Diana_(2) free porn video

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Gail Holmes

“I assume before very much longer you’ll have to have some of this off young lady; or you’ll be sitting on it, then where will be. You really don’t understand what a pain it is, between you and your father, and his love for lengthy hair. He should endeavour brushing it sometime!” Diana’s mother chuckled as she stood back from the chair admiring her handy work.

This would be Diana’s first holiday on her own, well not so much on her own, more should I say without her parents. She was looking forward to it. It was the start of July; outside the sun was beaming down and the birds singing. She felt a spring in her step as she walked slowly toward the doorway. Her thoughts of her dreams

“I think I’ll wait in the garden Mum?” Diana twisted around waiting for her mothers reply.

“That’s be fine darling; I’ll shout you when George turns up!” Pauline looked down at her watch. “Shouldn’t be to long now, he said 9.30. He’s to be back at the club for ten!”

The scent of the trees and flowers tickled Diana’s nose. It had been ages since she’d actually seen the garden in full bloom; she’d really missed it.

George arrived at twenty passed nine; Pauline had already made a pot of tea, she’d anticipated him being early, George picked up the cup and smiled toward Pauline, immediately walking over to the window then gazing out.

“She’s grown up to be such a beautiful young lady!” he implied, as he stood watching Diana, she stooped down easing a flower gently towards her face, directing it under her nose. “D’you think she’ll ever regain her sight?” George quizzed, turned back facing into the room, adjusting his vision after looking out into the bright sunlight.

“We tell her there is; but to be honest I think there’s little likelihood now, she been like this since she was ten, little over eight years now. I don’t think it bothers her that much; her education didn’t suffer that’s the main thing. I think this break will do her some good; she loves being with people!” Pauline smiled walking up beside him watching her daughter through the lattice window.

George had been a friend of the family for the last five years; he’d worked for the club for about seven. He never could work out where Diana got her looks from, certainly not from her mother or fathers side of the families. One couldn’t tell from her hazel eyes she was even blind, they looked faultless, trouble was, she was never conscious of the awareness that she attracted, her trim figure and long legs, her choice in clothing always clung to her body outlining her petite but firm breasts and slim hips.

Pauline had often wondered as to how George managed to live on his own with his looks it was a mystery. He was a good looking man, chisel jawed and rugged, in his 40’s, with his tanned completion and brown hair he’d turn any woman’s head, and should he smile, well I’ll say no more.

“George’s here Diana!” Pauline called from the doorway.

The sun backlit her hair as she walked back up the path toward the door, long blonde strands flowed in the breeze, nevertheless, what really caught George’s attention was the light shining through her dress, revealing her long slender legs and the clear-cut outline of her pussy region between them, she paused momentary in the doorway captivating George’s attention, his eyes roamed over the slender body before him.

“Well, how I do look then!” Diana twirled around in her dress allowing it to flow out with the force of her spin.

“Great, you look just great Diana!” George laughed.

“Are we ready then?” from his voice she detected just as to where he stood; fixing her gaze straight him.

George walked over taking her arm. “Come on Cinderella, to the ball we go!”

“See you later in a week then Mum! You will take care of everything won’t you! Lead on MacBeth!” she chuckled, putting her hand onto George’s, which was slipped though her arm

George moved as soon as he felt her weight on his arm. “Don’t worry Pauline; she’ll be taken well care of, you have yourself a nice week now” He felt proud as he walked out into the street, even her walk wasn’t hesitant, it looked to all if she was just holding his arm to be near him, he thought.

“In you get then!” George eased her toward the open door of the minibus, hand placed lightly on her rump as she climbed in.

The club was for the blind, also an amount of handicapped people of all ages, mostly in the evenings, they’d collected money for the holiday over the last six months. All were looking forward to the outing; it was a seaside trip, staying at a bungalow and mobile home site. Diana had plenty of friends there, but relied heavily on George to move about, he’d put her in the front seat so that he could keep his eye on her.

The journey took around three hours, they’d stopped twice for drinks and of course the toilet, arriving just after lunchtime; all were thrilled when they approached the holiday park, Diana wanted to know all about what the others had seen and were chatting about.

George helped familiarise her with her surroundings within the bungalow, but as far as her suitcase was concerned she knew where everything was, putting it away herself. He stayed until she’d finished unpacking, knowing she’d be hungry; then taking her to the main restaurant, at the centre.

Both decided that after lunched and a rest, they’d go swimming, there were two female helpers at the camp but Diana preferred George to be her aide. Heading her back to her bungalow as to collect her bathing costume, whilst the others collected their own.

“I think I’ll change into mine here!” Diana chuckled once they’d got inside. “I will save any problems of finding a bathing hut”

“That’s fine I’ll just pop over to my cabin and get my own while you change!” George replied…hesitating as he got to the door, the thought of seeing her nude allure him to stop. “I’ll be back in about five minutes then!”

“Fine George, thank you! Don’t you be long?”

George opened the door then closed it in front of him, turning quietly back to face her, she’d started to hum a tune as she opened the draw beside her bed, lifting her costume out, then laying it on to the bed beside her. George nearly started to walk towards her when she reached over her shoulders to undo her dress; then realising she wouldn’t need help.

She’d turned slightly towards him drawing the dress over her head, he was amazed, all she’d on underneath was the briefest pair of panties he’d ever seen. Unhurriedly she eased them down placing them onto the bed. George had only imagined what she looked like beneath before, never did he appreciate her body was so firm, her breasts stood like miniature mountains, with twin peaks, with just a smidgen of golden down between her legs. He placed his hand down onto his cock, already it was hard, he stood and watched as she picked up the top of her bikini, placing it around herself, everything seemed to be in slow motion to him, most frustrating as she wriggled into her panty bottoms, drawing them up her legs slowly.

George waited a few minutes before turning, and then knocking on the door.

“Why knock to come in George? When you haven’t even left the room?” Diana laughed. “I might be blind, but my sense of hearing is perfect, you didn’t really think that I’d fall for that one did you?” she implied with a chuckle.

“Diana! What can I say?” George was devastated by his own absent-mindedness, forgetting the extra senses that blind people possess.

“You’re not the first to try it! My Dad has done it on the odd occasions, but I’ve only allowed him to stay once” She said with a grin. “Then he never saw anything!”

“No!” Diana smiled.

“What did you say to him?”

