Rhapsody SuiteSeven free porn video

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“TONY! YOU WOULDN’T BELIEVE what happened.” She tossed an overnight bag on the floor and turned to give me a big hug.

“Um ... uh ... Bree?” I asked, completely lost.

“Well, at least you remembered my name. I came down this afternoon to cheer you on. I got so caught up in your match this evening that I never got to the hotel to check in. Can you believe they gave my room away? I am so miffed.”

“What are you doing here?” I asked, still clueless.

“I just explained. Sonia and I flipped a coin to see who would represent the cheer squad in learning about our newest school sport. I won, so I caught a flight this afternoon with Coach Jacobson. Well, not exactly with him, but we were on the same flight. I don’t think he even knew I was there.”

“Sam came down?” I was such a great conversationalist. I was sounding dumber and dumberer.

“Yeah. Didn’t you know? He was watching your last match with your coach. Who, by the way, is one of the hottest chicks I’ve ever seen. So, we’re trying to figure out if racquetball is a sport that will be good for cheerleading, but it seems kind of crowded. Are all the courts like that with just a glass wall at one end? You couldn’t have more than a few dozen fans at a competition.”

“Most courts are like that until you get to The Ektelon Nationals. They set up a glass cage in the middle of an arena for the final rounds at least. I went to watch Opens a couple of years ago and there were almost a thousand competitors. But it’s not really an NCAA sport, so I don’t think there are cheerleaders.” I lost my train of thought for a moment as Bree was taking off her sweater and shoes. “What are you doing here?”

“I told you...”

“No. I mean here,” I insisted, waving at the walls. “In my room.”

“Oh. Well, since they gave away my room and we’re sort of teammates, I was hoping that you wouldn’t mind company tonight. I thought it would be a great way to get to know you better.”

“I’ve got to get to bed and get sleep. I’ve got a match at nine tomorrow morning and I can’t be staying up all night.”

“Oh, I understand the athlete during competition thing. I won’t keep you awake or make any crippling sexual demands on you—though personally I think the whole thing about abstaining from sex before a game is stupid. But I’ll wait till you’re finished for that. I can sleep on the couch.”

“There’s no waiting for that,” I said. “I’ve got ... uh ... a girlfriend.”

“Really? Who?”

I almost answered that question and caught myself just in time. I would have regretted that, I was sure. I was so thrown by this little redhead prancing into my room and making like she was going to sleep with me that I wasn’t thinking straight.

“A cute cheerleader from PCAD,” I said vaguely.

“Which one? Let’s see. There was the dyke, the little chub, and two pretty cute girls. One was tall and skinny and the other one had sort of reddish hair and looked soft all over. That’s the one, isn’t it?”

“Yeah” I agreed. “That’s Melody. But hey! Sandra’s not a chub. She’s a little Rubenesque but...”

“No offense. I was just trying to get to the right one. So, I’ll clear it with your girlfriend before I fuck you. I’ll tell her it’s part of your initiation into the athletic department. Mind if I take the first shower? Since we’re not doing anything tonight, there’s no reason to shower together. Don’t want you to have rubbery legs in the morning. Unless you’d rather... ?”

With that, she grabbed her bag and disappeared into the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on as soon as the door closed.

I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Lissa and Melody that just said, “You wouldn’t believe what just happened.” My phone had just vibrated with a message when there was another knock at my door. I saw Melody had sent the return text asking “what?” and figured Lissa had just come next door to find out. I swung the door open as I started to text Melody back.

Allison Perkins breezed in the door, gave me a kiss on the cheek, strode straight to the bed, and started stripping her clothes off. She was only wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, so it didn’t take long before she was naked.

“I thought maybe you could fill in some of the details in your sketch,” she said, striking a pose that was similar to the one I’d sketched of her on the court. She looked a whole lot better than she had in her shorts and t-shirt. The muscle definition I’d seen in her legs continued right up into her butt and her back. And I could see for sure now why her sports bra was having such a tough job. I was about to reach for my sketchbook.

“What are you doing?” I squeaked instead. “You can’t just come into a guy’s room and take your clothes off. I’ve got a girlfriend.”

“Do you know how much I had to work myself up in order to do this? Just get out your sketchbook and draw me before I lose my nerve. God!”

She was definitely flushed and I was not going to let the opportunity to sketch her go to waste, so I started rummaging in my bag. Of course, that’s when Bree walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and stared at Allison.

“Tony!” Bree said. “You didn’t tell me we were partying, tonight!”

“Is that your girlfriend?” Allison asked, mortified. “Oh god!”

Allison started scrambling to get to her sweats back on, but Bree just stripped off her towel so she was standing as naked as Allison. Damn! Bree looked good, too. She had the pale skin and scatter of freckles of a true redhead and if there was any doubt left, the triangle of hair above her pussy proved the carpet matched the drapes, as they say. Allison stopped dressing with one foot in her sweats and the other raised as Bree approached her. Allison towered over the redheaded cheerleader. Each time she hopped a little, those incredible breasts did incredible things. Bree definitely took control when she hauled Allison’s head down with her hand and planted a searing kiss on her lips.

