Caring Carer - 5 free porn video

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Eerie shadows were cast by the half moon; tombstones standing black and without detail, some broken others leaning at drunken angles.
A tangible silence enveloped the him, his breathing barely audible in the cloying atmosphere.
TAP -TAP -TAP came from some remote spot, adding to the unreal environment.
Somewhere, a rustling, soft but insistent permeated the voyeur's hearing.
He tilted his head toward the sound, straining to identify it.
He was unable to move, delirium having taken over normal bodily functions.
Slowly, a weight seemed to be lifted from his apparent lifeless body, freeing him from some immovable grip.
He felt an alien force against his torso.
Panic began to set in, his reflexes were non existent yet he forced himself to register that something was definitely at his side, invisible to his eyes but audible to his hearing.
He registered a sharp pain in his side causing him to grunt.
A second stabbing pain, lower down his body this time but just as sharp.
Slowly the mist began to thin ,then clear.
As it did, he began to see more clearly through the mist and at last registered his surroundings.

[b]I opened my eyes from the dream, heavy with sleep and with no idea as to time.
Someone had crept into my room and into my bed yet I had no knowledge of whom.
Still struggling to the surface of conscienceness, I grunted acknowledgement of the presence beside me but was incapable of reacting further, my whole being dying of exhaustion.

A soft warm hand, having finished digging me in the ribs and groin, slowly enveloped my limp penis and gently began to massage it.
I lay there, only capable of enjoying the sensation of some unrecognised hand masturbating my dick.
With little reaction from the flaccid member, hot soft lips enclosed it in a sea of saliva.
A tongue ran up and down my shaft, flicked several times under the head on his most sensitive spot, then continued rolling round the girth.
My mind was a blank, still enveloped in fog, apart from registering that it was pleasurable.
My prick though was obviously enjoying the treatment being meted out by this unknown - he decided to came up to see what was going on.
I felt the mouth taking my tool deeper into it's cavern, saliva dribbling down his length and over the 'twins' where it dripped into the void.
The sucking and stroking up and down in that little hand became more insistent until, all by himself, Dick decided to give back much of the liquid which had been deposited all over him.
Against all reason and mental involvement, I ejaculated deep into the silent and secret assailant of my manhood. Pulse after pulse of cum unloaded, to be swallowed and relished with groaning and moaning.

As suddenly as it had started - it was all over.
There was a rustle of sheets and a padding of feet followed by the click of my door latch as it closed !


Slowly emerging from an extremely deep slumber, it took several minutes to register where I was.
The bed sheets were lying on the floor, I was hot, and with the dried film of cum around my prick and groin.
'I must have had a wet dream' I thought, getting up and going to the shower.
A vague recollection of being sucked off crept to the front of my mind as I soaped down, washing the night's remnants from my body.
'Wish I'd been awake enough to appreciate it', I laughingly mused, clambering out and drying off.
I gazed at my form in the mirror - could be better but not bad, I thought.
My penis, not huge but always having proved adequate at 7 inches (measured by an ex girlfriend) hung like a ripe and wrinkled banana !?
From my perspective of looking down at it, it was never big enough, but seen from the front (the way it would be seen by others), it didn't look too bad.

Having got dressed, I went down to the refectory where I joined other members of staff for breakfast.
The buzz of childish chatter from around the tables where our 'charges' were pondering yesterdays events, the prospects for today, the meaning of life etc., filtered into my still tired brain.
++............. and he shot his load .................. bought a nice dress .............came so much ............ forced to ............... beat me for not doing dishes.............. rammed it up my ass ............... ++
I caught snatches of the various conversations going on about me, but one in particular caught my attention.
It was 12 year old Alma, in avid conversation with 13 year old Roberta, a tall, willowy girl with a beautifully formed 36inch bust (I knew nothing of 'cup' sizes - only that if tits were more than a 'handful', they were a waste).
++ He gives great cunnilingus and his dick, he calls it Richard, you know, Dick for short (giggle, giggle) is huge. ++
I felt as though everyone must hear, including staff, it was me that was being discussed and I became most uncomfortable, feeling a redness spread over my face.
Despite 'knowing' that all these kids had a right to learn from what we older members could teach them, about any topic, I was not so stupid not to recognise that sex with minors was illegal.
Sex with an under 16 year old was Sexual assault providing it was not rape; sex with an under 13 year old was Statutory rape, - and I was guilty of both and liable to be 'sent down' for a very long time. !

