The Love DollChapter 6
- 3 years ago
- 23
- 0
Day Fifty - Monday
I woke up being kissed on the nose by Sue. When my eyes opened, she smiled at me and said, "Morning sleepy head, it's past time to get up and get going."
The clock said Six-fifteen. I felt rested but didn't really want to get up. Sue got out of bed and headed into the bathroom. Guess it was time to begin the day.
Before going into the bathroom, I started two pots of coffee and unlocked the door and opened it in case someone came over and needed to get at the coffee.
Sue was getting out of the shower as I was getting in so the closest I got to some loving was a couple of kisses on the way by. Ten minutes later, after a shower, shave, brushing my teeth, and dressing in regular work clothes, I was having my hair brushed out by Glenda who was in a friendly mood this morning.
The weather was acting like it was going to rain so we turned on the TV to listen and watch the local news and weather. There was a front moving through and we were expected to get wet.
When Sandy and Mandy came for morning coffee, Shawna excitedly told them that I wouldn't care if Carl and Kurt came to work for us. The two girls were as excited as Shawna was. These two guys must be good.
Ruth and Tiny said they would help Phil and Judy, who were just pulling up, to find me a sales assistant. She could help Phil and Judy's group when she had slack time. Tiny said he would push the office expansion as he could see that it was going to be needed quickly.
Phil said that today was going to be busy, as he had the two potential road guys coming by. He said the shop and all the activity going on, would impress them. Judy asked that I greet these guys in the big office, as most salesmen are real ego guys. The big office would make them want to be a part of us even though they would hardly ever be around.
I asked Phil what he was going to do for an encore after last week's super success. He shook his head and said there was no way to repeat that, but he was working on several pretty big deals. He even had a couple of customers that were coming into town to discuss major purchases.
I asked Tom and Al if they could paint the frame in the showroom and re-hang it. I also said that there were plans for a drag bike frame that I would like made for display. I would get the neck so they could finish it.
Jim said he knew of a guy who had a drag bike that wasn't worth the tires it sat on, but could be dolled up to look good for the showroom. I asked him to follow up on it and see if it could be bought cheap. Now all I needed was a big generator, a compressor, and a car painted up as if it were sponsored by S&S.
Sue said she needed to work on her catalog business today but would try to get loose for lunch with me. Everyone had something to get busy on, so we all left by seven fifteen to start our day.
When I pulled up in front of the shop, there were two guys standing by a pickup, waiting. I introduced myself and asked how I could help them. They said Hap had encouraged them to try out for welding positions with the company.
I unlocked the door and brought the guys upstairs to the big office to fill out applications. Ruth came in carrying two foam cups of coffee for them and told me that Dan had a new man that he wanted me to meet as well, and that the contractor was on his way.
The two guys thanked Ruth for the coffee in a very respectful way. Hap had them on their best behavior. I was impressed.
I looked over their apps, asking about the welding school they had attended, and why they didn't take advantage of some of the opportunities the school always found for the graduates.
They told me the only positions open were for either a high rise construction job in New York or the Alaska oil fields. They both had elderly parents that they took care of and couldn't leave the area. I explained the company's philosophies about perfect work, saying our reputation has been built on work of the absolute best quality. They both said they were willing to learn.
I took them back to Tom, who was busy with Tim and Bob, double-checking their work on the group of frames they were working on, as well as the other new guy, Ted, helping him and showing him the best way to prepare the metal before tacking it.
With a smile, Tom got out the usual scrap for interviewees to work on. He gave them the same pitch I had given him and the others while showing them a finished product. Tom showed the two a finished piece of test pipe that Bob had done before telling them to take their time and do a good job so we would know the quality of their work.
If these two worked out, that would give us three teams to manufacture frames. That would be enough to do all the NASCAR orders, as well as other types of frame orders I hoped to begin getting.
I walked to the next shop area to find Al and Dan watching a guy using a forming tool with an expert's ease. He apparently had cut some raw material into the correct patterns, and was now forming it to the specifications on the print.
