24 Hours To Live Pt2 free porn video

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Hopefully for Joel, their past relationship and the fact it was only four grand might secure him a quick exit with the minimum of pain, a slashed throat perhaps or even better a bullet in the back of the head. After that no doubt his lifeless corpse would become food for the fish in the Thames. Yeah, that would be preferable to the slow, painful torture Standish was renowned to inflict upon some of those poor unfortunates known to cross him.

And if anyone should know of Standish's brutality it was Joel, a formerly trusted employee within the gangland empire. A barman in the ruthless mobster's club in Whitechapel, Joel had witnessed first hand the manner in which rivals and nuisances had been cruelly rubbed out.

An eighteen month stint, a supposed stop gap until a 'proper' job came along, the trouble for Joel was that he liked the goodfella life too much, albeit he existed on the periphery. He loved the secretive talk, the ever present threat of violence, the thrill of being in on something illicit and of how others in the outside world perceived him. A vicarious lifestyle, sadly it had gotten him into trouble, serious trouble.

Over the past few weeks as the sentence was imposed, Joel had given the whole matter a great deal of thought and had developed a theory: the rigged card game that caused the debt was part of a wider agenda. In fact, he was convinced of it.

Standish had two teenaged daughters, of whom Tiffany, the fifteen year old, was the apple of her father's eye. A walking, talking, living Barbie doll, Standish doted on the girl, perhaps the only love that was allowed to permeate the shield of hate that surrounded the man. It was a father's love that also gave rise to a bitter jealously, particularly where potential suitors were concerned. Being the vivacious type, she had flirted with virtually every half decent looking barman since her sexuality blossomed though sll had been warned off of course.

Yet Joel was more subtle, succeeding in arranging a date without Mickey finding out. Though in hindsight, it had been a huge mistake and one date was more than enough, given that the girl acted like a spoiled brat throughout. Since then, Joel had made it patently clear to her that there would be no second date, as a consequence of which Tiffany had doubtless run off crying to her father, and concocting some bullshit strory about him. The rest was history, the card debt merely a convenient means by which Standish could justify his actions. Oh Tiffany, Tiffany, Tiffany, that bitch really had screwed up Joel's life.

Wandering back home absent-mindedly, the condemned man spied neighbour Cathy's car back on the drive, grin forming on his face. Stage two was about to begin. Hovering at the gate, he inhaled heavily before striding purposefully down the path, his blood beginning to boil.

Cathy was the perfect foil for his frustrations, with a history between them most of which was bad. Notwithstanding her steely determination to thwart Joel's attempts at a sexual relationship, if it wasn't her bratty kids kicking balls into his garden, trampling the flowers and smashing a window, it was her mangy cat fouling the patio. And if it wasn't the cat, it was the loud late night parties that seemed to go on for days just when he needed some sleep. And was he ever invited? No fucking chance. The bitch.

Damn, she'd quickly managed to spoilt his otherwise mellow mood. It was time to do something about it, and to hell with the consequences. Ha ha, what consequences? He'd be dead before dawn. That premise made Joel laugh hysterically like an over zealous Bond villain. Knocking insistently at the door, he waited patiently until finally Cathy appeared, looking hot and flush and not at all pleased to see him. Though that was far from uncommon. "Joel?"

"Another fuckin' pane of glass broken, Cathy," he spat. "Thirty-five quid the last one cost me."

His sexy neighbour seemed dumbstruck, temporarily unable to comprehend, her mind seemingly elsewhere. "Well?" he prompted, face darkening. "Well? Say something, say sorry...or...for fuck's sake, Cathy...your kids are a nuisance."

Caught off guard, she was unprepared for his barging in, a vain attempt made to block him. Six inches shorter and a fraction of the size, she was no match. "W-what are you d-doing?" she stammered.

"I've come to get what I'm owed."

"Don't go in there," she implored as Joel proceeded towards the kitchen.

The laptop was open at ninety degrees and Joel's lips immediately formed a devilish grin. Cathy, it seemed, had been viewing porn. And not just any old porn, what appeared to be a rape and male domination website. Moreover, from the musky scent in the air, evidently she'd been masturbating too. She looked on uneasily, her head a mix of embarrassment and confusion. "Joel, get out of my house now," she ordered unconvincingly, flicking back the thick mane of red hair. "Get out or I'm calling the police."

