TimeChapter 20 free porn video

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Friday was overcast and we put our raincoats in our packs. Aron was happy to hurry off to his group of admirers and I was happy for him.

The last half of the new kitchen was gone now and the site looked forlorn. Rita and her girls were at hand and we all went to see her Home Ec teacher Mrs. Murray. The teacher was not in but Rita said she would track her down. I wanted to get the appliances that had not been built in and now they would have to be delivered to the mine site. All they would require, would be levelling and plugging in the electric cord except for the propane appliances.

Helen and I went alone to the office to see Linda and Valerie. They were still in good mood. The spectre of Summers had not passed yet and might not for years. Mrs Cranston came over to us when we were talking. I turned and greeted her. She said, "Hello, Alex. I see that Linda and Valerie have jobs. Do you have any for an old woman like me?"

"Mrs Cranston, you are not old. You only age when you think you are old. I do have a job, though. I have always seen all those photographs around your desk. Did you take those pictures?"

She broke into a smile and said, "Yes I did. It is a fun hobby but my albums now are full of just my husband, some animals and some flowers."

"Well, how about you being my official photographer? I pay for all film and processing. Just tell the people developing not to cut the negatives into groups of three. I want lots of casual pictures but I also want some in which the people pose. I want to make up tags that each of us will wear. It has one's picture and name on it. I have to find some clear plastic to stick to it, so it cannot be changed easily."

"What is that for?"

"If I have the tag around my neck and you see that the picture and my face are the same, then you would believe that the name is mine. It will also allow some people to move through high security areas."

"What high security area? We're not in the military."

"If you went to a bank and withdrew Valerie's money you may not be apprehended unless they caught up with you. If you had a photograph with your name on it, the bank would know that you are not Valerie. A driver's licence can be the same way. The fair will have great many people coming to it and not all will be honest. There will be pickpockets, confidence men and even robbers. The police can let through the ones that have the identification but keep everybody else out, including the crooks."

"Why would the police want to keep anybody out?"

"I will tell you three first. I am trying to get over a ton of gold brought onto the grounds. People will come from all over to see that much metal. Is it interesting enough for you to go to a fair, even if you live in Toronto?"

"Yes, it would. I think that much metal is just beautiful."

"Others think the same and they will be coming here to see it. We have at most two months to get ready. That means making preserves, clothing, toys, quilts, preserved meats, novelty plaques and much more. If you rent a booth, you can make a lot of money. The church collects a portion of the rent and the city benefits by feeding and giving the tourists a place to sleep. We can make it like Niagara Falls but not as expensive."

"You don't have to convince me. I see why you have to have security now. I'll take your pictures for you."

"Thanks Mrs Cranston. I need two, though, so the security has a copy to see if the cards are real."

"That's easy."

We left to find Laura and each of us got a very deep kiss that told of her need to be with us. She told us what she had accomplished so far.

"I think you did quite well. Putting on dressings and bandages is a good start. Maybe we can make up an official medical kit that everyone who passes your exam will get. You might be able to take them through the hospital later to show them what it is like to be a nurse. I personally find nurses to be smart, sexy and very attractive."

Laura said, "As long as I am the only nurse you get, then that may be ok. I already have to share a lot."

"Speaking of sharing, are you going to move in with Natalie? There is room for all four."

"We did have a talk and if Natalie had a big bed we would be over at her house all the time instead of mine. I have a lease, though and three more months for it to run."

"I'll talk to your landlord if you give me the name and phone number."

Laura took a sheet of paper and wrote the name of a man and his wife along with the phone number.

I had five minutes, so I picked up the phone and dialled the number. For the next three minutes I explained who I was and the benefits of having their house changed for two months so they could accommodate some tourists during the fair. For two more minutes I explained what they had to do to make it work well and finally my cost for the help. Just before the bell rang Laura was given the phone and told how she was let out of her lease and could go at the end of the month, which was in two days.

We got a hurried kiss from a happy woman and we ran to class.

Third period found me in draughting. Mr Clark gave his ideas about what he wanted and what the students might get for making some good designs. The idea of assembling their own creations made quite a few happy. Even Nick and his friends were starting to fit into the class better.

Mike openly slipped me a sheet of paper listing his concerns. I made a more explicit wording of what I expected him to do. I added the numbers of employees he could get and the pay schedule. He didn't like the paperwork or the time keeping but that was part of his job now.

I made a quick drawing of a building made completely of plywood and either two by fours or two by sixes. It was a cook shack to prepare and dispense one particular cooked commodity. It had a wide shelf around the perimeter and under a wide roof to serve the army of fair goers.