“I didn’t…I didn’t say anything, as you’re already aware I am more than familiar with my home and everything in it. He’s the same as you…when you walk your trousers rub between the legs. And like him you didn’t walk, you just closed the door. I walked over to the door and re-opened it, put my hand onto his shoulder turned him and pushed him out.

George had to smile at the way she’d gesture with her hands.

“Well, as I say I am sorry!”

“No you’re not!” she laughed. “Now come over here!”

George walked leisurely towards her, as if by magic no sooner was at arms length, she lifted her hands and put them up around his neck. No one would consider she was blind.

“Well, did you like what you saw then?” she grinned


“I’m not daft…blind maybe, but I can sense as to where your eyes are… My, I shouldn’t have done that should I?”

“Done what!”

Diana leaned forward lifting herself up onto her toes, kissing him on the cheek.

“Got undressed in front of you, it’s had an effect on you I can tell. However, I’d never have realised that it worked that fast!” She whispered in his ear.

“We’d better get you to the pool young lady!”

“Me!” she chuckled “I think it’s you that wants cooling down. Anyway, I don’t want to go swimming now!”


She moved to the side of him sitting down on the bed taking his hand, and then patted the bed beside herself.

“Don’t keep calling my name! Here sit down.”

“Diana, Ok, so you’ve caught me out, what can I say but that I’m truly sorry!”

But George, it’s not your fault! Deem me responsible…!”

“Diana, that’s silly, what could you have to do with it?”

“George!” she leaned forward kissing him, only this time finding his lips. “ As I said…blind I might be, but I’m also a woman! George…I know you have feeling for me…that I do know. This morning I knew what the weather was like, knowing it was a brilliant sunny day, and as to which direction the sun shone from. This is why I went out into the garden before you came. I had to push you…. Ok, I could have been wrong, lets say it’s women’s intuition, I know by your speech, it’s tone when you talk to me, even your gestures, Ok, I can’t see them, but I can sure sense them. I’m sure you’ve feelings for me. What’s more I think you want me!”

“What has this got to do with you going into the garden?”

“As I said, I think you want me. I knew with the sun where it was, and if I could catch you in the doorway…this was only in my mind! I had to push your lust, this is why I stopped in the doorway, in the provocative manner that I did; knowing with the sun behind me, it would be shining straight through my dress. I don’t know for sure if I even done it right! Never seeing it done, I wouldn’t know for sure…did the sun shine through my dress, and did it have an effect on you?”

George smiled to himself, knowing she was right.

“Diana, yes the sun did shine through your dress and yes it did have an effect on me. You just don’t know as to how beautiful you really are young lady…it would have had the same effect on any man, that’s why we’re called men”

“Enough to make you…try kidding me that you’d actually walked out though that door?” Diana turned pointing toward the door, with a grin on her face.

“Yes, I suppose it had something to do with it! Being as you realised as to what you’d done, would you have expected anything else?”

“So…all things being equal, it’s worked then?” Diana smiled.

“I’m not with you…all things being equal, what is your meaning?”

“Well it stands to reason, you want me…and I want you!”

“But Diana!” George was interrupted before he could continue. Diana had reached across him putting her finger up to his lips.

“You don’t have to say it…Ok, I’ve never seen you! But I sense your feelings; I know there the same as mine. Lust; I want you; I really do, is that so wrong.

Putting it like that…no I suppose not! So what do you want me to do?” George chuckled.

“You have the sight!”

“Meaning what; a man doesn’t need eyes for sex!”

“Maybe not…but you’ll know if there is anybody around a mite better than I would! And I take it that we’re on our own now, that’s unless you secretly brought someone else in with you? Diana smiled.

“Nope! We’re on our own!”

Diana moved her hand across to his inner thighs, drawing it upwards gradually.

“You’re naughty, d’you know that?” George sighed pulling her slowly across him, lying across his lap, his eyes wander down over her; leaning forward he kissed her gently on the lips. Diana reached up, running her hand around his neck.

“Are you saying you don’t want me?”

George slid his hand under her body, unclipping her top, pulling it gently then placing it onto the bed beside them.

“And I thought I was the naughty one!” Diana smiled up to him.

Placing one hand down onto her waist George kissed her softly on the lips, allowing it to slither up onto her breast, compressing it in gentle movements, his fingers toying her nipples. Diana loved the sensation of his caressing, but her pose was uncomfortable.

“Can I lie on the bed, I want to touch you to, this way it’s a little awkward!” she smiled. “I am enjoying it!”

George lifted gently, placing her body the length of the bed; then lie beside her, his hand went back to her breast continuing to manipulate it with his long fingers. Placing both her hands around his neck, running her fingers through the thick hair, she drew him down, as their lips met his tongue could be felt wiggling amid her moist lips, this seemed to stir something within her, Diana let out a low moan. His hand moving from her breast slowly over her tummy, the swimsuit bottom was tight, so he continued down probing his fingers between her legs. Drawing them up gently as Diana eased them leisurely apart. Kissing him hard on the lips as she did so.

George’s finger explored the area covering her pussy, just dragging one finger lightly over it in spiral movements, pressing nimbly over the given spot, the sensation was tantalising to her. Diana shifted her position, reaching down, clasping at the swimsuit panties, he understood the magnitude of her desire to remove them, she lifted sensing his hand reaching beneath, allowing him to eradicate the obstruction between them.

George gazed at the soft blonde down his fingers running leisurely through the silky hair, sliding slowly over her Mound of Venus, edging his way toward the tight fissure. Diana gripped his neck tightly as he dipped finger slightly, drawing juices already secreted from within.

Moving down gradually George placed his mouth over her breast; nibbling gently on the taut but raised nipple, allowing his tongue to quiver in light but gentle movements, whilst his long finger slithered up within her. Diana’s whole body went into a convulsion, her back curved sharply, forcing her lower body powerfully back down onto his finger, locking it deep inside.

George moved, allowing himself the concluding journey down her body, nibbling as he progressed, her tummy, then though the silky down, until finally reaching the given spot. His tongue trembled violently, forcing itself under the small hood, whilst leisurely disengaging his long finger. Her love bud stood steadily as his tongue vibrated around its base; Diana body shook intensely as her first real orgasm came, sending tiny messages around her body, her sightless eyes flickered. George lifted himself moving over her slowly, kissing her passionately as his finger drove into her pussy at an alarming rate.

Diana clutched at the bedding pulling herself up abruptly, resting her head over his shoulder she let out a low but gutterish moan, almost a howl, George hugged her hard, feeling the spasms within her pussy on his reengaged fingers.
“Jesus George! God, forgive me for blaspheming!”

