Hangover Crap
- 2 years ago
- 22
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At two o'clock the next day I phoned Mrs Howard. She was excited because of the work she had done. I loaded the two bags on my bike and right after school I went right over and checked on her collection. The spheres were far from uniform but I did test them with a hammer. Most were quite strong. The steel bolt was put into some and then I used various methods to test the strength of the threads. Most had distorted and were unusable but some seemed strong enough for our needs.
This was not a bad thing, for we had learned a few important points. We needed a mould and something that could form the threads, be extractable later and not burn. A graphite rod came to mind but it would leave some graphite that would not allow the ball to be securely bolted later. This would be like applying glue to an oily surface. The same would be true of any carbon-based product as it burnt.
A light bulb caught my eye and I looked at the stove and chuckled because it was for wood. "We can use a small light bulb, use it as a master. Make a mould from its form and put the ceramic material in that and leave it in the mould when it is fired."
"Ohh, that sounds interesting. Can you find one of those large marbles that boys like to play with?"
I yelled, "Right back," as I left the house excitedly.
Two blocks down I found some boys playing marbles. They were doing it the old way with a ring but that was fine. Pulling up I said, "Hi, guys. I need a large marble. I will pay for it." I was shown a few but none were what I wanted. A nearby school got my attention and I asked three groups of boys with similar luck. One small boy in the back came forward and offered me a large ball from a bearing. He let me look at it and I saw no real wear and it was about the right size. "I'll give you fifty cents for this."
"Fifty cents! Yea, I'll take that."
The kid got two quarters, which was the equivalent of an hour's wages for a man.
Mrs Howard was glad to see the bearing and immediately began to work on it. I left her to her work and took some of the undamaged spheres. The phone book was close and I phoned a few places before I found the taps I needed to suit the type of bolt I had.
Eight blocks away I put some money on the counter and used a tap to see how it worked in the hard ceramic material. It did cut. An adjustable wrench helped and I took the tap out to see how damaged the ceramic was. I had three people looking at me. "Do you have a good magnifying glass?" The curious stock keeper brought a small glass to me. It looked like the threads in the sphere were damaged.
"Do you have any aluminum bolts?" I got no for an answer. "Anybody cut some threads in aluminum stock?" The man at the counter said, "The machinist in the back does engine work and brake drums. Ask him."
I put the wrench back and bought a few taps and some grade eight bolts to test the ceramic.
Going through the stockroom and into the back workshop I talked to an old man who sounded very crotchety. "What do you want, kid?"
"I am making an artificial hip. I need some pieces of threaded aluminum rod about three inches long."
"Cain't make no hip, sonny. I know. Mine's been shot for years."
"Some similar old farts said that a certain contraption couldn't fly or that a horseless carriage was only a passing fad. Now, are you going to help, or go down in history as a grouchy old man who ignored my request?"
He paused for a moment to think and eyed me very speculatively. "What size thread you want?" he said as he got off of his chair with some difficulty.
I gave him my specs. It would be stronger to form the threads than to cut them but I had to stick with what I had. He hobbled to the front and came back with some round stock and then put a die on the end with the other end in the vice. In twenty minutes I had a yard of thread. The old man measured and cut the lengths off and stacked them. I took a nut and got the damaged threads at the ends straightened out and started a new pile.
The old man finished and started cleaning the threads himself. While I was working I asked, "I need a spherical reamer or file about an inch in diameter and one a bit bigger."
"What's it fer?"
"When I operate, I have to cut a hollow area in the pelvic bone. Then I have to use the rasp, file or reamer to cut a spherical depression in the bone. The cup for this ceramic ball gets attached to that area. It is attached by epoxy or it is rough and the bone grows into the crevices. I cut off the top section of the leg bone and insert a metal framework into the femur. This holds the ball I made. In two weeks the patient can walk around. In a month they can almost walk without a cane. In six weeks they can walk painlessly but still have to take it slow. Mine will outlast all the other types previously manufactured."
"Y'll not ketch me under your knife."
