Zombie Wife and Officer Midnight
- 4 years ago
- 28
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I decided to call Lucy. After two rings she picked up, "Hello, who's this?"
"This is Aaron. Is this Lucy ... the nurse?"
"Oh. Aaron, I've been hoping you'd call. I've actually been waiting by my phone. I would love to see you."
"Well, you saw me in the doctor's office, didn't you?"
So lame!
"Yes, silly. I was hoping you'd call and we could go out sometime."
"That sounds great Lucy. When would be a good time for you? I've got absolutely nothing going on in my life right now. I'm kind of vegging out this summer accumulating hours of sleep, hoping my problem will go away."
"I overheard the doctor on the phone today. The conversation was about you."
"Well, what'd he say?"
"Ask me out, and I'll tell you."
"Will you go out with me ... tonight, Lucy?"
"I'd love to. You want to meet somewhere, or do you want to come pick me up?"
"Let me come and pick you up, Lucy. What's your address?"
"I live at 45234 Cambridge Lane, Aaron."
"Wow, that's right around the corner from us ... me. I can be there in 20 minutes. I want to look my best for you."
"Well, aren't you a sweetie. I'll be waiting for you, on the front porch."
"OK, Lucy. See you in a bit."
"Who were you on the phone with, Aaron?" mom asked.
"Lucy, from the doctor's office, Mom."
"Oh, is there news about..."
"No, she gave me her number, remember? Well, I called her and she and I are going out tonight."
"That's nice, dear. Don't hurt her with ... you know."
"Mom," I chuckled, "I hope she isn't expecting a great lover, because I'm not. Even though you 'took a ride, ' you're my Mom."
"Well, when your sister barged in, I thought you were going to explode; but I pushed her out, to protect you."
"Mom, what happened between you and me was more of an, experiment, than mindless sex anyway."
"Well, we did measure you afterwards, and there was no reduction in size after our sex-periment. Go ahead and call me Sabrina if you'd like – people who fuck one another should be on a first name basis, Aaron."
"OK, Sabrina – that is a beautiful name, Mom."
"Thank you honey, I was named after a character Audrey Hepburn played back in 1954."
"Cool, Mom ... er, Sabrina. When Jenna came in the room you did mention to her that I was shareable, what made you say that? What makes you think that I want to shank my sister?"
"Honey, you were the one that asked me to help you. I think Jenna wants to 'help' you, too."
"I think Jenna wants to help herself, that's what I think. I'm beginning to understand what a girl with really big boobs feels like. You know, everybody figures that she's easy and ready and willing to jump in the sack with anyone who has the time, money or inclination."
"Aaron, listen to yourself? Until four days ago, all you had in your life was your left hand."
"I'm not through. Let me finish talking, mister. You yelled for me, when you woke up with your 'problem.' I dropped everything I had planned that day to help you. I even let you talk me into having intercourse with you. I'd do it again it, if I thought it would help you. I kept your sister away from you. All because I love you, Aaron."
"Lucy has something to tell me, about my 'Schwanzstucker' problem."
"OK, I've heard both you and your sister use that term. I know I've heard it before, but I don't remember where?"
"Young Frankenstein, Mom ... sheesh, Sabrina – get a grip."
"I had a grip, Aaron ... and it was rather nice. We even measured it right after I kicked Lucy out, but it hasn't shrunk a bit – and it might not, honey. When you get home tonight, if you can walk ... sorry, I couldn't resist, come to my room and we'll discuss what Lucy had to tell you, OK?"
"OK, Mom. I've got to take a quick shower and get Lucy. She only lives a little over a block away, on Cambridge Lane."
"OK, Aaron honey. Be safe."
"I don't think they make condoms for anybody my size, Sabrina."
"Be safe, anyway. Love you, Aaron."
"Love you beautiful."
I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom, hoping to take a real quick shower and get over to Lucy. My sister was taking a shower. "Jenna, finish up. I need to take a shower. I have a date with Lucy."
She poked her head out, "Who's Lucy?"
"The nurse from my doctor's visit."
"Is she going to handle your Schwanzstucker?"
"That's between her and me, Jenna. Come on, let me in. I need to take a shower."
She parted the shower, exposing herself to me and said, "Come in, there's plenty of room in here for you."
God, she's gorgeous, but I still need a shower.
