S&S NerdChapter 18 free porn video

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Monday morning on the patio was normal, as I was first to have coffee with Steve and Glenda. I decided to stay and have breakfast to say goodbye to my folks, sister, and sister-in-law this time.

My family was there by seven, ready to be taken to the airpark for the flight home. Cindy kept stepping aside until I asked her what was up, when she said, "I'm staying here with you. Val told me to hang with you for a while, so that's what the kids and I are going to do. We'll stay in your front room and I promise we won't bother you."

I needed to talk to Val about this, but the time difference made it really tough. Cindy and I stood together waving goodbye to Mom, Dad, Carmie, and the kids. Val's and Cindy's kids stood next to us before the kids turned to me and asked, "Can we go to school with the other kids? They have a special school here that teaches the kids the same as at home, but in a different way. Can we?"

Cindy looked at me and I smiled at the kids. "I'm sure you will be welcome. I'll ask one of the women who teach and let you know in a minute.

Sue was the first woman in charge that I saw, so I asked her, "How can I get Cindy's and Val's kids in your school here. Val wants Cindy to stay here for a while, and they need to go to school. They were being home schooled before."

Sue hugged me and said, "Just send them up to the rec center with the others, and they will be worked in with everyone else. New kids seem to work out very well. They can go with my kids."

As soon as I told them what to do, my brother's children vanished along with Sue's and Steve's kids. It was like the button, 'That was easy'.

I told Cindy, "You should integrate with the other women who don't go out to work this morning, and help prepare for lunch and whatever. I need to go to work but I will be back for lunch."

Cindy looked at me with half closed eyes, "I guess I've lost my allure to you Feenys, or else you're just not into hot women."

I closed my eyes and shook my head, "Oh Cindy, you know I love you like a sister but I also love my brother. You and I don't mix that way, honey. My goodness, I'll do what I can but I can't put horns on my brother."

Cindy hugged me as she said, "Val told me you would act like this. Well, listen to me, Junior Feeny; you are going to take care of some of my problems before I leave here. That is an order from your older brother. Think about it, prepare for it, and get ready."

Damn, Cindy was direct, to the point, and sounded emphatic. I could only hope my women were going to be able to get me out of this.

When I walked into the reception area, Grenaline was displaying enough of her voluptuousness for a Saturday morning on the patio. I had to stop, stare, adjust my zipper, and then finally address both Grenaline and Sandy, who was there drooling over Jenny's daughter.

"Uh, Sandy, what are you doing here? And you, Grenaline, I want you to find a spare bed sheet or something to cover you up a bit. If I had a video camera, I could sell clips of you just walking around for a lot of money. Now cool it, Gin, and give me and Sandy a breather."

Grenaline sat down heavily at her desk before saying, "It's not fair. Donna gets to be here for a breakthrough, and tells us that she got to hug you and get you worked up. Just last week, Niki got you so worked up that you took her mom home for an early matinee before coming to the patio. What am I, secondhand Swiss cheese? You know, someone with holes to use?"

Holy shit, what do you tell a young lady who feels stood up? I went over to her and as she stood, I hugged her to me.

"Grenaline, you know how every male in the park lusts after you. Give me a break, and realize that I don't put the make on you out of respect and the knowledge that you would probably leave me begging. You know you are as special to me as your mom, but you have to let Sandy and me do our work. Cover it up, Sweetheart, and keep it special for that guy who will make it worthwhile one of these days."

The fact that I was holding her against me and she could feel junior Feeny pressing into her stomach might have made a difference, but Grenaline did relent and changed into a top that didn't show all, and a skirt that didn't show her lower lips. Jeez, this is a horrible way to start a Monday. The fact that she had other clothes with her told me that she knew she wasn't dressed the way she should be.

I pulled Sandy into my workroom office and asked him, "What are you doing here? Are you going to be assigned to me now?"

Sandy was grinning and nodding at the same time. "Dennis said that I should work with you for a while to see if I could be of help. I can do all of the repetitive entries while you do the creating, Sal. Let me learn from you like I did at school and I promise not to interrupt you unless I find a problem or you're finished with a block of your work."

