Devlin's StoryChapter 18 free porn video

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On Tuesday morning Devlin made a point of seeing Sue. The wind was just as bad as the day before, but most of the sidewalks on campus had been plowed the night before. She felt half-frozen and took several minutes to warm up in the hospital's cafeteria before presenting herself at the front desk.

Sue was sitting up in her bed, staring at her toes. From time to time one of them would move, and when that happened she'd grin.

"Look," she said when she saw Devlin. "Watch what I can do." She flexed her toes again and again.

Devlin gave her a quick hug. "I didn't think that was supposed to happen for several days."

"I didn't either; the doctors are ecstatic."

"And you aren't?"

Sue laughed. "So what are you up to on this beautiful morning?"

"Classes are on again today."

"You didn't expect a little snow to stop them, did you? This isn't grade school."

"Sue, the snow out there comes up past my knee. In some places it's past my waist. That isn't "a little snow"."

"And this time next year I'll be worrying about walking in it."

"I know. Marvelous, isn't it. Aren't you glad I talked you into this?"

"It's still experimental. We have a long way to go before I'm chasing the kids." Sue studied Devlin's face. "What's bothering you? I can see something in your eyes."

"I've been wondering if Jeff and I are breaking up."

"I hope so."

"What?" Devlin looked at Sue in surprise. "You hope we're breaking up?"

"I've never been comfortable with the idea of you two together. I haven't mentioned it before, but he's a Momma's Boy, and his Momma is a big wheel in that church of hers. I always thought you could do better."


"But what?" Sue asked softly. "I know you've said you two were good together. Were you? Really? Or was it just something you told yourself."

"I, uh, I don't know. I thought we had a lot in common, but lately..." Her voice trailed off and she stared at Sue's flexing toes. "We really haven't been seeing much of each other. I mean, we get together most every week for lunch, but..."

"Are you confusing what goes on in the bedroom with having other things in common with him, Devlin?" Sue finally said with a shake of her head. "I'm surprised that you, of all people, made that mistake.

"Does he like anything that you like? And vice versa?"

"He likes my cooking."

"He's a man, and if I remember, he's an engineer. That means he'll eat anything heated and edible and not notice or say much about it." She studied Devlin's face. "There's more, isn't there? He hurt you recently, didn't he?"

"Maybe." Devlin scowled. "I found out his Social Studies tutor is a woman."

"Social Studies tutor?" Sue shook her head. "Unbelievable. Devlin, maybe things have changed, but when I was in college it was next to impossible for an engineering student to flunk Engineering Social Studies. Just showing up gets them a 2.5, and if they so much as crack a book and ask a question in class they're guaranteed a 3.0. ESS isn't for weeding the good engineers from the bad ones, its there as a sop to the liberal arts majors. And he has a tutor for it? Something's wrong there."

"I kind of wondered about it," Devlin said. "I could understand a tutor for his math and chemistry classes. His GPA rose a full grade point after the tutor started helping him.

"Devlin, seriously, something funny is going on there. I'd get out while you can."

"I'm almost there," Devlin said. "We're going to have lunch on Thursday."

Sue glanced at a nurse standing in the door. "I'd like to talk more about this, but breakfast is here." She grinned at the nurse as she set the tray on the bed. "Something must be wrong, Carolyn, dinner last night actually tasted pretty good."

"We've had a lot of complaints about that," the nurse said. "The Board of Directors is looking into it. We have standards to maintain."

"Come visit on Friday," Sue said after the nurse had left. "I want to hear more about Jeff."

"Okay," Devlin said, getting up. "Uh, Danny and I were..."

"He's another one you can talk this over with," Sue said, "though I expect you two will have something else on your mind."

"I, uh, I was meaning to ask you about that."

"It's going to be some time before I can keep up with Danny in bed. You're welcome to keep doing this, if you want."

"Thank you," Devlin said, smiling appreciatively. "At least something in my life is constant."

"We need to talk more," Sue said. "I think you just need someone to talk to. Now go, I know you have classes."

Devlin glanced at her watch and made a hasty good-bye. If she wanted to get to her first class on time she would have to skip breakfast. It was a small price to pay. She'd make up for it with a good lunch. Then she remembered Danny. Oh well, she'd try to grab something during the day.

At 11:40, as she was crossing the lobby of the Athletic Club, the clerk behind the counter called her over. "Your packages just arrived, Miss McCabe."

"Packages... ? Oh, yes, where are they?"

