Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 15 free porn video

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She stopped talking and looked around at the surface of the building.

‘There should be an alarm or a bell or something – a button to push,’ she thought, looking around the entranceway.

“Please state your name for voice identification,” a voice said, coming out of the wall.

‘There’s nothing there!’ Beth shrieked in Béla’s mind.

‘Stop yelling! It’s only a machine!’

“Wilson, Béla,” Béla said, speaking at the wall.

After a second, the latch clicked inside the door. It opened electronically. The sisters looked at each other.

‘How would a machine know who I was or even that I was coming?’

By the time the two sisters reached the end of the first hall, Frank and Tanya were out in the hall looking for them.

“You’re really here!” Tanya cried, wrapping her arms around them both! “And this time, you aren’t getting away!”

“Why would we want to?” Beth asked innocently.

“You look different! Tanya exclaimed, happily holding Béla by the shoulders and looking her up and down.

Beth, curious, looked into Tanya’s mind to see what the difference was.

“No shoes,” Beth informed Tanya, cheerfully. “She’s shorter. And her hair’s not…” she decided not to say what she saw in Tanya’s mind.

Her hair’s not on fire…

Béla turned to hug Frank ‘hello’. As she stretched up to kiss him, she was smacked in the face with the horrible images he’d carried for the last eighty years, her presence in front of him forcing the unbidden images up from the past.

Eerie orange light flickering, its evil incandescence lighting up the leaves of the surrounding trees. The pain and agony of just sitting and watching the fire, knowing that the most unique and treasured person in your world had just perished and there was nothing you could do to change it; nothing at all that could ever bring her back…

“Oh, Frank!” Béla cried, tears suddenly flooding her eyes. “I’m so sorry…”

They both broke down and cried into each other’s arms, Béla unexpectedly and completely overwhelmed by his love and his grief for her.

Tanya led Beth on into the apartment and into the kitchen, leaving the two ancient lovers to find their own way in.

“So, do you like tea?” Tanya asked. “I didn’t have to feed you when you were a ghost, or rather, a dream. This is really strange. I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone.”

“I’d like some tea, if it’s alright with you,” Beth responded. “Sometimes the sky is really pretty at twilight.”

The odd look Tanya gave her indicated to Beth that she’d misunderstood something. This language thing was starting to get frustrating. There were too many meanings for the words she heard, and she seemed to be constantly reminded that she didn’t know them all.

“Good. I wasn’t sure if they have tea,” Tanya said, sounding embarrassed. “I mean, where you come from.”

‘I’m fumbling around like a fourteen-year-old girl. What is it about these space girls that makes them so damned sexy? Are all of Béla’s sisters as alluring as this one? So far, the two I’ve met are absolutely irresistible!’

Beth smiled, listening to Tanya think. She liked Tanya. Tanya felt as good in person as she did when she’d visited in her dreams.

She felt her sister coming in. Béla and Frank were discussing something; their voices too soft for Beth to hear. She resisted raiding her sister’s mind and put her attention back on the pretty blonde. Tanya was watching her new houseguest react to Frank and Béla’s intimacy.

“They’re going into the spare bedroom,” Tanya told her. “They’re probably going to be, um, intimate.”

Beth couldn’t resist it and dream-walked into the room Frank and her sister had gone into. She watched for a moment, then returned back to her body in the kitchen.

Tanya sat down, opening a box. A scent of flowers and herbs attracted Beth’s attention.

“The tea will be ready in a moment,” Tanya said, “I like to heat the water myself, that way I can control the temperature.”

Beth picked up the idea that Tanya could ask the wall for a cup of tea and the wall would give it to her.

‘How odd…’ she thought to herself.

“You like to think of Béla as yours, don’t you?” Tanya asked, still studying her houseguest. “You don’t like the idea of her being with Frank.”

“Well, do you?” Beth asked, hoping she wasn’t offending her host. “Isn’t Frank yours?”

She thought she understood marital relationships. She didn’t approve of them, and didn’t want to be in one, but she understood them, at least. Tanya smiled.

“Yeah, he is, but Béla belongs to us, too,” she said.

‘You could be a member of our family, as well,' Tanya thought, not realizing Beth could hear her. 'God! You’re so sexy, I could just eat you up! And out!’

'She’s thinking about taking me to her bed! Making me part of her family!' Beth realized.

“Béla said that you’ve lived a long time, the last time we were here,” she said, making casual conversation.

“Yes,” Tanya admitted, personally glad to have something to talk about. “I was hurt in an accident, and Béla donated some of her blood. It cured me, but now I can expect to live several hundred more years. Frank shares his life with me.”

