- 2 years ago
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“YOU TWO CAN USE THE SPA if you want to before bed,” Lissa said. “I’ve put clean towels in your room.” She was nervous. It was different than being with her before. She was ready to go to bed alone and send us to the guest room because of the boys. I could understand. Gosh. You don’t want your kids seeing an endless parade of sex partners staying in your bedroom overnight. But we weren’t an endless parade, and sex wasn’t strictly necessary for us to be together. This wasn’t going to work.
“Lissa, do your kids have friends?” I asked.
“Of course.”
“Do they ever have sleepovers?” I continued.
“Do you make the other kids stay in the guestroom?”
“No,” she answered, grasping my line of thinking.
“We’re your boyfriend and girlfriend. The boys already know that. We’re having a sleepover. We don’t intend to leave you alone tonight.”
“I can’t go in the spa while the boys are here,” Lissa persisted. “I need to be able to hear them.”
“Why don’t you and Melody relax in the tub for a while,” I said. “I’ve got some planning work to do in my Daytimer that I don’t want to put off until after break. I have to figure out what needs to be completed before I take time off for the championships. I can listen for the boys.”
Lissa looked at me with her mouth open, making little movements that looked like a fish. Melody took her hand and led her away while I spread my things out on the breakfast bar. I don’t know if Lissa was more surprised at being relieved of child duty for an hour or that I was working ahead on my schedule.
An hour later, Melody padded out in her bare feet, wearing nothing but a towel. She kissed me soundly and then whispered in my ear. I closed my books and turned off the kitchen light. When I got to the bedroom, I found Lissa sprawled on her stomach in the middle of the bed. One lamp lit the corner of the room, shedding a soft glow. Melody had begun stroking Lissa’s head, massaging her scalp. I contemplated sketching the scene, but instead I undressed and crawled up to join them on Lissa’s other side. Melody handed me a bottle of body oil. While she continued to work on Lissa’s scalp, I warmed oil in my hands and went to work on her shoulders.
She was tight. Even after the long soak in the tub, Lissa was carrying tension that she just couldn’t let go. I kneaded her muscles, alternating between deep pressure to work out the kinks, and gentle long strokes to simply soothe and relax her. Pretty soon, Melody had oil on her hands and together we worked from her shoulders down both arms at once. Melody and I watched each other carefully. Neither of us is a trained massage therapist, but we just figured out what would feel good if we were in that position and as one of us tried something, the other would mimic it. We seemed to be doing a pretty good job, based on the sighs and little moans that came from Lissa and the lessening tension in the muscles we touched.
It was good almond oil and before long Lissa’s skin was glistening. Melody worked high on Lissa’s back as I moved into her lower back where she was just as tight as her shoulders had been. As we moved together, Melody and I were touching each other as well, our sides and arms pressed together above Lissa. As I ran my hands up Lissa’s sides, they slipped under Melody’s hands and Melody stroked up my arms, then back down onto Lissa’s back as I slid down toward her butt. As Melody followed my hands down the curve of her back, she turned and gave me a kiss and we continued our massage.
I think we found a hundred ways to massage the spectacular globes of Lissa’s butt—palms caressing, fingers probing, jiggling, tapping, pressing, stroking. And eventually kissing each beautiful cheek as we moved down to her legs.
I could make love to Lissa’s legs for hours. By the look in her eyes, so could Melody. From the sounds we were hearing, I didn’t think Lissa would object. I’ve always loved legs, but watching a cute girl in a short skirt couldn’t even compare to putting both hands around a Lissa’s thighs and letting my thumbs follow the line of her muscles to her ankles. Lissa’s body is so tight there’s pretty much no butt-ledge. It was a clean, unbroken line as our hands took long strokes from her waist to her ankles. The calves that guys appreciate so much when they see them in a pair of high heels are so delicate beneath the fingers that I wanted to cradle them gently, not just rub.