"In back. If you'd like I can have them sent up to your room."

"That'll be fine." She gave him a smile. Normally she headed into the Women's Locker Room and then went up the back stairs, but not today. The clerk was watching, so she rang for the elevator.

She could hear Danny in the next room. She debated opening the door and telling him she was going to be a few minutes, but she knew that if she did the porter would pick that time to show up with her packages. So she sat down to wait, spending the time going through her receipts.

After half an hour the porter finally showed up with her packages. As she signed for them she reflected that she could have told the clerk she was going for a swim or a sauna and spent the time with Danny instead. Ah well, she'd plan a little better the next time.

She opened the door between the rooms. Danny was sitting at the desk in the room going through a stack of papers.

"I was beginning to wonder," he said, looking up. "I could hear you next door but didn't want to interrupt."

"It's a good thing you didn't, I was having stuff delivered."

She pulled off her sweatshirt and shook her hair back over her shoulder. Danny was standing up and starting to unbutton his shirt. This was the point she'd been wondering about all morning. Would she still feel the same thing she had before, pre-Krissi, or would it somehow be different?

She took her time undressing, spending more time watching Danny and his body. He had nice shoulders, strong, but without being overpowering. She loved his back, trim and muscular but without the layer after layer of muscles she saw on the weightlifters. He turned back to face her after removing his tee-shirt: his chest hair was dark, but wasn't the thick matt she saw on some men. It was enough for her to run her fingers through, enough that it deliciously scratched her nipples, but it wasn't like sprawling out on a bearskin rug.

She took off her own tee-shirt and bra--it was only fair that she keep pace with him. She couldn't help but notice how his eyes lit up when her breasts swung free; she'd seen his eyes light up exactly that way for more than five years and still enjoyed seeing that reaction.

The muscles on his chest were solid, and she couldn't see his ribs. Men who watched their health actually tried to weigh what they supposed to; they didn't feel the compulsion to go through life 10-20 pounds under her proper weight like Krissi probably was.

Danny's hips and butt were narrow and tight; she'd once kidded him that if his butt was any tighter she could bounce quarters off of it. He'd jokingly rolled over and asked her to try. She'd declined, but after seeing other men she had come to appreciate how Danny kept himself in shape. She knew he worked out, but the only exercise she'd ever caught him doing involved the two of them and a muscle that at the moment was hidden by his shorts.

"What's that you've got on?" Danny asked as she removed her jeans.

"It's some Gore-Tex thing that Eddie Bauer developed," she said, turning and modeling her tights. "These are breathable tights that are supposed to keep mountain climbers warm."

"Do they work?"

"I should have gotten the shirt that goes with them. This morning my legs were warm, it was the rest of me that was freezing."

She could see the lump in the front of his shorts. She wasn't entirely undressed and he was already getting aroused; no, that wasn't fair, guys got aroused at the sight of bare or nearly bare breasts--how else could you explain all of the topless bars that seemed to be everywhere.

She had to sit at the desk to remove her tights. As she did so she closed the door to her room. This room was warmer than hers and she could feel a trickle of cold air on the floor. She'd have to do something about it, but without telling the Athletic Club's management how she'd found out.

She was down to her panties, the tiniest pair she had bought Saturday afternoon. Danny's eyes had zeroed in right between her legs even though she still had her panties on. She'd asked him about that once: what was there to see down there?

"It's the thought that I might see something," he said.

"But you will. I always pull my panties off right away." It was summer and they were lying together with the windows of the bedroom open, their bodies cooling off from the passion that had consumed them only minutes before. They could hear the television going downstairs and the sound of kids playing outside on the streets.

Danny sighed. "It's a guy thing. Look, clothes cover the body, right?" She nodded. "And yet you flirt a bit with showing your body. You know: leaving that extra button on your blouse open, or the hemline that's just a little higher than is "proper". Right?"

"Well, yeah, but that's just the way things are done."

"You know that pink top you have, the one that barely covers your breasts? You like wearing that."

"Well, I--"

"But you wear a sweater over it so you can control how much people see, right?"

"Of course, but--"

"Do you know how much guys watch?"

"Of course. Guys watch you most of the time. Every girl knows that."

"We watch all of the time. It's like there's some part of our brain that's constantly checking out every girl in sight. We're constantly trying to see what you're hiding, and girls cooperate by trying to catch our attention by showing us just a bit more than some other girl. It doesn't matter, whatever you show, we want to see just a little more."

