TimeChapter 26 free porn video

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Saturday morning looked a bit ominous. There was a possibility of rain in the air. The hotel dining room was fairly crowded, as many of the people from last night had shown up to go to the vet's with us. Mom and dad, along with the rest of my extended family, ate together. Dad was still asking some questions about the hip joint and I used my hand to indicate that we would talk later when it was more private.

We left around ten with some instructions to the hotel staff to supply coffee and a light lunch at the vet's, then get ready for us to come back around five thirty. Like yesterday, I had a bill made that reflected the expense that my company had to pay for this show.

When we got to the clinic, we found Doctor Smiles, Janice and two other doctors. I recognized them because they now practised medicine in this area. I had talked to them during and after my stint at the university. When Laura and I walked close, Doctor Smiles introduced us. It didn't take long for them to begin to talk about the hip. I didn't hold back with my terminology now and they started asking me questions which even another doctor might have had difficulty in answering. Laura just looked back and forth and I think she was quite lost in our terms.

Doctor Slotski came over, too and he got into our conversation. He, of course, was more accepted even if he was just a lowly vet. I was just a smart kid that knew something of what I was doing.

The reporters and camera crews came and began to set up. I pointed out some good positions because I knew where we were going to stand. Some resented this till I explained my reasoning. They could see that they were actually getting prime locations.

Ten minutes later I had my first chance to see Lass. She was led from a car and two adults and two children got out. The discrepancies in age led me to believe that the children aged eight and possibly nine were actually grandchildren. The reporters got there first and I had to let them talk for a while. The children were upset but handling it well.

I walked up and stooped to pet Lass. I spoke to her and got a lick in return. After giving her a hug I got up. My eyes were still not seeing right because of all the photos taken.

Doctor Slotski came over and introduced the family and he patted Lass' head as he did this. The doctors came right behind him and they were given the leash for a moment. While we talked, the doctors examined the dog. It was easy to see her difficulty in walking.

Derrick had made up a release form that I went over a few times. The family had signed it a few days ago. This gave us not only a release if something happened but rights to have Lass displayed at the fairgrounds later. This would show off some of my inventions and turn the fair into an exposition.

The film crews were encouraged to film Lass before the operation to show the world what she was really like. The dog had to suffer to walk around but it was for a good cause and was not done for long.

In half an hour Lass was put under anaesthetic and her back portion shaved. The camera crew were allowed back in when the dog was sleeping. Laura, Natasha and Janice worked well together.

The doctors now had been told that if they wanted to get close, they had to wear scrubs like the three nurses. They didn't like it but did don the garments. They asked me about the procedure in exacting detail and made suggestions because some like it simply done their way even if it made no difference.

The operating room was full now and some were even overhead on ladders and a hastily erected platform. I began again by verbally reciting what I was doing. This was a diplomatic way of telling the doctors, so they could do this job themselves some day. It went well till I had to use the saw and I heard the reporters and others puking in the background. I mentioned this in Latin to the doctors and I got a chuckle at the expense of the plebeians.

Eventually the damaged hip joint was removed and the portions put in alcohol for study. The noise of the drill brought more puking and I heard Cecil saying that the newcomers just couldn't take it.

The sterilised hip was brought over and carefully put into place. When this major step was done I asked. "Doctor Smiles, would you like to close?"

"Yes young man, I would."

I backed up and the doctor took my place. He was getting all kinds of advice from the other doctors but he just ignored it like I had done and sewed Lass up.

I looked around and found that there was a lot more room now. The room smelt of stomach acid and this and the sights might have contributed to the exodus. The operation would be long, anyway and perhaps repetitious to some.

Doctor Slotski started the second leg and he got the same unwanted help. He was diplomatic but I could see that he didn't like being told, either, especially from somebody who could only practice on a single species.

Doctor Smiles said, "Why don't you take a break and then come back and relieve some of us?"

"Thanks, Doctor Smiles. I will."

I left the operating theatre and was pounced on by the reporters who couldn't stomach the theatre itself. The dog owners were there, too and I talked to them about how the operation was going. They seemed to look better after the talk. Aron was there with them in his scrubs and in this case I think it was boredom that drove him from the room. He had made friends with the two children.

