Genesis_(1) free porn video

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A new world opened, providing people with the opportunity to cast aside their lives and change. In 2025 an unconceivable matrimony would take place. An American business owner, a Japanese programmer, a Chinese sociologist along with a Russian scientist came together; their dream, many years later, manifested itself as Genesis a virtual game, which would change the world itself.

Many played it, becoming nobles, kings/queens and various other high-ranking officials. No matter whom they still bowed their heads to someone: peasants to nobles, nobles to kings/queens, kings/queens to Gods/Goddesses. However there was one entity for which this rule didn’t apply to, the Emperor. All bowed at his presence, his wish their commands, this is his story, his rise to power

Chapter 1: John

John exhaled, tired from his early morning jog. Beads of sweat dripped down his milk chocolate skin, the Miami heat punishing even before the sun rose. The dimly lit street provided meager light for him to see. Carefully hopping across the cratered sidewalk, he turned to see the familiar neighborhood. Most houses barricaded with short fences their yards made up of a jigsaw of weed and dirt.

Approaching a street corner, he witnessed a gang called the Krunk selling crack. As he got closer to the four gang members dressed in their trademark green pants and white shirt, he clenched his broad jaw. He couldn’t touch them as they were outside the safe zone set up. Hearing his footstep one of the member turned and witnessed him.

“It’s him,” the Krunk member shouted. Instantly at the mere sight of John the quartet opened a path for him. Shrugging he passed them continuing his exercise.

Half an hour later done with his jog he stopped under a sign that read, “Best Martial Arts Dojo.” Looking at it he chuckled, thinking about how he ended up here. In 2057 his mother got a brain tumor. To cover the health bills his father did some financial and lifestyle restructuring. In addition, the recession which hit the nation less than half a year later didn’t aid at all. His father lost his job further straining their finances. Which when it was all done, left them with this two story building he now called home.

Opening the gate, he removed his shoes and walked inside. The ground floor of the dojo was simply a large square room with rustic wooden floor. Pyo, his father, waited crossed legged on the smooth floor. His back so straight as if it resisted gravity itself. His dark hair receded from his head. His forehead carved with wrinkles, as a smile spread over Pyo’s thin lips. Facing him, John sat seiza with his butt resting on the heels of his feet.

“Good morning John,” his father spoke in Korean.

Cupping his callused hand John bowed, showcasing proper respect. Inside the gloomy dojo John performed his morning training. Usually with his dad these trainings weren’t too bad. Pyo in general tended to be very lenient. His mother’s, Asuna, training however, were something he and his sister, Kim, shuddered about.

As soon as he thought of this his sister Kim walked in. She unlike him was the biological daughter of Pyo and Asuna. Kim had her mother’s round face, piercing dark eyes, chestnut color

hair and short stature. From Pyo she got his button nose, smile and boundless energy.

“Morning~” Kim beamed.

There went his quiet time. When these two were in the same room it always felt like a supernova went off every time.

“Hello,” Pyo matched her loudness.

Some days John woke up and hoped for a peaceful training. So far it had yet to happen.

“John,” Kim leered at his direction. He knew what she wanted and resigned himself to receive her fierce hug. Of course, as if on cue Pyo joined in making it a group hug. There he stood just taking it all, resisting only made them more dedicated. Besides without his mother here he’d be hard press to win outnumbered against these two.

When he judged enough time had passed he pried both of them away from him. Going to the corner he grabbed two shinais, wooden katanas, handing one to Kim. Facing her a smile crept on his lips, retribution always made these hugs a little bit more bearable.

After bullying his little sister, he went to the far right of the dojo. Opening the door, he climbed the creaky wooden stairs to the second floor. Taking a quick shower he went to the kitchen for breakfast. This morning was his favorite white rice topped with raw egg. Adding a bit of soy sauce, he mixed the piping hot rice with the egg. Being brought up by a Korean father and a Japanese mother John had learned that a day without rice was a day wasted.

“Ready for your last day,” Pyo asked.

John nodded the history and math finals shouldn’t be too hard, he explained.

“See that’s not fair,” Kim barged. “Why do you have a full month of vacation extra.”

He shrugged, finished he waited for his sister. Saying goodbye to his dad he and Kim walked to the bus stop.

“You know,” Kim began. “It’s okay if we walk together. Some people have guessed that we are related. If you talked to people they’d realize…”

John cut her off, “Kim… no. One more day. Then it’s over.” He looked at her and saw the sadness in her eyes. Upset she picked up the pace leaving him behind.

