LucianChapter 7 free porn video

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A tremor crawled up his leg.

It made his knees tremble before it disappeared under the flaring hem of his dress where it touched his bare cheek and danced up his spine – to choke his throat.

“It’s okay,” a girl’s voice whispered.

October found its way to Norton’s Academy of Excellence. It colored the leaves of the ancient trees before autumn winds blew them over the spacious lawns.

It was Lucian Gaines’ second autumn there and he had changed a lot since the first one – physically as well as otherwise.

He’d grown several inches, which made him look even thinner. His ongoing exercises had stretched and toned his legs; they demanded attention wherever he went.

His hair had grown too.

The girl Mackenzie stopped cutting them. Abundant silver curls touched his shoulders now. He washed and conditioned them every day, blow-drying them while brushing thoroughly.

He’d gradually forgotten to hate his hair.

He also no longer despised his pale skin or his light-blue eyes – or his clear voice and long, narrow hands for that matter. It had become a futile exercise really, to deny what mirrors kept showing him every day.

Which didn’t mean he felt like the ‘she’ he saw.

Maybe to others he looked and acted like one – and of course they would be right. But to himself his identity had ended being an issue since he’d stopped feeling like the odd man out.

The dorm was like a safe house.

It was a place where the outward pressure to change became an inward urge to blend in. Its relaxed and non-judging atmosphere felt like a warm bath.

It was a place of boundless intimacy.

Nowhere else could he be this open about his true doubts and emotions, and share them safely. Discovering how even his most secret needs were commonplace felt like a breeze of freedom.

The boys’ dorm was a place of carefree touching and primping; of painting each other’s nails or just sit close, gossiping and giggling – commenting on videos or leafing through magazines.

Of course it changed Lucian.

It changed him more effectively than any strict program would be able to. It was evident in the way he walked and talked and behaved – at least among his newfound friends. His bearing and appearance gained an easiness he never had. He laughed and even joked, losing his fear for disapproval or physical contact. He knew he could trust his fellow Bobs – they shared a common past and a common enemy, didn’t they?

Dorm life also changed him mentally – maybe even more so.

Walking into the chaotic room after school and doing chores felt like taking off a coat – or rather a harness. There were welcoming hugs and welcoming kisses, excited voices full of excited plans.

Pleasuring a fellow Bob was as casual as soaping his hair or rubbing lotion into his body. Sucking a soft, throbbing cock was as natural as sharing gossip or searching a wet, slick body for stray hairs – ending up with fingering his tight, slippery anus or just collapsing into a bout of giggling.

It was often hard to notice where one thing ended and another began.

Dorm life was anarchy; a ball of adolescent energy – a hot steaming pool he’d gladly drown in.

Until yesterday, when after classes headmistress Parker called him to her office.

The moment he got the message a long forgotten anxiety invaded him, accompanied by memories of earlier visits, fear for imminent changes – and downright terror of losing the heady cocktail of freedom he’d just started sipping.

An old and well-remembered insecurity overwhelmed him.

Before going he spent half an hour of stalling in front of his mirror, turning left and right, checking his hair and eyes, and asking Taylor and Harper for their opinions. Taylor whispered ‘perfect’ before pecking his left cheek and squeezing his ass; Harper just shrugged, wondering what could be special about a visit to the old cow, wearing your standard top and short shorts, the mandatory long shirt and shining ballet shoes.

When Lucian knocked on Parker’s door his silver bracelets jangled. It reminded him of another visit to this same office – confronting his mother and her lawyers.

The memory still saddened him.

He hadn’t heard from or about his parents since that visit. There’d just been the crossed-out letter and Parker’s assurance that his father definitely stopped paying for his tuition.

Doing chores had been awkward at first.

He started as help in the kitchen, finding mysterious tools he’d never seen before, let alone used. Everyone was friendly, though, and very patient. Occasional accidents, cuts and burns were harmless and far between.

He was also supposed to clean and tidy the private rooms of teachers and students, amongst which his old room. Two new paying students arrived late August. One was tall and black, stirring quite some interest among the boys at the dorm; his abundant Afro caused Mackenzie a hard time to tame.

The other boy was a small dirty blonde from the Midwest. Lucian recognized the scared look in his gray eyes as new and bewildering experiences showered down on him.

Lucian and Harper took them on a tour.

The black boy called Shay was very athletic; Coach took to him like a duck to water. The blonde, Ellis, gawked at the ballet dancers and the photographed models on the hallway’s wall. The boy’s skittish eyes were at once attracted and repelled by what they saw. It reminded Lucian of his first days. To his own surprise he tried to embrace the boy for comfort, but he jumped back as if bitten by a viper.

“Sorry,” Lucian said, never losing his smile. “I just wanted you to feel at home.”

The blonde boy was pretty though chubby; he’d be stunning once Norton’s was done with him. Until then there’d be fear and struggle, Lucian mused – the futile uphill struggling he knew so well.

He supposed his own struggling days were over since he moved in with the Bobs.

Maybe the only unsettling thing was how normal life became, even to him. Just a new reality he couldn’t escape – and really wouldn’t want to anymore, he guessed.

But standing here, at Parker’s threshold, listening to his racing heart, doubt returned

His new reality seemed to have pushed the old one back completely – like a distant range of bluish hills against a hazy horizon. Embarrassment was gone, even its memory; so was skepticism.

A new and rather alien entity had replaced them – trust.

It worked on his mind like a muscle-relaxant, but what if it was just a set of blinders? He knew trust was the motor of his newfound freedom, but what if it was just another illusion?

Should he distrust trust?

He realized that his life up till Norton’s had been set by the agendas of others – his macho father, his cruel mother, the bullies at school – framing him as a freak and putting him in a prison of hate and prejudice. They’d caused guilt that all too soon morphed into self-hate and self-disgust.

His first year at the academy hadn’t been much different, Parker pushing and pulling him to her advantage. But now?

No more. No more?

