Angela_(2) free porn video

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“Surely you’re not staying in on a day like this, why don’t you sit out on the lawn and read your book; Michael has put the sun beds up. Most people would give their eyetooth for your lifestyle young lady? Michael will be here soon!” Her mother looked up toward the kitchen clock as she spoke.

Angela and her parents lived in the Cotswold’s about 20 miles from Oxford, it was a lovely part of England, the house was in it’s own grounds some 100 acres, flowing lawns, surrounded by woodlands, barely visible from the outside world. With father working in London for best part of the week, the house was always quite; mother busied herself with local WI and other causes. It was a large house some 10 bedrooms and tended by an array of helpers.

Angela was born late in her parents life, they’d lived and worked in India, not settling down to start a family until well into there 40’s she was an only child, her mother didn’t want the hassle of childbirth any more one was more than adequate.

She’d resided at “The Gables” all her life, with some trips abroad mainly Paris, but she never liked the town. Often friends from college came to stay thought out the summer months.

Picking up her book she ambled outside into the sun, it was beaming down, and hot. Deciding to do a bit of sunbathing she returned collecting the suntan oil from the bathroom.

Michael had placed the sun beds on the slope, facing the lake; he was placing a sunshade to one side with a small table as she arrived.

“Morning Miss Angela looks as if it’s going to be another scorcher!” Michael tipped his cap and went about his business.

Angela sat on the sun bed easing her dress back up over her knee massaging the oil into her legs, then lying back taking up her book. She loved to read, her Mills and Boon books kept her more than occupied, she was to absorbed in the story to hear Michael walk up the slope sitting down in front of her at the small table, he’d full view under her dress, wondering as to how long he could remain without her realizing his presence.

Angela was certainly a beautiful specimen of a young woman of class in any mans eyes. Michael was married, having three grown up children of his own, even grandchildren now; he’d worked for the Johnson’s since they’d moved to The Gables nearly twenty years ago, watched Angela as she’d grown up. She’s always taken kindly towards him, often calling him old rouge because of his openness to his thoughts.

“They’re pretty!”

Angela sat up with a start; as soon as she saw Michael, she turned looking back toward the house, fully aware that if anyone could see them, they’d know of Michael’s viewpoint. She opened her legs forcing the dress in between them.

“Michael what do you think your doing?”

“Talking to you Miss!”

“How long have you been sitting there?”

“Long enough…long enough to enjoy the view!” he smiled. “God, if I was but forty years younger, you’re a site for sore eye’s Miss!”

“You’re to much Michael, always creeping up on me unawares!”

Michael looked back down the slope with a smile. “The grass is extra soft today, I’ll give you that!” he smiled.

“You know what I mean, you old Goat! What are you doing here anyway? Mothers waiting for you in the kitchen”

“Couldn’t miss a chance like that, saw you lying there, knew the view I’d get coming up by way of the bank. My pleasure was fulfilled, as I say this, they did look appealing!”

“One of these day’s Michael Robert’s!”

“God, I wish you meant it Miss, I can assure you, you’d not regret it!”

Angela watched as he ambled toward the house, he was forever catching her in compromising situations, coming upon her from out of the blue in most circumstances. But he was such a loveable old guy, how could anyone reproach him, sometimes she didn’t really know how to take some of his gist. For his age he was very daring in his words, she’d often wondered if he jested, or meant his remarks; he’d a granddaughter her own age she thought. Thinking no more about the matter she continued back to her book; the sun was getting even hotter as the morning drew toward midday, Angela decided a shower would be in order; at least it would cool her down; she wanted to freshen up anyway, her friend Jane would be coming home with her father at 4 o’clock. He’d be picking her up from Reading on the way home.

The shower felt stimulating as the spines of cool water forcibly raced over her breasts tingling the tips of her nipples. She’d not drawn the curtain, being as she and her mother alone in the house.

Michael gazed pensively as he sat in the corner of the bathroom, Angela hummed to herself, eyes closed and head up, her hands moving leisurely over her body in caressing movements, water cascading over her from head to foot. Her fingers dwindled momentary between her legs, then drawing the soapy bubbles up into her soft down, only to dip her long slender fingers back down, lifting her leg, placing it onto the low wall surrounding the shower tray, her fingers became excited, probing deeply into her pussy.

This was too much, Michael stood from his stool, quietly wandered over kneeling in front of her, he could hear her slight moans, Angela removed her hand, gliding it up to her small but firm breasts, her foot still placed on the wall beside Michael; his eyes were glued to the diminutive puffed lips of her pussy from which her fingers had just left, mere inches from his mouth.

Angela never realized it was his finger, her mind awash with awareness of other things, continuing to manipulate her breasts in relaxing actions, one hand slowly lowered, placing it onto her tummy, sensing the engorgement of his two thick fingers as they gyrated leisurely deep inside. Throwing her head back she moaned loudly, cool water spraying into her mouth, he leaned forward hooking his tongue under her clit, jiggling it with the tip, fingering her deeply, winding his finger around her inner walls. As she came, she pressed her hand down hard on her tummy, feeling convulsions as the shockwave traveled towards the very nerve ends, the vigor of her orgasm, knocked her sideways. Michael caught her young body in both arms before she could fall laying her out gently before him on the lamb’s wool bathmat. Reaching across her body placing his mouth over her petite breast sucking gently, whilst his finger probed once more, gleaning her juices along its length.

Angela felt somewhat weak when she finally came to, knowing full well that she’d not managed to reach the mat on her own, her pussy still quivered from Michael’s finger and tongue.