Making a swerve for the phone, she found her determined adversary too agile, his hand slamming down on hers, crushing it and eliciting a yelp of pain. As Cathy made to retaliate, a small clenched fist raised, Joel caught it. Cathy stood, frozen like a statue as Joel unravelled the slender fingers, bringing them to his mouth, lips enveloping the long middle digit, tasting the faint flavour of pussy.

The redhead gasped as unexpectedly his free hand made a hasty underarm arc, slamming roughly into her crotch and grabbing at it like a crane. Joel squeezed and kneaded at the light material of the skirt, as his victim edged back, trapped up against the kitchen unit like a cornered fox. Adjusting, Joel shuffled his hips between her legs, Cathy's arms falling back on the hard surface to support her weight, unbalancing. As he pushed into her crotch, Cathy's feet elevated from the ground and she hung in the air, trapped between Joel and the kitchen unit.

Their eyes met, hers frightened like a deer caught in the headlights, his as lifeless as an android's, each grind of his cock against her crotch causing it to twitch and inflate inside his jogger bottoms. Reaching down, Joel gripped the collar of her shirt, tugging firmy. Several bottoms popped as he tore, the light material parting at the centre to reveal a heaving, lace clad bosom. The bra was a half cup push-up design, raising her breasts like two trifles, the lace so light the nipples moulded into each cup. Engulfed by two enormously spread aureolae, visible through the diaphanous material, Joel swallowed hard. Cathy gasped in shock and distress, her eyes as wide as ping pong balls. "Joel, no...please..." she begged, shuffling back on her elbows, but going nowhere fast.

Joel sneered, ignoring the protest as he eased the shredded shirt off her shoulders, their midriffs welded. As he craned forward to kiss her, instinctively Cathy put up her hands, unbalancing further, her spine meeting the cool surface of the unit, knees raised and legs kicking up horizontally. In a desperate attempt to flee, sharpened talons clawed at his cheek, drawing two tramlines of blood and prompting Joel to shake his head, features graven. "Oh dear, Cathy, now that wasn't clever," he whispered, the words spiced with menace.

The prone woman flinched as his hand rose, though Joel merely dabbed at his cheek, assessing the damage. Not that looks mattered where he was going! Dismissing the numb pain, he moved in, attempting to press his mouth to hers. Defensively Cathy turned away, head defiantly to the side. Again Joel voiced his displeasure in revered tones. Tugging blindly at the top drawer, his groping hand fell upon a kitchen knife. Holding the blade to Cathy's cheek, the mere threat did the trick, no verbalisation of the intent required.

A prompt from Joel and she turned her head back, lips puckered to receive his. In an act of submission, she even allowed his tongue to snake inside, finding hers, hoping this would pacify him and see an early end to the torment. As she lay, Cathy was doubtless thinking: he's my neighbour, there's no way he'll go through with this. He's just trying to frighten me. At the same time, Joel was thinking: Yeah I may be her neighbour, but do I give a fuck? By the time the cops catch up with me I'll be long dead. The thought passed in a quick pulse from brain to groin, his cock harder than ever before, more so even than with Natalie hours earlier. This was one exhilarating headrush. "Take off your bra for me," he ordered.

As Cathy paused, the knife was held aloft once more, prompting her to reach behind to comply. Unhooking, the lacy garment, it loosened on the huge fleshy womanly orbs, the tops of the aureolae exposed. As the flimsy garment fell, exposing a pair of pendulous d-cup delights, Joel licked his lips in anticipation.

Instinctively Cathy went to cover herself, eyes welling with salty tears, breath racing, heart pounding. Joel smiled as he reached down and pushed both arms back to her sides holding them in place with an elbow and a raised knee as he straddled her body, cupping the underside of each fleshy orb and fondling expertly. Joel squeezed then moulded the oversized tits into a hot-looking cleavage, each hard nipple popping out on stalks. Playfully he rubbed a palm across, grazing the surface of each erect teat and eliciting a light moan from his victim, before wrapping his lips around the right one. Sucking long and hard, he stretched the nipple with his bared teeth, causing Cathy's back to arch almost involuntarily and more unwilling pleasure.