He recalled how the sheer anarchy of his first crazy orgy on the dorm’s mattresses had fucked away every last frustration he might still have held on to, flushing out fear and bewilderment.

Later on he’d lain awake in his new bunk, he recalled, holding his breath and waiting for the tsunami of guilt that would surely overwhelm him. But it never came – no shame, no embarrassment, no disgust.

He remembered staring into the darkness, still glowing, as his mattress moved and a naked body rubbed against his. A second body joined him from the other side, and while a voice breathed hot air into his ear, a soft mouth kissed his right nipple.

He’d fallen asleep like that, sandwiched between bare bodies –Harper and Taylor he guessed.

Bobs don’t sleep alone, he learned in the weeks following that night. It was a unique experience for him, never being alone – one he got used to very quickly. Just like he got used to sharing: opinions and emotions; fun and experiences – and a million ways to find beauty.

Trust was built up by myriads of little things like that – slow and sweet and wonderful. Could it really be shattered in a moment?

Parker’ voice wormed through the door’s wood in response to his knocking.

The woman wasn’t behind her desk.

She stood in a back corner beside overstuffed club chairs that surrounded a low table. She also wasn’t alone; Dr. Kurtz occupied one of the chairs. She rose at his entering, looking quite formal – and cushioned – in a tight business suit.

“Please sit down, darling,” Parker said, indicating a chair across from the doctor. “Tea?”

Feeling uncomfortable he sat down, politely refusing the tea.

The headmistress sat down too. She removed invisible lint from her dark pencil skirt.

“Now Lucian,” she began, smiling the Smile. “God, it’s been over a year already, hasn’t it? Amazing.”

He closed his shirt around him, shifting on the leather seat.

Parker went into a rambling resume of the highlights of Lucian’s stay at Norton’s. The ‘lovely impression’ he’d obviously made on staff and students, his ‘struggle’ and his ‘setbacks,’ and the ‘most wonderful way’ everything had finally worked out.

Had it, he thought. Not because of her, surely.

“Norton’s is proud of you, honey,” the headmistress concluded. “Your mental strength and your delicious appearance are envied by many and an example for your fellow students.”

Parker’s voice had its usual effect on him. In combination with the utter bla bla of her words, it clouded his attention, pulling it away to other things.

Like the face of Kurtz.

He didn’t know how to call her expression. Her puffed face always looked tired, but today it seemed animated. There were blushes on her cheeks and her dubious smile was stronger. She seemed genuinely happy. Her eyes sparkled and they were fixed on him.

Could she really be happy for him?

All through the year she’d been the distant one in the white suit, doing antiseptic things in blue latex gloves – making reassuring noises while prodding his anus, and avoiding questions.

Except for that one drunken moment on Christmas Eve.

She’d scared him then, and later on he’d decided not to believe the story about her son – the one that had been bullied into suicide. Even if it were true, it felt just too tailor made to accept as a valid excuse for the way she and Norton’s treated him.

Maybe she wasn’t really happy for him at all right now; maybe she was just ... triumphant?

Staring back at her he saw her nod.

“Congratulations, I’m so glad for you,” her sensual mouth said. “We are all proud you made it.”

He must have missed something while drifting off. Looking from Kurtz to Parker his confusion was evident.

Parker chuckled.

“Earth to Lucian,” she said.

Having heard the expression too often, together with the condescending laughter it always caused, he’d learned to hate it.

“I guess you were distracted,” Parker went on. “I told you tomorrow will be the big day: you’ll graduate to Second Level.”

She rose from her chair, soft tit flesh spilling from her bra as she bent forward. Kurtz rose too, and he presumed he should follow their example.

The hug came unexpected.

He felt the tight bones of Parker’s corset press into him. There was a cloud of perfume, and the softness of her hands cupping his face.

“Congratulations, Lucian,” she said. “It’s been an honor to help you.”

Dr. Kurtz’s face appeared next to hers. There were tears running down her cheeks.

“I hope you see now,” she said, her voice thick with emotion as her hand caressed his upper arm. “It was all really for the best.”

Flash backs of his frequent visits to her tube-lighted practice created a pageant of embarrassing moments – the injections, the probing of his anus, the milking of his sperm, the slick latex against his shrinking penis. He almost smelled the rubber of her gloves, the assault of chemicals and antiseptics.

And now she cried.

Paralyzed by his feelings Lucian looked from one woman to the other. He was as confused by the headmistress’s sick Smile as he was by the crying doctor. He could deal with the phony, superficial façade of friendliness, having mastered it himself. But the tears seemed too real, too personal after all these months of manipulation and deceit.

“God,” the doctor mumbled. “You look so much like him.”

He tore himself free from the women’s embrace, pulling the long shirt tightly around his body.

A thought dawned.

These were the two people responsible for what had happened to him this year. But they never succeeded in forging the real change they so obviously celebrated now. To the contrary, their program and chemicals had been the main obstacle causing his disgust and rebellion.

His true change had been a recent thing; and it had been the boys who’d brought it about – their true warmth, the sense of solidarity, the belonging.

Looking at the old, tired faces he felt pity.

It was a new, strange feeling, and not at all sympathetic. It came from arrogance, he knew, the arrogance of youth. He was their prisoner, but beyond their bars was a future they didn’t have. All the power they had over him couldn’t save them from their own prison of time. They’d shrivel and die in their corsets and white coats while he and Harper and Taylor and Kelly and Charlie would conquer the world.

A dizzying feeling washed over him.

It made him rise to tiptoes. His arms opened wide and so did his shirt. A smile opened his mouth, allowing the white of his teeth to dazzle the women. It was a cruel, triumphant smile, he knew, but it hit their faces. He was like the sun smashing its rays into the crumple-faced moon, forcing it to reflect his light.

The moment was sheer triumph and it stretched on.

The two smiling faces were moths, he thought, being pulled to the lamp he was, gloriously lighting this drab old office. He received them in his wide embrace, allowing them to hug and kiss him.

