Battlemage Book 8 Origins and Dark RevelationsChapter 8
- 3 years ago
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4024 seasons previously before current times
"Daddy, are you sure you can't read me a story tonight?" asked a small boy as he father tucked him into bed.
"Well now little guy I'm not sure I can match your imagination. You tell some pretty good stories of your own sometimes," smiled the man down at the boy as he sat on the bed next to him and reached out to ruffle his hair.
The young boy looked to be about six or seven seasons old as he was getting ready for bed. The man was sporting a Vandyke style beard and moustache, but his head was completely clean-shaven.
"Ok, but can you tell me about my mommy again. I like it when you tell me things about her," smiled the boy.
"Well, she was the most beautiful woman in the land that I can ever remember seeing. She had long black hair just like yours and the same cute brown eyes, and a little cute nose," and as he touched the boy's nose it made the little boy giggle, "just like yours. Everyone she met loved her and she could make everyone smile around her by just smiling at them first," said the man smiling at the boy.
"Buy why did she have to leave us?" asked the boy
"Wolfgang sometimes everyone has to leave. Your mommy didn't want to go, but she loved you with her whole heart and there wasn't anything she wasn't willing to give up to make sure you were taken care of. I'm sure she's still trying to watch over you in her own way," said the man as he smiled sadly.
"And don't forget to say that you loved her. You didn't say you loved her yet," smiled the boy warmly at his father.
"No, I will never forget how much I loved her. I think about her every night since she left us and I will always remember that," said the man wistfully as he smiled at Wolfgang.
"Daddy, why don't you believe me when I tell you the things I see when I dream?" asked Wolfgang tiredly suddenly changing the subject. Children are notorious for things like that.
"Son it's not a question of believing or not believing, it's just that it's hard to visualize things from how you describe them.
"I mean just yesterday you were telling me about a Volto, Gogo, or something like that that was a creature that ate people and then spit them back out?" said the man questioningly raising an eyebrow.
"I said Volvo 320 daddy. Volvo. I my dream the people around it called it a car. It runs around on the ground and the people got inside of it when it lifted up its wings, and you could see the people inside its belly. And then when it lifted its wings again they climbed out," said Wolfgang disapprovingly in a way only small children can.
"Oh I'm sorry I guess I just made up the part about them spitting them out on my own," smiled the man trying not to laugh.
"That's ok daddy. It's ok if you don't see what I do," said Wolfgang as he still tiredly smiled at his father.
"Well little guy its night-night time. Let me cover the candlestone so you can get some sleep," said the man.
"Can I sing to myself until I fall asleep?" asked Wolfgang yawning as the man opened the door to leave the room.
"Sure, but just do it softly," smiled the man as he left the door open a crack.
As he headed down the hallway he could hear little Wolfgang softly humming, "Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm ... Sponge bob square pants ... Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm ... Sponge bob square pants..."
"Where is the boy getting all of his imagination from?" wondered the man as he traveled further down the hallway shaking his head.
It was not the first time he heard some strange song from the boy, but this one seemed to be one of his favorite ones.
Just last week he was trying to draw something he called "cartoons" on the floor of his room with charcoal.
Moreover, when asked what he was doing he said he was trying to remember the form of a "moving" drawing or something he dreamt. If the boy did not appear normal in all other respects, he would truly be worried about him.
As the man reached his living room, dropping into a chair as he once again recounted his life here in this small village in the valley.
Ever since that fateful night, Christian had been moving around with the boy trying to make sure no one could find him. It was only now that he was sure they were safe, as he made sure to change their appearance and names with each new village he traveled too.
He could not call him Charles as a first name because of obvious reason, but he decided to use his father's middle name as his new given name. However, he couldn't throw out his mother's legacy as well, so he named the boy Wolfgang Charles Duvall and he took the name Jason Duvall for himself. He grew a moustache and beard and kept his head clean-shaven.
A few seasons later he was able to get some information from the castle and found the Queen had been killed soon after he left with the child and the new King Elliston had her body thrown from the Castle walls along with his brothers'.
Their bodies disappeared under the cover of darkness with some of the citizen's who loved them burying their bodies where they would not be found or desecrated anymore.