There was a long table and I got some coffee and a snack. Laura and Janice were there, too because the doctors would do the nurses' duties so they could better see what was happening and had evicted them.

I talked to others, including my family and friends and in fifteen minutes went back in after cleaning up again and wearing a new clean gown Linda put on me.

None of the doctors wanted relief and I think the film crew did rotate.

There was cheering outside when Lass was finally done. The doctors were going to throw their scrubs in a hamper but I said, "Please keep them. Though you have to get them cleaned, they are different and you can think of them as a small memento of your work here today."

They did keep them and folded them up so that the blood and bone fragments were on the inside.

There were a lot of photographers now and I got the doctors to pose. I tried to get out of the shots and I succeeded a few times.

The doctors started to snack and I said, "We have a meal at the hotel prepared. Will you join us? I am sure the members of the press, television and radio would like to ask a question or two."

The night was long and I had to stay. Natasha and Laura were the only ones missing, for they stayed with Lass to tell us of any complications. For the dog to get sick now or even die would set the usefulness of the hip back for a decade.

The questions went on and now the doctors took centre stage. After I made my points the questioning was directed to the medical professionals. Mom and dad seemed to be very proud of me. Even the girls had a proprietary air about them.

Mr Caversham would be the only one to have a special for Sunday but I doubted if the other papers were worried.

That night I went back to the clinic with Doctor Slotski and his wife. This way I could relieve Laura.

The two girls were awake when I came in but there were two cots nearby that looked used. Doctor Slotski and I checked on Lass and then he went to bed. I called Laura and curled up to her when Natasha turned off the light.

I got up a few times but Lass seemed to be fine. Once I saw Natasha and we talked a bit. Mostly she wanted to talk about my girls and especially Laura. "Do you usually curl up together to sleep?"

"Natasha, I think I will want to sleep curled up to her for the rest of my life. I just happen to be a bit young now but when I am older I will ask her to bear my children."

She said wistfully, "You two are very lucky."

"I know I am."


Natasha had coffee waiting when I woke up. My arms were around Laura and she had pushed her body back to get as much contact as possible. I was leaning over her sleeping body and getting a good look when Natasha came in with a tray of coffee and some toast. I didn't move and Natasha set the tray down.

She said, "She is a very beautiful woman."

"That she is." I saw Laura's eyes open and I believed she was just pretending to sleep. "Do you think our kids will look handsome like me, or just beautiful like she is?"

Laura answered herself, "Depends on whether they are beautiful boy babies like you or not. Now let me up, I have to pee."

I looked at Natasha and said, "See what I have to put up with? I try a bit of romance and she puts me off. Soon she will be having headaches or simply say 'not tonight dear, I just got my hair done' or some other comment."

"You poor boy. The woman needs relief and you only think of yourself."

"Already you draw sides along the lines of gender and a male simply has no chance." I moved and Laura got up then gave me a quick kiss.

Laura said, "And don't you forget it."

Doctor Slotski came in half an hour later and found us up. He did his diagnosis to the now-awake dog. He got a lick for his troubles and Doctor Slotski gave it another shot of painkillers.

He said, "Lass looks good, considering what she went through. Are you quite sure the body will not reject any of these foreign objects?"

"There will be no problem. If you two can carry on, then there is time for us to go to church."

With so many people who were going to be at the house, my girls would not make that much more. Laura phoned ahead to wake everybody up and get dressed. We hurried and made it to the church. We filled the entire area up with my girls.

On the way Laura told me about all the questions she had to fend about me from ladies of every age and even men. The women I could take and I hoped the men's interest was simple curiosity. Natasha had been the most blatant in her interest from the women and some reporters were particularly anxious to learn all they could.

Rita and Libra looked at me from beside their parents and had a worried look. I was sure they wanted another go at me again by the stream and hoped that this week would be it.

