Aphrodisia Ch. 03 free porn video

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Gwendolyn Chambers was not having a good day. Her husband had left her for some bitch at a local massage parlour. Hell, it was probably a whorehouse for all she knew. That morning she’d woken up to find him sat downstairs on their couch with a suitcase packed up next to him. For a moment there she had actually thought he was surprising her with a secretly booked holiday or something. Then he’d started talking about how she wasn’t there for him anymore, about how she wouldn’t give up her career to start the family he wanted so much. Finally after spouting enough bullshit to sate his guilty conscience he’d told her about the other woman in his life. Apparently he was going to stay with her. He’d left her that morning with their pre-prepared divorce papers. Just before he’d walked out of the door he turned back and wished her good luck in the job interview she had that afternoon. He’d used his best ‘lets all be friends’ voice when he’d said it. She’d stood through it all in stunned silence.

The tears came a little while after the door had closed behind him. She knew they hadn’t been talking as much as they should have. They had problems. So did everyone else. Problems were meant to be worked out. She’d wanted to make her marriage work so much. Hoping desperately that the spark they’d lost in the past year or so would come back. The man’s obsessive desire to have kids and see her stay at home had plagued her so much. Every time they’d work up to having sex he’d always mention how he thought it was time to forget the contraception. It always killed her enthusiasm. For the past six months they’d barely touched each other.

After several years of law school she wasn’t about to waste all that time and her qualifications as a full fledged lawyer by staying at home. She was only twenty six years old goddammit. Not to mention that she was good enough to be interviewed that afternoon by one of the best up and coming law firms in the country. Her old firm heard about the interview and fired her immediately. She didn’t care. They were a total of five old men who had spent most of their time trying to put her into secretarial work. She wasn’t going to stand for that and had managed to secure several cases for herself. She’d shown so much promise that her new firm, or so she hoped, had actually called her. They’d indicated that the interview was basically a formality and that the placement was as good as hers anyway.

Unfortunately having someone who you thought was the love of your life leave you for someone else can change more things than just your relationship status. So she’d walked into the interview that afternoon with tear stains, puffy eyes and a slightly dishevelled look about her. The interviewers had seemed quite surprised at first. Surprise turned into disapproval however when she couldn’t hold herself together long enough to finish the interview. After she’d hurried out to the nearest toilet in order to throw up their secretary told her she wasn’t to be allowed back inside the interview room. The woman had gently told her she wasn’t what they were looking for and that they were very sorry for wasting her time. Gwen started to cry again after that and was still shaking when she left the building. In one day her entire life had turned into a complete mess.

She had thought briefly of calling a friend but then realised that she didn’t have any. All of her old friends had slowly been pushed away by her husband’s disapproval of her socialising with anyone who wasn’t him. Her mother had died when she was twenty one and she’d never known her father at all. With no other family the poor woman had realised there was no one in the world to help her. For a while she went back home but it didn’t take long until the walls felt like they were starting to close in on her. Memories of living there that she’d once cherished now seemed like perverted stains soiling her house. Taking her car keys she’d driven to the nearest hotel and booked a room for the night. When the man behind the desk had given her the room key she didn’t stay to listen to the usual spiel of what the hotel had to offer.

It didn’t take long for her to make her way into the bar. She ordered a double vodka, straight up. Looking around the place she saw it was practically empty of people. As she’d sat down on a bar stool two teenage girls walked past her looking very happy with themselves. Feeling like she’d never be happy again, her current troubles started to weigh more heavily on her shoulders.

In fact she was so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she didn’t notice when the bartender came back with her drink. After she didn’t respond when he set the drink in front of her the man audibly cleared his throat. As Gwendolyn muttered an apology and started fumbling about with her purse however a man stepped up to the bar and paid for her drink. He also ordered one for himself. Wiping her eyes again she looked at him. Angry and slightly embarrassed she had told him she didn’t want anything from him.