Another strange changed was that the staff was almost all dismissed and new staff was brought in. The new King claimed it was to insure strict loyalty to him. However, later there were various reports of the previous staff who were killed or died strangely. Christian knew it was to prevent those who knew what really happened from talking.
As Christian's thoughts turned back to Wolfgang, he saw a baby who favored both of his parents. His ruddy complexion and features that were those of his father were gradually starting to be replaced solely by the ones that were almost exclusively his mother's fair skin and unbelievably dark hair.
When he spoke to you he always looked you right in the eyes and you didn't feel you could lie to him even if you wanted to. He had a way with his brown eyes that made you feel you could trust him no matter how much you might not want to.
The strange part was the boy was honest to a fault.
He never lied or tried to weasel his way out of trouble. He faced it head-on, looked you in the eyes and accepted his punishment. Sometimes the boy's sense of justice was scary to see in one so young.
He also seemed to be able to recognize written characters so easily. Christian was thinking of teaching him to read later on. He would probably try to do this in the spring, as the boy seemed to have a real knack for it.
Christian just wished he had a knack for fighting as well.
Most warriors started training their children while they were young, about Wolfgang's age, to keep them limber and to start to build up their strength, just like he had learned.
Wolfgang didn't seem to have the coordination for it. He also had zero interest and desire in learning anything to do with weapons or fighting.
He would rather spend his time trying to teach himself to read and trying to draw the pictures from his dreams on a wooden plank using charcoal from the fire the night before, usually doing this the next morning when he awoke before he forgot them.
Thankfully, he didn't appear to be a mage, as he showed zero interest in magic and also no aptitude for that either. He showed curiosity in how it worked and once the basic answers were discussed he moved on to something else. It was those dreams of his that consumed him.
As with the songs from his dreams, sometimes he remembered them easily for a while and could sing or recount the dreams if asked. Other times they were gone quickly as snow falling on a blacksmith's forge. He would hum part of it for a while repeatedly before he gave up and stopped trying to recall it.
Christian was still trying to figure out what a "lectric shave" was supposed to be the boy once talked about and god knows he thought the boy would never stop going on about "double mint twins" or something like that.
Earlier in the season he was captivated by metal birds called "pains" that he said also ate people but let them out again once it flew around with them for awhile. Similar to how those animals the cars he spoke of worked.
Then a few months back it was things called "Terra-formers" the boy went on about how they could either be the pains or the cars that turned into metal men. What did metal men have to do with planting crops??
But the most infectious of all was when he started singing a song at four and a half and he sang it for months. When Christian wrote down the words, he found that Wolfgang had spelled the words, well the ones he recognized, correctly.
It was some song that he could still hear now seasons later as it was just that catchy. It went something like "My bologna has a first name it's O-s-c-a-r my bologna has a second name M-e-y-e-r." What the heck was bologna anyway? Whatever it was he found himself singing along with Wolfgang whenever he sang it. Wow was that tune catchy.
The boy always seemed to talk about strange things like this for weeks on end for a while before he moved on to something different, but in the end, most of it always seemed harmless. It was an imagination hard to grasp sometimes, but it made him smile and damaged no one.
As Christian started to drop off to sleep, he once again played through his mind the faces of the true King and Queen, and the last time he saw them together, happy. They always appeared so much in love with each other when one saw them together.
Eventually, like it always did, those scenes were quickly replaced by the last time he saw them, Tomas who was already dead and cold to the touch and Melina, who cried so tearfully as she handed him her son and charged him with his protection before she looked down at the floor to await the death she knew was coming.
Those two scenes were the ones that always intruded on any other dream he had over the seasons. He just could not curse himself enough for the lack of preparation all those seasons ago.
Hadn't he always been taught that on the battlefield "Luck favors the prepared"? In his former line of work wasn't any place a battlefield?
How could he have let it all happen to the people he loved and was entrusted to protect? They trusted him, and he let them down. It had cost them their lives as he fled into the night. That thought still bothered him to this day.
Well this time he would do a better job and nothing would ever harm Melina's son. If he were able to put him back on the throne later to atone for his crimes and failures, well he would watch for the perfect time to make that happen.
That was the real reason he never left the island. This was the home and heritage of Wolfgang that Melina tried to protect and he would do what ever it took to put Tomas and Melina's son back on the throne.