The service was interesting, mainly because the girls wore the thinnest material they had. This was almost scandalous by that day's standards but blasé by what would come later. I wouldn't mind getting the hemline raised, too but I fear there would be a corresponding increase in our population. I whispered this assessment to Helen but she could not seem to understand what I was talking about.

After the services Father Cayer started to talk about a person in his congregation who... It was a good chance it was me. A few minutes of additional talk and I was called up.

I thanked Father Cayer for his kind words and gave a four-paragraph statement about what some others and I had accomplished. This was dropped and I started to ask about the fair. The congregation got over the shock and some members stood to give their report.

Again, most people went to our house but this time took some food with them for an impromptu potluck dinner. It appeared that the community was moving in on us. Seven young men found themselves at our house looking to help, they said but their eyes never left the ladies. I still had my own troubles, for mothers were constantly taking their daughters around and hoping that Mom would order me to escort the young ladies.

I did find out something special about my girls. The boys were broken up into small groups and the girls got the boys to volunteer to assist cleaning up the fairgrounds and even the campgrounds. I heard Natalie say that they would come by to see the boys late tomorrow afternoon. The poor boys, the youngest being about sixteen, were no match for a woman and especially not for mine.

Rita, Libra and now three others stayed close to me. It looked like the Leone girls did not like the competition but acted nice. Laura told me, when we had a bit of privacy, that the two girls had started their periods again and suffered from the cramps. This might be true but at the moment I thought that they just needed a good sensual massage.

Maria came by and talked to her daughters and I could see that she was in pain too. Rita and Libra had their periods in sync. This was an instinctive thing that went back millions of years. I just wondered if it went now to the other member of the family.

I got Rita's ear and whispered, "Does you mother's menses coincide with yours?"

She looked at me a bit shocked at being asked this personal information but then she said, "Yes it does. Usually one of us has bad cramps and sometimes two. Are you going to relieve some of our pain, Doctor Kramer?"

"I would like to but I don't see how." I saw Maria talk about something, then flinch with the pain and hold her husband's shoulder. I ate more from my plate and talked to the people around me and in a few minutes the pain returned.

The plate was put down and I said, "Stay here, unless I call both of you." Both girls got a large grin and nodded their heads.

Walking over to Maria I saw that the conversation had momentarily ended. I held her elbow and said, "Will you come with me for a moment, Maria?"

I led the woman outside and away from the house. "Maria, I have seen you are in pain."

"It is a woman thing and it comes and goes."

"I know a lot about woman things and I think I can help you without drugs or pain."

"I have been waiting for that for years. Where were you when I was a young girl?"

"Do you want some help now? I have given the same treatment to your daughters and they have claimed that it helped them a lot."

"I would love the help. What do you want me to do?"

"First of all it is a special therapeutic massage on the lower abdomen that allows the muscles around the ovaries a chance to relax. It takes five to ten minutes and the girls say it is enjoyable."

"You have rubbed my daughters on their ovaries. I can see that it would be enjoyable." She was getting upset now and figured I was pursuing all women.

"It is meant as a way to soothe pain and discomfort. I suggest we get Mario and take him upstairs. I can show him what to do and then he can do it. If he refuses, I can do it under his eyes. I am still a boy, Maria and though I do get some strange feelings I have not started to be a man yet. I am not going to take advantage of a lady of any age."

"What do you do?"

"I sit on a soft chair, or a couch. You sit in front of me but you have to lean back against my chest. My arms go around your chest and rub your lower abdomen with my hands. Soon you relax enough for the pain to start to leave. If you stay a bit longer, the pain will stay away longer."

"Is that all?"

"That is all I do. You may feel funny after and Mario can help you through that period. This can happen during the three or four days of the worst pain per month and you will feel like a new woman."

Maria did not say whether she wanted to try this or not. In the house she walked up to her husband and pulled him up and into the kitchen. He was talking to Derrick and I assumed it was finances.

"Alex has noticed some of my pain. He says he has a way to make the pain go away. Will you come with us so he can do this? Alex says it is good for you to learn."

"Can't our daughters go with you this time? I was talking about setting up more restaurants."

Maria got angry, I could see but she did say, "Fine, have it your way."