Al came to me and said, "This guy is good. He knows his stuff and can probably teach Dan and me a lot."
The man took the finished panels and began double-checking the forms and bends to the print. When he turned around and began walking to us carrying the panel, he had an exaggerated limp. He looked like he might have an artificial leg.
Al complimented him on his work, as well as his expertise in using the equipment. Al handed me his application, introducing him as Drew.
Drew had been out of the military, the Marines, for five years and had been employed by three times that many companies. The reasons for leaving were all employee downsizing, and three that said they didn't feel he could do the work.
I shook hands with Drew and quietly said, "Semper Fi."
Drew looked up into my eyes quickly with a smile spreading across his face and gave a very vocal, "Ooorah!"
I asked him if he needed any special equipment or facilities considering his leg. He said there were times when he couldn't move as fast as others, but he did pretty well. Drew also said, he was due for a new prosthesis this month that should help him walk better. He asked if I might give him a chance.
My only reply was an extended hand saying, "Semper Fi, my friend, a Marine is always faithful."
I thought the man was going to cry. Instead, with watery eyes he turned to Al and said, "Let's make some panels."
Back in the welding shop, Hap's two guys were doing a decent job on their samples. It looked like Tom was going to have his hands full making sure that we did perfect work, but his attitude would keep him after perfection.
I went over to the motor shop to find Sandy and Mandy with the used motor, mostly torn down already. They were showing a couple of parts to two thin, smallish, guys. They were all pointing and rubbing their fingers over the parts.
As soon as I came in, Mandy said, "Steve, this is Carl and Kurt that I told you about. They want to come to work here. They are already impressed with your perfect work signs all over the place. Here, Steve, look at this. When we began tearing the motor down, we found a ton of sloppy workmanship and crud that had been left in the engine when they buttoned it up. Since the motor never did run well, it hasn't been used enough, in its poor condition, to kill it. We'll have this ready by tomorrow. What are you going to have these two guys and us do then?"
"I'm way ahead of you. By the time they are ready to go to work this afternoon, work will be waiting for them."
I shook hands with Carl and Kurt and told them to have Shawna show them upstairs so that they can fill out apps for the file and meet Ruth.
From there I went to my office and called the Parts House. I made sure that we had been approved for an open account, and ordered four crate engines. Two to be delivered this morning, and two to be delivered on Wednesday. I also wanted to order three more mobile engine mounts and a motor lift. I entered the information in the computer, under purchases pending delivery.
The tray on the fax was overflowing. It would have to wait until after I talked to the contractor.
Upstairs, in the big office, the contractor, Tiny, and a guy who was introduced to me as an architect, were busy putting together an office addition at the round conference table. I asked the contractor if he had the print of the existing building and the paint shop addition. He pulled out another rolled up set of prints and spread them out.
"With the growth we're experiencing, this is what I want to do." I took a big piece of graph paper they were drawing on and set it up so the edges fit the side of the existing building and the back edge against the new paint shop. I roughly drew a line from the outer wall of the paint shop to a line that intersected with a line across the front of the building.
"I want a wide open walk-through from the original building into the new building to give it the appearance that it has always been there. This addition will be two stories, with the upstairs hallway an extension of the balcony hallway. Upstairs, just inside the new building, as well as downstairs, I want bathrooms for both men and women. The existing building does not have sufficient bathroom facilities for office staff. This will give folks from both buildings easy access. I want windows completely around two sides, on both floors, so we have as much natural light as possible. The windows need to be tinted and insulated so the air conditioning will keep it cool. I want the traffic in and out of the new building to be through the hallways and our front door. To meet code we will probably have to have a doorway in the front and another stairway and doorway in the back. Both of those doors should be the "push to open" kind that automatically locks.
"I don't care how you bust up the upstairs into offices, but I think it would be best if we were to have them in an open format, using cubicles instead of a bunch of little offices like storage bins. Make sure that you use everything that is sound deadening and, if necessary, we will use some white noise to help. Downstairs, I want to devote the offices for road people and support staff for the other divisions. You can work out how to lay it out."
