Loosening Up - Book 8 - Decade Remembered, Decade StartedChapter 3: Things A Father Should Know free porn video

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Dave and Amy cuddled in the second large bed in the large master bedroom in his renovated home. Amy had been comatose for about three minutes, rendered in that condition by his administration of The Experience to her body as they made love a second time. The Experience was an A-spot orgasm, centered not only on her clitoris, but also on a small and highly sensitive erogenous zone just forward of a woman’s cervix.

Amy’s eyes blinked open and she stared at Dave for a long moment. She lunged forward and wrapped her arms around him. “Oh, God, I love you. I never realized what love was really about until I met you. I never want to leave your side or your bed. I want to pleasure you a thousand ways just as you’ve just done for me. I love you. I love you. I love you.”

Dave kissed her solidly and whispered his own words of endearment.

Amy maneuvered so she could sink her body down on his erection, slowly engaging him again inside her velvet depths as she presented her breasts to his mouth for his enjoyment. “Oh, you are so gratifying. This is the best lovemaking session I’ve ever had.”

“Ben loves you, too,” Dave reminded.

“Oh, I love him just as much. We are good together. I’m so glad he likes the Circle.”

Dave warned, “I remind you I can’t be exclusive or possessed.”

“Oh, that’d change everything. I’d never do that to you. You will be in my life whenever I can find that magic moment when we can join our bodies like this ... and I mean for the rest of time.”

After they were again resting and cuddling, Nikky found them. She slithered onto the bed and embedded her fingers in Amy’s drippy pussy as her mouth collected every morsel of cum and female juices she could find.

Eventually, Nikky rose and went to kiss Amy. As they did Dave made introductions. Nikky couldn’t talk. She poked at Amy until she entered into a kiss. Nikky then shared what she’d collected from her quim and snowballed the viscous fluids with her. After a few swaps she bought the remnants to Dave and duplicated the snowballing with him. Amy watched with amazement.

Amy gasped, “I can’t believe I did that. I can’t believe you did that. Nikky you are sinful.”

Nikky looked pleased with herself. “But didn’t you like it?” She giggled.

“I loved it. I certainly didn’t expect a man to do that. That’ll help me loosen up.”

Dave said, “You wanted equality. You got it. Besides, the whole snowballing thing is highly over rated, especially by males.”

Nikky said, “Dave will cleanup his own messes directly from the source, too. Some of us just like to beat him to it.”

“What brought you up here, darling wife?”

“Bed time.”

Amy gasped, “Oh, should I leave?”

Dave shook his head. “No. I’d like it if you slept with me. I’m sure Ben will be well taken care of.”


“Right here in the wet spot. I’ll put a towel down. I suspect given the time my other wives and friends will be showing up here shortly.”

He’d no sooner spoken than Alice appeared with Julie and Owen. He bumped fists with Dave as he passed the bed. Alice and Julie blew him kisses. They cuddled on one side of the other big bed in the room.

The accommodation to Dave having ten wives was to add a second huge bed in the same room of equal size to the ‘aircraft carrier’ size of their original bed. Of course, this was after a complete remodeling of the second floor to their home including the addition of more rooms and a build out towards the street.

Amy was hesitant about staying, but finally capitulated as Nikky curled up against her and provided a few more kisses. She was surrounded in love, and that’s not an easy situation to abandon.

Nikky assured her, “Ben is just fine. He’s romancing Bridget in our new guest room down the hall. He knows you’re in here Amy. I think they watched you and Dave make love for a while.”

“Bridget?” Amy asked.

Dave explained, “My niece. She’s hot. He’ll be having a good time. Since he also knows you’re here, I doubt he’d leave without you. If he does, we’ll take care of you tomorrow. Sunday breakfasts are special as you’ll find out.”

Pam and Alec came in and claimed some adjacent space to Dave, Amy, and Nikky. JR and Bill took space on the other bed, and then Heather joined them. The lights automatically dimmed further at midnight, and sleep became the order of the night.

Dave was serving omelets, as he liked to do on Sunday morning. He couldn’t believe that only twenty-four hours earlier he’d been in northern Maine getting in the left seat of a Cessna Citation – his own plane, and one that he still wasn’t quite rated to fly. He’d get there soon enough thanks to Alice and Adam Timms, the latter his official instructor for his jet rating.