He knew the moment years ago he decided this path what it would lead to. Approaching the bus stop John breathed in and hardened his face. Now he was no longer John the son nor John the brother. He became the most feared person in Melon City, Bloody John.

Chapter 2: Graduation

His grey sneakers crunched the gravel as got closer to the bus stop. His walk calm yet imposing, his demeanor lax yet oppressing. The students stood on each side of the bus door all lowered their heads. Alone he sat at the back of the bus. As the other students filed in they took a sit and only looked forward. On the way to school nary a word was spoken.

Once the bus stopped at the school gates John stepped off first and walked to his locker. His presence parted the crowd. Unperturbed he got to his locker. Wanting to do a last-minute check on the material he headed to his history class. Reviewing until the first bell rung he got out his pencil prepared to ace his exams.

A couple hours later, he was done with his high school life. Since he could leave early he opted to do so. He walked turning his right he saw students in PE hanging out with each other. Sometimes he’d think “what if?” he too could have enjoyed high school. He yearned so much for a place he could stop being Bloody John and just be John. Maybe college would provide this opening. Maybe in college he’d have people he’d call friends to share life with. Maybe there he would be seen as a human being and not a monster.

Even if he meets them in college he probably wouldn’t stay with them for long. He must keep his word, a life for a life. A distant cry ripped him out of his thoughts. Searching John saw the source of disturbance. It appeared to be a young group of the other gang in Melon City called the Doge picking on one person. He identified them by their red shirts and white pants. Questioning whether he should help or not he continued watching as a gang member pushed the person to the ground.

Sighing John reached to his backpack and pulled out two pink mixed martial arts gloves. He marched towards the annoyances. So, preoccupied with teasing that none of the Doge noticed him. Effortlessly he sent a member of the group flying.

“Bloody John!” they shouted as they scrambled away.

Letting them go their way John turned to find a lanky curly haired Hispanic boy curled up in the dirt. John squatted down moving the boy’s arm away from his face. Seeing his face John recognized him as a fellow classmate. Seeing the boy shy away from him annoyed him a bit. To him cowering in fear didn’t make sense.

Standing up John looked down and asked, “Why do you accept being weak?” Sobs and whimpers were his only replies. Leaving the boy John walked home.

In the blink of an eye graduation day was upon him. Finished dressing up in his navy gown, he went to the claustrophobic kitchen and sat carefully on the folding chair. His arm rested on the light plastic table. He heard the creaking stairs followed by his mother joining him. She had on a three-piece grey suit, her long brown hair cascading down her back.

“Don’t move, I’ll fix the cap for you,” Asuna moved her petite frame towards him.

Not wanting this celebration, he asked if it really was necessary for them to go to his graduation ceremony. They would send the diploma by mail anyway he argued.

“Nope, I know High School hasn’t been all the great for you. But let’s at least make one good memory together. So either you go willingly or I drag you there.”

John stared at her.

The side of her lips curled to a smile, “Your dazzling hazel eyes won’t work on me now.” Out of her purse she dramatically pulled out a pair of dark shades.

Defeated John grinned, stating he would follow her wish. Asuna rubbed his back, “Let’s go.”

He stood up pushing the chair, slowly he lumbered out the door. Once they arrived at the gym John separated from his mother and joined the students. Going to the back of the gym he located the rest of the graduating senior class. His appearance hushed the cacophony, his walk parted the crowd, his stare lowered heads. Taking his place in line John waited to be called in.

Thankfully he didn’t have to stay too long in the hot sun. He along with the rest of the students were ushered to the gym. Parents and Guardians sat on the elevated bleachers on both sides. Yet even with this many people in a room a loud silent permeated. Drowning out the principle speech John spaced out; only to come back when it came time for his row to line up, and prepare to cross the stage.

“John Lee Yung. Mr. Lee Yung ggggradduated with a 4.5 GPA,” the nervous principal announced.

His footsteps echoed on the hardwood floor. “Cooonngraduations,” the sweaty vice principal squeaked, as he handed him his diploma.

A lone applause reached him. Looking up at his mom in the bleachers he smiled waving at her. His objective done John decided to leave right there and walked out.

Chapter 3: Meeting

“Everyone dinner is ready,” Pyo yelled from the kitchen.

It was only a couple hours after John had received his diploma. He, Asuna, Pyo, Kim gathered around the kitchen table. Tonight, his father prepared a feast with some of his favourite dishes. Kimchi fried rice served as the center piece with seaweed rice roll on the side followed by Korean style fried chicken to top it all off.

“Let us pray,” Pyo announced. Doing the Sign of the Cross John joined hands and lowered his head as his mouth watered.

“Bless us, O Lord, and these, thy gifts, which we are about to receive from thy bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.”