How do you send such an eager helper away? We moved some work tables around and I set him up with a computer linked to the system.

It took me a few minutes to get my head back to where I was when I had finished this past Friday. As soon as I began taking off with what I had been doing, I knew where I was going and continuously pounded the keyboard for two hours. I looked up at ten and thought I wanted some coffee. That's when I realized that Sandy was waiting for something to do.

Knowing that he was good on a lot of routines, I assigned him several that would compare the product of some of the sophisticated results to some of the seemingly lesser reports on the exterior. I knew these were going to be important as we analyzed the fuselage and it had to be done in small sections with individual analysis and reporting for each square centimeter. From what Wes had said, even small changes in the shape of a fuselage, airfoil, or nacelle could have large effects on both vibration and performance, and the ability to quickly identify innocent-looking bits that were generating problems could be worth many times their weight in gold. Things like the precise shapes of the intakes for engine combustion and cooling air, for example, could change cylinder head or exhaust gas temperatures by fifty degrees or more, or excite a resonance that would make the whole aircraft buzz.

Sandy was in hog heaven, since he knew exactly what I wanted and began churning out code that would mesh with mine.

I stopped long enough to get a cup of coffee that wasn't too bad, and asked Grenaline if everything was all right. She apologized to me, and said she was just stressed out because of her period. She said she always felt second best during that time, so to just ignore her. She promised to be of more help tomorrow. When I gave her a hug, she visibly brightened up.

Grenaline dragged Sandy and me out for lunch. We were able to skip the workout and sunning, and soon we were back in the workroom pounding away. Niki walked in at five, and said, "Okay, you two. I have been told to get you out of here any way necessary. Will you chase me back to the patio if I strip?"

Niki is so cute that it's always difficult to get mad at her for her outrageous suggestions. Sandy told me, "My Sandy is usually waiting for me at home as soon as I can get there, so if you want to sample Niki, go ahead." Niki looked alarmed, but I grinned at her to let her know she wasn't in any danger.

We closed up after saving everything before Niki and I headed to the patio, while Sandy headed home. Today had been a good day, but with no big innovations. This phase was going to take a week or two or more of constant development to get to the core, but everything was going to fall into place once established.

I was sitting with Steve, sipping a very nice scotch on the rocks, when Jenny came and sat on my lap. She said, "Gin told me that she was tough on you guys this morning, but you put her in her place. How did you do that without fucking her silly? I swear that girl gets so worked up around her period that she should be quarantined."

"Oh, Jenny, she isn't that bad. I love the junior copy of you and the way she flaunts it at me, because I know that all I have to do is wait a while and I'll have you, the real thing, in my hands. Give me a kiss 'Real thing' so I know that I'm not dreaming."

Jenny was laughing and Grenaline, who had heard the conversation, punched my shoulder. She said, "You better be ready one of these mornings because I'm going to be stretched out on your work table ready to be had. I hope that you're as good as Mom says."

I didn't want to laugh as Jenny got up and tried to drag me away.

Cindy came up and sat on my lap. She said, "I talked to Val this afternoon, and he said you're supposed to take care of me until he gets home. He said that you were the brother chosen to do the deed."

I had to remind Cindy, "I am his only brother to do whatever deed he wants done."

Sweet Cindy said, "I'll show you the video of our conversation. I recorded it at your place so that it wasn't on display to everyone. Come on, Sal, take pity on your brother's wife and help him and me out. I would much rather be your lover until Val gets back than to some asshole that isn't worth either of your spit."

Rita was nearby and had heard the conversation. She winked and nodded to me, as if I needed to get away. I told Cindy, "I need to use the john. I'll be back. Can I get you a drink?"

Cindy said, "No, I don't want to be drunk when you finally help me out."

As soon as I went toward the bathroom, I saw Rita, Jenny, and Suki head toward Cindy. I know I didn't want to be a part of that, so I took my time letting everything in my bladder out before zipping up, washing my hands, and peeking out at where the women should have been.

