Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 13 free porn video

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The Great Bard Geoffrey was having considerable difficulty working his goddess’ sexual appetites into his understanding of her divinity. Béla wasn’t concerned about whether or not he would work it out. Jeff was incredibly imaginative. Besides, she hadn’t had any trouble instigating a ritual spring orgy among the druids when she had lived among them… It wasn’t really her fault if they turned it into a ritualistic sexual sacrifice – but blood does make a really good fertilizer…

To have something to do, and to keep her mind occupied with something other than Jeff and the (hopeful) recovery of his prowess, Béla decided to practice her teleportation. It was getting easier.

She took two empty vials and lay down in the sunlight and the buffeting breeze coming through the open side door. Concentrating on one of the vials, she filled it with blood from her veins. Then she filled the other one and put them both away in the first aid kit. They would probably need them in the next town if someone stopped their railcar, which was likely, as the next town bordered the river going around the equator.

The air, while still refreshing as it passed over and caressed her body, was becoming more humid, the smell of marshland more evident as they neared the equator. After all, that was where most of the water was.

After another hour of travel, and one more sexual assault on Jeff, the railcar swayed sharply as it was suddenly shunted onto a sidetrack. The automatic brakes engaged at the same time as buffers noisily pressed against the sides of the car. The sudden swerve and lack of forward motion somersaulted Béla off of Jeff, on whom she’d been relaxing after her last orgasm.

“Ride’s over,” she heard Jeff grunt from somewhere behind her.

Béla looked around to see where she landed and discovered she'd rolled completely over with her bare legs smacked up against the front of the railcar and was almost standing on her shoulders.

‘Oh, Joy! My favorite position!’ she thought sarcastically. ‘Pile driver!’

She leaned sideways and flopped down on the floor. There were voices of men approaching outside the car, then someone was striking the metal side with a hard object, possibly a rifle barrel or a wooden club.

“Anybody in there?” someone called out.

Looking around, Béla grabbed her shirt and slid her arms through the openings. She had no idea where her trousers were and she was already feeling annoyed that some illiterate ass hole had run their railcar into a freight stop when the pennant on the front of the car was plainly YELLOW, indicating PASSENGERS, and not blue or green, indicating cargo or livestock.

Jeff pulled out the replenished first aid kit and hopped down out of the car. He held it out for the rail guards to see. Béla stuck her head around the corner and looked around, then hopped down behind him. The guards looked at her with some disdain mixed with lust. Béla glared back; she knew what she smelled like. She liked how she smelled and didn’t care if the guard liked it or not!

The guard on the right put the barrel of his rifle under the front of Béla’s half-buttoned shirt and pulled it aside, admiring her slender torso and tight belly. He stared at her lack of pubic hair longer than was politely necessary.

“Please, do not anger the goddess,” the Great Bard Geoffrey said. “The last person who assaulted her is a pile of ash on the road leading north from New Hope.”

“New Hope is under quarantine,” the guard told them, “as are all the northern communities. No one is allowed to bridge the equator.”

“I have the cure for the wasting disease,” Bard Geoffrey announced. “It is a gift from her mother, the Goddess of Light.”

Jeff held the red and white case in front of him and opened it. He produced the two vials of Béla’s blood.

“You may test it if you like,” Bard Geoffrey informed them. “You should dilute it, first.”

“We don’t have the disease here,” the guard told him. “We turn back all who approach, whether they are sick or not.”

“It looks like somebody has it, though,” Béla said, interrupting them.

The guard looked at her, then looked to see where she was looking. High above, on the other side of the equator river, a fire was burning in a town square.

“We need to go there,” Jeff said, urgently. “We have the cure. We can save them!”

Jeff tried to push his way past the guard.

“It won’t do you any good!” the guard said, shoving him back. “You can’t get over the bridge!”

“What do you mean we can’t?” Jeff asked, anxiously. “We need to get to Southern, to get a transport…”

Béla interrupted him. “Jeff,” she said, quietly, but with urgent intent, “nobody can get across the equator. At least, not here. The bridge is too damaged to cross.”

Béla had raided the mind of the senior guard and saw the horrifying destruction by his own terrified people. He had been unable to stop a railcar with three families in it. As it approached the far side of the bridge, someone had thrown an explosive device, derailing it. He had watched helplessly as the railcar and everyone in it plunged down and disappeared into the swift black water, far below.

Béla looked at the guard, still mind-linked with him.

‘The disease is in the water supply now,’ she made him think. ‘Soon the whole world will be infected. There will be no stopping it without our help!’

“There is nothing I can do,” the guard said helplessly. “Even if I were to attempt to return, I would be shot by my own people.”

“Well, I can get across without using the bridge,” Béla told him. “What kind of reception would I get if I suddenly appeared in that Town Square up there?”

The guard had no idea. “Most of the people who have guns are guarding the perimeter,” he informed her. “You might possibly be overcome by brute force, but you probably won’t be shot. At least, not right away.”

“Are there any of you here who are sick?” Béla asked, “Please tell me. I… we can cure them.”

“Those of us who get sick go out from the station to die in the fields,” the guard replied, “away from those whom they would sicken. They live with each other, in the death camp, there.”

He pointed to a colorful patch of tents several miles north and to the east of them. Off to one side of the encampment raged a bonfire.

“That looks like a good place to start,” Béla told Jeff. She noticed that there were no rail tracks going near the encampment. “It looks like we get to walk there.”

On the orders of the senior guard, whose mind Béla had merged with, they were released on the north side of the station with directions to the settlement. They didn’t really need directions, as it was far enough away for them to see on the rising horizon. As they got closer, it disappeared behind a small wood, but reappeared as Jeff and Béla emerged from the trees.