Following the prayer by the Sign of the Cross he ate till he couldn’t anymore.

The spicy and salty rice combined very well with crunchy chicken. John then tasted the rolls. Such perfect mixture, truly rice was the most perfect grain. Between each bites he listened to his family talk about their day. Enjoyable times like this he truly reveled in them.

While he and Kim cleaned the table, Pyo’s cellphone rang. John payed attention only after he heard his father using a very formal Korean speech. Kim next to him slammed the counter. Breathing out John realized today was too good to be true.

“John, Halabeoji (Grandfather) requests you,” Pyo told him in Korean.

Taking the phone from Pyo’s hand he answered.

“I’d like to congratulate you,” Halabeoji spoke in Korean.

Courteously John thanked him.

Not beating around the bush Halabeoji said, “Remember our deal?”

“A life for a life,” John replied.

“Good boy. Your enrollment at Florida University has been completed. In the next couple of days you’ll receive a tablet which will contain your classes. Also, may I speak to your mother?”

Being as respectful as possible he lied stating his mother was busy. Just the thought of them having a conversation together would further sour the mood.

“No problem then pass me Kim.” Again, he declined, John didn’t want another broken phone.

“Huh,” he mused. “On your graduation day they were both absent while you ate dinner. I find that very strange.”

At this point he knew Halabeoji wanted to toy with him. Staying firm he stated that both went out recently for a short walk.

Understanding Halabeoji began, “No worries then tell them I said hi.”

After Halabeoji hung up John sighed. For his family he really did sell himself to the devil. Still if he could go back in time he’d still sign that contract to help his mother. Even with the rift that it caused between the family. He rather them be alive and hate one another, then for them to die and regret. Life really was complicated.

Just like Halabeoji announced a package arrived with his name on it a couple days later. Opening it he saw a letter in Korean about the content.

Hello John,

In this package is one of our company’s new tablet. In it is something I want you to enter while you attend school for the next two years. I am pretty sure you have heard of the new phenomenon called Genesis? As you know, 주황색 (Juhwangsaeg) has heavily invested in Genesis.

As the future head, you are to participate in the launch of Genesis. To show our commitment an account has been purchased for you. The GenPod will be delivered to your dorm. By the time this package arrive Florida University will already be aware of these arranges. Please make sure to move in a dorm four days prior to launch.

Inside this package are sets of bands to place on different parts of your body. This will help the Genesis computer synchronize your movement in the virtual world. Further instructions about the bands are contained inside the I-Cherry tablet. It also has all the latest information about Genesis available. The tablet can be used for your own personal studies.


President R. Lee Yun

P.S. Have your mom call me. This time I promise to make sure Father isn’t near me.

P.P.S. I secured an auto-mobile for you on August 10th that way you don’t have to pay for a ride share (Do they still have those? Do Americans still drive cars?)

P.P.P.S I will not forget Kim’s birthday this year… Although it is a couple months away. I have it marked on all my calendars.


Your Uncle Ryu

Shocked John placed the letter down. He had known about Genesis, the new virtual reality game. He didn’t pay much attention to it, with his complicated life gaming became distraction. Like his uncle said he saw five bands, two look like they would fit on his wrists, two for his ankles and one for his forehead.

As the letter described he found a paper thin I-Cherry inside the package. Pressing the home button located at the bottom a dim light filled the screen. Wanting to be more comfortable John Aretired to his room. Looking at the I-Cherry he noticed a couple apps, the one which caught his attention was labelled “Genesis.”

Clicking on the app it re-routed him to an internet page called Dark Ryse Library. Apparently, this website had every single piece of information concerning the game up to this point. Atop the page a red bar appeared with a message.

*Disclaimer: The current information contained here is from the Beta build of the game. Be advised this may change at the full release on 08/10/2057.

John knew that when video games referred to Beta it meant an incomplete version of said game. The information on this site may be incorrect when Genesis launches in August. He scrolled to a part which was for beginners, he first noticed information about the different stat categories.

Agility: Allows greater range of movement, decreases fall damage. For Rogue, related class increases attack power

Dexterity: Increases hand eye coordination, sense of balance of player, attack speed. For Archer related class increases attack power.

Luck: Increases the chance of player landing a critical hit and the amount of loot found.

Mana: Increases the amount of MP a character has.

Popularity: When leveling up points cannot be allocated in this stat. Only grows by doing favors to NPCs. Pertains to NPCs knowledge of your name, the higher it is the more respect NPCs will have towards you.

Stamina: Allows players to run/use specific skill for longer period of time. Also, Increases SP of players.

