- 3 years ago
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These stories was written as part of a Hopper Swap, where two writers get together and use two story ideas, one from each writer and make them into a story. The other writer on this occasion was SaraH. We had one week to write the story. I've put the story ideas at the end so they don't spoil the story.
"I tell you it isn't like that!" shouted Marlene. "Once you get married, it's forever, it's not just until someone else attracts your attention!"
"You have no idea what men are really like," protested Callie. "Why do you think I dumped so many, and why I now don't have a boyfriend?"
"You just had bad luck. Vince isn't like that, and when I marry him he won't go chasing after anyone!"
Callie could almost hear her stomp her foot. Marlene was a good friend of hers, but at eighteen, was five years younger than Callie. She just didn't realise what the score was. Well, thought Callie, I'm going to show her. But how? Then she had an idea.
"What if I can prove to you that marriages break up easily, on only a suspicion? Because women have learnt that that there's no smoke without fire, and that men will screw anyone that makes an offer."
Marlene looked dubious. "And exactly how are you going to do that?"
"Just watch..." said Callie.
Marlene saw her get the phone book and flip through it. Callie called a number, and mumbled wrong number a couple of times, and then she must have hit on what she wanted.
In quite a sultry voice she said, "Beth?"
"I'm sorry to bother you, really. But... well... could you tell Stevie I really enjoyed our time together a few nights ago? It was soooo hot! Thanks."
Marlene looked aghast at Callie. "That's a HORRIBLE thing to do! Anyway, it won't work for anyone who's got a good marriage!"
"You'll see," said Callie. "After a few days of calls with me hanging up every time she's on, she'll begin to wonder about him. I'll bet we see a divorce notice in weeks!" she said, gloatingly.
"You're just plain WRONG! That's really EVIL!" said Marlene, as she stormed out of the apartment slamming the door behind her.
Callie smiled to herself; Marlene would see she was right and call off this stupid marriage. Anyway, she imagined as her mind drifted, why can't I have her? She startled herself with this thought, and examined herself inwardly.
She'd never realised that she was attracted to Marlene. She'd had a short fling with a woman at college, but she always thought of herself as straight. She mentally shrugged. There was nothing in it she was sure - just her mind wandering.
Over the next few days she kept up her campaign until it was 'their' Friday night again. Marlene was still mad at her and wasn't coming round for their usual evening together, so she went to the supermarket to buy a meal for one. She couldn't be bothered to cook properly if she was going to be on her own.
She returned home feeling slightly nervous. In the car park she could have sworn someone was following her, but when she looked back there was only another woman getting into a car. She cautioned herself to be less twitchy about these things. Sometimes, when she was outside she felt a bit paranoid. Of course, she told herself, she was just being sensible.
She microwaved her meal and then sat in front of the TV and started watching some documentary. She didn't really pay much attention to it; she was thinking more about whether she should make any more calls.
A noise made her jump. It sounded like it came from the kitchen. She didn't worry. The door was securely locked and only Marlene had a key.
She finished her meal and put the tray on a table. She was about to get up when she heard the front door slam open. In terror, she looked down the hallway as she saw a figure dressed in black marching towards her. She could see it was a woman with short black hair cut in a bob, but the dark clothing stopped her seeing anything else. The woman looked angry.
Callie started to scream, but it choked in her throat; she sat back hard in her chair almost wedged into the corner. Of course, that meant she didn't see another woman come out of the kitchen holding a bottle and a cloth.
The woman in black marched right up to her, leant over and said in a sharp voice: "You must be Callie! I'm Beth! And this is Stevie!"
That was the last thing Callie remembered as the cloth in the other woman's hand came round from behind and was held firmly over her mouth and nose as she tried to struggle while the Beth woman held her down.
When Callie woke the first thing she realised was that she wasn't in her flat anymore. She was sitting on a stiff-backed chair in a room that smelt of... what? She wasn't sure. And she couldn't see because she'd been blindfolded. She tried hard not to get too frightened and to keep herself under control.