"You are gorgeous, perhaps another time; I have to take a shower."
"I'm getting out. I have to finish fixing my hair and I need the mirror in here."
I stopped arguing with her and dropped my pants and took off my shirt. I know Jenna could see me in the mirror, "I guess you are my big brother now, Aaron?"
"Hardy, har har. Jenna. Don't let the door hit you on that tight ass of yours on your way out. Which of your boy toys are you going out with tonight?"
"Richie Jamison. I've been out with him before. He's OK, but he's nothing compared to you, bro." She licked her lips.
"I maybe as unique as they cum, Jenna." I laughed at my own joke, so did Jenna.
"If Lucy can't help you, you know where my room is, Aaron?"
"What, Jenna. I can't hear you?" I lied.
She poked her head into the shower and repeated what she had said ... she also whistled and said, "Ooh Aaron, that looks like 55 centimeters to me. Remember, Math is my best subject. Lucy is gonna get the ride of her life tonight, heh – bro?"
"Sex is your best subject, my hot beautiful sister."
I quickly got out of the shower and before I could get a towel around my waist, Jenna took hold of my cock with both of her hands and said, "If you want a guaranteed awesome fucking experience, Aaron," she said with a very serious look on her face, "Come to my room later tonight. I guarantee it'll be better than Mom or whatever ... Nurse Lucy can do for you." She got down on her knees and took about nine inches into her mouth to somehow prove her point. She then got up, gave me a pull and whisked out of the bathroom.
While I was drying myself off, I decided to call, "Hey Lucy. My Mom and sister ... blindsided me ... I'll be there in five, OK?"
"That's fine, Aaron. Thanks for calling, I was a little worried you were standing me up."
"Not even, Lucy -- Seeya."
After dressing and taking the stairs two at a time, I yelled 'BYE' at my Mom and was on the way to get Lucy. I pulled up and got out of the car and opened the car door for her.
"Oh, my goodness ... what a gentleman?" she said.
"I'm sorry – it's just a habit my jerk of a father instilled in me, before my mother kicked him out, a little over five years ago."
"I'm sorry, Aaron?"
"I'm not. Nobody deserves what he did to my mother, nobody. Enough about that ... what would you like to do, dinner, movie, just go somewhere and talk?"
"Why don't we combine two of those? I'm starved and I have some hopeful information for you. So in the immortal words of Audrey II, 'Feed me, Seymour.'"
That made me laugh, and I said, "Burgers and Shakes OK, Lucy?"
"Sure, Aaron. We can go to a nice place on our second date."
"Wow. Scheduling a second date and we haven't even gotten to our first date location, Lucy."
"I like you, Aaron. You have a nice smile and I really want to know all about you ... what you like and dislike."
"When I first saw you, Lucy, I thought you had the sweetest smile. You were so professional the way you handled yourself in the doctors office."
"I was very nervous, Aaron. I've only been his nurse for three months. You never know what you are getting into, every time he calls me in to help him. I had a hard time keeping a straight face when I walked in on you, your mother and the doctor. I saw your 'problem' and it was all I could do to not blush and walk right out again. But when you said, 'I think we're going to need a bigger jar', I almost lost it."
"And after you ... ejaculated, I smelled the strong cinnamon scent. I wondered about the consistency of it as well and, so I put some on my finger and noticed it was thicker than any other ... ejaculate I had encountered, so I automatically put it to my tongue and tasted it. It tasted of cinnamon, as well, but also had a strong flavor to it. Do you use an acne cream containing Isotretinoin? Accutane is one of the brand names."
"Yeah, I put it on rather thick the night before this all started. Is that what caused this?"
We pulled up to a nice burger place. We went inside, and ordered our food. We sat down and started up the conversation we had in the car.
"So, you think the Accutane has caused my 'reaction?'"
"It may be a combination of Accutane and some form of cinnamon that have literally congealed and caused the 'growth' to occur. Has there been any shrinkage either soft or hard?"
"This is certainly the most interesting first date conversation I've ever had, Lucy. No, no shrinkage after four days. Are you here tonight as a nurse or as a really pretty girl I met, named Lucy?"
"I'm sorry, Aaron. This is the most fascinating development since I've been a nurse, and it intrigues me a little."
The young lady who brought us our tray of food interrupted our conversation. She smiled at me, but Lucy gave her a look that told her to 'go away.'