Marilyn was now the only one there, and she seemed to be waiting for me. She came up and hugged me; "The women are waiting for you at home. All of us want to make Cindy comfortable and make sure that she knows what she's doing. Your women want you to do what you should, Sal. Let's go make sure of what you should do."

I knew I was in trouble as soon as I walked into my place, as all the lights were out. Marilyn pulled me toward the very dark hallway, where hands rapidly began taking my clothes off, while lips were kissing and hands were caressing me.

When I was naked and knew that my attackers were also naked, I was led down the hall toward my bedroom in total darkness. I don't know how they made it so dark, since I should still be able to see some streetlights.

Upon bumping into the bed, one of the women turned me and pushed me so that I flopped backwards on to the bed. I was surrounded by lips that kissed me, chests with firm nipples that caressed my chest, and hands that were stimulating me all over.

A husky voice told me, "Lay back, Sal. You're needed by all of us. Enjoy us and give us the pleasure we seek.

I was now wound up, ready to shoot gallons into the first opportunistic pussy I could find. The thought came to me that the only women who weren't under repair right now were Suki and Rita, but all the women seemed to be around me. I wondered what was up.

Very soft lips kissed me that I knew had to be Janet's. Those were followed by Rita's more demanding lips. I recognized Suki's and Jenny's kisses, and Marilyn finally began giving me her deep throat tongue that threatened to make me cum.

It was then that soft lips touched mine and full breasts that I didn't recognize pressed into my chest. A hand held me upright, and a soft, moist enclosure surrounded my center and slid down on me with a groan. The enclosure began to steadily rise and fall, and I helped by beginning to suck the nipples that were in my face.

The more I sucked, the more the owner of the lower enclosure moaned and grunted until I could feel juices squirting out from the sides of our connection. The owner of the enclosure rapidly moved up and down until the inevitable happened. I emptied into her, knowing I had just deposited some genuine Feeny good stuff into Cindy. I hoped it would be enough to take care of her for a while. I didn't know whether I could do this very often without being overcome with guilt.

We all snuggled together and the owner of the now drooling center that had consumed me was up against my side. The others began leaving and left that one person with me. I knew it was Cindy, and I pulled her close as I thought of Val, and mentally asked for his forgiveness if he didn't know what was happening.

I fell asleep but woke up a few hours later, as a lusty lady rose and fell on my re-engorged self. The rider said, "Oh Sal, you feel just as good as Val. You are going to be so good for us. I hope I can hold off getting pregnant again until he gets home. Oh, Sal, you are doing such a good job."

I was in a near panic when another body leaned over me and kissed me. That had to be Rita. She whispered, "Don't worry, Sal. We won't let her keep you. We're only letting her use you while her Val is out of town."

This was fucked up, but even my main lady was thinking this was okay. What am I going to do?

Rita said, "I have to leave, but Suki and Jenny should be here in a few minutes. They will keep Cindy calm. You just lie there and enjoy the ride."

Instead of just lying there, I flipped Cindy over on her back, put my arms under her knees, and pulled her legs up over my shoulders. From there I began pounding away, thinking that this would scare her. The crazy lady began screaming instead. She came, she screamed, and came some more. After she finally passed out, I was sitting on the side of the bed contemplating what to do, when I heard a small voice, "Is momma okay? It sounded just like when Daddy's home. Is she all right?"

Oh shit. I kissed Cindy and whispered to her, "We woke your kids. Get up and tell them you're okay."

To Cindy's credit, she sat up and called to her two kids. They came to her and hugged her before she took them back to bed. It was when she came back that I was surprised. She hugged me and pushed me back, working on my center to make it firm again. As she slid down on me, she said, "You aren't my Val, but you are a hell of a sub right now. Fuck me and put me to sleep, Big Boy."

I did and she did. Suki and Jenny showed up almost as soon as Cindy was asleep, covering me with kisses, and telling me I had been a good man for Cindy. I didn't know what to say, so I snuggled with the three women and went to sleep. Man, what a night.