There were no guards preventing entrance from this direction. Béla felt the minds of the people before her. Many were not very sick yet. A few were dying. There were two non-infected guards on the northern road, set there to prevent anyone who wasn’t ill from entering.

For a camp where people came to die, it was remarkably well kept, with latrines dug into the ground downwind from the camp. Over the individual campfires, whatever they were cooking smelled good. After a moment, a lad noticed them approaching.

“You don’t look sick,” the young boy said, looking at Béla. “You shouldn’t be here. If you stay, you’ll get sick and die.”

“Run and tell whoever is running the camp that we’ve brought a cure for your disease,” Bard Geoffrey told the lad.

Their reception was only slightly less than enthusiastic, tempered only by the fact that everyone there was sick. The Great Bard Geoffrey and his goddess set up in the middle of the camp and began injecting everyone with Béla’s diluted blood.

Those cured brought their families to see the goddess, carrying those who were too weak to walk on their own. Those who no longer had families brought food and supplies as an offering of gratitude. In less than a day, the encampment was declared free of disease of any kind.

Béla lay on a soft blanket (a gift from a grateful family), basking in the sun. She was concentrating on an encampment similar to the one they were in, about twenty miles up the horizon. In the background, she could hear the Great Bard Geoffrey telling the story of the goddess’ birth and her purpose to save man from being cast from the second paradise to a fascinated group of people. She knew her story almost by heart, now, having heard it about fifty times.

'We should go there, tomorrow,' Béla thought, gazing at the distant encampment .

She could feel the anguish radiating from the distant encampment and knew she could help them. She also realized that if she made too many detours, it was possible that she wouldn’t arrive at Southern Depot before their crystal sun began to shine, shutting down all transport to the great ship for the next two months, at least. Somehow, it didn’t seem to be as important to get back as it had been.

‘Perhaps the journey itself is what’s important,’ Béla thought to herself, then smiled as she remembered how many old earth philosophers had said exactly that.

She went to sleep in the sunlight, her mind closed to the stares and whispers of the people around her as they tiptoed by, being careful not to awaken the sleeping goddess.

‘Geez! I thought you’d never go to sleep!’ Elaine complained as she shook Béla awake. They were back in Béla’s old quarters aboard the great ship. ‘Thanks to you, I’m confined to quarters until further notice! No fun, no sex, no nothing!’

‘I had everything under control,’ Béla replied angrily. ‘You didn’t need to blow up that guard!’

‘Under control?’ Elaine shouted, ‘Under control? He shot you! Christ!’

Elaine trounced off the bed and stomped back and forth, unable to control her upset with her older sister. She had almost lost her! If that horrible man had gotten off a second shot…

Béla closed her eyes and dream-walked Elaine through the incident to the conclusion that should have occurred. Béla had just converted a devout follower, whom Elaine promptly vaporized with the ship’s laser cannon.

Stunned at her new knowledge, Elaine dropped to her knees, sitting with her legs flat on the floor in a ‘w’. When she looked up at her sister, tears were running down her face.

‘I killed him,’ Elaine said, her voice surprisingly steady, ‘for no reason, then. I was being so fucking righteous. “Anyone who hurts one of us, one of the chosen, gets hurt ten-fold worse!” That’s what I’ve always believed. He hurt you, and I killed him. It felt right at the time…’

She looked up into the air around her. ‘Yes, Father?’ she asked.

Elaine faded away. The room faded away. Béla slept peacefully under the crystal sun, hundreds of miles below the great ship.

The next day (when Béla awoke, she considered it the next day, although the crystal sun never moved), the Great Bard Geoffrey and his pet goddess returned to the rail station and convinced the attendant there to let them use the electric rail car they had arrived in to travel to the next station along the equator. The papers still with the car indicated they had time on it; enough time to actually reach Southern Depot if the bridge had been passable. The only change needed was the destination.

Riding in the railcar with the electric motor powering it was completely different than riding in it as it coasted gently down toward the equator. The motor annoyed Béla in much the same way as the sun when she’d lived on Earth. In addition, there was an odd vibration in the floorboards that physically set her nerves on edge.

"That's just the gears," Jeff told her. "They're not meshing quite right. It's not important."

Grimacing, Béla collected as much 'cush' as she could find to put between her rump and that annoying, vibrating floor and sat, silent, watching the scenery roll by.

They’d left all their vials of her diluted blood at the death camp behind them for use on any late arrivals, so Béla didn’t know what she was going to use to collect her blood in when they arrived at the next camp.

“Don’t worry about it,” Jeff told her. “We’ll just ask for a couple of jars and you can do your ‘stand-in-the-sun-and-ask-your-mother-goddess-for-the-cure’ routine just like we’ve been doing since New Hope.”

It sounded reasonable. For the two of them, it would be easy to pull off. Jeff was a born showman. Béla grinned, remembering her journey across France in the sixteenth century with a traveling ‘gentleman doctor’. That was before the French Revolution, but after the so-called ‘Hundred Year’ war, but things still got pretty exciting a couple of times.

After forty minutes they arrived at the next rail station. As they felt the car being shunted off the main line, Béla braced for the jolting stop they’d experienced before. They glided smoothly to a stop and a platform appeared alongside the open door at the same level as the floor of the railcar.

As the pair stepped out onto the platform, an attendant greeted them, bowing formally.

“Greetings, Goddess,” he said, “and salutations to you, Bard Geoffrey. You are expected. Please follow me.”

Béla and Jeff looked at each other and shrugged, then followed the uniformed attendant down through a tunnel to the ground level. An open horse-drawn carriage waited at the curb.

