Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 02 free porn video

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As the craft drew closer, a long chain was thrown over the side and struck the ground. A brilliant flash lit up the landscape around the craft as it was grounded against the inner surface. At this time of year, the inner surface of New Eden was highly charged with electrons.

As the hollow moon orbited across the face of Jupiter, it collected energy from the sun and radiation from Jupiter in its metal skin. This energy would power machinery and provide light and heat for the continuance of civilization through the long winter months as the moon’s orbit carried it through the darkness behind the planetary giant.

In the depths of winter, just before the moon would re-emerge from Jupiter’s shadow, the temperatures at the north and south poles would be near absolute zero. Nearer the equator, where the insulating ground cover was thicker, the temperatures would only get down to forty or fifty below zero, Fahrenheit. At the equator, which was the most populated area, it rarely got below freezing.

Princess Béla, the Goddess of the Land, was traveling with her consort, the Great Bard Geoffrey, to meet her father, the Regent. She had previously mind-linked with her father about beginning a new project. After laying out the initial ideas for a university, her father decided he wanted to meet this imaginative young farmer-turned-bard who had captured his favorite daughter’s fancy and who was to be a central figure in the creation of this university.

The Bard Geoffrey held his handwritten tome, The Coming of the Goddess, protectively against his body, shielding it from the fierce winds generated by the father god’s machine. The goddess he companioned had asked him to bring a copy of it with him to gift her father. He was still bleary-eyed, having spent the last twelve days copying everything into a second tome to take to the heavens with him. If he wasn’t so exhausted, he was sure he’d be more amazed by what was occurring around him.

The passenger carrier came to a bouncing rest in the low gravity of the poles. If it weren’t for the gravity plating beneath the surface here at the depot, everything that wasn’t secured would either float away or roll down toward the equator.

Both Northern and Southern depots were, in essence, giant spaceships imbedded into the inner surface. They even had magnetic drives that could, if used in unison, speed up or slow down the rotation of the hollow moon and even change the speed of its orbit to bring it closer to Jupiter or move it farther away. The only thing missing to make each a complete, separate ship was an outer hull.
The few passengers traveling to the great ship followed each other up the narrow steel stairway that attached itself to the carrier when it landed. Except for the goddess and her consort, everyone was dressed in single-piece work uniforms indicating they were either crewmembers or dock workers. Each had the tall, underfed appearance of the old race.

Jeff looked around from his seat, high above the ground. His head felt hollow, his eyes burned and his ears rang. He knew that it was because he was so exhausted and needed sleep. But, it was also hard to catch his breath and breathe easily without constantly yawning.

‘It’s the air,’ his goddess told him in his head. ‘It’s thinner here because there’s no centrifical force pressing it down. It will feel like this on the great ship, too. You’ll get used to it in a few more hours. You’ll also feel better after you sleep.’

He hoped so. He was too tired to want to fight just to be able to breathe. He fell asleep before they launched, but was jerked awake to the roar of giant propellers pushing away from the surface as the carrier lurched into the air beyond the influence of the artificial gravity field of the depot.

After a time the roar died away as the engines were feathered, and the carrier drifted, no longer visibly moving away from the surface. Jeff desperately gripped the sides of his seat as he started to float ‘up’ out of it. His goddess had already pushed herself ‘up’ to the roof of the wire mesh enclosure that made up the passenger compartment and was gazing out at the distant landscape far below and behind them. Her sarong had continued traveling up her body when she stopped, exposing her bare figure all the way up to her ribcage. She looked down over the floating hemline of her garment and blew Jeff a kiss.

“Come on up!” she teased. “The view is marvelous; quite breathtaking, in fact.”

Jeff thought the view from his angle was breathtaking, too.

‘Thanks,’ the goddess thought in his mind, ‘a girl always appreciates a complement about her appearance…’

He looked at her face. Her eyes were sparkling with excitement. Her face was serene; a natural, unforced smile on her lips as she gazed down at him.

‘Surely she doesn’t want to…’ Jeff thought. ‘Not here, right in front of other passengers… but I know she does. She always wants to. I wish she’d cover up. Everyone is looking at her. Why doesn’t she grow hair down there? I’ve never seen her shave. None of the goddesses I’ve seen have any hair on them at all except on their heads.’

She still watched him. The expression on her face had changed like she was trying not to laugh about something as she waited on him to join her. Gathering up his nerve, he pushed away from his seat and floated dizzyingly upward, jerking his arms and legs trying to find his balance as he slowly turned head over heels.

“Wha…Whooa!” Jeff cried as he felt someone grab him from behind, stopping his slow somersault.

His own voice sounded strange and tinny, lacking substance in the thin air surrounding them. The arm that wrapped itself around his waist was bare, like the torso he felt himself being pulled against. His goddess had rescued him from his embarrassing maneuver.