She was awash with pleasure. “Please George you must stop!” Diana shuddered gripping his shoulders, her inner senses glowing with awareness, her young body succumbing to her dormant sexual needs.

“George, what’s happening?” she sobbed.

He eased her gently back down on the bed, tears were rolling down her cheeks, leaning forward he kissed her softly.

“It’s all right…its as it should be!” He smiled lifting his finger up through her tears.

Diana reached forward taking hold of his arms, her hands gently rubbing up and down them.

“I don’t think I’m ready…not just yet!” she sobbed. “Later, we’ll try later…so much was happening”

He looked down, scrutinising her body…he wanted her. God, how he wanted her, her legs were still splayed out before him. He knew to take her now would be wrong, it would be against he’s inner feeling, she was not unlike an angel lying before him.

Diana appeared to hold on to his arm tighter now, whether it was because of what happen in the bungalow he couldn’t tell, he felt more relaxed toward her. Others of the group were already in the swimming pool splashing about; Diana heard their sheiks.

“That sounded like Paula?” she quizzed. “Shall we go in?”

“You think a cooling will do you good then?” George chuckled, placing his hand onto hers.

“No, I want to be in the pool with you!” Diana knew she was close to the poolside, she did anticipate pushing him in, but realised someone might be close to the edge.

George neared the end of the pool where the steps were, jumping in he reached up toward her, holding onto her ankles.

“Come on, the steps are right in front of you”.

Diana leaned down taking his hand as he place it on the rail to the side of her. “Couple of paces forward and your there!”

Holding the rails Diana edged forward, easing her foot over the perimeter of the pool. Hands caught here waist as she moved down the steps, letting go she threw her arms around Georges neck, jumping into the pool in front of him.

“God! It’s cold!” she laughed.

“Soon get used to it, come on swim, its all clear”

George spoke as he swam, using his voice as to direct her though the swimmers.

“It’s getting deep now!” She giggled, splashing water in his direction.

“You’re cruising for a bruising young lady!” George mused.

“Thought you wanted cooling down!” Diana laughed turning away and swimming off in the opposite direction.

After what seemed hours of fun they finally left the pool to sit at a table on the edge; George went up to the bar and collected drinks. He couldn’t help but notice the attraction she stirred by just sitting on her own.
Sitting down at the table pushing her glass across toward her hand

“There, that will refresh you!” he informed her.

“Yes, that is nice!” Diana sipped slowly, replacing the glass back down on the table. “What is it, its certainly refreshing?”

“Thought you’d like it, it’s called a “Gin Fizz”

“I hope you not thinking of having your wicked way with me!” chuckled Diana. “As if you are, you’re going the right way about it!”

“I take it by that remark, you’re feeling better now then?”

“I’m sorry, I know I was wrong!”

“Wrong in what way?” George moved his hand to the centre of the table taking hers into it, squeezing it gently.

“Wasn’t fair on you really was it! I mean leaving you high and dry like that” Diana appeared to be looking him straight in the eye as she spoke.

“Perhaps we were both being to hasty!” George replied. “We’ve plenty of time”

“I think I was the hasty one, I didn’t give it a chance, my mind was going wild, it was so pleasurable, I think I got a little frightened with my own feelings to be honest!”

“They’ll be other times!” George smiled to himself.
“No George, I think tonight! As I said I’ve waited so long for this holiday with you, time is of the essence. I intend to enjoy you?”

“But why me! I’m certain there’s young lads of your own age, most willing to do the job for you!”

“Oh yes I’m sure there are, I’m in no doubt they’d be only to willing, but I feel I have confidence you, I know your to some extent older”

George grinned to himself at this remark.

“To some extent!” George chuckled. “I’m twice your age young lady!”

“It bothers you?”

“Of course not, I feel honoured! There is nothing I’d love more, I feel it a privilege”

“Then it’s settled” Diana moved her hands to the centre of the table taking his. “Tonight, you shall take my virginity!”

George felt a sudden strain within his shorts; his cock had livened, throbbing with an abrupt rush of blood. He’d wanted her for so long, he couldn’t accept this was happening to him, she looked so beautiful with the sun backlighting her long blonde hair, every now and again the breeze would catch wisps blowing them across the table toward him. He got to his feet leaning across the table cupping her small face into his hands; tenderly kissing her on the lips.

“You’re astonishing, d’you know that! There is nothing more that I would like to take the satisfaction in!”

They left the nightclub early, around 9.30; both were full of joy, Diana holding him snugly around the waist as they walked, it was quiet, everyone being in the club.

“Would you like to carry me over the threshold!” Diana giggled.
George lifted her into his arms, she smelt good as he kissed her cheek.

“We’re not married I’ll have you know?” George chuckled, pushing the door with the keys stuck in the corner of his mouth.

“You should be ashamed of yourself George!” Diana laughed as he lay her lengthwise down on the bed. “Taking advantage of such a young girl!”

He smiled at her remark. “Shall we crack the bottle of wine then?”

Diana sat up on her elbow, listening as his shoes clicking across the tiles on the kitchen floor.

“Sounds good to me, but shouldn’t we have it in a while after my accomplishment with you is done!” Diana raised her voice slightly assuring he’d hear her.

“You make it sound as if I’m about to run a marathon!” George called back

By the time he’d returned with the bottle of wine and two iced glasses, Diana was naked, looking more like an oil painting, laying the full length of the bed, her hair spread across each of the pillows to the sides of her.

“God, you look ravishing!” George informed her, placing the tray on the bedside cabinet, slowly sitting down beside her placing his hand on to her tummy

“God that’s cold! Diana jumped suddenly at the touch of his hand from the cold glasses and wine. “Now be gentle Georgie no more shocks like that” Her hand reached up toward him, finding his neck, pulling him down to her.

George gently kissing her lips moving to her fingers, nibbling the tips soothingly.

“Gentle is my middle name” chuckled George easing her hand to one side, lifting her leg moving slowly between them.

Diana gave out a tiny moan as the sensation of his tongue drew up over her clitoris, George was renowned for his oral lovemaking over time, reaching down she manipulated strands of his hair through her fingers giving gentle tugs as the sensations intensified.

“God George, you’re doing it again, dam you!”

George’s sense of hearing had vanished; he was on cloud nine. The aroma of her scent filled his nostrils, musty, but with a pungent taste, he lifted his finger meandering it up inside her, unhurriedly drawing it in and out as her juices increased; the delicate fluid engulfed his finger allowing complete viscosity, the feeling to George was that of pure silk.