Tiny said, "That is a great layout. Why not do both floors in large cubicles? Road guys would still have a place to be when they are in town. They really wouldn't need an office to keep closed up and smell musty."
"Good idea. I think we should make sure the cubicles are large enough, so figure out how to get the maximum amount of them in our space.
On the other side of the building, I put another piece of graph paper and drew a line from the front edge of the new rebuild shop, to a line that intersected from the front edge of the main original building. I put the same openings on the paper and said that this could be a future expansion, but we might as well consider building it now, while we have the financing, rather than wait till we are in a crunch.
Tiny said that this would cut this huge office in half.
I agreed, "But the office will still be larger than any other office up here and if you look toward the other side of the door, it's like a big living room, as opposed to useful space. That side can be another office that will be pretty big, or perhaps a conference room. This office will remain an interview room, and an entertaining and closing office. My goodness, this thing is still going to be twenty-two foot wide by over thirty feet long."
"I don't mean to run, but I have a lot going on today." I looked at Tiny and the contractor, "Remember the phone, data, and alarm folks, and make it happen. Oh, and one last thing, we should probably have a small break room downstairs in the addition. The existing break room is going to be too small real soon."
I went to see Phil and Judy. Judy was training someone, while Phil was in his office talking to two men. He called me in and introduced me to the two men who were applying for our road representatives. Both had Onan experience and knew the products well. When I asked how they felt about additional lines, such as welding equipment, they both were excited and felt they could produce even more business with more lines.
When I found Judy, to ask her to clear the fax machine, she introduced me to what could have been Shawna's sister, a tiny redhead with an appearance uncannily close to Shawna's. This was Debbie Wilson, and she was going to be my assistant.
"I like you already Debbie, I need a keeper." Turning to Judy I asked, "When will she be ready for me to use and abuse."
"Later today, Steve," Judy replied. "I'm teaching her order entry as well as purchase order entry. She should be able to keep you in raw materials for all the shops. She will also be able to keep the fax clear and call customers back to confirm and thank them for their orders. That's how we get so many pre-paid orders. We offer them a discount if prepaid, and a lesser discount if they pay for most of the order."
Judy followed up by asking, "Did you notice your big conference table is gone and your desk is now all the way to the shop end of the office? Ruth purchased a desk and chair for Debbie. Her desk will look out onto the showroom floor. Ruth has ordered Debbie a phone too. There may be room for your little table and the chairs. I will look later."
I told Debbie that I was looking forward to working with her.
I walked through the break room going downstairs to the motor shop. Shawna was receiving the two crate engines, the new stands, and the lift. Mandy and Sandy were amused and happy that I had instantly taken their recommendation to buy the GM Delco crate.
"That's what you girls said was the best, so that's what you get. Does Carl or Kurt have a different opinion?"
Sandy said, "I don't think so. He's the one that told us about the differences in the first place. They will be happy to get good raw material to work with."
I told Shawna that we had an open account with the Parts House and that she should use them, whenever possible for the parts they need to build the motors. Some of the stuff came from specialty racing supply houses and would still have to be bought through them, but the Parts House's availability would be an asset to us.
Sandy and Mandy said they had two pages of notes on the poor build of the motor they were working on. They were both surprised that it had ever been in a race car.
The sheet metal guys were really turning out panels fast. There were stacks of each full set. It looked like we would be able to ship the bigger order today or tomorrow.
In the frame welding area, six guys were all working diligently on various tasks.
When I walked into the rebuild shop, Abe was in his office, talking to a guy about thirty. Abe waved me over and introduced me to Matthew or Matt, as he liked to be called. He was applying for the road tech position. Onan had recently upped the price for a road tech, eliminating two positions.
I wanted more than a road tech, "Matt, while you are in the field at customers, you need to keep your eyes open for used and abandoned equipment. We are going to need a continuing supply of product to rebuild. The shop is already exceeding my expectations and is a major profit center. This department is also accountable for warranty work, so your salary should be taken care of by warranty alone. How did you work your territory before, did you have a truck or did you have some tools in your car?"