He nervously grabbed at the fragile-looking wire mesh that made up the roof of the passenger compartment and desperately pulled himself against it. There was nothing except that thin wire mesh between him and…

Nothing. Air. The ground a long way off. Clouds. The crystal sun they were falling into. Blinding bright sun.

‘You just think it’s bright because you can’t see anything else,’ Jeff felt in his thoughts. ‘If the northern sun was still shining, you wouldn’t just be blinded; you’d be cooked. Now, turn your head and put your attention on something inside. It will help you find your balance.’

Jeff turned his head and looked down (up?) at the row of seats he’d just abandoned a moment ago. He didn’t feel any more balanced, but it was more comforting somehow to look at something he recognized that was nearby. He turned his head again and looked at the goddess beside him. She was relaxed, holding herself in position easily with one hand, her fingers wrapped casually through the wire mesh. Her sarong floated loosely under her arms, modestly covering her breasts and absolutely nothing else. She was still watching him.

“You know,” Jeff said, trying to be casual about this whole, nerve-wracking experience, “you’re not really dressed for travel, Goddess. You should have worn something that would stay on.”

In response to his comment, Béla grinned and gently pushed herself away from the roof of the compartment. Raising her arms above her head, she effortlessly floated completely out of her garment as she drifted gently toward the floor. As her feet touched the floor, she grabbed her sarong with one hand to keep it from floating away. Now that she was completely naked, Béla looped the garment loosely around one of the seats.

Using the seats to pull herself along, she traveled to the end of the mesh compartment, opened the door and floated outside. Closing the cage door behind her, she gave herself a good push away from the craft, then stretched her body out and performed a slow somersault. Jeff thought she looked magnificent. She formed her wings and casually flew around the craft to where her consort was clinging nervously to the roof.

“Is this better?” she asked, laughing and gazing at him from a few feet away on the other side of the mesh ceiling. Without waiting for an answer, she flapped her wings in his face, pushing herself rapidly away and almost causing him to lose his grip.

Properly chastised, Jeff watched her exercise her wings flying around outside the carrier. She knew not to fly too far away. She wasn’t smart enough to figure out the vector she would need to travel in order to successfully reach the great ship without getting lost. That was the carrier pilot’s responsibility. Besides, she didn’t want to take another terrifying burn and crash detour like she did the last time she was out here. Or should that be the other way around?

‘I should have named her ‘Goddess of the Air’,’ Béla felt in her mind. ‘This is so obviously her natural element. I hope I can remember to write all this down…’

Béla smiled, doing a slow wheelbarrow around the carrier. She had convinced her compulsive-note-taking consort to pack his writing tablet away in his bag for this voyage, knowing he would need both hands once they were in free fall.

Jeff felt something; an image forming in his head.

The passengers are holding onto something to stabilize themselves as the carrier makes a course correction.

Jeff held on tightly to the mesh roof of the compartment. He saw his goddess dart back toward the carrier. As she neared him, her wings seemed to shimmer and reform as arms. She grabbed the wire mesh and held on tightly as she rebounded off the roof of the carrier.

The roar of the propellers seemed deafening after the silence of drifting in free fall. Jeff watched his naked goddess hanging on, riding on the outside roof as the carrier changed direction. The wind was blowing her hair wildly around, making her appear untamed and free. She turned her head away from the black dot that was their destination and looked down through the mesh at him. Her face – her entire body – glowed with joy.

Gradually the black dot turned into an elongated cigar shape. As they drew nearer, the speed of the propellers would change every few seconds, altering their angle of approach and direction of travel. They were now positioned so that the great ship was beside them instead of ahead of them.

As the tiny carrier moved below the ship toward the open maw of the cargo bay, it took up Jeff’s entire field of vision. He looked back at his goddess.

She was gone!

Then he saw her; a tiny winged figure disappearing up into the cargo bay entrance. A few seconds later, she darted back out, heading directly toward the carrier he was in.

Jeff felt another image in his head.

The passengers are sitting in their seats, strapped in. A large flexible steel cable extends from the carrier and drags along the outside surface of the great ship, making sparks. The cable is retracted and the carrier enters the cargo bay and is secured to the decking. Everyone departs.

Jeff’s goddess reached the cage door and pulled herself inside, closing it behind her. As she reached him, she helped him with his straps, then strapped herself in. Her face was flushed and she was breathing excitedly.

“I almost electrocuted myself,” she told him, breathing heavily from her flying excursion. “I forgot we have to be grounded when we first touch the ship.”

Béla noticed him staring at her breasts moving up and down as she caught her breath and untied her sarong from around her seat. She slipped it over her head and looked back at him.

“Is that better, now?” she asked, raising her eyebrows at him.

The sarong went halfway down her body. At least it covered her front half. Her back half, still bare, was safely hidden, pressed against her seat.