He didn’t seem to mind the irritated tone she used on him and paid for her drink despite it. Then a woman had come over to see what he was up to and that had disarmed her somewhat. Apparently she and the man were there together and he’d just seen Gwendolyn there trying not to cry and had come over to see if she was alright. Reassured that he wasn’t trying to hit on her she’d been more receptive to the pair trying to cheer her up. From the labels on the bags the woman was carrying she knew that the pretty blonde had just been lingerie shopping. The guy was in for a hell of a night it seemed. It had been so nice of them to stop to talk to her that she’d let them walk her up to her room. The woman had introduced herself as Sonya on the way up to the third floor as Jamie led the way. By some strange coincidence their rooms had been right opposite each other. When she’d gone inside she’d found her room was pleasant enough and started getting undressed. Thinking that there might still be hope for the human race if it had people like that young couple in it she’d allowed herself a small smile.

The suit she’d worn to the interview was soon unravelled from her fatigued body. She hadn’t even had time to iron the damn thing that morning. Catching a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror she realised that she wouldn’t have even hired herself looking like that. She’d tied her hair up into a bun that had already begun to unravel of its own accord. Loosening the hairpin that kept it in place caused her long dark auburn hair to cascade down to hang just past her shoulder blades. She ruffled the messy locks up a little to let them fall more wildly around her features. Her shoes were kicked across the room as she then slipped out of her suit-jacket to let it crumple on the floor. The grey skirt had been the next to go as she made her way towards the bathroom. After flicking on the light switch she made her way over to the polished sink and washed her face. Afterward she looked into the mirror and realised she actually looked a little better. The wild waves of her hair framed her exotic features. Her mother had been Spanish and she’d always taken after her more than her father. Granted she’d never met her father but her mother had told her he was English. Her olive skin tone and exotic features were reminiscent far more of the people of the Mediterranean than those of the British Isles. She also noticed her light brown eyes weren’t brimming with tears for what must have been the first time since that morning.

‘I guess those two actually did manage to cheer me up a little.’ She thought to herself.

Walking back to bed she started thinking about the couple again, more specifically the man. Jamie. He’d said his name was Jamie. She’d thought of him as a man the first time she’d seen him but he couldn’t have been older than twenty. He’d been tall. She guessed just over six feet in height with a strong athletic build. His musculature wasn’t outlandish like that of a bodybuilder but rather lithe, toned, al
most panther-like. He’d certainly displayed his strength by carrying several heavy bags up to the room without any trouble. Remembering the firm shapely ass and the way his biceps tensed with the weight of the bags she let her thoughts wander for a while. She found the more she remembered Jamie’s appealing physique, the more her troubles slipped farther to the back of her mind.

Gwendolyn caught herself daydreaming in the doorway to the bathroom and shook her head. She had a lot of problems on her plate right now and this was no time for her to be indulging in impossible fantasies. Jamie’s girlfriend had after all being a gorgeous slim blonde with several bags filled with naughty under garments. It was hardly plausible that Gwendolyn could tempt the young man away from her even if she’d wanted to. She’d also been older than him by at least five or six years.

‘Probably teaching him how to use his equipment properly.’ Gwendolyn thought to herself with a little smirk. Still, she’d thought the two were a good match for each other despite the slight age gap. There had been something in the way they looked at each other that suggested they were very much in love. Thinking about that made Gwendolyn feel a little emptier inside. She needed a distraction to prevent her from crying the night away.

In fact she was thinking about turning on the TV and raiding the mini-bar when she caught a faint pleasant scent in the air. At first she thought it might have been something to make the bed sheets smell nicer and ignored it. Then she found herself breathing a little more deeply through her nose. Whatever that smell was it was one of the nicest things she’d ever come across in her life. As she inhaled more and more the scent became ever stronger. She went over to the bed and pulled back the sheets to look for the source of whatever was making it. There was nothing to be found however as she overturned her pillows and pulled the sheets off the bed completely. Following the desirable smell she found it steadily affecting her other senses. She started to hear a soft melody in the air, playing along to the beat of her heart. Then a delicious taste rolled along her tongue making her try to swallow whatever it was. As quickly as it came it vanished, leaving her wanting more.