My next drawing was of a large bag made of heavy canvas with a canvas wall around it. Clear plastic panels made up the majority of the area. A long canvas tube led to a strong blower to inflate the bag. Both were handed to Mr Clark. The room was now informal and some boys looked at what was drawn.

"The building is easy to understand but what is this thing?"

"A blower inflates the bladder. Children without shoes climb on it and jump around. It would be much more fun than jumping on their bed and best of all their mothers would pay to let them do it."

He said, "I can't see this being any fun."

"That is because you are too old to remember what you were like as a kid. I doubt that you were as reserved as you are now. I bet your mother walloped your butt many times."

He smiled but said nothing about it. "How are we going to make this?"

"There is a business in town that makes canvas awnings. Talk to the teachers in Home Ec and see what they think of the seams. They may even assist in the detailed drawings. I will pay for the first one but the boys in this class can purchase it from me at cost, if they are going to run the amusement during the fair."

At lunch Rita told me that the proper appliances had been found and purchased. They only had to be picked up and, of course, paid for.

I thanked her and turned to Mike. "Will you phone your dad after you finish eating. If he has a truck we can ride over and get it. You can take some of your 'men' and take the appliances out to the mine. Make sure you phone your parents first. It will be about two hours to drive out, unload the equipment and drive back."

Mike had a smile big enough to break his face. "Sure." He turned to five of the boys at the combined table and gave his own orders if the truck was available.

He came back a few minutes later with a long face and said, "Dad didn't get one yet."

"Cheer up. He may be going looking tomorrow and you can go with him. Your crew can clear the employment and working times first, so it is not going to come as a shock. Parents get nasty sometimes when they get things sprung on them."

During a lull in machine shop Mr Creighton pulled me aside. "The machines are coming in tomorrow. I have been after them for a time. The dies are not made yet but they promised they will be by the time the machines are set up."

"That is still good enough to get the hundred dollars. The TD bank has Okayed the line of credit but I haven't signed anything yet. I may have to get an interim loan to cover the machines."

"Alex, if they phone the bank, they may give you the machines for a week. They have some time to pay themselves and can afford to wait a bit."

"Maybe you should phone them first. If this is going to cause trouble, I can pay in gold if I must."

"I'll talk to them," he said and walked off to his office in the back of the class. In a moment he gave me the thumbs up signal through his doorway and continued to talk.

After school I went to Laura first. When it was safe I said, "Did you tell Natalie about the lease?"

I got a big smile and she said, "She can't wait."

"You want to get moved tomorrow?"

"I can't do that. I have to pack and get boxes and do a million things."

"Tomorrow I am coming over and we are going to pack and move you. I will see about a truck."

"We can't, it is too much work."

"There will be lots of us. Just get some boxes tonight and pack all your toys and things you don't want others to see. I am coming by tomorrow morning."

I got another big smile and she said, "Ok. I'll see what I can get done."

Helen and I tried to get home because Mom would be coming soon. Even Helen was happy at the event. Rita came over and I cleared up a few problems and then gave her twenty dollars. This was a week's pay for a man. I said, "Helen will record that this money was given to you. Pay your girls for their help and for any supplies you needed to get. Keep receipts of anything you get in the future. It may not be much but it is a way to teach you how to handle money."

She held the bill up with two hands and her eyes were sparkling at getting so much money. I gave her a kiss and started off. I heard my name yelled and we stopped. Mike ran over and said, "I phoned again. The man you saw before, now he wants to accept your deal if you will go there personally. Can we go, Alex? I want the truck. Can we go?"

I thought for a moment then said, "Is your dad free to go with us?"

"Yes, he has the truck warmed up, he said."

"Helen, I will be less than an hour."

She gave me a sad smile and said, "Ok but watch out for traffic."

Mike and I raced to his dad's business. As promised, the truck was ready. All three of us got in and we drove off. Mike was very excited and asked questions about what the machine looked like. Even a harsh dose of the truth didn't seem to dampen his feelings.

On the way I asked John, "I was going to help somebody move tomorrow. I could rent a truck but I can rent yours too and you make the money."

"How long you planning on using it?"

"Till three but we may be done earlier."

"You can have it. Just bring it back without dings and with a full tank of gas."

"You got a deal."

When we pulled up in the farmer's front yard he, his wife, their three grown children and their dog came out to greet us. The business was completed quickly and I paid the extra coin the man wanted. When asked, I told them of the incident at the bank and how I came there right after. The people seemed to be very pleased to meet me and shook my hand many times.

Even the dog got into the act and stood on his hind legs and tried to kiss me. I took his paw instead and shook it while saying how glad I was to meet him.

