An Elizabethen AdventureChapter 4 free porn video

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Being Affianced

One of the penalties of being affianced or almost affianced to Anne-Marie, was the obligation to escort her to various boring social events. She also made time to visit our home and introduce herself to my Sister, and to the senior house staff. She made it clear that she intended to be the mistress of my domain in due course. I was also required to escort her to various social events, which quickly became time consuming, as well as insisting that we took time for our own enjoyment.

Fortunately Jane was working out well and Emily was able to delegate many of her mundane and time consuming tasks to her. I gave Emily free rein to employ extra staff when and if she needed to. The one post that we needed to fill urgently was that of estate manager. Emily had recruited a retired farmer for a few hours each week to do some of the work, but although she had interviewed several men, none so far had proved satisfactory.

She needed the extra help as increasingly Anne-Marie was asking me to stay overnight with her due to the amount os social events we were being invited to. The very first occasion after the duck pond incident, where I had first Lady Helen Hammond, was at a wedding where she and Anne-Marie were bridesmaids. I had once again, managed to escape from the festivities, and was taking a breather in the nearby stable yard, and enjoying the peace and quiet after the loud music and endless social chatter. When out of the corner of my eye, I saw the very beautiful lady Hammond approach me, dressed in her bridesmaid dress. She looked lovely...

She walked briskly towards me, holding her dress up to avoid it getting soiled in the muck of the stable yard. Helen looked absolutely stunning in her white bridesmaid dress, Her face was flushed, and her lips slightly parted. She had lovely soft brown hair and an almost perfect figure From her demeanor, I sensed that she was obviously very excited or nervous, she smiled shyly as she approached me.

"Ah here you are my Lord, once again escaping the festivities, you naughty man." I replied "Aye my lady, and now it becomes much more pleasant, with your charming company:" It almost seemed she had been running as her breath came quickly, and rather ragged. I froze slightly when Helen stopping in front of me, and placed her hand quite boldly but gently on my groin. Helen's eyes never left mine as she leaned forward then put her lips to mine and using her free hand and started to unbutton my breeches and then quite brazenly and gently pulled out my hard cock.

"What are you doing my Lady? I asked in shock as I pulled back. Her behaviour was far more forward than any lady of quality dare in this age. "The truth my Lord is I want you ... I want you to give me a baby as my husband can not, and he desperately needs an heir ... Anne-Marie gives us her blessing." All I could think of, was that this was not the place, as other people could come out into the yard. Then I heard a noise from the stables, a horse whinnying, the ideal place I thought to fuck one of Anne-Maries best friends.

I struggled to pull my breeches up past my knees as we hobbled to the nearby stable. She lay back on to a pile of straw in a vacant horse stall, and Helen reached up and grabbed the base of my cock with a death grip. Her little hand could not wrap completely around but her grip held me in place. Helen smiled up at me "Wow" she said if Anne-Marie don't ever want you Anthony dear. I will have you any time."

Helen seemed to be studying my cock, intently. My cock was dark purple in colour in her tight grip and a dollop of precum was forming at the tip. Finally Helen looked up at me and said with a slight drunken slur. "You are so big." I had no response to that, so I just nodded my head. Helen returned her gaze back to my cock. I watched in awe when her tongue flicked out of her mouth and scooped the precum off the tip. I gave an audible gasp at the sensation as it struck me and my fingers of their own accord tightened in Helen's soft brown hair. Helen slowly took the head of my penis between her lips, stretching her mouth wide. It was incredibly hot and wet. Helen did not slide her mouth up and down my cock, Instead she ran her tongue around the head. It felt good but I wanted more of my penis in her mouth. She obviously lacked the experience of her friend Anne-Marie Then Helen started sucking, even with just the head in her mouth, her mouth seemed stretched to extreme. Her cheeks hollowed as

Helen increased the suction around the tip. Still the need to push deeper in her mouth was overwhelming. That is when I decided to take a hand, and with my hands still gripping her hair, I pushed my hips forward. At first, I was not very forceful and only a half inch more of my cock slipped past her lips.