I was acutely aware of Melody’s body pressing against mine as we worked on our lover together. She reached across to put a hand on each cheek and drag her fingertips sensuously down Lissa’s sculpted legs. To get a better angle, she knelt between Lissa’s legs. I moved behind her and reached over her to follow her hands with my own. When Melody reached to start the stroke again, I let my oily hands flow from Lissa’s legs onto Melody’s, stroking upward from where she knelt and moving across her tummy and breasts. Melody’s breath caught and she ground her butt into my erection for a moment before we both moved back and each lifted one of Lissa’s feet to massage.
Lissa once joked to me that she was a classic runway model—tall, skinny, and big feet. True, since at 5’10” she was as tall as me, and her size-ten feet were as big as mine. There was nothing clunky or out of proportion, though. Her feet were long and thin, with high arches. Her toes were as delicate as her fingers and it made me just want to suck them into my mouth. Melody caught my eye and winked. Then we both lowered our mouths and bathed her toes with our tongues. Her feet aren’t very ticklish, which was a good thing. I’d have had a paroxysm if they’d been doing to me what we were doing to Lissa.
When we finally petted her feet for the last time, I reached under Lissa and gently rolled her over. A little smile played on her lips but she kept her eyes closed as we started the whole process over again. Maybe it was a little more interesting for us since this trip down included those beautiful breasts, but as sensuous as the massage was, it wasn’t overtly sexual. Oh, Melody and I were certainly teasing each other with stray strokes and we sure didn’t ignore Lissa’s breasts. Melody couldn’t resist a little lick of each of Lissa’s nipples. I was always between half-hard and hard. There was enough sexual edge just because we were enjoying ourselves and each other so much.
When I started rubbing circles on Lissa’s tummy, Melody linked her fingers through mine so it was like two hands and twenty fingers. Lissa was quaking as we moved down, carefully avoiding her plump labia and working the last of the tension out of her quads. I glanced over at the bedside clock and realized with a shock that we’d been massaging Lissa for an hour and a half. Little trembles kept going through her body and she kept moaning in a high-pitched whine. Melody and I linked hands once again as we settled down on either side of Lissa and with our joined fingers, we reached down and stroked Lissa’s pussy from bottom to top one time.
We didn’t penetrate anything, didn’t part her folds or try to find her clit, but with that one stroke, Lissa came up off the bed arching her back so that only her shoulders and heels were touching the sheets. The scream was ear-piercing. Not only was there a flood of juices from her pussy, but an equal flood sprang from her eyes as they flew open looking wildly around. They fixed first on me and then on Melody. Lissa’s arms came around the two of us and hugged us close to her as she sobbed.
“I love you. I love you both,” she gasped. “Oh god, I love you so much. And I’m so scared. Tony, Melody—please don’t ever let me leave you. Please. Oh god, I love you! Please. Please.”
The sobs diminished as we kissed her eyes, her cheeks, and her lips, whispering words of comfort and assuring her that we would always be with her. We settled down and in a few minutes Lissa was sleeping, cradled in our arms. Melody looked at me. I whispered, “I love you.” She smiled and slipped out of bed. She put on a robe and padded down the hall to check on the boys and make sure that our lovemaking hadn’t woken them. She slipped back into bed with a smile on her face and put both hands on one side of her face to show me they were asleep.
Soon, we were too.
Spring break went way too quickly. We spent the entire week at Lissa’s house. Lissa still had to work, but we put more time in at the club, practicing every day. I was feeling strong and my game was the best it’s ever been. Sam Jacobson came by and went over the registration information for the championships in Tempe. He gave Lissa our tickets and hotel reservations.
Melody and I went downtown to the Market one day. I’d lived in Seattle for seven months, just ten blocks from Pike Place Market, and had never visited. We picked up some fresh vegetables and fish, found some really good orange coated almonds, and tried on silly hats. We were sitting at a little café on the second floor when Melody suddenly pointed down the stairs. I had to shift my position around a little before I saw Kate taking an order from the counter and leaving the restaurant.