Moving slowly up and down her body kissing, and nibbling as he went, her nipples stood firmly as his tongue crept over them. George was more than ready to take the plunge, lifting himself across her body, in between her legs.

“George!” Diana said in a pleading tone. Knowing of his intentions

“Diana?” George wavered in his movement, hovering for moments.

“Could…could I hold it first? I have only ever once seem my cousins, he was only five at the time!”

As George moved back to the side of her, she placed her hand between his legs, embracing his cock with her fingers, gently kneading it.

“ I can’t believe how supple but hard it is, are they all this size?”

“More or less, he’s not as big as some!”

“You called it a him?” Diana giggled.

She continued to manipulate his rigid cock, as it stood proudly within her hand. Unexpectedly it throbbed, she looked up toward him, there was a gleeful look in her eyes.

“Sorry what did I do?” momentary she hesitated in her movements on his cock.

George moved in closer to her, his hand moving back down amid her open legs.

“It’s okay, you just provoked him and he reared up if you like! But please carry on”

“Do all men consider it a him?”

“Most, but many actually have a name!”

“You’re jesting with me! Does yours have a name then?” she jested.

“Thomas…John Thomas, well at least that’s the name my mother called him!”

Diana reached up giving him a peck on the cheek, and then sat back with a smile on her face, her hand not leaving his cock, rubbing it up and down in slow delicate movements.

“So what would John Thomas like now then?”

George knew what he wanted, kissing her firmly on the lips. “Perhaps a nice kiss; if you feel up to it!” He responded.

“You’re winding me up again!” she chuckled. “What good would kissing him do?”

“No…I’m serious, it helps to make his entrance easier, plus he finds it enjoyable! John Thomas is partial to a grand entrance, by wetting him that’s what he’ll get; you’ll be a little tight at the minute. It would help!”

Diana went down, giving John Thomas a warm luscious kiss on the tip of his helmet.

“Diana, no please, not like that, take him up into your mouth, suck him, make him good and wet!”

She engulfed John Thomas, taking him to the back of her mouth succulently drawing her lips tightly along his bulky sides as she moved up and down. George leaned his head back groaning loudly, his hands were forced behind him, seizing the pillow tightly with his fingers until his knuckles whitened. He tried to lift his hips but Diana held them down, her head now bobbing up and down furiously. One would have considered her a specialist in the way she manipulated her mouth and gums over poor John Thomas, the more she sucked the heavier the blood flowed thickening his stance.

“Now…now Diana! I must have you now!” George blurted out, withdrawing his finger sharply.

Diana laid back, her legs still open as George clambered between; his hand gripping John firmly, guiding him in the direction of her virginal passageway, it swung wildly. The length of his cock was shimmering with her saliva, reaching up suddenly she clasped his wrists holding them tightly as she sensed the enormous strain inside her pussy, the walls were spreading to one side by its entry, this was not only new to her, but also to her pussy.

George sensed the barrier of her hymen against his helmet, easing himself to a standstill, no way did he want to bestow her any means of discomfort…with a quick jab he was through, and the pain to Diana was momentary, once John Thomas’s way was released of the hindrance, he slithered soothingly up inside her. George looked down as he fucked her in slow but deliberate strokes, her hands still gripped his wrists, but now without the pain she’d experienced earlier, there was a look of contentment her angelic face as she lie back onto the pillows.

“That feels so delightful George” she murmured, her eyes were closed as if meditating, she was in a world of her own. Rolling hills, streams, trees bowing slightly with the breeze, birds singing as if to welcome a new day, there was even a rainbow in the horizon, little rabbits hopping here and there, nibbling the long grass as they hopped two and fro.

As George increased his tempo, her dream moved on, now a stream, she was in a boat, one hand over the side, her fingers dragging leisurely dipped into the stream of the clear waters, a swan in the distance, searching the rushes, nibbling at the water, two tiny signets following, gliding behind their mother.

Diana opened her eyes suddenly, George had hit bottom, lifting his finger he, placed it onto her lips, remorseful of his deed.

“ Sorry, sweetness…forgive me, it was thoughtless of me” he whispered down to her. Diana gripped his wrists gently, as if to say, apology accepted, then laying back, eyelids dropping once more.

Their bodies now worked in absolute harmony; she experienced tiny rhythmic pulses almost as if there were thousands of minute spidery fingers nibbling her inner pussy walls, the pulses turned into shockwaves extending the length of her body down to her very fingertips, Diana let out a series of squeals before her body came racked with an intense orgasm, her lips trembled; even George sensed the tension on his cock, there was a sudden increase of strenuous suctions as her pussy muscles manipulated him stringently, but he continued to fuck her, riding though the tautness, making her moan even more, but louder this time, throwing her arms this way and that, her body started to buck, but George held onto her hands, meeting her upward thrusts.

Diana screeched non-descript words, words from another world, her head swinging from side to side. Suddenly, she arched her body, another orgasmic orgasm, her moan now was long and deep, almost gutterish, George knew he could restrain no longer, his balls felt heavy; his thrusts slowly subsiding, then holding himself deep, with his back curved as he leaned his lower body forward into her, giving a lengthy groan; reaching down he placed his hands onto the bed each side of her, as to steadying his balance, then withdrew his cock only slightly, no more than an inch; allowing space for his approaching seed, his mind was in a complete whirl.

It was at that moment that Diana then sensed the vigorous blasts as they pumped the length of his shaft inside her, there could have been no more than four, or maybe five blasts at the most, the puffiness within her pussy almost took her breath away, she felt completely gorged.

As the bulky flow surged though George’s balls, they ached with a heavy throbbing sensation, leaving him with a drained feeling. But he held himself rigid, allowing his full assignment to drain from him.

As Diana lie back, George gradually removed himself, his eyes glued down toward her pussy, she was a good girl he surmised. Not one droplet had escaped the now puffy pussy lips glistening with her juices, closed leisurely together across the once open fissure sealing it. He moved down beside her leaning across her body, kissing her gently on the lips.

Almost as if she could see, opening her eyes she smiled up to him.

“George that was really wonderful, orgasmic would be a healthier word for it” she informed him, throwing her arms tightly around his neck, lifting herself up toward him, hugging him intimately.

“Why have we waited so long George?”

“I just don’t know!”

“You will of course stay the night won’t you, we’ll have the now wine to celebrate! You just can’t leave me now”

George reached across collecting the wine from the nearby cabinet, pouring it slowly into the two iced crystal glasses; with arms locked they took their fist sip.