As it happened, today was a day off, I could do whatever I wanted - sleep/go into town or stay and help the kids.
I decided that I would stay in the home, in my room, and catch up on some sleep, read a book and watch TV.
Sitting relaxed and comfortably in the large armchair, which I had brought with me when starting the job 3 months ago, (good god, was it only 3 months ? So much seemed to have happened, and all within the last few days too.), I was engrossed in the story The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown.
There was a scratching at my door.
"It's open." I called, marking the page and closing the book.
In came Alma, followed by the willowy Roberta. They came straight over and Alma sat on the chair beside me, Roberta stood rather awkwardly in front of me, unsure and obviously not at ease.
"I brought Robbie to see you," said Alma, "I've been telling her how helpful you were with me and she said she wanted help too."
Help? What help?!
I cast my mind back and remembered our meeting in the cleaning cupboard, and smiled inwardly. "Ah, help." I said, "You mean my special help?"
"Yeah - she's older than me but is a scared cat of boys. I told her you could help her - I want to watch so I can learn too.", she bubbled excitedly, a soft flush spreading across her face.
Roberta's face was crimson with embarrassment; I took her hand in reassurance,
"It's all right, Robbie, there's no need to look like that. It's perfectly normal for you to feel the way you do, and you should know that you can talk to me about anything you like, I'm very open minded and have no problems talking openly about sex."
This seemed to calm her and she squeezed my hand, as in thanks.
There was not enough room in the chair for all three of us, so I led her over to the bed and we sat on the edge, Alma remaining where she was.

"Now Robbie, what would you like?" I asked, slipping my left arm round her waist and giving her a small hug.
She kept her eyes down, "I like being hugged and cuddled." she replied, the flush on her face returning.
I told her I loved those too, but liked giving them even more. I leant in to her and gave her cheek as kiss. She turned her head towards me, just as I went to give her a second kiss. Our lips met but she didn't withdraw. I pressed my lips against hers, letting the tip of my tongue flick into her mouth.
She gave a short gasp, but remained in contact with my lips.
Gently I stroked her face, letting my hand slip down her neck and round her throat.
With her head tilted slightly backward, her mouth opened and I slid my tongue into her mouth, feeling her hot breath on my face.
Her grip on my hand tightened.
My right hand slowly descended to her breasts, feeling the soft but firm roundness encompassed by a bra. I squeezed and caressed them until I heard her breathing start to change and become a bit more rapid.
Unbuttoning her blouse, I slid my hand in and felt the satin skin on her upper breasts.
My penis gave a twitch and I had difficulty in restraining the impulse to throw her back on the bed and mounting her.
Glancing over at Alma, I was surprised to see that she had her skirt up round her waist and her panties down at her knees, one hand rubbing her pussy - even from where I was, I made out the wetness covering her little bald labia as she rubbed and played with herself.

