Bikers free porn video

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"My father warned me not to come here," Leslie said to her friend Becky as she
walked towards the bar. The place had a terrible reputation and was well known
as a hangout for a local biker gang. But it wasn't like they had any real choice
in the matter now though. Becky's car was sitting a quarter mile down the road,
it was getting darker by the minute and this was the only place open for a
couple miles.

"All we'll do is go in, use the phone to call daddy, and then leave. It'll be
OK," Becky whispered to Sharon as they walked through the front door.

Looking quickly around the large central room, Leslie now knew why she had been
warned away from the place. There had to be twenty guys all sitting around
tables drinking, and none of them looked like they had showered for a week. As
the two young girls walked into the room, all talking ceased and all eyes were
on them.

"What can I help you ladies out with?" asked a man behind the bar.

Both girls were motionless and seemed to become frozen in their tracks.

The man at the bar asked again, "What do you girls need?"

One of the customers yelled out, "Maybe they're too young to know what they

Another yelled out, "Yeah, we ought to go ahead and give it to 'em."

The man behind the bar hollered for everyone to shut up and asked the girls a
third time what they needed.

"Just to use the phone sir," Becky squeaked out. "Our car broke down and we need
to call my father."

One of the customers, a large man wearing a typical biker outfit got up and
walked over to the girls. "No need to call your daddy, we can fix anything
that's wrong," he said harshly. "Ain't that right?" The other customers all
yelled back in agreement. "Why don't you two ladies sit and relax while I send
some guys down to get your car?"

"No thanks, mister, my dad will come get us," Becky almost whispered.

"What the fuck's wrong bitch," one of the customer's yelled. "You don't fuckin'
trust us?"

The other customers heckled in agreement.

The large man standing next to the girls grabbed Becky's arm and said, "Give me
the fuckin' keys. I told you we'd fix the goddamned thing."

With that, he grabbed her keys from her hands and threw them across the room to
another customer.

"Now just go sit the fuck down and relax."

The man walked to the guy with the keys and told him to go get the car. When the
man balked for a second, the larger man grabbed him by the hair and literally
stood him up. Leslie thought the man's hair was being ripped out by the roots.

"I told you to go get the fuckin' car, now go," the man roared and threw the man
forward. The man stumbled out of the bar.

Leslie and Becky looked at each other quickly and then glanced at the bar. There
was a small table sitting next to it with no guys at it. The two girls quickly
moved towards it and sat down.

The man from before, obviously the leader, walked over to the girls and was
quickly joined by most of the other men.

"What you two want to drink?" he demanded.

"Nothing, thanks," Becky replied.

"When I offer you something to fuckin' drink bitch, you fuckin' drink it!" The
tone of the man's voice scared the two girls even more than they already were.
"Get these two bitches a beer," he roared.

The man behind the bar asked the girls their ages.

"17," Becky answered.

"16," Leslie whispered.

"Fuck," the man at the bar answered, "I'm gonna lose my fuckin' liquor license."
He then opened two Budweisers and handed them across the bar to the large man.

"Here," the man said gruffly as he sat the beer down in front of the girls.
"Drink them," he demanded.

Neither girl mo 1000 ved.

"I said, fucking drink the fuckin' beer bitch," the man snarled as he grabbed
Leslie by the hair and pulled her head back.

Both girls grabbed the cans in front of them. Each took a small sip.

"What the fuck is that," one of the other men said, grabbing Becky's can. He
guzzled it down.

"Give the girls another beer," the large man ordered. When he gave that new beer
to Becky, he ordered her to drink it down quick and not to stop until it was

Becky raised the can to her lips and closed her eyes. Swallowing as quickly as
she could, she felt the cold beer pouring down her throat. Several times she was
afraid she would gag but she managed to finish it.

"Jesus fuck," one customer said. "What a fuckin' bitch. You sure you're only

Becky looked at Leslie helplessly.

"Now you," the large man said to Leslie. "Fuckin' drink it down bitch."

Leslie took the can to her lips and swallowed a few hard times. She took the can
away to take a breath.

With that the large man erupted. "Fuckin' bitch. I told you to fuckin' drink

The man grabbed Leslie by the arm and pulled her away from the table. Becky
tried to jump up but she felt several strong hands hold her down.

"You stupid bitch, when I fuckin' tell you to do something, you fuckin' do it,"
the man roared.

Leslie had started to cry.