"Onan wasn't that smart, Mr. Sharp, we would fly to a customer's city, rent a car and when necessary, rent tools or use the customers tools when we could. So many times we would fly back into town, and go right back to a location, near where we had been, for another call. A truck would be a great way to handle calls. I like the road. Motels aren't too bad if we watch where we stay and eat reasonable. We know how to keep expenses down."
"This is what I want you to do. Design a truck that will have the space for the tools you need and the few parts that are always going bad. Either a van with bins or a pickup. Abe, if you have another guy, or two, or three that we're going to hire, have them help in the design so we have several opinions. Phil has mentioned that several customers are asking for warranty help now."
Abe asked, "How many road guys can I have?"
I smiled, "The same answer as always, Abe, as many as you need."
"I can get four experienced techs right now," Abe said. "I've divided our territory into four reasonable geographic areas that should be fairly convenient to cover. We will be able to give some really good support by using trucks to travel and having tools and parts with us."
"One more thing Abe and Matt, the road guys will have to spend some time with Phil. While they are at a customer location, they can sell products, fax the orders in, and receive regular commission, in addition to their regular salary. If I'm thinking correctly, you will probably increase your income by twenty-five to thirty percent."
Matt stood to shake my hand, "Thank you, sir. I can't tell you how many times the customer wanted to buy something, but I had to beg a sales type to help the guy. More often than not, the customer would either just forget it or buy from someone else. This is great and you may be surprised how much we can produce. The road salesmen will love us, as we'll set them up on all the big stuff. We can now follow-up to make sure the customer is taken care of."
"Abe, perhaps we need six men to work the territory. If they can support themselves through warranty and sales, we would be foolish to overwork them."
"Let's start with four and work our way up, Steve," Abe said, happy to have so much going for him.
Abe's shop was full, with six guys each working on an individual project. A couple more generators were ready to be started and tested soon. The forklift, that had looked and acted like it was on its last legs or wheels, was looking very nice. If it ran as good as it looked, it was going to be sold quickly.
I started to think there was a lot of painting going on. I went back to see Shawna, but Sandy said she was next door in the paint booth. When I looked into the booth window, Shawna was in her coveralls, face mask, and head cover, painting another rack of frames and some panels for the rebuild shop.
I hadn't asked her about Debbie Wilson yet, either.
Back in the motor shop, I asked Sandy to have Shawna find me when she came out of the paint booth. These two girls were fast, as they appeared to be closing up the motor already.
I asked them, "Are you bringing this one up to the same spec as the motor you built?"
"You bet, the parts were all correct. Only a couple of parts had to be replaced. The problem was sloppy work, failure to clean up as they went, and failure to check everything. This should be as good an engine as the other. This one won't have to be broken in at all. It should run good from day one."
It was getting close to noon, so potentially, Sue would show up for lunch. I looked through the new orders for racecar support items. There were orders for a total of five frames and twelve sets of sheet metal. There were also two motor orders from teams that I didn't know. I entered the orders and put them into a tray that was marked for filing.
Looking at the monitors, I saw that Shawna was back in her shop, taking off her coveralls. I went back to get her to go with Sue and me for lunch. I knew she would be ready for a break, as even with the air on real high in the paint booths, working with all the extra clothes on was hot work.
I asked Shawna if she wanted to come to lunch with Sue and me. She was all for it and asked if Sandy and Mandy could come too. Kurt and Carl were at the back door to unload tools, so Shawna said that they should come too.
So much for a quiet lunch, I thought.
Judy paged me that Sue was up here for lunch. These folks washed up at their clean-up sink and followed me up front. Sue was standing with Phil, Judy, and Debbie, waiting to go to lunch.
Shawna and Debbie took one look at each other and both squealed and jumped in each other's arms. They spoke excitedly for a couple of minutes, until Shawna noticed we were all waiting on them, "This is my cousin Debbie, she's been in Georgia since we were about fifteen. We haven't seen each other for a couple of years. Come on, we'll talk at lunch."
