- 2 years ago
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"What was that all about?" I asked Kathy.
"I have no idea, Jen. I wonder who that woman with my dad was. She looked like my mom, but I don't think it was," Kathy said.
We spent the rest of the day fishing and goofing around on the boat. Kathy's parents were acting strange and more than once, they disappeared into the cabin for a while and came out acting like my brother and I did after we had fooled around. My parents and Kathy's spent most of the day on the bridge while we fished.
We hooked one large sail and like the day before, we had to back down on it. Kathy and I got drenched again and our outfits turned see-through. Mrs. Waters noticed and instead of getting upset, she laughed.
It was getting dark when we headed back to the marina and Dad pulled the boat into the slip. Eddie and I put away the fishing equipment, and Kathy and Brad helped. Once everything was stowed, we took out the deck chairs and relaxed.
"I don't know what's happening, but I don't think I've ever seen my mom or dad so happy," Brad said.
"Neither have I," Kathy said. "It seems a little strange."
"Hey, it doesn't really matter, as long as they're having fun," I said. "My guess is my mom talked to yours. Mom has the ability to make people act strange."
We all left together and went home. Eddie and I went to bed because we had to get up for school the next day.
Eddie and I got up and ran, ate breakfast and caught the bus. When we got home, we made love before doing our homework and starting dinner.
Kathy called that night and told me about going to the shop my mom worked in. She said she and her mom bought all new underwear and spent over three hundred dollars. She also told me her mom went through her drawers and threw out all of her old cotton panties and plain bras.
Eddie and I didn't really get a chance to see Brad or Kathy much until the weekend when we all went fishing. We spent Saturday on the boat, fishing for Dolphin and Wahoo. Mr. and Mrs. Waters were also on the boat and after fishing, took us all to dinner.
My birthday came and my parents bought me some new clothes and a few CDs. When my brother's birthday came, he got the keys to the cars and the boat. Eddie had finished drivers training and got his license two weeks after his sixteenth birthday.
The day of homecoming, Eddie and I went to the game with Kathy and Brad. Our team lost, but we still had a great time at the game. The four of us had become the best of friends and spent as much time together as we could.
After the game, there was a dance at the high school and the four of us went. I danced with Brad and Eddie danced with Kathy. As far as our friends knew, we were dating each other. We were invited to a party after the dance and agreed to go.
Eddie had our mom's car for the night and on the way to the party, I sat in the backseat with Brad while Kathy rode up front with my brother. We talked about fishing, like we did most of the time the four of us were together, and planned our next trip.
The party was at Crystal's house and a large group of the kids from the high school were there. Eddie parked the car a few houses down the road and we walked to Crystal's hand in hand.
The party was in full swing when we got there and the music was loud. We found Cindy and Kevin and sat on the grass with them. It always felt weird when my brother and I were in public with Kathy and Brad, I almost felt like I was cheating on Eddie. We had talked about it many times and both agreed we were all just friends, but it still felt strange.
Cindy was glued to Kevin's side and her hands were all over him. Kevin didn't seem to mind her attention and held her close as we all sat and talked.
"Are you going to do gymnastics again this year, Jen?" Cindy asked.
"No, I just don't have the time and besides, I'm not very good. My coach said I would have to spend a lot more time practicing if I ever wanted to compete," I said. "There are other things I want to do. I'm still going to work out with the team because it's great exercise, but that's it. I still want to run track."
"That's cool," Cindy said. "I'm going to run track too. What else do you have going, Jen?"
"Fishing," I said. "We have been going out every chance we get. We're getting really good at it and don't lose as many fish as we used to. It's a lot of fun."
"I'll bet it is," Kevin said. "Maybe sometime you'll invite Cindy and me."
"Sure, Kevin," Eddie said. "Just remember, we go out to fish, not mess around. It's a lot of work to catch the big ones."
"You're not telling me you guys never fool around on the boat, are you?" Cindy said.
"Yes we are," Kathy said. "Eddie and I haven't even kissed on the boat. When we're out there it's very serious."
Kathy took a small photo album out of the purse and flipped through it until she found a picture of her and me with one of the sailfish she caught, and showed it to Kevin and Cindy.
"This is the first big sailfish I ever caught," Kathy said.
"Wow! That fish is huge," Kevin said. "You guys just have to take me fishing someday. I'll do anything to be able to go."
Cindy squeezed Kevin's thigh and said, "Me too, I want to go fishing with you guys."
Eddie assured Cindy and Kevin we'd take them fishing someday. Kevin kept asking about how we fished for the big sails, and the four of us told him about the different techniques we used.
"You really know a lot about fishing, Kathy," Cindy said.
"Yeah, Eddie and Jen have been teaching my brother and me, and we've spent a lot of time reading and researching it on the web," Kathy said.
We all sat on the grass and talked for a little longer. As the party progressed, the making out started and soon most of the couples were kissing. Kevin and Cindy sat a couple of feet from Eddie, Brad, Kathy and me, their mouths stuck together and their hands groping at each other.
Kathy got up and said, "I'm going to hit the head and grab some Cokes."
I giggled at her use the nautical term for a bathroom, got up and followed her. We went into the house and waited outside the bathroom door until it became free. When a girl came out, Kathy and I went in.
"This sucks," Kathy said as she lifted her skirt, pulled down her panties and sat on the toilet. "I wish we could fool around too. I feel like we're sticking out like sore thumbs out there."
"I know, I guess we could always leave," I replied.
"Yeah, I guess we could. Is this how it's going to be, Jen? Are we going to just leave when the other kids start to make out and stuff?"
Kathy finished and I took her place on the toilet. While she washed her hands, we continued to talk about our dilemma. I thought we both might be hinting at the same thing, but afraid to say it.
Once I was finished, we got ready to go back to the boys. Before opening the door, I turned to Kathy giggled and kissed her on the lips.
"What was that for, Jen?"