My dick was now trying to straighten himself and burst out of my pants, so uncomfortable was it, that I undid my flies and brought him out into full view.
Robbie gasped as she gazed at him, eyes wide, mouth open.
"Told you," said Alma from the chair, pushing a finger inside her wet cunt.
Reaching down, Robbie tentatively took hold of my penis and gave it several squeezes.
"I've never seen a man's penis before." she whispered in awe, "Do they all look like that?"
I explained that, just as all girls had different sized tits, so penises came in all sizes and shapes, but they could all give pleasure if used properly.
My foreskin had pulled back revealing my large purple head. Most men seemed to have a 'pointed' head to their dicks, mine was bulbous, giving it a larger and thicker appearance.
Robbie's little hand continued to squeeze my prick, so I explained that she should stroke it up and down, pulling the loose skin up to the head then down to the base.
"It's called 'wanking' or 'masturbating'," I explained," All boys do it for themselves but it's even better if someone else does it."
"I did that to him," piped Alma from her chair,"And he shot white gooey cum over me."
"Keep doing what you're doing and I'll shoot cum over you too." I told Robbie, feeling pressure start to build in my testes.
"When he does," continued Alma," You put your mouth round it and suck - it tastes salty but nice."
I lay back on the bed, letting the young nubile 13 year old stroke me to ejaculation.
As the first load started to erupt over her hand, she leant over and placed her mouth directly round my shaft, closing her soft lips and began sucking, drawing more and more of my juice from deep inside my scrotum. Whoosh, another load of cum jetted to the back of her throat, I felt it constrict as she swallowed, another load erupted as she increased her sucking.
Gulping, slurping and breathing in gasps, she drank, or ate, my load of jizz, none of it escaping from that little mouth until I had no more to give.

I lay there, momentarily drained, looking over at Alma as, watching what was happening here, she shuddered and gasped herself to a climax, writhing and bucking, finally collapsing with a satisfied expression on her face.
Robbie had lain her her on my belly, the head of my prick still in her mouth, flicking her tongue over the head of my glans, licking all the remnants of my cum.
"Turn round, Robbie, let me lick and suck your little pussy. Would you like that?"
"I don't know," she whispered keeping her eyes lowered, " Will it hurt?"
"No, it wont hurt. It'll make you feel good. Have you ever had an orgasm?" I asked, fairly sure that she hadn't.
"You're 13 and never played with your pussy, the way Alma was doing?"
"I've done that, but then I start getting funny feelings in my tummy, and get scared."
I told her that all would be well, she was just to lie back and let me do all the work.
With that, I gently laid her down on her back and began kissing her ear lobe, then down the soft curve of her neck to the roundness of her breasts. Her nipples and deep pink areola were puckered to a point, erect and extremely suckable. I rolled my tongue round her stiff nipples, scraping my teeth across their points then sucking them into my mouth, drawing them even further out.
I continued licking, sucking and massaging her malleable tits, feeling them rising and falling as her deep breathing increased.

With my free hand, I loosened the waistband of her skirt and unzipped it, pulling it down to her thighs. My kisses crept down across her abdomen, then her tummy and down the cleave of her groin. I slid down the bed and brought my face on a level with her pube. Running my tongue down the join of her pants and groin to her inner thighs, I could feel the heat generating from between her legs. Slowly I peeled her panties and skirt down to below her knees, exposing a small bundle of dark pubic fluff above a little puffy labia. She lay there with her eyes closed, mouth slightly open, her arms by her side, her hands clenching and unclenching the sheets.
I ran my tongue down the inside of those soft thighs, my nose brushing against her soft fluff, then licking my way back up and across her outer labia.
She twitched but didn't pull away.
"Enjoying this?" I asked, gazing up the length of her nubile and developing figure.
"Ye - es," she breathed, "It feels nice."
My tongue slipped in between her labia and found her love button, already hard and erect.
She gasped as I flicked my tongue over and round her nub, then sucking it into my mouth.
With my fingers, I traced the outline of her vaginal opening and felt the wetness of her lubricating juices beginning to flow.
Her clenching hands gripped the sheets tightly as I gently pushed one finger into the opening of her cunt.
She was now so wet that no extra saliva lubrication was needed - my finger pushed in easily, gripped tightly by her vaginal wall, until I felt the resistance of her hymen.