Seemingly resigned to her fate, doubtless buoyed by her earlier masturbatory exploits, when Joel moved his knee back down to attain comfort, Cathy's arms remained passively at her sides. He clawed at her crotch, gathering up a length of pleated skirt. Cathy groaned, fingernails scraping the glazed surface of the worktop, the heat of the day having caused her face to blush purple, sweat bubbling on the skin, red hair matted to her brow. The skirt up around her waist, Joel continued to prod at her cunt through a pair of panties that was getting damp, causing an intoxicating aroma to waft up. "You want me to fuck you, don't you Cathy?"

Regaining her senses and attuned to the madness of the charade, the prone housewife shook her head vehemently, in denial, the motion causing her tits to wobble like blancmanges. "Yes you do, Cathy, you've always wanted me, haven't you?"

"Noooooooooooo." The cry tailed off as Joel dispatched the skirt to the kitchen floor, leaving just the skimpy panties to cover Cathy's modesty.

Easing the joggers to his knees, Joel's cock sprung forth, prodding at her inner thigh as he jockeyed for position. Cathy closed her eyes, resistance ebbing as her panties were drawn aside and the tips of Joel's fingers scraped the brush of red hair. He stroked the wiry brush, enjoying the feel and the moistness beneath. Moving in more snugly, cock replaced hand, its fingers sucked clean, her pussy squelching as the swollen and bulbous tip dug into lushness. Both let out an audible sigh.

Cathy adjusted on the hard unit, parting her legs and raising her knees to allow the head to embed in the moist and juicy snatch. Inhaling a lungful, Joel slammed the shaft hard mercilessly forwarf, splitting her pussy. Cathy thrashed her head from side to side and whimpered. Joel#s eyes rolled, savouring the feel. "You've wanted me all along, haven't you, Cathy?"


Joel retracted and slammed back harder, deeper if that were possible, burying to the base of the shaft, heavy balls crashing against her perineum. "That's for stringing me along all this time," he cried, cock sticky with her juices.

"I'm sorrrrrrry," moaned Cathy.

Slam, it went back in, raising a fevered groan. "And that's for your fuckin' shitty kids trampling my flowerbed."


Another rockhard thrust brought a further shriek. "And that's for the little bastards breaking my window."

Cathy's apology was muffled in the loud expiration from her lips, accompanying a gush that rushed around his shaft preceding a monumental orgasm. Another violent stroke caused the climax to rip through her body. "God you make me so hot, Cathy," he panted. "I'm so damned close myself."

Through her groaning, Cathy appealed: "Please don't cum in me, Joel, I'm not on contraceptives."

As his stroking slowed to a leisurely pumping, Joel thought about the plea. Why the fuck shouldn't he dump his wad inside her? The idea of leaving behind a legacy, preferably a son to avenge his murder, appealed no end. As he pushed his cock back and forth, Cathy continued to plead over and over not to cum inside her.

Joel scratched his chin, a wicked thought arising. Out popped his rock hard slime-coated cock and, in a show of balletic dexterity, he flipped his victim over onto her front, large tits pressed down onto the surface, spilling out from the sides. A fulsome cackside wiggled invitingly as Joel manouvered. The engorged head of his rampant manhood ran up her perineum, depositing a snail-like trail, until the head nestled in the puckered ring of her arse. Suddenly Cathy realised the error. "Noooooooo, not my arse," she begged in genuine terror.

"Yes your arse," her tormentor retorted manically, backing up the words with hard actions, prising apart her buttocks with his fingers and forcing the engorged head into that most tight of crevices.

Cathy squealed like a pig caught by the butcher before he was even a fraction of the way in and, had he not been so hard, the clenched virgin arsehole would surely have repelled the unwelcome invasion. Yet nothing on earth was going to stand in Joel's way as his meat cleaver ripped into the tight anal sinew and muscle. Each newly impaled inch drew a squeal of pain from Cathy, the feeling of warmth from the recent orgasm having quickly subsided into stone cold fear. Joel roared his appreciation as the tight tunnel strangled the shaft. He forced in the last two inches, shouting: "And that's for your cat shitting on my patio."

The apology that fell from her lips was inaudible, drowned in a scream as Joel held still, savouring the feel.
Cathy continued to plead hopelessly for mercy as he stole a deep breath. With that the anal assault began in earnest.

