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Clarissa Douglas heard the phone chime from the nightstand and mentally growled in anger. This was ridiculous -- they needed to let her husband have one night's sleep in peace! He'd been called out four times in four days now in the middle of the night. You know your husband is exhausted when he wants you to sleep with him by wrapping your body around his and willing him to sleep.

Now, lying on her back, she rolled over and again put her hand on his shoulder in silent communion. The phone chimed again. Peter said in a clear voice. "Tell them -- I am indisposed. Then hang up." His voice was sodden with sleep, but desperate.

Both of them were Type A personalities; both loathed the idea of letting someone else give excuses for them. They couldn't stand not going out if called. He'd called in once for Clarissa, four years before, when she'd been pregnant. In the end it hadn't helped, but that wasn't from Peter's lack of trying.

Now she struggled over his body and groped for the phone as it chimed a third time.

"Clarissa Douglas," she said evenly. The voice that answered was known, but totally unexpected.

"Clarissa! I'm glad it's you. It's Mac."

He sounded funny, like he'd run to catch the phone himself.

"I know who you are, Mac," she told him dryly.

"Clarissa, it happened again tonight. It's bad, Clarissa, it's really bad."

She sighed. As a scholar-mage she was intrigued by unusual magical phenomenon, in particular the slow, steady mutation of those abilities in people. And there was one area of magic she was fascinated the most, the one that used to be unknown, but only in the last hundred years had rare individuals been able to conjure.

Four weeks before someone had cast what scholars like her called a "Mutandis" spell -- one that altered inanimate objects. The first had been discovered by a shopkeeper who'd come in on a Saturday morning and found his shop a crumpled ruin. Forensics teams determined that it had been reshaped into a minaret, like out of the Arabian Nights.

Two weeks ago, also on a Friday night, an intrusion alarm had been triggered in another commercial structure, this one a furniture store. The spell that defended the building hadn't been much of a spell, and had simply called the Night Watch. When the police arrived on the scene, the building looked like a miniature of a Gothic cathedral.

And now, the third alternate Friday in a row, yet another Mutandis spell.

"Go ahead," she told Mac as she settled back in the bed.

"A Night Watch officer felt a vibration, as he was walking his beat down by the Sixth Street Bridge, along the river. He looked and saw a very large warehouse start trying to change shape again. He called it in, and his sergeant arrived just as the warehouse fought back. It's a custom's warehouse, Clarissa, and they have millions of dollars of insured goods inside. They have a protective spell conjured by Wolford and Kingsley. It's a very strong spell.

"Robin, David and I went to the site ... oh God, Clarissa, I've never seen anything like it in my life."

If Clarissa had wanted to use one word to describe her former mentor James MacDougal, it would have been "unflappable." Now he seemed completely flapped.

"Robin reached out and touched the spell just for a second. She had gotten up to within a hundred yards of the warehouse, David was about ten yards further behind her and I was back at the safe line, a quarter mile away, with the Night Watch officers.

"She called that she thought that the spell was childish, and that she was going to try calming and soothing. It seemed to work at first -- the pace of change slowed dramatically. Then -- Clarissa, oh God! Robin's dead. So is David.

"It was like a petulant child striking out in fury at someone who'd told it 'no.' There was this dark shape that seemed to come out of nowhere. It was a giant hammer and it mashed her flat. David screamed and tried brute force on the spell. It was, if anything, worse. He exploded, Clarissa. He just blew up like a human bomb.

"I lifted my hand to try to ward us at the safe line and ... it took my arm. Like some giant beast of the night. Chomp! And my arm was gone above the elbow. Thank God, the Night Watch was there and a dozen of the city's firefighters by then."

Clarissa swallowed. "Mac..."

"I'm at City General," he reported, his voice back to it's usual self, as if he was telling her the weather. "I called the Executive Councilor for Magic in Capital City and he's going to send a team at once, but they won't be here until first light. Clarissa, it's really bad. Really, really bad. The Wolford and Kingsley spell jerks the warehouse back to the way it was, and the other spell forces it back. The whole area is shaking and vibrating. There were already fires in other buildings when they brought me here.

"The fire captain is reluctant to let his men get near the area -- two of them are here in the hospital with me, and a half dozen of the Night Watch.

"Clarissa, I have no right to ask this of you, but I talked to Inspector Morgan -- you remember him -- he's with the City Watch Headquarters these days. He arrived while they were working on my arm.