The old owner told us everything that was wrong with the truck and there was very little that we did not know.

When I shook their hands one more time I said to John and Mike. "What do you think of John driving the stake truck home and Mike driving the pickup?"

Mike was glum now and I continued, "Your dad can see if there is more wrong. He has more experience in driving. When he has checked the brakes and replaced the tires, it will be safer for you to drive. The spring and the lights need to be tended to. I am sure that if your father trusts you to drive the large truck you better get some training first. I have to get insurance through my company, too. You have to be signed on as an employee or it won't be valid. Just drive the pickup and let your dad fix the truck first."

"Yea, you're right. I just wanted the truck. I know it's yours but I will be the main driver." He looked at me seriously, "Am I?"

"You will be the main driver but it is not to go to school or drive around town. It is for company business, Mike but you also have to practice to get a feel for it. You should help your dad fix the machine, too. We have some appliances to pick up and deliver to the mine. Monday or later sounds early enough to me."

"Ok," he said but he tried to give me the impression that he was being hard done by.

Mike drove the old pickup in a responsible manner while following his dad to the shop. When we stopped, I wrote another cheque for one thousand dollars to be used on parts but informed John, "The bank phoned me and said I got a much higher line of credit. I have not signed the papers because the man is coming down in person. The cheque may bounce and I do not want my credit rating damaged. If you have the money, buy what is needed to make the truck as safe as possible for your son and my friend."

"I can do that Alex. You want a paint job too?"

"Let's use it for a while and maybe we can get an idea of what would look nice. I just don't want painted flames on the fenders. The truck is not for racing or it will have to get a new driver."

"I understand you completely and agree."

Mike and I chatted as he drove me home with my bike in the back. When I got out, I shook his hand and he just looked at me as if wondering why boys would do such an odd thing.

The family was waiting for me inside and both dad and grandpa descended first and patted me on the back and congratulated me on what I had done at the bank. Dad held my shoulders and said, "That was a very brave thing to do but very foolish, too. Saving babies is fine but capturing robbers should be left for the police."

"I couldn't help it at first. The first robber just ran into me when he left the bank. It was almost a reflex action to stop him. I knew the punch would give him a lot of pain and stop his part in the robbery. The second man ran into the first and it was easy to do the same thing to him. If I were you or grandpa I could just have picked them up and thrown them to the ground and then sit on them till the police came."

The two men smiled at the flattery and grandpa said, "Did the bank give you a reward?"

"Yes they did. I took the gold flakes and dust to the bank to get a larger line of credit. I talked to the bank president on the phone and he will give five million dollars as a line of credit. We will only have to pay three percent."

Grandpa smiled and said to everybody, "That's my boy."

Dad said, "You have to pay that money back don't you?"

"Yes I do. As I said, I will just borrow more money and use that to pay the interest. Before the end of the year we will see how much gold I should sell to keep the taxes where they should be. I bought some property too, dad. There are two farms across from the church that are good for nothing basically but are now mine."

Grandpa said, "Why did you buy such worthless property. All it is good for is hunting and picking blueberries?"

"That property is valuable but people just don't see it. The church needs a roof and I want to have a fair to make enough money to do the work. The land is large enough to park the cars and hold the fair. I have a favour to ask you and grandpa, dad."

"What is that Alex?"

"The fair needs things to sell. Clothes, toys, candy and food are needed. I want some of your sausage and hot sauce. You and grandpa can make a fortune. Everybody likes those things. If Mom and grandma made the buns, we would make another fortune."

Grandpa's chest puffed out and he stood a bit straighter. "We do make good sausage." He looked at dad and said, "It was the Corinz family that showed you how to make your sausage into great food."

"Tata, you use too much salt. The Lowca family at least use some other spices."

"Ha, your sausage tastes like it is made for sissies. The Corinz family knows how to make real sausage and I am going to make all my grandson can use."

"Their mouths will all pucker up. Maybe I should make beer and sell it. They will buy a lot more of my drink than your sausage."


"Grandpa," I interrupted. I am going to advertise all over and there will be three to five times the number of people coming to the fair than there will be in the city of North Bay."

Grandpa had his mouth open just a bit as he thought about this. "How do you know this? Is it another of your visions?"

"No it isn't. I want the bank to take the gold they are holding as collateral and bring it to the fair with an army of guards. People will come for many miles around to see all that gold. If we get enough flakes and dust, we can add to the pile and make over a ton of gold. There is something magical about having a million dollars in gold to see."

Grandpa said, "I would like to see that myself. Do you really think that so many people will come?"