The Great Bard Geoffrey, the Lord Father and Regent, and the Goddess of the Land sat in the recreational lounge near the officer’s quarters on the Lord Father’s Great Ship. An officer Béla recognized as one of her escorts from her previous interment was serving drinks. Without having asked, he served an iced lemonade and raspberry tea mixture, the princess’ favorite.

Jeff thought the drink mixture was unusual, but exceptionally tasty. Sibilius took a sip and set his down with a stern look at his favorite daughter, whom he hadn’t seen in much too long a time.

Béla quickly finished her drink, then picked up her father’s, sipping it more slowly.

‘It’s only been three months, Father…’

“So tell me, Bard, Geoffrey, is it?” the Regent said, opening the conversation. “How do you manage to get my daughter to stay dressed?”

The Great Bard Geoffrey sprayed his drink all over his lap and everything within a meter of him, including his goddess.

“Father!” Béla cried out, pretending insult.

She looked down at her speckled sarong. Then she slipped it off over her head and wiped herself down with it. Jeff’s face was a very deep shade of red. His mouth was open and he was hyperventilating.

The princess looked up at the amused officer standing in position at the doorway.

“Would you secure this room and increase the air pressure by, say, fifteen percent, please?” she asked him. “And, are their any more of these?”

She shook out her wrinkled blue sarong and tossed it over the back of a chair to dry.

“At your command, Princess,” the officer replied, confusing Jeff even more.

“Well,” Béla’s father said, trying not to laugh at the situation he’d ‘accidentally’ created, “it didn’t take you long to get comfortable, did it, Child?”

He turned to his guest. “Bard Geoffrey, I wish to thank you for your volume regarding the introduction of my daughters into your society. I shall study it most carefully and with great interest.”

Jeff was beginning to recover. Being mind-linked with his goddess helped.

‘You realize, of course, that Father timed his remark to coincide with your sipping your drink, don’t you?’ his goddess thought into Jeff's mind. ‘That was his idea of revenge for pretending to enjoy that awful concoction. Father doesn’t do the ‘sugared beverage’ bit.’

‘But I do enjoy it,’ Jeff protested in his mind. ‘It’s really very good. What do you mean ‘awful concoction’?’

‘That’s what Father calls it,’ she thought back at him.

‘Why did that man in the uniform call you ‘Princess’?’ Jeff asked. ‘Are you a princess or a goddess?’

‘Really, I’m neither,’ his goddess admitted. ‘I was born in a large vat in father’s laboratory. His species is infertile. My sisters and brother are intended to replace them eventually.’

Sibilius cleared his throat. The officer had returned with a fresh sarong for the princess to wear. She smiled up at him when she saw which one it was.

“Oh, thank you,” she said to the officer, glowing gratitude at him.

It was one of her own, from her old quarters; bright red silk with flaming pink highlights slashing across the front. Standing up, she slipped it over her head and was, once again, the model of decorum.

‘You should have excused yourself and dressed in private, Goddess,’ Jeff thought reprovingly at her.

Béla almost didn’t bother to respond; she’d been sitting there for the last ten minutes with nothing on at all and she wondered what his point really was.

‘Is my act of dressing or undressing all that erotic?’ Béla responded. ‘Even more than my nakedness?’

‘But, Goddess,’ Jeff replied, beginning to get flustered, ‘I was only suggest…’

“It actually isn’t a good idea to disagree with my daughter,” the Regent suggested to his guest. “I have found, by differing with her on occasion, that the universe itself will bow to her correctness and cause events to occur which demonstrate the truth of what she has presented.”

Jeff was suddenly aware that the Regent had ‘heard’ the private mental conversations between his goddess and himself.

“I apologize, my lord,” Bard Geoffrey said, rather formally. “I should not have excluded you from our conversation.”

“It is, perhaps, I, who should apologize, Bard,” Sibilius stated. “I actually wasn’t listening. I simply noticed that my daughter was starting to look a little annoyed. I am very familiar with that look, myself, so I thought I would do a good deed and warn you. She is right so often, in fact, that she has been formally granted the freedom to do as she pleases.”

Now, his daughter was looking at him with ‘that’ look. Then she grinned and made an image of kissing her father on his cheek. Sibilius smiled back.

Béla felt the officer at the door radiate his congratulations at her. He knew she had been cleared of any charges and released with no penalty, but it was not common knowledge that she had been granted the revered status of Carte Blanche.

In the last eight thousand years, only Sibilius’ lifemate, who later became this ship’s captain, had ever earned that privilege, and she had passed on from their society, finally succumbing to the radiation sickness that had taken the female crew members over four thousand…

A sharp pain in her head made Béla suddenly cry out. Her body temperature was rising sharply. She was getting so hot her skin was blistering.

‘I’m back in the fire that killed me!’ Béla thought, suddenly terrified of burning up all over again. ‘Praetor, help me!’