Helen was resisting further intrusion, causing me great pleasure. It was a chain reaction, the harder Helen resisted me the harder I pushed and the deeper I got. To my mind Helen had never looked more beautiful than she did with me trying to

cram my cock down her throat. As hard as I was trying though, I barely had two inches in her mouth. As it was her mouth looked impossibly stretched.

My orgasm started to boil, and when Helen looked up at me, I started to spurt "Oh Helen!" was all that I could moan as I let loose. I not sure if Helen tried to retreat from my cock, my hands were straining to pull her face even closer to my groin. The orgasm shattered my brain, each spurt of my juices through my spine sending me to oblivion. I felt Helen swallow each spurt I was giving her. It was a wonderful feeling. My senses slowly returned to me, yet Helen continued to milk the last drops from my spent cock. Finally, I released my fingers from her hair. She gingerly slid her lips off my cock, causing another tremor to hit my body.

Helen gave a drunken giggle, I was ready to laugh, until I realized that Helen was now spread eagled in front of me. Her legs were wide apart and I could see her white cotton underwear. In a flash I had lifted her white bridesmaids dress and I was between Helen's legs and my still hard cock was pushing against her wet bloomers in an instant. I kissed her on the neck and ears. I continued to push against her panties covered pussy while I bit her neck and nibbled her ear, for a short time.

Then Helen said quietly, "Your are a joy my Lord a real joy for any young maiden." While she spoke her hands were busy removing her panties to clear my entry, they also guided my cock to her wet hole. Even just the tip sliding inside of Helen's entrance was amazing. So warm and wet, not to mention incredibly tight. Instincts over- took me and I continued to press my hips forward. Helen's pussy was tighter than her mouth, but gave way much easier to penetration. She was panting and moaning so loud in my ear that I could hear little else. Instead of slowing me down her moaning and panting spurred me on. Helen's pussy gradually stretched to fit all of me. My only concern at the time was to relieve my self the burden of my orgasm. It did not take long before I started shooting again. I pushed myself as deep as I could, spraying the depth of Helen's love tunnel. She yelled at me not to pull out. " My lady it is yours, you have it all!" I told her.

Both Helen and I were breathing heavily with my thick cock still deep in her stretched pussy. I was not finished though, I began to once again slide back and forth inside her. Helen was trying to help me her arms were tight round my neck and her satin encased legs were locked around my back, as I continued to slowly pound as deep as I could.

Helen's eyes were shut, her body started to shake, her back was arching against me, giving me better access to continue. I wanted to please this lovely woman, and I was taking my time to give us both maximum pleasure. Helen's vagina muscles were grabbing my cock tightly, and I could feel my whole length in as deep into her as I could. I grabbed Helen's limp legs and pulled them on my chest. I leaned forward, resting my weight against her thighs and for the first time I reached for Helen's covered breasts. I could feel her nipples poking into my palms through her bridesmaids dress.


Helen was intense, it was obvious now that she was really enjoying things. Her head moved from side to side, her hair plastered with perspiration across her face. The moans coming from her lips with each stroke inside her, was more than I ever dreamed of. Then she stopped moving under me as her body tensed for a moment and then relaxed and then tensed back up. I knew that she had orgasmed and that encouraged me. My orgasm started to build in me, unlike before when my body just reacted. My slow pace was no longer enough, and I again began to pump my cock faster into her. That is when I came again for the third time, a jolt of pleasure went through me, and I flopped on the hay to recover. I was still gasping for breath when she bent over me and started kissing my face softly, whispering, "You lovely man Thank you. I hope that tonight you have put me with child and given my husband an heir."

Her legs were still pinned beneath me when I took Helen's face in my hands. My soft penis was still trapped in her cum filled pussy, held by Helen's pussy muscles. It was some time later that we dressed and went back to the festivities. Two weeks later I was informed by Anne-Marie that we had been invited for a holiday with Lord and Lady Hammond. This was a bit awkward for me, with the amount of work that I had to cope with. I did however, get agreement that Emily Roper would keep me supplied with documentation on a daily basis that needed my attention, during my stay with the Hammonds, by the use of a courier...