‘What the hell is this!?’ She thought to herself. Now looking for any kind of air freshener in the room since the source of the intoxicating aroma seemed to keep moving about the place even as she tried to follow it.

Suddenly and without warning she felt a wave of pleasure crash through her body. It was so strong that her legs weakened enough to make her fall back on the bed. The scintillating feeling continued to grow within her making her claw at the bed sheets. She thought to herself that whatever this was she should probably try to get away from it. Still she couldn’t muster the strength or the willpower to tear herself away from the amazing sensations now flooding through her skin.

Her hands started running down along her sides over the thin white cotton shirt she was wearing. The feel of her own fingers against her skin was almost electrifying. It was as if her sense of touch had been doubled, even tripled. Letting out a feint moan she started hearing a rhythmic beat that she first ascribed to her heart slamming inside her chest. Yet as she listened more closely she realised the screams of pleasure she thought might have been her own were in fact coming across the hallway. The beating noise was no doubt Sonya’s hips slamming against the wall.

‘Oh god he’s fucking her!’ The highly sexed woman thought to herself. Of course she wasn’t amazed that he was fucking her. She’d expected that. What she was amazed at was that he was fucking her so good she was screaming his name to the heavens.

Not to mention everyone on the third floor of the hotel too.

Her fingers instinctively pulled her shirt away from her hips and slowly slid under her little black velvet panties. As she felt her own slit she whimpered at the intense feeling that immediately blasted through her. It was as if her whole body had suddenly burst into flames of hot searing lust. All her problems were falling from her mind one by one as she listened to the chorus of the woman’s bliss induced wails from across the hall. Plunging two fingers deep inside the sweltering wet folds of her pussy, she let out a little squeal of gratification. She’d resigned herself to doing this quite a lot since her sex life had died off in the past six months. This however was unlike anything she’d ever felt before in her life. With her free hand she grasped her full round breast and moaned whilst diddling her pussy. Lying back on the bed she frigged herself wildly, her fingers eventually making hot squishy noises as they delved into her juicy fuck flesh.

Feeling she was ready to cum like a freight train she let her thumb start stroking her engorged clit. Driven to the edge of insanity she felt her body longing for the sweet release of what was sure to be an unbelievable climax. Yet even as she tried to reach that thundering crescendo it never quite came. Five minutes into the haze of desire she started whimpering and praying for the orgasm to release her. It didn’t help that the screaming woman across the hall was still fucking up a storm and, from the sound of it, setting the world record for multiple orgasms.

Gwendolyn listened to those screams and thought of that hot young stud pounding her own pussy. The images running through her mind went from naughty to obscene to downright depraved as she tried to push herself over the edge.

‘Oh shit I need it. I need it so bad! What the hell has gotten into me? Oh who the fuck cares! This is incredible! That kid sure is making her squeal. It’s not fair! I need to cum too! Maybe I should go ask…’ As the naughty thought occurred to Gwendolyn she immediately chided herself. ‘Ask!? What the hell kind of slut am I? Jamie’s kind I hope. Sonya’s too if she wants me. God I don’t care anymore. What the hell do I have to lose?’

That thought sealed it. Far from thinking straight anymore Gwendolyn pulled her panties all the way down over her stockings and garter belt and flung them behind her. She didn’t even stop to pick up the hotel key on her way out the door. It had gone quiet in the room opposite hers but she was in no mood to let that stop her. Luckily the hallway was free of onlookers. Even if it wasn’t she was still dressed in the long cotton shirt that kept her decent, if only barely. As one hand rapped on their door her other couldn’t resist sliding under that shirt to slide up and down her cunt a few more times. Frustrated when no one answered she knocked again.

‘Coming!’ Jamie shouted from behind the door.