"I asked him if he'd accept you as a representative of the Executive for Magic. Please, would you go? Just stay back, stay safe, and see what you can learn?"

"Of course, Mac. You take care, and I'll send you reports, okay?"

"Thank you so much, Clarissa. This is going to be very bad ... please, take extra care. For everyone's sake."

"I will, I promise."

"I have to go into surgery now," Mac told her. "The doctors are insisting."

"Good luck, Mac."

Instead of trying to put the phone back on Peter's nightstand, she sat up and dropped it off on hers. She looked over at her husband fondly. Peter had fallen right back to sleep and was resting peacefully. She walked around their bed and leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. "If Mac had no right to ask me to do this, I have even less right to go out the door without waking you. If I did wake you, you'd either want to come or sit here awake and worrying. There's nothing you can do, my love." She kissed him again and walked over to her dresser.

She opened the bottom drawer and fumbled for the backpack that had been the mainstay of her life for a dozen years. B. P. Before Peter, before pregnancy. There was no point in showering, brushing her hair or teeth, none of that was going to matter shortly. She tossed her nightgown on the bed, settled the backpack on her shoulders and wrote Peter a short note saying she'd been called out.

Nude, she walked to the back door of their house, and changed just outside. Three hundred years before, those such as her had been killed on discovery as an abomination. It was all well and good to say it was a reaction of fearful people in the growing presence of magic.

Werehain was the general term for those like Clarissa, and even now many people were uncomfortable with it. There had been too many legends brought from home, that trip now nearly fifteen hundred years in the past. Legends that had persisted all of that time, and if anything, had grown of late as magic took more and more of a grip on the Kingdom of Man.

The curse, she thought, of books. Books were fascinating things for scholars, but the fact was that they preserved the bad as well as the good.

A few seconds later a German shepherd lightly sprang over the back wall and into the alley. The dark shadow lengthened her stride and began to eat distance.

Twenty-five minutes and four miles later she pulled up a half mile from the Sixth Street Bridge. The fires and activity were visible ahead of her, so she changed back in the shadows, then donned jeans, blouse and sturdy, but soft, boots.

She walked the along the river embankment to the cluster of men there, who only occasionally popped up to look over the top of the stone embankment above the river wall. Off to her right the river was dark in the night, close to a mile wide at this point, but contained within the river wall.

Reaching the group, she recognized Inspector Morgan and went up to him. He looked at her, and then back in the direction she'd come. "Scholar Douglas, you are one lucky woman."


"It about a minute or so, that damn protection spell is going to go off again. Didn't any of my men down that way try to stop you?"

"I saw them," she said looking him in the eye. He knew what she was. "They didn't see me."

"Well, if you're in the area between the warehouse and the river when the spell triggers, you would have gone down. We've sent a sixteen men to the hospital. At first we thought the vibration..."

She could feel the vibration, she could feel all sorts of things around her as the warehouse tried to fight the spell attacking it.

The ground shook violently and she had to stand with her legs spread wide, as if she were on the deck of a ship, or risk losing her balance.

The inspector ignored the shaking of the ground. "We thought the vibration was just causing them to fall and hit their heads. Except we couldn't find anyone who'd stayed standing, and now I hear from the hospital that those men are seriously messed up."

"Messed up in what way?" Clarissa asked.

"The doctors have no idea. Their internal body chemistry is screwed up, and they are suffering from hypothermia..." he shrugged his arms helplessly. "It's a warm and muggy evening, with a steady breeze from the east ... how do you suffer from exposure on an evening like this?"

Clarissa walked a few feet and poked her head over the embankment. She watched the warehouse, not really probing, but just using her extra senses to try to make sense out of what was happening.

She had a second's warning.

"Down! Everyone down!"

Everyone went down, lying on the ground. A brick whizzed through the space she'd been in an instant before, then a dozen more. In the river behind them gouts of water jumped up as the bricks landed, looking more like artillery shells than bricks.

Clarissa walked quickly, keeping her head down, towards the bridge, away from the others. She sensed the Wolford and Kingsley spell react badly to losing some of its structure, and then the two spells were dueling once again and she was forgotten.

She nodded to herself.

Robin had been a kindly grandmother, a woman who had raised three daughters and two sons of her own. She had a raft of grandchildren, and none of those deserved to lose her. But if there was one thing in the universe that Robin Mills understand more than anything else, it was children.

Inspector Morgan joined her and simply looked at her. "Wolford and Kingsley, I need to talk to them," Clarissa told him. "I need to talk to the warehouse owner."