They talked until the early hours before finally falling asleep. Twice, they’d made love that morning before ultimately venturing out into the midday sun after George had spent over an hour untangling the long strands of her silky-smooth blonde hair; to him, she was worth it!

Gail Holmes


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EvilAngel Alina West Dirty POV Creampie Date

Petite hottie Alina West joins director Mick Blue for a private date, and he shoots intimate, POV-style footage of the sexy encounter. The Austrian stud chats with Alina as she shows off her plump booty in skimpy porn-wear. It’s an abbreviated tease because Alina can’t wait to fuck! She kneels before Mick, soaking his knob in slobber while giving a crude blowjob. When he’s fully ready, the young girl sticks her sweet ass into the camera and rides his throbbing rod. Alina...

3 years ago
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Sucky VacationChapter 7

“What’s that on your neck?” Amy asked with an amused twinkle in her eye. Jeff had noticed the small hickey while he was shaving. It took a moment, but he eventually recalled Shelly sucking on his neck the night before when she was trying to be quiet. She probably didn’t even know she’d done it. “Don’t ask.” Jeff felt his face heat and stepped out of the bathroom. “And please don’t tease Shelly about it.” That sparked an even bigger grin from Amy. “Like you could stop me!” He shook his...

3 years ago
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Wife fulfills hubby8217s desire

Hi Readers, I hope you all enjoys my last incidents and thanks for all your responses. I must introduce to all of you who are reading me for the first time. I am good looking tall single guy of 28 yrs working in an top IT MNC. I am putting up a truth before all of you and hope we all will agree to this fact. We all know that way we are moving ahead fast our relationships and sex needs are taking a new face. Nowadays people are trying to make their dreams and fantasies come true. We all know and...

3 years ago
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Ghost of a Chance Ch 02

I watched as Penny crawled into bed, turned off the light and went to sleep. I figured I’d pop in on Peterson to get to know him better. The first thing I noticed about his apartment was how Spartan it was. It was plain to see it could sure use a woman’s touch. There were no pictures on the walls, no personal mementos lying about, just a couch, a rather large chair and a coffee table. Peterson sat on the couch going through some papers that were piled on the coffee table. I glanced at the...

1 year ago
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The Spanking Couples Weekend GetawayChapter 4

As they awaited their fate, both Debbie and Beth could see Jacki and Marion as they were humiliated in the pillories. They watched as Mistress after Mistress led their submissives to them, and then had them fuck one of their three holes. And, many of the Mistresses added to the humiliation by ramming their pussies in Jacki's or Marion's faces and forced them to eat their pussies until they would cum. And, a few even pissed on their faces while there. Both Beth and Debbie dreaded the pillory...

1 year ago
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Gandu Bhai Ne Randi Banaya

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Mera name varinda hae. Hae apni life true incident btane ja rahi hoon. Mere pita ji businessman the. 6 saal pehle unki maut ho gayi. Mera bhai ek khoobsoorat ladka hae. Meri ma ki umer 43 saal saal thi vo bahut khoobsoorat aurat thi, 6 saal pehe ki baat hae.Jab meri umer 21 saal thi aur mae apne college ki sabse khoobsoorat ladki thi.Mae haroz zym jati thi, aur meri fittness par har koyi fida tha , mae bahut hi sunder ladki thi aur mere brother ki 22 saal...

2 years ago
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Fetishes of the RichChapter 2

After boarding school was prep school, and after that was college. Of course it had to be Harvard. I really didn't care as it was all the same to me. During the week as classes and tutors, and on the weekends it was parties and fun. One weekend was skiing in aspen, and the next it was carnival in Rio. I stayed exclusively within my privileged set. I had nothing in common with the others and the only deviation of that rule was the women. They were just gold-diggers, and after the first one I...

1 year ago
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A Question For Black Ladies

Sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with me. My name is Samuel Voltaire. A big and tall young Black man of Haitian descent living in the town of Nepean, Province of Ontario. I study Criminology at Carleton University in the City of Ottawa. And I am a Black man who loves Black women. You don’t hear that every day. I have a question for Black women. Actually, a question for all women. Why is it that good men of all ethnicities are ignored by women everywhere? I don’t think my problem...

2 years ago
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My Sister and Me Pt3

If you haven't read chapters one and two this story won't make a lot of sense to you. It was him. There's one thing for certain in this world, "some people never learn." Julie was naked lying in bed while I put my pants and shirt on as quickly as I could. "Put your robe on and answer the door," I said. Julie looked stunned. "Don't hurt him," she said. "Tommy, don't hurt him." I buckled my belt. "That, my dear sister, is totally up to him. Now put your robe on...

2 years ago
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Midnight Wakeup Call

It was late last night and everyone in my house was asleep, including my husband in our large king-sized bed behind me. He was softly snoring beneath the large fluffy comforter pulled over his head, while I softly typed away. Wiggling in my chair, my nipples hard, and my pussy so wet I thought I was going to soak through my panties.I looked down at the screen and saw the next message from my friend.“Mmmm, I am so going to enjoy this party.....with my own personal party favor on a leash....to...

2 years ago
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Looking Back Through Old Photos

Looking Back Through Old Photos Copyright 2013 TG Stone Looking back through old photos. We’ve all done it – you’re searching in the attic for something, or clearing out a wardrobe when you’re moving – and you find a box. Sometimes it’s marked PERSONAL! in big letters. For some it’s a mystery as to the contents, you don’t really remember what’s in it, you haven’t looked inside it for years. Of course, your curiosity gets the better of you, and you have to open up the box, and then spend the...

2 years ago
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Me my friend and her son

"Hi, I'll be with you in half an hour," my friend told me over the phone. She went shopping with her mother, and she took her son to training and while she was waiting for him, she decided to stop by my place for coffee. Like all my friends, she saw me naked before, so I didn’t attach much importance to it and decided there was no need to get dressed. A bathrobe will suffice. Soon the doorbell rang and I went to open the door. I didn't even tie my robe properly, so my tits fell out as I walked...

1 year ago
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When asked to describe how it all began, has become eleven chapters.From 'testing the waters' to 'Mothers lingerie' a portrait of lust is revealed. Those steamyencounters branded well in my mind, were seeking a place to be heard. A secretivepath from all I know, it's a pleasure to share with you all. From the moment I discovered his wandering eye, I had a decision to make. Itstirred this Mother and my thoughts as well, and 'testing the waters' began. After Chicagoa wonderful trip, we were fully...