My previous encounter with the then virtually unknown to me Lady Hammond in the stables, had left me unprepared for meeting the real life Lady Hammond, now the. formal hostess, and the very close friend of my almost affianced Anne-Marie. She was not the randy flighty lady I had first thought, but a mature sensible very talented lady, who I quickly grew to admire. She was not physically a large lady, in fact she was quite petite, she had beautiful hazel coloured eyes, and a figure that must have been the envy of any woman, but above all she had a large heart and a warm personality, and she was a lady who one could soon come to feel genuine admiration and affection for.


I had known that our encounter in the stables had been had been carefully pre-planned, at least by her, with Anne-Maries connivance She was not, I soon found not naturally promiscuous, but rather I would describe her as a lady with an ageing husband who desperately needed an heir to their large and prosperous estate, before he departed this world, which would not be too long in coming. Having met Lord Hammond, I soon gathered that much as he tried he was physically past the days when he could fully satisfy his wife's needs, and the chance that he could produce an heir had faded fast.

I soon realised that his Lordship was not a fool, he was I am sure fully aware of the reason for our prolonged stay under his roof. Although Helen Hammond and Anne Marie had been close friends from an early age, our extended visit was out of character of their previous friendship. Anne-Marie fully aware of her friends need, was doing her best by making me available to her best friend in her hour of need. Anne-Marie meanwhile was avoiding any discussion on the reason for our visit and while she deliberately and obviously made time for me to service her friend, she would not ever discuss the matter with me, even when I tactfully tried to mention the subject. I came to admire, and spent a long time talking with Lord Hammond, he had a keen mind and was a good landlord to his tenants.

Anne-Marie had become quite possessive recently, and while in these days it was more or less accepted that a gentleman could get away with numerous affairs, and keeping several mistresses, ladies themselves were expected to remain virtuous, or be seen to be virtuous by society at large. To me at this time, it was a real measure of her real friendship for her best friend. The last time it happened at her home was when Anne-Marie had gone riding and Lord Hammond was having his afternoon siesta. I was relaxing and going through some papers about the Curzon street Brothels; Just reading about these wonderfully prosperous establishments keeping me somewhat excited and was making me a little randy. I had been thinking about seducing one of the charming young housemaids who had shown an interest in me since our arrival, and I was sure was easily available should I require her. But suddenly in my hour of need Lady Helen Hammond appeared at the entrance to my bedchamber, she was wearing a silk negligee which amounted to very little, and somehow by the look in her eyes, I was in no doubt of the reason for her appearance.

All thoughts of the amorous housemaid disappeared as I gazed at this beautiful vision. I jumped to my feet and bowed "My Lady what a pleasure" I gasped as for a brief moment I was slightly embarrassed. She smiled coyly, and sat on the edge of my bed. "My Lord I wish with your approval to renew our most recent acquaintance - you left me with many unfulfilled desires, and so for a few hours we find ourselves with time to renew our acquaintance in more congenial circumstances."

As she spoke she moved over to the bed lying back with her hands clasped behind her head, just gazing up at me. She laughed with a tinge of nervousness as she looked at the delighted yet surprised expression on my face. As her words sunk in, I moved towards her and she gave a light tinkle laugh and lowered her legs to the floor. Reaching her I pulled her close and kissed her, breaking the kiss I opened her negligee. I bent my head and suckled hard on her nipples. Her shoulders began to tremble as she held my head tight against her breasts.

Her nipples were red and hard. I loved the way she looked. I thought that she was about to speak "Hush," I told her even though, she hadn't as yet said anything I pulled her closer and tighter to me, arms wrapping around her body. She held me moaning slightly as I made love to both breasts. As my hand went down her body and cupped her most private part Lady Helen's trembling became more pronounced and soft sighs and whimpers escaped from her lips. Her knees gave out, but I caught her in my arms and lowered us both to the bed. I held her tight as my heart beat against her breasts We remained on the bed as a summer storm began to rage outside. Swaying trees, booming thunder and arrow sharp lightening flashed mirroring our passion, which like the storm built and built. She glanced up into my eyes with a look that told me exactly what she wanted. She reached up to me, put her soft arms around my neck and pulled my face to hers, my lips to hers as our bodies merged, and melted together. I tasted her lips again as our tongues were like snakes as they explored each others mouths. My lips locked on hers. Neither of us said another word to each other now. Only passion and lust was pulsing in our veins. It was an unspoken hunger between us, which had awakened between us. I pulled away for a moment gasping for air, she had me that worked up. Her eyes were bright and very large now as she looked up into my face. Even with a dark almost black sky from the storm outside me could see the fire in her eyes.