"That was for Eddie, please see he gets it," I said.
"Look, Kathy, we have to make a choice here. We can run away or join the fun. I know how you feel about Brad and you know I love Eddie. I'm not suggesting we screw each other's brother, just a little friendly kissing."
"I don't know about this, Jen. What if Brad or Eddie gets all pissed off? What if we find out we can't handle it? I don't want to lose you as my best friend, not over a little kissing."
Someone started knocking on the bathroom door and we left. I led Kathy to a secluded part of the front yard, away from the other people at the party. We sat on the lawn and continued to talk about my proposition.
"Kathy, do you know the difference between having sex and making love?"
"Aren't they the same?"
"They can be, but there can be a difference too. My mom says you can only make love with someone you love, but you can have sex with anyone."
"I think it's the same thing, Jen. I don't think I could have sex with someone I didn't really care about."
"Neither could I. I could never fool around with a stranger or anything, but I think I could with someone I liked a lot. Do you and Brad ever just have sex?"
"What do you mean by, 'just have sex, ' Jen?"
"I mean do you ever suck his cock or fuck just because it's fun, you know, without all the kissing and building up to it?"
"Yeah," Kathy giggled. "I gave Brad a blowjob one night while we were driving back from the mall. He almost wrecked the car."
"Why did you do it?"
"I don't know, because I just wanted to I guess. It was kind of fun."
"I do things like that with Eddie too. One time we went to the park and I climbed on his lap and we screwed. I just pulled my panties to the side and slid his dick right in."
Kathy laughed and said, "I'll have to try that someday, it sounds like it was a blast."
"Okay, now do you see what I'm talking about? Sex can just be fun. Have you ever held Brad's hand and felt like you were going to melt? Or just kiss until you think your heart is going to beat its way out of your chest?"
Kathy grinned and said, "All the time. Sometimes when we're sitting on the couch in the living room we just look at each other and I feel my pussy tingle."
"Right, that's making love, Kathy. You don't have to have Brad's cock in you to make love. You don't even have to do anything sexual. Sometimes all it takes is a gentle touch or a kiss."
"What if kissing each other's brother turns into something more? What if you start to fall for Brad, or Eddie starts to fall for me, or..."
"I get it, Kathy," I said.
I thought for a moment and then said, "Kathy, do you think you'll ever get married?"
"I don't know, I haven't really thought about it."
"Let's say you found some guy, fell in love and married him. If that happens will you stop loving Brad?"
"Of course not, he's my brother."
I looked into her eyes and asked, "Would you stop making love with him?"
Kathy sighed and thought about my question.
"No, I wouldn't, not as long as he wants to. Jen, we better get back. Eddie and Brad are going to start wondering where we are."
We got up and headed back towards the backyard. Before we rounded the corner of the garage, Kathy grabbed my arm, put her hands on my cheeks and kissed me. "Make sure Brad gets that."
I giggled, nodded and we walked into the back yard. Eddie and Brad were still sitting near Cindy and Kevin. They were taking about fishing and didn't stop when Kathy and I sat next to them.
"Jen," Eddie said. "Brad and I were just talking about entering a tournament. The four of us could be a team and we could see how we do."
"That sounds like fun, Eddie," I said. "We'll have to check with Dad, but I think he'll let us."
I was on pins and needles as I sat next to Brad and half listened to the conversation he was having with my brother. Kathy and I kept glancing at one another to see who would make the first move. Cindy and Kevin were stretched out a few feet away kissing each other like there was no tomorrow.
Leaning close to Brad, I put my mouth near his ear and whispered, "I have something Kathy asked me to give you."
He looked at me and said, "What?"
I hesitated for a moment, put my lips to his and kissed him softly. Brad must have been in shock because he froze. I held the kiss for a few moments and then pulled away. We stared at each other for a minute and then I glanced at Kathy. She was kissing Eddie.
I giggled when I saw the look on my brother's face. His eyes were as big as saucers and he was motionless. When Kathy removed her mouth from Eddie's we both grinned and then started to laugh.
Eddie looked hurt and I started to panic. I started to think it wasn't such a good idea to do what Kathy and I just did. I saw my brother blink several times and I stood up.
"I think we should all go for a walk," I said.
Eddie, Brad and Kathy got up and followed me out of the yard. We started to walk down the street, away from the house. Once we were several houses away, I stopped and took my brother's hand.
"I'm so sorry, Eddie," I said. "Kathy and I thought it would be okay with you and Brad to do that. We were feeling like we didn't fit in at the party and, well..."
"I'm sorry too," Kathy said. "It was a bad idea."
"It was a surprise," Brad said.
"Yeah, no shit," Eddie said. "What did you whisper to me, Kathy? I didn't hear you."
"I said Jen gave me something to give you," Kathy said.
Eddie turned to me and said, "You wanted Kathy to do that?"
"Kathy and I were taking in the head and I told her to give you a kiss for me," I said.
"You mean you just came out and said something like, 'hey Kathy, kiss my brother for me' and she agreed?"
"It wasn't quite like that," I giggled, "but close."
"What did you say to my sister that made her kiss Eddie?" Brad asked.
I looked at Kathy, shrugged my shoulders and kissed her like I did in the bathroom and said, "I said make sure Eddie gets that."
Kathy laughed and said, "Yeah, and after we talked for a while, I told Jen to give one to you, Brad."
Brad shook his head and said, "Shit, maybe you two would just like to make out with each other."
Kathy giggled and said, "What would you and Eddie do, Brad?"
Eddie started to laugh and said, "We'd watch!"
I started to laugh too and said, "That would be a sight, you and Brad stroking your cocks while Kathy and I made out."
"Or maybe we could play with ourselves while Brad and Eddie made out," Kathy said and then she began to laugh harder.
Eddie put his arms around Brad and said, "Oh baby, I want you!"
"Do me stud," Brad said, as he hugged my brother.
