Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 07 free porn video

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One intrepid admirer had even gone to the mighty Regent’s forbidden laboratory and asked him for meat to bring to her. Watching the princess actually consume it had made him sick, so Béla had glowed her gratitude at him and finished her gourmet feast in the seclusion of her personal shower at the far end of the baths.

As a race of telepaths, the entire ship’s complement was aware of her situation. As the Regent’s daughter and the newest member of the community, Princess Béla was, in fact, the favorite topic of conversation amongst the passengers and crew. Her emotional broadcasts could be easily overheard by anyone, even without eavesdropping on her, as she hadn’t learned how to control her shielding, yet. In addition, her ability to pick up stray thoughts made it impossible to keep secrets from her, which is why she was surprised that day to find that Elaine wasn’t in the lab.

About an hour before she entered the lab, Béla felt Elaine go to sleep, exhausted from her morning’s exercise. Then, for the first time in a week, the link she had with Elaine had been severed. It was so gradual that Béla didn’t notice it fading, and then it was gone. That was when she anxiously headed for the lab.

“Where’s Elaine?” she cried frantically to her father as she burst through the lab door.

Sibilius turned and looked down at Béla’s thin, underfed frame. “You haven’t been eating, again.”

He reached into the cooler and handed her a package of meat. His mind was completely shielded from her. She realized the new Praetor was assisting him with his shielding.

‘All right,’ she thought, both annoyed and amused at his apparent defensiveness. ‘You can keep your thoughts to yourself if you want, and I won’t raid your mind. But you’re broadcasting your emotions, Father.’

From what he was radiating, he was very pleased and feeling smug about something. Her curiosity erased her earlier upset.

Her father began; “As Regent, it has been brought to my attention that my daughter, the ‘Princess Béla’, has been living homeless in the cargo hold. I realize that I was remiss in not assigning you your own quarters. I will take you to them now. It is unfortunate, but you will have to share your quarters with another passenger, as living space is limited. But, at least, you won’t have to sit and freeze in the cargo hold. In addition, you will have your own bed and cooler, which is already stocked with the fruits, vegetables and meat that you have previously indicated you prefer.”

‘Shared quarters?’ Béla thought, feeling uncertain about her new living arrangement. ‘Well, at least I’ll have somewhere to eat…’

As they proceeded down the corridor, Béla became aware of an electronic field ahead of her, similar to the one in the ‘rehab’ center in Deimos. In the next moment, they were walking alongside the wall from which the electronic field emanated. It was so strong that it tickled inside her head and made her hair itch like it was standing on end. Her father stopped at a door in that wall.

“This will be your new quarters. The silencing field surrounding your quarters will give you the privacy you require…” he said as he opened the door.

Elaine was inside! Her mind blasted into Béla’s with overjoyed exhilaration, incidentally flooding the entire ship with psychic energy. Béla could scarcely contain herself and hugged her father, radiating gratitude and joy. Then Elaine pulled her into the room and shut the door in her father’s face. The silence in Sibilius’ head was immediate and very welcome.

Chuckling to himself, and feeling relief that, for once, he didn’t feel his daughter’s inquiring mind in the back of his head, Sibilius turned and walked, almost skipping, back to his lab.

The next birthing was definitely going to be less exciting. He looked forward to it. If he birthed two at a time, he could pair them off together. In that manner, he was less likely to end up with a pile of thirty rutting hybrids all in a pile, each one radiating sex at full volume throughout the ship.

He sighed. He was going to need more shielded rooms.

A crewmember gestured in a manner of respect to the Regent as he approached.

‘Quiet, isn’t it, Sir?’

They both suppressed a grin as they passed each other.

Elaine pulled Béla into the room and slammed the door behind her. All the background noise in Béla’s head created by all the minds on the great ship suddenly ceased. The only mind she could hear now was Elaine, who was bombarding her with erotic images of what she wanted to do with her.

