Eventualities: Allison (Revised)Chapter 4 free porn video

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Just at the crack of dawn, the driver stopped long enough for my captor to put a dark heavy hood over my head, and then we drove some more. Eventually I heard the sound of a large metal gate opening. I could smell the fresh sea air and heard the sound of a few gulls. No bets, this was probably the old sewage plant that May had spoken of.

Taken inside, my hood was removed we walked seemingly forever down repeated flights of stairs, across catwalks and finally down a long sub-basement corridor with irregular lighting. Finally at last we came to a shut metal door with a well-armed rifle-toting thug guarding it. I was immediately admitted into a fairly large and well-lit room with no other doors and no windows. I think once this had been a living area for the plant's maintenance crew but it definitely now served another grimmer function, interrogation.

Hanging tied and suspended from pulleys on the cement ceiling, feet dangling a foot off of the floor were the nude and wretched forms of both Allison and May. Neither of them were moving ... not a good sign at all. Unfortunately for the next few moments I had problems of my own.

I was order to strip, which I slowly did, my clothes, faked identity papers and the roll of Fed cash were place on a table. I had spent most of my personal pocket money last night at the bar. I've never been in habit of carrying much cash on me. I was then handcuffed with my hands behind me and for at least the next hour I had the pleasure of being beaten, kicked and punched by a pair of sadistic goons without necks until my skin had a nice rich purple glow all over and my teeth were all thoroughly loosened (none lost, thank heaven for small favors).

I briefly considered trying to get a kick or two in myself to restore a little dignity but the facts were that I wasn't going to win this particular fight anyhow and I should save my strength for later in case there was a fight I could win. Plus making these two goons mad seemed like a really bad idea at the time.

When they had judged that I had bruised their knuckles enough, they dragged me over to a metal chair and sat me down facing the suspended Allison and May and secured me to the chair. I took a few minutes (ok, rather more than just a few minutes) to recover, and started to look around the best I could with two rather swollen eyes that didn't seem to want to work or focus well. Foggy or not, I didn't like what I saw at all.

Allison seemed to be in the best condition at the moment, but she was none too healthy to begin with. Her eyes were closed and her head hung down and her body was utterly limp. She didn't even seem to breathe; it was so slow and seemed slightly irregular. She had been well beaten and whipped all over with professional precision and didn't look like she could handle much, if anything, more. At least she was alive.

May I was much less sure of, and until I eventually heard her emit a bloody air breath gurgle and she quivered ever so slightly. She also had been worked over by professional sadists and for a very long time. The phrase beaten half to death was not just an expression. I guessed that they had only stopped beating, whipping and cutting her when they feared that she would expire on them. There was a frighteningly large pool of blood and urine under her and a slow but steady blood drip seemed to emit from her rectum. Definite internal damage ... not good at all.

A metal medical table, covered by a clean white sheet, was nearby and in the far corner was a large chain link security cage maybe 8' square suitable for locked prisoner storage. There was a metal trap door in the center of this floor with a heavy iron ring that explained the fair smell of sewage. This must be where the bodies were dumped afterwards, in the outbound sewage drain into the bay. No other doors, no windows, no chances of anyone anywhere ever hearing our screams.

I discarded Plan W, shut my eyes and prayed for divine inspiration for a workable Plan X. Otherwise it was obvious that none of us were going to leave this room, at least alive anyway. Apparently we were all heading for that last swim in San Diego Bay after all.

Time passed slowly, minutes seemed like hours. I rested the best I could, the beating had taken enough out of me that if I hadn't been tied to my chair, I'd have probably fallen off of it long ago. I checked on the girls regularly and they at least seemed no worse. Allison was now twitching and occasionally emitting a moan but wasn't quite conscious yet. Good let her rest and recover if she could. May's slow blood drip never stopped but had slowed down just a fraction. She was now deathly pale.

Time continued to crawl.

Eventually the door opened and an older well dressed man entered the room with two armed goons discretely by his side. This was one the big bosses, I guessed. He gave curt orders to have the women taken down and they were unbound and dragged off to the holding cage, still unmoving and unconscious. He pulled up a chair and straddled it, sitting facing me, looking me over.

"Do you know my name, Mr. Peter Wells?" He asked. I said I didn't, and he then hit right to heart of the situation. "Why are you interfering with my business and exactly what is your association with these two women - why did May contact you?"