"This one is for a dog. Later ones are for humans. Now, what about the tools I need?"
He had two used rotary rasps in his cupboards but they were too small. "Your supplier got any bigger?"
We looked through a catalogue and found the parts but they were all too small. The old man yelled to the front and another catalogue came back. Again it was fruitless.
"Could you make one?"
"Could but it would be too soft."
"Make some. They are for bone not steel. How much do you want for two?"
"Sonny, I can't work for free. I gotta eat."
"My name is Alex Kramer. You heard of me?"
"You that kid that stopped those robbers?"
"Yep. I am working on saving people now. You make two and I will pay." I took out twenty dollars and laid it on the table under a bolt. "That can get you started. It has to fit into a half-inch drill."
The old man looked at me and said, "Come back tomorrow."
"How much for the aluminum rod and the labour?"
"We will settle up then."
I took the shafts and on the way out bought two wrenches that fit the bag of nuts I bought too.
I was back at Mrs Howard's house soon after and put the material down in her workroom. She took some of the clay and formed it around the threaded rods and pushed it into a mould she had made. I helped her for a few more hours but she would have to fire more moulds than we were using now to take the clay.
Mrs Howard hustled me out of the house with a few cookies and told me to see her again tomorrow.
On the way home I passed a butcher shop and stepped in. The butcher was a large man who had to look over the corner to see me after the customers before me had been served.
"What would you like?"
"I need some sheep and pig pelvises for medical research. I will pay for them."
He looked at me and saw only a boy. "What's a kid like you doing with the bones?"
I went into a detailed account of all the things I had to do to get to Lass' pelvis, then how I'd have to make a hemispherical cavity. I used all the medical terms and didn't miss a single muscle, vein or artery in my monologue.
I then added, "Well, are you going to sell me some bones?"
The man just walked to the back and brought out a hind and I stopped him. "I need to see the portion so I get the hip joint."
He allowed me behind the counter, I pointed out my needs and said, "I need this and it can be in halves this time. The flesh is not important to me. The dog getting the hip is a long-haired collie of at least seven years."
The man cut the meat away and then used a cleaver to break the large bone. He showed me the bone and wrapped it up. Bones were usually free in the 50s and even 70s, too but soon things were squeezed tight and even those had to get sold but they still were not much. This was much like chicken wings. They were usually given away to needy families. It was only after they were baked or deep-fried with hot sauce that they commanded a premium price.
"Here you go, kid," the butcher said as he handed me the package.
"Tomorrow I have to come back to this area to test out the tools we need. May I leave this here now? If more become available, I will purchase them tomorrow."
The man looked at me closely, "You that kid that saved the baby?"
"I had the help of a mechanic, two police officers and the child's older brother. The doctors at the hospital did the final work."
"Come by tomorrow and I will put aside all the hips that are about the size you want."
"I will need human-sized later sir."
He just looked and this time it was for at least thirty seconds. I waved and left with my thanks.
At home I was able to get hold of Mr Creighton. He was still active in making the Rubik's cube. "Sir, can you farm out the job for the hip? I can give you some better drawings tomorrow."
"There must be a few people you haven't got working for you in this city. I will call them tonight and see."
"Don't try to get the old fart who works behind the auto parts shop. I already got him."
He paused for a moment and asked the address. Then wanted me to describe the man. "That old goat would sour milk but he can work wonders if his arthritis isn't acting up."
"I figured that. I don't have much in my bag of tricks to help him."
"He smokes too much anyway."
"That bothers me. I know instinctively that smoking is bad for you. The tobacco companies deny this and at the same time work on selectively breeding tobacco so that it will have more of the drugs a human craves. Other people know this and some who are not addicted themselves do nothing to bring this to the attention of the world."
"Young Alex, apathy is one of our more enduring traits. We need someone to fight for us but then we will ignore the results. Better to let the fools die and be done with it."
"You may be right for a while but I think I am going to have to take them on soon enough."
"Good luck because you will certainly need it."