"My Lady!" I whispered "Hush," she softly sighed using my own words. She pulled me down completely top of her. I knew she cold feel the outline of my hard cock pressing against her hard pelvis, as I lay between her open legs. Wrapped in each other's arms, we lowered ourselves completely on to the bed now. As I lay between her open thighs, the skirt of her negligee had moved up around her stomach leaving her most private parts entirely bare. As huge trees swayed from the strong wind outside and, the rain beat so hard against the windows of the house I was sure it was hailing. For a brief moment a slight worry crossed my mind as I wondered how Anne-Marie was coping in the weather. But more pressing things were crossing my mind and eliminating the anxiety that I briefly felt. She raised herself to remove her negligee as I too took the opportunity to rid myself of my few remaining clothes throwing them on the floor.

I could feel my cock pressing against her wet vagina. I asked her if she wanted it inside her she whispered the word "Yes!" As she did I placed my swollen cock head at the centre of her love tunnel. Helen moaned again, 'Do it My Lord. But gently!" And as she spoke she lifted her hips to make it easier for me to insert it. I did!

As the storm grew more violent with each minute that passed, so did our passion grew white hot. No fear of our partners knowing what we were doing now, was even considered. Nor did we care at that moment if they were sitting in the room watching us. Nothing was going to stop us from allowing each other to enjoy the other person's body. Lost somewhere between lust and passion the rhythms of sex began for both of us. There were soft cries of pleasure and louder moans and sighs of lust as our bodies merged and then pulled back only to merge again! feeling the intense enjoyment that only comes from good sex. It was hard to get inside her. She felt like I was tearing her apart, as I pushed. I went slowly and she told me I wasn't hurting her. I pushed more into her. As I penetrated Helen's body completely with my cock, lightening flashed so bright it seemed like it had hit the house. The loud sound of thunder made me jump. The strike was very, very close as I embedded her now completely with my cock! As I did, Helen arched her back and lifted her hips and buttocks up off the bed again, which lifted us both up off the bed. Seconds later as she climaxed and screamed as her body began to cum and flood her vagina with her warm wetness of cum.

"OH YES!" was all she said as she arched us up off the bed again and again! Helen began to go wild under me cumming and climaxing unlike any recent experience of mine. I wasn't far behind. My body thrust deep into her and as she lifted her legs and locked them around me, she held me tightly inside her. I held her and whispered in her ear that I was going to cum too. She moaned and squeezed me even tighter, as she told me to fill her with love. I had no choice I was already cumming now pumping the first shot of my first load of warm wet sperm deep inside her womb. As the thunder boomed and lightening flashed all around us now, I could feel Helen's heart beating as her body touched mine, her breath was coming in short gasps. Her body actions told me she was nearing a climax, she rolled her head and moaned as climax after climax wracked her body, she rolled around, almost throwing me off her as her passion mounted. My mouth was wet and hot on her breasts, nipples and on her throat and shoulders as I kissed, licked and sucked on any place I could reach. I could feel my body beginning to react, as my own conclusion came nearer and nearer as she held me deep inside her body. My lips moved to hers, our tongues intertwining. As almost as one, we gave our juices to the other We had shared our bodies together for the second time and it had been fantastic, nothing like our brief time in the stables.

As we lay on the bed with Helen under me, and the storm raging outside she held me tightly and told me not to move. We both felt the wonderful feeling of our sex locked together. Her vagina held my cock tight and deep and it was wonderful. I don't know how long we stayed that way but soon I felt her moving. Rotating her hips and softly telling me she had to move. I could sense that she was feeling that exquisite tension swelling inside her again as was I. At first it was slower than the previous ones. With slow even motions now she began to rock her lower body round in small circles. They began to grow wider and faster as she started to orgasm again! With my cock still three-quarters hard she moved faster and even faster and then when I didn't think she could move any faster under me she did! Still faster she arched her back and cried out with an animal sound from deep inside her throat! Then she achieved another climax. This one was the best yet! Again now with even more rapid thrusting of her hips up into me as her orgasm grew! It swelled throughout her entire being and made her scream out as her body reached the peak and she

chieved a level of pleasure she had never known before. I met her cries of passion with my own orgasm and pumped more cum into her squeezing love tunnel Like the thunder and lightening outside we joined together again and climaxed almost in unison. For an untold time we held each other not moving.