At one of the nearby tables Dave noted that Ben and Amy were in animated discussions, no doubt about how they spent the previous evening and night. Knowing Bridget’s proclivity for middle of the night sex, he suspected that Ben had been wrung out and put away wet before appearing on the patio for the morning breakfast fare. Amy and Ben were both smiling and talking eagerly, so he guessed that all was well between them.

For that matter, Dave and Nikky had put some finishing touches on Amy that morning. All three of them were morning people as it turned out, so they had a quiet lovemaking session on the bed even as the others in the room slept or watched them through squinted eyes. Amy seemed very happy.

JR was part of the breakfast serving staff. She collected the omelets for Ben and Amy and then delivered them, taking time to sit for a minute or two and extoll one of her own viewpoints about the Circle. Dave suggested that she tell them about her sixty-day ‘free trial offer’ regarding Circle membership for herself.

As breakfast was ending Dave saw Ben and Amy talking to Julie, the Circle treasurer. Based on their thinking that morning, he guessed that they were seeing about the financial aspects of Circle membership. Julie had set the rate for ‘pledges’ to the Circle depending on the frequency they planned to use the culinary and pool services, as well as other amenities. The last Dave knew the amount was $550 a month unless they were staying over in guest quarters a lot. The amount was very much on an honor system and based on a couple.

Several of the children ran by and splashed into the pool. They were all superb swimmers; almost from the time they were two years old. Further, Dave was sure they all were growing gills and fins because they loved the water wherever they were. Most of the group was in the range of three to six years old at this stage.

Matthew and Rose strolled between two of the houses onto the patio. They were holding hands but there didn’t seem to be the fierce burning passion of young love between them. Dave suspected that had as much to do with the fact that they’d been totally committed to each other since Scarlett first showed up with her daughter when Matt was about seven or eight. Rose had instantly fallen in love with him, declared that they were a couple and would eventually wed, and from then on that was that. Matthew never took issue with what Rose declared all these years.

The two went over and watched over the children. Matthew wore board shorts that were so low on his hips that a strong wind might have resulted in their complete removal and an exhibition of his teenage equipment. Rose was wearing a monokini and proudly displaying her teen breasts, which given the ethos of the Circle was no big deal. Around the patio there were actually more interesting tits on display, at least to Dave’s perverted eyes. Rose was still filling out, although in her middle teenage years. Alice had continued to fill out into her twenties.

Matt and Rose knew everything there was to know about the Circle and about sex. They’d both promised to abide by the ‘Not Yet’ rule until all relevant parents had given them a go ahead. Neither seemed upset at that ruling. If anything, Rose seemed to breath a little easier. Matt was very laid back so it was difficult to tell whether he was affected at all. He did agree with no qualifications or complaints. Dave suspected they were just fine enjoying all the variety available on ‘third base’.

After some conversation with the younger kids and ensuring that a few of the nearby adults would keep any eye on them, the young couple took over an empty chaise in the shade and laydown together. Rose snuggled into Matt’s side and they talked and dozed in the bright sunlight.

Heather came by Dave and hooked him into a kiss. “Hi husband.”

“Hi wife. I was just looking at how cute and yet adult Matt and Rose are.”

Heather spied the pair. “Yes, and I’m not ready to be a grandmother just yet. I am certain that their hormones are well into high gear. Matter of fact, I was looking for Athena to talk to her about getting Rose on birth control if she’s not already.”

“You don’t know?”

“No, do you?”

Dave shook his head. Let’s go together. Athena was sitting with Taylor and Alec near where all the younger kids were congregated splashing each other in the pool. The two of them sat down and joined the others.

Heather launched right in. “Athena, is Rose on birth control?”

The pretty brunette shook her head. “No, not yet. Scarlett needs to give me a signal. She trusts Rose when she says they’re not having sex.”

Dave pulled his phone from his pocket and hit number six on his speed dial. A moment later his movie star wife answered her cell. “Hi Dave. What’s up?”

“Where are you now?”