Suki and Jenny were very loving the next morning. Jenny couldn't participate, but Suki enjoyed a gentle quickie before the two ladies left. Almost as soon as I was in the shower, Cindy stepped in with me, pushing her large motherly breasts into me. She pulled my head down for a kiss and said, "I think my friend is coming and that always makes me a little crazy. Thank you for comforting me, Sal, and I want you to watch my conversation with Val so that you won't feel guilty. Val and I have always been a little wild, the same as Carmie and her guy. I could stay with them, but the kids would figure it out too soon."

As we washed each other, I told Cindy, "Your kids are going to figure this out pretty soon too. How are you going to explain that?"

"Easy, Sal, I've already told them that you are being close to me to take care of us like their father does. I'm staying right here until Val comes home, Sal. He wants that, I want it, and the kids love it here. Hell, Val and I may stay right here when he gets home. I think that unless a great promotion comes along, he's just about finished playing soldier. I also think he's just about had it and finished with these isolated tours."

We finished up washing and were drying each other, when I asked, "So how's this going to work with my lady friends? Are they going to include you in everything, or how are you all planning to make this work?"

Cindy pressed her dry naked body to me, and kissed me, "We'll make it work. You are almost exactly like Val in almost every way. He's smart, but you're some kind of freak genius that came along. If I'm not looking directly at you, your voice even sounds like his. I love you just like Val, Sal. If you had stayed in Texas, your sister, mom, and I had already decided on how Val's plan was going to work. You screwed it up by taking the job here, but since I was home schooling the kids anyway, this will be fine with them. Carmie's kids will miss mine, but your sister will be coming to visit often."

I finished dressing, and was surprised to find the kids dressed and sitting at the counter. When I came in, Cindy's little girl, who was about nine or ten, came to me, gave me a hug, and asked, "Will you sort of be our temporary daddy until our real one comes home?"

Val's son smiled at me, "That's a tough question to ask, Uncle Sal." But he followed it up with,
"Are you?"

I didn't get the chance to answer before Cindy said, "You two saw the video from your dad and heard what he said. He loves you guys and wants you to have a man around, and the best one for the job is right here. I'm sure Sal needs some practice at being a dad so that he'll know how to handle kids when his get to be your age."

Val's little girl looked up at me as she hugged me, "I'm glad you'll be here for us until Daddy gets home. We'll all be better living here with you."

I was in a state of confusion as I drove us to the patio. Cindy blended in with the other women, the same way that the kids became a part of the mass of children getting ready for school. I was sitting with a cup of coffee when Rita came to sit with me, "Don't be in a panic, Sal. We all watched and recorded the video of what your brother said to Cindy for you. Did you watch it?"

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The Hidden World Of The Wizarding World book1 ch2 back to the bath

Back to the bath Hermione sat down in potions class her panties still missing, someone's took them from the library. Class started and harry asked her if she was ok. “Yeah i’m fine just a little shaken. “ “Did something happen?” “No, just I hooked up with a guy last night, and it was great but he's a dick.” she said pulling her collar, getting a look from draco. “How much of a dick?” “A moffly.” she said as another chain grows...

1 year ago
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Slave to Passion Chapter3 Drugs chains and dildos

The next day as i woke up i noticed that i was no longer in Kenith's arms. he was sitting on my chair and my master was infront of him. i saw him pour some pouder into the a glass of water and hand it off to Kenith, who, was perfectly naked with a collar and shakles on. he looked scared as he drank the water. i knew what it was, the Date Rape drug. I sat up as Kenith finished the water. he looked dizy and fell to his side panting a little. Master ran his fingers over Kenith's chest and...

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Hot Horny FamilyChapter 5

Billy clutched her head and bucked his ass, moaning and panting as the jizz churned in his balls. Debby wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and started jacking him off fast and hard, whipping her fist in a blur up and down his bloated fuck-stick. "Here it cums!" Billy sighed. "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH..." The salty torrent of jizz blew up from his balls, cascading onto the roof of the sucking aunt's mouth, squirting hotly down her throat. The size of his cum-load gave ample testimony...