This was not a good sign, my cover was obviously worthless and any lies that I could even begin to conceive of think of seemed less than useless. The man was smart anyway and probably knew enough that nothing less than 99% pure truth was going to have even a hope of saving us. I also caught the emphasis he placed on 'exactly', so I took the deepest breath my bruised ribs would let me manage, looked him direct in the eye and I unloaded with both barrels, figuratively speaking.

"Alright, Allison, my fiancée, was kidnapped about five years ago outside her apartment by her loser of an ex-boyfriend who wanted a hostage for his escape to Mexico, just one step ahead of the heat. He cuffed her to his car and poured booze down her throat until she was a helpless puddle by the time they reached the border. The useless asshole then proceeded to piss off one of your drug dealing associates who planted the worthless shit into a shallow grave. He was no loss, but it was decided that her flesh was slightly worth more alive rather than dead. So, for the last few years she's been dancing, stripping and fucking in your clubs or whorehouses while we've been searching for her. Nasty things adventures ... make one late for supper!" The man relaxed just a little. I was sure he could read me like an open book and would know of the slight hint of flummery on my part.

Taking this as a good omen of hope I continued, "It wasn't until May contacted me that I had any idea where Allison was, and I still didn't know where she was until the other night when I found her in the Blue Velvet. My intentions were to somehow obtain her release. I have some money, as you have undoubtedly discovered and I would have spent every dime if necessary to recover her.

I have not the slightest concern or interest in your business arrangements. My one and only concern was, and remains, the health and well-being of the woman I love. May was her friend and my only association was her was when she contacted me with Allison's whereabouts." All absolutely true statements, not a drop of duplicity anywhere.

The boss relaxed some more, smiled and for a moment I thought he might even laugh but then his face tightened up and he asked one final question. "Alright and well enough ... then you will have no problem at all in telling me where May has kept the money? Tell me where the fifty million is and you can leave with Allison now, unharmed with my personal pledge of safety."

Fifty Million? What the fuck? What money? And why did he think I might even have the slightest clue to its whereabouts? Now I knew we were truly and utterly doomed.

I think he recognized that my surprise was indeed utterly genuine. I hadn't the remotest idea there even was any missing money, let alone where it could conceivably be. May had spoken of many Syndicate activities and had seemingly withheld nothing from her questioners, but never had she uttered a word about any money of her own (or Alfred's), which made me suddenly realize the true situation.

Being the Syndicate accountant, Alfred and May had been diddling the books and skimming off of the top of the endless money flow for their own little private retirement plan. It's a cliché, but why are all mob accountants always a bit dirtier than even the murdering thugs they work for? They made the usual mistakes of getting a little too greedy and not knowing when to say 'enough', and pull their disappearing act. For them there was always a fatter pig just waiting to be slaughtered, right over the horizon, and of course they stayed too long.

Alfred was killed, murdered; apparently without giving out his secrets. They let enough time go by to give May the false sense of security that her actions were not being as closely watched, and they waited for her escape attempt, and her recovery of her ill-gotten loot. May was being followed everywhere, even to the library the day she emailed me, and copies of her message to me recovered (probably from the computer's cache records, according to our resident HFD computer geek that I asked about this later).

Prepared with the foreknowledge of my true identify, they had undoubtedly been watching me too since the moment May and I left the club that night, and probably saw May entering and leaving the other motel room, obviously speaking with law enforcement. She was doomed the moment she walked back into the club, and so was I, apparently.

The boss, thought quietly for a moment, stood up and started to turn away from me and uttered these last words. "Then you are no longer of any usefulness to me"

He departed from the room, taking his two bodyguard goons with him. I fully expected to be shot or stabbed and then flung down into the sewage hatch, but to my surprise I was roughed up a little bit more but without any meaningful enthusiasm, and was then dragged over to the security cage. Allison and May were soon cut down and were tossed inside with me. The cage door was locked and the last of the goons left the room. We seemed to be all alone, but I doubted it.

These folks were too clever and seemed to want that money too badly. I was willing to bet any sum that there was a microphone and/or a camera hidden nearby ready to catch our every word. That's fine, I didn't have any secrets at this point, and wasn't really in the mood to talk anyway.