That got harder with the second thing she realised. She was naked! Well, apart from the blindfold and the ties round her arms, legs and elbows.
She couldn't hear much because of the blindfold, but she suddenly realised what the room smelt of - woman. A woman who was sexually aroused. Not her, surely! She didn't feel like she was, as she tried to concentrate on what she was feeling. No, it definitely wasn't her, but the room reeked of it.
She heard a door open and then two sets of feet clicking towards her across what was obviously an uncarpeted floor.
"Well, well, you're awake then."
Callie immediately recognised Beth's voice. She'd only heard it once, but she wasn't likely to forget it.
"When can we play?" said a softer voice. Also female.
Oh god, thought Callie, I've been phoning a couple of dykes! And what did she mean by play?
"Soon, sweetheart," said Beth. "First I'm sure Callie wants to know what's going on, don't you?"
Callie nodded. Her mouth was dry. "Can I have some water please," she said.
"Of course. Stevie will go and get you some, won't you Stevie?"
Callie heard her mutter something like "Yes, Mistress," and she wondered what the hell she'd got herself into.
"Right," said Beth. While she's getting you the water, let's remove the blindfold. Shut your eyes and open them slowly so the light doesn't hurt them."
Callie felt the blindfold being removed. She gradually opened her eyes thinking, well, she seems to be quite kind anyway.
As her eyes adjusted to the light, she looked up and saw Beth standing in front of her. She wasn't dressed in the dark clothes she'd had on before, but she was still in black. Callie gasped. Beth was dressed in a one-piece which would have covered her breasts had there not been semi-circles cut out of it. Callie's eyes travelled downward. She saw that the vee where the teddy, (that was the only word she could think of to describe it), curved between her legs revealing an open crotch. This was complemented with black, stay-up stockings.
Beth was quite tall, and looked strong. Above all she looked... the only word that came to mind was - commanding.
Then Callie looked round the room. There were some rugs, but it was mainly linoleum. It was the furniture though that made her gasp again: an x-shaped cross against a wall. Something that looked like one of those things you jump over in a school gym. Items of clothing hung from the walls, seemingly in a similar material to the outfit Beth was wearing, a table laid out with what looked like a collection of vibrators... it went on. Callie gulped.
Beth smiled, showing her teeth. "You like our little playroom then?"
Before she could answer Stevie walked in carrying a tray with a water jug and glass. Callie thought she looked gorgeous, but she was dressed in an odd way too. Very odd, in fact. Callie looked more closely as Stevie walked towards her. Oh, my god, she thought, she's dressed like a maid! But in the same material that Beth had on. Sort of slinky and shiny and tight. And the dress was really short. She couldn't bend over in it without showing everything! Callie was worried now. As she placed the tray on the small table next to Callie, she came very close. Callie could smell the material. It was latex. She recognised it because she had bought a blue latex dress to wow one of her ex's.
"Callie!" Callie turned round sharply to look at Beth, obeying her instinctively.
"Let me tell you why you're here and how. You made those nasty phone calls, but you didn't think about Caller ID. So we knew your number. As it happens, we didn't need to know much more. Your friend Marlene came to your apartment one day when you were out, and went though your phone list until she found us. Then she rang us on Wednesday evening, right after your call, in fact. She told us what was going on and offered us your keys... And the rest you can guess. Perhaps you should have thought through your 'idea' a bit more?"
Callie looked aghast. She was horrified. Marlene had betrayed her. Why? She was only trying to stop her from making a mistake. And she could see Beth was angry. She wasn't surprised, but she'd never intended...
Beth started speaking again. "So, now you're here and we're going to have a fun time this weekend. Only Marlene would notice you were missing and, well... And pretty soon you're going to be doing things you've probably never even have thought of, and doing them willingly!"
"Never!" said Callie.
Beth just smiled. Callie looked at Stevie who had remained quiet; she was grinning from ear to ear. Callie quailed inside, but was determined not to show it.