She turned and waved at the river. "We have a serious problem and you're going to need to get the word out downstream from here about possible flooding, and significant debris in the water. Upstream, there may already be some flooding, or at best, you'll find the water very high."

"Pardon? Flooding?" the Watch Inspector looked confused.

"Yes. Look at the river wall opposite us."

The inspector looked. "The river is low," he said. "It was a dry winter, a dry spring and now it's been a dry summer."

"Now look at it up there by your northern pickets."

He looked and frowned. "The water is nearly at the top of the river wall!"

"Yes, like I said, we need to talk Wolford and Kingsley. They've used forbidden magic in that spell of theirs."

"Forbidden magic is a serious charge," the inspector told her. "Wolford and Kingsley are a well-known firm, approved by the Crown."

"All those people in the hospital are important too, and so will the flooding be here soon. You'd have known sooner if the wind wasn't blowing from us to the river. Get on your radio and talk to some of your people on the other side. They're going to tell you the night's cooled off considerably."

He raised his radio and made the call.

"You're right," he told Clarissa a moment later. "Just a moment." He spoke again, this time at length. Clarissa could have listened in, but he was using a hush charm and she didn't want to rock the boat.

He turned back to her. "Wolford is in Capital City today, and he's been alerted and is planning on being here in the morning. Miss Kingsley is due here within fifteen minutes. One of the owners is down the line here, talking to the fire marshal."

One of the Night Watch sergeants came up to them. "Inspector, any second now, it's going to happen again. This time there are all sorts of towers, spires -- it looks a little like a fairy castle from a kid's book."

"Watch the river," Clarissa told the inspector as the ground began to shake.

It was the worst shaking she'd ever experienced since the time she'd tried riding a horse. In the distance the Sixth Street Bridge creaked and began to buckle. When the shaking finally stopped the bridge was clearly askew.

The inspector, shaken and pale looked at it. "Thank God, I ordered it closed. And the Nineteenth Bridge as well. Now what's this about the riv..." He stopped in mid-word, his mouth agape as a small island of ice floated slowly past them.

"Is that ice out there?" he whispered in shocked surprised.

"Yes," Clarissa told him, "and this time we can feel the chill from the river. Look at the height of the water now, on the opposite wall."

It was visibly higher, now within a foot or two of overtopping the river wall here, and as he looked back north, water was spilling into the city, higher up the river.

"The Watch Chief is here," someone shouted. "He wants to see you Inspector."

They walked a hundred yards towards the bridge, where a thickset, older man was leaning on the shoulder of a younger man. "I'm fine," the Watch Chief said, shaking off the attentions of a medic. "I twisted my ankle, crossing bridge when it started to go. It'll be all right. Inspector! What the hell is going on here? Where the fuck did that ice come from?"

Someone came pelting up, one of the fire service Emergency Medical Technicians. "There's dozens of people down on the other side of the river, Inspector. We need everyone, right this second! Same thing, we think, as we had here."

"Young man!" Clarissa's voice was sharp and piercing. "Some of those close to the river are probably dead. Anyone you have working over there has to a have a radio with the team. We'll try to give you a minute or two warning before the next cycle starts. Your people have to clear out before it starts as next time it will be worse. You want to draw lines from the customs warehouse, due east, and start evacuating people."

"How far away?"

"Line of sight, to the horizon."

"Ma'am?" the EMT worker said.

"Who are you giving orders at my site?" the Watch Chief demanded.

"Sir, I'm a consultant from the Executive for Magic, I was called in when the local team was killed or incapacitated. I know what's going on and I have a reasonable chance of stopping it. But the longer we stand here talking, the more damage is going to be done. If I was a formal representative for the Executive, this would be my site, sir."

"Chief," Inspector Morgan spoke up, "Scholar Mage MacDougal told me before he was removed to the hospital that he was transferring his authority to Scholar Mage Douglas." Morgan turned to Clarissa.

"Can you really stop this? Do you know what's going on?"

"I need the building owner or a representative with full authority yesterday. Is Kingsley here yet?"

A slight woman of twenty-five appeared. "I'm Ramona Kingsley, who are you?"

"Ramona Kingsley, by the power vested in me by the Executive of Magic, I'm placing you under arrest for the practice of forbidden magic. One of these nice Night Watch officers will read you your rights. As of this moment, you may not practice magic unless and until a proper court of your peers says you may."