3 years ago
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Beth and Sally

Beth and SallyIts taken me a while but here is the addendum I promised to “BETH - THE FIRST” that I wrote last year. To recap - Beth was a mature woman of about 45 (30 years my senior) who, while she didn’t take my virginity she taught me the delights of the mature woman that I have cherished and continued to enjoy all my life.Beth and I had been lovers (or really just fuck friends) since she seduced me as a 15 year old when ‘babysitting me and my brother. She was a regular visitor to our home...

2 years ago
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Past Time to Pee

My wife and I enjoy most aspects of our sexuality, by that I mean most anything that can be done in a monogamous relationship. For instance, sex is a mostly everyday event, and usually several times in a twenty-four-hour period even after over forty-one years together. I guess that makes us old-fashioned, but that’s okay with us. We live our lives on our terms, not societies. We live naked most days, and that includes peeing together.From our second weekend together after we first met, I was in...

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Wifersquos been a slut All along

My name is Dave my wife of three years is Dina. We are both 28 years old. Dina is 5’6 118 pounds. She has short dark brown hair. Blue eyes size b Brest. She has an out standing ass. In fact when we go out in public I see guys checking out all the time. I knew Dina in high school but not real well. We started dating after we started working at the same department store it’s one of the big box hardware stores. One day a new guy named mike started. I knew him and Dina hung out in high school. Well...

4 years ago
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Giselle a conquered wife Chapter I

CHAPTER ITheir friends all thought Giselle and her husband Francesco were a slightly ill-matched couple. For a start, she was a youthful 33 years old, while he was 48 and looked it. She was everything that a red-blooded Italian man would look for in a wife: 5’7” tall, an angelic face with a cascade of blond hair, 130 pounds in weight, with gorgeous bouncing 34D breasts and firm well-rounded buttocks that would turn heads in the street, especially in the tight figure-hugging skirts that she...

2 years ago
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Romantic Sex With My Girlfriend Shubhi

Hey there! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted a story. Most of my stories generally involve rough and wild sex. But this time it happened with a sweet yet bad girl. She’s small about 5’1″ or so. She had a great figure. Nice ass and nicely shaped boobs. One day my girlfriend texted me with good news. Her parents were out of town for 2 days. I was happy to hear that. That day, her way of talking changed. She suddenly became more naughty. And it was so attractive. She sent me a picture of her...

1 year ago
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The Good Neighbor Chapter 2

Christy woke up the next morning feeling like her old self. Because of her fever, she had taken off her oversize t-shirt during the night and was only wearing her panties when she walked into the living room. Bill had already gotten up and was in the dining room enjoying a cup of coffee when Christy came around the corner."Uncle BILL!" she shrieked as she saw him and realized he had seen her. She quickly covered herself with her arms as best she could and ducked back around the corner....

1 year ago
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Afternoon Snack

It was Wednesday February 15th, 17:15 p.m., and John Ventura is a commuter, waiting for his train to take him home from an unnamed train station in Chicago. He was waiting in the small station diner because he was having a bad day, and that happened to include his usual train leaving just before he managed to get inside. A cup of hot coffee was sitting on the table in front of him and his newspaper was opened and in his hands when he heard a friendly, soft spoken female voice: "Is this seat...

2 years ago
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Holiday takes an unexpected turn

During the summer holidays following my college exams my family took a holiday abroad to Portugal for two weeks. I was really looking forward to this particular holiday, partly as a reprieve from the stress of exams but also because it presented a great opportunity to check out some bulges up close. I also saw it as the next step in my developing adventures as a freeballer, something I picked up whilst looking at cocks on tumblr. I was already spending days out with friends sans-underwear and...

1 year ago
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Day of DestructionChapter 10

Looking out, we saw three men standing around a large SUV with rifles pointed up. They looked like they were looking for something. I heard one say, "Fire off another round, Jake. I keep hoping there is somebody around left alive." I was ready to stand up when I saw "Jake" fire into the air and, across the parking lot, a person stood up and waved. The three immediately crouched down and aimed at the figure across the way. It was a younger woman. I would guess mid-twenties to early...

3 years ago
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Mum 2

“Your mother likes to change gear when l drive,” Bert said, “she likes to hold the gear stick.” “Yes both of them,” Mum giggled. Suddenly she dipped her head down into Bert’s lap, l heard him groan although l couldn’t see what she was doing. I saw him put his hand on the back of her head, pushing it down. My cock was rock hard, from the sounds she was making it was obvious what she was doing. “Oh that’s good,” Bert said after a few moments, “take it Dot.” I had heard Uncle Bert call her...

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Every Wednesday

"Oh God!" she exclaimed, "here they come!" She waited for them every Wednesday, saving something until she heard the loud grinding sounds of the big truck. She watched from her window until the truck stopped in front of her house, around the wooded bend and isolated from the other homes. They watched for her, too, because she rarely let them down. Two black men jumped off the back of the monster truck and one rolled her garbage container towards the gaping mouth in the back of the truck....

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Sam Knight Case Three What Possible ExcuseChapter 4

As I entered the company complex, I nodded to the security receptionist and noticed she picked up the phone right away. By the time I was exiting the elevator on my floor, Mike was there waiting. "Hi, Sam. Everyone is waiting in the conference room." We went down the hall to one of the small conference rooms and went in. I saw Beth and The Geek were there as well as Jennie Ginsberg. Jennie is one of our best operatives and looks much younger than her years. That day she was dressed and...

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The 25 Year Itch Chapter 3

I continued my troubled sleep while my wife spent the evening with Simon at his rugby club dinner dance.  My fitful dreaming seemed to consist of my wife dancing closely with lots of different men, some I knew and some who were strangers.  It was a restless sleep, with a feeling of doom haunting my sub-conscious.I wasn’t sure how long it was before I heard a car door shutting and a diesel car pulling away outside.  I realised this wasn’t part of my dream, and I came around, feeling my muscles...

Wife Lovers
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NubileFilms Rebecca Volpetti Sensual Sweetness

Rebecca Volpetti is preparing a summer snack in the kitchen while Jason X does yard work outside. When Rachel decides it’s time for Jason to take a break, she calls him over to have some watermelon, which she of course feeds to him. Json returns the favor in the flirtiest way possible, which leads to sweet kisses from Rebecca. When Jason slides a piece of fruit down Rebecca’s shoulder, she makes it clear she’s into it by flashing him her titties even though they’re...