"Yes they will. There will be so many people coming that I am renting out land for them to put up their tents or their trailers. Houses and apartments are going to be in a lot of demand. Aunt Eva should come down with her family and I can thank her for coming down when I was hurt. Her family can stay in this house. If some people stay at the mine most of the time, they can come down to the fair when their turn comes. I bought some houses and three hotels in the city. They will all make lots of money during the fair."

"You bought hotels! Why did you do that? You don't know how to run one of those businesses and we don't either. There are a lot of places to put your money that will bring you a profit."

"North Bay will grow a lot now. Part of it is because of our mine. Another part is because of the businesses I am starting. I can give a person a job and pay him reasonably well. People in other cities will come here to get a job, too. The city will grow because other businesses come here to sell their products to me or to the people I employ. As for running the hotel, it is like you now. You run the mine and the others do most of the work. I just have to find people that will run the business and one day the building will be worth a lot of money and I will have spent only a little for it.

"Next week I have to stay at the hotel to be trained by the old owner before he leaves. It takes much longer than a week but I think I can make it through all right with the help of the staff. It would be best if Aron and Helen stayed with me there instead of here. Mr Skryba is just going to have to do a bit more. If you are not blasting much, you should take the horse out to the mine and exercise her there. It is more fun, I think, to ride a trail instead of a farm road."

Mom and grandma had waited their turn and came in and hugged me with a vengeance. It was almost as if they would punish me for doing something stupid. "Alex, you were very foolish. Tell me you won't do such a thing again"

Since the chances of stopping another bank robbery was very slim, I said, "I promise. I won't stop anybody robbing a bank in the future. Would any of you like to go to the hotels tomorrow to see what they are like? One is especially nice and you would like it."

"You go ahead, Alex. I have too much to do."

That night we enjoyed more homegrown music. I wrote some lyrics and Helen sang them to my playing. I liked ballads and they made many in my youth. Now they would get presented to everybody but for the first time once again.

Dad played too but complained of his work-hardened fingers not responding like he needed. Mom and grandma sang their songs, too and that made the occasion very special.

The family went to bed and I had to stay up to do more paperwork on the electronics industry that had to get started soon. It may look simple to an untrained eye but there are a lot of intricate machines and procedures that took years to invent and develop. I was happy to know most of them because I worked on the floor of my plants. With enough companies I would be able to use many of my engineers to tackle problems and other businesses. They not only helped, they quested for more. I gave them challenges and then tried to beat them. They didn't pull punches and didn't let me win on the links either.


Helen, Aron and I got up at the usual time and had breakfast with the family. After we finished, dad said he had some chores to do and I said, "I want to help Laura move to her new apartment. It would be good for Helen and Aron to come and help, if that is ok with you?"

He looked at the eager faces and said, "When are you guys getting home?"

"We are having a noon meal after at the hotel; say, around five."

"Ok, be home at five and your mother will have the food warm."

"Thanks dad." He got two hugs and the same sentiments from his children.

Upstairs I said, "Bring a change of clothes. You guys are going to get dirty and sweaty."

We pedaled like mad to Laura's and the two went up to help, while I continued on to John's.

Fifteen minutes later he was at Laura's and she came down and drove John back to work. He explained that it would not cost that much to fix the spring because he had a used heavy duty set that would fit. I suggested that Laura go by the liquor store and the grocery to pick up some extra cardboard boxes.

I found the girls and Aron happily working on getting everything ready. They had gone out after school yesterday and found many of their own cardboard boxes. I took a pen and marked each box as to what was in it, or where it had to go. The boxes started going downstairs and Aron was going to watch them till Laura came to load them into the truck.

Aron came running up for more boxes and with some empties in his hand. More trips were made and more boxes came up. Helen and Aron didn't, though and I figured they were helping to unload.

Linda and Valerie were giggling and pushing against me as much as they could. They were trying to see what they could get me to do, I thought.

"My baby girls. You look so hot and tired. Maybe you should take off your skirts." They looked at each other, smiled and did as I asked. They, of course, had on their special underwear. I felt both and saw how tight their bums really were. "Take off your tops too. I like seeing my babies." The smile now was a little more tentative but they did like I wanted. They now only had panties and bra on. They took their time at bending over to check different boxes, so they would show me what they were really offering.

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It was one of the rare times for the Scooby gang everyone was separated valma was off in Florida for some extra schooling. Dafiny was on a trip with her family in France. It was just Fred, Shaggy, and Scooby. Fred wanted to have someone to come with him because his family is sending him to his uncles place after they found some sex toys in his room. So it’s just shaggy Fred and Scooby on the road to Fred’s creepy uncles. Fred tells the others that they are almost there.