I started to laugh so hard if felt like I was going to wet my pants. We all began to laugh so hard our eyes started to tear. Finally, we settled down and headed back to the party. Eddie and Brad lagged behind Kathy and me by several steps. By the time we reached the house, the guys caught up.
Brad slipped his arm around my waist and Eddie took Kathy's hand. We walked into the backyard as the couples we wanted everyone to think we were.
The four of us didn't do anymore kissing. We hung around for a little while and decided to leave. Before heading home, Eddie went over to Cindy and Kevin, talked to them for a few minutes and came back to join Kathy, Brad and me.
"What was that about, Eddie?" I asked.
"I invited them to go fishing tomorrow," Eddie said.
"Are they going to come with us?" Brad said.
"I don't know," Eddie replied. "If they're there in the morning, they'll go. Cindy doesn't know if she can get away, her dad may be in town."
When we got into the car, I got in back with Brad. We took off and headed towards the Waters' house, taking the side streets.
"How are you and your mom getting along, Kathy?" I asked.
"Great, when I see her," Kathy giggled. "Brad and I don't see much of our parents when we're at home. They spend a lot of time in their room now."
"You sure have some cool new clothes," I said. "I'm glad your mom is letting you wear things that are in style now."
"Yeah, it's really cool. Mom is even wearing nicer things. I don't know what happened on the boat that day, but my parents are really different now," Kathy said.
"Yeah they are," Brad said. "For the better. Mom doesn't rag on us anymore and Dad is happier than I've ever seen him."
"That's cool," Eddie said. "Do you think they'd let you guys stay on the boat overnight sometime? That way we could go fishing for swordfish. I want to try that kind of fishing, but you have to do it at night."
"We can ask them. They might just let us do it," Kathy said.
Eddie dropped Kathy and Brad at their house. We told them we'd see them in the morning and headed home. I climbed over the seat and sat up front with my brother.
"Are you pissed because of what Kathy and I did tonight?" I asked.
"No, I just wasn't expecting it," Eddie said.
"Did it make you jealous when I kissed Brad? I felt a little jealous when Kathy kissed you."
"Yeah, it made me feel a little jealous; what did you expect?"
"I don't really know what I expected, Eddie. I guess I didn't think things through. I'm so sorry, it'll never happen again. The next time we go to something like that and the other kids start kissing, we'll leave."
"Did you like it? You know, kissing Brad?"
"It wasn't much of a kiss, Eddie. I sort of kissed him, but he didn't really kiss me back. Look, I love you and I would never do anything to hurt you. I just thought about the night we saw Mom and Dad and what they told us. It wasn't anything more than a kiss."
"It must be hard for you to go to a party like that and just watch. I know that it's uncomfortable for me. I wanted to kiss you so bad it hurt, but I know we can't do it, not in front of other people."
"It's very hard, I feel like everyone is looking at the four of us. I guess it shouldn't matter, but sometimes it does. I know we haven't been to too many functions, but I want to go to some of the parties and stuff, and I don't want to feel uncomfortable."
Eddie was quiet for a few minutes. He pulled the car over to the side of the road and parked.
"Jen, are you unsatisfied with me, with the things we do?"
"What! Of course not, Eddie, I love you and the things we do together. I love the sex, I love making love, I love being close to you. How can you even think that I'm not happy with what we do together?"
"I don't know, I was just wondering. I thought you wanted to fool around with someone else."
I moved closer to my brother, put my hand on his leg and looked into his eyes. I thought about what I would say next, how I would answer his question and still be honest at the same time. Hurting my brother was the last thing in the world I wanted to do, but I didn't want to lie to him either.
"Eddie, please don't take this wrong and please let me finish before you say anything. I love you more than anything in the world and would rather cut off my arm than hurt you. I also want to be honest with you because if we start lying to one another, we'll always regret it.
"I would be lying if I told you I didn't think about having sex with someone else sometimes. I fantasize about it and even play with myself when I do. It doesn't mean I don't love you or I don't want to have sex and make love with you.
"When Kathy and I were talking, I asked her a question, a question I had to answer for myself. I want to ask you the same question Eddie. I'll tell you my answer first if you want, but you have to be as honest as you can, Okay?"
"Sure, Jen. Go ahead and ask."
"If you met someone and got married, would you still want to make love with me?"
"Yes, I would, I love you," Eddie said after a pause.
"I would always want to make love to you too, even if I was married."
"What are you trying to tell me, Jen, that you love someone else? That you love Brad?"
"No, I don't love anyone but you. You are my only love and my only lover, but if we got married, that would change. We would also be making love to our spouses; we would love someone else too."
"That's true. I just never thought about it."
"Do you think we can love more than one person? Do you think we can have feelings like we have for each other for another, or are we destined to only love each other?"
"I don't know, Jen, I just don't know. The only thing I'm really sure of is the way I feel about you right now. I can't predict the future. I don't know if I'll ever find a girl I could love as much as I love you."
"I know you don't know, Eddie. Neither do I. Remember I said that I asked myself the question about what would happen if I got married, if I would still make love with you?"
"Yeah, I remember, you said you would."
"That's right," I said, and then I hugged his arm. "I also asked myself another question. I thought about what I'd do if the man I was going to marry wouldn't accept the fact I loved you, that I wanted to still be with you. Our parents have taught us to be honest and I always want to be honest with the people I love. I couldn't live with myself if I had to live a lie."
"How did you answer your second question, Jen? What would you do if you had to stop making love with me because the man you wanted to marry wouldn't accept our relationship?"
"I wouldn't get married, Eddie."
Eddie took a deep breath and sighed. "I couldn't let that happen, Jen."
"It's not really your choice, it's mine. I wouldn't want to have to choose between you and someone else, but if I had to, I'd choose you."
"Just what are you trying to tell me, Jen? Do you want to fool around with Brad?"