Triage time. Allison was ok for now and still unconscious, her wounds were largely superficial. Now for the first time I had a good look at what I had thought was her butt tattoo, but instead turned out to be a 2 inch long brand mark into her flesh of a stylized letter "M."

May on the other hand needed medical treatment ASAP. There were a pair of old very thin blankets on the floor, and I tore some pieces off of the end of one and tried to bandage the worst of May's bleeding wounds and then wrapped her the best I could with the rest of the blanket for at least a little warmth against shock.

As I finished, May cracked one eye at me and said "Thanks Doc, looks like we're fucked, doesn't it. At least I've been well fucked. I came like a banshee while they were whipping me. I've never been worked over so well before in my entire life and I almost enjoyed parts of it."

She smiled and shut her swollen eyes but not before I replied, "May, I don't know what sort of game you've been playing, or why, but I'm too angry at you right now to care and unless you feel like telling us what this business is about some missing fifty million dollars and, why we are now somehow involved with it, I couldn't give the slightest shit. If you can't help this situation then just shut up." She did.

I wrapped myself up in the other blanket and held Allison close, under other circumstance, I would have been thrilled and ecstatic with holding her close to me again (especially nude) but this was neither the time nor the place. I hurt in more places than I could count and I was so terribly tired. I fell asleep with her in my arms almost immediately.

I felt like I had slept for hours, and I awoke almost entirely pain-free to the moist sensation of a warm mouth engulfing my rapidly stiffening cock. Before my eyes were open, I assumed that it was May sucking me and I was about slap the head away when I opened my swollen eyes in the nick of time and saw that the woman sucking my cock was Allison! She was still unsteady and had a hard time holding her head properly to suck up and down on my cock. She was mostly over the effects of whatever they had drugged her with but she wasn't nearly mentally all together yet. She gave up suckling and instead forced herself back upwards to lie against my chest, her now smaller breasts pressed against mine. Her nipple rings were cold at first from the chilled subterranean air, but warmed quickly. We began to slowly and softly talk.

She had prayed for this day to come for longer than she could recount. She had prayed for her white knight to ride in and rescue her. This wasn't quite the rescue she had hoped for - but it would do. We cuddled and gently reaffirmed the love we each had for the other. It had been almost fifteen years since I had last held her, and it seemed like only yesterday.

Her hand began to caress my cock and it responded at once, I was softly kissing her pierced nipples (I had to admit that they were attractive) when she made a most startling demand. "Peter, while we still can, I need you do something for me before we die. It's important, more important to me than you can realize. I need you to fuck my ass, please fuck my ass now. Please."

I whispered that we were surely being watched and was this really the time? But she was adamant in her quiet pleading and nearly in tears so I acquiesced — it wasn't like we had much of a future anyway. She rolled unto her back (she didn't have the energy or the coordination to get on all fours. I raised and spread her legs and entered her cunt to get a bit of lubrication first. We fucked conventionally for a few minutes and she again begged, "Do my ass, please."

I tilted her legs a bit further back and entered her ass smoothly until I could push no farther. Sensing no discomfort on her part I began to deeply fuck her ass in earnest. It was looser than I had remembered it but it had undoubtedly received a good deal of attention in recent years and was well accustomed to taking cocks probably even a good deal larger than mine.

"Oooh, yes," she whimpered, "Fuck my whore ass, cum in it, fill my slutty ass with your cum, please cum in it for me." How could I resist such an invitation, if I was going to be soon killed I'd go out with a bang so I might as well have a good bang first and filled her ass with the last cum load I was every likely to have. I was about to roll off of her when she hissed, "Now bring it over to me, let me suck your cock, I need to taste my ass on your cock and clean you the way I once used to." She did just that and how.

Resting together afterwards she explained, that she had been forced to do so many sexual acts for strangers that in order to keep some faint semblance of her sanity she decided, that in memory of me and our love, she would never again suck on a cock right after it had been in her ass. That way, there was always one act of "love" left that couldn't be perverted in memory by the other things she had done to survive. Ass-to-Mouth was Allison's one last remaining mental barrier and, by performing this act out of love for me, it marked her as being mine once again. She now once again belonged only to me and was mine forever regardless of whatever happened next.