"This might hurt a little," I said, sliding my finger in and out of her cunt, "But it wont last, then you'll really start to enjoy the feeling. Are you OK with that?"
She grunted in reply, so I continued using my finger to shaft her, all the time running my tongue round about her clit.
The resistance against my finger gave way as I pushed beyond her hymen - she arched her back and took a sharp intake of breath, before settling down again to clenching the sheets.
Now that her passage was open to exploration by finger, I kept gently pushing it in and out, getting deeper with each push, until I had reached as far as my hand would allow.
Keeping my finger sliding in and out of her pussy, I used my teeth to pull her skirts and pants off, tossing them aside with a twist of my head.
I rolled myself in between her thighs and she bent her knees up allowing me a full view of her delicate pink underside.
Her cunt was leaking juice, not my saliva but her own love fluid mixed with a tiny show of blood, nothing to put me off though.
I worked my finger faster now, in/out, in/out, in/out, still flicking and sucking her clit.
Her breathing was now a panting, eyes closed, mouth open, her back arched upwards as I felt the first trembling of her tummy and thighs.
*Faster now with the finger* I thought and, like a small piston, drove it up and down her gully till she began moaning and writhing.
"Oh......oh.........ah.......ugh.....ooh........ yes........yes........ohhhhh........ahhhhhhhh." as she thrashed and twisted to climax. I had to grip her tightly to stop losing contact with her bucking body, but gradually her motions slowed and she began to relax again - her first orgasm achieved without mishap !

As she descended from her orgasmic plateau, I slowly withdrew my finger and crawled up between her thighs until I could look her in the eye, and kiss her hot dry lips.
My dick was now touching the entrance of her love canal.
Slowly I pushed him in, the head forcing her opening apart.
Although very tight, the amount of lubrication made entry much easier. I slowly kept pushing into her cunt, centimetre by centimetre, the walls if her cunt gripping me so tightly I was afraid I might ejaculate prematurely.
Robbie wrapped her legs round my middle, feet crossed behind my back, and started to pull me into her. Her arms clasped me round the neck, locking me totally in to her as I started to thrust my dick in and out to rhythm of a slow metronome.
In - out - in - out - in -out, my prick gripped tightly and feeling her vaginal muscles starting to ripple up and down.
She was pushing her pelvis upwards against my inward thrusts and pulling me deeper with her legs.
The tension in my scrotum increased rapidly and the pressure in my dick built up until Isuddenly exploded cum deep into her pussy, feeling the first blast bounce off her cervix and being forced back down my shaft.
Pulse after pulse of thick white goo shot into her - it had been a long (?!) time since I had shot so much cum, it just seemed never ending.
I kept shafting her canal, seeing her eyes wide in awe, until I was totally drained of juice and my dick started to collapse inside her. I was about to pull out but she kept a tight hold of me, refusing to let me go.
It was only when I slipped out of her dripping passage with a quiet plop, that she released her grip and sank back into the bed, her eyes still wide and staring into my eyes.
I kissed lovingly on the lips, feeling her tongue come out to meet mine.
We lay there together for several minutes, me with my full weight on her, trying to regain some kind of normal breathing.
We were both covered in sweat and cum. Neither of us spoke, me through exhaustion, Robbie I think through disbelief at what had just happened.
The bed sheets were a mess - but who cared !

A movement between my legs brought me to the surface - Alma was trying to get to my prick.
I had forgotten all about her, being so caught up with willowy Robbie and her tight cunt.
I spread my legs and Alma crawled underneath and began to suck me, cleaning up the cum sticking to my dick as well as licking oozing goo from Robbie's hole. I couldn't believe it when Dick decided he would give Alma's mouth a fucking.
I became erect very quickly and thrilled at having young Alma below me, having to take a full shagging with a cum tasting prick.
Within a few minutes I felt my balls fill up and my shaft spewed more cum down her throat.
She sucked and gulped her way through what I had to give, not as much as Robbie had got, but several mouthfuls nevertheless, enough was forced into her to have dribbles of white goo escape from the corners of her mouth before she could swallow it.