"Stop that fuckin' crying or I'll give you something to fuckin' cry about
bitch," the man ordered. "Just shut the fuck up."

With that, and without warning, the man reached down and with one motion ripped
open Leslie's blouse. The suddenness of his action caught her completely off
guard and she stood there motionless. With his other hand he crudely yanked at
the front clasp of her bra and with one more motion ripped it completely off her
body, exposing her young breasts. Leslie screamed and tried to cover herself.

"I told you to shut the fuck up bitch," the man yelled and slapped her sharply
across the face. "If you don't fuckin' shut up I swear I'll fuckin' kill you."

Again Becky tried to stand but was again forced back down into her seat. "Just
relax and enjoy bitch," one man said to her. She felt hands slowly running over
the front of her blouse and the men held her hands tight against the table.

The force of the man's blow had knocked Leslie down to the floor where she lay
half-sobbing, attempting to cover herself.

"Get the fuck up bitch," the man demanded and extended his hand. Leslie lay
there staring at him. Reaching down, he grabbed her arm and pulled her to her
feet in one motion. He immediately bent her arms back and forced her to her
knees. Becky watched from across the room as the man quickly unzipped his fly
and pulled his penis from his pants.

"Put it in your mouth bitch," he demanded as he slapped Leslie on the cheek with
it. "Open your fuckin' mouth."

Leslie had jerked a guy off once in the backseat of his car and that guy had
tried to get her to do this but she had refused. Now, sobbing, she closed her
eyes and slowly opened her mouth wide, hoping to avoid contact with the thing
now sliding in over her lips.

"Not so fucking wide bitch," the man roared as he grabbed the back of her head
and slammed it against him, sending his cock to the back of her throat. Leslie
gagged violently but the man held her head in place. "And don't fuckin' bite
either or I'll fuckin' kill you."

By now about half of the men there had gathered around the two figures and had
taken hold of Leslie's arms while the man continued to force her head back and
forth over his cock. Becky watched in terror from her seat across the room,
almost not conscious of the hands that roamed over her body.

"That's it bitch, suck on it. You're doin' fuckin' good," the man told Leslie.
She felt hands squeezing and pinching her breasts as the man continued pounding
her mouth with his cock. Her jaws began to ache 1000 and the smell of the man's
crotch was almost overwhelming. Suddenly, the man stopped and let his cock slip
from her lips.

"Take her fuckin' pants off," he demanded of the others.

Leslie felt herself violently taken and stripped. She quickly stood naked in
front of the men her chest heaving with sobs.

"Please Mister, just let us go," Becky pleaded. "We won't tell anyone what
happened. Just don't hurt us."

The large man glared over at her. "Ain't nobody gonna get fuckin' hurt bitch.
We're just havin' fun. And, what the fuck, you won't be missing out on any of it

The man's words stung her like rocks.

Leslie was easily picked up and carried to a nearby where she was laid
spread-eagle. Her arms and legs were both held outstretched and she felt hands
roaming across her entire body. Her breasts and nipples were pinched and roughly
squeezed and she felt a new sensation. Hands were roaming between her legs and
feeling between the cheeks of her ass.

She glanced forward and saw the large man step between her legs. Feeling his
cock between her legs she began to scream but the sound was quickly choked off
by a hand over her mouth. She tried to bite but was unsuccessful.

The large man pressed his cock against her and quickly entered her to the hilt.
The hand across her mouth held back her muffled scream of pain. The man began
plunging himself into her and each movement was a mix of horror and pain to her.
Within a few seconds, Leslie felt the man tense and moan and felt him contract
within her.

No sooner had the man withdrawn from her than another man took his place between
her legs. Again, Leslie felt a cock shoved roughly into her. At almost the same
time, another man climbed onto the table and knelt over her chest, his cock
aiming straight for her face. He forced himself into her mouth causing her to
gag. She tried to move her head away to one side and then another but hands kept
her motionless.

The man between her legs spent himself and was replaced by yet another man. The
pain she had felt with the first man was being replaced by a sore ache now and
dryness was quickly being replaced by a squishy, moist feeling.

Suddenly, the man on her chest tensed and grabbed her head tightly. Leslie felt
the man's cock spasm and the man pushed deeply into her mouth, nearly touching
her throat with the head of his cock. As he then pulled forward, she felt
another spasm and a thick salty fluid filled the back of her throat. Again she
gagged but the man kept plunging himself in and out of her mouth. Finally, he
withdrew and wiped the head of his cock across her face leaving a small blob of
sperm on her cheek. Leslie began to gag uncontrollably and found herself falling
faint to the floor.