I was speechless at this, and we held each other in silence for a very long time, until once again the door opened. The boss returned, accompanied this time by three guards, one of which stayed by the door while the other two unlocked our cage and dragged us back to the center of the room by the covered table (and close to the sewage disposal trap door). We were arranged on our knees on a row, Allison, then May, last me, hands all tied behind our backs. This was it; I was prepared for and expecting the worst.

Allison could barely keep upright on her knees and still wasn't focusing very well. May was fully conscious and she had her game face on. Any secrets she might have were going with her to the grave. I figured I would be executed first then Allison and finally May in a last effort to make her speak. The boss had a similar but different plan. Holding a .45 in his bare hand, with one of the armed guards in front of us and another in back, I saw no chance to overpower him or affect any sort of rescue. We were done for.

The boss spoke, his gun pointed directed at me, but spoke mostly for the benefit of May. "May, there is little point in continuing this charade much further. You would not show or tell us where Alfred has hidden our money. Frankly you will be pleased to know that we believe there is no limit to the amount of pain or suffering you would tolerate or endure to keep your precious secret. You would happily die first, even if it would set your friends free and their lives spared. But what would you tell them on your deathbed, would you really let the secret die with you? Lets find out." With one swift movement he fired the .45 and shot May right in the stomach.

Other than head wounds, the nastiest wounds for a medic to treat are abdominal ones. The stomach, intestines and bowels are tricky areas to repair. Before modern antibiotics the odds for survival for even a clean gut wound were at best one in five. Unless she could be gotten to a hospital immediately her odds weren't even that good, especially with all of the blood loss she had suffered earlier. The boss had another surprise in store for me and with his free hand he yanked the cloth covering the nearby table off to reveal a full surgical kit. The thug by the door dumped my possessions off of the larger table that they had been placed on and dragged it to the center of the room, where there was the best light.

"Ok, my would be Doctor, let's see you operate. If she dies in the next half hour, you and your bitch will join her."

Keeping his gun in his hand, he sat down in chair to watch. One of the thugs cut my bonds with a large knife and unceremoniously picked up the bleeding body of May and dumped her (not particularly gently) onto the makeshift operating table. Allison remained bound and kneeling in place, probably not completely comprehending what was now taking place.

I opened the wound which wasn't bleeding nearly as much as it should have been and got down to work. It was Army Medic 'Goat School' all over again, with a simple pass/fail test. If May died, so would Allison and I. Now I was not just a highly trained and experienced EMT Paramedic, I had to now perform surgery as if my life depended on it, because it did! I started immediately to work.

Time passed in a flurry of vague but frantic activity. I was operating in some odd zen-like state, with my hands moving as fast I as dared, clamping broken blood vessels and trying to clear the wound cavity enough to see the full extent of the damage. My concentration was interrupted about ten minutes later when there was a loud banging on the door outside. The boss was summoned and a short message delivered. He then rushed from the room taking two of his three stooges with him. I now only had one guard to deal with, and he seemed to be edging closer to better watch what I was doing. Curiosity was replacing alertness and an idea in desperation came to me as he edged almost up to my shoulder.

"If you want to look, you can ... but not there, you're blocking my light. That's better ... and can you hold this skin flap open so I can get some more light here to see what I'm doing? Yes, thanks, much better." It was much better, May was now relatively stable for the moment and my guard had switched his gun to his off hand and it was now not aimed at anyone.

It was child's play to cut his jugular vein on his throat with one smooth stroke of the scalpel that I had hidden in my hand the moment he again became distracted by looking into her wound with fatal, but fascinated curiosity.

I grabbed for his gun hand and he was too surprised to raise it and shoot. Forcing him to the floor I tried to keep his arms pinned until he bled out, which thankfully didn't take long. He did reflexively fire off one round that ricocheted off of the floor (much to close to Allison for my comfort) and then hitting the far wall near the cage.

When he had no pulse, I grabbed his gun and ran to Allison to cut her loose. I had had patients die on me on many occasions, in both my Army and civilian EMS careers, but I had never before taken a life in anger. This act did change my life forever, being one I would have much preferred never to have ever done and it caused me a little bit of later guilt. Still, given that choice to make, I'd do it again ... every time.

Releasing Allison's bonds, I pulled her onto her feet but she could barely stand. I shook her as hard as I dared and gently slapped her cheeks a few times to try to get her a little bit more alert and spoke firmly at her while I walked her toward May's operating table.