The next morning I saw some preliminary signs posted for musicians. The doors were now a community awareness area, where people came to find out what was happening. Rita and her girls were with me to see what I thought of the layout.
The students looking at the poster talked to Rita about the project and I waved my hand and left her to her job.
The girls in the office were still happy. When none of the students were looking Linda kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks, Alex. I feel so much better."
"I said you could count on me and I did what was necessary."
During some of the classes Rita told me of many people who wanted to come to audition. I suggested her that she make an acquaintance of the music teacher and see if the person could be of any help. I handed her some hand-written music scores with the words and the preferred instrumentation. I suggested that her girls make a copy of the work, so the musicians could work on it in their own time.
I smiled as she started making her own copy when the teacher was not looking.
Science today took on a slightly new meaning. Mr Froom went into his lesson and asked a few questions of the class. As usual, he avoided me unless he had to have the answer. My answers at times were somewhat truer than his simplistic requests and this made him avoid me like the plague.
When there was a few minutes left in the class and the students were writing furiously down what was on the blackboard, I put up my hand. This was unusual and instead of asking my question out loud, I walked to his desk.
"Sir, I have a project that you may find interesting."
"What is it?"
A fairly detailed print was put in front of him showing the hip joint and more sheets showing more detail. One showed a cup that would support the ball and a rough surface on the other side. The words were in large print, stating what the article was but the man still had to ask.
I put my finger on the title and said, "For this implant I need a certain type of mineral, called hydroxyapatite, to cover the metal surface of the artificial hip implant. The mineral is really the exact same as bone crystal. This will encourage the body, not only to accept the mineral but to grow onto it for strength."
"Who is going to get this? You aren't a doctor."
"I am not a doctor but many discoveries made in history have not been made by doctors. As to who gets this, well, a dog is going to get a double hip replacement in a few weeks. Eventually, humans will get the hip."
"Artificial hips are not good, they wear out too quick. I don't know what you are trying to pull, Kramer but the ideas have all been tried before. I don't have time for this foolishness." His voice was high and loud. All the students were looking at us.
"I would like to mention that a few months ago you talked about the people that ridiculed Galileo. At the time you said how they didn't have open minds to scientific advances." The bell now rang. I picked up the papers into a neat pile but left them on his desk. "Thank you for your time, sir."
Rita was on me in the hall and the other students were close. I said loud enough for everybody to hear. "Arthritis is the cause of joint dysfunction and I am just making some attempts at finding an aid to those people. In a way, it is like a wheelchair or a cane but the pain will be gone."
Mr. Armstrong just glared at me for a moment in Geography. I guess he, too, was a little miffed at something asked of him other than what had been said thousands of times to other classes. This was nothing new, for many people just refused to think and would rather coast through life.
After a few phone calls I was back at the same butcher shop again. The butcher was much more cordial this time and brought out two wrapped packages.
I thanked him for the material and asked how much. He said, "Nothing, just let me know if it works."
"I may do more than that, sir. Thank you again."
When I got to the parts shop, I went to the rear of the building. The old man was working on an engine block when I stepped in through the large back door.
When the man saw me he said, "I had this ready this morning. You should have been here then."
"I would have liked to but if I miss any more school I can't pass the year, no matter what my marks are."
The man thought for a while and then stated, "The parts are on the bench."
There were two parts and one was in a half-inch drill. A piece of wood in a vice told me that the tool worked at least on that medium. There was a long extension cord attached to the drill. It reached the small patch of grass close to the door where my bike was. I took a package of bone out of the carrier and opened part of the wrap to expose the bone. While stepping on the pelvis with one foot I brought the drill close and tried to begin the cavity.
This was a problem for it wanted to wander. The old man was watching me. "Can I borrow one of your small rotary rasps?"
He just went to his tools and brought back both of the rotary burrs. This seemed to work fairly well and then I tried the larger tool again in the hole I had made. The tool worked this time and made the cavity the way I wanted. In the future there had been tools made to do this job but now the tools were small and not suited to do the job quickly and accurately.