Béla’s body responded so quickly that she actually felt frightened for a moment. Then they were together on the bed. It only took a second for Béla to shed her sarong. They were two vampires in heat, kissing, licking and biting each other. The feedback from their sexual appetites was more erotic and intense than anything Béla had ever experienced.

Béla had never been sucked by another of her kind, before. In their torrid frenzy to join their bodies together, they found themselves on each other’s neck; Elaine’s sharp teeth sunk deeply into Béla’s throat and Béla’s teeth deep in the side of Elaine’s neck.

They sucked each other’s blood while they clawed deep furrows into each other’s flesh. Still they couldn’t get close enough together. Béla furiously humped her flaming pelvis against Elaine’s hip, while repeatedly ramming her right leg up between Elaine’s satin smooth legs.

One long, constant, mind-ripping orgasm roared through their bodies and minds, becoming amplified beyond either’s ability to experience it. Béla dug her nails deep into Elaine’s ribs, tearing her flesh down to the bone. Elaine had her hands gripping Béla’s waist. As she came, her nails tore fresh gashes around Béla’s torso, digging in deeply, almost reaching Béla’s central core.
They both passed out from over-stimulation in the blood-soaked bed, their wounds healing quietly as they slept.

Béla woke up first. She felt dizzy and weak. She was lying on top of Elaine. Everything was covered with sticky half-clotted blood, including them. She could feel Elaine’s mind radiating love and sexual satisfaction even in her sleep.

‘So this is what Father meant about “feedback”,’ Béla thought to herself as she crawled off her new lover and staggered to her feet.

She could hardly wait to do it again.

‘But, we’d better feed first, on something besides each other…’

This was the most energy she’d put into sex for a long time and she needed nourishment. Elaine’s blood was good, but Elaine had taken as much as Béla had. Maybe more – the vein she got was bigger. Béla had felt her blood spurting into Elaine’s hot, hungry mouth, while she’d had to suck for hers.

Her feet slipped on the sticky floor. Becoming more conscious, Béla wondered how they were going to clean themselves up. Or even clean up the bloody mess they’d made.

She looked around their quarters. There didn’t seem to be any plumbing. Béla didn’t want to go out in the corridor looking like she just fought the Cossacks and lost. (That really happened. She didn’t actually fight them, but she managed to get herself raped and murdered by them.)

Heading for the cooler, she decided to wait for Elaine to wake up and see if she had any ideas.

‘Any other ideas,’ she thought as she staggered toward the cooler.

‘Any different ideas other than what she’s had so far,’ she thought, amending her original thought.

Something was amplifying her emotions beyond her control.

‘Fuck it! I’ll go for any idea she has,’ Béla decided excitedly, ‘especially about sex!’

Béla reached the cooler. Raising the lid, she rummaged around in it, picking out a few fruits and a meat pack, then staggered back to the bed with her hard-won booty. As she dropped her goodies onto the bed next to Elaine, she felt Elaine dream for a few seconds, then wake up.

Elaine opened her eyes and gazed at her blood-spattered lover. She smiled and radiated love at her. “Wow. I love that pain-separation trick . Daddy said that you have an incredible tolerance for pain. He doesn’t understand how you can take the punishment he’s seen you take. He thinks, perhaps, that you’re addicted to pain and self-flagellation.”

Béla smiled. The manner in which she was able to ‘experience’ pain was definitely addictive, but not for the reasons her father believed.

“I have never, ever fucked that hard!” Elaine told her as she picked up a piece of fruit off the bed.

“Oh, then you’ve never met your sister, Melinda?” Béla asked, cattily.

“Well, I know Melinda, but only as a drone,” Elaine said. “Why, what’s she like?”

“She likes to set you on fire and ram hot pokers up your ass,” Béla explained.

She watched juice from the fruit Elaine was eating run down the side of her mouth and drip onto her blood-speckled, freshly healed breast. She closed her eyes, trying to think about blank spaces.