Scarlett replied over some noise behind her, “Of all places, I’m in Morocco. This place is the pits – scenic and touristy, but we’re a little off the beaten track where we’re filming. Sand in every direction, but I have cellphone coverage; go figure.”

“Are you safe?”

“I think so. I have two round-the-clock bodyguards armed to the teeth with the threat of God and Allah in them if I so much as get a hangnail.”

“Good. Let me put Heather on the phone. We’re trying to avoid an issue otherwise things are good.”

Heather took the phone and explained about her concern about Matt and Rose, raging hormones, and the teen’s ability to easily find comfortable quarters to consummate the burgeoning adult relationship despite being in that category.

Scarlett said, “Do it. Let me confirm to Athena. She has medical power of attorney for Rose. Dave does, too. Either could take her tomorrow to our doctor and get her set up. I’m of a mind to double cover with both pill and IUD. Neither is supposedly one hundred percent, but together if she remembers to take the pills the odds become infinitesimal. I don’t need a grandchild just yet.”

Heather laughed and said that she’d made the same remark only a few moments earlier. Athena got the message.

After the call ended, Dave told Athena, “If you don’t have the time to take her, I’ll break away from work. I think Adesh could fit her in with just a phone call. Everybody in the Circle is on his favorite list. I don’t see him here today. Tim Faurst could do it, too.”

Athena agreed and said she had the time and means to do it first thing. Since school was out Rose wouldn’t even need to miss classes.

Matthew had just finished his middle year in high school. The classes seemed to come easily to him, and he was a near straight ‘A’ student, but just about the most laid-back kid in his class. Rose challenged him every step of the way. She had good grades as well, and had just finished her year. She’d be in the same school Matt went to in late August.

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Chapter 3: Things a Father Should Know Videos

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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 16 Trying New Things and a New Flash

Dave started to move in and out, sawing well over eight inches of man meat in and out of Kat’s sex. As he moved, so did Sean in her ass, but without the long strokes that Dave could muster because of position and size. Kat’s eyes closed as she savored the rapture of the double penetration. Alice reached in with her right hand and started to stroke Kat’s clit just above where her husband’s cock entered her friend and husband’s lover. At one point she even had one of her tapered fingers enter...

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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 26 Louisiana II

Sometime during the night, another co-ed had snuck into Phoenix and Devon’s room in the sorority house and inserted herself into the lovemaking that the threesome had been engaged in. Amazingly, she’d brought two things with her when she arrived – her bathrobe and her test results from the day before. Both were quickly dispensed with. This time, Devon and Phoenix watched carefully as Dave gave Bonnie Lou something called The Experience. They all cuddled the naked co-ed to them awaiting her...

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 13 Uncertainty

The emergency departure of Dave, Alice, Wendy, and Sharon for Houston to ‘rescue’ Dev Connor did not go unnoticed by the Circle. Dave’s house had most of the residents there when the mysterious call came for Alice. Minutes later, Dave and Alice were heading for their airport at a run, needing to get to Houston. A few shouted comments gave about all the information they had at that moment about the situation. That news was shared between all of the Circle members within minutes. Further,...

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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 19 Ohio

Dave delivered Gabbie Carson to a flight back to Philadelphia on Monday morning from Dayton airport. She was able to get a ‘dead head’ seat on another airline and had to be at work the next morning. She’d be able to hitch a ride back to her home in Delaware from her roommate who was working on a red-eye flight from California to Philly. Their parting was teary on her part, but he promised he’d see again and even be one of her lovers again after she moved to the Circle. He also urged her to...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 25 Experiment in Reality

Susan said, “This sounds a bit like a cult.” Dave chuckled. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard the accusation about the Circle. In a way, every unique group was a cult in his mind. His old Christian church had been more of a cult than the Circle because of how they restricted everyone’s thinking to only the rules and such they wanted the congregation to adhere to, but then again, the Circle tried to select its members based on their own set of beliefs about life and love. Alice nodded at...