Of course, he would enjoy eventually making good King Elliston pay for killing them both in his lust for power.
"Dad look, I know we always plowed the land and use the single bladed plow, but what we should consider is using this design I've seen in my dreams. It used a twin blade and I've added two wagon wheels to assist the horses in pulling it behind them.
In all it is a design that allows us to work twice as fast and get the same results in half the time," said young Wolfgang.
It was soon going to be planting season and Jason just shook his head as his son's latest idea was run past him.
Wolfgang had taken to playing with his designs during the cooler months until he felt it was just right. Even though he had dreamed of this design a few times over the seasons, there were still some bugs to work out that he didn't understand at first.
"Boy, I know at thirteen you have all the answers, but we should work with what we know works. That way there are no surprises we've not planned for," said Jason smiling at the boy.
"You never know, I could stub my toe, it could explode like that painting machine you made. Thank god I didn't have any hair or you might have persuaded me to try that brush of yours. I'm glad it was time to cut your hair anyway," finished Jason smiling at Wolfgang.
Even as he blushed, Wolfgang persisted.
"Dad, trust me, this time I have worked out all the kinks. And there are very few moving parts for you to stub your toe with, the house never looked better with a fresh coat of paint, and besides if your hairline is any indication of what to expect for my future I should get the most out of my hair while I can," smiled Wolfgang mischievously at his father.
"I'll make you a deal boy, if you can answer my question on any topic we've ever covered before, well then I'll give your design an honest go," smiled Jason as he watched the boy.
"Shoot," said Wolfgang smiling.
"If one is fighting a battle, and the battle is going well and the enemy is routing, do you purse them or defend your position?" asked Jason.
"Well that depends on a lot of factors. One: have you scouted the terrain well enough to know where all the possible spots are for retaliation are? Two: Are your men well rested or have they been fighting for days and hours and could easily make mistakes? Three: Are your reinforcements enough that you can prevent your supply lines from being cut off?" Wolfgang thoughtfully asked.
Impressed by his questions Jason said "Lets pretend that your army is just starting out early in their campaign, the supply line is secure, and you have an adequate map of the land with no surprises, what do you do?"
"Well at that point, if your battle is going that well, then it's obviously an ambush and the enemy didn't expect you and they are totally unprepared so your best bet is to pursue the enemy before they regroup.
"And before you ask, you corner them and try to limit the bloodshed by seeking a surrender, because that would also put your men at risk during a desperate battle," smiled Wolfgang. "The only time you don't is if you have an enemy that must be destroyed at all cost."
"That's pretty well thought out. It seems almost if you knew I would ask..." started Jason before he thought, "You were looking at my desk weren't you?"
"I was looking for something to draw on for a newer design I was thinking about, so I knew you would probably ask me about tactics sometime today since you did have the book out. Besides you always told me that luck favors the prepared, so I prepared myself by thinking about various tactics for troop management," smiled Wolfgang.
"You are way too intelligent for your own good sometimes boy. At least you have your mother's good looks and your father's smarts to carry you through," said Jason as he smiled.
"So you'll give it a try?!" asked Wolfgang excitedly.
"A deal is a deal. Get everything ready and we'll see if it either works or we put out our eyes," smiled Jason.
As Wolfgang rushed off to drag out his new design and hook it to the horses, Jason watched him go.
"Melina and Tomas I've tried the best I can to raise your boy the best I know how. He can read, write, he is very quick witted, happy, knows tactics, and music.
"I just wish he could handle a sword sometimes to save his life. But for as easy going and peaceable as he is, and as devoted and helpful to others, for what I've had to work with I still believe you would both be proud," thought Jason before he went out to the barn to see how Wolfgang was getting along.
"I know this design is going to work this time," thought sixteen season old Wolfgang as he wound up the spring to drive his new paddleboat design.
Wolfgang had been working on this one for a few seasons. It was one of the designs he knew would worked. He was still having problems visualizing the entire concept.
In his dreams, there was smoke coming from twin stacks of a rear driven paddleboat, but he had no idea what made the smoke. He saw in another dream that using a spring loaded device where you used string to wind up the spring and then releasing it to drive the paddle.