She could feel Elaine grinning slyly at her. In her mind, she felt Elaine bite into the fruit again, this time taking a much larger bite. She could feel the juices running down Elaine’s face and then dribbling down onto her breasts, leaving red trails in the dried blood it found there.

“We have to eat, first!” Béla begged her. “We could die doing this!”

“I’m eating…” Elaine replied innocently, “and I can’t think of a better way to die. Can you?”

Elaine broadcast an image of herself tearing into Béla’s flesh. Béla squeezed her eyes shut tight, bracing herself against the sexual feedback that assaulted her.

“Look! No sex until the food on the bed is gone!” Béla demanded. “Got it?”

Elaine grinned and picked up a pear. She ate around the edges until she reached the core. Gazing at Béla, she sent her an image of where she could put the cool, juicy core. Then she threw it across the room.

“Do you eat meat?” Béla asked, picking up the meat pack and deliberately ignoring Elaine's gesture with the pear.

“Only you, darling,” Elaine responded.

She leaned over and wiped the juices off her face on Béla’s thigh and nipped her lightly before she sat back up.

“All right, then,” Béla continued, her voice much shakier than before. “You get the fruit, I’ll take the meat. Agreed?”

There was a banana and an orange left. Elaine picked up the banana, smiled coyly at Béla and said, “I’ll eat this last.”

Béla could feel the sensation in her mind as Elaine shoved the banana into her ‘holding bin’ between her legs.

‘Keep the amplification at zero!’ she told herself desperately. ‘Somebody’s got to stay in control here!’

Her pussy was starting to leak from the sensual feedback she was receiving from her sister. Her nipples were hard and her entire body felt electrified. She knew Elaine could feel what she felt. She was losing control, her body trembling with raw desire.

Elaine picked up the orange. Seeming to know exactly what would torture Béla the most, she held it up in front of her, leaned back and, nearly crushing the orange, tore it completely in half. The juices splashed over her breasts and belly. Laughing, Elaine then bit into the orange, radiating pure lust as she squeezed the juices out into her mouth.

Snarling, Béla dropped her meat pack and sank her teeth into Elaine’s orange juice and blood-covered breast. Elaine screamed in pain, then grabbed Béla’s head and pressed her even harder against her torn and bleeding flesh.

Béla could tell Elaine was in pain-separation mode. Everything she did to Elaine was converted into sexual sensation and radiated back through Béla, increasing her own sexual frenzy as she tore into Elaine’s body with her teeth and nails.

Béla knew she was killing Elaine. She couldn’t stop. It felt too good. Elaine was so deep into her own sexual frenzy she didn’t know she was dying and kept reinforcing Béla’s orgasmic madness.

Her feedback was out of control. Béla didn’t know how to stop tearing Elaine apart. In desperation, she threw herself off the bed onto the blood-slick floor, tearing at her own body as she came, harder and harder, her orgasms feeding Elaine and being reinforced by Elaine’s orgasms broadcast back to her, until she lost consciousness again.

'Father!' Béla screamed as she popped into his office right in front of him, dream-walking.

Startled, Sibilius looked around to see where she was.

‘Please listen!’ Béla cried desperately, hoping he could see her in her dream-walking state. ‘You have got to increase the dampening field! We’re killing each other in there! There’s too much feedback! You’ve got to flood the room with the dampening field! Please! Do it now!’

Sibilius finally located her. Reaching into her mind, he saw the carnage they had done to each other. As he rushed from his lab toward the sealed room holding his first two daughters, he wondered how his oldest had managed to punch through the telepathic dampeners surrounding the room. It simply wasn’t possible.

Reaching the controls for the front wall, Sibilius set them so that, instead of flowing negative particles through the wall structure and creating a solid barrier to thought, they scattered into the room, creating an area in the room that diminished thought waves, but didn’t prevent them from arriving.