When I had finished anointing Alma's mouth, I rolled off Robbie and lay on my back.
Two little faces came up next to mine, both gave me kisses, both suddenly fell asleep !

Wow ! My brain reeled at the prospects in store with these two.

HOWEVER - I still had a niggling thought about my dream - what HAD happened during the night when I was asleep - anything ?


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Caring Doctor

This is a fiction story I posted on another site.That morning I woke up to a weird sensation. My penis felt bigger, but it didn’t turn out like the dream-come-true many guys hope for; on the contrary, I sensed that my limp dick was unable to extend and get hard. Pushing the covers aside, I pulled down my pyjamas to take a look and saw that my cock definitely had an unusual shape: the foreskin had swollen, covering the head with an awful amount of skin. I’m uncut, so having the head covered was...

2 years ago
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Caring Mother

My mother, Clara, has always been very warm and affectionate towards me. She had been extremely ill while pregnant with me, and after I was born the doctors said she would probably never be able to have any more children. This was a hard blow for her, because she had always wanted several kids. In place of them, she lavished me with love and praise and filled my life with happiness. It was a wonderful youth, and as I grew older she spent most of her time helping me learn to cope with life's...

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Caring Mom

Hi ,im ranbir from mumbai,i m 25 years old and this is my story hope u will like it The incident took place day after idependence day ,i was 18 then, i was smallest in my family i have a father who is in military ,a older sister who is married now,and my stepmother whom my father married after my mom died due to car accident, ,my stepmother’s name is suman,my father’s rajeev,and and my older sister’s ritu At time of this incident my stepmother’s age was 25,and she plays most important role in...

3 years ago
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Caring for JulieChapter 1

It was a cold rainy night in early February. I had a fire going in the fireplace as it made things cozier with the foul weather. Around 2200 hrs, I heard the doorbell. Going over to the front door and turning on the porch light, I saw my neighbors daughter, Julie. She was standing there in the rain in her nightgown and was obviously VERY PREGNANT! Background Before I get too far into this, let me tell you who I am. My name is Jim Thompson. I am 6’-0” tall, 180 lbs, forty-seven years old,...

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Caring for JulieChapter 2

I awoke the next morning around 0630 hrs – late for me, as I was used to getting up at 0530. Julie had awakened me around 0300 hrs with a plea for help. “Jim, help me, please. I need to go pee and can’t get up.” It seems being pregnant and lying on her back next to me, she was stuck, and couldn’t get up. I helped her up and into the bathroom. “Do you need to clean up?” I asked. “Just a little,” she answered. “I can do it here. Most of it has already run out. Maybe I should take a towel in...

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Caring for CarlyChapter 3

Jody stayed home for a couple of days to make sure Carly was settling in. But her project at the Institute was approaching a critical point and she couldn't stay away too long. I do contract software development from my home office, so I was home during the day to watch my sister-in-law. We quickly settled into a routine. I discovered Carly liked to watch cartoons — as long as they weren't too mature. Ren and Stimpy lost her completely and she didn't really get the idea behind Pepe le...

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Caring for CarlyChapter 4

"How are you coming on reconciling Carly and your parents?" I asked Jody the next morning as she was dressing for work. She stopped with her blouse in her hand, leaving her truly spectacular breasts encased in nothing but a bra. A front-opening bra I noted for future reference. "Well, I'm working on it, but it's going slow. Pa's stubborn, Momma's worried and neither one of them can see any other solution." "You mean they still both want her to have an abortion and be...

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Caring for CarlyEpilogue

"Now Frank you stay with me," my wife admonished as we stepped through the sliding doors. "Yes dear," I said. Jody almost stuck her tongue out at me. "Smartass." Then she looked down at the little boy whose hand she was holding. "Honestly, sometimes I don't know which one of you is the most trouble," she said with fake exasperation. It was shopping day, with just Jody, me and the kids. Carly didn't like Wal-Mart because the size and the crowds confused her. Besides her latest...