"So, have you given any thought to where you're going to college, Aaron? Staying in town or is the little bird looking to leave the nest, and go far away?"
"After I graduate high school, I've decided on Community College, to get my AA or AS in something; then, I don't know what my plans are after that."
"That's a good idea, Aaron. Wait until you see what 'floats your boat' before you make an expensive decision about a University. I went to community college in my hometown and then I moved here to get my Nursing Degree, and I stayed here, and now I work for Doctor Demmerhill. I'm 24 years old, by the way."
We stopped talking so we could eat the food. Lucy really eats like a guy, always having a mouthful of food and then slurping her milk shake. We didn't talk at all, until we were completely done eating.
"Where's your hometown, Lucy?"
"Springfield Ohio, about two hours north of here."
"That's a good distance, I'll bet. It keeps your family from dropping in on you whenever they feel like it. I've got to remember that when I pick out my University. Otherwise my Mom would probably walk in on me while I was 'entertaining' a young lady, such as yourself."
"Oh, you want to entertain me, Aaron? Sounds like fun. Want to come over to my place and ... listen to music or something?"
"Sure. Sounds like a lot of fun Lucy. Do you have anybody you're sharing your apartment with?"
"No, actually, I'm all by my little lonesome, in that great big apartment. I'd love to have you come over, please?"
"You twisted my arm, Lucy."
"I hope to twist something else, Aaron?"
"I feel like I'm in a TV movie, ever since I woke up with my Schwanzstucker ... why are you laughing, Lucy?"
"Never has that word been so accurately used in a sentence. In 'Young Frankenstein' you only heard the results of it. I always love that movie, especially Madeline Kahn's character, Elizabeth."
"Let's go to your place then Lucy."
After we got into the car, Lucy belted out, "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life at Last I've Found You."
I chuckled at that. She turned her head and said, "What? I thought I sounded pretty good. Music was my minor, you know."
"I thought you sounded absolutely 'vunderbar, ' my dear. I haven't done anything to deserve that beautiful voice of yours."
"Oh, Aaron. You will, at least I hope so. Turn left at Decatur ... right on Harvard ... left on Cambridge, the apartment on the right, number 2."
We got out and as we walked to her apartment, she grabbed my hand and put hers in it. I thought it was sweet of her to do that, so I took my other hand and put it around her waist and then dropped it so it was directly on her butt. While she used her key to open the door, I leaned into her back and whispered, "Don't hurt me, please be gentle."
That made her laugh for a couple of minutes as we walked inside her apartment. "Do you want something to drink?"
"Sure. Whatever you got. Beer, water or cinnamon juice."
"Why would you want cinnamon juice?"
"Mayve I vant to kip my enormous Schwanzstucker?" I said in the cheesiest German accent I could muster.
Very quietly, she said, "Ve shall see."
She turned on some music on her way into the kitchen. I got up and followed her in. I put my arms around her waist and squeezed her real tight against me. I saw she had two beers in her hand so I pulled her out of the refrigerator. She used her hip to close the fridge. She turned around and looked me in the eyes. I leaned in and gave her a nice soft kiss. She giggled and said, "Are you that horny, Aaron?"
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Heloo all , i am imman i am from mimbai we are from a well known family . My moms name is rajani . She is 49 now nut looks likea 25 years old girl . She is a professor , i am in my in 2nd yr mbbs. My moms fig is just like a indian women . She is short , fatty, white colured skin . Its a amall story of u all like i will send many more . Her dress at home is maxi , or skirt with t shirt. For collage saree or salwar . My dad works with whipro & now in london . 6 months back i came from collage &...
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I had been out on a bike for the last two hours and was finally pulling into my own little bit of the American nightmare. Home ownership proved to be less attractive as I went along. I suddenly had a leak in the roof. I found it during the second day straight of a gentle rain., Okay, since the interior roof deck was dripping water, I should have called a roofer when it stopped raining. I didn’t only because I needed to ride my bike. Again, I had to ride the mountain bike. After an hour and a...
Alyssa and I Chapter 1. The day I turned 22 was also the day I graduated from college. Pretty cool--what better birthday present could there be than a shiny new diploma! I knew the world was my oyster as I walked across the stage to shake hands with the university President, very conscious of the admiring eyes of my parents and little sister as they led the general acclamation that accompanied the arrival of each new graduate on stage. After the ceremony, my family and I came back...