In and out of her ravaged arsehole he drilled, her breathing pepered with whimpers. Unluckily for poor Cathy, his earlier activity with Natalie had turned Joel into a marathon man. He felt he good go all day. In and out his cock pistoned, slap, slap, slap sounded his thighs against her buttocks, each stroke eliciting a more heightened reaction. "And that's for keeping me awake at night with your stupid parties."

Cathy's whimpers grew louder as her arse stretched to accommodate the huge tool. "You love having your arse fucked, don't you Cathy?" he mocked.


"Hmmm, I think you do," he retorted, reaching under to run a finger into a pussy that had become somewhat soaked.

Cathy baulked at the touch, relaxing as Joel's finger found her swollen clit and teased it. Joel felt her cunt clench around the digits, holding them in. "Now, admit it Cathy, you filthy slut, you love having your arse fucked."

As if by way of prompting, Joel inflicted a dozen quick hard anal thrusts. A brief hesitation, finally she admitted: "Oh yes I do, Joel, yesssssss. That's it, fuck my tight little arse hard, Joel," she implored.

Leaning in, he nibbled at her earlobe before whispering: "And what are you?"

"I'm a...I'm a filthy little slut."

The words sent Joel perilously close to the edge. Yessssssss," he exhaled.

Upping the tempo, he buggered and fingered with gusto, ravaging the hot body beneath him. Reaching the point of no return, he exploded inside her ring with a volcano-like climax, length after length of hot seed pumping up into her bowels.

The sensation of spunk filling her up elicited a second huge orgasm in Cathy and she wailed, banging her hands hard on the surface, a sticky pool on the kitchen surface forming between her legs. "Oh fuck Joel, yessssss."

Joel grinned. "Who needs to look at porn, huh Cathy?" he mused, before wiping his cock on a strip of torn shirt,.drawing up the jogging bottoms and letting himself out as if nothing had happened.


After a refreshing shower, Joel sat down to decide what to do with this, his last afternoon on earth. He'd gotten even first with Natalie and now Cathy, and it was all but impossible to top the morning's events. His brain went into overdrive, finally arriving at a lightbulb moment of pure evil brilliance. Hmm, no... Wait... Wait... A huge grin elevated his lips then subsided.

No, he couldn't. Could he? His heart started to pump like an overactive generator. Fucking hell Joel, you twisted genius. It was brilliant, yet oh so risky. If he timed it badly, there'd be no easy death to savour, no speedy bullet to the brain. Standish would likely have a gang of henchmen dismember him finger by finger, toe by toe, before beating his tortured body to within an inch of his sorry life with baseball bats and finally burn his genitalia with a blowtorch. The thought caused Joel to suck in the air dramatically.

Yet it was brilliant, ambitious and verging on crazy, as satisfying an act of vengeance as there could be. It was, after all, the brattish yet sexy teenager Tiffany Standish who'd gotten him into this predicament in the first place. The stealing of her virginity along with the tortured discovery later by Standish would be absolutely priceless and send Joel McCabe to the grave a contented man. Now all he had to do was put the plan in place.

Part 3 will follow shortly.


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The morning came and over breakfast l asked where was the nearest sex shop, Molly said there was one in town but she didn’t want to go there as someone could see her going in but found another in Kingslyn and would prefer we go there, so Kingslyn it was, l suggested we make a day of it and have lunch, Molly liked the idea. She finished her breakfast and went for a shower when l joined her she had her back to me, l reached around to her front to play with her tits then slid one of my hands...

3 years ago
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My Brothers Toy Pt2

My brother and l got halfway through the pizza when he told me to take my knickers off and lay on the table, Dave tore off a slice of pizza and rolled up the slice then forced it into my pussy and began eating the pizza from my hole although it was exciting the pizza was very greasy, l was loving the things my brother was teaching me about sex. When he had finished eating the pizza and my pussy l was half slid off the table and had my knickers peeled off then got my arse fucked hard by my...

2 years ago
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Kate becoming a bitch Pt2

During the following week Dave and I talked about what had happened and what Kate actually men't when she said “I’m yours to do what ever you want with and whenever”. So Dave suggested I talk to her and find out how far she would go I guess pretty far as we have a film of her fucking our dog and me eating dog cum from her pussy. So when Friday come around Dave went to the pub with Tyson as normally and Kate and I stayed in and chatted over a couple of bottle of wine. I built up the courage...