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(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Daughter's Incestuous Wedding By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – May 2056 Vanessa, my now eighteen-year-old daughter, suckled at my breast. It was just after midnight. She was now an adult. I stroked her red hair, still in a braid. I groaned at the feel of her hungry nursing, loving this. It had been so many years since I weaned her as a baby. Not it was so naughty. My milk flowed into...

2 years ago
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Through The Eye of the Mystics

She awakened at the first light in her tent keeping hidden in the burrows and caves where she could find though this day she wanted nothing more then to just sleep without fear of attack. Though it was highly unlikely in this day and age that safety can be gauranteed. Eveline Nadir slowly stirred and pushed the blankets away she was sleeping upon. She wore a silk blue pajama two piece that covered her body, though as the material fell upon her body it exentuated her best features. As she stood...

2 years ago
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Call Me Mommy Part 4 Sex toys gifts for Mommy

Hi there! It’s me, HarDick69. Without spoiling any fun, here’s the next part. Mommy’s birthday was approaching fast. I had something in mind for her gift. Even though sex toys are banned in India, they are available with discreet delivery services on Myntra and Snapdeal. For Mom, I chose a medium-sized silver butt plug with a heart-shaped handle. It had a shiny red gem embedded on the outside. I remembered seeing her sweet butt hole while she was cleaning the floor. I drooled, imagining my...

4 years ago
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Chudai Ke Liye Ek Lund Kaafi Nahi 8211 Part 18

Hi Friends. Mera naam minu hai. Meri age 45 hai. Meri shadi ke 24 yrs ho gaye hain. Kahte hain Naughty @ 40, bus wohi haal hai mera. Part 17 mein maine bataya ki kaise main, aman, neeta aur deepak ne aditi aur rahul ke engegement fix kari aur ek sath sex enjoy kiya. Aagey ki kahani kuch aisi hai. Please apna comment mein bhejen. Aapki comments mujhe aur bhi likhne ke liye majboor karenge. Please story ki sari parts padhe aur comment bhejen. Aditi ko company ke kaam se europe jana tha. Aman...

1 year ago
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Desperation Led Us To Satisfaction

Hi Friends!!! Hope you all are fine. I am Harman Singh, 31 years of age, businessman by profession. I am a married man not happy with my sexual life as my wife is not interested in sex. She doesn’t like it. Earlier also I have posted about my sexual experiences which I had in various stages of life. They are titled as below: 1) Fucked my cousin sister two days before her marriage 2) Hot sex with a divorcee colleague 3) Amazing sex with a married horny lady I am basically very horny. If I get to...

2 years ago
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Naughty or Nice Santa Claus

WARNING: The following creative artwork includes topics of voluntary sex, crossdressing, and other themes. If you find this sort of material objectionable, then press the back button on your browser. My original story may be copied, reproduced, downloaded, and otherwise shared without restriction. Enjoy! Naughty or Nice By Apollo I was working as the shopping mall Santa Claus, hey, it was a job, y'know? Besides, what else would I be doing on Friday nights and the weekend, my...

3 years ago
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The Wards of Harwell TuskerChapter 5 Tea At The Institute

Whitworth House, the home of the Institute of Practicing Engineers, overlooks the Thames not far from Westminster, adjacent to Mr Tait's splendid new gallery. It is a building that I find intriguing. The combination of fine Portland stone topped with the two towers of cast iron girder-work speak of both the stability and the innovation that the Institute seeks to promote. Members of the Institute have been at the core of our country's economic growth. The projects that they have initiated...