‘All over the place!’ Added a slightly out of breath Sonya.

That playful little utterance made, Gwendolyn mouth the words ‘Oh Fuck’ and leant forward to rest her hands on the doorway.

– – – – –

Sonya Vickers was having an amazing day. In less than twenty four hours she’d managed to bag herself a new man and a promotion. Well kind of a promotion. She was a teaching assistant in the archaeology department of London University. Her boss had been an asshole to her earlier that day and her boyfriend had broken his jaw. Now normally that would have been considered a bad thing in her book. She wasn’t the kind of girl that got off on guys defending her virtue and she deplored violence of any kind. On this occasion however, her boss had been a complete asshole and tried to use blackmail to force her into having sex with him. At the time she’d been too shocked to respond in time before her boyfriend’s knuckles had connected with her bosses jaw. The crunch she heard when the two had connected still made her cringe at the thought of it.

She’d cried at first, she loved her man after all and didn’t want to see him go to jail. He’d held her and told her it was going to be alright. He’d told her he’d taken care of everything. Then he’d done just that

It turned out that her boss, the professor, had been smuggling expensive artefacts out of the university, selling them on the side and taking the profits for himself. Her lover had told her all about it. The professor wasn’t going to press charges.

So now her boss had a broken jaw and since most of his job involved talking to students he wasn’t likely to be at work for a long while. Sonya knew there wasn’t anyone better than her to teach the class. She’d covered for the professor before and she would again. This time she’d be teaching them for a month, maybe more. Maybe there’d even be a promotion in it for her.

Then there was Jamie. Her man.

She’d always had a little crush on Jamie. In seminars every time he spoke he had something intelligent to say and when he didn’t speak up he mostly kept to himself. When they had talked he always remained polite and was one of the few people in the class who could make her smile. He’d never whispered about her behind her back as she knew some of the other students did.

She didn’t care of course. The big thick glasses and cover-everything dull sweaters she’d worn had been there for a reason. People always let you down. Men especially. Since the father of her children had vanished from her life she’d simply lost faith in people. The guy had just upped and ran for the hills when she’d told him. The only people she had cared about all those years were her two kids. Everyone else be damned she’d thought.

Then whilst out on a dig with the students she’d found Jamie waiting naked in her hotel room. He’d obviously made some kind of mistake in going there. Still, she’d seen him as something much more than a man that night. A friend. A lover. Plus it had been so damn long since she’d been with anyone! So she’d thrown caution to the wind and herself at him.

They had both yet to look back.

After the incident with the professor they had left the others and gotten a hotel room in York for the night. They’d be driving back to London tomorrow. When they’d arrived she’d noticed a small private shop a few streets away that specialized in ladies apparel. Deciding to treat Jamie and herself she’d left him in the hotel bar and hurried off to buy some things to make the night more interesting.

Not that sex with Jamie needed to be more interesting of course. Christ knew who taught that boy how to pleasure a woman but he’d certainly learned a hell of a lot about the art. She’d had more orgasm’s in the past twenty four hours than she’d had in her entire life. Thinking about it got her more and more juiced as she shopped for some rather scandalous undergarments and a few, ahem, accessories.

So after she’d gotten back to the hotel she was very ready to jump her man’s bones. Finding him talking to a woman in the bar had been a slight speed bump. Not that she minded him talking to other women. The sexed up woman was just not in the mood to waste time chattering the night away when she could be getting her pussy ravished. Finding that the reason Jamie was talking to the woman was because she’d been sat at the bar crying had softened her resolve somewhat however. She wasn’t about to drag him away from trying to make the poor soul feel better. Between them they seemed to manage cheering up Gwendolyn a little. They had walked each other up to their rooms and found they were going to be living on opposite sides of the hall for the night.

Then once she and Jamie had gotten alone Sonya had unleashed the lingerie she’d bought upon him. It led to an inordinate amount of sex and a great many screaming orgasms on her part. She didn’t care if she woke up the entire hotel, climaxes like those deserved to be heard goddammit.