I put my hand on Eddie's lap, rubbed his penis and kissed his cheek. He turned to look at me and I kissed his mouth, pushing my tongue into his mouth. I took one of his hands and placed it on my boob and returned to his crotch.
Eddie massaged my boob and I pulled at his zipper until I got it open. After unbuttoning his jeans, I reached into his fly and worked his cock out into the open. My hand moved up and down his shaft and he began to lift his hips.
I removed my panties, climbed on Eddie's lap and we broke in the front seat of our mom's car.
After we cleaned up, Eddie kissed me and said, "You never answered my question, Jen. Do you want to fool around with Brad?"
"Eddie," I said, "I don't know if Brad wants to fool around with me. If Brad and I do fool around, it won't be because I don't love you. I think our love for each other is strong enough to withstand most anything, as long as we're honest and talk."
"You're right, Jen. Let's just make sure we talk, okay?" Eddie said as he pulled away from the curb.
My brother pulled the car into the driveway, turned it off and opened his door. I got out, went over to him and put my arms around his waist.
"I love you so much, Eddie."
"I love you too, Jen. More than you'll ever know."
"Eddie, can I ask you another question?"
"Do you want to fool around with Kathy?"
"What? You want to have sex with Kathy?"
"Sure, Jen, she's really cute and sexy. I wouldn't mind getting it on with her."
"Just how long have you wanted to fool around with her?" I asked, feeling a little upset.
Eddie laughed and said, "Brad and I have been talking about you and Kathy for a few days now, Jen. We both know you girls are uneasy about school, the parties and what the other kids are saying. Brad and I decided we wouldn't make the first move, but if you or Kathy wanted the other kids to see us kissing, we would do it."
"Then why the hell did you let me go through that in the car tonight?"
"I wanted to know how you felt about it all. I didn't want you to do something you didn't want to do. I was going to bring it up, but when you started to talk, I just listened. Now that I know how you feel, if you want to make out with Brad, it's okay with me."
"Do you want me to fool around with Brad so you can do it with Kathy?"
"I was just kidding about that, Jen. I love to see you when you get jealous."
"You're a dick!"
"I know. Do you want it?"
I reached between Eddie's legs, gently squeezed his penis and said, "You bet! Pull it out and I'll suck it right now."
Eddie laughed, stepped back and pulled down his zipper. He took his cock out and waggled it at me and said, "Here you go."
I leaned over, pulled his dick into my mouth and sucked him until he was hard. When he began to move, I stood up.
"We better get inside, we have to be up early to go fishing," I giggled.
"What about this," he said, pointing at his cock.
"That? I just like to see you when you get hard."
I took off and headed around the house with my brother right behind me, tucking his penis into his jeans. He caught up with me, picked me up and moved towards the pool. I knew he was going to throw me into the pool so I put my arms around his neck at the last minute and we went in together.
When we surfaced, my brother and I were standing about five feet from our parents and Mr. and Mrs. Waters, and they were all naked.
"Oops," I said. "We didn't know you were here. I'm sorry."
Mom laughed and said, "I thought you two were at a party tonight. Why are you home so early?"
"We're going fishing in the morning," Eddie said. "We wanted to get some sleep so we weren't tired."
"Okay," Dad said. "You two better get dried off and into bed."
Eddie and I climbed out of the pool, stripped off our wet clothing and grabbed a couple of towels to dry off. I heard Mrs. Waters tell Mom that we weren't very modest and Mom laughed. Once we were dry, Eddie and I picked up our wet clothes and hung them over the backs of chairs.
"Goodnight," I said before I went into the house.
When I heard my alarm the next morning, I wanted to turn it off and go back to sleep, but I also wanted to go fishing. I hit the snooze button and rolled over. Before the alarm went off again, my brother was in my room shaking my arm.
"Let's go, Jen. I want to run before we go to the boat."
"Okay, I'm up."
The alarm began to buzz again and I turned it off. I pulled on my running shorts and sports bra and sat on my bed to put on my shoes and socks. Eddie stood in my doorway watching, tapping his foot and acting like he was looking at a watch.
"I'm ready, let's go."
We went outside, warmed up and started around the house. As we ran down the street in the dark, I said, "If we go back, I'll give you a blowjob."
Eddie laughed and said, "If we run will you give me one anyway?"
"You know I will."
"Cool, let's run."
I laughed along with my brother and we ran our short route, only going three miles. When we got back to the house, we took turns showering and got dressed to go. We stopped by our parents' room, told them we were leaving and headed for the car.
Eddie drove over to Kathy and Brad's house and pulled into the drive. They were walking out the front door before my brother could put the car in park. Kathy was carrying a duffel bag and Brad had a small cooler.
"Hi, guys," Brad said as he climbed into the back seat. "Looks like it's going to be a nice day."
"Yeah, the weather report doesn't call for any rain and there should be light winds," Eddie said.
"Kathy, you wouldn't believe what we saw last night," I said.
"What?" Kathy asked.
"Eddie and I were goofing around and he chased me to the pool, grabbed me and tried to throw me in. I grabbed his neck and pulled him in with me," I said. "When we finally stood up, we saw our parents and yours in the pool."
"I knew my parents were going to your house last night," Kathy said.
I giggled and said, "Did you know they were going to be skinny dipping with my mom and dad?"
"Bullshit, my mom would never do that. I know she's been acting different, but she wouldn't go swimming in the nude," Kathy said.
"Jen's not lying to you, Kathy," Eddie said. "All four of them were as naked as new born babies."
"Way to go, Mom!" Brad said.
We all laughed. Eddie parked at the marina and we headed for the boat. When we got to the boat, Cindy and Kevin were waiting for us.
"This is your boat!" Kevin said. "I knew you said it was big, but I would have never guessed it was this big."
Eddie said, "It's big enough."
"Jenny showed me pictures of the boat, but it didn't look this big," Cindy said.
"Come aboard," I said. "Kathy and I will start breakfast while the guys get the boat ready to go. I'd like to be out in the ocean before the fish go deep."
