- 3 years ago
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On Tuesday morning Devlin made a point of seeing Sue. The wind was just as bad as the day before, but most of the sidewalks on campus had been plowed the night before. She felt half-frozen and took several minutes to warm up in the hospital's cafeteria before presenting herself at the front desk.
Sue was sitting up in her bed, staring at her toes. From time to time one of them would move, and when that happened she'd grin.
"Look," she said when she saw Devlin. "Watch what I can do." She flexed her toes again and again.
Devlin gave her a quick hug. "I didn't think that was supposed to happen for several days."
"I didn't either; the doctors are ecstatic."
"And you aren't?"
Sue laughed. "So what are you up to on this beautiful morning?"
"Classes are on again today."
"You didn't expect a little snow to stop them, did you? This isn't grade school."
"Sue, the snow out there comes up past my knee. In some places it's past my waist. That isn't "a little snow"."
"And this time next year I'll be worrying about walking in it."
"I know. Marvelous, isn't it. Aren't you glad I talked you into this?"
"It's still experimental. We have a long way to go before I'm chasing the kids." Sue studied Devlin's face. "What's bothering you? I can see something in your eyes."
"I've been wondering if Jeff and I are breaking up."
"I hope so."
"What?" Devlin looked at Sue in surprise. "You hope we're breaking up?"
"I've never been comfortable with the idea of you two together. I haven't mentioned it before, but he's a Momma's Boy, and his Momma is a big wheel in that church of hers. I always thought you could do better."
"But what?" Sue asked softly. "I know you've said you two were good together. Were you? Really? Or was it just something you told yourself."
"I, uh, I don't know. I thought we had a lot in common, but lately..." Her voice trailed off and she stared at Sue's flexing toes. "We really haven't been seeing much of each other. I mean, we get together most every week for lunch, but..."
"Are you confusing what goes on in the bedroom with having other things in common with him, Devlin?" Sue finally said with a shake of her head. "I'm surprised that you, of all people, made that mistake.
"Does he like anything that you like? And vice versa?"
"He likes my cooking."
"He's a man, and if I remember, he's an engineer. That means he'll eat anything heated and edible and not notice or say much about it." She studied Devlin's face. "There's more, isn't there? He hurt you recently, didn't he?"
"Maybe." Devlin scowled. "I found out his Social Studies tutor is a woman."
"Social Studies tutor?" Sue shook her head. "Unbelievable. Devlin, maybe things have changed, but when I was in college it was next to impossible for an engineering student to flunk Engineering Social Studies. Just showing up gets them a 2.5, and if they so much as crack a book and ask a question in class they're guaranteed a 3.0. ESS isn't for weeding the good engineers from the bad ones, its there as a sop to the liberal arts majors. And he has a tutor for it? Something's wrong there."
"I kind of wondered about it," Devlin said. "I could understand a tutor for his math and chemistry classes. His GPA rose a full grade point after the tutor started helping him.
"Devlin, seriously, something funny is going on there. I'd get out while you can."
"I'm almost there," Devlin said. "We're going to have lunch on Thursday."
Sue glanced at a nurse standing in the door. "I'd like to talk more about this, but breakfast is here." She grinned at the nurse as she set the tray on the bed. "Something must be wrong, Carolyn, dinner last night actually tasted pretty good."
"We've had a lot of complaints about that," the nurse said. "The Board of Directors is looking into it. We have standards to maintain."
"Come visit on Friday," Sue said after the nurse had left. "I want to hear more about Jeff."
"Okay," Devlin said, getting up. "Uh, Danny and I were..."
"He's another one you can talk this over with," Sue said, "though I expect you two will have something else on your mind."
"I, uh, I was meaning to ask you about that."
"It's going to be some time before I can keep up with Danny in bed. You're welcome to keep doing this, if you want."
"Thank you," Devlin said, smiling appreciatively. "At least something in my life is constant."
"We need to talk more," Sue said. "I think you just need someone to talk to. Now go, I know you have classes."