She felt the Praetor put her to sleep, welcoming the relief that unconsciousness gave her from the sudden, intense pain. She slid off her chair onto the floor, the skin on her face, arms and legs, red and blistered.

Sibilius, alarmed, scooped her up and laid her on the table. As he checked her over, he discovered that her entire body was burnt and blistered. He staggered back, radiating a sudden, terrible grief throughout the ship.

‘She has the Radiation Sickness!’ he realized, made sick with his dismal discovery.

He had lost his lifemate to it shortly before he had brought Hethemtima to life. Now, he was losing his daughter to the same, horribly painful disease.

‘Your daughter will not die,’ the Praetor said in Sibilius’ mind. ‘She will recover. You altered the Hybrid Projects’ genes to give them the ability to regenerate according to Captain Alana’s wishes. Her instructions are recorded in history.’

The sudden relief Sibilius felt was almost as intense as his discovery of her condition, causing another ship-wide distraction as it radiated out.

Jeff stood with his mouth open, terrified. His immortal goddess had been struck down and burned by an invisible fire. He had seen burn victims before and knew they didn’t survive when they were that badly injured.

As Jeff and Sibilius stood over her, Béla’s skin became more mottled looking. It was actually regenerating; the mottled appearance being caused by the growth of fresh pink flesh replacing the darker, damaged skin as it was consumed.

The door burst open behind them. The officer and the ship’s medic rushed into the room. The Praetor filled them in on what had happened.

“She’s going to need liquids,” the medic said. “When the princesses become injured and need to regenerate, they use up a lot of body fluid.”

They reset the table Béla was on so that it would roll. As they guided it through the doorway, she stirred, brought back to partial consciousness by the jostling.

Sibilius, holding his daughter’s hand, felt her tighten her grip and looked up at her face. He stared in wonder into a pair of emerald green eyes gazing up at him.

‘Sibilius, my love,’ she spoke into his mind.

Stunned, he stopped, unable to breathe.


He felt the Praetor putting his daughter to sleep again. Then he felt a strange, but somehow familiar flow coming from the Praetor. It seemed like he had felt that flow once before.

‘It is not yet time,’ Sibilius heard in his mind. ‘She still has much to do.’

As Sibilius sank to the floor, no longer able to stand, he tried to understand what was happening to him.

‘I’m being mind-wiped!’

He realized, in shock, that the Praetor was betraying him. Then he was asleep.


Bard Geoffrey, the Regent Sibilius, and Princess Béla sat in the recreational lounge near the officer’s quarters. An officer Béla recognized as one of her escorts from her earlier interment was serving drinks.

“You should try this,” Béla was saying to Jeff. “I really like it.”

Her father had warned the bard about his daughter’s taste in beverages, and had offered a bland mixture of leaves and spices steeped in hot water like a tea to his guest as an alternative. Béla looked around, suddenly confused.

‘I thought I was wearing a blue…’

Then she forgot what she was thinking about.

“Raman, Could I have some more lemonade?” she asked the officer at the door.

She was incredibly thirsty. ‘I must really miss this stuff!’ she thought as she waited.

The officer brought her the pitcher, poured her another glass, then left the pitcher on the table for her. She radiated her thanks to him, Then decided to start paying attention to what her consort and her father were saying. She was finding it really difficult to concentrate on anything. It seemed they had been talking for hours, but they had only just arrived a short while ago.

“Yes, my daughter is correct,” the Regent was saying. “ We do have ‘spare’ Praetors. And education is one of the functions of a Praetor. It is entirely possible to extend the use of one to the inner surface for the purpose of education.”

They talked animatedly on for some time. For once, neither the princess nor the goddess in Béla interrupted them. She could barely even understand what they were saying. The lemonade pitcher was empty. She got up in the middle of their conversation and straightened out the blue sarong draped over the back of the empty chair so it wouldn’t wrinkle, then walked over to the officer at the door.

“Would you escort me to the communal baths, please?” she asked.

“Of course, Princess,” he said, “But you no longer require an escort. You have the run of the ship, as usual.”

Béla nodded, still in a fog, and walked through the door, turning toward the communal baths.

“Princess,” the officer called to her, following her out the door. “Princess, the communal baths are that way.”

Béla stopped, confused. She had no idea why she had turned left instead of right. She certainly knew where the communal baths were.

“I must be asleep,” she told the officer. “Thank you, again.”

She really needed a good bath. Her skin itched. Her hair itched even worse. And when she scratched, large, loose flakes embarrassingly snowed down on her red sarong.

‘Red? I thought it was blue,’ she thought, still feeling confused, ‘What happened to my blue sarong? Do I even have one? I'm sure I've seen it somewhere; recently, too...’