"Allie, you've got to snap to it, now. I know you're hurt and your head isn't thinking right but I need all of the help you can give me."

She nodded, shook her head a few times and tried to get herself into mental gear. I checked May, she was still stable but her wound was filling up again with blood. I grabbed Allison's hand and gave her a small sponge and made her understand that I needed the wound open and clear. As almost an afterthought I remembered the guard's body and quickly drug him over to the sewage door and with a little effort opened it, shoved him in and closed the trap door. The extra blood seemed to fit right in place and I doubted anyone would notice the difference.

Same as Eventualities: Allison (Revised)
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My Niece Allison Part II The Beach

If you have not read the first part, I higher recommend you do before reading this part. ENJOY! Testing the water It was early June now. The kids just got out of school and I had planned another trip to the beach for us. I called my sister-in-law to see if they wanted to go with us. She declined but said the kids could go if I didn’t mind being the lone parent. I didn’t mind. Not like it was the first time to take them anywhere. I took a day off in the middle of the week and picked up my...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolSunday AfternoonEvening Part 2

Sunday Afternoon/Evening: Part 2 Allison Allison opened her eyes and glanced up at the clock. “Half an hour? That’s a new record.” She glanced to her side and smiled at the still-sleeping Emanuel, and connected with Kara’s eyes. “Did I wake you?” She laughed. “No. I woke up a few minutes ago.” She paused and looked at Emanuel. “I think I surprised him a few times there.” “Both of us to some degree. When did you decide you wanted to join in like that?” “A little after you both got going...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 42 Naughty Fun

While Brit was in the den with Greg, Allison made her way up to Jeff's room to talk with Kari and him. "How are you feeling?" she asked Jeff, sitting down in an unoccupied chair. "A little tired, that's all." "And your head?" "Just fine right now." "Good. It breaks my heart to see you in pain. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know." "I will. Thanks." Allison sat by him for a minute longer, as if she wanted to say something but was unsure about...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolMonday AfternoonEvening Part 1

Monday Afternoon/Evening Allison Allison had somehow made it through AP History without falling asleep. Was it because she was feeling really horny but had no way of getting relief? Her thoughts had gone to Emanuel part way through class – thoughts of his perfect body, his smile, his caring touch. A small voice in the back of head told her, You’re falling for him. She blushed just even remembering this. As she made her way towards the cafeteria, she saw three boys waiting near some...

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Allison Rides the Spanking Horse

Alison got off the elevator. Instead of walking straight to Suite 2550, at the end of the corridor, she ducked into the ladies room right next to the elevators. Thank goodness no one was in the bathroom. She checked the commodes just to be sure. A quick little pull on her silver flask and she was ready for the interview due to start in 10 minutes. She checked the mirror. Her silver toned blond hair was impeccable. She had her lipstick on perfectly and the lip gloss added a sense of wetness...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolWednesday Evening

Wednesday Evening Emanuel “Mainly, there are two important things to know about meeting Sensei for the first time. First, when you step through the curtain separating the outer area of the dojo and the inner, put your hands together near the upper middle of your chest and wait there until he acknowledges your presence. Secondly, shoes, socks and other belongings go in the cubbies before the curtain. Besides that, the obvious things: when addressing him, speak in a polite tone of voice and...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolThursday Morning

Thursday Morning Emanuel Emanuel heard a shrieking noise suddenly start. I guess it’s morning. Good morning Manny. Emanuel sat up and glanced at the alarm clock. Good morning precious. You’re up early. I know. For some reason, I couldn’t wait to start the day. Emanuel smiled and started towards the bathroom. That tends to happen when life starts going well for people. That makes sense. Would you mind if I ask a stupid question? Why would I? Go ahead, I’ll do my best to...

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The Transformation of Allison 2

Introduction: Read the first before you read this one, and as always, if you do not like extreme stories, dont read this one. Allison woke up, smiling. She excitedly got up, seeing if the changes to her body were still there. Looking down, all she saw were perfectly round 36 DD cup breasts. She laughed as she got up, and looked in the mirror to admire her new body again. Everything was still there, she was as curvy as a porn star, and her blonde hair matched with her new bright blue eyes. She...

