The Ark Part 2Chapter 21
- 3 years ago
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Game: Will of Change
In its core the game is fairly simple each player takes a turn rolling the die and moving clocwise along the board for the amount they rolled and then draw a colored card corresponding to the color of the square they landed, then the player gets to decide if they will accept the card effect or drop out of the game.
The game can end if a player lands on a white or black squre (the final square of each loop) or if only a single player still remains in the game.
However there are several elements complicating and adding depth to the game.
-1.Endgame: In Will of Change the winner gets a wish at the end of the game however what they get to wish for chnages depending on how many loops they have compleated at the time the game ends for that reason a player may decides to continue playing in hopes of "winning big"
loop effects:
0 loops: No winner every player reseves a penalty
1 loops: Single change of choice to self
2 loops: Multiple (number of players) changes of choice to self OR Single one other player
3 loops: Any changes to self OR multiple one other player OR single non-player
4 loops: Any changes to self + single to 1 other person (any) OR any single other player OR mutiple non-player OR single small group
5 loops: Any changes to self + multiple to 1 other person (any) OR any two other players OR any to on non-player OR single group OR Enhance probability of future -event (low)
6 loops: Any changes to self + 1 other person OR any other players OR any to multiple non-players OR single any group OR Enhance probability of future event (high) OR Single Transhuman/logic defing change to self
7 loops: Any changes to self + multiple other people OR any players OR any non-player OR multiple any group OR Enhance probability of future event (certanty) OR Multiple Transhuman/logic defing change to self OR Reality defing wish
-2.Black and White cards :players draw one white and one black card at the start of the game (+ one white after they completing loops 2,4,6 and a black one for completing loops 1,3 and 5) that they can use during the game for various effects
White cards:
1 (replace roll results with 1)
2 (replace roll results with 2)
3 (replace roll results with 3)
4 (replace roll results with 4)
5 (replace roll results with 5)
6 (replace roll results with 6)
Reroll (roll again you may keep rerolling if the same result is rolled, reroll cards are stackable)
Black Cards:
Negate (nullifies all cards for this turn)
Redraw (draw and aditional colored card of your chosing and chose which card you'll keep)
Protection (nulls a collored card effect as it happens can only be used on other players)
Pass (lose turn)
Double turn (play two round in a row but acumulate discord(see below) additionaly the player activating this card can't use any other cards this round.)
Deflection (roll dice if 5 or 6 redirect to a random player if played as a reaction will always work and can specificaly target original deflector) target
Reversal (nulifies the most recent change)
-3.Curse of discord :players will recive additional random* effects equal to the number of players present in the same tile before rolling.
-4.Game "Rounds": It is quite possible for the game to end without any of the players fulfilling the victory conditions if this happens the players still in the game can chose to play a new "round" or agree to end the game in a draw, these players only these players can chose if they wish to keep the changes they receved over the course of the last round or return to how they were at the start of the round (have the choice to keep a single change of their liking), players lose all memories of previous round at the start of each round and only the winner of the game can actualy get a glimse of these events.
Lets talk a bit about the colored cards, they are divided into 6 colors each with different effects: orange (effecting the target's general anatomy and biology ), yellow (effecting the target's specific anatomical features or characteristics ), green (effecting the target's past and experiences) , blue (effecting the target's mind and general mentality ), red (effecting the target's personality and aesthetics ) and purple (effecting the target's goals and visions for the future)
As a general rule all the changes caused by the game are retro-active afecting the players in the past (how far back or recent depends on the individual change) however the players will retain their original memories from the start of each game Round and other than the obvious changes in their present they will initialy only be able to access information on their most recent realities if they actively try to remember them but this will become easyer and easyer as they game progress and they accumulate more changes.
An other point about the changes caused by this game is that (outside of Discord effects) will only change a single aspect in the affected player and keep changes to the timeline to a minimum when possible, this means that if a genious doctor will retain their tytle and their accomplishments even if they turn into an an idiot from the effects of a card, as for how could that happen it could be just dumb luck or perhaps the new trait has somehow helped reach the same point through diferent means. That said as changes pile up they might synergise to create a vastly different reality from the original.