“The captain of the Lorraine Station wishes you to join him for dinner, if you would,” the attendant informed them. “This carriage will take you to his residence.”

Uttering their thanks, they climbed into the carriage and sat down. The attendant climbed up and took the reins. A whip cracked and the carriage leaped forward, almost causing Jeff to slide off his seat into Béla’s lap.

“A hot meal?” Jeff asked. “We haven’t done anything yet to deserve it.”

Béla shrugged. She hadn’t picked up any evil intent from the attendant who had greeted them and she had no idea what the station commander might want with them. Evidently, he had heard of them and wanted to meet them in person.

After a short five-minute ride, they arrived at a luxurious looking, gated mansion. The gate was open and they rode on through, the carriage stopping at the front entrance. The driveway continued on around in a large circle to meet itself near the gate. There was a beautiful fountain in the center of the circle spraying water at least thirty feet high from several spouts.

Another attendant greeted them formally and held the goddess’ hand as she delicately stepped down. Béla was suitably impressed at the manners presented to her. Neither of the attendants she’d met had even glanced at her bare lower half – almost like partial nudity was normal, here.

But that didn’t stop her from being on full alert. This situation was definitely unfamiliar. On Earth, she had learned that usually when people were this friendly for no particular reason, they either ‘had it in’ for you, or they wanted something. Either way, she had the distinct feeling she was being set up.

She raided every mind she could sense, searching for some evil intent. The servants were simple people with simple desires. She didn’t sense anything sinister at all. In fact, for all the people around, it was, mentally, pretty quiet.

Jeff and Béla were led into the main hall, briefly introduced to the station captain, and shown their quarters for their brief stay.

“Do you have anything besides your packs?” the captain had asked.

They both said, ‘No,’ as they were traveling by foot and by rail, visiting as many communities as they could.

Once Béla was shown her rooms, she believed she could fall in love with this captain. There was a luxurious bathroom equipped with dual showers and a whirlpool bath. A whirlpool bath might not be as relaxing as the Jacuzzi she’d had back home, but it was much more therapeutic than the communal baths on the great ship, even with the waterfall. Within five minutes of the time she had been ushered into the room, she was in the bath, surrounded by tiny scented jasmine petals that swirled around as the water caressed her body. Five minutes later she was asleep.

Elaine tapped on her sister’s shoulder, waking her up.

‘Don’t you have anyone else to pester while they sleep?’ Béla asked, annoyed.

She looked at her sister. Elaine looked excited about something.

‘Father is allowing the debarkation to continue,’ Elaine told her, excitedly. ‘I get to go down to the surface tomorrow!’

Béla smiled. ‘Great! So, what’s the plan?’

‘Well, me and some of the others are going to be doing what you’re doing,’ Elaine told her, radiating excitement. ‘Father and the Praetor have approved it all. We’ve been watching what you’ve been doing and how you’ve been going about it. Father doesn’t think there will be any risk to us if we don’t let the populace know where the real healing comes from. That ‘filling the vials’ ritual you do is really what convinced him it was safe for the rest of us.’

‘You mean Father prevented the rest of you from coming down because you could heal people?’ Béla asked, incredulously.

‘That’s what it seems, Sis…’ Elaine told her. ‘Isn’t this exciting? I get to go down, play ‘goddess’, fly around, and have people worship me… I can choose whoever I want or as many as I want to do with whatever I want…

Béla laughed, ‘That’s too many “I wants”, Darling! Be careful about being greedy or Father’ll bench you, again!’

‘Yeah! That’s another thing!’ Elaine whined, teasing her oldest sister. ‘Why do you get away with the things you get away with? Hmmm?’

Béla thought for a minute, seriously wanting to answer her sister’s taunt. It was actually a bone of contention between Béla and Melinda, Between oldest sister and newest.

‘Well, could be ’cause I’m the prototype,’ Béla suggested. ‘The rest of you are all later models. The rules you have to follow could be because of all the mistakes Father made with me…”

‘You mean like our first fuck-fest?’ Elaine asked, coyly. ‘We haven’t torn each other up like that, since. I really miss it.’

‘Fuck-fest?’ Béla cried, raising her eyebrows. ‘Fuck-fest?? God, Girl, I nearly tore you into little pieces! I could have killed you! You were so far gone you couldn’t even regenerate! If someone hadn’t reset the thought dampeners, we’d both be dead!’

‘Maybe,’ Elaine said, leaning forward to kiss her sister, ‘but I liked it…’
She brushed her lips tenderly against Béla’s, then bit her hard on her lower lip, drawing blood.

The sudden pain woke Béla up.

“Ah! You’re awake, I see,” the captain said.

Béla looked around. She was in a dark room with bars making up one wall.

‘This is a jail cell!’

Béla blasted into the captain’s mind, intending to knock him cold. There was nothing there.

‘I’m in a thought-dampening field!’ she suddenly realized.

The only way she could get out of one of these things was in her sleep.

“What was that interesting mark on your lip that appeared as you woke up?” the captain wanted to know. “It looked at though you were bleeding.”

Béla remained silent. If he wanted to know what it was, he would have to come into the cell and find out. If she made physical contact, she could control him regardless of the electronic fields around her.

‘How in hell did he get father’s technology?’ Béla asked herself.

She was certain that her present antagonist was unaware of her ability to outwit technology like this. The only reason she was in this cell was that she hadn’t expected high tech stuff mixed in with the iron horse technology that manifested on the inner surface of this strange little moon.

“I suppose you’re wondering how I was able to capture you so easily, ‘Goddess’,” the captain said, sounding sarcastic, “or should I call you, 'Hethemtima'?”