4001 seasons previously before current times The last five seasons the land of Pastial had been peaceful and the people and land prospered. Wolfgang managed to setup various changes in the land. He managed to introduce a few of his inventions further into the populace, like the wheeled plow, piped irrigation for the farm land, water filtration, and he was currently working on various steam powered inventions. Because of all of those changes the people kept trying to make him the new King...
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"Just a minute," called out Rayne as she started heading for the door. Brianna and Aric could hear her as she came down the hallway making her way to her front door. Right before the door opened they heard her say, "Matt, if you feed him that you're sitting up with him until he passes gas." Biting back laughter at that statement, they were ready when they saw Rayne swinging open the door. "May I help..." started Rayne before he eyes adjusted to the light and she...
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Dusty and Suzan reached the double doors that lead to the council chambers. They had passed a few offices that the council members and others made their own. Now they were at their destination. There was a single desk outside the council chambers, and at it sat a very striking and attractive red haired woman. She looked to conceivably be in her mid-thirties, but with mages that didn't mean anything. She was dressed in similar robes as the guard out front with the same sash over her...
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Dusty and Suzan quickly made a few plans between them, agreed on them, and then set about separately doing them. First thing Dusty wanted to do was make sure the kids were taken care of. He knew that getting DJ started on his training was important right then and so he made a quick call to Lori. Talking as fast as he could Dusty then explained what was going on and why he needed to send the kids to her home. Telling Lori he had the emergency covered he made the plan to send their kids,...
Dusty, Suzan, Daniel, and Rachel all suddenly appeared on the pad next to Lori's home. The pad was large enough to accommodate five riders on horseback, but it was the four of them standing next to Dusty and Suzan's horses. Waiting while Dusty and Suzan took their horses to the stable, the four of them returned to the front of the door and knocked. "Lori seemed pretty excited when I called her, I wonder why," said Suzan as they waited "Bet she's discovered something new again. She...
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"Thank you for the horses," said Marie as she looked over at Seth smiling. "I'm happy to loan them to you all. I'm just sorry how you received them, but not that you have them," said Seth. "I am too. I wished those men didn't have to die while helping others as they did, but I know those people in the town appreciated their sacrifice," said Marie to Seth. Seth just nodded as he rode. They rode in silence while they were sticking to the main roads in the forest so that they could...
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"Are you ready? We don't have to do this if you really don't want to. We might be able to find another way. Or we could find someone else, or..." said Kat as she looked at Rory. Rory reached out and put his hand on her arm and gently held it. "Kathryn, we don't have a lot of time and it's not like it's our first time together, remember? Ariel is running loose and it's only a matter of time before she runs into a caravan or something else, and a lot of innocents become harmed...
"With us not finding any trace of what's happing during the day it looks like we're going to have to venture further into the woods at night," said Suzan as she looked at Dusty and Seth. "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean we've still not found a single trace of what is taking off with the people from around here," said Dusty as he turned to look at her. "I say we give it at least one more day, maybe two tops, before we go looking for any danger that we may not need to buy for...
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The next morning Dusty got up very early, before the sun was even close to coming up, and started packing his pack for the next mission. As he pulled out clothing to take with him he noticed the suede leather jacket and jeans that he was wearing when he arrived here hanging in the wardrobe in the corner of his room. Seeing them once again took him back to when he first appeared in this world just under over a year ago. A lot of things had changed. First of all he now believed in magic. It...
"ARRRGGHHH!! What do we do now!" asked Andrea for about the fourth or fifth time since getting to Daven's office as she paced back and forth. Daven leaned back and watched her pace. Even though she was severely agitated, her pacing, and the waving of her arms in that dress, was doing wonders for her anatomy. No wonder he loved that dress on her and he thought again no wonder he had always wanted her. Once he got her unwound she was a tiger in the sack. He would really miss their time...
Aric worked hard while he was at the academy. And while it was grueling work, it was getting him where he needed to be. He wanted to finish fast to be back in Andrea's arms. He was ready to be married and with all that it entailed. The professors couldn't believe how fast he learned, and he seemed to be ready for any class he could take. The only exception was the class for Applied Black Magery, that class he refused to take. He didn't like the necromancy involved and flat out refused to...