"Stevie is going to untie you now. You can struggle all you like, but she's very strong. We both work out and keep in shape. And there's always me if you become too awkward. So, you make your own mind up. You won't get out of here. Only we have the key. So why don't you just relax and enjoy what's to come?"
Callie could hear the laughter in her voice and almost snapped at her. But she thought it would be better to bide her time. So she acquiesced. Just for now, she thought.
Stevie untied her from the chair and lifted her up. Callie started to relax until she felt cuffs slipped over her wrists and locked. Still, she was much more mobile now, and if there was a chance she thought she could take it.
Beth said sweetly, "Perhaps, you'd like a few clothes?"
Callie nodded and said, "Yes, please," like this was all normal, not really thinking what sort of clothes.
"Good. Stevie will walk you over to our wardrobe. Then we'll select some things for you. I'm sure you'll enjoy them!"
By now Beth was almost leering and left Callie wondering where all this was leading. She wasn't stupid. She saw what they were wearing. But if wearing a few clothes would keep them happy then she was all for it.
Beth opened the cupboard. All Callie could see was wall-to-wall black latex. The smell was almost overpowering.
Beth rummaged around in there and came out with a few items.
"Ok," said Beth, "now we'll fit them on. We'll need to talc them and you a bit as we do it, so don't be worried."
It was fine at first. The latex garter belt, then the latex stockings and the latex gloves that covered most of her arms. She became more perturbed when they fitted the latex bra. It was all right when they put it on - until Beth started pinching her nipples. She started struggling then, at least until she felt Stevie behind her, wrench her shoulders back, pushing her breasts out and making it painful to resist. Oh, she complained, but eventually, the bra was on her, and her nipples were pointing out nicely through the small holes in the bra cup. And the way those small holes gripped, Callie knew her nipples weren't going soft at any time soon.
The last item was in Beth's hands. Some panties at last, even if they were latex. She put her foot through each hole and Beth pulled them up her legs. As she did so, Callie realised that she was feeling something inside the panties brushing against her leg. She started to panic a bit. She even managed to pull away from Stevie a little before Beth grabbed her as well.
Beth commanded her to hold still, not that she could do much else. When she did, Beth let go and stood back looking at her, now almost completely covered in latex garments, and with a pair of latex panties half way up her thighs.
"So, you want to make it difficult? Ok. Stevie, take her to the table."
Stevie dragged her across the room as she had problems walking in those panties. Her wrist cuffs were then attached to clips behind her, pulling her arms up. Now she couldn't move her upper body.
Callie had given up being frightened and was more concerned at not getting Beth angry. When Beth told her to open her legs the panties were pulled up a little further. She did so, and felt Beth reach between her thighs and oil something there. But it wasn't what she thought. Callie was surprised to find it was soft, more like a hollowed out dildo than the solid one she was expecting. She became startled as the front was pushed into her and the panties pulled up further at the front.
Next, Stevie turned her round and the same process occurred again. Callie wasn't bothered, she quite enjoyed having her ass played with, and the soft thing that was pushed into her when the panties were pulled up at the back wasn't a problem. Nor when the panties were pulled up tightly at the front, that is, until she realised that she'd got quite turned on with all the attention to her sensitive regions.
It is a Friday evening and I am headed to my friends house for a party. I know what is going to happen. The last time I went to one of his party’s I ended up being the entertainment. We were just hanging around drinking beer and listening to music. It was only about 16 of us. Just a few people. Anyway, somehow we got on the topic of dicksucking, but when we did, my name came up. People think that I am the best at it because I can deep throat really well and I have no gag reflex. And when I suck...
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TeenPlease read “My first time and Little More, parts 1 – 4 (check my author profile) for background leading up to this point in the true story of my life of “firsts.” The titles were not consistent, so search on the following for parts 1 – 4. My First Time and a little More First Time and more: part 2 My first time and a little more: Part 3 First Time and a Litte More: Part 4 Cum A quick recap of the story up to now. I learned to suck dicks with my neighborhood friend Sean, and Michael joined us a...