Mage King's Wand
A simple game were each turn the players draw sticks bearing marks, the player that gets the stick with the king's symbol can issue a command to an other player by using the number on the player's stick, however it's uknown what numbers each players has until the command is given, then a new round begins.
The commands can be actions or changes and they can be anything as long as they don't interfere with a player's ability to continue the game.
Orders can and will remain in effect for the entirety of the game unless stated otherwise by the order itself.
Actions that are impossible to complete by a player will be ignored.
The game ends if a king decides to declare the end of the game instead of issing an order.
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Captain Maroun, his officers, their Squad Leaders, the Negotiators, Line Crews, and Lead Hydroelectric Specialist gathered around several tables that were shoved together in Bravo Company’s new Headquarters building. Captain Maroun said, “I’m quite certain we are all tired and ready for bed. I know I am. However, before we bed down, I want the status of the current situation and I want to make plans for the next few days. “Sydney, what’s the status of the Hydroelectric Facility?” “The...
I was ready early the next morning for the caterers were due to arrive at 8:00 AM to setup drinks, pastries, and a fruit bowl. One of them would remain on site to care for my guests during the presentation. When the caterers arrived and began setting up the food, I was happy to learn that Clara, the daughter of the owner of the catering business, would be the person to remain on site. Clara's last name seemed familiar to me, so before my guests started arriving, I went into the house to...
The construction effort was moving along nicely with the Auburn Silo approaching completion. My decision to start moving into the Ark when the Auburn Silo was finished had opened a can of worms. Clara and I had discussed the effects the Ark environment might have on its residents with the psychologist that the Ark Foundation had hired as a consultant during the early days of construction. She defined to us that in a survival situation a reduced level of living standards would be acceptable...
Before Clara and I declared lockdown, the President of the United States assigned a Division of Army Rangers and portions of two Groups of Navy Seals to the Ark, on detached duty. The Rangers and Seals were on loan to me, so I put them under the Ark’s External Security Department. Later, the President created The Consolidated Military Forces of the United States, the CMF, by combining selected Special Operations Groups with existing Army, Navy, and Marine forces. The majority of the...
Clara and I scheduled a meeting of our Advisory Council, all of the Ark Foundation VPs, and other key members of the Ark Society for the first week of January 2042. The topic was the final review of our pickup plan, and the establishment of the dates and locations for our major pickups. Julie and Samantha made the first part of the presentation. The plan they presented was almost identical to what we had discussed some months ago. There was more detail and a few enhancements to expedite the...
I was a bit nervous as I stood at the podium looking into the cameras for I hadn’t made a live presentation for a year. Usually, I sat in a comfortable overstuffed chair as I made my daily dumps for Jon’s Corner. Today’s presentation was to make an important announcement. Clara and my advisors said that I needed a more formal atmosphere. I would have been more relaxed sitting in my chair. Linda interrupted my thoughts saying, “Get ready Jon. You are ON in THREE, TWO, ONE“; then she pointed...
When I hung up the phone, Joan let me know that Bill and Sheryl were waiting for me in the lobby. I made a quick call to our HR group to let them know that I was bringing our two newest employees to their office for in processing. When I got down to our lobby, I had the receptionist sign them in and took them to HR. The HR representative had their employment contracts and benefit packages ready for them, so I left them in HR’s clutches, until they had signed all the necessary papers,...
Seal Team 2’s commanding officer, Lieutenant Fitz Morrison, said, “I just finished talking on the radio with Captain Charles. He directed us to deploy to Blocking Post 4 tomorrow.” Ensign Kenneth Bilart said, “Yep. When you received the written orders for Troop 2 to prepare to deploy to Post 4, we knew you and Sam would be leaving soon.” Ensign Samuel Burr said, “My time here at the Inn has been nice, guys. But, we no sooner get everything set up real nice, and I have to leave. I’m going to...
While resolving the difficulty we had in the Middle East with a terrorist group, Bob, Sharna, Clara, and I made the threat of the meteoroids known to the Middle East’s governments. We suggested that they keep this information a secret for now, but knew that would never happen. We heard a few reports that discussed what we had told the governments’ representatives, but the newspaper reports labeled us crackpots. We knew that the crackpot label would not last. We decided to inform the rest of...