Attention now turned to Becky who sat sobbing. Two men had stayed with her and
had removed her top. As they sat there, each holding one of Becky's arms, they
had continually pinched, squeezed and felt Becky's breasts until they ached to
the touch.

The large man slowly walked up to Becky and grabbed her hair, pulling her to her
feet. Kissing her, he plunged his tongue deep into her mouth. The taste of stale
beer and cigarette smoke made her choke but the man held her firm to him. She
attempted to kick in self defense as she felt her jeans being pulled off of her,
only to have her air knocked out of her by a fist to her midsection. She dropped
to her knees.

Kneeling there naked, trying to catch her breathe, she was aware of at least six
men standing around her, most of them with their cocks standing out straight.
Someone grabbed her arms and pulled them tight behind her as one of the men
shoved his cock at her face.

"Open your fuckin' mouth, bitch," someone yelled as Becky felt a hand yank down
on her chin. As her mouth opened, a cock was quickly inserted to the back of her
throat, making her gag. After only a few seconds her arms were released and she
was pushed forward onto all fours. Held t e3d here and unable to move, she felt
a cock being slammed into her from the rear, again taking her air away from the
sudden, intense pain.

At the same time, someone grabbed her hair, pulling her head back until Becky
thought her hair would come out by the roots. Someone shoved a cock into her
face and across her mouth.

"Fuck her, man, fuck her," someone screamed. And all the men joined in laughter.

Becky tried to put her mind elsewhere and away from what was going on but the
hands across her body, the pain from her hair pulling, and the constant slapping
of a cock into her were too much to put out. The man fucking her came inside of
her and pulled out. Becky felt a sudden coolness where before there was only

The momentary relief was only that though, as she felt a cock now pressed hard
against her asshole.

"I'm going to give you something to remember, bitch," a voice said from behind.

"Oh fuck, man, he's gonna fuck her up the ass," another voice chimed in.

"Hold her fuckin' still," the voice behind her yelled.

Becky found her arms being pulled out from under her and her upper body slammed
against the floor. At the same time, the man behind her pressed ever harder
against her ass.

"Fuck man, at least make it wet!" a man exclaimed from above her.

"Please no, please," Becky pleaded. Her request was answered with a hard slap on
the ass.

"Fuck bitch, just relax and enjoy it," the man behind her said.

With one massive push, Becky felt her sphincter break against the cock's forced
entry. She screamed in agony with the sudden invasion. Quickly the man buried
himself in her ass. Every move he made caused intense pain and after the initial
scream, Becky's mouth was held tightly covered by someone's hand.

The man continued to rock back and forth inside of her, each movement tearing at
Becky's insides until the pain intensified beyond belief. Becky felt the man
slam hard into her and jerk. His movements stopped and the pain eased for a
moment. As the man slowly withdrew, Becky heard the sound of the vacuum that had
been created inside of her bowels and she felt his cum slowly ooze out of her

Becky was picked up and carried over to the table and laid down next to her
girlfriend who had regained consciousness and was crying quietly. Becky felt
that she was in a dreamland, everything now moved in a surreal setting.

She felt one man after another mount her until her entire lower body became
numb. Looking to her left she saw that Leslie was living the same fate. She
gazed as if in a dream at a man shooting across Leslie's face and then rubbing
it into her skin. Leslie's hair lay slicked back from the combination of sweat
and sperm that covered it.

Finally, it seemed to be over. The men had stopped assaulting the girls and left
them laying on the table alone. Looking next to her, Becky realized that Leslie
had lost consciousness and lay limp next to her. She was suddenly tired and
unable to move. She closed her eyes and heard voices that seemed to be coming
from far away.

"What the fuck we gonna do now?"

"Kill the bitches."

"Fuck, we could keep 'em here for a while."

"Yeah, it'd be a shame to lose good young meat like that!"

"Right, and fuck, we'd end up fuckin' in prison for the rest of our lives. We
fuckin' gotta get rid of them."

Becky found herself drifting into unconsciousness and darkness, unable to
concentrate further...