1 year ago
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Master PC Kyles Adventure pt2

What a night I thought. I’m pretty sure I had more sex last night than I have had all year. As I crawled out of bed I noticed Emily still passed out sprawled across the bed. I decided to head into work early so I could go for a run. I threw on some sweats and a T-shirt, packed my bag, and headed out of the house. I haven’t gone for a morning run in ages. It was a beautiful morning, and with the night I had last night, I was looking forward to clearing my head a bit. There is a great trail...

3 years ago
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The stepdaughters revenge pt2

"Have you lost your mind? Please Alicia just get off of me!" I'm done playing her games! "Fine!" With a sly smile she jumps from my lap and a shameful wave of disappointment to washes over me. In my boxers I can feel patches of wet, evidence of my pleasure but on my leg there is another wet patch, this one evidence of her own pleasure. Keeping her eyes on me she slides between my legs coming to rest on her knees. My heart is going crazy as her manicured fingers work first the button...

4 years ago
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Naughty Nick PT2

"She's in here." I hear a voice that I'm sure belongs to "naughty nick" and I no longer have to pretend to sleep. My body instantly seizes up and I lay rigidly still. "What would you like me to do with her Sir?" Its a softly spoken womam, an American by the sound of it. "Clean her, get her something to eat. The usual. But she's a feisty little bitch," His warning to the girl nearly makes me smile until he finishes his sentence. "The boys love it when she tries to fight but be...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Top Pt2

******************************************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************************* WARNING - Bisexual content FFM, Some Hetero Sex FM, if its not your thing, please dont read. We arrived into port at the same time as the big trawler. The captain was a big solid bald guy, probably early 40s. He waved to us in a friendly way as we tied up to a guest mooring. As...

2 years ago
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The adventures of Tom Matt pt2

Matt would text Tom on his way home and the two would meet at the grate that lead into the side yard of Tom’s house. Once behind the fence and out of sight of anybody, Tom would drop to his knees and open Matt’s pants. Tom would pull out Matt’s soft used cock and Tom would blow him there in the shadows. Since the first time Tom sucked Matt’s cock after he fucked Sara, Tom loved the new way Matt’s cock would taste. A mixture of his and Sara’s cum covered his dick and Tom would suck it clean....

1 year ago
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Adopted Affair pt2

It's Monday morning and we woke up early, I had to go to school and Janice had to work at the school. We are breakfast and got ready, as we drove to school, we didn't talk to each other, we knew what we had to do, go day by day pretending nothing was happening. We made everybody believe that my behavior was and would be better from now on. “Before we go in… remember there's nothing going on between us… we talked over the weekend and you have accepted us as your new family OK” she...

2 years ago
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My Wife is 54 PT2

Call him, tell him you have had a little to much to drink you are going to have your friend Dottie drive you to her house to stay the night ,you be home in the morning. My wife, being ever reluctant started to resist,but Dottie would have none of it. “Call him,cunt,or you will be sorry.” With that she called me, told me the story, and I told her ,”great,that I would see her tomorrow.” No that was not so hard was it baby,Dottie said to my wife, c’mon get into the truck,don’t bother...

3 years ago
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Karen My lover pt2

was getting much more confident. Her naughtiness kept popping up and she was beginning to experiment sexually. She decided to shave her pubic hair off, which when she showed me for the first time, I just couldn't help myself, I pushed her back into her bed, spread her legs and started working her clit with my tongue, and eating and tasting her pussy, while my fingers worked deep inside her pussy, first just one finger, then two, gripping my fingers hard. Even though my cock is quite...

2 years ago
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Summer vacation changed whole life pt2

he held my face in his hands and gave me a deep lip kiss our tongues danced together . he started pressing my boobs from outside he then removed my top and bra he saw no boobs so I got tensed and told him that I am an CD he laughed and started biting my nipples I felt great when he did it , he went down and removed my skirt and panties he made me turn around and started sucking my ass I started moaning mhhhahhhahhh and was pressing my nipples . He then came front of me and I lowered his...

4 years ago
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The unwilling gangbang whore pt2

The next day she didn’t wake up until midday. At first she didn’t seem to notice anything different, not until she sat down at the table and asked me why it hurt her butt sitting on a chair. She also wondered why her pussy and her asshole was so sore. I told her after dinner last night we had some drinks and she had gone a bit crazy with the sex. I told her it turned into a fantastic night of really wild fucking and asked her if she didn’t remember any of it. She didn’t and I told her she...