Hi, guys, my name is Rohan. I am 22 years old, working in IT sector. I live in Hyderabad and am 5’6 feet tall, handsome, well-built body and my manhood is 6.5 inches. completely opposite to my height… LOL..that’s about me. Coming to my real story which happened last month ie. December 2016, must say had a sexual awsome experience at the end of the year. I also have a girlfriend and also had sex with her which I will reveal later. Because we guys are more interested in incest ???? and that must...
Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part Seventeen by Danielle J I also want to thank Puddintane for her constant help with this story. She just doesn't do editing for me but provides alot of creative input. DHCF wouldn't be half as good without this help I receive. I also need to thank Lindabeth for her help with this story chapter. Note- Part 16 of DHCF has undergone some edits to make the beginning of part 17 flow better. If you enjoy my story I suggest you go back and re-read the...
We had a few fuck sessions a few times at this motel before. I paid for the room and waited for her to show up with a freshly shaved throbbing cock, balls and ass. I was surprised when she showed up with another dude. We had discussed possible mmf, mmff & mff fantasies before, my cock throbbed even more considering what might take place. I sat on the bed as they came in and settled in. She looked hot in a short skirt & what I was sure was stockings. I couldn’t wait to find out. He excused...
Hello friends, This is a true story. Mai ek software engineer hu and Bangalore me rehti hu. I am 28 years old and this story is about my lover. This is less about sex more about love.So if you had a lover or if you r in love, you will like it. Do not fast read the story….You l miss it. There is no point in using fake names so lets come to story…. Baat 2007 ki hai. I was in my engineering. Semester holidays me ghar gai thi. Chuti lambi thi to ek coaching centre join kar liya-cdac. Parents ka...
The lobby of the hotel is busy. But at 5:30 p.m. on a Friday evening, I should have expected that. Groups of people standing around chatting and laughing, as they wait for reception. Your hand rests at my lower back as you guide me towards the lift. You press the button to call the elevator and pull me closer towards you. Your left hand comes across and I feel you give a light tug my pendant necklace. I look down and realise you are undoing a fourth button on my blouse. My cleavage is even...
Wednesday, January 27th – Mount Shasta, CA "You shouldn't have betrayed the coven!" Sable hissed, her voice echoing through the cave Christy had just stepped into from the Spirit World. Christy's heart hammered in fear as her former coven sister threw down a pink gem onto the stony floor of the cave. The gem shattered, flooding the room in brilliant, pink light. It slammed into her like a force, pressing against Christy's amber aura. Lust burned in the pink. Passionate, burning...
Chapter one: The Long Haul From the diary of James Down: Friday, January 20th. Sometimes I think I’ll survive the long haul. The odds are against it (they’re long odds), but sometimes I think I’ll make the journey. Then I look around–and I don’t have to look far, or for very long, the evidence is all around, in body bags–and I realise that nobody really makes it, nobody has the stamina. We’re all exhausted. Everybody’s knackered from all the effort it takes just to stand still. Standing...
That first day owning a bra was quite amazing. First having my wife take me to a woman's clothing store, having a clerk help us look for bras and panties when she definitely knew they were for me, then taking them home and slipping on a bra for the first time were all quite emotional experiences for me. While I was very embarrassed when we were shopping, I was surprised by how much I loved seeing breasts on my chest when I put on the bra. And the sex with my wife that evening was...
Hey guys, aapne abhi tak padha ke Methius jung se wapas aa gaya tha aur sath mein Titus ko bhi le aaya tha. Main usko dekhkar bohut khush ho gayi aur main usse milne bhi gayi. Ab Aage. Titus ki mehel mein hi duty lag gayi. Aur ye to mere liye sone per suhaga tha. Main ab jab bhi chahti thi usse mil leti thi. Lekin main is baat ka khas dhyan rakhti thi ke koi hame dekh to nahi raha hai baat karte hue. Haan baate hi hoti thi ya kiss ho jaati thi, Baki kuch bhi nahi ho paa raha tha hamare beech....