1 year ago
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Sruthi Unforgettable Girl In My Life

Hi everyone!!This is Rohan, age 21 from Vizag. I am good looking and decent guy with average built body and height is almost 6ft and with pretty good size dick. I completed my graduation in another city of AP. I am somewhat open towards girls. This helps me to fuck Sruthi. I am presently doing job in Top MNC. Please kindly send comments to Sruthi (name changed) is a fair girl with nice sized boobs and ass and her height is 5’5. She also got job in top MNC and waiting for her joining and I made...

3 years ago
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The Lokian Way 57

* * * * * * * * * * Saturday * * * * * * * * * * The woman pulled a few last times at her dark orange trademark overall. She appeared nervous though those who knew her from TV thought of her as confident and outgoing. Eventually, she pushed the doorbell and then did some adjusting to her short brown-haired bob. A girl in her late teens answered the door. She looked confused for a moment before she asked, "May O'Connel? From channel six news?" "That's right," the woman confirmed. "I...

2 years ago
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A Knighted Delight

A Knighted DelightI could call this “Lord and Lady Muck” but they were far too nice for that. It is, as most of my stories, quite true with a few literary licences because life is often not quite the fantasy we imagine. However both the characters were as I described them and they did indulge as written - just the specific and detail is a little embellished.It was mid year 2007 and I’d made it to 60 years of age without major mishap despite taking ill considered risks but trying every sexual...

4 years ago
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Bath House Adventures First Visit

I had never been to a bath house before and wasn't sure what to expect. I nervously walked down the stairs with no idea what might happen. As I paid the attendant I asked how it worked inside and what the protocol was, he laughed and said not to worry it was very relaxed inside. He went on to explain the rules and with a wink, said to have fun. I had rented a locker and was expecting a locker room to change in but found lockers spread through the place, all in the open. I'd never been shy about...

Gay Male
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Emilys Fall

story title: Emily?s Fallsynopsis: Emily investigates a strange metal suit trying to fulfil some of her fantasiesAuthor: Erraticstory codes: f-self, F/f, F+/f, modification, chastity, bdsm, enema, nc, seriousNightEmily worked the rusty bolt and pushed the ancient metal door open against its stiff hinges.  Her torch flashed around the chamber.  It was just as her flatmate Ruth described.  For a while, she'd started to think Ruth knew about her secret fantasies and this was all going to be a...

2 years ago
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HusbandWife Or BoyfriendGirlfriend 8211 Part 2

Let’s continue with the next part now. We both came back to our senses and realized that we were at someone else’s house at a party. We got dressed up as fast as we could. I went and opened the door. Everyone was asking why are you guys here. Rohit gave me a smile. He understood and calmed the crowd down. They told it was about 12 and that we have to start the count down for new years. We went inside and celebrated with everyone else. But the whole time I and Shweta were beside each other....

1 year ago
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My Wife Jay And Young James

My Wife Jay And Young James My wife Jay is a very young 43 year old, 5 foot 5 inch tall, blonde with shoulder length hair and green eyes. Her very full 34DD breast add great curves to her slim frame. She is a bit of an exhibitionist when it comes to her tits, she loves to accidentally show and flash them to other men. She likes to wear low cut or see through tops without a bra when we go to markets or supermarkets in other areas where no one knows us. We have often had fun nights on the...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Blair Williams Mouth Magic

If a girl can fit her entire fist in her mouth, you may want to wife her up quick. Blair Williams is the perfect example of what this girl would be like. A cock slut supreme that will do anything to taste the cream (non-dairy). She does savor the chase though, seductively walking up to your cock before she sucks it. The harder she sucks the more wet her pussy gets, so you can just imagine how much effort shes willing to give. She will even utilize those perfect tits to give her throat a break,...

3 years ago
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Daddy gave me my Best Ever Orgasm

1) My Genetic Sexual Attraction.He once suggested to me, "butter wouldn't melt in my mouth". That was because he knew what others did not, my demure and refined exterior hid a darker secret, he once caught me warming a hot dog sausage up my cunt, one that was about to be eaten by him, one that he himself removed, albeit tantalisingly slowly, and then ate as I watched my lubricated cunt juices run down the sides of his mouth."Delicious", he said smacking his lips, "Now for my just deserts", and...