2 years ago
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Not Strong Enough to Say No pt2

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dad. Did you hear me?" Deb asked for the second time. "Huh" Oh sorry, I was in another world. What would you like to eat? (I know what I want he thought, then mentality slapped himself for thinking that) There is a great BBQ place just short of Dallas called Soul Mans that would be nice if you want BBQ." Sure, sounds great" replied Deb and she turned...

3 years ago
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Whos that Girl Pt2

“Yes” he answered simply staring at her dribbling pussy before him.“Good” she replied and placed the replica of his cock on his sternum before she raised herself up and eased the tip against her vulva. She sighed loudly as she lowered herself down the dildo, feeling her soaking wet pussy open easily to accommodate the girth. Her eyes closed behind the mask as she savoured the sensations feeling every millimetre of the fake phallus ease deeper and deeper inside her. For a moment she forgot about...

3 years ago
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Time at Youth Pt2

“I see you finally got the nerve to ask Anah out, Jesse,” said Amber. Amber is a year older than me, but about half a foot shorter. She has long, dark brown hair tied back into a pony tail. Her wood brown eyes were complimented perfectly by her black glasses. “Actually, I asked her out a while ago, she just interested in a commitment style relationship,” I said having Anah release my arm so I could give Amber a hug. “Yea, follow me and I’ll explain it to you. Jesse, can we have a...

3 years ago
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Brads new computer pt2

I then turned around and moved towards brad, who was lying on his side, his cock pointing at me and holding the jelly stuff in his hand. I told him to put it down, causing to look at me in alarm and say, "your not sticking your cock in my ass if you are not going to lube up first." I shook my head and told him that I had something better in mind than lube. He then put the jelly on the floor next to his bed and I got on the bed next to him, bent over so that his cock was only a few inches...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Maid Marion Pt2

  Once again comments and suggestions welcome.       Marion road out from her family hall towards Sherwood hoping to catch a glimpse of this notorious bandit they called Robin Hood. Anna her handmaid accompanied her as Marion got close to the woods her called " Careful milady lest the bandits snatch you away". Marion heard but ignored the warning riding forwards into the edge of the forest she knew this area well she had oft played here whilst her father had ridden further in to hunt deer...

4 years ago
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My Therapist pt2

As I left you guys, my friend patch decided that she was going to scare me half to death after a cuddle-therapy session by grabbing the crotch of my pants. The issue is that she's a lesbian and had never been attracted to guys. I guess here and now is the best place to start again. So patch has asked me how big my manhood was. Needless to say my cheeks were getting a little red at this point. It's not that I'm embarrassed about my size, I'm just as average as any white guy. I was just...

4 years ago
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Becoming a hotwife Pt2

Since our night out with Mark and Helen, I started to embrace dressing more sexy. Dave loved it. I was now wearing hold ups daily for work, nearly every morning he would sit and watch me getting ready. That I became to love, modelling my lingerie for him. I also had quite a collection of new heels as well. I was starting to embrace the hotwife idea of Dave’s, but still unsure.Could I do it?Three months after that night. Here I was. In my hotel room, standing naked, assessing my body in the...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Zara A Wee In The Company Sink PT2

Recap: After a deliciously naughty wee in the company toilet sink, Zara has left Mercedes taking an identical piss into the bowl, to go in search of her other office colleagues. Filled with the excitement of catching her friend Rebecca having a naughty leak in the gent’s toilets, Zara bursts through the door. Sure enough, the attractive data processor was indeed answering the call of nature. However, instead of pissing into the tall plastic bin or using one of the urinals, she had instead...

4 years ago
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Mrs Malone and Her Boys PT2

After a while all three boys come into the kitchen for breakfast, Mark and Alex just grabs some toast as they rush out for their lift to school. That leaves Mickey sitting watching his mother. He asks her if she can suck his cock, being the nice caring mother she is Jackie squats in front of her son and gives her 13 year old son a blow job. Mickey wants to come all aver her tits so she slips her night dress down and as he starts to twitch she guides his cock to her tits, he shoots his...