Strength: Increases the damage a player can output/withstand in a Melee encounter.

Vitality: Increases survivability of a player to negative effects. Increases HP of players.

Wisdom: Increases the damage a player can output/withstand in a Magic encounter.

Continuing his search John found nothing else which caught his attention. Putting the tablet aside he put on the bands as per instruction and went out for a jog.

Chapter 4: Veritas

“You sure you have everything,” Kim confirmed for the 1000th time.

John assured her he had packed everything for his dorm. As his uncle Ryu stated an SUV arrived in front of his house early in the morning.

Pyo helped him load up the trunk. “Are you sure you need the tablet?” Asuna asked him.

He nodded thinking how it would facilitate his college experience. To be fair, the tablet did spend more time in her hand than his. She became enamoured with the Dark Ryse Library, to the point where he had to have a bout with the tablet as a prize for the winner.

Entering the auto-mobile John noticed it didn’t have a driver. Driverless cars or auto-mobiles have caught on, even government vehicles began to transition. His uncle did tend to worry a little much about things. Saying a final farewell to his family the auto-mobile took him to Florida University.

To pass time during the long drive he reviewed some information he had about FU. Its main campus previously resided in Fort Lauderdale before being moved to Port Charlotte, which resulted in booming the local economy. Approximately two hours later he arrived at Florida University. Palm trees stood on each sides of the road, the brilliant sun reflected of the white pavement.

The auto-mobile turned at a round-a-bout and stopped. Out of nowhere a man coolly opened the door for him.

“Mr. Lee Yun, it’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Parker I am the lead liaison between the university and Juhwangsaeg.” Parker an average height man, with sleek blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Based on his look John would place him as a B movie villain.

Stepping out, John witnessed his baggage being removed. “Follow me,” Parker ushered. Walking behind Parker he arrived at an office which looked like a doctor’s clinic.

“Don’t worry, I need to make sure the Pod you have will fit you,” Parker announced. “I will measure your height and weight ensure accuracy.”

As per instructed John laid down an opaque glass table. On the side Parker wrote down the measurements he needed.

“Now, I will guide you to your dorm.” Parker pulled out a phone and handed it John. “The president wanted to give you this in case you might need it.”

Receiving it John thanked Parker, blindly following Parker he tinkered with his present. When the glass door opened, the humid air penetrated his lungs. Out in front his luggage stacked on a wagon was attached to a golf cart.

Parker invited him to take a seat, when he did so the cart took off. The small fan in front did its best to abate the heat. While inside the cart John gazed around. A large lake surrounded by a verdant meadow captivated his eyes. A bright orange building with a painting of a bird stood near the water.

His ride passed several paths which led to wooded areas around campus. The sidewalk the cart drove on seemed to be a highway connecting everything. Lost in the sights he failed to noticed when he got to his destination.

“This is your dorm Mr. Lee Yun,” Parker stopped in front of a house. A literal house.

Parker opened the door ushering John inside. A small couch facing the Television welcomed him. Walking further he saw the kitchen even had a fully stocked fridge. Even the cabinets were full of different goods. Going to the hallway they were three doors. Two doors on either side were bedrooms whilst the one facing him contained a large bathroom with its own hot tub.

John shook his head, his uncle went overboard. If he had to guess his mother had a hand on this extravagance as well. By the time he came back out Parker had placed his bags near the couch out front.

“Mr. Lee Yun this will be all for today. If you have any request, please feel free to call me. I’ll have your Pod delivered to you in two days max,” Parker announced before leaving. Waving good bye John contemplated his dinner plans.

The day had finally arrived Genesis would go live in about half an hour. Excited he went to his bedroom where the pod rested. Opposite his bed the sleek black pod laid, it resembled a sarcophagus. John had previously synched all the data from the bands. His hand clamped ready to face this new world, then his phone rang picking it up he heard his mom’s voice.

“I forgot to ask you what’s you name going to be in the game?”

John hadn’t thought much about it. John fit perfectly for him though, he replied to her as such.

Asuna scoffed, “Don’t you have any gaming charm you can’t use your real name. How about ‘Veritas’ it’s a Latin word meaning truth. Use it so in the game you can remember to be your true self… Not Bloody John.”

John agreed to her name even if it didn’t make much sense to him. Hanging up he opened the pod removing his sandals he lied down the memory foam padding. On his back John pressed a button on the side and watched as the pod closed on him. He felt a prick at the base of his neck then darkness prevailed.

A screen popped up asking to choose which language.

“English,” he spoke.


Welcome to the world of Genesis, remember this is only the beginning

Next, he was shown his body in third person view everything was accurate even the scar on his left arm.