Feel refreshed now sweetheart thought you’d gone down the plughole. “Did Michael manage to finish fitting the shower head?”

“Michael! I didn’t see him Mother, the shower was fine!”

“Then he must have fixed it, Jane and your father will be home soon, will you help me get this table together, I want it all laid out by the time he gets home, you know what you’re father is like!”
Angela moved around the table helping her mother laying all the bits and pieces out, it their appropriate places. It seemed funny if her mother hadn’t seen Michael leave the bathroom before she taken her shower, he must have been there when she was showering. “No it’s not possible?” she thought. “She’d been daydreaming”

Jane and her father arrived about 4.20, Father wanting a drink as soon as he stepped into the house.

“That traffic, it’s unbelievable, something should be done always in the summer, road works and counter flows they have to do it when it’s most likely to cause havoc, it’s no wonder people get so frustrated.

“Never mine dear, your home now! And how’s Jane, ready for a couple of days holiday, away from the busy outside world!” Grace smiled toward her, pulling a face toward her husband.

“Nice to be here Mrs. Johnson, it makes a nice break to get away from all the humdrum of the town!”

“Will you have any more need of me Mrs. Johnson?” Michael quizzed poking his head into the door.

“No, I’m sure everything is fine Michael, Angela has tried the shower, she’s made no mention of it!” Grace looked toward her daughter as she spoke.

“No, it’s fine Michael, just fine!”

“A little more in stimulating perhaps?” smiled Michael

Angela felt herself redden; her mind went back, with her ending up on the bathroom floor, surely it couldn’t have been Michael! She thought.

“No, honest it’s excellent now! Thank you Michael” Angela turned back to Jane, as to cut him out of the conversation.

“Little of my titillation works wonders!” He grinned with a wink, walking away.

Angela couldn’t help wondering as to the significance of his word titillation, if only she’d not have passed out. She dreaded the thought that Michael had anything to do with it. “What could he have done anyway, he’d be past it at his age surely?” she thought.

“Well what are you two going to do with yourselves over the weekend then?” Grace quizzed looking at the two girls.

“For my own point of view, just to relax, nice swim, and get engorged by the sun on the lawns. God, it’s so peaceful here!” Jane chuckled. “What of you Angela?”


“Sorry, I was in a world of my own there! Sounds good to me, no shopping then?”

“I’ve had enough of that this week, what with one thing and another!” Jane smiled

It wasn’t until the Sunday morning that Michael was witnessed again; the girls were by the swimming pool, sunning themselves, as normal Michael had arrived from nowhere, Angela had just picked up her book. Until she’d caught a movement in the corner of her eye, she hadn’t noticed him walking toward her; always straight to the front, just in case her pose was untoward, but this time her legs were tightly together.

“It’s Sunday Michael; what are you doing! Not working I’m sure?”

“Saw you here Miss, imagined you might like a drink, how about you Miss?” Michael turned to Jane, who was now sitting up one elbow.

“Sounds good to me, nice Martini with ice! I think that would go down a treat”

Michael’s eyes followed her stretching out before him, her costume basically covering her private parts, with a slight pleat just where it should be, by the thinness of the panties he could tell she was shaved. He could have gone down on her there and then, and by the way she was flaunting herself, she well knew his thoughts.

“I’ll have the same Michael…thank you!”

It was as much as he could do to peel his eyes from Jane, he turned and nodded toward Angela.

“Right away Miss!”

“He’s a randy old sod!” Jane giggled as Michael moved away.

“You shouldn’t tease him like that, you’ll give him a heart attack!”

“Don’t knock him Angie, they say the old ones are the best. I’d bet he wouldn’t turn it down if he was offered it!”

“What would you know about it?” Angela chuckled.

“I’m only going by what I’ve heard, they say until you’ve endeavored an oldie you haven’t lived. I’m often tempted to try!” Jane mused. “I wonder you haven’t, plenty of chance stuck out of the way down here in the country!”

“Jane you’re to much, I’ve known him all my life!”

“So, all the more reason for trusting him then!”

“He’s got two granddaughters my age!”

“Well, put it this way, it doesn’t stop him looking does it, as I say he’d jump at the chance, if presented to him, I wouldn’t say no?” Jane laughed.

“There we go, two martini’s shaken not stirred” Michael chuckled, kneeling down in front of the girls placing the tray on the ground.

“Fancy a swim then Michael?” Jane suggested, with a grin.

Michael looked toward the pool with a smile, then back to her.

“Think I could find more pleasurable things to soak up my energy Miss” he grinned.

“And what may I ask do you have in mind?” Jane smiled.

“If only you knew Miss!” he chuckled, standing and looking down at them both before moving off.

“He’s gagging for it!”

“Jane, he’s our handyman you’re talking about! More than likely considering something complete dissimilar, to what you have on you’re mind”

“Wouldn’t like to take a wager on it would you?” Jane replied with a broad grin on her face. “You have it made here, you know just as to where everyone is, so many secretive little hidey holes around the grounds!” Jane watched as Michael drifted out of sight. “Well…would you?”

“Would I what?”

“Angie, when was the last time you had sex?”


“Exactly…you can’t remember can you?”
“I didn’t mean that, I mean with Michael, his hands will be like sandpaper!”

“I wasn’t thinking of his hands, think of the mileage that his cock has done, I’ll bet that’s ploughed a few fields!”

“You really do fancy him don’t you?” Angela smiled picking up her drink. “I’ll not impede you!” she smiled over her glass.

“I didn’t think I needed consent!” Jane grinned. “But thanks, I’ll let you know if he satisfies my needs, I’m sure he will!”