Meals at our home were always interesting. You never knew what topic might be brought up, or where the discussion might lead. Before we went into lockdown, California’s educational system seemed to us to be a costly babysitting program. Yes, the children enrolled in the state run schools learned many of the things they needed to learn, but at the pace of the slowest learner, and that pace was imposed on all of the students. Therefore, the better students didn’t learn as much as they could...
A few years ago, Clara and I had tasked our Advisory Council with brain storming our goals and what we would need in terms of people and materials after we came out of the Silos. We had joined them several times during their brain storming sessions and in one of them, they had discussed the patrols that our External Security Group would be conducting. They had decided that it would be advisable to have a negotiator with each patrol, who could speak and negotiate for the Ark Society when the...
The list of things Captain Ahmed Maroun wanted Bravo Company to accomplish in securing the Hydroelectric Facility appeared to be complete. But, there are a number of enhancements that he had in mind, such as: covered guard stations and motion sensors. For now, those have to wait. It is time they started repairing the damage done to the substations and transmission lines that will be used to distribute AC power to Auburn. He convened an after dinner meeting of his officers and Max’s key...
After breakfast the next day, I decided to check on the ladies that were working on the three tasks that I had assigned. The two ladies working on the seminar for the remaining 23 ladies planned to invite the ladies to a seminar on Saturday, two weeks from now. I agreed and told them to send out the invitations and to make the catering arrangements through Belinda’s catering service. Bob and Sharna agreed to arrange for the invitees to have a dream similar to the one my first group of ladies...
The day started out very nice for me. It was one of those days when you feel full of piss and vinegar and ready to take on the world. I got to sleep in late for a change because one of my early morning meetings had been canceled. When I finally made it out to the kitchen, Julie met me with a fresh cup of coffee and my favorite breakfast. One of my other Bond Mates, Samantha, thought my breakfast of six slices of bacon, well-browned hash browns, three eggs basted well, and a split English...
Bravo Company’s Second Platoon was passing through a housing tract on their way to the Wise Substation. A block in front of them, a lone male jogged from one of the houses to the middle of the road and turned to face the oncoming pickup trucks. The vehicles were civilian, but it was clear from the people in the beds of the pickups who were dressed in military uniforms that this was a military convoy. Standing immobile with his hands on top of his head, the man waited for the lead pickup to...
General Mike Henderson, Colonel Carl Fenton, Captain Tom Charles, and Captain Phil Johnson were in a Division-level meeting discussing the redeployment of Division 1’s Companies and of Division 2 and 3’s Seal Teams. Mike said, “Jon authorized us to start the efforts for reinforcing Folsom and beginning the production of diesel fuel and I have reviewed the first drafts of your plans for those two efforts. “It is rather late in the day, but tomorrow you gentlemen need to meet with your...
After Troop 2 departed Blocking Post 1, six guard stations - which included the two gun trucks - were established within the perimeter of the barricade. The twenty-eight Seals of the two Seal Platoons of Troop 1 were divided into four seven-man guard details. The manning of the six guard posts was reduced to one Seal per post. The Troop’s two Chief Petty Officers and the senior Petty Officer of each Seal Platoon were in charge of the Troop’s four guard sections, and they functioned as roving...
Ring ... Ring Ring ... Ring “Damn phone. No one should be calling us at 4:00 AM in the morning unless it is an emergency. Have you seen the phone Tara?” “It’s where it always is Jon, on the nightstand on my side of the bed. “Hello Tara speaking.” “I need to talk with Jon Reppa immediately!” “Here Jon, he wants to talk with you.” “Who is it?” “I don’t know, he didn’t say.” “This is Jon.” “Jon, this is George Lyle. Sorry about the time, but I didn’t think this should wait. “This...
Jon said, "We all know about the bedding problem Captain Bell brought up, so let's deal with that first. "Leah, Carl told me the other three Companies are or will be having the same problem as Alpha Company. Can you put a couple of Scavenger Teams together to find mattresses and bedding and get the stuff out to the SCCs?" "I already started that effort, Jon. I assigned Scavenger Team 6 to get bedding for Alpha Company, and I figured the other Companies were likely to have the same...