Béla'2 eyes widened. ‘Is he another vampire hunter like Torquemada?’ she wondered.

“Yes, I see you know that name,” the captain said. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Robert LaCrosse, the Regent of Northern.”

“Regent?” Béla asked, “Where’s your Praetor? A real Regent would have his own Praetor to dispense justice.”

If he actually possessed a Praetor, that would explain how she’d been so easily fooled – the staff that attended her arrival had been mind wiped.

“You needn’t worry about the Praetor,” the captain told her. “You’re not here because of any crimes you’ve committed. I was of the understanding that you had perished in a fire, nearly a century ago.”

“News of my demise has been greatly exaggerated,” Béla replied, misquoting one of her favorite actors. “If I haven’t committed any crime, why am I here? And how do you know my real name?”

“My Praetor told me who you are,” the captain stated. “It knows everything, you know. As to why you are here? I simply want the formula for your vaccine. You weren’t carrying any when you arrived. So I must assume that you make it yourself. Your companion wasn’t very helpful in this regard. You’ve fooled him into believing it’s in your blood.”

‘This guy is a fake!’ Béla realized, getting pissed, now. ‘If he was a real Regent, then he’d know it really is my blood! Especially if he knows who I am… He’s missing too much personal information – like he read about me in a book or something…’

At the captain’s mention of Jeff, Béla sat up. In her hand was a small piece of metal from the inside of the door lock. She was getting better at this teleportation stuff. This was the largest thing she’d ever successfully ’ported.

‘Before I let him know my cell door won’t lock anymore,’ Béla thought, ‘I’d better find out where Jeff is.’

“Is he all right?” Béla asked. “Geoffrey, I mean.”

“He’ll recover,” the captain said, “Having one’s mind stripped isn’t comfortable, of course.”

Béla looked at the small man with absolutely no expression on her face. Mentally, she added him to her ‘kill at first opportunity’ list. He was the second one down on that list, superceded only by the monster Torquemada.

With a sudden chill, Béla realized she could kill him without even leaving her cell. The thought made her tremble with both fear and wanton desire as she realized how close to being omnipotent she was at this moment.

“Where is he?” she asked, her voice even more deadly quiet than before.

‘Father may be right,’ Béla thought to herself, her blood going cold at what she was about to do. ‘He may have created a race of demons…’

“Where he is now isn’t important,” the captain told her, not noticing, or perhaps in his arrogance, ignoring, the subtle change in her demeanor. “What is important is the formula. You will give it to me, now.”

“All right,” Béla said, coldly smiling at him.

She stood up and walked to the front of her cell. She touched the bars with her back of her hand, making sure they weren’t electrified. Then she put her open hand between two bars, showing him the little inch square piece of metal in her palm.

“Do you know what a computer chip is?” she asked, quietly.

The captain quizzicallylooked at the little metal square. He picked it up, holding it close to one eye and examining it. In the brief instant when the Captain’s fingers had touched her hand, Béla raided his mind.

Now, she knew where Jeff was. She also knew there was no Praetor here. The captain used drug hypnosis on his staff to control them. He did have experience with a Praetor, though. He used one on the great ship to study during his voyage here over thirty years ago. The demise of the Regent’s last surviving daughter (Hethemtima) had been mentioned in a study of current events that he’d run across.

“Where are the circuits?” he asked, frowning at it in a puzzled manner.

“They’re all in your head, Captain,” Béla whispered as the metal chip evaporated out of his fingers.

Captain LaCrosse stared at her for a moment. Béla stared back, not daring to move as she watched the life go out of his eyes. After a few seconds, LaCrosse collapsed to the floor.

‘Lobotomy, anyone?’ Béla thought to herself, trying to keep her stomach down as it reacted to what she’d just done.

She stood and watched, shivering, swallowing nervously, looking down at the captain’s twitching body as he died. After a moment, he stopped twitching. Béla walked over and pushed her cell door open. As she stepped out of the cell and over the dead captain, she could feel other minds in the area. The thought dampener was set only to occlude the area inside her cell.

She knew she wouldn’t have to worry about another thought dampener hiding something from her – LaCrosse had only been able to smuggle one unit down to the surface, hidden in a shipment of grain.

Béla walked out of the small building she found herself in. There were no armed guards, but there was a servant standing at the entrance. Evidently, LaCrosse didn’t trust his servants with weapons. He did have a personal guard unit, but they were currently on perimeter guard to keep the sickies out with orders to shoot to kill.

Having only been given the instructions to wait for the captain, the drugged and hypnotized servant had no objection to Béla staying or leaving. Béla walked up to him and placed her hand on his cheek. She dream-walked him through the removal of the hypnotic influence that affected his free will which had ended with the acceptance of his position in the late captain’s household.

The servant’s name was Richard Bowen. He had been fortunate enough to be accepted for a position as a personal manservant in the LaCrosse Mansion at the Lorraine Rail Station.

‘You are now being permitted, on a trial basis, to continue your service to the new landowner, the Great Bard Geoffrey. It is your duty, now, to report to the Bard in the Rectory where he is recovering from a minor concussion. Your new duties include familiarizing the new landowner with his estate and its workings.

‘That should do it,’ Béla thought to herself as she reviewed her work.

She realized that she was going to have to do this to every one of the dozen or so servants the late captain had ‘employed’. It would be a lot of mental stress for her, but this was a first-rate mansion, fit for a great bard and his goddess.

‘I wonder if Father will think I’ve slipped over the edge – murdering the owner of this palace and then claiming it for my own… Is that any better than what Elaine did when she fried that guard? At least, she thought she was protecting me…

But this man was hurting others and had to be stopped. He even wanted to control the cure to this devastating disease that ravages the planet so that he could become even more wealthy and powerful.