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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 11 Foursome Date

Thursday just after five o’clock and as expected Dave brought Pam back to the house along with her luggage. He ‘officially’ situated her in the guest room, but they’d already talked about her staying in their bed. Alice had come home a half-hour early to be there to greet Pam. After their initial greetings, she told Dave she had also arranged for Owen to join them at dinner at a restaurant, and then for dessert at home. Dave smirked because Alice and he had started using the term ‘dessert’...

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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 12 Vermont

After reluctantly leaving Jessie’s home in Rochester, Dave meandered east across New York State. He had one particular destination in mind in the small town of Oneida – touring the Mansion House that had housed the most famous polyamorous communities in the world in starting in 1848 and that remained a symbol of one. Of course, the silverware that the community also produced went on to become some of the most revered, as well, but for Dave or anybody in the Circle, this place was...

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 10 Felicity

Dave had a habit of checking on the various rooms in the core to see how they were being used and what condition they were in just by occasionally strolling by. Some weeks he checked daily and other weeks perhaps not at all. He was on his round and opened the door to one of the relatively unfinished areas in the core. A hasty but colorful painted sign hung on the door said, ‘Art Studio’. He noted Colleen’s name and phone number under the words. He peeked into the room and saw Colleen...

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 28 Moving in the Right Direction

“Mr. Prentiss, this is your friend from Houston. I believe the possible threat to you and your community has passed. Just so you know, the opposition visited about thirty other gated communities in your county. Vigilance is always recommended, but whatever their mission, they seemed unsuccessful. The two men we’d tracked went back to Colombia two days ago, and seem to have assumed their old jobs. We have reason to believe they convinced themselves that your friend is dead or that erasure is...

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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 4 North Carolina

Dave stood atop Kill Devil Hill on the outer banks, looking around at the landscape of beach and sand dunes on the North Carolina barrier island. He tried to imagine what it must have been like in the year 1903 for Wilbur and Orville Wright and their motorized glider aircraft that wasn’t much more than a kite with a clunky motor. He closed his eyes and tried to think what December seventeenth must have been like as their craft made three journeys across the dunes from the launch rail. The...

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 15 Revision of History

After Wendy’s exit, no one made any further reference to the family. Those members who’d been at the short departure meet with Wendy briefly mentioned the family safety to each other and that was the end of the discussion. Everyone in the Circle and that knew the Connors were warned to never mention their name again and ‘reminded’ that they’d never known anybody by that name. The Circle Board made a decision to hold the house in the Board’s name, a point already executed in ‘official’...

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 32 Holidays Chaos

The relatively calm autumn came to a crashing end before Thanksgiving. There were a number of reasons for this change to chaotic behavior. Many in the Circle were affiliated with the university, most as students – students, most of whom, became frantic about the rapidly ending semester and the amount of course material they still had to digest in order to get a passing grade. About two-hundred Circle members and pledges, the largest number ever, decided to stay in Sarasota for Thanksgiving...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 17 Relative Decisions

Dave’s cell phone rang just as the Circle was finishing dinner. The call came from Aaron, his brother. “Hi, Big Brother.” “Bro, what’s up?” “Well, Shelby and I have the last week of February free and were wondering whether we could come and visit and take over your guest room or a room or two in that other house on your Circle? The weather has been sucky up here with no relief is in sight. We can both take some vacation time that week, so coming south seemed in the cards. If it’s...

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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 35 South Dakota

In the morning, Dave rode with Doris to a nearby tire store. They did have the correct tire size, except she needed two tires in order to balance on the car opposite each other. The bill was over four hundred dollars. Dave heard Doris asking if they had any used tires that could get her to Seattle. Dave stepped over to her, “This is on me. You can pay-it-forward. Besides that, I owe you some serious money for your coaching last night. I know you didn’t do that for free when you were back in...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 19 Transformations

As Dave, Holly, and Alice reached the patio, Shelby bounced up to Dave and plastered her nude body against his. They kissed like the world was about to end and the kiss would save everything, and then she reached down and fondled him. “Can we make love again? Matthew’s already gone for his grandmother’s.” “Where’s Aaron?” “He and Julie are probably fucking or making love or both in the pergola at the other end of the pool. We could go and join them.” She smiled, clearly indicating that that...