This went on for many tests. The grooves in the spherical file built up fast making constant cleaning necessary. A body file might be better but that would be harder to fabricate. Its grooves were open and the cut material would get discharged as new material entered.
The old man wanted his turn and he made a few attempts at being a surgeon too. I said after his second attempt, "Doctor, it seems that the file needs to be cleaned out a lot."
"Yea it does. Ya gotta switch tools, or get an apprentice to clean it for ya. Maybe the ridges can spiral out and clean themselves like a twist drill."
"That sounds great. You going to make one for me?"
"Maybe, if'n I got the time. I'm kinda busy here."
"I talked to Mr Creighton yesterday. He said you were one of the best."
"You did, did you? Well you're probably right. I will try again."
Mrs Howard was happy to see me. The ceramic pieces were still warm but not overly so. Some of the aluminum had actually melted and I was not sure I could get the studs out. Others that had sat with the aluminum downwards had the metal melt and run out. With a pair of pliers I was able to get the metal twisted out of some. The ceramic threads were better this time but not as good as I wanted.
I tried one of the taps I bought yesterday and this cleaned out some of the metal still in the ceramic but it still damaged the thread. A laser could cut the contour I wanted, even inside the sphere but the laser had not been invented yet.
It would be best to use a machine to make the spheres the same way ball bearings were made. Here, a heavy machine with two plates spun around with rough spheres between them. Over time they were squeezed more and eventually the balls came out fairly spherical. Another machine of the same kind took these balls, this time with abrasive powder was added to get more accuracy. After the balls were hardened and coated with chrome, they went into a similar machine again with even finer abrasive powder.
This could be done to the ceramic spheres but they were many times harder than the ball bearings. I would have to grind a flat on the surface and find a way to drill and tap a hole. If I tried that with the balls we already had, they would not be round because of the flat spot.
None of this was insurmountable; it was just a matter of time and effort. The time was running out and the effort was just an old grouchy man, an old woman and me.
Thursday and Friday
The next two days were not very productive. We made small headway but not enough to write home about. I didn't like the idea but I just might have to cement the bolt into the ceramic and leave it at that.
The other projects were working. Mr Creighton had hired many of the students to assemble the cubes and they were being stored at the factory. At present there were very few completed and none had any coloured decals on the surfaces.
Izzy was complaining about all the work he had to do in making just the booths for the fair. The units with wheels had not even been started yet.
The fair grounds were laid out with strings and small flags along with some booths. Helen MacNeil had done her own work and hired a dozer to move the soil where she wanted it. Crushed rock and culverts were put down, so cars could navigate the area. Word got to me through her husband that the electricity would be provided by a large transformer on a flatbed during the fair itself but now we had to rely on smaller units to just get going.
The local newspaper started to go daily, listing all the things being done and by whom. People liked seeing their name in the paper so the copies sold. Even advertising had increased for some of the businesses taking advantage of our event.
The family came home for the weekend but I was still busy with the ceramic. The library in town was not of much use. I talked long distance to some people about how to make the balls very accurate but they were of little use because I was breaking new ground, or I should say trying to find out something I had no previous experience in.
Church didn't help much, especially when even more people came over to the house to talk about the fair or to just socialise. Mom had got help beforehand and had stocked up on some food and she dragooned Helen into helping her. I assisted, too, by getting Rita and two of her friends to help as well. Aron couldn't find a safe place, so he also had to help. Because I was answering questions all the time, I at least avoided most of the other kind of drudgery.
Derrick and his wife came over, too. He asked me about Tom Ciesla and his project and I said that I knew nothing, yet. His wife made me proud when she organized a few farmers to bring their machinery over and make the remainder of her camping area flat. A large part of the fairgrounds itself was still to be done.
At third period Monday I was very surprised when Mr Armstrong asked me to step outside his class with him after he gave the students an assignment.
"Alex, what did you suspect my condition was?"
"Did you get a diagnosis yet?"
"Yes, I did on Friday."
"I think you have the second type of diabetes. Is that what your doctor said?"
"Yes he did and I want to know how you knew."