2 years ago
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Tuition Teacher Ko Choda High Risk Pe

Hi friends, mera naam Abhishek hai. main punjab mein rehta hu.Ye meri sachi story hai. Mujhe sex se addiction hai. Maine apni maa and behan dono ko choda hai. Ye story meri tuition teacher baare hai maine kaise unhe chodda. Mera lund 5’6″ ka hai. Ab apko na bore karte huye story pe aata hu. Meri tuition teacher 26 saal ki hain and mujhe chemistry pdhaati hain. Maine unhe Didi bulaata hu. Unki kamar patli and gand bhi gol hai. But unke boobs ..vah!…Ek dum gol air bade bade. Ek din ki baat hai...

3 years ago
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Acting Out Porn After School

He had recently barged into his bathroom at home, during a family reunion and had caught his 14-year-old cousin with her bikini top off. The image of her young orbs with the light pink nipples poking outwards was still fresh in his mind when he walked past Katie the Friday before. Up until recently, he had not paid much attention to her, being a neighbor across the street and a few doors down....

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My Cousin The 57yo Stripper

My Cousin The 57yo Stripper I had not seen my cousin in years until I attended the Family Reunion. I had been moving around some but settled down a few years ago. My father sent my invitation to me and I had to smile because he wrote, “See you there.” Now my father isn’t much of a talker. Over the years when we do talk on the phone is never lasts more than five minutes. We just say what we have to and hang up. It was a beautiful July day, the weather was hot, and the sun was bright....

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My Lovely Virgin Venus Lucy Pt 06

After we reached back, Lucy went to her room I was going towards my room and I passed from the room of Ms. Jane. I glanced through the curtains and saw her changing her dress. Oh, what an erotic sight.While changing Jane placed her hand on her bent knee, with her bottom towards me, and then slowly lowered her skirt, and laid it on the floor, so as to expose her person from the waist. While doing so she bends down on a sofa cushion, projected herself out, and separates her knees well....

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My Favorite Patient

I love my job. I love taking care of people, making sure that they return to normal, or even better than normal. I work at the local hospital, as a regular staff nurse, and I believe in the traditional nursing attire. I love my white, little cap and my silky, white hose, with the dress that zips down the front. All my peers say that I am totally backward, as I am only 36 years old and dress like it was 25 years ago. I think I look good, and so do my patients. There’s something to be said for...

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The girl from the sandwich shop

I was not sure how interesting my experience with Cassie was so I told a few people and they said people would probably love to hear about it.I was working at a sandwich shop while attending community college in Austin.   There were always hot girls coming in to get food and I did my best to try and make conversation with them with mixed results.  Many of the girls were from an upper class background and I guess the thought of dating or even going out with the guy from the sandwich shop was not...

3 years ago
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House Slut 41 Closing ceremonies

Venturing stiffly from the bedroom Tegan strolled naked into the living area to find Jackson standing on the balcony enjoying a cup of coffee, Candy on her knees in front of him, blowing him. The panels of the balcony where lightly smoked glass, so there would be no question to any passers by on the street below what exactly was happening, even if the details were obscured. Shaking off her initial surprise Tegan joined Jackson and stood overlooking the quiet neighbourhood, unbothered by the...

1 year ago
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The New Girl in School Part 8Black Friday Heist

NGIS Part 8-Black Friday Heist (November 20, 25; December 3-4, 9-10 2017) So Chloe knew something was up, but not sure. As she drove back to the safe house, she wondered why Morton had been cryptic in the recent text message. It was the Friday before Thanksgiving, and the school would be closed all of the next week. She got to the driveway and parking her car, made her way into the house. As soon as she entered the house, she saw Morton in the main room, some maps and other papers...

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Chloes Country Cocks

“Thank you, Daddy,” I say. “Johnny was a bad man.” “Serves him right,” Daddy says. “You told him you were breaking up and he didn’t listen. A man like that gets what’s coming to him.” I glance out to the cow pasture thinking about Johnny. I thought I loved Johnny. He gave me a lot of attention and I liked how he took charge of our dating. I dated some boys and we couldn’t figure out where to go or what to do. I liked that Johnny always knew. When we started fucking, he was so good but he...

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tease me please

April 22, 2012, 3:49 pmWith my twentieth wedding anniversary only six months away Ive been thinking alot about the years ive known elayne,I met her at work and was the one guy out of many that wanted her,my persistence won out and she and I went out to a bowling alley not far from my place to shoot some pool and drink a few beers, Elayne was pretty damn hot like I said before there were several guys that wanted her and with good reason she was a fiesty little redhead about 5'4" tall and 120lbs...

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Life in the NeighborhoodChapter 9 Cheerleader Competition

Mid morning Friday everyone assembled at the high school parking lot for the trip to the state competition. Alex surprised us by showing up at the school with Tracy. When the company he worked for heard about the squad going to the competition, they insisted that Alex could take the paid time off to attend the event. I was happy for him to be able to see Tracy's squad perform. The school provided a bus and driver for the squad and chaperones and was picking up the tab for the hotel rooms....

3 years ago
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The Country Cottage Part 2

Lorraine and Alan Robertson's marriage had become very rocky and Lorraine had originally booked a few days in a country cottage in the hope that the marriage could be revived. By the time of the holiday, the marriage had declined further and the holiday looked like being a waste of time and money.They had been arguing on the journey to the cottage and were hardly speaking when they arrived, but the owner of the cottage, Miss Beryl Lancer, quickly assessed the situation and prescribed a remedy....

1 year ago
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A Train Ride to LoveChapter 2

(Autumnal blues followed by a hot date.) The weather was cooling ... It was the beginning of September and the weather was definitely cooling. It was four weeks ago that Sarah had met Sam, met Sam and her life had somehow seemed empty ever since. By the time she had emerged from the train there had been no sign of him, he had disappeared into the crowd and that had been that. Every Friday since then Sarah had arrived at waterloo station at ten to three and her heart would do a little skip...

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Erotic Stories Of True Love

One day a man saw a woman swimming in a lake he used to fish as a child. She was beautiful to him, but he also knew she was married. He felt though he needed her but he felt he couldn’t have her. But a few months later her abusive husband a rich entrepreneur died in a plane crash. Even though he abused her she still mourned his death. Again the man saw her swimming in the lake. She saw him watching her, she had known him once as they had gone to High School together, but she had been dating...