It was, Clarissa thought, as fine example of Pavlovian reflexes as you could ask for. Say "arrest" and "read you your rights" and Inspector Morgan was intoning them at once to the slack-jawed mage.

"What forbidden magic?" the young woman demanded.

"Your defensive spell for the warehouse is taking kinetic energy from the river."

"So what?" the young woman sneered. "A waterwheel takes kinetic energy from the river. There is no functional difference."

"Two minutes!" someone shouted.

"Make sure they know across the river!" Clarissa shouted back. "Where's that owner?"

He was a short, beetle-browed fellow, wringing his hands. "Mage Scholar! Can you stop this? You must stop this!"

"Sir, while I do not have to ask you for permission, I would like it nonetheless. You're going to have to let the warehouse go."

"My God! There's a hundred million dollars of goods inside!"

"There's probably a lot less now," she said gently. "And at some point, it's going to go. Sooner is going to be infinitely better than later, sir."

"It'll have to be on your own head, I can't authorize it!"

She nodded. "Sir, you have that right. I have the right to proscribe you, your company and all those associated with your company from this day forward. You are forbidden the services of any mage."

She turned her back on him.

"It's coming!" someone called, sliding down the embankment.

If the shaking had been bad before, now it was terrible. None of them could stand, and all around them, buildings were creaking and grinding, some collapsing. The bridge tilted, leaning at angle over the river, then finally collapsed into the water, sending a small tidal wave down river.

The river itself was now creaking and cracking as ice tried to reach thermal equilibrium with the air and ground around it. "Inspector Morgan, you're going to want to have everyone stay down and keep down ... and well away from me."

She walked along the embankment, having to angle higher because of the slushy water now along the river's edge. She reached the spot she wanted and reached out for the warehouse. She was careful avoiding the young monster; even now marshaling it's force for yet another assault on the protection spell.

She explored and probed the defensive spell and found the right spot. It was one of the most protected and carefully hoarded weapons of Mage Scholars of the Executive for Magic. She felt the protective spell, nearly exhausted now, flog itself to prepare to resist. She couldn't allow that, and so she quickly, deliberately and coldly struck, ending the existence of the defensive spell.

The other spell sensed the demise of its enemy and all Clarissa could do was hug the ground and pray. In that she was lucky. No longer opposed, the Mutandis spell happily turned to what it had been trying to do all night.

After two or three minutes, Clarissa got up and walked back to the others.

"You turned it off the protection spell!" Kingsley accused.

"Yes," Clarissa replied simply.


"Miss Kingsley, if you think that, then you deserve to lose your ability to perform magic. Do you understand that right now there are certainly dozens, hundreds, perhaps thousands of dead and injured? All because of your spell. The Executive is going to hold you and your partner to account for that."

"For sucking energy from a river? I tell you, it was no different than a waterwheel! Get a grip, you old fogey!"

"Miss Kingsley, how is it you can stand there, seeing the river plugged with ice, having gone through repetitive earthquakes, and tell us that there is no difference? A waterwheel is self-limiting by its nature. The amount of power it can derive is a function of the velocity of the current and the size of the wheel. No matter what, you can't exceed that limit ... or the wheel breaks.

"Taking kinetic energy directly from the river, without limit -- well, this is what you get." Clarissa waved at the river.

There were fires now, dozens of them in the city. It was clear that the river was frozen solid for hundreds of yards. Upstream water, dammed from below, was piling up and spilling over the riverbanks.

"The river," Kingsley said, sounding sarcastic, "is a mile wide here and dredged frequently to a depth of sixty feet. Do you have any idea how much energy would be produced just slowing that much water down a trifle?"

Clarissa laughed. "Of course. Do you know how much energy it takes to cause a 5.5 earthquake? Have you ever studied cause and effect? Do you think it's just an odd coincidence that the river is frozen solid? Why do you think the effects have spread upstream and down, plus on the other side of the river?"

She saw the woman's eyes turn towards the warehouse. Clarissa's slap was lightning quick as she sensed what the young woman intended.

"How dare you!"

"Miss Kingsley, if you'd have launched a probe at the warehouse, as you were intending to, violating, I might add, your prohibition to practice magic, you would have triggered the wrath of a five year old who has been stymied and frustrated all night long, kept from playing with his or her new toy. You'd have killed yourself and everyone around you.

"Worse, that spoiled, petulant child cast a Mutandis spell with a twist. The spell can learn, it can change -- and it did. It detected what your spell was going, gathering energy from the river, and started doing the same thing. Mutandis spells, Miss Kingsley are enormously powerful spells, affecting the fundamental nature of the universe.