As he reset the field, he was struck with a psychic blast of sexual frenzy that flooded the ship. It came from Elaine, still on the bed, tearing at her own body, as her orgasmic radiation reflected off the barriers around her and passed back through her, amplifying her need for even more sensation.

Now that Béla was lying on the floor, unconscious, Elaine was tearing her own body apart. As the front barrier came down, the feedback rapidly dissipated, allowing Elaine to lose consciousness.

Placing both his daughters inside a completely shielded room only protected people outside from their broadcasts. It hadn’t occurred to him that they might need protection from each other.

‘This is what I should have done in the first place,’ he thought, terribly upset with the error he’d made. ‘Where did I think all that psychic energy was going to go?’

Inside their sealed room, their broadcast emotions had been reflected back at them six-fold – once for each barrier surface. And the sisters also amplified the energy themselves.Then the energy passing through their bodies reflected off the walls again, along with the new burst of raw emotional energy each generated in response to what they'd just experienced.

Sibilius reached into the room with his mind, checking on his daughters. The carnage was difficult to look at. Elaine’s breasts were nearly shredded into raw meat and deep gouges were torn in her belly and her inner thighs. Béla, on the floor in the middle of the room, was covered in blood, but otherwise seemed almost unscratched. He could feel that her body was regenerating between her legs where she had ripped herself open in her orgasmic frenzy.

He wondered again at the power of Béla’s mind that she was able to escape the psychic backlash as it reverberated back and forth through the room and then still be able to mentally contact him through the thought-proof barrier.

Satisfied that his first two daughters would recover by themselves, he hurried back to his lab. His next two projects had been on the table ready to animate when his favorite daughter had interrupted him. The Praetor would soon be brought with two more of his daughters’ life forces to inhabit their new bodies.

As Sibilius waited for the Praetor to arrive, he reviewed the matters regarding his first and favorite daughter. He realized he tended to make decisions with wide ranging effects and a tremendous amount of overkill when it came to controlling her.

The number of errors he’d made regarding her were mounting up. She constantly surprised him by being stronger, more unkillable and more responsible than he expected. She was more loving and forgiving than he thought possible. She was also more of a fighter than any female had a right to be, laying everything on the line without hesitation for what she thought was right.

'She acts without hesitation,' Sibilius realized. 'That’s why she always wins!'

Béla woke up on the cold floor of her new quarters. There was blood spattered everywhere. She felt a confining pressure on her mind, like the walls were closing in on her. It was making her head hurt almost as bad as the sun did.

‘Elaine!’ Béla screamed in her mind, becoming more alarmed when Elaine didn’t respond. ‘Oh, God - I killed her!’

Béla rose unsteadily to her feet, suddenly aware of how much her own body hurt from lying on the cold floor. She had no idea how much time had passed. She saw Elaine’s limp body lying on the bed, covered with blood. Her breasts and belly were torn open and unhealed. She didn't realize that most of the injuries she saw had been self-inflicted only moments before.

‘Why aren’t you healing?’ Béla sent, still not able to reach Elaine’s mind. ‘I can’t hear you, Elaine! Wake up, damn you! Please, don’t be dead…’

Béla found herself on the bed, tears running down her cheeks. Her hands trembled as she took her sister’s blood speckled face in her hands. As she made physical contact, she felt Elaine’s sleeping mind merge with hers.

‘She’s alive!’ Béla realized, tremendously relieved.

Her fear and tension suddenly released in a burst of joyful energy. She tensed up, trying to shield herself from the rebound. Nothing happened. Then Béla realized she was inside a thought-dampening field. That was why she was feeling so claustrophobic.

‘Someone must have come to our rescue,’ she realized. ‘But, who would know about this bloody disaster, and who would have known how to fix it?’

She dimly remembered dreaming about calling to her father. Had that been real?

“Elaine, come on, Honey, wake up,” Béla coaxed her baby sister, “it’s feeding time…”

She felt Elaine’s mind stirring, still in shock from the psychic overload.