“Jane, I really believe you mean it!”

“Believe me I do, it would round my weekend off admirably!” Jane smiled her eyes focused on Michael’s last whereabouts. “I’ll pathe the way for you!” Jane chuckled.

It was mid-afternoon by the time that Jane got her chance; they were both sitting on the lawn in front of the lounge chatting when Michael came into view once more.

“Here comes wonder boy!” Jane laughed as she sat up, holding her hand up to her forehead, shielding her eyes from the strong sunlight. “Sure you don’t want to take a wager?”

“No, I’ll leave you to it!” Angela laughed.

“Are you busy Michael?” Jane quizzed as Michael neared them.

“Trouble Miss?”

“Well, I don’t know if you can spare a few minutes of your time. It’s just that the window in my bedroom appears to be sticking”

“I’ll have a look for you should you wish Miss!”

“Why thank you Michael! I’ll be up there in a few minutes; I would be grateful of your assistance! Say ten minutes!”

“Fine Miss, I just have to see cook and I’ll be up there” Michael walked off toward the house, but the smile on his face hadn’t gone unnoticed.

“See you in a while!” Jane grinned as she stood.

“You’re serious aren’t you?” Angela implied.

“Never been more, see you in a while, no gate crashing now!”

“I wouldn’t dream of it!” replied Angela, watching as her friend entered the house.

She sat on the lawn looking up to the bedroom window that she knew that her mother had been prearranged for Jane; there was no sign of Michael or Jane, squeals were apparent, even low moans. It wasn’t until an hour later that her friend came and sat back down beside her, for moments she said nothing.

“Well!” Angela asked, with a look of concern on her face, for her friend.

Michael walked out from the door down toward the two girls placing his hand onto Jane’s shoulder.

“Thank you Miss, if I don’t see you before you leave tomorrow, do have a safe journey back!” he smiled, and then walked back down the slope heading for home.

“Jane, are you alright: did he satisfy the need your had then?” Angela chuckled watching as Michel dropped out of sight.

“Satisfy! They’re might be snow on the roof Angie, but Christ, there’s one hell of a fire in the crate. Angie…never ever, have I been fucked like that, I was in another world out in space.

Jane pulled her knees back, looking up under her dress, then turned to Angela.

“Have you ever seen such wetness!” she gasped. “I’ve already showered, and still it persists to leek from me”

Angela looked under her dress as Jane opened her legs; her panties were truly drenched, the damp patch well up over the top at the front. Thick…white…syrupy cum was oozing through the gossamer material, even more so between her legs.

“God, he did me proud, didn’t he!” Jane placed her arms behind her on to the grass, throwing her head back. “Jesus that felt real good!”

“I take it that you’re need was fulfilled then!”

“Angie, you just have to try him, what a cock…super-cock that’s what I call it, the end is just like a fireman’s helmet, and it felt that big, Christ, did he give me a reaming!”

“I think you’d better get cleaned up, tea will be ready soon…I don’t want mother to see you like this” Angela stood, lifting Jane by the arm. “Come, come on!”

“God!” Jane giggled. “I can hardly stand; my legs feel so wobbly”

“My, you look flushed!” Grace chuckled as the girls came into the dinning room holding each other’s arms.

“Little bit to much sun Mother!” Angela informed her mother.

“Cum, not sun!” Jane whispered as she managed to sit at the table.

Monday, Jane and Angela’s father left early, they’d both gone by the time she’d got up, Grace had already started her breakfast as she’d walked in to the dinning room.

“All on your own again then!” Grace smiled. “So what are you up to today?”

Angela collected her coffee from the percolator on the side then sat down at the table.

“A lazy day I think, spend a bit of time down by the lake! I could do with a walk”

“No books then, that’s unlike you?”

Angela knew that Michael spent a vast amount of time down at the lake in the boathouse; it would be her chance. After Jane’s depiction of Michael’s talents, she’d had a wakeful night, getting over excited sexually. The only thing that bothered her was to how Jane managed to get him into bed so promptly.

“No, a rest from those, or I’ll have no books left!” Angela smiled.

There was no sign of Michael when she arrived, she’d played in the boathouse numerous times as a child, it brought memories flooding back to her, most of her time was spent in the loft, it was her own little playhouse up there. It was more of a sail store now, not that the boat went out that often. Angela looked up the ladder; it had been years she thought as she started to climb.

“Now, that really is a sight for sore eye’s!” Came a chuckle from below her. “Never as yet, have I seen the same pair twice!”

“Michael, what are you doing here?”

“More to the point young lady; what are you doing here, if I remember rightly, you’re father stated that you didn’t come here unsupervised!” he replied, with his eyes cemented between her legs, under her flowing skirt

“Michael that was years ago!” Angela laughed; she continued climbing as she spoke realizing that Michael wouldn’t move from his position beneath her, until she was over the top.

“I have my instructions, so I’d better stick to them, you could get into no end of trouble up there young lady” His gaze never wavered as he started slowly scaling the ladder behind her.

Angela recognized that there was no way out now, she was vulnerable to his needs, that’s if he had any oomph left after Jane yesterday.

“What are you doing here anyway?” Michael inquired as he stepped off the ladder. Angela had walked over to the window, viewing the lake.

Michael walked slowly across the loft behind her placing his hands onto her shoulders. “It’s dangerous up here you know!”

Angela never turned, the warmth of his hands on her shoulders felt comforting. “I don’t think I’m in any danger now that you’re here Michael, you always did submit to my needs!”