It took three vehicles to get the ten of us to lunch. Debbie and Shawna rode with Phil and Judy, while Sandy and Mandy rode with Sue while Carl and Kurt rode with me. The Greek guy had a fit that I had brought so many for lunch. He was so happy that he threw in free iced tea.
Debbie and Shawna had a non-stop conversation throughout lunch. When I finally got a word in, I asked Debbie if she was married? No, but she was living with a guy named Hank Wilson. (I thought, 'what a coincidence that the two had the same last name.') Where was she living? They were currently in a little motel room that had a cooking area. What did her boyfriend do? He was, or at least had been, a painter at a body shop and was looking for a job.
Shawna's eyes got big around as she looked at me and mouthed, "Can I?"
I nodded and she started asking questions about the character of Debbie's boyfriend. If he checked out as well as Debbie described, we could have our painter. I'm sure we could find other work for him when he wasn't painting. I gave my cell phone to Debbie and told her to call him to come in this afternoon. She said she would call him, but she had the car. His motorcycle was still up in Georgia and was going to stay there until they both had a job.
While we were eating, I told Sue that she needed to clue Debbie in on my work habits and shortcomings, so she could cover for me.
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Eliannai stepped up behind the Science Officer and gently wrapped her fingers around his arm. For a moment, they both gazed at the dying body of their captain, also the Science Officer’s life-mate. “Sibilius,” the dead Seeker whispered into his ear. Turning his head, Sibilius jerked back for an instant as he recognized the now deceased First Officer. “You’re dead!” he informed her, his voice sounding quite dramatic. “Only bodies die, Father,” Eliannai replied, bringing his ancient mind...
“Hi, I’m Danielle” you introduce yourself to the middle aged woman sitting at the reception desk, “I’m starting work here today” you add as way of explanation for disturbing her from her work. “Oh yes, Danielle,” she mumbles almost to herself as she rummages through some paper on her desk, finally pulling out a folder that she was obviously looking for, a folder that you see has your name plastered right across the centre, and the words “Work Placement” typed in bold letters underneath. “This...
oh mom! You shouldn't be walking around like that in front of me! Mom was in thong and working to get her 38g tits in her oversize bra. You have seen tits before, I am in a hurry and these things take a while to corral, you know that. Mom had been doing this more often lately. One day she had come home early and I was looking at a tit mag and beating my 8 inch cock in a frenzy. Since then she always seemed to have her tits out or wearing something revealing. Her tits weren't the saggy kind, oh...
Standard warnings apply (i.e if your too young,too gullible, or it's plain out illegal don't read any further). The storyis fictional as are the people it's about. Enjoy. Gaining Mary The halls were empty now, all the students havingleft for the day. Mary was in no hurry to go, however.Her stepmother had gone on another week long businesstrip and she had no real friends to hang out with so she decided to snoop aroundthe deserted school.There was not much of interest, a few open lockerswith the...
My Lady was most tender as we dried ourselves. Despite her earlier complaint of having been exhausted by our coupling she seemed, having taken the bubbling wine, to recover. We had sipped our wine seated facing each other, both naked, in the soft chairs the room provided. She had talked of her unhappy marriage to an elderly peer who, she said, preferred blasting pheasant from the face of the earth to enjoying her company. She cared not for the male of the species, that much was apparent. I was...
It was early afternoon in May in an English seaside town. They, the three of them were lying on an exquisitely ornate upholstered bed. The shuttered room was bathed in warm sunshine. They’d been lucky with their choice of rendezvous. Nothing unusual to the casual observer, perhaps. But, if the casual observer had looked around the room a tad more he would have seen that all three were butt naked. Excepting maybe Speedy who had a pair of black hold up stockings on. God, she knew exactly how to...
I had always been attracted to girls as well as guys. I'd dated a few girls in high school and a few boys too but I had only ever had sex with guys. I'd kissed girls, made out with a few, played with their tits, but never done anything below the belt.I was 19 when I met a beautiful, curvy, voluptuous, young woman. She was 23 and the epitome of a big, beautiful woman. She was petite, hardly 5'2 with a tiny waist, gorgeous wide hips and a huge rack. We actually wore the same size bra, 38DD. But...