“Hurts…” Elaine whimpered, almost inaudibly.

Béla hugged her sister’s torn body against her own and pressed Elaine’s head against her shoulders and neck. Elaine’s vampiric nature took control of her wounded body as she sensed fresh blood coursing through Béla’s arteries.

Still barely conscious, Elaine sank her teeth into Béla’s neck and fed. Béla held her, enjoying the sensations of feasting and renewal that Elaine was broadcasting. She let her sister take as much as she wanted.

‘I won’t lose you this time…’ Béla thought with a fierce determination. ‘I’ll never lose you again!’

She wondered briefly why that thought would occur to her, then passed out from pure bliss and loss of blood.


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George and Lennie Snuff a Girl

Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy... "This...

1 year ago
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Midday Diversion

My opportunities to play are infrequent, considering my professional career and family, but I am occasionally able to get away for some personal time while on business excursions. I met a guy from North Georgia who had contacted me on-line a while back. He is 66, retired, divorced, living alone, with a number of children and grandchildren (like me, in this respect). He has a trim build with minimal body hair and no belly, which is unusual for someone that age. He classifies himself as a...

Gay Male
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A Welcome Surprise

I had just broken up with my girlfriend of 6 years. Okay, she broke up with me, after cheating on me with her ex. I was heartbroken. This girl was amazing. Beautiful, funny, easy-going. It hurts now even writing about how awesome she was. Even after I’d found out she cheated, I still wanted to stay with her, because how could I ever find anything better? Well I don’t know if what I found is better, but it’s certainly different. And I think different is what I truly needed. I needed to have my...

4 years ago
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Friends and FamilyChapter 12 Sasha ndash Part 1 Thursday Morning and Day

Thursday Morning and Day “Mmmmmm ... Good morning.” “Good morning, Jos.” “I’ll give you fifty years to stop doing that.” I had gently woken her by softly kissing the back of her neck and her ear and blowing softly along the line of saliva I had left on her neck. I watched the goose bump rise. “Fifty years, huh?” “If you’ll have me.” “You know I can’t commit to anyone before I’ve dated everyone. You also know that you are very high in my rankings.” “Did I improve my standings last...

3 years ago
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Soul to the Highest Bidder Ch 04

I awoke to a faint clanking noise. It was my maid — Melanie, I think — taking the tray off my desk. She smiled apologetically for waking me. I just smile and told her that I was happy to wake up. I had had such a wonderful sleep. My weary bones and sore muscles were refreshed and aching to move. I wanted to walk, everywhere. I couldn’t help but romanticize the idea of just endlessly walking around and exploring this country, but, winter might pose a bit of a problem with that. Melanie left my...

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A Cautious Man Ch 2124

These are the final Chapters in the story of Bill Orton. As I said in the beginning, it was initially inspired by an old Bruce Springsteen song. Bill isn’t a perfect man, but he is a decent man. He deserves a better fate than has befallen him to this point in his life. As always, I am grateful to ErikThread for his careful and prompt editing. Any errors or omissions are entirely my responsibility. * Chapter 21: ‘Do you still have the lovely black dress you wore on our first date?’ Bill...

3 years ago
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The Twins Part 2

Meanwhile, in Houston, Texas, the other half of the Langston twins, Nicole, is getting ready for a blind date. She thought of her conversation with her brother and her friend. She began to look at herself in the mirror more. When she looked at herself, she really did not see what most boys saw.When she looked at herself, she looked more at her mouth and lips than anything else. She's gotten all kinds of compliments on them. Some poetic, some not so. Some said her lips are like cherries and...

1 year ago
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An Examination Night Changed Our Life

Hello Friends, I am a regular visitor and a great fan of ISS. I had read almost all the stories posted in this site. Today is a Big day I decided to post one of my real encounter with my friend jasmine(name changed) with you all.Any Delhi Aunty or Gal like to share any feelings please tell me on Firstly I would like to tell you about myself. I am Alok, 26 yrs of age and currently working with a reputed company and currently in delhi . I am atheletic build and my height is 5,7.Not taking your...