I found Helen and said, "Will you get Rita and Libra and bring them to your bedroom. I want to help Maria with her cramps."

She just smiled and wiggled her way through all the people, trying to find Maria's daughters. I pointed out the way and Maria climbed the steps ahead of me. Her bum was very shapely, especially since she had been working out to pose for the top of the pizza box.

The linen closet was close and I took a handful of coloured hand towels. I put them on the dresser and looked around for a suitable chair. There was only a wooden one and that was not large enough. We heard racing up the steps and the three girls ran breathless into the room. Helen closed the door behind her and I know her hands were fiddling with the key she never used.

"Girls, Maria has cramps like all of you do. She was in pain downstairs and I wanted to see if I could give her some temporary relief."

Helen piped up, "Alex started helping me a few months ago and I don't know how I survived before without him."

"He can try this on me," Maria said.

I said, "There is no chair big enough in here, so we will have to sit on the bed." I took off my shoes and climbed into the centre of the bed with my back against the headboard. When I was comfortable I said, "Take off your shoes and loosen your belt. You have to crawl onto the bed and sit in front of me."

She gave me the mother's eye and then did as I asked. Before she sat down I was able to work her dress up a foot but she still felt safe with the girls around. I couldn't see her thighs well because I was behind her. "What do you want me to do now?"

"Cross your arms tight across your chest to give me room." When she did so, I slid my hands down her sides and found that she was too big for me to reach her ovaries. When I did this before, it was when I was a man with long, strong arms. I did what I could and soon Maria was just leaning back feeling contented.

"Maria, you are bigger than my sister or your daughters. I have to move to massage you correctly."

She said in a contented groan, "Ok but it was beginning to be nice."

"The feeling will come back."

I slid out from behind her and coaxed her to slide down the bed so her head would not hit the headboard. This brought up her dress a bit more. I moved her legs apart and climbed between them and ran my hands up her hips a few times. In a moment she started to relax again and my hands came closer together and over her ovaries. They were hard and I knew that she must be in substantial pain.

When the lumps began to soften, I pushed a bit harder and this was when she started to respond. In a moment she was groaning in want. Helen gave me a towel when I asked and I had Maria raise her bum off the bed. I pulled up the remainder of her dress and had her sit on the folded towel. It was easy to see her thatch of dark hair through the thin material of her panties.

I pushed again but ensured that the skin of her mons was pulled ever so slightly too. Maria's dress rose higher and I could see a few inches of skin above her waistband. Her hands were going all over the place as she groaned, then they seemed to settle on her nipples and she pinched them hard through her bra.

The groans got so loud that Helen went to the side of the bed and held Maria's face to her chest. I continued my strokes but didn't progress too fast. This was enjoyable for her and there was no reason to hurry.

Soon the heels of my hands landed just above her pad and mons. I pushed from there. Helen had to hold even more tightly as the woman thrashed about. My hands spread out now and went up the entire front of her abdomen and I had the most contact possible. I wanted to go higher and pinch and suckle on her large breasts but I stuck with the pretext of helping relieve her dysmenorrhoea.

The moment came and Maria wanted her legs up for entry but that stopped my hands. The legs came down then up again. When I got kicked once, Rita and Libra jumped in and held the legs down and apart. This only inflamed Maria and she struggled and her body rose into the air as her orgasm overcame her.

When Maria finally came down, I continued to stroke her but did so slowly. In a moment I pulled her dress over her panties and softly caressed her on the outside. Libra had her eyes closed and her hand was under her dress playing with her clit.

Same as Time
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Karen arrived next Friday evening. She was not expected until Saturday, but both Lucy and Jo were very pleased to see her."Right, I have a print out of all your expected expenses and income. I have made lots of enquires about some things, so please raise any queries you have," said Karen.The girls looked at the printout and most of it did not mean much to them, it was just a whole lot of figures.Karen saw that the two girls were looking a bit confused."Let me go through the list with you,"...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Tommy King G326

Tommy told us in her interview that she loves being used. Now is the fun part when she gets to show it. She starts out perched on the pedestal with Solo and the other cocksmen whispering dirty nothings in her ears from both sides. Solo keeps taking advantage of his GUESS THE V win this week and goes to town on Tommy’s clean-shaven, 26-year-old pussy. This may be Tommy’s FIRST GANGBANG, but she sure knows how to keep her hands, mouth, and pussy full to entertain her FIVE COCKSMEN as they all...