Béla decided she’d better mind-link with the Praetor and present her case before she was accused of cold-blooded murder. But first, she’d better handle the other servants and let Jeff know of his new acquisition so he wouldn’t be confused by the appearance of his new personal servant.


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It was almost eleven o'clock and Bobbie Conroy was in agony. Now she realized that she had made a disastrous mistake at dinner that night when with great glee she had told Tom the story told about Connie and Chip Cartwright and his efforts to ensure that her body was well warmed up before entering her. Tom had just nodded at the story and grinned. Only now he had been doing it to her! Her body was writhing on the bed in unfulfilled passion and all Tom did was grin. "Darling, what an...

1 year ago
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Karens Late Night

Karen was dead tired. She’d been at the office since six that morning and was functioning on four hours of sleep. She hesitated from her work long enough to glance at the clock. It was 10 o’clock. She’d been working for sixteen hours. She knew she was somewhat of a workaholic but this was ridiculous. She promised herself then and there that as soon as this case was finished, she’d take a nice long vacation away from the law firm and this crazy city life. Karen gathered her papers and put those...

1 year ago
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The Ministers Wife Improved and revised

Recently Darrel went out of town with his kids to spend some alone time with him. Two days ago Autumn called me and asked me to come over she had been cleaning and there were some boxes and bags she needed me to move to the street. When I came over the door was open but the glass screen door was closed, this was a universal sign at their house to come on in. So I did. I walked down their hallway and opened their bedroom door. “Hey Matt, how are you?” she said smiling at me. “I’m...

3 years ago
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Camping friends3

After Tom and Mike left Debbie told me that after I left she met Mike while doing laundry in the small laundry room at the campground. She was going to wait till she talked to me and invite him over after I got back, but over a couple of of drinks later that day she got real horny and had to fuck him. I know how Debbie is when she gets like that, and not only won't she take no for an answer, but she will damn near wear you out. That is how Tom got involved....she made Mike call him over, but it...

3 years ago
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Rockin Robin or Pistols for Two

Thanks to: Dowyd, Dragonsweb & DuffieDawg They were the best of friends and the absolute worst of rivals. Sounds like something from Charles Dickens but it was true. Robert and Martin (here after called Rob and Marty) had been the tightest of close friends since they meet at college. Both were big football heroes at their alma mater (a big SEC school that shall remain nameless) and just barely missed getting a National Championship. Rob was a Heisman nominated quarterback in his junior...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Landlady8217s Hot Son

Hello Friends! I am Chahat Khanna. Do you all remember me? Let me remind you of myself. Fair complexioned, Height 5’7″ and Figure 34-24-34. I believe this much information is enough to drive you crazy. I am also available on Google Hangouts for sexy chatting and long and sexy roleplays. I am thankful to all the readers for taking the time to read and sending me feedback on my mail. Guys, I love all of you and I love the cock pics that you send me as a tribute. But I request each one of you to...

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Ava and The New World Ch 03

6 Months later Ava steadied herself against the railing of the solid galleon. She was still adjusting to the motion on the seas. Having travelled on ships to the West Indies before, it was not entirely new to her, but this was an extraordinary voyage. It still didn’t seem real either. She was out on a real ship, an adventure to new lands, but still confined as a ‘lady’ she was not allowed to do much more than sew, walk and read aboard. Ava did engage with many of the crew members, as she was...

1 year ago
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Seducing straights

I go camping with all my friends alcohol is involved and lots else I go in my tent and come out naked and sit down they surprised ask me what I’m doing. I tell em “ we’re out here alone let’s all get naked, come on guys” my buddy Leo does it he says “shit I’ll do it come on guys do it with me” as he gets naked I go up and hug him and hold him tight to feel our cocks touching eachother a couple other start I say “there we go guys get those cocks out I wanna see everybody’s dick come on now” I go...

2 years ago
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Sheridan had been suspicious from the moment she heard David’s voice on the other end of the phone. ‘I’m coming over in fifteen minutes. Don’t ask questions, don’t argue. Trust me,’ he’d said. Worse still, he had used that damned devilish tone of his which, in the past, had caused her to make several poor decisions, none of which she regretted. Now, she was standing in shock at her front door. He wasn’t holding flowers, but instead, three full grocery bags. He brushed past her with just a...

4 years ago
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Punjabi Boy Did Sex with Office Friend

Hi ISS readers, I am a Punjabi (sardar) boy from west Delhi now 24 years. It all happens with me when I was 21.It was my first job in a MNC in Gurgaon there was a girl who every time love to sit on my next workstation. Man she was hot. She was about 5feet 6inchs in height, with fairly long and brown hair that curled behind her head, sexy. She wore tops that showed her figure nicely. Anyway, I worked with her for about 10 weeks, where nothing much happened. Of course, I jacked off every night,...

4 years ago
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Dirty old pervert 3

Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good. – Woody Allen I fingered the artificial cunt, displaying as much lust and sheer perverted dirtiness as I possibly could. I was in fact reveling in wearing the badge of the dirty old man. I saw Joy giving her computer screen a stare that showed annoyance yet absolute fascination. It was as if her eyes were helplessly glued to the monitor, but she wouldn’t be caught dead watching it...

3 years ago
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Dreamy Monday Morning

Dreaming pleasantly, I watched as foggy images passed through my mind. I felt gentle hands and soft lips move over my resting body. I must have been dreaming, as reality has never felt so sweet. The sensations started to wake me from my slumber. I opened my eyes to see a loving smile greeting me. His eyes, sparkling and gazing into mine, welcomed me into this day—the most wonderful yet. I closed my eyes once again, enjoying his warm presence. I felt him, his soul. Satin-soft lips pressed to...