“I understand,” Beth admitted.

‘Lifemates. Companions.’

Beth decided to explain her relationship with her sister to Tanya. After all, Tanya did ask how she felt about all this intimacy.

“Béla is my… sister,” she began, sounding lame. “We were created by the Regent of Deimos – our species was, I mean. My sisters and I think of him as our father, but he isn’t really, any more than we are really sisters. Béla and I… we’re companions for the time being, but not lifemates. Although, as companions, we’ve… shared… each other. Sexually, I mean.”

‘This is really awkward,’ she thought to herself.

“But, we don’t demand, um, I can’t tell her not to go with someone else,” Beth stated, still trying to explain. “We don’t… try to control each other like that. But, going with someone else doesn’t mean you have to abandon the one you’re already with, or leave them behind…”

She stopped talking, hoping that her sister wasn’t leaving her behind…

‘Like she did Elaine…’

Tanya got up to get the hot water off the heating element. She poured some into a ceramic pot and put a ball filled with crushed flower petals and herbs into it.

“Tea will be ready in just a minute, now,” Tanya said.

She sat back down after performing her little chore. She had butterflies in her stomach so badly she was almost shaking.

‘Why does this girl affect me this way?’ Tanya couldn't help but think.

“Thank you… Tanya,” Beth replied, then realized that the time was now, since Tanya was beginning to get the shakes and was preparing to back off.

‘Don’t be so nervous. It will happen as the gods see fit to allow it,’ she thought into Tanya’s mind, making certain that Tanya understood where the thought had come from.

They both reached out spontaneously, touching their hands together. Their minds merged, each one’s desires now clearly known to the other. Following their hands, they both leaned forward, touching their lips together. Beth couldn’t remember a more gentle touch than that kiss.

Tanya poured the tea and the two of them sat and sipped silently for a moment, each one gazing thoughtfully at the other. Then Tanya stood up and led her new lover into her bedroom. Stopping next to the bed she and Frank had been roused from only a short while earlier, she turned toward Beth. They found themselves embracing each other, their lips pressed together once again. Beth felt Tanya’s tongue forcing itself into her mouth. Surprised, she stopped. Tanya broke away, suddenly embarrassed.

“Sorry,” Beth apologized, breathing heavily. “I didn’t know what you were doing. There are so many strange customs…”

“What? You don’t kiss?” Tanya inquired, not entirely pleased with Beth’s weak excuse for stopping.

Tanya was convinced that there was something about her that Beth didn’t like and didn’t want to say.

“Well, no. I don’t…”Beth began, feeling confused and uncertain, herself. “It’s not… traditional. You surprised me, that’s all. I liked it… but I don’t usually kiss.”

‘I don’t understand. We want each other. Why is this suddenly so difficult?’ each of them were thinking.

“You asked me to kiss you once before,” Tanya said, trying not to sound too accusing, “the first time we met.”

“I know,” Beth confessed. “That was to get to know you… to know who you are. Will you kiss me again? Now? For pleasure?”

‘That should solve the problem…’ Beth fervently hoped.

Tanya nervously leaned forward and kissed Beth gently on the lips.

I never met anyone who had reasons like that for kissing… What did she mean, ‘to get to know me?’

Once again, that incredible attraction was there. Tanya stopped and looked deeply into Beth’s eyes. The attraction was still there even without the physical contact. She kissed Beth again, more sure of herself, now.

While they embraced, still kissing, Tanya licked across Beth’s lips with the tip of her tongue, asking permission this time. Beth opened her mouth, allowing Tanya to probe her teeth and tongue. Tanya even caressed the roof of her mouth. Beth felt her body responding, making ready to be pleasured by this hot young blonde with the big cushy breasts and her soft, warm mouth.
Tanya chuckled to herself as she felt Beth’s surrender to her charms. She guided her new lover down to the bed, pulling Beth’s skimpy dress off over her head.

Wow! This is pure one hundred percent Chinese silk! What kind of weave is that, anyway? Must’ve cost a fortune…

Once she had Beth lying naked on the bed, she returned to kissing and tonguing her sweet, warm mouth while she caressed Beth’s breasts. Beth was moaning softly, enjoying the sensations of being seduced. Since she was usually the aggressive one, this was a nice change of pace. She squirmed around, allowing Tanya access to her lower regions.

Tanya moved down and began kissing, licking and caressing Beth’s breasts. Beth’s hands found their way inside of Tanya’s housecoat and began playing with and pinching Tanya’s hardening nipples. A minute later, both girls were giggling and trying to see who could tickle the other more. As they played, their legs became intertwined and they began to press against each other’s thighs.