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Chasin That Sex HIgh I got From Judy

We had a few more afternoons with Miguel that summer. I liked to think of myself as quite the wild girl, along with Judy Chavez, my chunky friend from Panama. After my experience with butt sex with him, I decided that I had proven myself to be every bit the complete woman that Judy was, that it wasn't so necessary to have Miguel's giant penis inhabit my backside. Judy seemed to have a real appetite for having Manuel drive that big boy right up her behind, but for me, the memory of one afternoon...

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Hispanic Girl Reveals Her Dirty Side

As you look in the mirror at yourself, you realise that you're a pretty average kind of guy. Not ugly by anyone's standards, but you're no Brad Pitt. You have a good body, short hair, generally your everyday guy. But when you lower your eyes, there in front of you is one hell of a fat cock! Only about 6 inches long, but nice and fat! Many a women has screamed both pleasure and pain as you've driven that thing into them. You don't have a date tonight, so you're just going out to dinner with a...

2 years ago
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Shanus Loving FamilyChapter 5 Thirty days to Wedding

Shahnaz was too busy looking at clock and getting anxious that her father may have had second thoughts and was not going to come. Shanaz was also aware that they were supposed to join the family guests for dinner at nine. Shahnaz absentmindedly cleaned her brush of loose hair and bend down to drop them in the bathroom bin. She nearly screamed as her naked ass brushed against her father's legs. He had entered silently. Shahnaz gave a suppressed whoop of glee filled 'DADDEEE' as her...

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RookiesChapter 6

We whipped up on Detroit, 10-4, in the opening game of our six-game home stand. I actually got into the game, in the fourth inning, when the Tigers scored all four of their runs. All four runs were officially charged to our starter, although I was the one who let the last of them in, on a one-out ground single. After that, I held that Tiger through the fifth and sixth, while the game was still close, and Paul Warren yanked me when the Birds took the field for the seventh. We were ahead, 4-3...

4 years ago
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The Pick Up

It was a cool fall night when the lady walked into the lounge.   She was dressed to kill her hair and makeup was perfect.   She wore all black, dress, nylons and high heels.   She ordered a “pink Lady” at the bar and walked to a corner table in the back.   Every guy in the bar noticed her especially one gentleman standing at the bar having a beer.     This tall blond stranger eyes the lady with his intense blue eyes enjoying what he sees, enjoying it even more as he undresses her in his mind....

Straight Sex
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Intro A Quick Raid1

Luckily, my warriors were in position and I signaled them to loose a volley of arrows. From my vantage point, I saw a half-dozen men and women fall as iron tips pierced hide and flesh and shattered bone. A big man carrying a shortsword—probably the village chief—took an arrow in the collar, roaring in pain as he fell backwards. A woman staggered drunkenly with an arrow in her throat, vomiting blood all over her hide top. As the villagers stood transfixed, a second volley fell, striking...

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EscapedChapter 3

I slept well for being on the floor. Being tied up was not that comfortable either since I couldn’t move around like I usually do? Being naked was no problem because sometimes Lilly and I would fall asleep after we masturbated together. I wanted to get up so I could go pee and be able to move around some. I knew today was going to be a long one and we would probably get fucked. I knew mom would get fucked more and Ron might have to suck some more cock. They wanted to make him a cocksucker. I...

4 years ago
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The Mob Book 2Chapter 10 Captured

Jason returned to the canteen feeling quite ravenous. He spent some time chatting to the Jumo, and began to feel a hankering to have his feet on the planet and see what it was like. He felt that it would be safe as he had a very peaceful tranquil relaxed feel about both the Jumo and the planet. He had very much liked what he had heard about it, and thought that he himself would like to have a bit of a look around. Jason decided that he would chat to Linda, Karen DuPree, Matilda MacArthur,...