Then she forgot, again. She increased her pace toward the communal baths, hoping the shower stall her father had built for her was still there. She needed to scrub every itchy inch of her body. After that, she intended to soak for hours.

‘A fresh start!’ she thought to herself.

She was starting to feel better. ‘A fresh start’ was what she was all about. She smiled to herself, her earlier fogginess forgotten.

The officer stood at his station by the door of the conference room. He thought it odd that the princess had made a wrong turn. The communal baths hadn’t been down that direction since the officer’s quarters were redesigned twelve hundred years ago. She hadn’t been here, then.

‘And since when are her eyes green?’ he wondered.

Then he forgot about it.


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A stranger takes me at a party

Victor’s Boss had invited us, to celebrate a new anniversary of the company. The party was supposed to be at his house.My beloved hubby soon started to talk with his colleagues and he abandoned me, as I was talking with other silly wives…I was feeling too much warm inside the house; so, I stepped outside for a breath of fresh air. The cool evening spring air had an immediate effect under my short dress and a similar effect on my nipples, now hardening to the drop in temperature.Being there in...

4 years ago
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Total Woman Zodiac 01

It was mid-morning and the South Beach heat was still a few hours away from its daily soft simmer. Zack was casually dressed in his usual Friday style leading up to the weekend. He had a jaunt to his step as he approached the boutique coffee shop, things were going well. He had successfully fulfilled the first and second assignments of this business swing through the Sunshine state. As a TWA Zodiac evaluation assessor, Zack was assigned to meet and evaluate recent TWA graduates. He was part...

2 years ago
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Hot Cousin Sister Ko Family Member Banaya

Hiiiii friends rohan is back here with my 10th story, aapne meri saab stories ko bhot like kiya is liye thanks. Aapne meri mom ki last story to padi he hogi ki kaise mene ek lady ko hamari family mein joint kiya or wo story mene hee mom ko likhne ke liye boli thi, hamari family mein kisiko bhi pata nhi hai ki hamari ek bra and panty ki bhi shop hain kyuki kisiko esa na lage ki hum log kuch galat kar rhe hain, now to story. Last month january mein meri cousin sis jo jalagon mein rehti hai wo...

1 year ago
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One summer afternoon

Michelle stood just inside the room, little more than a silhouette with the bright afternoon sunshine pouring through the doorway behind her. She wore a light summer dress, pure white, the skirt wafting lightly around her tanned ankles and the straps hanging lightly over her brown shoulders. Eve had never seen Michelle in the flesh before today. She'd never experienced the dangerous woman’s radiant coquettishness at first hand, never seen her move with that catwalk gracefulness of a woman who...

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wife fucks 3 teenagers on holida

My wife and I went to Turkey on holiday, at the time I was 32 and my wife was 29 I knew that the heat and relaxing atmosphere would make her so horny. We had been swinging for about 3 years in our local clubs, but this was the first time we had been holiday since we started swinging. On about the 2nd day Jane ( my wife), and I were lying round the pool, she was wearing a very skimpy blue bikini, and was lying on the sunbeds just chilling, . After a while I noticed 3 young lads who were about 19...

1 year ago
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Having Some Fun 13

Title: Having Some FunRating: Hard NC17Summary: Two lovers indulge in some new activities to spice up their sex life.A/N: So superinspired after knowing what role she will play in "THIS MEANS WAR"WARNING: BDSM, so it will be rough. Jan and Laura walked into the room.Jan was the only one who carried a suitcase, Laura was totally naked, but her boyfriend only had his chest exposed while wearing his black pants.He pulled out a pair of handcuffs."You are absolutely sure about this?" he asked...

2 years ago
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The Reluctant Gift

Sheri Lawson woke slowly, shivering, not from the cold but from the creepy feeling of a hand stroking the bare skin of her stomach. She was slowly getting used to this, wakening in a fog, slowly recalling her dire situation, testing her restraints to see if anything had changed. Checking to see if her blindfold had been removed, afraid of what she might see if it was. Her muscles tensed, slowly, pulling at the wrist and ankle restraints, once more confirming she was bound and helpless. The...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 60 ERIC AND DIGNITARIES

Riding the Ammutherathi through the air made me feel, certain that I had ridden something big before, maybe in a dream. There was nothing to ride on Nilfeheim except Fangsnappers. While I was standing in the stirrups I received instructions through an ear peace. Where to go and what to do. The beast was at least thirty meters long and had two enormous set of leathery wings underneath tough looking skin were rock hard muscles worked these huge wings in a fantastic display of raw natural...

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Using Tania

He was playing with my pussy as I lay on his bed. His fingers touching my clit. I was moaning softly. His other hand playing with my nipple. “You’re so damn sexy,” he says. “I love playing with your cunt. Say you’re my dirty slut.” “I’m your dirty slut,” I say. He slid his finger inside my hole. “Aaah!” “You like that, slut?” He started to finger fuck me. His finger moving faster each time. “Oohhh baby, yeah, fuck that cunt. Fuck your dirty slut.” He gets on top of me slides his rock hard cock...