"Reading medical texts. Finding both the visible manifestations and the symptoms of a great many common maladies. I am also talking to people who can give me the same type of information."
After he digested my words he said, "You did a very good job. There are not many people who could have done that."
"Might I ask what you were prescribed?"
The regimen was adequate for this time and I could not make anything better without scrapping other plans. "Might I suggest that you take a half hour walk every day to get in shape. The diet has to be followed and the exercise has to be constant. You should have many more fruitful years ahead of you."
"The doctor didn't mention exercise much. It was just in passing."
"Exercise is good for everybody and especially you. Please take my advice and start walking more but don't overdo it. You may end up with an aneurysm instead."
"Thanks, Alex. I will work on it."
"Then I will harp like an old lady if you don't follow up on it."
"You do that."
At seventh period I got another shock. Mr Froom was nice to me and he too asked me to talk in the hall. He apologised for his earlier remark and asked what I would like him to do.
I said, "Bones are a crystalline structure. An uncommon mineral by the name of hydroxyapatite will assist the bone structure to attach to the metal cap I drew. I only have to attach some of the crystals first. In a week I have to have the joint completed. I can do it without the hydroxyapatite but it will not be as strong."
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Oral SexTed stood in the doorway of his house and watched his family getting in the car. He glanced at his watch. They still had time. "Sharon," he called to his wife. "We have one issue we need to take care of before we leave. Come with me to my office." She nodded in acknowledgement and said something to Allison and Ben. Just then Brad brushed past him without a word and made his way to the car. Ted saw Sharon's eyes widen with surprise at the sight of her oldest son, who didn't even glance...
(No new chapters will be released for a while as I'm unavailable due to injuries. Unknown away time) This is my first story so it won't be amazing but i will try my best and i hope everyone enjoys it, I am writing this because there aren't many good Futa Gloryholes ( at least not none i haven't already read ) I plan on writing quite a bit for this story since one thing i hate seeing is extremly poor grammer stories and severely incomplete stories. I have created a sort of online suggestion box...
TranssexualWe had never been what you might call super sexual, I mean we had sex, but not the hot and wild sex you hear about people having in pornos and the like. He almost completely shut down after we found out and it put a strain on our relationship. Before we got married, we separated several times because of the sex. I wanted something more, something wild, honestly, something bigger, but after going crazy, I always came back to him. We got married because I realized that having a good man was...
Jill had turned onto her hands and knees to lick up every drop of spunk that had leaked out of her. Big Daddy tasted especially good for some reason.When she turned back, he handed her a cool, damp towel in order to refresh herself. She gratefully used it to wipe away all the sweat and various pussy juices that covered her body.“Oh Big Daddy, I am really exhausted.”As she was saying these words, she could not keep her eyes off his cock as it swung between his legs. Even his ball sack was long...
TabooMy birthdayI am Vernon and it was my birthday, I had woken early and my wife kay was still sleeping next to me as I lay there with a raging hard on. Kay’s nightdress had moved while she slept and I had a great view of her legs and pussy, I was tempted to start playing with kay’s body but knew she needed her sleep after the busy day she had at work the day before.As I moved slowly to get out of bed and let kay sleep, kay moved and just said happy birthday Vernon and where do you think you are...
The Cessna 182 seemed to slide almost frictionless through the grey cloud. Every direction the pilots looked there was only a light gray. There was no sense of speed or motion, because all the visual cues that would suggest that were gone. There were only grey and tiny droplets of water bouncing around on some of the windows. Even the sense of being in a cloud was missing. The fog over the coast was thick extending from a couple of hundred feet above the Gulf Coast up to about two thousand...
I didn't really think I’d ever meet someone from on-line in person, but I guess I can be wrong, sometimes. I met him almost year ago on a site that I visit regularly, we added each other as friends, but we didn't ‘talk’ right off. It wasn't until he came into a chat room I was in one night where it kind of took off from there. Though we had never talked before that night, we started a conversation as though we had known each other forever. There was flirting, easy conversation, teasing, and...