As they became more aroused, their kissing and caressing became more intense. At one point, Tanya stopped because Beth’s tight grip on her breasts was becoming too painful to enjoy. As she pulled away, Beth’s grip tightened even more.

Surprising herself, Tanya came. The intensity of her orgasm was actually feeding off the pain in her breasts. Her twitching pussy lips seemed to kiss Beth’s thigh. An electric flow between her breasts and her belly intensified the sensations she was feeling until she couldn’t keep herself from crying out in ecstasy.

‘That’s how it’s supposed to work, Darling,’ Beth thought into Tanya’s mind as she recovered. ‘It works even better if you do this…’

Image of pain. The mind separates from the pain, and the pain, all bunched up in one place, flows out and through the entire nervous system. No one part of your system is overloaded with too much sensation. The result is a more sensual feeling that heightens your sexuality; your capability to experience pain with your sex.

Tanya was amazed. Her breasts had always been super sensitive. She never allowed Frank or anyone else to maul her like this. It was simply too painful to enjoy. Now, all she could do was arch her back and lean into Beth’s painfully tight grip on her breasts and hump Beth’s thigh while she came, and came, and came…

Beth seemed to realize when Tanya reached a crest in her orgasms; a point where the last one was too intense for her to experience another. She loosened her grasp on Tanya’s tits as she came crashing down. It was almost like catching her as she fell from heaven back to earth.

Tanya fell back on the bed, gasping for breath. Beth gently kissed and caressed Tanya’s bruised boobs. She knew Tanya had Béla’s blood in her, but didn’t know if or how well she healed.

“So this is how Béla experiences pain,” Tanya gasped, when she could talk again. “I suspected something like this. But I thought her nervous system was different, or something. She’s mostly unkillable, you know.”

“I experience pain that way, too, now,” Beth admitted. “But Béla had to show me how to do that. Before, when I got hurt, it hurt! I don’t know where she learned that, though, and she doesn’t remember.”

Tanya lay, letting Beth caress and kiss her gently. Beth slowly undulated her aroused body back and forth on the bed, working her way slowly down Tanya’s belly. Tanya felt her body responding. Soon, she was ready for another orgasm.

We seem to have switched roles. I thought I was seducing her…

A moment later, Beth had her face between Tanya’s legs (She’s got hair down here!), licking and gently biting her clitoris. Beth was startled by Tanya’s strong scent at first, then realized what it was.

'She smells like my sister after Jake has fucked her! Tanya and Frank must have fucked, earlier…'

Not really caring for the smell and taste of stale cum, Beth decided to play with her new lover with her fingers, moving them in and out of Tanya’s slippery, wet slit. She could still smell her, but it wasn’t as intense as when she had her tongue and nose right in it.

As Tanya’s pussy loosened up, Beth was able to get more fingers in there. Soon, she had all the fingers of one hand inside Tanya’s sopping wet pussy with her thumb caressing Tanya’s clitoris. As she moved her fingers in and out, Tanya twitched, her pussy seeming to try to suck Beth’s entire hand inside as she came, screaming into her pillow.

Tanya’s cunt was really sensitive now. Any movement outward made her come. Any movement pressing inward made her come. Just having four fingers in there stretching her pussy walls made her come. She just couldn’t stop coming, whimpering and crying into her pillow and thrashing her legs around on the bed.

Tucking her thumb into the palm of her hand, Beth shoved the rest of her hand up into Tanya’s sopping wet pussy. Tanya screamed into her pillow, her back arching, and her legs and buttocks trembling as she came again. Tanya raised the pillow from her head, gasping for fresh air. Her eyes and face were wet. Her entire body was slippery slick, shining with moisture from the intensity of her orgasms.

“More! Harder!” Tanya cried, amazed by the sensual amount of pain she could suddenly tolerate and the fact that pain could make her feel sexier and come harder.

After Béla's first dream visit several years earlier, Tanya tried to let Frank fist-fuck her, but his hand was too large and the pain of stretching herself that much was too intense, almost as painful as birthing a baby. With this newfound ability to embrace the pain, though, she realized that she was going to let Frank try this again when they got back together.

'And I'm definitely going to let him use a knife on me next time!' she thought excitedly.

Beth moved slowly, pressing her hand against the back wall of Tanya’s quivering insides, than pulling back until the knuckles of her hand were stretching Tanya’s pussy lips again. She moved back, then forward, in and out, intoxicated by the sensations that Tanya was radiating through her and the scent of her fresh girl-cum as it diluted the heavy scent of Frank’s stale cum seeping out of Tanya’s pussy around her wrist. It hadn't taken her long to get used to Tanya's heavy human scent at all.