After they were both catching their breath after the first round the door buzzer had sounded. Sonya felt a little flushed since it was probably someone calling to complain about her screaming her head off. Jamie had got up to answer it and when it sounded again he was wrapping a towel around his waist.

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The spaceship Orgasma exited hyperspace. On the ship's viewscreen the glittering planet coY-oh-teSS grew larger. Even from this great distance, Michael Slunk could distinctly see the planet in the dark of space. As the ship neared, it looked to Michael as to be all the excesses of the Las Vegas strip magnified by a thousand times. A gigantic sign glowed in bright letters, powered by fusion and injected with a pink gas to give it color. The sign was in orbit around coY-oh-teSS or perhaps...

4 years ago
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Friday night Date With Mum

"Well, are we going to the movies or not?" Helen asked, It was Friday night and Helen and Mark her 15 year old Son were going to the movies. They normaly did this or went out for supper on a Friday night.At the movie theater they got some popcorn then found a seat near the back row. Since the movie had been out for a while, the theater wasn't crowded. They practically had the theater to themselves.The movie was funny and light, making them both laugh. About midway through the movie, Mark...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage AJ Applegate InvestorInLaw

AJ Applegate, a young masseuse, encourages her father-in-law, Marcus London, to sit down at the dining room table. She apologizes for not having the table set but she wasn’t expecting him to arrive for dinner so early — but it’ll be nice to have more time to catch up. Marcus is always a way for business! Marcus looks proud and says that the traveling is the best part. He then asks where his son, Billy, is, and AJ says he should be down any minute. Soon Marcus and AJ are...

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upstairs neighbor online master pt 3

Brandon felt the mattress push down as Fred climbed on to the bed behind him, his hand spreading gobs of creamy lube around the young mans asshole, pushing it in with his fingers and making Brandon moan in pleasure as his body warmed up and relaxed around Fred's probing fingers. "oooh that feels so good, dont stop"Fred smiled as he felt the white asshole suck on his finger hungry for more, born to be here with his face buried in the pillow and his lilly white ass propped up in the air exposed,...

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Cricket Vaughn and the Don Part One

Stephano Santangelo didn't look like a typical mafia don. It was one of the reasons he maintained his empire and had never been targeted by the Feds. To look at Stevie, you'd think he was an easy-going everyday Joe, a small businessman, a guy just trying to make a living, a regular guy. In many ways he was just that, except his financial interests, such as they were, operated on the questionable side of the legality of his environs. He was a man without qualms. He was a man at peace with...

Oral Sex
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RunChapter 8 Hammer Down

"Move! Run! Go now!" Holly's voice blasted through the plane's cabin just at the wheels came to a stop. She freed the door and the steps went down, the short blonde shouldering the machine gun as she jumped out. "Run where?" Gene shouted into Holly's ear after he flew down the steps, the rest of the family just behind. "Where?!" Holly pointed to the extended black SUV parked a dozen yards away. Gene pushed his wife and kids ahead, raced after. The SUV doors swung open on their own,...

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Cumming on wifes friend

I was awoken about 3 am when my wife and her friend came crashing into our kitchen from a night out. They had gone out with a group of ladies for dinner, ended up at a bar after, and apparently my wife had offered her friend to sleep on our couch that night because she was in no shape to drive. I came down from our room to find them rummaging through the fridge. I was happy to find out they at least thought to take an Uber, because neither of them could hardly stand up straight. I helped them...

2 years ago
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Incest Role Play Dominance And Pleasure

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers I am Vijay(frnds call me jammy) from madurai..tamilnadu… Been reading the stories in iss for a long time but this is my first story and a real one too…. I am currently doing in 2nd year in engineering in a reputed college in Madurai locality… So I have been a lover of sex for a long time since my first masturbation… I posted a gigolo ad in locanto 2 months ago and was receiving so many men, callers, thinking that it was an agent…but then after 20 days, I...