You're in your house, your parents are away for the weekend and you're bored. You text a few mates and ask if they want to go out or come round for a few beers. Nothing big, just beers and video games. They're all busy with their girlfriends or other commitments. You decide to text one of your girl mates, ask them if they want to come round. Watch a film or something. You text Keri first. "Hey, the guys are busy, want to come round to my house and watch a film? You can choose! X" Keri...
Olivia was a young teen girl who had recently become a slave for a much older Master and he had opened her eyes to new sexual pleasure and she could not get enough. She loved being tied up and forced to cum until she could not take it anymore and she loved taking his huge 9 inch cock deep inside all her holes and she loved it when he cum's inside her.Most of their meet were always at his place or some times outside but this was all about to change. One morning when she woke up she found her...
James and Diane had worked together for nine years. There had always been a little sexual tension between them, but she was married and he had a girl friend, so it was more flirtatious fun than smoldering passion. Both of them knew the other wasn’t getting any sex at home, and James had playfully remarked that maybe they should help each other out some time, but neither had ever taken it too seriously. Little did she know that was about to change …… One day, they were standing around talking...
Hi to all my readers this is Harry presenting his 1st story expressing how i took the virginity of my ex. Talking about me i am harry form Ahmedabad living in Jodhpur for my course in B.Sc. I’m a proud owner of 6″ long tool; average body, but attractive personality. My ex was quite towards fatty side but i liked her huge 38 size boobs and enjoyed them to my max. We met in our college and became close friends with passing time as we lived in hostels which were in college campus. We used to spend...
I was still Mike’s number one until selection. Normally he would have been with me but this morning I had little choice but to wait for him to appear. Finally, at 07:40 out came Jay, Pam, and Mike. There were two couples ahead of Jay in the serving line. As I approached, Pam stepped backward gently pressing into Mike. Mike took the opportunity to hug Pam from behind. Although I was behind Mike, it looked from my angle that Pam put his hands on her more than ample boobage. Both started...
I had the washing machine pipe, I had a plan for the future, and I had two kisses from each of the four – I interpreted it in its broadest sense. Toni sat on the washing machine whilst I fitted the new pipe. “I hear you are thinking of retaking, Toni? What did you get first time round?” “A and two Bs. I don’t know why, that’s the trouble. Fiona walked it, of course, but I don’t know if trying again will be any different. Maybe I’m just not cut out to be university material” “Toni, stop...
He shook his head to clear his mind, a bit. Almost there, he said to himself....feeling as giddy as a child with candy. He came to the door, and pulled out the key. He inserted it in the lock, at the exact same moment as the bell's began to chime, some ways further down the street. He unlocked the door, and went inside. The lights were very dim, lit only by a black light bulb. Further down the corridor, he glimpsed a familiar sight....a sight that made him go ice cold, and steamy hot at...
Lit 6 14-20 14 pick a side Max Stone, the sign read. It was being held by my best friend, Jennifer. Well, she used to be my best friend. She was about to have a real problem. Jennifer hugged me tight and asked, ‘How are you? Are you still mad at Marty?’ ‘Who me? I’m not mad. I’m just going to sue his ass off. You are going to have to pick your side on this one.’ ‘Marty has been my client since I started practicing,’ Jennifer said. ‘I have been your friend since grade school. You still have...
I went to Costco over the weekend with my friends girlfriend. She went off shopping, and I went off to get a few things. I walked down some random isle, and saw a girl leaning down. I snuck a peek at her butt and saw a little bit of a thong showing over the top of her shorts. She was wearing a blue hoody. I looked up and saw that she had really short brown hair. I tried to see her face, when she stood up. A box fell from her hands and onto the floor. Being the nice guy that I am, I picked it up...