Beth lowered her head down and licked her own wrist and Tanya’s clitoris, breathing in and coating her tongue with the aromatic fluids now oozing out of Tanya’s cunt. Tanya lay screaming into the pillow she held over her own face, assaulted by Beth’s entire fist moving inside her and her tongue flicking over her clitoris. Tanya felt Beth’s other hand digging into her belly, nails deep in her flesh as Beth tried to keep Tanya from thrashing around so much on the bed. The new sensation of having her belly held that roughly made her come even harder.

Although she fought it as hard as she could, Tanya was unable to prevent herself from passing out, her senses overloaded with orgasmic sensation.

Beth extracted her gooey hand from between Tanya’s legs and licked the mixture of semen and girl-cum off her fingers. She wiped the glop that had collected in the palm of her hand between her own legs, luxuriating in the sensation of her own touch as she coated her girl-flesh with Tanya’s cum. Then she licked Tanya’s pussy clean, causing Tanya to rouse, somewhat, from her bruising sexual experience.

She lay with her head still between Tanya’s legs, deeply breathing in the feminine scent of her sex while she rubbed her sticky fingers between her own legs. After a moment, she caused herself to come. Then she pulled herself up alongside her new lover’s now sleeping form, hugged her tightly against herself and went to sleep; the side of her face pressed against Tanya’s oversized breasts.

'That was great! I feel satisfied… and I didn’t even have to bite anything off…'


Béla grunted with each thrust of Frank’s hard dick. He was lying heavily on top of her, his face buried in the pillow her head was lying on. She could feel his hot, ragged breath against her scalp and behind her ear. Her arms were trapped inside his as he lay with his arms wrapped completely around her.

Without realizing it (or maybe he did), he had her completely immobilized. She could barely even breath under his weight. But, she really didn’t mind – no air made for better orgasms… and she shuddered as another one swept through her pinned-down body.

Soon Frank came, grunting as he pumped his come up inside her and squeezing her even tighter, if that was possible. Béla lay underneath him, his shrinking dick making her pussy itch as it slowly receded, allowing the mixture of semen and girl-cum to leak down the crack of her ass. His breath moistened the side of her face and hair as he panted heavily, recovering from his sexual exertion. Béla moved her head so his shoulders didn’t block her mouth and she could breathe easier.

It didn’t appear that Frank planned on moving anytime soon, so Béla decided to listen to her sister and Tanya as they played in the next room. She chuckled to herself as she heard Tanya’s muffled screams as she came. Béla could feel the radiated sensation from Tanya’s orgasm even from where she was. It was evident that her sister had shown her new lover her pain-separation technique.

Frank’s loud snore brought Béla’s attention back to her own situation. His heavy male frame was squashing her and he’d actually had the gall to go to sleep on top of her! She bit into his collarbone, painfully waking him up.

Frank jumped and yelled. “Ow! Why’d you do that?”

He looked down at the tiny girl underneath him. ‘It’s Béla! She’s still here!’

“Hi. Remember me?” she said, grunting with the exertion of breathing. “I’m your long-lost mattress that you fell asleep on…”

She raised her eyebrows and gave him a pixie grin. There was blood on her upper lip from the bite she’d taken out of his collarbone.

“You bit me!” Frank accused her.

She didn’t disappear! Dreams aren’t supposed to bite!

“You’re squashing me!” Béla replied, cheerfully, her voice still somewhat strained from the lack of air in her lungs. She jabbed him several times in the side with her fingers. “Are you finished up there?”

“You’re really here!” Frank exclaimed, quickly climbing off of her.

He’d plainly expected her to simply disappear out from underneath him like she had before.

“You know, I could actually do that,” Béla said, reading his thoughts, “if I wanted to.”

She disappeared off the bed and landed roughly on his shoulders, having teleported herself behind and above him, knocking him back down onto the bed. She giggled into his ear, wrapping her arms around his neck from behind and crushing her tiny breasts into his shoulder blades. She wrapped her legs around his waist like he was a small pony and bounced him up and down on the mattress.

“How do you like it, big boy?” Béla laughed, as she pressed his head down into the pillow.

Then she squealed as he bucked her off. She landed on the other side of the bed, breathing heavily. She gazed into Frank’s face. He stared back at her, still not quite believing she was really here at last.

“Miss me?” Béla inquired, grinning elfishly.

She could see in Frank’s mind that he was finally over his grief. He happily accepted the fact that she had somehow returned from the dead and was really here, perched naked on his bed, as exotically beautiful and excitingly alive as she was a hundred years before.

‘Forever alive, forever young, forever beautiful and unmarred by the events of the world around her.’