Straight SexThanks to kilocyclejoe for this one. Reginald and Cedric were good friends who belonged to the same Men’s Club. One evening, Reginald came in and was greeted by Cedric. “Reggie, old boy! Where on earth have you been? I haven’t seen you in over a fortnight.” “Well,” said Reggie, “I’ve been to Inja, actually.” “Inja! I suppose you had some exciting adventures while you were there?” “Yes, I remember one exceedingly vividly,” Reggie replied. “I was crawling, on my hands and knees, through...
I just spoke to a Lana, heard a great story and she asked me to write. Lana was out with a large group, all Iowa alums, with one black guy in the mix. The guys are all super good pals. In this bar/club there were a whole lot of southern boys up north participating in some outdoor sports promo. One funny guy is getting on Shawn saying stuff like "stay close to us, these guys might see your size and want to take you back home" Another adds on something like "big neck, that ought to be a strong...
I did not write this. I found it in a now defunct site. Sadly I cant acknowledge who wrote this. Whoever were, for him the credits, Im traslating and uploading it, it's a good story wich should be read by english speakers. Your name is Máximo Taboada, heir to a large fortune, which allows you to lead a standard of living among the most expensive in Europe. You don't have to worry, a hundred years wouldn't be enough to waste all the money you have, although you really do make an effort to spend...
Group Sex"I don't think your place is haunted Kim!! Your neighbor told you stories and your mind was playing with you!! Your mind does things to you without you even controlling it!!! I mean before last night you didn't have nightmares in that place!! Well did you?" asked Desiree, Kim's colleague. It was lunch break and both girls were eating at a Subway!!! Kim was having a 6-inch teriyaki sandwich and Desiree having a 6-inch vegetarian, since she was a vegan. "No!! That was the first night in...
Bob sat and read magazines, until there were none left to examine. There was no noise coming through the door—it was so quiet he felt like he was the only person on the planet. Eventually, his ears detected the hum of air being pushed here and there by the building's air handler units. He heard a siren dimly, through the walls, but no traffic noises. He checked his watch so frequently that he finally took it off and put it in his pocket. Finally, he dozed off. He woke, when the door opened...
Swati was feeling so bad since she allowed a complete stranger to touch her private parts. She took bath and came out. She was looking depressed. Anshul asked her what is the matter. She just replied that she is not feeling well. She continued on her house chores.Jayraj was feeling extremely horny. He wanted more of Swati. He couldnt take her out of his mind. He wanted to do that same stuff again and again with Swati. He still felt her soft arms full of bangles circling around his neck. Her...
June 1966 City of Castle Texas Castle Texas police detective Adam Rogers is eating supper at Rosa's diner and enjoying a rare night off, after he was done eating he paid his bill and gave Miss Rosa Marie a large tip, then he left the diner got back into his Ford F-150 pickup truck and drove home. When he got home he went inside the house, went to his bedroom, took off his jacket and laid it on his bed, then he unholstered his service revolver a S&W Model 36.38 caliber revolver and locked...
Dave woke early, very early; he realized he could not go to the range to practice so he rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. He couldn't sleep as his mind returned to thinking about his options, should he be suspended. Eventually he heard Colby wake up and climb off the top bunk. When Colby left for the bathroom, Dave got up and pulled on his robe. He brushed his teeth and was sitting in his chair when Colby returned. Dave got right to the point, "Colby, I'm sorry I was in such foul...
Will had his feet up on his desk and was enjoying some long awaited silence. It felt a bit strange to be alone. Only a few days ago he would have been used to it. Janie had always left in the evenings. He rarely had visitors. The lighthouse was built in an area of the town which did not have a lot of nighttime activity.All the chaos and excitement that had happened the last few days was what his life had once been like all the time. Now that he had it again it made him realized how much he’d...
Fantasy & Sci-FiStory Title: Edward's Laboratory Author: IronLacedCarbon Description: Amanda Vett despises the fact that she was cursed with a flat chest, but her mother Carroll gives her permission to see if her mad scientist of a brother can help out with that. Unfortunately for Mandy, as well as for a few others, her Uncle Eddy has ulterior motives. Disclaimer: This story is purely fictitious and not suitable for anyone that is below the legal age in their country to view pornographic...