"Nana what was that?" asked a worried Gem. "I'm not sure. It felt like we hit something. But the ship isn't moving forward anymore and it's not sinking. But I do hear a lot of yelling, but I just don't know," said Brianna. Brianna and Gem were in a windowless room with the door bolted from the outside. But with their sparse clothing, or lack there of, they could clearly feel that it was now way colder than it was before. The reason for their confusion was that they felt the boat...
While Aric was making his way to see Aaron, Andrea and Daven were still shocked over Aric's announcement that he was through with them. To the best of their knowledge he never gave up on anyone. But for all intent and appearances he had on both of them! And to make it worse he was going to keep his word, they knew he would. Andrea still sat on the floor stunned. "Aric is done with me," she thought really worried. "Aric said he is done with me? That can't be! What am I going to do? I...
"So all the tests prove that Beth is now resistant to all forms of poison?" asked Anne-Marie as she put down one of the various reports that she had been looking over in front of her and leaned back in her chair. She now had the six of them in her office once again and she was looking them over. Once they returned to the guild, the first thing Ayden and a few of the mature Sisters did was to check out Beth. He was the best able to tell them what he did and the few White mage they had...
Dusty started to run into the room, but he stopped and took a good long look around first looking for traps. As he stepped into the room he saw Galvin as he basically finished hanging his wife next to Daniel and Rachel from a hook by a chain around both of her wrists. When Galvin stepped back he could see that her shirt was ripped badly in the front and one of her breasts was in danger of spilling out of her already heavily overworked bra. He watched Galvin seem to take a good long look at...
Two men stood looking at the prone form of their leader. They just received the report that the man wanting to join them, a Christopher Jones, was just killed by someone a very powerful. It didn't look like magic that killed him, but they also had no idea at this point how he died. The men weren't too broken up about it because they felt the fool was wrong to be experimenting on children and they wouldn't miss him. He contacted them before with a deep desire to join their ranks and said...
"Mmmmmmm ... do you really need to get up and go work out so soon? The sun isn't even up yet. You really should come back to bed. I need you. I mean I really need you. You could just as easily work out with me instead you know," said Suzan softly but in her deep raspy voice. Even with just barely opening her eyes, she knew that she had her husband's complete attention. They had gone to bed the previous night in the buff and she could see his response to her request instantly. He was...
During the first week that Dusty and the others had left Marie and Seth had met with the King and Marie trained in the yard to keep up her skills, tone her body, and generally keep busy. The King gave her one of the outer rooms that faced the parade yards so that she was well away from the other nobles but close enough that she could work out in the yard and visit with Seth. King William gave her a knowing smile as his secretary briefed her where she would be staying. Marie smiled back at...
Once out of the chamber Dusty smiled and raced down the hall to grab Suzan's hand as she was still storming down the hallway, and pulled her trembling frame into an embrace. As he did he noticed that her face was unreadable, but he could see as he did this that she was still very much pissed off. While pulling her close he buried his face in her hair. "I'm sorry honey, but should have told you that you broke nothing. If I hadn't been so caught up in self pity I would have spoken up...
"Well my dear it has been almost two weeks, I don't believe they are coming back before the time limit," said Queen Morigan as she looked over at Rachel while she stood apart from the other women. Rachel was sitting and trying to look at ease, but it was an effort with all the various other Lady's and ladies in waiting around. All the various forms of nobility were hanging around the audience chamber making light conversation about nothing and gossiping. As Rachel tried to look like she...
Once breakfast was finished Ariel wandered the guild grounds once again. She was trying to learn where everything was, and she passed various areas once again including the blacksmith shop where Nathan worked as a blacksmith's assistant. When they first arrived they found that the guild already had a blacksmith, but like the other members he went on missions because he could make more money doing that than he could having the members pay him to fix their weapons. So there was a need for...
The meeting with Rayne's parents, Aric and Brianna, went really well Matt thought. Matt met her father Aric, and if he thought the boys were larger than life, he was shocked at the father. His presence seemed huge to him. But strangely, other than a silver forelock, Aric didn't look like he could possibly be a day over thirty at best to Matt. To Matt Aric seemed far too quiet, friendly, and gentle to be the famous Battlemage he had heard of. Didn't they only love death and destruction...