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Billy His Mom and Sister Allison

"Very," answered Billy "and fun to." "Yes, you certainly looked like you were enjoying yourself. It was almost like you wanted to show yourself to the Dr. and her nurse." Replied Cheryl. "I did mom, there was something very exciting about it." "Maybe you're an exhibitionist Billy, you know someone who enjoys exposing themselves to others." "Well, if that's what an exhibitionist is then I guess I am one." Said Billy. "Is it ok if I'm naked around the house some mom?"...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 80 Surprising Compromise

Allison tried her best to ease the tension in the family. She spent a good deal of time trying to comfort Brit and Jeff, or at least trying to get them to talk to each other. It helped a little, but not much. Throughout most of February, the children probably said less than a dozen words to each other each day. One night while Brit was over at Crystal's, Jeff lay in bed staring at the ceiling as he was wont to do these days. Allison knocked at the door and came in. He sat up, and she sat...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolSaturday Evening

Saturday Evening I think we just arrived. Did your mom make a reservation? I’m pretty sure she needed to. “Good.” The car came to a stop. I’m glad we’re here. I came close to moaning at least three times. It’s like Dad was trying to hit all of the bumps and rough roads. Came close? They were soft, but I don’t think you completely contained any of them. Not that it mattered though. Yeah. Dad’s little tirade was useful for that at least. “Go ahead inside kids. We’ll be in...

2 years ago
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Allisons Life Changing Experience Part 2

Allison woke up, smiling. She excitedly got up, seeing if the changes to her body were still there. Looking down, all she saw were perfectly round 36 DD cup breasts. She laughed as she got up, and looked in the mirror to admire her new body again. Everything was still there, she was as curvy as a porn star, and her blonde hair matched with her new bright blue eyes. She noticed that the bulge in her belly from all the cum was gone, and she had no stretch marks in sight. Allison realized how...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 15 Fantasies

For the second morning in a row, Greg awoke to the wonderful feeling of two very beautiful women lying in his arms. He could hardly believe what had happened last night. He had made love to his wife and her sister! Furthermore, they had made love to each other right in front of his eyes. His conservative upbringing told him that that was horribly wrong, but he couldn't deny that he had enjoyed every minute of it. Rachael was the second one to wake. She stared up at him and smiled. "Good...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolThursday Afternoon Lunch

Thursday Afternoon: Lunch Emanuel began to step through the doors, when suddenly her free hand wrapped around his penis and squeezed gently. Allison “Are you particularly hungry now Manny?” He pause in thought for a moment. “No ... why do you ask?” She smiled, squeezed a little harder, and led him by the penis into the middle of the cafeteria. “Do you trust me?” He nodded his head, then paused, a worried look on his face. “What do you have in mind?” She smiled. “Nothing that goes...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 13 The Pajama Club

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Allison asked Greg as they sat in their hotel room on Saturday morning. Despite easily being able to afford it, Greg had never been to Las Vegas before, but Allison had come up with the idea of spending a weekend there. So far he had blown a couple of grand at the casinoes, just pocket change to a wealthy man like him. But that wasn't the real reason they were here. Tonight, Allison had something planned for him, something she had kept secret except for...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 26 Modeling

After her birthday, Brit spent most of her free time in the studio. Within a couple of weeks, she had the walls covered with her drawings, and sketches all over her desks. Jeff taught her how to scan her drawings into the computer and keep track of them in a database. He was amazed at how talented she had become in the last couple of years. Walking into the studio was like walking into a fantasy world; he found himself suddenly surrounded by fairies and unicorns and magical landscapes of all...

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The Maid 3 Meeting Allison

My senior year in college, I attained employment with Miss Laura as her maid. Miss Laura is 50ish, very rich, very demanding, and also very sexy and beautiful. I cleaned and cooked and did her laundry, etc. The pay rate was much higher than I had expected. My duties revolved around my classes and studying. Miss Laura was very demanding and wanted everything done HER way, but also very understanding. After graduation, she offered me the position of being her personal maid. I had to sign a...