Mit der Zwillingsschwester und meinem FreundNach dem innigen Kuss, ist uns beiden klar, dass wir nun endlich auch unsere Sexualität miteinander teilen. Auch nach 26 Jahren gibt es etwas neues, aufregendes für uns beide. „Du hast doch vorhin gemeint, dass du auf Daniel stehst. Also fangen wir mit ihm an!“ Du schaust mich verwundert an. „Wir haben doch vorhin gerätselt, ob die beiden uns verwechseln würden.“ Ich schlage dir vor, unseren Männern vorerst nichts von unserem heutigen Erlebnis zu...
It was a hot and sultry July day and it was a time in my life when I was able to relax, probably for the first time, having just completed my exams and looking forward to going off to university.I had been off since late June, had become deeply bored and so had volunteered to play for the 2nd eleven each weekend. I was OK at cricket and that particular day we had been lucky enough to win comfortably. And so it was that we had showered and changed and were heading up the gravel driveway to...
Main khidaki ke baahar khada sun to nahin sakta tha par samajh zaroor gaya tha ki donon bahanon ne us din mere lund ke naam ka hastamaithun kiya tha. Mere lund dikhaane ka asar yeh hua ki ek din main jab raat ko uth kar baatharoom karne gaya. Us waqt raat ke koi dedh baj rahe honge. Maine dekha baathroom ki batti jal rahi thi. Mujhe achraj hua ki baatharoom ki batti kisne jalaayi.Main dhire se baathroom ke pass gaya darwaaje ki daraar se andar dekha, andar Sneha baithi peshaab kar rahi thi. “Oh...
Saturday, September 8, 2018, 12:14 a.m. Michael had never sucked two boys at once. It was harder than he thought. Not that Michael had issues sucking cock. On the contrary, he loved a cock in his mouth. He loved swallowing even more. Josh came first. Michael gave him the full attention of his mouth, moaning in pleasure with every spurt Josh delivered into his throat. He hated the taste of cum, but swallowed every drop, regardless. Josh’s deposit was safe with him. As David’s would be in just...
Trinity River, Riverside Texas~ ‘Shake,’ I would put my hand out, Numchucks would lift his Paw and place it in my palm and I’d give him a treat. ‘Sit’ and ‘Stay’ were achieved easily, ‘Heel’ was almost instinctive. The one thing I recall the most about Retrievers is while I’ve been out hunting and see a set of hunters off in the distance, chasing their dog through the swamp. Or owners that would yell and yell and yell and their dog never pay attention to them. Or they would fetch the game...
Andrea, You will not believe where I am right now! I’m typing this on my phone so I may be making some mistakes. OK, so last night I went to the bar to meet that guy that I had been talking to for a few weeks. Remember that really cute guy we met a few weeks ago at Charlene’s house? Well, His name is Matt and I gave him my number that night and we started texting…and then started sexting…and then started talking. After a few weeks of talking back and forth and flirting over the phone, I decided...
LesbianHello ISS lovers! This storyline was sent by email to me by a horny lady from Dehradun. I have just tried to add some spices to what she claimed a true incident. “When is Dad’s next dialysis due?” Vishal questioned as he entered the kitchen. Shyamala, his mother was busy preparing his favorite ‘keer’ as the entire kitchen was filled with smell of milk and roasted cashew nuts. “It’s today,” replied Shyamala without turning back and keeping an eye on the boiling dish.” I don’t think you are...
IncestAlthough I had him on girth my wife expressed that she thoroughly enjoyed the lengthy cock she got from Chris and equally as much playing with his huge hanging balls, especially dog-style. She even admitted she preferred sucking his cock for these reasons and the fact that his didn’t drip the pre-cum that mine did during oral. My wife was fucking Chris in the morning, me at night, and back and forth on weekends. Eventually the tables turned where she was gone for days at a time and...
Happy Canada Day 150 These are compliments of Fangman: The light turned yellow, just in front of him!! He did the right thing and stopped at the crossing, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection. The tailgating woman behind him was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration, as she missed her chance to get through the intersection. As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very...
Aunty Joan is comming over to stay for the weekend called mother. Aunty Joan is about 50 years old. She has looked after herself and has a great body. Im always mesmorized by her massive breasts.When aunty Joan arrived i had to carry her suitcase up to the spare room. It was now quiet late and she had had a long journey so wanted an early night.I Layed awake touching my cock thinking about aunty Joans Breasts just the other side of the wall.The Following Morning Mother and Aunty were going into...