"The child would sense when your spell was going to try to reset the building, and tried to shake the ground to distract it and give it more to do. The two spells were steadily escalating the energies involved. Even now, I'm not sure but what if this remaining spell lost focus, that what energy that it has saved up might not be released catastrophically."

She turned to the Watch Chief. "It is my belief that if the energies here aren't released slowly, they might be released all at once, and the most likely form would be heat. It would be the equivalent to a massive explosion, Inspector Morgan. You should clear out all but the most essential personnel, sir."

"And you, Scholar Mage? What about you?" Inspector Morgan asked.

"I have a last request," she told him, but she was laughing so he'd know it was a joke. "I need a dozen books with pictures of castles, the bigger the better."

"Whatever for?" the Watch Chief asked.

She laughed, waving in the direction of the custom's warehouse. "It looks like a fairy castle now. I was going to do a little bedtime story-telling."

Nothing ever happens as quickly as you want, Clarissa knew. It took twenty minutes to get the first book. She'd stayed down, in the interim, hoarding her energy.

Two of the City Watch's forensic mages had arrived and had effectively magically castrated Kingsley. Clarissa would have felt sorry for the woman, except for the aborted attempt to probe the Mutandis spell.

There was clearly a lot for the Night Watch and the Fire Department to do. The former custom's warehouse wasn't burning as so they'd gone off to other, more urgent tasks. The Watch Chief had apologized to her, but had to leave to over see the rescue operations in progress all over the city. Only Inspector Morgan remained.

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We met up with Kale and Arnett in the lounge room. They were heading out to visit their families for the day. Kale squinted his eyes at us, “Bloody hell, I need my sunnies. Come on; spill the beans, what has happened?” I looked at James, and he took my hand and beamed at Kale and Arnett, “She has agreed to make me her first husband, and she carries my child.” I looked at James with a frown. The words ‘first-husband’ ricocheted around in my head. I thought back the conversations we had...

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One Night at Magees

One Night at Magee's by Ellie Dauber It was your typical Thursday at Magee's Irish Pub. About a dozen guys -- regulars mostly -- were standing at the bar, nursing their beers and arguing about the game on the TV. A few more,some couples, some alone, were sitting in the booths or at tables drinking or talking or both. Simon, the owner, was over in the corner booth playing his weekly chess game with Harry Steinburg, one of the regulars. Sally, the waitress had just brought a...

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The New Journeyman Battlemage

"Close your eyes, concentrate on the rose. Look at each individual petal, how they curl out to form the flower, how they overlap each other. Think of how the stem attaches to the rose, the leaves angle out from the stem and the thorns attach. Now with that picture firmly in place sprinkle a few rose petals in front of you and push with your mind. Push the picture from your mind into the hand that held the petals." "Now open your eyes and look at your rose." said Master Clarisse. As she...

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Trapped in Magenta

Trapped in Magenta: It all started one Friday night. I had gone to a bar on the edge of town with my girlfriend Janet and one of my friends called John and his girlfriend. I was a struggling writer. My friend was an accountant. My girlfriend was a student I picked up one day when I was running a creative writing class at a local College. My friend and I had grown up together. I had been at the bar when "she" arrived. I got to the table just to hear John say, "It takes a lot of...

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Hard Hals Homage

Hard Hal's Homage by Pamela [email protected] On a beautiful spring Sunday morning Hal and Debbie rode their bicycles on their favorite path around the town where they lived. The cherry trees were in full bloom and there was an intoxicating fragrance in the air. Hal felt deliriously happy since it was their first good ride of the season, and he was madly in love with Debbie and it was such a pleasure to be spending a romantic day with her. On one part of the route that...

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Compensation for Damages

"Thank goodness it's Friday," said Mary. "You got that right," added Kevin. Mary and Kevin were on their way to dinner and then to a movie. They both had had a grueling week and looked forward to a relaxing evening out. It was July, it was hot and Kevin had begun to perspire. As Kevin fiddled with the truck's air conditioner Mary went down a mental list of restaurants that the couple liked. Kevin couldn't help noticing Mary's sexy legs as he adjusted the air. They were covered...