I still had my phone in my hand from my unfinished message to Melody and Lissa. I held it up and took a picture of the two naked girls standing next to my bed and sent it along with a message that just said “WTF! Help!”

“Tony, this will be so much fun! I like this one,” Bree said.

“Honest, I didn’t know his girlfriend was here,” Allison scrambled. “I just wanted him to draw me. Like in the action sketches he was doing earlier.”

“Oh yeah,” Bree responded. “Let’s give him some real action to draw.” She was standing on her tiptoes so she could reach Allison’s mouth with her own. She kept one foot on the ground and raised the other to wrap her left leg around Allison’s hips and pull them together.

“Oh god, you’re luscious,” Allison whimpered as she lost her balance and the two fell back onto the bed.

Just then there was another knock on the door. I just opened it while I was staring at the two of them. For all I knew it could be another girl or both of their boyfriends. I was too dazed to care.

Lissa walked into the room. She looked at me with a little smirk on her face and then turned to the girls and cleared her throat. They looked over at her and then both jumped up off the bed and faced Lissa, looking terrified. That was amusing. Allison had a nicely trimmed landing strip above very pouty lips that were beginning to open and show her arousal. I wasn’t sure how much of that she’d been sporting when she came into the room and how much was a result of Bree’s steamy attack. And they both had tits to die for. Bree’s nipples were a little bigger, and lighter in color than Allison’s. For as big as Allison’s boobs were, though, her areolae and nipples were delicate and perched high. Both girls stood straight at attention as they faced Lissa.

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It was the first Saturday in August, and the weather in London was warm. Effie and I had known each other for only a few months. We were visiting her brother Stephen, and we had gone out for a walk in the park near his flat. We were lying on our backs on the grass, my head on her lap, enjoying the sunshine and each other's company, relaxing. After we had been chatting desultorily about pretty much everything, the conversation had inevitably turned to the things that we enjoyed. We were talking...

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Taking the Risk Ch 18

As her self respect grows, so does her strength as a woman. Learning to take risks allows you to feel, change, grow, love and live. Only a person who risks is free. My thanks to Leo F Buscaglia for the inspiration for this story from his affirmation ‘Risks’ I love getting your feedback and suggestions, and for those who have been so kind to give them, I write for you. * Froo was almost dancing with delight in front of him, her tangible excitement at her small victory making him glow with...

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Sex Without Love

Jay came home from work early to see his best friend’s Beemer in the driveway. Thinking nothing of it, he walked in the door, expecting to see his wife, Maggie, and his best friend, Marty, chillaxin’ on the couch, watching TV, or drinking beer while they waited for him to come home.But that’s not what he found. Jay found his rage…He heard music and muted voices coming from his bedroom.Fuck no. This can’t be happening, he thought. But it was EXACTLY what WAS happening.“Fuck… it’s so tight......

3 years ago
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Cleverly Planned Wife Swap 8211 Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple 8211 Part VIII

This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...

1 year ago
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Always Wanting It

I woke up needing to pee real bad. As I laid there I realized my body ached; my neck, my arms, my legs, even my toes hurt. I went to move my head and found that even my face hurt. My mind began racing to try and remember what had happened. Maybe I had been in a car wreck or something. I realized that I was on a bed without any blankets, or even a top sheet. In addition, it smelled of sex, I mean it reeked of it. I could hear a bunch of rowdy men in the next room and from the sounds of it they...

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the wedding

Introduction: one passionate night In this story i do not describe characters. This is so you can imagine the two teens anyway you like. Now to the story… My name is mark. Last week i attended my cousins wedding. That night was one i would never forget because of the events that will follow. I stared at her across the room, she stared back at me. Finally after about an hour of stares back and forth i approached her… Mark: Excuse me miss, could i have this dance? Girl: I dont know how to...

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wifes revelation pt2

Introduction: wife reveales wicked past Part2 Pam wakes after a long sleepless night. She spent the night contemplating her dilemma hoping she still has a marriage. She listens for jack hearing him in the kitchen and pots rattling. Pam slowly makes her way to the kitchen after her morning routine. She rounds the corner to the kitchen good morning babe, smells good. Jack has his back to her emptying the contents of the frying pan onto a plate. Hope your hungry? I cooked a ton for some reason....

1 year ago
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BangBus Arietta Adams Redhead Paid to Fuck in the Bus

This time we got Arietta, an eighteen years old redhead that we found on a bench park waiting for her mom to leave home, so she could sneak in without being noticed, she is a true rebel, loves easy money and has that kind of I know everything attitude, at first she didn’t want to talk, but Peter stepped out of the bus and paid her to talk to us, then I offered her more money to flash us and she did it immediately, we were shocked no objection, no resistance she just pulled down her blouse...