Dusty arrived with his friends at the kingdom of Stelmore. The first thing they did on entering was to head straight for the castle to talk with King Roland about the attacks. Reaching the city gates it was obvious that the city was on high alert. On trying to enter the capital city they had to get off of their horses at the gate and lead them into the city. The guards then separated them, and two guards checked them one at a time. One held a serviceable pike on them as the other one...
A bloody and very upset Suzan and Anita made their way back to the palace just as the Sun was cresting over the horizon. They had already made the stop by Tabitha's mother's house the night before to inform her of what happened. Needless to say it wasn't something they wanted to do, but knew that they had to and it was something they owed the only real victim to pay the ultimate price. Even though Suzan felt she should tell her, Anita insisted that because her death was her fault she...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
"So where do we start looking for him?" asked Rory as he looked around at the crowd in the town square. "I'm not sure. It's not like you can say 'Hey, has anyone seen any evil mages running around lately' and then have everyone know who you're talking about. He might even be from here or be terrorizing everyone into not talking," said Ariel as she looked around. "I need to see if there is a mage and see if I can borrow his crystal. I would like to contact Galen and see if he knows...
As Aric and Brianna made their way downstairs they headed to the den and saw Galen sitting in a chair at his desk making some notes with his back to the doorway. Just as Aric was getting ready to knock on the door frame Galen said "About time you woke up boy. We need to have a talk. I should have had it with you long ago, but I put it off thinking that what I was seeing couldn't be true. But now I understand it is." As Aric and Brianna came into the room and took a seat on the couch...
Peter was feeling on top of the world. The female bitch he had brought to the howling had already put herself at the top of the pack as the number one choice and he already had an in with her so he was sure that she would be his prize before the night was out. It was easy to get her away from the humans because they weren't that smart anyway. He wondered how long she had been away from her pack. He also needed a break, because the humans always had a way of infecting others with their...
"Ok, what the HELL just happened?" thought Aric. As he was filling the cart with wood, suddenly an extremely huge Brown Bear came out of the woods. He tried not to move, but the bear was looking for a fight. He was pretty sure he could take the bear, he was pretty strong and fast, but it would be close. The bear was easily twice his size in wide and almost twice his height standing up right. As he was trying to circle around to get a good position, his foot slipped into a gopher hole up...
It had already been five nights since Ariel watched her husband die. Because the thought had been too painful for her mind, it shut itself down to everything except for the most basic of primal functions. Running through the tree's and brush had snagged and torn her clothing. She was dirty, ragged, and looked disheveled with her free flowing uncombed hair flying behind her and the young man pacing her thought she never looked more beautiful than she did right then. Even though her faced...
Galvin sat on the cliff side with his legs dangling as he sat overlooking the city. It was a very prosperous city that originally had been a town that was built against the side of a cliff so that it could only be raided from one direction, and all the defenses had been developed to protect from that direction. But over the years the town had grown, as well as changes in modern warfare. Now if someone wanted to give the city a good pasting they could do it in relative safety from where he...
"Honey?" asked Brianna as she sat at the table one night a few months after Aric met Galen. It was after dinner at Aric's house "Since we've been seeing each other for a while now I was wondering, do you feel I'm pretty?" Brianna asked. Aric who was at the sink was cleaning their plates turned and looked at Brianna "You know I do. I remember the first time you sat in my lap topless a few weeks back and jump right back up soon as you sat down. I believe you felt how attractive I...
"So what the hell happened here?" exclaimed Terrance as he looked around the ransacked camp area. It was a creepy looking site, not because of its layout, it was a large site, but because of the men who lay in all type of grotesque poses on the ground. Looks of horror were etched on their faces and their eyes were rolled back in their heads, but yet they remained wide open. Impossibly wide open. "Not one of them is alive. Who could have killed them all like this? It was as if they just...
Even though Ariel was feeling in the mood to be with Nathan, she refused to do anything with him because of how guilty she felt over what happened earlier with the young man who approached her. She didn't want to remotely believe she was using her husband as a substitute for the young man and so she refused to give into her desires that night. Nathan for the most part didn't want to pressure her into anything and knew she would eventually seek him out. Kat parted with them at the...