He felt the sting, but only for a second. Darkness draped its fuzzy cloak around him.

A voice whispered.

It sounded familiar, but between guessing and knowing was a sea of confusion. He felt like floating – wondering where he was, who he was and why he should even be wondering about things like that.

He felt too good to be bothered; he felt great really.

Drifting in and out of perfumed clouds, he saw sparkling-white mountains sail by – soft, warm icebergs on a hot tropical sea. Don’t ask for logic.

He tried to touch one and giggled as his hand passed through.

A shadow descended and he heard the voice again – a sweet voice; a friend’s voice.

“Lucy,” it said. Who was Lucy?

His world was a fragrant universe; he floated in it without worry, keeping all thoughts at bay. Water as hot as his body made him feel weightless. He was a naked, gyrating astronaut, turning and tumbling in slow motion – he was an oceanaut.

The word made him giggle again.

“Luce? Lucian?” The voice.

Ah yes, Lucian. He knew a Lucian, didn’t he? Was the voice Lucian’s?

The clouds lifted.

There were cream-white tiles in front of him, and a pale hand resting on the wet-shining edge of something. The slim fingers had painted nails. They lay on the edge of a bathtub. Were they his? He moved them to check. Ah yes. So he was in a bath, wasn’t he – wet, naked?

The water sloshed as he sat up.

“Charlie? Is that you?” he asked. “Where am I? And why?”

She stood over him in a short white bathrobe, her hair wrapped in a towel. A slight blush glowed through her china skin. Violet eyes she had, mirroring the smile of her mouth – cherry lips, pearly teeth.

Her mouth, he thought. Ah yes, hers now. Sweet Charlie.

“Congratulations,” the girl said, while closing the tap. “I am so glad for you. We’ll be sisters now, you know, real sisters, promise me.”

Memories returned.

They brought images of two old faces, painted mouths talking about graduation; tired eyes, tired skin – Parker and Kurtz. He recalled them hugging; then a sting.

“What did they do to me, Charlie?”

“Do?” she asked, causing her long lashes to flutter. “I don’t know. They asked us to make you pretty for tonight.”

Another shadow explained the ‘we.’ It belonged to the bronze tinted body of an Asian girl, also dressed in a robe. He knew her name – Nico, the waitress – the cello player.

She smiled at him and winked.

He’d never quite shed the suspicion that Nico was one of the girls who raped him on Halloween. Ever since that day her smiles seemed sardonic to him. He suspected a false bottom under her friendliness – a card up her sleeve.

“Hi Lucian,” she said, picking a big towel from a rack. “Come, li’l sis, let’s get you dry.”

Charlie reached for his hand and helped him out of the water. Big mops of foam slid down his wet body. He slightly shivered from the cool air as he stepped from the tub.

He instantly felt something was different, but the warm and fluffy towel distracted him; soft hands rubbed him dry.

Looking down he noticed a new tightness in his crotch. Something was there; something alien. When the towel parted, he saw a glint of metal. Charlie’s hand blocked his view by pushing the towel between his legs and starting to rub his groin.

The area seemed numb, but there definitely was something there.

Closing his eyes he felt the tightness turn into a muted pain in his crotch and deeper back into his lower belly. It was more like a throb really, a muscle ache. But it radiated out with a hot, slow pulse.

He reached down and pulled the towel away.

A triangle of silvery metal gleamed in the V of his crotch. It followed the slight curve of his lower body and shone like chrome. At its center was the exposed tip of his pale penis, protruding from a tight hole.

The plate lay against his crotch as if glued to it. Tight straps ran out, over his hips.

He touched the panel with a finger, trying to get around it. The metal fitted snugly; he couldn’t get behind it; nor could he pull it down or remove it. There also was no room at all between his stubby penis and the edge of the opening. It held up the head and its exposed pink-stained slit.

A rush of fear hit his chest.

Something was terrible wrong. Except for his penis everything looked smooth and tight and streamlined ­– like a girl’s crotch. The whole package was too flat ... just too flat to...

“Charlie!” he cried out. “What did they do to my balls?”

“Please stand still,” Charlie said.

She was kneeling in front of his naked body, wielding a small, humming instrument. It stung when it pulled out one of the rare little hairs that still grew on his body.

“My goddamn balls, Charlie!” he repeated, stepping back. His whining voice echoed in the bathroom. “Where are they? What did they do to them?”

As the girl looked up her curly bangs opened like a curtain, showing a violet eye and a smiling mouth.

“Nothing to worry about, Luce,” she said. “It’s perfect. Now please turn around so I can do your backside.”

He didn’t turn.

He stepped further back, disregarding her protest. Then he went down on his haunches, cupping the metal plate and the soft hot flesh at its center. He again tried to push a fingertip behind the edge, but it sat tight against his body, held in place by elastic strings that ran around his hips and up through the crack of his ass.

The plate was way to tight to also hold his balls.

They were gone.

He looked up into Charlie’s eyes. The girl slowly shook her head, making the wet curls dance.

“They’re not gone, Lucian. As they promised you, they’re still there,” she said. She rose to her feet and parted her robe to show her perfect mini-penis, protruding from smooth white skin.

She lifted it with a pink-nailed finger. The tiny one-inch knob with its exposed baby-pink head was all he saw. No balls, no scrotum, just tight, smooth skin.

A chuckle from behind distracted him from Charlie’s crotch.

“Comparing cocks, guys?” Nico said. She’d opened her robe too, showing another inch-long button rising from her soft olive skin. Fondling it she chuckled again and said:

“I bet mine is the smallest.”

Charlie laughed with her; Lucian let his eyes travel from the girls’ crotches to his own.

Despite Charlie’s words his panic didn’t subside.

“They castrated me! They castrate us all,” he insisted.

Grabbing Charlie’s shoulders he repeated the lines even louder while shaking her.

“They goddamn cut off my fucking balls!”

The girls closed in on him. He tried to shake them off, but they didn’t budge. Hugging him they gave off soothing sounds.