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Reddit GoneWild18, aka r/GoneWild18! I spent all morning snorting crushed Viagra and jacking off to some perfectly ripe, beautiful teens. I’m always in awe of those perfect perky tits, never touched by the ravages of age. I love those pretty young faces and tight asses, not to mention their fun, sexy attitudes. I was about to bust my seventh nut of the day when security noticed me and I had to split before I ended up with a third strike. Hard as a rock and in need of more teen fap material, I...

Reddit NSFW List
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Rock and Roll

We were headed to the city, for a concert of bands from my youth. My wife had gotten tickets as an anniversary present. I tried getting her to dress as a vixen from the 80's hair band days, but she didn't want to play along, she said all the women there would be dressed like that, and she was right. She decided to wear a cute floral summer dress, and the entire way to the concert she kept moving it up and down teasing me. after getting to the concert we found the only standing room available...

Group Sex
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Fast wank on bus

My name is Sam. I go to college in a city that's quite far away from me, it takes about one and half hours to get there, and then the same getting back. I know it's long but it's totally worth it! I'm usually the last person on the bus, so for about 10 minutes there is no-one else there, except from the driver downstairs (it's a double-decker). A couple of weeks I was in a really horny mood on the way home. Some time during the journey I got the idea that I couple have wank when everyone got...

2 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 84 Master and Student of the Sword

Hiko: Well, now that you've had the gall to actually show your face here, what is it you want with me? Kenshin (looking at the shelves around him): It seems that Niitsu Kakunoshin is a rising new name in the world of ceramics. Why pottery again? Hiko: I didn't really care, pottery, whatever. It was just the easiest way to make a living without having to deal with a lot of people. Kenshin: That's easy for you to say. Hiko: Well, you know. My genius shows in whatever I do. Kenshin...

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RawAttack Jessie Saint Tiny Blonde Jessie Saint Fucked Hard And Creampied

Bubbly teen Jessie Saint is a playful slut who enjoys sex more than anything. The stunning blonde with tiny tits shares some of her experiences in the adult industry. The petite babe can’t help but get horny during the post-scene shoot. Jessie doesn’t hesitate in showing off her lustful desires. She gives the lucky guy a sensual handjob before sucking it balls-deep. Jessie deepthroats the huge dick until she gags hard. The intense blowjob ad ball-licking actions made the guy want to...

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The DavetoJane Chronicle Part 4

I wrote the first two parts of this chronicle to make sure I never forgot these wonderful events in my life, not knowing they were to be part of a complete change in my life. They were, however, originally written for my eyes only and certainly not intended for publication. My apologies for this being heavy reading. I was instructed to write the remaining three parts by my Lover and Mistress. Together they record my full transformation. Constructive communications may be sent to...

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Wet VR! There is a lot of wetness in porn scenes. There’s just something sexy about that glistening moisture, and maybe it has something to do with the fact that humans are mostly made of water. Yeah, we’re just a bunch of water balloons, running around and fucking each other in every orifice imaginable. Of course, I think it’s a more specific kind of wetness they’re talking about over at is a really new virtual reality porn site. It’s a wild new frontier of 3D smut, with a lot...

VR Porn Sites
3 years ago
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The Desire WithinChapter 5

The two women sleep through the night and into the next morning. Evony was exhausted from the past couple days compounded by the pleasure of the afternoon. Becca was just plain worn out by her roommate. The first thing Evony does upon waking up is she gives Marcus at the university a call while her roommate heads off to the bathroom. Marcus is more than happy to help and invites her down later in the afternoon for testing. Once Evony hangs up she lets out a long sigh. Her shoulder aches...

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The Spice of LifeChapter 2

“You’d be doing her a favour.” said Jacqueline, when they had finally got to the point. “You’d be doing me a favour.” smiled Mimi at him and then at Jacqueline “You’d be doing us all a favour, and we’d be everso, everso, grateful.” said Annabel, with Jane nodding behind her. He wondered what, exactly ‘grateful’ might mean, and was grateful, himself, that the youngest, Susan, wasn’t there to hear this proposal. “Pleeeeaaase.” emphasised Jane, flashing her eyes in a way that she was learning...