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The Sock Sisters Chapters 912

Jeff dropped us off in front of Kim’s house around 8:30 and she met us at the door wearing one of the fluffy old robes. “I just got out of the shower girls. Come in my bedroom, we’ll change in there. Phil just left and I kind of forgot about time!” “Phil just left, huh?” I kidded. “And just what were you two up to that you lost track of time?” “We were fucking, Mar! What did you think?” Kim smiled at Beth and I and we all burst out laughing. When we got to Kim’s room, she dropped...

1 year ago
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Stay or go

(This is my first story on this website, so I'd love to hear what everyone thinks! I'm also a newbie here, so if I'm committing a faux-pas or whatever, let me know :) ) The world this story is set in is not unlike our own, except for one big difference. About 10% of the population are Alphas or Omegas. Alphas are naturally more dominant and muscular and make great leaders. Omegas are naturally more submissive, and make great peacemakers and caretakers. Female Alphas and male Omegas are rare,...

3 years ago
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In Ladies Gym

Hello readers this is RAJ staying at PUNJAB This is not my story this story which I have got from a friend who is staying in U.K. I “Hello, Women’s Private Gym, this is Anita, how may I help you?” “Uh, my name is Sushma and I saw your ad in the underground paper and was thinking about maybe joining, could you please tell me a little bit about it, I mean the cost and everything!?!” “Well, Sushma,” Anita replied smoothly, “our gym has very competitive rates with other gyms in the area, but with...

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gebrauchter champanjer

Ich war in meiner Kneipe um die Ecke um noch eine Bier zu trinken ehe ich heimgehe. Alvaro der Barkeeper kennt mich und ich hab ihn schon mal von meiner Lust auf pissende Frauen erzählt.Heute hat er was total geiles für mich. Er fragte mich, ob es das übliche Bier sei, oder ob ich mal was neues geiles probieren will. Sekt.Ich sagte „Sekt, ich mag keine Sekt.“„Aber es ist was besonderes, Champanier, gebrauchter Champanier.“„Was heißt das gebraucht?“ fragte ich„Na gebraucht, den hat schon jemand...

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Broken AngelChapter 3 The Beauty Of Angels

Dana woke up with his arms around her. He was still asleep and held himself close to her. She felt little flutter thrills slip through her. This she had not anticipated. When she tried to disengage herself from him, he came half awake, looked at her and screamed, "Nooo. Not again, please." Sorrow and fear shot through her as she interpreted the look on his face to be a personal rejection of her specifically. "I wasn't trying to do anything." she stammered, "I was sleeping and you...

2 years ago
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The JobChapter 17 Home

I borrowed mum’s car on Monday morning. My first stop was a real estate agency. I asked about a particular property. The agent agreed to meet me there with the keys. The house was in good nick, and it matched the basic requirements of what I wanted. We had driven past it the day before. Ryan had passed the comment that he had always liked that house and that it was a shame about the land. The house was a little closer to the road than mum and dad’s house. The block was twelve acres and...

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The Forgotten Cistern

Note from author: I wrote this story because I'm sick and tired of people slamming authors who want to write a story purely in the interest of fulfilling a TG fantasy and offering something to jag-off to. That's what this story is. Don't like it? To those people: Go away. Shoo! Shoo! This story isn't for you. Its, like, what, only 8 KB? I have no need of the erudites among you. I propose this story to be a challenge to the notion that an extremely short, transformation-centric,...

3 years ago
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In the Hands of the EnemyChapter 3

Their departure from the Hawaiian Islands was delayed slightly due to reports of a new Japanese armada sneaking in from the North. Heidi thought it might be better to be out on the open sea rather than in the constrained harbor but kept her amateur military opinion to herself. An additional contingent of about two hundred medical personnel who had flown in from San Diego came on board at the last moment and their compartments were bursting at the seams with new faces. About one third of the...

