practice. The tight pencil skirt, the tailored cotton blouse and even the 4" pumps suggest a smart business woman who's taken off her suit jacket for a nightcap. The seamed stockings, perfectly aligned with the thin heels, and the long red nails flashing...

1 year ago
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My Pervy Family

Have you met My Pervy Family? They’re not actually mine in the sense that I’m related to them, nor are they mine in the sense that I’m running the titular website devoted to them because I’m not. They aren’t my own pervy family any more than they’re yours. But in that sense, perhaps they belong to all of us the same way our favorite songs have a way of becoming human culture instead of just some musician’s intellectual property. Well, I’m probably getting way more philosophical about the site’s...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
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My Bus Broke DownChapter 2

We talked and we flirted in our slightly shy way, the time passing all too quickly, for soon we were approaching my stop. I felt the fear rising again as I realised I would have to get her number or ask her to dinner or something or risk never seeing her again. Goodness knew when her current temp job might end, causing her to get a different bus. In the end, though, it was much easier than first contact had been earlier. "It's my stop soon", I said. "Look, I've really enjoyed talking to...

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