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Convent of Corruption

"Look at it! It's so beautiful!" Belinda cried excitedly as she gazed out the train window at the verdant countryside passing by. "It's just farmland," Amber said scornfully. "Full of animals and peasants." "I love animals," Belinda said defensively. "Look at the horses!" "Oh be quiet, you sound like a little kid," Cassie snapped. "It's bad enough we're sent out to the middle of nowhere to a convent school without you bleating every time you see something with four legs." Belinda pouted and sat...

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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 33 Life Catch for Big Profits

For the next six days, Ki Jung leaves the safety of the city each day right after she breakfast to would return in time to enjoy the evening meal. Sometimes she immediately returns, following dinner, to her room to bathe, experiment with her Qi, meditate, and sleep. Other times, she enjoys a couple of glasses of wine while listening to music, stories, or news that traveling bards provide. Each time she leaves the city, she has her spatial backpack equipped, her sword at her waist, and spear...

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WildOnCam Scarlett Sommers Voluptuous And Wild Fucks Brad8217s Hard Cock LIVE

Welcome Scarlett Sommers to Cherry Pimps and what an introduction getting Brad Newman’s big girthy cock to fuck! Scarlett is uncertain if she can take it all but she is more than willing to try… but first she wants to tease you and show you how big her big natural tits are trying to shove them in your face and show off her panties before getting that dress thrown off. A babe like Scarlett needs to be naked! She wraps her lips around Brads hard cock getting nice and sloppy so he can...

2 years ago
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A Man And His Bike

He lay on the blanket, his interest torn between his bike and the new woman in his life as she frolicked along the water's edge. The sun glistened off the chrome of his bike and caught his full attention for a moment. A lady had once asked him why men had such a fascination with motorcycles. He had shrugged and said, "it is just a guy thing." He didn't want to say what he really thought, "it is pure, hard, unbridled power between your thighs that answers to nobody." His gaze turned to...

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AllGirlMassage Natalia Starr Georgia Jones Spa Confessions

Client Georgia Jones is seeing her masseuse Natalia Starr today, and it’s filling her with nervous excitement. She harbors a secret crush for Natalia, which makes her act awkwardly around her. Natalia just chalks it up to Georgia being herself. After she gets naked with Natalia in the room, Georgia asks her to focus on her butt. The girls chat while Natalia massages her glutes. Georgia is a chatterbox trying hard not say something lame, and Natalia can sense her tension so she instructs...

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Bullet Part 2 A Cry In The NightChapter 15

Returning to our friends back in the hospital's Waiting Room filled me with feelings which were definitely bittersweet at best. For me it was the thrill of triumph; A great new successful experience. From Peter's part of my Spirit, I felt a depressing sadness seep into my consciousness. Now I knew for ten years he'd hoped, even willed, his sister to be alive before he'd passed on. He must have searched those seemingly endless years which now were proven to be totally in vain. Sara had...

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DevilsFilm Sofie Marie Delilah Day Mom8217s Precious Little Girl

Sofie Marie is heartbroken as she tapes up the last of her stepdaughter’s moving boxes. Delilah Day is finally ready to leave the nest and start her new life as a college girl. Sofie is going to miss her but Delilah promises that they’ll still see each other plenty. She even teases about bringing Sofie to her college parties, which Sofie is all for since she loves to party. They BOTH love trying wild, new things. But all this packing has made them both hot, especially Delilah, who...

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With sexy Shilpa

Hi friends, how r u all? Avinash sharma (changed name) is back. Ab aap log to mere bare me jaan hi gaye honge. Aap logon ne to meri pichhli story “shilpa & kristina” jarur padhi hogi. Mujhe aap logon ke bahut se mail aaye….mujhe is baat par bahut khushi huyi. Aap sabhi boys, gals, bhabhis and housewifes sabhi ke mails aaye…aur meri story ki sarahna ki….thanks 4 all this. Thanks u all gals, bhabhis and housewifes who requested me to have some fun….don’t worry…..right time will come soon and we...

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A hens night with a difference

Three weeks to go. Three more weeks, and Maria would be walking down the aisle to start her new life with Anthony Capello. The man she’d met and fallen head over heels in love with, only nine months ago. He was perfect – tall, broad shouldered, dark, intelligent, wealthy. And she’d been delighted when he’d proposed, on one knee, with the most exquisite diamond ring, when they’d been going out a mere three months. Sure, Maria had been surprised at some of Anthony’s traditional views on things...