Eddie and Brad started to get things ready, starting the engines and pulling the rods out of the rod lockers. Kathy, Cindy and I went below and started to fix breakfast.
I asked Kathy to watch the eggs while I showed Cindy the boat. When I opened the door to the master stateroom, she said, "This is nicer than my bedroom."
I grinned and showed her the other stateroom, the head and the washer and dryer. We went back up into the galley and helped Kathy finish cooking the eggs and sausage. I showed Cindy where the toaster was and she started toasting bread. I went to the cockpit, called the guys and they came into the cabin to eat.
We all sat at the table and munched on scrambled eggs, sausage and toast. Kathy brought a jug of orange juice and I poured it into glasses. I passed out the glasses and we started to talk about our strategy for the day.
Kevin asked questions as Eddie, Kathy, Brad and I talked about how we were going to set up the boat. Brad told us about reading an article on kite fishing and explained the process.
When we were finished with breakfast, Eddie and Brad started clearing the table. Kathy and I went outside and began to untie the lines so we could go. Cindy watched us work and said, "This is unreal, you guys take out the boat and the boys do the dishes."
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Ecstasy, pure ecstasy! What was more, Lady Eleanor Kavanagh was a blow job extraordinaire. This wasn’t going through the motions; rather a blow job of the type of expertise he hadn’t witnessed before. Truth be told, he hadn’t had many women’s lips around his helmet much less ladies. This particular lady was good. Very good. Even using the words very good understates significantly her excellence in the cock sucking department.What Adams didn’t know, as is common when women marry into money, they...
SpankingThanks as always to the Prince of editors Steve Zink! Lady Ann's Holiday By Eric England 1908. It seemed to Burt that his life was always spent with his face pressed against the glass. He worshipped Lady Ann Neville more than he did god in church. But Burt was only the stable hand at her father's vast estate. Still, he had his dreams. Dreams that one day she would smile at him and say that - no it was too stupid for words. The distance between them was greater than from...
Lady HinaThe story begins with prostrated naked humans on ground forming a path from shining marble stairs of a ultra luxurious mansion to the door of a super luxurious rolls royce suddenly heared the click clack sound which gets louder from inside mansion appears the most lovely, soft, pampered and divine feet in very high heel elegent black leather sandals with lots of diamonds studded on its straps complimenting the soft white feet in it and then the full body...
Lady Caylethorpe’s Caning. On a warm day towards the end of July, a month shy of her thirtieth birthday, Lady Caylethorpe, the beautiful but conceited wife of the Fourth Earl of Caylethorpe, received the soundest and most comprehensive thrashing of her pampered and privileged life. It was, in the opinion of every member of the domestic staff of the Caylethorpe ancestral manor, one of the most thoroughly deserved chastisements ever meted out in the history of the household and few would have...
Lady Caylethorpe’s Caning. On a warm day towards the end of July, a month shy of her thirtieth birthday, Lady Caylethorpe, the beautiful but conceited wife of the Fourth Earl of Caylethorpe, received the soundest and most comprehensive thrashing of her pampered and privileged life. It was, in the opinion of every member of the domestic staff of the Caylethorpe ancestral manor, one of the most thoroughly deserved chastisements ever meted out in the history of the household and few would have...
Lady Tether and the 3 Little Discardsby A. P. Damien28 paused to pour another cup of coffee. "I really don't think age is important. Looks are. But I think my skin is getting dry. One year, maybe two. Then she'll discard me." The brunette did look a little more mature than the other two. Her only clothes were bright red vinyl boots, gloves, and a bikini bottom. "And your life will be, too. Doesn't that matter to you?" 272 was a brand new slave and seemed fascinated by 28's upcoming death. "Yes,...
The Exchange 1 Burt was shoveling dirty hay from the floor of one of the stable stalls when Ann approached him, a mischievous expression on her face. His sleeves were rolled up past his elbows as he worked. She watched him for several minutes, staring at his rippling muscles; the careless attitude he had in his body language, entirely devoid of decorum. He obviously didn't care one whit about the way he carried himself or looked with his scruffy clothes and deliciously...
Lady Catherine Hines sat in her chair as Miss Braxton, a woman in her 40s, brushed her long brunette hair. It extended to the small of her back. Catherine was dressed in her night gown. Miss Braxton always brushed her hair before Catherine retired to her bed. "You appear downhearted, Lady Catherine. Did you not enjoy the party? You appeared happy while socializing with your friends." "I alsways enjoy my time with my friends but do you observe how Father does not allow me to socialize with...
The milky whiteness was starting to return to the lady’s buttocks, Adams noted. The ruler would be the next instrument of humiliation. For her part, the pain Lady Eleanor Kavanagh felt was more in the head than on her sumptuous rump. She had endured the hand spanking, almost wincing more when she felt Adams erection on her lower tummy when she was draped across his knees than she had from the smacks from his right hand. She had almost cried out in indignation when the bastard had removed her...
The milky whiteness was starting to return to the lady’s buttocks, Adams noted. The ruler would be the next instrument of humiliation. For her part, the pain Lady Eleanor Kavanagh felt was more in the head than on her sumptuous rump. She had endured the hand spanking, almost wincing more when she felt Adams erection on her lower tummy when she was draped across his knees than she had from the smacks from his right hand. She had almost cried out in indignation when the bastard had removed her...
SpankingLady Jena, the goddess dommeJena is a professional domme. I didn't know it when I met her. At the party of a mutual friend where we met, her roving eye caught my roving eye, and I was drawn to her. It may have been her late thirties demeanor that attracted me, or it may have been her blonde hair, parted in the middle and curled under just before it reached her shoulders; perhaps it was the boots she wore - they looked good on her. She had the look of a woman of authority - an executive...