Bobby grunted and then his arms gave out with exhaustion. He collapsed on top of me, sweating, puffing, his balls clearly empty and his seven inch cock, or so he claimed, already shriveled down to four inches. I wrapped my arms around him lovingly, to hold him tightly. It had been, as he had promised, the greatest sex of my life. Of course, that might also have been due to the fact that it had been the first time in my life that I ever let a boy make love to me. By the time that I was eleven...
“WAS IT THE PAINTING?” I asked. Lissa had just stunned us—no, broken our hearts—by saying she was breaking up with us. I wanted to scream at her. Shake her. Plead with her. It had to be something I’d done and the mural was the only thing I could blame. “No,” she answered. “Yes. The painting is wonderful, Tony. It’s beautiful. I couldn’t be prouder to be in anything. I’m sorry I blew up at you about it. It wasn’t the painting; it’s what I saw in the painting. It’s what I saw about all three...
SCHOOL WAS SCHOOL. I was finding it more tolerable now, partly because I was playing racquetball almost every day, and partly because Melody had moved into my dorm room. Twice, we’d managed to get Lissa to come and stay with us, and we were at her house all weekend. We were seeing more of Kate now, too. She was joining our little group for lunch most days and was proving to be more sociable than I ever imagined. She was still pretty shy, but every once in a while, she’d catch one of us off...
TEMPE WAS AWESOME—awesomely hot! It was close to ninety degrees when we landed and it was not going down. Fortunately, every place we went was air conditioned. Unfortunately, it was a real shock to walk into a cold room after being in the heat. I spent my time alternately sweating and shivering. We checked into our hotel and I was pleased that Lissa and I were next door to each other, though there wasn’t a connecting door like I’d hoped. I was wound so tight by the time we’d tossed our bags...
“TONY! YOU WOULDN’T BELIEVE what happened.” She tossed an overnight bag on the floor and turned to give me a big hug. “Um ... uh ... Bree?” I asked, completely lost. “Well, at least you remembered my name. I came down this afternoon to cheer you on. I got so caught up in your match this evening that I never got to the hotel to check in. Can you believe they gave my room away? I am so miffed.” “What are you doing here?” I asked, still clueless. “I just explained. Sonia and I flipped a coin...
HE MUST HAVE SAID IT LOUDER than he intended because the ref’s whistle was blowing before the ball hit the front wall. “Technical foul. Poor sportsmanship. Deduction of one point. No serve.” Holy shit! In racquetball if you get called for a technical foul you lose a point, even if you don’t have a point to lose. I didn’t expect the refs here to be so hard on people. If he heard the comment, I figured it would merit a warning, but not a foul. We hadn’t really started the game yet and I was...
THAT WAS IT. It was over. I was trying to cram my swollen foot back into my shoe so I could get on the court and my coach was conceding the match for me. My coach. My lover. The one person in the world I trusted more than anyone else. She had asked me and knew I wanted to go to Nationals. But she threw it all out anyway. I guess I didn’t mean as much to her as I thought. How could she do this to me? Bree was leading my makeshift cheering section in a cheer of appreciation or something. My...
“DAD, I’D LIKE TO TELL YOU about my girlfriends,” I said, leaning over the seat to look at him. He’d jumped in the back of the car to give me room to stretch my swollen ankle. Well, there it was. I’d started the conversation. Dinner had been nice and I was finally feeling like I’d come to grips with the outcome of the tournament. If I’d gone back in to play, I might have beaten Rob, but there was an equal chance that I’d have done serious—maybe even permanent—injury to my ankle. That would...
I RECEIVED A BRONZE MEDAL at the awards ceremony Saturday afternoon and an official invitation to The Ektelon National Singles Competition. I had four weeks to heal, train, and pass all my classes. There was a lot to do. I had final projects in three classes, exams in two. I would have my portfolio review to determine my overall progress for the year. I’d be working out every day. Sam and Lissa had already worked out a rehab schedule for my ankle. Not only did I have to recover, but I needed...