Devlin glanced at her watch and made a hasty good-bye. If she wanted to get to her first class on time she would have to skip breakfast. It was a small price to pay. She'd make up for it with a good lunch. Then she remembered Danny. Oh well, she'd try to grab something during the day.
At 11:40, as she was crossing the lobby of the Athletic Club, the clerk behind the counter called her over. "Your packages just arrived, Miss McCabe."
"Packages... ? Oh, yes, where are they?"
"In back. If you'd like I can have them sent up to your room."
"That'll be fine." She gave him a smile. Normally she headed into the Women's Locker Room and then went up the back stairs, but not today. The clerk was watching, so she rang for the elevator.
She could hear Danny in the next room. She debated opening the door and telling him she was going to be a few minutes, but she knew that if she did the porter would pick that time to show up with her packages. So she sat down to wait, spending the time going through her receipts.
After half an hour the porter finally showed up with her packages. As she signed for them she reflected that she could have told the clerk she was going for a swim or a sauna and spent the time with Danny instead. Ah well, she'd plan a little better the next time.
She opened the door between the rooms. Danny was sitting at the desk in the room going through a stack of papers.
"I was beginning to wonder," he said, looking up. "I could hear you next door but didn't want to interrupt."
"It's a good thing you didn't, I was having stuff delivered."
She pulled off her sweatshirt and shook her hair back over her shoulder. Danny was standing up and starting to unbutton his shirt. This was the point she'd been wondering about all morning. Would she still feel the same thing she had before, pre-Krissi, or would it somehow be different?
She took her time undressing, spending more time watching Danny and his body. He had nice shoulders, strong, but without being overpowering. She loved his back, trim and muscular but without the layer after layer of muscles she saw on the weightlifters. He turned back to face her after removing his tee-shirt: his chest hair was dark, but wasn't the thick matt she saw on some men. It was enough for her to run her fingers through, enough that it deliciously scratched her nipples, but it wasn't like sprawling out on a bearskin rug.
She took off her own tee-shirt and bra--it was only fair that she keep pace with him. She couldn't help but notice how his eyes lit up when her breasts swung free; she'd seen his eyes light up exactly that way for more than five years and still enjoyed seeing that reaction.
The muscles on his chest were solid, and she couldn't see his ribs. Men who watched their health actually tried to weigh what they supposed to; they didn't feel the compulsion to go through life 10-20 pounds under her proper weight like Krissi probably was.
Danny's hips and butt were narrow and tight; she'd once kidded him that if his butt was any tighter she could bounce quarters off of it. He'd jokingly rolled over and asked her to try. She'd declined, but after seeing other men she had come to appreciate how Danny kept himself in shape. She knew he worked out, but the only exercise she'd ever caught him doing involved the two of them and a muscle that at the moment was hidden by his shorts.
"What's that you've got on?" Danny asked as she removed her jeans.
"It's some Gore-Tex thing that Eddie Bauer developed," she said, turning and modeling her tights. "These are breathable tights that are supposed to keep mountain climbers warm."
"Do they work?"
"I should have gotten the shirt that goes with them. This morning my legs were warm, it was the rest of me that was freezing."
She could see the lump in the front of his shorts. She wasn't entirely undressed and he was already getting aroused; no, that wasn't fair, guys got aroused at the sight of bare or nearly bare breasts--how else could you explain all of the topless bars that seemed to be everywhere.
She had to sit at the desk to remove her tights. As she did so she closed the door to her room. This room was warmer than hers and she could feel a trickle of cold air on the floor. She'd have to do something about it, but without telling the Athletic Club's management how she'd found out.
She was down to her panties, the tiniest pair she had bought Saturday afternoon. Danny's eyes had zeroed in right between her legs even though she still had her panties on. She'd asked him about that once: what was there to see down there?
"It's the thought that I might see something," he said.
"But you will. I always pull my panties off right away." It was summer and they were lying together with the windows of the bedroom open, their bodies cooling off from the passion that had consumed them only minutes before. They could hear the television going downstairs and the sound of kids playing outside on the streets.