Michael’s hands moved from her arms to the side of her waist, rubbing leisurely up and down her ribs. “What would your needs be now then?” he chuckled, the pressure of his hands getting stronger.

Angela’s heart missed a beat; she leaned back onto his chest, forcing his hands though to the front of her, placing them into them, then lifting them to her breasts. Michael embraced them gently, manipulating in tender revolving movements, leaning down toward her neck kissing her soothingly, allowing his tongue to brush against her earlobe licking in lustrous strokes. Unhurriedly, she turned to face him, raising her arms up around his neck lifting herself up onto her toes, kissing him hard on the lips.

Michael’s tongue went deep into her mouth, tickling the end of her own. He moved gradually to the side, then lifting her bodily, laying her down gently on the folded sailcloth behind them, Angela’s arms still held his neck tightly, their embrace unchanged. His scrawny but nimble fingers nibbling at the buttons of her blouse slowly moving his hand inside, her breasts were firm with prominent nipples, tantalizing each in turn with his fingers tips.

Angela pulled away slightly, placing her finger onto his nose.

“You’re naughty!” she smiled

Michael slowly lifted, leisurely undoing the rest of her blouse, stopping for a brief moment his eyes absorbing her breasts. “I’ve always been that way!” he smiled. “Would you have me any other?”

Angela pulled him back down toward her, kissing him passionately, but Michael wanted to suckle her breasts he moved leisurely down over her, his hand seeking to go further a field.

It had been weeks since her last encounter; she couldn’t recollect that being that much of a triumph. His hand could be felt sliding up between her legs soothingly, she heeded his need opening them in a leisurely manner, once at the top locking them tightly together, gripping the probing fingers.

Michael’s cock was throbbing hard he’d lusted for so long, watching as her body grew into that of a beautiful young woman. She could play now, but soon…very soon, she have need of him as he did of her, she relinquished her grip on his hand, slowly he peeled the edging of her panties to one side allowing his inquisitive fingers to find the dampness of her thoughts.

Angela tugged at the material beneath her, sensing his fat finger sliding up inside her pussy, giving out a soft moan of sheer gratification whilst he continued to suckle her breasts. Slowly his finger began to rotate against her inner walls, the sensations broadening with the swiftness of his movement, his thumb found the crucial spot, she lifted parting her legs, bucking up to meet his measured thrusts.

Michael moved down, lining his head to her pussy, his tongue occupying the stance that his thumb once beheld, her taste and aroma sending poundings to his brain, his cock thickening intensively to mother natures call, the call of breeding. Little by little he entered a second and then a third finger, Angela winched slightly, gripping the sailcloth tighter, her body going through sensuous spasms, orgasms flooded her body, racking the very nerve ending within her pussy, her heart began to pound, she squealed loudly with sheer delight.

He sensed her inner muscles quicken as his fingers found the essential space; knowing now…now was a good time. Lifting above her, his cock swung wildly, nevertheless, Angela’s mind was far, far away, to concerned with other feelings to notice the size of his manhood, but her eyes widened when she sensed the intense pressure of his mighty helmet spreading the lips of her pussy.

Michael rested slightly on his cock; although somewhat constrained it still gathered momentum, gradually prizing open her inner walls. She stayed perfectly still, sensing the warmness as it unhurriedly enveloped itself within, her body now aglow with mysterious feelings, closing her eyes as Michael rocked slowly backwards and forwards burying the huge shaft into her. She lie back, her legs had now numbed, all feelings removed, she was now part of him, together they moved harmoniously, reaching up, pulling him down to her once more kissing him enthusiastically.

“God, Michael…that feels wonderful!” she gently bit, but kissed his ear at the same time, wriggling her tongue inside.

Michael enhanced his strokes, now long but deliberate, his hands under her shoulders, easing her down on to him with each inward plunge, the deliverance of such momentum sent Angela wild, she gripped his neck thrusting her hips up to meet him, Michael speeded his pace, fucking her hard. Suddenly she arched underneath him with her hips thrust forward, Michael took advantage immediately, pushing deeper inside, Angela cried out, stimulated by sheer pleasure, her body ached with the indulgence, and her head spinning. She felt she was on a merry go round, bright lights flashing colours, orgasm followed orgasm, her arms trashed from side to side, intermittently gripping Michael’s shoulder’s, he experienced pain as her nails dug into him, but continued his drive, lifting himself on to his toes.

Unsurprisingly Michael sensed his seed on the move, he slowed his pace with no avail. Angela felt an unexpected swelling in his cock, as it readied itself for the upsurge; she was not surprised by the engorgement, however not to this degree, before it had only just been obvious. Michael eased himself forward, assuring his cock full penetration then held, throwing his head back, giving out loud groans. His shaft rapidly thickened and pulsated as the thick seed passed along it, Angela, gripped the material beneath her once more, feeling the massif inflammation of his seed as it gushed deep inside; sensing a boiling sensation as her pussy extended within as it tried to absorb the syrupy fluid. Michael could feel the backflow, as she fulfilled absorption point.

Lifting herself up Angela cupped his face into her hands then kissing him gently on the lips.

“Michael that was magnificent, you’re an excellent lover!” she smiled.

Michael tried to lift himself away from her, but his strength had left him.

“Are you all right?” Angela sensed he was having difficulties as she tried moving herself from beneath him, but his weight was too much.

“I’m not to sure!” Michael stammered.

Suddenly gripping chest as a surge of pain moved across his body, then down his left arm. His face told all, he fell heavily to one side of her with his hand still gripping his chest. Angela rolled over beside him.