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The Kawaiicon Twins

The slogan came to mind first and the double-entendre dawned on her the next day. She was so impressed with her own delayed wittiness that her mind was made up completely now. It became an obsession. Why not? There were already plenty of adult-oriented panels at the con. Who hadn't heard of the term "bukkake" before? Why not also provide a hands-on experience? After watching dozens of videos on the subject, Josie now considered herself an expert. This was going to be great; there might even...

1 year ago
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Nikki Falls In Love

I was sitting on my bed getting more and more annoyed by the second. He needs to shut up. He needs to get over it. If he doesn't stop talking I'm going to end up punching him in the face. That's it I can't take it anymore.I sat up and pushed him. He looked at me in shock. I looked at him and quietly said, "If you don't shut the hell up I swear I am going to hit you.""You are such a bitch. After all I did for you you're going to treat me like this?" He said looking me up and down. "After all the...

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Mistis Adventures Part 84

The 2 fathers had arrived at almost sundown. They had called before leaving to tell Liz and Clara that they were on their way, and to expect them, barring anything unexpected, around 6 that evening, and they were BOTH hungry as bears out of hibernation. Both wives told them to hurry home, but, to be careful. Better to be late than have them hurt, or worse. All sent their love.Clara's car was a station wagon, to carry k**s, and all their assorted and sundry items, and Liz drove a Suburban, for...

2 years ago
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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 24

On Thursday I got Ellen set up with her product, and then I went over to where Cindy's office was. I found out that she had quit about three years before, but no one remembered where she might have gone to work. Scratch the one lead that I was sure would pay off for me. For some reason, the disappointment at not finding Cindy had brought me down to the point where I didn't feel like working. Jim had warned me about this, telling me that, once you began finding reasons not to work, you were...

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My Brothers GenieChapter 10

In the year 2013, at 32 Wayford Way, 12 teenagers and a genie were having the time of their lives. The senior football team had just won the big game, thanks in no small part due to some “wishful thinking” on the part of one Sophie Swift. In fact, it would be fair to say that they utterly trounced the opposition, although victory was likely even without magical intervention. After the game, Sophie and her genie Alexis had taken the 11 players home, telling them that they were their reward for...

4 years ago
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My Wife Got Fucked at the Lake

My Wife Got Fucked at the LakeMy wife is 48 now – she was 39 when this happened. I took the attached photos. Sorry - no faces. I apologize for the exposers. This was before smart phones were so prevalent and I was shaking cause my dick was so hard.We went camping near a lake we like to frequent. She loves the outdoors and is always begging to go. We had been drinking as we always do when we go to the lake. She loves to let her beautiful tits out in the sun. She covers them when boats go by but...

2 years ago
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To Live In a FactoryPart 2

Friday after breakfast Jonas received a call from Bruno in Verona. "Hello, Jonas. I've got two pieces of good news for you. Your equipment will arrive Saturday morning by special transport. If you want to, I could bring it to you Saturday before lunch, and if you want me to, I can hook up everything and give you the first instructions. Do you have special plans for Saturday?" "No. Nothing I know of, at least. That would be very kind of you." "Yeah, well, it's good for me too. It's...

2 years ago
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The Wimp and the DebChapter 31

Rory We all attended the fiddler's rally in the church and everyone enjoyed the concert. There was tea and biscuits served in the church hall afterwards and we introduced David to Kirsty and Flora. David praised Flora's performance and told her she had a wonderful voice. I commented on the fact that Flora was a Mod Gold medallist. This led to a conversation between them about the time and place of the Mod and how fluent she was in the Gaelic. Flora informed him that she was pretty fluent...

1 year ago
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Taylor Swift A Swift Oral Dose

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the singers, record labels, musicians, places, etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I am making no money as a result of the writing of this story.Starring: Taylor SwiftA Swift Oral DoseAn...