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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 3 Promotion

Dave made the rounds over the next three days as the opportunity presented itself for him to see every Circle member and affiliate. The question he asked was, ‘What do you think of Dale and Susan Harnett becoming Circle members?’ The response was uniform and enthusiastic, ‘Oh, yes. I’ve been treating them as though they were members, but certainly. They belong with us.’ When Dave had talked to everybody, he suggested to Dale that he and Susan stay over to the following Tuesday before...

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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 9 Three Tattoos Plus

Alice followed Owen across the hall to another private room at Greg’s Tattoos establishment. Suddenly, she had ideas about a more elaborate couple of tattoos just to get Owen’s attention and tease him. Owner had her sit on the edge of the adjustable chair in the room. “OK, what’d you pick and where do you want them?” He smiled broadly at her, obviously remembering their passion the night before. “I want a small red heart on my left breast, about here.” She touched the outside of her...

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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 2 Circle 101

Nikky was flying around the office wearing a cellphone headset and talking to someone while she arranged notes and papers on Dave’s desk. He waved at her and blew her a kiss. She held up a finger urging him to stand still for a moment as she ended the call. As Dave heard her end the call, she tore the headset from her head and came into his arms for her morning kiss and hug. “I love you.” “And I love you, Nikky Thomas. What are you going to do with me today?” “I’m going to have you meet...

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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 4 Challenges Flash Bang

The pair kissed and hugged, Alice’s generous bare breasts mushing against Dave’s manly chest and making him most aware of the sharp nubbins burrowing into his skin. She was aroused; so was he. He pulled her over on top of him, and Alice fondled his meat until the tip was rubbing against her navel. She rose up on one knee and sank down onto his shaft, totally enveloping him in a feeling of ecstasy for the two of them. “Oh, God. You are so satisfying – so fucking satisfying.” Dave chucked,...

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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 6 Conversations

A large circle of people sat in a Circle in the aftermath of a superb dinner served by Chef Bobbie – miniature Beef Wellingtons with a natural sauce served with fresh Belgian asparagus. The group had just finished praising the Chef as she sat naked in Aaron’s arms incessantly teasing him by grinding her pussy against his bathing suit covered cock. “Keep that up, Babe, and I’ll have to do something about your forward nature.” “Oh, dear, “ Bobbie feigned with a wrist to her forehead, “I can...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 8 Promotions and Propositions

A few days later at Dori and Ty’s house, Dave got tapped on the shoulder. He turned around, “Are you still avoiding me?” Rachel asked in a pleasant tone. Dave counted back the weeks on two hands right in front of her. “Hmmmm. It’s been twelve weeks. You tell me how you’re feeling and let me think about it.” Rachel crossed her arms and then looked peeved, “I’m feeling a bit like a pariah with you, and that makes me sad. I still love you, but I think you accomplished what you set out to do,...

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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 30 Loosening Up

Dave lay snuggled in his bed between Athena and Taylor. He’d made love to each of them twice. Athena seemed more relaxed and talkative after watching Taylor and Dave make love. Taylor was in seventh heaven, and talked throughout the lovemaking sessions about how good it felt and how she never wanted them to stop. Cricket came in and joined the fray. She’d been with Dave’s brother and sister-in-law, and seemed very content and fulfilled. Dave teased her, “What are you going to do when Don...

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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 25 Homecoming

Owen roused Alice from her slumber beside him and as naked as he was. “Come awake my darling lover. We have a plane to catch. I want to briefly show you Rome before we head back to the real world.” Alice moaned, “Come and make love to me first.” Owen was so easy to convince. The serious moves to get from bed didn’t occur for another forty-five minutes. Three hours later, Owen’s plane set down at the Leonardo da Vinci Airport twenty miles from Rome’s center. A limousine whisked them into the...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 6 Visit From An Outsider

Wednesday morning, Dave reminded Alice, “Remember I’m bringing my consultant lady friend home for dinner – Pam Hodge. You’ll like her. She’s smart, analytical, and very social. After dinner, I’ll drive her back to her hotel.” The couple talked about arrangements for dinner. Dave allowed as how he would drop some groceries off over the lunch hour, and Alice agreed to play chief cook that evening. The pair made a grocery list together and then left for work. Alice arrived home right at five...

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