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NubileFilms Zazie Skymm January 2023 Fantasy Of The Month

Zazie Skymm has fantasized about dressing up as a Viking wench and getting her pussy pounded in a wild hardcore ride. Nubile Films is happy to oblige! Tied at the wrists, Zazie is helpless to do anything but watch as Viking buck Alex Spitter comes to her and captures her lips in a powerful kiss while his hands roam her tight little body from tits to pussy. Freeing his captive wench, Alex takes Zazie to bed where he has his wicked way with her. They begin with Zazie on her knees, popping...

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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Ch02

Chapter: February ‘Love (and Lust) is in the Air’ *** Ever get a feeling of intense guilt when you’re not sure exactly what it is that you’re supposed to be guilty of, a sense that an apology is demanded in a situation where you’re dead certain an apology would only make things worse? Oil on water, Jahn thought, gaping at the shrieking girl before him. Woman, he mentally corrected himself. Both of them, however small and slender they were, could not be mistaken for anything other than women....

1 year ago
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Are you a Snifffr? I’m not talking about some poor sap with a bad case of allergies or a leaky coke nose, either. Nah, I’m talking about those perverts who like to take a big ol’ whiff of a beautiful woman’s used panties, kind of like what I do with every lady who takes them off over on the PornDudeCasting couch. Of course, I consider myself a lucky motherfucker to have all these babes throwing their underwear at me all the time, but what if you aren’t a legitimate pornstar like yours...

Online Sex Toys Shops
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First Time for Everything The Gift

For those of you who haven't read my prior stories, I'll give you a bit of a back story. My husband Matt and I have been married for a few years now and things were getting overwhelmingly stale. I couldn't take it anymore and on one drunken night decided to turn up the heat with him. Since then we've enjoyed all of each other, and I now especially crave my husband's lust for dominating and controlling me.Being self employed, I frequently have to travel for work to keep up with the ever changing...

Group Sex
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A Weed in the GardenChapter 22

In these past few weeks, I have been spending many hours at the local pub drinking the British beer and ogling the naked legs of the females with loose morals and little time for prayer to a proper God. My Polly gave me the comfort I needed in my home environment, but I knew my time with her would be limited because there would come a point when she would become dangerous to me because she knew too much about my activities and might possibly betray me to the authorities. Even now, a young...

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My First Time With Louise

Louise lives next door to me, and I have always had a sexual crush on her, and fantasized about her many times. So one warm afternoon I was cleaning my bedroom window when I saw her reclining on a sun bed in her back garden in a bikini...I almost had a heart attack! Here was my sexy next door neighbor lying on a sun bed in a bikini, I could see all of her tummy! I didn't know what to do first, start masturbating as I looked at her, get my camera and get some photos for later, or try and get a...

4 years ago
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Coitus Copious Familius 2058Chapter 6

We hurried to get the wee ones from Angelique, get showered, brush teeth, dress the kids and hop in the Tesla Electra FamVan. Off to Grandma and Papa’s house just down the road. We pulled into their 1,200-foot entrance drive and rolled up to the house where their domestic attendant waited to welcome us. I vocally opened the large sliding side door and the poor guy was almost run over by the stampede of five anxious kids. “Sorry Ben. They’re really excited about the party. Wait ‘til these two...

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FragebogenName: Fitschi 41Geschlecht: MannAlter: 32Augenfarbe: BraunHaarfarbe: Dunkel BlondGröße: 196cmGewicht: 92kgPenis: 28 x 7Bist Du dominant: unterschiedlichBist Du sadistisch: neinBist Du devot: neinBist Du masochistisch: neinWen würdest Du suchen?:FrauenBist Du rasiert: JaWie rasierst du dich: NassWie oft rasierst du dich: täglichBist du gepierct: neinBist du tätowiert: neinRauchst Du: neinWelche ist deine Lieblingsstellung: Doggy,ReitenWo hast du am liebsten Sex: unter der DuscheWo...