“I only wish that were true,” Béla said quietly, her playful mood somehow vanishing like a light mist blown away in a storm. She stretched forward and delicately kissed Frank’s lips. Then she sat back and smiled.

“I’ll be back in a few days,” she promised.

Frank felt the mattress shift from the sudden absence of her weight as she vanished. Oddly content even though she was suddenly gone, he lay down on the bed and listened to his wife’s muffled screams of ecstasy coming from the next room.


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JulesJordan Samantha Staxx Big butt slut Samantha Staxx is ready for porn

Samantha Staxx gets pounded hard by Chris Strokes! Samantha is dressed from head to toe in fishnets as Chris leads her into the house to meet Jules. They examine her body as she shows off her curves then make their way outside where Chris oils up Samantha’s sexy tits and ass. They make their way over to the pool where Chris pulls out his big cock and Samantha gets to work sucking and stroking it. Samantha deep throats that dick with ease as Chris fucks her face before making their way over to...

3 years ago
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26 December 2006Chapter 5

Dan held the door open for Wendy, and they went inside to find the store was about half full. The near counter had an African Canadian man and woman with three kids were giving their order. “I can help you down here!” A woman’s voice announced. Dan and Wendy had to squeeze by the couple. She gave the guy a polite smile, as did Dan to the woman. Wendy led the way, and Dan recognized Cindy behind the counter. What they didn’t know was that the young black couple was watching them walk...

4 years ago
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Jessica Weekend in Las Vegas Story Five Part 3

This is a continuation of Jessica - Story Five.  Day Two - Saturday When I awoke, I looked over at Derek and Chelsea's bed. They were both nude, no cover or sheet over them. Chelsea had her leg over Derek and her pussy was touching his cock head. There was dried cum on her thigh and on his belly, they must have fucked during the night. I'll bet they fell asleep with him deep in her cunt. Curtis was laying on this side, away from me. I couldn't see what state of arousal his cock was in. I...

2 years ago
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Wilbur Sees It DifferentlyChapter 12

I helped my family as much as I could. After a few weeks, Star got able to get around pretty well. Another week and she was fairly pain free. Then she came up to me and told me she wanted to spend some time with me, inside. "Are you up to it Sweetheart?" I asked her. "Husband, if I don't spend some time touching you and loving you I am going to go crazy," she said. "I am glad, because I feel the same way," I told her with a hug. I picked her up and carried her inside. Swan and...

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A Horny CowpokeChapter 10

The couple on the bed finally recovered, so Sue Ann fulfilled her promise to wash the blood from Andy's clothes. They talked as she washed. "I don't know what I'm gonna do. My folks is all dead, and I can't stay on the farm by myself. Ifen I tried, some other bastard would try to take me afore I could git turned around. Ain't there sumpthin' ya kin do fer me?" "Well, ya could join the drive ifen my pa agrees. We got 3 women with us already, soz ya would have company. The one thing...

1 year ago
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FamilyXXX Alessia Luna Step Sister Alessia Gives The OK

Older step brother Robby arrives to what he thought was an empty home only to find his big tit sexy step sister masturbating with her vibrator. Robby decides to enjoy his view a bit longer when Alessia says it’s OK to come in and join in. With a little hesitation Robby hops on the bed and takes over the vibrator for Alessia and quickly gets her on all fours slipping his cock right in her hot wet pussy and gives her the fuck she asked for, finishing off with his load erupting all over her...

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Tha Man Who Would Be Queen Ch13

The Man Who Would be Queen Chapter 13 "Sarah Who?" Dexter was not as cooperative as he had been when they reached the mall. The reality of him getting out of the car and walking in there caused him to lose all his nerve. He was dressed in a bright green and yellow floral summer dress, with a padded bra and panties. He had argued about everything he was wearing as Angela and his mother tried to dress him for the outing....

4 years ago
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Monica and the Three Girls Part 2

Thank you so much for the kind comments on part 1. This is my first writing attempt, and it's good to know that some folks are enjoying it. Some of you have said that you're interested in where this is going. Well, so am I. :) I have a few ideas, and a couple of key items I want to get to, but most of it is coming out as I type it. Hopefully we'll all enjoy wherever the heck it ends up. Thanks again! LJ PS: Apologies to "Travesty" for the delay. I won't abandon it, but there may be...

2 years ago
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Twice LuckyChapter 33

Jake gaped, fixated by the two cuties in the bed. It was hard to think of them as little girls when you saw their bodies. They were about five-four, one hundred ten pounds, and well-curved with breasts the size of large apples. Their pussies were covered with surprisingly dense bushes. Jake started to turn back and walk away but Melissa grabbed his hand. “Excuse us a minute,” she addressed the twins, “We’ll be right back.” She pulled Jake into the hallway and whispered in his ear, “Follow...