1 year ago
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Sex With Girlfriend

Let me start the sex story by telling how much I miss her cunt and her boobs. I am that usual guy who used to watch a lot of ass shake and boobs. I had a huge crush on this girl in my college, especially her body was so super hot like her face. I saw her cleavage once in college bus and this was my thought for masturbating many nights. I was placed in the same company as her and found courage and approached her. She had already broken up with her previous boyfriend and she said yes to me. I...

2 years ago
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My cousin Jo and I Part 13

As we are walking. I’m telling Jo how much I care for her. That I don’t think I can bear the thought of her leaving when summer is over. Hell, I’d still be a virgin if not for her. Jo looks at me smiles stops walking. Then says “Oh I don’t think you would have been a virgin much longer. Your a great guy. I’m pretty sure that even if I had not pushed Christy a bit to start. She would have made a move on you anyway.” “Right, as backward as I was I would have chickened out and ran...

4 years ago
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This happened a good few years ago but it is all true.It starts one day in my house after a night out couple we were very freindly with on the way back home in the taxi i was in the back with my Mrs on one side and my mate wife on the other we all had a bit to drink and i had my arms round my mates wifes waist, we were all having a good time and i was rubbing her side when i touched the underside of her tit she never did anything so i left my hand there and with the movement of the taxi it...

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Marian the Librarian

A jack-o-lantern glowed on the corner of the desk next to a basket of ripe red apples. A vase of mums completed the autumn vignette. Marian’s head was bent over a pile of books she was sorting, hoping to have them back in place on the shelves before it was time for her to leave. Every October it was the same thing. Just about every book of “true” ghost stories was taken out of the library, and returned by Halloween night. Her thoughts were interrupted by “Trick or treat!” Marian looked up and...

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My friends dad

It was Christmas break and I was already afraid that prospects for sexwould be getting slim now that Brad would be going home to his family forthe holidays. We were roommates and lovers, and our sex was everybit as hotas the first time we got it on. Brad was a junior, a year ahead of me. Hewas one sexy guy, about 6'2" and 190 lbs. of pure All-American jockmuscle. He had boy-next-door looks to match, with slightly blonde hair andpiercing green eyes that he often kept hidden with the rim of his...

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Thicker Than BloodChapter 22

It’s not my fault, so why do I feel guilty. The man, my used to be man, didn’t have to kill those guys. He could have run off after he got the gun away from that Harry guy. But he shot ‘em down, all of them. Oh my, what a scene that must have been! And Jenna was there to see it. I know why she is always crying now for sure: she feels responsible. If she hadn’t been there, none of it would have happened. But, even allowing for that; he didn’t have to kill them, certainly not all of them! Why!...

2 years ago
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Same Time Next YearChapter 3

About midnight there was a knock on my door. I was just sitting there on the couch thinking about my problems. I had put my three kids to bed, hugging and kissing each one of them wondering if they were mine. Hell, I wanted a drink so bad but with the liver operation I wasn't allowed alcohol for maybe a year. I was startled by the knocking and I heard it again. I looked out and saw a police officer. I opened the door: "I'm Officer Bates of the Sheriff's Department. Are you Andrew...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Gina Valentina Kenzie Reeves Lesbian Girls

Gina Valentina and Kenzie Reeves hang out in the bedroom together, chatting in their bras and thongs with a pile of discarded clothes between them. They hold the garments up to each other’s tight bodies, debating the pros and cons of each one. Then Gina announces that she has just the thing as she uses the excuse to cup Kenzie’s breasts through her bra. Continuing to work magic with her mouth, Gina relieves Kenzie of her bra and continues to devote herself to the blonde’s...

4 years ago
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The Willing Voyeur Part 2

For obvious reasons, I locked the door the moment that Anne pulled out of the parking lot. With her panties in my right hand and pressed to my face, I inhaled her scent deeply. With my cock in my left hand I began stroking and it didn’t take long before I was filling my trashcan with cum. I tried working on her renter’s quote several times but ,every time I started, it would lead to my cock getting ridiculously hard. The only way I could get relief was to jerk off again. I knew that I needed...

3 years ago
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Summer Of 1972

It was the summer of 1972.  I had just graduated from high school and was excited about attending college in the fall.  I had been accepted to my dream school and my future was looking bright.There was only one thing that was bothering me and had been for some time.  I was the quiet studious type, never had a regular steady girlfriend. Sure, I dated a few girls and went to the senior prom, but I never really had a lasting relationship that led to full-blown sexual intercourse.  Luckily, that...