1 year ago
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Sir and his Harem Chapter one

Monday morning. The alarm is blaring at me once again; I knock several empty beer cans over trying to silence the incessant bleeping. I know I need to get up; I have a lecture to present to another new group of bored young adults. None of them want to be there, it makes me wonder why I bother turning up. I drag myself out of bed and into a cold shower; I eat a bowl of cornflakes, dress and drive to work. The only thing motivating me was the hope of getting laid that night. It’d been unbearably...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Natalia Nix Skinny AllNatural Babe Passionate Bedroom Sex

Skinny tattooed hottie, Natalia Nix, can’t control her lust any longer. She wants to have sex with her man, Jessy Jones, as soon as possible. Natalia is quick to take off her clothes to show off her new blue lingerie to the lucky stud. The horny duo shares a deep passionate kiss before going down on each other. Natalia moans in delight as her man showers her body with kisses. She then returns the pleasure by giving Jessy a sloppy blowjob. Natalia’s moans fill the room as she rides...

2 years ago
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Oh No Not Dorothy 14

Chapter # 14 The two girls were pretty excited and couldn't wait to tell Lynn and Jennifer what they heard. It seems they both had heard something which made them laugh just a little. They mentioned that this was all according to another girl, (named Jane), who had been riding her bike in the park. Loretta said Jane had told us this strange tale. She had that while she was out for a ride, she saw Timmy and Dan's moms. The two ladies were pushing two rather large, oversize, pink &...

3 years ago
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The HealerChapter 57

“Is all ready?” I sent out the request for info via the AI network as I stood at a wall in the median level of Hrunesh Block, waiting. “Pellet firer in place; behemoth shell ready; Regiments are ready,” came the reply. “Open the wall.” The wall slid open silently as the AIs had now designated it a door. “Begin!” I commanded and then raced forward to throw myself out of the building. I was swiftly followed by three squads of Troopers, all drop specialists and all grimly determined to...

2 years ago
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Wage Slave

CHAPTER ONEIt hadn't occured to me that such software existed. I had a desk in a quiet corner of the office and no one else could see my screen. It was a Friday afternoon, everything was quiet and I had decided to entertain myself by looking at online porn. This wasn't the first time, though. I had surfed all kinds of stuff while at work. Maybe I'd got too cocky. I'd been with the company a couple of years and I was good at my job. I knew that I could achieve my targets with half the effort...

2 years ago
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The Curse of the Witch

350 years ago: It was a cloudy night along the Atlantic coast in America and not a star could be seen. The full moon however could be seen shining its light through the clouds and casting its pale light to the ground. Under the guise of this fairly dim night, a young girl could be seen scampering from shadow to shadow attempting to not be seen. This girl, a virtual nobody and the youngest daughter of the local corn farmer, was not spotted, luckily for her. For her mission that night was not one...

1 year ago
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Touhou Battle EoSD

Note: This is a derivative work of Touhou and does not represent the characters or situation accurately. All rights go to Zun and this is just a fan-based parody. Also all girls depicted in the story are of legal age. Please support the official release. -Warning- This is fan fiction that has heavy femdom themes also Godoka is always watching your actions and does not approve of this..(on a side note Homucifer and Yukari approve) Prologue: Gensokyo is a mythical land that goes beyond...

1 year ago
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Ms Red

“MMM,” she moans, “I love how you use your tongue like that.” With her long legs stretched down to the floor, her butt supporting most of her weight, with one hand stretched behind her gripping the end of the desk, the other hand twisting over his head with her fingers entwined in his hair. “Oh god,” she moans, “this is so kinky.” Kinky because she’s never fucked a student before. Not one of hers anyway. The boy who’s got his tongue tied in her throbbing wet pussy is only 18 years old and a...

3 years ago
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MageChapter 26

It was a struggle to get the new cap onto Fen. She was quite strong, well versed in martial arts and, until we found it, well warded against the use of magic on her by use of a deflection amulet, oh, and she had a tendency to bite as well. “Wiped,” I muttered in disgust when we could finally read her. “Yes,” Morgana replied with a slight frown. “She helped him and then got him to wipe her so, if questioned, she wouldn’t know his plan.” “We can have a look, Mage Morgana,” Seer Alameda...

2 years ago
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LucianChapter 3

A million drops of water will hollow out a stone Three months passed, and a patient repetition of daily chores created a new normality for Lucian Gaines – even in a world as weird as Norton’s Academy of Excellence. Since he started classes, things sped up. Life became more palpable, more real – though increasingly bizarre. He was at a school after all, a school with its strict schedules and classes, tests and exams and all the usual tedious chores. There was the daily routine of getting...

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Emailing the teacher

B: “Dear Mrs. C: I know I shouldn’t do this, but I worship you. You are in my thoughts day and night. I can’t get you out of my mind. Your figure is perfect, and your face is beautiful. Signed, your adoring admirer. Jacob Jones.” T: (receives the e-mail, is astounded, but also flattered at the unsolicited admiration. Decides that she will risk sending him a reply, assuming that no one else will see the e-mail exchange) Dear Jacob: I am pleased and flattered to receive your e-mail. It’s nice...

2 years ago
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My friends wife

I'm 49 years old and have been selling medical products and there is a stationary shop near my company ,owner of this shop is my friend and workin with his wife,we usually provide all stationary needs from this shop and usually my friend's wife stays in shop alone and I buy all stationary materials from my friend's wife...But a few a years ago ,I was buying some stationary materials and my friend's wife there...and I noticed she has very sexy ass under her tight jeans..(She always wear tight...