“Michael…Michael please, please…don’t do this…Michael!” Angela rested his head into her lap; nevertheless it was to late Michael had gone.

As she endeavored to stand her pussy bubbled as the thick sperm gushed back down her passageway, the back of her skirt was smothered. Never did she ever deem herself in such a quandary, why her, and why now. She recognized she had to get back to the house, but what of poor Michael, she stooped down as to reorganize his attire, he was heavy, dead weight you might say. How could she explain his death?

She looked down at his face; it illustrated nothing but a gratifying smile. As if to say………..God! What a way to go!

Jane rang later that evening, with all the news from her end, and then.

“Did you manage to try Michael?” she asked, with a note of enthusiasm in her tone.

Gail Holmes


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“But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner who needed it most?“ - Mark Twain The train pulled into Gloucester at nearly 10:30 pm. Naturally it was fucking snowing. I grew up in the Northeast, I knew winters were bad here. But for some reason I always hated the snow. It was never because of the cold, or the inconvenience it created. It was because that pristine blanket of white hid the ugliness, the dirt, the rotted blight that...

2 years ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 8 A Date At Last

After leaving Caroline Herschfeldt's house I continued on my usual Saturday morning route to Oaktree road where I turned right. The reason for a different course at the weekend was that the girl in the short shorts never appeared and simply for some different scenery I began jogging south along a path that took me past a distinguished looking two story house on Hawke Street, that as can be seen turned out to be Caroline Herschfeldt's. I ran north up Oaktree Road and didn't see anything...

3 years ago
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Ashna Ki Chudai

Hi everyone hope u remember me I am aman.. U have read my story meri muh boli behn ki chudai. I am here again in front of u with my new story. Is story mai mai apko btauga kaise maine ashna ki gaand maari. Mai jo apko story btaane ja rha hu ye meri or meru meri muh boli behn k beech mai hai. Mera naam aman hai or meri umar 26 hai. Meri behna ka naam ashna hai or uski umar 18 hai . Ashna us waqt 12th mai study krti thi. Ye to thi meri introduction … Pehli baar chudayi k baad hum dono boht km...

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The swimmer Chapter 3

Freddy rushed to his house to see if anyone was at home. His sister was still there. "I'm going out to see a school friend," she said. "Have you seen my raincoat and shoes?" "No sorry," said Freddy, "Where did you leave them?" "I'm sure I just left them in the hall when I came in. Oh well no time to look now, I'll wear my other coat and some diffent shoes." "OK, will you be going soon?" "Just on my way. See you later Freddy." "OK, bye." Susie disappeared around the...

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Howe Watson 6pk

The new reality was that for ten to twenty hours a day Watson was homeless. Someone sitting on a well padded chair, at a big desk, inside a warm office, and drinking coffee at the headquarter of homeland security had decided on our covers. I was a bride recruited from the Internet for the Muslin terror warriors, and my partner, Watson was posing as a homeless man in order to be the outside any one of them on any given day. Watson pretended to live near the terror location dejour, and just...

1 year ago
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Chachi Ki Chudai

Hi dosto me Rozar phir aa gaya apni ek aur kahani lekar ye us samay ki ghatna hai jab me 20 saal ka th aur meri chachi 28 saal ki thee . chacha – chachi ki shadi ke baad se hi bahar jakar naukari karte the aur saal bhar me keawl do mahine hi ghar par rahte the baki k 11 mahine wo bahar rahte the to chachi apne maa ke ghar chali jati thee lekin jab se ham log wapas ghar aaye to chachi ka maa ke ghar jana kam ho gaya aur kuch din baad chaca aaye aur chachi ke sath rahnae lage . Are main to batana...

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the lonely black guy

he sits every evening on his balcony on the 3rd and drink his beer alone watching stuff on his ipadim the student living on his left one floor up it was 2am i got home late and he never saw me getting out yet i could clearly see his big cock i his hand as he jackoff to some porn on his ipadive learn 10 min later this he did it to show me his cock in hope he was right about megetting in his place like there was nothing and i didnt see him came backinstead its my appartement door that i forgot to...

3 years ago
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Fucking Friends

When they first met, Calvin was one of the laziest people Shawna had ever met. He didn’t do any of his homework and nearly failed every test. Yet, he managed to graduate with everyone else. Even though he graduated, everyone thought he’d amount to nothing in life.Shawna was the total opposite; she did all of her homework and passed every test with flying colors. She wasn’t valedictorian or anything like that, but she was more productive than Calvin. It came as no surprise that she graduated and...

Straight Sex
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PenthouseGold Isabella de Laa Sultry Schoolgirl Rides Silver Fox

Saucy brunette schoolgirl Isabella de Laa can’t wait to get her hands on an older man in this premium Penthouse film. The teen temptress loves to perch on the kitchen counter and spread her legs so that hunky silver fox Totti can lick that puffy pussy. She then gets on her knees to work his long thick shaft with a sensual blowjob. The tiny titted hottie arches her back as her stud fucks her shaved snatch from behind, before a rampant cowgirl ride and explosive cumshot over her toned...

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A Pregnant CruiseChapter 3 Heading Home

It was after dark that evening before we tied up in a port, clearly Arab from the number of minarets visible on the skyline, and presumably North African. Just after lunch the next day, four Arab men arrived in two separate cars. They were brought into the lounge, where I was again serving as barman, wearing my 'eunuch' baggy shorts. The girls offered drinks, wearing nothing but a smile. The guests were fascinated, and quickly felt up their tits and buttocks, to which the girls...