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My Most Embarrassing Erection

I was at the university's health center and I had to get a physical for soccer. It was kind of a two-fer: the physician was an older woman who wasn't unattractive - but someone I would have never really thought about her "in that way". At the same time, I caught a glimpse of a girl from my English Lit class cleaning the doctor's office - emptying trash bins, dusting, running the vacuum. Oh - and she just happened to be on the school's women's lacrosse squad. I know - you're probably thinking...

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unexpected first time

I was driving home, my vacation was almost over. I stopped for an overnight just outside of Youngstown ohio. it was around 6pm and I decided to go for a few beers. there was a titty bar nearby and I figured I would check it out. after arriving there I found out it did not open til 8pm. I went back to my car and noticed another bar across the highway. I figured why not go over there for a few while I waited for the other bar to open. I went in, noticed it was kinda dark with a few older men...

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A Peasant Girl Chapter 4

For a week after he had first taken her that night after the fair, Vladimir barely bothered Anna. He made her take him in her mouth once a day, but he simply asked her if she would rather than demanding it, and he did not make her strip. Slowly, Anna's vaginal walls recovered from their pounding and while she still felt a little tender, there was no pain, not even when she touched herself. She found that she was doing this frequently, remembering the touch of others' hands and feeling...

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[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] “Mr. Thomas, you have a student who would like to speak to you at the counter,” Clara said. The tone she took told me it wasn’t my Jennifer, so I got up and went out and saw one of my choir members, Jeremy Nicholls, a high tenor, who is ten years old. “Good morning, Jeremy,” I said. “You know who I am?” he said nervously. “I know everyone in choir and orchestra. Do you need an...

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My Danish Daughter

My fling in Paris with a pretty, tall Dane named Inga was rather satisfactory. However, she and I were headed to different places. She wanted to star in European cinema and I was a busy, successful corporate attorney. She was a real delight, with her leggy, shapely form and her total lack of inhibitions. She tended to act like she was dying from excitement every time I fucked her.She especially loved it in the butt, so I made sure to properly use that sweet section of her anatomy. I did...

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Mamas Boys

I guess I should start by telling you about my situation. Ever since I started university I've lived on campus, which is about two hours from my moms house. I don't get home much any more but whenever I do it's usually a weekend, which means church. Moms not overly religious or anything but she's always at church on Sunday, which means I was always at church on Sunday when I still lived with her. And that's where Ray comes in. I've known Ray since we were both around 5, we've been friends for...

4 years ago
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Rest Stop Fucked Gay

Late for a promised luncheon with my mother, I had slipped on my sweats without showering after an excruciating 40-minute work out at the cross-town gym. My muscles tingled, especially my hard thighs, firm glutes, and taut biceps. Zipping down I-95 toward "The Proud Peacock" the trendy 'English pub' my mom so loved, I was suddenly reminded I had also forgotten to piss before leaving the gym. I believe in hydration, so I was carrying about two quarts of distilled water in my distended bladder....

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Dark Hill

My name is Ted Howard and my wife's name is Beth. We have three children; Carl aged 10, Mike age 8 and Beth age 5. It all started so very innocently with my wife and me enjoying our first vacation by ourselves in over ten years and evolved into something that seems like a fantastic dream than reality. Over the past ten years we have had three children and every vacation had included each of them as they came along. Now, with the children staying with my wife's parents for the summer, we were...

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Erotic Foreplay While Massaging The Masseur Maid

Hi everyone. It’s Ronak back once again with the third installment of my series ‘Massaging The Masseur Maid’. It was raining cats and dogs outside and the temperature had dropped significantly. However, there was no sign of dropping the temperature in my bedroom. In fact, the whole room was filled with sensual tension. It was just a matter of time before two hot bodies got entangled in each other exploring new heights of ecstasy. Tara brought her two legs together and I settler on her thighs in...

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Saint and a SinnerChapter 21

Michelle had been sitting in one of the three tiny, airless, cramped interrogation rooms for the past hour in what would have to be the longest day of her life. The coffee in the stained, chipped mug that she now just played with was nothing but cold sludge clinging to the bottom of the cup. She was tired, hungry and had a headache big enough to sink the Titanic. And they still wouldn't let her go home. She sighed and rubbed the heels of her palms against her dry, irritated eyes, wishing...