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Caring Carer 4

The door opened silently and quickly closed again. Soft padding steps came across the room and stopped at the edge of my bed. I held my breath, fearful of what might happen. Gemma lay still in my arms beside me, her left arm resting on my flaccid prick, her left leg raised over my thighs. I could still feel the heat from her ravaged cunt against me. "Jay - can I get in with you?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Is there a problem, John - I'm rather tired." I replied,...

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Caring Carer No 2

"What seems to be the matter Gemma ? You don't sound too sure about coming to see me?" "It's not that" she replied, "It's just that I'd like to know more about boys, but they just laugh at me when I ask them questions." "Well I suppose that depends on the questions you're asking them, but remember, they are not much older than you - perhaps I can give you what you're looking for." Gemma beamed from ear to ear, "Ooh, that would be nice if you would - you did say you would do...

4 years ago
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Caring Doctor

That morning I woke up to a weird sensation. My penis felt bigger, but it didn’t turn out like the dream-come-true many guys hope for, on the contrary, I sensed that my limp dick was unable to extend and get hard. Pushing the covers aside, I pulled down my pyjamas to take a look and saw that my cock definitely had an unusual shape: the foreskin had swollen, covering the head with an awful amount of skin. I’m uncut, so having the head covered was not strange, but it had never looked like this. ...

2 years ago
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Caring for Mom Part 1

Complete Fiction and My First story all comments and tips are happily accepted and friend request and messages any time for story ideas or questions.. Thanks for reading hope you like it.. My Mom (Amy) and I (Allen) have always been close, Me being her only child left alot of time for each other. Growing up life was easy for our small family, Mom had occasional dates but no guy worth staying around. It wasn't my mom she was the Drop dead gorgeous at 5 ft 130 lbs short and somewhat over weight...

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Caring for the Elderly Men

I am from a very poor family in India but I am able to help buy food and other necessities. Although my face is nothing special, I was blessed with an attractive body and that is what I can use. There are a number of elderly men who require assistance with daily needs. My mother has taught me the womanly arts and they are a marketable skill. I cook and clean for these men. I wash their clothes and look after their grooming. My mother also says that it is not healthy for a man to go more than...

3 years ago
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Caring Mom

I had nearly finished question 19. My two and a half hours of writing were about to come to an end. This was my third practice exam paper of the day and I was exhausted. Summer had just started and I had just turned 18. I longed to be outdoors doing something rather than cooped up inside all day studying but the upcoming exams were important. At times I felt like giving up, but my mom Samantha was very supportive even though it was just the two of us and she had no extra help. Mom was a hard...

3 years ago
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Caring Cousins Collude

Sue's very distant cousin invited herself for a 'brief' visit that extended from a weekend to a week ... then a month ... then open ended. At first I objected to her rude intrusion. It helped assuage me that her petite body was outrageously hot and her very pretty face was so easy on the eyes. Fully dressed, even when conservatively, her bright blue eyes and gleaming smile could seduce anyone into yielding to her wishes then thanking her for letting you do what she wanted. Her youthful...

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Caring for JulieCast of Characters

Jim Thompson Top, Uncle Jim, Daddy, 6'-0"tall, 180 pounds, 47 years old, brown hair, blue eyes, retired Army First Sergeant. Julie Adams Jim's ward and later wife, 5'-2" tall, 115 pounds, 34D-22-33, 16+ years old, long red hair, bright green eyes, freckles, cute as hell. Roy Adams Julies brother, 19 years old, raped Julie, got her pregnant. Never appears in story. Carol Adams Julies mother, 5'-0" tall, 140 pounds, 40 years old, blond hair, Unpleasant. George Pharmacist,...