"No! No! No! You must relax! Clear your mind and feel the tranquility of peace wash over you. You cannot force yourself to feel peaceful! There is a diametric opposition in the concepts of force and peace. Would you not agree with me on this principle? Good! Well, then have you not heard a single word I have said? You are attempting to force a meditative state, which is not possible. Trust me! Now, try again. Close your eyes. Relax. Listen to the sound of your breathing. In and out. In and...
Tomorrow is my birthday and Master has told me to come get him and bring the bag with the devices he uses on me. I immediately go and get him. He tells me he is going to take me out to lunch as a present and we choose a restaurant. Once in the restaurant we go to a table and he orders me an alcoholic drink. We begin talking about my submission to him and how we both feel on the subject. He makes me feel safe in the knowledge that he plans on being my Master for a long time and that...
“I know a lot of girls at St. Agnes who would drop their panties on a first date just to say they’d been royally screwed. You don’t need to wait for a cold fish.” Lonnie was trying to cut off Liam’s rant about not pushing anyone. “Susan is nice and she’s perfect for you. But I don’t want to date anyone like her. Neither one of you know the meaning of fidelity. She was propositioning me at the same time you were propositioning Meredith. You screwed me up on that in a big way and I don’t want...
Hypothermiaby oggbashan © Copyright Oggbashan April 2003 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.****************I have a fantasy of sharing a bed with two attractive young women preferably naked. Most adult males would share that fantasy. I never expected it to happen or if it...
She sat on the bus, tired and exhausted. It was evening and enough scenery had passed by the window for today. She wanted to find a place to rest her head in the absence of a suitable lap. The window vibrated too much, along with the rest of the bus, and so the chance of trying to fit her head into the corner between the seat and the window would shake her into a headache from hell. After attempting to sandwich her hoody in the corner as a cushion had failed she gave up and leant back against...
I took a train and visited with Frau (Mrs.) Rach, the woman who introduced me to the life of sexuality until she moved out of our house last year. Now I was eighteen and still in high school.Meeting her at the train station, here she was: a big woman, tall and beautiful with a skirt shorter than women of her age were wearing in those years, tight around this enormous butt that I remembered so intensely. High heels made her strong curvaceous legs look very sexy, a loose white blouse left her...
Oral SexPaul was swimming some laps (I'm not sure where he gets all of his energy from!) I walked past the pool and into the kitchen. Mom was getting some snack food ready for a lite dinner. "Hey sweetie....good shower?" she asked I saw that she had changed. She was still wearing the bikini top under a tied up white shirt with a pair of tight jean shorts that looked amazing against her tanned legs. "Yeah it was nice thanks. Good to get rid of the dirt." I stared at her as she...
Hi, I am Harish from chennai now. My age is 23.I am a Smart young guy.My home town is Coimbatore. This is my real life incident which happened few days back. I am reading ISS from very long time. Through ISS I am horny always. Now let’s start how I bed with a beautiful lady. Any sex horny girls and AUNT’s need hot sex chat and xxxx contact me at AUNTs in Chennai, Coimbatore and Bangalore can contact me at I am working in good company in Chennai. I am staying with my friends. I always come...
Introduction: Maybe it was just a dream Mother Nature had smiled down on the Halloween revelers this year. The clouds of the afternoon had vanished, and a bright full moon took their place in the evening sky. The children came and cleaned out the candy bowl he kept near the front door. It was fairly early, but he just couldnt keep his eyes open. He wasnt sure what woke him. Was it the slight wind coming through the open window? Open? He didnt remember doing that. Through his unfocused eyes he...
He woke me up, with so many kisses all over my body. I kept patient till I could no longer stay down. -oh please…do not make me horny now. We gotta prepare and leave- He smiled at me, stood up and went to the bathroom. I looked at the time. It was 6am. Damn early, I thought. I also went to the bathroom, saying, -wait for me…!- We had our wash together, prepared ourselves, lip kissed each other in our right embrace and departed to university together on the way to the main road. Once we...