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Hi story readers. Mai Aakash Maharashtra ke PUNE shahar se hoon. Abhi mai 21 saal ka hoon.. Meri haiight 6.1″ hai, aur chaist 42″ hai. Mera lund 7 inch lamba aur kareeb 3 inch mota hai. Mai exercise karta hoon isliye body ekdum muscular hai. Aaj mai jo aapko kahani sunane ja raha hoon vah ek sachchi kahani hai. Aaj se karib 1 saal pehale ki ye ghatna hai jab mein jiglo nahi tha. Us wakt mai mere uncle ke ghar Mumbai gaya tha vo ek apartment me rahate thai.. Mai subah jab apartment ke chhat par...

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Sex with aunty

After a long gap I’m back dear friends this time the story is about my neighborhood aunty with whom I get some exp. & still want to have more like that but every time ur luck will not being with u as now I’m in Hyderabad, India. Dear iss readers it was the story when I was around 18years and that time I not even aware of oral sex and other stuff as much. But after these incident my whole life was changed and I become very perfect in oral sex. After that I still dream about & get sometime wet...

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Night Skies Hotel Business as Usual

Night Skies Hotel: Business as Usual By Smokewriter The air crackled and rippled as a massive hotel complex materialized into being in Timeline 0600. Appearing on a deserted road in the middle of the night nobody noticed the amazing event, the hotel even managed to avoid the gaze of the ever-watchful satellites orbiting the planet. Within hours it was open for business. *** Monday, July 6th, 2004 "Yesss!" Marissa screamed as she guided the man's throbbing penis into her...

1 year ago
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Morning Lust

The soft light of a new day wakes me. A smile forms on my lips as I slowly stretch, my body so comfortably warm under the single sheet that covers us, with most of the warmth coming from your lovely body spooned to my front. My movement causes you to roll slightly away, but not enough to wake you, or to fully break our bodies contact. It does give me a better view of your body, and I, ever so lightly, brush your hair off the side of your face so I can see your peaceful face. I gaze for minutes,...

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Me And My Muse

Chapter 1: A Muse Is Born I woke up screaming hysterically. Not a very manly thing to do I'll admit, but what would you have done if you'd been nudged out of your sleep and found a... something sitting on your lap? I screamed. "Who are you?" I asked cautiously. The woman astride my legs appeared to be slightly younger than my thirty years, with long brown hair and a pixie face. "Erin." I didn't know anyone named Erin, and was just about to ask where the hell she had come from when I...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 27

Tina smacked her head with her hand as they drove off the estate grounds. "What?" asked Ari. Tina held up her hand and dug out her cell, quickly getting hold of Bill and asking him to set an account up on the research machines. Once he learned that the person using it was the girl who had created those equations that were driving him, his wife, and Tina crazy, he was more than happy to oblige. As they got closer to where they were picking up Cindy, Tina began to get more...

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My Unwanted TransitionChapter 3

( Secrets ) Getting birth control had been a stressful few weeks. I didn’t want my parents to know I was getting it. Otherwise, that would be a dead give away that I’m having sex. I spent a lot of time researching different kinds of birth control, and I still had no idea which one I should get. Then there was the whole choosing a doctor thing too. In the end, I decided that I should see my same specialists since I would still be going to them for checkups. It would be awkward if during a...

1 year ago
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Not Just Grannies GREAT Grannies II

So, down I went to the casino. It's very small and cozy, with a bar that seats 6, and 3 two-person tables. The tables were full of people, but the bar was empty. I took a seat and waited for the old girls. I didn't wait long. In they strode, and they certainly did change clothes. Silky blouses, furling skirts, and make-up & jewelry "to the nines!" I stood from my bar stool and greeted them. Each took a side, strode up to me, and gave me a peck on my cheeks. Very "granny" of them. I...

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MotherDaughter TwosomeChapter 6

Lani Walker made her way slowly along the steep grade of the path leading from the Chapel down the hill to the Village. Her face was dirty, caked with dust that had mingled with her tears and left dry little rivers running down her soft cheeks. Her beautifully white body was scratched and bruised from the lashings of tree branches and undergrowth that had torn at her completely naked body as she had run hysterically from Moses' cabin after being completely humiliated at the hands of Moses...

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Horny jewel thief gang banged

The young beautiful lady we caught red handed stealing jewellery in our store turned her head over her shoulder and saw the wicked smile on my face. And then she saw Abdul at the desk empting her purse on the table. As he was looking through her wallet, he found her driver’s license. “Her name is Priyanka and married?" he said. “Your husband will have to come to bail you out, after we call the police.""No!" Priyanka pleaded. "Don't....Please don't do that."I grabbed her wrist and twisted it...

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Anna Daniels

It was the summer of '02 and I had just turned 15. In January of that year I had taken over the neighborhood paper route from my older brother who had left for college. He had "willed" his paper route to me and I was thankful because it allowed me to earn some spending money without having to do any real hard labor. Jim, my brother, had indoctrinated me into the ins and outs of his route; i.e., which houses subscribed to the paper, which customers complained the most and when and how to...

2 years ago
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Summer Of Sexperiments 8211 Part 1

After reading a lot of stories here, I thought I would share my experiences as well, starting with the lead up to my very first time. I will be writing them as a series, in parts. Now let’s get straight to the story. It was the summer after my 12th boards. My uncle and aunt had invited me to visit them. They lived in the UK. My parents couldn’t get leave from work, so I figured that instead of having a boring summer, I’d convince them to let me visit my uncle and aunt on my own. It took some...

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Mom Caught Me pt 3

I woke up the next morning feeling more than ready for a steamy shower to get the day started. I adjusted the water carefully, stepped in, and shut the glass door behind me. It felt good. I just began to soap my body up when I heard a faint shuffling noise outside the shower. I couldn't see much from my vantage point due to the thick condensing steam coating the shower door. My perverted sis is probably trying to spy on me. I heard nothing but silence for about 15 minutes so I...

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Train Me Bade Bade Boobs Wali Shruti Ki Chudai

Yeh story tab huvi jab mai hyderabad se kolkata ja raha tha mera ticket wating me tha aur mai station pe aya . Train station par hi thi mai train me chad gaya aur thodi der bad ek bhoat sex lady mere bearth ke pas ayi aur boli ye meri bearth hai maine use dekha to use dekhta hi rehgiya kiya lady thi itni sex aur hot lady maine apni puri life me nahi dekhi thi uske boobs se bade boobs maine kahi nahi dekhe thi vo bhoat gorri thi medium body aur 40 d uske boobs ka size tha usne black sari pehni...

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