CrossdressingIt was an anonymous meeting, set up through a popular Internet site. The profile specified I was looking for a transsexual or a transgender woman with nice legs and feet. Basically I was looking for a chick with a cock to satisfy my fetishes for legs, stockings, feet, cock, and cum.Natasha walked into the lobby bar and she was stunning…5’10”, 140 lbs, red hair, and blue eyes. She wore a miniskirt with black stockings and open-toed slides. With her 36C breasts there would have been no way to...
DeAnn's Birthday Trip - Part ThreeWe all boarded the private jet and the pilot and co-pilot came out to welcome us aboard and introduce themselves. Bill and Frank. Very nice looking guys but this trip was strictly a girls party so we all shook hands and said hello, then they went back to the cockpit and fired up the twin jet engines. Eventually we taxied out to the runway and then we were off and away in a rush down the tarmac.Joey came out and asked if we wanted drinks, and everybody did, so...
He sends a text saying "hey"The safe text so prying eyes don't get suspicious. As soon as his name comes up on her phone the butterflies start. She replies "hi ;)" anticipation builds awaiting his text. Last time was so fun I wonder what he will demand this afternoon. He replies slowly, knowing the build up would drive her wild " meet me at Bridgetown in 15min I'm finishing a job.... wear a dress" Her heart beats faster as she try's to come up with a plausible excuse to her boyfriend. " Hun I'm...
John, 5’ 11”, 175 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes, 32 years old, married to Cindy. Cindy, 5’ 5”, 118 lbs, dirty blonde, blue eyes, 32 years old, married to John. Emily, 5’8”, 135 lbs, auburn hair, green eyes, 36 years old, married to Bob. Robert (Bob), 5’ 10”, 185 lbs, black hair, brown eyes, 37 years old, married to Emily. Samantha (Sam), 5’ 9”, 115 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, 31 years old, married to Bill. Bill, 5’ 9”, 155 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, 35 years old, married to...
I didn't mean to let so many weeks go by but unfortunately the company I work for sent me on am out of town project. The first time I had chance to go to Jo's shop was Friday afternoon. Looking through the window hoping to catch a glimpse of her proved fruitless, but I did glance at the very sexy lingerie on display. Which was the reason I came here in the first place. I decided to go into the shop and hope for the best. There were several young assistants in there, all beautifully attired. A...
I was 18 the first time I had sex and it was with a married man twice my age. He had been giving me lifts home from work where we both worked for a few weeks. There was a long leafy road we drove down every day and that's where my sex life started.I had a couple of boyfriends from leaving school and we had kissed and I had my tits touched over my bra but nothing more, maybe that's why they never lasted. I wasn't going to give my virginity away so easily.The guy from work used to joke and flirt...
Chris was silent as he pulled out of the parking lot of the doctor's office. He couldn't believe his mother had shared their secret so readily. On one hand he understood that she needed someone to confide in. However, on the other, it was taking an incredible risk. "I had to tell her Chris," Allison said. "I know. I guess it's a guy thing. We like to keep things to ourselves... work them out on our own. I guess it was for the best. "She can help. I probably shouldn't tell you this,...
“How much more time will this meeting take?” Derek’s voice was bored. “Excuse me?” snapped Kristy Anderson. She spun around to glare. Her legs, heightened by another new pair of designer 4-inch pumps, spread slightly making the slit in her skirt rise up a firm thigh. She did not get to be the head of ForEx Trading by putting up with arrogance such as this. No one had ever taken power from her. “Yes,” he stated. “I need to know much longer you intend drone on about the fate of the dollar.” He...
Straight SexMy 'date' with Robyn after the show was interesting and informative. I'd asked her what she wanted to do and she suggested going to Potawatomi Zoo. It was a pleasant day and I paid the modest admission fee to get into the zoo. We just started working our way around the paths to our right. The first thing, of course, were the tigers. "Isn't it sad?" she said as we looked at the beautiful animal through the glass. "He's all alone in there. He has, like, about the same amount of room as...
Kristen McNally was lost. She had been trying to do the weekly grocery shopping, but had gotten turned around again. It was so hard finding things in a new town anyway. Couple that with having to learn how to drive on the left side of the road, and she was having major problems. Kristen and her husband, Ben, were visiting Australia. He was a martial art instructor who conducted seminars and worked with instructors all over the world. She helped him with the logistics of travel, record keeping,...