“Shhh, Luce,” Charlie said. “Nobody cut your balls off. They never do, with anybody. Like they promised, they’re still there, believe me.”

He pushed her away, screaming. Spreading his legs he gave the girls a clear view of his capped crotch.

“Believe you?” he said. “Look! Just look and tell me where they are. They didn’t promise me anything; they didn’t even tell me anything, as usual, and now my balls are fucking gone!”

Sobbing he sat down on the tub’s edge.

Two bodies joined him on each side, arms wrapping themselves around his shaking shoulders.

“Didn’t they tell you, Luce?” Charlie asked.

She paused to wait for his sobbing to end.

“I guess they didn’t,” she went on, sighing. “I don’t know why. You see, they do it to all Bobs when they agree they’re ready to graduate. It’s a reward, really, a sign of progress – something to be proud of. Most Bobs ask for it.”

Lucian snorted. Charlie looked past him to Nico, who shrugged. She pulled Lucian tighter.

“They did it to me a few months back,” she said. “But they explained what would happen. They had Nico there and another Barb and showed what they did to them. How they still could come and make sperm and all that. I really don’t know why they sprang it on you like this.”

She reached for Lucian’s crotch, but he crossed his legs to hide it. The metal cap pinched him.

“We can only graduate,” the girl went on, “when our balls are small and soft enough to be pushed back up into our body. It’s harmless and it looks so much better on us, don’t you agree?”

She spread her creamy thighs to show. He didn’t answer, still hiding his face behind his hands.

“But yes,” she went on, shrugging. “It’s a hurtful procedure, so they anesthetize you.”

Lucian lowered his hands and turned his cried-out eyes to her.

“For a whole day?” he asked. “Knocking me out for a whole day just to kick my balls back up?”

Charlie’s eyes were wide and calm.

He had no reason at all to believe her, of course. This whole year had been one long stretch of lies and betrayals. Why should he believe anyone? For all he knew they could have taken his balls and his damn penis as well.

That was when he recalled Drew.

She’d told him how her testicles had never lowered from her abdominal cavity like they do with most newborns. She was a freak of nature, she said. Was that a lie? She couldn’t have been castrated, could she? There had been sperm on his hand, and later in his mouth, but what did that prove?

What did he know anyway?

“You don’t believe Charlie, do you, Lucian?” Nico asked, bringing him back from his musings. The mocking undercurrent he heard in her voice didn’t really help.

He rose from the tub’s edge, letting his robe close over his body. The tight metal pinched his skin as he walked away from the girls.

“I never asked for this,” he said. “But they did it anyway. I never asked for being turned into ... into this. But it never stopped them, did it? I goddamned never asked to be here at all, did I?”

Both girls looked up at him, helpless.

“I’m sorry,” Charlie said with a tiny voice.

Her sadness kindled new sparks of anger – at Parker and Kurtz who not only operated on him without his consent, but let this innocent girl pull every goddamn glowing chestnut out of the fire they lit.

He sagged down against the tiled wall across from the tub, wrapping his arms around his knees. The floor was cold and wet, but he didn’t care.

“What more is there that I don’t know about?” he asked. “What’s the metal cap for? You don’t have one, do you?”

“We had it; it’s just temporary,” Nico said. “To protect your stitches.”


Repeating the word loudly he pushed himself up and off the wall, opening his robe and watching the contraption.

The girls shied away from his sudden aggression.

“So they did cut me!” he cried out, tugging in vain at the metal shield.

Charlie rose and also opened the flaps of her bathrobe. Lifting the short stem of her penis again she showed him the tight, smooth skin under it.

“When the eh ... balls are up,” she said, “You still have this ugly little sac of wrinkled skin, you know. Well, they cut it off and stitch what’s left nice and tight together – smooth and invisible, see? Don’t you think it’s beautiful?”

Stepping closer and turning to the light she showed him her immaculate white skin. It only had an almost invisible hairline running from the base of the penis to her crack.

He looked back to his own crotch, and then to Charlie again.

“Is that all they did?” he asked, leaning back against the tiled wall. Looking from Charlie’s porcelain face to Nico’s bronze oval he wondered how an ugly place like this could create so much beauty.

“Luce,” Charlie said, turning from him to a shrugging Nico and back. “I do hope they told you about your prostate?”

The room got out of focus as he felt a new nausea rise. His view became a tunnel, closing in on the girl’s talking mouth. It formulated words and sentences, he saw, but he had to really concentrate to hear them.

“I guessed so,” she said. “And I’m so sorry. But you have to know they’re not bad, Lucian, believe me,” she said. “They do everything to save us from the horrible life we had, and give us a better future. They make us beautiful, and prepare us for a life of joy and success – and of pleasure.”

The tunnel widened and the buzzing stopped. The lovely girls’ faces gained focus against the shining wall.

“Bullshit,” he said – or croaked, really.

Charlie shook her head with a sad smile.

“They really should just have told and shown you, Lucian. Why didn’t they?” she asked herself more than him. “It would have made things so much easier afterwards.”

Nico shrugged, spreading her fingers to study her nails.

“Of course it wouldn’t!” Lucian said. “They didn’t tell me because they know I would have refused.”

“You wouldn’t have,” Nico said, taking over from Charlie. Her voice was flat, disinterested. “Why would you? Deep down you know. You saw Drew; you even fucked her. You’ve known it all the time; you’re just in denial. Dr. Kurtz has been stimulating your prostate for months now, ever since you arrived. That must have rung a bell, surely? Come on, Lucian ... no one can be so naïve to believe that all the pills you took were vitamins – and all the dressing and making up just theater?”

She chuckled before going on.

“You have been unconscious all night and most of today because they needed you to lie perfectly still while one drip’s needle was in your prostate and others ... well, look at your lower arm.”

The words were there and his ears could hear them; but his mind refused them entrance.