Lady Victoria's dramatic fall from Baronet's daughter and high ranking society débutante to lowly scullery maid had been swift and decisive. Mr Tannard, the minion Butler who had once served her without question, was now her master whom she had quickly learned to obey without hesitation. Her transformation from Lady to servant was now complete, with many of her lessons having been educated at her former Butler's knee! She had agreed to accept any punishment he decided to give her and, although...
SpankingLADY VICTORIA PART 3 - THE LADIES TAKE THEIR REVENGE Following her father's ruin the Lady Victoria had been forced to accept a servant's position as a parlour maid at the College where she had reigned supreme. It was ironic that her father had sent her to this College to be educated and prepared for her marriage into aristocracy and instead was being 'educated' to work as a servant. Mr Tannard the Butler had begun her training 'stripping' her of her high-minded attitude and haughty...
SpankingIt startled Charlotte when she heard the distant sound of a wagon approaching. Henry was not to be home for another two days, Charlotte anxious for his return, the two month trip too long to be without her beloved husband. Lord Michael had sent him to France for some urgent business, Henry was a much better negotiator than him. Lord Michael loved to win more than reach an amenable agreement. Charlotte looked into the mirror, brushing aside an errant hair from her face, smiling broadly at the...
The Earl Howarth's Butler rushed out in agitation crying "Are you expected sir, only His Grace is away at the whipping Sir." His Grace indeed, as if he was a Prince or Archbishop not a mere Earl. "Oh! Then direct me pray," I requested, in as haughty manner as I could muster. "In the town sir, Allerton, in the square sir, at the whipping sir," he said deferentially whereas by rights he should be ordering us hence. "And the Lady Catherine?" I asked. He paused as if...
I arrived at Allerton Hall unannounced, dressed in the classic style of a landed Gentleman while riding in a tolerably smart carriage pulled by a matched pair of Greys, driven by one Mr Barrington from Devonshire who had become my friend masquerading as a coachman.The Earl Howarth's Butler rushed out in agitation crying "Are you expected sir, only His Grace is away at the whipping Sir." His Grace indeed, as if he was a Prince or Archbishop not a mere Earl."Oh! Then direct me pray," I requested,...
Wilton Hall had been her family's ancestral seat for over five hundred years and the current incumbent family member Lady Maud Hamilton had no intention of that ending on her watch! Time however was getting on and at 36 she was aware that she did not have many fertile years left to produce an heir. Having accepted that her husband, even though he had tried, was incapable of providing what she needed Maud had reached the conclusion that she had to consider other options. Her marriage to...
a continuation of this tale The scene: At dawn Lady Cecelia and her entourage have been led to the palace of Agincourt accompanied by counselors for Lady Cecelia, a counselor for William of Edenbridge to enable a parlay with King Phillip’s apanage and regency of the estate, some knights and servants to the Court. Among them was a Lord of the house surrounded by wards and vassals of the house of Dauphin. In attendance to this audience were Ladies of the Court among them Lady Yvette, niece to...
Jenna had masturbated three times last night, each time forcing the ivory dildo between her thighs and each time clinging to the hard rod as if it were a real prick. She had an orgasm each time, but she was left wanting more. She desired to feel a man between her thighs. She barely said anything to Lord Michael, the carriage carrying them off to the mysterious location of the Flagellation Society. But she saw the way he looked at her, his eyes almost able to see through her clothes at her...
Chapter Thirty Six Swapping Back 1 Burt Harper had a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach when he woke up next morning in Mavis's bed at the Dog & Pony. It wasn't because he was thinking about anything in particular that was troubling him but more like... more like he'd had a night crammed with nightmares that he couldn't now remember. He lay for a while, trying to piece the images he still had together but he couldn't. All he had was a vague sense of alarm; an...
One Last Day 1 Ann woke up from a deep sleep on his straw pallet, the sun shining through the crack in the hay barn door and into his eyes. He groaned, rolling over, then brightened and sat up, realising what day this was. It was the last day. Finally. Just one more day as Burt and he would be back in his rightful body. He would be the lady of the manor once again! It gave him such an overwhelming sense of relief to think that... as well as a moment of regret. Being Burt had...
Bred That Way 1 Burt was snatched cruelly from a deep sleep by Harry's bellowing voice from outside at the front of the stables. "BURT! Get down here now you ignorant fool!" "What? Yes! Sorry sir!" He clambered out from under his blanket and got to his feet. "Burt, you great wazzock! You've overslept! Get down here now and scrape this horse shit up before I tan yer ruddy hide and make ye do it without a shovel!" Burt hurriedly put his clothes on, anxious to get out...
LADY VICTORIA - PART 2 - Her Ladyship Gets Her Just Reward Lady Victoria had been sent to Beddingfield Ladies College by her father Lord John for one reason only, to prepare her for marriage into high society. His phenomenal success had brought him huge wealth and his recent ascent into the House of Lords as a Baronet inspired new ambitions, which knew no bounds. His daughter would not only marry into high society but into Royalty itself and he had the money and the power to see it through. At...
SpankingIndefinite 1 Burt was relieved it was Sunday. It meant he didn't have to put in a full day's work. He got the morning off to attend church. He'd slept a lot better on his pallet in the hayloft and the aches he'd had from going back to hard labour after a fortnight of growing soft had all but gone. He actually felt fit and strong again and caught himself enjoying it before he reminded himself that he didn't like anything about being a man. He hated every element of it. He wore...
Chapter Twenty Nine A Chance of Escape 1 Ann opened her eyes. There was no sound in the warehouse in which she was being held. She lay still, listening, moving her gaze from upper right to upper left, trying to pick out the least scratch or murmur. But there wasn't any. She got to her feet silently from where she'd been sleeping on the cold floor. Her arms were bare, her dress shredded round the shoulders. She looked awful and the fact that these men had done this to her...