Do you want to perform any changes on this avatar?



Do you wish to be the holiest, strongest or richest?

Pondering for a moment he spoke, “Richest.”


You will spawn in the town of Alsèf, are you ready to start.



Please choose a Username

Without thinking he spoke, “Veritas.”


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I was stunned. Gordon Scott. "John, may I call you John?" Gordon asked. "For now. What's going on? I hear you have been traveling around the country asking questions about me." "Yes, I have," he said. "I have written a story about you. Before I finalized it I wanted to talk to you personally." Tom interrupted. "John, Gordon and I have mutual friends. When he found out you and I were associated, he called me." "Tom refused to divulge anything about you until I talked to you,"...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 29

Chapter Twenty-nine Ten minutes later my Blackberry rang. I glanced at the screen and saw it was Mandy calling. I didn't answer. She tried to call two more times. I ignored her each time. That was it. I drove south until I reached Richmond, Virginia. I found a hotel near I-95 and went inside to check in. I went to the room I rented, dropped my suitcase on the floor, removed my clothes and stepped into the shower to attempt to wash the night away. After a while under the hot...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e19 Sadie Fernandez 45

Series 6, Episode 18: Sadie Gonzalez (45) from Motherwell We fade in on a drone shot – flying over the middle of a small town ... Not too pretty, low rise, tightly packed ... Then panning around over a large, craggy area of parkland, before coming to rest on a large old-school factory. We hover over the factory for a moment, then cut to... Outside the factory ... Ground level. Our hostess – in a low cut top that shows off her fake boobs and chest covering ‘DOGWHORE’ tattoo – and tight...

2 years ago
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Stepsister Sleepsexing Surprise

--- Stepsister Sleepsexing Surprise (MF, inc, nc, oral, impreg?, reluc, safe, viol) by Krosis of the Collective --- I opened my apartment door and let my sister in. As she shuffled past I noticed a bruise under one eye. I didn't ask. She had called me out of the blue a few hours before to ask if she could stay with me for a while, and now I was pretty sure I knew why. Regina (I call her Reg) was a big woman -- not fat, but tall and proportionate -- an Amazon with an hourglass...

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Hypnotic Melodies Ch 3

After the impact of Cassandra’s story, Eric was certain that Beverly, despite being older than Cassandra, couldn’t top it. Eric was finding it difficult maintaining distance, or a diagnostic perspective of his subjects. ‘Hold on Beverly, let me get something to drink for all of us.’ The women eagerly restrained themselves, like Pavlov’s dogs, they were trained by the music to do as he wanted. Eric took his time driving to the local store, getting a few fifths and packs of pop. He used that...

2 years ago
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One fine day Part 1

I’m done with my morning workout at the club and am heading to the office. I feel great. The showers at the club are magnificent and the barber pampered me with a hot towel and a straight razor shave. My face feels alive and glowing. As I walk, the hand-made wing-tips cradling my feet make the sidewalk feel like a sponge, the silk pants feel like pajamas on my skin, and the cotton shirt fits like a second skin and moves easily with me. The electric turquoise tie I’m wearing contrasts sharply...

1 year ago
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They way you make me feel

Alone in a darkened corner of the room, my eyes follow you as you enter.   You look around, surveying the room, searching for me.   My eyes feast upon you.   Standing so tall, so sure of yourself, tension radiating off of you like hot steam.   I watch your eyes as you spot me.   Waiting.   They widen just slightly and I can see your nostrils flare as if you can smell my hunger for you.   Stopping to exchange pleasantries along the way, you make your way towards me.   I imagine I can feel your...

3 years ago
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Emma WatsonA lesbian fantasy

One day I bought a woman's magazine from the news stand on my way home. After entering my apartment, i showered. I used to live alone those days as I hadn't found someone to share with me yet. I came out of the shower wearing just my towel and nothing else. I had wiped my body but had left my hair to air dry. I always used to keep the windows closed to protect myself from prying eyes, as most of the time I wore negligible attire. I started browsing through the magazine and stopped myself...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Nia Nacci 23379

Seemingly alone at her friend’s house and doing laundry, Nia Nacci decides to stretch and do a little yoga. It’s quiet, it’s peaceful, it’s the afternoon…it’s the perfect time to masturbate! But as her hand’s in her pants getting things wet and warm down there, her moaning awakens the unknown person in the room down the hall…her friend’s brother Rion. He follows the trail of pealing passion to find Nia knuckles-deep. Embarrassed, she flails around until she’s covered, but Rion tells her not to...