He looked automatically at his bruised arm, imagining a cool white room, a high bed with a deadly pale patient wearing his face. There were tubes everywhere, and beeping machines. Nurses and doctors slunk around the bed, whispering gibberish. Parker was there no doubt, wearing her corset and smiling sardonically.

It was Frankenstein revisited.

He knew what a prostate was for and where it sat in his body. There hadn’t been a medical inspection without Kurtz prodding at it, and taking samples. He also knew about intravenous drips. Nico was right: he’d kept denying what was overly clear to anyone else.

He decided to ignore it again.

Sinking down the slick wall he sat with his arms around his knees – staring at the girls.

“What more didn’t they tell me about graduation?” he asked instead. “What are you girls supposed to prepare me for?”

They looked at each other again, before Charlie retook the word.

“I’m not sure we’re allowed to tell you,” she said.

She blushed deeply. He looked away.

“But they told you, didn’t they, back when you graduated?” he said.

Again they looked at each other. Now Nico rose and walked off, leaving the bathroom. The short white robe shifted on her moving ass.

“Yes,” Charlie admitted. “But I was ready for it, you know? I wanted it. I’d been looking out for it since forever.”

Same as Lucian
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What is it that makes me want to submit? What is it that makes me want to act like a whore? What is it that makes me dress like a slut and fall to my knees in front of a strong man? It goes back, as all these things do, to c***dhood. My parents split when I was only four years old, in a working class family in the 1960's this was quite something. My mother had to become the sole breadwinner for us both and found it quite a challenge. She became very bitter and hard and started to hate men. She...

4 years ago
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The return of Dilema Tracey Molly moreedited

I have been rehabilitated and returned to work on light duties, Krystal has moved on, as has Mary ...which I will reflect upon at a later date. Fortunately Tracey still works at the hospital, but in a different ward she is now a manager - I hope that does not change her, I do have the fondest memories of our horny encounters. Mr Penis is ever alert to my reactions to the surrounding female population, even the mention of Tracey above causes him to stir - his memory of her sweet, moist, pussy...

3 years ago
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Team Spirit

Team Spirit By Ms. Jenny Ann Preface by author: The following story was authored by me, it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. A comment was made to stop with my photos, so this story will not have any; however, in order to get the random thoughts to come together in some sort of way, I had to get inspired. I began by slowly transforming myself, stopping along the way to read a few stories. It worked and I now know what I want to add to this story. I did take a picture;...

2 years ago
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Ana locked in a peep booth

My sensual wife had been fucked in a wild way just a couple days by a black stud; but Anita told me she was still very horny and my hard rock white dick could not be enough for her to calm down.She then told me we could try something new and different in an adult book store that some of her friends had said it was an interesting experience…. Ana finally convinced me to try it.We arrived at the bookstore and began to look at the video section. There were a couple of young blond guys there,...

1 year ago
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"How about having dinner with me tonight?", Phil Russell asked, although he knew he would be turned down. He still had to try. After all, Sue Brown was someone whom many men privately referred to as an 'instant hard-on'. Every time he looked at her, or heard her voice, he had to concentrate very hard, so he would not cream his pants right then and there.The recipient of his admiration and lust turned toward him with a smile. Her soft voice made him shiver. Her green eyes danced merrily as she...

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I Love Older Women

Hi my name is Chase Andrews and I have an admission to make: I love older women. I always found it funny when people say they would never date someone ten years or older. As far as I'm concerned I can never remember a time I wasn't attracted to girls and women that fell under the category of being older than me. This is not to say that I didn't try to have relationships with girls my own age. I actually had a girlfriend in high school. Her name was Jennifer. She stood at about 5'6 and was...

3 years ago
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Sil Mil 8211 The Extended Family 8211 Part 4

After that first sex with my SIL Harini, I was exhausted as I was already taxed by my wife’s travel packing and that morning’s early morning drop off at airport it was only minutes before I slept like a child. I had a very big smile deep inside my heart, a contention that I had never had before. I woke up at around 11 and I couldn’t find Harini next to me, however the room and the smell of the love me made reminded me that all that had happened was true. I Quietly tip toed searching for her and...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 222 Swordplay

See if I try to help someone, and they want to be an ass in return. She didn’t even kiss me or thank me as she hurriedly dressed and rushed off. I’m giving her a yeast infection that a one-treatment egg won’t cure. I washed my dick off, dressed, and headed back down the stairs to the store and workshop. Just inside the door, the older woman reached out to grab my arm in a much firmer grip than I would have expected from a woman twenty years younger. She guided me into the storage room and...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e13 Stephanie 53 sex shop worker from Southampton

Series 3, Episode 13: Stephanie We’re in a sex shop – nothing big or flashy, but it’s not too dark and seedy either. Two aisles running from front to back – one filled with magazines and DVDs, the other with dildos and vibrators. The rear wall covered with kinky costumes, and at the front a single member of staff. There are no customers in the store, perhaps scared off by our camera crew. The member of staff is middle-aged going on old – wearing a little red dress that she’s really 20, or...

1 year ago
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A chat with my wifes lover

“Tom”, he said, “I didn’t know that you were that kind of guy, actually, we were very scared of you learning about us.... but if you want to know”, he continued as he grabbed Anne’s picture I had on my desk, “I’ll tell you all, just don’t tell her I told you, got a deal?” He was a skinny guy who worked for us while we lived in Mexico from 1988 to 1992. By no means handsome, Ramon’s skin was dark for working so much under the sun as a construction worker. No matter what, Ramon always wore...

Cheating Wife
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Corruption of InnocenceChapter 21

"Vickie darling, how nice to see you. Do come in," smiled Andrea motioning for the niece to enter the apartment. "Your mother called several times. I wasn't sure you wanted her to know about your apartment yet, so I simply told her you were out." "Actually I came to check on Yuki. I haven't heard anything from her and I wanted to see if you had her address so I could write her." "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. I closed two new accounts this week and then had to leave town to confer with...