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Delta OriginalChapter 10 Mages

“Hey son, do you feel up to some visitors?” “Hey dad, so are you guys finally ready to come to visit?” Sean asked back excitedly. “Yes, your mother and sister have been nagging me incessantly for weeks and so have Antonio and Pete. We have things pretty much under control as far as the land allocation is going. As we’ve already told everyone we’re in, it’s now up to them.” “As you know, Australia and North America are in. West Europe and Russia will probably be signed up in the next couple...

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2 Cousins 1 Berth The Pilgrimage

Hey, guys, it’s been a while, for those of you who don’t know me go check out my stories. So I have been busy trying to finish off my education and get a job and just somewhat sorted now but that is enough about me. This is the pilgrimage continuation with my cousin sister Namitha. I hope you guys enjoy for this is a rollercoaster love story. For context read the first story. Family Pilgrimage turns into sex mania with smoking hot cousin sister I felt my heart drop as I walked away from her,...

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They all heaved together and pushed the intricately carved stone block as it groaned under its own weight. Twigs broke under their feet and the block slowly slid into the shallow sunken chasm they'd dug for it. It crashed loudly into place and they all sighed. In the dark, moonlit forest, it was possible to see it began to glow very faintly and the world on the far side of it seemed to shimmer slightly around it. "Finally," Stan said and dusted his hands. He stretched and groaned from...

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REVELATIONS, Chapter 6, Verses 13 – 19 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. 15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and...

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Aliens and CowboysMagellan

Mark woke up at his usual time, along with the sun, and extracted himself from between Rayven and Annabelle. Took care of his morning ablutions, then went up to his office to get his morning coffee and look through the daily reports. As soon as he sat down, Cricket notified him that during the night, one of the new sensor beacons detected a habitable planet. It was the one that she predicted had the greatest chance of success, since it was the closest one to the area that they were found and...

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Damn, old-school Image Fap! A man must sometimes take time to appreciate the classics. Mozart. Rembrandt. And photo gallery porn sites. Do you kids know that before high-speed internet came along, a man had to jerk off to pictures? Like out of a fucking magazine, a man’s jerk off material was either image files or waiting two fucking hours for a shitty minute video to download that you would replay twenty times while you took out your frustrations on your poor cock. Those videos were so fucking...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Finding a free image hosting site like Image Bam is not that difficult, but most of them do not allow adult content. Well, that is why I am here, to find a site that does actually allow that crap, and that is where steps in. This is a place meant for everyone; whether you want to upload some family-friendly crap, or you would prefer to upload pornographic shit, it does not fucking matter.We all know that sites like don’t come easy, but this is an exception since they...

Adult Image Hosting Sites
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ImageVenue is a free image hosting solution designed for you to share your digital images with friends, post the images on bulletin boards, and blogs. Whatever variety of photos that may be in your possession, Image Venue hosts them for you with unlimited bandwidth and the option to upload as many photos as you possibly can. With an evolving world web that is increasingly becoming more visual, having a free image hosting platform is the Holy Grail, so to speak.If you are still reading this,...

Adult Image Hosting Sites
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Knowing the kind of naughty freak you are, I’m guessing you have a collection of adult images and hot memes you’ve collected when not fapping your small dick sore. Getting a free image hosting site to place your erotic stash should be your next step. Which is why today I’m the bearer of good news in the name of a free image hosting site; Image Twist. Even better, you get fucking paid according to the number of views your photos have garnered, which is as good an incentive for you to share some...

Adult Image Hosting Sites
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Judging by the name of Image Post, we could freely assume that they specialize in pornographic pictures, but we know that this isn't true. How? Well, make your way inside the page, and you will quickly find out that they post videos on their page as well. I mean, it's right there, underneath the home button. Not the videos...rather, they just say it themselves: "Yeah, we got a ton of videos too!". The page looks very simple, and your eyes surely aren't fooling you, it truly is simple. Let's...

Naked Girls Galleries
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Lo Baphomet IV Sex Cult Armageddon

As the sun set around the world that day, no one could have known that it would be the last dusk the species Homo sapiens would ever see.Least of all me, who did not have the privilege of witnessing it, having been sucked into some unknown dimension after three nights in the underground temple complex of a demon-worshipping sex cult. I stood before the object of their devotion, in the shadow of the horns of a creature straight from a black metal album cover. Constellations streamed out in...

5 years ago
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Homage Synopsis: This story is different from my other work. It is an homage to a fellow author. As an homage, it is written to emulate his style, structure, and thematics. If you want to know more than that, you'll have to read the dedication. Dedication: For me, the internet was a great boon, as I imagine it was for many of the people that read my work. My first foray into it took place when I was still too young to actually be visiting the kind of sites I saw, but that only...