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Mythbusters gets dirty

-Ring!-Ring!-Ring!-Ring!- Groaning I wake up and answer the phone: hello? I ask wondering who is calling at this time "Anna? Its me Jim your agent" "what is it?" "Remember that spot on mythbusters I got you on? the one where they would test some raunchy myths?" "yea what about it" I ask "well first off its today so you should get your ass out of bed!" Jim shouted. looking at the clock I realized I must have over slept. Quickly I hope out of bed and start putting on make-up "whats the other...

1 year ago
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He Shoots She Scores

3-2-1! And the Bulldogs win. "Way to go boys" I yell as I watch all the young sweaty bodies jog into the locker room. I head home clueless to the night and early motning that awaits me. My son Chad was out late partying, this being the last basketball game of his senior year, and no dad around to reprimend him. About 1:00 a.m. I hear him and his friends come in the back dorr, drunk off their young asses. They all head up stairs, trying to be quiet, although its not working. Know all these young...

Group Sex
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Sister in Law Part Four

I slowly awoke, turning over I saw Hope getting ready for work. "Morning," she smiled as I looked over at her."Leaving already?" I asked."Already?" Hope said as she turned to look at me. "I am already over an hour late."Hope was wearing one of her typical outfits, A tight skirt that barely covered her ass, with a white button shirt she was putting her matching top on. Today's color was bright canary yellow."You should get going too," Hope said as she smiled at me. "You have a house...

2 years ago
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The Box On My Front Porch

I was excited to see the box on my front porch when I got home from work and quickly hustled it inside and set it on my kitchen table. I wanted to open it right then, but I knew I wouldn’t get any work done if I did. I went up to my bedroom and changed into something more comfortable, pulling my long curling dark brown hair into a ponytail and putting on my glasses to give my eyes a rest. I left my tie-dyed anklets on but shed my formal work attire, strictly pressed cream slacks and a white...

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Maid Service

Maid Service By Jennifer Stewart The Maid's Bedroom The black satin dress of a maid's uniform hangs carelessly on the back of a chair. The white chiffon apron lies on the floor behind the chair. The sounds of a vigorous copulation gradually fill the room - a rhythmic thumping and creaking noise of a bed being shaken violently; the steady slapping of flesh; a woman's gasps sprinkled with her cries and moans; the heavy breathing and grunts of a men. "Ummmnn... Oh GOD......

1 year ago
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Spizoo Jane Wilde Naughty Petite Gets Pounded Hard

Naughty petite slut Jane Wilde knows how to suck and lick a hard white cock. With the beautiful face of an angel and the perverted mind of a naughty star, she plays with your cock in POV experience wearing a sexy tiny blue bikini, enjoy your point of view meanwhile Jane bounces her juicy ass up and down in front of you. She is amazing giving blowjobs, having fun and laughs a lot in every stroke, every tiny cavity is penetrated hardcore wild time. Jane likes to go deep and suck your balls while...

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My two Brother InLaws

My two brother In-Laws.My name is Tina, I am 50 years old.I met my first and only boyfriend fairly late in life and very quickly married, I was 28 when we married and have a wonderful son and a beautiful daughter, my husband was the only man I had ever had sex with throughout my life.Our son and daughter left home a year or so ago so it is now only my husband and myself at home.Since we have had the house to ourselves my husband has hinted that I be more daring around our home, wearing lower...

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My sexy Mosi seduced by me

Halo iss readers, this is sudeer sharma again from raipur. I am going to narrate the incident how i fuck my mossi. This incident happen when i was 17 years old. I was not virgin that time but had have sex only one time and was very anxious to fuck any one. It was my summer vacation and i was spending my time at my mosi house. There are four members in the family mosa, mosi & my two cousins. They are living in two room quarter provided by the government and my mosa ji was in the government...

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Visit to Aunt Aprils House ch14

My story begins when my family visited my aunt and uncle’s house over the summer. I was going into my senior year of high school and it was time for our family’s annual visit to my Aunt April’s house. She was my mom’s sister and they had always been very close always making sure to keep in touch and visit. It would most likely be my last family trip for awhile since I was going off to college the following year. I didn’t mind going at all, we usually had a good visit and I always enjoyed...