She digested that for nearly a minute. "Is that why guys wait beside the stairs at school? So they can see up our dresses? I never could understand why guys did that. There's really nothing to see."

"That's one of those things guys can't ever understand about a dress or a skirt. To you, you're wearing a skirt or dress. To a guy you're wearing a pair of panties that inconveniently has a dress or skirt over it. And if there happens to be a gap in your underwear, well that's just better. A guy's always trying to see just a bit more than a girl thinks she's showing him, and you'd be surprised at how much more we can see."

"Really? But--"

"The next time you're at a mall, watch the guys around you. Pay close attention to where all of the guys are looking. And then look at the girl they're watching, but with this difference. Don't look at what she has on. Actively try to see her underwear and body. You see that she's wearing a green blouse and jeans. A guy sees her bra strap and, with any luck, maybe the outline of her panties. That's what guys are looking at."

"You can see all that?"

"You'd be surprised how much actually shows. Now those guys who wait by the stairs, the school should put up a privacy screen or something beneath the railing. Those guys are just being boorish, especially because you can see more in a high school cafeteria or a classroom than you can on the stairs."

"Cafeteria? You mean--?"

"A girl has to stand up sometime, and when you do, do you keep your knees together as you turn to get your feet out from under the table, or do you move a leg and just stand up?"

"I-I guess I didn't think about it."

"That's when guys do the most looking. And it isn't limited to when you wear a skirt or dress. You know those black slacks you like so much?" She nodded. "When you stand up the fabric presses against your pussy so tightly I can see it, and not just the outline, but your sex lips, too."

"You can?" She was shocked. He could see her sex? She didn't think that was possible.

"It's all instinct," Danny said. "Despite what people say I don't see it as anything you can train out of a guy, either. And it's every guy, nerds, geeks, average joes, jocks, everybody who's doing the looking. Look, a girl's hormones might be pretty strong, but most girls don't realize how strong a guy's hormones are. You think you do, but you don't." He chuckled. "Guys don't, either, not until they become fathers of little girls and remember what they were like when they were teenagers. Women laugh at a father's behavior, but guys don't. I think most guys finally mature when they become a father. That's when we start talking about shotguns and things like that."

"But of course you still look. That sounds sick."

"I've noticed I don't look at my daughters, not that way. It's something inside me that puts them in the 'off-limits' category, something to be protected. As for all other females..." He shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a guy."

Now she saw where his eyes were looking. With any other guy she'd close her legs slightly so they couldn't see anything. But that wasn't the way she and Danny played the game. She took off her panties and walked over to the bed, deliberately swaying her hips.

"You're overdressed," she said, pointedly looking at his shorts.

He laughed and pulled her down beside him. "You aren't." He kissed her breasts, going back and forth between them. As he did so his hand slid under the waistband of his shorts, moving them down onto his thighs.

Devlin captured his cock, rescuing it from the fabric of his shorts. She slid them down until he kicked them off. He rolled the two of them onto the bed, still kissing her breasts, only now he was concentrating on her nipples. They tightened up delightfully, and she pressed them forward, wanting him to take more.

She'd wondered about this since Sunday night--how would she react when she was in bed with a guy? Would it be the same? Would she like the way he touched her? Now she knew the answer: Danny didn't touch her the same way Krissi did, even though Danny knew her body better than Krissi did. Krissi, of course, had that special knowledge of her body that only another woman would have.

She felt Danny's cock nudging her thigh--that was something she'd never feel from Krissi, and he was paying attention to her breasts just the way she liked. After all these years he'd better know what she liked. And his hands were nice and warm, and his lips, rougher than Krissi's, but still insistent as he sucked her mounds. His skin was rougher; Krissi's looked like porcelain and felt like silk, Danny's skin had a different texture that she actually found she liked more. It was like his body was caressing hers.

She tried to stop comparing them. They were different. Krissi was a girl, every inch a girl from her beautiful hair and flawless skin to her generous breasts and deep eyes. Danny was a man with a hard body and firm muscles. They looked at her in different ways, and even though Krissi could get inside her head, it still wasn't the way Danny reacted to her.

Danny moved between her legs, his cock briefly rubbing along the top of her thigh. She was very aware of it. She felt open, like she was waiting for his length. She could stare between their bodies and see the dark hole in the end of his cock staring back at her. She wanted to suck him, to taste his cum as he filled her mouth, but that was for later. Right now she wanted that hardness, she wanted that length sliding into her, stretching her open, filling her all the way to her deepest point.