Danny sighed. "It's a guy thing. Look, clothes cover the body, right?" She nodded. "And yet you flirt a bit with showing your body. You know: leaving that extra button on your blouse open, or the hemline that's just a little higher than is "proper". Right?"
"Well, yeah, but that's just the way things are done."
"You know that pink top you have, the one that barely covers your breasts? You like wearing that."
"Well, I--"
"But you wear a sweater over it so you can control how much people see, right?"
"Of course, but--"
"Do you know how much guys watch?"
"Of course. Guys watch you most of the time. Every girl knows that."
"We watch all of the time. It's like there's some part of our brain that's constantly checking out every girl in sight. We're constantly trying to see what you're hiding, and girls cooperate by trying to catch our attention by showing us just a bit more than some other girl. It doesn't matter, whatever you show, we want to see just a little more."
She digested that for nearly a minute. "Is that why guys wait beside the stairs at school? So they can see up our dresses? I never could understand why guys did that. There's really nothing to see."
"That's one of those things guys can't ever understand about a dress or a skirt. To you, you're wearing a skirt or dress. To a guy you're wearing a pair of panties that inconveniently has a dress or skirt over it. And if there happens to be a gap in your underwear, well that's just better. A guy's always trying to see just a bit more than a girl thinks she's showing him, and you'd be surprised at how much more we can see."
"Really? But--"
"The next time you're at a mall, watch the guys around you. Pay close attention to where all of the guys are looking. And then look at the girl they're watching, but with this difference. Don't look at what she has on. Actively try to see her underwear and body. You see that she's wearing a green blouse and jeans. A guy sees her bra strap and, with any luck, maybe the outline of her panties. That's what guys are looking at."
"You can see all that?"
"You'd be surprised how much actually shows. Now those guys who wait by the stairs, the school should put up a privacy screen or something beneath the railing. Those guys are just being boorish, especially because you can see more in a high school cafeteria or a classroom than you can on the stairs."
"Cafeteria? You mean--?"
"A girl has to stand up sometime, and when you do, do you keep your knees together as you turn to get your feet out from under the table, or do you move a leg and just stand up?"
"I-I guess I didn't think about it."
"That's when guys do the most looking. And it isn't limited to when you wear a skirt or dress. You know those black slacks you like so much?" She nodded. "When you stand up the fabric presses against your pussy so tightly I can see it, and not just the outline, but your sex lips, too."
"You can?" She was shocked. He could see her sex? She didn't think that was possible.
"It's all instinct," Danny said. "Despite what people say I don't see it as anything you can train out of a guy, either. And it's every guy, nerds, geeks, average joes, jocks, everybody who's doing the looking. Look, a girl's hormones might be pretty strong, but most girls don't realize how strong a guy's hormones are. You think you do, but you don't." He chuckled. "Guys don't, either, not until they become fathers of little girls and remember what they were like when they were teenagers. Women laugh at a father's behavior, but guys don't. I think most guys finally mature when they become a father. That's when we start talking about shotguns and things like that."
"But of course you still look. That sounds sick."
"I've noticed I don't look at my daughters, not that way. It's something inside me that puts them in the 'off-limits' category, something to be protected. As for all other females..." He shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a guy."
Now she saw where his eyes were looking. With any other guy she'd close her legs slightly so they couldn't see anything. But that wasn't the way she and Danny played the game. She took off her panties and walked over to the bed, deliberately swaying her hips.
"You're overdressed," she said, pointedly looking at his shorts.
He laughed and pulled her down beside him. "You aren't." He kissed her breasts, going back and forth between them. As he did so his hand slid under the waistband of his shorts, moving them down onto his thighs.
Devlin captured his cock, rescuing it from the fabric of his shorts. She slid them down until he kicked them off. He rolled the two of them onto the bed, still kissing her breasts, only now he was concentrating on her nipples. They tightened up delightfully, and she pressed them forward, wanting him to take more.