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Scoping out My Wife

During her time in college my wife who was in her early 40s often met in study groups with several other students. The groups were both male and female and most were also much younger. Often she would arrive home later than expected saying that they had just ran late. Then one time she started talking about one guy in her group that was driving a beautiful vintage Jag. Then she began talking about how soft the leather seats were and how well the car rode and drove. Finally one night she said...

1 year ago
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Public Discrace For My Wife

Life had become quite unbearable my gambling had become a chronic desease and I owed every booky in the state. I'd become detached from reality and my wife had suffered along with me we have just moved to small town with around a hundred people in we figure we will hide out for a year away from the bright lights and casinos. I felt for my wife because of her natural beauty I knew she could be with a better provider. Every one who meets my wife wants to fuck her blonde hair pearsing blue eyed...

Group Sex
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The Shaw Family

?? ? ? ? ?The tea cup in my hand was probably worth more than my car in the driveway. It was a grand circular driveway of course. I loved the car though; it was an old old Chevy Cavalier, bright yellow. People on the street were always waving at me, trying to hail a cab. I felt popular. I got to hand it to the Shaw family, they were one good looking bunch of people. All three sons inherited their height, manner and masculine good looks from Dr. Donald Shaw, one of the world's most famous...

4 years ago
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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 30 Preparation

Tani, Steve, and Mika debriefed Marie, Seth, Zasha, and Zalia exhaustively. Preparing plans for the defense of Zafilk they called a community meeting and all that were not involved in critical jobs attended. Steve addressed the crowd that filled the cafeteria turned meeting room. When he was done, he turned the meeting over to Tani. "I will now give the floor to Tani our military leader to explain what she has done and what she desires to have done. I have placed her in complete charge of...

4 years ago
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The Lustful Eight 8211 Part 1

31st December 2017. Pune airport. I was waiting for the Delhi flight to land, it was not the first time I am waiting at the airport to receive my girlfriend. She works in Delhi, and I work here in Pune. We lived together for 3 years. After that, she had to move to Delhi as she got transferred. In the last 2 years, we have long-distance relationships, which gave us too much space but very little sex. Anu has to travel every month just to be with me. Less frequent sex actually made us more...

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part 3 my friend fucks my mom

i was hiding behind the door looking through the crack my cock getting harder and harder just imaging of what josh might do to my mom. there he was in front of my mom the married mexican mom all my friends and josh wanted so desperately to fuck was in front of him on the bed, in a skirt that by the way you could see her panties without even trying. i found myself wanting him to do more to my mom to continue what he was doing to her on the way up the stairs. sure enough he opened my moms legs...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 4

As I shared George’s information with everybody, Evie gave me a very pointed look. “How did you know about Taney County Airport? How COULD you know about something so obscure?” She had a point. I’d screwed up by offering knowledge I couldn’t possibly have had. Quick thinking saved the day. “Hazel loved the travel channel. She left it on for hours and hours and hours. They did a number of shows about how Branson, Missouri was growing up and becoming a real city, complete with a brand new...

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Crush on Lizzy again

I hope you remember my last story. This is a sequel to Me, My Girlfriend and a Friend Please read it before this. Again, fake story. The summer ended quickly. It seemed like any other summer, except for the house guest, Lizzy. It was a very quiet summer still. Lizzy, Katherine and I were all having a great time. Work never got bad, other than the hot summer days. I never really had a bad day at work. Everyone was nice and laid back. Even with just three of us, fun had its way of getting to...

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First Date

This story is a work of fiction and no characters in this story are real or based on anyone who is real. The story is intended for adults only and contains bondage, fetish and sex. If you don't like this type of story, are under age, or prohibited by your country, please do not read this story. The story is based on a fantasy I have had for quite a while. I hope you enjoy it. First Date By xyzpdq Bill met Kim at a friend's party. She was a natural beauty, 5 foot 10 inches tall...

4 years ago
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Coming ashore part 2

Marlene moved closer, dropping her hand to Stu’s fly, groping him through the cloth and looking him in the eye. He let her for a second then brushed her hand aside, unbuttoned his fly and pulled out his prick. It was fully extended and Marlene ran her palm along the underside of it. “ Mmmmm”, she said, running her tongue over her lips. “what a big boy”. She dropped to her knees and took it full in her mouth, the full length of the shaft disappearing between her lips. She held it...