2 years ago
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Popular 3

I've already gotten more response to the second part than the first; that's why I wrote part 3 so much more quickly. It's still going to be a while before Tom isn't Tom, but a slut on his knees. Please keep telling me what you think, and if you have any requests. By the way: I'm a tall, thin, finely featured man with a secret desire to be treated like the slut I feel I am. I live in the NYC area. If anyone has any advice, I'd be ever so grateful. [email protected] Popular...

1 year ago
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My Voluntary Violation

HIM:I couldn’t have been more vulnerable—naked literally and figuratively.  My face was buried in the sheets, my ass in the air, hands parting my cheeks.  A woman I barely knew was poised behind me armed with a strap-on cock.  Her first thrust was a heartbeat away and my virgin ass was puckered in a knot.  This was not what I signed up for. HER:Two weeks earlier: He was always flirty and had a wicked glint in his eye but also seemed naïve and straight-laced.  The kind of nice guy who liked to...

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baby sitting part 1

Part 1 Nastia was thirteen but her uncle treated her like an adult, even flirted with her when they were alone. Her dad had left when she was a baby and her uncle Frank was the closest thing to a father that Nastia had known. Despite her lack of experience, she knew that a demur blink of her innocent brown eyes or a slight wiggle of her pert backside would be enough to get her way with Uncle Frank. She had arrived home from school to find uncle Frank was already there. “Your Mum’s out,...

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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 2

"So, when did you first know that you were, well, 'Paige'?" Jessica asked her date, who simply smiled a shy smile in response. "Since I was about ten," the Scottish girl responded. "I'd go to school and all I could think about were the girls in their uniforms, and about wearing them. Then I went to secondary school and literally EVERY girl there wore tiny pleated skirts and black tights that just seemed to make their legs shine. I've been obsessed with black nylons ever...

1 year ago
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The real fun started after she left

You sit down in your favorite chair, having just said goodbye to your wife who is going on a business trip to New York and will not be back for 3 days. You sit there and listen..........silence. You have not had a room with total silence in a long time. that you are sunken down in y our chair, you grab the remote and start flipping through the channels looking for any and all sports games that are on. "I'm gonna sit my ass here and watch sports all weekend long. All she ever wants to...

2 years ago
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LaredoChapter 15

"Well, boys, y'all did a great job on yer last assignment. That there were a nice letter that Col. Jordon put in y'all's permanent file in Austin. He told me that I should give y'all a little vacation to rest up after all the work y'all put in. But I know how y'all feel 'bout vacations, sos I got a job fer y'all, instead." Capt. Johnson grinned as the smiles changed to frowns and back to smiles on the faces of Ezra and Sean. Both of them hated being idle; Ezra was just the loudest...

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1 April 2008Chapter 2

Before driving home, the happy trio stopped at Wendy’s parent’s home. Wendy walked through the front door to the anticipating welcome of Brian and Barbra. “So, what’s the news?” Barbra asked. “I’m pregnant! I’m going to have our twins!” she shouted. Brian and Barbra were ecstatic, hugging and kissing their daughter and offering congratulations to Dan and Karen. Wendy recited Dr. Dunn’s interest in her pregnancy saying she’s likely making medical history. Karen mentioned Wendy is due near...

3 years ago
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Our First Time 2

I still felt bad about his suicide. This young man had been under my care and I’d failed him. I hadn’t wanted him to die. I should have been there with him that night he took the overdose. I should never have left his side. I should have been able to help him. I stood by his side and cried over him until I ran out of tears. I don’t know why it occurred to me, but I slowly unbuttoned my shirt and let it slide down my arms. The chill air of the mortuary prickled across skin that was suddenly...

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Taking Michelle and Tina

© Copyright My name is Hank. I just turned 43 years old, I'm six feet tall, and weigh 180 pounds. One of my best assets is my long, thick cock. I guess it's about ten inches, I've never measured it. All I know is, when I fuck a woman they know they've been fucked. I own a large construction company in the town of Savannah Georgia. My company builds homes for the very rich. The kind of homes that you see on T.V. I'm also the proud father of a wonderful 21 year old daughter. She won...

1 year ago
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Sunrise at the Park

Although it has been 5 years since I was last in town, it wasn’t hard to find my favorite spot at the park. It was a green bench on the edge of the lake that faced the tree lines across the water. I sat down and reminisced the old days, the fun and wild times during my senior year. There was one particular night… It was early morning, 5 am to be exact. Everyone was plastered and snored like reckless pigs with the exception of me and Justin, whom I had a crush since 9th grade. We flirted and...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 166 Liaison Meeting Lilys Offer

Sunday, May 1, 2005 (Continued) "Me too," offered Lily, to my surprise. To my further surprise, Lily looked positive eager while expanding on her offer, "Yes. Call me ANY TIME, Mark. I have car, can come any time you want fuck. If your date finish 3am too late Julia or Ava, call me. I WANT you call me. I ALWAYS come for fuck you. If you want, call me middle date. I wait in parking lot. Fuck me in car if you want. I do what you want. Day, night, any time. I come anywhere you...

1 year ago
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The Challenge 2 8211 Goodbye For Now

Disclaimer: Reading and appreciating this story requires reader’s attention. If your sole purpose of reading a story is to fap, then you might be disappointed. “With a simple excuse that Raj will teach me how to cook, I got to spend weekends at Raj’s place. Besides cooking and all the other fun we had, there was a lot of time we had at spare. To keep us occupied at those times Raj suggested me to write down all our sexual adventures. Yesterday, Saturday night was no different. After dinner...