2 years ago
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My first time with two BBCs

This is a short story about myself when I was still discovering myself and how I had my first encounter with two black men I met on the internet. I knew that after getting my first sexual intercourse with a black men that I was into black men and ready to submit to black men only. My first sexual intercourse with a black man had showed me that I was turned on by dressing up like a girl. I was into lingerie, hosiery and dresses. I actually spent more of my part time money that I was earning into...

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Rosie’s Story It had all started so innocently. Both Jon and I were quite happily married with no real worries. It wasn’t an exciting marriage and it was much the same as my own mother and fathers. Very comfortable and very settled. Jon was not a very big man and neither was he demanding. I remember telling my mother about him and she had told me “You are a very lucky girl Rosie.” She was right. It was a little boring but a I was lucky. I worked in a small office in a local factory and it came...

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PornstarPlatinum Ariella Ferrera Richelle Ryan 4th Of July Threesome

Happy 4th of July first of all! So I’m here with my sexy friend Richelle Ryan & I just pulled these festive July 4th cupcakes out of the oven, Richelle thinks they look amazing! But the real question I have for Richelle is if she thinks Billy will come over. She seems to think he won’t pass up the opportunity to pay us a visit. I hope she is right, Billy is so hot! Just as soon and Richelle & I started sucking on our July 4th Frozen Pops, in walked Billy! Of course we had it...

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Shilpa Bhabhi Chudi Devar Se

Nind se uthte he kisi ka lund kaise khada ho sakta jo raat bhar chudai karke soya ho. Hum roz raat mai aksar 3 ghante lagatar chudai ka maza lete. Mujhe bhi kaafi maza ata..Hum aksar khadakwasla dam jata karte aur waha jhadiyo k piche mere pati meri khoob chudai karte. Mera figure shadi se pehle 30-28-30 tha lekin ab mera figure 34c-30-32 hai. Aap soch rahe honge ki ye mehnat mere pati ne ki hai toh aap galat ho. Ab kahani ki shurwat karti hu. Kripiya sabhi apna lund apne haath mai lele. Aaj...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 176 Wig Wigs and More Wigs

"Wake up Bernard, I'm headed out for breakfast and my morning rehab walk. Do you want to come along?" I asked. "What time is it?" he moaned. "7AM, I'm running late," I said. "Get the hell out of here and come back at a reasonable hour," he demanded. "Okay, you can use the land line to call your people, if you like. I'll bring you some food and make some coffee when I get back." Since he wasn't coming along, I got the bike out for another ride. The parking lot at Helen's...

3 years ago
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Family Fun at Pear Tree CottageChapter 7

Next day being Sunday, the family decided on going out into the Kent countryside for a picnic, of course with the Bell family it was never going to be a straight forward Sunday picnic. No their picnics always turned into erotic secluded fresh creamed picnics. They loaded up all the goodies they were planning on taking and not just the hamper of foods and freezer box of drinks, but the bondage box was slipped into the boot of the car as well as Cassie's new sex toys. Also unbeknown to Alan a...

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New Divas Division

After Night of Champions 2014, Nikki Bella appeared on several talk shows, hyping herself up as the new Diva's Champion, as well as her gorgeous looks (and rightfully so, as none of the hosts could stop looking at her tits and ass). Soon enough, Nikki started her own (R rated) Model division in the WWE, with an emphasis on looks and gimmick matches, like foxy boxing and bra & panties matches instead of wrestling. Nikki quickly became the top star in the division with her amazing body, and was...

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1 Stormy MondayChapter 37

Given the new urgency, instead of walking Collette cranked up the Beemer instead, and they arrived at the field in what seemed like moments. As they approached the still empty parking lot closest to field, they could see an elderly campus policeman waggling his finger at them, and then waiving his arms to flag them down. As they approached him, Collette turned to Bobby and said, "Let me do the talking." She then reached to her blouse and unfastened the top three buttons. Bobby's...

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Hot Family On HolidayChapter 8

The next afternoon, Kim slipped away from the drunk movie producer and hurried over to Leon's suite. After knocking on the door, she was surprised when it was opened by a handsome man in his early forties with a hard-on throbbing up in front of him. "Well," she giggled, staring at his stiff cock. "It looks like you need a hot cunt to empty that thing in." "I sure do," grinned the man, thinking how sexy the naked little redhead looked. "Now what can I do for you?" "I'm looking...

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Anns sitter Vl

Breaking their kiss Mary asked, you sure your mom doesn't know you're here. Sliding off her Ann rubbed Mary's tit. Poking her areloa she said, yes. I told her I was going to a friends house a few blocks away.With any evil grin Mary slid down kissing Ann's belly. Ann's heart beat quicker feeling her lips on her skin. She giggled when Mary tongued her bellybutton. She gasped feeling Mary stroke her public hair. Nervously she let Mary lift her leg. Kissing her thigh, Mary ran her hand down Ann's...

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