I CAUGHT MRS. ANDERSON on her way to the floor and settled her gently. I didn’t attempt to revive her. I figured everybody could use the peace and quiet for a minute. I turned her over to Miss Stevenson and while she and one of the security guards tended to Mrs. Anderson, I took the opportunity to wrap Melody in my arms and surreptitiously text Lissa. “Dealing w/ Mel’s Mom. Not good. Available for lunch?” I got a message back almost immediately. “Ready in 20 min. Say where.” I comforted...
“I KNOW YOU WANTED to be face-to-face, Mel, but I think you should call your father. Don’t let the injury fester, and don’t let him find out about us from someone else—especially not your mother,” I said when we got to Lissa’s house. The boys were still out with Molly, so we had a little time to get Lexi settled before the tornadoes arrived. She decided to lie down for half an hour while she could. That’s when I made the suggestion to Melody. “I don’t know if I can. What do I say?” “Do you...
I WOKE UP sometime in the middle of the night. Maybe ‘woke up’ is too strong a term. I floated up out of sleep far enough to be cognizant of my erection pressed between Lissa’s thighs from behind. She floated with me and shifted just enough to guide me into her. For a long time, we drifted in and out of sleep as we made tiny movements, never sure if we were dreaming or awake. A feeling of deep contentment washed over me as I pressed my face against her shoulder and felt her nipple harden...
CARMINE’S CUCINA is a nice Italian place with a noisy, family-style atmosphere. Jack Wade had taken care of reservations and managed to get us a booth in one of the quieter areas of the bustling restaurant. This was a big deal. Not only were we managing the new and somewhat fragile relationship with Melody’s mother, we were adding Lissa’s ex into the mix. Of course, I was late and they were all seated. Melody jumped up from her chair at the end of the booth and planted a hot kiss on me as...
IT DIDN’T SEEM like I’d been punished until I had to get up to go to Pilates on Saturday morning. Just getting out of bed was punishment enough, but Lissa pointed at the keys to the car and said to be back by noon, then she and Melody snuggled back into bed. There was no sign of Lexi. I assumed she’d returned last night. Molly had stayed with the kids at Jack’s house. This morning it was just me making coffee and eating toast. I got to the club in plenty of time and then the Pilates...
SATURDAY MORNING, after Pilates, I was delegated to pick up Sandra, Amy, and Kate and then ordered to drive all five girls to the mall for a beauty treatment. Yeah, I make it sound like I was really put upon, but just having those five in the car with me ... Well, the temperature was rising. The teasing kept me red in the face. When we got to the mall, Lissa sent me to her store and told me to ask for Rose. Rose would dress me. I was not to ask about prices since the purchase was going on...
“READY-DOWN. HUT!” Five very large linemen stepped forward as if to crush me when I walked through the door at Bree and Sam’s house. Before they could take another step, five extraordinarily beautiful young women stepped in front of me. The football players came to such an abrupt halt that one actually fell over backward. “Now that’s what I call an impenetrable line,” Sam laughed from nearby. “Welcome to Seattle Cascades University, Tony!” The line scrambled back to their feet and stepped...
ABOUT TEN MINUTES after we got in the door, while I was still trying to tactfully suggest that Lissa loan her car to Kate so the others could return to the dorms, Bree pulled into the drive and three more squealing girls came running into the house. I looked at Bree, Sonia, and Allison. “What are you guys doing here?” I asked. Okay, it was after midnight and I was a little slow on the uptake. “We told you,” Bree said. “Slumber party.” “Here?” It was clear that I’d been left out of the...