4 years ago
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Longing for her presence

The image of her face is still strong in my mind's eye. How can one forget such gorgeousness! It's been almost ten days since she jetted off to Singapore for work. Not unusual in her line of work and she can be gone for up to four weeks at a time, so she tells me.  We met a few days before that in this newly opened noodle bar. I was checking her out. She was checking me out. She instantly laughed the moment she realised I was going to make a move on her. "Hi." I grinned "Hi." Her eyes locked...

3 years ago
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Cat and Mouse Assault On the Ole Perfesser

"Cat and Mouse: Assault on the Ole Perfesser" by Bluto "Micki, I want to thank you for coming with me to the drugstore. I would have died if I had to go by myself." "It's no problem, Lupe. You're 11 years old now, right? It's not like it's something you didn't expect. But I ask you again: why did we have to walk to a drugstore 22 blocks away from home just to buy you some tampons?" "I don't want to have to buy those ... THINGS someplace where everybody knows me. I'd have...

1 year ago
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"COME OUT YOU COWARD AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN!!!"I was besieged. Trapped inside my castle with a crazy warrior princess pounding my door down... I shook off my daydream and came back to reality and the threats of the very real crazy woman who thirsted for my blood."No thanks. I rather like it where I am.""You can't stay in there forever you Bastard!"CRASH!"I can try!" Damn. A few more of those and my latch will break, I thought looking at the cracks in the door mantle. Leaning my shoulder into...

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The Gentle Giant

This is a newly revised version of my story, in the original, I had broken some boundaries set for the Bikini Beach Universe. This is my attempt to set that it back in order. To Elrod, who created this universe, please accept my apology, It didn't even dawn on me that I may have crossed the line until I had already submitted it to FM. To the Radioactive Loaner, thanks for bringing it to my attention. Then finally, Ellie Dauber, thank you for your help in bringing my story into line. Thank...

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A Perfect Martini

I held my martini to the light and admired the chilled glass, especially the olives run-through with picks, nesting at the bottom. It was perfect. I noted the perfect curve of the drink's surface extending above the rim, held by surface tension. A martini is a perfect drink... I was to be honored this evening after a perfectly good business year by my company... my perfect wife Valerie sat at my side. Indeed she did look perfect. Her black hair shone, her liquid brown eyes flashed; she wore a...

3 years ago
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Finding HomeChapter 05

After waking up I fondle Sharon’s breasts until she’s awake, and we go for a joint shower. We’ve a lot of fun washing each other. Breakfast is nice while we chat. Dad tells me about his talk with his boss’ boss, and he’ll look into the problem. When I leave for school Sharon is on the Internet checking out more homes. Arriving at school I’m surprised to find no football players waiting for me. When I meet Greg in class he tells me the team had a meeting with the coach this morning because...

2 years ago
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Varna The Grojan War Book TwoChapter 12 Desperate Measures

The night passed off without incident. Varna had insisted they all stay together in the Royal Suite and take turns mounting guard in addition to the palace guards placed outside the suite, none of whom Varna trusted. The following morning at breakfast a palace official hurried in and walked up to Varna, who was helping herself to some chopped fruit from the buffet laid out at the back of the room. "My Lady, may I have a word please?" "Of course." She put down her bowl and turned to...

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Just a Slut

My colleagues had gone home hours ago and the office had been silent for several hours when I finally finished up the big project I was working on for the last few months. After double checking my work, I slide the file closed and stretched back in my chair. This was caused for a celebration, but it was well past midnight and even the local bars were closing soon. I was feeling pretty good and decided to reward myself. Flipping my laptop open, I jumped onto a website and began to search the...

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Reggie and Midge in Changing Places

The characters used in this story are the property of Archie Comic Publications. No copyright infringement is intended, as the story is written strictly as fan fiction with the hope of bringing enjoyment to readers with no profit to be made by the author. This obviously means it is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the site has free access. (This story was written in frustration at a certain unnamed person's inability to finish Archie and Betty, and as...

3 years ago
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Laura part 2

"Show me! Show me!" Nicole eagerly giggles. Also giggling happily, I take the mirror from the kitchen table and show my new friend the glittery highlights me and my other friends have applied to her eyelids. "So cool!" "Me next!" Megan insists. Giggling almost feverishly, Nicole, Suriya, Priya, Harriet and myself take our glittery make-up brushes and set about giving my best friend a make-over just as pretty as Nicole's. I giggle and laugh as we take turns applying the glittery...

1 year ago
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E094 The bright lights of New York City

After a big breakfast the next morning, for some reason both are rather hungry, Donald and Emma lock up his aunt’s house and they are on the road. Several of the Matchbox cars have been packed in the suitcase.Donald tells Emma, “Our next stop is New York City for the night.  I have all sorts of surprises for you today.”Emma wonders what will be ahead for her in the big apple.Four hours later, Donald pulls into the front of a lavish hotel on Forty-Fourth Street.  A porter hurries to their car,...

Love Stories
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My Boy Callum Part 1

Introduction: First part of my story about James & Callum. Some of you may find it quite slow at the beginning, but I wanted some decent character development. Any future installments will have more action , I promise! Enjoy and leave some feedback! Hello, my name is James. Im 18 years old and live in the south of England, about 50 miles from London. I travel to the capital quite often, mainly to see my dad as he stayed living there after he and my mum divorced, but also because I am a massive...

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Intruder Laura Vandervoort 58

Chapter 5“Oh God,” Laura whispered, scared. “Okay, I’ll…I’ll do what you ask…I’ll spread my legs for you…” “No. You had your chance, and you refused to cooperate. Now you’ll have to do things my way.” Jan grabbed one of her slim ankles and pulled her leg to the side of the bed, then tied the rubber strip around her knee and fastened her leg to the front bed post. He did the same with the other leg until she was lying with her knees pulled back, her pussy completely exposed to him. He...