2 years ago
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Writings of the Devils Messenger Welcome Home

Introduction: From a friend. I have been extremely busy here as of late so I havent been able to write much. I am currently working on the next installment of The Goth and three other series that I think you will enjoy. However I have been given some stories from a friend of mine that wants to know what you think. Here is the first one. Welcome Home. She waits, standing on the balcony looking out at the view of the mountains in which she lives, the negligee she wore, thin almost sheer white...

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Dogging TalesChapter 6

Angela then asked where King was, so we all looked outside and he was nowhere to be seen. Victor said, not to worry as he would not go far but he would go and find him while we both got dressed. Then we can drive to the shopping centre and grab a McDonald’s or KFC or whatever. Victor jumped out to find King and Angela was getting herself cleaned up. I did the same and pulled my jeans on etc. “I suppose we had better tie Den to the handle and you jump in the front.” As Angela opened the...

3 years ago
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Balcony Sex

We were just on vacation in South Carolina. The last two days were at Myrtle Beach which is where the story takes place. We had been in the hotel hot tub after dinner and were having adult beverages while we were in the hot tub. We had roaming hands under water as we enjoyed the warm water and bubbles.  I had my hand inside her suit rubbing the outside of her pussy and rubbing it from outside the suit. When we were alone in the tub I'd slip a hand inside the top of her suit and play with her...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Shower

Callie left her home and went to visit her friend Lucy. She was delighted to update her about her boyfriend Lance, and their plans to wed soon. Lucy was happier about it than Callie had expected her to be. “So did you finally fuck him?” Lucy asked, being outspoken as always.“Yea, and it was incredible! So tender, so loving. I had the best orgasm ever!”“Good for you. I hope you stay happy with him. You should introduce me to him.”“I will soon, promise. Just keep your hands off him. I know how...

1 year ago
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Falling Into RoutineChapter 3

“Diablo! Coño! [Damn / Hell! Damn it!!] That’s how you treat your mother??? “Coñaso [Godamnit], what the fuck?!? Mami, what the fuck is that video on your TV?!? “Callete Mija y respecta tu madre. Ayudame ir por el baño” [Shut up my daughter and respect your mother. Help me to the bathroom] “Lo siento Mami, I’m sorry I yelled at you like that. Pero ... I need an explanation, Mami.” “Yo se, yo se. [I know, I know] Just take me to the bathroom and help me clean up and I will tell you the...

2 years ago
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Nice Guys Finish Last Pt 2

The message came through Wednesday afternoon. “My Mom’s taking the kids to her place Friday night.”“You want me to come over?” I typed in.“Duh,” she messaged.“Saturday class?” I wrote.“Prof in Seattle for a conference. No class.”“That’s me. No class.”“BS,” she texted. “Dinner tonight?”“If you can work it.”“Parking lot after work,” she sent.“C U there,” I responded.I drove. Gabby told me she only had an hour or so before she had to return to her home and relieve her mother from her childcare...

Love Stories
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Fucking your Femboy Party Member

The sun was setting as you finally calm down from earlier. You open the door. You place your adventuring pack to the side of the small house you and your partner built. She enters as well. As exhausted as you also are. You remember her being stung by that plant thing. And you wave Drista a goodnight sleep. Drista is a human archer. She seemed fit but not too fit. She doesn't talk much. She just one day asked to join you on your small quest to help people around. She usually wore black...

3 years ago
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My Stepsister And Friend

My sexy stepsister Evie had just turned twenty and she was gorgeous. Her tits were big but proportionate and her ass was oh so spankable. I hated the body image she held of herself; she thought she was fat and unattractive. I admit she wasn't stick thin, but she was plump and gorgeous, curvy and divine. She was everything I wanted in a woman. It was a cold night. The wind was blowing and rain was lashing the windows. Once again my stepsister was coming in late and disturbing me. She was lucky...

2 years ago
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The newspaper advertisement Part 1

The newspaper advertisement (Part 1)ForewordHello dear readers. My story "The newspaper advertisement” will appear in several parts. I have written the course of the story in great detail so that you can perhaps immerse yourself in the spirit of the emotional world and the body of the main actress and experience the story from her point of view. So my goal is for you to experience the story while reading as if you were the main actress yourself. Of course, triggering this fantasy also means...

1 year ago
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Earths CoreChapter 28 Plain Refusal

“Pray with you? Save me?” Zax glared at Sister Iaura as if she was a fanatic madwoman. “In this remote, undeveloped Star it is expected for misunderstandings to manifest. Per my duty, allow me to serve you my little share of insight”. Sister Iaura’s smile grew charming and her eyes almost crescent. From a rather young lady with childish qualities to a pious devotee, the overall transformation made it seems as though she was possessed. Before Zax’s eyes her demeanor again changed to that of...

2 years ago
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Wife loves sex insanely until the part 14

For the first partSex is the soul to whom we love life, life without sex, like the river without water, ah, sex, and wagons, I feel like starting with my real story.My name is Hanan Omri now 23 years married with my spirit and my love for 40 years I married and my age is twenty years from Ali start my life by sex What I married means I was lustful and warm and I have 14 years I started watching movies from the net and so I became addicted Sex movies and I liked the movies black men black They...

3 years ago
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Our Cabin Experiences

I was tied to a chair, next to my dad. Both of us were naked, as we looked at the women of our family, bound at the wrists and hanging in a row from a cross beam that ran across the common room of the three bedroom log cabin that we had rented. We sat there, gagged with our underwear, embarrassed as our semi hard cocks started to show interest in the proceedings around us. The women, my mother and my twin sisters were hanging from their wrists, standing on their toes to maintain their balance,...

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