Group Sex
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Saved by the Bell Adventure

The school year had just started and bayside was very busy. The freshman class was excited, yet nervous about entering into Bayside high school. Zack Morris, a short, skinny 14 yr old blonde haired boy was hoping to make a name for himself right away. He also hoped that this year he could get his dream girl Kelly, who was also a freshman. Unfortunately, Zack had run into a muscular Jock on the first day of school named Slater, who was about six feet tall and very muscular and Slater was also...

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BulletChapter 4

"Thanks Tammy," I thought to myself. "I really didn't need that reminder I'm dead.' "Just thought I'd keep it real," she replied. Well, she sort of replied. She was reading my thoughts and me hers. It was just like talking though. I was comfortable looking at it that way. "It won't be long till they start putting your skin onto me," she commented. "I hope it works to perfection," I told her. She sounded nice and I can tell you that even though her face was covered with tape...

4 years ago
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Horny milf fucked

Jane s, English, 18 and exactly 5 feet tall with natural long blonde hair, stunningly beautiful, with blue eyes and the most fantastic slim shapely figure. She had just finished her final year at school gaining three “A” Levels and looking forward to university, when her life was changed forever. Although Jane excelled academically at school her real ambition was to be an Olympic athlete and, although she was good at athletics, her lack of inches gave her an obvious disadvantage...

1 year ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 12 Infiltration Flight

Hank lifted off in the pre-dawn sky. Hank wore a tan flight suit and his slave girl Amanda was naked except for her slave collar. Amanda struggled to remain awake, failed. Sometime later the bright sky woke Amanda. She blinked, shielding her eyes. "I can turn the screen down," Hank offered. "The canopy is clear only when all power is shut off. It can opaque, darken, even show cartoons." "Where are we?" "About 30 minutes from Colorado Springs. I'm going to refuel there. Too bad we...

2 years ago
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Submission Experiment

Allie yawns groggily. She can't remember the last time she slept that well. Not that she'd been having trouble sleeping or anything, but she was feeling strangely refreshed this time, more so than usual. It took her a second to realize that her alarm clock hadn't rung. She let out a sigh of relief. Thank god. She didn't have to get up yet. In that moment, getting out of bed and going to work seemed like it would be the end of the world. Especially when her bed was so soft, and her blankets so...

2 years ago
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Laying Ghosts To Rest

Grace’s car was in the driveway, so I slipped quietly through the front door to avoid waking her. I tiptoed through the dark house, moving slowly to avoid hitting anything. Jake and Imelda must have cleared out of town as they had promised once semester ended; they would be long gone and a long time coming back.I stood near the kitchen in the dark and realized I needed a stiff one, so quiet as a thief, I opened a cupboard, took down a shot glass, and lifted one of the many bottles we kept on...

4 years ago
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wifes revelation

Jack, a confident, successful, self-made guy opens the door to the local eating establishment and immediately is greeted by the cute blonde girl working as the hostess. He pointes to a booth in the rear of the building. The girl gives him a puzzling look. "Pam is my wife and I want to surprise her". The girl smiles and escorts him to the booth. He sits patiently as his server comes by. "Hi can I start you off with a drink? He smiles "just waiting for Pam to come over she's my wife"...

4 years ago
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My Mom Neelimas Affairs 8211 Part 3 Uncle And Niece Sex

This story is a continuation of the story. Please read the previous two parts to enjoy the story completely. This about uncle and niece sex that my mom enjoyed. In the absence of my dad and me at home, my mom’s affair with her boss continued for at least three years. By that time, I completed my bachelor’s and returned back home. Dad, too, planned to leave his job and start a business from his savings. So he returned to India. Getting enough from her boss, both financially and physically, mom...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Christiana Cinn Family Vacation Vag

Christiana Cinn is so excited about her weekend getaway with her super rich hubby. But when his son shows up, she is pissed about the inrustion on her weekend away in paradise! Little does she know, her stepson is hung like a horse. While she is lounging on the couch in a skimpy black bikini, our stud comes up behind her and starts rubbing her hot MILF pussy. When she realizes what is going on, she is appalled. But when he offers to help her out with some long cock, her tune changes entirely....

1 year ago
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The Proposition Part 4

It was Sunday morning and Carol Blunstone said to her husband Harry at breakfast, "Obviously there was a change of plan about the all-night fishing.""Yeah, you had the bedroom door closed so I went into the spare room," replied Harry."I did hear you come home but I was nearly asleep," said Carol who had wisely made the decision not to spend the night in her lover Duncan's bed when Harry had indicated that he might not be out all night.The Blunstones spent the day together, at least they were in...