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HandsOnHardcore Loren Strawberry Loren8217s Hunger For Sex

The Dinner table has many uses, but it’s not interesting if you use it only for lunch, right? Admit it-it’s more exciting if you use it for good sex. That is just what happened to Loren, a horny Russian slut. She doesn’t mind where she’ll get fucked with her men. That was the case this time as well, but they were interrupted by a mutual friend. Insatiable like always, she allowed herself to be double penetrated. Think about this next time you call someone for dinner you...

2 years ago
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Village Slave part 2

Well we decided to go to the village for the weekend. I mailed John (the mechanic) to tell him. We went down early on the Saturday morning and arrived early afternoon. John greeted us at his garage and said he had mentioned it around the village and everybody was eagerly looking forward to it. We had something to eat and drink, then John asked me if I wanted play it and be treated like before as a slut slave. I said what do you think, of course I do. With that John said well we might as well...

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The Storm

As I moved into the kitchen, lightning crackled outside, silhouetting her curves as she stood at the kitchen window, enthralled by the storm seething outside. I knew how it was affecting her because it affected me the same way. The raw fury of the wind and rain combined with the blinding lightning and deafening thunder caused our blood to rush through our bodies, filling each part with heat and energy. I came up behind her, knowing she knew I was there. I wrapped both arms around her, one...

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The Partnership aka Bad DeaconChapter 13

Deacon Andrews Louise baker realtor in Grenada ms Marcy Matt’s daughter Marty Matt’s ex wife Sarah and Ester Martin mother and daughter Lamar Alexander III Matt’s old partner Luther Martin Ester estranged husband. Reverend White ... Dr. Kate Green. Dr Floyd Jones the psychologist Robert Yates flee market owner. Maxwell the seventy year old worker NaNa Beal Jules and Michael Allen the baptist minister and his wife. Hal the alcoholic Tim Collins drug user Melvin Arnold Sarah’s lawyer. Allen...

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Claimed by Mom Johns Education

Hearing the soft thump of feet walking by, John woke. Peeping through eyelashes he saw Marge. The firm moons of his mother's ass moved up and down enticingly as she walked. He could tell she was freshly showered as she unwrapped her toweled head and bent over. With her hair flipped forward, she shook her head side to side, spacing her feet wide for balance, the long slit of her cunt fully exposed. The hair-fringed outer lips ran to a thatch of dark hair. Her exposed clitoris looked like a...

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tamil maid with lust

Hi friends this is vishal from chennai of age 20. this below story is an true an real piece of hot sex with my orthodox maid. Me studing in an reputed collage in chennai I used to go to collage at 7.00 am and return back at 6.00 maid is of the age 32,mother of girl, daily wager husband and she has an big and attractive boobs, nice round ass.she used to come in the morning at 6.30and leave home at 12.00 pm.The story starts from the day 05 september.that day we have an govnt holiday and its...

4 years ago
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Royally Never AfterChapter 11

We walked into the pool. I noticed Mo was on a lounge while Angela was in the water with Roger. I thought that promising. Once in the pool, Angela came up to me while holding Roger’s hand. I thought that very promising. “Jar, I’m taking Roger to church tomorrow. We’ll see you there.” I smiled. “That will work. Jam will meet me there.” We weren’t holding hands but he was standing close. Angela looked at him. “That’s good. He looks like he needs religion.” She smirked. “Yes. It will be good...

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She Wanted to Watch her Husband Masturbate

It was normal for him to ask her to play for him.  This meant that he wanted to watch her while she pressed her vibrator to her clit till she came.  While she did this, he would playfully pinch her nipples as they grew in tandem with her developing orgasm.  When her breaths became quick and shallow, he would bring his cock to her lips, and fuck her mouth, holding her head up with one hand, and pumping his fist on his cock with the other, sliding his hand up and down the thick hard shaft, using...