1 year ago
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The Transformation of Allison 2

Allison got up in a jolt. Why was she sitting here fucking herself when she could get the plant to do it for her? She ran out to the forest, trying to jog without her massive tits jiggling up and down. She reached the plant, smiling and licking her lips. This time, it looked like a simple tentacle with a round base, perfectly rigid going straight up. Allison calmly walked over to it, and pushed her pussy all the way down to the bottom. She gasped as a fluid immediately came out of the tip...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 6 Secret Paradise

Allison had an idea for an activity the next day. She had been to Maui before; the summer after her graduation from high school her family had taken a vacation there, and Allison and Rachael had borrowed the car one day to find a certain swimming hole that they had read about. It had a spectacular waterfall, and although the water was cold, the beach surrounding it was sunlit and warm. The two girls had liked it so much that they had gone three more times during their vacation. Only once had...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolSaturday MorningAfternoon

Saturday Morning/Afternoon “Allison! Sarah! Breakfast is almost ready!” Allison opened her eyes and glanced up at the clock. Isn’t it a bit early for breakfast? She turned her head to the still sleeping Emanuel asleep next to her, his hand having migrated to her breast at some point during the night. “Wake up Manny. Mom says breakfast is almost ready.” He opened his eyes and seemed to look groggily at her, then looked down at his hand. “Sorry.” Allison caught the hand as he attempted to...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 99 Guest of Honor

Jeff awoke in the morning happy, for the second morning in a row surrounded by the naked bodies of the people he loved. This time, he found Allison and Crystal curled up in his arms, slumbering peacefully. Next to him, Kari lay on her back with her arms wrapped around Brit, who lay on top of her, her head on Kari's chest. Jeff couldn't help but smile at the peaceful and serene look on his little sister's face as she cuddled with his girlfriend. Across the room, his father and Rachael lay...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 8 Jeffs Continuing Education

The school year ended with much excitement from the kids and much relief from the teachers and administrators. Jeff was of mixed emotions. On the one hand, he wouldn't see Kari Williams for another three months. On the other, he would see a lot more of Allison. He decided that all things considered, it was a net positive. At least Allison he could talk to, joke around with, and look at porn together with. Though he had been madly in love with Kari ever since he was old enough to like girls,...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 63 Fantasy Fulfilled

It was still night when Jeff awoke, so he must have slept only a couple of hours. He lay together with Brit and Allison in the same position as when they went to sleep. Brit was still on top of him, slumbering peacefully. Jeff reached out and wiped away a stray hair that had fallen across her face. Next to them, Allison still lay on her side, but she had removed her hand from Brit's back and was rubbing herself between her legs. Her eyes were closed, but Jeff could tell that she was...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 69 Test of Stamina

Back home, Jeff and Brit were having just as much fun as their big sister. Jeff hadn't felt so good since the day he had made love to Kari for the first time. Growing up, he had always thought that love was something shared between one man and one woman, but now he knew it was possible for a man to love two women. He was in love with both Kari and Brit. Perhaps Crystal too. And it appeared that they all loved him back. He still visited Kari whenever he could, especially on days when she...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 76 Exposure

Back home, life in the Primdale household was mostly happy. Greg loved to watch Jeff and Brit getting along. The contrast from their former bickering and arguing delighted him enough to keep him from worrying too much about that conversation he had had with Allison about teenage girls falling in love with their brothers. If Brit was going through a phase where she adored Jeff, well, that was all right. He had earned it after all, by saving her life twice. Eventually the phase would pass, and...

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Allison and Hazel

It was in the year of “social distancing” that this story takes place. Allison has barricaded herself in the house, never going out except to walk her dogs, and she tried a new neighborhood to walk them today. As Allison was passing this one house, there was a woman standing out front watering her plants. The homeowner saw her walking by and waved, “Mind if I pet your dogs?” Allison said, “Sure. I’ll bring them to you.” As Allison came up onto her porch, the dogs got all excited because they...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolFriday Evening

Friday Evening The gates disappeared behind them a few moments later. “Are you ready for class today?” “Yeah. Can I ask another serious question?” “Of course.” “How are you feeling about the conversation with my parents later?” “Well...” I can feel your nervousness. You don’t need to try to hide it. Wouldn’t you be if our positions were reversed? She smiled. Totally. It’s only natural. Honestly though, you have nothing to worry about. “I know that, but that doesn’t lessen the...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 2 Allison Makes a Friend

In the morning, he woke up still thinking about her. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even yell at Brit for taking the bathroom before him. Their bathroom separated their two bedrooms, and was not otherwise accessible from the hall. Lissa, being the oldest, had one to herself. Brit had never quite gotten it into her bratty head that since she took at least three times as long in there as Jeff did, that he should be allowed to take his shower first. She almost treated it...