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MyPervyFamily Lacy Tate Sneaky Sex Crazed Stepsis

You don’t know what it’s like living with a nymphomaniac. My teen stepsister Lacy Tate is one horny girl. I’m just trying to get a snack when she practically jumps my bones in the kitchen. She pulls out her natural tits & tries to get me to touch them, but we could get caught at any moment! While Lacy is flashing me, my stepdad walks so I (Johnny Love) make her duck down – she starts sucking my dick right there behind the counter while I distract my stepdad! Once he...

4 years ago
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transvestite in trouble

i pulled up on the pub's carpark. I was nervous, i'd been speaking with Andrew for about 2 months online and for 2 weeks on the phone, we'd always end up jerking off when we spoke. it was during these chats that i'd told him of my fantasy. The one where i'm overpowered and forced.I was dressed as instructed, black lingerie, suspenders and black stockings, tight high wasted skirt, just above the knee, white blouse and black jacket, i had on 4" heels, Andrew liked the secretary look. there were...

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Tales From Venus Town

TALES FROM VENUS TOWN By Dorothy Strangelovepart one: THE DYING BREEDVenus Town had seen a rebirth in the last ten years. Not on the scale that mankind had seen a rebirth in the last hundred years, but it had brought changes that might as well have been on a grand scale like the revolution and then the third world war all over again for the changes it had made to the poulation. Change was sometimes a good thing,  especially where once there had been chaos and hardship. Now the town was seeing a...

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CuckoldSessions Rocky Emerson 04242022

Rocky has been such a good GF to her Rockstar BF Daxxx, she has let him fuck all the groupies he wants all the time and never complains. So finally she feels like she needs some time for her, just for her and the big dicks she needs to keep her happy. He knows it’s fair and is tentatively supportive. She says hey Hunny you know how you like big tits , well “I like Big Dicks” So after a few calls she brings some of her favorite big studs home to show her man what she wants....

2 years ago
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To Serve You My Love

When we are living together, and you had to go to work, I would spend the day making sure our home was cleaned and everything was in order for you to return. I would love to fill in the gaps of your life, doing the things that you don’t want or have time to do, making your life easier. I would be thinking of you while I am doing these things, smiling because I know I was being good to you and helping you. I would want to please you so badly, and would take extra care in every detail of what I...

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Dubai Vacation with a Twist

Dubai Vacation with a Twistpart 1 The early morning was getting hotter by the minute and Dubai was waking up beyond the large hotel's compound. Linda was just stepping out of the shower and was wrapped in a large towel, drying her long dark blond hair with a smaller one when she realized she was not alone in the suite. Two dark shapes stood over by the door to the corridor. It looked like two persons, presumably women, wearing the traditional niqab in black.- Excuse me? But what are you ...The...

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Mami Ki 2 Saal Chudai Mama Ki Absence Me

Hello friends mera name raaj(changed) 23 years old from haryana average body and normally lund like as always of all Indians. Am living with my mama and mami from last 8 years because mama is always out of home due to his job profile and mami is alone in home and my nana is old they have only one kid, main iss pe story paad paad ke self controlled ho gya tha or sab pta chal gya ki kaise kya krna hai. Her name is sunita and we are living in jind.Ek baar mama two years ke liye dubai chale gye us...

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The Wimp and the Lion

This is a story of love and deceit, pain and revenge. There are four main people in the story. Jack Gibson is a genus, he graduated from college at 20 with master's degrees, in Law, Accounting and Business Administration. Jack is CFO of Johnson Management Company. April Gibson, Jacks wife former Beauty Queen, her perfect body and face was created by the top plastic surgeons in the world. She graduated from college Suma in gold digging. The person she loves most is the one she sees in the...

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Farewell to the Dancing Man Ch 0510

CHAPTER FIVE Cynthia’s Story. I guess it had to happen. Peter had been busy with his business, building it up from the small family business that he’d inherited from his father. I can understand that, but what I can’t understand is his lack of interest in family matters. Take this morning for instance, he was prepared to stay home from work to answer police questions but when he discovered that he wasn’t needed he left for work without kissing me good-bye. It wasn’t that he has been in the...