First Time
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Home alone7

I was alone late one night watching television in the living room when my uncle, Andres, 19, strolled in, stumbling, and he appeared drunk. He was staying with us for the summer, and slept on a mattress on the floor because we had no bed for him. He saw me, but did not say anything; he just grabbed the mattress against the wall and put it on the floor and threw himself on it. He did not bother to change clothes; he slept in his Levis and white t-shirt, breathing heavily. My attention...

1 year ago
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Submisse the Weekend Whore

Pat the Weekend WhoreMy husband/pimp has rented me out for the weekend, to himself. I am to be his whore for the weekend, starting Friday at noon until Sunday at noon. He has instructed me that I will do things I have only fantasized about, and that I will be nastier and sluttier than I have ever been. My pussy is dripping just thinking about it. He knows how nasty I love to be.Friday morning, I start getting ready for my weekend job. After a nice long shower, and shave, I put on my sluttiest...

2 years ago
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Warcraft ENF

Azeroth, a land filled with rich characters, lands, and constant warfare. Men and women rise as equals, to face their enemies in the ever-changing strife between the factions. But what happens when things don't go according to books/games? When the events take a more humiliating turn? And how do different races, raised in different societies, react to being seen naked? What would a strong warrior or a powerful mage do if she was stripped of all clothes in front of her enemies?

2 years ago
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CowboyChapter 6

Cavendish took the train west until the engine ran out of track. At the end of the line he looked at the handbills “Washer-up wanted at the Red Horse Saloon”, “City Police are recruiting”, “Guards for wagon trains, apply at the Red Horse Saloon”. Only one offered some interest to a young man with money and a taste for adventure. The Red Horse Saloon was where Dent Martin had his ‘office’. He arranged wagon trains West, for a fee, he would find a guide, some guards (mostly not against the...

3 years ago
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Malish Kerne Wale Se And Dost Se Mummy

Hi mera name Rahul Hai and Mai Rajasthan mai rahta hu. Mujhe iss ki stories bhaut achi lagti hai. Mujhe mummy ki chudai ki stories bhaut pasand hai. Aaj mai aapko apni mummy ki story sunuga ki kese mummy and malish wala ke beech sharirik sambandh bane phir mere dost ne mummy ko black mail ker ke choda. Mere ghar mai sirf teen hi log hai, papa,mummy and mai. Papa private job company mai kerte hai, mummy house wife hai and mai college mai hu. Mummy ki age 48 years hai and unka figure 34 38 40...

4 years ago
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Opening Doors

Opening Doors by Dawna Tompson In retrospect, I should have seen it coming sooner than I did. I should have caught on sooner. I can explain, but it would be best to back up and start at the beginning? I was frustrated and maybe a little bored by my job. I wanted something newer and more challenging. I had been working at the same job for almost twenty years and I wanted a change. Maybe it was the divorce. I needed a change of pace. No, that's not the truth. It wasn't ...

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TinaChapter 4

Dickie Busby surprised Tina when she first met him. She had seen his photo on the corporate website, along with most of the rest of the managers and owners, but in person he was vastly different. His photo showed a stocky and heavyset, well dressed young man; in person Dickie was a roly-poly teddy bear in his mid-twenties, with a short beard that failed to hide his multiple chins. It was the first Saturday that neither Sam nor Jack had been able to cover the Oneonta office, and he had come...

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Double Cross

I met Amy Parker during college. She was studying to be an engineer while I was enrolled in the school's business program. I knew I wanted her from moment I first laid eyes on her during one of the core requirement courses that we both had to complete for our majors. Not only was she beautiful, but she was brilliant. I had always had a thing for smart women. I was relentless in my pursuit, refusing to be dissuaded by the initially cold reception. Eventually she warmed to me and we started...

3 years ago
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When he opens the door to the bridal suite she's already there, waiting.She kneels upon the king-sized bed with love in her eyes, a passion reflected as he drinks in the sight of her, his lawful wedded wife. He stares in adoration at blue eyes filled with joy, at golden curls cascading, at her heart-shaped face smiling beneath the veil. Cleavage bared above the white corset, dress spilling out over the bed, sheer stockings and garter sheathing her long and supple legs. Like every bride on her...

Straight Sex
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Field Day

Prologue        Maggie was only eighteen and she still had a lot to learn about sucking cock. She bobbed her head up and down, eagerly taking my shaft into her wide open mouth to the best of her sore, aching jaw's capability. She only made it two thirds of the way down. My pubes could barely tickle her nostrils. I could tell she still found that particular sensation alien and uncomfortable. She hesitated as a fresh tear dripped down her bruised, battered face. I tightened my grip on her scalp,...