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A horny Scottish lass on an outing with the local pipe band discovers she is in more demand than she thought

Fiona Lindsay sat to the rear of the coach, slightly dreamy and looking forward to her day out. She was with friends, lots of them. Since her boyfriend David and she had split quite amicably, she hadn’t really been looking for a new serious boyfriend though she had to admit she missed her Sunday afternoon shags with him. She was 18 and if she hadn’t been Scottish, you would have called her an ‘English Rose’. Fiona looked a shy soul. She was slim, blonde with quite short...

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This incident happened a couple of years back when both myself and my wife were visiting an Ashram in Pune. This Ashram, though people misunderstand as a sexual haven is more of a spiritual and solemn place. You will also come across people who are there only for sex too. At that time we were just about a few days into our marriage. I was about 26 years of age and she was 22. Both of us are good looking and physical fit. Myself about 6'tall athletic and she was 5'7" slim in excellent shape. I...

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A Dildo For Dessert

Marta is James’ eager sex slave and slut. He told her he wanted to take her out to dinner, and that he wanted her to look like a slut. She went beyond what he had asked, and appeared naked except for high heels, a dress that was three inches too short, and a white fox tail that was attached to a butt plug, and hung down to her knees behind her. Plus her dog collar and wrist and ankle cuffs, of course.As a result of the short dress, when she walked, her dress flipped up and exposed her naked...

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Hyper sexuality Ch 02

As I sat down to work I decided to go through my favorites and pick out a few new toys for my sister to enjoy. I settled on a buttplug and a remotely controlled vibrator, and as I was hitting the order button I heard the sybian click on from the other room. I smiled and resigned myself to sit this one out as I got focused on my work.I managed to speed through my tasks in a few hours despite my persistent hard on, and I got up to check on my sister. I hadn't heard the sybian shut off the whole...

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True story wifes pussy

My wife is five foot four, blonde, blue, shaved and one hundred pounds. When we first we'd she was shy, I worked hard to convince her that she was hot. She just didn't see it. On our honeymoon I talked her into wearing a bikini I had bought just for this trip. It looked like an average string bikini. It was bright orange and I told her it would look fantastic next to her beautiful tanned body. The difference was I had ordered it without any lining. When she came out of the motel wearing it I...

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Sophies New Perversions Ch 02

This fantasy story is based very loosely on the comic ‘Sophie’s Curious Perversions’ by Von Gotha. That story took place in 1958 London. This one takes place in 2002, in Portland, Oregon. If you have not yet read the original ‘Sophie’s New Perversions’you may want to do so to understand how Sophie got to where she is now. Chapter 12: Sophie and Tracey Go Shopping I had just awakened from my night of initiation into the Portland Oregon Virginity Elimination Society (POVES) and headed to the...

2 years ago
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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 22 Homeward Bound

"Since when have you been taking stupid pills, Stephy?" Cassie said, dropping her purse on the table and pulling up a chair. "What the hell are you doing here, Cassie?" Stephanie's head hurt. Maybe from that bottle of wine she drank when she got home last night. She didn't need to face Cassie today. "Well, it all started with this phone call about 3 from your husband." "Darren? Why would Darren call you?" "Why? Who else would he call? You're his best friend. Have been since...

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Party Night Led To An Awesome Fuck Night

Hello ISS readers! This is Ramesh, posting my first story here. I have been reading ISS for many years. My friend encouraged me to write about this real incident, which happened last week in Chennai. I’m originally from Chennai, but I live in Dubai. I run a business which keeps me traveling between Chennai and Dubai. Whenever I’m in Chennai, I go to a 5-star hotel in Guindy which has a good bar. This is where my story begins. One fine day, I was at the bar, as usual. The bar was kind of...

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Jills JourneysChapter 3 Gigi

Gigi, am I a fool without a mind Or have I merely been too blind to realize? Oh Gigi, why you’ve been growin’ up Before my very eyes Gigi, you’re not at all The funny awkward little girl I knew Oh no, overnight there’s been A breathless change in you Gigi, why you were tremblin’ on the brink Was I out yonder somewhere blinkin’ at a star? Oh Gigi, have I been standin’ Up too close or back too far? When did your sparkle turn to fire And your warmth become desire? Oh, what miracle...

4 years ago
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Caught by my pissed off Girlfriend

Hi I wont say my real name for obvious reasons but lets just call me Quailman. This story is about how I got caught jerking off by my girlfriend and she turned it into sex. Well, for starters Im a real pervert in the sense I love porn and am always thinking about sex with women I know or some chick I find attractive and so on. Although I have a girlfriend and love her dearly I still think about fucking other girls although I would never cheat on her. Anyway on a normal day I'd wake up watch...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 3

October 6, 1973 Sitting back in the webbed folding patio chair, Tim finished counting out the money they had collected for the day. It was a substantial stack of bills along with a small pile of change. The gross was a lot better than they had hoped. They had painted numbers on the curbs in front of seventy-six houses. It was their best Saturday, yet. “Two hundred and twenty eight dollars!” “That’s good,” Benny said, and swept the coins off the table and into his hand. He dropped the coins...

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My first swingers party

One afternoon I stopped by the house and John and Marilyn where in the front yard talking to Curt and Diana so I made my way up the driveway and joined in the conversation. Diana had asked Marilyn if they should follow them or ride with in which she said just follow us over then you can leave whenever you want when at that point she asked me if I was interested in going to a swingers party in which John had said oh you will love our parties and at the same time Diana had said yeah everyone...

3 years ago
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KristinChapter 47

I don’t know what happened that Saturday night between Mary Beth McBride and Fred Hodges. But what I do know is that by the time she and the other seven girls appeared at our apartment in New York on Tuesday evening, she was engaged and flashing a gorgeous ring. Kristin, along with Little Bit and Ann, were utterly ecstatic. They were able to really go to town with a dinner for 12. Moreover, Kris sniffed that since we were back in the city, she again had access to some of the finest and most...