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Caring for JulieChapter 4

I was up in the morning at 0600, a little late, but not too late. I put on sweats, a cap, and shoes, and got ready to go for a walk. Running was pretty much out because of my bad knees. I can still walk fine though. I remembered to leave Julie a note, and headed out for my five mile route. I got back close to 0730, took a shower, and changed clothes. Julie was awake, but still in bed. "Can you help me up?" she asked. "Sure, Sweetie" While she was in the bathroom, I went down and...

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Caring for JulieChapter 6

When I woke up on Wednesday morning, Julie was still next to me. I looked over at the clock. "What the fuck?" It was 0645 hrs. Chief was supposed to wake me for last watch at 0430. What the hell was going on here? I quickly dressed, and went to find out what was up, leaving Julie covered up in bed. I found Chief in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. "There's more in the pot," he said. "Thanks. I thought you were going to wake me for last watch, like we agreed last night." "Well,...

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Caring for CarlyChapter 2

The sun was well up by the time Jody came into our bedroom. "Well," she said tiredly. "She's settled. I gave her one of my pain pills and she'll probably sleep all day." "We'll have to take her prescription in to have it filled," I told my wife as she stripped out of her twice-worn clothes. "Later," she said as she turned and swayed toward the bed, her breasts doing a wonderful little jiggle dance on her chest. She slid in beside me and kissed me passionately. "Thank you,"...

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Caring for CarlyChapter 6

What was sitting on the couch was scrawny, buck-toothed, beady eyed and chinless. Since rats don't wear clothes, I realized it had to be human. After a second I sort of recognized Eddy Ray, Carly's boyfriend. Rats don't carry shotguns either and this Eddie Ray had one pointed directly at all three of us. If it had just been me, I would have dodged out of the doorway. But shotguns are indiscriminate. We were all close enough together that if Eddy Ray fired, Carly and or Jody would...

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Careful What You Wish For Part 2

CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR - PART #2 By Joyce Devries, [email protected] Yahoo IM Chat: joyce_devriestv October 2002 Please read Part #1 to understand this part of the story. Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time, please read the first part to understand this one. My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure I will tell you...

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Care Home AbuseHow close to the truth

As I said I long for a society where people are more open and acceptable about nudity and nakedness in general. I think that is part of what is so bad with society at present, people are so suppressed with rules and regulations and crazy laws dreamed up by often overpaid under worked politicians, many who are or have been proven to be living a lifestyle in a protected world where they can abuse people and through the system they create. They have allowed a society to be created where sectors...

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Careful What You Dream Of

© Copyright 2013, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Synopsis: A dominant wife forces a loyal FictionMania fan to live his favorite fantasies. He wonders how much farther she can possibly go with this madness, and she manages to surprise even him, taking him against his will deep into his dreams. Careful What You Dream Of By Leslie Lowe "Are you into pornography again?" Michelle...

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Careful 2 Steves Story

Careful 2 (Steve's Story) Please note this is the second part of the story Careful by Miss_Anyonamiss. If you have not already done so, please read Careful first. Meanwhile Jennifer's side of this story is being wonderfully told by another author, Mrs_Anyonamrs. It is recommended that the reader also read her side of this tale. Comments are appreciated. The next day I went to work, but I hardly accomplished anything. The images just kept running through my mind,...

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Care taker takes care

Smita opened her eyes & the digital clock on her side table was showing 05:27am! This was too early even for school days & this was supposed to be a weekend break with mom & dad!? She closed her eyes trying to re-enter sleep mode but she was surprisingly fresh she remembered she had slept much earlier the previous nite. She slithered in bed for a few more minutes & was surprised that she was feeling a bit naughty. She smiled & dragged herself to the kitchen, on the way she saw the beer bottles...

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Careful What You Wish For

Careful What You Wish For Author's Note: Another one of my old stories. It is a little graphic with the mention of oral sex and penises being little heavy in part of it. It was not for shock, I felt a man would dwell on it what happened in the story really occurred to a heterosexual man. ********** It was a beautiful summer afternoon when Matt was walking down the street and a little ahead of him an urchin tried to snatch a woman's purse. The young man pushed the woman down and...