2 years ago
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She lay on her side. She had been awake for some time and was trying to take in every feature of the as yet unfamiliar bedroom. Through a chink in the yellow curtains sunlight was streaming in and the room looked warm, pleasant and cosy. There was an oil painting of a woman by a modern Chinese artist on the wall, in reds and yellows, and there was a low cupboard that probably housed clothes. There was an arm around her waist. A hand had cupped her right breast and its middle finger was...

4 years ago
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Holiday Booking

June has the idea that us girls should go away on holiday together and apparently she has rung the travel agent, booked it all and I have to go down and pick up the tickets, so here I am opening the door to ‘Let The Sun Shine Holidays’. Thanks June, I mean no need to consult me or anything!‘Hi you should have two tickets reserved for Miss June Smith’ I ask the travel consultant who looks up at me, ‘Of course, my name is Mel, I spoke to Miss Smith and she arranged it all with me’ she says,...

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Ministers Daughter

This was a favorite of mine that went missing from this site, so here it is again with picsI arrived at Dan's house in the mid-afternoon. Dan was a good friend of mine. He was the pastor at my church. And he'd invited me over for the graduation party of his daughter Kimmy. It was a hot May day. And this was to be a pool party, but I'd decided I'd refrain from all that business and had left my swim trunks at home. I figured I'd rather just sit around and mingle, and have a good time. I don't...

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Game with my sister

Hi every one after a long thinking I here submit my experience. I don’t know that the stories submitted here all were true or not. But what I here going to tell am true and it happened in my life. Before going in to the story I want to tell u that this not a sexual encounter but an excited attempt that everyone will do in their life. Okay this will enough and we can enter in to the story now. My name is Banthulu live in Tamilnadu Madurai. I am 24 aged and working in a bank now. This happened...

3 years ago
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A Tale of Loss and LustChapter 3 Intruder With a Plum

Author's Note: In order to make Gynecian words decipherable in English, a glossary is placed at the end of this story. The night was not stormy in Vulvalica. Clam ruled the rocky shores and Mist of Tsaša hovered in the atmosphere, shielding the island from Mother Nature and unwelcome mariners. The inhabitants enjoyed the passing hours in serene peace. Good sex rejuvenated the Vulvalican women amid the lavishness of passion and heat. They uttered sounds of love that echoed in concert with...

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Dream ScapeChapter 2

Wow, I guess I do have a special power of some kind. I started working with it trying to figuring out exactly what I was capable of doing. I didn't let anyone know about it. I just used it. It made me think back about Abby. No wonder she was so interested in my dream. I must have transferred it to her some way. Oh, hell, I dreamt of her again the other day. I wonder if she had that dream too? To began with, I decided to dream about some of the gals that walked, jogged, and rode their bikes...

1 year ago
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Holi Ne Bigad Di Deepa Ki Zindagi

Hello to all the readers, i DBB aapke samne ek aur romanchak aur ek nayi kahani le ke aya hoon. Yeh kahani mere ek reader deepa ki hai jo Kanpur se hai aur high school mai 12th mai padti hai. Toh dosto lijiye deepa ki kahani ussi ki zabani. Hi to all friends, mera naam deepa hai aur mai Kanpur mai rehti hoon. Meri umar 18 saal ki hai aur mera rang gora hai. Mera figure 34 25 32 hai. Mai dikhne mai bahat hi sundar hoon. Mere high school mai mere chahane walo ki kami nahi. Naa jaane kitne ladke...

3 years ago
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Skate Park

Written by Bill with input from Kwen Wendy was having a good day, her husband was away and she had the freedom to do what ever she pleased for at least a week. Which of course is a strange thing to say because Wendy really missed her husband when he went away on business. Of course the flip side of that meant that Wendy had complete freedom in doing anything and indulge in any behavior that she secretly enjoyed. Because Wendy had some very private secrets. As we all have secrets that we want...

2 years ago
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Dani Meets The Beast

There she was, a 5’4” red-headed goddess standing on the other side of the strawberries and I was completely captivated. She had her eyes closed after she had popped the top of the plastic container and I watched as she leaned in closer to the fruit and as she took a deep inhale, I noticed my own intake of air match her own as if I were smelling them as well.It was as if the whole world went into slow motion as she slowly opened her eyes and I could take in the pair of the brightest and most...

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Boy to a Girl

I was free and it was the summer holidays, as usual I was down the park most of the day on my own, I did play out with nephews and nieces, but I was accused of looking down my nieces knickers so was made to play on my own. (And before you ask, yes I did look in her knickers) although denied it at the time.. I saw this man most days just sitting on a bench in the park. There were 2 bits to the park, the playground and an area with some trees and flower beds, he was sitting in the tree part....

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Shoshana Becomes a Slutwife

She wakes up to another morning with a wet pussy, throbbing clit and no one to fuck. She and her husband have been apart, due to his work, for most of the last six weeks. She’s a very sexual, sensual woman who enjoys great sex and is missing it a lot. She loves sucking cock, having her pussy eaten, and she loves to be fucked in any direction. Oh how she’d love to be able to fuck her man this morning! It’s been a long six weeks! She finds herself watching a lot more porn than usual and...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Kendra James Mackenzie Moss The Incompetent Assistant

Kendra James, a high-powered CEO, recently hired a new assistant, Mackenzie Moss, and is NOT pleased with her work ethics. Mackenzie’s head must always be in the clouds because she can’t seem to do anything right! It’s gotten to the point where Mackenzie is a liability for the company, so something has to change. When Kendra calls Mackenzie into her office for a scolding, Mackenzie meekly tries to defend herself. Yet, everything she says just makes her look worse in...