I WAS HAVING A WONDERFULLY delicious and naughty dream. Bree and Allison followed me to the big bed after passing me around to be kissed soundly by an entire harem of beautiful girls. Hands were running all over my body and my cock was fully erect and ready to explode. My lips were being covered with kisses. Tongues played in my mouth and dared my tongue to chase them. And then I felt lips on my erection. Lips and tongue and warm silky depths of her mouth taking me in. Bree and Allison...
THE MORNING WAS CASUAL and no one other than Kate seemed eager to get dressed. The party wasn’t over. I was a little worried because I’d thought of a few things I still wanted to pull together for my portfolio and I was counting on some time today to do it. Lissa put three frozen quiches in the oven and tasked me with frying up a couple dozen chicken breakfast sausages. She pulled a big tray of fruit out of the refrigerator and put it on the counter. No one made a move toward the dining room...
WHEN I RETURNED TO THE LOWER LEVEL bearing two bottles of Prosecco, a bottle of peach juice, and the required ten glasses, the first thing I noticed was that no one had dressed. At least not in clothes. Melody had produced a dozen strips of fabric and the girls were busy draping them partially over their bodies, apparently making sure that their most delectable bits stayed exposed. The tableau setting had been rearranged and it looked like they were getting ready for another sketch. I groaned...
EVERYONE WAS FINALLY GONE. Bree drove Allison and Sonia back to her house. Wendy offered to give Amy, Sandra, and Kate a lift to campus. We’d cleaned up the trash and had a bag sitting by the garage door ready to take out, but the three of us were still naked, so we hadn’t taken it to the garbage cans yet. It was a regular receiving line on the way out. Every single girl gave each of the three of us a warm kiss on the way out the door. Even Sonia laid one on me. “What about the boyfriend?” I...
“TONY, LET’S PLAY ‘CHEESEY.” Oh crap! Not now! “I’m sorry, Damon,” I said to the boy standing behind me. “I have to work.” “Making pictures is work?” “It’s what I do in school.” “In first grade we learn to write.” Well, that was true enough. But right now, I was focused. That session Sunday afternoon was still fresh in my mind. I hadn’t been able to think of anything else all day. I sketched all through Art History in the dark. At lunch, I ran to Daniel Smith and picked up five 22 by...
I WAS HIGH ON ADRENALIN when I reached my studio. It’s funny how now I considered the lower level of Lissa’s house to be my studio. Mine and Melody’s. We had each set up our stations with all the supplies we needed, including lights. We were spending four or more nights a week at the house and it had become the center of my universe. I was worried at first that we were taking the boys’ play space, but Lissa said she’d tried to get the boys to play downstairs, but everything kept migrating...
I WAS ABLE TO CONCENTRATE on my racquetball Tuesday afternoon and beat Allison, though we both worked hard. I agreed with Lissa about the intercollegiate tournament not having shown Allison at her best. And I have to admit—I missed a couple of shots because I was watching the jiggling on her chest settle down. Maybe they don’t make stronger sports bras. “For heaven sake, Tony. You’ve already seen ‘em naked. Can’t you keep your eye on the ball?” she laughed at me. “Geez, Allison. I’d never...
MY LAST CLASS OF THE SEMESTER. Everyone else had another week to go, but Lissa and I would be leaving for Chicago Sunday. All my finals were done. My projects were in. My portfolio had been reviewed, and I was ready for summer ... after I played my heart out at National Singles. There was quite a buzz in our Studio class. I think everyone was feeling the onset of summer. We didn’t have a model as the class was working on finishing their final projects. Mine, of course, was painted on a wall...
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Part 8 I looked at Tania in surprise, “You want me to what?” I asked her. She sighed, “I want you to spank me while I’m tied up.” She said simply. “But why? I mean I’ve already hurt you when I tied your small tits the way I did, why do you want me to punish you when you’re tied up.” I was trying to understand her needs. She took my hand and led me to Wendy’s bed. I sat down on it and she took my hands in hers. “Mummy explained it to me once. She thinks I’m a Messer Schmitt or something,”...