She'd wondered about this since Sunday night--how would she react when she was in bed with a guy? Would it be the same? Would she like the way he touched her? Now she knew the answer: Danny didn't touch her the same way Krissi did, even though Danny knew her body better than Krissi did. Krissi, of course, had that special knowledge of her body that only another woman would have.
She felt Danny's cock nudging her thigh--that was something she'd never feel from Krissi, and he was paying attention to her breasts just the way she liked. After all these years he'd better know what she liked. And his hands were nice and warm, and his lips, rougher than Krissi's, but still insistent as he sucked her mounds. His skin was rougher; Krissi's looked like porcelain and felt like silk, Danny's skin had a different texture that she actually found she liked more. It was like his body was caressing hers.
She tried to stop comparing them. They were different. Krissi was a girl, every inch a girl from her beautiful hair and flawless skin to her generous breasts and deep eyes. Danny was a man with a hard body and firm muscles. They looked at her in different ways, and even though Krissi could get inside her head, it still wasn't the way Danny reacted to her.
Danny moved between her legs, his cock briefly rubbing along the top of her thigh. She was very aware of it. She felt open, like she was waiting for his length. She could stare between their bodies and see the dark hole in the end of his cock staring back at her. She wanted to suck him, to taste his cum as he filled her mouth, but that was for later. Right now she wanted that hardness, she wanted that length sliding into her, stretching her open, filling her all the way to her deepest point.
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Jamie Sale' -- you may know her best as one-half of the Canadian Gold Medal pairs figure skating team in the last Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. But, if that's all you know about Jamie, you don't know the half of it. She's also one of the hottest, sexiest and boldest babes in the history of international and Olympic figure-skating competition. How so, you might ask?? Well, if you've ever looked at FHM magazine, you should know the answer to that question and if you don't, check it out...
Busty MILF Savannah Bond has a dirty mind, but her stepson never suspected that she would go this far. She gets caught peeping on him jerking off, and to keep him quiet, she lets him fuck her thigh gap! A couple days later, Savannah finds out that her man got arrested for fucking a prostitute in a public bathroom. To get back on him, she fucks her horny stepson, covering his shaft in her pussy juice. The next day, Savannah packs up to leave her cheating man behind. She wants her hung stepson to...
xmoviesforyouHis powerful forelegs clamped her heaving hips in a tight embrace pulling her to his furred underbelly and preventing her release. With each thrust of his canine hips, his cock drove deeper into her belly causing her to whimper with the pain of having this monstrous dog cock search out the neck of her womb. The Doberman was her master now in more than just the physical sense. She had invaded his territory and offered her sex to him. The pack instinct had taken over, this was not just about...
The Almost Complete No Turning Back By Cassandra Ann Note: This is my first story. I'm sure it's riddled with holes, writing errors, spelling errors and might not be any good. I invite honest opinions as I want to learn and you don't learn unless people tell you what's wrong. Thanks for reading and I hope it's not too bad. BTW some of this is true, some of this is fantasy and I let you ponder fact from fiction :) (Note: the first half of this was written many years ago. I've...
The next day was Saturday and I had some recovering to do. I had had more sex than on my honeymoon 30 years ago. It was certainly a lot more than the two years preceding my divorce last year. I decided to pursue whatever happened with any attractive women and to politely turn down any offers from others. Now don't start in with me about the shallowness of physical beauty. A women's attractiveness to men is something built into us by millions of years of evolution. I can't help what I like...
Hi Friends, This is my first post in here, I have been an regular reader of this site and have been thinking to share as well with others. This is a fictional story / fantasy which I have had when I was quite young. This was one of the fantasy I had while I used to be a very regular traveler in the train to North of India. I am located in Southern Part of India and I look fairly good, not a big body builder, but neatly manicured well manner person. I was 24 years old and was working for a...
-Mihail Sebastian, “The Star Without A Name” *** “You know,” said Lord Henry, “I think this Kamil fellow might be the only virgin on the entire planet.” Lord Henry and his wife lounged on the Jacuzzi patio with their guests, sipping champagne and watching the sun set over Peitho 9. Peitho was renowned throughout the galaxy for its particularly beautiful sunsets. Lord Henry had one of Peitho’s most beautiful homes. And he, his wife, and their guests were some the planet’s most...