[email protected] Lady Sally Blackrook, Victorian Adventuress By Gincrack Lady Blackrook?en pointe!The Forests of the Carpathian Mountains Urging his horses on the coach driver steered the carriage through the darkness of the forest. There was still snow on the ground and the gibbous moon shone from a cold cloudless sky its reflected light helping the driver to find his way, he light from the carriage lanterns being pale and ineffectual. Behind the screens on the carriage windows sat a...
Lady Kavanagh sized up the situation in the way one might expect a well-educated woman to: she was not in control. What’s more, she was acutely aware of the fact! ?Fuck,? she muttered. ?Fuck, fuck, fuck.? ?Are you mumbling, ma’am?? Asked her youthful chauffeur, at least 15 years her junior. He was standing directly behind her and, although she could not see him, she was certain he looked menacing. ?No?. ?Good. You don’t look so posh with your fat ass stuck in the air,? remarked her driver. He...
Lady Penelope sat in the voluptuously comfortable and cradling arms of the headmistress’s chair and gazed at the screen of the computer. It showed a CCTV image of the corridor outside the room. There was a line of chairs, stiff upright and uncushioned, lined up against a wall. Two of the chairs were occupied by a pair of nervous looking schoolgirls.“These are the two you’ve selected for tonight?”“Yes, your ladyship. I have been training them for several weeks. I am sure they are ready.”“They’d...
"I Am Who I Am" 1 Lady Ann woke up feeling extremely grumpy. She'd just had what had to have been the worst night's sleep of her life. She'd staggered home pissed in the early hours of the morning, vomiting several times on the way home and then had to make her bed up when she got back to the hay barn above the stable. As a mere stable hand, Burt wasn't given proper lodging. Now she was living his life she literally had to roll out his thin straw mattress every night and put it...
Chapter Thirty Four Servant & Lady 1 Ann had a delicious breakfast in the hotel dining room, sitting quietly thoughtful with Richard. "Ann dear, you seem of dour disposition today," he said. "Are you alright?" She smiled quickly and falsely. "I'm fine, thank you darling. Just considering what it will be like to be home. So much... has changed since I was there last." "Indeed it has my dear. You're soon to be married to the most eligible bachelor in England. Your life...
An Unwelcome Change of Plan 1 "Burt" woke up at the crack of dawn and breathed a sigh of relief. It had been right swell to get away from his life as a prissy stuck-up lady but, despite some reservations, he'd more than had enough of being Burt and looked forward to becoming one of the quality again. He'd loved the carousing and the fights and he loved shagging that tart Mavis, but the plummeting drop in status had been horrible, knowing that everyone looked down on him; even the...
Lady Kavanagh sized up the situation in the way one might expect a well-educated woman to: she was not in control. What’s more, she was acutely aware of the fact! “Fuck,” she muttered. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” “Are you mumbling, ma’am?” Asked her youthful chauffeur, at least 15 years her junior. He was standing directly behind her and, although she could not see him, she was certain he looked menacing. “No”. “Good. You don’t look so posh with your fat ass stuck in the air,” remarked her driver. He...
SpankingThe Note 1 The next morning Ann was startled to wake from a deep and satisfied sleep at the crack of dawn. With no glass in the windows it was freezing and the dawn light shone right in her eyes through the open hayloft entrance. The straw mattress underneath her was little better than sleeping on a board; not like the silk sheets and thick mattress she was used to. It took her a moment to realise where she was. And who she was. Her head was fuzzy from the previous night's...
Mr. SingerI sat quietly at the office desk, gazing out of the large window at the snow-covered grounds of Wainwright Hall. The sloping acres were spotted with trees, now bare in the mid-winter chill. I had made Wainwright Hall my home for the past 12 years, but I still marveled at its beauty all year round. In the spring, the hills were covered in yellow and white wildflowers, and the trees were lush and green. Beyond the hills there was a small valley and a pond, a pleasant place in the warm...
[NOTE: Unfortunately this story was brought down by hasty editing, so in order that it's not left malformed, I have re-edited it. This was not just a proof-read, but there isn't anything new to those few who have already read it. Enjoy.] Lady Serpentine by Tegeli PART I - Refugee of Fire CHAPTER 1 The inland sea lapped against the galley hull, no louder than the man's last wheeze. I removed my dagger from the gushing chest and stood upright to make sure nobody had noticed the...
In the decade preceding the glorious victories of Henry V on the fields of France and long before he’d come of age, an ill-advised excursion to those same fields by his father Henry the IV resulted in unforeseen disaster and the capture of 5 English earls, eight hundred Knights and two thousand good esquires. As was the custom of the day: The Dauphin of France and his lieutenants, those who had captured without injury English warriors, held them in trade for English gold crowns. Repatriating...
I had been in South America for a bit making a few quid doing a bit of surveying like, but I got homesick and when I heard of this estate and mansion up for grabs at a knock down price I couldn’t resist. Time to put me feet up an enjoy some peace and quiet or so I thought. Trouble was I didn’t have time to become settled in me new place before the visitors started arriving. Just to make our acquaintance or so they said. They knew I were a widower and me lad were not wed. That was the...
The dinner started off tense, Lady Charlotte first meeting the men that were important in her daughter’s lives. Lord Michael had tried to explain them to Lady Charlotte, but she had a hard time grasping the reality that her young daughters were now women. This at a time when she was still trying to fathom and find the boundaries of her relationship with Lord Michael. Lady Charlotte scanned the men, starting with Lord Roger Bigod. His family was one of the richest and most powerful. Lord...
The events in this story are true. They happened over 10 years ago, but it’s still a very fond memory. “Lady Ariadne” and I remain friends, though not a couple. My girlfriend, Ariadne, and I practiced S + M with me usually in the dominant role. When I spanked her just right, she orgasmed, a tremendous turn on for both of us. On the occasions I was the submissive, I’ve always hoped to come while being spanked. Ariadne and I had the best sexual couplings either of us has ever experienced. At the...