2 years ago
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She Awakens Ch 01

‘Yes?’ ‘Line 1, Victoria. Says it’s your neighbor.’ replied the office’s head assistant. ‘Thanks Linda.’ replied Victoria, a slight dread nipping at her mind. As she hung up the phone and gathered her purse, she had been having a great day. That was until her neighbor called saying that her driveway looked wet. Odd, since there was no rain, as she feared the worst. She rushed home only to find a burst pipe had flooded her house as the water ran out of her garage when she opened it. After a...

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Accounting 300Chapter 2 Gross

Hobie Brown volunteered at the Lincoln Dynamic Youth Center. He loved it. He loved working with the kids, he loved organizing and participating in their events, and he loved making a visible difference. The Lincoln Dynamic Youth Center kept kids out of gangs, off the streets, away from drug dealers and in touch with people who cared and listened. The Lincoln Dynamic Youth Center was doomed. It was ironic and sickening. The philanthropic act by the world's greatest criminal boss was to keep...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Ryan Keely Gets What She Needs With BBC

Tired of being in a sexually unsatisfying marriage, Penthouse MILF Ryan Keely has an affair with ebony stud Ray Black who gives her just what she needs…hardcore pounding with BBC. The busty blonde slurps on his huge dark dick with gusto, a Hoover vacuum level blowjob that could suck the cum out of any regular man. Luckily with Ray’s stamina, he can continue to fuck the living daylights out of the voluputous babe, stretching out her juicy shaved pussy until he shoots his load in her...

3 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 14

The students were in unusually high spirits as they began to file into the Great Hall for dinner that evening, for all those in third year and up were permitted to visit Hogsmeade the next day - except for the few who lacked parental permission slips or who were denied permission as a particularly cruel form of detention, the misery of these unfortunates increased by their friends' cheerful and rowdy banter about the fun they'd have the next day. Imogen entered the Great Hall along with the...

2 years ago
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Mom8217s Sex Drive 8211 Session 1

Hello friends I am Sunny and this my first post on ISS . So please give a feedback for my story. This incident was actually a true event which was happened with my mother four years back when I was in my first year of my college. I am the only son of my parents and my father has an offshore business so he is usually very engaged in his work and give a very little time towards the family. I came to know about this event after my placements when I planned to surprise my parents by visiting my...

3 years ago
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Ice and Icing

Words hurt, but a knife wounds with the sharper pain.He had admired the Russian Sami people for creating two hundred words to describe snow and ice. That eloquence used to impress; less so now her lexicon of inadequacy had grown with use and he was on the receiving end of hailstorms of stinging criticism.They hurt. More so when others heard, especially if they asked, “What did you do to provoke her?”Of course, it would have been worse had her throwing arm been more accurate. For her emotional...

Love Stories
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Young buck

Virginia York wheeled her Caddy into the parking garage and after maneuvering through the maze of ramps she nosed the big auto into a space near the elevator. She shivered a little as a cold north wind whipped around her while waiting for a car. Finally down on the street, she made her way the two blocks to a nondescript building on the west side of Chicago's Loop. It had been almost a month since her last visit, and the anticipation in her pussy caused her to drench her panties involuntarily!...

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JulesJordan Sadie Blake Shyla Jennings Caught Cheating

Shyla Jennings and Sadie Blake show us why make-up sex is the best kind is this intense lesbian vignette. Shyla wakes up the morning after a blow-out argument with her girlfriend Sadie, the memories of the previous night flashing before her eyes. She decides to take a hot shower to relax before starting her day but can’t escape the memories. Sadie appears and jumps in the shower with Shyla where the passionately kiss before heading to the bedroom. They grind their pretty pussies together...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Aria Carson Fiesty And Wild

Aria Carson is ready to get naughty and loves having Dan Ferrari join her for this hot show! She is eager to show him… and you how much she loves sucking cock and getting that pussy pounded! She first teases in her black and gold lingerie showing off her long legs in her thigh high stockings before spreading those legs wide so she can open up that pussy for you! Dan lets her sit right on his face so he can devour that pussy completely. Aria loves cumming and loves how you watch her fuck!...

1 year ago
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Im Not LisaChapter 2 Breakthrough

It was a bit of a let down that we were done. I didn't expect to be chosen for another project right away, so I headed back to my old cubicle and wondered what I'd do next. I didn't get very far. "Julie, hold on a second," I heard Rance call. I stopped immediately and turned to face him. "Yes?" "You have time for more talk?" "Ah ... sure." I wondered what was on his mind. We walked together as he led me to his office. I caught sight of a number of women giving me the eye as I...