1 year ago
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Bold Lesbian seduces her Young Teen Model

My seducer's hand was cupping my mons while her other hand, connected to the arm that was around my neck, dropped down onto my chest and began to squeeze my tingly boobie. Her mouth left my ear and closed on my gasping mouth. Her long tongue was exploring the inside of my mouth while her hands were squeezing their respective targets. My whole body was shaking from the waves of pleasure that were washing over it. The hand between my legs was providing blessed relief from the achy feeling and...

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The Theater Gangbang

After my mind had been working on the plan for a few weeks I felt it was time to put it into action. I had done my research, made the necessary plans and we were ready to play. I showed up at your door at the agreed time – 8:30 PM. “Did you follow the rules, Tessa?” I asked. “Yes, sir.” “Good answer. I see you’re wearing the loose-fitting skirt. Lift it up.” You did and when it got high enough I saw your shiny, freshly-shaven pussy staring back at me. “Good. I can see...

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Dr Zaaijer Family Therapist Role Reversal Part 11

Chapter eleven The hospital that Adelaide checked herself into was out of town. Steven and Joanne went with her staying in a hotel. The family didn't tell anyone where they were going. The only said that the experiment was over and that when they got back, everything would be back to normal. Staying at a hotel, gave them lots of time to be alone. After all the time of being 'apart' Steven and Joanne were looking forward to getting together. They threw themselves at each other...

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The Group

"Good, you're all up, welcome to the what's going to be your sexual awakening." The man that is talking is not even a man he's a boy. He's a boy in my grade, a senior, and I've known him my entire life. He's a boy that me and my friends have neglected and not been nice to. It's not that he's ugly or anything but there was no reason to be friends with him, he wasn't "popular." Let me rundown my friends for you. We are all white girls from the suburbs and had nice lives. We...

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I’m Eros and this is my first story here. Please provide me with your opinions and criticisms if any. This is my own experience. So please forgive me if it is too long. I work of an MNC in Chennai for about a year now. I was new to corporate life and being an extrovert I ended up talking when I shouldn’t have. This of course got me into a fair share of trouble but I was still learning so I dint feel too bad about it. I walked into my team’s bay on Wednesday morning and saw I had around 8...

3 years ago
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Sarah Sean and his wife

He was tall, handsome and older, a lot older. She had met Sean in a bar where they started flirting and then he took her home with him. They had steaming hot sex. Sean had fucked her hard from behind, missionary and from an angle only a flexible 21 year old could pull off. When they finally fell asleep they were both exhausted. Sarah woke up around noon and noticed that she was alone in the bed. She decided to go into the kitchen to look for him. She put on her panties and a long shirt that...

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How could this happen to me part 3

Mrs Wilson pulled herself to her feet with the support of the sofa, wincing with pain if she moved awkwardly. Her bum cheeks and anus felt intensely painful as she hobbled naked and very slowly to the foot of the stairs. Very gingerly she started her accent. She was careful to bring both feet on the same step as she shuffled up one step at a time. Five minutes later and she was at the top and headed for the bathroom. Debbie cleaned her teeth three times then ran the bath as hot as...

1 year ago
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Next Day

There was no point in objecting when he told me thong and tights for afternoon drinks. What started doubtfully as "a bit of fun" was still a bit of fun. Especially for him. Mutton dressed as lamb again. Purple footless tights, purple courts, a gauzy top with a plunging neck line and a lorra makeup. In fact if you can call fake tan make-up probably a pint of it in all which I know is exageration but anyway you look at it, its a lot of makeup. Did I say bangles and hoops? Do I have to? You...

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Nudist fun

A few years ago when visiting a nudist " Resort" in the East of England I was walking round their wooded area looking for any couples playing I spotted a couple with a curvy lady with large breasts exploring the area. They were clearly nervous and guessing it was their first time in the woods I hung back but there were plenty of men watching and closely following them. She was wearing a bikini bottom with her lovely big boobs bouncing as she walked. Unfortunately they were not comfortable and...

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Commanding PresenceChapter 15 The Dungeon

Pam's prediction about the girls' ability to convince Evan that a trip to the nightclub was necessary proved well founded. Given his good nature and inability to deny them anything it was pretty much a slam-dunk; sex and sweet talk didn't hurt either. Their web site had done well in its beta testing and the date was set for it to go live. Their outing was scheduled to coincide with the site's opening and was choreographed more like a PR appearance than a night on the town. "Is this...

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Wild Nights in Atlantic City

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had just turned 18 when I received a birthday card and a plane ticket to Atlantic City from my Grandfather John, he wanted me to come out and visit with him, he had also promised to take me shopping so that I could pick something out for my be-lated birthday gift. I was excited as I boarded the plane, I loved my Grandfather so much and missed him, I hadnt seen him since my Grandmother's funeral four years earlier. He was waiting for me at the gate...

2 years ago
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Your Words

She dumps her bag on the ground as she walks in the door from a long day at work. With a sigh, she pours herself a big glass of white wine from the stock in the fridge, and takes a gulp. Walking through to the bedroom, she rests the glass carefully on her dresser. Looking in the mirror, she starts to slowly undress herself, feeling the weight of the day peel off her as her clothes do. She can see that her breasts sit high in her balconette bra, her nipples almost visible under the soft lace...

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Second Chances

Instant gratification. That’s what most people want these days. Thanks to instant communication with email, instant shopping online, instant pornography too, we all want exactly what we want, exactly when we want it. That’s what made things so frustrating. Much as I don’t want to admit it, my middle-aged brain has been re-wired to operate in the modern era of instant gratification. She made me wait. I had clicked the “send” button and sent my video clip to my foreign correspondent. She was...

3 years ago
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Krystenah is a Naughty Teacher Part III

I rubbed my ass cheeks until Matty told me to come to where he sat in the living room. “Krystenah. You haven’t done too well today following directions, but I am going to give you a chance to redeem yourself.” He flashed a heart-melting smile at me. I chewed my lower lip. “What do I have to do?” I asked him. “Now that’s the right attitude!” He said. “First thing I need you to do is strip.” When I hesitated, he leaned forward and glared at me menacingly. “When was the last time you were spanked...


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