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Victor loved owning a casino in Vegas….he especially loved that he got to fuck just about every female employee he hired whenever the mood struck him. In Part 1, Victor interviewed two waitresses, getting a blowjob under his desk from one, while he interviewed the other in front of his desk. In Part 2, Victor checked on the kitchen staff and found time to fuck the sous-chef before the dinner rush started, and later got a massage with a happy ending from one of the masseuses he hired. In Part...
I drove my husband to the orthopedic for x-rays. It was just a basic check up. We waited in the waiting room for a short while until my hubby was called upon. "White doctors don't take this long." I gently slapped him on the head. "Shame on you Tom. Be nice." A female technician called for Tom. I could tell by her accent she was Jamaican. Tom asked me to come with him (rolls eyes). When we entered the patient room the technician quickly asked him to go with her for x-rays. I said to myself,...
Cheating Wifes1It is a lovely, warm day outside. Megan is with her best friend, Sarah, who is also her workmate at the office. They are both enjoying a coffee at the local cafe place in their hometown."I'm telling you, Megan. You should keep a close eye on James. Porn can destroy the psyche! Especially at a young age like that... How old is he again?"He's sixteen-""-Sixteen! There you go! The prime age to be getting into that sort of stuff."Luckily, for the both of them, they are in a more secluded part of...
Incest"God damn son of a bitch!" Jake foster muttered. He slammed his fist on the steering wheel, causing the horn to beep. This made him even angrier. Of all the times to die, his car had picked tonight. Jesus Christ. Foster sat back in his seat and stared gloomily at his watch. It was quarter to eight in the evening. He had to be across the pass and into Seattle by eleven. Jessica was expecting him. He cursed again, and fished his cell phone out of his pocket. "Fuckin hell!" he said, and...
The first time I had anal sex was about 4 years ago it was a very cold winter. I was out with my guy friends. We went up to bar to have a few beers. I a few hours later I did my usual and sucked one my friends off as we booze cruised. We then went back to bar. It was getting late and there we a couple of older guys still there at close and they asked for a ride. I was way to drunk to be driving but they were worse. I found myself driving thru the country and one asked to pull over he had to...
This was a turning point. I was on the precipice about to leave Europe for good. It reminded me of having to leave Hawaii, not wanting to. For a long time, new to Germany, I dreamed of going home to America. Now, not so much. I had come to respect the European life style. And now I was about to experience, re experience the American lifestyle and on the surface it was by comparison rude, a generalization of course. We went back to Jay and Lenny’s apartment to give them the keys to Herman, my...
Hi friends, mai nya hu Indian sex stories pe … Ye sacchi kahani hai .Mera ghar jada bda nhi hai 5 kamre aur kitchen bathroom hai family me mai ma papa bhaiya aur mast bhabhi ..Bhai ki shadi ko abhi 2 saal he hua hai . 2016 yani is saal makarsankrnti ke baad thand kaafi badh gyi thi … Meri bhabhi ki age 23 hai aur unka size 32-36-32 hai unka naam suprita (real name ) hai . Meri bhabhi ko koi bhi dekh le to uska whi gir jaye itni hot perfect curves ke sath mast boobs jo aek bar pakad lo to swarg...
I grew up on a farm, only with brothers. This was no big deal, because we have the whole place to play on and to explore. When we started to attend school, we go to the hostel and there was lots of friends to be around with. As I got older, I experience a gab in my relationship with the girls. Although the girls in my class was very fond of me, I don’t know how to relate and blushed very easily when they start flirting – even when we were in the lower grades. To worsen the situation, I was in a...