3 years ago
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She loves her Daddy Pt2

True story. Thanks for all the feedback guys, makes the effort worth it and again, to the negative types, you’re reading this, you got here by choice so stop beating up on people who lived it and are prepared to share. I’m not a professional writer just a guy sharing my adventures. Go visit a church or something……….I really don’t care . So, there I was, having a new and very exciting sexual tryst with my 16 yr old step-daughter, initiated by her, moved on by her and leaving me in that...

1 year ago
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Together with Angela Pt2

My sister, Angela, and I had always been close, but now we were tight. We spent nearly all of our time together, shopping, walks in the park and anything else two young people would do. And I always held her hand. Most people probably thought it was a sign of protection after what had happened with Bobbie Moore, but we knew it was more than that. Mom had taken her two weeks vacation and had decided to spend the whole fourteen days with us. Now don't get me wrong, we love our mother, but...

2 years ago
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Red Hot Summer Pt2

The next afternoon the sun was, once more, high and hot, its light glittering on the surface of the Atlantic and beating down on the boat bobbing up and down on the low waves next to a bright yellow buoy.   After the events of the night before everyone returned to their respective rooms for several hours only to emerge once again and gathered for a morning meal in the dining area. Juliana had heated a few rolls and served coffee while doing her best to avoid looking at the big, dumb smile...

3 years ago
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My Sister and Me Pt2

Please vote if you are enjoying this series. It only takes a few negative votes to knock the story way down. Your positive votes will let me know if I should continue. Thanks and enjoy... Julie was up and dressed by the time the alarm went off. I could hear her hair dryer going and was slightly relieved not to have to face her before getting the cobwebs out of my head. I wondered how this was going to play out. Before I could set some order to it all she came out of the...

2 years ago
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Spanish Surprise Pt2

A few days later, we were nearing the end of our holiday. Sitting in a restaurant near the beach, we debating what to do the following day when we saw Josh and one of his friends walk by. We exchanged a look of remembrance.  “He’ll remember that night for the rest of this life,” Callum commented.  “It’ll be a while before he doesn’t hear your voice when he’s getting down to it,” I laughed.  After a while, we moved onto a nearby bar for a few nightcaps. Appearing from nowhere, Josh’s friend...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Catching Emily Pt2

The next day I could hardly concentrate on school work. Twice my math teacher caught me day dreaming. Little did she know what thoughts were running through my mind. I wondered if Emily was having the same problem. I was so happy when the final bell rang and we all headed out for the buses. I saw Emily talking with some friends and when she looked over at me there was no sign that she was ready for another go. She simply looked at me and then turned away. Twenty minutes later we were...

3 years ago
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Eileen Pt2

I awoke on Saturday morning to find that Eileen was gone. She left a note saying she went shopping with some friends and she’d be home later in the day. I was disappointed to say the least. Oh well, I thought. I’ll stay busy with homework. Yeah right! After breakfast I wandered around the house for a while and finally ended up at my computer watching, what else, porn. True to her word, Eileen returned late in the afternoon. ‘Hey Dude, did you miss me?’ I shrugged. ‘Yeah, I guess maybe a...

2 years ago
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Sister finds my toys Pt2

Comment welcomed and appreciated… I awoke early next morning. Sometime during the night Chris had gone off to her own room. I was glad because it was easier to prepare to see her again after our wild night of electronics and rubber dolls. As I got out of bed I stumbled and bumped against my closet door. Chris must have heard me because she called out from the kitchen. “Hey hot-stuff! You up yet?” “Yeah,” I said. “I’ll be right there” As always, Chris had breakfast ready with plenty of...

2 years ago
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House Guests pt2

Jake still tried to look as if he were still upset with the idea but told his mom to have a good time and be safe before he watched them head down the street and turn the corner. Then his face lit up. “Hey Paley, guess it’s you and me this weekend.” He said happily heading into the kitchen where the 11 year old was sitting at the table drinking a cup of milk. Paley was still in her school uniform, her hair up in a ponytail her books on the table. She turned to him sheepishly and nodded...

2 years ago
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A Good Mans Just Reward pt2

Her little pussy clasped at the word fuck. "Yes Ron, please fuck me."Ron nudged her into the house and shut the door. His gaze was even hotter. There was one more test he needed. He took the back of her head by her hair and tipped it back. His intent was plain in his eyes. She parted her lips in anticipation.My husband kissed the babysitter. His tongue (oh, god, that wonderful, evil tongue) laid claim to hers.Laura had French kissed before, but the way Ron made her feel right then was a...


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