Division 1’s primary mission was to protect Auburn and Folsom’s Hydroelectric Facility. Colonel Carl Fenton, his Division staff, and Companies C, D, and E were enroute to the Folsom area. Their primary mission in Folsom was to provide security for the Hydroelectric Facility and they would accomplish this by sending out patrols to find and destroy any hostile parties in the area. A secondary mission was to send any survivors they encounter to their SCC, which would be located at Company C’s...
During the period Bob and Sharna spent shifting meteoroids, they considered the ramifications of the virus killing over eighty-five percent of the Earth’s population. It was obvious that they could not save Earth’s entire population, so they reluctantly accepted that they would need to rebuild the population. They contemplated the different forms of male-female relationships that they had encountered on Earth and decided that some form of polygamy (i.e., one male and multiple females) would...
As the VP of the Property Department, Samantha made the arrangements to have General Mike Henderson, Captain Fitz Morrison, and their Bond Mates join us for dinner. Their Bond Groups arrived less than a minute apart. Their kids and ours knew each other from school, so their kids headed for the kid’s playroom. Clara had arranged with Jenny for the kids to be separate from the adults, so we adults could talk business without being interrupted. Tara, Dori, and Asal had prepared a buffet dinner...
The Lust ArkMature and Younger, Up Skirt, Flashing, Multiple Partners, Cream Pie EatingAnother new set of young men scrambled around the Ark, curious and enchanted with it's military history. Pete had driven it in the Veteran's Parade, parked it in display and gave an oral history to any that came by. It was a 2019 BAe ACV Troop Transport vehicle, stripped of it's classified military equipment, rebuilt/refurbished and fully functional, all terrain, 8 Wheel Drive, Amphibious Combat Vehicle built...
Clara’s announcement that she was moving in took me by surprise. I said, “I hadn’t looked at it from that point of view before. It seems logical for Bond Mates to live together, and I certainly don’t want to be separated from you any more than necessary. I have absolutely no problem with you moving in, but what about our Joining Ceremony, and your mother and our friends?” “I talked with my mom as I packed my bag; that’s what took me so long to get here. She wasn’t expecting it, but after I...
I was feeling restless after spending most of the day sitting in my office reading reports. Since we returned to the surface it seemed as if I spent most of my time reading reports and recording my daily dumps. I needed to do something worthwhile besides lower the height of the stack of reports that needed to be read. “Joan, I’m going to the Command Center to talk with Mike. I may not be back this afternoon. If not, lockup and I’ll see you tonight at home.” As I strolled through the...
Seal Team 4’s officers were engaged in an early morning meeting with Captain Maroun before beginning the task of removing the trees from Folsom Lake Dam. Lieutenant Andy Montoya said, “The way I see it, we need to focus on the trees that are floating on the surface first. The filter grid and dam form a pentagon that is about eight hundred feet wide and extends out about four hundred feet from the dam. We can start about eight hundred feet out from the dam and work our way toward the filter...
I was in my office the next day thinking about yesterday’s TV announcement. It was my first public step in pulling our Arkians together into an organization that could reclaim the United States from the devastation caused by the meteoroids and the virus. I was never one for worrying about the world as a whole, so my primary interest was always my country. Our former neighbors, Canada and Mexico, are defunct. The few surviving citizens of those countries will probably have minimal effect on...
Woodard asked, “One other thing, Cirque, what’s the real reason you brought back a street sweeper?” “Well, as I told Ensign Burr, it was a spur of the moment decision. But since he asked me the question, I have been thinking about my answer. Ever since I joined the military, and I’m sure it’s been the same with you guys, my superiors have been on me about cleanliness. Clean clothes, clean body, clean-shaven, clean weapons, clean equipment, clean working area, clean barracks, and clean...
Clara and I had discussed security for our emergency Advisory Council meeting. We decided to post two guards outside of the meeting room. I instructed them to set up stands with ropes to keep everyone, including them, at least ten feet away from the doors until the meeting was finished. The closed doors would stop the majority of the sound from escaping from the room, but stopping most of the sound wasn’t enough. The sound that made it through the doors would be muffled, but if we got loud,...
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