I want to tell you about how I got such a wonderful wife. If I told you we just started dating 6 months ago you might think we had a very short courtship. All this is true but sort of misleading. You see she’s a loving hot beautiful wife, just not my wife, and yes we have been dating for 6 months. In the beginning at they say, I was cruising the net one day and saw a photo of an incredible brunette (the photo below, yes I saved it). She stood out so much from the other women on the site that...
Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ejamaani moodi irukum pozhuthu avalai ootha kathiayai ungal idam pagirugiren. Enaku ezhutha padika theriyaathu athanaal en nanbanai intha kathaiyai ezhutha vaithu ungal idam ithai pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, naan vellore gramathil velai paarthu varugiren. Naan siru vayathil irunthu oru bangalaavil thaan velai paarthu varugiren, ingu en owner niraiya pengalai azhaithu vanthu oopar. Aanal athu enaku theriyathu pola paarthu...
When word got around about the Scott Witherspoon incident, we suddenly were inundated with requests to conduct more high schoolers on excursions into Boston or New York City. Now that there was high-speed rail transport between Central Massachusetts and NYC (New York City), there was a lot more demand for our services escorting clients for trips to Broadway shows, etc. The two-hours or so by train between Worcester and NYC was quicker than driving or taking a plane, so it became a very...
Yankee Swap, Chapter 19: Triumph and Tragedy Connie lived to dance. She knew something was bothering Kim and was frustrated not knowing what it was. She knew Ken was a very private person - Cheree had said as much over the years - but Ken seemed an extrovert compared to Kim. Connie found it hard to even get time to spend with her, and that left no room to get down to what was going on. Of course it could just be the reaction of dressing as a woman for over a week now, but she...
I was home alone that Saturday morning.Night before I had driven my beloved hubby to the airport, to catch a fly out of town, for a boring business trip; but Victor said he would come back home on Monday.I stepped out of the shower to dry my body. I had the house to myself for a couple of days and everything would be peaceful…I just put on a white cotton thong and a long camisole. I then went downstairs for a cup of warm coffee and sat on the kitchen bench.As I finished my coffee, I began...
LOVE IS THE BEST THING IN THE LIFE- I am looking for true, deep love and happy marriage. chat on Y.a.h.o.o! Messenger ID: egyptian_souvenirs(AT)y,a,h,o,o.c. o. m skype name: egyptianman1967My name is Mohamed El-Sayad, I am strong Egyptian man, handsome,good looking, my birth date is 27th January, 1967, Height: I am 185 Cm.tall,or 6 feet.1 inche, my Body Type: Average, I do not gambling, I do not use d**gs, I do not smoke nor drink wine, Alcohol at all, I never make sex with all and any girls...
Ushering me into the dressing room, she turned off the room lights and slid back a panel, revealing a window that looked out onto the stage. "This is actually a one-way mirror," she explained, standing so closely behind me I could feel her warm breath on my neck and her firm breasts pressing into my back. Reaching up she flipped a hidden switch and the low murmuring of the audience came clearly through a hidden speaker. "I'm a little concerned about Dianne," I said. "She doesn't seem...
Hi my name is Amar and today I have decide to pen down the story of my life. This amazing part of my life really is on back of my head all the time. I always wanted to have that life again and again. coming to the tale, I would like to first describe how it all actually started and will definitely keep posting all the episodes in my further stories. I am from Hyderabad and I speak fluent hindi, telugu and english obviously. I messed up my intermediate life (11th and 12th class ) and now to...
By Jax_Teller The days of the week went by fast as I left one job and essentially one life and began a new life. I wasn’t going to be just another service technician anymore. The life I had led after my military service was predictable and profitable but, wasn’t enjoyable. Now I had found my heritage and a woman to share my life with. I was part of a brotherhood now, and I was looking forward to serving my mother country. It was an adjustment to coming home to all the folks that lived at...