2 years ago
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Ashleys Creation part 3

I felt I was still asleep, but I could hear Ashley's voice, she was telling me to remember what Karla had said to me the night before and to ask her permission to work with her and Lisa fulltime as an apprentice. This was told to me over and over by her, I was unable to answer, but she knew her words would be obeyed totally as the drugs Karla had brought to her where now taking hold of my mind. I also thought I heard Ashley speaking with Lisa; together they were talking of how easy it...

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No It Is Not Cheating

Some incidents that happen in our life, change us for ever. The way I look at things now, It wasn’t always like this. My name is Bobby. I am 34 years old Entrepreneur. Happily married. Living with my parents, wife and a son. The incident that I’m going to narrate here, happened just last week. Its about a lady called sonal. She is my wife’s kitty party friend. Sonal visited our house very frequently, almost everyday. I always kinda wondered why she would come home every time. Gradually sonal...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Domination

Woman on woman force isn't normally thought about, it's a side-fetish at best, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. This is a collection of stories about exactly that, following a woman that is either a predator of other woman, or a target of one or more woman herself. Type of force don't really matter, the POV character must stay consistent, and may involve more then just 2 woman but obviously since the POV character must stay consistent any other woman must be involved with, or be seen...

2 years ago
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The nearby Naturistsswingers

In late 2014 I got chatting to a couple who lived about 10 miles from me and who I met through a naturist website. I wont refer to them by name as to keep their anonymity but they are both in their late 50s. We met up a few times for drinks but due to several reasons there were long gaps between the times we were able to meet up. We got on well at these meetings in a pub near to their home and we chatted about naturism and how they got into it and where they went locally. As we got on I got an...

4 years ago
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Lea was sitting naked on the table and Rob was standing beside her. Three naked men were across from her as Rob showed off her body for their entertainment. He told her "Spread your legs. Yes. Now wider." He then grabbed a tit with one hand and pushed two fingers in her cunt with the other. As he ravaged her body he tongue kissed her mouth. Rob loved showing her off to his male friends. Lea would do anything he said and he loved using her body many ways. She was so sexy and so beautiful and...

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Her soft soles

It was just the third time that we were intimate that I told JR about my foot fetish and my love her feet in particular, but as I suspected all along, she already knew. She said she could tell because every time we were in foreplay mood or whenever I got even the remotest chance, my hands were on her feet and I love having their aroma near to my nose. So, this night she told me her feet were all mine and I could do anything I want. Actually, surprise her if I could. Not being a totally...

1 year ago
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Inflatable Cock Story

I was at school and it was April Fools Day and I knew Shawn was up to something but, I didn't know what because he was acting very sneaky. Well, at the end of 3rd period I went to my locker to put my books up until after lunch was over. Just so you know Shawn and I knew each other’s locker combinations to each other’s lockers if we wanted to put something in each other’s lockers like a gift or something that wasn’t able to fit through the openings in the locker. We trusted each other not to...

1 year ago
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Can a ghost

It was the ideal cottage, we had looked at many btu this one was what we wanted. I was situated about a half mile from two villages and had been modernised inside and yet had its 16 th. century outside remained, a thatched roof , four bedrooms and a large lounge and also a nice sized study. I checked that the phone line could take a broadband connection so that I could use my computer for my business which I conducted totally at home. My wife was overjoyed when we managed to purchase the...

Adult Humor
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Chandni raat mein chachi ko choda

Hi to all ISS readers. This is sunny from Mumbai. I live in mira road area of story likhne par pata chala ki jo story hum padhte hain use authors ko banane mein kitni mehnat karni padti hai.par kabhi kabhi un par itna gussa aata hai ki kya jhe unke 3 pts se nafrat hai. 1 sale sabhi chodne walon ki description athletic and muscular desh me kya athletic body walon ko hi chut milti hai kya.i m average one. 2 Sabhi bolte hai ki unke Lund ka size 8 inch ,9 inch.aadmi ka...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Keegan G132

It’s finally Friday! That means another horny slut is getting gangbanged, and you’re front and center for the action! We’re in a new place and this is our new setup. We’ve changed it up a bit, and so far we think it’s pretty sweet new digs. We have Keegan, in her little white dress, looking so sweet and innocent, and she’s on the pedestal and she’s ready to get this party started. The guys rip those clothes off with the quickness, and #Mitt gets to it,...

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My friend and I pumped our sisters

Hello friends! Hope you all must have read and enjoyed my story ‘I Fucked My Sister’, which I was able to do by my friend’s(Sisir) advice on fucking own sister. Then after a month of enjoyable fucking, I said my lovely sister Kavita one night about my friend Sisir (her clssmate Seema’s brother) that he is also fucking Seema. With this, she smiled and said me that she knew it earlier from Seema and Seema had also said her to start fuck with you. But due to fear and shyness she could not start. I...