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Teachers Pet

You are absent-mindedly sitting in your sexual education class, it is the last period of the day, and you feel tired. You look over at your hot sex-ed teacher, Mariah Sullivan, she is 5'6, has red hair down to her ass, pale skin and freckles on her face, with sexy glasses resting on her nose. If you didn't go to this school you would probably think she was a student. She is 25 and very new to teaching. Suddenly, you hear, "Jake, are you daydreaming back there". You look up, and Mrs. Sullivan is...

3 years ago
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Like It Or Not Youre A Girl

Like It Or Not You?re A Girl! About two years ago, I met a beautiful lady by the name of Jane at a singles bar. We just seemed to click at the time, we both were immediately attracted to each other. That night we went to Jane?s apartment where we consummated our new relationship with what had to be the best sex I had ever had. Jane obviously had lots of practice and knew how to make her man feel real good! Our relationship flourished for the next few...

1 year ago
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The Girl in a Country Song Ch14

It was a nice spring day. Lukah had to work. Leaving Jessie to relax on the couch. After some TV and just having some "Me Time", Jessie got a little bored. And decide to take Cooper,… It was a nice spring day. Lukah had to work. Leaving Jessie to relax on the couch. After some TV and just having some "Me Time", Jessie got a little bored. And decide to take Cooper, their beloved dog to the park. After she returned home, Jessie sit on the porch drinking a couple of beers, she inhaled the...

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Transforming Irene Chapter One The Slow Transition

The Slow Transition:Two years ago, I was a typical wife and mother, living a comfortable life in Barcelona, Spain with my husband and two daughters. All that changed when, at my husband's urging, I began to explore other aspects of my sexuality. None of my friends, co-workers or family members could ever imagine the things I have done. If you told them about some of my 'adventures', they would never believe it. You see, I have transformed into a woman even I don't recognize at times. A little...

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Pramila Bhabhi 3 8211 Bonding With The Neighbors

“This is a big problem in the house. My husband never likes anything that I cook. Every night while serving dinner, he says I ate outside.” “Try one special masala. It’s my mother’s recipe, it will make the food tastier.” “Doesn’t matter. Even if I serve him food worth gold, he will still find faults in it.” It was evening time and two women were chatting in the balcony, just outside their room doors, in a chawl. One of them was Pramila while the other was her neighbor, Shobha. “Okay fine....

1 year ago
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Still Going Both WaysChapter 6

Classes and sports practice had begun. The house was once again busy with people going to work out before breakfast and between classes. Jill had probably signed up for too many hours because she wanted to try to finish early if I was going to graduate and potentially leave after the fall semester. Courtney was scheduled to be a grad staff player coach and as well as teaching two classes. Dan and Gloria our now married senior citizens were signed up for graduate classes and Dan had one more...

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An ClochnChapter 19

Siobhan's Clan stirred as the morning chimes sounded. The sound startled Ahha and Mapk. Although it was softer, it triggered their memory of the horns squealing the previous morning. Both quickly sat up with anxious looks on their faces. It took them several moments to remember where they were and to realize that it was only the morning chimes. Looking through the open door, they could see their friends beginning to get out of bed. They sighed as they placed their arms around each other and...

4 years ago
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Me And My Lovely Aunt

Hi all, this is story about me and my aunt where i managed to get her into bed with me after 10 years which happened in 2009. My name is Roy and i live in Chennai. I am 30 years old and a bachelor. I am 5’5 tall and average built. I was a virgin when this happened. You can send me your feedback to daringdevil85 at yahoo dot com. I’ve had this crush on my aunt ever since i came to know about sex. I seriously can’t remember since when or if there was any instance that made me to admire her. She...

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A Weekend in the Blue Ridge Part Three

Josh was a mass of pent-up, seething need as he yanked Emily in. He was done with the waiting and sneaking. His pull had propelled Emily to the center of the room. Josh leaned back against the closed door and threw the deadbolt, the sound gunshot loud in the quiet darkness. He watched Emily turn to face him, ambient light from the sheer-covered windows casting her in gradient shadow. He could see her body in silhouette, every luscious curve starkly defined. “Tell me what you want, Emily.” He...

1 year ago
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Seduce My Beloved Aunty

Hello, ISS readers. It’s me Bhargav again with my breathtaking story of Sacred Incest love between me and my aunty, trust me or not it is a complete true story which happen when I was 16. Now jumping to the story my family is a typical joint family, so in my house there are me, my mother, my father and my little sister, uncle and princess of this story my aunty Nandini. About Nandini she is 34, 5’11”, fair, long hair and most amazing feature of her body is her curvy body. Her vital states are...