2 years ago
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Her Secret

When I was very young, I was taken away from my natural parents and adopted by a youngish couple. From what I had heard about my parents over the years, they seemed to be absolute nut jobs that cared more for drugs than they ever did for me. Thankfully the government intervened and managed to find me a loving home and family where I was the only child.Although I was in a stable home, it did have its own problems. I never really noticed when I was younger but it certainly started to become a...

3 years ago
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Return Encounter

When Naomi Hatara graduated from high school, she wanted to attend the University of Maryland at College Park, but her parents were urgent about getting her to discontinue the relationship with her high-school boyfriend. It may be that they felt the hulking Robert Hairston represented too great a threat to her virginity and her marriage prospects to a good Japanese boy. Her parents, if so, did not realize that her chances on the latter were not great — and they probably never guessed that she...

3 years ago
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Texas Freeze Part 2

I could taste my own sex on Vic's cock as I took him in my mouth. While he was fucking my mouth, Veronica slithered out of all her clothes and came around to my side of the table. She pushed some dishes back and sat on the edge with her legs apart. It was the first time I'd had a good look at her cleanly shaved, rather plump pussy. I reached over to play there with my fingers, but Vic pulled out of my mouth and moved between her legs. He took his cock in his hand and held it at her opening....

4 years ago
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Hermiones Deal

Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me. Harry Potter and all the associated characters named in the story are the property of J. K. Rowling and her publishers and have been used without permission. As fan fiction, no money has been charged, or may be charged, for publication of this work. Hermione Granger had snuck out of the castle that was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry because Hagrid, the half-giant game keeper, had finally agreed to show her what she had wanted...

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 62

Tina was very excited. She was actually out on a real date. Her first ever! Considering the price of everything, she offered to pay for her part, but Adam declined her offer. She couldn't say she was surprised, but she felt it would have been impolite not to offer. Sarah, Brenda, Kelly and Carl were there waiting for them once they arrived and got inside. They already had a good spot in the food line. "So no problem with the 'rents?" she asked, as Allen and Tina walked up. He had yet to...

2 years ago
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Unsatisfied Sex With Sukanya

Dear ISS members, Warm Greetings. Here I am once again sharing my sexual experience with another woman named “Sukanya after my sexual encounter with my maid (search old maid great sex) I was eager for one more time but this time with another women I was in BBA when I met with this woman. She used to give us lecture in HRM and some parts of Marketing. Her age must be around 54 years. I also came to know that she was living alone as she was a divorcee. One thing I notice that she is having high...

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The Neighborhood MILF Hazel May

Our neighborhood had a little excitement last week, when a moving van showed up at n front of the old Carlson house, that had sat empty for the past year and a half. Rumor has it the new tenant was a recently widowed professor from the University. I thought someone had their facts mixed up, because from across the street it appeared to be a tall blonde in her thirties or forties that was moving in.Trying not to look too nosy, I realized my view from the living room window was blocked, so I went...

4 years ago
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My ex1

my story begins a few years ago...being the manager of a local garage i am incharge of the hiring and fireing of employees. i had lost a couple of techs and didnt have time to do what i normally do which is talk with the customers, and do the paperwork since i had to help out with the mechanics part of the business. i had put a ad in the paper for a secretary and to my surprise the very next day in walks the most gorgeous red head i had ever seen. i tried to conduct the interview with as...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Chloe Cherry Date Delayed

Mr Pete’s a little obsessed with his former classmate Chloe Cherry. He’s always wanted to go on a date with her, but it’s never happened, for some strange reason. Time has passed, but he’s only grown more obsessed. Now he’s gonna get that date, one way or another. Mr Pete ties up Chloe, straps her down and has his way with her by face fucking her, flogging her, cropping her, then fucking her tight wet pussy and her slutty, hungry asshole. He takes her to an empty...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Gianna Dior Autumn Falls All Work No Play

Gianna Dior is freaking out. Her boss sent a notice to the entire staff forbidding that they have any personal relationships with fellow co-workers. Gianna is convinced that her and her lover, Autumn Falls, have been exposed, she’s terrified she could possibly lose her job. Autumn explains that she’s overreacting and she has nothing to fear, nobody has the slightest clue about the two. Plus their boss is out of town for a business trip, they have nothing to worry about. Autumn knows...