You Have to do the Right Thing 1 Lady Ann Neville opened her eyes very quietly, without moving any part of her body, feeling the warmth and the comfort of this opulent bedroom; the silk sheets with a terrible poignancy. When she next went to sleep it would be on a rolled out straw mattress in a hayloft open to the elements, rats crawling through the shadows only yards away from her. And she wouldn't have this lovely soft slender body anymore that felt more comfortable and real...
Lady Sally Blackrook, Victorian Adventuress By Gincrack ([email protected]) Tormenting Technology! Lady Sally Blackrook looked down at the sabre tip pressing firmly against the front of her bodice. It had been a short fight and from the beginning she knew that her chances of killing or incapacitating the five armed men were low if not virtually non-existent despite her prowess with a blade. Still several of the men nursed wounds to their arms and faces, her own blade coloured with their...
The events in this story are true. They happened over 10 years ago, but it’s still a very fond memory. “Lady Ariadne” and I remain friends, though not a couple. My girlfriend, Ariadne, and I practiced S + M with me usually in the dominant role. When I spanked her just right, she orgasmed, a tremendous turn on for both of us. On the occasions I was the submissive, I’ve always hoped to come while being spanked. Ariadne and I had the best sexual couplings either of us has ever experienced. At the...
SpankingI found something more last time here in Da Nang, a male who was a female, or trying to be: Bo, who worked in the hotel I stayed at, and she gave me a taste of the future with another – perhaps better person – and indirectly introduced me to a new world, new lovers, my first glory-hole, and a new passionate lifestyle, and I was back for more…. I had left Da Nang last time after having been delayed by a tropical storm for an extra two days, but in those two days I had a whirlwind –or even...
Ever More Obsequious 1 The woman who would one day soon be the wife of Lord Richard Hurley, woke up early with a delicious smile on her face. She had a long hot bubble bath, loving the luxury of it then ate a tasty breakfast with her grandmamma out on the balcony, chatting excitedly about ideas for the wedding. Ann felt entirely happy; satisfied in a way she didn't remember ever feeling before, as though not only was life perfect for her now, but it always would be perfect...
Lady Kathryn?s Punishment Synopsis Found guilty of theft and lewd behaviour, Lady Kathryn is publicly whipped and demoted to servant status for a year whilst Margaret, her maid, is elevated to take her place. Lady Kathryn?s Punishment by obohobo Warnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF Whipping If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, c...
To Be a Man 1 Burt delivered the second of two great metal cylinders filled with milk to the back of the hall and turned to go but stopped when he heard his name. "Burt! I want a word with you." He turned to see Powell, the butler, emerge from the kitchen doorway looking even more stern and unforgiving than he usually did. "Yes sir?" he said, remembering only belatedly a time when this man would have followed his orders to the letter, instead of now, where he was the...
Life of Luxury 1 When he woke up in his cramped little hotel room, Ann reached for his coat and slipped the little framed picture he'd found in the hay barn drawer out and looked at the image of his real face. His woman's face. Lady Ann. He just stared at it for a minute or so, eyes flicking from one detail to another. He didn't think about doing it; he just did it. The woman in the photograph looked so beautiful; her eyes so bright. Her skin looked so soft. Looking down at...
Original Story by Eric - Expanded Edition by Emma In which...wishing to avoid a dull visit to her grandmother, Lady Ann Neville takes drastic steps; giving her a holiday from herself and getting a little too much information on how the lower orders live. Chapter One Lady & Servant 1 England 1908. It seemed to Burt that his life was always spent with his face pressed against the glass. He worshipped Lady Ann Neville more than he did god in church, but...
Lady Heather's Maid. By Trish. This is the story of how I was seduced from a university course that bored me into a life of skirts and service to Heather Lane. I first heard of Heather when I was about thirteen. It was after school one evening and as usual my mum was picking me on her way home from work. I was on first glance a typical teenage boy in most respects, for instance I was not happy about being forced to sit in the back because mum was giving Edith, her best friend a...
Chapter Thirty Two The Trial 1 Burt sat once again on the floor of his cell, his knees up in front of him, his head in his hands. He'd hardly slept. How could he, knowing what was happening to him today and how hopeless it was? Lady Ann was on her way back, at long last, and she would be just in time to witness him being carted off to prison, sentenced to years' imprisonment as a common thief. When he'd heard she was returning it had opened a crack in the certain knowledge...
The story below is based on an old Yahoo-chat environment long-since shut down. It was known as Lady Ann's Brothel, and I learned how to role play, as well as enjoy cyber-sex there. I spent a few years in the place and made a great many friends, a couple of whom I still get to stay in touch with, thankfully, but in SecondLife, instead of other chat rooms. If anyone from Lady Ann's ever reads this, they'll understand the conclusion of this chapter.As with my other works, I have posted this to...
The old house was way out in the country and I lived the by myself and that’s the way I liked it. I turned off the dirt county road and into the wagon trail driveway. I wondered if the mail had come and when I looked at the mailbox I saw a something on the ground in front of the post, kinda hid in the weeds. I got out and leaned over to pull what ever it was out of there. It was a pile of dirty magazines. My dirty magazines. Some of my best and filthiest porno that I looked at...
Taking Instruction 1 The filthy stable hand who once, only recently, had been the beautiful Lady Ann Neville, came slowly awake to the stench of manure. He was lying curled up tightly on the floor of one of the stable pens, freezing cold and aching from a night on the hard floor, a great pile of freshly steaming horse dung only inches from his nose. He shuddered. Surely it wasn't possible that this was really happening; that he was still stuck in Burt Harper's body; that he'd...
Chapter Thirty One No Escape 1 Burt sat on the floor of his cell as morning came, slumped against the wall at an angle so that he wasn't putting pressure on his back where the Earl's whip had flayed his skin. One knee was raised, his arm propped on it, covering his eyes. He had cried in the night, feeling even more deeply ashamed because of it, but the tears had run out now. His eyes were red raw. His throat felt swollen. When he'd been locked in the stocks it had taken time...