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LimitsChapter 8 Take Your DaughterS to Work Day

Mitchell Wright pulled on a golf shirt and slacks Saturday morning, but he was going to be nowhere near the country club. In fact, he was headed to the office to give Brittney and Brianna a long-promised guided tour of the adjacent ultra-modern assembly plant. His company made eco-friendly golf carts and other small vehicles, and business was booming. His girls would get to see the plant humming at near-peak capacity despite the day. That is, if they could keep their hands off one...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Onyx Living The Wild Life

While there’s nothing wrong with the newbies that are just starting their sexual adventures, we sure do like it when a good time girl shows up who’s looking to satisfy her seemingly insatiable needs. So how do you know if you’ve got one of those between your legs? Well, when they tell you they started masturbating at 11 and need to get fucked every day, you get a pretty good idea of what’s cumming next. Which brings us to 20 year old Onyx, a slim little fuck toy that can’t seem to get enough...

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Doors in the Mind

It started as a party trick. I’d been into mysticism, sacred geometry, and mentalism for a long time, and one of my friends asked if I’d hypnotize her on a lark. My manipulative streak kicked in, and soon, my friends watched as I had her take off all her clothes, and dance around the room naked. Granted, this wasn’t the most modest girl knew, and we’d seen her do similar things under the influence of alcohol. Still, it was a rather impressive demonstration. It Impressed two of my friends...

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Dont get hard

Faculty parties are always a good way to make friends when ou start a degree in a city you just moved itthat was his pitch to get me at his faculty partywell i tought it wasbut this faculty had some pretty weird secret group who every semester , had this scheme going onI wasnt the only white guy , we were 4 when my floor neighbor and me got at the partybut no girls were there yet only some black guys friends of my next door dorm neighbor Alex I was i the living room talking with a white guy...

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A Come BackChapter 41 Rain Rain

The next few days were filled with more heat, and more work. I'd thrown myself into a working routine where there wasn't much time for Eddie or sex or play. The Big house work had been divided into smaller crews. The kitchen crew as I called it were working to strip the small apartment back to it's very walls and foundation. Once that had been done I made sure things were inspected again, with everything removed, including wiring and plumbing it was much easier to see what needed...

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With the Blink of an Eye Waking Up Again

Tossing and turning in my sleep, I jostled myself awake. I woke up briefly to find my bedroom bathed in a pink light. I felt strange, but couldn't quite place why. With my eyes barely open, I could make out different objects in the room with a blur-items I knew didn't belong. I heard a sweet girl's voice telling me to "go back to sleep". That voice, it sounded so familiar, I noticed. I managed to push myself a bit to sit up in bed. Rubbing my eyes, I looked around a bit. "Am I...

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A Tale of Two Canings

“Right Matthews, six more strokes and your caning is over,” announced Mr Jones the Deputy Headmaster in his soft, yet authoritative Welsh tones. With his trousers and underpants around his ankles, Alan Matthews breathed heavily and gripped the far edge of the desk ever tighter knowing that if the remainder of his caning was as merciless as the twelve strokes he had already received, his scorched and throbbing buttocks would feel like they had been positively flame-grilled by the time the cane...

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The Exchange

Introduction “Yes, I have my passport.” I reassured my mum for about the thousandth time as she kissed me on the head wishing me luck and telling me to have a good time. I was relieved to walk through the sliding doors into the terminal at Heathrow to the sight of all my friends. Our flight was leaving in three hours: plenty of time to go round the shops with them and generally have fun. We were going to Spain, on a Spanish exchange with our school. “Ah, Zach, could I have a word?” came the...

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HussiePass Venus Vera Venus Likes The Penis

Today’s update is all about 2nds ✌️ as spinner coed ? Venus Vera and big dick newb Apollo Banks are each appearing in their 2nd ever hardcore shoots and it’s all for you Hussie?Pass members! After the interview portion of the program ??? Venus gets her juices flowing by diddling and dildoing her meaty vag. In steps Apollo with some motion-lotion ?? for Venus’ perky tits and tight little ass, which she of course twerks for us. She gets on her knees, pulls down Apollo’s...

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Claire ConvertsChapter 6

That night, Jake called me over. "Lift your skirt," he said. I glanced over at the clock and saw that it was 7:05. I looked at him sheepishly and lifted my skirt, showing him that I was still wearing panties. "Drop them," he said, and I put my thumbs under the waistband and pushed my panties down my legs. As I bent to pick them up he said, "No." I looked at him questioningly, and he said, "You are going to leave them right there in the middle of the floor until tomorrow night, so...

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