Voyeurഅന്നു ഞാന് പ്രീ ഡിഗ്രിക്കു പഠിക്കു കാലം. എനിക്കു പരീക്ഷ ഏതാ് അടുത്തപ്പോഴാണു പണം അടക്കാത്തതിനാല് കറ് വിഛേദിച്ചത്വലിയ ഒരു തുക ബില്ല് ആയി വതിനാല് അതടക്കാന് പണമില്ലായിരുന്നു. പഠിത്തം മുടങ്ങാതിരിക്കാനായി എെ എണ്റ്റെ അമ്മാവണ്റ്റെ വീ’ിലേക്കു പറഞ്ഞയച്ചു അമ്മാവന് ഒരു അറുപതു വയസ്സു കഴിഞ്ഞ ആളാണു ഭാഗവതംവായനയാണു ഉപജീവനം. പു മിലി’റിയില് ഇരു ചെറിയ പെന്ഷനുംഉ്. അമ്മാവിക്കു ഒരു അമ്പതിനടുത്തു പ്രയം വരും. അമ്മാവന് പെ ത്തസിനിമയിലെ പിള്ളയെ പോലെ ഇരിക്കും. കുടപോലെ മെലിഞ്ഞുവളഞ്ഞിരിക്കും. അമ്മാവി അങ്ങിനെ...
Epilogue "You can go in now Mr Smith," said the attractive young personal assistant. I stood grabbed my briefcase and made my way into the office, I disliked going to see the boss. It made me nervous, maybe it was the whole secrecy thing and the fact that who ever they were they were an order of magnitude more powerful than I was. "You wanted to see me Boss," I said. "Yes Mr Smith take a seat," said an electronic voice emitted from a speaker on the wall. I felt the tingle of a scan...
I wont bore you with going over the same waiting scenario of the next week, all i can say was the level of anticipation was even greater, and unlike the week before this time there were no doubts in my head about meeting him on saturday, now that id had felt, and tasted a cock, i knew even though in nthe future i wanted a relationship with a girl, i could see me always wanting to indulge in manfun, and although i craved for my first piece of pussy, i would always need some cock in my life. The...
A story supplied to me with a request to edit, correct and hopefully improve, adding some spice. I think I’ve achieved most of that. The farm wasn’t the only one in the North Yorkshire dale with cattle. Lots of neighbours kept sheep, horses and some of them race horses. One Saturday my father said, “Ann, you’ll have to milk the cows today. Bob’s got to go to into Richmond, to get some things. You’re fourteen now. It’s time you started pulling your weight outside the house as well.” At the...
The Hitman Wore Heels By Michele Nylons The well dressed man looked with disgust and loathing at the bum rummaging in the dumpster in the dark alley. Tony 'Tough Tony' Provalono had just left Scalini's, one of the best restaurants in New Jersey, where he had tipped the waiter more money than the hobo was likely to see in his lifetime. Tony was dressed in Armani; the gorgeous woman beside him in Prada; her Jimmy Choo...
This didn't happen yesterday!! I was in charge of a small delivery pizza place, mostly delivery and to go but we had 5 patio type tables inside. So it was basically Rachel, S.ckme.ff(the delivery guy he plays no role in story really) and I that worked most of the time. It was a small plaza a blockbuster(that dates story) hardware store and a few others. We were friendly neighbors, workers in the plaza would come and relax while we worked. As it goes Rachel and I become close as S.ck is usually...
The stress of daily life is too much for Ria Sunn to handle, this gorgeous babe needs a way to relax and unwind, and that’s why she has hired George Uhl today on private, a tantric sex teacher who will show her the true meaning of the word pleasure and help her orgasm all her stress away! So watch this sexy tattooed beauty in action in Private Movies, The Art of Tantric Massage where she gets horny and intimate with her teacher and enjoys a sensual fuck that has her big tits bouncing until not...
xmoviesforyouBefore she logged off, Ruth told Deana that she would email her the information about the vacation in the Bahamas. That way she could tell her husband Jeff about all the details. In a few moments, Deana's email window popped up informing her that she had mail. Deana opened it and began reading; "Hello Deana, You my dear are so fucking sexy! However I'm not writing to talk about that. Here are our plans for vacation. Now, I don't want you to worry about the expenses, including the...