2 years ago
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The Imperial Infantrymans Uplifting Primer

(This is my first story on the site, and one of my first forays into the field of NSFW writing. Suggestions, requests, and feedback are welcomed.) I wouldn't recommend you go in looking for a very serious tone, though. As the synopsis suggests, this is intended to be a mix of lewd and humorous, and I can definitely see how that could put off some people. Also, I assume this goes without saying, but I'll probably end up fucking canon about as hard as our protagonist is going to be by the time...

1 year ago
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First Cuckold Experience

This is a story of my cheating ex-girlfriend (gallery on my page is of her) that turned me onto the cuckold lifestyle. It is 100% true, with only the boring extra details left out:It started when I was dating a girl about 2 years ago. She was 22 and I was 21. We had been dating about a year when I discovered that I was her cuckold. To give some background, I was off at college at the time and she had decided to take a year off out of college and got an apartment on her own. We would spend most...

4 years ago
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The Equals

THE EQUALS I don't know why we decided upon Latin America. It just seemed to be one of the few things Julia and I agreed upon of late. I'm sure it was the mystique of the continent that appealed to both of us - the undeveloped feel of the place, the hills and wide open spaces; and the time difference that wrenched us out of reach of the instant demands of European business culture simply seemed to seal the deal. As soon as I saw the package I called Julia to check her thoughts,...

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Wyoming 3

Wyoming, 3 By; Malissa Madison The trip to Dr Cambridge's office took forty five minutes, and Agnes had told me to bring along my Hormones so that he could see what strength they were. As we talked he asked me lots of personal Questions. "How long had I been wanting to be a girl? How had I gotten my hormones? Did I understand how lucky I was that I hadn't had any complications for having not gotten a proper prescription or had my levels checked?" All this frightened...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Rachele Richey 24471

Rachele Richey wants to be recognized for all the hard work she puts in at the office, but when she receives a bonus check, you insinuate that it’s because of her big tits more than anything else! Plus, it probably didn’t help that she fucked you there at the office when she first started working there. But now that she’s put some time in, she’s got some legitimate output to show. But that doesn’t mean she won’t still put out! Move Rachele upstairs with all the major players and she’ll be...

4 years ago
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Fog and Rain Rain and Fog

 There was only one town on this, one of the smaller islands in the northernmost reaches of Puget Sound, hard by the Canadian border. There were no beaches on this side of the island and the town sat above the huge rocks on which the waves crashed below.The town had one store and a small restaurant to serve the fewer than five hundred people who lived on the island year round, most of whom lived in the town. Inland there were a few farmers who grew strawberries in the mild summers. The winters...

Love Stories
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thanks X hamster

I was just on a Blind date and everything was going okay. She asked me what movies I had seen ... Then she asked me my fave websites. I accidently said X hamster aloud ! :0She sais she was on that site a LOT and maybe I should go back to her place and watch a few porn scenes !I had a VERY great time that night (yes I played safe) THANK YOU xhamster !

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Myra 08182016

Myra admits that today she’s getting her first white cock. That’s a bit surprising considering our Puerto Rican/Mexican babe’s looks and location (Sin City). Fortunately for her, that first white cock is above average in size and attached to one of the most experienced dudes in the sexytime department. TC is our man for this scene and that suits Myra just fine. Myra is 24 but she begged us to say she’s 20. Career move? It’s that sort of thing that tells us Myra is...

2 years ago
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Indecent Arousal

So to start this off -- I don't condone cheating, but I completely understand that things happen. I needed extra money this summer, so I got myself a job as a private duty nurse to this elderly lady whose family offered to pay me to live with her for just the summer. It seemed pretty easy. Anna, as she insisted I call her; basically took care of herself. I got to live with her for free. I couldn't have asked for a better job. She had a gorgeous six-bedroom house with a large swimming pool,...

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Riding Bitch Chapter 7

Riding Bitch Chapter 7 By Cissykay I finally made my way out of the bunker and closed the door. Melanie was standing at her hog. By now my feet were really raising hell. Melanie put her hands on her hips and put one foot on the seat of the bike. "Lick it clean bitch." I bent over and licked the boot clean. She changed feet and I licked her other boot. "Get on slut, it's time to ride." I was forced to sit side saddle and when I did my legs inside the hobble dress stuck...

2 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 55 Whos The Mother

Tuesday Week 30 continued "What? I take it that Jill's not the mum?" Peter asked incredulously, as Dave had told him that he was going to become a daddy. "No darling, I'm not pregnant yet, but it's good to know that Dave's not firing blanks" she laughed and then explained to Peter about Kellie and how she and Wendy had convinced Dave to try and make Kellie pregnant during the three nights he was in Brisbane for their wedding. Jill went on the explain how pleased she was that Dave...