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After we left the truckstop, I headed back towards my former home. I was still on a mission, but now I was on a mission with a partner. Renee had bonded herself to me and me to her. The mission now was to ruin Stan’s life and let him take Helen with him. Now that I owned the company, I owned his house. Before we got back, he would be thrown out along with my slut wife, who forced herself to move in with him after I sold our house from under her. Renee was going to be the new president of the...

2 years ago
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The Night I Met Shannon

It was the summer of 2011 at a party at a bar with live music. The night was going good for me to say the least. Dancing, drinking and a huge crowd of fun people. There was a stand-out woman on the dance floor that a lot of guys were talking about. She was hot, hot, hot! Blonde hair straight and past her shoulders. Taller, about 5'7" with wearing a super tight red mini dress that hugged her body's curves perfectly. She had a great set of boobs, what appeared to be DD's for sure and too perfect...

2 years ago
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Dream StateChapter 15

I admit it. Sometimes, I'm an asshole. Actually, that's really not much of an admission, so let me try that again. I admit it. On more than one occasion, I have found that I can become the biggest asshole in existence. We had been in the process of deciding what we were going to do, now that we were all together in Washington, and I was explaining to Mary that I trusted Aimee's investigator, a Mr. Voder. I was quite taken aback when Mary asked me if I only trusted Mr. Voder because...

1 year ago
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An Alien Moment

Dedicated to my wife Esu, who has kept me sane during months of illness. Thank you love. Our short story today is set 500 years in the future. Much has changed, much is the same... An Alien Moment. He sat looking at the dull, grey, dingy walls with distain. His eyes scanned the room looking at every detail. Every detail, but one. He could not bring himself to look at her. This was odd, she was after all his partner of some 15 summers. But if he looked at her she would cry, hell, he might...

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Midnights Desire

The dream that he couldn’t quite remember startled Lance awake, and seeing her sleeping beside him, her rhythmic breathing soft against his chest as they lay naked under a single sheet, made him sure that he wouldn’t be returning to slumber any time soon. He brushed her soft hair away from her face, and wondered what she was dreaming, and found himself getting hard again re-living the moments that led up to explosive orgasms for both of them. She had ridden him hard, stopping every so often...

3 years ago
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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 10 The Sentinel

Yuri stood on the deck of his air car with vision glasses on and looked down on the Likos village below. This was to be their first stop. The air cars floated so far above the village that they only appeared as specks in the sky from the ground. They intended to make sure that all of Ginaya's people were indeed dead and to make sure the Likos were not preying on any other tribe. Yuri and his force would try to contact the Likos and persuade them to change their brutal ways. If that were not...

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In Publicoutdoors FunChapter 3

As we fully entered the store, Frank made his way ahead of me..."so as to get a better view" as he put it. Bill was, at this point, several paces behind me. I walked into the first aisle, my heels again loudly clicking as I wiggled my way into the store further.I then became acutely aware of the young lad, who had seen me earlier, appearing at the bottom of the aisle too. Frank assured me later I looked a right, "cock pleasing sight"..."all legs", and looking "a right fucking...

3 years ago
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Breast and Nipple Orgasm

Ladies – Have You Ever Had An Orgasm With Attention Only To Your Breasts?I have been fortunate to give a couple of women orgasms with me only giving them attention to their breasts and her delicious nipples. It does not happen to every woman I know but I know it sure can. The first time it happens to her surprises her but it is real. The beautiful look on her face, the way her skin flushes, and those lovely sounds, such a wonderful moment. No touching her pussy during breast play but after...

4 years ago
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The Sleep Out in the Tent

OK, everybody put your way back hat's on to remember a simpler time, before cell phones, computers in your home and all that kind of stuff.It was summer, school was out and we were just shy of our teens. We had spent the day playing like k**s in the early 70's did. We went into a friend's pool to cool off when the idea came to have a sleepout. The friend with the pool had just gotten a new tent so it was decided to be at his place in the back yard (we were in a suburban area). All of us had...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 39

The next morning McCock bit the bullet and commed Erin at "The Residence". "Erin. Good Morning. When are you intending to return to Gorgipest?" "Probably tomorrow. Shelly wants to complete her yacht training and then space down in the yacht. We are using the Barge and Trudie, Nan and I will crew her under supervision of Alan and his people. Shelly will christen "Vector" for us and then return here; she doesn't want to leave her work. She feels happier at WepDev. Now, what do you...