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In a valley far to the north, cradled between the frozen mountains of the Freljord, lived a very special community of creatures. Akin to massive bears that evolved to resemble humanity, the Ursine are a secluded tribe of spirit warriors known for their savage efficiency in combat. For hundreds of years they waged wars in the Freljord and the lands beyond, where they were respected for their strength, but today they live a tranquil life of seclusion away from the petty squabbles of the world....

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Surviving Armageddon

We sat at the table across from our parents, my dad looked at us “Have either of you two had sex yet?” My heart clunked almost to a stop and I felt my face blanch. What the hell kind of a question was that? You don't ask a teenager straight out if he's fucked a girl, especially with his mom and sister sitting next to him. I glanced at my sister Tina and saw her face bloom red as her eyes widened in surprise, I knew by her reaction Tina was thinking the same thing. We both knew the details...

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"To the reader... I don't know why I've written this. After all these years it is unlikely that anyone will ever read it. Perhaps I write to reconcile myself. ... Whatever the reason, this is my story. It is written a while after the events I speak of, but I will try to keep it as close to what actually happened as I can. I will also try to speak the truth, even if it makes you despise me, for I won't lie, I have made many bad choices, only some of which I regret. Time is short and getting...

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INTRO SONG: (Because I like of these. They make me think of amines but non-anime music) Lacey Sturm - State of Me "Finally. . .after a thousand years I am free! My prison gone! Free to rule. Free to lead. I'll destroy the Great Enemy. Theos. THEOS!" The dragon roared with his seven heads. Ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. "I must have revenge! Anna. Dark feathery wings. Black hair, Pale skin. Black tunic. Sandals. She carried a sword of darkness. She flew down the tremendous hole. She...

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INTRO SONG: (Because I like of these. They make me think of amines but non-anime music) Lacey Sturm - State of Me "Finally. . .after a thousand years I am free! My prison gone! Free to rule. Free to lead. I'll destroy the Great Enemy. Theos. THEOS!" The dragon roared with his seven heads. Ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. "I must have revenge! Anna. Dark feathery wings. Black hair, Pale skin. Black tunic. Sandals. She carried a sword of darkness. She flew down the tremendous hole. She...

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A Joke Surviving Armageddon

Foreword: READ THIS FIRST After reading Agena's "A Joke", then reading all of the endings, I wasn't ever really satisfied with any of them. Even Triple T's "Texas Ending" and "Texas Epilogue" just didn't sit right with me. I understand where he's coming from, and both his Ending and Epilogue are 5 star reads. However, I just felt my teeth itching to take Agena up on his invitation to write my own. READ "A Joke" first, if you haven't already. I take over this one as the "sex...

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Viral Armageddon

Jim sat behind his desk watching what passed for news now and wondered how the world came to this. He was worried about his students, his country, his school and the world in that order. It had been over a year since the Corona Virus first reared its ugly head in Wuhan, China. Contrary to promises made by nearly every world government and the various drug companies the virus continued to ravage the world unchecked. Yet another proposed cure had failed tests. The mortality rates continued to...

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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 3 Visions of Armageddon

Lois and I generally slept separately, as the hormones of this new body tended to have me react too fast. Sometimes, though, we did cuddle through the night. I certainly didn’t object to the increasing sexuality, which, through James Bong, the Others assured me would deepen our bonding. Images of nuclear explosions, and of killers in the night, awakened meWaking up quite early. I suppose it was partially memory and partially Others-enabled vision, but I became certain that I remembered that...

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Copyright Oggbashan January 2015 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* On a Friday evening in the mid 1960s, shortly after New Year’s Eve, I sat in a corner of the public bar nursing my pint while my friends were watching...

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The pilgrim rang the bell. She was a young woman, slender and tall, and wore the traditional red robe. She had long hair, a golden seal ring, and mud-stained walking boots. It only took a few breaths for three attendants to come to her. The three naked men, wearing nothing but their collars and leashes, crawled on all fours, offering themselves to the newly arrived pilgrim on the Way of the One Goddess. “Show me to the chapel”, she demanded, kicking the face of one of the men at random. He...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Random Images

Random Images by Deena "I thought they would never leave! God, don't these people ever sleep?" The blonde behind the cell bars groused loudly enough so that the female cop slammed the door to the holding cellblock and strode over to her cage. "What's the problem, babe? Didn't take your hormones today? You wanta wake up the computer geeks?" "Furthest thought from my mind. In fact, that's what I was griping about. You know, it's hard to have any fun out here in...