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Deepfake Porn SitesWell, one weekend our parents went out of town and let me watch the house. That was a big mistake. I decided to throw the party of the century. Friday night came around and my parents handed me some money and gave me a lecture about not having anyone over. I waited about an hour then I started calling all my friends telling them to bring the drinks. Around 7:00pm a couple of my friends showed up with three kegs. By 10:00 there was proudly about 50 people at the party. Lisa had been bitching...
Housebound Mike came home after another rough day at the office. He lived in a middleclass neighborhood, a 1-1/2 story ranch-style house built in the 60s. He workedas an accountant for one of the city's larger law firms and made good money.But Mike lived well below his means. He was, well, frugal in his spending habits.He was saving money for his next home, when he hoped by then he would havea wife (or at least a girlfriend) to share his nest egg. He had his eye ona couple of hotties in the...
This story is completely fictional! This is my first time story my name is jack I am 18 years old I live with my adoptive parents I never new my biological family I was getting ready for my 18th birthday. I hadn’t had any luck with the opposite sex as yet I am still a virgin, I live in Australia and when you turn 18 in Australia you are allowed to do things you would have to be 21 for in America, Australia legalised prostitution in 1983 so I decided to go to a brothel in Melbourne. I was in the...
IncestOrgasm control, also known as ‘edging,’ ‘peaking,’ and ‘surfing’, is used to keep your partner sexually aroused for an extended period of time without reaching orgasm. The goal is to provide a more intense experience in the end because of the period of sexual frustration. Serious orgasm control is much more than just physical manipulation – there is an emotional and psychological aspect to it. From this sissy’s point of view, the most important factor of orgasm control is the psychological...
April O Connor was walking from the bus station to her home, a building block where her flat was. It was 5:00PM and she was returning from her job. April was a an attractive short haired Brunette with a slim figure at the tender age of 27; grey-blue eyes, 5 foot 9, very brave and she hated the youth gangs around here, turning to crime and forcing younger and smaller kids to pay them protection money. April saw three young teenagers surrounding a much smaller and younger kid. The smaller and...
Donald and the others finished training for the day. It had been an exhausting and tiring, but a somewhat satisfying day. The men had worked well and were coming on. Donald had them working in their squads, one squad against another. They had finally figured out that by working together they could defend against a much larger group. Peter had been working with Nathaniel in the office. “That lad of yours is a little genius. He has a real head for figures. I’d like him to work with me on the...
I was forty-eight years old and working as a mid-level marketing manager in an oil company in Houston at the time of this story. Our company sponsored a bowling league, and there was enough interest in bowling that there were a total of ten four-man teams, each representing a different department. One of my good friends and coworker, Jason Fuller, was on the men’s team from our department, but I never had much of an interest in bowling, so I never tried out for the team.Jason is my age and a...
BisexualWhat a lousy way to spend your 50th birthday, I thought to myself as I pulled up in the driveway. My wife the law partner was out of town on some trial and there was no knowing when she'd get back. My high school age son was out of the country as an exchange student. It was the middle of the week, so there wouldn't be any celebration until the weekend. I'm a photographer. I like to consider myself a nature photographer, but like anyone who wants to be an artist, I spend most of my time in...
Amy and her husband Mark had just moved to a new community several hundred miles from where they used to live. Mark was a pharmaceutical salesman, and this was their third move since they had been married fifteen years ago. They hoped this would be their last move, since they didn’t want to move their only daughter to another school. Amy had recently turned forty and was a bit on the conservative side. She was a beautiful looking woman, she had long blond hair which flowed down her back while...
At the end of the divorce proceedings, I ended up with the house which, at least, saved me from having to move. But we went our separate ways and, after six rather rancorous years, that was a relief. There was only one thing I missed about my former wife, that was her sex drive. She was the horniest woman I’d ever known, so I went from sex every day, even if we were pissed at each other, to, well…none, nada, zip. Oh, unless I provided it myself. Sure, I did some of the bar and club stuff but...