3 years ago
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My first gay enema

I had been seeing this guy Dave for a few weeks. Not really in a relationship with him but we had traded a couple of blowjobs prior to this.Dave was 6.1 195 lbs pretty fit looking with green eyes and black hair wit ha 6-6.5 real thick cock. (was definately a mouthful)Well one night we were just hanging out at his place and watching a porn we had found (wasn't that bad) and I had figured we were just going to end up 69ing again but he had surprised me by telling me he wanted to try something he...

2 years ago
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A story about crossdressing 8211 his is the beginning of a series of episodes about poor Charles who ultimately loses all his male attributes

It all began with a letter Charles received on Friday after being home ill for a week with an undiagnosed lower abdominal disturbance. I had a nice chat with your wife Paula, the other day. We both agreed that you need a new direction in your life to help you stop playing this silly role-swapping game. She tells me that she has once again caught you attempting to wear some of her clothes. It is obvious that you cannot make up your mind what you are and how you ...

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My Schoolgirl Neighbour

Lucy was seventeen and went to the local high school where they were still strict of the wearing of school uniform.One night she was staying over at my house with my daughter, Angie,who was the same age and went to the same school.During the evening, Angie had a phone call which she went to her room to take, leaving Lucy with me in the lounge, sitting in one of the large arm chairs,and it was then that I noticed she was still wearing her school uniform of grey pleated skirt, white blouse and...

1 year ago
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The Courtship of Maria Theresa

It was a world of change. The old rules were being broken every day. There was a time when your husband died and your life was over. The only thing you were good for was cooking, cleaning and watching the grandchildren when they arrived. Maria Theresa was forty-two years old the year Nick died. He pushed a young man out of the way of a falling pallet of boxes on the loading dock, and it hit him instead. He was an instant hero and she was alone. Maria Theresa’s problem was she didn’t feel old....

3 years ago
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Girls Gym Gyno 1 Alessandra 1 pix

As recently retired gynaecologist, I offer free advise and consult to all fine females and great girls, who meet my taste. Every day, many meet me on the street where I live at the former Wood Harbour in old Amsterdam, where they attend 4th Gymnasium, one of the best grammar schools in town. As I demand high standards of both mental and physical beauty, I only need to select the prettiest slender sweethearts, sporting tiny titties, tight twat and ass, to address.Gentlemen prefer blondes, so no...

4 years ago
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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 28 The Duel

A loud knocking on the room door brought me out of a deep, exhausted, sleep. “Who is it, and what’s o’clock?” “Begging your pardon sir, but there’s a Captain Bassett here to see you, and it has just struck half past five.” “Send him up – and fetch me some hot water.” Billy Bassett came in the room a little later. “It would appear Amy gave you an energetic and loving night,” he said, looking at my dishevelled appearance and the rumpled bed clothes. I did not tell him who it was that had...

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a night on patrol

A night on patrol It was a typical sat night. Josh was sitting in his patrol car, bored. No much activity on highway 41 . he had been there for 2 hrs without seeing a soul pass by. He yawned as he thought of why he was here, he had been late for his shift again, so he got the worst area to patrol that day. His sergeant had warned him that he needed to shape up or he'd be looking for another job. But now he had another problem, he really needed to take a leak. Well, a few minutes away wouldn't...

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Elvin and Nadine

I sneaked cautiously through the dark house to her bedroom. I was trying to realize a dream, I wanted to lie next to a girl, be in the same bed, be near her warmth and softness. At sixteen I’d never done that, been in bed with someone of the opposite sex but I knew deep in my balls I would enjoy it. I silently pushed the lever on her door then slipped ghost-like through the narrow opening then clicked the door closed behind me. I could see her lying on her side, facing away from me, bent at the...

3 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 21

Healing Cousin George Part 21 - Final Chapter - True Colours by Karin Roberts The Taxi dropped us of right outside of the main doors of the hall. Gavin offered each one of us his arm as we both took one before stepping into the foyer. "There's Archie over there," Debbie gestured over towards an older man by the cloakroom. She waved him over towards us. "Hi Gavin, Debbie... this must be Alex!" he smiled, offerring me his hand....

3 years ago
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Jennifers surpriseChapter 2

"Remember that night that you confessed to me you had those fantasies about Mark? Well, honey, here is your surprise. You wanted your son, and I'm giving him to you". Tim's words registered in Jennifer's brain, but they seemed to come from a distance. It all seemed hazy. She had indeed confessed her incestuous desires to Tim one night, and it had turned him on immensely and they fucked like rabbits for the rest of the night. But of all the fantasies she had, this surely had to be the...