2 years ago
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I cant wait I couldnt wait

She couldn’t wait to finish work. She hadn’t seen him in almost a week and she was jumping at the bit to have him inside her. The work day dragged in and she could hardly contain her excitement when she finally finished. She rushed home and started to get ready for him to arrive. She took off all of her clothes revealing a gorgeous curvy figure. Her boobs were round and perky, a bit more than a handful but they complimented her large hips and round buttocks. Her waist in contrast was slim and...

3 years ago
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Fucking The Electricity Board Aunt

Hi I’m Mathen. I have read many stories in iss and I wish to tell my experience. It happened in my 18. I’m living in a place little like village in Trichy. Let’s come to the story. One fine I was preparing for some internal examination as my parents were out of station I was left alone in home. I use to masturbate once in a day watching porn movies as I have a lot with me. As I was alone, I was watching some porn stuff in my mobile. Meanwhile I was rubbing my penis. Due to regular masturbation...

1 year ago
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He is like my daughter

He is like my daughter Chapter 1 I grew up in Delhi, India as the only child of my parents. My parents were a blessing and when my father passed unexpectedly, I was 25 years old and my mother was in her early 50s. His death devastated us. He had left us with a significantly large amount in the bank account as well as with other assets and made sure that his wife and his daughter did not have to worry about anything, ever. However, we needed to get out of Delhi as everything about...

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BangBros18 Gia Derza Gia Loves Anal and Squirting

Bang Bros is famous for showing off all of the best asses in the industry. Today, we have Gia Derza, and we’re a little skeptical about whether or not she’s got what it takes to have a Bang Bros Booty. She tells us to follow that ass around, and of course we listen. She shakes her ass and dances all around the pool. showing off that ass. Eventually, we get to see a little deeper into the booty hole. Her asshole is huge and it’s so sexy. Looks real fun to play with. Her asshole...

2 years ago
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Im Not White Trash

Prologue I will never know whose baby I was carrying, because I don't know whose sperm got to me first, my brother Tony's or his friend Guy's. All I know is they both raped me. I lived just a few minutes from the ocean, in a kind of poor town that looks like one big trailer park, and was in my senior year in high school when I agreed to meet Tony and Guy at "The Rocks." It's a mostly secluded beach where tons of rocks, concrete pilings, and other huge chunks of junk were long ago...

4 years ago
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Les fminisatrices 1 Nicole

Nicole Les f?minisatrices - Episode 1 Ma vie changea l'ann?e de mes quinze ans. Depuis que mon p?re ?tait parti, je vivais seul avec ma m?re dans un petit appartement. Maman n'?tait pas souvent ? la maison. Elle travaillait ? la caisse d'un supermarch?, et comme son salaire ?tait insuffisant, elle faisait le m?nage pour des personnes ?g?es. J'?tais donc souvent livr? ? moi-m?me, et je d?sesp?rais ma m?re en faisant l'?cole buissonni?re et en participant souvent ? des actes de petite d?linquance. A cette ?poque, je faisais p...

1 year ago
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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz Ch12

The Great Hall of Castle Mombi began to fill with guest. The banquet held in honor of Dorothy. But the true meaning was to get together to discuss the rise of, The Wicked Nome Queen of the West. A gobkin guard stood by the door, announcing the guest as they arrived."Lord Omarion and Lady Talika, it is with great honor to announce the arrival of The Scarecrow, The Tin Woodman, and The Cowardly Lion." The trio of friends stood in the entrance of the castle as the crowd clapped, welcoming the...

3 years ago
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A Pantyhose Story

I come over to your place and knock on the door. You answer the door wearing a tight fitting black top, mini skirt and pantyhose. You give me a kiss as I walk through the door. After the door is closed, I give you a kiss back. I reach under your skirt and grab your pantyhose covered ass and pull you too me as I kiss you. You take me by the hand and lead me into your bedroom. You tell me strip as you take off your top. I stare at your perky tits as I start taking off my clothes and I ask...

1 year ago
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Okay, so where do I start? Well I guess the best place is to state the obvious...I am a CUCKOLD.My wife and I are high school sweethearts, we lost our virginity to each other at 19 years old.We married at 22 and began our "normal" married life together until about 10 years into our marriage I began talking about my wife messing around with another guy, not fucking just playing, kissing, touching and oral.As is the case with most of these stories she was not into it at all. Until one day she...

2 years ago
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Her Hair

Looking back I guess that everything started about three years ago when my dad bailed out on my mom and me. My mom, Ellen McAfee, and my dad were college sweethearts and were married shortly after they graduated from state university then about nine months later I showed up on the doorstep. My name is James and today I am a fifteen-year-old sophomore in T. R. Roosevelt high school in a middle-sized community in Middle America. I can still remember back to the tough days after dad had left; mom...

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