4 years ago
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A Shopping Trip

Most of Fran’s close friends were envious of the relationship she had with her husband, Ian, even after over ten years of marriage. They were still like a newly wed couple. Fran would tell them that besides being madly in love with each other, it was because they kept things exciting. Ian’s shift work enabled them to spend lots of quality time together when their children were at school. They often used this time to spice up their love life. Fran guarded their time together well and her friends...

3 years ago
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Stockings and strap on Pt 1

This story is from quite some time ago but it is one I have always wanted to share .Lets begin with a little about myself, ok lets just get it out there I am a crossdresser and I have been for a long time. It all started with a fetish for tights but would evolve over time and would lead me to fully dressing as a woman. These days I know longer dress as a woman I am always in male mode, and if I do dress it is as a man in stockings, lingerie and heels so hold the wigs and makeup.The core of...

1 year ago
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Aundrea and Lily

I sat in class staring at the dumb clock. I had five more minutes of class until I could go home and finally tell Lily I... like her. When the bell rang I met Lily in the college's parking lot and she got in my car. "Hey, Aundrea. What're we gonna do tonight?" "Oh, I dont know. Maybe watch some movies or something." We got inside and sat down on my bed. "What movie do you wanna watch?" "I dont care." I stared at her. She had long blonde hair and hazel eyes. Her breasts were amazing and full and...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Neighbour Tamil Aunty

Hi iss readers I am back with my second telugu sex story nenu me andari kosam e story ni telugu loki ravadam jarigindi idhi na life lo jarigina real story of course ipatiki kuda jarugutundi Na name telusu kada karthik and I am from tirupathi any unsatisfied housewifes auntys girls from tirupathi chittor nellore and banglore unte nannu contact cheyandi nenu mimalni evaru satisfy cheyalenantaga satisfy chesta na modda 8 inches untundi mimalni anni rakaluga satisfy chestanu nannu contact cheyandi ...

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New Job for AmericanMan

New Job for American-Man By Paul G Jutras Since American-Man's appearance the crime rate in Federation city had dropped way down. Too bad the number band of gigs his rock band had were also way down. Needing the extra pay, it was in his American-Man form that he became a bag man at a Federation City super market. The job was easy and American-man changed his costume with the bluish green shirt, black slacks and sneakers of the market. When he eyed a shoplifter trying to head out...

2 years ago
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Cumming for Christina

I love you and will see you Friday night I told my wife as I hung up the phone. My heart began pumping big time as I hung up from my nightly call and the familiar ring of a new text sounded. My cock stirred just seeing it was from Christina. The message read that the rendezvous was on for 10:00 with a room number and hotel. I cleaned up nice and fresh grabbed the condoms and lube and headed out. My stomach was in knots as Christina answered the door. I quickly entered and stood frozen staring...

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Last Night in Russia

We got in past 2 AM and slept most of the day. About 4 in the afternoon we stirred and started thinking about food and our last night to do list, before our early flight back to Sweden. We had room service bring us cheese, crackers, fruit, bacon and juices. We nibbled on that and talked of evening options. We decided to return to the sex club and view some more shows. Getting there before the crowd, we sat stage side. Attractive women did strip shows to keep us entertained, then the first act...

1 year ago
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The Birthday Present

Her unexpected proposal raised a heat over my whole body that I hoped she would not notice. 'Yes,' I managed to stammer out, 'sure, I mean are you sure? You really don't mind?' 'No, not at all actually,' she replied, grinning widely as I tried to divert her attention from both my discomfort and too-evident arousal. 'In fact, the thought of another woman running her hands over your body gets me pretty... hot.' She enunciated the last word slowly and deliberately. Once again I was astounded by...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 11 The Anal Punishment

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Sex Experience With Rekha Aunty My Love

Hii girls and sexy women this is Abhay form Indore. I’m normal looking guy with the exact fat at each place of my body so if any girl or women interested for some action please contact me on my mail Now we come directly on the story it was happened 2 year ago with my aunty she was very pretty lady whom I mate. I’m in love with her when i saw her we mate in one marriage. She was my uncles wife her name is Rekha. she has good assets her size is 34 30 36 she was in her mid 30s. During the...

3 years ago
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Light Fingers Lead To Spankings And Sex

Beryl Davin was a fifty-nine-year-old woman that had worked in the shop owned by Philip and Theresa Compton for the best part of thirty years. She and her husband John had become close friends of the Compton's over the years.The Compton's were both aged in their early sixties and were looking forward to their retirement.Beryl had started gambling and she was proving to not be very good at it or at least not very lucky with it.She was having to finance her losses by 'borrowing' from the...

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The Lesson Plan Part Four Episode Four The Curtain

The Lesson Plan -- Part Four Episode Four: The Curtain Chapter 21 New York City in rush hour. Traffic is at a standstill, with taxis and busses honking and road signs flashing. The sidewalks are full to bursting: everyone seems to know the direction they're going, and matches speed with the people around them. It's a throng of people, busy to get to where they're going in a hurry. Men in suits and women in skirts, students in jeans. No tourists yet. This is a migration. I walk in...

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for another 2 hours. I kissed Kelly good bye and was leaving her apartment when I see Sandy waiting in the hallway. “From the sound of things I’d say you really wore out my daughter tonight” she said. I asked how long she had been home, she told me about 45 minutes or long enough to hear us fuck for a good while. I was looking for the words to apologize to her but she stopped me and said “I’ve spent 3 years having you show up in my home wearing your tight shorts or your...