3 years ago
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Warrior WoesChapter 10

The two of them handled me, literally. Brought me into the house, showed me the room I’d be staying in for the short term was how the man put it. Liz unpacked my duffel bag stocked the dresser drawers with the stuff she found therein, and set up the bathroom to accommodate, to the degree possible, a man with no legs. Then we went to dinner. Where else? We ate at the Pasture. Oh, and we drank a little too. “So, tell us?” he said finally broaching the question I’m sure the both of them had...

2 years ago
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SpiralsChapter 28

"So, what brought this on, honey?" I asked as I unlocked the front door. Missy didn't reply, simply sweeping past me. She dropped her books on the kitchen counter, took off her coat and set it on the back of one of the counter stools. She had a nervous smile on her face as she walked toward me. Something was different. I wasn't sure what it was, but it was just a flitting thought that disappeared as soon as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my face toward hers. There was no...

3 years ago
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My Eros 68 You Come To Me Naked

Tonight you come to me naked… I see you and my desire grows. I look into your eyes and see them blaze with your passion. I bring my hands to your body, bringing them up high as I touch your hair…your neck…your shoulders… Your flesh so hot, your skin so smooth…I love the feel of you. I bend in close, I drink in your scent, my lips meet yours, we kiss…deeper…deeper…I kiss you softly now, backing off…you grab me, you hold me closer, your tongue passes over my lips and presses into my mouth. A...

3 years ago
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There was something in my youth that I will always remember. We had a barn that before winter we would load up with alfalfa for the animals. The day the load arrived was always fun with all the strong-looking masculine guys unloading the alfalfa bales and stacking them up inside our barn. I’d admire their muscled bodies heaving and sweating in unloading and then piling up the bales. And they looked at petite and pretty me in my housedress all innocent, the breeze blowing the soft fabric to...

2 years ago
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Welcome Home

“Your bedroom no longer exists,” Christina said as she held the door open. “I had the walls torn down and now the basement is one big room.”“You destroyed my bedroom?” Craig wailed in mock distress, turning himself sideways so that he and the over sized duffel could fit through the doorway. “I haven’t been gone that long.”“You’ve been gone more than a year and I needed more room for my crafts,” Christina informed her son. “You will have to sleep in the spare bedroom up stairs,” she said almost...

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EXPO Summer Part 5 The Unkindest Cut

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. After writing this, God, I hope so. The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then get out of here before it's too late. You've been warned. Permission is granted to archive or repost this story as long as the text is unaltered, and...

2 years ago
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wife camps out with Mike John and Rick

My wife informed me last Thursday that she wouldn't be home Friday when I got home. I asked her why. She told me that she was going camping at the lake. I said alone? She said no that some of her friends would be with her. I didn't want to keep asking questions because I know that makes her mad. So I just said OK and then asked if I needed to help her pack her camping gear? She said that she didn't need to take anything that her friends where carrying all the gear. I asked what about cloths?...

1 year ago
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Spreading Seeds Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - Able and Amelia I awoke in the morning in warm sunshine. Audrey was in my arms. I kissed her before slipping away and thought I’d made a clean get away when Audrey said, “Don’t go.” “I have to,” I said. I really did. I had to pee so badly. She got up and took my hand and led me to a door and inside was a urinal and a toilet. I didn’t even wait for her to close the door before I started to drain the dragon. She hadn’t left but was peering over my shoulder. I reached for...

3 years ago
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Angela and Bruiser 3

Introduction: One man and his Dog Further exploits of man and his best friend. It was getting beyond a joke! My dog was getting all the boning he could handle and there was I, miles from home, phone in one hand and cock in the other! It was going to have to change, I was going to get this job done and get home as soon as I could. I worked my arse off but still didnt manage to get ahead with my work, or even catch up, having left early to install the additional cameras. Whilst working away I...

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A New Home for the HolidaysChapter 2

Stepping through the gate brought me to the edge of a large room where the folks around the gate pointed out into the center of the room and told me to bring my concubines out there and get them to sit down in a group. Unlike most of the other concubines, all but one of mine was dressed. I'd also inherited seven children when I took them in and they were all happily, for now, getting acquainted. Kate's were certainly well behaved, being fairly quiet, and they got Theresa's group calmed...

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Costume Party

We had been invited to a Halloween party that a friend of mine from high school was having, and I wracked my brain to come up with a costume that was unique. The only real requirement the invitation said was that full masks were to be worn. Well original me all I came up with was the mask from the movie Scream. My wife decided on a costume of a French whore and her mask was a full faced rubber mask of Janet Reno. Imagine Janet Reno as a French whore!Anyway the party was in full swing b the time...