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Careful What You Wish For Part 1

Emily Larson sat at her desk in her white blouse and sharp, steel blue business suit of matching blazer and skirt, a folder containing a new legal brief in her lap, gazing out the window of her elegantly-appointed office.  The late afternoon summer’s sun angled across her oak desk and bathed the room in a soft glow.  A beautiful bouquet of flowers – yellow roses, blue irises, and red roses – a recently delivered gift of her husband, sat in a glass vase atop her desk.  In the glow of afternoon...

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Careful What You Wish For1

I was fortunate enough to sit just adjacent to Carly. She was hot; her perky d cups would make you take a second look. Her rather blonde hair seemed to harmonize with her brown eyes. She has long slender legs that looked entirely remarkable. I always checked her out during the class, and it was either I was developing compound eyes or she just enjoyed my perversion. The fact that she was just a few feet to the right made my fantasies seem more real, but that's all they would be, fantasies....

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Careful what you wish for Im regretting it

CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR...I don't know whether to be happy or pissed about this, but if anything I'm really confused now, what was supposed to be a romantic getaway turned into either a nightmare or a dream come true... My wife and I had been married since teens. Although she was a little more "experienced" than I (only having one other girl) we had been true to each other for 20+ years... I would often ridicule her about numerous different fantasies only to be shot down by a prude "get real...

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Careful In The Park

Be Careful in the Park By Michele Nylons My God! I was going to get raped. And the people I thought I knew, if only slightly, were going to do it. I could just make out in the dim light from the moon the members of a local street gang that were about to extend their escapades to include rape. There were six of them, a street gang I had seen around my 'patch'. They had never given me trouble and I thought they had me pegged as a sad old transvestite cruising for trade (which I was)....

1 year ago
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Careful What You Wish For It Might Come True

CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR, IT MIGHT COME TRUE. For some time I'd had been writing stories about my 39 year old wife Mary on various cuckold and sex related wed sites. I'd even published a few pictures of her, nothing that raunchy just a few topless ones from the beach, showing off her impressive 38D bust. Nothing I thought would ever come of them, with all the millions of people all over the world no one would even ever recognise her, and anyway for me they were just fantasies, nothing...

3 years ago
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Careful What You Wish For

CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR - PART #1 By Joyce Devries, [email protected] ICQ: 26082876 September 2002. Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time. My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure I will tell you about, after teasing my spouse for many years about how I would love to see her make love to another genetic female, well, here...

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Careful 3 Steve

This is Steve's version of events described by Mrs Anyonamrs from Jennifer's point of view in "Jennifer's Story 3," posted earlier. See also the earlier chapters posted by Miss Anyonamiss and Mrs Anyonamrs. Careful 3 -- Steve by Miss Anyonamiss That night I slept a sound and contented night sleep. When I woke, it took a moment for me to remember I still had "breasts" and was wearing a night gown. I rolled over and looked at Jennifer; she was lying on her back just staring...

2 years ago
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Careful what you wish for it might come true

CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR, IT MIGHT COME TRUE.For some time I?d had been writing stories about my 39 year old wife Mary on various cuckold and sex related wed sites.I?d even published a few pictures of her, nothing that raunchy just a few topless ones from the beach, showing off her impressive 38D bust.Nothing I thought would ever come of them, with all the millions of people all over the world no one would even ever recognise her, and anyway for me they were just fantasies, nothing...

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Careful What You Wish ForChapter 2

Day 2 The room filled with white, Suzie felt the cum covering every inch of her body as she fell into a deep, peaceful sleep, knowing her deepest wish was fulfilled. Alene exhaled, she felt wonderfully relieved. It took her over three hours but her sack was empty. She looked around and took in the room, every inch was covered in a thick coat of white, even the ceiling. She tried to reposition herself and noticed that the floor was covered as well, a pool of her love juice reached Alene’s...

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