4 years ago
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The babysitter returns part 2

Gabe could think of a million other things Daphne could be doing with her mouth than talking, but he loved the feeling of her body snug against his enough to have some patience. “It was great,” he said simply. “I played pro for about three years. It was such a wild ride most of the time. There were always parties, always women. Scores and scores of women who wanted me in their pants. It went to my head a bit, to be honest.” “Do you miss it?” she asked, and he could hear she was trying not to...

1 year ago
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Payment the Next Week

Payment: The Next Week By Dunchad© Deirdre was sitting at her desk when the boss called her into his office. “Deirdre, I need you to run an errand for me. Don't roll your eyes, you will like this one. I need you to go see Mrs. Samantha Dante. You will remember her as the young lady that had sex with us last week and opened the door for you to advance in...

2 years ago
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Shilpa8217s Friend Bhavika Explored 8211 Part II

Hi readers, this is Atul once again with the second part of encounter with Bhavika as you must have read my earlier story as how Shilpa, my cousin’s BIL’s wife has asked me to fuck her best friend to get her pregnant and how we have done it in the hotel. Now it’s the next part of the same story. I left Pune on next day (Sunday) morning and reached Mumbai on Monday; I went to my boss and applied for leave for the next week. I gave the reason that my headache is giving me a lot of trouble and...

2 years ago
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A Simple Meeting

He waited nervously, glancing around the restaurant from his viewpoint at his table. Checking his watch for the fiftieth time in the past half-hour, Charles began to wonder if she was even going to show up. Maybe she decided at the last minute not to go through with it. After all, they had only known each other from talking on the Internet and the phone for 6 months. But she also knew that he was not looking for anything other than good company, good conversation, and a pleasant evening....

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 263 It Takes a Village

By Labor Day weekend, we were all pretty much in the groove of school and ready for a day off and the big celebration. Not only that, but I was looking forward to several visits from parents and dreading one. The triplets were hosting their parents this weekend. I had absolutely no idea what to expect. But first, there was John. "Are you sure this is okay, Brian?" John asked as we toured the new development. He'd asked the same question every weekend this summer. We walked around the...

1 year ago
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Charity Shop part 3

Colin sat in the cafe, and contemplated about what had just happened. He wondered whether Sara was leading him on, or was he getting the wrong signals. She must of felt his cock pressed against her back, and she did move her chair back. So he decided just to see what would develop.Colin walked back to the shop, and went into the shop. He said hello to Mary, who was busy serving customers, and went to the back. As he passed Sara’s office, she called out “Oh Colin, can you go with Pete this...

4 years ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolThursday Afternoon Drama

Thursday Afternoon: Drama Allison smiled as they finally reached the door. She darted through and made her way to the seats up front. “So I see part of the principal’s memo may have come true. You two obviously inspired the idiots chanting ‘Choose me sex deities’. So, one question remains – did you intend to inspire them to this point, or are they simply being mindless high school sheep?” I’m guessing now we’re supposed to be agents of intended chaos through worship. Mrs. Sneider’s...

2 years ago
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Sarah left me 6

On Friday night Lilly turned up at about 6pm. I was expecting her at 7pm which left us plenty of time to get a taxi to the restaurant for our 7:30pm reservation. Not only was she very early, but she was hardly dressed for a fancy restaurant; she was barefoot and wearing a skimpy sun dress, which left a lot of bare flesh exposed. We were all still naked although Sarah would be leaving soon for her regular week-end orgy and Angie was going out for the evening with Tom, Dick and Harriet....

3 years ago
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Sali nahi too sale ki biwi

Main 30 saal ka naujwan hon,meree shadee aaj se 2 saal pehlee howe thee, suhag rat ko mera 9″ ka lund dekh kar meree biwi buhat daar gayee thee aur jab main usee chodna shuroo kiya too woh buri tarah se chillane lagi thee, use itna dard ho raha tha k usne mera land aur ander lenee see saf mana kar diya, majbooran main ne apna land us ki chot se bahar nikal lya,mere land ka siraf top hi ander ja saka tha lekin us koo buhat dard hone laga tha,khair is tarah pura ek week guzar gaya, lekin main...

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Jock TalesJR YearSpring Break

Spring Break---On the Road With Dad---Pit Stop It was Spring Break my Jr year. I had moved in with dad back after Thanksgiving. At 19 now, I had been out of HS for two years. Lots of running, swimming, and weights were still the daily routine, keeping the bod looking hot. At 6', and 160 lbs, still slim, and sporting that awesome 8-pac of abs, it looked hot as fuck just above that big bulge, where I was packing 10” of thick jock meat. Dad commented that he had a short run this week, so I asked...

1 year ago
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Max JAV makes their purpose pretty clear right there in the title, though one small mystery does remain: what pushes this collection of Japanese Adult Video to the Maximum? Is it a question of quantity, with the very highest number of JAV pornos under one banner? Perhaps it’s a matter of quality, purveying the very finest in Japanese AV idols, kinky fetishes and full-length Asian fuck flicks. Then again, maybe I’m reading it entirely wrong; could Max be the dude who started the site, collecting...

Free Porn Download Sites
4 years ago
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Welcome Home

Stepping inside our front door I throw my keys on the table, causing them to break an unusual silence. The usual sounds and smells of the kitchen are absent. Something is up. “Honey?” I call, my footsteps treading lightly up the stairs, as I wonder if you are in the shower. The silence continues. Reaching the top of the staircase, I turn entering our room and I see you are waiting for me, laying on our bed. Your naked body sprawled across the sheets. Your arms above your head, frame your...

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