"So," Brock said he and Merie headed up the freeway. "How have you been?" "Is that really what you want to ask?" Merie said with a laugh. "Not 'Why in the hell did you wait seven years to speak to me?' Not 'Why in the hell did you jump on the crazy train anyway?'" Brock shrugged. "I thought I might work up to those," he said. "But now that you mention it, those things have crossed my mind since I sat down." Meredith was zigzagging in and out of traffic on the freeway. To...
Joan and Doug slept over after our Saturday night of revelations and open sex. Doug ultimately went off with Penny and Misty, and Joan and I bedded down. We all made love with our partners in the middle of the night. We sat down after breakfast the next day and had a two-family pow-wow. I kind of led the meeting, but I urged Penny, Misty, Joan, and Doug to speak up with any comments about anything we talked about or that had happened. Penny had provided some robes and casual clothing for...
I was wearing a very short skirt and that morning had decided to go without panties. My flight attendant was a very sweet and hot red head with the most amazing body. When we were up she leaned over and asked me in a half whisper, “Hi, I’m Chris, I’ll be your flight attendant. I know you aren’t old enough, but would you like a glass of wine? I smiled and her and said, “That would be fabulous, a pink Shiraz please, “ I said, as I spread my legs wide, to draw her beautiful brown...
Hope's Peak Academy is the greatest school in the world. It's says that if you graduated from Hope's Peak, you are guaranteed to succeed in life. There are only two requirements for entering this school's Primary Department, 1. You are currently a high school student and 2. You are the absolute best at what you do. The students that are in the Primary Course are known as the "Ultimates". As the name implies, they are the very best at what they do. There's the Ultimate Baseball Player, the...
Jenny Takes ControlBy kewtieboyMy bisexual tendencies were known by Jennifer before we married. My male encounters had been at school and later at an all male college. There weren’t hundreds of guys but the sex had been quite intense and probably unusual for a guy like me I had actually had active and passive penetrative sex with a room mate I had really fallen for. He moved on and so did I and when I met Jenny, she was my first proper girlfriend. She had the shiniest brown hair I had ever seen...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Three years ago, Carla and the girls had decided that "Nudism" was OK, when we were home, without visitors. I wrote last about what occurred during the third year of this practice. Megan and Amanda had both been initiated into the pleasures a woman can experience through oral sex. Sarah had joined in, allowing me to eat her pussy during that session. Later that night, after everyone had settled down and retired to bed, Megan had come into my bedroom,...
IncestLet's start the mixed wrestling life in International Mixed Wrestling League(IMWF)! Introduction>First, you make the wrestler and registration to option "Roster" .There is no care about original wrestler or celeblity, but please write name and gender, nationality.Include physical features and figure of wrestlers together. Way of the match>You made wrestler, start the match along with guideline and template thread.If you make match,enter the following sentence whichi no.3 to no.5, "Option"...
I grew up in a rural town in the Midwest, my mother passed away when I was seven but other than that tragedy my life was pretty normal. My father dated a little, almost got remarried once but it fell through. By the time I was seventeen I was really looking forward to finishing school and going off to College with my friends the following year. Unfortunately my grandmother, dad’s mom who helped raise me after mom left us, passed away in the middle of the school year and with one thing or...
Brenda was "over the hill" according to the young girls in the data entry pool at Wincott, Smythe, and Copperman LTD. She no longer possessed that youthful look one needed to advance up the ladder of corporate success. Sure, any guy would love to give her a tumble if he met her at the pub, but in the business world, her age was an anchor that meant she would only be spinning circles in the public relations department until she was eventually found redundant. Jeremy Smythe, the nephew of one...