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Dost Ki Maa Bhen Ki Khushi

Hi desi hot sex friends I am aarush… Aapne meri pichli stories padhi hogi.. And I hope aapko psnd aai hogi.. Mjhe kfi mail bhi aae.. Òr stroy ki tareef bhi ki uske lie thank you so much.. To jsa mne aapse bola tha ki m aage ki story lekr aauga.. So uske aage ki kahani yaha se.. Aapko mja aaega pdne m.. So have fun and enjoy the story.. Jsa ki mne pichli story m btaya ki mne apne dost k saamne uski maa chodi nd fr subha ek baar or bja k apne ghr chla gya.. Fr m ghr jaakr seedha so gya.. M 11 bje...

3 years ago
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My dream about Kyra OC 5

So last night I had a dream about Kyra. It was really weird but sexy. So it started out with me walking around the mall trying to buy some new shoes. As I was turned around looking at a pair I felt a slim hand tap me on my shoulder. As I turned around I see a very hot, tanned girl that stood at my chest height (maybe 5'4). She said in a very cute and girly voice "Hey cutie". I was a bit shocked and I blushed extremely hard and responded "H-Hey....". She told me her name is Kyra and that I was...

4 years ago
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Master and Margie 1

The curvy red head flung the towel over the shower rod and left it so it would drip water onto the floor. That would piss Master off. She giggled; what was the point of being punished if you weren’t guilty. She spent a few minutes blow-drying her hair. It was only damp since she had kept it pinned up. A couple of brush strokes and it fanned out behind her in flaming curtain down to her ass. Setting her hands on her hips she admired her reflection in the mirror. “Pretty damn good for forty...

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XVideos Arab

I’m pretty sure that there isn’t a single person on the internet that hasn’t heard of Today we’re checking the place out but we’re going to check out the Arab section and see what that shit is all about. I’m telling you, while you might not be a fan of Arab chicks, they’re some of the freakiest girls in porn. Especially the ones wearing a veil, they’re the biggest freaks since they’ve been suppressing their sexuality for so long and they’re finally setting it free as the suck cocks...

Arab Porn Sites
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Countermove Ch 03

Summary so far: Day 1- Onyx vs. Tyger: Onyx loses her first match ever and pays the price. Day 2- Onyx vs. Jewel: Onyx defeats Jewel to remain in the tournament. ********** Day 3 We were three days into the tournament and my problems were growing. I had lost for the first time ever- to Tyger, who turned out to have the same powers of mental persuasion I have- and been forced to shave my pussy and paint my fingernails and toenails bimbo red. I had come back the following evening to defeat...

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Mami Ki Massage Aur Threesome

Hello guys I am back with the second part of my story . Meri last story ko aap logo ne bohut like kiya jiske liye bohut bohut thank you, Agar apne woh nahi padhi to please pehle woh read lijiye fir ye padhiye. Apko jyada maja aaega. To friends mera naam hai Sumit Sharma. Main Udaipur, Rajasthan ka rehne wala hu aur ek professional massager hu. Mera ek massage parlor bhi hai. Meri mami ka naam hai Riya aur unka figure kisi bhi mard ke lund ko 5 second mein khada karde. Woh ek dam pari hai. To...

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Can You See Me NowChapter 24

They had not, as it turned out, been long at all. She had stripped with almost magical speed, once they were in the bedroom. Then she lay on the bed, spreading her legs before bringing her knees up to her chest and pulling them apart with her hands, so that she was completely open to his gaze. "Hurry," she said, her eyes glittering. "I need you now." It wasn't until he was firmly in the saddle, his spike digging deeply into her sex, that he found out what had caused her sudden...

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Pussy And Anal Sex With A Sexy Bhabhi

Hi readers. I’m Sarfaraz Khan a 23 year old male from South India, single. Those girls and guys who haven’t read my previous stories are requested to read them and enjoy. I’m sure you’ll enjoy shagging. I always believe sex should never be forced or non-consensual. So I create an atmosphere where the woman gives herself or I seduce her easily. So the heroine of this story is my hot Marwadi neighbor, Siya (name changed to protect identity) Around 35-37 years old and a fucking hot woman. She was...

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Bad Moon RisingChapter 3

The party was interesting in its own right, even without my former boss, Nina Aram. She was definitely there, though. She didn’t disappoint at all. In fact, she showed up in her smoking hot best, a black, a very short, tight, and low cut dress, “fuck me” pumps, and sheer stockings for some reason. I wasn’t sure why she did that last part, but I had the distinct feeling that she had more surprises waiting for me under that dress. Of course, I didn’t present myself immediately, watching to see...