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watch wife fucked as i hide

I never dreamed I would be able to write about the actual fulfillment of a long held fantasy of mine! For years I have wanted to see my wife with a black man. Amy and I married over 12 years ago when we were quite young. She is 32 years old and has medium length wavy brown hair and green eyes. She has an attractive figure with C-cup breasts. She does aerobics and keeps her self in shape. We married young so she had only been with a few guys in all her life, three in all though she is quite...

2 years ago
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Fuck My Daughter Please

Fuck My Daughter Please Several of us Senior Citizens volunteer to keep an eye on the local playground. It wasn’t getting much use with the hooligans and druggies hanging out there all the time. However, after we started sitting there on a bench taking their pictures and calling the police they found someplace else to hang out. It became so easy that we only needed one of us to sit there after school and on weekends. I take the early shift on Saturday and Sunday because I am an earlier...

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Peyton and Audrey Blow Black

100% fiction! It started out as an easy way for them each to make 100 bucks each. It ended up being 4 hours commencing in utter panic... and the start of an exciting new career. In retrospect, the five girls shouldn’t have been lingering downtown on the sidewalk after dark, especially not on Bailey Street East. But they’d decided to celebrate the sexy new designer jeans, top and heels that Peyton’s Mom had just bought her, in her constant war with Peyton’s Dad, who’d left her for a younger...

Group Sex
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My First Fuck Skyjumpin69 where are you

This is a 100% true story. Im a bisexual man that has had a few hot sexual encounters that I hope to be posting about in the time to come. I remember each one with vivid detail. These are my true, authentic, stories.Growing up I was a good looking k** (still am) Im not a cocky douche bag but getting girls was never really a problem for me, they came to me. Which is a good thing because where i severely lacked was in my game. I was always shy. I couldn't make the first move. I didn't lose my...

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Something Different

This story is a work of fiction based on actual events. For your own safety, it is not recommended that you try this at home. Activities such as those described herein could lead to injury and or disfigurement. Not that my warning will actually stop anyone, but I feel better having written it.[/i]Sometimes I get sexually bored.I'm married. I love my wife. I love having sex with my wife. I love eating her pussy, licking her tits, eating her ass, fucking her pussy and especially those special...

1 year ago
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AdultTime Alyssa Reece Cherry Kiss Stop it or I8217ll Snap

Cherry Kiss and her boyfriend Vince Karter are hanging out with their friend Alyssa Reece. Everyone’s bored and looking for something to do. When Alyssa keeps shooting down Vince and Cherry’s ideas, the couple decides to get frisky. While Alyssa absentmindedly takes selfies, Cherry pulls out Vince’s cock and slides it down her throat. It takes a minute for Alyssa to notice what’s happening, but when she does, she decides that she wants in on that action and the ladies...

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Preeti Sucks Three Guys As Husband Fucks Her

Hello all, it’s me Preethi again. I hope you guys enjoyed my previous story. For those of us who are new, I am now 30 years old and married with a kid. Currently, my stats are 34D-28-32. As always, my stories have a mix of reality and fantasy mixed in them. Enjoy! This incident happened one year after my marriage. After marriage, we moved to an apartment in the city. We were living a happy life, but my husband is not able to satisfy me fully in bed. Anyway, life was moving at a slow pace. At...

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My Dream Of Threesome Is About To Come True 8211 Part 3

Hi, Madan here. I hope you enjoyed my previous parts. If you have not read them yet, kindly read the previous parts for the connectivity. So let’s start the story! September 26 As I and Kusuma mami received an invitation for breakfast from Anusha bhabhi (owner). We were waiting for the final call. I was thrilled. I had asked bhabhi to ask about me and Kusuma mami’s affair to know how she reacts. Finally, Anusha bhabhi called by coming near her house entrance. I rushed towards her house and...

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