It was weekend like any other, we were sitting at home bored, when Jill gave you a call and invited us over for some shisha. The night was still young so we jumped in the shower and washed ourselves off a bit, did our usual shaving ritual and some hot teasing on both parts, but without having any sex. We were both going to go over to her place hot and horny and eager to get back home to complete what we’d started. We showed up to her place and she had a few other friends over. Mainly guys, but...
Group SexGabriella landed on the floor, along with her stool. She tried controlling herself from screaming and even hoped that the ghost didn't hear anything from this side of the door. Gabriella panicked. Gabriella: (in her thoughts) It's the ghost!! She knows I live here!! Gabriella was so scared that she turned off the TV and crept all the way towards her bedroom, closing the door as silently as she could and locking it. She did not want the ghost to hear her every move. She heard the door...
Mike & Laura (The Wedding) It’s my wedding day today, I am looking at my reflection in the mirror to make sure that my makeup is flawless and my hair is perfect. My maid of honor comes in to help to stand up and move since I have a corset on under my gown that is so restrictive I can barely draw enough breath. My breasts are being pushed up by the corset and I also have a chastity belt on with a butt plug attached and a vibrator in my pussy. My maid of honor who will also be my...
This is a follow-up story to the "Happy Middle" release that I have been getting at all my massages with Jennifer. This story, as all my stories, are real. Nothing is more erotic than the real thing!. I have been getting a massage on a monthly basis from Jennifer and she has been providing me that "extra" service in the middle of each hour-long massage session. As mentioned before, I've traveled around Asia and each time I feel rushed through a quick rub-and-tug well before the session is...
Erotic"You dog, you." I didn't recognize the voice, but it had a touch of envy, so I looked around. Calvin Bateman was coming out of a room three doors down. I guessed that he'd seen me kissing a half-naked Bobbi saying goodbye. He walked over and clapped me on the back. "I heard you were a player, but I have to admit I'm impressed." Calvin was the only sophomore to make varsity and hadn't been my pick for the job. Robbie said he had potential, and I wasn't going to argue. Calvin...
Friday morning I got up somewhat early, restrung my guitar, and gave it a rough tuning. Thursday night I had worked a little past my bedtime to get the carvings almost finished. They still weren't sanded quite enough to meet my standards. I'd have to give them another hit before doing the charging ritual. The roads were finally clear enough to render riding our bikes non-idiotic, but we were planning on bringing Kirsten back with us in the van after school, so Mom drove Mary, Sean, and I...
Sue continues her quest for bestiality and big cocks. Hey Bo, hope you had a great weekend. Personally, I took some time off so I could recover a bit after the Dane workout. I went back to visit John yesterday and wow, More of the greatest sex ever... A huge human cock and a huge K-9 cock all in the same day. What more could a girl ask for? After the first round we sat at the dining table sharing a beer and chatting. John told me that he owed me big time. I kind of laughed and said that...
What Jack said about Arthur really bothered me. I went over and over what Jack told me about their conversation, comparing it to Jack's half of it on the phone which is all I actually heard. I knew he wasn't lying; Jack would never lie to me. This was a lot different from his habit of not telling me things to surprise me. I think what bothered me the most is that I wasn't too thrilled with Arthur to begin with. Liz and I got along great and I trusted her completely. And immediately. Just...
I was sitting at home high as a kite, watching pretty much the only thing on that late/early.... Skinimax! On the screen two females topless and making out. As I stared at the TV I started feeling horny as hell. I slid my hand inside my pj pants and began rubbing my pussy. I swirled the tips of my fingers over my clit in a circular motion. Slowly I slid my finger into my tight pussy. I reached for and found my g-spot and began massaging. Just as I was getting into it my phone beeped....
The 3 of us were heading out to the cabin in the Jeep. It was hot so we all had shorts on, but I was wearing a small tiny strapped t-shirt. Since it is a few hours’ drive. We were learning allot about each other. What we liked, music, food, a****ls, etc.We finally arrive at the cabin and toss our things in the bedroom. You wanted to go fishing right away.So, off we go again heading to a remote spot on the river that you found. It was pretty, a lot of trees and shade and secluded. We baited our...