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Allison Part 3

I didn't know how to adjust to what was happening in my marriage. I didn't know what to say, what to do, or how to make things better. I'd been trying for years. And it didn't seem to make a difference.My wife wasn't cheating on me. I knew that. I knew that, for some reason, over time, she'd lost interest in sex. I just didn't know why. I knew it couldn't be me. Before our marriage, I was fucking around a lot, having a good time, and I never had girls not want more. After I met her, we used to...

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Mrs Allison the white teacher

THE VICTORY DANCE Mrs. Allison Tappet dreaded her last period math class. Having been a teacher for 10 years she had seen the students go from showing some interest to practically none. Discipline in the schools was worse and her last period class was the worst. It contained all the ?STAR? high schools football players who felt they had a free ticket in her class because she had been instructed not to make them miss practice. The team was one game away from taking the state championship, and...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolMonday AfternoonEvening Part 2

Allison Allison stepped off the bus, dreading the millions of questions her mother would likely have. She walked up to the door, opening it slowly. She quietly walked inside, hoping her mother wouldn’t hear the noise, and then maybe she’d have enough time to make it up to her room without being seen. That would make avoiding the questions a lot easier. She realized that plan was meaningless when she spotted her mother sitting at the dining room table. “Allison honey ... how was your first...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolTuesday AfternoonEvening

Tuesday Afternoon/Evening Allison Allison opened her eyes slowly, letting them acclimate to the light coming through the open door. How long did we sleep? she wondered as she tilted her head towards the clock on the wall. Is it really that late? she thought for a moment. Maybe my eyes are deceiving me she added as she looked back at the clock, and felt Emanuel’s thoughts start to stir. Manny, sweetheart, it’s time to wake up. Huh? What time is it? he replied weakly. Nearly time for...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolThursday Evening

Thursday Evening Allison Allison quietly made her way toward the box, breathing a sigh of relief as she realized the lock was still on it. She turned to Gary. “Do you have the key?” He shook his head and turned toward the right. “No Ms. Kirse, I do. Can I convince you to leave your robe in there until tomorrow?” Allison turned toward Ms. Frauhold. “If I had worn normal clothing today, maybe. I intend to use my bathrobe tomorrow morning though.” “Very well. I’ll unlock your box for...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In School2nd Monday Afternoon Part 1

2nd Monday Afternoon: Part 1 Allison Allison’s smile soured slightly upon stepping through the doors. Manny? Yes precious? I don’t think our efforts so far have been enough to squash the new rumors. I see what you mean. Are you okay Kara? Yeah. What’s up with that group that’s been waiting by the door? Emanuel paused for a second, and focused. Groups. Three of them at moment if my sense of things is right. They’re our ‘cultists’ darling. You remember, from last week? Them? I...

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I never believed finding romance and love online was possible but that's exactly what happened to me. Her name was Allison and the minute I saw her picture I was hooked. She was simply stunning, with the prettiest face and smile I could have possibly imagined. While she lived in Oregon and I lived in England , the distance didn't really matter. After all, it was just a chat site, wasn't it? I thought for ages about a way to say hello that would at least ensure she replied to me. It was pretty...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 30 The Loss of a Sister

Brit woke up early in the morning to a pleasant sensation. She lay with her eyes closed for a while, just enjoying it. Finally, as sleepiness fled from her, she opened her eyes to discover just what felt so good. She lay on her back, and Crystal had rolled over on top of her, the girl's head on Brit's chest. Crystal's body felt warm and soft against her own. It was a little embarrassing though, since they were both nude. She tried to gently push Crystal off of her without waking her, but...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 43 In Love At Last

When Brit arrived home, she immediately came over and sat down beside him on the couch, taking his hand in hers. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "Just fine," he replied. "I had another long nap this afternoon, but no headache or dizziness. Thanks for your concern." "I am concerned," she said. "I care for you, Jeff. And when you're not feeling well, it bothers me." "I know," he smiled, putting an arm around her shoulders. "I'm so lucky to have a little sister like...

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