4 years ago
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Finals Frenzy

“God he is cute.” I think to myself as I watch him walk in front of me. I try not to be obvious as my eyes trail up his figure and settle on his face. I catch myself ogling at him and a small blush crosses my cheeks. My fingers dance across the keyboard of my phone in an attempt to distract myself. “Hottie Alert!” Message sent to Alyssa. I quickly text my bestie, while stepping behind him. We were standing in line at the university’s coffee shop. It was finals season and the trail of sleep...

College Sex
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Finally we meet

I left an envelope at the reception desk for you when you arrived..."Meet me in the orchards near the river.........."Making your way towards the trees, excited and a little apprehensive This was the first time we would meet. Walking through the golden leafed trees you see me ahead. The sun is shining and the air is warm, a beautiful autumn day.Slowly I turn towards you and smile.... There's no need either to be worried, I reach out to you and you pull me into your arms.'Irene'.... I know your...

3 years ago
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My Madhubala

I saw her daily in the morning when she woke up from her bed. I saw her as she got ready to go to work. Standing at the window, staring at her as she came to the window of her room in the opposite building and put her wet towel to dry out in the sun, was getting to be a ritual. But she never ever turned her gaze up to look at me. In fact, for so many days now, I had not seen her face; only her figure, as she carried about her daily tasks. Then she would step out, again her head lowered, and...

3 years ago
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Lifestyle Parents

Becca and Danny met soon after their parents started dating. Danny was seventeen and three months older than Becca. Danny was your typical teen boy. A real sports nut and the school's leading pitcher. He spent more time playing baseball then studying. Danny was smart though, he carried a 3.9 GPA Becca (Rebecca) wasn't your typical seventeen year old girl. Although Becca was one of the school's cutest girls, she also was it's biggest nerd. She wore thick framed glasses, dressed frumpy, and had...

First Time
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My English student from Japan

This is a true story, all of the names except mine have been changed.I recently got certified to teach English as a second language. While I’m looking for a job overseas I am tutoring some foreign students at one of the local colleges. Sometimes we meet in groups and sometimes one on one. Sometimes on campus and sometimes out on the town. One evening I was meeting with Yumi, I had been attracted to Yumi from the first time I met her, but I never thought anything would come of it. I’ve always...

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Part 40

Frank joined the army and I missed him terribly. Jennifer would let me know how he was doing but it still didn't help. One day Jennifer came by. It was a teacher planing day so no school. Grandma was at work and I was in my usual outfit as Sarah. "Do you want to go shopping ?" Jen asked. "You know it", I said excitedly . I grabbed a bag with my boy clothes just in case we went back before my grandma got home then hopped in the car. On the way to the mall she told me Frank wrote me...

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Sex With Hotel Owner

Hi. My name is Mickey nick name) an engineer, and working in a government firm. I am from Jhapa, Nepal and live in the boarder side of Nepal and India (Siliguri, West Bengal). I have been reading ISS for 6 years. I am 25 years, 6’11” with well built physic since childhood I was supposed to be a very gentle and shy boy but I had been attracted to sex and sexy figures since I was in class 3. I was very much fond of our senior girls and fantasized about them and even read sex articles from very...

2 years ago
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A long awaited meeting 2

I couldn’t believe that after months of chatting, and many nights fantasizing about this gorgeous eighteen year old that I finally got to taste her. Even more that she gave me the greatest blow job of my life. She seemed to be a bit more kinky than she had let on in our chats, and I loved it. She stood up from her knees and kissed me passionately. I could taste a bit of my cum still floating around in her mouth, but I didn’t mind a bit. We stayed there, our mouths locked together letting our...

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