Straight Sex
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How to relieve your stress from work

Some years ago, Candice and I were colleagues, working at the same company, developing software. To help the release of one software, both of us were sent to a small city in England, to be on site with the client and test the application thoroughly. This was a very intense period, working about 14 hours a day, including weekends, we’d only go out to eat or back to our hotel. Candice was 26 years old, curly brown hair, big green eyes, a cute face overall. She had a very petite frame, small and...

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Becky Part 3 War Comes to Lake PeaceChapter 3 Becky Shows Off

Doctor Jennifer Li was the doctor for the girls, a beautiful Asian woman in her forties with a slim figure and kind eyes. She smiled as we entered the office. “Is this a new camper?” she asked. “Becky here is quite the weightlifter,” I said. “We’d like to get her a waiver to use the counselor’s gym. Sean and I will both sign off, if you need us to.” Doctor Li puckered. “This is quite irregular,” she said. “I’ll want to perform an examination. And of course she will need a counselor to...

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Conquest of Elysium

- - This story features the themes of sexual slavery, bestiality, among with others that are not always liked by many individuals. This could include a possible snuff scene in a later chapter but I haven't decided yet. If these are not things you wish to read about leave now so your not offended by the above mentioned contents of this story do not continue reading. Farther more don't fill up the comments section with ones like "bestiality sucks" or " your sick" and so...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 24 Katie the Loving Wife

Katie Jackson sighed heavily as her body trembled as she slipped into her tight fitting Jeanne cable knit polo neck jumper dress. The grey fabric against her tight body made her breasts protrude out like two perfect sized apples. She decided that she wouldn’t wear any bra or panties. She felt her bareness under the dress and it excited her. She wished her husband was home to take care of her sex starved body but delay after delay prevented him from getting back to Kansas City. Finally he was...

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Diaries of Ceres and Taliya Part two TaliyaP3

Chapter 3:I was heading back down stairs with my black thong accentuating my tanned ass cheeks, a green loose fitting Chambray shirt on to finish up my chores.  Ceres was still hard at work; it was close to lunch time so I went to prepare it.  Mistress Julia stopped me.“You girls go help Master John.   I'll finish up here.  If I need help cooking I'll call for you, Liya.”  Looking at her I nodded.  Searching for Ceres she couldn't be found in the dining room.  I heard Master calling me from the...

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Billys lasy campout

We had it all planed, everyone knew what to do and everything was set, we just needed the pig. Since we read our first dolcett story online (searching for porn) we just couldn’t get it out of our heads. We read about all kinds of cooking from whole to parts, pan and particularly spitted. We read every story we could and watched all the fantasy enactments but it wasn’t enough. It took a lot of time and more than a few close calls but we managed to get a...

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Body Politic 6

Libby Manning didn’t leave me waiting long. I was bent over the sofa, my evening dress up around my waist. I felt the tip of her dildo pressing against my lips gently, her hands on my arse. She stroked my backside and ran her hands over me, up my flanks under the dress and held my hips as she entered me.Slowly, she pushed into me, restraining me from pushing back onto her and millimeter by millimeter I could feel her deeper and deeper. When her hips were touching me she stopped and remained...

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Beside the Brook of SorrowsChapter 11

The village was a happy place for the next few cycles of seasons for Two Bears and his family. The winters were mild and the hunting and gathering continued as before, yielding a plentiful supply of food, and all else that the village required to prosper. Through all of that passage of time, Two Bears worked diligently and assembled together all that he could find in order to make the metal for his tribe. Had he been more willing to leave the village for longer periods of time, he could have...

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Slutty wife 2

Our hotel was near the beach and we went the day after we arrived. My wife likes to sit among the rocks whilst I prefer the beach, so we usually go separate ways. I always take a powerful pair of binoculars with me, usually to eye the talent on the nearby nudist beach. I watched my wife walk off and watched where she went, a very secluded spot where no one could see her except someone with good binoculars. She sat on a rock just watching the sea and I noticed a guy walking towards her from...

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