1 year ago
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I knock on your door at 7.00pm as agreed, right on time. Dressed in a black skirt that ends just over my knees and no panties, as always in your presence. You open the door to let me in. Thinking this would be another usual fuck-meeting I walk through to the living area when I get stopped right in my tracks: Someone else, a guy is sitting on the couch... Startled I stop walking and stare at the guy. "This is Daniel," you say grinning, "an old friend of mine." "Hi," says Daniel, "I heard a lot...

3 years ago
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My Fantasy To Have Physical Satisfaction

Hi ISS readers this is vishwash again and this is my second story that I’m posting in this portal and my first story is “Neighbor House Couple Real Sex Watched By Teenager.” I got couple of replies from girls but my bad luck was I did get any chance to have sex with any one. So I hope I could get this time to full fill my sex desire and I regularly follow this website. Coming to the story of my fantasy of having sex and about myself, age 25, height 5.7 feet and wheat red color skin tone and my...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Spencer Bradley Mona Azar Thou Shalt Not Covet

Mina (Spencer Bradley) arrives at the home of her priest (Michael Vegas), and introduces him to a woman, Valerie (Mona Azar). Although the priest is expecting Mina, he seems a bit confused by Valerie’s presence, but still invites them inside. As they talk, it is revealed that the priest previously agreed to officiate Mina’s wedding. However, when he finds out that Mina will be marrying Valerie, he becomes disgusted and refuses to take part in the wedding after all. The priest says...

4 years ago
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The Club part 7

Benny heard the shower running and then his mother walk into her bedroom to read. He continued to ponder his moves and words, but did nothing, cursing himself for his lack of courage. Before he knew it, it was 10.30pm and he decided to go to bed, feeling empty because of his lack of courage, wondering how his mates had done and how they would think of him. He walked passed his mother's room, and the door was slightly open. He could see his mother sitting up in bed not reading but asleep, so...

2 years ago
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Daddys Girl

So I am a father of five daughters. My oldest is 19. So the other day I was in the bathroom and I noticed that my daughter left a pair of her underwear on the bathroom sink. They were dirty to say the least. I got tired of having to tell them where to throw things like this and not leave it lying around... So I was walking down the hall to my oldest daughter's room to go in toss them to her and tell her to clean up after herself.as I was approaching her door I heard what sounded like moaning. I...

3 years ago
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For Sale Queensize Bed

I had just finished cutting the grass as Gina jogged by. I saw her slow down to a walk and wave. I smiled and gestured for her to come over. She slowly sauntered up the driveway, taking in the sight of my sweating body, with a sly grin on her pretty face.It was already very hot at eleven, and the temperature was still climbing, so I had dressed in a pair of khaki shorts and sandals to cut the grass. I was covered in perspiration and could see my chest hair glistening in the sun as I looked down...

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The Great Ship SeaWolf

The SeaWolf has ever been a Ship founded on our right to be us. The SeaWolf was originally Sired by Captain Gideon Wolfenbaine the 3rd. Our first event as a house saw us promote Captain Gideon to Baron. First Mate Lar Osito Fenryr then became Captain by making Gideon walk the plank. Captain Osito’s first year was a trial by fire. With the crowns and nobility against us we struggled ever onward winning tourneys, and assuming ministry positions. The SeaWolf has ever been a house of service. ...

2 years ago
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Mommy Tries To Resist

Let me know what you think... My mother Helen divorced my dad when I was 16 years old and I chose to live with her. I am now 17 and just graduated from high school. Everything seems to go well and normal until one time I noticed my mother standing outside the bathroom spying on me while I masturbate with her panties. It’s funny because I spy on her when she masturbates in her bed at night, too. I have always wanted to take my dad’s place in my mother’s bed ever since she left him...

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Rina Strelnicov a Toby Wakefield storyChapter 12

Two weeks before the dinner at Haussner: On the observation deck of Cleveland Hopkins Airport, a small crowd gazed at the sky in anxious anticipation. The plane was fifteen minutes late. “THERE IT IS,” one of them cried in relief as a spot appeared on the horizon quickly taking on the silhouette of an airplane. The thundering drone of its four engines soon shook the air as the silver, triple-tailed Lockheed Constellation emblazoned with TWA red letters flashed by. Tires screeched wafting...

1 year ago
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Hitchhiking teen crossdresser

It was a 200 mile journey from the city to the outskirts of a small town by the countryside where I live, I have hitchhiked this road many a time but this day proves to be an exhilarating adventure into my first cross-dressing sexual encounter, I had my large backpack I carried with me with my belongings including in secret my lingerie, heels makeup etc. about 60 or so miles out a 4 wheel drive hauling a horse trailer pulled up alongside me, rolled down the passenger window a man who seemed to...

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