Norman Wells, On The Mackenzie River Like the steady fire of a million cannons, the ear-splitting roar of the river ice cracking up reverberated off the distant Mackenzie Mountains, still shrouded with their winter mantle of snow and ice. Locals knew better than to be caught out on the river this time of year, when the thick winter shell begins to split and break into huge, house-sized chunks, sometimes rising from the frigid waters like giant freshwater glaciers, slowly beginning the long...
CHAPTER 1 Eva Everett was dropping out of college because she thought the systems sucked and she’d stupidly chosen to study biology instead of drama only to find her interest waning faster than her staccato sexual interest in any guy. Now her interest in drama was returning. What a fucking mess, she’d fumed, coming to the ‘I’m quitting’ decision. Her counselor had summed it up neatly. ‘Eva dear, consider pulling the plug before you become dead in the water’. Clichés for sure but in Eva’s...
Rachel and I had changed from brother and host sister to something altogether more sexual.Rachel part 2Over the following few weeks, whilst others in the family would have seen nothing different, we continued this teasing and exploring. She started to touch me through my trousers, realising that I had become hard, aroused by her. She would trace the shape of my erection through my trousers.I started to massage the heat of her crotch through her jeans, my hand wandered under her t-shirt and I...
Rain. It fell hard. It was unrelenting. It was ruining everybody’s plans. Cal stared out through the living room window, gently brushing the thick curtains off to one side. They had planned to revisit the lake that day. He had hoped to rent a boat and take Silvia for a private tour. There were small beaches to see, people on jet skis to watch, and the sun to keep them warm and dry, not to mention providing a nice suntan before the onset of autumn. However, nature had decided to play a cruel...
Anal1142 aka as May Flowers-Marks, Erin O'Rourke-McPherson, Olivia Byrnes-Sawyer wasn't too upset that she had to change her identity. She had an idea whom she wanted to become. That meant, for the time being, she wouldn't go back to the island. She would keep in touch of Barbara, Alice, and Junior. It was time to get close to the top Elites. She let her three offspring know that all was well with her. Junior told her that Tim was taking her death very hard. She felt heartbroken but Olivia...
©2001 by Couture "... last night I had a dream that I had a penis. I think I had it because I've been reading Tale of the Body Thief by Anne Rice, in which Lestat takes over a mortal's body." Betty continued telling me all about her dream last night, instead of doing her homework. She did look lovely though twirling her blonde hair around her finger and playing with the hem of her skirt. "Then he had to figure out how to use his penis again since he hadn't been mortal in...
June 10, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “OK, now I am SERIOUSLY worried about coming to church on Saturday!” I laughed as I put the car in gear. “And why is that Mishka Petrovich?” Tasha asked with a small laugh. “Your dad told me it was OK to take you for ice cream after dinner without me asking. I swear, if I come into church on Saturday for Vespers and the table is there with the crowns...” I was laughing and so was Tasha. “And being married to me would be so terrible?” she asked with fake...
Greetings from the Talebearer. I regret that I must deliver this particular tale from an undisclosed location, but as you may remember, my last chronicle of Deborah’s slutty life ended with my k**naping her. So in the interests of remaining at liberty, I shall not tell you where this tale takes place, only that it holds a simply decorated room with a bed large enough for six people. And why such a large bed, you may ask. Well, because Deborah has daughters, and I was certain they’d miss their...
AngelaTerry and I were both filthy, but happy, happy, tired and horny.When Derek told Terry that he'd been given a bedroom with a double bed, I realized that my sister's fiancé was something special, we took our dirty overalls off outside, and I was a very tired but very happy bunny when Terry knelt down and slipped my panties down over my thighs.We got under the shower together. It seemed as though the spray rejuvenated us both. I forgot all about how dirty I was as he leaned me back against...