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My Learned FriendChapter 4

Looking back on my life, I now know that I was embarking in the happiest time of my life. My career had been established and my workload increased and of course with that my income. I would be in court three days out of five. Harry would keep me busy with his 'two a day' supply of briefs, and it would appear that both Melvin and Andrew favoured me to support them as junior often. Chrissie had worked for some years as a Doctor's receptionist. In those days, before maternity leave was a...

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My First Mutual JO with another Guy

Well, I finally got horny enough to meet up with another guy, in person, for a mutual JO session. I put an ad in Craig's List asking for a guy close to my age (61) to join me for a JO session and maybe mutual touching/stroking.I had quite a few replies and was hot for several guys including a very serious one from an extremely well hung 73 yr old guy who promised to gently introduce me to cock-sucking!Anyway, last week, my wife was away for a few days so I contacted one of they guys who said...

3 years ago
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Tina Disciplined Again

Tina winced as she saw the annoyed look on Miss Cindy’s face. She tried to explain, though. “It was a mistake, Miss Cindy. I intended to pay for the tops but just forgot and set off the alarm as I left the department store.”Miss Cindy wasn’t impressed and angrily berated Tina. “Forgot? That isn’t good enough, my girl. Anyone can use that excuse. You need to remember or accept the consequences.”Tina knew Miss Cindy was right and judging from recent experiences she reckoned she knew that Miss...

1 year ago
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Nancy and Her Black Lover

Nancy is a dear friend I have never met. An online acquaintance who became a sister. She told me about the baby she is carrying, her black lover's child. I cried when she told me of the love she had for another man and how he had broken their engagement when he learn of her carelessness. I shared in the joy of her decision to have her lover's baby, and I longed for the baby I had once miscarried, my own black lover's child. This is Nancy's story, and perhaps my own as well. Nancy met her...

3 years ago
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Caught part 4

Hello All, It's been a while since I last posted any stories. I have been working on the stories but progress has been slow. I have a blog at Please visit and follow some of my real life adventures. I plan to continue this story. Feel free to let me know what you think, and any ideas you'd like incorporated. My email is [email protected] Part 4 The barman approaches with a beer. "From that guy over there," he said pointing to a guy dressed in...

2 years ago
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I had a lust for my mother you couldnt belie

I always admired my mother as I watched her apply her makeup on before she got ready for work. They were full "DD"s" and she wore blouses that truly exposed them. Her ass was full and hard for someone who didn"t exercise. There were times when I stared at her in lust as she wore a towel only around her upper part of her body, leaving her exposed love box for view. Once she turned around to get up and opened her legs wide enough for a beaver shot. I immediately went to the bathroom to "beat" my...

3 years ago
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Chained Tortured NunChapter 4

Sister Dominic begged Jack and Joe to let her go. She pleaded with Sister Mary Katherine to tell them whatever they wanted. But nothing seemed to work. They were enjoying her sprawled like this, her ass hanging down there near the lantern, her ankles and wrists chafing and reddening from the constant rubbing of the rope. Jack bent down, turning the key once more and sending the slender yellow flame up against her left lower leg. She whimpered, jerking her body, trying to pull it away from...

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Janet and John

It’s Friday, I always look forward to Fridays, well not so much Fridays but Friday nights. Friday nights are camera night. Janet normally poses for me in different dresses and sometimes, if I’m lucky she may show some leg above her knee. Once I caught a glimpse of stocking top but I wasn’t quick enough to catch it on camera. On several occasions I have captured the view down on her cleavage when she has bent over but this is the closest I have ever come to taking a picture of her body apart...

4 years ago
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A tale of forbidden love between Mother and Daughter

Donna Hartley was no shrinking violet. She had the kind of job many men would have envied; she was a sports commentator for super bike racing and loved every minute of it. She presented the image of a tall confident woman in her late thirties, not frightened of the world and what it had to offer. She began commentating fifteen years ago because of her love of motorbikes coupled with her journalistic training, and now worked for the major sports station as their “star reporter” on...

3 years ago
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Sympathy leads to sex with sister

With a heavy heart, I lay upon her, sobbing uncontrollably. She cradled my head to her chest, soothing me with her loving hands and her loving heart. In the darkness following the day and the darkness following the funeral, she was the strong one, the one who grieved silently and internally while consoling me as best as she could, not caring that of all people, it was me crying into her chest, that this semi-intimate moment was being shared with her twin brother. Angela’s battle was short and...


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