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Behan Ko Bca Ki Salah

Hi ISS readers i have got many responses for my first story now i m back with my other mouth watering story as u all know about myself im karan 5’10” strong built having a 6.5 long 2.5” round tool with smart and attractive looks koi bhi ladki bhabi ya aunty kisi tarah ke bhi relation me interested ho to pls contact at coming to my story baat karib 1 saal pehle ki hai (from my first story sex with cousin-II) Mere or pooja ke relation ke bare me to aap sab log jante hi hoge maine pooja se...

3 years ago
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Julies New JobChapter 5 Joans story

Well, thing have gone great for me since I got Julie's sister Mary to go to work for me. I was still in college, with Julie, Mary, and some other girl friends. I always thought that Mary was going to be a frat slut, and when I was able to introduce her at two different fraternities, she became their 'little sister'. Of BOTH frats. I knew that her older sister Julie would make a first class slut also, but she was more resistant to that type of lifestyle. I tried all of the way through...

1 year ago
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While all of my other blog posts are true, this is one fantasy that will never happen but I sure wish it would:I'm on vacation in San Francisco.  As I always do when out of town, I find the gay bar where almost only black guys go to.  The only white guys there are there for one reason--to service and submit to black men.  I have a few drinks and am lucky enough to suck a black cock in the restroom. I spend a lot of time talking to a very sexy black transsexual in a short dress who seems to know...

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The Crash

I had no clue I would be meeting anyone, especially at the hardware store. I was wearing pants, work boots and a cut off T-shirt. This was the week that I planned to spend rebuilding the porch around the house. I was at hardware store picking up the nails, flashing and some miscellaneous tools. As I shut the tailgate of my truck she was walking by. She was gorgeous. The breeze pushed her fragrance toward me. She smelled so sweet, not overpowering simply enticing. I stopped and watched her,...

3 years ago
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Chris and Cock

About 2 months ago I and my wife, Kat, joined an adult dating website; initially it was because we had developed an interest in swinging and we had some successful meetings with other couples that we met through the site. I found myself being more and more turned on at the sight of Kat being fucked by someone else and whilst I enjoyed having sex with other women, started to wish it was just me, Kat and the other guy. I told Kat about this fantasy and she suggested that maybe I wasn't just into...

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Sucked into Skyrim

Sitting alone staring at the character creator in Skyrim, a young gamer prepare to click ready and began your journey as Dragonborn once again. This time with the ultimate modlist. The gamer finally get the journey they always imagined. When suddenly a bolt of lightning arcs through their window striking both them and your PC as their spirit is lifted from your body and transplrted into an alternate reality to inhabit a real version of the avatar they just finalised. - In this story, we will...

2 years ago
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A Bet to Lose Chapter 27

Richard woke up with a pressure in his bladder and immediately realized why. Susie was on top of him still, the two of them cuddling in the same position they had been before, his mittened hand still around her, her weight pressing into his midsection just so. He did not even consider anything that might have woken her up; he intentionally let go into his diaper instead, a smile on his face. His toes wiggled in his booties, legs still tied to the bed, his pacifier felt wonderful in his...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Laney Grey Jessie Saint Swim Team Seduction

Laney Grey and Jessie Saint, two friends on the same swim team, return home from their latest swim practice. They’re so exhausted that they didn’t even bother changing out of their swimsuits, instead of heading straight to Jessie’s house to relax. Their coach has been SO HARD on them lately and it’s really taking its toll on the girls. But it’s hard to relax when they’re both feeling the burn in their muscles from the practice. Although they feel a bit silly...

1 year ago
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A New PastChapter 33 In a Pinch

My eyes teared in the wind, despite my sunglasses cutting the reflected glare of the sun on the white drifts covering the cemetery. Jeryl hugged my side as the minister finished the graveside service for Cynthia Morgan. I returned her hug with one arm, as I held Ali with my other arm. We had flown in the day before, after getting the call from Janet about Cynthia’s passing. I had not liked Jeryl’s grandmother when we first met, but had grown to respect her for her will and determination, if...

4 years ago
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BusherChapter 11 Emily

I was in bed, under the covers, and pretending to be asleep when Dave finally came into the darkened room and joined me in the bed. It was a full-sized bed and I was lying on the right side -- the side next to Dave's alarm clock and his portable radio and a Sound Machine with the sounds of ocean waves and the clickity-clack of a train rolling over the rails. Sleeping aids. Dave, apparently, didn't need any sleeping aids that night. He quickly took his place on the other side of the bed,...

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