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Revengeis It Worth ItChapter 8

By the next morning, Susan was ready to call it a night. We had fucked so many times that her cunt was so sore that she could hardly walk. I'll have to admit that I was a bit abraded, too, but I damned sure didn't mind! Well, I didn't know when I would fuck again, but there had to be a few hours delay, at least. We kind of staggered in to breakfast, and the rest of the women teased us both unmercifully, though they did concentrate their attention on Susan. I did notice Becky making eyes...

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Mother in Lawrsquos Blow Job

I called in to see my mother in law of twenty years to see if she wanted anything doing because of the snow and to have a coffee. She had already been down the street for her newspaper and started to tell me that someone had built some snowmen sitting on the seat. I thought nothing of it until she said it had a big willy and the other one had tits with big icy nipples. She seemed a little excited telling me, but I was gob smacked when she came out with “I would be no good sucking on him,...

4 years ago
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That evil girl

'Cheap flights Cam!' Jess said over the phone to Cameron, 'What?' he replied, 'Cheap flight to Thailand, Honey!' Jess repeated. Sitting at work Cameron thought while Jess talked away, 'She’s such a hedonist that girl!, never a dull moment in her life and there is not a chance in hell of me stopping her!' he thought to himself, best be on this team rather than on the other side. 'Great idea, you pay for the flights and I'll pay for the rest!'. 'Done' Jess replied and hung up her phone. Since...

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Harry Potter Hermione enjoys the Weasley Twins

"Sweet," decided George over her other shoulder, a playful angel to Fred's smirking imp. "But it's going to take her some time that way. Sorrows don't sink very fast in butterbeer, do they?" "Nah. Sugar-to-alcohol ratio is the wrong way around." "Who's saying I have any sorrows to drown?" she snapped, her head whipping from side to side as she tried to glare equally at both of them. God, the one night she really wanted to be alone and she had to be discovered by these...

2 years ago
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First Day at Work

It was my first day in a new job; it wasn't the greatest job but it paid the bills. I was working for a local cleaning agency where we contracted to clean private residences. My first assignment was to clean a house in one of the affluent areas of town. As I was given the details one of the other girls gave me a sly smile and a wink. I figured she was just being friendly, how wrong I could be. I was told that there was to be nobody home while I was there so when I arrived I opened up all the...

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Harley Quinns wild world

The world is very than it was before, ever since The Joker launched his worst attack yet. The Joker had been going through a form of insanity, unlike anything the world had seen before, So bad in fact, that it resulted in the deaths of countless well-known heroes and villains, with the most noticeable casualties being that of The Joker and Batman. But ever since the world had recovered from the said attack, There was now a gap in the hero and villain system with it being ripe for the pickings,...

1 year ago
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Being Sexed By a Gentile giant

I was at Joel home, we were going to study history and try a little math, Joel had other plans. As soon as I got to his house, Joel was happier than usual, he was more playful than normal. We retreated to his room and I settled him down by telling him I was going to spring history questions at him. Joel sat on the floor by the desk doing sit ups as I asked him questions. 'Napoleon ruled what country?...The shot heard round the world was fired when?...'Joel answered each question without...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriend

I looked out the peep hole and saw that it was my girlfriends mom. She was about 35 and in good shape. She has a pretty face and slightly squinting eyes. She is Irish and has a good body for a 35 year old. She remarried after she divorced my girlfriends father. I have thought about doing her many times but that's a little inappropriate because she's my girlfriends mother and I am only 20 and she is married. Any ways i kept looking at her studying her beautiful hips and nice legs. She...

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Being a Superhero

Your name is John Doe and every since you were around 16 years old you have been able to do strange things. That was about 4 years ago and now you have full control of your powers. You are 6'1, have short brown hair, a very muscular body even though you hardly ever workout, and an 11 inch cock. You have spent the last 3 years mastering your 2 powers. The first power you discovered you had was invisibily. You woke up one morning and couldn't see yourself in the mirror. Now you can choose when to...

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Lost With Nothing to Lose02 Immigration Control

Flags are bits of colored cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap people’s minds and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead. Arundhati Roy “Move it along,” the next security officer ordered. The sounds of their ship being torn apart echoed through the short airlock and into the connecting port of the security vessel. Assuming the lead role, Al led the others as they were directed through the airlock and into the ship. “What do you think we’ll—” Xi whispered in...

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