2 years ago
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Sissy fucksow slave Denise the three gifts from her Mistress

And talking about her, you can hear now a familiar sound. Yes, she’s coming because as a good sissy submissive you know the celestial / infernal sound of the High Heel shoes on the floor, so you open your eyes as in front of you some soft lights begin to turn on. You see her coming in a way you have never known before. Yes, she’s coming towards you, but OMG! She is absolutely naked now, except for those High Heel shoes you sometimes hate and sometimes love, but you still not surrender yourself...

1 year ago
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Spring Break part 1

“Sean! How was the drive?” I walked up to Aunt Lisa, gave her a huge hug, and said, “Great. I was too excited to see you guys. Am I the last one here?” “No, actually. Jessica, Ed, and Courtney are on the way here still from the north shore, so it’s just me, Uncle Dave, and Stacy and Alice.” “Wow, I haven’t seen Stacy or Alice in forever. It’s been what, three years?” “Yeah, come say hi!” “Where can I put my stuff, Aunt Lisa?” “Downstairs, by the door to outside. You got the sofa...

1 year ago
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A Royal Screw

This is a story told to me by one of my neighbours, an old man called Charley, who told me this tale in the year 2000 during the 55th anniversary of VE day. We were watching the celebrations on his television – we had an open bottle of Glen Morange between us. It was when Queen Elizabeth, along with the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret came out onto the balcony of Buckingham Palace. The commentator started to talk about the day fifty five years before when King George with his queen and two...

2 years ago
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Our Encounter with a Lovely Sexy Couple swing s

I’m not a writer by any means, please bare with me as I share my thoughts. This is only from my (Shay) perspective.Part 1 Our First Encounter J and I have always talked during sex, no not about the weather. We tell stories or create scenarios for each other. For instance while we’re at it I will say, ” can you imagine “Amy” coming in right now, she would be nervous that she walked in on us, but then she will realize she likes it. Then I could go on about how I would control her or I would get...

2 years ago
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Lending a Hand to the Neighbor Day 2 Abbys Surprise

“Well… shit,” Abby thought to herself as she got ready for bed. She was hoping that John was going to be with her tonight. He came home from work so happy, and was positively charming through dinner. It was like the old John, full of life and jokes, and she almost forgot how sexy he could be when he laughed. She found herself hoping against hope that they might be intimate together tonight.And why not? Abby looked good, one of the cutest ladies in the neighborhood. She wasn’t a model, but she...

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The Conference

I walk to reception to check in, and stand next to you as you are checking in too. I cant help but smell your sweet perfume and run my eyes up and down your body, getting slightly aroused...You look at me and smile...I continue to check in...half listening to the receptionist, half watching you as you bend over and pick up your luggage. I check in and walk towards the lifts to take me to my room..And as you look over your shoulder, catching me looking at your ass. You look up to see me watching...

4 years ago
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Hard Fucks

Haley laid there on her side in the dark in bed nursing her sore inside. She felt the fuck he had given her with his fist and cock that night. Falling off to sleep, she slept until morning. Waking, she stumbled in the dark trying to walk properly around the bed out of their room to another where she sat waiting for the coffee to brew. The feeling of him was still there. It made her smile, thinking of his hard-on the night before. She laughed to herself. It had just been since he finally found...

Love Stories
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Coming Out to Play

I was so horny that I was rubbing my pussy through my jeans the whole drive home. It was my first day as a freshman at South Florida Community College, and all the cute guys had me practically creaming in my pants. I couldn’t wait to get home and give my big, fat pussy a hardcore workout.As soon as I was through the door I dropped my bag, kicked off my shoes and headed straight for the privacy of my bedroom. I was naked a few seconds after closing my door. I stood in front of my mirror and...

4 years ago
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ChristinaChapter 20

A week later we were lifting off for a weekend, meeting with Cindy and Dan, and I was passenger in my own airplane, with my young private pilot wife and her best friend occupying the front seats. I didn't mind. It was relatively short flight, Tina was more than capable, and the absurdity of the scene was a bit humorous. As we neared the airfield, I heard the radio click as Tina made a general radio call: "Jackson Unicom, this is Cessna six-seven-six-five-Golf, five miles out, landing...

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