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And Baby Makes ThreeChapter 24

I left the office early on Bastille Day and picked up Weena and Patrick. We saw Rob and Mary off for Singapore and went home. Mary had given Weena legal power to rent the house and I had spoken to Willy. I presumed she had spoken to Evans. We were tucking Patrick back into bed when the phone rang. "I understand that you're becoming a realty broker," can the Commander's voice. "We'll need at least two references if you're applying." "Of course. Will military do?" "Then you'll...

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A DAUGHTERS STORY For YngDaddiesgirl

There was only thing I looked forward to every summer: the weekend camping trip with my dad. It is always just the two of us. Mom hates the forest so it was never a problem keeping here at home. I loved being alone with my daddy and watch him in the woods as he set up our camp. The location where we usually settled was right by a river which was just deep enough to swim in. I cannot tell you tthe thrill the first time I saw him in his very tight swim suit and the lovely bulge. Only one person...

2 years ago
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Spreading Seeds

(Copywrite 2008 Jack Luis) We rode into the Barny, New Mexico just after noon on the ides of March, 2356 CE. It was 250 odd years after the “Fist of Allah had Smote the Heathen”. That plague reduced mankind to 1 percent of it former Billions. The resulting chaos cost the remaining population modern agriculture and just as well as the refineries collapsed the oil had no way to be converted into motor fuel or fertilizers so the few stripper wells that still produced ceased to function....

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Daughter Takes Side

Julia had not seen her cousins in two years and she wanted to visit them. John took off from work, using Friday and Monday as his vacations days. The plan was for her father to drive her there, stay there Saturday through the night, and drive back home. They started their long journey at noon on Friday. Day One: 3 PM At 3 PM that same day, Ben Newsome went into his office. It was only the second time all day that he actually had some free time. There had been an all-day meeting that just...

2 years ago
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Bi threesome fun

The story is about an incident that took place a couple of years ago. About me, I’m Sana, and I have a very very high sex drive! I love to masturbate, I love porno and watching people fuck, and when my boyfriend is around we fuck quite often! I was looking for stories to masturbate to, when I found this site! Anyways, I like dirty nasty kinky sex, and I was kind of getting bored with my boyfriend. My twin brother Dhruv and I were in studying in the same college. I guess I was beginning to get...

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An Undeniable Passion Ch 03

The courtship continued throughout the month of January and into February with teas and walks and carriage rides, all properly chaperoned by either Lucy or Violet. Gregory, however, didn’t readily approve of Violet acting as chaperone. He knew of her mischievous streak and love of adventure and didn’t quite trust her to ensure that nothing improper happened during Virginia’s visits with Charles. Violet’s presence was merely for the sake of propriety, he trusted his daughter to ensure that...

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Best Friend Milli Becomes NUDE Model For Painting Course

It was another boring day at college. Drawing the objects kept on the table seemed FINE ART to the faculties here. Why don’t they understand I have taken FINE ARTS to make FINE PAINTINGS not to waste my time on basics which I have learned in the past. Let me introduce myself to you. I am Ravi, a fine arts student in a reputed art college in my region. I always had a passion for art and paintings. I lived far away from my home in the college hostel. I went against my family’s wishes and chose...

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Moms gangbang

Mom GangBanged by Bandits Mom had promised me that she and i would celebrate my eighteenth birthday at our cabin by the mountainside. I was eagerly looking forward for the occasion. I had always loved to visit our old little cabin, situated at the foothills. I also knew that perhaps it would be our last holidaying together for this season.With the winters were about to go, but the whether was still very cold. We all were looking forward for the upcoming summers. Within weeks the weather would...

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Fingering fun

Hi readers, my name are Yogitha. I am 5’8”, slim, wheatish and have sexy figure. I have a boyfriend who is doing his mba in Delhi university and we are going to get married next year. I am doing my bca. This incident happened around one month back when I was traveling home from my friend’s place. I boarded a BNTC bus at Vijayanagar and traveling to Jayanagar. I was wearing salwar kameez that day and was thinking about what all happened in my friend’s house. Her name is Bindiya and she has...

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