Chapter 8. Day 6 Friday. Kaptain Starky of the U-740. Gunther Starky looked at his grand son and grinned. "So you take after your Grandpa and Papa and and joined the navy after all. May I look over your ship? I well remember my first Kaptain Fryberg. He was to later become Admiral Fryberg and was a real gentleman. I was the only survivor of the U-740. A storm came up after we abandoned ship and all my men died. To this day I have thought about what would have happened if I had not...
Just wearing my jock I crawled to his cock and started licking his balls. I kissed his shaft and handed him my phone and asked him if he could take pictures and film me tonight. I was feeling so kinky I would have let him do anything he wanted to me. I remember how awkward my last blowjob was so I stepped up my game. I deep throated him, rubbed his balls on my face, look him in the eye and told him how much I wanted him. He moaned as pre-cum started seeping out onto my tongue. I put his...
SON OF A PREACHER MANSon of a Preacher ManBy kewtieboyGilbert Ray was a Baptist minister of the full Hellfire type. He was a God-fearing, bible punching minister with no flexibility in his beliefs. Sex, other than with one’s wife, was unimaginable. You can therefore imagine his views on d**gs, homosexuality and abortion. This was 1966 and attitudes all around him were changing, but not Gilbert. He still preached in his Baptist church to a moderately packed congregation of like minded people who...
Rule 34 dictates that whatever exists, be it a genre of entertainment, a novel series, a politician, or whatever; there’s a porn parody of it. Well, I suggest we recognize a new Rule 35, which I define as: any topic about sex that has happened has inspired a new subreddit.While hardly the most popular fetish, poop porn appeals to a select number of people in the populace. When these people congregate online, they get wild and share their filthy smut with extreme relish. The subreddit that this...
Reddit NSFW ListMy eyes didn't open until just after eight AM. We had gone to bed late last night. I had to smile as I thought about the girls bringing the two women down to the hot tub. I wasn't angry at them, just apprehensive. The girls meant well, and probably did get off on watching, but that hopefully won't be common practice. I slid from bed, put my running clothes on, and looked out at the beach. The tide was out, so I was out back stretching when two women came up to me. Freddie and Nancy asked,...
December, 1981, Milford, Ohio Kathy and I made good time driving back to Milford on Saturday afternoon. We grabbed a quick lunch in Lafayette, but otherwise we drove straight through to Milford, talking quite a bit along the way. We discussed her relationship with Kurt and mine with Kara. Both of us were happy with where things were and how they were going. I let her know that Elyse and Warren were getting serious, and I let her know about Stephie as well. “Hmm. That might make it crowded...
Allie was a good-looking, fun-loving, full-figured woman. She was average height, at 5' 3" tall and was 200 lbs. She was married to a man for almost 15 years. He was a real jerk and was always yelling at Allie about things that he could do himself that he wanted her to do for him. She was always being bossed around and it was making her angry. She was also sexually frustrated because her husband practically ignored her in the bedroom. She was talking to her friend George online one day and he...
My pretty wife joined me in the hotel lounge for drinks. She was wearing a stunning Little Black Dress, very short with her hard nipples clearly visible through the sheer top of the dress. Obviously, it was going to be an interesting night in Vegas! Braless, no less! She had many admirers, with her short dress hiked up, setting at a high-top table. After more than a couple cocktails, she said she was ready to head to the dance club.We slid into a taxi, and were off to the club. I couldn't help...
The sunset that evening was particularly dramatic. The sky was painted in hundreds of colors. The men sat in the lawn chairs watching the sky as the colors changed while the sun dipped below the horizon. No one said a word until the sun had dipped completely below the horizon and the colors had faded. Ed asked, “Can you imagine? Kelly is pregnant.” John shook his head and said, “I’m just as surprised as you.” “Are you as happy about it as I am?” John laughed and said, “Yes, maybe more....