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IntemperanceChapter 8B Imagery

The movie premier that Jake and Matt had been pretty much ordered to attend (their contract stated they were required to make themselves available for public appearances as arranged by the record company — this was without compensation, of course, with only travel being paid for) was for a film called Thinner Than Water. Neither Jake nor Matt knew anything about it other than it starred Mindy Snow and Veronica Julius, two of the hottest young female actors on the movie scene today, though two...

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IntemperanceChapter 8A Imagery

June 28, 1983 John F. Kennedy Airport New York City, New York The limousine stopped as close to the Nationwide Airlines terminal as possible. The driver had been instructed not to open the door for them. That would only attract attention. The hope was to get through the airport lobby and security checkpoint as anonymously and unobtrusively as possible. It was a slim hope at best, but a hope nonetheless. Jake opened the door and stepped out. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a button...

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Star ChamberChapter 11 Battle Damage

“Shall we have a meeting?” Kevin Humphreys asked the hundreds that were gathered. Jenny had given John a hug just after Dar took the bag of black boxes for Vid and the Russian Space Program, “What are you smiling about?” “I think the two Presidents may have bonded.” John smiled as he looked in Jenny’s eyes. “I agree, that’s worth smiling about.” Jenny gave John a kiss. Reverend Jacob approached John and Jenny, “I’m calling for volunteers to fly home and see how much damage we got. From...

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Prurient ParishionersChapter 13 Oral Homage

When Daphne awakened two hours later she at first didn't know where she was nor did she remember what had transpired. The drug that had amplified her libido and contributed to her docile surrender of her virginity often temporarily blacked out memories. A lethargic calmness washed over her and she became aware that she was naked under a blanket. She was also fatigued and, as she often did when she awakened, she reached down between her legs. "Mmmmm," the newly devirginated teen murmured...

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Collateral Damage

It is the end of a very long day of a very long week. Seems every other call and visit involves an intense flu virus that’s sweeping through our county like an invading army. Few escape untouched.Susan walks in for the last appointment of the day looking like one of the recent victims. Classic symptoms, a story heard a couple dozen times today. After listening to her symptoms, a simple exam looking for bad beasties in eyes, nose and throat. Moving behind her, a light touch to neck glands brings...

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Copyright© 2006 by Kien Reti It was after midnight on a dark street in an unsafe neighborhood, but he felt perfectly safe. And, why not? After all, Macduff was a 6'-3" muscular male in the prime of life, and trained in the martial arts to boot. There was no excuse for being taken by surprise. "Fucking careless!" was the last thought that flashed through his mind before his head exploded. "Sir, can you hear me?" the distant voice asked. His head hurt. He hurt all over. And there was...

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Minimal Damage

I remember sleeping about five inches from the ceiling. Coffinesque. I went to sleep stifling an endless scream. My brother was in the lower bunk. I fell once but don’t remember the circumstances. I dreamed of men. Famous ones. Ones my friends say would be good for me. I broke his things when he was gone. I’d slip into our closet and find seashells he collected, just one or two, not instantly noticeable and take them to the laundry room in the Big House, as the girls call it. I’d take one at a...

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My Neighbour Paid For Her Sons Damage

Four days afterwards i could see there son sniggering as i walked up my path and into my house, i was filled with rage and anger. At times the younger children next door use to shout and scream, i could never get any peace and quiet, i felt i was being hounded and tormented by my neighbours children. It was no use having words with there mother, she would'nt have a word said wrong about them, she see's them as angels, unknown to her i seen what her eldest son did to my car that night. ...

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Brain Damage

Brain Damage  I had a job and worked everyday after school, I had more money then most of my friends, and rode a new motorcycle, I liked girls and spent more time with them, then I did hanging out with my guy friends, I enjoyed there company and almost always had some girl with me, I liked to open doors for them and tell them they were beautiful, I bought them flowers for no reason and took them out on dates. At eighteen, I had long hair, rode a nice motorcycle, and had girls around...

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Collateral Damage

Tales of the Windy City Collateral Damage By The Professor Living in Chicago is not for the faint of heart. That was the first thought that ran through my head the blustery March morning my life began to change. I didn't know it was about to change, but maybe most of us aren't truly cognizant of that moment where everything either comes together or goes to hell. If we did, we'd do something about it before it got out of hand one way or the other. The sidewalks were still fairly...

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